#it was genuinely an honor and just the sweetest to hear from you friend !!!
rosylamb · 11 months
You are beautiful beyond words, this world could use more people like you 💕
Oh . . my friend ⋆˙⊹ ! ! ! 🌸 🤍
Where do I even begin ?? This caught me by surprise you know !!
This was *so* nice though ♡ ♡
You took a moment to share something sweet with me! Something to make me smile & that honestly means a lot c:
(Which I did! I’m a little embarrassed, and yes very surprised . . but this *did* get a smile from me !!!)
Thank you so much !! If I’m being entirely honest, I don’t think I’m worth the praise, but I’m really grateful to you for it all the same ♡ ♡
Here is a hug if you’d like, and my sincere gratitude! Also I brought mini cupcakes for lunch today, and I will share with you if you want one hehe :D
Sending *lots* love & all my warmest well-wishes in return! ♡
Please keep being the sweet and wonderful person you are, my friend, cause the world needs more people like you, too ~ ! ! !
🌸.˚🧸 ⊹ * ♡ .   ʚ XOXO ɞ ⋆˙⊹ 🤍
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34 Headcanons for 34 years of Matty Healy.
Todays installment of Birthday Week. In honor of Matty turning 34 tomorrow. Here’s so cuteness.
Warning: contains smut.
Matty as a friend:
He’s definitely the kind of friend to roast you as a way of expressing affection.
He’d tell embarrassing stories about you as a way to show how proud he is of you / how close you are.
The cuddly, physically touchy type of friend who doesn’t hesitate to hug, cuddle, share a bed, share clothes, etc.
Will try to mother you when you’re sick, sad, or otherwise need support.
Has exclusively embarrassing photos of you in his camera roll. Like with you half-blinking, a little too zoomed in, or mid-bite when eating.
He’s your own personal hype man.
He loves it when you’re there for him through tough times, though he doesn’t always acknowledge it.
He doesn’t need to, though, cuz you know he’d be there for you through thick and thin. No doubt about it.
Super protective of you around new guys/ fresh relationships. Wants to know everything about this dude and how he treats you. Wants to meet him wayyyy too soon.
Definitely has a spare key to his house just for you, so you can pop by whenever. Which you take advantage of because he stocks the pantry with your favorite snacks, has all the fancy beverages, and loves to play video games with you.
Matty as a boyfriend:
The most passionate partner you’ve ever been with.
He gets flustered and shy around you when he’s fallen for you. It’s a surprise because he’s normally confident and unreserved, so it takes both of you by surprise.
He compensated for it by showing just how much he values you through planning the most intimate, romantic dates around the most mundane activities, like going for a walk together, or getting takeout and watching tv.
Gushes about you to the guys way too early in the relationship. Will text them in the group chat right after the date, spilling every detail, romanticizing every second, and asking if they think he has a chance with you.
The guys embrace you quickly because they can’t tell how happy you make Matty. But it is a bit overwhelming to wrap your head around at first. Their bond is special and intense, and it makes you fall in love with him even more.
Wears his favorite shirt for two days before leaving for tour to make it smell like him, so he can leave it behind for you when he goes.
Texts you random snacks that he tries while abroad from whatever country he’s in. Like, ketchup flavored lays, or Kinder Surprise, or matcha KitKat. Brings you samples to taste of anything you express interest in.
Facetimes you from backstage, kinda weepy and sad, cuz he misses you. He’s soft and whispery and a bit shy about it, and the boys tease him on the call in front of you.
The sound of your voice singing 1975 songs is his favorite thing in the entire world.
Wants to get a tattoo for you but you won’t let him because “what if we breakup and you have it on your body forever.”
Matty in the bedroom:
Matty is completely obsessed with your moans. Will absolutely not accept you trying to hold back, be quite, or in any way stifle your voice in the bedroom.
You have tried all sorts of wild things in bed, but if Matty had to choose, he thinks missionary is his favorite position.
He just loved looking into your eyes as he fucks you. Loves being able to watch the pleasure overtake you slowly, at first, and then all at once when the orgasm hits.
He’s addicted to the feeling of your fingers pulling at his hair when he’s in between your legs.
Genuinely loves giving head. Would do it all day everyday if you’d let him.
Has all sorts of nicknames for you depending on the mood, but he just loves when you get so turned on that you chant his name. Doesn’t want you to call him anything else. Just hearing “Matty” come out of your lips when you whine for him is enough to get him hard.
Sex is absolutely great with Matty, but he’s at his sweetest afterwards. Reaching for you, cuddling, kissing, taking care of, and cleaning, you up. The sound of his heart still racing from your crazy activities, while he softly holds you close could make you burst with love.
You’re in love with needy Matty. When he gets so desperate and so vulnerable that he doesn’t care ahout games or appearances or anything…he just wants you and he wants you now. Really bad. And he will whine, beg, do whatever you want just to have you.
He loves watching you touch yourself cuz he thinks it’s the perfect chance to shower you with compliments and boost your confidence.
You love giving him a blowjob with him standing and you between his legs because you can’t get enough of the feeling of him getting shaky and his knees going wobbly when he’s about to cum.
Breakup Matty:
Cries himself to sleep every night thinking about what it used to feel like sharing a bed with you.
Your scent is all over his hoodies and bedsheets and tees but he refuses to wash them cuz he doesn’t wanna lose what he has left of you.
Writes too many sappy angsty love songs about you and cries recording the vocals. George is so frustrated that he texts you about it.
Shows up drunk at your doorstep begging to get you back and making grand speeches and promises and asking to kiss your lips.
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captainkurosolaire · 2 years
Farewell, Friends.
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A neighing mare of sudden pause, loomed over a port. Awaiting was a crumbling empire, a sea vessel that laid host to countless memories. Overhead above clouds brought a grieving shadow. What anticipated prior, began to drizzle as accursed rain wept. The Captain underneath canopies, with stolen steed reached a trot before he hopped off saddle-back. Petting with a gentleness, warmth, not befitting with callous hands for a savage. Praising the life curated before it,  with such a serene grace, before fetching his back satchel and giving over a small container of berries. “Go home.” He patted lastly, watching his tamer for a briefness, but took off with the commandment of his hand swatting off distantly. Tears of sky poured onto his being. Walking softly up the gangplank to his ship’s deck and parking under the flag ship's main mast. Surveying left and right, with a scan, giving a crooked smirk, what a tremendous story. His feline ear’s picked up the sound of his closest. It filled him unlike anything. The flood continued to drench him. Sorrow often always followed him aside with rain, oh ...how he despised it. Always leading to era-defining change. This day felt as such. Removing his shirt to connect himself closer to nature. Letting the flood wash over him lean against the pillar mast until laying prone staring up into the drifting clouds. Allowing genuine tears to become hidden. From Crew’s being massacred, to mutinies, mental-fallout, to being shipwrecked. Overcome all those ordeals, somehow attracting a reason to rebirth. All wanting was his Crew, to not only retrieve the best, but somewhere safe like his perception of family. The bastard orphan; turn incidental successor of a Pirate Captain, never could keep it very long.
Those dismantlement's have a singular man at the helm; who survived there’s no mistake, he held guilt. His current Crew, who seemed destined for being a Last, was in turmoil from a stealth traitor. Evidence of irrefutably surfaced, as long as Captain lived and remained, he couldn’t preserve anybody and neither was peace.
Sometimes, treasure’s so big that can’t even fit in your palm are brought before you. They breathe abundance, rich unmatched soul-fulfilling happiness. Greed wanted this forever, but there proved one painstaking, gut-wrenching, solution.
Abruptly his confession of internal pain quelled, hearing an energetic Viera referred to as Whyte, “Captain! What are you doing out here silly? You’re going to catch a cold! Don’t worry I’ll umbrella you!” Her playfulness began swatting and striking against every rain and gave a hi-yah! She puffed herself up with a inhale, and pretended to be a balloon. Striving but unsuccessfully, he couldn’t help but smirk. He gasped air out with a lowness, “Will ye assemble the Crew t’ th’ galley for me?” Now attempting to catch every rain-droplet with her mouth but making fish-faces, hearing the tone in his voice even subtle she paused from her antics. “Aye, aye, Cap’n!” She saluted before scurrying with an unyielding robust energy. Gathering composure, Kuro refreshed before joining his community. A mountain of feast prepared as his various Crew’s personalities all squabble and contrasted another, except three empty seats. Those stung against his heart chords, was his fault. There was a behemoth Hellsguard with jolly laughing and tugging at a boar’s cooked head with a tiny Lalafell, “I’m bigger Me-Me show honor! I deserve the largest portion as tribute!” Comically the pint-sized Lalafell was giving him trouble in a strength contest. “Let go, Gark, I’m warning you! – Do you want to die?” Looking into her blackhole of eye’s he removed his grip. “Uh-uh, you know what. I'll just take the chocobo leg. Only ‘cause I’m a gentleman!” He tried saving his knight-bound pride, but reality afraid. What a chaotic Gremlin.  The sweetest Matron’s voice chimed, “It’s no worry, I prepared extra.” The mastodon Crimson Baron brought his hands together, “Dear Twelve, Thank you for blessing us with Slafhota.” Then proceeded to animistic gnawing bite. The maiden of sea who proved to be Captain’s advisor and counselor saw the Seeker’s troubled visage.
“Are you okay Captain?” She softly asked with an allurement that could soothe anything over, everyone pausing with a stare. “... I think we should disband. Least fer th’ year, the other’s are gone that long anyway.” Shock traversed through all them. “Whaaaa!” Said Viera, who’s boundlessness was screeching off the rails. The Wildwood Elezen meditating in corners, thought with insight, could see carefully through Captain’s ruse, his planned intentions to bait out the culprit, traitor, hiding amongst them. “So it’s like that.” Intelligently and without emotion didn’t fuss, instead a smile amused occur. Heat broke through the room, tense. “It’s funny… Could’ve sworn I heard him – our LOVELY Cap’n suggest we disband! If that was the case, I’d have to castracate and add a cat to our menu!” His meal was soured, interrupted, intimidating with his hulking presence and began standing across with daggers.
Captain’s head didn’t sulk or lower itself further, instead with a brazenness, “You heard me, I said we should disband. Or least, me. As long as I’m surrounded by Crew, the traitor will never reveal themselves, furthermore, like Slafhota, secondary injuries will occur in your attempts t’ protect me. When I was left on my own, attempts against me didn’t halt. This hatred, animosity, of the betrayer will extend until they have me cornered, or dead to rights. I can stand up to many things in life; but what will keep me up, does affect me, is bringing pain to what–who matters. I will not have you all end up like my other botched, failed, and bottom-sea dwelling kindred. Ye are what I treasure! ...But I will relinquish you t’ save shining glory.” Said having to squish his own heart like a Scourge to-do this feat.
The Hellsguard wrathfully roared, “HELLS! You’re dead Cap’n, I didn’t leave my peaceful retired life just to have something end with dull! YOU DESERVE TO BE ALONE, YOU MISERABLE MISCREANT!” Enraged with rage, he blazed through the feast and squeezed the Seeker against the wall making an indented crater. His dangerous fire, built up with his sorrow but was nullified by the Elezen who calmly put a fortified screen that surrounded Captain in a protective veil to safeguard him. The Might of the Goldbrand’s wrist was grabbed softly with a calming reassurance in the Sea Maiden, “Gark, come with me. It’s okay.” Like water she prevented the fire from escalating in destruction. Kuro, left unhooked, fell to his rear. Viera, often in positivity, was sobbing uncontrollably, “I don’t want to leave you! What will I do!?” Nothing could prevent the Scoundrel from feeling empathy. All of them were hurting.
“Pirate. I don’t always agree with you. However, this time I do. In-order to reach salvation, sometimes, you must leave things to faith.” Zieton the Historian who often was on the principal’s of the Twelve’s deeds, gave a surprising defense. With that, other’s began to buckle and accept their leader’s decision. Kuro closed his eyes momentarily before comforting Whyte, “It’s just fer a little while. Summer isn’t that long. Aim for sightseeing, enjoy your own interest. Yer life is worth discovering.” Patting and squeezing with a tight embrace before swinging her playfully around and landing on her feet and giving her a dancing twirl. She couldn’t help but be removed, the rain inside her stopped. Composing her sob, “U-um okay, but! I’m marking the calendar, a moment late, I’ll kick your ass!” She tugged his cheeks before spiritedly walking out to reconvene outdoors. The Wildwood Elezen had served as a caring mentor alongside his Counselor Slafhota. Three people didn’t voice their thoughts, either they were trusting, shy, or one of them was trying to contain their laughter, achieving what they wanted. Oblivious, one remnant of Crew, was the Ghoul who established a close-bond with the Fearless Pirate. Practically almost like that of a pet-owner as odd it sounded. Kuro took so much care to the often seen monstrosity. Unable to understand at all what was transpiring with lack of humanization behind such a foul-curse. Just continuing to drink blood-packs, Captain dropped to his knees, “Mate. You gotta go with th’ others. Follow, Slafhota, she’ll keep your needs met. Be the person who handles your gluttony.” Xaela paused and cast a head-tilt, not understanding one bit, instead tried sharing his food supply to his Captain.
The Seeker calmly refused, <“No mate! You have t’ go!”> Pointing at the doors and giving sign-language even speaking in his native that he was working on reteaching him, destined to one-day cure his blight; least was... Crazy to think but through all this frightening and horrified grimly appearance the Xaela, Captain felt so safe, a partial split-soul that was sundered, was identical. Getting up onto his twos, the towering presence over Captain. Chains that restrained him for the safety of others, by his own-doing. Were unhooked. “My nightly friend, b’ free.” Closing his eye’s ashamed and holding his head down, the Ghoul suddenly grappled the Seeker’s wrists, and pointed for the door. Implying they were going together. A hand on his hilt sword, with a boundless devotion to serve. Kuro resisted his tugging and chopped the leash of their connected link with having to destroy himself further, “NAY, I SAID GO! NOW!” Forcing his aether to spike and anger. Like; letting a bonded animal go, with a monstrous stare black sclera's and crimson orbs, the Nihlius hearing commandment forced him to obey; recognizing trouble, but not understanding anything. The worst kind of hurt to inflict on someone you love. Silence befell until he was left alone in a room of dark. [ ♫What if the Storm Ends♫ - Reference - Last Chapter ] (Reference since lot of Crew faces to consume.)
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veetlegeuse · 2 years
i told myself i wasn’t going to make a sappy new years post but i’m home alone and stuck with my thoughts so i thought, why not? this has easily been one of the hardest years of my life. i’ll spare everyone the gory details and instead say this: 2022 can suck my fuckin’ nuts.
that being said, i did have a really good handful of keeping me afloat. so i’m gonna talk about them. 😤
my og tumblr besties, my southside spooktacular ghouls, the freakin’ loves of my life, thank you for always being around and dealing with my dumb ass, from health scares to oc shenanigans, i freakin’ love you guys.
@waterloou — lou. my freakin’ soulmate. my forever writing partner. i love you so much. thank you for allowing me to immediately ramble about anything and everything at any given moment. thank you for trusting me with your lovingly created characters. thank you for helping me grow, as a writer, as an editor, as a person. you are incredible and i hope you stay in my life forever.
@humangrumpycat — laurien. thank you for blessing me with your absolutely brilliant mind. you are so creative, so smart. your rewrite of stranger things is genuinely better than the original. the suffer brothers could never. i know i’m terrible at responding to you, but please know that i see you and i see what you create and i feel so goddamn honored to be privy to it.
@s-s-southsideserpentine — court. my fellow libra queen. you have been such an insane help to me this year. delicate would honestly not have been nearly as good without your constant support and help. you have no idea how much it means to me that you have been around to read and edit literally almost at a moment’s notice. thank you for that, and for always introducing me to cool music and cool shows and swapping opinions and theories with me.
moving on to my new discord girlies, the co-captains of the s.s. friendship, the keepers of the greenhouse. when anna mentioned adding some new friends to a group chat, i was apprehensive, but i was introduced to two of the sweetest souls and i am so grateful.
@joaquinwhorres — anna. i love that we have become such good friends this year. it has been so refreshing to be friends with someone so open to communication, who doesn’t shy away from tough conversations. it has been so fun getting to know you better and hearing your teacher stories and seeing the kind of work you do outside of the incredible work you do on the internet. also, my phone will forever want to correct ‘the’ to ‘thé’ for the rest of time thanks to you. a constant reminder of our friendship.
@bobfloydsbabe — helena. you sweet, sweet angel. you are so full of love and light, so kind and so thoughtful. i say this with love, it is a wonder that someone as wonderful as you came from such a chaotic family. i just adore you to pieces and i am so proud to say i know you. i am so glad anna introduced us.
@rae-gar-targaryen — rae. we met during a drama storm, and you instantly saw me giving my most rabid dog protector energy and still accepted me anyway lmao. you are easily one of the coolest people i’ve met on the internet, your way with words is incredible, and it has been so, so nice getting to know you.
and, of course, last but certainly not least, my smoshy partner in crime.
@carmens-garden — anna-maria. every conversation we have brings me so much joy. i love having a friend who is into smosh as much as i am, and i love that that mutual love brought us together, because you are wonderful. you are such a joy, and so sweet and so generous. it is an absolute pleasure to be your friend.
i hope 2023 brings y’all everything you deserve and more. 🫶🏼
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
I'd like to hear some of your headcanons about Miho and Duke! :D
Ask and ye shall receive buddy!!!! 💖
I'm gonna so some single headcanons for each of them and then ship hcs bc I got fucking brain rot for them.
Okay in the manga it is mentioned that Miho actually is a student librarian and I fully believe this girl is actually a huge bookworm. She loves fantasy and romance novels and always has a ton of books she loves to reccomend and would be an active part of booktok. She also probably adores shojo manga.
She owns every Bridgerton novel too you cannot convince me otherwise. She binges that show like it's the end of the world. She wants a regency era dress so bad. And a tiara.
Everyone kinda treats her as ditzy but I think she's smart in a lot of things that no one gives her credit for or sees as useful. She's actually really good at literary analysis and she's really good at making her own little knick knacks that make her happy. I think she just gets caught up in her own mind and her own daydreams she kinda just doesn't give as much attention or thought to conventional things or sometimes people's emotions but she tries so hard.
Would probably actually be a jack of all trades in several different areas bc she also picks up on her friends hobbies.
She always wants to go to Build A Bear with her friends so they can make plushies that can be besties.
Got into ttrpgs bc she thought Ryou was cute and wanted to impress him. Stayed bc she got genuinely invested and is actually a very active and dedicated player.
Miho looks like the girl that has the froggy chair from animal crossing in her bedroom. I think she'd love frogs.
She also gives trans girl vibes and I love that for her.
This boy gets the bougiest cologne he can fucking find and wears it like a badge of honor. Even if he does still dress like he shops at early 2000s Hot Topic.
Duke had to have been a theater kid. Look at him. That kid was Charlie in his middle school production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and now he's got main character syndrome.
I fully believe Duke is like. Nb or gender fluid. Just a vibe I get.
His favorite bonding time is going to drive his buddies to Taco Bell at 1 in the morning for a food run while they're blasting music in his convertible. He just loves the fun aspect of it and then the quality time of going to park somewhere and just sitting out and talking on a spring or summer night when it's warm and the stars are shining brightly.
He's the only one in the friend group who has an A in math like he's the only one allowed to do math.
Has a secret tattoo that only the dnd gang know about no one else is ever allowed to know, it is a secret to be taken to the grave.
Is not afraid to yell self confidence into you.
They are both poly and established early on its okay to date other people as long as they keep open and honest communication and also they get to help pick out each other's outfits so they look their best.
They are super cuddly all the time like they will be on the couch just sprawled out together or Miho sitting in Dukes lap they just always wanna cuddle.
Miho and Duke doing each others makeup would be perfection.
Their first anniversary Duke takes her to a Bridgerton themed ball and got her the perfect dress and it was the sweetest thing.
All the self care / spa day dates all the time.
They flirt all the time and have cutesy pet names for each other and it's the really corny ones like Dukey-kins and Shnookums.
Matching/coordinated outfits for big events all the time.
They would be the aunt and uncle in the future that show up after a trip across Europe with all the presents and also pick you up after like 2nd period for food and don't take you back to school.
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bluebunnyears-08 · 2 years
"Again, I'm so happy you liked my stories! If you have any more ideas you want me to write out, feel free to ask!"
Hello again! This is the guy who provided the prompt for "Best Friends Forever," (thank you SO MUCH again, not only for writing that out, but for posting it onto An Archive Of Our Own! I really do feel honored!) As luck would have it, I *do* have another idea I'd love to share with you. I'm afraid it's... fairly lengthy. (Sorry!) Yet I think it's a really solid story, all in all, and I think you would have fun fleshing it out. (Again: if this story is "too much," no worries, I understand. It'd be enough just to hear your thoughts about my idea!)
My idea boils down to this: Rusty Rose 'opens up' to Nine inside Nine's prison cell, and asks him questions about Amy and Sonic. It takes place after Episode 8 of Sonic Prime.
The Chaos Council is currently keeping Nine held in a prison cell.  When our story starts, Nine is sitting on his prison bed, not doing anything in particular while thinking intently about a lot of things.  Suddenly, unexpectedly… he sees his prison door start to open.  Rusty Rose is about to enter his cell.  Before she can completely open the door, Nine makes a valiant attempt to push past her and escape.  Nine ALMOST succeeds too… he makes it as far as the middle of the cellblock corridor before Rusty stretches out one of her extendable cyborg arms, grabs Nine, and tosses him right back into his cell.  He rebounds against the cell’s back wall and lands on the floor.  Rusty steps in and shuts the cell door behind her.   
As he picks himself back up, Nine comments something along the lines of “What I wouldn’t give to have my gun back now.” 
Rusty responds that his gun would do him no good anyway; the Chaos Council has upgraded her and she is now ‘hackproof.’  
Nine then asks, in a sullen, moody way, how things went for her in that new universe the Doctors sent her too.
Rusty answers that “It could have gone better.”
Nine starts to ask if she succeeded in getting the Paradox Shard that the Doctors sent her to fetch… but midway through his question, Rusty interrupts him with one of her own:
“Who is Amy?”
At first, Nine’s genuinely confused.  He tells Rusty that he has no idea who she’s talking about.  He turns his gaze away from her, facing the wall.  
Only to be suddenly startled to hear SONIC’S voice:
*“And Amy is…!”*
Nine’s wide-eyed attention snaps back in Rusty’s direction. For one brief moment, he’s SURE that Sonic somehow teleported himself into this cell with him…
…Only to realize, the next second later, that what he’s actually hearing is an old recording of Sonic’s voice coming from Amy’s robotic chest.
*“Well, Amy’s the sweetest friend you could ask for.”*
Rusty then asks if Sonic ever told Nine who ‘Amy’ is, since the two of them are friends.
Nine sticks with the same claim he made to the Chaos Council (during Episode 8), telling Rusty that Sonic abandoned him when he needed him most, and they’re no longer friends.
Rusty counters that Nine has no reason NOT to tell her about Amy… if Sonic really ISN’T his friend. 
Then Nine asks Rusty why does this ‘Amy’ even matter to her?
At this point, it’s almost as if Rusty’s cold emotionless thaws by half a degree.  It’s almost as if Rusty has decided to somewhat “open up” to Nine, ever-so-slightly.
She tells Nine a bit about the alternate universe she visited; that it is a world of vast oceans, full of pirates.  She tells him that she encountered Sonic there, and that he had somehow become the captain of a crew of pirates.  
(Upon hearing Sonic’s name, especially, Nine listens with rapt attention, though he doesn’t allow his face to betray any emotion.)
Rusty also discusses ‘Black Rose,’ and actually broadcasts a VIDEO of Black Rose onto the wall of the cell , (like a movie projector,) from her robot eye, so Nine can see the pink pirate hedgehog for himself.  She confesses that seeing Black Rose had… effected her.
Nine asks ‘What kind of effect?’
Rusty has difficulty finding the proper words, but she says that initially, when the blue hedgehog kept calling her ‘Amy,’ she dismissed it as a simple case of mistaken identity.  But the more times she encountered him, the more it felt like Sonic was capable of seeing… a different side of Rusty.  More than meets the eye.  A part that Rusty herself wasn’t aware of… an ‘untapped potential,’ of sorts.
Especially after seeing Black Rose, Rusty’s starting to wonder whether ‘Amy’ may be the key to a greater understanding about herself.  She then asks if Sonic’s ever had this same effect on Nine? Has Sonic ever called Nine by a different name?
Rusty’s words are resonating a bit inside Nine’s mind, though he says nothing to the cyborg.
Trying to provoke more of a reaction out of Nine, Rusty also brings up the subject of Sails; another two-tailed fox who looks just like Nine that was part of Sonic’s pirate crew.  She shows Nine videos of Sails fighting Rusty and her fellow robots alongside the other pirates (who resemble Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks) and also flying down to save Sonic from drowning while saying, “Don’t worry, I got ye!”
Upon seeing Sails, something Sonic said to Nine when they first met echoes in the fox’s mind: Sonic insisting that the two of them were “best friends.”
In a would-be "offhanded" way, Nine asks Rusty whether Sonic appeared to have a closer, friendlier relationship with the two-tailed fox pirate than with the other pirates.  Rusty raises an eyebrow, but answers that, as far as she could discern, Sonic seemed to treat everyone in his pirate crew with an equal degree of friendliness… Sails included.  
Inwardly, this answer relieves Nine greatly.  Sonic is naturally friendly to almost everyone, after all… but more importantly, it doesn’t sound as though Sails has ‘replaced’ Nine as ‘Sonic’s best friend.’  Out loud, Nine simply says, “I see.”
Then Nine asks, “Let’s suppose, hypothetically, I *did* know about Amy.  What do you plan to do to her?”
“Meet her.” Rusty answers.
“And then what?”
“I will determine my next course of action after I’ve met her."
Nine considers his feelings and options.  For a moment, it almost seems as though he’ll say something that would help Rusty Rose.  But in the end, he chooses to coldly tell her that he has no obligation to help her at all.  
Electricity crackles visibly on Rusty’s metallic hands.  Nine tenses up, prepared to get electrocuted again, prepared to be tortured for information about Amy.  Instead, Rusty just abruptly storms out of Nine’s cell.
Alone again, Nine goes over and looks at himself in a reflective surface of his cell, (perhaps a well-polished wall, perhaps the water in his toilet bowl.)  He thinks more about Sonic, and for some reason, without even thinking about what he’s doing or why, finds himself repeating Sails’ words: “Don’t worry, I got ye!”
Then Nine flops onto his prison bed, rolling his eyes at himself.  
What do you think of this idea?
P.S. - If you do end up liking it enough to flesh it out into a proper story, I'd appreciate it so much if you could also post it on "An Archive Of Our Own!"
Man, you just keep on having good ideas! We need to have more interactions between Rusty and Nine.
It was a while in captivity, week after week, having to sleep on a horrible excuse of a bed, which was really just a barely soft surface without any blanket or pillow, only to be waked up rudely by the metal dolts controlled by the amateurs keeping him in captivity.
His (weeks...months...?) time in captivity went in one long boring dull cycle. He was woken up, fed what he assumed was breakfast, then dragged to the Council to be mocked and threatened before being taken to some kind of workshop, and forced to work on transports that'll help the dolts conquer the Shatterverse, then given a poor dinner, no he didn't have lunch, and taken back to his cell to sleep. It was a long drawled out cycle that made him bored and annoyed.
He was rather dizzy and lightheaded due to how much they zapped him if he ever opened his mouth or even look at them in the wrong way. His fur and skin were badly burnt, making his neck and back constantly itch and feel as if they were on fire. He didn't really take that much care of his fur anyway. It was better than the food he was being served anyway, just disgusting tasteless slabs and slops of mush and other things he didn't want to know. What he did know was that it was disgusting, feeling like rocks or mucus going down his throat when he managed to get past chewing without gaging or spitting it out.
Due to how weak his body was, his metal tails were useless now. They were connected to his body. If they weren't so weak, he'd consider them a saving grace, because due to them being connected to his body and not just coming from his belt, removing them could've killed the kitsune, leaving them unable to use his machines to conquer. It was a painful and difficult process to attach them, but it was worth it.
Sitting on his prison bed, he began to do what he did most: think. He thought about a lot of things. Ways to get out of here, ways to leave without being detected, to grab the Shatterdrive, find Sonic and go home. Sure it wouldn't originally seem like home to Sonic, but maybe they could make it work.
Even if it didn't, he'd be fine. He was fine staying alone on the Grim if Sonic said no, it wasn't like he hadn't done it before.
Sonic. That's what, who, he mostly thought about during his time in the cell.
He always was deeply curious and envious of how dedicated Sonic is to getting home or helping others. He wasn't jealous that the hedgehog was capable, far from that, he was more jealous of how dedicated Sonic is to them.
The hedgehog was always so energetic and friendly, managing to get even him to open up. He wasn't like anyone Nine met before, he was lively and colorful while everyone in this city, including him, was always dull and grey. Instead of looking at his tails in disgust, Sonic looked at them with amazement and never minded them. Instead of beating him and giving him bruises, Sonic's touch was...different.
It was soft, the hedgehog never put pressure or ill intent in his hand, affectionate giving him high fives and carefully grabbing him by the scruff, it was very...gentle.
It was nice and he found he wanted more of it. He wanted to see the sparkle and brimming excitement in Sonic's caring gaze, he wanted more high fives, he wanted the warm feeling that pooled into his chest whenever the hedgehog cared for and supported him unconditionally.
He lapped for more, like a puppy dog.
And that disgusted him.
His ears suddenly perked up as he sat up on his "bed". There was a rhythmic clanging of metal coming closer and closer to his cell door. The rhythm was heavy but not slow like the other dolts that often came to his cell. He had just been sent back to his cell, so it didn't make sense for the council to fetch him when they'd rather be catching their "beauty"-sleep. Yeah sure.
This meant it was Rusty. The robot must've come back from her mission to conquer the Shatterverse for those dolts. But why was she coming to the cell door at this time? It didn't mean anything good, that's for sure. He got onto his feet, preparing himself for when she opened the door.
She was almost here.
She was just at the door.
She stopped, right in front of the door. His heart pounded as he heard the soft clink of her metal fingers grasping the door to push it open. The door began to open, and the robot's cold glowing green eye peered in at the child, as empty as ever.
Before she could open it all the way, however, the fox made his move. He moved without his metal appendages, pushing Rusty and managing to catch her off guard as she fell, getting out and making a break for what he hoped was the way out.
He could hear the bot's calls for him to 'cease running', and his shoes pounded against the metal ground as he ran. He was about to turn a corner-
-when the robot's arm grabbed him by the scruff, pulling him back to his cell, he could feel the fingers, the hard metal fingers dig into his skin, and he faintly wondered if he would bleed.
Before he could even blink he felt his back hit something hard as he landed on the floor. The robot merely stepped into the cell, closing the door behind her. The fox, on his knees, slowly pulled himself back up, his back machine from the impact, and his neck aching from the harsh whiplash.
Panting in pain, the kitsune spoke first.
"You know I expected the drones they wasted time on, not their lowly excuse of a tin can."
"Your escaping was futile. You are required to stay and assist the council in their rule."
"Running will do you no good", the robot repeated itself, that was all it was capable of, "The Council will hear of your poor attempt."
"Oh, please, I'm so threatened. All they do is sit in their chairs and leave waste of metal like you to do all the work."
"Do not insult the Council."
"With how stupid they make themselves look, I don't need to."
"Then you must be a fool as well.", the robot's voice coldly snarked back. Nine scowled, raising himself on his nine tails, glaring nastily at the robot.
"My point still stands. I mean they left you and the other robots easy to hack. In fact, if I had my gun right now, you'd be serving me."
"Hacking is pointless. The Council has upgraded to a new system that renders me 'hack proof'", the bot continued unfazed by the threatening fox. The kitsune merely scoffed, and the two remained glaring coldly at each other.
"So based on how you're here, what did the Council keep you from actually being useful and send some other drones to do the job?"
"No, I was sent. But", she paused, "it could have gone better."
"Oh yeah? Did you run out of oil? Did your battery die on the way there?"
"Watch it fox", she snapped, in slight annoyance, "I run on a different power source, batteries and oil are not required to function."
"So? Did you get the shard or no-"
"Who is Amy?"
Confusion and surprise came across Nine's face. The robot, while her voice was still robotic, it had a questioning tone, her face having a slight show of curiosity. The fox's face then went back to neutral, a slight hint of disinterest in his tone.
"I don't know what glitch is going on in your circuit system, but I have no idea what you're talking about."
Nine turned to lie on his cot, facing away from the robot, staring at the dull rusty metal wall. Only, his ears flicked up to a familiar voice, one that he longed to hear again, and the fox's eyes widened.
"And Amy is-"
He turned.
Only to be met by the cold red and green stare of the badnik. Her face was still expressionless, her mouth pulled in a straight line. The voice of his only friend was merely a saved recording coming from the bot's chest. As the recording continued, Rusty's voice being flat explaining how she was nothing but a tool of destruction, Nine's ears lowered in slight sadness at the truth and anger at himself for believing that foolish thought with slight hope.
The recording continued.
"Well, Amy's the sweetest friend you could ask for!"
The recording stopped, and silence was present once more before the bot spoke once more.
"Answer me fox", the voice of the robot was cold, but had no bite, the green eye of the robot dimmed ever so slightly, "Has the blue hedgehog told you who this 'Amy' is?"
"Why're you asking me about this?"
"You two are believed to be friends."
"Well, that information is incorrect. I already told the council, Sonic abandoned me when I needed him, I don't think that's friend material."
"Then you should have no problems telling me since you hold no truce to the hedgehog."
Nine scowled in annoyance.
"Why does knowing who 'Amy' is important to you anyway?"
Silence filled the cell as the fox awaited the bot's answer. Her face was still cold and empty, but her eye lights seemed to flicker, the emotion within untelling. The fox scoffed, moving the turn back to the wall before the robot speaking once more made him pause.
"During my mission of collecting the shard, I made some key observations. The world I encountered was unlike this one, it was full of nothing but vast amounts of a liquid substance combining the elements of hydrogen and oxygen, or in other words: water. In that world, the inhabitants were of the pirate kind.", she paused, looking to see if the fox was listening, which he was, just barely, "It was there I encountered the hedgehog once more."
Like a switch being flicked, the kit began to listen with more interest at the mention of the blue blur. His face remained neutral, keeping his emotions hidden from the girl bot.
"But I also encountered something else.", she paused, "Or rather someone else."
She turned, pausing for a moment, before a beam of light shot from her eye, casting a projection on the wall. There, in Rusty's point of view, the big pirate ship was observed, the inhabitants as well, only when it came to another pink hedgehog, only all organic, wearing a pirate getup and looking back with a telescope, the camera that served as Rusty's head and eyes jerked back, the dopple looking equally as shocked.
The recording paused with the pink hedgehog looking back in shock, her mouth open, having been paused in speaking.
"When I saw this...other me affected me."
Nine, now listening with more attention looked at Black Rose's still recorded form, and back to the robotized victim, then returned to the recorded Rose, speaking once more.
"What kind of effects?"
Even more silence as the girl struggled with words to describe her odd 'glitch'.
"Initially, when the hedgehog had called me 'Amy' I had originally dismissed it as a sense of mistaken identity.", Rusty settled on saying, continuing, "However, after I encountered him more I...feel like he was seeing a different side of me. Something with more potential, an untapped potential I have not been aware of until now."
Rusty paused before going on, her gaze moving to the still video, to the other her.
"After encountering this 'alternate me', I have been beginning to wonder if this 'Amy' could be a key of sorts to a better understanding of myself."
She moved her gaze to the nine-tailed fox sitting on his cot, who stayed silent, his gaze on the ground.
"Tell me fox, has the blue hedgehog ever done the same to you? Hasn't he called you something else? Wasn't it 'Tails'?"
After a small flicker of her lights, Rusty then continued, trying to get some information from the fox. She found another person to talk about in a matter of seconds. The video switched over to something else, another two-tailed fox, one with a mechanical claw holding a pirate sword, also in a pirate getup. A frozen smile was on his face.
Nine sat up straighter at this.
"This is another one of the hedgehog's pirate crew. Name identification: Sails. He looks quite similar to you, this is another 'variant' of you in this world from my observations."
The video fast-forwarded before playing in the middle of a battle between Sonic and his crew fighting against Rusty and the other drones. There were other variants as well, a bat and echidna that must've been another variant of Rebel and Knucks. Then Sonic was suddenly off the ship falling to the sea before Sails' metal claw grabbed him, reassuring him with a call.
"Don't worry, I've got ye!"
Nine stayed silent, replaying the events in his mind. Another variant of himself? And Rebel and Knucks? This was...interesting. Sonic seemed to be on good terms with the pirates to be saved by one of them. Not just one of them, but a variant of himself. It also appears that Sonic seems to be on good terms with his variant as well. But did that mean...?
Was he best friends with Sonic like he was?
His voice was cold, but still full of curiosity and barely concealed wariness.
"Rusty Rose, answer, did Sonic have a particularly more friendly relationship with this other variant of me than the other pirates?"
In a spur of confusion, the hedgehog raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on the question, only answering with:
"As far as I could discern, the blue hedgehog showed an equal amount of friendliness to all aboard the ship."
Nine felt a wave of relief flood him, keeping his relief to himself. Ah, good. This variant of him didn't replace him as Sonic's best friend. Sonic was just naturally friendly to almost everyone other than the Chaos Council. After a long beat of silence, the kit spoke once more.
"I see.", he continued, "And what if I do know who this 'Amy' is, what do you plan to do to her?"
"Meet her.", was Rusty's simple response.
"And then what"
"I will determine my next course of action when I succeed."
Nine went quiet. A tense silence flooded the cell and waited for one of the inhabitants to speak. Nine began to think, he has heard about Amy, but it was just passing information, not anything specific to report. Besides what would he get in exchange if he does tell Rusty, she's too loyal to the Council of Amateurs to let him go that easily, and he won't get anything in return, not to mention, if he did know and did tell her, she might cross paths with Sonic again.
And he saw from experience what she'd do if she saw the hedgehog. He considered his options and once he picked one he spoke, eyes cold and spiteful, his voice cold and uncaring.
"You wasted your time robot, you have nothing you can do or give in exchange, you work for the council that made the hell hole I lived in. I have no intentions of helping you at all.", as he spoke the last sentence his voice was snarling and mocking, yet retained any yelling or shouting.
It was a firm harsh oath the fox intended to keep.
Rusty paused at the fox's words, her eyes narrowed and began to flicker rapidly. Her teeth clenched in anger, and a wave of deep anger slipped through her lips in a deep growl. Her hands began to cackle with electricity, and as they did Nine stood, his metal tails still limp and useless, his body, exhausted, swayed from side to side.
Nine tensed ready to feel volts of painful volts of energy travel throughout his body, leaving him panting and kneeling on the floor. He felt a slight pang of fear take hold of his heart, he didn't have any means to fight back, and he couldn't run due to both the cell door being closed and the deep exhaustion his body now suffered from.
The kitsune's eyes were wide as he took a slight step back, frozen. Rusty took a step towards him and Nine closed his eyes, ready as he'll ever be.
Until her footsteps, angry and defeated walked to the door and slammed it behind her, leaving the fox behind to vent out her frustrations.
Nine sighed outwardly in relief, now that he was alone. He was sure he'd get the information tortured by electrocution out of him like it always was, not that he'd tell her if she did.
She didn't deserve any help from him.
He walked over to a water bowl, hating his meals being served in pet dishes due to it being where he drinks and eats from, like an animal. That's how those goons saw him, saw all of his kind, they were nothing but cattle and livestock to them. It was horribly dehumanizing and he hated it.
But he should be grateful that they didn't put a collar on him and gave him to the egg brat, and even that wasn't much.
As he picked the dish up to take a sip he caught sight of his reflection, his cold blue eyes, his white muzzle and small nose, his pointed ears with dark tips, the bags of exhaustion under his eyes...
What did...Sonic sees him as really? Were they really best friends? I mean from what he's seen he's a dime a dozen. No, he's not, he has way more mechanical prowess than Sails.
Sails. The other variant of him.
Without thinking he repeated the only words he heard his variant utter.
"Don't worry, I got ye."
He paused before sighing, and moving over to his bed, flopping into it with a sigh, and staring at the cold ceiling, he rolled his eyes before he turned over and fell into slumber.
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pretty special
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PAIRING: pornstar!sebastian stan x pornstar!reader
SUMMARY: you shoot your first scene with the acclaimed and widely admired adult film star, sebastian stan.
WARNINGS: cliché porn scenario (dad's friend) + daddy kink + age gap + dirty talk + oral (m and f rec.) + unprotected sex + creampie
NOTES: this was part of this fic for tom but i extracted it in case some sebastian fans that don't read for tom wanted to read it, since i'm going to be writing for him now :)
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You were a bit nervous walking into work––working with one of the biggest stars was understandably a daunting experience. You didn’t want to seem like a complete amateur next to him, especially not when you were working with him. And on top of that, you’d been watching his videos for years now, since you were a teenager, and he never once lost his charm or his spark.
You could see how he’d evolved throughout all of his videos––when he was just a young fresh face that captured the hearts of many, to his long-haired phase, to his short hair and stubble phase, each and everyone one was just as enchanting and seductive.
You’d seen the way he managed to have chemistry with every actress he worked with––how they would all fall under his allurement, get flustered from just one look. If you were being honest, you could see Tom becoming the next actor of that status––he’d already had such a good reputation among the industry and the viewers seemed to love him as well. So the fact that you were going to get the opportunity to be with both of them? Well not at the same time, but if you did, you would most certainly melt on the spot. But even separately––You felt like you were going to combust.
Sebastian was now in his late thirties, but he looked better than ever, his eyes just as smoldering, even through a screen. He kept his hair short now and often let his beard grow out, which you personally loved. Since he had a very promising reputation––and everyone that he’s worked with has only had enticing things to say about him and his skills, you couldn’t say that you weren’t excited and honored to work with him.
The scene you were filming today took place in multiple places, all of which were in a home––so for work today you showed up to one of the many unfinished houses the agency used for filming. Within no time you were dressed and in the makeshift makeup room in one of the spare bedrooms with Olive, the makeup artist, putting the finishing touches on your face. Your look was supposed to be more natural today so it didn’t take too long since you only needed some light coverage.
“You nervous sweetie?” She asked, dabbing the beauty blender under your eyes.
You looked up at her, a sheepish smile on your face. “Of course I am, it’s Sebastian Stan.”
She waved you off, “Oh don’t be. He’s the sweetest thing, really.” She placed the beauty blender on the vanity. “You know a little birdie told me that he asked for you personally.”
Your eyes widened in shock. “What? Are you serious?”
She nodded, pursing her lips. “And he doesn’t do that for just anyone, so he must think you’re pretty special.” She started cleaning up her station. “That should put you at ease, right?”
“I mean…” You looked into the mirror and trailed off when you noticed a familiar face walk into the room. You’d never seen him in person until now, so far only watching him on the screen of your phone in the privacy of your room––but seeing him in front of you was something else.
Olive noticed you trail off and turned curiously before her eyes settled on the man walking towards her. He walked over to your makeup artist, a big smile on his face as he opened his arms. “Olive! How are you?”
She smiled, hugging him back. “I’m good honey, how are you?”
He bit his lip, failing to tame his grin when they both pulled away. “I’m good.” He turned to you, “Especially since I’m going to be filming with this one today.” You got up to walk over to him and he smiled, placing a hand on your waist and kissing your cheek in greeting. He looked down at you and you could genuinely feel yourself drowning in his eyes. How were you going to manage looking into them while he was literally inside of you?
“Hi doll, how are you? It’s so nice to finally meet you.”
“Hi.” You cleared your throat when your voice came out weaker than expected but before you could continue, Olive interrupted you.
“She’s a little nervous, Seb.” You looked over to her like an annoyed daughter, berating her with your eyes as she walked away from you both, a glint in her eyes, but Sebastian’s eyes never left your face. You looked back to him to find a smirk on his face and you smiled awkwardly.
“There’s nothing to be nervous about honey,” he brought a hand under your chin and tilted your head up when you looked away. “I promise I don’t bite,” he leaned in to whisper in your ear. “That is, unless you want me to.”
You felt a shiver run down your spine and he chuckled as he pulled away to look at you. “Seems like you want me to, hm?”
You licked your lips subconsciously and he smiled, taking your hand in his. “Well you know, I asked for you personally?”
You blinked up at him, “Yeah I heard.”
He smiled, rolling his eyes as he pointed his thumb behind him at Olive’s retreating figure. “From that one I bet.” You smiled and nodded and he shook his head pretending to be exasperated, but the smile on his face contradicted that.
“Why did you? Ask for me?” You asked sheepishly, not wanting to come off as rude. But it was a little strange to have such a big star ask for you when you’re not even that established of an actor yet.
His thumb rubbed the back of your hand soothingly but the action was only sending tingles down your body. “Well I’ve seen your work,” he tilted his head. “And I know talent when I see it.” He stepped closer to you so that his breath was teasing your lips ever so slightly, his eyes piercing yours. “I also know a good girl when I see one.”
Your breath hitched, your thighs pressed together and he squeezed your hand playfully. “We’re gonna have some fun today.” He started to tug you along. “Let’s go, okay?”
You nodded, the nerves in your stomach quickly turning to excitement and lust. “Okay.”
You weren’t going to take pictures before the scene today––Sebastian, having been in the industry for some time now, and having made a name for himself, was able to pull some strings nowadays and have more control over what he wanted. He didn’t really like the idea of faking for the camera, so much so that he didn’t take photos before the scenes he shot, he convinced the crew to take action shots while they were filming, so the reactions were real.
The directors knew not to rush him or the actresses he worked with during his scenes, and for that reason, no one that ever worked with him had to hurry up and fake their climaxes for the camera––they were all completely genuine and just as mind-shattering as they appeared on screen.
The scene you were filming today was different than anyone you’d done before. You were playing a young daughter who’s come home from college for the summer, and Sebastian was playing your “father”’s friend. It was a slightly controversial theme and story, but at the end of the day it wasn’t real so.
After greeting everyone, going over a few last minute things, and getting settled, the scene began.
Your “dad” and Sebastian were in the living room, talking while they watched tv for a few minutes, and you waited for your cue to step out. You came down the stairs and the camera followed you as you descended and panned out to show the three of you as you walked past them to go to the kitchen. You could feel Sebastian’s gaze trailing down your body as scripted, the camera focusing on him as he checked you out, your body also in focus as you moved by the lens.
“Excuse me young lady,” your fake father recited his line and you turned back a sweet smile on your face as you looked at him.
“Yes daddy?”
“Don’t be rude,” he chastised, “Say hello to our guest. My buddy from work, you’ve met him a few times over the past couple years, remember?”
You let your eyes fall to Sebastian and your smile widened. “Oh, right!” You walked over to him. “I’m so sorry. So nice to see you again!” You bent down and watched him take a sharp inhale as his gaze fell to your breasts before you wrapped your arms around him in a hug.
He brought his arms around you and squeezed tight, his hands lingering when you pulled away, his voice low. “Yeah it’s really nice to see you too.” He licked his lips before looking back up into your eyes and you felt your stomach flutter from the look in them. “You’ve really grown up since I last saw you.”
You shrugged as well, turning to see your “dad” not paying attention to your conversation before leaning in to whisper in Sebastian’s ear. “Way more than you know.” He bit his lip and you giggled before walking off, feeling his eyes stuck to your ass that was peeking out of your shorts.
You went to the kitchen to get a snack, conveniently walking so that the camera didn’t pick up the unfinished portion of the house, nearby. You followed the script, pretending to look around, a thoughtful look on your face as you picked up random fruits while Sebastian stared at you from the other room. After a minute or two, you turned around and went into the fridge, scanning the almost empty shelves before bending down to look near the bottom.
You felt a pair of hands slide over your ass to hold your waist and a rather impressive bulge press into your backside. “Pardon me.” You could hear the smirk in his gravelly voice as he reached over you, your body still bent over and pressed into his front. He grabbed a bottle from the top shelf before pulling away and leaning against the counter next to the fridge. You looked to the side to see him opening a bottle of water, a cheeky smile on his face as he shamelessly checked you out. “Just getting water.” He sipped from it without looking away from you and you bit your lip.
“Of course.” You closed the fridge and walked up to him as he was tilting the bottle down from his lips. You reached over behind him on the counter, while subtly grabbing his bulge in his jeans. He gasped and looked down at your hand, then across to the other room to make sure your “father” wasn’t watching before turning his head to you.
You bat your eyelashes up at him, teasingly innocent and brought your hand back to show the banana you’d just gotten. “And I was just getting a snack.” You squeezed him harder and pulled away completely, leaning on the kitchen island across from him as you peeled the fruit. His eyes were mesmerized as he watched you lick along the banana, your gaze unwavering. You slowly put the fruit into your mouth as far as you could go and his jaw dropped as you started bobbing your head up and down.
Just as it stated in the script, ever so distracted and preoccupied, his hand “accidentally” squeezed the water bottle and water splashed everywhere and all over the floor. He cursed loudly and your “dad” perked up.
“Everything alright?”
Sebastian looked up, convincingly looking flustered and you turned. “Yeah! We just spilled some water, but it’s okay I’ll clean it up!”
“Okay. Thank you sweetheart.”
You turned back around and grabbed some napkins, getting down on your knees in front of Sebastian and his eyes followed you all the way down. You half heartedly wiped down the tiles before looking up at him. Your eyes trailed down his body and you smirked, grabbing his hand. “Your hand is all wet. Let me get that for you.” Before he could say anything, you swiped your tongue along his fingers. You kept your eyes on his as your tongue made its way around his hand. You slipped two of his fingers into your mouth and he paused before slowly sliding them in and out, almost making you gag and you smiled up at him as you pulled off.
Your hands slid up his legs, one of them grazing his bulge as you made your way up to his zipper but his hand stopped you from going any further. He clenched his jaw, looking ahead before looking back down at you. “Your dad––”
You shook your head eagerly, “He won’t see anything.” The kitchen island was conveniently tall enough to hide you, so you weren’t lying. “You just have to be quiet.” You blinked up at him. “Can you do that?”
He bit his lip. “Shit––” He brought a hand up to rub the back of his head and let go of the hand of yours that he was holding. “O––Okay.” His hand came down to caress your cheek gently and you quickly turned your head to kiss his palm before reaching up and slowly unzipping his jeans. You pulled his pants and briefs down a bit before pulling his cock out and stroking it lightly but he quickly captured your attention again before you could gawk at his size, his hand firmly grabbing your jaw to make you look up at him. “Keep your eyes on me baby girl, got it?” You nodded immediately.
“Yes, got it.”
His grip tightened. “Yes who?”
You tilted your head, pretending to be confused. “Yes… daddy?”
He smiled, cooing down at you. “Such a good girl.” He briefly glanced up to the living room before looking back at you. “Now spit on daddy’s cock. Get it nice and wet for me.”
You nodded, “Yes daddy.” You gathered the drool in your mouth before spitting on his cock and stroking it. You licked along the base before wrapping your lips around his tip, swirling your tongue around it and sucking hard, making him grip the counter behind your head.
He cursed, “That mouth is fucking amazing, doll.”
You smiled as best you could around him, knowing that that line wasn’t in the script––you were just doing a good job and he felt the need to let you know. You felt yourself get wetter in your shorts and luckily enough, your next instruction was to bring a hand down to touch yourself in the scene. Your hand slipped past your cotton shorts and you brought your fingers down to swipe through your wetness and spread it along your slit before rubbing your clit. You hummed around Sebastian’s length and he pulled you into him, a hand around the back of your neck as he shallowly thrust into your mouth, not wanting to hurt you or make you gag too hard.
“God, are you touching yourself baby girl?” You looked up at him, pretending to be embarrassed and he chuckled breathlessly. “Such a filthy little slut aren’t you? Touching yourself, sucking my big cock and calling me daddy while your real father is sitting just in the other room…” He tutted playfully. “What a naughty fucking girl you are.” You whined and his mouth dropped open as you started sucking harder.
“Gonna make me cum. Keep doing that. Yes, just like that.”
Your “father” spoke up, asking Sebastian if he was coming back and Sebastian gulped, looking up at him with wide eyes as you stroked him quickly, your mouth sucking his tip loudly and harshly. He coughed in a useless attempt to cover the sound and looked around awkwardly. “Uh yeah! Yeah, just uh in a minute.”
“Okay but the game’s getting good man! Don’t wanna miss it.” He paused, “Hey have you seen my daughter around?”
You hummed around Sebastian and his eyes rolled back for a second before he straightened out. “Uh no, nope I haven’t seen her.”
“Huh, well I’m sure she’s fine. She knows how to take care of herself.”
Sebastian looked down at you, your hand still between your thighs. “Damn right she does.” His tongue swiped over his bottom lip as he locked eyes with you. “Know how to take care of me too, don’t you?” He nodded, “Mhm, yes you do.” Seeing him above you like that, hearing the praises he was whispering to you in his deep voice were enough to get you worked up. You could feel yourself getting closer and just as your cue came to orgasm, you didn’t have to fake it. You moaned and your back straightened out, your thighs closing around your hand as you came in your shorts. You blinked, snapping yourself out of your reverie and started bobbing your head up and down and Sebastian bit his fist, his hand gripping your neck as he thrusted a few times before cumming in down your throat.
You sucked around him as he throbbed in your mouth and he breathed out roughly as he pulled out. You smiled up at him, showing his release to the camera before swallowing it and showing him your tongue afterwards. He pulled you up and took the hand that was in your shorts, bringing it up to his lips before slipping your two fingers coated in your wetness, into his mouth. He kept his eyes on yours as he licked and sucked them clean, a seductive look in his stare.
Your lips parted in arousal and shock as he pulled away, a smirk on his face. “Delicious.” Your hand fell down to your side and you blinked a few times, looking up at him.
“Come find me in my room so you can return the favor.” You smiled and walked up to your room without looking back.
He tucked himself back into his pants and went after you after a few minutes, excusing himself to use the bathroom upstairs.
The director yelled cut and you had a ten minute break to freshen up before the next part of the scene. You didn’t have a lot to touch up so by the time Sebastian came up you were already in the bedroom for the next part. He came into the room a few minutes before you had to film again, eyes finding you as you sat on the bed.
He smiled softly, licking his lips and you pressed your thighs together which didn’t go unnoticed by him. “That mouth really is something else, doll.” He laughed, “Almost made me forget where I was.”
You bit your lip as the camera crew came in, setting everything up. You looked up at him and smiled sheepishly. “That’s a good thing, right?”
There was a glint in his eyes as he looked at you. “A really damn good thing, yeah.”
Feeling the heat of his gaze, you averted your eyes and you could sense him smile as he walked out of the room, preparing to film the last part of the scene. The crew made sure the lighting was alright and set up the cameras and the microphones before the director called action.
The camera focused on you as you pretended to scroll mindlessly on your phone as the other camera followed Sebastian up the steps. He paused, making sure no one was around before opening your door, slipping in and shutting it behind him.
You looked up and smirked, setting your phone aside. “I was starting to think you weren’t going to show up.”
He pulled his shirt off as he walked towards the edge of the bed. “And miss my chance to taste that sweet pussy? You must be crazy.”
You laughed breathlessly as he climbed onto the bed and pulled you down to his level by your ankles. You smiled up at him and he captured your lips in a passionate kiss and you found yourself getting lost in the feeling of him on top of you. You slid your hands up to tug his hair and he growled, taking your wrists and pinning them above your head, making you gasp as he pressed himself into you and tilted his head to lick along your neck.
You arched your back under him and he continued to rub himself against you, only making you more desperate. After a few moments and a change of camera angles, he pulled your shirt off and slid down to pull your shorts off as well. He spread your legs slowly but firmly, his hands digging into your thighs as he glanced up at you, moving his head to press teasing kisses to your soft skin.
He kissed his way up your leg before licking a long stripe up your heat, his lips soon coming around to leave wet kisses to your slit. You brought your hands down to grip the sheets and he was quick to let go of your thighs and held your hands in his, by your sides.
Normally in these videos, the actors wouldn’t actually eat the actress out properly, only flicking their tongue lightly, wanting to show the camera and the viewers everything––but Sebastian wasn’t a fan of that method, so he buried his face between your thighs, eating you like you were his last meal.
“Taste so fucking sweet.” He smirked up at you when you whined, your fingers squeezing around his hands, as you squirmed under his hold. His tongue was lapping you up loudly but purposefully as he shook his head ferociously, groaning into you as your hips started to buck into his mouth.
He growled and quickened his pace before he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucking hard. Soon, your head fell back and your mouth dropped open, your back arching as you let out a silent cry. Your thighs tightened around his head when he let go of one of your hands and palmed your breast, tugging and teasing your nipples. He kept going until your legs were trembling, and only then did he pull away, licking his lips as he unbuttoned his pants and hastily tugged them off, throwing them off the bed.
He stroked his cock a few times before getting back between your legs and sliding it through your wetness. He tapped the tip on your clit and smiled when you jolted from the sensation. He then slid into you slowly, bottoming out smoothly, his hands pressing your thighs open so he could see all of you. He thrusted into you a few times slowly before picking up the pace gradually.
His eyes were transfixed on the way your pussy was swallowing him whole, clenching around him but one glance at your blissed out face had him twitching inside of you.
“Look at you. Taking my cock while your dad’s downstairs. Naughty girl.” He pounded into you hard and you moaned loudly. He brought a hand up to cover your mouth, leaning close to you as he kept pounding into you, your pleading eyes looking up at him. “Gotta be quiet baby girl, okay? Just stay there and take my cock like a good girl.”
You nodded, your hands coming up to hold his wrist as your eyes rolled back. He brought a hand down to rub at your clit and thrusted into you faster and you moaned behind his hand, your hips moving of their own accord.
“That’s it. Take that cock.”
In no time, he had you coming around his cock, his eyes watching you as you came undone, your body tensing before dropping back down to the bed gracefully, as if it were deflating. Just as you caught your breath, he pulled out and flipped you over onto your hands and knees.
“You okay baby?”
You nodded, smiling back at him. “Please fuck me.”
He groaned and slapped your ass before sliding back inside your tight walls. He grabbed your hips and fucked into you hard, the sound of your skin slapping against each other loud and enticing. He was moaning and cursing, pulling your hips back into his as he thrusted his cock into your opening. Your walls were tightening around him, coaxing him to tip over the edge.
His movements became more frantic, his fingertips turning white from the force he was using. “Fuck fuck fuck, gonna cum––”
You moaned at the ragged nature of his voice, the desperate pleas falling from his lips as he used you. “Please cum inside me, daddy.”
He cursed and came with a loud groan, his head falling back as he kept fucking you to prolong his high. His pace faltered and he soon slowed down before pulling out and moving aside to let the camera show the cum dripping out of you.
Once the camera got the shot, he slapped your ass playfully and grabbed it before pulling you up to sit on him. “Such a good girl.” He brought his hands up from your ass to your jaw and pulled you in for a reeling kiss. He licked into your mouth languidly, your tongues playing with each other as you both sighed and moaned into the kiss. He slipped a hand back down to play with your ass and you giggled, giving each other two more short kisses before pulling away and looking at each other, your eyes still cloudy with lust.
The director yelled cut and the shoot was over. Sebastian kept his eyes on you for a moment longer, his hands caressing your body. He kissed your cheek and whispered in your ear. “Knew you’d be a good girl for me.”
You whimpered and he grinned pulling back to look at you. “That was fucking amazing, doll. What’d you think?”
You shook your head, a smile on your lips. “I feel like I’m on cloud nine honestly.”
He smirked. “We’re definitely doing this again.”
@ marvelouspeterparker 2021 –– please do not repost anywhere
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goddesswritings · 4 years
“Can I slap her for you?” -  Corpse Husband | Part Two
Title: “Can I slap her for you?” – Part Two
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Reader
Summary: Being stuck living with the queen of YouTube drama and partying during the pandemic has seriously worn down your patience. Meeting Pokimane has changed your life for the better, making Among Us a pivotal part of your life.
Word Count: 5.2k
Unedited for now. I was eager to post. I will edit it later.
Corpse Masterlist
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After you left the apartment, you sat in the parking lot of some random store, trying to decide what to do now. Sighing, you opened your phone and went to Instagram. Corpse was probably wondering if it went okay.
Corpse: She left the stream, thank you!
Corpse: What exactly did you do?
Corpse: She’s sending Sean angry DM’s now.
Corpse: Hey, are you okay?
Y/n: Hey sorry, I had to pack. I’m fine, happy to help get her out of the stream. I switched off the power to her office.
Honestly, you wished you could have stood up against her more often than you did. She was four years younger, so you should have been able to have the say in things. But no, Olivia was a control freak and a spoiled brat too. She would no doubt tell your parents you started a fight with her, and she felt unsafe.
Corpse: Wow, you’re badass. Packing for what?
Y/n: Um, she may have kicked me out of the apartment, and I may have left without a fight because I’m tired of her shit. 🤷‍♀️
Corpse: Do you have a place to stay?
Of course you didn’t and you really should have thought about that before just leaving the way you did.
Y/n: Not really but I will find somewhere.
Well you hoped you could. There weren’t many people who were keen in taking in a friend during a pandemic.
Corpse: Poki’s going to call you.
At that message, your phone started to wring and sure enough, it was Poki.
“Hello?” You asked hesitantly.
“So someone let it slip that your sister kicked you out?” Poki said calmly.
“Is that someone, Corpse?”
“Yes, he said it out of shock but I’m glad he did. Knowing you, you would have kept it a secret from me.” She was right. You hated inconveniencing your friends.
“Damn you, Corpse.” You muttered making her laugh. “Yeah so I ruined Olivia’s stream and she started screaming at me before kicking me out. I didn’t fight it because I am tired of her.”
“Understandable. Well do you need somewhere to stay?”
“Yes but I will find some place.”
“Nope, you’re staying with me. Come over now or I am coming out to drag you back to my place.” Her protectiveness made you smile.
“Sure, I’ll be there in a few.” You hung up.
Y/n: Thank you for looking out for my stubborn ass, Corpse. I would have never told her.
Corpse: Stubborn is one word to describe you. Cute is another.
That comment made your face heat up from the sheer adorableness of it. Corpse seriously just called you cute.
Y/n: Can I say you have a genuinely nice hand. It’s marvelous.
Corpse: Hey, don’t make fun of my hand. It takes all the heat for me. That hand is very anxious every time I post him.
Y/n: Awe I bet. Give him hugs from me. Also tell him I’m a big fan!
The easy flow of conversation between the two of you was nice. You got along extremely well and talking outside of the game was nice, since you could focus on what you really wanted to say to him.
Corpse: He’s flattered!
This was great and took your mind off Olivia and the fact she just kicked you to the curb with nowhere to go. But Poki was there for you. You appreciated her more than she knew.
You pulled up in front of her apartment building, parking the car, you got out and grabbed your stuff. Typing in the code Poki had given you a while ago, you were let into the building. Entering the elevator, you made your way to her apartment.
Barely knocking, the door flew open to reveal Poki. She looked mad but also worried. She pulled you into the apartment and hugged you tightly.
“Can I slap her for you?” She asked calmly.
This made you giggle. “I mean I would like to slap her as well.”
“We should make a plan. Hey, the group is still on, come say hi.” She started to lead you to her office.
“Are they still streaming?” You didn’t want to reveal your face to the world, not like this.
“Oh no. We ended our streams when Olivia started talking about you. She completely wasn’t respecting your privacy and we weren’t about to let her spill it to our viewers.” That was so sweet of them to do.
You had left your bags in the other room while you followed her. An idle conversation was going on when you entered.
“Hey guys, I’m back.” Poki took a seat in front of the computer, she pulled up a second chair. “I have someone special here.”
Sitting down, you saw her nod for you to say something. “Hey, did you miss me?”
They went wild.
“Y/n! Oh we missed you!”
“Don’t leave us again.”
“I’m sorry I invited your sister to stream.”
“Hey Y/n.”
The mix of voices was overwhelming in a good way. Sykkuno, Rae, Sean, and Corpse pretty much spoke over each other which made you laugh.
“One at a time, guys. You can’t overload her.” Leslie told them.
“Sorry Y/n. We just really missed having you here. You’ve become one of our favorite friends to play with.” Sykkuno said sounding as sweet as ever. That man was just the best.
“Yes, I can say we agree.” Rae added.
It was nice to hear they missed you. It really helped to lift your mood as well.
“Did your sister really kick you out?” Toast asked
“Yes she did. But it’s not surprising at this point. She’s probably been gunning to kick me out as soon as she could.” Sad truth
“Well she’s the worst player ever. She can’t keep a secret at all. I really should have never agreed to get her into the group.” Sean said sounding sad.
“Hey Sean, please don’t worry about it. She’s always weaseling her way into things. It’s completely not your fault.” One of the things she loved to do was incessantly DM other youtubers for collabs or for free stuff. She really had no morals.
“Well thank you, Y/n. You’re literally the sweetest.” Sean said earning a bunch of ‘I Agrees’ from everyone else. That really was helping make the night better.
“Who’s up for some more Among Us to relax after that shitshow?” Lud asked making everyone laugh hard. It was agreed the group would do it. Luckily, you had your laptop and joined the call and game and stayed in Poki’s living room to play. Honestly, it was so good for you.
At the end if gaming, you said goodbye to the group. Then Poki showed you to the extra room that used to be her roommates before she moved out last month.
“Hey, are you looking for a roommate?” You asked as you put the bags on the bed.
Poki sent you a smile. “I am. Are you interested?”
This was good. “Yes, I mean I still have to find another job since my main is still furloughing me until this pandemic gets better but I have some money saved up.”
“Hey, please don’t sweat it. Besides, I know a friend who’s in need of an editor, I may have mentioned your name and she really wants to talk to you about it. Is that okay?”
“Wow, that’s perfect. Thank you, Poki. You’re such a great friend.” It felt good to have someone there for you.
She pulled you into a hug. “Always. I am so glad I met you. You’re one of my best friends.”
This was an honor. “Don’t make me cry.”
“I can’t promise anything. Anyway, I will leave you to rest. It’s been a long night. Tomorrow I will give you my friends details.”
“Sounds good, night Poki.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.” She waved goodbye and closed the door behind herself.
Smiling, you sat on the bed. It was such a good thing that she was here got you. But also Corpse was the catalyst that got you to actually tell Poki was what happening. He was sweet and it seemed he was looking out for you.
After changing into comfy pj’s, you brushed your teeth before climbing into the freshly made bed. Opening Instagram, you saw that Corpse has messaged you.
Corpse: I don’t like being too forward but hey here we go. Can I please have your number so we can talk more easily?
A smile made its way to your face. For a tough man, he surely had a sweet way of getting to you
Y/n: Yes you can. xxx-xxx-xxxx.
The nerves jumped when you sent that message. Less than a minute later, you received a text from an unknown number.
Hey Y/n, it’s Corpse. Would you mind if I called you so we could talk for a little?
You liked this idea truthfully. It only helped to show how genuine Corpse was being.
Not at all. Please go ahead and call me.
Your phone rang, displaying Corpse’s name.
“Hello?” You answered the phone while pushing away the anxiety.
A soft deep laugh filled your ear. “Hey sweet girl. How are you feeling?”
His words made you want to sigh in the most lovesick way. That never happened these days.
“I’m good. Poki had an extra room I could crash in and well I might just be her new roommate.”
“I love that. She’s so much better than your sister I assume.”
“She is. Here I won’t have to deal with the incessant pandemic partying Olivia likes to do.” That selfish bitch.
“Shit, is she stupid? She does know she’s risking a lot of lives, right?” You loved that Corpse had the logic you craved.
“So she is stupid, and her response was always that it’s not her problem and that the vulnerable people should stay home.”
“She sounds like the typical beauty youtuber these days.”
“Yes, she is. She has no morals.”
“Well that’s not good. I guess that’s why her name keeps popping up all over social media. She really needs to be careful, before she becomes the next Tana.” He was right but you personally thought she was past that point already.
“It’s too late. She’s already passed the point of return with all of this.”
“Yikes. It’s good you got out of there when you did.” A soft but deep laugh was heard through the phone. The sound made you giggle. Hearing such a tough guy laugh the way Corpse laughs, made you feel giddy. “So about what I said earlier, I meant it.”
“Huh, what are you talking about?” You truly were a little lost by this.
Corpse laughed again. “When I called you cute earlier. I meant it.”
Heat filled your face and a small smile made its way to your lips. “Thank you, Corpse. That’s really sweet of you. I don’t like to show many people who I am because they will immediately connect me to Olivia, and I don’t want that.”
“I get that. I don’t show my face for fear they won’t like me when I do. All my fans have built up this expectation of what they want me to look like and now I just don’t want to let them down. Plus it’s nice being able to stay anonymous if I go into public, but of course people will hear my voice and know. Shit, it’s hard.”
“Awe, I’m sorry. I saw what the attention has done to some people, but I think not everyone goes into that headspace. Also, I think you should stay faceless if it makes you feel better. There is no rule that says you ever have to show your face. People who push you to do it have no boundaries.”
Corpse was quiet for a while and you thought you had offended him. “I’m sorry if I said the wrong thing, Corpse.” You squeaked.
“No, you said the right thing. I was just thinking. You’re right. A lot of people have been on me to reveal my face, but I never intend to. I want to be able to live my life without being swarmed by fans, or god forbid, them judging me by my appearance.”
“Which is really fucked. When I first appeared in my sister video, the comments were awful. They couldn’t understand how she was related to me, but I never thought I looked bad. But I guess they expected Olivia to be surrounded by people in her genre. It was so hard to see those comments.” Thinking back to it, Olivia had even added to it. Telling you that you should have tried to look more like her for the video. You should have worn something more colorful and put-on way more make up then you liked. But you hated that. That wasn’t you.
“I can’t imagine the things they said. Is that why you deactivated your twitter?” How did he know about that?
“Oh, yeah. How did you know about it?”
“I remembered seeing a story about it on YouTube last year. They didn’t show your face, so of course I didn’t know it was you. But I figured it out when Olivia joined the game tonight and she blabbered on about being your sister. I’m sorry you received that hate. No one deserves that ever.” His voice was calming you now.
“Thank you. Olivia seemed to add to it, as well. Fuck, she’s just the worst person.” Family definitely had the ability to be shitty. “Meeting Poki last year really was the best thing. But also joining this Among Us group has been so good for me. Thank you for accepting me.”
“Of course. You’re a natural in the game but you also fit very well with the group.” Corpse really hoped you believed him because this was true. The group had a whole conversation about it when Olivia finally left
“I’m flattered. The Corpse Husband is telling me I fit in with him and his streamer friends. Wake me up, I must be dreaming.” You knew his words were genuine because it was just easy to tell.
“You better believe it, baby, because it’s true.”
You stopped short when you heard him call you baby. Of course Corpse had used that word before but right now it felt more intimate.
Letting out a yawn you realized it was nearing 4 am. “I appreciate it.” You mumbled, feeling the events from the day seep in.
“You’re tired, aren’t you?” His deep voice was lulling you closer to sleep.
“No.” Another yawn broke through.
“You can’t lie to me, Y/n. Get some sleep and we will talk tomorrow.”
The words made you smile. “That sounds good, Corpsie. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, sweet girl.” Despite wanting to stay on the phone, you hung up. Sleep was quickly coming in to claim you. You can happily say you fell asleep with a huge smile on your face.
Waking up was easier than it had been in a long time. Normally you woke up to Olivia screaming at you or someone else. So it was nice to wake up to silence. It allowed you to relax and wake up properly.
Your phone buzzed from beside you. A text from Corpse is what you first saw, so you opened it.
Good morning, sweet girl. I hope the night treated you well.
Sweet and to the point. His messages made you think he had a thing for you. Well you hoped he did but he also could just be treating you the way he treats friends.
Yes, I slept well and for once I wasn’t awoken by my obnoxious sister.
It would he good not to live with her.
I bet. Hey I hate to be the one to show you this, but your sister posted this on her instagram.
He then sent a link to the post. It made your blood boil.
There was a picture of her, she was holding up a ripped picture of you. A huge frown was on her face.
oliviaxoxo It’s a shame when family starts to treat you like you weren’t the one to give them money when they needed it. This is my sister and she’s a bitch. For the last few years, she’s been the one editing my videos. Well I found out she was trying to sabotage me, so I had to fire her and kick her out. What a shame it is when family stabs you in the back. 🙃🙃
1,454,787 people like this
oliviafan23 Is this true? Damn, f*ck fake people.
queenolivia Sueeee herrrrr!
lovinliv Family ain’t shit. Spill her info so we can drag her.
sykkuwu Whoa, why are you spreading lies about your own family?
queenolivia Why would you defend someone like that?
valkyrea You’re such a sad human for doing this. Stop lying.
pokimanelol Let’s see, none of this is true. Your sister has done so much for you and you’ve never appreciated it. Get some help for this.
corpse_husband This is sick. No wonder your name is always blasted everywhere. Do your sister a favor and stop talking about her.
oliviaxoxo I don’t know why you’re defending my stupid sister, but that totally makes you not hot to me anymore. Ugh.
valkyrea Uh, that’s what you got from this. Wow, you’re not worth this.
corpse_husband What can you expect? The covid must have gone to her brain.    |
corpseandlivfan Whyyyyyyy Corpse, why would you stand up for her. Do you not realize how horrible Y/n is? Please tell me this is a joke!?!?
 corpse_husband Well, she’s a good friend of mine and I won’t let people make up lies. So it’s not a joke.
You were mad that she’d even say this shit publicly, but you should have known she would. She was nothing without her group of misguided followers.
Can’t say I’m not surprised. This is so on brand for her. Thank you for sticking up for me. It means a lot.
I would do it any day. She shouldn’t be able to get away with doing that to you.
Sadly, growing up, she did get away with doing the absolute worst shit and you always received the brunt of it.
With any luck, she draws negative attention.
You clicked the link to view it again but instead were lead to a page that said the content was unavailable.
I believe she just deleted the post.
Oh, she did. That’s awesome.
It was. Olivia was never one to swallow her pride and admit any wrongdoings. That means she would never delete a problematic post, but she finally did
I didn’t really read any other comments besides you and your friends and the top comments. I can’t imagine what her fans are really saying.
Olivia was completely okay with letting her fans attack people. It was seriously a huge mess. She fell into the category of YouTuber with the worst most entitled attitude.
It’s good you didn’t read them, because they were horrible. I can’t believe she would let her fans do that.
She’s done a lot of shady stuff. This is even before she blew up on YouTube. There is a lot of issues between us.
There was a lot that could be said about your relationship with Olivia and none of them were good. Forever it seemed, you had tried to make it work and hoped your sister would grow up and change but it never happened.
I think she’s a vile human. From what I have seen and her complete lack of human decency, I just can’t help but feel she’s just not a good person and she never will be.
He was right. She would never change.
You’re right. Hey, I have to go thank Poki for letting me stay but I also need to go back to that apartment to get the rest of my stuff. Can I call you when I get back?
Yes, of course. Good luck heading over there.
Talking to him was pretty natural feeling. It was clear now that you were getting a massive crush on him. You had a crush on a man who’s face you’ve never seen. You couldn’t help it though, his personality just meshed so well with yours. He’d made you feel safe and wanted.
After getting dressed, you found Poki in the kitchen making breakfast. She sent you a sweet smile when you entered the room.
“Thank you for standing up for me against my sister on Instagram.” You were truly honored this group of friends liked you enough to do something like this.
“You’re welcome. I couldn’t just let her say that and get away with it. She’s done a lot to you, that you don’t deserve. Corpse messaged all of us the minute he found it and we all jumped into action. Sean and Felix were getting ready to comment when she deleted it.” She explained as she set a plate in front of you.
“I’m so honored. Thank you!”
“Of course, you’re one of us now and we will never let her get away with this stuff anymore.”
You could just cry with how loved they were making you feel. This is what had been missing in your life. Friends who genuinely cared about you and wanted to protect you from the nasty stuff Olivia was capable of doing.
“Would you come with me to the apartment to get the rest of my stuff?” You asked once the two of you finished eating.
Poki nodded. “Of course I will. You shouldn’t have to go alone.”
An hour later, you exited the elevator on the floor where you once resided. Your sister wasn’t home, which would be good but there was a chance she could return while you were packing. But you would deal with that when it came down to it. The two of you quickly got to work, packing your life up into the boxes you’d brought with you. Luckily, you weren’t one to collect a ton of stuff. You mainly just had to make sure your clothes and makeup were packed up.          
You and Poki would fill boxes and pile them by there door, then you would take them down to the car when you acquired a good amount. In the end, you figured you would fill maybe 10 boxes which is actually not too many considering you’ve lived in that apartment for five years.
Poki had left to go take two more boxes to the car while you finished up packing up your last few items. The front door closed, and you assumed it was Poki, but it wasn’t.
“Oh look who’s here? My lovely sister.” Olivia’s voice was flat and emotionless.
You rolled your eyes and turned to find her standing in the doorway, glaring at you. “Hello, Olivia. I’m just packing my stuff and then I’m leaving.”
“Who said you were allowed to come back here?” She grumbled, eyeing the boxes.
“Well, this is my stuff and I have every right to come pick it up.”
“If it’s in my apartment, it clearly belongs to me.” She snarled.
You snapped. “Cut it out, Olivia. This was my apartment too, until you kicked me out last night. You can’t just claim my stuff as your because you’re salty about me having friends.” She was a spoiled brat, and you were done letting her get away with it.
“I’m not the salty one. Everyone can see it’s you.” God she was so annoying. You taped up the last box and turned to her. She held her phone in her hand. “Everyone say hi to my sister. You know, the one I posted about earlier before someone reported my post.”
“Are you live?” You asked, keeping your face expressionless. Olivia would do this.
“I bet some of you remember the few videos I did with her. Well of course that was before she turned against me and decided she was going to try and ruin me. Say hi, Y/n.” A sick smile played on her face.
“I never consented to being in your live, Olivia. Please stop.” You tried to keep your voice calm so that she wouldn’t have any way to make you look like the bad person. But regardless, she was already doing it.
Olivia cackled. “Well I think I’m free to do as I please in my apartment.” You could only imagine what her fans were saying. “You’re right, Andrea, she is an idiot, and I should have her arrested.” She spoke aloud making your blood boil.
“You’re so immature, Olivia.” You grumbled before grabbing the last couple boxes and moving towards the door. Olivia decided to swat the boxes out of your hand, and they fell tumbling to the ground. “What the hell, Olivia. I could have fragile stuff in there.” You growled at her.
Olivia was just laughing. “This is funny. What else should I do, guys?” She asked as she panned the phone around the room.
Her immaturity was giving you a headache. Poki walked in and saw Olivia.
“Oh hey guys, look who’s here. Pokimane.” She panned the camera to Poki who frowned. Olivia just laughed and started talking shit until she was cut off by the stream just ending. “What the hell.”
You gathered the last few boxes, and Poki came to help while Olivia attempted to start another live.
“What the fuck, it won’t let me go live.” She growled while stomping her foot like a child.
“That’s what happens when an influx of people report your live.” Poki spoke as you both had gathered the boxes.
Olivia was frowning. “What did you do, Y/n.” She wanted to pounce at her, but Y/n and Poki were already at the door.
“Y/n did nothing, but I got word of your little livestream and contacted some friends for help. It will be at least 24 hours before you can have another live. But with the amount of people who reported you, well you may be banned for a while.” With that, you and Poki left Olivia standing there is absolute shock.
You and Poki put the last boxes in the car. “Thank you, Poki. How did you get so many people to report it?”
“Well it was actually Corpse. He texted me and informed me that she was doing a live and bothering you. He had his fans go report it, but apparently Sykkuno and Rae also sent their fans. I was going to send mine, but they had it handled. So this was all Corpse.” She explained.
Hearing this made you feel so soft for Corpse. “Awe wow. That’s so sweet of him.”
The two of you entered the car. “Y/n, can I tell you something without you telling him I told you?”
You looked over at her. “Yes, sure.” Your heart rate kind of picked up.
“Well the other day, Corpse admitted he has feelings for you, but he wasn’t completely sure if you felt the same way for him. But I mean I can clearly see you do. Your whole face just lit up when I mentioned him. So do you?”
Heat filled your face and you suddenly felt shy. “I do, yes. Which is ridiculous because I just met the guy, and I don’t even know what he looks like. But gosh, I like him so much. When I talk to him, I feel happy. He’s been so good to me through this crap with Olivia.” You admitted, knowing she already knew.
Poki smiled and squealed in complete happiness. “You two are just the most adorable people! It’s not ridiculous. We pretty much knew from the first time you joined us, that Corpse was into you. But oh my god, you’re into him. You need to tell him!!!!”
You agreed, Corpse deserved to know. “I do. But how? It’s been a really long time since I’ve told someone I liked them. Shit, I feel like I’m in high school again!”
This made Poki giggle. “Calm down, Y/n. I have a plan. Let’s get back to the apartment and we will talk about this. Rae also wants to be involved in this.”
Back at her apartment, you had jumped onto a call with Rae and the three of you talked about what your plan was for you to tell Corpse what you felt for him. Rae and Poki decided to organize an Among Us game strictly for fun and no one would stream, they would also use Proximity chat.
“So we will get him to follow you around until one of us is imposter, then we will lock you into wherever you end up. Do it then” Rae explained sounding so excited.
“Okay, that can work. Let’s do this!” You were nervous but also excited to finally do something good for yourself.
You and Poki set up for the gane and Corpse sent you a text.
Are you joining the game tonight?
Seeing a text from him, made you feel giddy.
Yep I am. So I will see you in game?
Yes you will, angel.
Cue the insane butterflies.
The lobby loaded and it was you, Corpse, Poki, Rae, Sykkuno, Karl, Tina, Sean, Toast, and Leslie. All streamers you had grown to like a lot in the time you have been playing with them.
“Y/n, I am so happy you’re playing with us!” Tina gushed as her little character ran around yours.
“I’m happy to be here.” You really were.
“You’re sister is a piece of work, Y/n.” Sykkuno said.
You giggled. “Don’t I know it.”
“What did she do this time?” Sean asked.
“Decided to film a live when we went to get Y/n’s stuff from the apartment.” Poki explained.
“Oh, that’s gross.” Karl commented.
“I have to thank Corpse for helping.” You stated to the group.
“Yeah Corpse was quick to text us.” Sykkuno added.
“You’re welcome, Y/n. I wasn’t going to let her get away with what she was doing. Truth is, I got a bunch of fan DMs that were telling me what Olivia was doing. So a lot of my fans were already reporting it, but the tweet helped.” Corpse’s deep voice soothed you.
“I appreciate it so much. She was just being an immature brat as always.”
The group laughed before deciding to start the game. Poki and Rae agreed to text you when either of them were imposter. Now it was a matter of getting Corpse to follow you.
The group was on the Polus map, which seemed to be a favorite for everyone.
We should lock them in weapons.
Rae had texted you and Poki through the group text.
That’s the best place for them.
Okay but I still have to get him to follow me.
He will. Just wait, I have a plan.
You trusted Rae and Poki to help you. Now it was time to admit it all to Corpse and hope he genuinely liked you back.
Let’s do this!
PART THREE  >>                                         
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himitsu-luna · 4 years
𔓘⭑ ࣪˖ Nct 127 as boyfriends ˖ ࣪⭑𔓘
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։ຼ⚘ Taeil
~ Key words: healing hugs, comfort, easy love
Taeil is the type of boyfriend that you feel like you know for a much longer time than you actually do, just because everything feels so natural and comfortable with him. To him, relationships are meant to be easy, fun, light, safe, unproblematic, so he works with you to achieve this scenario. He feels like home and he makes loving and being loved look simple. He loves the intimacy of domestic dates, they give him the sense of bonding and growing closer. Cooking, watching movies, just lazing around, sharing secrets and also laughs while wrapped around a cozy blanket are some of his favorite things to do with you. But he also loves being adventurous, going wild once in a while, looking for interesting things to do with you deep at night. He is the type of boyfriend that shyly approaches you to give you a tight hug he was craving the whole day; that sings for you whenever you ask him to do so; that does silly things just to see you laughing; that passionately researches how to cook something just because you mentioned you wanted to eat it; that gives you his hoodies because he thinks you're the cutest with them; that hypes you up like no one else does.
։ຼ⚘ Johnny
~ Key words: joyful smiles, romance, mature love
Do you know that perfect image of a boyfriend we build in our heads and fantasize about? That's Johnny. He might look all cool and detached, but he is the warmest and most caring person you could ever meet. When he gets into a relationship, he takes it very seriously. He does his best to be the best version of himself. He is patient, easy going, mature, and loves to have long conversations with you when you go to your weekly coffee date. He is the type of boyfriend that surprises you with romantic acts out of blue and acts like he did nothing; that carries you to bed when you're too tired; that remembers little and big things about you; that picks you up wherever you are and gets out of the car just to open the door for you; that rushes to buy you medicine when you're sick and that falls asleep beside your bed. He also has his mischivious side, which makes your dynamics even more interesting. He is the boyfriend that carries you on his shoulders at a concert; that hides behind a door to jump and scare you; that tickles you until you can't laugh anymore. He is the type of boyfriend that treats you like royalty and also like his best friend.
։ຼ⚘ Taeyong
~ Key words: day dreaming gazes, companionship, reassuring love
Taeyong as a boyfriend feels like a partner for life. You can't help but catching yourself imagining a whole married life with him, but little you know he is doing the exact same thing. He is the type of boyfriend that genuinely does his best to get involved in your life and to be part of it. He asks you about your day, about your dreams, about your plans, and listens to you attentively. Communicating with him is not a problem. Actually, he is usually the first one to send you a message, or to give you a call. Also, the amount of support you receive from him is enourmous, since he admires and believes in you unconditionaly. It's natural for him to say "we" instead of "I", because he considers you in every step he takes. He is the type of boyfriend that crafts little things for you; that makes you that cute lunch boxes with even cuter post-its on them; that has a notebook filled with lyrics he wrote about you; that smiles fondly everytime he hears your name; that don't fail one day on sending you a gooodnight message; that pulls you to dance in the middle of the kitchen.
։ຼ⚘ Yuta
~ Key words: undivided attention, loyalty, intense love
Yuta is someone who won't ever leave room for doubts or insecurities regarding the love he feels for you, regarding your relationship. He can't get tired of telling and showing you how important you are to him. He gives you a lot of attention and takes good care of you. It's impossible for him to be indifferent when you're around, he is too into you, he has eyes just for you. He expresses his emotions clearly and makes his moods obvious, so the relationship is super transparent. The excitement of the relationship seems to never cease. He is naturally original and interesting, and he doesn't even need to try hard to get you hooked. Yuta's love is intoxicating, inebriating. He is the type of boyfriend that does your nails, your hair and your make up, but says that you look amazing without all of it; that gives you his jacket and also embraces you to make sure you're not cold, even though he is freezing; that turns off his phone when you're spending time together; that jokingly (or not) acts protective towards you; that doodles hearts on your arm; that winks at you from afar.
։ຼ⚘ Doyoung
~ Key words: meaningful acts, care, one and only love
Doyoung's hobby is taking care of you. And yes, it's his hobby, because he doesn't see it as an obligation or a duty. He truly likes pampering you and making your life easier. He openly admits that you are his weakness, his soft spot, the only one who can make him lose his senses and not think straight. He either is all lovey-dovey or the nagging type of lover around you. He is invested, respectful, nurturing, solid, stable, constant, and won't let anyone talk bad about you. He is the type of boyfriend that keeps little things related to you, like notes you left him or a cute sticker you glued on his arm while joking around; that gives you the last piece of french fries he got; that drops everything and travels miles and miles to meet you because you said you were lonely; that unconciously does little things for you, like putting tooth paste onto your tooth brush and handing it to you; that always carries two umbrelas because he knows you often forget yours at home; that keep staring at you in awe, but denies it strongly when you catch him doing so.
։ຼ⚘ Jaehyun
~ Key words: intertwined fingers, sincerity, movie like love
Jaehyun is the type of boyfriend full of surprises. He makes you wonder what is going through his head, because it's quite difficult to read him. But he knows what he feels. As you get to know him better, you learn that he is the sweetest bean. For example, you get to know that when he looks distant or distracted around you, he is actually trying his best to hide from you some random cute romantic surprise he prepared. Even though he is not that good at expressing his emotions, he tries to put his love into words from time to time, and you just can feel it through the tender looks he gives you. He is chill and down to earth with most of things, but he daydreams a lot about you. He is also an interesting person with interesting thoughts, and sometimes you feel like your in a romantic comedy movie. He is the type of boyfriend that says "you're amazing" out of nowhere; that back hugs you whenever he sees the opportunity to do so; that gives you the best massages ever; that wants to hear stories from your childhood; that looks forward to your reaction when he tells you a joke or a story; that brags about you to his friends; that secretly takes personality tests and looks into astrology to see how compatible you two are: if he gets a positive answer, he goes "I knew it!", and if he gets a negative answer, he goes "I don't believe this anyways".
։ຼ⚘ Winwin
~ Key words: soft caresses, growing together, special love
Once Winwin falls in love, he wishes it's forever. He is always amazed by you and by how you changed his whole world and his whole vision of people, of the world, and of himself. He has a huge sense of honor and commitment towards you, so he does his best to be a good boyfriend. He does that quietly though, with little meaningful acts and shy words. He is usually pretty calm and composed, but sometimes he becomes a cute soft mess around you. When this happens, his reactions ranges from "malfunctioning and not knowing what to do at all" to "showing off his skills so you'll be impressed". He is the type of boyfriend that goes shopping to buy something for himself and ends up with twenty items for you ; that steals a kiss on your cheek while you're asleep; that says he is going to read your palm just to have an excuse to hold your hands; that, after twenty minutes watching a movie with you, side by side, murmurs "come here" and extends his arm so you can hug and cuddle him, all of that while avoiding eye contact (but at the end he is all smiley)
։ຼ⚘ Jungwoo
~ Key words: endless cuddles, connection, colorful love
Jungwoo is the type of boyfriend who just feels right. You look at him and wonder how you could end up with someone that matches your vibes so well. He accepts you and loves you exactly the way you are, for the way you are. He is not only sweeter than candy, he is also the funniest, the cutest, the most supportive, the most lovely, the most unique and interesting boyfriend ever. He feels intensily what you're feeling, so he can understand you well. He cries when you cry, he laughs when you laugh, he is by your side because he wants to be. He is the type of boyfriend that stays awake with you all night long when you need to finish an assignment so he can help you and so you won't feel lonely; that creates a whole new special sign language to communicate with you ; that fights for food with you just to give you everything at the end; that goes live on instagram just to scream "y/n, I love you" and then disconnects; that can't stop talking about you to everyone; that uses your picture as his cellphone background.
։ຼ⚘ Mark
~ Key words: sweet kisses, happiness, pure love
Mark is someone who wants to give you the whole world, and he works hard to do so. He is very intuitive and can tell what you're thinking with just one look. Being with him feels easy, recharging, and you see sincerity in all of his acts and words. There's no drama, no second intentions, he just genuinely wants to see you happy. He is the type of boyfriend that prays for you every night before sleeping; that may be clueless about a lot of things, but notices when you have the slightest change in your appearance; that takes melted candies out of his pockets and says they are a gift to you with the brightest and most innocent smile on his face; that creates raps about your awesomeness at random times; that gets too tired of giggling while cuddling you and then sleeps in your arms; that get inspired by some cheesy movie to do cheesy things with you but gets all shy about it afterwards, which makes everything even more adorable; that helps you drying your hair and gives you little pecks while the towel covers your eyes.
։ຼ⚘ Haechan
~ Key words: heart fluttering words, sharing, playful love
Haechan is someone who makes you feel special. He knows every single detail about you, and it seems that he understands you more than you do yourself, because he always knows what to say to make you feel better. He is affectionate, flirty, enjoys to make you blush, but often he is the one who blushes like crazy. He values the deep bond you share, and is proud of himself to have you by his side. He is the type of boyfriend that diligently prepares a midnight snack for you and draws a big heart with ketchup on your plate; that asks you what you are going to wear on your date with him, so he can wear something similar; that has a bracelet with your initial on it; that does skincare with you; that calls you at raining nights and stays with you on the phone for hours to distract you from the thunders you hate so much; that runs to you when he sees you; that plays rock paper scissors with you to decide who will get you two food, but actually it doesn't matter who wins, he will do everything for you at the end.
•° thanks @arieseris333 for the request! 💕
•° taglist - @starrdustville @mairah-shaikh @mairahshaikh @cupidluvstarrz @kpopsnowball @kaepopsicle @purplepsycho03 @najatheangel @dundun-baby
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127-mile · 3 years
Love as poisonous as flowers.
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Pairing: Vigilante Renjun x villain reader.
Genre: Vigilante!au, superhero!au, flower shop, strangers to lovers | Fluff, angst.
Warnings: Blood, injuries, fighting scene, strong language, manipulation.
Plot: Renjun became a vigilante when he got tired of obeying the laws of heroes, he also began to seek the approval of villains when being good and helpful became too much.
Word count: +7k.
A/N: This is part of the Neo hero academia collab hosted by @badwithten​. 
Tag list: @peachjaem00​ | @colpen​
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"Poor vigilante, what did they do to you?"
Renjun looks up, but his vision is blurry, so much that he sees nothing but a misshapen shadow before his eyes. His whole body is in pain, and he cries loudly when he fees a hand resting on his shoulder and when the hand sticks to his torn shirt from the blood flowing from the gaping wound.
"What is happening?" he hears another voice, and it brings chill down his spine. The voice is low, and threatening but laced with something a tad addicting in a way he could never explain. "Flower boy is bleeding out on the pavement." you answer and if the way you move is anything to go by, you are crouching down in front of him. "What should we do with him?"
He hears the stranger hum. "We need him, so I guess we are going to do our deed of the day by helping him." you agree and you put your hand right on the wound and a sob hitches in Renjun's throat but the pain slowly fades until it becomes nothing but a throbbing in his arm. "What have you done?" he whispers, voice rough and gurgling by the amount of blood in his mouth.
"I just saved your life flower boy, so try to remember that the next time we meet, alright?" he would love to say that yes, he will remember you, but he has no idea what you look like. "Oh, oh, easy flower boy." you say when he tries to stand up, but he sits back down when his head starts to spin and bile rises in his throat. "If you want to go home, you will have to wait a little longer."
"Who are you?" he asks in a small voice, and you chuckle softly. Even if he doesn't know what you look life, he knows he will be able to remember you by the way you laugh. "I am your sweetest nightmare, flower boy." you lean down and kiss his cheeks with a softness he was not expecting. "You owe me one for saving your life." you whisper close to his ear and he shivers.
When he looks up, he is alone in the dark alleyway.
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Renjun wakes up tired.
He grabs his phone on the bedside table and he notices that it is almost 2 pm, which means he slept for over 11 hours and he is still just as tired as if he had not slept for an entire week. As much as he would like to stay in bed, and make the world forget about his existence, he has to get up, and he has to open the shop, not that he has an higher up ready to kick him out for being late, but he does have a bunch of bills pilling up on the table.
When he stands up, the first thing he notices is that he is still wearing last night's bloody shirt and that from the ripped, he can't see any trace from the wound he suffered from while playing the vigilante in the middle of the nastiest, scariest area in town. He walks to the full body mirror and he takes the shirt off. Nothing. Just dried blood, but no scar, absolutely nothing.
What did you do to him?
When he steps out of the apartment, something feels off. He does not know what it is, but something is different from the other days. But he tries to brush it off as he walks to the shop which is two blocks away from his apartment. He has walked this path every day for the past three years, and never has he felt so unsafe. He tries not to look over his shoulder, because he knows if he starts he will not stop until he is locked in the store.
He opens the door, and he is immediately assaulted by the different scents of flowers but it makes him feel good, it allows him to relax and take a deep breath without the weight on his stomach and the lump in his throat. Here he feels safe. Maybe he should not because he remembers the words you had said to him last night, but he knows nothing will happen in the confine of his flower ship.
Maybe he should not have spoken so fast.
He has barely finished putting down the fresh flowers he received earlier in the morning, when the door to the store opens with the soft ringing of the doorbell. "Hello, how can I help you?" he asks in his sweet customer service voice.
"Hello, flower boy," the customer says, and he stops, almost dropping the vase on the ground. "how are you feeling on this fine morning? Not too sore? Not too tired?" he turns on his heels and he is met with a smile he has never seen before, maybe because he couldn't see anything last night, but he does recognize the voice. "I'm fine, I guess." he answers, hesitating.
"That's great." you say as you walk around the store, smelling the flowers and smiling at the colors it brings to the place. "Remember when I said you owed me one?" he nods, walking back behind the counter, nervously playing with the hem of his hoodie. "I know, I should have waited a little longer to come ask for a favor, but unfortunately, we do need your help right now."
"We?" he tilts his head to the side, and you join him to the counter. "My friend, you met him yesterday. If it was not for him, I would have let you bleed out on the street, but he is nicer than I am." oh, this brings an unpleasant chill down his back and he tries to remain stoic, but with you so close and smelling as good as the flowers, it is quite difficult.
"What do you want from me?" he asks in a small voice, and you coo. You almost reach to pinch his cheek, but you refrain yourself, but can anyone blame you? He is absolutely adorable with his doe eyes shining with fear and something else. Adoration? Excitation? Who knows. "Do you happen to have a paper and a pen?" you ask as weird as it sounds when he was expecting some sort of explanation or death threat, but he gives you what you asked for.
You write down an address and you give him the paper. "Come here tonight at midnight. Knock four times on the door, stop for three seconds, and knock two more times so we know it's you." he looks at the address and he did not even know this place existed, but by the look of it, it is some sort of underground apartment. "Why would I do that? I don't know you, I don't know your friend!"
"Oh, my sweet, sweet vigilante. You do not have the choice, if you do not come tonight, we will find you, and we will make sure you bleed out in your store like you were supposed to last night." you explain in a voice that is way too soft for a death threat. "And don't try to have someone follow you, we'll know even before you step inside of the place, and the police will find two dead bodies instead of one."
You lean over the counter, and much like you did the day before, you kiss his cheek. "You don't want to know what would happen to the people you love and care so much about, and to this store if you do not come tonight." you wink at him, and with that, you are gone as quickly as you stepped inside of the store.
Renjun is once again left alone, but this time he is not hurt, just shaken up. But in a good way, if that's even a thing. He feels the adrenaline slowly slipping through his body and as scared as he is, he looks forward to the night. To know more about what they want from him. And especially, to know more about you.
He almost wants to close the store early, and to get ready for the little rendez-vous, but he doesn't know what he should get ready for. Maybe this is just a trap, and he will end up dead no matter if he shows up or not, but he has to know.
Curiosity killed the cat, that's what they say, but he is ready.
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It is a quarter past midnight when Renjun arrives in front of the address on the piece of paper and he is out of breath. He was so sure he knew the place, but he was wrong, and he had to ask some weird person for directions, a person who he is sure would have beaten up if he was in his vigilante costume. But tonight, he is just Renjun, the flower boy whose stress is playing on his quirk.
He finds himself stupid in front of the door, because he forgot how to knock. He shifts from one leg to the other and he wonders why he decided to let his curiosity attract him here since he is clearly not capable of respecting the two simple rules that were given to him. "Fuck it." he whispers, and he knocks on the door. Three times.
Nothing happens for several minutes, so he gives up and turns on his heels. But when he gets ready to leave, the door creaks and he hears a small giggle. The giggle. "So, flower boy, are you not able to abide by the rules give to you? It's a shame, because we've placed a lot of hope on you." he faces you, and he tilts his head to the side. He looks genuinely sorry, but you can't accept it until he opens his mouth. "I got lost on the way, and I forgot how I was supposed to knock, I am really sorry."
"You got lost? It is a shame, especially coming from a vigilante, but you are young, so I think we can make an exception, but only for today, okay?" he nods, but stops, frowning. "What do you mean, only for today? I thought I was only supposed to do you one favor!" you laugh softly. "Saving your life is going to cost you a lot more than just one little encounter, flower boy. Saving you life has cost me a lot, you have to pay me back."
"It was not the deal!" he exclaims, and you let out a long sigh. "You don't have to honor the deal, if you do not want to, but you know what is going to happen to you and your friends if you don't. The decision is yours to make." you rest your shoulder against the doorframe, and observe Renjun who seems to be weighting the pros and cons. Finally, he nods. "Very well."
"Perfect, follow me." you open the door to let him in, and he closes it behind him. The hallway is long and barely lit, so he has no idea where he is heading, he just follows the sound of your footsteps. Eventually, they come to another door, and when you open it, he has to squint his eyes to let his vision get used to the brightness of the room. "Guys, he is here."
When he looks around, he notices that several people are present, either sitting on the leather sofa, or standing by the window. "Let me introduce you. This is Johnny, Taeyong, Ten, Kun and Doyoung." Renjun observes each man, nodding although he doubts he will remember their names. "So what is your name?" he asks in a small voice, and your mouth opens in a small "o". "Oh yeah, I never introduced myself, I'm Y/n."
"Are those your real names?" he asks and you laugh softly. "Who knows? Maybe we trust you enough to tell you who we really are, or maybe we are just waiting to see how you obey to tell you the truth." you answer and he rolls his eyes, not the answer he expected. "Sit down, we'll explain everything to you."
He sits on a couch, and two of the men sit on either side of him, and he feels a lot less confident. You sit down across from him, crossing your legs. "It's not for nothing that we saved your life yesterday. If you were not helpful to us, we would have left you to die in the alley." you start, and he feels something unpleasant doing up in his stomach. "A little birdie told us you were growing some special flowers in the back of your store."
His eyes open wide when he realizes what you just said. "What? Who told you that?" only one person knows about his special plantation, and there is no way that person has told them anything. You are bluffing, he thinks. "Before I answer you, I have a slightly more important question for you. Do you trust all of your friends? Do you think any of them would be able to betray you in return of a little power?"
He shakes his head vigorously. "No! My friends are trustworthy, and they would never do anything to disobey the law!" you sink deeper into your chair, your hands resting on your thighs. "It's funny to hear that, especially from a vigilante who clearly does not obey the laws imposed on superheroes." he bites his lower lip, it's true that it does not make sense.
"Come on, think a little bit, don't you have a friend who is dying to have more power in this world, who always wanted to have a little more?" one of the men asks, and he recognizes his voice, it is that of the man who convinced you to save his life. And if he remembers correctly, it's Johnny. "If you know about what is going on in the back of my store, you already have your answer." he mumbles.
"Yes, but we want to hear you say it. If you do not say it, you will not believe that one of your friends dared to betray you." you immediately add and he lowers his head. His heart hurts, of course, because he confided in thinking his secret would be well kept, but now he has to question everything he had ever said or done with his friends. If one betrayed him, what about the others? "Haechan knew that," he says in a voice so weak that you find it hard to hear him. "he was the only one who knew that."
"Do you want to know something about your friend?" you ask, but you do not really give him a choice. "He was the one who came to see us. We did not know anything about your store, or your little backyard business, but he somehow knew about what we were looking for, so he found a way to mee us." he cannot believe what he is hearing. "You are lying. Why would he betray me? He has nothing to gain from hanging with people like you."
"People like us? What do you mean by that?" Ten asks in a strained voice, and he regrets opening his mouth, you see it in his face, and it is so much fun. Just for that, you want to keep him around a bit longer. When he does not respond, Ten nudges him, hard. "Tell us. Wo do you think we are."
"Villains?" he answers in a small voice and you get up from the armchair, stretching your legs.
"You are not wrong, but you are not right either." you explain, turning around the couch in which he is installed. You put your hands on Renjun's shoulders and bend down so that you can speak directly into his ear. "We have not killed anyone, so technically, we are not villains. At least, not yet. That's where you are going to come in handy."
Before he can start to panic, you keep talking. This time, a little louder so everyone can hear what you are saying. "Your flowers are special, Renjun, because they are extremely rare. It has been years since no one has managed to grow them, and yet, you have succeeded. Your flowers can be used to do so many things. Good things, like saving the lives of sick people. And bad things."
Renjun already knows all of this, he has spent years researching which flowers can be used, and although he knows you are going to explain more about why he is here, he already has an idea of what you are going to say, but he lets you talk, he doesn't want to upset you.
"You see Renjun, we think the heroes take, and don't give anything in return. Yes, they keep our streets secure, and our stores away from break-ins, but they do not do it because they want to help their neighbors anymore, but because they know that the money that will be given to them will be enough for them to have a good life. Heroes are wicked, they are obnoxious, and they act like we should revere them for their service."
"You understand us, right? After all, you were the one who decided that being a vigilante was better than being a hero. You know the laws are stupid, and they are not obeyed because heroes think they have all the rights, and that they are better than that." Renjun remains silent, but in a way, he agrees with you. He never thought he would agree with a villain. A villain not so villain apparently. "We do not want to kill them, it's not our role, but we want to show them what it's like to live without powers."
"We want them to have to live in fear that a hero will not be around the corner to save them in case of trouble. We want them to have to experience what it feels like to be saved by a hero, having to show yourself grateful in front of the cameras to appease their egos. We think vigilantes can do the work like it needs to be done without the reward." Renjun nods and when you turn to face him, you can see so many emotions in his eyes that you can't help but smile. "And you need my plants to do that." he concludes.
"We need some of your flowers, but we also need a few plants that we are sure you can grow." he looks at you and he frowns. "What tells you that I will succeed in growing the plants you need?" you shrug as you straighten up, burrying your hands in the pockets of your jackets. "I don't know why, but I trust you Renjun, and if you've been able to do something that no one has done for years, I'm sure you can do that."
Is it weird that he feels something warm all over his body when you say that? He is not sure, but he puts that feeling aside, for now he has to focus on you, and your friends. "I can try, but what if I can't? you pout and you meet the gaze of one of the boys. "Well, we'll find someone else to grow what you don't have. But you will always be of use to us."
"And when you have everything you need, will my debt be paid?" you appreciate that he calls it a debt, even though that's not really the word you would have used. "If you do not give us fake flowers, and if you do not try to denounce us, then ues, you will be free to return to your little vigilante life, flower boy."
"I will help you then." you laugh, because he talks as if he had a choice to decline, but you let it slide, for now. "Perfect! I'll come find you with the list of what we need. In the meantime, I forbid you to talk about any of this little meeting." he gets up, nodding, he is not stupid enough to talk about this meeting with the villains. "What about Haechan?" he suddenly asks, and you turn to face him. "Haechan knows what we are up to, well, he knows a bit, as we don't want him to use that information to get something as well. So you do whatever you want with him."
You lead him back to the front door, and when he comes out into the dark, you take his hand to pull him in and once again, kiss his cheek. "See you soon, flower boy." and the door closes in front of his face.
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Three weeks go by, and Renjun still hasn't heard from you.
Every day he goes to the store, and every time he expects you to shop up, but no, nothing ever happens, and he comes home almost sad that he has not seen you. Or even one of the men. He craves something he can't explain, something he never knew he needed to live.
Today is a day like any other, Renjun thinks as he pushes the back door open with a thrust, his arms laden with plants. "Hello, flower boy." you say and he jumps, to the point that he drops a plant, but before it breaks on the ground, a vine shoots out of the ground to catch the pot. "Of, that was a very nice catch!" you exclaim with a certain admiration.
"Is that your quirk, or do you have traps in the store in case someone tries to break into your store overnight?" you ask, curious and he puts the pots on the counter, shaking his head. "I can't tell you, or I would have to kill you." he immediately closes his mouth, regretting his words, but when you start to laugh, he huffs with relief.
"I'll be careful not to go inside without you then." you answer and start to walk around the store, the shadow of a smile on your face. "Your shop is really beautiful, you know?" he nods, even though you can't see him. "I worked hard to get there." you hum, you supect that it did not happen overnight. "I thought you would come sooner."
"Oh, flower boy!" you coo, and you turn on your heels to observe him from where you are standing. "Did you miss me? It is absolutely adorable, but don't worry, we are not going to part for a while. You will not have time to miss me, I promise." Renjun smiles thinly, but he doesn't know if he should be happy or not.
"No," he mumbles, but you can see the way his cheeks are turning red, and it's adorable, you hate how weak he makes you by doing nothing but by being himself. "but I could have started growing some of the plants you need if you had come sooner." you tilt your head to thes ide and you shrug. "We needed a few more details before we came."
"But since you seem so eager to start working with us, here is the list of what we need." you put a notebook on the counter, and Renjun takes it t oread the list of flowers and plants. The list is much longer than he had thought, he his eyes widen as he nears the end. "Do you really need all of this? It's huge, and it's going to take me a while!"
"That's why you don't have a deadline to get us all the plants." you explain in a slow voice, and when the door opens, you push yourself aside to let the customer speak with Renjun. You take advantage that he is busy to go through the door he came out of when you arrived, and you are surprised to only see a storeroom, but when you take a step forward, you notice another door.
"Oh flower boy, you are hiding a lot of things." you say when you enter the second room. Lots of plants and flowers are growing, some are examined through a microscope, and tons of books and scientific journals pile up on a desk that looks ready to break. Some flowers smell divine, other smell like death.
A plant seems to be singing on your left side, and the sound if so sweet and beautiful that you have no choice but approach it. The leaves are purple and you had no idea that plants could be so beautiful, and when you move your hand to touch a leaf, a vine wraps around your forearm. "Do not touch it. It will kill you in a matter of seconds."
"Is that a poisonous plant?" you ask, and he answers. "Yes, one of the most poisonous I have." you frown when the vine disappears from around your arm, the contact was not unpleasant. "As poisonous as love." you whisper.
Before Renjun can say anything, you speak again. "Shall we get started?" Renjun is taken aback, he was expecting to be given a few more days to plan everything. "I need some more stuff, for the plants I don't have." you hum, rubbing your arm where the vine was. "Make a list, flowers boy, of everything you need, and we will make sure to give you everything." oh, that's nice, he thinks.
"Some of the plants you need are really interesting, do you reckon I could keep what is left when you are done? I would love to look more into them." Renjun asks and you nod. "If you are still alive by the time we are done, of course, the plan will be yours to study and use." the sentence doesn't settle well with Renjun who suddenly feels extremely cold despite the warmth of the room.
When you leave the flower store, it is with a list in hand, and a lot of work to do before actually getting started.
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"Oh my god, Renjun, you look terrible!"
Renjun squirms behind the counter when you cross the store to join him, dropping what you came to give him in the first place, putting your hands on his cheeks. His lower lip is swollen, red and split in half, he has a black eye starting, and a bruise is forming on his jaw. "What happened?" you ask, and your worry makes his heart beat a little faster.
"I had a surprise visit last night when I left the store." you frown. "What do you mean?" it's worrying, you can't say otherwise. "Are you in pain anywhere else?" you ask, tilting your head, and when he points his wrist which has a very ugly dark color, you put your hand on it, and as with his shoulder, the pain subsides, and the bruise becomes almost nonexistent. "A villain I took care of last month found me."
"See, being a vigilante is good on one hand, because you take care of the dirty work, but on the other hand, you take risks when you can't get the villains arrested." you comment, more to yourself than to Renjun, but nonetheless, he nods. He agrees with you, but to be perfectly honest, he would agree with anything you say to him.
"You have to believe that I won't be able to leave you alone anymore." you laugh, and he shrugs. "I think it's safer for me if you are there." oh, plus he is flattering you. "You are adorable flower boy, I hope you know that."
"I guess I am."
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The next month insteresting, to say the least.
Renjun is constantly in the back room, trying to grow the requested plants, and taking care of his own flowers. And when he is not tearing his hair out when one of the plants dies before its ripe enough to be used, he is in the store, serving customers. But no matter what he does, he is never alone. No, you are always by his side, making sure no one mes with him. And he gets used to it. He doesn't jump anymore when you appear out of nowhere in his shop in the early morning hours.
Sometimes you even accompany him to his apartment, and you stay until late at night after cooking and chattong for hours about anything and everything. And honestly, the more he spends time with you, the less he can assimilate you to a villain, because you are not. You are kind, attentive, but he knows that if something were to go wrong, you would not be as nice anymore.
He took the time to learn a little more about your healing quirk, and he also showed you the used of his vines. Most fascinating to you was the moment he pulles vines out of his hair, and he knows he will never forget the way you smile at him then. And he certainly will not forget how his heart started pounding in his chest when you smiled.
He knows he shouldn't feel anything for you, but he can't help it.
Unfortunately, he does not know if what he is feeling is love, or just the urge to receive more compliments for what he is doing, and that he is going to help them change the world. You make him feel all type of things.
This morning, when you walk into the store, you look in a good mood, he notices the second his gaze lands on you. And although the customers have been quite rude since he opened, he instantly feels better. "Renjun, I have some good news for you!" you exclaim, and a weight falls on his stomach. He has been dreading this day since he started working with you. Well, with them to be precise.
"We tried the plants extract you brought us last night, and it worked! You did it!" Yes, this is what he really didn't want to hear but he smiles anyway, because yes, he managed to do something he was not sure he could do. It took very long weeks, crying spells and intense frustration, but he succeeded. "Oh, it's cool!"
"You don't look very happy, why is that?" you ask, and you pout. You thught that after having worked so hard he would be happy with the result, but he looks more disappointed than anything else. "I am, I am very glad you did." you sigh. "So why are you looking so sad?" it's going to be embarrassing, he thinks, lowering his head. "I liked it when you were there, even when you dropped the flowers, but now it's over."
You coo loudly and you take a step forward to gently cup his cheeks. "Look at me, flower boy." he hesitates, but he does so after a moment. "What you did for us is incredible, Renjun, and we will be forever grateful for everything. It is not the end except if you want it to be. Do you want it to be the end of this, of us?" he shakes his head with a certain vigor and you chuckle. "Then it won't be the end. Could I kiss you?" it is sudden for Renjun, but he nods nonetheless.
You lean in, and you press your lips against his for a short, but sweet kiss. And Renjun is so busy trying to control his thoughts, and his heart rate, that he does not kiss back at first, but then he does, and you smile. "Would you," you say after breaking the kiss, lips grazing over Renjun's. "would you like to see it being used for the first time on an actual hero?"
"What do you mean being used on an actual hero? How did you know it was working then?" he asks, taking a step back and you heave a long sigh. "We have our ways to test products, flower boy. We couldn't take the risk being caught before we were sure the product was perfect." you answer simply and he frowns. "I don't like that."
"I'm not asking you to like it, Renjun. You agreed to help us, you should have known about the consequences. We had to test the product out, and you are lucky we did not use it on you!" you exclaim, a little more sternly this time. "We could have done it, Renjun, some of the bous asked for you to be used as the guinea pig, but we didn't, because we understood how well you worked, and how easy you obeyed, never disagreeing with anything we asked for. You became one of us."
"One of you?" he asks in a small voice, and you nod. He knows he should feel any kind of pride, but he does, and it feels amazing even though he still has mixed feelings about the use of the products on non-heroes. "Yes, one of us, Renjun. If you do not want to assis to the first official use, you can, that will not change how we feel about you. But if you start doubting us, or to be offended by our way of doing things, then we are going to have a problem."
Renjun hums softly and he finally looks up. He looks more determined this time, and it warmth your heart a little bit. "Alright, I'm in." that simple sentence is enough to make you break into a bright smile, and Renjun can't help but smile too. "We are doing this at night, we'll come fetch you here, alright?" he nods, and as fast as you came, you leave. He is always surprised how easy it is for you to just disappear.
When midnight strikes, Renjun is waiting in front of the store when he catches movements in the corner of his eyes. "Let's go, flower boy!" he jumps when he hears you right behind him. How did you do that, he wonders, he did not hear anything before that. "You okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost." Johnny asks and he shakes his head. "I'm fine, I'm fine."
You take his hand in yours, gently squeezing it before walking away from the store. They are not walking too far, just enough for the store to not be affect by what is about to happen. "So, do you already have a target?" he asks in a small voice, scared that being heard would make him the actual target. "We do, and he is right here." you show him a man, a hero whose flame are surrounding his body.
"Ember?" he asks, dumbounded.
"Yes, he is the worst of all the heroes." Johnny answers before you can, and yes, he kind of agree. "He thinks the streets are his, and will chastise any hero stepping in front of him to save a citizen." Johnny adds. "Stay here with me." you say when he tries to follow the others. "My quirk is not good for fighting, and we wouldn't want anything to happen to you as well, as I can't use my quirk on you a third time."
"Why?" you like to hear so much curiosity in his voice. "Because you would die. Regenerating your cells take a lot of your energy, and it can only be used to many times on someone who is not properly trained." he hums, but before he can answer, he hears loud voices.
Johnny threw himself on Ember, and started to fight him, which cause the hero to fight back. The fight is long, and prety hurtful for both parties, but in the end, they succeed on pulling Ember into an alleyway, away from the citizens's eyes. "Come on." you walk into the alleyway and you smile when you see Ember trying to free himself from the restraints.
"Could you maybe use some of your vines to maintain him to the ground?" you ask sweetly, and Renjun can't say no, he is too weak for that. A few vines appear from the ground, and wrap around his wrists and ankles. "Thank you!" Johnny says when he can finally let go of the hero, but he doesn't stay far away from him, just in case something goes wrong.
From your bag, you take out a syringe filled with green liquid. The result of so many plants and flowers being used. You crouch down next to the hero, where you can have the best access to his neck and you pierce through the skin with the thick and long needle. "What the fuck are you doing?" Ember yells. "Preserving the world from people like you." you answer before injecting the product.
What you were not expecting was from Ember's flames to take on intensity and dangerously lick the skin of your arm and you hiss at the sudden burn. You fall to the ground and put your arm away from his reach. "Fuck! That was not supposed to happen!"
Everyone's eyes are on the hero who they think is stronger than the product, but after a couple of minutes, his flames start to disappear until the alleway he nothing but dark, and smelling like ember. "What have you done to me?" Ember grunts when he can't use his quirk to get rid of his assailants. "I told you, we are preserving the world from people like you."
You brush your fingers against his cheek with a soft smile. "This is for the greater good, isn't that what you always wanted?" then you stand up, and the pain in your arm almost make you fall back, but Renjun is quick to catch you. "Eh, easy. Can you heal yourself?" he asks in a low voice and you nod. "Yes, but later."
You wish you could celebrate this small victory, but you have to heal yourself before it is too late for your cells to regenerate. So you let the boys take care of Ember and Renjun lead you back to the flower shop, and once you are inside, in safety, you drop to the ground. "That's going to hurt." you mumble more to yourself than to Renjun and you put your other hand on the wound, and yes, it does hurt but you bite your lower lip to muffle a scream.
Renjun looks absolutely panicked on the side, unable to do anything to help you. "It's fine, Renjun." you whisper when he starts to pace around the store. "I'm fine." and you are fine, it does not hurt as much anymore, just a small tingle. "Are you sure?" you nod as he helps you back on your feet. "Yes, I promise."
"Thank you for helping us back there." you kiss him softly on the lips, and he smiles. He does not know if his heart ever missed so many beats like this before he met you. But he doubts it, you are the first person to make him feel like that. Like what? He doesn't know.
Love? Power? He wishes he could answer.
"Would you like to spend the night at my place?" you asl sheepishly and Renjun's cheeks flush furiously. "I would like that." if you came here, and even at his apartment, he never went to your place. Maybe because he already went there, he realizes, when you stop in front of the door where he had to meet you for the very first meeting.
"You live here with the others?" he asks as he follows you through the long hallway and you nod. "Yes, it is easier to keep track of everyone and to make sure we are all safe." this is sweet, he thinks, they are actually a family. A weird one, but still a family.
You stop in the living room, and it looks way more comfortable without all of your friends there, looking at him like he is ready to run away and scream to the world that they are about to stop the heroes from existing in the city.
"I wanted to thank you Renjun, for everything you have done for us. For me." you start, and he cocks his head to the side, burrying his hands in the pockets of his pants. "You did way more than what was expected, so you deserve our eternal gratitude. Mine." he is about to answer but instead, you kiss him, yet again, and it feels like the first time.
He kisses you back, one hand wandering on your waist, and he doesn't hear the door open. He doesn't even notice that someone has stopped behind him, but when a hand lands on his shoulder, and lips that are not yours come up to his ear, he tenses out, and his eyes close when words are spoken without him being able to fully understand them. "Thank you for everything, flower boy, and I'm sorry for that." you say.
When Renjun opens his eyes, he is alone in the shop. He frowns when he notices that the front door is ajar and that the sun is rising. Didn't he close it when he arrived this morning? It's possible, he thinks. Wait, why is he here so early in the morning? Did he spends the night here? He can't remember.
When he looks around, he feels like something is different. Not in the shop, but inside of him. It feels like something is missing, but he doesn't know what.
The answer is simple, but he'll never find it.
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jinsrever · 3 years
Wedding Night
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Pair: Kim Seokjin x (she)reader
Genre: Fluff 
Content: fluff, (a bit) steamy, 16+ content (suggestive) 
Words: 1.9 k 
Summary: You and Kim Seokjin are finally married.  Finally, it's your wedding night.  You two agreed to rest for the night and do it when it is your honeymoon vacation in Italy.  However, your friends seem to have other plans in store for you and Jin's wedding night. 
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Sometimes, you only realize the reality you're in when you're actually in it.  Too much fear or too much happiness can lead you to a state where you can't believe everything around you.  The exact same feeling happened to you the moment you entered together with your husband, Kim Seokjin, in the hotel suite.  The wedding reception only finished an hour ago.  After settling a few things, you and your newly known husband went up to your hotel suite.  Only then, it hit you that you are now married to your one and only love of your life…and…it's your wedding night.  
You and Jin stand a few steps before the bed seeing all the red petals scatter into a heart shape on the bed.  Then a towel folded into swans forming a heart.  Pretty much the implication is clear.  
"I...um-" Jin finally spoke yet with hesitancy.  "We don't need to do it tonight," 
You look up at him and you see him give you that sweetest smile.  "Thank you. I'm sorry.  I'm a bit tired from the whole party," you awkwardly chuckled.
"Of course," Jin said with confidence as he walked closer to you.  As your body is pressed against his, he caresses your cheeks as he seems to memorize every feature.  A soft genuine smile draws on his face which you also did as well as a response. 
"It's fine by me, sweetheart," he said in a much lower tone. "Besides, I think it’ll be more romantic to do it in Italy,” he smirks at you, leaving you blushing at the thought of it. 
You lower your head with a shy smile. "Don't joke like that, Jin.  Just thinking about it is making me...nervous," 
It wouldn't be nerve-breaking if it was just kissing.  You two kissed a lot.  You two have made out to the extent of leaving you two almost breathless and weak on the knees; however, you two never did it all the way.  It would always stop when things are going downwards.  There would always be a chaperone that eventually led the two of you to have a mutual understanding that nothing would go downwards.  Now...now that you two have no more chaperones and are practically free to do anything, you couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness. Though, sorry to break it to you, you are really tired from the party. Tired. That's what you believe you are currently feeling right now.  If anything, you want to do it right and perfect.  You just don't know how it'll eventually go.  So...you tell yourself, you're tired. 
"Sweetheart," he removes you from your thoughts when he caresses your cheek once more.  You look at him and without much notice he brushes his lips against yours.  You respond immediately at the touch, but it did not last long.  He pulls away and his eyes lock to yours.
 "Do not worry about it.  It'll just happen.  You don't feel like doing it tonight, then we just rest," he flashes another genuine smile that always melts your heart.  
You grin and chuckle. "Can't believe I actually married someone remarkable as you," 
"Of course, I'm remarkable.  I'm Mr Worldwide Handsome," he laughs. "But...I think I'm the lucky one marrying someone as beautiful and extraordinary as you," 
You chuckle and pull away from him.  You turn away from him heading to the bathroom. You start unraveling the pins on your hair and the jewelry on her. 
"Do you mind bringing me the bag? It's in the closet," You said as you stood in front of the bathroom's mirror.
"Okay," Jin said.  The door to the closet slides open and close.  You hear a few rummaging sounds outside the bathroom.  It does not take long before Jin appears at the open bathroom door. 
"You said it's in the closet?"  He asked. 
"Yeah? Why?" 
"The closet only has my bag," he replied with confusion. 
"Your bag? I remembered putting it there," you head out of the bathroom and in the closet.  As Jin mentioned, the closet is empty.  There's only a duffel bag on one of the cabinets.
"What the- where's my bag?" You walk over to the desk and grab your phone then quickly dial your maid of honor's number - aka your best friend. 
"Dina, do you perhaps know where my bag is?" You asked through the phone.
"Your bag? Oh yeah, Lily and I took it," she answered from the other line. 
"What? Why?  I need my clothes, Dina," you glance at Jin who is standing in front of you. 
"Don't worry about the clothes.  Just have fun with your husband.  I left a new set of clothes for the night in the bathroom.  So, now go...I'll hang up now.  Can't have your husband waiting, byee!" Then the call ends.  
Jin looks at you with high eyebrows waiting for any sort of answer.  You on the other hand are beginning to think that whatever your best friend did is not good.  Why would she bother getting my bag of clothes and leave clothes in the bathroom?
You glance up at Jin and give an assuring smile. "Um...she said she placed it in the bathroom.  So...I'll just- I'll go change," 
Jin nods.  You walk to the bathroom and close the door this time.  You turn to the big space of the bathroom.  A circular bathroom is in the middle of the bathroom with much more space for the glass cubicle shower and another for the toilet.  You come closer to the sink counter glancing at every corner of it and eventually pull the drawer under the sink.  Then there it is.
You pull out a piece of thin clothing which then as you look at it through your reflection realize that it's lingerie.  A too provocative one at that.  You look at the red and black silk that doesn't cover much of your body.  It's breast part is only made up of lace that doesn't really cover anything.  Then the length of lingerie doesn't really tell you that it is only for sleeping.  
A knock on the door takes you out of your panicked thoughts. "Ye-yeah?" You answered. 
"Did you find it?" 
"Um...um yeah?" The stutter on your voice becomes noticeable. 
"Are you alright?  Do you mind if I come in?" Jin asked which only startled you more. 
"Um- wait! Just a second," you immediately put it back in the drawer then close it.  You walk to the door and slide it open with an uncomfortable smile.  
"You're still in your wedding dress? Is there something wrong?" He heads inside the bathroom.  
"You got a text from Dina," he hands you the phone and passes by you.  
You look through your phone only to get another goodluck message from her and...tips on how to make night...pleasurable.  You sigh at this turn of events.  Though, it may have been half your fault that this is exactly happening. 
"Did you check the drawer?" Jin asked.  
"Um, yeah," you said looking over your phone.  
"Oh here it-" Jin stops from speaking.  At that point, you only realize what has unfold.  Your eyes widened and immediately swift a turn to Jin who is now holding up the lingerie.  You snatch the lingerie away from him and immediately put it back in the drawer. 
"I-uh" You stutter.  "That's...that's not what it is," you look up at Jin's startled and quite flushed face.
"Um...o-okay," he managed to say. 
"Dina was fooling around and left me with only this clothing.  I wasn't exactly planning to-" 
“Say no more,” Jin cuts off and walks out of the bathroom.  It does not take long before he comes back with his bag.  He frantically ruffles through it as if trying to find something,
Then he stops, then looks at you. “Okay.  That didn’t quite turn out what I expected,”
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s empty.  My bag is empty,” he replied. 
You sigh instead of beginning to be surprised about it.  You massage your temple as you lean back to the counter sink. “I shouldn’t really have said that,” you sighed. 
You glance up at Jin.  You look away once more with a shy smile. “Four days ago, I was sort of..panicking…about the…consummate the marriage part,” 
Jin doesn’t talk, but he looks at you with a flushed face. “So…I sort of asked…tips.  But the night before the wedding I was just panicking more and so...I ended up saying that I'm tired now," 
"Sweetheart, don't ever think that it is a must that we do it tonight.  Many co-"
"No," you suddenly cut off.  You raise your eyes at him trying to fix what seems out of place anymore. 
"I mean…" you take a step forward and caress his arms. "...I've always been thinking about being more...intimate with you on our wedding night.  It's just that...I've never actually done it before.  I hope it could just be the books that I seem to know what I'm doing...but the truth is I'm not.  I don't want to just be the receiving end of this whole thing," 
You look away for a moment and glance back at him. "You should know.  I mean even when we were just kissing, that’s always on my mind.  I always want to try to do something to make you feel better...cause I feel like I'm receiving more more than I'm giving something," 
Jin's gaze softens and a small smile slips on his plump lips.  
"You never should be worried about that.  You give me more than enough.  Everyday that I see you I'm happy.  Even just by smiling or giving me a peck on the cheek, my heart is full than it will ever be," he leans forward and gives a soft kiss on your forehead. 
"You always have your way with words," you chuckle as you lean forward to his kiss. 
"It's the truth," he pulls back and gazes at you with those eyes you never truly get tired of looking at. 
"Now that we are married, we have all the time in the world to discover each other's pleasure and get to know more of how to fill each other's heart in so many different ways.  We can always take it step by step.  Baby steps, hm?" He tilts his head to the side waiting for an answer from you. 
You nod as an answer.  "I like that.  Baby steps," you grin.  
Jin hugs you one more time before he grabs the bag which he seems to have dropped on the floor.  "Wait for me here.  I think they have some shirts at the shop downstairs.  I can buy some," he said about to turn to the door, but you grab his arm. 
He turns to you who seems to be avoiding his gaze due to your flushed cheeks. "Do you- do you want me to run us a bath?" 
"Run a-" he sees the bathtub and immediately catches on quickly. "Oh," he glances back at you and he catches your gaze. 
He grins. "Of course, I would love that," 
You offer him a big smile and let him go to get the bath ready.  
"I'll make sure to make it bubbly," you chuckle. 
"Well, I don't mind a less bubbly bath with you," he said with a low voice and chuckle.  You're back is in front of him but you could feel the heated stare. 
"Stop staring at me and go buy us some shirts to wear for the night," you awkwardly laugh yet you could definitely feel the heat rising up your cheeks. 
Jin laughs out loud and immediately leaves the room.  
You turn on the faucet letting the water fill up the tub. Then you grab the bubble bath soap practically staring at it. However, your mind is somewhere else. 
Should I...make it less bubbly?  
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greekgrad07 · 4 years
favorite things about your mutuals? its positivity hour, go!
it would be a fucking honor 😭 i tried to get all my mutuals this time but i’m sure i forgot people. i’m sorry if i did pls don’t hate me 🥺
this is in no particular order btw
marisa (@skaterbeth): my fellow short asthmatic <3 i love you bruh 😭 i remember being nervous to message you at first bc i thought you would find me annoying. now look at us 😌 i can message you without fear bc i know you find me annoying 🤍you’re so talented and beautiful and incredible. i love your enthusiasm and you’re so funny. every time i get a notification that you’ve sent me a meme on instagram i get excited (and idk how but there’s one almost every morning when i wake up. i’m not complaining though)
erica (@skateryue): MY TWIN ILY 🤍🤍🤍 i forgot to tell you this but i took a which female atla character are you quiz and i got yue and thought of you <3 you’re so sweet and supportive and deserve all the love! i’m glad our mutual love of the parent trap, our mbti types, and how we’re both jeff goldblum brought us together lol. the vibes are immaculate 😌
adi (@bitcheusjackson): adi you are so smart. THE TAGS I LEAVE FOR YOU ARE WELL DESERVED! you’re such a good writer and your love of musicals is so cute! i also love getting to be an annabeth simp with you (as we all should). you’re also a talented artist! i know you don’t post a lot of your art but when you do i’m always blown away <3<3<3
fátima (@deepestempathllamalawyer): my adopted child 😌 i love you sm 🥺 you’re so sweet- like seriously, i appreciate every self help posted you tag me in and every cute animals post as well. i absolutely love seeing you in my notifications! you’re also the reason i became a malconnor shipper to thank you 😭🤍 (also i still have no idea wtf your url means but at this point i’m too afraid to ask)
ashna (@silenabeth): fun fact, you were the first “big” pjo blog that followed me and i absolutely lost my shit so there’s that <3 you’re such a talented writer and editor bruh i don’t tell you that enough. also, the queen who brought us connabeth i will forever stan 🤩 you’re so funny and one of the most supportive people ever <3<3<3 (also love all of your call out posts about marisa 😌)
sarah (@perseusjackkson): i told you that you were too cool to be following me and i stand by that. you’re so chill and funny, i vibe with you sm. really, your blog is full of so many different fandom and i vibe with almost all of it. you really made your blog for the people <3 i love reading your tags on the things you repost bc they are usually hilarious. also, i couldn’t be more supportive of your engagement to my twin 🤍
regina (@bisexualzia): regina you’re so sweet and genuine and funny and the fact that you associate me with cookies still makes me 🥰 and idk why. your tag has 🔥 by it and i told you it’s bc of ouat. idk if you get that but it’s my favorite show and one of my favorite characters is named regina so <3 also i’m glad there is someone else that can agree suki is superior 😌
zitz (@four-names): another reason why i ship malconnor <3 lol you send the most random asks and they always make my day! and your tags are everything btw stop hiding them 😂 you’re not afraid to speak your mind and you’re a very genuine person :)
drew (@cubanpercyj): you are so caring and passionate! i love your replies and tags to my posts and i’m glad we agree that percy can’t swim lol. you’re super chill and i vibe with you very much. and i’m sure you’ve heard this a lot but i love your aesthetic. the water header is so pretty <3
kayra (@awkwardteenwriter): you are so sweet! and YES ofc you have a tag bruh. i remember when i first tagged you in a post and you said that it made you happy aljdkhagf i tag you in like everything now i’m sure it gets annoying. you’re one of the most caring people ever though! one of our first interactions was you sending me a virtual hug during a hard time for me and i’ll always be thankful for that 🥺🤍
jaina (@jainadurron): you are so nice. every interaction we’ve had has been nothing but absolutely lovely and i’m glad that you joined the pjo fandom! you like almost all of my posts and i love seeing you in my notifications. also! i forgot to tell you your new avatar is so cute 🥺
haania (@padfootno): i love you and i’m sorry the fic isn’t out yet pls don’t hate me 😭 you’re literally the sweetest and most helpful person ever! i’m so thankful for your help on writing hijabi silena and ever since you’ve been so nice! i also love when you tag me in posts :)
@perca-beths: you give me such good vibes idek how to describe it. also, you’re insanely talented! i found your fic on a03 and when i realized it was you who wrote it i was blown away. anyways you’re awesome and i can’t wait for your next update :)
@percabethica: again, YES you have a tag 😂 you’re so nice! i remember i asked to be on your taglist for your fic and you were so kind. speaking of your fic, i loved it i loved it i loved it! you’re incredibly talented. i always end up seeing your reblogs from me on my dash before seeing it in my notifications and there’s always a second after i notice it where i’m like “omg that’s me. i posted/reblogged something she liked.” also your aesthetic is so pretty, i love it
gray (@bbyannabeth): idk why you’re following me. what do i have to offer? when i tell you i binged your masterlist after you posted it i’m not kidding. you’re so talented and seem so chill. also i just saw that you posted a new fic and bruh, i’m about to create a reblog that has so many tags
@ohmydamgods: i’m not above admitting that i’ve stalked your instagram. your posts are so fucking funny and so are you! i also see people posting your textposts on instagram and i’m always like “*gasp* does she know?” and then i see you’ve commented and it’s all good 😂 also you’re so nice :)
@mydramaticflare: YOU ARE SO TALENTED! when you comment on my fic there’s no time to unpack all of that i lost my shit bc your fic Quiet Moments inspired me to write a percabeth sleepover fic in the first place. also you seem so sweet and you show up in my notifications a lot :)
brin (@skatersuki): first of all, suki supremacy <3, secondly, you’re so smart like wtf. every time you go off about photokinesis and all that i’m like 😐😣😐 also every time i see the book circe by madeline miller i think of you bc you’re the first person who i have seen recommend it
teriza (@wasithard): we haven’t really interacted but we have a lot of the same mutuals so i know you’re cool. lol fr though you do seem very nice and fun and chaotic in the very best way, plus you’re blog is awesome
kayla (@eggplant-avenger): hi kayla :) we met through the connabeth agenda and you are super chill. also i hope that you know whenever i read your tag i hear chris mccarrell’s voice singing ‘being a half-blood, it’s scary, it mostly gets you killed in very nasty ways’
charlotte (@sonofsallyjackson): you are the most supportive person ever. every time i read one of your comments on my fics, my heart swells. you’re too kind for this world <3
taylor (@saltyypercy): another one of my connabeth friends 🤩 speaking of connabeth, your memes are everything! you’re hilarious and your content is awesome
@getwokescullyy: you are such a talented writer!! and you’re so nice and supportive! :) we also have a lot of the same hc’s for post canon percabeth 😌 super excited for your next update btw!
olivia (@thegraystreaks): you are so talented idk why you’re following me. it had to of been a mistake. if, so pls don’t leave 🥺 you’re such a supportive person and seeing you and liz interact is so funny. fr i love your writing sm and i’m obsessed with your url 🤩
aya (@percasbeths): again, WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME? seriously i have some of the most talented writers following me and idk why but i’m not complaining. all of your au’s are beautiful and i’m always blown away <3
@judoflipped: you introduced me to Apartment 305 so i’m pretty sure i owe you a kidney or something now lol. fr though you were so nice to me during our first interaction <3 you’re so sweet and you seem super chill
emma (@jasongrape): first a foremost, a superior url. you’re posts are hilarious, especially the ones of you and ash going back and forth lol.
@clr-stan: we haven’t interacted much but your posts are so good!! and you seem super sweet :) also, you’re right. if the pjo movies weren’t based on the books i would have been invested
@writinglettersaddressedtothefire: i’m pretty sure you’re also a mutual of fátima’s which makes you awesome. plus your writing is so good! also i see that you’re having a great time with taylor’s new album coming out so i’m glad you seem to be doing good 😂
lexi (@multifandom-420): one of the other three malconnor shippers on this cite 😭 you seem so sweet and your posts are top tier
@esistkeinponyhof: you are literally always in my notifications and it’s so fun lol. we’ve never really interacted but i’m glad that you like my blog :) also you’re a fellow directioner which is amazing 😌
@himbolin420: how does it feel to have a canon url? apart of the bolin defense squad and connabeth nation? we have no choice but to stan <3 i remember you kept a count for all of your mutuals when i first followed you and i thought that was absolutely precious lol
@twilight-hours: you’re in my notifications a lot and i'm not complaining. lol you always reblog the funniest stuff and i love seeing it on my dash. i know we haven't really interacted but i know we would vibe 
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Meeting and Dating Todd Anderson
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(Not my gif)
(Once again: for the sake of these headcanons let’s pretend the school is unisex)
- You met Todd when you were sent by another teacher to deliver some papers to Mr. Keating. Since Keatings class pretty much consisted of all boys the instant you entered the room all eyes were on you.
- You glanced around the classroom as you waited for Keating to sign the papers, that’s when your eyes met with Todd’s. You sent him a soft smile just as Keating finished. You were almost dissapointed that you couldn’t stay longer and look at the boy as weird as that may sound.
- Neil was the one to push Todd to introduce himself…literally. He pushed him into you forcing him to talk to you.
- He probably apologized like ten times before he even introduced himself all the while blushing bright red. He’s really thankful that you don’t hate him for bumping into you.
- The boy isn’t good at social interactions but he managed to keep up a conversation until you were called away by your friends. You said goodbye and he stuttered out a “I’ll see you around”. Even though everything went fine he still had to give Neil a good punch on the arm for pulling that stunt.
- Over the next month you spoke to Todd more and more. You soon became friends and he began to become comfortable around you.
- Then one day you found out it was his birthday and got him a cupcake with a candle in it. The instant you held it out to him he pulled you into a tight hug.
- After you jokingly sang to him and he blew the candle out you asked him what he wished for. He took a moment to gather his courage before speaking.
“I wished…that you would…agree to gooutwithme.” He nervously rushed at the end before he could back out of his confession.
- Your smile shocked him, he expected to be slapped or something but instead he received a kiss on the cheek and your number written on a page of his desk topper set.
- For your first date you guys go to a small bookstore where there’s not a lot of people and the two of you can just enjoy each other’s company. He probably buys you a book you couldn’t take your eyes off of.
- Your first kiss is a few days later when you’re saying goodbye to him after another date. The sun was just beginning to set as the two of you leaned in and kissed, it would have been a pretty gorgeous photograph.
- After that, even though the two of you never really outwardly say it, you make your relationship official.
- Once he’s comfortable with you he’s actually really funny and playful.
- He’s made you a book full of quotes that reminded him of you.
- He’s just a really thoughtful person in every sense of the word.
- Playing with his hair.
- Wearing his sweaters.
- Call him pretty boy, just please call him pretty boy.
- He’ll wrap you in his coat the instant the wind blows. Honestly he will suffer just so you’re comfortable.
- He likes to take care of you; it makes him feel more important and he genuinely just likes being there for you when you need it.
- He asks for so little but deserves so much.
- Anything other then desk toppers is like a gift from the heavens.
- He says you’re the cute one but we all know it’s him.
- Please don’t bring him to parties. He won’t learn to like it or end up having a good time, he’ll just be uncomfortable.
- He’s pretty clingy once the two of you get together. He feels like he can be himself around you and that’s a rare feeling for him so of course he wants to hold onto that for as long as possible.
- It’s a miracle he was able to ask you out, he’s just basking in the ambience of love at this point.
- He likes to say you’re “the angel that came out of Hellton”.
- He’s actually really romantic but maybe not in the conventional way. His type of romance is sort of innocent and free of societal expectations, it’s just different from everything you’re taught to expect from men and you can’t help but love it.
- On the basis that you need something he can do anything. Stand up to someone, order food, buy something at the store, all the things he would normally avoid and be afraid to do he suddenly has no problem doing.
- Him writing quotes he likes on his arms and yours if he runs out of room.
- He gets really inspirational at random moments. He’ll perk up all of a sudden and you just know that he has a brilliant idea in his head.
- He has a hard time controlling his emotions and impulses, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially when it comes to him. Usually it’s him not being able to stop himself from complimenting you like twelve times in a minute.
- Watching old cartoons with each other.
- Has a surprisingly good eye for decorating and anything that involves being creative even though he doesn’t think he does.
- Has definitely done the ‘y/n + Todd’ in a heart thing more times than he would care to admit.
- You’re definitely going to have to be the one to say “I love you” first and when you do he’ll probably ask you to repeat yourself.
- Theres never any pressure for you to be someone you’re not. The two of you are just your honest selves with each other.
- Neil has found some of Todd’s poetry about you and hes lowkey jealous. He befriends you even though he wants your man to himself. You probably have had a threesome at some point or are just in a poly relationship.
- Reassuring him that his parents do really care about him even if they don’t always show it.
- The boys too nice and too nervous to fight, and if we’re being honest what do you and him have to fight about? Your relationship is kind of perfect yet he’s still so scared you’ll break up with him whenever you seem upset with him.
- Reassuring him that you’re not going anywhere.
- Rehearsing speeches he has to make in class with him to ease his nerves.
- Comforting handholding.
- Helping him with getting around the school and not getting lost.
- You guys try to spend as much time with each other as you can but your schedules make it difficult. When you do see each other he acts like he hasn’t seen you for months even though it’s only been a few days.
- He’s the kind of jealous where he just gets upset when he thinks you’re interested in someone else. You’ll need to pull it out of him when you notice he’s acting different.
- He says it’s nothing for a while, refusing to admit he’s jealous until he finally cant take it anymore and confesses. You kind of find it a bit funny but in the end you just hug him and tell him you don’t want anyone but him.
- Yet if someone where to tell him that you were hot or something like that he would probably slap them. No words are spoken just the sound of skin against skin and probably a gasp or two. Neil was probably there and broke out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. He thinks you’re hot too but he’ll never tell Todd that.
- He really likes to just hold you whenever he can. World: harsh and cold, titty: warm and soft.
- He’s pretty insecure and is genuinely surprised you want to date him which you cannot believe because look at him.
-Any time you kiss him he’s on cloud nine, even if it’s just on the cheek or forehead.
- He’s surprised when you say you love him but he instantly says it back. He’s wanted to say it for forever but he wasn’t sure when it would be appropriate.
- Taking care of each other.
- Todd can write a mean love poem/letter. He might not like hearing you read it out loud and might think it’s stupid but in reality it’s one of the sweetest things you’ve ever read.
- He’s definitely asked Neil for relationship advice even though he’s probably never had a girlfriend before either.
- Comforting him after Neil’s death. Shut up it didn’t happen.
- Making sure he feels loved because he deserves it.
- Making sure he knows how proud of him you are and how amazing he really is.
- Helping him through his shyness.
- Cuddling with each other all the time. He likes keeping you as close as he can so you usually wind up basically laying on top of him; he has no complaints.
- He sneaks out to see you and you both wind up in the cave. You probably fall asleep there wrapped around each other on top of your jackets.
- Making sure he’s never left out.
- Todd’s a shy person; obviously, he doesn’t like confrontation so he isn’t the type of person to pick fights in your honor but if he hears someone insulting you he’ll occasionally lose his temper. Maybe not try to fistfight the guy but he’ll find a way to get the last laugh.
- He helps you with your work and gives you some tips and tricks to make everything easier.
- He gets embarrassed pretty easily which usually results in him hiding his face behind his hand and his ears reddening.
- He’s always complimenting you. He knows what it feels like to have people pay no attention to you and he never wants you to feel that way.
- You help him gain some confidence.
- Hugs where he rests his head in the crook of your neck.
- He loves you more than anything in the world but this boy is far too nervous to try and bring up the future with you. He knows he wants to keep you in his life and all he can do is hope that you want him in yours.
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illu-n-killu · 4 years
━━ 𝑻𝒘𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝑰 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆, 𝑶𝒇 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒃𝒚;
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Pairing: Leorio paladiknight x depressed!fem!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend, Leorio, cares for you during one of your depressive episodes.
Warnings: talks about depression, fluff
Notes: There aren’t many headcannons honoring our fav coochie man, so I thought I’d contribute for all the Leorio simps out there like myself ((: (if any of you would like a gender neutral version I’d be happy to post one!)
There were some days you’d wake up and wouldn’t feel like doing anything, losing interest in things you usually found enjoyable;
Today was one of those days
Sometimes the only thing you could do, or at least feel up to doing was staying in your bed all day
While getting up to shower, the bathroom mirror had caught your attention, staring into it, you barley even recognized yourself. The happy-go-lucky girl everyone around you once knew was gone.
It was like your complexion was replaced with a complete stranger, and sometimes you’d wonder how did it get like this?
Retreating back to your bed you decided it was no use, why even bother and go through the trouble of taking care of yourself if you’d lost all motivation to do all else
You looked at your phone, 35 missed calls some from friends and family
The number of missed calls were usually higher, but you figured they all took the hint that you wanted to be alone
Just as you were going to go back to your bed, sink into the sheets to try and forget about everything for once a few knocks came at your door
You ignored them and hoped they’d somehow just go away or magically disappear, but they didn’t
“(Name) ?”
Your heart raced at the familiarity of the voice and you knew who it was automatically ;
“(Name) I know you’re in there.” He sighed.
Leorio respected your privacy so he understood why you wanted to be alone. You always told him that you’d be better off that way since you didn’t want anyone, especially him to see you in that headspace.
He knew it was hard for you, being diagnosed by a doctor with clinical depression wasn’t something every mother and father wanted to hear for their 15 year old daughter
After talking with your parents he learned that this was a normal occurrence for them, that it was best to leave you alone. Leorio, however, was not buying it whatsoever as your boyfriend why would he leave you to fight this battle on your own?
His problems were yours, as yours his
“Come in.” You gave in as you heard the jingle of keys just outside your door. You’d given him keys since these episodes were something you wanted to avoid, hence why you never moved in with him even though he’d asked countless times.
There your boyfriend stood, holding a bag that held some Ramen in one hand and a box of ChocoRobo-Kun chocolate balls, which he knew were your favorite
“Why are you here?” You asked, your eyes were looking everywhere but directly at him, “I mean you didn’t have to.”
“I didn’t have to but I wanted to.” He sat the food down on a nearby table. He inched closer to you, getting a good look at your complexion.
The glimmer in your excited eyes that once shone were gone, the bags under your eyes were more prominent, and your eyes were glossy with tear stained rosy cheeks
Despite all of that he still thought you were beautiful, and it pained him immensely to see what you were going through, even if he never truly understood how you felt.
“Did you take your meds?” He asked kneeling down beside the bed.
“Mhm.” You hesitated for a moment before answering, not wanting to tell him you didn’t.
He grabbed the pill bottle from your nightstand and looked inside, “No you didn’t.”
You gave him a death glare but his gaze on you remained strong
“Can you please take them? for me?” His voice was laced with a hint of sadness that hurt you.
You sighed and finally agreed as he got you some water to down the pills.
“How about a shower and then we can eat some food? I got your favorite, from Ramen time.” The dark haired man opted and you nodded faintly.
“Okay, I’ll run a bath for you.” He offered a smile and you returned the gesture back, although it wasn’t as genuine as you’d hoped it would be.
After a nice bath, you felt somewhat better. You sat in between Leorio’s legs as he helped you out by brushing your hair.
You both ate ramen and talked about your days. Although, it was mostly him talking he didn’t want to push it, so he just tried making you laugh.
When you two first met you initially fell for his personality, at first he seemed to have a humongous ego and was extremely conceited but you learned under all of that was the sweetest man ever, even if he chose not to show it
He was obnoxious and he knew you loved it and laughed whenever he’d get playfully mad or surprised.
So whenever you were around he’d turn that obnoxiousness up from an 8 to a 10
You gave him a few chuckles and smiles as you finished up eating, which were probably more genuine from than before.
But he felt extremely accomplished by doing so. Even if was just a little giggle he was happy to see that smile he loved back on the woman he loved
By now the two of you were laying down on your bed as Leorio held you from behind, playing with your hair and occasionally stopping to plant kisses here and there
“You shouldn’t have to see me like this, I love you so much and I know you probably hate doing this.” Your voice caught him by surprise since thought you’d be taciturn, taking into account your state of mind, “I feel like I’m troubling you, you’re a doctor you could be out there saving lives but instead you’re taking care of your messed up girlfriend.”
Leorio turned you to face himself, as he took your face into his hands, “Don’t say that.” You looked away as your hands came up to rest onto his bigger one, “Don’t ever say that, you aren’t troubling me and you definitely aren’t messed up.”
The look on your face told him you didn’t believe him, so he reiterated
“I love you more than anything, (Name). You can’t help this. If I could I’d do anything to make it so you wouldn’t ever have to feel like this again I’d do it, believe me, but the best thing for me to do right now is be here for you.” His thumb began to rub your cheek lovingly, “I don’t want you to feel like you’re alone in this, because you’re not. Whatever happens I’ll be right behind you every step of the way. It does hurt me to see you like this but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be here, I’m here right now aren’t I? Believe me when I tell you there’s no place I’d rather be than right here right now taking care of the person I love.”
A familiar sensation of stinging occurred in your eyes, tears cascaded down your cheeks. The top of his hand that rested on your cheek went vacant as you used yours to covered your eyes, feeling vulnerable and weak in front of him
“(Name), please move your hands.” He pleaded.
You shook your head
“I don’t care if it’s like this forever, if I have to I’ll take care of you no matter what. I mean that from the bottom of my heart, we’ll get through this together.”
Finally when you removed your hands, your arms flew around his sides, burying your face in his chest, feeling the once discerned security and love within his arms;
“I love you, Leorio.”
His problems were yours, as yours his
- A🥄
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
Like Lightning part 3
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Warnings: attempted kidnapping, swearing, mentions of a knife, cigarettes
Genre: idol!au, witches/wizards!au, royalty!au, (slightly one sided?soulmate!au…that’s all I can say without spoiling later chapters) Fluff, Angst, future smut.
Summary: Jimin has waited quite a lifetime to find his soulmate. He didn’t expect to find her at one of her concerts, and certainly didn’t expect her to be such a big Jungkook fan.
(Again: Thank you @heyitsayjayy for being such an amazing beta reader and friend 😭❤️ also another big thank you to @heyitsayjayy and @kingsuckjin for helping me brainstorm ideas for this)
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Jin who was in front carefully took the knife from your hand.  You stood still on the spot, shocked and confused.  Jin’s gaze drifted down to your bare legs, your “nightgown” wasn’t quite fit for company and it was definitely noticeable.
Without waiting to be invited in, Jimin burst through the door.
“Are they still here? Did they hurt you?” he was whipping his head back and forth searching around the room. 
“Jimin! Don’t go barging in like that when there could be some kind of danger.  You know to let me go first” Jungkook scolded and rushed in after Jimin, standing in front of him protectively. 
“Wha-what are you doing?” you stuttered out in shock “Why are you?” you shake your head wondering if you were seeing things.  And now wondering if this really was just a weird nightmare. 
The rest of the members followed in after, all of them spreading out and searching around your small house, opening doors and looking behind your shower curtain. 
“I-I think they left.  They like...evaporated? Turned into smoke?” You shivered at the thought. 
Jin walked up to you and nodded understandingly.  
“And are you alright? Did they do anything to you?” He seemed genuinely concerned. 
“No,” You shake your head “I-I felt like I couldn’t move or speak for a moment but thats gone away.” you answered. “But how are you here? Why are you h-” 
“Sounds like a binding spell.” Jin put a hand to his chin in thought and started muttering things under his breath ignoring your questions. 
Jimin now ran over to you and looked you up and down. 
“Yeah you don’t look hurt.” He muttered. “Y/n, I’m so sorry.  I had no idea they knew of you already.” He shook his head “This is all my fault” he looked down to the floor his shoulders slouched and he seemed completely distraught. 
“It's not your fault.”  Taehyung was now by Jimin's side throwing an arm over his shoulders to sooth him. 
Jimin brushed him off and stepped towards you even closer. 
“You didn’t answer any of my texts…” In a cute and charming voice he tried to whisper so only you could hear. 
You felt your heart skip a beat and your mouth now hung agape.  It really was him? 
Before you could say anything another voice spoke out.  One that you’d been hearing on repeat in your mind for the last week. 
“All the rooms are clear.  I think they really did leave.” Jungkook informed the group as he stepped out from your bedroom.  He also tossed you a pair of sweatpants.  You felt your cheeks grow hot at the idea of Jungkook rummaging through your things. The idea of *him* in your bedroom felt embarrassing and thrilling all at the same time.  You felt yourself gulp as your eyes nervously fell on him.  You internally groaned realizing he must’ve seen the giant poster of himself hanging on your wall. 
You gave him a tiny awkward wave that had him rolling his eyes and turning to address Hoseok, talking about something you couldn't hear. 
You sighed.  It hurt, but you understood, you wouldn’t want to talk to you either after what you’d done. 
You awkwardly stepped into your grey sweatpants, pulling them up over your waist.
“Y/n?” A voice purred from behind you.  “You really are alright?” 
You turned to see Yoongi standing shyly with wide eyes.  
“Y-yeah I’m fine, like I said” you assured him, not sure why any of them were so concerned, and definitely not sure why any of them were here. 
“Can someone please explain to me what just happened?” You tried to meet eyes around the room and were only met with a soft gaze from Jimin, the rest looked to each other as if they weren’t sure if they should say. 
“I can explain sweetheart,” Jimin spoke smoothly with a pet name that made your breathing stop.  Park Jimin, of BTS, calling you sweetheart.  Some girls would die for that honor. 
“Jimin.” Namjoon spoke firmly yet calmly. “We haven’t discussed yet how to tell her.”��
“Why do you always want to discuss things first” Jimin whined, his lower lip stuck out in a pout, “I don’t want to hide anything from her.  She should know everything!” 
Jimin reached for your hand and you recoiled away instantly- feeling slightly uneasy about the whole situation. 
Jimin pouted again and looked disappointed that you pulled away from him.  Putting the hand that had reached out for you in the pocket of his hoodie.
Jin stepped forward and gave you a small smile.  
“Well let's start with what you want to know.  We’ll tell you if it's something we feel comfortable sharing.” He spoke at you, “Is that alright Jimin?” he turned to the younger man for permission, which you found slightly strange.  
Jimin shrugged and gave a little nod. 
“So what do you want to know y/n?” Namjoon asked. 
Hoseok and Jungkook had made themselves comfortable on your couch, still talking over whatever it was that Jungkook had brought up to him. 
You once again were hit with the feeling of Jungkook is on MY couch, and tiny butterflies fluttered in your stomach.
“Who were those people?” you started with, looking to Jin for an answer now. 
“Bad people.” Jin answered quickly “Witches.” he added
Jimin gave Jin an approving nod, pleased that Jin let you know the truth. 
“Witches? Like pointy hat and broomstick witches?” You laughed nervously, not believing the words you’d just heard. 
Jin chuckled shaking his head. 
“No.  But, witches with spells, and strength and power.  Similar to mine.” He took a deep breath in, “And it seems similar to yours as well.” 
You felt the room start to spin and you were becoming lightheaded. 
“Damnit, see we shouldn’t have thrown it at her yet!” Namjoon complained. 
“Shes gonna faint!” Jimin cried out, “Get her to the couch!” 
You felt your body grow limp as you fell to the side.  Warm arms surrounded you and caught you before you hit the ground, right before your vision went black.
When you woke up the same warm arms were surrounding you.  Your head was pressed into the chest of someone who smelled like cherries and the sweetest flowering perfume, just how you’d always thought he’d smell.  
“J-Jungkook?” you muttered groggily and your lips pulled up into a small smile. 
You felt the chest that your head was practically melted onto rise and fall with a big sigh. 
You tilted your head up to see Jimin’s soft eyes looking down at you. 
“Oh!” you exclaimed in surprise and pulled away from him, sitting up and burying your hands in your face with your elbows on your knees. “S-sorry” you muttered out through your palms. 
“Not a problem.” Jimin shrugged and put a hand on your shoulder, “I’m just glad you’re alright” 
You pulled your hands from your face and leaned back into the couch.  Yoongi was on the other side of you and the rest of the men were standing around with their eyes locked on you.  You felt shy and embarrassed to have them looking you over so intensely. 
“I think you fainted because the shock of your situation hit you.  It’s normal.  You were just almost kidnapped” Jin informed you as if he was diagnosing your situation. 
You nodded understandingly. 
“So,” you inhaled deeply before continuing “You said something about witches...about me being…” you didn’t quite know if you’d made that part up and you now felt awkward saying it outloud. 
“I did.” Jin confirmed, “How much do you remember about what you did to get them to leave you alone?” 
You thought back to that moment, thinking of how to describe it. 
“It was like...electricity? I felt the energy build up in my body, and then I felt it leave my body all at once...Then it seemed to hurt the person grabbing me and they dropped me and left me alone.” you recounted the memory. 
Jin nodded as he listened to you, his eyes widening. 
“What's that mean Jin?” Jimin squeaked out. “Could she really be?” 
Jin nodded again this time a firm one along with a “Yes.  She most definitely is.  Yoongi saw it himself.” 
Your head snapped over to the man next to you who sheepishly tried to avoid your eye contact. 
“How did Yoongi see it?” you questioned. 
Jimin almost started to answer, but Jin cut him off much to his irritation. 
“Jimin, If it’s alright with you, I think that’s for Yoongi to decide if he wants to say.” 
Jimin sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine.  But, quit saying I never listen to you guys” 
You turned to Yoongi to see if he was going to explain but he shook his head and turned away from you shyly. 
“It's fine Yoongi, you don’t have to say.  We already had her faint once it’s probably for the best.” Jin added in. 
You wanted to beg someone to let you know what that could possibly mean.  But, you figured it was better to not cause a scene.  Most of them probably still had you pegged as a crazy sasaeng.  Yet, they were all still here…
“Why are you here?” Was what you settled on, straight to the point. “Why is BTS in my home.  What does it concern you that something might happen to me?” 
Jin started to open his mouth to answer but you continued on, probably talking too much, but you were overwhelmed with all of the thoughts in your mind. 
“I’m thinking maybe it has something to do with the witch thing? You said you were one too? Can you like sense when someone else is? Is that why they were here? But they wanted to kill me for it right? Do you want to kill me?” You blurted out all in one breath. 
“Holy shit slow down.” Namjoon chuckled pulling a cigarette pack from his pocket and packing it against his palm.  “Can I smoke in here?” he added in even though the end of the pale white cigarette was already in his mouth and about to be lit. 
“Sorry, I-I yes sure.”  You had never let people smoke in your home but Kim Namjoon was asking, how could you tell him no to anything.  If only A could see this. 
“Wait! But, shouldn’t you n-not?  I mean you’re an idol!” You stammered out. 
Namjoon winked your way and lit the tip of his cigarette, inhaling and letting large breath of grey smoke spill from his lips and rise to the ceiling.  “Well, you’re not telling anyone are you sweetheart?” 
You heard a small grunt from next to you.  Jimin was sending a glare Namjoon’s way. 
“Watch it.” He hissed out.   
Namjoon seemed to instantly fall into submission to Jimins words, his gaze fixed down to the floor and he continued to smoke in silence, not meeting your gaze. 
“So, to get to a few of your questions.” Jin changed the subject back on topic. “Firstly, no.  We don’t want to kill you, we would never hurt you or do anything to upset you.” 
You couldn’t help but flick a quick glance over to Jungkook who was leaned against your wall avoiding your eyes. 
“-Anymore,” Jin added “Jungkook didn’t realize” He looked over to the maknae who nodded and let out an annoyed sigh. 
Jimin put a hand on your shoulder to reassure you but you flinched away from his touch once again.  His disappointment was impossible to ignore, with the loud huff he let out.  
“Sorry.  I just…” You didn’t quite know what to say.  You knew BTS but you didn’t know them personally.  This all seemed so surreal and strange. 
“It's fine” Jimin whispered, giving you a small thin smile.  You could tell it hurt his feelings, but you were so confused as to why. 
“Anyways.” Jin was trying his best to stay on topic, “No. I cannot sense other witches.  We found you through the number that you had left for umm...yeah.  So no.” He cleared his throat, “We have a certain responsibility to take care of you and look after you that has nothing to do with you being a witch.  That was something none of us really expected.” 
Jin looked over to Jimin who seemed to be growing nervous.  “You said you wanted the truth out there. Did you want to tell her?” 
Jimin started to run his fingers through his hair quickly.  “I-I think.  Maybe.” He shook his head “no. Dammit.” he took a deep breath and retreated back into the couch in defeat. 
“Someone please start talking straight.  I have half a mind to just call the cops on all of you right now for being here in my home without being invited in!” You snapped using a tone you felt was way too harsh.  Yet, you were getting frustrated with all of the secrets and confusion. 
“Oh, so its fine when you invade someone else's private space.  But us being here in yours is off limits?” Jungkook spoke up angrily. 
“It was a dare!” You shouted out. 
Every one of the members raised their eyebrows.  Jimin and Namjoon seemed to be amused at this. 
“A dare?” Jimin questioned, his eyes crinkled and he cocked his head to the side in confusion. 
“My friend bet me over a months rent to leave my number for Jungkook.  It was a stupid idea, and I didn’t want to,” you looked over to Jungkook to try and make him see your honest expression “I regret it.  It was wrong and I know it. I really needed the money though…”  you trailed off.
 “No one is going to hold it against you babe.  Don’t worry,” Jimin smiled a big toothy grin your way. He seemed pleased to hear that you weren’t just a crazy stalker obsessed with the idea that Jungkook would fall in love with you.  He leaned back into the couch again, this time more relaxed, a small strand of his sandy brown bangs fell into his face and he brushed it out of the way in a smooth motion. “Thank you for explaining” 
“Speak for yourself.  The only reason I’m here is for you Jimin.” Jungkook scoffed. 
You looked down to your lap where you played with your fingers nervously.  
“Maybe you guys need to leave.  I’m sorry I’ve upset you.  There's no need to look out for me.  You don’t know me and I don’t know you.  I appreciate your concern, but it seems that-”
“I’m never leaving you!” Jimin yelled out loudly causing you to jump. 
“Jimin.” Jin warned in a quiet but firm tone.
“He’s right though.  She can’t be left alone.  They’ll only be back for her now that they know how important she is to us.” Taehyung who had been mostly silent now spoke up. 
Jimin sent him a thankful glance. 
Important to them? 
“True.  Y/n, I think you need to come stay with us.  The risk is too much for you to stay here alone.  Plus I think you could do with some lessons on how to control your power now that it's been unlocked,”  Jin spoke.
Jimin started to nod quickly in agreement.  “Come live with us!” he spoke excitedly. “It’d just be better that way” 
Live with them...Live with...BTS.  You felt your mind growing cloudy again. 
“Is she gonna faint again?” Hoseok spoke softly. 
You looked around at each one of them.  In your living room.  Jimin and Yoongi on either side of you.  Jungkook leaned against the wall avoiding you.  Namjoon leaned against another wall now putting out his cigarette into an empty orange soda can that he’d found.  Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung all sat crosslegged on the floor in front of your couch across the coffee table from you.  
You squeezed your eyes tightly shut, for a moment feeling like when you’d open them they’d all be gone, it’d all disappear and you’d wake up in bed; Jellybean by your feet and the light of morning spilling in through your blinds. 
But no, when you opened your eyes they were all still there.  All looking at you waiting for your answer. 
“How could I?” You stuttered out your lips trembling as you spoke, “A girl living with BTS...surely that's not allowed.  Wouldn’t you get in trouble for that?” 
Jimin chuckled next to you.  “Don’t think that anyone tells US what to do.  As long as we keep you away from cameras we should be fine. We wouldn’t want that anyways for your safety.  We have our ways.” 
You felt your throat start to dry out and your hands start to sweat, you stood quickly and walked over to your fridge grabbing a bottle of water and chugging it furiously. 
“So you’ve done this before?” You asked when you returned to the group, standing behind your couch with your hands gripping the back tightly out of nervousness. 
“No!” Jimin answered quickly.  “I just mean, we have our ways of keeping secrets from our fans.” He explained. 
You took a broken breath in.  It just didn’t seem real, right, or possible for this all to be happening to you. You put a hand to your head to check for a fever.  Then returned to plop down on the couch where you’d been sitting.
“She's having a hard time processing this all hyung,” Taehyung spoke towards Jin, who nodded in agreement. 
“I wish there was a better way.  We wanted to ease you into this, but with what happened tonight with the witches from the Royal Coven, I don’t think we have a choice.  Either she comes and lives with us, or at least two of us are going to have to be here with her at all times.  And us coming and going from her house will certainly be harder to keep a secret from the media than just her staying in our dorms.”  Jin put his hands to his face and groaned. 
“You’re more than welcome at our home princess,” Jimin spoke softly, and though he had been rejected twice, tried once again to reach out to you.  This time you let his hand fall on your shoulder, maybe it was because you didn’t want to see him sad again, but this time you allowed it to set there.  
“Already calling her princess huh?” Jungkook rolled his eyes, “Little early for that no?” 
You cocked your head to the side confused, and Jimin's hand was the one to flinch away from you this time. 
“Sorry.  I’m ahead of myself again huh?” He muttered to himself. 
The room fell quiet and you felt like a feather dropping would’ve sounded out like a cannonball in this room. 
“I’ll do it.” you finally spoke up, breaking the silence. 
You heard a tiny gasp from your side.  Jimin turned to face you completely. 
“You’ll live with us? You’re sure?” his features were soft and bright. 
You nodded slowly.  “Yeah...lets just see how it goes right?” you turned to Jin “If I do this you’ll tell me more about whatever the fuck this is thats going on with me?” 
Jin laughed and seemed pleased with your response.  
“Of course.  We’ll have lessons on how to control your powers.  I had a mentor do the same for me, I’d be happy to.” he assured you. 
You took another deep breath in and out.  
“We have to find Jellybean first though.” You suddenly remembered, “I don’t want to leave without my cat!” 
The whole room seemed to tense up at once and all eyes did a quick glance to Yoongi. 
“I’ll find Jellybean for you y/n.  Don’t worry.  It’ll be my priority” Jimin spoke up quickly.  “Let’s just get you back to our place safe.” 
You sighed and looked around the room once more to see if Jellybean would miraculously appear.  But your companion was nowhere in sight. 
“You promise?” You spoke to Jimin, who nodded and crossed his heart with his finger.
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ohpretty-baby · 4 years
bts as my sophomore class teachers
a thread because i miss my teachers lowkey
anyways enjoy <3
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first hour: ap seminar with kim namjoon
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super philosophical 
is a fanboy for rosseau, calls him the original gangster
intimidatingly intelligent; like reads 3 books in one day and writes two papers on them intelligent
constantly connecting foundational thinkers/texts to real life situations (ex: echo and narcissus and selfies in social media)
makes you feel like a bad person by questioning your moral motives
there’s never a dull day in his class
one time we spent the hour evaluating billie eilish’s bad boy and that one “sweet but psycho” song and talked about double consciousness
the next day we did a full 180 and talked about mass burials
then we talked about the refugee crisis the day after that
extremely thought provoking conversations
gives you independence, which is a double edged sword because everyone in ap sem procrastinates
wants students to exceed not only in his class but also outside of school
my irl ap sem teacher helped me figure out that i wanted to go into a career of law !
also an extensive librarian (hence the ability to read 3 books in one day)
if you have the slight interest in something, he has a book for it
i literally have 8 books checked out from my school library because of him
gives you complete and honest ratings of r rated movies and posts them on your schoology board
not afraid to be scandalous
“now everyone say it with me: premarital sex!”
that was something my irl teacher said, that day we shouted out premarital sex about 15 times with the door wide open
amazing music taste
he listens to anything and everything, from french rap to spanish pop and then english folk songs
will dj for your graduation party for free
second hour: honors english with min yoongi
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insanely calm, probably just very sleepy
easy going, chill
you really don’t feel pressured in his class
people goof off in class and are generally very annoying, but he doesn’t care
occasionally lectures students if he really needs to 
communicates what we have to do and then lets us do the work
lets us fail if we’re not responsible
but will understand if you can’t turn in a project if life gets in the way
i still have a project i need to turn in oops-
i haven’t received any negative repercussions tho
lets kids eat in his class and lets them go to the vending machine if they have no food
i go to my locker every morning to get food to eat
eats with us
lets you use your phone and watch netflix
will even ask you what show you’re watching and if it’s good
actually a really good teacher if you pay attention in his class
kids just think they can slack off, they end up failing tho so it’s really none of his issues
for some reason he’s a substitute teacher for a lot of classes
when he subs, the classes are extremely fun 
one time i spent my whole sixth hour talking to him about my costar and astrology
goofs off with the kids
that same day he subbed, my friends were making panoramas of each other and he rated all of them
isn’t strict
cares about his students and is very easy to talk to
because of this a lot of students open up to him
isn’t a snitch
would willingly make fun of classic literature with you
third hour: honors chemistry with kim taehyung
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Super Sassy
always gets the last word when students mess around with him
“what’s your favorite double replacement reaction?”
“my favorite ones are the ones you guys get right; so none”
as you can guess, students love having conversation with him
probably has a dope ass instagram but damnit he won’t let accept anyone’s follow requests
probably because that’s illegal
constant Bad BItch energy
will openly tell students they are annoying without shame
will also openly tell you that you are dumb
once i thought that we had four principals (one for each grade, don’t question it) and my irl teacher was speechless,, like she couldn’t actually say anything at my stupidity
i would willingly sell my soul for my chemistry teacher
always has labs to do, even if they’re not very helpful at times
lets students retake tests by creating a new test 
but they’re actually harder than the actual test
students skip their own classes to visit him
i always skip my 6th hour to go into the chemistry
constantly has to chase away students
actually very sweet and cares about students, but is never really a push over
again, a constant Bad Bitch
fourth hour: honors spanish with kim seokjin
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an even Bigger Bad Bitch
super fun and sassy
we have fiestas but literally the only Spanish thing we have is chips and salsa and tacos
i’m not kidding
people just bring in cake pops and brownies
will sometimes teach a whole lesson in Spanish just to fuck with us
will also try to hold a conversation with us in Spanish just to fuck with us even more
loves seeing our shocked and confused faces when can’t answer his questions
actually teaches us
gives a lot of busy work but i honestly think that’s the better ways of learning and practicing Spanish, so there’s no complaints
engaging lessons, encourages us to make mistakes so we can be comfortable with the language
veryyyy helpful with pronunciation, makes sure that we know how to pronounce certain words
super trustworthy
once after school i spilled tea with my irl spanish teacher about a messy breakup i had gone thru, it was real fun
we have a theory that one of the senior teachers has a crush on her because he always visits her when he comes to our class
really good teacher but heavily overestimates our ability
especially when it comes to tests
but will admit his wrongs when we don’t do well in class
literally the best friend you wish you had
fifth hour: ap world with jeon jungkook
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literally really pretty
really funny and sweet but his class is hard
not because of the extensive work and the fast pace, but because he doesn’t prepare students enough for saqs, dbqs, leqs, etc.
we still love our ap world teacher bc she genuinely cares about us
teaches an ap class but has never taken an ap class in high school
still teaches even tho he’s sick and his own students have asked him to stay at home so he can feel better
really fun discussion activities, like fishbowls
always drinking tea with a cool ass mug that has all the presidents of the united states on it
wears really cute clothes and coordinates colors
but sometimes will just pull up in pajamas
either way he’s Stylin
makes sure that students know that he doesn’t believe in racism and communism
always tells his students to take care when they say goodbye
draws LOTS of smiley faces
sometimes more confused about the content then the students are
but genuinely kind and hard working, even if it takes him 3 months to grade papers
sixth hour: theology with jung hoseok
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confusing lectures
will talk about persecution in rome and then switch the topic onto blts (yes, the sandwich) and then talk about male circumcision
really goofy
talks very loudly because he takes his hearing aid out during lessons
honestly a really confusing teacher
a lot of people don’t like his teaching style, and neither do i, but it’s not a hard class so there’s really nothing to complain about
you really just need to read the slides in his class to pass
gives out homework but never grades it
i never turn in homework,,, 
i get a’s on his test and he just gives good grades for every homework assignment
honestly just really sweet and funny even when he tries not to
talks with his hands way too much
will take selfies with you if you let him
constantly asking for validation from his students
“is my teaching style ok? i know it can be confusing but i really try with making lectures funny so you guys won’t be bored”
can sometimes be annoying but everyone loves him because he just doesn’t make sense
literally the best class to do other homework in
sees students as his friends
once we had a public discussion online about our concerns of the coronavirus instead of actually learning about theology
i said that i was worried that i’d die of the coronavirus before i got a boyfriend
he replied to my comment saying “1. you are killing me ! :) 2. i’m sure that you have a lot of secret admirers, so the boyfriend thing is covered, they just need to figure things out. remember maturity happens at different stages for everyone.”
even though i don’t like his class at times, i know i’m gonna miss how crazy he is
seventh hour: honors geometry with park jimin
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Sweetest, Softest, Most Pure of all
gives out candy during tests
but not just any candy
the really good strawberry candies that grandmas always have and never run out of
sometimes the lessons go by too fast but yet too slow at the same time
a Literal Grandpa
doesn’t let kids say “shut up” or “dumb” in his class
claims that he doesn’t even say “shut up” to his own kids
always reminds kids that this is a No Judgement Zone
rewards students who answer challenging questions with little stand-up signs that say “Expert at Work” or “Rockstar” that they can put on their desk
will buy or make little stockings that spell out the initials of the high school
brags about his kohl’s cash
once bought a $50 scooter for only $5 dollars because of his kohl’s cash
stays after school for two hours to reteach lessons to students
takes little strolls around the school building with his friends during lunch
Mental Math Mondays
mondays are when we play mental math card games with the whole class
lets kids make their own card games
will ask if you’re okay if you look sad
will also ask if you’re okay if you look sleepy
asks kids to be patient with him when they have a confusing lesson to teach
wIll thoroughly explain everything to the best of his ability
definitely has never done anything wrong
this made me genuinely miss my teachers even though i hate school with my whole entire heart, soul, and mind! anyways love u guys
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