#it was awesome when n and team plasma and the shadow triad were here though
goldensunset · 20 days
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shima-draws · 6 years
Here is a Full List of why Gen 5 is my favorite and is so, so brilliant and perfect and beautiful
It’s the biggest generation to date with 156 new Pokemon. Kalos only has 72 and Alola as well as Galar have 86. Yikes. Lacking.
All of the Pokemon are so unique and diverse and are designed really well!! Yes even the “garbage” ones, they’re all beautiful and perfect. Leave them alone they’re trying their best
The Legendary Pokemon are so beautiful and badass? I mean, Zekrom and Reshiram? Gorgeous designs. I love dragons. Also my favorite legendary ever (Victini) is in this gen. We have the dragon trio, the forces of nature, and the swords of justice. Also, it ties with Sinnoh as being the region to have the highest amount of Legendaries (13 total).
The starters are so pure and wholesome they’re all great and so are their evolutions
The Unova region is GORGEOUS. There is no part of it I dislike!! It’s so diverse and there’s so many parts of it to explore. The fact that you can’t even access half of the map until you defeat the Elite 4 is awesome--it gives you a whole other part of the region to explore once you’re done, leading way into an epic post game! And, like I said, the mountainous vibe I get from the region is so pretty and it reminds me of home, so I feel really nostalgic when I play (I live near the mountains, myself).
The plot is so well-written and driven and all of the supporting characters are wonderful and give you a good push! Bianca and Cheren are great rivals, the fact that they’re so different yet they both support you in their own ways is so nice. And Hugh is also a good rival--his hidden past kept me going through the game and when I found out I almost cried. He’s too good. As for N, he’s such a complex and intricate character, his story arc is so good and the developments he goes through throughout both BW/B2W2 is SO well written. The villains are worthwhile to mention as well, Ghetsis is a shitty dad and the game made me hate him. Mission accomplished. Team Plasma is hilarious most of the time, and the Shadow Triad are still a mystery even now. Wonderful. Brilliant.
The music for Gen 5 is so beautiful and amazing it brings me to tears. I don’t think there’s any other region whose soundtrack I like more. It’s super cool how they also included extra instruments in some of the towns (Flute in Anville Town, piano and drums in Accumula town, flute/guitar in Opelucid City, a whole band on Village Bridge, etc.)
The sequels were actually really good! I’ll get into the details of them further down but the fact that the dex got expanded a TON, we got loads of new content with gameplay and extra areas in the region, some of the areas were even updated, and that we get to see the development of two years since the first two games was so amazing! They pulled it off really well imo.
The first BW games are sort of based off of Mother 3 and even have similar music. The fact that BW was inspired by M3 made me so happy, I’m glad we have that representation even though it’s subtle!
Seasons. Season changes in BW are so fucking gorgeous and even the music changes with the seasons, which is the coolest freaking feature I’ve ever seen!!
Shaky grass, water, dust, etc. and double encounter/stronger Pokemon grass was such a good feature. Especially if you’re Audino training and need lots of EXP to level up. Audinos were a fucking blessing.
The fact that it was actually challenging? The newer games aren’t as difficult and even did some things to make it easier for players (such as the EXP share applying to the whole party. Not that I mind that it’s actually helpful and you can turn it off if you want but still.) Gen 5 even included difficulty modes to make it even more challenging by making Pokemon higher leveled and having Gym Leaders and trainers have more Pokemon in their party. I’ve done Nuzlockes for every game and BW/B2W2 has always been the most difficult for me, I’ve lost more Pokemon nuzlocking Gen 5 than any other Gen COMBINED
Triple battles and rotation battles. Honestly that was such a cool feature--not everybody’s cup of tea but it certainly made battles more challenging and interesting!
C-Gear, which was so freaking cool and even customizable, unlike anything in future games. And the trading system with that was super convenient and easily accessible! And the emojis were a fun addition too!
Version differences. We’ve had tons of those in the past but Gen 5 ramps it up so that we have two completely different cities--White Forest and Black City. We’ve also got the future-driven Opelucid City and the traditional-driven Opelucid City, too. And, the sandstormy VS clean suburb Route 4 in B2W2! Along with tons of more subtle differences between the games!
Going off of that, Black Tower and White Treehollow were absolutely brilliant and a huge post game challenge with Pokemon as high as LV 85 in there, with lots of items and super high stats. It’s tough. 
This was the first Pokemon Gen that allowed TMs to have permanent usage and not be deleted after you use them! Which is super convenient!!
Musicals. I know not everyone enjoys doing these but I always have a blast with them! It was such a cute and quirky feature they added.
Going off of that, Pokestar Studios! It’s a really good way to kill hours of time and it’s fun and entertaining! Probably my favorite extra feature that the games have added so far. All of the stories are so good (some better than others lol) and each one was unique in they had their own challenges to overcome to achieve the perfect script!!
The sprites! Honestly I don’t like the newer, 3D ones, the sprites from Gen 5 were so unique and the way they were animated was so suited to every single Pokemon, I wish they just reused those sprites for future games. The new ones are so boring. What a waste, smh
Dream World. It was such an interesting and fun feature, honestly--not my favorite thing but I’m sure lots of other people invested their time into it! And how cool is it to be able to see into your Pokemon’s dreams?
The Entralink. I really didn’t use it much but it seemed like such a fascinating idea!
All of the extra sidequests like Abyssal Ruins, the Battle Subway, the Battle Institute, Royal Unova, Nimbasa Sports Center, and Unity Tower. So much to do! You’ll never be bored!!
The Elite 4 and Champion power ups. After you battle them the first time their Pokemon go up like 20 levels and you’re battling LV 75 Pokemon which can be really hard!!
The Xtransceiver sidequest in B2W2? Talking to Curtis and Nancy? Getting those subtle hints of romance? Squeezing romantic plots out of Pokemon games is so difficult and to have such an obvious sidequest with the big idols of Unova no less was so fulfilling for me, a total hopeless romantic
Gym music. I LOVED how each Gym had it’s own unique theme in B2W2. They were all so pretty to listen to and really suited each leader and gave them an even bigger personality. When they didn’t repeat this idea in future games, I was so pissed
Pokemon World Tournament. That was the coolest fucking shit because you got to fight EVERY SINGLE Gym Leader from previous regions and EVERY CHAMPION as well (even Red!!) The matchups are always unpredictable so it can be really challenging without a strategy and it’s just so much fun tbh!! Also all of their leader/champion themes were remixed and they sounded SO SICK
Hidden Grottos in B2W2, they were so much fun to find! And so mysterious! And they have a lot of good Pokemon and goodies in there if you’re lucky.
Medals. I am a collector and I worked for hours to get as many as I could. It’s nice to have that completion. Most of them are pretty easy to unlock, too! And some are not! If you like a challenge, try defeating the Elite 4 with a party of only Water types for a medal. Not so easy!
Victory Road was actually really fun in both games, and the fact that they were completely different in both games too was a nice bonus! It just looks pretty idk haha
Join Avenue was another really fun feature in B2W2 where you could add tons of neat shops and get some pretty good items/deals if you worked hard at it!!
Nature Preserve. It’s so pretty out there. And uh, free Shiny Haxorus?? Hell yes?
Strange House. Everybody loves that good haunted house adventure. We first got that in Gen 4 and we also got it in Gen 6!! 
Memory Link was such a brilliant idea, because similar to Johto and the mentioning of past games’ protagonists (Green and Red), you could link your own trainer from BW! Along with some of N’s Pokemon, which you can catch! And some really neat flashbacks! AND you can battle Bianca and Cheren with their parties from BW! CRAZY NEAT!!
All of the hidden areas are so cool tbh, like that one little sanctuary in Castelia City which can only be accessed from the sewers!! I just like finding them haha
I’m sure there’s many more reasons but yes this is pretty much all of the main points as to why Gen 5 is my favorite...honestly it brings back so many good memories for me and while it does have its flaws it’s still my number one and always will be!! Gen 5 is everything to me, Gen 5 is home
If you guys have any extra things to add onto why Gen 5 is great, go for it! If I see any demeaning comments on this post or anybody trying to be rude or any ‘Gen X is better’ comments I’ll block your ass. No tolerance. I’m not in the mood to deal with that
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