#it was either this or another that said dont belive his ass but he has an ass so i couldnt use that caption
999qjs-ghktls · 3 months
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no really, don't
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beidousoneandonly · 1 year
Hobie x Reader
FNAFICC TIME EHEEUHEUEHU ok so ill start out with like neutral nothing freaky yeah im willing to take on requests!!!! and sorry if its wack english isnt my first language
You were looking at the nice sun set as you sat in the roof of your house, as you admire the nice colours of the sky hobie joins you for a bit,
You liked hobie but you werent sure he'd like you back so you didnt say anything, lately youve gotten closer to him, getting to know him more, be with him, you fell harder than ever before.
As hobie made himself comfortable next to you laying down whatching you "what are we lookng at?" he asks "dude look at the clouds they are so pretty" you say not trying to sound awkward
You wanted to be closer to hobie be more than friends but hed probably pull something like "i dont belive in labels like girlfriend or boyfriend" so you decided youd never actually confess but its hurt when you saw someone flirting with him
You look back at hobie trying not to blurt out your feelings so you looked away as hobie noticed and asked "soemthing on your mind?" "well you see theres this problem with my firend you know and i dont know how to help them" you said "well then tell me whats going on maybe i can help" you comply as you speak "well this friend of mine has a crush on her friend right, and she doesnt want to tell him because shes worried that he doesnt feel the same way and will ruin things between them." as you stop speaking you turn to look at him and he has a troubled look on his face "thats just stupid theres a high chance the friend likes her back even if he didnt like her i doubt anything would change" he spoke as you look at him and roll your eyes at his response as you climb down from the roof "what'd I say?!" hobie asks as he looks at you climbing down.
A few days go by from the day when you were on the rooftop with hobie as he tried not think about it, he had several conclusions as to your reactions but he didnt tell you about them.
after that day you prayed that hobie didnt catch on but it was too obvious.
Days later your group got invited to a house party, you werent the most fan of those but you didnt have anything to do so you decided to go with your friends for a bit and then youd leave.
As you get ready with gwen shes texting the guys if theyre already there, they reply with a image of pavitr in a water fountain, you and gwen switched looks and laughed and left for the party
You arrive and there puke outside on the grass already you contemplate whether you should return but march inside with gwen and meet up with hobie,pavitr and miles in the back
"Hey guys-" you say as you look at pavitr wet he still hasnt dried up "HAHHHHHHHHHHH" gwen wheezed her ass off as pavitr was trembling his ass off "You should defenetly change" you demand
Some time goes by as you get bored since you finished gossiping with hobie and gwen you guys were cririzing everyone at the party but now you had no one to gossip about, as you sighed this girl was going around recollecting people to play games as she asked you guys if you wanted to join so you said why not?
everyone gathered at the living room since most had left the party it wasnt crowded anymore, The girl that rounded everyone together suggested we sit in a circle as we do you notice hobie is looking at someone and you start to get jealous and sit next to him and bump into him to get his attention he raises an eyebrow at your actions, as the girl announces we play truth or dare or spin the bottle, someone suggests to combine them two
the game goes some on has to spin the bottle and has to do truth or dare as everyone agress the game starts and they spin the bottle as it lands on someone and they dare them to go home, everyone starts laughing at the cruel joke but the person seems upset either way the game continues as it lands on you and say truth, you dont want to be another joke like the previous person as they ask you who is your type, i am in blank "i dont really have a type ya know?" you try to shake it off someone yells BORING but you didnt want to make a fool out of yourself, some spins later the bottle lands on hobie
i give up LMFAOO ill continue this later im tired
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homieswithhades · 3 years
why steve rogers returning to the past was wrong
disclaimer: im clearly a stucky enthusiast, but please, do not be thrown off by that. i admit, there may be undertones of bias because of that in the following, but i did my best with trying to lay out the facts and draw logical conclusions, so do please give me a chance. also, i may have accidentaly omitted some moments and some quotes may not be 100% word for word, as my memory lowkey sucks. ALSO this is NOT a peggy hate post!! i think shes a dope and underrated character and quite frankly she was done dirty. but i also definitely h8 the trope of badass woman falls for the hero.
first and foremost, every sane person knows endgame was complete and utter bullshit when dealing with steves character, so this post will be more for you to maybe show (and hopefully convince) some stubborn friend or family member. nice, concise (not) and including proof from the movies (+a few tweets and stucky undertones, if u dont fw that i respect it but bucky is an integral part to steves character regardless of how u interpret their relationship) here is why steves character development was thrown away at the end of endgame.
let us begin at looking at the cap trilogy.
in ca:tfa it should be noted that steve had no one to return to in the 40s, except bucky. i believe steves relationship with peggy was no where near as developed as it should have been to elicit him returning exclusively for her. as we are aware, steves driving force has absolutely always been bucky. bucky was there for steve after his parents died, when he was sick, and always protected him from whatever trouble he got himself into. "until the end of the line" right? steves relationship with peggy was forced and short lived, literally, we're talking a matter of months here. i need to keep emphasising the important disparity between bucky and peggy, as it is absolutely key in this whole argument. steve dropped everything and went against every order just to even attempt to save bucky. even the slightest chance of him surviving being captured was enough for steve to break into a hydra camp and free the 107th division. steve even had the chance to capture zola, one of the main villains and masterminds of the war, but again, steve prioritised bucky. when theyre trying to escape the exploding hydra camp, the exchange between steve and bucky is critical. steve says "go! get out of here!" as all he wanted was bucky escaping safely. he put bucky's life over his own (this wasnt the first time he did this, nor the last) but bucky rooted himself to the spot, and yelled back "no, not without you!". they both escaped safely as we know, and then steve gathers the howling commandos to take down the red skull. bucky then falls off the train, nd steve blames himself for his death, even visibly crying over it twice. steves morals went from "i dont wanna kill anyone. i dont like bullies, i dont care where theyre from" before buckys death, to "i wont stop until all of hydra are dead or captured" after. stuff happens and steve defeats the red skull and is now in control of the flying ship with the bombs. he connects the comms with peggy and she tries to convince him theres another way to disarm the ship. steve was so dedicated at that point he didnt even want to hear it. he didnt even attempt to do anything to ensure his survival. this alone proves, peggy was not important enough to him to return to.
next is ca:tws. The stevebucky movie. in the museum, peggy confirms that steve saved the man from the 107th division who eventually became her husband (steve was never in the 107th, just to clarify) i believe her husbands name was daniel sousa (as revealed in the marvels agents of shield show) steve then finds out peggy is alive and talks to her. she, in short, tells him she's lived her life, and it was his turn to live his in the time hes in. the "my best girl" line was unnecessary and out of place; again, steve barely knew her. again, shit goes down, and steve finds out the winter soldier is bucky and immediately drops everything, and becomes dead set on saving him. not killing, not imprisoning, but saving him. no matter the cost. "he saw me, and he didnt even know me" "hes not the kind you save, hes the kind you stop. he won't recognise you" "he will." god, steve KNEW bucky would recognise him. regardless of the brainwashing, steve managed to break through the barrier hydra fought so hard to drill into buckys mind. nothing ever broke him out of that state exept for steve. "im not gonna fight you, youre my friend." "youre my mission" "then finish it. cos im with you till the end of the line." [[good fucking lord let me break out of my essay-esque semi professional format here and just say how fucking heartbreaking those lines are. oh my god. read them, over and over until it hits you.]] steve shows us again, that he is willing to not only die for bucky, but literally die by his hand. he would let bucky kill him. he'd dropped his shield. he didnt fight back. steve always, always, ALWAYS got up and fought back. always. exept that time. the time bucky could have killed him. that scene is the essence of "im with you till the end of the line" because then, it was true. it was true because steve was okay with dying at buckys mercy. theres a difference between sacrificing yourself for the greater good (steve going into the ice), willing to die for someone (steve risking his life multiple times in attempts to save bucky) and finally, being willing to let someone kill you, because you love and trust them so much (hellicarier scene). the difference between peggy and bucky's relationship to steve is that steve may be willing to die for either, but only willing to be killed by one. not to mention, bucky pulled steve from the river. he recognised him. steve broke through 70 years of brainwashing with such impact it literally drove bucky away from hydra out of his own free will.
in between ca:tws and ca:cw its confirmed (im p sure sam says it) that him and steve looked for bucky for two. years. even off screen, bucky was steves priority.
im going to squeeze in 2 points from from age of ultron here, for chronology's sake:
steves worst nightmare, as portayed in the movie, is LITERALLY going back to the 40s and being stuck there (with peggy too??lmfao) and also the quote "family, stability, the man who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. i think another one came out." objectively confirms that steve isn't the man he used to be, and doesnt want to return to the past. aou may have sucked, but that doesn't mean the character development should be thrown away.
ca:cw. hoo boy. steve went against 117 countries and half of his closest friends and colleagues because he believed bucky was innocent of the bombing of the un conference. god, steve quite literally, did everything to defend and protect bucky. though i shall acknowledge that steve did attend peggy's funeral, however, there was no real connotations there other than the fact he was mourning her death (understabdibly so). steve then proceeds to protect bucky for 2 hours 27 mins and 41 seconds to the point where they escape together to siberia after the airport fight. "i dont know if im worth all this steve" "what you did all those years... it wasnt you. you didnt have a choice." "i know. but i did it" again, absolutely heartbreaking quotes if you read it a couple of times and truly understand the meaning of them. steve somewhat indirectly tells bucky yes, yes he is worth all of this. otherwise, he wouldn't be doing it. a quote to support that would be "for the longest time, i always did what i thought was right." (disclaimer this is not a direct quote i deadass couldnt find it to save my life, i belive steve said it at some point during civil war or tws, but the point is, bucky is the only thing that could have shaken steves morals so intensely.) and finally, the most important part of cw, the fight at the end with tony. bucky and steve constantly protected each other. steve kept fighting because he was fighting for bucky. to keep him safe from tony and the world. he got up, time and time again. "i can do this all day." the fact that he said that to tony, some people consider them the closest of friends, proves again, a million times over, bucky is more important to steve than literally anything else, INCLUDING his shield. his mantle. he dropped it and left it like it was nothing, because his priority was bucky. as always.
theres not much to discuss for infinity war other than their hug whicg was honestly just adorable.
mmmmm endgame. i will not go into how much i hate that movie because it would be a rant quintuple the length of this one. in the support group, steve dead ass fucking says "you gotta move on. you gotta move on" and that sentiment was literally forgotten at the end. my main point for endgame is this. people tend to tell me, the reason steve abandoned bucky and went back to be with peggy is because he knew that he was finally safe. :/. if you had half a braincell youd know that's not true. the steve we know, never would have left bucky for good, ESPECIALLY after the "dont do anything stupid until i get back" exchange [[god i want to beat the shit out of the r*ssos]] mostly because, bucky had fucking no one in the time he was living in!!! no family, no friends and most heartbreakingly, no one he could trust. (yes sam was there but were just seeing their friendship develop now in tfatws, all that wasnt there in endgame) and secondly, what made steve think bucky was entirely safe??? half of the worlds population just suddenly reappeared, which as we see now, there were massive consequences for that. i simply believe steve is not that stupid. steve going back was disrespectful not only to his character, but to bucky AND peggy. most importantly, the steve we've been watching since 2011 would NEVER abandon bucky, no matter how safe he thought he was (he visited him frequently in wakanda, the safest place on the planet arguably ffs) especially for such a dumbass and quite frankly, nonsensical reason as going back to be with peggy, who clearly stated to him she moved on, and so should he (which he did. idk endgame writers prolly didnt watch the previous movies :/) its not even debatable. bucky is more important to steve than peggy. even in terms of screentime.
now allow some tweets to speak for me, this one being the absolute most important one:
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ladies and gentlefolk, all of the stuff ive said can be summarised in that last line. "it would be contrary to who he is."
heres some more:
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and now finally, id like to briefly mention steve and tfatws, so beware of spoilers (writing this as of ep 4 coming out; praying it doesn't age badly)
bucky mentions steve, unprompted, fucking constantly. he clearly isnt over steve leaving, and im hoping that gets acknowledged and talked out in the show.
in conclusion, tl:dr, steve shouldn't have returned to the past and stayed there, it is contrary to who he is, as shown to us through his trilogy and other appearances in the mcu. not to mention the timeline bullshit in endgame makes zero sense in the first place.
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Hiii i saw your matchups/cakes and I LOVE THEM. English is not my first language so i am sorry for any wrong spelings and grammar use lol. Can a Get a boy from Hq?????? I am a capricorn, with a lot of fire sign in my chart. ISTP. Tall girl, 175cm. Dark blond hair to under my shoulders, blue eyes. Lean bulid, but mby a little broad shoulders and waist. Enything else is normal ig. I indeed have cheek bones and jawline, a caps face traits a think. Stretch marked on my ass and things. Im just gonna keep my personality short cuz i dont know how to talk about myself. Im Shy and intro and first, then i will open up and become a messy and late-coming person. Im never on time to anything. Once you know me and logical thinking, feisty, dark humor type of funny, sly, stubborn, determind, strong minded, oberetiv and a daredevil. I will do enything for somthing in return. Nobody can hold me back. I am also a Clumsy person, a will let a word og two slip and offend somone, will break or forget somthing. Im always there my friends, help them out with everthing and my door is always open for them. Street smart all the way, i Can talk about enything and give tips and trix on enything. Im not the Life of the party, in a party im either outside or taking care of Ppl or i am sipping for other ppls drinks. I listen to pop/rock but i Can vibe to anything. I also love pasta. And cats, but im allergic): I overthink a lot, tend to bottle up on my emotions and then just let it burst when im alone. I got bullied as a kid, thats why i keep to myself and have Some close friends and then friends i dont trust that much. I like long lasting realtionships and friendships. I wont settle for somthing that i dont belive will work. I just want to feel safe and loved and held, lol. Am i rly ugly cryer btw so i wont look into another persons eyes. I train a lot, do sport shooting, wresle a lot with my friends and dad in a safe way ofc. I love to have a friendly and funny wtesle. I lough a lot. I said i do sport shooting, and i hate it when ppl take it the wrong way and starts to compare it to illegal activity. That my biggest pet peeve, and loud chewers. I LOVE CHEES AND CARD GAMES. Also late night means and snacks. My favorite time is like late at night, after sundown. Late night walks. Laser tag or paint ball is a must, Water and pillow fights AGH my dreams. Also, just to chill in a bathtub👌🏻✨Pfffff Idk what more. I would like a boy form Haikyuu, whos taller than me. Would be up to my randome and mby dangerous ideas, but also calm and relaxing when it fits the mood. Dosent need to know how to comfort a crying person, just like do the basics and ill be fine. THANK YOU SO MUCH😘
Romantic Matchup
Tendou Satori
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How Y’all Met
Y’all had a class together
And EVERY SINGLE DAY you would show up late
Every. Single. Day
It doesn’t matter if you we’re 5 minutes late, or 15 minutes late
You never showed up on time
This peeked Tendous interest...
So, he asked you about it
You then explained how you never try to be late, it just always happened
Then one day
Satori was walking to class
The bell was going to ring soon so he was trying to hurry
Then he saw you
You were also just trying to get to class ON TIME for once
But you tripped...
And you fell...
And ALL of your papers went everywhere 🥲
You silently cursed to yourself before rushing to pick up your things
And you we’re startled when a certain redhead began to help you
You guys had gathered all of your things before RUNNING to get to class
And you guys were still able to make it on time 😃
The teacher made a remark that maybe you should hang around Tendou more often if it gets you to class on time
Little did he know that you would do just that
Apparently you both had similar interests
So you guys became really good friends
And feeling began to bloom over time
Poor bb was to scared to confess to you tho :(
He didn’t want to scare off one of the only friends he had
Of course he told all of this to Ushijima
And of course Ushijimas LOUD MOUTH
spilled the beans
Unintentionally of course
But still
He just didn’t get the gist that all of this was supposed to be a secret
So one day when he and Tendou were walking together
They saw you
And Ushijima was just like “ah your that person that Tendou likes correct?”
Tendou: 🥲
Tendou then took you aside and properly confessed his feelings
He was 100% sure you were gonna reject him
“I like you too Tendou”
I’m sorry what????
he pulled you in for a bone crushing hug
And promised to be the best bf ever
Awww my boy luvs ya
What They Love About You
Ight I’m just gonna say it...
Mans ADORES your stretch marks
He thinks they’re so cool!!!
He often compares you to a tiger because of them
He LOVES your sense of humor
He also has a darker sense of humor
So you guys mesh very well when it comes to that
Loves that you have the combo of being sly and a daredevil
If there’s one thing satori loves...
It’s pranks
So those traits of yours make pranks so much easier to pull off 😩
He loves how he can talk to you about ANYTHING
He knows that if he’s ever distressed about something he can go to you
So he’s vv grateful for that 🙏
Favorite Things To Do Together
Oh he LOVES to play card games
His favorites is slap Jack
WARNING: he gets REALLY into that game
So he hits HARD
So be prepared...
He 100% swoops you away to stores in the middle of the night
Have you guys been caught sneaking out?
Was that the last time you did it?
Absolutely not
So just take that L
Also paintball
He’s not that good at paintball
Mans aim is booty
But he still likes to play!
Random Hc
You’d actually be quite shocked on how chill he could be
Like sometimes he just reads his manga sin silence
If you want to talk then sure
But those are the moments he prefers to be quiet
The reason he’s so good at laser tag...
Is because kids used to target him 🥲
So he had to adapt...
And now he’s a pro!
If you ever want to talk to him about your bullyed past
ON GOD mans is always there for you
He knows what it feels like
So his goal is to comfort you when it comes to that
Mf chews loud...
So that’s something you’d have to work on 😃
But he’ll try his best to stop if it bothers you THAT much
Capricorn + Taurus
When Taurus and Capricorn come together in a love match, it’s a practical, sensible partnership.
These two Signs share a certain down-to-earth logic and interest in efficiency.
Taurus is not interested in risking more than is necessary in terms of emotional connection and involvement, and Capricorn is similarly disinterested in risk, but more in terms of money and career.
Capricorn’s career is one of the great focuses of their lives; they’re interested in scaling the heights and tend to set very high standards for themselves to adhere to.
Taurus has high standards as well, but regarding love, relationships and possessions.
These two signs admire ones dedication and strength, but, while they have this in common as well as a dependable, realistic, somewhat conservative approach to life (Capricorn more than Taurus), a love relationship between them can go stale fast.
The problem? They’re actually rather different at their cores.
Taurus may begin to find Capricorn too conservative and restrictive
Capricorn may start to think Taurus is too lazy and doesn’t care enough about career and status.
If Taurus can encourage Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate the fruits of labor, and if Capricorn can help motivate Taurus to achieve goals and make dreams a reality, their union can be smooth, happy and long-lasting.
Overall Aesthetic
Chaotic Teenage Romance
Electric Love- BØRNS
Line Without a Hook- Ricky Montgomery
Scrawny- Wallows
Hey Lover- Wabie
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thenixkat · 5 years
Animorphs notes: Megamorphs 2
Megamorphs 2
Marco 1
Saw something on the news and mentioned it to the others leading to everyone in a storm trying to breathe in dolphin morph
Of course its not like sharks need to breath air and might be better in some cases
Marco uses humor to cope
Rainy day
So why are the animorphs getting involved with a sunken nuclear sub?
Marco wants to go out of his way to save people again.
Him and Rachel are like the most likely on the team to become superheros
Or they could put their stuff in a bag and bury it on the beach instead of putting things in the trash?
How exactly do these guys plan on rescuing people?
Cassie 1
Everybody morphs dolphin
They find the sub
Jake 1
Ah yes the plan to kidnap an officer. Totally would have no negative reprocussions
Can’t just act in a weird and obvious manner to direct people to the sub
Sometimes dolphins help people, sometimes dolphins kill people. Its a rulette game as to whichever a dolphin is more interested in at the moment
The writter makes a comment on war and nukes
A nuke goes off and instead of being vaporised by the light the kids get transported through time and space for some reason
Rachel 1
One of these days a kid is gonna get trapped in morph when they’re uncoincious
Cassie’s the only one who had any injuries from the fucking nuke going off
Why is there a volcano over there? There shouldn’t be volcanoes where they are
Rachel watches the Magic Schoolbus
That’s not how plesiosaurs work and you could never mistake them for a whale even with sonar
Ax is smug about those not being whales
Tobias 1
Why the hell are fucking plesiosaurs intered in them in the first place?
Tobias got vored by something big enough to swallow a 10ft at least dolphin whole
This is causing me pain
Rachel got vored by something that can fit 2 ten or so foot dolphins inside its stomach
Looked it up and yeah no, plesiosaurs were def known to not have flexible necks by the time this was written
No that can’t be an ichthyosaur b/c they’re gone by this point in the Cretaceous and the on ly ones that big were likely FILTER FUCKING FEEDERS
Random ass gulper eel dolphin sea monster
Rachel decides that morphing is the best idea in the stomach
Tobias morphs too
Jake 2
Ax doesnt get to have a turn yet what a surprise
Cassie says they should try to rescue Rachel and Tobias, Jake says thats a fucking dumb idea and he’s right
Jake is pissed at people getting themselves eaten and Cassie coming up with dumb fucking idea
There should actually be some seagull like dinosaurs but I think those were discovered much later than these were written
Kids finally put 2 and 2 together and realized that they aint in Kansas anymore
They havent actually put togther the gone back in time bit yet
Jake and the writer seem to be under the impression that dolphins have no natural defenses
They are almost there in realizing what happened
Cassie 2
Still no fucking Ax narration
Sauropods did not leave elephant like foot prints. At all
Nope not figured it out yet
Cassie, you should know that whales can’t swallow whole full gown dolphins
Cassie almost gets eaten by a crocodilian and these kids still haven’t fucking figured it out
Wait a minute. Grass doesn’t exist in this time period
Also Cassie should know better. Herbivores can and will fuck you up with little provication
They finally figured it out
I see we have movie monster Tyrannosaurs
Rachel 2
Wow Ax really doesnt have any rights does he?
...that’s not how anatomy
Bears are not herder to digest than dolphins
This is hurting ,me
Tobias everything you said aside from the hadrosaurs was pure bullshit
Rachel thinks the dinosaur angle is rediculous
Tobias 2
Tobias you have a fucking hork-bajir morph you utter dumbass
Wow Tobias is bad at morphing, he can’t even get rid of his injuries
Tobias gets to be extra useless and cause Rac hel pain by haveing to perch on her
Grass doesnt exist in this time period
There was a gradual decline in the late Cretaceous of nonavien dinosaurs, the asteroid was the last nail in the coffin
T. rex was just another animal not not much more dangerous than say a lion, just bigger
Marco 2
Ax doesnt get to narrate I guess
There is no reason for the tyrannosaur to be chasing them it just made a fucking kill
They aren’t even the right size to be worth the fucking effort either
Marco almost gets eaten and is saved by Ax who papercuts the thing to death
Ax 1
Yeaaaah Ax vs Tyrannosaur should not end in victory for Ax
I flatout don’t belive this rediculousness and my suspension of disbelife died several chapters ago
Ax is fucking shook that worked
Ok good Ax was very very fucking lucky that worked and not gonna try that again
No, Ax, no that is not scientificly possible b/c theres no fucking dna in the fucking fossiles they are bone and other shit shaped rocks
When the fuck did Cassie get any survival skills? Did she decide to brush up after the Karen incident
Well we have ‘I will survive this with or without you’!Cassie today
Yall could actually morph Ax and have your own andalite tails. Or fucking morph hork-bajir
Rachel 3
Grass still doesnt exist yet
At no point did rachel think to escue some modesty and make wraps for her feet
Rachel suggests that Tobias morph human, even perminatly
He is very shit at morphing 
I guess he expects that he’s got days to live as a wounded bird over anything else he could fucking morph
Rachel refuses to fucking make it known that she’s suffering
In what fucking world does that description matach a triceratops
Also deinonychus, not around at the end of the cretaceous
Deinonychus is about almost 3 ft tall at hip and a ft longer than that
Naked ass ones at that
Them going after them at least makes sense
Cassie 3
Camping and eating tyrannosaur meat
Gonna sleep in shifts
People keep forgetting that they have hork-bajir morphs which are amazing and also that they could just aquire Ax
Tobias 3
Nothing about the majority of large dromaeosaurs suggests that they’re fast. The opposite actually. Ambush predators not chasers.
Tobias and Rachel split up
Tobias and the writers forgot about wing assisted incline running and the fact that raptors can fucking climb if the have to
Tobias drops on one and aquires it
Tobias 4?
This is going with the not-dynonicus being diurnal for some reason
Tobias lost control of the morph and will probably attack Rachel
Jake 3
The rock that was the final nail for the dinos is estableshed bvery firmly\
And a nother tyrannosaur
Jake trips and falls when it matters most
Rachel 4
Tobias is really serious about not identifying as human
Rachel tries to reach him over smashing the lead raptor
Jake 4
Jake gets vored by the tyrannosaur whole even tho it was already eating bigger more interesting prey
Jake aquires the thing and starts morphing imediately
That tyrannosaur broke its fucking tail
Everyone aquires the injured dinosaur
Marco 3
Marcos not happy and everyone misses Rachel
More travel
Ax says the flash of light that started the stampede was artifical
Did Ax just say he can see ultraviolet and infrared
They find an alien city
Tobias 5
Tobias is bitching about Rachel still being mad that he gutted her
Neither of them are healing their injuries for no good reason
Ew, Tobias gross.
Rachel has a raptor morph now
Rachel isn’t a coherent person when hrungy and tired
Why are there coconut trees? They dont exist yet
Rachel eats a not coconut
No. That is not a fucking spinosaurus. Spino is fucking African and didn’t live at the same time as T.rex
Tobias metally calls Rachel stupid
Rachel 5
This is really fucking poorly reserched
And lo an alien:
And that's when I noticed the other creature step smoothly out from the
It walked on two legs. It was rough-textured, like it had really chapped
skin. It was reddish in color. It had two big eyes and a small mouth,
all of the same reddish-rust hue. It stood about eight feet tall. It was
carrying a weapon.
The creature gazed curiously at us with what seemed to be eyes, although
they were mere indentations in its face. From its head a pair of
antennae, flexible as whips, grew and began waving toward us.
The alien calls dibs on the dinosaurs and speaks Fucking English
The nesk
The nesk is a pile of antlike creatures
Anmd really Rachel just fucking escalate things to outright violence
Cassie 4
Cassie suggests that they just go see who the aliens are
And that Jake stay behind b/c she doesnt want to loose more people
The alien city:
We flew toward the shining city in the valley. With osprey eyes I could see much more clearly. I saw buildings that rose in steep, smooth sweeps, like they'd grown from the bedrock. Windows were stuck in odd locations, some aiming out, others more like skylights. And there were fields planted with green and arranged in neat circles instead of rows.
The aliens themselves:
As we got closer, I could see creatures of some sort. They looked a little like large - very large - crabs. Only with shells in a wild array of colors, deep blue, spring green, orange. And while on one side there was something very much like a large pincer, on the other side there was a pair of hands.
Crab people
TRhe kids are attacked by naked pterosaurs
Tobias 6
Wow its almost like starting a fight with an unknown party can go wrong
The ship:
The ground beside me exploded, like it had been ripped by an invisible
plow. I jumped. Another plow mark just behind me! I saw movement. And
there, racing toward us across the plain, was a gleaming, silver craft.
Maybe twice the size of a Bug fighter, but shaped like an elongated
pyramid, long end forward.
The nesk herd Rachel and Tobias away from their claimed territory
Ah they’re falling over the cliff of the mercora city
Jake 5
Daring mid air antics and the team is reunited
Also a force field wich is smart\
Ax is tired of having to be the info guy
At least its not a killer forcefield like the kind that yeerks use
The mercora introduce themselves
Ax 2
Ax and his andalite bullshit
More of the mercora:
There were three of the creatures. They moved upon seven legs. Four on
one side, three on the other. To make matters worse, the four
legs were larger than the three. So they scuttled sideways in the
direction of the small legs.
They stood about half the height of a tall human, and seven or eight
feet wide.
On the side with the four big legs, there was a sort of three-way pincer
claw. It looked very powerful. It looked like the sort of thing I would
not want to have to fight against.
On the other side, the weak side, there were two arms similar to my own,
but even stronger than human arms. The arms ended in long, tapered,
delicate fingers.
There were a lot of eyes. They kept opening and shutting, one or two or
three at a time. They were each hidden beneath tiny trap doors in the
Mercora's exoskeleton or shell. Eyes were forever appearing and
disappearing. It was very, very distracting.
Which is a cool design
They talk in thought speak
Just b/c humans in the future don’t know about the mercora doesnt mean they left or were destroy you dumb fucks
Marco 4
The mercora healed Tobias, gave everyone food, a place to stay and even offered to make them soem clothes
The crabs wear clothing or at least make it
And they have force field furniture
Also that’s not how broccli works
Marco makes a vore joke about the mecora
Really Cassie?
The mercora are herbivores
All you have is the mecoras’ word on that and they are in direct conflict with the nesk 
And so what if they’re scavengers?
Very rarely but sometimes Cassie has a valid point
Ax 3
Ax is still kinda specist
Hmm I wonder why the mercora aprove? Its not like they can have an alterior motive here
And the mercora are going to help
Ax is very lonely in genera;
Cassie 5
The writers are fucking awesomebros
And they can’t control the morphs
Cassie gets wounded by a ceratopsian
Jake 6 
What? We were just with Cassie oh forget it
Jake is suicidally confidant that Cassie wouldn’t eat him
Apparently Jake is right
Cassie freaks out
Ax 3
Tobias keeps being wrong.
The nesk have thought speak detectors
Tobias 7
They group steal an explosive and destroy the nesk ships
Rachel 6
The nesk retaliate very effectively
Ax calls for back up 
TRachel throws herself around to draw away fire from the others
The mercora attempt a rescue and loose a ship
The Mercora saucer picked us up, us and our little nuke. But they were a
grim, depressed bunch of aliens. It was hard to tell at first. But then
I noticed that each of them was minus one of their smaller legs. There
were just oozing stumps.
"What happened to your legs?" I asked. But even as the words were out of
my mouth, I saw the limbs in the corner. They were laid out on a
brightly colored cloth which was draped over a shelf. There was
something ceremonial about it. Almost religious.
<Can you explain the meaning of this?> Ax asked politely.
<We must make the sacrifice of pain. The legs will regenerate, but those
we honor will not,> the Mercora pilot said. <This is a symbol. It speaks
to our spirit's pain, by echoing it in physical pain.>
"They did this for the Mercora who were in the other ship?" Jake asked.
<For those who were in both ships,> the pilot said. <To be killed is a
sadness. To kill is a sin.>
Jake says the they owe the mercora for saving them
Fuck you Tobias
Tobias 8
Tobias this is premeditated murder
The nesk have decided to leave the earth
The mercora claim that the nesk altered the path of the meteor
They want to use the bomb to save themselves
Cassie 6
Fuck you Tobias
You need to be held accountable for this shit
Its almost like the vast majority of things to ever live never leave any fucking fossils you nit
This bastard is really trying to justify himself like this is anyway defensible
Fuck you Tobias, you get to join Cassie and Jake in the bin of fucking terrible people
Jake 7
Oh what you little bitch babies can’t handle the consequences?
Tobias deserves his unhappines and eventual death
Cassie 7
Cassie at least decides to bear witness to their crime
CVassie saw the time pass
No good reason given why they can’t retain those morphs
Tobias needs to pay for his shit
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emoali · 3 years
Tumblr media
Why i feel like hes should be enough
No one loves me like he does... unconditionally
We started dating young
We had no money
His dad would drill into us saying we need to surround ourself with rich friends
Everything was about money and status
we hated this way of thinking
It made us feel like we wernt enough
Our friends wernt enough
So we made it a thing to never be like that
Im not sure where I got the idea that I could be with someone I didnt find attractive but I had that in my head when I first started dating him...but its not like i didnt want him... I fought for him so there has to be some part of me that found him attractive.
He would bring girls home all the time even when i was sleeping in his bed at night. We worked this out later but at the time i was heart broken that this ugly ass dude could do this to me and it ruined my confidence. I was all ready in a vulnerable state and he took advantage of that and i let him. I latched on to the only "friend" I thought I had. I felt abandoned by my family and was lost as a 18 yr old on her own for the first time. 
I often look back and fantisize about doing it all over again because I hate that this is my story and this is my life.
But I cant change that now... I have to either change my life or learn to love and accept it.
For me theres not much diffrence if i was single or not. I am able to give myself everything a partner can.
Last time I said that I did a lot of thinking over the lock down but I don't think thats entirely true. I think I just confused myself more...waiting to see what he would do when I went back to work. I told him I wanted him to go back first but then i got lucky with this new job. Now that i am working again, even tho its only been a few weeks, I expecting him to do more. I let him chill during lock down beasue i felt i owed it to myself (like it was my turn to have fun & I let me join in on the fun with no pressure to get a job) I want to see more motivation from him I want to see him care for the future. But i dont see it. He tells me he wants to change but doesnt. I want to belive him becuase i know its tough. It just weighs on me when I dont see him trying at all. I am trying i am working out and cleaning and trying to better myself in so many diffrent ways yet he just stays the same and it makes me wonder if he really means what he says and needs help and time or is he feeding me lies and false statements with no intentions of acting on them. How long do you enable someone before you can walk away? 
Iv thought about putting a timeline on things like if he doesnt start working again by Jan 1 then i need to move out but will i acutally hold myself to it
But when i think of marriage I think of the words for better or worse so i must love him at his worst if I'm considering marrying him
Hes knows me for better or for worse
I can fart, walk around naked, kiss him with no make up on...hes seen me having panic attacks and freak outs.hes seen me motived and kicking lifes ass hes seen me go through greif and loss and fails.
When getting this job I was so hopeful and happy like this could change my life
Part of me did consider that I could learn as much as possible ,and if need be, take that with me to a new job doing the same thing and being single or moving on with Evan at the time. But another part of me belived & saw the future with Brian I was extremely happy with where I was and who I was with. But then not even 3-4 weeks of having the job i still feel sad from time to time. I feel stuck still when not to long ago I felt so free. I keep imagining things will change and they are but not at the pace id like them to and that seems be a my life.
Little things bug me and eat at me and I am trying to learn to accept it for what it is. For example he doesn't talk to any of my family at events. He doesn't try to change his day to day routine.
I have always felt the need to match his energy like if hes gaming i should be gaming. Iv always been the motivator like hey lets clean hey lets work out. Or when we did real estate i always wanted to door knocking ,open houses, Go to classes.
Why do i feel the need to have a partner that lives the samelife style as me or different life style than him? One that cares about his health and my health and a man that is at a point in their life to help better me and him at the same time. I want to be taken care of...
My mom told me that I should marry my best friend and thats all iv been looking for in a partner. I dont consider being a provider as part of my requirments in a partner I dont like the word provider. It sounds like someone who takes care of me and yes i do deep down want someone to take care of me but I also want to help them and have a parntnership like a friendship.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
I'll kiss it better
Hi! This is the first fanfiction ive ever written, so hope its not that bad! Its a trixya highschool au where they’re both girls. The whole story will be Trixie’s POV :) also im from Norway so my English is not the best so sorry if there is alot of misstakes :(( hope you enjoy this anyway !
It was just a regular day, nothing new. The day had started with trixie aplying her barbie makeup, putting on one of her too many pink outfits, having classes that she was focused in, meeting her friends Violet and Pearl and eating gross food in the cafeteria. All tho, a day wouldnt be normal without spending her luch staring across the room at the popular’s table. Not that she cared that they were popular, but she did care that the most beautiful girl she had ever layed eyes on was on of them.
“Trixie! Omg can you stop looking at Katya and focus on me for a few minutes??” Violet said frowning at Trixie that clearly had spaced out in the middle of Violets monologs about herself.
“Wait what did you say?” Trixie looked back at Pearl and Violet who were both looking at her, Violet rolling her eyes as usual.
“If you wasnt so focused on ms. I let the whole school bang me, you would have heard that i was talking about what im going to wear for my next model job next week.” Violet said looking back at Pearl who gave her a sympathetic look, knowing how much Violet became annoyed when people didnt listen to her.
“Im sorryyyy. Its just that-”
“Yes yes Katya is beautiful, katya is amazing and Katya is the best creature that has ever lived, we know.” Violet said looking more upset.
“But i mean she may be-”
“No Trixie. She is not a lesbian. She has sucked off half of the football team, also, i dont even get why a slut like her would be popular.” She said crossing her arms like a kid throwing a tantrum.
Trixie hated how much Violet disliked Katya. It was obvious that she was jealous of her populaity, but no one ever said anything. Pearl was too busy loving Violet and supporting everything she said, and Max who usually sat with them, was too shy to say somthing unless it was about something being too vulgar for her. Trixie usually ignored her and focused back at Katya, but calling her a slut was not ok.
“Just because she likes dick doesnt mean she is a slut.” Trixie said trying to defend Katya like she had been her best friend since kindergarten.
“Trixie omg you just said it yourself, she likes dicks not pussy so get over it already.”
The bell rang before Trixie got to say anything else, so she ended up just rolling her eyes and got out of the cafeteria as fast as she could.
The next class was maths, and even tho Trixie liked to focus on her school work, she couldnt help but think about what Violet had said. Its not like she belived it herself that Katya was a lesbian or a bisexual, but thinking she was straight was way too negative. The sadest part was probably the fact that Katya didnt even know who Trixie was, even after soon 3 years in high school. Not that Trixie had noticed Katya before the start of the 3rd year either, but it sucked having a crush on someone who had abselutely no idea that you existed.
It was a week later, and Trixie was sitting in the cafeteria again, listening to Violet talk about how her photoshoot had gone yesterday. Today Max sat beside her on their table and listened with full enthusiasm while she was talking. She heard something about the photographer being a pervert and Pearl getting upset over this and Max wanting to call the police, but honestly right now she couldnt care less, cause Katya was wearing shorts for the first time since fall and her ass looked so great in them. Not to mention her hair being tied up in a long curly ponytail and a black crop top with some sort of cigarette print on it, to be honest it was hard to say with Katya being on the other side of the room, but at least she got to stare at her from behind, which might have been the greatest part of her week. She started thinking about how it would be to actually talk with her, she always laughed loud and had the biggest and most happy smile she had ever seen, so she could probably do it if she went for it. Pffth like she was ever gonna be brave enough to even say hi to her in the hall, at least not with her bitch committee following her.
“Are you staring at that girl again?” Asked Max looking at her with a hopeless look. Max was the one she had known the logest and probably the most supportive of the group, but it didnt mean she helped alot in her crush situation.
“No no, i was just, um thinking about the math test next week, thats all.” Trixie said with a half smile and got her focus away from Katya.
“You need to get yourself together and say hi soon. You cant just stare at her for two years without even trying.” It was the most suportive comment she had gotten out of any of them forever and she was happy with Max trying to help her. Not that it was helping but at least it wasnt Violet saying focus on me and not that slut.
“But she doesnt even know i exist…” She sight and got up ready to get to her next class.
“Try a hi anyways, unless you dont want her to know that you exist.” Pearl said as they walked on their way to their different classes.
Trixie was daydreaming on her way to her class, thinking about all sort of things, till she was half way up the stairs. She felt someone behind her lifting up her skirt. At that moment she was so unconfortable and upset that she turned around, ready to punch the pervert who was trying to take a peek at her panties. There was a bunch of people, both boys and girls standing behind her giggling and wispering to each other, but at the very front, right in front of her was Katya. She was trying not to burst into laughter while her friends around her was laughing their asses of.
Trixie felt her cheeks heat up and she turned around and ran up the stairs almost tripping, but made it into on of the bathroom stalls. She felt tears running down her cheeks as she thought about the most embarrassing thing ever happening to her comming true. There she was having this great idea that Katya was this amazing person who everyone liked because she was funny and warm hearted. She was wrong, she was just another part of the whole mean girls group. She couldnt belive why anyone, at least not her, would do that to her for no reason other than a laugh. She was angry at her, and most of all herself for letting herself having a crush on her for so long when in reality she was just this cold hearted bitch.
That night was filled with ice cream and her three friend spening their time talking about how much of a bitch the mean girls are and why Trixie shouldnt blame herself for wearing short skirts.
“She was probably just tring to act cool in front of the guys. Not that im taking her side, but maybe its more to the story?” Pearl said trying to find out why she would do that.
“I mean i already said she was a filthy slu-”
“Language Violet.” Max interrupted.
“Omg shut up. I already said she was an attention seeking bitch.” Violet said looking back at Max to see if he was alright with her saying bitch, Max gave her a look of approval.
“I know you did, b-but i still dont get why i could have a cursh on her when she was this kind of person all along..” She tried holding back herself from tearing up again.
“You didnt know sweetheart, its not your fault.” Max said and gave her another hug.
“Look tomorrow you’re gonna go over to her with confidence and tell her to fuck off ok?” Violet said and looked at the other people shaking their heads.
“No thats just being imature Violet, let her ignore her if she wants to, maybe its just better to forget the whole situation.” Max said, but Trixie didnt really listen anymore, she as tired from crying the whole night and wanted nothing more than to forget this day and most of all, forget Katya.
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