#it was good at first bc i know a lot abt minerals and then RIGHT WHEN HOLIDAY BREAK IS ABOUT TO START I HURT MY FOOT
toomanysubcultures · 2 years
guys i might be turning into a math and social studies girlie instead of being a science and english girlie
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chezforshire · 4 years
Another thing Bon learns from Marce: Valentine's.
Marce doesn't know the history behind it but she knows what it's about, at least. She also has a healthy amount of dislike about capitalism's grasp on it but she's not 100% sure abt that bc that just came from Simon so idk don't take my word for it Bon.
Bon finds it cute as shit and wants to allot a day in the year for it. Marce thinks that's cute and hey she'll even perform some old love songs she remembers
So they prepare and tell the whole kingdom and Marce has to admit she's a little excited. She figured she might as well get something for Bon. As a friend ya know?
So, day comes, everything's just as planned. Well. Except for the insane influx of chocolates and flowers and gifts and what not for Bon.
In hindsight, she should have expected this. She is the princess (and their mother-creator thing) so of course they love her.
Marce looks at this and shrugs. She dumps her own gift (just some flowers she got from the other side of Ooo no biggie) and gets on with her performance. No one knows the songs, obviously, but they all still clap and are appropriately impressed at her skills.
It's not till before she leaves does she get something for her efforts.
They're at Bon's room (Marce always stays here for a bit before leaving, just chatting with Bon and doing whatever) and she's getting ready to go home when Bon casually asks if she could stay for a bit longer.
To sort through the gifts, you know?
Marce shrugs at this and floats her way to the bed. Before she could even pick up any of the gifts, Bon settles down next to her with the flowers she got her.
"I'm assuming this is from you?"
"No one's batshit crazy enough to go to where that thing grows, Bon" she laughs a little at her joke.
Bon smiles and looks at the flowers so softly. Something in Marce melts and she quietly hopes that she got Bon the best gift she'll get from these losers. She shakes that thought away and focuses on the gifts scattered on the bed.
Bon excuses herself for a second, "to find a vase for these plants", and lets Marce start opening the gifts.
She opens them up as gently as she could, being half demon and also vampire she's very much liable in breaking whatever is in the box. The first few were food (why... why would you wrap it up like a present? At least they put it in a box. Well, except for that one weirdo) some were seeds, the others were clothes that were either so tiny or so gigantic. Man, she's pretty sure she got Bon the best gift.
Then she gets to this one gift that's a motherfucking crystal she swore could only be gotten by someone of her strength.
Bon comes back at that moment, flowers in the vase, and sees Marce's petulant face. She puts the vase away and slides up next to her. "What's got you all scrunched up?"
Marce mumbles for a second then hands the rock over. Bon only notices it then and starts fawning over it. She picks it up and starts examining it with gusto. After around a dozen paragraphs, she turns to Marce and the question of where it could have come from dies on her tongue.
She puts it gently to the side and drapes herself dramatically over Marce. "Why are you being a sour puss?"
Marce sighs "Idk I just thought i got you a cool present and someone one upped me. Feel like i lost is all"
Bon hums at this. "I mean, yeah I guess that mineral is way cooler but so i kind of love yours more? Mostly cause it's from you to be honest"
"Oh." Marce feels really nice over that and she's pretty sure if blood still roamed around her body, it'd be rushing to her cheeks.
"Oh!" Bon suddenly sits up and jumps off the bed. She rummages through the little fridge she keeps in her room for a second and comes back up with a smile.
She walks up to Marce with a big smile and presents to her a little tupperware of strawberries.
Marce kinda looks at this quizzically. "Strawberries?"
"Yeah! I grew them myself! I did a lot of tweaking and adjusting to make the flavour translate through color too. There shouldn'tbe a difference in the taste as well even though i did notice it was different. I know you can still taste food, but you admit yourself that it's not as good as when you taste through color. So i tried to do my best with this one. I have like a hundred other strawberry bushes that aren't up to standard but yeah this is from the best so far."
She's rambling. Marce just watches her go on about how she made it and all that and now she's talking about the color wheel and it's s not her usual scientific rambling, but more. Her anxious rambling. From when she was half a century younger.
Okay why
Marce gently touches her hands and she snaps out of it. She turns several shades pinker and smiles unsure. She quietly offers the fruits again and Marce takes them gently.
She picks up one of the strawberries and examines it. There's a heavy and tense silence between them and she's not sure if what she's about to say and do is going to make things worse but hey fuck forward thinking.
"What does it taste like?"
Bon shrugs. "Well, if I did it right you should be able to taste it fully through the color."
"Nah Bon," marce presses the strawberry gently against Bon's lips, "what does it taste like?"
Bon hesitates for half a second before taking the gentlest bite. Marce is stares unabashedly as she chews slowly.
"It's sweet. Not overly so. The notes of acidity tells me I harvested them at just the right time."
Marce holds Bon's face gently, tilting her head towards her slightly. "You think I'd get the same taste?"
Bon leans into her hand "Maybe, only you can tell."
Marce pauses. She wishes she could say that she thought about what she was about to do. Say that this was the moment she said fuck it. Say that this was when she had all sorts of revelations and what not. But really? All she had in mind was "time to find out"
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kazieka · 5 years
Whumptober Day 20 - Trembling
“wait you skipped days 17-19″ i sure did! we’ll come back to those. i wanted 2 do today’s bc i’ve been playing skyrim again and got a lot of emotions abt that lil orphan kid in dawnstar. featuring my dragonborn iria bc she sucks and i love her
Alesan has been to all manner of cold places. When Father’s ship took him into the frozen North, he’d stared in wonder at the icebergs and the floes and the horkers on the icy pebble beaches.
He’s been in Dawnstar for two months now. Father’s death is still fresh in his mind and the Nords are as cold as the snow they live in.
They let him sleep in the Windpeak Inn from time to time, when it’s too cold for even the Nords, but most nights he sleeps in the stable with the horses, or in the chicken house. By day he runs errands for the miners and in return he gets a cup of stew twice a day.
The first time he meets her, he’s running past with empty dishes from the miners’ lunch, and he nearly runs straight into her. She catches him round the shoulder to keep him from falling in the snow. “Be careful, boy!” she calls after him. Her voice is rough and low, and Alesan thinks she might be a Dunmer.
He’s proven right the next day, as he goes to fetch water and sees her leaving the Mortar and Pestle, cramming a bottle into her bag. He can see her face this time, dark gray and scarred down the cheek. He’s seen Dark Elves before, but never so close, not even Priest Erandur, who always looks so cruel. (Alesan knows he’s not; he knows Erandur is a good man, because that’s what Thoring always says, and he never charges the priest for a bottle of ale now and then.)
She asks where his parents are and Alesan tells her the whole sad story. Mother dead of fever, years ago. Father taking him on board the ships he worked on, then falling sick days before they made port here in Dawnstar. How the crew put him and Father off the ship and left without them, for fear of Father’s illness. How Father died days later in the Windpeak Inn and now he is alone in a strange land and sleeping in the cold stable.
She listens to the whole thing. It surprises him a bit, the way she kneels down in the snow, in thick leather armor, to pay more attention. The bow slung over her shoulder gleams violet when it catches the light just right. Alesan realizes partway through his story that this isn’t a new villager or part-time miner - this is a warrior, some battle-hardened Dunmer adventurer who’s probably killed people before.
When he’s done telling her the whole tale, his heart feels lighter, but he realizes he might be late with the water and bids her a hasty goodbye. She slips him a septim and tells him to be safe.
He sees her at the inn later that night, bargaining for a room. He hopes she’ll stay in town.
She doesn’t. She’s gone the next morning, before Alesan comes in with the chicken eggs at dawn, and Thoring says she’s gone east, he thinks to Winterhold. He says to Karita, while Alesan gratefully sips his cup of stew by the fire, that her name is Iria, and he’s heard she fought dragons down in Whiterun. Frida shouts that it’s true, from her place by the door where she always sits to eat a bit of bread before opening her shop. To prove it, the old woman goes back to the Mortar and Pestle and comes back with a bone as long as Alesan is tall.
“She traded for some potions with these,” Frida says. “Dragon bones.”
Everyone in the inn gathers round to look and touch and murmur. But Alesan is finished with his stew, and the sun is coming up, and he’d better get on with his chores or he’ll get a slap for laziness.
Four days later, he wakes with a headache. He muddles through his chores and Abelone grabs him by the ear and shouts at him for moving so slowly. Karita follows him out of the inn and offers to feed the chickens for him, and Alesan nearly cries from the kindness.
“All I do is play and sing at night,” she says when he tries to choke out his thanks. “It’s all right. Why don’t you start down to the mines early, so you won’t have to run?”
The day passes in a fuzzy blur. His head pounds and his skin feels dry and hot, even under the driving snow. He drops a few (thankfully empty) dishes when the sun on the snow dazzles him. He spills the bucket of water and gets a box on the ear for it, then sent out to the stable with no supper.
He sits with the chickens instead, shivering even as he sweats through his threadbare tunic, occasionally brushing away ice that gathers on his eyelashes.
The sun is setting. A guard patrol passes, talking about the Khajiit caravans.
“Thieves and skooma dealers, all,” says one, and then she spits in the snow at the roadside.
“Aye,” says the other. “Don’t know why they keep coming by. Jarl Skald forbids them from entering the city, and no one in their right mind would trade with those shifty cats anyway.”
“I do,” says someone else, and Alesan recognizes the voice, and bolts upright so quickly he startles himself.
The Dunmer Iria stands up from where she’d been out of sight by the road. She tucks a few sprigs of snowberries into her bag. “Alesan, what are you doing outdoors in this weather?”
He can only shrug. She hops the fence and comes to crouch by the chicken house next to him. “I was naughty,” he manages, hoping she can hear him over the wind. “Spilled the water. Got sent outside with no supper.”
She clicks her tongue. “Shameful Nordic ways,” she says, then produces an apple and a cut of meat from her bag with seemingly no effort. “Here,” she says, and then as he moves to take it, she suddenly frowns.
A frown is never a herald of good tidings. The captain frowned when he saw Father’s illness. Abelone frowns when she sees a chore undone. Thoring frowns when he’s about to throw Alesan out of the inn on his head. But Iria, despite the harsh lines of her Dark Elf skin, doesn’t seem angry.
“What’s the matter, boy?” she asks softly.
Alesan takes the risk and snatches the food from her hands. “Nothing,” he says. If he admits to being sick he will be abandoned. Just like Father. And before him, Mother.
Her hand catches his wrist. Her skin is hot and cold all at once. Snowflakes settle and melt in an instant where their skin touches. “Are you sick?” she asks, in a voice he might call gentle if he were more familiar with the term.
“No. Just sat by the fire.” Alesan jerks his hand away and retreats a little into the chicken house. He sets into the meat like she’ll try to take it back. Who knows? Perhaps she would. It tastes like venison, dusty and tough, but it’s been days since he’s tasted meat. He tucks the apple into his tunic to save for later. It’s a bright spot of frozen cold against his ribs.
Iria regards him a moment, her face unreadable. “All right,” she says. “Well, for my own peace of mind, wrap up in this.” From her bag she draws a goathide, thick and furry, and drapes it over his shoulders.
“Thank you,” Alesan says dutifully, and he huddles into it. The hide is warm from her bag and smells like goats, but in a warm and earthy way, not in a vile way.
Iria goes inside the inn. Alesan picks at the venison, suddenly unwilling to finish it. His head aches. His chest, too, and he coughs a little. The guards look his way and he stifles the rest.
If they know you’re sick they’ll put you in a bed and wait for you to die, just like Father. Then they’ll bury you in the bedsheets you died in behind the smelter, no gravestone or marker, just an upturned pile of frozen dirt.
He must have fallen asleep, because the Windpeak Inn’s door slams open what feels like moments later, and Iria emerges, shouting words Alesan hears the miners say all the time but won’t explain to him. Thoring is shouting back, and Karita is crying, and Abelone is waving her firetongs around like a madwoman.
“— clearly sick, and sleeping outside, slaving away for you, and you hardly feed him, it’s no fucking wonder!” Iria shouts.
“You don’t know our ways, outsider!” Thoring shouts back, spittle flying. “Begone!”
“I’ll be gone soon enough!” the Dunmer shouts right back in his face. She spits on the threshold and slams the door in his face.
Alesan watches, wrapped in the goathide, feeling oddly detached from the scene. Even when Iria dusts herself off and hops the fence, coming close and kneeling in the snow beside him, he doesn’t feel like he’s part of things. Like he’s a spirit, or he’s watching it all happen through a magic portal. Iria touches his face, carefully, and her skin feels cold this time, cold as the Northern ice.
“Oh, child,” she says sadly. “Come with me. You’re far too sick to sleep outside.”
It’s a bit of a struggle, remembering how to speak, but Alesan manages. “Where?”
“Don’t worry about that. Anywhere’s better than here, isn’t it?” She takes back her hand and rifles through her things. “I haven’t got any disease cures on me,” she says, “but I’ve got some spiced wine from Solitude. Have a bit, it’ll put color in your cheeks.”
It goes down like a shock of fire, cinnamon and clove. It wakes him a little. Just enough to realize what this warrior-woman is asking. “Leaving?” he says, unsure of what he means.
“Yes, yes. What about Whiterun? It’s farther south, warmer too. Maybe not cozy, but it snows a good deal less. And you won’t be running errands for the miners anymore.”
He doesn’t want to go begging in another city. At least here in Dawnstar he gets to sleep by a fire and some hot stew. “But,” he says, and then stops.
“Don’t worry,” she says, cupping his cheek, and perhaps the fever is making his mind topsy-turvy but it feels like Mother’s hand. “There’s a nice warm house there, Lydia can look after you. She’s great, you’ll love her. You’ll be taken care of.”
The possibilities swarm his head like a bunch of bees. He hates Dawnstar, he realizes quite suddenly. He hates the snow and the ice and he hates Thoring and his inn, he hates the miners and he hates the Jarl and the ships that dock here and send off sailors to die in a foreign, frozen wasteland. “Yes,” he chokes out. “Please.”
She scoops him up with little visible effort. “Then lets get started on the road.”
It’s darkening quickly, and Alesan wants to point that out, and isn’t it terribly dangerous to take the roads at night? But he’s exhausted, and the gentle touch of the woman carrying him is so dreadfully familiar and strange all at once, and he wants nothing more than to go to sleep and wake up somewhere safe.
He doesn’t fall asleep, exactly, but he does fall into something of a trance for a bit. Iria doesn’t take the roads at all - instead she cuts across the road to the very outskirts of town, where dark shapes loom up and a low fire smolders.
The Khajiit caravan, he realizes distantly.
“Ho, Ahkari,” says Iria. Her voice sounds strange with Alesan’s ear pressed against her chest. “I must beg your hospitality.”
“There is no need to beg,” says a strangely accented voice from across the smoldering coals. “Ahkari is always glad to see the Dragonborn. She brings such good wares. But what is this cub in her arms?”
“An orphan from Dawnstar. He’s terribly ill and the village refuses to care for him. I will pay handsomely if Ahkari’s caravan will let him rest in a tent until dawn, and then we will be on our way.”
“Keep the gold,” says the voice. Alesan rouses himself enough to turn and peek out of the goathide. “Ahkari does not let cubs suffer the cold of Skyrim alone.”
“Thank you,” says Iria.
Ahkari is indeed a Khajiit, with huge gleaming blue eyes that flash in the firelight. Alesan hasn’t seen a Khajiit up close since one time when Father sailed on a merchant ship with a Khajiit cook. The captain had him thrown overboard later, claiming to have caught him eating Moon sugar.
Ahkari gets up from the fire and leads the way to one of the dark looming shapes behind her, her tail weaving in the light, her whiskers catching the starlight and glowing silver. She pulls open the tent flap and gestures. “Come in, come in. Ahkari will fetch food for the Dragonborn and the cub. There are furs and pelts aplenty inside.”
The rest of the night is blurry. Alesan can later recall bits of it — hearing a rhythmic grinding of a pestle, liquid bubbling — twisting his hands in some soft fur, sweating and trembling, as someone speaks softly to him — a quiet song sung in a language he doesn’t speak, but that sounds like a lullaby — another Khajiit coming into the tent with a pitcher, its ears pricked high and its green eyes glowing in the dark — Iria gently patting his face with a damp cloth that’s so cold he wants to cry — someone urging him to drink, a bottle pressed to his mouth, but it smelled so vile he turned away and refused, so someone pinching his nose shut til he had to open his mouth to breathe, then a mouthful of the horrible liquid burning down his throat. Then a gentle encouragement, and a different bottle offered, something smelling of cinnamon and clove that burns in a different way but at least chases away the taste of the awful drink before.
He calls her Mama by accident, but she doesn’t correct him.
So he doesn’t stop. Not even weeks later, in Whiterun, playing tag with Lucia and Braith. When Lydia calls them in for supper, he asks when Mama is coming home. As he lies in bed across the small room from Lucia, they trade whispered stories about Mama, and Lucia talks about how Mama found her sleeping on that bench up by the Gildergreen tree and took her in.
And every few days, when Mama does come home, even for just a few hours or for a night, she always brings them presents, even when it’s only been a day since she last saw them. She brings expertly crafted dolls from the Khajiit caravans, or sweetrolls, or taffy, or a new tunic. Once, he begs her to teach him how to fire a bow, but she laughs and says he’s too small for that yet. But she goes up to Belethor’s store and buys a wooden sword that’s the perfect size for him, and she sets up a mannequin in their room and starts to teach him and Lucia how to use it.
Sometimes she comes in late, in the wee hours of the morning, covered in blood and thinking he and Lucia are asleep, and Lydia cleans her armor and scolds her gently for being so careless. Sometimes Alesan will steal upstairs and crawl in her bed, and Mama always lets him; she pulls him close and kisses his hair, and he traces the scars on her gray cheek.
She is not his mother — she is Mama, and she is the only good thing that has ever happened to him.
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daisywords · 5 years
Are there any rare minerals or gems in your world? Who are they valuable to? What are they used for? - What is the level of technological advancement in your world? Does everyone have equal access or do some people have more access than others? - What does the average family look like in your world?
hhh…I haven’t thought abt minerals/gems at all tbh except based on the world’s internal logic, there would be several main indicators of value that would intersect: 
simplest structure/easiest for Ciaric folks to work with, (something like olivine, perhaps) (for context, I’m talking abt a magic system)
properties like hardness, softness, conductivity, etc that can be useful
rarity (ofc)
difficulty to work with (a finished product made of a complex material would be more expensive than one made of an easier material, especially because the reason you would make that is because of #2)
and of course all this is related to technological advancement. 
How the Ciaric magic system translates the most into functional use is pretty much super good manufacturing skills, so folks in Ciar/Daenar generally have the most access to the best tech. (two countries, same race.) However, it’s more complicated than that. 
Both Ciar And Daenar engage in a lot of trade w/ Tarrian (bigger region w/ ppl who can’t do magic,) but of course that’s uneven bc Tarrian isn’t very centralized. But Tarrian provides a lot of raw materials for Ciar and Daenar, and imports a lot of their goods, so in places w/ a lot of trade, Ciaric goods are pretty accessible. Breidon is the biggest Tarrish trading city, and if you’re a rich person in Breidon, you’ll probably have a better standard of living/higher tech than if you’re a Midrian living in Daenar (bc you’re basically a second class citizen/not even allowed to be a citizen but ANYway)
congrats if you got through that paragraph w/ me just throwing my lingo everywhere
in terms of actual level of tech…it’s kinda hard to explain/some of it is still up in the air. They don’t really use steam or combustion engines (I don’t think) but they do have train-style transport on track systems, which originally had something to do w/ electromagnetism but now I’m not sure… and they do use electricity but not quite in the same way we do
so anyway in Ciar, you’ll see electric lighting and free public transport and running water and temperature control and all that jazz
in rural parts of Tarrian, you’ll see oil lamps and people traveling on horses/carts/on foot and going out to the well for water and stuff like that
OK and then abt families…
back in ye olde days, extended families were super important in Ciar, and things got pretty out of hand w/ family allegiances and feuds and tribalism (is that the right word?) a la Romeo and Juliet and everything was basically controlled by a few Ciaric High Families and things got so out of control that they basically revolutionized their society and swung things really far in the opposite direction. (This is also around the same time that a lot of people left for the mainland and voila that was the beginning of Daenar but there was multiple reasons for that)
So anyway nowadays things are different. Family names were abolished, and so everyone gets addressed by their first name (you have a second name for legal/administrative purposes but those aren’t inherited; they’re assigned when you reach legal adulthood.) The only legally recognized family bonds are spouse/spouse and parent/child. (aka you’re not legally related to your sibling/grandparent/aunt etc.) And community is supposed to take precedence over family ties. It’s seen as kinda unpatriotic and sketchy to be super tight w/ your extended family. 
So in Ciar, people generally “live” with just their spouse and non-adult kids if they have them. Doesn’t this get lonely? No. This ties into the fact that most of Ciar is technically one giant building. People don’t have houses, they have rooms, basically. They’re tight w/ their neighbors bc functionally they do pretty much live together. The concept of a “family unit” is pretty loose and almost doesn’t exist. 
Daenar is kind of like this but not as extreme. They still don’t have family names and all that, but they do have separate houses. (and lots of apartments but anyway.) But it’s much more common in Daenar for a few different couples to live together, or a group of friends or whatever. 
The Midrians are…pretty much on the opposite end of the spectrum. Family and extended family is super super important, as is genealogy and respect for ancestors. (This ties into the midrian magic system a lot.) This is a huge reason that Daenic ppl don’t like the Midrians, bc Ciaric/Daenic culture sees family allegiance as primitive and their own way of life as more civilized. 
Midrians will often live together as extended families, with grandparents or great-grandparents as the patriarch and matriarch. Of course, because of forced assimilation, a lot of them don’t anymore… esp those who are more well off and live outside fo the Midrian districts, as the way to do that is pretty much to be a solo/traveling worker and maybe shack up w/ a few friends. 
Tarrish families will vary a lot based on socioeconomic status, and urban/rural divides but they’re more in-between: maybe something like a “nuclear family” with a grandparent or uncle or something thrown in. And they’re like allowed to ya know, hang out w/ their cousins or something without it being weird. 
wow anyway this got really long but these are really good questions! thanks for the ask!
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embur · 7 years
all evens 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
i'm just doing them all bc i don't feel like deleting every other question on mobile (too difficult imo)1: How tall or short do you wish you were?like 5'2-4"
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)nice cat
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?v lazy n comfortable
4: What was your favorite video game growing up?honestly i have no clue what games i played or what i did for fun At All until the age of 9 so imma go w that game: wow
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:idk i only ever think abt what's immediately pertaining to me
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?idk
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?no person
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]idk
9: Are you ticklish?ya
10: Are you allergic to anything?Dust and Dogs and Cats
11: What’s your sexuality?lèsbian
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?cocoa
13: Are you a cat or dog person?idk imma say cat even though i never had one
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?elf, they seem the normalest n i don't wanna change into the other 2
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?cārlsāgān42 minus the -'s
16: How tall are you?5'8-9"
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?i already changed it to colleen so idk that was all my creativity
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]like 200 + tax
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?sure
20: Do you like space or the ocean more?space
21: Are you religious?idk
22: Pet peeves?my mom
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?diurnal bc that's what everything is based off of for hyumans
24: Favorite constellation?idk
25: Favorite star?idk
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?not if they he creepy ones
27: Any phobias or fears?bugs, trýpóphóbíá, loud people esp men
28: Do you think global warming is real?ya i don't have to Think it though
29: Do you believe in reincarnation?i hope it happens but idk
30: Favorite movie?imma say wreck it ralph
31: Do you get scared easily?ya
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?2 dogs but they died
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]99999999/10
34: What is a color that calms you?pastel colors idk
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?everywhere for both of possible
36: Where were you born?gretna
37: What is your eye color?grayish
38: Introvert or extrovert?introvert
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?sure
40: Hugs or kisses?hugs
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?christina
42: Who is someone you love deeply?christina
43: Any piercings you want?some on ears, maybe something more idk
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?piercings mainly
45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so?no
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!nice
47: What is a sound you really hate?my moms bfs dog whining at my door when i didn't ask to be left home alone w her
48: A sound you really love?silence
49: Can you do a backflip?into/in a pool ya
50: Can you do the splits?nope
51: Favorite actor and/or actress?idk
52: Favorite movie?wreck it ralph didn't they alrdy ask this
53: How are you feeling right now?kinda bad as usual
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?a darker brown
55: When did you feel happiest?idk
56: Something that calms you down?asmr videos
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]idk What but imma say yes, at the least i know i got depression
58: What does your URL mean?i like it bc it's short
59: What three words describe you the most?bad bad bad
60: Do you believe in evolution?don't have to
61: What makes you unfollow a blog?almost anything
62: What makes you follow a blog?a lot of people i follow follow it
63: Favorite kind of person:nice
64: Favorite animal(s):cat dog idk
65: Name three of your favorite blogs.idk
66: Favorite emoticon:💕
67: Favorite meme:idk specifically
68: What is your MBTI personality type?intj
69: What is your star sign?capricorn
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?no
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?t shirt n gym shorts
72: Post a selfie or two?nei takk
73: Do you have platform shoes?nope
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?i have no life
75: Can you do a front flip?on a trampoline or into/in a pool
76: Do you like birds?sure
77: Do you like to swim?sure
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?swimming
79: Something you wish didn’t exist:evil
80: Some thing you wish did exist:more goodness
81: Piercings you have?none
82: Something you really enjoy doing:laying down
83: Favorite person to talk to:idk abt picking favorites between friends feels bad
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?sux
85: How many followers do you have?23
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?ya
87: Do your socks always match?ya
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?ya
89: What are your birthstones?blue topaz
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?human
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?idk
92: A store you hate?costco, i never been there but it feels Wrong
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?as many as i'm given idk
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?fly
95: Do you like to wear camo?No.
96: Winter or summer?winter bc it doesn't get That cold here n all the bugs die
97: How long can you hold your breath for?idk i rarely test that
98: Least favorite person?my dad i guess
99: Someone you look up to:anyone who's taller than me
100: A store you love?idk
101: Favorite type of shoescrocs
102: Where do you live?nèw òrlèàns
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?no
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?alexandrite
105: Do you drink milk?ya
106: Do you like bugs?No.
107: Do you like spiders?No.
108: Something you get paranoid about?if i'm a bad person
109: Can you draw:yes, but def not well
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?idk
111: A question you hate being asked?idk
112: Ever been bitten by a spider?nope
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?not particularly
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?cloudy
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:christina
116: Favorite cloud type:i can't remember the name but the puffy ones
117: What color do you wish the sky was?the same color as now
118: Do you have freckles?i guess
119: Favorite thing about a person:how nice they are
120: Fruits or vegetables?neither bc i'm unhealthy but fruits of i had to
121: Something you want to do right now:i'm not gonna put that on here
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?sky
123: Sweet or sour foods?sweet
124: Bright or dim lights?dim
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?idk
126: Something you hate about Tumblr:everything
127: Something you love about Tumblr:mine friends
128: What do you think about the least?idk i barely honk abt whatever it is
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?rest in peace
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?myself
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?being trąns and lęsbįąn, or i guess i'm Made to hate myself for those things
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?ya
133: Computer or TV?computer
134: Do you like roller coasters?sure
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?ya
136: Are your ears lobed or attached?lobed
137: Do you believe in karma?idk
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?1 or 2
139: What nicknames do you have/have had?collie
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?i dont think so
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?ya
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?i hope good but idk
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?both
144: What makes you angrya lot
145: How many languages do you speak fluently?one
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?girls
147: Are you androgynous?i would rather be
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:nothing
149: Favorite thing about your personality:nothing
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.trent stephanie christina
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?this one?
152: Do you like BuzzFeed?no idk
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?i think head kiss is better
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?ya but more so them playing w my hair
156: What embarrasses you?everything
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:everything
158: Biggest lie you have ever told:idk
159: How many people are you following?156
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?idk
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?105
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?idk
163: Last time you cried and why:i don't remember when/why
164: Do you have long or short hair?long for a boy short for a girl
165: Longest your hair has ever been:however long it is now
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?idk
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?no
168: Do you like to wear makeup?idk i've never worn it yet
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds?i don't think so
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?i hope i did
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