#it was kinda better than kino actually i was shocked
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killjoy-prince · 2 years ago
Last week I went to a different B&N from the one I usually go to in the city and it turns out they have a much better selection of books than the one I usually go to so I wanna go back tomorrow but we're having family over tomorrow so I can't OTL
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koralinewrites · 2 months ago
Okay so I’m having Lost Eden thoughts and I need to rant about it. I know people don’t like it, but Laito’s route is actually so good in this game. Something I like about it is that it shows more of the ‘family’ side of the Sakamaki’s, something you don’t really ever get in other games, besides the occasional show of brotherly love from Ayato. But okay, back to Lost Eden. There will be spoilers for the story below.
For those who don’t know, basically Karheinz dies and gives his ‘Demon King’ powers to whoever you pick to romance. The bad thing about this is that Laito wants NOTHING to do with Karlheinz or his powers; he’d rather not remember that he was related to that man. 
Something I like to think of is that when Laito doesn’t want to acknowledge something uncomfortable, he just stuffs it in a glass jar in his mind and closes the lid as tight as possible. What this results in is something that would normally be just the tiniest slip of those emotions becomes a giant explosion of everything that was pushed down. When this man breaks, he breaks HARD.
This is shown well in Dark Fate when he learns what Karlheinz did (the fact that everything — his and his family’s trauma — was an experiment and carefully planned). But I’ve already made a post about Laito’s crashout and this is about Lost Eden.
ANYWAYS, (I’m summarizing and skipping things just to get my point across, so I’d suggest reading the translations if you want the full story) Laito ends up making a deal with Kino to kill his brothers. The thought process is that ‘oh, my brothers don’t care for me so this should be fine’ or something similar.
This thought process is QUICKLY proven incorrect by Ayato when the two are facing off. It’s Laito vs Ayato, Laito trying to kill Ayato. Ayato doesn’t fight back besides defending himself, and he basically yells at Laito about how MUCH he and the rest of the brothers actually do care for and worry about him. Ever since Laito got Karlheinz’s powers, he was more irritable and worse mentally than before, and the others RECOGNIZED that. And they were worried for their brother.
This realization kinda shell-shocks Laito, enough to not kill his brothers. This part makes me so sick (in the best way) because it’s basically just Ayato shaking Laito, being like “Yes, dumbass, we’re worried sick about you because we fucking care!” And Laito’s just “…you guys… care…?”
Another example of the familial relationship shown in this game is when Yui gets kidnapped by Kino and taken away to wherever he lives. Laito is about ready to CRASH OUT at that point, and the others recognize that. So what do they do?
They try to figure out where Yui is FOR LAITO’S SAKE. And Laito himself is, once again, stunned. That they’re being nice, that they care.
And the answer his brain comes up with is that “Oh, you’re just scared that I can kill you with the powers I have.”
This part is quite funny, as Ayato is like “oh, motherfucker AGAIN?!! How many times do we have to TEACH YOU THIS LESSON???? THAT WE CARE????”
But it gets better when fucking SHU chimes in with something akin to “Is that REALLY the only reason you think we’d be helping you…?” And when Laito says “duh?” Shu just… gives the biggest sigh and replies like “Y’know what, believe what you want. I’m not fighting this.”
(All dialogue is paraphrased to get the point across, seriously go read translations cause they do a way better job-)
But THIS is why I can’t hate Lost Eden. This, right here, the fact that, okay YES it’s the bare minimum when it comes to familial relationships, but it shows that they actually CARE. That they CAN be a true family, that they CAN worry for each other, that they CAN help each other. And something so tragic is that Laito almost basically refuses to see it, despite them literally yelling at him and waving big signs in front of his face.
There’s nothing anyone can say to make me dislike this game, at least Laito’s route. Because, in a route where you’re basically alone most of the time with only one or two other brothers talking to you besides Laito, these family moments are so pure and I cherish every one.
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hoseoksuc · 5 years ago
Like What You See?
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summary ➣ after several months of not being able to see your boyfriend yuto, you decide to surprise him at his dorm, and let’s just say he wasn’t the only one surprised when you got there
genre ➣ fluffyish
warnings ➣ weight loss??
“so are you sure it’s alright if i spend the weekend with you guys?” you nervously buckled your seatbelt as you listened to the drastic sigh that was released on the other end of the phone call. “yes Y/N, i’ve told you for the hundredth time that it’s ok. i checked with our manager and he said it’d be a great stress reliever for yuto.”
relaxing your muscles, you laid back on to the soft fabric of your drivers seat. it seems like you haven’t seen yuto for ages and to add on you’ve never been to the dorms without his guidance. the whole situation made you a nervous wreck but you really wanted to surprise him after such a long time.
“Y/N, are you still there?” hui’s voice echoed throughout the speakers within your car, “yeah yeah sorry, i’m still here hui.” your thoughts were so jambled you forgot you were still on the phone. with your startled response you could hear hui chuckle at you from the other side, “listen, he’s gonna love to see you, don’t even stress about it. it’ll be great i promise.” you and hui had been friends years before you and yuto even started dating. he was like an older brother you never had and he always knew the right words to say.
exchanging brief goodbyes you hung up the phone, pulled out of your driveway and began the dreaded 45 minute drive to cube entertainment. the entire ride there you had to constantly fight back your anxiety. why were you so anxious? you guys had been dating for more than a year and you’ve never been uptight about things like this, so why now?
trying to take deep breaths to calm yourself down, you began to quiet the rising anxiety that had been creeping on you for the past hour. to distract yourself even more you rolled down the windows and turned up the radio to drown out any wondering thoughts still left. focusing on your driving you realized you only had a little ways to go before you reached your final destination. the thought of being able to physically see yuto again immediately put a smile and your face and you returned to your bright and happy self. “it’s all gonna be alright” you thought to yourself, “it’s all gonna be alright...”
after about 50 minutes of traffic from hell, you were finally able to send hui the text telling him you arrived safely and were waiting for him in the parking lot. about six minutes passed before you saw the medium sized black haired man appear from a set of white double doors dressed in a jersey and blue jeans. if his outfit wasn’t enough to identify him, his smile would 100% give away that it was indeed Mr. Lee Hoetaek.
“well well well, if it isn’t the one and only Mrs. Adachi.” taking a low bow in front of you, you smacked the back of his head. “ah hui, what did i say about calling me that” you whined as he laughed and stood back up to your eye level. “cmon, i know you like it” you waved that little annoyance of a man off and ignored his teasing. “am i gonna have to deal with your teasing this entire weekend?” you asked as you already started to walk away.
“well, no, technically you’ll have to deal with...” he quickly counted a number out on his fingers before finishing his statement, “eight, eight people’s teasing this weekend”. you chuckled at hui’s words, damn, you really missed being around him and the boys. they were like family to you, it’s hard to believe how much they really meant to you.
“so i’ll take your bags, let the boys know you’re here, and you can go find yuto, sound good?” hui already began to strip the light luggage you brought from you and slyly leave you behind. “hey! can you at least tell me where he’s at?” you yelled at him from halfway down the hall, “now if i told you what’s the fun in that? plus i’m not really sure where he’s at.” hui then turned around and scattered along with your overnight clothes. “sometimes i just really really despise that man.”
the cube building was HUGE, even though you weren’t a huge fan of the company you had to admit it was really pretty on the inside. but with cube being such a big building it made navigating much harder. yet on the bright side, hui had you park on the dorm side so you had three basic places yuto could be: the small practice room, the gym, or genuinely just inside pentagons dorm.
before you set off on your little yuto scavenger hunt you went ahead and sent wooseok a text asking where yuto was. you knew he wouldn’t answer immediately so you wanted to give him enough response time so you weren’t just wondering every where on cube property. but your safest bet was that he was down a couple hallways in the practice room, he had been talking about how he kept messing some footwork up on their latest choreography and how he’d been spending extra time practicing. you were kinda hoping he wasn’t practicing right now, just because you thought he was starting to overwork himself these days. he always strives to make himself better which you loved and hated about him, just sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop.
just a few steps away from the room you could already see there were people inside the practice room whether one of them was yuto or not. putting your hand on the door knob you told yourself just to act normal just in case he wasn’t actually present in the room. when you turned the handle you made immediate eye contact with three guys, none of which were yuto. a sigh of relief exited your body and a loud scoff could be heard.
“well hell are you not surprised to see us or something?” you instantly matched the voice with shinwon and a smile stretched across your face. “yea what the hell Y/N”, the second voice could be matched up with kino who had his arms crossed in front of his chest. you turned around and closed the door but before you could even get a word out a pair of long dangly arms picked you up off the ground.
“AH Y/N ITS BEEN SO LONG, I THOUGHT HYUNG WAS KIDDING WHEN HE SAID YOU WERE VISITING!” and this happy boy can easily be recognized as wooseok. you laughed and patted for him to put you down which he did once his energy levels dropped a bit. “no, no, i’m happy to see you guys i really missed you all. i was just hoping yuto wasn’t in here overworking himself.” the three boys let out a long ahh and shook their heads in agreement.
“so you’re looking for king of japan huh?” shinwon slipped in while making his way to lean on a wall. you nodded in agreement and looked at wooseok and kino for their responses. “well i’m pretty sure he’s in the gym working out right now.” wooseok added, “he’s been working out recently so your best bet is there.” hmm so he has been overworking himself a bit...
you had light conversation with the three and thanked them before going to check the gym to see if yuto was there. you enjoyed being able to talk to them, they’re some of the members who are closest to your age so conversation and interests were easier to talk about.
the gym was only a hall and two rooms over from the practice room, hopefully he didn’t hear wooseoks loud ass from the practice room or else the surprise would be ruined. as you got closer to the door the pain in your chest started to rise and you tried your best to ignore it. instead you tried focusing on the booming music that was leaking from the blurry door leading into the gym.
you couldn’t recognize the music to be yutos but you didn’t exactly know what kind of music he listened to when he would work out. so slowly you cracked open the gym door, allowing the music to grow louder and make your thoughts incoherent. you looked around a little until you saw a shirtless guy with glistening honey skin curling some weights in the corner. making your way in fully and shutting the door you tried finding the source of the loud music to turn it off. unfortunately you were unable to find any noticeable off switches so you decided to just sneak up on him.
the closer you got, you realized how buff and toned this guy was. maybe it wasn’t yuto? your thoughts all started to doubt each other and now you had to decide whether or not you wanted to take the risk of embarrassing yourself because you thought some random trainee was your boyfriend.
but while your thoughts started eating each other up the music had stopped and the man had put down the weights. you immediately snapped out of your confusion and just waited for the man to notice your presence. that’s when he finally got up and turned around and at that moment you thought you were for sure going to pass out.
“Y/N?!” but at least your first instinct was right, it was indeed yuto, but a very toned, more muscular, sexier yuto... in that moment you forgot how to speak the only thing you were capable of was scanning every inch of yutos body.
“You like what you see?”
his deep cocky voice instantly flooded your cheeks bright red as he made his way over to you.
“s-surprise!” you managed to choke out before sweaty yuto enveloped you in a tight hug. all he did was chuckle at you as he placed a quick kiss to sit on your forehead. “why didn’t you tell me you were coming? i could’ve been ready and we could’ve went to go get lunch!” he let you go and pouted his lips at you.
being the dumbass you are, you still couldn’t bring yourself back to reality after seeing buffed up yuto. “hellooo, earth to Y/N, anyone home? don’t make me tickle you.” finally you snapped out of it and came face to face with your boyfriend. instinctively you hugged him again which jerked him backwards a little bit but he gladly hugged you back.
“ha well someone was dazed a little bit.” he chuckled while you continued to embrace him. “i’m sorry, i was just a little shocked.” he looked down at you and raised an eyebrow, “hell out of all the people here i should be the one shocked.” you both let out little laughs at each other before you loosened your grip and yuto moved just hands down to your waist.
“well i’m glad i surprised you, it’s what i wanted. but you just surprised me with all of, well you know, this.” you dragged your hand lightly down his chest, drawing a straight line down his toned abdomen. “you look like you’ve lost a lot of weight hun” yuto scrunched his nose and randomly kissed your cheek, “ive been working out for the past couple months baby, just trying to make myself look better”. you reached your arms up to yutos neck and looked at him in disbelief, “yuto you were already the hottest, sexiest most perfect man on the world. you didn’t need to change yourself.”
a small smile pricked his lips and he reached down to kiss yours. oh how you missed his gentle kisses and just the feeling of being close to him again. “do you not like how i look now?” he asked jokingly which earned him a light slap to the chest, “of course i like how you look now, you’ll always be perfect in my eyes. i just want you to stay healthy, i can’t monitor you all the time now yuto. i just worry about you overworking yourself.” you rubbed his cheek and gave him a small smile. “i promise you im fine, i just wanted to gain more muscle that’s all, i promise. i still eat all the cookies and goodie bags you send me.” you laughed at each other and it made you feel a little better knowing that he wasn’t trying to unhealthily force himself to workout.
after a small moment of silence yuto finally speaks out “i missed you Y/N” he whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours, “i missed you too yuto.” you connected the space and kissed him again but this time it lasted longer than the first, it was more passionate and deeper. when you both pulled away it caused you to laugh and fall into his arms. moments like these are what makes you miss him every time he goes away...
now that yuto knows you’re here, you both decide to make your way back to the dorm and get yuto all cleaned up and you must say, the man smells much better now. laying on his bed playing on your phone you waited for him to return from his brisk shower. suddenly without warning a big plop landed right next to you. the strong scent of old spice rolling off of him. you had never forgotten that distinct smell of body wash since you were the one to buy him that specific brand.
“im.so.glad.you.came.to.see.me” moving around, yuto placed kisses all over your face as he spoke to you which made you a giggling mess. once he stopped he calmed down and pulled you into his chest. of course he still had no shirt on, but you were never one to complain.
“yuto” you said which made the wet red striped haired boy look down at you. “Y/N” he replied sarcastically, “is it weird that on my way here i just had a nervous gut feeling that something was gonna go wrong today?” the little smile on your face turned to serious as you asked yuto the question you had been wanting the answer to all day.
even though you couldn’t recall the memory at the moment, yuto knew exactly why you were so anxious about seeing him after such a long time apart, “you know i would never do to you what he did to you, right?” he played with a strand of your hair while you tried processing what he had just said. and then it hit you.
your ex, he had cheated on you, after he went on vacation for awhile and met a foreign woman and slept with her... it was your last relationship before you dated yuto and it was something you always told him that bothered you. it explains why you were so anxious to go see him, you were just in terror that you’d find him cheating or find out he’s been cheating and half to drive 45 minutes back home all broken-hearted again.
you made eye contact with yuto and faintly smiled. he has made you realize that you can trust someone and fall in love again without having to second guess his every action. you really really loved him and you couldn’t ask for someone better.
“i know, i know you would never, i guess i just get paranoid sometimes.” he rubbed a little circle on your cheek and smiled, “i would never do anything to hurt you, i love you a lot Y/N, there’s no one in this world other than you that can make me feel like i own all the stars in the sky.” for a moment you felt tears prick your eyes but you held them back, this time you just dug your face into his chest and let him hold you. this is truly the thing you had missed the most, just being able to rest in each other’s presence.
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gamerwoo · 5 years ago
Kino: Partly Cloudy
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Characters: Kino x female reader (featuring Pentagon ot10 and Guanlin)
Genre/warnings: roommate au, demon au, friends to lovers, slowburn kinda, fluff, angst, some crack, lil bit of everything ig lmao
Word count: 8,043
Summary: As a demon that’s able to control the weather, Kino can’t exactly control it since he’s only half a demon. It only happens when his emotions are so strong and intense, and nobody makes him feel as strongly as you.
a/n: in the words of @neverknewgrey2016 “there isn’t enough kino content”. she also gave me this idea and i wanted to do it for her so here you go!!!!! it skips around a lot and it’s like kinda vague at the beginning because i wanted to just get to the main part where things start getting good, so it kinda starts fast (also I know I would’ve normally made Hongseok a demon and would never make Yuto a demon but Star got to me lmao)
Kino came across normal enough. Sure, he had his quirks, but everybody did. After becoming his roommate, you quickly learned that he didn’t like using the white mugs because he was afraid of getting them “too dirty”, he absolutely cared too much about sorting the laundry by color, he rarely brought anything into or out of his room, and his room was his space and nobody was allowed in it. He came off as friendly, but reclusive. Kind, yet deceptive. Sweet, but there was definitely something a little...off about him.
It didn’t take a lot to warm up to Kino, and you thought he was warming up to you, too. With your growing trust, your suspicions of him faded. The weird sense you got around him was hardly even in the farthest corners of your mind, which you still to this day don’t know if that was your own doing or some weird power he had over you. 
Kino, on the other hand, pretended to just be close with you. At least, that’s how it started out. He tried to keep some sort of distance just because he was who he was, and you were who you were, and it was dangerous for somebody like him to be around somebody like you. Not only that, but his ‘mentor’ kept telling him that this was wrong and he shouldn’t go befriending any humans. But with how kind and silly you were, and how he could tell you were letting your guard down around him, he eventually found that he couldn’t tell if he was pretending or just being himself.
Either way, the bond you’d formed with Kino over the course of a year helped cushion the shock when you realized your roommate and now best friend was actually a demon. Well, half-demon, which he stressed very much.
But hey, you renewed your lease together, didn’t you?
Kino never once hurt you, anyway. He never put your life in danger, and you weren’t quite sure why that was. He said he just wanted to live normally as to hide among the humans and help with the work he had to do that involved actual bad people and not just nosy roommates that like to leave their jackets and sweatshirts laying over the back of the couch. Whether that was really the case or not was something you’d never know, but you also didn’t press him on that. You preferred to nag him about what the difference was if you sorted the laundry or not, but that would also send him on a whole other tangent. 
There was one interesting thing about Kino that you never quite could get over, though. You didn’t realize it for a while. In fact, it wasn’t even until after you realized he was a demon that you noticed that the weather was sometimes controlled by him -- but without him meaning to.
He was especially annoyed that day. He was being nagged by Jinho way too much, and the smallest thing was going to send him over the edge.
All day, it had looked like there was going to be a tornado or a massive hole would form in the ground and suck everything down. The sky was the darkest grey it could be without being nighttime, and everything just looked scary. You could hear a faint rumble of thunder almost the whole day, and when you had returned to your apartment, you thought Kino’s face as he sat on the couch matched the mood outside.
But what set him off -- what made you realize his emotions could effect the weather whether he liked it or not -- was a tiny joke you made to try to make him feel better. It wasn’t even much of a joke as it was an observation. You considered it a compliment, but Kino went off.
Something to note was that you definitely had feelings for Kino at this point. You knew it was probably dangerous and stupid -- no, it was dangerous and stupid -- to fall for a demon, but you couldn’t help yourself. Even though you were just a mere mortal while Kino was some immortal being, you always felt like the two of you were just a couple of normal friends when you hung around him. He still liked to get giggly drunk with you on Saturday nights, he liked laying his head in your lap and making you run your fingers through his hair, and he never minded when he found you sleeping on the couch because of a nightmare only for him to carry you into his bedroom and sleep on the side of his bed closest to the wall to keep you safe. It was so hard to see him as something that could kill you because he came across as the exact opposite.
That was exactly what Kino was being hounded about, though. He was too nice with you. It was obvious he felt something toward you, and none of the other demons liked that. It wasn’t that demons weren’t allowed to mess around with humans, and falling in love with them technically wasn’t a rule, but demons weren’t necessarily supposed to fall in love at all. He was a demon! He was supposed to terrorize humans and come across as tough and cold. He definitely tried when you first met him, but as he started to get used to you like you did with him, he found himself unable to resist leaning into this fantasy that maybe somebody could love him. And he started to feel the same toward you. Besides, he was still half human. Some instincts and feelings just couldn’t be controlled no matter how hard he tried.
“I know you had a bad day,” you began as you sat beside Kino on the couch, reaching over to poke one of his cheeks, “but you’re really cute when you’re pouty.”
That was the comment that set him off. He was off the couch in an instant, turning to face you with completely black eyes that were his normal brown a second ago. Your eyes widened as your back pressed into the back cushions of the couch, trying to distance yourself from your roommate as he got in your face. It wasn’t that you were afraid he would do something to you, it was that you’d never seen him get this close to you with his eyes black like that before.
The crack of lightening startled you before Kino could even speak. It flashed as thunder sounded a second later, shaking the room from its volume. The wind blowing against the windows made them creak, and it sounded like ghostly groans outside. You curled in on yourself as you gasped, your eyes flickering to the window before they were brought back to Kino.
“I’m a fucking demon, _____!” he growled. “Do not patronize me, got it? You’re just some fucking human, and you don’t get to talk to me like that.”
You wanted to reply to him or at the very least nod your head, but you were frozen in place. You’d never seen Kino like this. Yes, you’d seen his eyes before when he couldn’t convince you for like, a week that he was actually a demon, but he’d never yelled at you like this. You’d never heard his voice get so deep and loud, and you’d never seen him get mad at you like this. Truthfully, it frightened you. It was the first time you saw him as a true demon.
Alternatively, Kino had never seen you afraid of him. He’d never seen your eyes go wide or your face start to pale because of him. He’d never seen you cower away, frozen in fear from something he’d done. But seeing all of it now had him blinking his eyes, the black disappearing and being replaced with the comforting brown you were used to. His clenched jaw relaxed, his lips parting as his lare melted into remorse.
The dark sky lightened to a light grey, and the terrifying lightening was suddenly gone. All that was left behind was a light spitting of rain outside.
“Oh my god, _____...” his voice was soft as he got down on his knees in front of you, cautiously reaching a hand out to you. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-- Please don’t be afraid of me...”
Your eyes were no longer on him. Instead, you were focused on the weather outside. It was twice now that it had changed so quickly, and it was just as quick as Kino’s changes of mood.
“D-did... Did you do that?” you wondered quietly.
Seeing your eyes were still on the windows, he knew what you were asking. He nodded just enough for you to notice, but he didn’t say anything about it.
Kino had frightened you a little -- more like taken aback -- but it was more the sudden crack of lightning and thunder that scared you. But still, even with your heart racing as it was -- but it was starting to slowly calm down now that Kino was back to normal -- you were still a little fascinated by what he managed to do.
However, that day was kind of a wake up call for you. You didn’t have a chance with Kino. He wouldn’t want to be stuck with some human. You were weaker than him; you weren’t on the same level as him. Kino was way out of your league, and even though it hurt, you had to move on. 
That was what you had gathered after a week of thinking everything over. You went from recalling that your half-demon roommate could change the weather if he felt an emotion strongly enough, to mulling over the words he had shouted.
‘You’re just some fucking human.’
So you spent the weekend after in your room eating ice cream and crying -- which Kino was keenly aware of even though it seemed to come out of nowhere so he was pretty confused as to why you were crying -- and decided to pick yourself up and try to move on.
“You wanna finally talk about that?” Kino wondered as you emerged from your bedroom.
You jumped, not expecting him to be right there. He was standing on the opposite side of the hallway, back leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. But his eyes showed worry and concern since you wouldn’t let him in your room no matter what he said during your two-day pity party.
“About what?” you asked, deciding to just act like nothing happened.
Kino just rolled his eyes, “You know about what. What had you locking yourself in your room all weekend?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged.
“Don’t just tell me ‘nothing’,” he whined, dropping his arms as he stepped closer to you. “Wait, was it because of me?”
“No, Kino,” you quickly reassured him. “It’s really nothing. Don’t worry your pretty little head.”
You reached up to ruffle his dark hair, making him frown as he swatted your hand away. He let out a sigh as he tried to fix his hair, looking up toward his forehead like he could see what he was doing.
“Don’t do that. I have to see Jinho and company.”
“Oh, so you have to look all big and bad or whatever?”
Kino only smiled sarcastically, raising his eyebrows. 
You knew the other demons were the reason Kino snapped at you. You knew they stressed him out to no end because they -- especially Jinho -- kept telling him how he was getting too soft. They teased him for acting how he did with you, and Jinho kept insisting he move out of the apartment and live alone so he could toughen up again. Kino promised you he wasn’t going anywhere, but he really just wanted his friends to shut up.
“I’d say to tell them hi but we already know how they feel about me,” you snorted.
“Don’t worry,” he smirked, “I’ll send your regards.”
“Wait, what? Why?”
You were slightly offended by Guanlin’s surprised face. Was it really so hard for him to imagine that you wanted to date? Sure, you hadn’t tried dating anybody for over a year, but still. You weren’t going to just sit around forever.
“What do you mean why?” you asked with a pout.
“No, I meant--” he broke off in a laugh seeing you so offended. “I mean like, aren’t you and your roommate a thing?”
You’d told Guanlin all about Kino and how you felt about him. He didn’t know he was a demon obviously, but he knew that you were hopelessly head over heels for him. You used to never let anybody use your really nice strawberry shampoo and conditioner set, but you would sit on the couch with Kino’s head on your shoulder and smile when you smelled it on him. You were never even one for cuddling, but you loved the night when Kino made you watch scary movies with him and would have to hold you in his side and promise no monsters would get you while he was around. In the span of the year and however many months that you’d been living with Kino, you’d changed a lot more than even your best friend thought you could.
“No,” you sighed, your face falling as you looked down at the table you were sitting at with him, “we’re too...different. I don’t think he wants to be with me because of those differences.”
“Differences like what?”
‘First of all, he’s a demon.’
“It’s too complicated.”
Guanlin decided to just drop that topic for a slightly different one, wondering what your plan was now. How were you going to get yourself out there? He’d never really seen you intentionally go out of your way to find a boyfriend, so he was pretty curious as to what you planned to do next.
“Actually,” you sweet smile had a hint of mischief to it as you looked at your friend, “I was hoping you could be my wingman.”
All Guanlin did was snort in response before he started laughing. You sighed, rolling your eyes as he doubled over in laughter. When he finally composed himself enough to talk, he sat back up and wiped a tear from his eye.
“You must be really desperate if you think I could be your wingman,” he sighed, still trying to stop smiling. “I don’t even have a girlfriend, and you think I could get you a date?”
“You have guy friends,” you shrugged. “I’m open to anybody.”
“My friends are not your type,” he scoffed, shaking his head. “I mean...if you’re actually serious about this, one of my coworkers is kinda cool.”
“When can I meet him?”
Whenever the other demons came around, Kino was irritable. Not so much that the weather would change, but he was still irritated. Especially because Hyojong and Wooseok made a mess of the apartment, so he hated when they decided that was the place they would drop by. Kino insisted on anywhere but there, but nooooo, they didn’t want to be seen anywhere else.
“Do you shoo her out of her own apartment when we come by, or is just a bunch of coincidences?” Wooseok wondered as he stared at a framed picture of you and Kino together.
He just shrugged, glaring at Wooseok’s back as he made sure he wasn’t going to break anything, “Little bit of both.”
Yuto only shrugged, sitting in the same spot on the couch that he always did, “I don’t really blame you.”
The last thing Kino wanted was you being surrounded by demons -- even if they were mostly harmless unless provoked. Jinho took his demon status the most seriously, with Wooseok and Hyojong mostly just messing around and causing dumb chaos for fun, and Yuto doing not much of anything ever. Honestly, Kino wasn’t really sure how or why Yuto was a demon anyway, but he wasn’t one to open up about his past. But he could understand why the terrible duo were demons, and he definitely understood why Jinho was one. The older boy was nothing if not an absolute pain in the ass.
“It would be easier if you just didn’t live with a human,” Jinho grumbled.
“Yeah, yeah, we know,” Kino sighed, turning around to face the shorter boy who was picking up your jacket that you’d left thrown over the back of the couch. “Can you stop touching her stuff? Ugh, why do you guys always have to come here?”
“Because you’re only half a demon and can’t go to The Underworld,” Hyojong spoke up with a giggle. He always loved to rub that fact in Kino’s face.
“Exactly,” Jinho agreed with a smirk, “Kang Hyunggu.”
“Don’t call me that,” he frowned.
“Changing your name won’t make you seem any more like a demon,” Jinho teased.
“Do you have daddy issues?” Hyojong asked, making Wooseok burst out in laughter.
Kino sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his eyes, “Dude, I think you don’t understand what daddy issues are. My dad literally raised me; I love him.”
“If only your mom would actually take care of you,” Jinho said, rolling his eyes. “Then we wouldn’t be responsible for you.”
That was the only reason Kino had constant visits and hounding from Jinho. He was half a demon from his mom, but she obviously wasn’t around. He didn’t know what happened to her, and he didn’t necessarily care since he heard she disappeared without a trace only a day or two after he was born. But being a half-demon, the rulers of The Underworld wanted to make sure he didn’t get into any trouble -- especially since his mother had passed down a power to him that he couldn’t control. Since she wasn’t around, Jinho was assigned to essentially mentor Kino. He had recruited his friends to help just because Kino didn’t really tend to listen to any of Jinho’s advice.
Jinho was a whole other story. He was a fallen angel that eventually got turned into a demon because he was spiteful and caused trouble to get back at those who kicked him out of Heaven. Kino didn’t actually hate him because he understood Jinho had his own issues, but he did wish he got a mentor who was less grumpy. On the bright side, though, Jinho did have his good moments -- especially when he got to see his angel friends when he visited the mortal world to check up on Kino.
Wooseok and Hyojong were clearly meant to be where they were. Hyojong was born to demons, where Wooseok became one when he died and immediately gravitated to Hyojong. Nobody understood how or why Jinho became friends with them, but they did seem to come in handy when Jinho got into one of his moods.
Yuto was an enigma to just about everybody. Those who didn’t know him well questioned if the higher ups made a mistake when placing him -- unless he was born to demon parents, in which case, he couldn’t control that. Others who had known him well didn’t talk about anything demon-like that he’d done. If anybody asked, they’d just say nothing before changing the subject. For all Kino know, Yuto could’ve murdered hundreds of people, so he tried not to be too comfortable around him.
“Did you just come here to complain some more?” Kino asked, walking over to Wooseok to rip the picture of you and him out of the taller boy’s hands before he could accidentally break it.
“We came here because of your little human friend,” Jinho clarified with a slight sharpness to his tone.
“She has a name,” Kino hissed, “and I would prefer if you’d leave her alone and out of all this.”
Whenever anybody brought you up, Kino hated it. He let them know he hated it, and they still did it. He didn’t want you dragged into any of this. He just wanted to be able to hang out with you without anybody telling him he couldn’t or reminding him it was dangerous. He obviously knew it was dangerous, but he knew he wouldn’t ever hurt you. It was only dangerous if these demons kept coming around.
“When she effects you so much that you cause a thunderstorm so loud it shakes buildings, we kind of have to drag her into it,” Jinho shot back.
“And judging from what she’s up to currently,” Hyojong spoke up with a grin and a giggle, “thing are going to get worse.”
“I don’t think telling him that will help,” Yuto spoke in his typical too-soft-to-belong-to-a-demon tone.
But Kino ignored the quiet boy’s words, eyes locked on the short, mischievous demon, “What’s that supposed to mean? Where is she? How do you know where she is?”
“Hyojong, don’t you have somewhere else to be a pain in the ass?” Jinho asked, annoyance dripping in his tone.
Hyojong only shrugged, “Not for another hour.”
“Is somebody going to answer me?!” Kino demanded. He didn’t fuck around when it came to you, so he was genuinely concerned.
To his surprise, it was Yuto who stood and walked over to him, “You know I think you should do whatever you want, but...Jinho was right. Getting so involved with a human is dangerous, and you should’ve gotten out of all of this when you had the chance. Things will be really hard for you now because you didn’t listen to Jinho.”
Kino groaned, running his hands through his hair, “But I don’t know what that means! Where’s _____?!”
Wooseok’s head snapped to look at the door, “Almost home.”
“Time to go, kids!” Hyojong called before he disappeared in a quick swirl of thick, black fog.
Yuto gave Kino a small, thin-lipped smile before following Hyojong’s lead. Wooseok wished him luck before doing the same, leaving just Jinho in the apartment. He walked over to Kino, standing directly in front of him and looking at him seriously. This time, the older demon’s expression wasn’t angry or annoyed, but rather concerned.
“We’ll be watching,” was all he said before he was gone, too.
Last week, Kino hounded you when you got home about where you’d been and who you were talking to -- when you admitted it was just meeting up with Guanlin, he looked very confused but dropped it. This week, he was hounding you before you left the apartment about where you were going and who you were meeting.
“His name’s Sehun.”
Kino raised his eyebrows, “Sehun?”
He didn’t like that he’d never heard you say that name before. If it was somebody you didn’t know, then...
“He works with Guanlin,” you explained as you did your best to fix your mascara that was clumping in a way that wasn’t cute at all.
Kino’s heart dropped, “So...i-is this like...a date?”
You shrugged before nodding, “Yeah, basically.”
A date? You’d never gone out to date anybody! Why now? What about him?
What about him? You weren’t his, and you weren’t supposed to be his. He could already hear Jinho scolding him for even getting jealous right now.
Then he realized this must’ve been what they were talking about last week. They knew you were off with Guanlin trying to get him to set you up on a date. They knew he was going to be jealous, which was why they were there. You really were the reason they were there.
You could hear soft rumbles of thunder from far away, but you assumed it was just the weather on its own since Kino seemed fine on the outside. Besides, why would he suddenly feel emotion that strongly? There wasn’t anything that could possibly bother him, right? He had said before himself that he was a demon and you were just some human. There was no way he could’ve ever felt anything for you.
“Hopefully he planned something indoors in case it rains,” you thought out loud, but that somehow only made Kino feel worse.
Unfortunately for him, things would only get worse after that. You’d come home that night to declare you were going to see him again, and another time after that. And after the third date, you’d come home with the most beautiful, dreamy smile on your face that would make Kino’s heart flutter and the drizzle outside that was all his fault momentarily lighten up. 
But then you’d announce he asked you to be his.
Kino would ask nervously what you said.
You’d tell him you said yes, obviously.
That night, the thunder would be roaring as lightening flashed outside your window. You’d be under the covers, wanting nothing more than to go straight to Kino’s room to feel a little safer, but you’d instead go to the couch like you did after a nightmare. You couldn’t go sleep in Kino’s bed now that you had a boyfriend, but you craved the safety Kino gave you more than anything. You still loved Kino, but you had to get over him. Sehun would help you get over Kino.
And Sehun was exactly the reason you woke up in the same spot you’d fallen asleep instead of in Kino’s bed like you usually did when you fell asleep on the couch.
That night, as you and Kino slept, both the demons and the angels stood outside your apartment building in their jackets and some under umbrellas. Their eyes were on the windows that belonged to you.
“You should’ve kept them apart,” Hui advised, glancing over at Jinho.
Jinho frowned, whining, “I tried to! He doesn’t listen.”
“We can’t break them up now, can we?” Changgu asked worriedly, gripping his umbrella handle a little tighter.
Yuto shrugged, “It might happen on its own now. Clearly, Kino’s upset.”
“Which is bad because this could go on for weeks,” Hongseok said, holding his hand out under the radius of his umbrella, letting the water fall onto his palm, studying the droplets. “We need to do something about it. We can’t let it rain like this for that long.”
“It’ll be over in a week,” Hyojong stated.
The small group turned to look at the demon who was looking between the demons and the angels. They were clearly waiting for him to elaborate. He could see the fate of others, so he obviously had more information.
“Kino’s going to scare the poor guy away,” he scoffed, finding the vision he saw of Kino going to meet Sehun to ‘check him out’ and intimidating the absolute shit out of the six-foot-whatever guy very amusing. “Did you guys seriously expect him to stay out of it?”
“He is a half-demon,” Yuto shrugged. “Guess that makes sense.”
“Can you see anything else, Hyojong?” Hui asked.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t,” he replied coolly, making Wooseok giggle.
“Do you see what I have to deal with?” Jinho mumbled to his old friends.
Hongseok sighed before turning to walk away from the building, “We’ll have to drop by and speak with Kino after Sehun’s...gone.”
“Why after?” Yanan wondered quietly as the group went to follow behind.
“We’re not allowed to alter fate,” Hui explained to the newest angel. “What’s supposed to happen will happen, and that’s that.”
The only person that could change their fate was that person, and Kino had changed his mind after that night. Instead of scaring your boyfriend away like Hyojong had seen, he decided to tell him to treat you right. He told him you weren’t like any other person, and you had to be kept safe and happy. He didn’t flash his demon eyes, he didn’t intimidate him, and he didn’t act like you belonged to him. 
However, that didn’t seem to change much for the fate of your relationship with Sehun. He still broke it off that evening after spending the day out together. 
“I don’t know,” was what he replied with when you asked what went wrong, “I guess I’m just not ready for all that commitment.”
Not knowing his words would make things worse, Kino had pushed Sehun into breaking up with you because he realized he’d have to put in more effort than he wanted to currently. So you went home sad and mopey, but not too mopey because it had only been a week that you’d been dating. But Kino still sat beside you on the couch that night and listened to everything you wanted to get off your chest before bringing you to his room when you inevitably fell asleep on the couch while watching The Office.
But you weren’t giving up. You didn’t want the warm, fuzzy feeling you got waking up in Kino’s bed because you knew it was nothing but a friendly gesture. You wanted to get rid of the feelings you had for him, so you kept trying.
Chani was somebody you’d met through a long line of friends. Guanlin had explained the connection -- something about a friend of a friend of a friend, or however many ‘friends’ were involved -- but all that mattered was that it wasn’t one of Guanlin’s weird friends, and it was somebody who might help you get over Kino.
But when you told Kino about this date, he had the same expectations he had with Sehun. So the weather was fine that day, and you went on your date with Chani. And you came home and said it was “okay” and Kino didn’t worry. But then you texted Chani more often until one day you just dropped the term “my boyfriend” on Kino in reference to the boy he still knew nothing about, and the sky was grey and it drizzled for the next three days.
“How long this time?” Hongseok sighed as he looked up at the sky.
Jinho shrugged, “Hyojong said he can’t see that far.”
It took a month for Chani to decide it wouldn’t work.
“We’re too alike,” he decided.
You would’ve thought having a lot in common would be good, but because neither of you liked cuddling or hugging too much, and you were both more introverted than anything, things started getting awkward before the spark could really grow into much.
But this breakup hurt more than Sehun. You had time to make at least a few memories with Chani, and you started to wonder if your dislike of physical closeness was a problem. And, because Kino was your best friend and you trusted him, you asked him that.
Kino’s eyes went wide when the words left your lips, looking at you like he wanted to yell. But his voice was soft when he said, “Why would you ever think that’s a bad thing? _____, nothing about you is bad.”
“But Chani said--”
“Chani told you it’s a problem?” he growled, his jaw clenching.
In the distance, you heard rumbles of thunder. You chalked it up to him just being a friend and caring about you and wanting to protect you. Kino saw it as somebody making the person he loved more than anybody feel bad about themselves, and he really didn’t like that.
“Not technically...” you shrugged. “Just that he’s the same so we kind of clashed.”
Kino only grumbled to himself.
You slept beside him again that night because even though you didn’t like cuddling anybody else, you loved cuddling Kino, and you wanted the comfort. And yet, he somehow still couldn’t catch on, thinking that you only liked cuddling with him because you’ve known him for a while and trusted him.
You met the next boy on a dating app, figuring you had nothing to lose. Kino had seen you on said app and asked in disgust why you were on there in the first place. Why did you need to find somebody? Only dirtbags and assholes used dating app, he insisted.
You just shrugged and said you couldn’t be single forever as Kino grumbled to himself and left the apartment.
His name was Soonyoung, and he seemed nice enough. When you met up with him, he was funny and bright and had that same warm energy you got from Kino. Actually, he reminded you a lot of Kino.
Like the others, Kino didn’t expect this to last. He didn’t worry too much about it, but he also didn’t ask about your relationship that much, either. He put it at the back of his mind, and the two of you acted pretty normal. You were out of the apartment a lot more often, and you were on your phone more frequently, but you still made time for Kino so he hardly even remembered you were dating anybody.
“Hey, where’re you out to?” he asked as he saw you walking for the door looking a little more dolled up than normal. “It’s passed nine.”
“It’s my six month anniversary with Soonyoung,” you replied, looking at him over your shoulder with a wide smile.
Kino’s stomach dropped. It had already been six months? How did he not realize? How could that much time had gone by? Wait, that meant you loved him by now, right? Oh god, he fucked up. He really fucked up.
“O-oh...” was all he managed to get out.
“Don’t bother waiting up for me,” you continued as you opened the door. “I’ll be staying over at his place.”
You giggled as your cheeks turned pink, confirming his suspicions of just why you were staying at Soonyoung’s before you said goodnight and closed the door.
It absolutely down poured that night. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day. And the rest of the week.
“Well,” Hui sighed as he let his head drop back where he sat on the couch, “I can see why you get so frustrated.”
“But you really can’t control a half-demon?” Yanan questioned under his breath.
“He’s not a full demon so it’s not like I can force him into doing anything,” Jinho snapped. “He’s not really under my control.”
“Either way, maybe we should step in,�� Yuto spoke up. “It’s dangerous for her if this continues. His jealousy will grow, and who knows what he could do to her?”
“Why are you so morbid?” Shinwon asked, eyeing the quiet demon.
“Realistic,” Yuto corrected.
“What if...” Changgu suddenly spoke up, studying the floor before his eyes glanced up to meet the small group that sat around the room, “it’s better for them to be together?”
“That sounds like an idea Yanan would come up with because he doesn’t know better,” Hui stated, crossing his arms over his chest.
“But it would stop Kino from changing the weather like this, and she already knows he’s a demon.”
“But that doesn’t mean it couldn’t end badly for both of them -- especially the human,” Hongseok replied easily, running a hand through his hair. “Hyojong, do you see anything?”
Lazily, the demon let his head roll to the side to look at the angel, “Nothing dangerous.”
All heads turned to look at the demon in question.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jinho questioned.
“It means who cares?” he sighed. “You can’t force Kino out of love with her, so what’s the point? You think he’d hurt her anyway? He hasn’t yet, and it’s been like, two years since they’ve met. What will happen is going to happen no matter what, and that means if they end up together or if he does end up killing her. We can’t change the path the universe sets.”
“But we’re supposed to guide it on that path,” Hui spoke up. “That’s what we’re created for.”
“And can’t you see the universe keeps bringing them back together?” Hyojong asked, raising an eyebrow. “We’re supposed to guide them to each other, not apart.”
The room was thoughtfully silent for a few beats before Jinho broke it with a mumbled, “That’s the deepest thing you’ve ever said.”
It took a lot to get the rain to stop. The city was flooding, but Kino couldn’t control his emotions. How was he supposed to stop feeling heartbreak? So The Heavens and The Underworld had to work together to somehow overpower the demon’s emotions enough to keep the weather under control. Both the small group of demons and the small group of angels visited Kino often, trying to get his emotions to calm down, but nothing seemed to work. He kept himself locked up in his room for days, not responding to you no matter what you said to him. 
This last time you knocked on his door, he almost growled for you to go away.  The people in his room looked at him in surprise, not thinking Kino would snap at you like that.
“You know what? I don’t know what your problem is, but don’t take it out on me!” you shouted through the door. “If you wanna rot away in there, then whatever! I don’t care!”
You turned on your heel and left the apartment, making sure to slam the door because you were upset. You were already feeling all messed up because you still hadn’t fully gotten over Kino, and then you and Soonyoung were bickering a lot lately which was getting really stressful. But now Kino was ignoring you and you didn’t even understand why. 
Kino definitely wasn’t himself lately. The last month, he’d been a little off, but only recently did he start ignoring you. You didn’t notice if he had been acting weird toward you since you had been spending more time with Soonyoung, but you definitely noticed the weekend while you were home. You and Soonyoung had argued about something stupid, and you wanted to just spend the weekend with Kino and talk about everything that was bothering you -- well, mostly everything. You knew he’d know how to comfort you and make you feel better. But instead, he made everything worse, and you left the apartment with a mix of angry and sad tears in your eyes.
“Seemed a bit harsh,” Hongseok noted, turning back to Kino once he’d heard the door slam.
“Yeah, well...” Kino mumbled, not moving from where he laid curled up on his side above his covers, “I deserve it.”
“Then why don’t you talk to her?” Yuto wondered.
“Because it’s better this way,” he grumbled, still refusing to move or look at either of them. “She never liked me back and she has her stupid perfect boyfriend anyway. They’re probably super in love and she’s probably not going to renew the lease because she’s always at his place and she’s going to leave me and--”
“Isn’t Yuto supposed to be the morbid one?” Hongseok interrupted.
“Why are you guys even around so much lately?” Kino wondered, finally glancing up at the angel beside his bed. 
“Because you’re a mess,” he chuckled. “Takes both sides to keep up with you, apparently.”
“And because I figured sympathy would work rather than Jinho getting mad,” Yuto added.
Well, at least Yuto somewhat seemed to care.
“You know,” Hongseok sat down at the edge of Kino’s bed, “you could’ve just told her how you feel.”
Kino shot up in bed, giving the angel a look like he was insane, “I’m a demon. I’m not supposed to love a human. Jinho warned me, and I already knew it was bad. I wanted to protect her.”
“Is this any better? Causing flash floods, and fighting with her?”
“Well I can’t do anything to fix it now!”
“Tell her,” Yuto suggested in his usual soft tone.
“She has a boyfriend!”
“Yeah, so you have nothing to lose.”
Hongseok nodded slowly, “He has a point...”
Kino groaned loudly, flopping back down onto his pillow. He covered his face with his arms, letting out something that was a mix between a soft yell and a loud groan.
“No,” he decided, letting his arms drop away from his face.
“No?” Yuto repeated.
“It’s probably better like this, right?” he asked to nobody in particular. “It’s better for her that she doesn’t know.”
Hongseok sighed, “We’re going to be regulating the weather here for months.”
Yuto got up from Kino’s desk chair, his neutral expression looking almost uncaring as he glanced down at Kino, “Then you better get yourself together quickly, because we can’t all follow after you to clean up your mess.”
While Kino had never heard Yuto say anything like that or seen him act anything other than neutral, he knew he was right. He had to pick up the pieces of his broken heart and carry on with his life. It wasn’t like you would care if he was heartbroken anyway.
Honestly, Kino didn’t expect to hear the front door open. Even more so, he didn’t expect to hear the sniffles and quiet sobs in the hallway. Had he not heard the crying, he wouldn’t have gotten himself out of his bed and opened the door enough to see you kicking off your shoes by the door and wiping your eyes with the sleeves of your sweatshirt.
“_____?” his voice was soft as he stepped further into the hallway. “Are you okay? What happened, why are you crying?”
“He dumped me!” you sobbed, refusing to lift your head to face Kino. Even though he’d seen you cry before, it didn’t mean the other times after wouldn’t be awkward.
“What, why?” he rushed out of his room and went over to you, placing his hands on your arms as he tried to look at your face. You just stared at your feet and let your hair form a barrier that he couldn’t see through. “Talk to me, _____.”
You sniffled, wiping your nose with your sleeve before letting out a pathetically sad laugh and shaking your head, “Because I’m destined to be alone and unwanted.”
Kino frowned, and the quiet afternoon slowly started to turn grey, “What are you talking about?”
You stepped away from Kino, turning to pace into the living room while you spoke, “Because it’s always something with me, right? Sehun, Chani, Soonyoung -- literally every guy I’ve ever dated had a reason or multiple reasons they didn’t want to stay with me. I’m too short, I don’t like to cuddle all the time and I don’t like hugs, and I’ll drop everything just for a puppy I saw across the street.”
The rain outside started to pick up a little more.
“And don’t even get me started on the earful Soonyoung gave me before I left!” you groaned, dropping your head back before you turned to Kino.
“_____, none of that is even--”
“I don’t clean the shower walls after I’ve had a shower, I leave my socks on the floor instead of putting them in the hamper, he didn’t like that I have a specific way of getting toothpaste out of the tube and that I kept fixing the tube when he’d squeeze it, I left my lipstick and mascara on his counter instead of putting it in ‘my drawer’ when I’d stay over, I--”
“_____!” Kino cut in loudly. When you’d gone silent, he took a step toward you, trying to read you and see if you even wanted him close to you. “None of that means you’re meant to be alone.”
The look on your face broke him, the rain outside hitting the windows in loud patters. Thunder rung out softly, his heart breaking for you and causing his emotions to even overpower those trying to control his power.
“How could somebody love somebody as flawed as that?” you whimpered.
“Easily,” he replied as soon as you got the last syllable out of your mouth. He looked at you intensely, still a couple feet away from you. “I love that you don’t clean the shower wall because I have a certain way I like it done to get all the hair dye off of it. I love that you don’t put your socks away because then I can sort them by color for you, and you get all happy when you see you have matching socks. I love that you get the toothpaste out from the bottom instead of squeezing the tube because it’s way more efficient that way. I love that you leave your makeup in the bathroom because I like that I get to watch you put it on while you softly sing to music on your phone.”
You thought he would stop, but he kept going, making your heart flutter. He walked toward you slowly until he was right in front of you, taking both of your hands in his.
“I love that you’re so tiny because it makes me feel like I can protect you,” he listed off. “I love that you don’t like hugs or cuddles because you always like my hugs and cuddles, and it makes me feel special. I love that you get excited seeing animals when we’re out because the smile on your face is the cutest smile I’ve ever seen and I always want to see that smile on your face.”
“I’m not done,” he hushed you quietly, the rain still background noise to what was happening in the apartment. “I love how you leave the last bit of milk for me even if you wanted to have cereal. I love that you always offer me the last pack of fruit snacks even though I know they’re your favorite. I love that you never do anything on time because then when I remind you, you look at me with this big grin and tell me I’m the best, and god, the things it does to my heart.”
He moved his fingers to weave between yours, holding your hands to his chest as he looked deeply into your eyes. His gaze was so intense that you wanted to look away, but so hypnotizing that you couldn’t. The only things you were aware of were him, the heat in your face, and the thunder that had gotten louder outside.
“Don’t you get it, _____?” he asked, looking just as upset as you probably did. “I love you. I love every little thing about you. Every single thing you’ve seen as a problem or somebody has told you was a problem, I love it. I have for over a year, _____.”
“B-but,” you stammered out, your brain running at a million miles a minute as you tried to make sense of everything, “y-you’re a demon, and I’m just...some human. I-I thought--”
He shook his head, “I don’t care what I am or what you are. I love you with everything I have, and I should’ve told you sooner. I was scared you wouldn’t feel the same because of what I am, but I can’t let you see yourself so poorly. And even though you don’t feel the same, I’ll still remind you how amazing you are beca--”
His sentence was cut short when something pressed against his lips. Something warm and soft. His eyes slid shut as one of his hands released one of yours to cup your cheek, kissing you back. It was a sweet kiss that lasted as long as it took for the rain to stop and the clouds to disperse in the sky.
When you pulled away, Kino looked confused but in a daze, looking at you curiously with his lips still half-puckered.
“Who said I didn’t love you back?” you asked with a small smile. “I thought you didn’t love me because I’m just a human. That’s why I was trying to date...”
His eyes closed as he let out a deep sigh that made you laugh, “I’m never going to live this down.”
“Sorry,” you giggled, giving his hand that still held yours a squeeze.
“Don’t apologize,” he smiled a dazzling smile as he opened his eyes to look at you. His thumb softly stroked your cheek as his head slightly tilted to one side. “Just tell me that you love me too.”
“I love you,” you told him.
And you swore, the sun had never shone brighter than it did that afternoon.
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monkey-network · 6 years ago
Good Stuff: Next Gen
WARNING: Lime juice can be a great replacement for salt, if you’re considering dieting. Mild spoilers ahead. Thank you, take care out there, and enjoy.
A Friendship From the Future
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Netflix has been giving quite a lot of outside media that’s been pretty good, guess they’re making up for their crimes last year. Next Gen is a movie developed by the creator of Chinese rage comics, no joke, and directed by the art directors of a couple good movies and a few nobody cares about. But really, in this world of robots, does this movie make the future look bright, or does it feel outdated compared to the likes of Iron Giant, Short Circuit, Big Hero Six, and the sort this is basically inspired by? Well, like the rage comic this was based on, I was pretty entertained.
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seriously, they kept a dead american meme afloat under our noses for this long, and got a movie for it
First, this movie honestly puts the pedal to the figurative medal. In the first 10 minutes, we get everything we need to know this movie: the setting, the main character Mai, her motive towards her robot hate, her neglectful mom, David Cross, the villain, the robot friend. It felt refreshing, colgate like, but... *sigh* in comes my critical mind. This movie ain’t bad, but man it feels *grits teeth* predictable. The futuristic setting looked uninspiring. The man-bun dude was such a “villain”, that his big reveal at the end was visually shocking but kinda laughable. It was clear that Mai’s mother was gonna start loving her daughter more near the end. The bullies were gonna fear her thanks to her giant robot but then she sees that becoming a bully is no better than being bullied (angerleads to suffering). And the robot was definitely gonna s͟͡a̶̡͘͡͠c͝͡r̨̨̀͢͜i͏f͟͢͜͡i̡͏́͞͝c̷̵̶͜͠e̴͞ ̴͟i̛͡҉̷̢t̷̕͞͠s̨͟͠ȩ̴l̶҉̢f̡̛͟ ̴̛f̶̸͡o̧͜͝҉r̨͏̵͟ ̡̡̀͞͝i҉̷͢ţ͟͡͏s̡͜ ̸̸͢͜͡ņ̴̕͞e҉̛̀͟w̡͜͝ ̨̡̛b̨́e̢̛̛͞s̵͟t̨́͢ ̴͢͢͞͡f̨͟͏͠r҉̢̨i͏͠҉̸e̸͘n̡̡͡d͠ ̴̀b̵̴͘u̸̕͞t̨̀͢͡ ͢҉͏̷t͟͞h̷͟͟è͘͟͜͡n͞͏ ̧̡̀͡g̛͘͘͜҉e̶̸t́͘͡͞ ͘͡r̵̨͠è̸͟҉̕ş̸́̕u͏r̛̀̕͟r̵̵̢̡ę́͟ç̶t̶́͝e͡d̴̡̧͡ ̴̡̡́b̧́͟y͏ ͡҉̷̛t̷̵҉́h̶̀͢͠e҉̶͜͠ ̨͟͠p̵̡͘̕͜o̴̡͞w̸e̡̨̕r̨̨̨͘ ̨͝ò͏̵f̨̀́͞ ̡̛̀́͘l͢͟͠ǫ̸̸̨v̕͞e̶̸̸͜͜. Not saying I didn’t enjoy myself, in fact it has some great things going for it, but it was hard not to figure out what would happen exactly how it could happen.
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Though the first explosive action scene being a highspeed chase to return a girl’s backpack was certainly surprising
But really, this movie is cool. The animation is the right amount of cartoonish, beautiful, and blunt, with a few actually creepy scenes. The energy it has kept me invested, especially when one of your scenes has the main characters fighting a damn toothbrush. I would try to make comparisons to other kid and their robot movies, but I say this is somewhat unique in its main character and her robot friend (plus Big Hero 6 is whatever). Mei, with Charlene Yi providing a great voice, is a character that genuinely goes through a struggle in this movie. She doesn’t come off as an intolerable or brooding jerk, more of a character that’s rightfully letting out her frustrations and is trying to cope with her uncontained anger, like EQG’s Sunset Shimmer pre-redemption. I’ll say her arc is predictable, but seeing her get bullied to then use what she loathes the most as a vessel for payback, delinquent fun, and an eventual soul savior was honestly a delight to see. As for the robot, while I will say he would’ve worked a bit better if he didn’t talk as much, is surprisingly great in the fact that he kicks ass and looks good doing it; his design is simple yet effective (yet how was able to be activated by accident). He’s the rock to Mai’s eagle like aspirations, and the VA did make his moments have weight. Their dynamic is what few might call ‘standard’, but I say it’s still effective with what was given. Hell, the climax genuinely consists of the two having emotions and kicking robot ass up to a climatic 1v1 in space that was just *MWAH* quality anime kino. With the animation looking better than I expected, especially a couple scenes that were really beautiful, I thoroughly enjoyed them together and I wouldn’t mind watching this again.
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These two are certainly the highlight of this film
Hate doing this, but I gotta give Next Gen (-300) points for being pretty predictable in its narrative, (-200) points for I could not care less about the villain, and (-300) points for the useless talking dog (sorry, not a fan of him). But I wanna give it (+1000) points for being a movie based on a webcomic dosed in meme culture, (+800) points for having some superb animation especially with its action scenes, a bonus (+300) points for the great action, and a solid (+777) points for the dynamic between Mai and her robot, they are what makes this film great out of everything. I say it’s a film worth watching if you’re in the mood for an easy kick ass adventure with a rebel girl and her killer machine friend. Sure it has elements from movies with similar premises, but this still stands out well and I appreciate that.
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3.5 Out of 5, a nice film to start your weekend
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niel-trbl · 7 years ago
I Know
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Lover!Yang Hongseok x Colleague!Kang Kino AU
Note: well if you can’t tell, im kinda stuck on continuing my previous scenario and also another one that im still working on. hence why i managed to whip up this one! hope you enjoy this one! drop me some feedback or requests right here! (btw let me know if i should do part 2 to this!)
The clock finally struck twelve noon, meaning that it was time for lunch. Finally some time out of the office. You quickly tidied up your workspace before leaving.
“You’re in a rush,” your deskmate, Hani, looked over.
“Yup, Hongseok wanted to see me for lunch since he can’t make it for dinner,”
“Wait, do you think he’s-”
“WHAT, no no no. It can’t be... Anyway, I’ll see you later!” you quickly rushed out.
“Let me know how it goes!” you managed to catch what she said before you left.
Could it be? You noticed that Hongseok has been awfully sweet lately - always buying your favourite flowers, having dinner dates and whatnot. Sure you appreciate all of it but you were a little suspicious. So you asked Hani for her opinion on it and she popped the big question, “do you think he is going to propose to you?”
You’ve always had that thought, especially recently as you are moving forward into your fifth anniversary. Was it already time for this new phase of your relationship? It got you feeling a little excited, just at the thought of it. But you decided to put that thought at the back of your mind, just so that you won’t have any expectations.
Here you are, sitting at your favourite cafe with Hongseok, chatting while having lunch. Well, more like a one-sided conversation since he has been awfully quiet the whole time. You’ve always been able to pick up on his feelings or so you thought so you asked what was wrong.
“_________” your heart skipped a beat, hearing him call your name.
You weren’t ready for what he is going to say next. What should you do? How should you react? What should you say?
“Let’s not see each other,” this was not how you expected it to turn out.
Sure you said that you wasn’t expecting a proposal but a break-up was the very last thing you thought you would hear. You suddenly lost your appetite and everything just fell silent at your table.
“It’s not you, it’s me,” Hongseok tried to reason with you. Such a cliche excuse and it obviously meant it was because of you.
“I’m sorry. How long do you want to not see each other? A week? Two weeks?” You compromised, trying to save your relationship that is at its ends.
“Which part of not seeing each other do you not understand? What makes you think we are getting back together? Stop trying to hang onto me! I don’t need you,”
“There’s someone else, right?” He tried to hide his shock expression when finally said something after the long pause.
That was all you need to confirm the intuition you had. You saw him through his lies. He didn’t need you only because he has someone else. When you asked him about why he treated you so well over the few weeks, he merely said that it was just to give you good memories of the relationship. Hearing this made you even more mad.
“Wow you really had to break up with me during my lunch hour,” at this point you were just spouting nonsense, trying to make sense of the situation at hand.
“Don’t cry. Goodbye,” Hongseok then took his leave.
Awhile after he left, you could finally find the strength to leave the place. You decided to take the longer route back to the office to clear your mind. You wanted to hold it all in but as you made your back, you found yourself sobbing uncontrollably. Conveniently, it started raining, almost as if it was trying to help you cover up your tear-stained face.
You can’t believe Hongseok did that to you. Did those years mean nothing to him? All those memories together, were they easily replaced? It was such a precious relationship to you. You actually thought it could lead to forever. But it just ended right before your eyes, with no prior warning.
You were making your way towards the traffic light, with your mind still occupied by the break-up. Just as you were about to cross the road, you felt someone grabbed you by the hand.
“You should be careful! You could’ve gotten into an accident,” the person then sheltered with their umbrella.
You looked up to see who was your saviour and it was Kino, your colleague and neighbour. He’s one of the kindest and sweetest person you’ve ever met in your department, apart from Hani. Even though you don’t talk to one another as much, he’s still very caring towards you.
“You’re soaking wet. Here, put on my jacket. You’re gonna catch a cold,” he placed his jacket over your shoulders.
You thanked him softly then continued walking with him in silence. As you stood by one another in the empty lift, Kino handed you a hankerchief.
“It seems like you had a rough day. It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. But whatever it is, just know that you’re not alone,” he gave you a soft smile.
“Thanks Kino. It’s just... Hongseok just broke up with me. He said he didn’t need me anymore. But i’m pretty sure it’s because he already have someone else. Wow i can’t believe i’m blurting all of this out to you. I’m so sorry. I’m such a wreck right now,” you tidied yourself up, before heading back to the office.
“No no it’s okay. It’s times like this when you need someone to talk to. You should take the rest of the day off. I’ll tell the boss that you’re not feeling too well. Don’t worry, i won’t say a word about what happened. Just wait here, i’ll grab your stuff,”
After awhile, Kino came back out with your bag and told you that he already called for a cab to get you home.
“Your jacket?”
“It’s okay, you need it more. Don’t worry,” he gave you a soft smile again.
You thanked him then headed into the elevator. You quickly pressed the open button again when you heard him call your name again.
“Hongseok’s an asshole for treating you that way. I’m sorry you have to go through this. Take care ________,” you were touched by his genuine concern.
When you got home, you quickly shed off your work clothes then changed into your pyjamas. You literally just spent the whole day sobbing in bed. Hongseok don’t deserve these tears but you just kept on crying. The day slowly transitioned to night. It was only then when you dragged yourself out of bed to grab a bite from the kitchen. In that moment the doorbell rang. It was none other than Kino.
“Hey, sorry for disturbing you this late. But i thought you might be hungry?” He held up bags of take-out.
“Were you working overtime today? You really shouldn’t have bought food,” you invited him into your home.
“No it’s fine, it’s the least i could do. I just wanted to make sure you were doing fine,”
Both of you spent the rest of the time, eating together while you let out your emotions. Kino kindly listened through all of it. You felt bad for burdening him with everything but he kept insisting that it was okay, as long as it made you feel better. Honestly, it did made you feel better and you were very glad that he came by to accompany you.
The next day, you headed back to work as per normal. Thanks to that late night rant session with Kino, you felt a lot better. You still felt like shit but you had to move on.
“Hey, are you feeling better? Heard from Kino that you had stomach pains from lunch,” Hani went over the moment you got to your desk.
“Oh? Oh yeah, i’m feeling better. Good thing we bumped into each other. Hey, did you see the stack of papers on my table? I told boss that I’ll submit it to him by today since i missed yesterday,” you started going through your desk drawers.
“Kino took it yesterday. He was still working even after everyone left. Maybe he went through them,”
You headed over to his desk and saw the said stack of papers. As you flipped through them, you noticed that he already went through them. You were touched by his actions. He really didn’t have to but he even did your workload. You left a post-it on his table saying “thanks again. Lunch later? My treat”
You were curious why he cared so much for you, even though you were just colleagues. Kang Kino, what are you?
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liuwdere · 8 years ago
the gay ass anime masterpost*
*not actually a masterpost, since i give about two and a half fucks about keeping this updated or properly categorized. real loose classifications to follow. shit i haven’t seen in italics; stuff i’d highly recommend in bold. now updated w/ streaming links (some are US-only tho, sorry)
no predatory lesbians or okama joke characters or else we’ll be here all day. k? k.
LGBT-THEMED: anime that directly addresses LGBT identity as one of its primary focuses
Revolutionary Girl Utena
the ez one
Yurikuma Arashi
Class S is bullshit, did u know that. Also, thirsty-ass bear girls and a real angry takedown of the patriarchy
Flip Flappers
I don’t know how you can read this show as anything but lesbian sexual awakening, especially given the Class S Yuri Hell episode
Wandering Son (Hourou Musuko)
pls pay attention to the T friends
Aoi Hana (Sweet Blue Flowers)
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
Kikuhiko is def not cishet and i will fite u if u insist otherwise. Half the show’s choices make no sense without that lens
Yuri!!! on Ice
fite me
LGBT-THEMED; LIMITED REP: anime that addresses gender or sexuality as a secondary focus, though perhaps lacking explicit representation (e.g. LGBT narratives in the secondary cast). 
The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (from the director of Yuri!!! on Ice)
One of the supporting characters is a gay man struggling w/ masculinity
Gay schoolgirl episode all about female sexual repression
did i mention the titty is good
Princess Jellyfish
Prominent focus on gender presentation
Kuranosuke can be read as a closeted trans woman
Paradise Kiss
Heroine’s love interest is bisexual
Trans woman in the supporting cast; trans identity plays a major role in her story
Ouran High School Host Club
Discusses gender + gender presentation, though protagonist isn’t explicitly stated to be nonbinary
Protagonist’s parents implied to be genderqueer; father definitely bi
Plenty of gay subtext among the male cast
Scum’s Wish
Strong focus on female sexuality; main character is bisexual
Central cast also includes a lesbian
Discusses gender as more of an abstraction? Takes place in a world where everyone is born female to later choose a permanent gender. It does less to directly address gender than you’d expect, though, which is why I’m sticking it here
From the New World (Shin Sekai Yori)
Future dystopia where societal norms practically mandate bisexuality. Honestly, I dunno where to put this; the story’s more concerned with sexuality in general than with LGBT identity
Devilman Crybaby
Classic characters reinterpreted through a queer lens; important theme of coming to terms with one’s own sexuality and identity. Ryo is the definition of disaster gay 
LGBT REP: anime w/ positive depictions of LGBT characters, though not necessarily concerned w/ addressing queerness directly. 
Samurai Flamenco
Four words: gay naked gunpoint proposal. the show makes about that much sense but it’s a lotta fun
i don’t care what the director said
bisexual girl in a poly relationship 
No. 6
boys kissing tho???
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
pls ignore the manga and its magic dick nonsense
One of the two leads is a gay boy. He explicitly says so in the first episode. Avoid the live-action movie like the plague.
I should probably list Kase-san and Bloom Into You here
Mikagura School Suite
The heroine is REALLY THIRSTY for all the cute girls
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Beyond the obvious homoerotic overtones of Albert/the Count, there’s Franz’s gay crush
Sympathetic trans girl character in the secondary cast
Michiko and Hatchin (from the director of Yuri!!! on Ice!!!)
Girls are good ok
Atsuko is gay
Macross Delta
two girls in the supporting cast do a hell of a lotta cuddling on screen
some versions of Sailor Moon
namely the ‘90s anime
Sailor Moon Crystal and the manga do address gender in… questionable ways
Tokyo Godfathers
Trans woman in the main cast
Tiger and Bunny
Reasonably respectful portrayal of a gay man once it gets going
Central relationship between two men could be read as romantic
Whispered Words (Sasameki Koto)
One of the officers is a lesbian. She gets a focus episode
Monogatari series
Really just limited to Kanbaru, but she’s the most accurate depiction of the constantly horny dank meme problematic gay (e.g. me) i’ve ever seen, ironic propositioning of her straight dude friend and all. The rest of the franchise is obnoxious though, so ymmv
Kill la Kill?
i don’t know how else you interpret one girl kissing another on the mouth
Attack on Titan
If you’ve been living under a rock and somehow haven’t heard about it Ymir and Christa are all but explicitly stated to be in love with each other
Kino’s Journey
Kino asks people to use non-gendered pronouns, apparently? I haven’t seen this yet.
Knights of Sidonia
Non-binary character in the main cast
The manga goes some iffy places with their character tho, be warned
Really though, I mostly like this show for the sentient pink penis alien
Gatchaman Crowds
Several gender non-conforming characters
Trans girl in the main cast
Cardcaptor Sakura?
One of the dudes is canonically gay, not that it makes much of an improvement to the show
A Centaur’s Life
there’s a moment where a lesbian objects to her PDA being considered more obscene than the straight equivalent, which is nice but pretty off-the-cuff
Rose of Versailles
Oscar’s debatably genderqueer, though the show goes some real questionable places towards the end
Gay ladies?
Hunter x Hunter
Trans girl in the supporting cast. Her story’s extremely minor in the grand scheme of things but it’s there and it’s good
Love and Lies
potato-kun gets a harem that includes his male best friend
Land of the Lustrous
non-gendered rock people searching for meaning in life
Bodacious Space Pirates
via @madscientist212​: “two explicitly lesbian characters who are lovers, and one of the story arcs involves the crew helping one of them avoid being forced into an arranged marriage to a dude by her uncle”
Banana Fish
Extremely dated BL-flavored crime drama; unfortunately falls into the pitfalls of old-ass exploitation films: csa, sexual assault, etc. It’s such a problematic fav tho
Kiss Him, Not Me
Reverse harem includes a lesbian
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
heavy gay subtext between leads and secondary cast members; well-intentioned trans representation that’s... kinda clumsy, tbh
Zombie Land Saga
one of the zombie girls is a trans girl who dies from the shock of puberty. it’s p incidental to her character but the show’s real cute otherwise so go for it
Anima Yell
apparently one of the girls admits to having a crush on a female teacher. or something. idk this show looks hella boring why bother
THE SUBTEXT IS STRONK: not textually gay (some you could argue could fall under category #2 and vice versa; not the point of this post) but can be read that way, even though these shows aren’t super concerned w/ romance in general
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Depending on the version, Shinji’s sexuality can be read a variety of ways. Manga Shinji is pretty clearly bi; TV anime Shinji you could debate. 
Free, I guess
Love Live (Sunshine esp.) if I’m counting Free
Dear Brother (Oniisama e, otherwise known as BE STRONG)
Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
Nominally they’re straight and pining for the same girl but BOY do Kaoru and Sentarou have a LOT of chemistry with each other, so much that it’s hard to read them otherwise
Marimite (Maria Watches Over Us)
Izetta: The Last Thing I Would Watch Even If I Had a Gun Pointed at My Head
Despite what you may have heard, this show is bad and 100% plays in bait territory. Also, obnoxious gun fetishism and way. too. much. goddamn. phallic imagery.
Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
Umamusume: Pretty Derby
Princess Principal
I have complicated feelings about this goddamn trash fire of a show, but halfway through the second season it turns into a genuinely compelling gay pseudo-romance (?) about two boys navigating heteronormativity. also i guess the main couple exists, tho they spend a ridiculous amount of effort no-homoing
basically any sports anime ever tbh 
Golden Kamuy
MADE FOR THE STRAIGHTS BUT STILL OK: the yuri, BL, etc. that’s clearly targeted at a heterosexual audience but respectful enough to be enjoyable for the people they’re about
This Boy Caught a Merman
This Boy is a Professional Wizard
Strawberry Panic
Love Stage??? I have some qualms about putting this here but of the trashy BL anime that exist this is probably the least offensive
TEXTUALLY GAY BUT BLUGHHHH: the yuri and BL that just sux
Sakura Trick
Junjou Romantica (how the hell does this thing have three seasons)
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Gakuen Heaven
Dramatical Murder (POTATO DOGGO)
Super Lovers UGH
idk Gravitation and all that other crappy BL I don’t have the patience to list
GIMME THE TRASH NOW: problematic as all hell but i sure ain’t complainin b/c i’m gay ass trash
Netsuzou Trap (NTR)
Riddle Story of Devil
Love to Lie Angle
if you ever wanted a generic ass harem comedy except with a potato girl instead of a potato guy, here’s that compressed into 3 minutes
Corpse Party wwww
Gakuen Handsome FITE ME
NOT TOUCHING THIS HORNET’S NEST WITH A TEN FOOT POLE: pls,,,, save me from the Disk Horse
Sound! Euphonium
One of these days I might organize this a lil better. Maybe if/when Tumblr figures out how to make editing not a pain in the ass
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