#it was from her dads side
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faeyells · 2 months ago
Or option five, try and still be friends with her while she complains that you aren’t close anymore but every time you try and get close she pushes you away, ignores you and then laments all the times you two were happy together, then acts like you were the only one with a crush and makes you feel predatory for fucking existing
Oh no! Your homosexual situationship didn't work out! You have four options to proceed:
Graduate from murder cop to puppet fascist
Become a pit fighter and descend into alchaholism
Start a transhumanist cult and become twink Jesus
Return from the bad ending to murder your ex
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crowkip · 10 months ago
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egophiliac · 2 years ago
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redesigning my headcanon for Sebek's parents, based on important new information (SCALES)
(you can't see it but they're both wearing crocs)
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allastoredeer · 3 months ago
It's kind of funny to think that when Lucifer points out to Charlie that they have the same blood, it's clear that Lucifer has golden blood due to being an Angel, while in battle we see that Charlie actually has red blood, probably due to being the daughter of the first human/sinner woman, which ironically makes her even closer to Alastor just on a visual level.
Another thing I love about that song is that Lucifer stresses that he will support her, but always focusing on material things and the use of his power. While Alastor, the manipulative bastard who knows everyone's weaknesses, brings out all the bonds and emotional support he's given Charlie just by being there from the beginning, how they've become friends, how he makes her laugh with his jokes, he even hugs Niffty, and all that "corny" stuff is what Charlie really appreciates, but she has no interest in material things.
Ooooh! Good point about the blood! In that aspect, she could be more closely affiliated with sinners than Lucifer or the hellborn.
Also, that's what I REALLY love about Alastor and Lucifer's song, because your right! Lucifer is focusing on all the things he can get her. Material items. Which is exactly where he went wrong.
Charlie is the princess of Hell, I'm pretty sure she has no problem buying anything. Lucifer may be able to snap things into existence, but that's not what Charlie wants. It's not what she needs.
Alastor, on the other hand, is observant as fuck. He was with the Hazbin crew for only a week before he pegged Charlie's daddy issues.
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It is also very interesting that in this photo Lucifer is in the spotlight with his back turned to Charlie, and Charlie's body language is so hurt and closed off, she's literally on the brink of tears. I'm just saying, I don't think we give Charlie's feelings about her and Lucifer's relationship more credit. We tend to focus more on Lucifer's emotions and that is such a shame because LOOK at her. Charlie is not okay.
Charlie wants connection, support, and community. She wants someone to be proud of her. She wants someone who is reliable and involved.
And Alastor knows that and, when you think about it, he HAS done that.
Look at Charlie's face when he tells her he's happy to "fulfill all her bizarre request."
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Requests. Not just poofing items into existence.
We've already seen examples of Alastor being involved with the hotel and doing things that Vaggie and Charlie ask him to do, such as taking the egg bois with him, sitting in on Charlie's exercise's, making a commercial, building a new wall, dealing with clogs--and I imagine he's done a lot more over the 6 months that he's been there.
(Also, not to go off topic but Alastor's back arch oh my god??????)
Look at her face when Alastor say's that she's an "impressive young lady" and that they're all "very proud of her."
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He didn't even need to say "I'm proud of her," it was "we're proud of her."
It makes me wonder when the last time Charlie heard those words. Did Lucifer and Lilith ever tell her they were proud of her? I looked through the episode transcripts, and there wasn't a single time Lucifer said "I'm proud of you", even after they rekindled their relationship.
I think it's something Charlie has wanted to hear for a VERY long, and hearing it from Alastor (who's as close to a father figure as she's had, I guess), I can't imagine how much that meant to her.
Also note Charlie's face when Lucifer interrupts them to request he meet her other friends.
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Charlie wants emotional connection. She doesn't want Lucifer to come in and fix all her problems, she just needs a little help. She wants his support. She invited him to the hotel so she could show him what she was working on and how much things have improved.
And let's be honest here, Lucifer went to the hotel for purely selfish reasons.
He didn't go to listen to Charlie's pitch or even consider helping with it. He already said no about setting up a meeting with Heaven and he went into the hotel already believing it wouldn't work, with no intention of keeping an open mind.
He missed Charlie and went there only to see her, which isn't altogether bad! He missed his daughter. That's fine. But by all accounts it was a selfish decision that he made purely for himself. It was to benefit him, not her.
And I think, on some level, Charlie expected that.
So when Alastor swoops in saying all the right words, knowing exactly what Charlie wants (because he's been paying attention), knowing that she doesn't need material items but emotional connection, you know, I can't blame her for looking the way she did, and I'm not surprised it sent Lucifer head-first into a whirlpool of insecurity.
Lucifer went wrong by trying to "buy" (for lack of better term) his way back into Charlie's good graces. I don't think he meant for it to come off like that, but the whole basis of his "i'm a better dad than Alastor" argument is "look at all the things I can get for you," "look at all the ways you can benefit from my status" and "we're blood-related."
Whereas Alastor's was "here's all the things I've done to help and support you," "look at the times I've been reliable" and "you've already made a found family here, you don't need a biological one."
I'm sorry, but going by the song? Yeah, Alastor kind of beat Lucifer in the dad category.
Doesn't mean he's an actual, loving, and supportive father figure to Charlie LMAO, but by all accounts, he's checked the boxes.
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serpentface · 2 months ago
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Wardin provincial tax magistrate on the annual Apomalo Tlinya (phrase close in meaning to 'journey of the late (autumn) sun'), which is a tax collection tour.
His station is marked by his white cloak, royal blue belt, gullfeather khattanocuy, the ability to bear a sword, and a scroll containing documents stamped with the Usoma's seal confirming his identity and authority. He does not travel alone, but is accompanied by a large retinue of scribes, soldiers, advisors, and servants.
All citizens have tax obligations regardless of class, and these are owed primarily in grain and livestock. This is based in this internal economy being predominantly a barter system (with its coin currency having direct value as precious metals and serving as a means of establishing fixed values for various trade goods) and heavily reliant on agricultural goods. It is significantly more difficult to evade or cheat on taxes when what you owe can be established by sight, measured in hard to miss livestock and fields of crops.
As such, taxes are collected via annual tours in which these magistrates (personally appointed by the Usoma and collecting in his name) tour their lands in person. The Apomalo Tlinya serves multiple purposes. It is primarily a method of collecting tax, but also doubles as a way to assess a province's agricultural wealth and well-being as a whole and to take an official census of the population.
This routine act of taxation has been integrated into official religious practice, being looped in with the bounty of the harvest season and thanksgiving to the face Inyamache for having provided the necessary long summer sunlight as the days grow shorter. The actual Apomalo Tlinya begins upon the official celebrations of the New Maize day in each capital city (usually observed on a separate day at the actual end of the harvest for each village), where the festival ends with the tax party leaving the city in procession. The magistrate always ceremonially rides a red bull khait, bearing a solar disk framed by royal dual-viper insignia on its horns. The bull's journey is compared to the ideal seasonal behavior of the sun, generating new life out of rain-fertile earth and then 'dying' after the harvest to allow for the rains to come. Villages who host the Apomalo Tlinya entourage each night experience a fringe benefit via permission to introduce any receptive mares to the bull and possibly get some (very valuable) calves out of it. The bull will be sacrificed at the end of the journey in a final act of thanksgiving, in hopes this offering will help ensure the next year is bountiful.
The attempted veneer of solar thanksgiving and harvest cheer aside, the Apomalo Tlinya visit is enjoyed by just about no one (except for perhaps the people lucky enough to get a pretty khait calf out of it), as it entails the personal loss of some of this aforementioned harvest. Nobility owe SUBSTANTIALLY higher taxes than commoners (given that they are considered to Own the majority of the crops/livestock, which is only Tended by their land's peasants), though the actual tax burden is proportionately steeper on the peasantry (whose tax obligations will come primarily out of their allotted share of the harvest, and/or any livestock they raise on the side). Taxes don't tend to be outright devastating in years with average crop yields, but an already bad year can be made ruinous by this visit. The timing also coincides with seasonal harvest festivities. A few unlucky villages every year may have their New Maize feast day interrupted by the sound of horns and a small legion of white-clad taxmen bearing down to collect.
Each province has only one tax magistrate, making this a lengthy and logistically complicated undertaking. It begins at the end of the harvest season (late summer), and the rounds may not finish until early winter. While it might be easier to divide these duties among a greater number of less-powerful officials, this allows taxation to remain Relatively centralized and performed by trusted appointees (often friends or relatives of the Usoma himself). This has had side effects of these officials becoming especially powerful individuals within each province, with very little checks in place to prevent corruption (beyond hope for sustained loyalty, often reinforced with special privileges and favors). Flagrant abuse of this system is rare, but more unpopular magistrates are commonly suspected to leverage additional off-the-books taxes for their own personal gain.
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tackykachowch · 3 months ago
Idk if I'm gonna get jumped for this but....Iiii don't know if it's really appropriate to call Vander Jinx's dad. He definitely was her guardian, with huge uncle energy for sure, but dad? Like, dad is something really personal and requires a high level of closeness, and they didn't seem to share that bond. Out of all the kids Powder seemed to be the most removed from him and share very little traits/interests with him, and after growing up we don't see Jinx care about him at all. So, idk, to call him her dad seems more like a fanservice to me rather than what can be confirmed by the show.
He's defo her dad in the au, tho, because there he would spend a lot more time with her and because of Vi's death pay more attention to her, therefore tightening their bond.
UPD: I mean, Vander isn't even a part of her hallucinations. Now, you could argue that it's too traumatic for her even to remember him as is seen in season 1 ep9, but I think it's the opposite, actually. Knowing Silco he probably yapped about Vander all the time (and he literally does this in ep5), so Jinx definitely remembers him and thinks of him to some extent. But why then his hallucination appeared only once? Well, I think it only happened because Jinx was under extreme pressure already, plus she recently had a shimmer operation, which could've worsened her mental state, hence Vander appearing as a hallucination. Again, this is just how I see it, I may be wrong, but I do think this view of their relationship is rational enough.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 268
Fright Knight sighs, running a clawed hand through his hair in an attempt to stop the flames from flickering into being. It had been far too long since he had taken a human-ish form. His human-ish form. Ugh. He didn’t exactly care for his human form after so long as a ghost, but needs must he supposed. 
Especially with the whole, we’re going to punch a backdoor into the literal daycare part of the Infinite Realms and be surprised when literal toddlers go exploring. 
Well, at least it got him off of guard duty for a bit, which was relieving. Not that he didn’t love the darkness, but it got boring in the shadow of his sword for literal centuries with nothing else happening. He was a warrior for Realm’s sake! Borderline an Ancient in both power and age! He wasn’t meant to stay so still for so long. 
So while ghostling wrangling wasn’t exactly in his area of expertise, he could definitely gather them back up to the Realms. And deal with the curs who had decided to attack literal babies. 
The Daycare area was already understaffed due to just how large it was, and the one in charge of this section had practically sobbed to the Council (In another world they would have been put on hold for a century in line for their concerns, and then more once a Sarcophagus was opened, but they had told the other ghosts in distress, causing others to let them go up in said line) how they were almost certain they had felt at least one core form Outside the realms thanks to the breach. 
Which had understandably put everyone at an uproar. 
So here he was slipping between shadows to do reconnaissance and take stock of if any Ghostlings had left the city. And gently scruffing those he comes across in exasperation because what are you doing, ghostling? Look at the mess, what would your caretaker say? 
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buckyscap · 6 months ago
after laura joined the x-men, wade and logan picked her up from her very first x-men mission like parents picking up their child from school, just to grab dinner together. but laura was really drained and she ended up sleeping in the diner so wade had to carry her on his back all the way to x-mansion with logan carrying laura's frozen backpack (that wade stole from some poor kid for her) and they tucked her to bed. the end.
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bloomingkyras · 21 days ago
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Evan's quirks #proud of myself from being the heir
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lovesodeepandwideandwell · 2 months ago
It's crazy how I can be like "I'm having a depressive episode" until I'm with the right people and then it's like oh no I'm ok actually
#i AM having a depressive episode going on a couple weeks now and it's a bit alarming#exacerbated by anxiety and uncertainty and my inability to handle my roommate situation#but tonight i watched the kids for small group and read them all my favorite picture books#(we got to the end of The Snowman and one little girl was like ''i don't like that when he melts because it is sad''#and one of the twins said ''i like it'')#and i told a couple people how awful my week has been and we commiserated in matter-of-fact tones#and i messed around on my phone and read gaudy night while my CG mom and dad did lesson prep and watched basketball#and now i'm going to bed and like actually i'm ok now#tomorrow will probably bring more tears and anger and deep exhaustion at the thought of doing anything#but oh well. we soldier on. in prayer and fellowship#(i hate the observable track record of my depression being tied to obvious and beyond-my-control life situations#but on the bright side there's a presumed end date for this one#and when i look back i remember less of the depression and more of the spiritual change that happened underneath it#hoping praying for the same to come out of now)#oh yeah and earlier i hung out with a friend and her shocked disbelief that i got rejected from the job i wanted#was really a balm on troubled waters. everyone else has just been sad and sympathetic#outsourcing the incredulous anger is helpful#i haven't seen her in a while since she had a baby and i forgot how much it helps to talk through academia stuff with her
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luck-of-the-drawings · 1 year ago
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silvermeww · 5 months ago
okay, when was someone going to tell me that
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oh, idk, steven started at 19, burgh has a younger sister, clay actually isn't born american, skyla's whole fam thing and ELESA IS 15???? (even younger than skyla like wtf???)
(also the 'alder' at the bottom is supposed to be drayden lol)
and that's not all
say hello to:
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viola being 18??? 'black whirlwind' korrina, RAMOS MEETING AZ'S FLOETTE AS A KID, genderfluid and apparently also age-fluid olympia, CLEMONT?? AND HIS WHOLE THING DOWN TO BEING 12 OF ALL AGES???
(you know what, marlon being 30 definitely makes sense with the hippie vibes)
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wikstrom SAYING that he only wears that suit in pokemon battles but i've never seen his casual wear, malva being pr for flare lol, drasna selling dragon merch + great family lore if you want to know, siebold having to third-wheel lysandre and sycamore while eating (move aside malva, you're not the only elite 4 dealing with this) and 20?? YEARS OLD?? DIANTHA????????????
(way too many men in kalos are getting ladies, c'mon)
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ethan being into history is such a neat detail hmmm, idk much of the frontier brains ngl, and we've finally got the region for looker and it's... hoenn??? you know what, makes sense with his chaotic vibes so i'll take it (throws away unova taped to a rock behind my back). also he's abolsutely cheating we all see that he's just relying on knowing us as protags, should've known smh
(um i think someone said that 'caitlin' should've been anabel but idk)
oh and the last one is charon, if we care about how much of a loser he really is. forget about birch and the poochyena, this guy is the lowest heh. imagine being charon (please don't).
(when the protags of johto are the same age as clemont lol) (yeah i know there are years between those events just let me have this)
and last but not least:
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aaron 🤝 valerie: wanting to be pokemon (and ig gotta toss in shauntal with the ao3 writer gift heh, don't know if they would commission her or stay away), bertha's description???? i love flint just saying, cynthia 👀👀 is absolutely doing something illegal 👀👀, roark is WHAT??? (child labour laws in sinnoh must be lax ngl), maylene as well???? fantina watching scary movies is something i'll have to incorporate into my worldview and bryon?? are you okay??
so yeah. credit goes to @/KuroBlitz96 on the twitter/x for having this up, i'm just here to project sheer surprise at this massive dump of ages... my thoughts on pokemon have completely turned on its head once more lol (this is fine)
#sinnoh is the most surprising out of the regions avaliable#but c'mon 12 year old clemont?? he is legit baby#steven is really just chilling around for at least 4 years until the protag got him huh??#when i was first watching bw i thought that cilan was middle child until that 3rd last ep?? with the fight for the gym#and having the bros come to him cemented the idea that he was the oldest#so hearing that is good to know#even though i have to make peace that they never left the city lol#WHY IS ELESA/ROARK/MAYLENE/DIANTHA SO DANG YOUNG???#i can maybe let go of viola. in time. maybe.#i also love some of that lore/history dump here as well#lenora's dad bringing back fossils and lyra being torn between countryside/city#viola being a big sister figure and getting that camera from her father#crasher wake being a fake fan but also heavily embodying that barry spirit in his own way#the ramifications of the mother dying after bonnie was born and wow that gag in the anime is suddenly a lot more sadder huh#on the brighter side the prism tower used to be a part of a travelling amusement park lol#flint's hype!!! maylene being confused over her own strength!!! (thoughts about paul's insults hit a lot harder after this hmm)#wulfric being an explorer!! and i'm still not over ramos and az's floette oh god#unfollow me right now. this is all i can talk about for the next few weeks. my brain is way too small for this knowledge help#is it canon now?? idk. but the fact that this was here is killing me#pokemon teraleak#save#deep stuff
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itsajollyjester · 4 months ago
For all the heartbreak in Act 2 I am forever grateful that it clarified over and over that Jinx is Vander’s daughter
I’ve been a Vander Stan from day 1 and the amount of “Vi was Vander’s daughter, Jinx was Silco’s” posts implying that he didn’t care about her like he did Vi drove me crazy
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zosa95 · 6 months ago
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Greta: Unca Dude, Unca Dude!
Little Greta raced to her uncle as fast as her chubby legs could manage. She flung herself at Jude,  squealing in delight as he swung her high.
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Sybil: Gemma!
Sybil ran over to hug Gemma and started talking silly baby talk to Greta. Then she turned to Gemma.
Sybil: When are you going to have the baby?
Jude frowned, giving his daughter a warning look.
Jude: Sybil, what did I say about asking personal questions?
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Sybil: I'm not five anymore. And I'm not asking because she's fat. I know there's a baby in there.
Gemma: (teasing) It could be a food baby.
Sybil: A what?
Gemma shook her head and laughed.
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Sybil: My dad can come over when you have the baby. If the baby gets stuck, he can help.
Jude: Sybil, stop talking, please.
Sybil: He can just reach in and pull the baby out—
Jude: Sybil! She’s not a ewe! And this conversation is inappropriate.
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Sybil huffed and stared at her father.
Sybil: Does she know how babies come out?
Jude: (desperately) Not another word.
Sybil: But—
Jude: No. More. Words. Go back to play with Giles and Betty. Now.
Sybil looked bewildered. Her father wasn’t usually grumpy with her. She threw her hands up in the air and shrugged. Then she made a zipping motion across her lips with more sass than compliance. She reached out her hand to a giggling Greta, leading the toddler to the playground. Jude took a deep breath, burying his face in his hands.
Gemma was speechless. There was a part of parenting she had not foreseen. She took a quick peek at a silent Jude. He didn’t meet her eyes.
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Gemma: How about we pretend that conversation never happened?
Jude: Yes, please.
The uncomfortable silence between them continued.
Gemma: What topic should I study before quiz night?
Jude’s shoulders relaxed as he launched into familiar topics, trying to shake off the confusing feelings that Gemma stirred in him.
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memento-morri-writes · 3 months ago
TBR Tag Game
I'm hopping on an open tag from @tc-doherty to share 9 books I read this year, and 9 books I'm hoping to read next year.
Read This Year:
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Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland
The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickenson
A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine (also read the first book)
The Spirit Well by R.K. Ashwick (@ashen-crest)
The Obsidian Tower by Melissa Caruso
Godkiller by Hannah Kaner
Snowblooded by Emma Sterner-Radley
Somewhere Beyond the Sea by T.J. Klune
The first 5 were my favorites of the year (in no particular order), and the rest were honorable mentions.
Hoping to Read Next Year:
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The Tyrant Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson
The Monster Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson
A Captured Cauldron by R.K. Ashwick (@ashen-crest)
Voyage of the Damned by France White
Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
Strictly No Heroics by B.L. Radley (@radley-writes)
The Quicksilver Court by Melissa Caruso
Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
I don't have a 9th I'm super excited about, despite having more in my TBR, so 8 will have to do. I'm most eager to read the top row, but I'm excited about all of them!! I do really want to re-read the Gentleman Bastards series, though... I need to read about the original Idiot Bastard Man (affectionate).
Tagging @transmasc-wizard @space-writes @writeouswriter @cryptid-s-wips @emrowene @talesofsorrowandofruin
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kanzakurawrites · 5 months ago
Even though I prefer Mal's D3 hair to her D2 hair, as the years have passed and as much as I love her and Hades, I really wish her hair would have stayed fully purple.
One, purple fire and flames would be AMAZING.
And two, it feels like Descendants has too many 'blue' characters. Evie, Ben, Uma, Chad, Chloe, Jane, Ally...
And yeah, Mal's color is still purple, it's just a new tiny annoyance.
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