#it was a good show i saw SO MANY MH DOLLS
scarah-screeeaaammss · 6 months
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went to the toy show today and got the Jane i have been after for what feels like a millenia. I bought the frankie first and then my favorite seller had part of her dress! Serendipitous
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lu-undy · 3 years
Chapter 101 - SBT
Here it is!
"Mon Dieu…"
Both were laying in bed like starfish on a beach, panting and catching their breaths. 
"You… Surpassed yourself… mon amour…"
"Did you-?"
"Oui…" Lucien put a hand on his chest to catch his breath. 
"You did…?"
"Oui…!" Lucien insisted. 
"You sure?" 
"But I didn't touch you, I just-?" Mundy put his forearm on his sweaty brow. 
"I know…" Lucien closed his eyes. "I… know… I just… you were hitting the right spot, if you need… details…"
"I was…? I had no idea… God…" 
"Were my cries… moans… and whimpers… not enough?"
"You're usually… quite vocal…" Mundy answered.
"It is the first time… that this happens…" 
Mundy had grabbed his bottle of water from the night table and offered it to Lucien. They both pushed themselves to sit and took turns drinking. 
"Merci, mon amour."
[Thank you, my love.]
"Yeah, you’re welcome, Lu'."
They sank down in the sheets and naturally, Lucien laid his head on Mundy's shoulder. The Aussie wrapped an arm around him. 
"But really, you… did the thing without you or me touchin' you?" 
"Technically, you were touching me, just not with your hands and not where you are thinking." They exchanged a smile. 
"Guess so, yeah…" Mundy's hand stroked his lover. "Uh, did you feel it as strongly as when I do it… properly?"
"Even more so. The fact that you or I were not touching me made it stronger, more intense."
"Oh, ok."
"Don't worry, I shall reciprocate next time." 
They exchanged a smile.
"Can't wait. Speakin' of waiting, I hope I didn't make you wait too long at the restaurant."
"Long enough to be approached by another man."
"Is this jealousy I sense?" Lucien smiled. 
"What the hell does he think he's doin'? Did he annoy you? Why didn't you tell me while we were there, I'd have had a word or two with him…" Mundy tightened the hug, protectively.
"It is fine, I let him have his way and when he was deep enough in his own grave, I ended him."
"What? What's that mean?" 
"I flirted back with him until…"
"Until I resumed my normal voice. You should have seen his face, he was livid." 
They both shared a laugh. 
"Still, next time, you tell me, alright?" 
"And what would you have done?" 
"Don't know… I'd have told him the truth, that you're mine, and no one comes near you." 
"Protective, and maybe a bit possessive…"
"Territorial, I like that in you, mon loup."
Lucien snuggled against his lover who combed his long hair with his fingers.
"May I ask, do you prefer me shaved?" 
"I don't mind. I like both. And it's not like you're super hairy otherwise."
"Yet I felt it, you made love to me differently tonight." 
"Hm… Yeah, felt different… Still does, I mean, look at you! Lost a few years without the beard and all, and those stockings… Gosh…!"
"Are you calling me old?" Lucien teased. 
"Nah… Vintage." Mundy tried to save himself.
"Vintage means old for clothes, Mundy…" 
"Yeah well… I'm not makin' it better, aren't I?" 
"Non." Lucien chimed with a smile. 
"And now you're gonna bully me ‘cause I said you're old, right?"
"Well, fuck me then…" 
"I'd rather you did it to me, but not just now." 
"I didn't mean it literally!"
"Didn't you?" Lucien teased. 
"Pfff…" He laughed and kissed his lover's brow while holding him tight. "Love you, doll." 
"I like this new nickname." 
"Doll." Lucien answered, looking up at his lover. 
"It's usually a sheila's pet name."
"I don't mind, I like the sound and the connotations of it." 
"Really? Like bein' a doll, eh?" Mundy cupped Lucien's cheek.
"I like being yours, without a doubt." 
"Y'know what?"
"Pray tell." 
"The more I know you, the more I'm surprised how much you like bein' uh… like… not dominant."
"When I met you, you were so arrogant, so self-confident, so… argh! I'd never have imagined you could be that soft and all."
"Is that an issue?" 
"No, not at all, on the contrary. I love when you're bein' like that. Shows you trust me an awful lot." 
"I do." Lucien confirmed and as his head rose and fell to the rhythm of Mundy's breath, his eyelids felt heavier and heavier. 
"Thanks for tonight, everythin' was perfect, just like you." Lucien smiled with his eyes closed. Mundy looked down at the both of them. "You not gonna remove your stockings?"
"I am way too tired."
"And sore, eh?" 
"Non, actually…"
"Oh? Thought it'd be hurtin'."
"You went slowly enough and you had prepared me plenty, mon amour." 
"Well, gotta do that again then, and maybe we can go for round two next time…?" 
"You'd let me… do it twice?" 
"Should've met you when I was in my twenties…" Mundy said. 
"Because I was unstoppable back then."
Lucien's eyes snapped open. 
"Are you saying that…?" He asked. 
"Yup. Literally had a bit of a reputation for it." 
"Quoi?" Lucien asked, surprised and Mundy chuckled with his low, gravelly laughter. 
"Used to be like that. It passed when I got older." 
"I should have met you when you were in your twenties then…"
"What?" Mundy asked and Lucien closed his eyes on his shoulder again. 
"I was the same…" 
"There are rumours, or rather legends about me."
"What do they say?" 
"That I have as many children as the number of women who laid eyes on me." 
"Other less uhm… naturally gifted spies spread those words around. And instead of harming me, they made my fame and reputation." 
"Pfff…" Mundy chuckled. "I'm laughin' both for the story and for your voice."
"What about it?" 
"You sound sleepy as hell." 
"Do you have any idea how long it took me to shave everywhere and prepare myself? It was exhausting…" 
"Aw, poor you… C'mere, doll, gimme a good night kissy, eh?" 
Lucien raised his head with his eyes still closed and pushed his lips on Mundy's. 
"There, g'night, gorgeous." 
"Bonne nuit, mon loup." 
Mundy adjusted the cover on them both and closed his eyes. 
-- A few days later --
"That's very sweet of you, Mum, thanks." 
"Bah, anythin' to help you, Micky!"
They were both in the living-room, sitting side by side on the sofa. Perle was lying on Caroline's lap and Soot, on Mundy's. 
"Will he be much longer?" She asked. 
"Uh…" Mundy looked at his watch. "A couple of hours more."
"Ah, alright." 
"And you, Mum, how's it goin' with Dad? Is he alright?" 
Caroline's smile faded slowly as she put her cup of tea back on the coffee table. 
"He… We aren't in the best of terms at the moment." 
"What's happenin'?"
She sighed. 
"It's your father… When you told him about Lucien and you, he was quite upset. He stayed angry for a few days. Then he went to see Maurice. When he came back, he was just… empty."
"Yeah, always looking at nothing, doesn't talk much. Sometimes I catch him just sitting on the couch and just… doing nothing. He's not watching the television or listening to the radio. He's just sitting there by himself, staring at nothing, thinking about God knows what…"
"Did you try and talk to him?" Mundy asked. 
"Yeah, asked him if he was alright. He always says he's fine and carries on."
"When did he go and see Maurice?"
"More than a week ago now."
"Crikey... And does he say anything when you come and visit here?" 
"Nope. Nothin'. Not even a 'hey' or a 'hello' when I come back. It's like he's living alone."
"Gosh… I-I'm sorry, Mum."
"What for?"
"It's all my fault and it falls on you again, although…" Caroline was about to answer when she got surprised by Mundy's sentence not ending there. "Even if I'm very sorry that it happens to you cause you got nothing to do with this, I… I'm not gonna change anythin'."
"What d'you mean?"
"I guess Dad expects me to go back and apologise and-"
"No, of course not."
"You say that as if you did in the past, but it's not true, Micky. Remember when you used to go with the van, huntin' for days on end? Even if he yelled at you, you never stopped." 
"Doesn't mean I felt happy about how I got along with Dad because of it." 
"I know. But I don't think he is expectin' you to come back and apologise. Apologise for what? You're bein' a good boy…" She cupped his cheek and smiled, to which he grinned back. "And look at your smile… Y'know, I told your Dad about this."
"About what?"
"I never saw you smile half as much as I see you do now, since you're with Lucien." 
"Oh, really?" 
"Yeah! And the way you look at him all makes sense now."
"Mum…!" Mundy felt embarrassed, he lowered his head and hunched his back. 
"Nothin' to be ashamed of, I find you cute…!" Mundy blushed. "I know we never talked about boys or girls, but if you ever need to, I'm here for you." She patted his back. 
"Yeah… Thanks, Mum."
"How's it going for you and your Lu', eh? Guess it's going strong from that blush on your face…?"
"I-I don't know if I can say… It's uh… "
"Come on…!" She pushed.
"Hold on, before I answer you, is there anythin' I can do to help you, Mum?"
"With what?"
"With Dad."
Caroline sighed. 
"Nah, you did all you had to do. It's shakin' the old man but he gotta take it, eh."
"Thanks, Mum." He leaned to her and she wrapped an arm around him. 
"It's normal, Micky. It took me a bit of time to get used to myself, but hey, I did it. But tell me now, what's up with your Lu', eh?" 
"Mum, he's… fantastic. He's just… He's better than blokes in movies and all… He's the best thing to have ever happened in my life." Mundy sighed, lovestruck.
"Aww, Micky…" Caroline looked at her son, leaning his head on her shoulder, and smiled. "Never seen you like that, baby." 
"Cause I never felt like that…!"
"What did he do?" 
"He took me out, in the Maravilhoso, y'know, the Brazilian place in town."
"Oh, yeah, the one with the yellow flashy lights, yeah?"
"Yeah, that one." 
"So you got some dinner there?"
"We went separately and uh… Gosh, when I saw him, I… I fell in love with him all over again… I don't even know if that makes sense but I was feelin' like at the beginnin', y'know? Knees went to jelly, mouth was dry and weird. Couldn't speak properly."
"It does make a lot of sense, Micky. I felt that twice in my life."
"Oh, when?" 
"First, when your father accepted to take you in with me and raise you. The second time was when we changed our name, after the fire. I guess Maurice told you our new name, didn't he?"
"No, he didn't actually. Said I should ask you, back when I asked him."
Caroline smiled. 
"We sat with your father and took a long time to think. Maurice said to take something completely different from Turner, but also, something we'd recognise instantly. It'd be odd if someone called us by our names but none of us reacted, eh?"
"What did you go for in the end?" Mundy asked. 
Caroline grinned sweetly and raised her hazel eyes to her son.
Mundy's eyebrows jumped. 
"Really? Mundy?"
"Yeah, but spelt with double 'e' in the end, instead of 'y'." 
Mundy hugged his mother. 
"Guess you came up with the name, eh?" He asked.
"I think I did, I can't remember exactly now. But I remember that we both agreed without thinking. Anytime someone says 'Mr Mundee' or 'Mrs Mundee', I think of you and say a little prayer for you in my heart, baby." She hugged him back.
"Thank you so much…"
"Been missing you and your adorable smile, Micky. But I'm so happy now that you've found some peace." 
"Yeah, well… Doesn't seem fair. I get peace but Dad doesn't… By the way, why did he go and see Maurice? Was it just about Lu' and me?" 
"Nah, I'm pushin' him to change our name back to Turner. Feels weird not to have the same last name as you. Besides, that bad man's dead. Time for us to become Turners again. Also, we told the rest of the family that we uh… We actually were alive. We wanted to let them know and then maybe see them. It's a bit of a drive to go there, but it'd be nice to do it, at least for next Christmas, like we used to."
"How are they?" 
"They thought it was a bad prank and called the police on us…"
"You serious?" Mundy exclaimed.
"Yeah, and I understand. Imagine if I had called you to tell you the truth. You'd have picked up the phone and heard someone with your Dad's voice tellin' you we were alive. You'd have wondered who the hell is playin' a bad prank on you." She paused to catch her breath. "So I told your father to not call again, it was a bad idea to say such stuff not in person. But he insisted and called them again; got angry at them for not believin' him even. Next thing we knew, the police were knocking on the door. We explained everythin' and of course they didn't believe us. Took them days to come back to us and understand."
"Gosh… I'm sorry you had to go through all that mess. Your nerves are alright?" Mundy looked at his mother with worried eyes. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess it's their nerves that took a slap, eh? Thank you, sweetie, for worryin', but I'm fine. Since you came back and that awful man's dead, I feel much stronger."
"Good to hear. Although, I'd prefer it if Dad was feelin' alright too…" Mundy lowered his head.
"Hey, baby…" She put a hand on his shoulder. "Not your fault, nothin' you can do about it. Let the old man think. He loves you, in his own way. He needs to find his new place."
"His new place?" 
"It's like the news you told him took him outside of himself. He needs time to find a new balance, a new place in his own head to accept all this. It's takin' him a long time, but your old man hates to change his habits; always been like that." 
"D'you think he will one day?" 
Their eyes met. 
"I hope so. It's sad enough to see him wanderin' in his own head, his eyes tired and empty."
"I'm sorry, Mum." 
"Don't be. He was there for me when I was low and now, I am here for him when he is. That's the vows we took, all those years ago." She smiled at her son. "It's easy to love when everything's fine. You truly love someone when nothing's fine but you stick to them nonetheless." 
He grinned back. 
"I think you're right, Mum." 
"Of course I am!" 
They chuckled and the cats slipped out of their laps. They trotted to the door and meowed repeatedly. 
"Ah, that'd be Lu'."
A split second after, the sound of a key on a lock and soon, the door opened. 
"Meow! Meow! Meow!" 
"Bonjour, mes bébés…! Attendez, je veux rentrer, attendez…!" 
[Hello, my babies…! Wait, I need to come inside, hold on…!]
Lucien shut the door after him and knelt down for the cats to drown him in headbutts, slow blinks and purrs. He let them have their way with him and dealt kisses and scratches, left and right.
"Mundy? Mon amour? I am home!" He announced from the entrance and Mundy blushed at the pet name being used in front of his mother.
"Yeah, come in, Lu', Mum's here…!" 
Lucien removed his shoes and jacket before joining mother and son. 
"Bonjour, Caroline, my apologies, I did not know you were here." He extended a hand to her but she pulled him into a hug, which the Frenchman reciprocated. 
"Hey, Lu'..." 
They played it safe with a hug and some hand holding, out of respect for Mundy's mother. 
"You sit here, Lu'," Caroline said. "I'll go and get you a cup to get some tea with us."
"Please, Caroline, I can go and-"
"Mum, I can-"
"Sit! The both of you be good boys now and listen, yeah? I'll go and get you a cup. You're home from work, you're tired. You have a minute or so, I'll be back." Caroline's assertive, motherly voice shut both the men up and she did what she just said. 
"Mon amour, ça va? How have you been?" Lucien whispered. 
[My love, how are you?]
"Yeah, alright. Mum's visited me like that, we didn't really organise anythin'. That's why I didn't tell you anythin', sorry, luv'." 
"Please…" Lucien put a hand on his cheek. "There is no harm done. I like your mother, she is lovely." 
"Thanks, luv'." 
"How is she?"
"She told me that -"
"Here we are, boys…! A nice cup for you, Lu'. Ya don't mind if I call you, Lu', do you?"
"Not at all, I am honoured." He answered with a smile and gently bowed as he accepted the cup of tea that Caroline was handing him. 
"Aw, such a good boy…" 
"I was just asking Mundy how you were." Lucien said as he took a sip. 
"Not too bad, yeah." 
"Caroline, if I may…" 
Lucien put the cup down on the coffee table. 
"Your beautiful eyes don't shine as I know them to shine."
"Ooh, flatterer!" Caroline blushed. 
"What is on your mind? Is it something that we can help with?" Lucien offered. 
"Not really… It's Mike, he's a bit stuck on that last chat you guys had."
"I am sorry to see that it affects not only him, but also your sleep." 
Her eyebrows jumped and she looked at Mundy with question marks in her eyes. 
"Ex-spy, Mum, he can read stuff like that on your face like it's written in French…!" Mundy answered.
"Well, that's a surprise…" Caroline said. "But yeah, Mike's low mood is gettin' to me a bit. Nothing you lovely boys can do, though. It'll pass, I don't imagine him bein' stuck like that forever."
"If we can do anything, please let us know." Lucien put his hand on hers, on her lap, and Perle jumped on the sofa to brush herself on her grandmother.
"Thank you, all of you but it's fine, I promise. It's just makin' him wonder about a lot of things. We gotta give him some time, is all." She concluded. "But what about you boys?" 
"As you wish." Lucien answered. "Mundy must have told you, not much has happened since the last time you graced us with your presence."
"Oh, no, on the contrary!" She answered and both Lucien and Mundy's eyebrows jumped. "Micky told me he fell in love with you again!"
"Mum!" Mundy blushed to his ears and Lucien smiled.
"Yeah, you did…!" Caroline carried Perle like a baby in her arms and went to the coat hanger. She freed the lady cat who nonetheless stuck to her and meowed repeatedly. "Now, I'd better go back to my old Mike. Don't like to leave him alone too long."
"But of course." Lucien and Mundy went to the entrance. Lucien gave Mundy his mother's jacket and gestured to him to help her wear it. 
"Oh, yeah, here Mum…" 
"Good boy… Now, you two behave, yeah?"
"Meow! Meow! Meow!" 
"You too, babies…" She bent down to scratch Perle and Soot who were rubbing themselves on her. 
"See ya, Mum, and you be careful out there, yeah?" 
"Yeah, and see ya, boys." She hugged them one by one and left. 
"Your mother is absolutely charming." 
"Oi, watch it… She's my mum, eh?" 
"Don't worry, it's the son who stole my heart." Lucien smiled and came closer to his lover, splaying his hands on his chest.
"Glad to know…" Mundy hugged his lover and his hands slid down on his back until they slid in his back pockets.
"I see someone has been missing me."
"Course, I have. Y'know, I was - oh?" 
Both froze for a second when they heard a screeching meow from upstairs. They let go of each other and towards where the sound had come from. Mundy arrived first and opened the door to the cat room.
“Oh, bugger…” He shut the door straight.
“What is it?!” Lucien wanted to push Mundy aside.
“N-no, not now, Lu’...!” Mundy blocked the door and the cat screeching resounded again.
“That was Perle crying! What is wrong with her?! Let me help her!”
“Lu’! No! There’s nothing wrong with her, she… Soot and her need a minute…”
“Why?! What is happening there?!”
“They…” Mundy took Lucien’s head between his palms and put his lips next to his ears. “We might be grandpas again…”
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Buffy: Season 1
I’m finally getting around to that Buffy the Vampire Slayer rewatch. And I considered posting about it, but then I decided a seasonal summary would be more fun, especially since the seasons - the individual episodes - tend to blend together because I always watch all of it. So, I’ve decided to make round-up posts after every season!
1. Favorite character of this season?
Buffy. The first season so perfectly sets her up as a complex character – so often, female leads get shoehorned into one box, one archetype. They also either get to be a Tough Girl, or a Girly Girl. But Buffy is so... perfectly both. She is a total badass but she is also a giggly girl talking about boys and hoping about school dances and cheerleading. Yet at the same time, she also has these... very, very human vulnerabilities. Her fear of abandonment when it comes to her father, her fear in the finale about her death. Yet she remains standing strong and true to her ideals and her duties.
She is an amazing character all on her own, but especially groundbreaking as a female lead character – and she will always be that, because even right now, twenty something years later, Hollywood is still struggling with writing fully fleshed out female leads without just shoehorning them into The Lover, The Badass or The Mother role like they can't have more complexity.
2. Outstanding minor character (positive or negative)?
Jesse. Look, yes, he is only in the first two episodes but I am still not over this. Him, Willow and Xan were friends, were a trio, prior to Buffy coming to this school. They must have been friends for years and just... for these normal 16 year olds who never really encountered Hellmouth-ish things before to lose one of their best and longest friends? There is an impact there that sadly doesn't stick. Like, he's just dead, no one talks about him or mourns him again even though this would have been a cutting event for Xander and Willow. And then there is the potential of an alternate reality where he would have absolutely become a Scooby had he survived. I don't know, I think about this a lot.
3. Favorite character dynamic?
Willow and Buffy. I love the way their friendship stands out, even among the Scoobies – though naturally I love the whole Scooby dynamic. But just, from the first episode on when Buffy had the chance to join the Popular Mean Girls and saw the way Cordelia treated Willow, she chose to instead spend time with Willow and from thereon out, their dynamic just grew closer and cooler.
The shy nerd and the cool cheerleader (well, only for one episode but you know what I mean – the pretty blonde who had the potential to be a Cool Girl). It's especially outstanding because in her interactions with Willow, Buffy truly gets to be the teenage girl. The girly kind of teenage girl who giggles and talks about boys and gets to be carefree, even just for a few moments.
4. Favorite canon romantic ship?
Angel and Buffy. David and Sarah have such great chemistry, the way they play off each other, how they put the longing into their performance, just how tragic this set-up is for them, the weird mystery to it all. Best Romeo and Juliet, really.
5. Least favorite canon romantic ship?
Angel and Buffy.
Look, I know that tumblr only deals in black and white, in “pure, healthy ship that can be loved” and “unhealthy, problematic ship that needs to be condemned”, but personally I like nuances and I like applying some critical thinking even to the things I love.
So I can absolutely love the way this is played out, the actors' chemistry, the tragic of it all and still also acknowledge just how creepy and frankly uncomfortable it is that this 240 year old dude has the hots for a sixteen year old kid.
6. Favorite episode?
The finale, “Prophecy Girl”. It is such a good pay-off of the season and it is also so... painful. When Buffy realizes she's going to die, when she decides to go despite knowing her fate. Giles' act of defiance, his first time clearly stepping out of his role as the Watcher as he decides to go and face the Master himself to avoid Buffy's death. How Angel and Xander, of all people, team up to go and help Buffy out. It also marks Cordelia's first proper participation with the Scoobies, as unwilling as it may be (I can't quite count the whole 'invisible girl trying to kill Cordy' as Cordelia actually joining them). A lot of good stuff and good pain.
But also shout-out to episode 9 “The Puppet Show” - I like the creep-factor of this episode, the set up for the twist, the certain low-key pain linked with Syd. Also I am very afraid of creepy dolls so the whole thing is even more of a creepy episode for me.
7. Least favorite episode?
I don't like episode 4 “Teacher's Pet” because it's really gross overall – I mean, it's a giant insect posing as a teacher to perv on students so they'll fertilize her eggs. So many levels of eeew.
But episode 5 “Never Kill a Boy on the First Date” is incredibly bland and forgettable, like... really forgettable, as much as I appreciate the 'Buffy attempts to Regular Date' angle. So kind of a tie.
8. Favorite Monster Of The Week?
Fear, from episode 10 “Nightmares”, if that counts. Because it's not a demon, or vampire, or monster. It's... well, fear itself. It also presented such a fascinating insight into Buffy as a character, to show her fears, but to also show Giles' fear of failing her, of having her die on him. I love how with all the monsters and things she has to face, her biggest fear is that her dad doesn't love her. It's so surprisingly deep – surprising in the sense that we get to see that Buffy is a complex character, not just the girly cheerleader-type girl, not just The Chosen One, but rather that she is very much also just... a girl, with family issues, with very real and human fears.
9. Least favorite Monster Of The Week?
Mh, it depends, because for the most part I don't find the Monsters of the Week overly memorable this season. “The Puppet Show” has a very weak and forgettable actual villain, however he only takes a backseat because the other plot stands more in the forefront and the focus is deliberately elsewhere and that is what makes me like the episode so much.
10. Rate the overarching villain!
The Master always seemed to me like a... not very fleshed out villain. Vaguely archetypical ancient evil demonic overlord. But that's kind of just... it. Why is he so important? What really makes him so special? And he very much is the Thanos of the Buffyverse – just sitting on his throne, waiting, occasionally standing up. He's a good enough opening act for the show, I'll give you that – because he checks the boxes. And, admittedly, the main focus is on establishing the Scoobies and their dynamics and their individual personalities, so it checks out.
Bonus: Other thoughts?
As above mentioned, I find the whole centuries old being lusting after a sixteen year old really questionable and this season went hard for it – because it's not just the main romantic plotline of the season, it's episode 4 “Teacher's Pet” with the praying mantis who poses as a teacher and seduces her students, it's episode 8 “I Robot, You Jane” with the ancient demon catfishing Willow, it's episode 9 “The Puppet Show” with the adult-turned-puppet who is perving on Buffy and any other girl he can lay his eyes on.
Having it only be the main romantic plotline would be one thing, but if you have that and additionally three out of thirteen episodes that have a focus on the theme, then it becomes... questionable, in my opinion.
In other news, I absolutely love Cordelia and I love that even season one already gave a tiny bit of insight into her being more than just the shallow bully she pretended to be.
I also love the unorthodox/modern interpretations of things – the demon who got scanned into the internet, the prophecy about Buffy's death that was then just kind of canceled out by the existence of CPR to revive her, the 'techno paganism', the white bus as stand-in for Death's pale horse.
It also establishes the Scoobies really well already, both as individual characters and in their dynamics among themselves. I will always love the Found Family trope of this show. Always.
So, yeah, overall slightly weak individually speaking, but a rather good overall start for the show!
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Summoner/Brave!Veronica C-S Support
Written by  theremnantofwar
(y/n): Princess Veronica.
Veronica: Summoner. Is there something I can do for you?
(y/n): I just came here to thank you again for joining the Order. You have been tremendously helpful in our war against this world’s version of you.
Veronica: Think nothing of it. As I said before, I heard your voice calling me, asking for my help. I’m glad I could prove myself useful.
(y/n): I’m sure of it. Now that I think about it, I wish to know something.
Veronica: I’m all ears.
(y/n): You said that I was in your world too, and that you wanted to kill me. What made you change your mind?
Veronica: Oh… that’s… I don’t think I can explain it. When i try to think about it, everything seems a bit foggy. And it makes my head hurt.
(y/n): Ah, I’m sorry! It was stupid of me to ask such a thing if it hurt you.
Veronica: Don’t worry, you didn’t know that. But now, I’ll take my leave... I’m feeling a bit tired.
(y/n): Sure thing. I wish you a good rest, Princess Veronica.
Veronica: Thank you, Summoner.
[Veronica and (y/n) have reached support rank C.]
(y/n): Tch, should have been more careful with that… Oh well, it’s not like i could’ve predicted the sword slipping away. I’ll just bandage it and call it a day.
[While moving towards their room, (y/n) bumps into Veronica.]
Veronica: Summoner? Are you hurt? I wasn’t looking where I was going, pardon me.
(y/n): N-no, don’t worry, Princess. I wasn’t looking where I was going either, so it’s partially my fault too.
Veronica: Oh, I’m glad. Once again, sorry for bumping into… Is you hand bleeding?
(y/n): Mh? Oh yeah. I was training with a sword before and… well I wasn’t holding it hard enough so it slipped from my grasp. When i tried to catch it, I cut myself. But it’s nothing to worry about.
Veronica: …
(y/n): Er… Princess? Woah!
[Veronica grabs (y/n)’s arm and start pulling them towards the infirmary]
(y/n): P-princess, wait!
Veronica: Quiet, you! What were you thinking?!
(y/n): W-what do you mean?
Veronica: You were going towards your quarters! Maybe to just hide your wound, hoping that no one would notice it? You shouldn’t even be holding a weapon in the first place!
(y/n): … I cannot simply stay put while you guys fight. I want to be more helpful than just giving orders. If you want an example, look at the Robins. They were the tacticians of the Shepherds. During all of their battles they went in the front lines and fought alongside the others.
Veronica: …
(y/n): I understand that you wish for me to be safe, but that’s a two ways road. How do you think i feel when I see you or the others hurt? So I’m sorry, Princess Veronica, but I won’t stop taking a sword or any other weapon and train to become more useful.
Veronica: … Forgive me. I didn’t mean to upset you, Summoner.
(y/n): … Just check this wound, and let’s put an end to the argument, please.
Veronica: Fine…
[Veronica and (y/n) have reached support rank B.]
Veronica: Summoner, might I have a word with you?
(y/n): Sure thing. What is it, Princess?
Veronica: I found myself thinking about what you said the other day.
(y/n): Princess, I understand that -
Veronica: Don’t interrupt me! As I was saying, I was thinking about it and… I reached the conclusion that you cannot train… unsupervised.
(y/n): What?
Veronica: What I’m trying to say, is that I’ll watch over your training, just to be sure you won’t hurt or overwork yourself. Maybe I can even teach you a thing or two.
(y/n): You know how to wield a sword?
Veronica: Of course I do. I’m the Princess of Embla. I know how to wield a weapon… Also Xander and Bruno tought me.
(y/n): Heh, that’s true. You had Xander with you for a while.
Veronica: But there is another reason for my decision.
(y/n): Oh?
Veronica: You see… when we spoke about why I changed my mind about helping you, I kept on thinking about it, despite the terrible headache that it gave me. I reached to the conclusion that… it was you who changed me.
(y/n): What do you mean?
Veronica: As you may know, back in my past, or this world’s Veronica’s present, i hated you for siding with Askr and protecting Alfonse and Sharena, while I was left alone, and also for prolonging the war. But then… during our battles you showed a lot of care both towards the Heroes that you freed… and even towards me. I guess that over time, you changed me.
(y/n): I… think that’s good?
Veronica: Indeed. Because now, I have no fear in calling you a dear friend.
(y/n): I’m… I dunno what to say. I’m glad to call you a friend too, Princess. Thank you.
Veronica: You’re welcome.
(y/n): And since we are friends, mind joining me for a cup of tea, Princess Veronica? I think this way we can know eachother a little better.
Veronica: Certaintly. And please, stop addressing me with my title, Summoner. You’re allowed to call me Veronica.
(y/n): Only if you start calling me by my name too.
Veronica: Very well, (y/n).
[Veronica and (y/n) have reached support rank A.]
(y/n): … And then my brother entered the mess hall, wearing nothing but his knickers, in complete silence as fifteen trainees, six lieutenants, and all the visitors turned to stare at him. Then, out of nowhere, someone started applauding, until everyone was doing the same. A real standing ovation.
Veronica: * Snickers* And what did he do?
(y/n): He saluted, and marched away as if he was wearing his uniform.
[Veronica bursts out laughing.]
Veronica: Ahahah… Oh. I wish I could have been there. I never saw this kind of stuff back at the palace.
(y/n): Yeah. I’ve heard matters at court are always serious and if someone ended up like him, his reputation would be destroyed.
Veronica: That’s putting it mildly. They would probably strip him of every single one of his possesions. And let’s not forget getting exiled.
(y/n): Yikes. Embla sure isn’t kidding with this stuff.
Veronica: Yeah…
[Veronica takes a long sip of tea while staring in the distance, thinking.]
(y/n): Veronica, is something the matter? You seem… lost.
Veronica: Well… yeah. There’s something I haven’t told you, (y/n).
(y/n): What is it?
Veronica: It matters… my reason for worrying about you… and my change of mind in helping you. I thought even more about it and… I think that, at the time, I didn’t hate you. I was just… jealous of the Askr siblings.
(y/n): You were?
Veronica: Yes. They were lucky to have you as their friend, while all I had were Xander and my brother. But Bruno left me alone… And Xander wasn’t really like a friend to me. When I saw you with Alfonse and Sharena, I wanted to lash out and kill them on the spot, just to have you by my side. I felt the same anger when I saw your hand bleeding that day.
(y/n): …
Veronica: I only realized it recently, during one of our usual meetings to drink tea together, but… I love you (y/n). I think that I wasn’t accepting it myself cause you’d probably be more close to the other royals, rather than me.
(y/n): Veronica…
Veronica: Now… now you know. I love you, (y/n), but I know that you probably wont reciprocate the feeling. I’ve… I’ve accepted it.
[(y/n) slowly starts laughing]
Veronica: W-what are you laughing about?!
(y/n): Heh, sorry. I was just thinking of how funny the situation has turned.
Veronica: What?
(y/n): You see… I had planned to tell you my feeling today. But it seems like you beated me to it.
Veronica: Y-you mean…?
(y/n): Yes Veronica. I love you too. And it’s not hard to see why, honestly. You may seem cold and harsh on the outside. But i can tell that deep down you’re a caring person.
Veronica: Stop it!
(y/n): Heh, you’re also very cute when you blush.
Veronica: I said stop it! Or I’ll… I’ll pop your head off like I used to do with my dolls!
(y/n): Oh really? You gotta catch me first, love.
[(y/n) kisses Veronica on the cheek before running away, laughing.]
Veronica: H-hey, get back here!
[Veronica and (y/n) have reached support rank S.]
Confession Quote:
Veronica: “I never thought that one of my former enemies would become my beloved. It’s not an unpleasant feeling. I hope we will live together for a many years to come. And if anyone dares to hurt you… I’ll make sure that they regret it.”
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Grace Drake
Characters: Dean Winchester, Grace Drake (OFC), Kenneth Drake (Grace’s husband), Lula and Sissy (Grace and Kenneth’s hired help), Sam Winchester*, William (Kenneth’s business partner)*
*= mentioned
Warnings: Cheating, SMUT, drinking, smoking, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), mentions of alcoholism, mentions of homosexuality, language, mentions of World War II (nothing too graphic).
A/N: This is the start of a BRAND NEW series; so the tag list for this is wide open. Takes place post-World War II (think late 40′s, going into early 1950′s) so I tried to use some of the slang and language that would have been used in that time period. Each part has themes from the song by Switchfoot of the same name (which I’ve ALWAYS wanted to use in a story!). Per usual; unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine, but the pictures are NOT. I found them on Pinterest and tumblr.
Welcome to the Planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next?
What happens next?
She shifted and the cold light of day invaded her closed eyelids.
“Mhhhh.” She grunted and opened them up.
She was naked, save for the sheet and the arm that was currently wrapped around her body. She rolled over and saw a pair of shining green eyes and a wide smile looking back at her.
“Morning beautiful.” He said
“No way I look beautiful right now.” She said as she reached out and touched his face.
“You always look beautiful Gracie.” He said and kissed her.
“Mh, I love it when you call me that.” She said sleepily and opened her mouth for another kiss.
He rolled, putting her on her back and making her giggle. He kissed down her neck and to her collar bone and then back up to her ear.
“My sweet,” kiss “sweet,” kiss “Gracie Lou.”
“Deeeeeean!” She whined slapping his bare shoulders and making him laugh.
“You’re gonna have to hit harder than that if you wanna throw me off doll face.” He said, pinning her hands on either side of her head by the wrists.
“Mhhhh, can’t get rid of you easily can I?” She teased as they kissed. She opened her legs and his hardened length ran up her inner thigh as she gasped.
“Nope.” He said as he pushed inside her waiting core. He kissed her again as he buried himself inside of her.
“Dean,” she sighed against his mouth, her nails pressing into his shoulders “Dean, you feel so good inside me.”
“Gracie.” he sighed back as he raked his hands through her hair, wrapping her up into his arms as he pushed into her. She wrapped her legs around him, her heels digging into the backs of his thighs. He thrust up into her, hitting her sweet spot, making her back arch and her nails dig harder into his shoulders. He took his time, slowly thrusting in and out of her, kissing every inch of her body that his mouth could reach until she was a whining mess under him.
“Dean, please!” She begged “Please!”
“What?” He asked playfully “Tell me sweetheart.”
“I wanna come,” she whined, raking her nails down his back “please, please let me come Dean!”
He growled and pushed hard into her, making her cry out. She writhed under him, he seemed to be hitting every nerve in her body until she screamed and came hard. Her clenching around him was exactly what he needed to send him over the edge. With a loud cry, he emptied his load into her, his hips stilling as he supported his weight on his knees and forearms. He gave her one last kiss before rolling off of her, both of them breathing hard. After a few minutes of blissful silence, she rolled to her side and kissed his cheek.
“What time is it?” She asked, rubbing the tip of her nose against his cheek.
Dean checked his watch.
“Ten thirty.” He said
“What?!” She asked
“It’s ten thirty.” He said and showed her the face of his watch.
“FUCK!” She exclaimed and darted out of bed.
“What’s wrong?!” He asked
“I’m supposed to be at bridge club in an hour! Fuck!” She yelled as she gathered her clothes and threw them on.
“Shit!” Dean yelled and got out of bed to help her, tugging on his underwear. She threw on her bra and panties, foregoing her pantyhose for now, and stuffed them into her bag along with her gloves.
“God damn it,” she said “I can’t believe I over slept. Where’s my dress?!”
“Right here.” He said and held it up with two fingers.
“Thank you!” She said gratefully as she stepped into it.
“You sure YOU weren’t the one in the Army with that foul mouth?” He teased
“Father was a Sergeant Major in the Marine Corps remember?” She asked as she pulled the sleeves of her dress up and he flashed recognition across is face.
“Ah, now I remember.” He said
“Zip me please?” She asked and turned her back to him. He did as she requested and planted a kiss between her shoulder blades.
“I’m so sorry,” she said “I’m running around here like a chicken with my head cut off. I'm gonna be late and those bitches will rip me to shreds!”
“It’s okay,” He said as she grabbed her shoes and buckled them “go play bridge and gossip, I’ll talk to you tonight.”
She pinned her hair back as best as she could and gave him a quick kiss.
“You’re the best you know?” She asked him
“Stop flattering me or I won’t let you leave.” He said and wrapped her in a breath stealing kiss. She moaned against his lips.
“I have to go,” she whined between kisses “Lula and Sissy are gonna have a fit when they see me.”
Dean laughed
“Go before Lula threatens to hunt me down. Again.” He teased and opened the door for her, watching as she blew him a kiss over her shoulder and took off down the stairs.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this, Grace thought as she caught the bus back to her house, pretending that she wasn’t wearing the clothes she’d worn the night before. She was supposed to hit the road with her high school sweetheart, Dean Winchester, and drive until they reached the Pacific Ocean. They would set up a dual building where he could practice medicine and she could paint, sketch and teach art classes. That’s what they’d always talked about.
That was before Dean got drafted into World War II. He’d been ripped away from her in the blink of an eye while she helped the local Red Cross with the war effort.
When the dust finally settled, Dean’s brother; Sam, showed her the telegram that bore the sad news. Dean was MIA and believed to be dead. It was a hero’s death, her father had mused. She mourned, for years she mourned for the boy she had loved. The one that listened when she talked, that always told her that her dreams of being a writer and artist weren’t stupid or misguided. The boy who away made her feel pretty, the one who always showered her with love and attention, who understood that she didn’t want to be defined by her marital status or that expected her to pop out as many babies as she could.
The girl she was died along with him, after that, she found it easier to just do as she was told. She dated the boys her parents set her up with. Even accepted the proposal of the man her parents deemed “a good match” for her. Kenneth Drake worked successfully in advertising, he made good money and was nice enough. He didn’t seem too happy when she voiced her opinions on social matters or offered her view on the current ads he was trying to run.
“Darling,” he had said and patted her on the back of the hand “I know you have a lot to say, but women are meant to be seen, not heard.”
She had sighed and resigned to the fact that she was supposed to be decoration. She was supposed to smile, look good when she met the boss and have dinner on the table by five thirty sharp.
That perfect illusion was shattered when Kenneth was admitted to the hospital two years after they were married. She got the call in the middle of the night and rushed to the hospital to be with him.
“Please,” she pleaded with the nurse “I’m looking for Kenneth Drake, he’s my husband!”
“Gracie?” She heard a familiar voice ask. The voice send chills down her spine, only one person on the planet called her Gracie and that person had died years ago. She slowly turned and saw him.
His hair was darker than she remembered, but his eyes, oh lord in heaven, those emerald green eyes. Their striking color hadn’t changed at all. He wore a crisp white lab coat with dark slacks and shoes, across his chest was the name
Dr. D Winchester
“Dean?” She asked
He looked like he had seen a ghost, his face went ashen, his full lips dropped open into a surprise O shape. He briefly shook his head and said to the nurse
“Betty, she’s okay. Let her through.”
The nurse, Betty, nodded and stepped aside as Grace rushed over to Dean.
“Kenneth Drake is your husband?” Dean asked, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. She nodded, a dark curl falling into her eyes.
“Yes, they said they found him in bad shape outside this bar,” she said obviously upset “please Dean, can you tell me anything?”
Dean paused for a second and then nodded
“Have a seat,” he said gently and directed her to a nearby chair “I’ll check it out.”
“Thank you,” She said “thank you so much.”
He gave her a small smile and took off down the hallway.
After some time, Dean returned and sat by her.
“Kenneth suffered a concussion,” he told her “he hit his head on the cement after he collapsed due to alcohol poisoning. They pumped his stomach and gave him some fluids, he’s gonna have a nasty headache and a hell of a hangover, but he’ll be fine.”
She let out a sigh of relief and hugged him.
“Thank you,” She told him, inhaling his familiar scent “Thank you so much Dean.”
He reluctantly wrapped his arms around her, the familiar feel of her hair under his hand filling the dull ache in his chest that he’d learned to live with.
The next day she’d returned to the hospital to check on Kenneth. She headed up to the roof to get some air and found Dean, sitting on a bench. He wore sunglasses and had a lit cigarette in his hand.
“I thought you would be up here.” She called to him.
He turned, startled, but his expression softened when he saw her.
“Gracie!” He called
That was how it started; they’d rekindled their friendship like they’d never been apart. One night, she met Dean for a drink, which turned into multiple drinks, and the truth came out.
“You couldn’t wait for me?” He asked, his eyes glassy.
“Sam told me you were dead Dean, he showed me the telegram.” Grace said, taking a puff from the cigarette she stole from him.
“The Army thought I was dead,” he told her “my unit got captured by the Italians and they kept us as prisoners of war. Then the Allies liberated us and brought us home. Imagine the shock on my mother’s face when I turned up.”
“Why didn’t you?” She asked and trailed off.
“Come looking for you?” He asked and she nodded “I did, your father told me he’d put a bullet in me like the Italians, Germans and Japanese had failed to do if I ever came near you again.”
Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock as she handed back the cigarette to him.
“My God,” she said “my father, always the wordsmith.”
Dean smirked and snubbed out the cigarette.
“So Kenneth seems nice, albeit a raging alcoholic.” Dean said
She shook her head
“He’s docile,” she said “he makes good money, he works hard, he’s nice enough. I guess.”
“But?” Dean asked, downing the last of his drink and asking for another.
She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink.
“My husband,” she trailed off and chose her words carefully “bats for the other team.”
Dean’s eyebrows shot up
“Kenneth wears sensible shoes?” Dean asked and she nodded “Sure do know how to pick ‘em Gracie Lou.”
She slapped his arm playfully
“MY PARENTS picked him,” she said “I had no say in the matter.”
“So, where is he now?” Dean asked
She pursed her lips and thought
“At a late meeting,” she said and downed the rest of her drink “with his business partner William.”
“Does he often have late meetings with William?” Dean asked and she nodded.
“Nearly every night,” she said “he comes home for dinner and then leaves at exactly seven thirty.”
“When does he come home?” Dean asked
“Whenever he damn well pleases,” she told him “he's the man of the house. His words, not mine.”
Dean shook his head as the waiter dropped off another round for them.
“I can tell you something?” She asked, leaning into Dean. Her blue eyes were sparkling like they always had, he could smell her perfume and the alcohol on her, which just made her all the more enchanting.
“Of course.” He said
Their eyes met and she bit her lower lip. Not only had their friendship rekindled, so had to sexual tension between them. The last time Grace had sex with a man was Kenneth on her birthday; and even then, it hadn't been anything worth writing home about.
“The last time I had a decent orgasm? Right before you went off to war.” she told him
His eyes went wide
“You’re kidding right?” He asked and she shook her head.
“This is much too serious for me to joke about.” She told him.
Dean reached in his pocket, pulled out his wallet and said
“We’re fixing that. Now.”
“What?!” She asked shocked as he threw some money on the table and grabbed her hand.
“Either I just left a VERY generous tip or a dry cleaning receipt, let’s hurry in case it’s the receipt.” He murmured in her ear and she laughed.
Dean always had the ability to make her laugh, even when she didn’t want to.
He took her to his apartment and as soon as the door was shut behind them he said
“You have to tell me this is okay Gracie, I need to hear you say it.”
It was nice to see all those years away hadn’t changed that part of him. He’s said something similar when she’d lost her virginity to him what seemed like a lifetime ago. She put her purse down and stepped closer to him. Standing in front of her wasn’t the boy she’d fallen in love with. He was a grown and jaded man, but he still had all the love and compassion in him that she’d always cherished about him. She nodded and said
“I want this Dean,” as she reached for him “I want you. Make love to me, please.”
That night had been full of passion and romance unlike anything she’d experienced since she’d slept with him previously. He remembered every place to touch and kiss her that made her toes curl and drawing sounds out of her she wasn’t sure she was capable of making any more.
The next morning her eyes fluttered open and she found Dean asleep beside her.
“Oh thank god.” She said quietly “that wasn’t an elaborate dream.”
She heard Dean chuckle as he opened his eyes.
“Are you okay?” He asked, pushing her hair out of her face. She nodded
“I should feel guilty,” she told him “I should feel ashamed and disgusted.”
“Do you?” He asked, hesitation in his voice.
She smiled and shook her head
“No,” she said “I don’t.”
That was more than a year ago, Grace thought as the bus pulled up at a stop near her house. Since then, she and Dean has carried on discreetly, just as she knew Kenneth and William were. Neither of them mentioned the other’s fling and they kept up appearances. She was there to greet the boss at work functions and host dinners in their home. Though now she did it with a bit more pep in her step.
She rushed into the house, busting through the kitchen door like a bat out of hell and startling both Lula and Sissy, the ladies that helped her in her home.
“Mrs. Grace you look like something that got caught in a drain!” Lula exclaimed and Grace laughed.
“I do look a bit silly don’t I?” Grace asked “Lula, could you make me some coffee while I freshen up?”
“Yes ma’am,” Lula said and nodded to Sissy “help Mrs. Grace outta those clothes so I can get ‘em washed.”
“Yes Lula.” Sissy said and followed Grace up the stairs.
Sissy was Lula’s niece and needed work, Lula had been helping out her family for as long as she could remember and when she started to get on in years, Lula asked tearfully if Grace could help out her niece. Grace’s heart went out to Lula.
“Lula, you know you’re family to us and if your family needs help, this is the least I can do.” Grace had told her and covered Lula’s dark hand with her own pale one “How about this? You bring Sissy on and teach her how you do things? That way when you’re ready to leave, Sissy can take over.”
“You do that for me Mrs. Grace?” Lula asked, her brown eyes wide with shock.
“Lula, if she is anywhere close to as amazing as you are, we’d be happy to have her on.”
Sissy was terribly shy at first, she didn’t even look Grace or Kenneth in the eye for the first few months she worked for them. Slowly though, she’d come around and was a delight to be around.
“Tell Lula I’m sorry this smells like cigarettes.” Grace told Sissy as she turned her back. Sissy unzipped her dress and asked
“Doctor Winchester again?”
Grace gave Sissy a sly smile and Sissy returned it. She threw the evening dress over her arm and Grace headed for the bathroom.
“Sissy, could you find me something to wear for today?” Grace asked
“What do you want to wear Mrs. Grace?” Sissy asked.
Grace shrugged
“Surprise me, I always get compliments on the clothes you pick out.” Grace said and went into the bathroom.
After a shower, pinning her hair up and donning a floral dress, peach sandals, a strand of pearls and matching earrings, Grace did her makeup. Just a little bit of mascara, blush and lipstick to bring out her features. She looked in the mirror and realized Dean had left a hickey on her neck.
“Asshole!” She mumbled to herself and set to work trying to cover it up.
When she was ready, she went down into the kitchen and took a cup of coffee that Lula had waiting for her.
“Did Kenneth come home at all?” Grace asked Lula.
“He was here this morning for breakfast,” Lula said “which you missed.”
Grace hung her head, Lula chastising her wasn’t anything new.
“Sorry Lula.” Grace said and sipped her coffee before shoving a pancake in her mouth.
“MRS. GRACE!” Lula shouted “You eat like your Momma taught you some manners!”
Grace laughed and so did Sissy. “You hush over there and make sure that mantel is dusted.” Lula said to Sissy, who scampered away.
“Did Kenneth tell you where he was going?” Grace asked.
“Playing golf with William,” Lula said as she arranged the tarts on a serving plate just so “said he’d be gone until dinner was ready.”
“That’ll give me plenty of time to get dinner ready,” Grace said “meatloaf and potatoes?”
Lula nodded
“Mister Kenneth likes that.” She said with a grin.
“I'm late, I have to go. I'll see you two when I get home.”
When she arrived, fifteen minutes late, Sue, the hostess for this meeting was not pleased at all.
“Not like you to be late Grace.” She said as Grace stepped through the door.
“I'm so sorry Sue,” Grade said and handed her a bottle of her favorite wine “I lost track of time.”
In spite of her distraction, the rest of the bridge game went off without a hitch.
“Grace, are you wearing a new lipstick or something?” Mary Anne asked as she dealt out another hand.
“No, it’s the same as always, why do you ask?” Grace inquired.
“You seem so,” Mary Anne trailed off “different some how.”
“Glowing almost.” Catherine commented as she took a puff from her cigarette.
“I bet I KNOW what it is.” Louise said, adjusting her glasses “Kenneth DID just get home from a long business trip.”
Grace’s cheeks flushed and the ladies started to giggle.
“Oh, now that makes sense!” Mary Anne said with a grin.
Grace tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled.
“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.” She said simply and went on playing.
After bridge, Grace made dinner. She made extra so that Sissy and Lula could have some as a thank you for their hard work. Kenneth strolled through the door at precisely five thirty, still wearing his golfing gear.
“Darling,” he greeted Grace with a hug “how were the ladies today?”
“Like hens in a hen house,” she told Kenneth “meatloaf and mashed potatoes tonight. Do you want brandy or whiskey?”
“Whiskey please, my sweet?” He asked, giving her a peck on the cheek.
They ate dinner, chatting about their respective days. Kenneth hadn’t done so well on the golf course and had lost a few dollars to William and their other partner, Jim.
“You’ll get them next week,” Grace said “I’m sure of it.”
Kenneth gave her a smile and took a sip of his drink, his eyes still on her. She looked back at him; he was indeed handsome. He had forget- me-not blue eyes, lush dark hair and a slight boyish grin on his face.
“Grace?” He asked
“Hm?” She answered as she took a sip of her wine.
“When are we going to talk about it?” He asked.
“Talk about what?” She shot back.
“What you’re doing.” He said
She blinked at she stared at him
“Eating my dinner?” She asked.
He shook his head and raked a hand through his hair.
“No, and don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot.” He said
“Kenneth, I wouldn’t-“ she started but he interrupted
“I KNOW okay?” He asked sharply
“About what?!” She shot back, even though she knew exactly what he was getting at.
“You and that doctor!” Kenneth exploded “You’re fucking him behind my back!”
Even though it was true, and she had been for more than a year, she still decided to play dumb.
“What doctor? I’m not fucking-“ she started and he cut her off again.
“YES YOU ARE!” He yelled as he stood “Shirley, the butcher’s wife, saw you with a man that wasn’t me last night!”
Fuming, Grace said
“Kenneth, sit down and we can talk about this calmly.”
SOOOOOO?! What do ya’ll think?? Are you excited to see where this goes? Because I’m excited to share it with ya’ll! 
As always, kind feedback is appreciated. Feel free to like and share with your followers. If you’re new, maybe consider following? My boxes are open, so if you want to request something, you are more than welcome to!
The Squad:
@waywardbaby @waywardnerd67 @familybusinesswritingbro @ain-t-bovvered @mrswhozeewhatsis @girlborninstorms @dacleverfox @emoryhemsworth @bobasheebaby @salvachester @myinconnelly1 @mogaruke @imma-winchester-addict @theworldiscolorful @dean-winchesters-bacon @animerose96 @l8nit-l0vr @thewaywardvalkyrie
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kittymaverick · 7 years
Tradition dictates that I must make commentary on each MCF games, even when I complain about how thing the content is...
Spoilers under cut. Also, this is written from memory, so order might be a little off.
1. MD: Ah, finally. A well deserved holiday just like I requested-- Queen: Oh Master Detective the Americas are being incredibly incompetent at this whole supernatural thing. Awfully sorry for disrupting your vacation, but your service are requested. MD: ...Just shoot me in the head, will you, Your Majesty? Queen: I’m flying you over on a private jet plane. MD: Okay, everything’s forgiven. 2. Me: Cassette tape? Really? MD: I didn’t know our beloved Queen’s a hipster. Queen: Not only that, I also write letters. Me: My god she really is a hipster. 3. Me: ...Really? Artifact of immense power capable of granting immortality, and you use it as a quill? MD: I have no idea what you are talking about. 4. MD: ...Why isn’t anyone here to pick me up? I thought this was an all expense paid trip? I’m going to need to walk TEN MILES to the murder scene? Me: You’ve walked more than that in underground complexes. A wheat field is nothing. 5. Woman: Oh hi Detective you’re totally here to investigate the murder right. Me and MD in unison: SUSPECT! INSTANT SUSPECT! Woman: Also, why are you not turning on the truck lights? You can progress the game until you do that. MD: ... I hate this town already. Me: For a town that’s devoid of people you sure fill it with a lotta hate. MD: Me and abandoned towns don’t go so well together, in case my history hasn’t reflected that enough. 6. MD: Hm, interesting grave-- [GRABBED] FUUUUUUUUUUUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEE. Alvin: Hi. Bye. [Gone~] MD: .................How am I still alive? Me: You know, it’s awfully refreshing for once when the enemy isn’t obsessed with you. 7. Me: Who’s this magic guy that keeps on showing up on all the flyers? MD: If you actually used your head, it’s the first murder victim. Me: ...Can you not? 8. Housekeeper lady: Oh this town is so full of gossip you know, about it’s rich people. Me: Yes do share. I love gossips. 83 MD: .......What has my life come to. 9. [Creepy doll thing] MD: ... Totally not creepy at all. Nope! [Eyes lights up red] Not creepy! [MD begins weeping.] 10. Woman to other woman: GET OUTTA TOWN. Me: Someone get me a camera, imma gonna paparazzi this. MD: ...When I submit my case report, I am so going to request that I just have a mundane investigation of a heist or something simple for once. Me: Awwww, but the supernatural cases are the fun ones. D: 11. [Sees door with contraption] Me: Oh yeah...This is totally not a reminder of something. 12. Housekeeper: Oh no I’m trapped because I stuck my hand in this thing please help. MD: I am so fed up by non-player characters. Me: And I am dying of laughter inside because it’s legit the first time I’ve seen a complicated door puzzle TRAP someone. 13. MD: Alright, opening this hunting room right now-- [Bullet goes through the Elephant’s head] JESUS CHRIST! Me: YOUR HEAD. IS IT OKAY? MD: I’m glad I’m not taller! Me: Wait no, you have that immortal feather why am I worried about you? 14. Guy with gun: You made me waste a bullet! MD: And you made me waste my wits. What the hell is going on? Guy: Do you hear that? MD: ...No? Guy: The silence, it’s deafening. MD: ...Yeah, exactly. So I heard nothing. 15. [EPIC CRASH THROUGH THE WINDOW] {SHOTS FIRE} Me: OMG HE SHOT THE REVENANT-- oh wait yeah, guy’s undead he’s fine. 16. Guy: SHOOT HIM WITH THE CROSS BOWS! MD: WHAT CROSSBOW--[accidentally sets it off] ... OKAY GOT IT. GUY: IT’S NOT WORKING GET THE NET! MD: WHAT NET-- oh I SEE IT. Me: That worked? Holy shit it worked. 17. Alvin: Bye bye again. [Zoink!] Guy: COME BACK HERE. Me: No wait come back people that chase after the enemy tends to die you know. MD: ...Guy had it coming. Me: Also, it’s refreshing that YOU aren’t the one that set the building on fire this time. 18. MD: Alright, finally able to follow them. Ghost of first victim: BEWARE OF WHAT LIES AHEAD. MD: SOME FUCKING WARNING WOULD BE NICE. Me: ...Well you saw ghosts in Ravenhearst so-- MD: NO. 19. MD: Let’s find the guy-- Me: AAAAAHHHHHH BODY STABBED TO TREE! DEAD BODY ALERT! MD: ............I can’t even at this point. Me: You know, you’ve been less able to save people recently. MD: Can you really blame me? The last few enemies were rather homicidal. I have better self preservation instincts than to dive right in and risk my neck for people. 20. Me: Alright! We’ve got a ladder to the window! MD: ...THAT ENTIRE GEAR PUZZLE WAS ALL FOR A FREAKING WEIGHT??? Me: Yeah, was a tad unsatisfying... 21. Me: Aw they have a place called Lover’s Point-- MD: NOPE. Me: ...I didn’t even-- MD: CAN’T HEAR YOU. 22. Me: ...BTW, why are you kicking piles of leaves? MD: Stress relief. It’s that or setting things on fire. The latter’s kinda illegal. Me: Duly noted. 23. Alvin’s sister(?): Yeah just go ahead and have a look around. MD: You have a shite garden you know that? Me: WHAT SHE MEANT IS YOUR PUMPKIN PATCH IS WONDERFUL. 24. MD: It’s so nice to have an opponent who’s actually sane and has an organized room for once. Me: It’s a double decker trailer. I’m not sure how “neat” that is. MD: Just let me enjoy this for a moment, okay? 25. Woman: Hi this is totally not a supervillain confession tape. Well okay it is. MD: That makes you 1000% more forthcoming than the others I’ve faced. 26. MD: I need something with a hook on it to get this thing. Me: Alright, let’s find a broom-- MD: I’m going to stretch this rubber chicken out and attach a hook to it! Me: ...Is your mind okay?... 27. Me: Hm...There’s nothing about this creepy toy factory that’s ringing any bells, is it? MD: Hm.....I sure hope there isn’t. Me: Yeah, think we might just be paranoid. Devs: [Cackling in the background as they plot evilly] 28. Woman: PLEASE DON’T KILL OUR KID ALVIN. Alvin: Whatever. [Kills the woman] Me: ...You seriously just watched that happen and did nothing, didn’t you? MD: Yep. The less people there are alive, the less trouble I need to handle later. Me: ...Is this because you’ve had to save so many characters again you’re now letting them die so that’ll never trouble you again? MD: Damn, my master plan has been figured out ABORT ABORT. 29. MD: Oh no so the woman’s houskeeper’s daughter is really her own daughter! Le gasp. Me: ...For rich people this is kinda tame. MD: I know, right? They could have made it spicier. Housekeeper’s notes: I found ropes and handcuffs. Wonder what the miss is up to. Me: ...I don’t think that counts. 30. Housekeeper: The girl’s locked herself in her room! Me: Alright, just let me find one thing-- [Alvin comes charging through the door] MD: GOD DAMMIT CAN YOU TIME YOUR ENTRANCE A LITTLE BETTER ALVIN? 31. MD: Wait, what are they weak to? Me: Salt. Good old table salt. MD: Oh I’ll give them salt-- HERE HAVE ALL OF MY SALTINESS THAT’S DEVELOPED OVER THE YEARS BECAUSE OF THE ABUSE I’VE SUFFERED DURING MY CASES. YOU GET A SALT, YOU GET A SALT, YOU ALL GET A SALT! SALT FOR DAYS! Me: ......Nice therapy. 32. Housekeeper: Quick, open the door! Me: WE’RE MISSING A KEY-- Housekeeper: Oh that here I have it for you. MD: ...SERIOUSLY?! Me: I’m not sure if you’re surprised that she actually gave you something directly or that you’re insulted you didn’t get to search for it. 33. The girl: MH MH MH MH! MD: Oh so that’s what the bindings are for. Me: Huh, she’s left a vial of her own blood. MD: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU RICH PEOPLE??? 34. Me: So things have gone to shit downstairs. We’re taking the bedsheets down. MD: At least it’s not us escaping from a death trap. Alvin: [GLARING YELLOW EYES[ MD: I’M GOING I’M GOING! 35. Ghostly voice of the woman: ENTER THE ART EXHIBITION OF REGRET. Me: What do you mean exhibition-- oh my dear gods. This is like if Charles Dalimar built his complexes out of guilt of his crimes against humanity. MD: ....Why can’t I just see a NORMAL art gallery for once? Me: Well at least this time it’s not dedicated to you. MD: Please don’t jinx me. 36. MD: Really? All of that for a really nice fancy leather jacket? Me: It’s a nice leather jacket. Alvin’s got taste. Alvin: Hi, I heard you’re touching my jacket. Also is that what’s-her-name’s blood? MD: Um... yeah? Alvin: Okay. [GRABS STRANGLES] MD: FUUUUUUUUU-- Me: Oh don’t worry this isn’t so bad-- Alvin: [Breaks vial of blood] Me: Oh shit this is bad. 37. MD: YOU WANT IT HERE HAVE IT [Tosses the jacket into the fire] Alvin: Finally I’ve been avengeeeeeeeeeeddddddd [Ashes] Me: NOOOOOOO NOT THE JACKET IT WAS INNOCENT. MD: It was tacky. Real cool people wear detective long coats. 38. The girl: So the woman’s really my mom? But she was so mean to me. Housekeeper: Well she wanted what was best for you. Me and MD: Not it’s because she’s a self centered abusive bitch who keeps using her rich background as an excuse go hang out with your cool aunt. 39. Housekeeper: Omg that was so much drama. I can’t wait until I tell my friends at brunch. MD: Can you not??? Me: I’ll take brunch! 40. Me: You know, I can’t believe that went by so fast. We solved the case in a single evening for once. MD: Does this mean I can have the rest of my vacation back? Oh thank god. Me: Wait hold on a minute you let like TWO people die. MD: Two out of three people. I save the third. Me: Why couldn’t you save all three??? MD: Well you know what they say. Third times the charm-- Me: THAT’S NOT HOW THAT SAYING WORKS.
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cometcrystal · 7 years
I feel bad for repeating that other anon, but if you could do the exact same in-depth detail for monster high, that would be "clawsome". Also, no pressure, but if you have free time, I'm sure literally everyone in the monster high fandom would love it
don’t feel bad, i love infodumping about my special interests!! if i can help more people get into them then i feel accomplished
monster high was created by garrett sander, and introduced in 2010! it’s probably pretty obvious but all the characters are the children of different iconic/legendary monsters, and they all go to high school together and have slice of life adventures. and there’s lots and lots and lots of terrible monster puns so if you dont like puns then just give up now
these are the main 6 characters + a few more core people and some backstory if they have any! (bc some of them do not have backstory but thats ok it just means more headcanoning)
frankie stein - frankenstein’s daughter, and also the MAIN main character, and usually one of the two faces that people think of when they think “monster high”. she is probably one of the sweetest characters in the entire show and has relentless optimism, and would die (and has died) for her friends before. she had only been alive for 15 days before MH canon started, and thus hasn’t been exposed to many things yet, so she loves trying new things. she’s adorable and i cannot believe some people don’t like her/call her boring, because she is a ray of sunshine
draculaura - dracula’s daughter, and is the OTHER face ppl think of. she wears almost exclusively the colors pink and black (with some exceptions for blue or yellow sometimes). she’s very peppy and uses a lot of words like “totes!” in speech. she’s 1600 years old and her biological parents are both dead now, she was adopted + turned to a vampire by dracula himself because he was in love with her mother. she is the main character in the reboot instead of frankie
clawdeen wolf - a werewolf and the resident fashionista (well, they all kind of are but she’s the one that wants to go into the fashion industry). she’s got SEVERAL siblings, and we only saw 3 of them in the preboot but we know there are many more; growing up with them has made her develop an attitude. but she’s SUPER loyal and would do anything for the people she loves. she’s ride or die and i love her
lagoona blue - a sea monster, BEYOND chill and friendly, seriously she is the kind of person to make you feel like you’ve been friends with her for years even if you’ve only known her a couple days. she’s on the swim team and she got way way too many bad plots with her boyfriend gil later on in the series so i feel like she didn’t get as well-rounded as the other mains, but i still love her to bits
cleo de nile - a mummy and also the HBIC of monster high. she’s the fearleading captain and she takes a little bit to warm up to, but once you get on her good side she is a wonderful friend. and it doesn’t take much to get on her good side, just be a decent person to her. she’s been through a LOT like her dad is straight-up abusive and manipulative, and her sister terrorizes her and her friends, and she was separated from her loving mother for most of her life so honestly i cannot blame her for being a rude person. she’s my favorite i love her so much
ghoulia yelps - a zombie and the brains of the group (ha ha), she is literally a superhero or something i think because she can do anything, she literally hacked the mh version of youtube a few times. she doesn’t speak english, only zombie (which sounds like a series of groans), her favorite thing in the world is the comic series called Dead Fast, and the whole fandom loves her and for good reason. she doesn’t get enough screentime OR dolls, and she hasn’t shown up in the reboot media yet. she deserves so much
deuce gorgon - medusa’s son, and one of the most popular dudes at school, cause he’s super friendly and nice. he’s quiet sometimes but when he does talk his sentences usually have the word “dude” in them. he sees good in everyone, and he was dating cleo before canon began and she had developed as a character/became less mean, so to me that shows how genuine both of them are with their feelings. i love him too but people often write him wrong, they write him as all stoic/annoyed by everything but he’s honestly a dork and probably the most genuinely nice boy in the series
abbey bominable - a yeti who has trouble understanding non-yeti societal norms. she can come across as cold (ha ha) but she doesn’t mean to, she’s just not good at emoting or communicating, and speaks very literally. the others understand this after getting to know her and accept her and love her just as she is, which is part of why i love monster high so much. she is also very strong and can lift a car. i thought that was worth mentioning
heath burns - a fire elemental and very, very impulsive and reckless. he gets himself injured a lot; the hospital even has a seat in the waiting room with his name on it. he’s also super flirty and speaks without thinking, but honestly? he means well. i love him and also at one point he wore a skirt/heels and OWNED it and nobody laughed at him
there are several more characters that i could write more paragraphs on, but this is getting long enough as it is so if you wanna know more about more characters shoot me another ask and i’ll be glad to tell you!
this IS a merch-driven franchise, but that isn’t a bad thing! the dolls themselves are SO cute. just look them up (i dont wanna include images in this long post) but they’re so cute oh my god. there’s nearly 700 of them now i think? and you can use this website to help you get started on your collection/help you keep track of it! i honestly use it like…every single day https://mh-merch.com/
as for the media itself, i have already written a big thing about it and how to go about watching it in [this post], but i will now talk about my favorite movies in chronological order in case you want recommendations. these wont be in-depth analysises
new ghoul at school - this 20min special gets a lot of flack but honestly? the plot itself is so so good. it avoids the typical “protag girl steals jock bf from mean girl” cliche and turns it on its HEAD. REVOLUTIONARY. this special is on youtube but not netflix i dont think!
scaris: city of frights - i think part of why i like this one is that most of the core characters are present for it, and it’s centered around clawdeen and she is SO good in this movie
13 wishes - everyone pretty much agrees this is the best mh movie period. it also has a lot of core people, the plot itself is SO beyond clever and unique, and i can’t think of anything bad about it?? this is what i always recc to people for their 1st mh movie
boo york, boo york - ok listen this movie is OBJECTIVELY a mess because there are 2 entire singing voices and the pacing is weird but i love it anyway it holds a very special place in my heart. also i think this is the preboot movie with the best animation, it’s gorgeous and please watch it and embrace its campiness and jam to pharaoh’s (w)rapping
the reboot does merit mentioning; it started in 2016 and began with the movie welcome to monster high, and the two movies out for it so far are honestly fun but they are nothing like the pre-reboot. you have to watch the reboot with the mindset that it is an alternate timeline to the preboot universe, instead of having it completely erase the preboot! they exist in side-by-side universes in my head
in the reboot, instead of monster high being an already-established school/having monsters live in big communities and towns, monsters are in hiding because the humans are scared of them. draculaura and dracula lived in their mansion for several years to hide, but through a series of events which i will not summarize here bc its a lot, they build monster high in their mansion, and get other monsters there to be students!
but that’s all the basic stuff i can think to mention right now, there is SO much more to talk about since there are 70+ characters and SEVERAL plots and also my numerous headcanons. if you have any more questions about anything, don’t be afraid to ask me!! i love talking about monster high so much
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travelingtheusa · 6 years
3 Jun 2018 (Sun) – We did the laundry this morning.  Being Sunday, few attractions are open today. We spent most of the day just hanging around the campground, tending to household chores.  We drove to the Texas Corral for lunch (looked a lot like the Texas Roadhouse complete with peanut shells on the floor).
 2 Jun 2018 (Sat) – We drove to Gary this morning to see the home of Michael Jackson.  OMG. It was like going into the slums. The town was full of boarded up and falling down buildings.  It seemed like there was a blight on the town.   U.S. Steel Works used to be in the town but it is now a mere shadow of what it once was.  I guess when the country started importing steel, our industry went belly up.  The street where the Jackson family once lived was small and narrow with tiny houses lining both sides of the street.  Their home was on the corner of Jackson Street and Jackson Family Blvd.  I don’t think there were four rooms in the little house. It looks like there might have been a monument in the corner of the yard but it’s gone now.  The house was not open to the public.
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     We then drove to Porter to see the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. They wanted to charge a $3 fee so we turned around.  Then we drove into the Indiana Dunes State Park and paid $12 to park.  Paul was quite annoyed about it.  It looked just like the beach at our cabin on Long Island. There was really nothing spectacular about the area.  It was probably very nice for the residents but for folks like us, it really wasn’t anything special.
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     I called the Goshen RV Center to see if the fender skirt had come in from Vanleigh for the RV.  They said they didn’t have it.  The tech support guy at Vanleigh told us it was supposed to have arrived by 8 p.m. yesterday. The clerk probably just didn’t want to look for it.
     We drove into town and had lunch at the Shoreline Brewery.  It looked like a former factory turned bar/restaurant.  There were a lot of abandoned factory and warehouse buildings in the town so it was nice to see one repurposed.
1 Jun 2018 (Fri) – We putzed around this morning until after 11 a.m. then we went to lunch at the Ponderosa before stopping in at the Goshen RV Center.  We are waiting for a fender skirt to be shipped up from Alabama by Vilano.  They did not have the part so I called the service tech in Alabama.  He told us it had been shipped and was scheduled to arrive sometime by the end of the day.  Oh, well. We’ll have to come back for it.
     Our new campground is only 70 miles north in Michigan City.  The Michigan City Campground is a very nice facility.  The campsites are roomy. The interior roads and campsites are hard packed gravel. There is a concrete patio with picnic table and fire ring.  The campground also has a heated pool.  
     When we left Goshen, the temperature was 95 degrees.  When we arrived in Michigan City, it was downright cold.  The thermometer was reading 65 degrees.  A cool front has moved down from Lake Michigan.  The pond on the campground had steam rising off the surface.  I hope it’s warmer tomorrow!
 31 May 2018 (Thu) – We spent the morning calling around to campgrounds until we found a place to go tomorrow and then the next place near the Midway Airport in Chicago, where I’ll be flying home from.  There are no campgrounds less than an hour away from the airport and most of those in Illinois get bad reviews.  The Illinois county campgrounds run $60 a night.  That’s much too high!  We wound up making a reservation for a casino campground for a week while I’m in New York. I hope it’s going to be OK.
     Once we finally got the campgrounds locked in, we drove to Elkhart to see Linton’s Enchanted Gardens.  It is rated number one on Trip Advisor.  It turned out to be a nursery laid out in a nice way with lots of pathways and decorations to dress it up – mini houses, statues, and decorations. There was also a small petting zoo and an enchanted train (which was nothing more than a tractor pulling wagons decorated to look like train cars).  There was also a gift shop and a small café.  It you’re into flowers and plants and the little extras, then it would be a nice stop.  As for us, we really didn’t find the experience very interesting.
     After we came out we looked over attractions in the area but didn’t find anything that appealed to us.  Ultimately, we decided to go to a movie.  We drove to the movie theater in Elkhart but they were showing “Solo” in 3D.  We did not want to watch a 3D movie so we drove to the theater in Goshen where we caught the 1:30 p.m. showing of “Solo: A Star Wars Story.”  It was OK but seemed to concentrate more on the characters than the story.
     We stopped at the supermarket on the way back to the campground to pick up a few groceries.  We also got fuel.  Ready to move tomorrow.  We’ve been here long enough.
30 May 2018 (Wed) – We drove to South Bend to the University of Notre Dame.  They only give two tours a day at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.  We arrived at 10 to 11 so we missed the tour.  The Basilica closed at 11 a.m. for midday mass so we missed seeing the Basilica.  It is a walking campus so we couldn’t drive to any of the buildings to see.  We walked for about an hour, looking at different buildings.  We saw the murals painted in the halls of the Golden Dome building.  We rode the elevator up to the tenth floor of the library because the woman at the visitor’s center told us you could get a good view of the entire area.  That wasn’t exactly true.  You could walk to each corner of the building and look out of a window.  It gave you a peek at a piece of the property.  We then walked down the mall to the stadium.  It was closed to the public so we just stood in front of it and took a selfie.  The entire campus was very attractive and peaceful.  All the buildings were built with the same light colored brick so everything looked alike.  It was a very beautiful campus.
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     We left the campus and drove to the Hall of Super Hero Museum. It was a collection of mostly super hero action figures and comic books in a small two story garage.  It looked more like someone had so many dolls and comics that they decided they should open a museum.  There were also a couple of movie props and lots of pictures of actors with the director of the “museum.”  He said they are trying to get donations to open a bigger building because the collections don’t fit anymore.  The guy had to nerve to charge $6 per person.  It was a rip off!
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     After the museum, we drove to the RV/MH Hall of Fame.  It was a collection of old RVs and motor homes that showed the evolution of camping vehicles over the years.  Things sure have changed.  There was also a manufactured home on display in back of the museum. It was quite attractive.
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     We then drove into Elkhart to get a bite to eat.  Consulting Trip Advisor, we drove to the Heinnies.  It was a steak house but they weren’t serving steaks until 5 p.m. so we had burgers.  They were OK.
 29 May 2018 (Tue) – We drove to Shipshewana today.  The flea market was open and in full swing.  There were hundreds of booths to look at. After a while, it seemed like everything was the same.  It was so hot – in the 90s.  We walked up and down the aisles for about two hours then stopped for lunch.  Then we walked another hour.  We picked up some items both for us and gifts for others. We heard many people complaining about the heat yesterday.  Apparently the flea market was open for the holiday despite signs that said it was only open Tuesday and Wednesday. (We would have gone had we known.)  The thermometer topped one hundred yesterday. Today it was in the high 90s.
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     We stopped at the Menno-Hof Museum down the road.  It was a fascinating museum that told the story of the religious groups in the area.  Way, way back in history (around 300 BC) a group of people split off from the church because they believed people should be baptized as adults whereby the belief of the day was that baptism should take place within the first year of a child’s life.  The group that broke off was called Anabaptists.  They further split over the years and basically became three groups, with other splinter groups within them.  They are the Amish, Mennonites, and Hutterites.  A lot of the splits had to do with how the groups interact with the world around them.  Some want extreme purity, some want restricted functions, and some work within the modern world, dressing and acting like the people around them.  It was a very interesting stop.
     After the museum, we stopped at the Das Dutchman Essenhaus for dinner.  I was looking for the fried chicken like we had at a Pennsylvania Dutch Amish restaurant but they had broasted chicken.  It looks like a fried chicken without breading.  It was good but not exactly what I was looking for.  
 28 May 2018 (Mon) – We drove into town to watch the parade. It was small compared to what we did back home.  I think it was over in ten minutes.  The VFW coordinated the event and rode in a couple of cars in front.  There were two fire engines.  The biggest group was their church.  It was still nice to see people turn out and remember the men and women who gave their lives in defense of this country.
      We returned to the campground and just hung around inside the RV all day.  It was pretty hot.
 27 May 2018 (Sun) – With everything in the area closed, we decided to do the laundry.  We packed up the clothes and drove into town to the laundromat.  After we put the clothes in the washer, we drove to Goshen Brewery Company for lunch.  The reviews on Trip Advisor raved about their brisket sandwich.  Unfortunately, they had a brunch menu with no brisket on it. There weren’t many options and half of them had duck in them.  I chose a meal with several items served in a bowl – biscuit, gravy, potatoes, cheese, duck eggs, and duck bacon.  Paul got a bagel with fruit flavored cream cheese and duck breast.
    After lunch, we returned to the laundromat and transferred the clothes to the dryers.  Then we sat for half an hour.  We went back to the campground and spent rest of the day hanging out.  We tried going outside but it was too hot. Although the thermometer says the temperature is in the mid-80s, the blazing sun feels like it’s searing the skin.
26 May 2018 (Sat) – We drove to Shipshewana today.  We were there in 2011 and didn’t get a chance to thoroughly explore it.  Shipshewana is America’s third largest Amish and Mennonite communities.  They have the largest flea market we’ve ever seen with hundreds of vendors in many rows.  In fact, the Great Amish Country Auction is listed as a must-see in the “1,000 Places to See Before You Die.”  Sadly, the flea market is only open on Tuesday and Thursday.  There was a large tent with hundreds of people attending an auction.  The majority of the attendees were Amish, dressed in plain but very colorful clothing, the women wearing cute little white hats and the men broad brimmed straw or black hats.  
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    We wandered through Voder’s Meat & Cheese Company, which was a large shop right next to the auction/flea market area.  There were lots of different kinds of cheeses and meats we could sample, and we bought some beef jerky and cheese curds.  Most other places in the area were also closed.
     The vet’s office called while we were at the flea market to say the culture came back on Bonnie’s foot.  There are two kinds of bacteria in her foot.  He told us to discontinue her current antibiotic and to pick up a different one at the office.  So we drove back to Goshen and got the new medication.  Her foot is doing so much better.  It is no longer swollen and oozing and it does not hurt her to have it touched.  Things are looking up.
     We drove into Goshen for lunch and ate at Tony’s Famous Grill. The food was OK but nothing great. Afterward, we walked up and down the main street, looking at the old buildings and wandering through a couple of shops.  We stopped in at the historical society and explored Goshen’s history.  We learned that the town built a canal that was used by several manufacturing plants.  There are many trains running through the town almost constantly.  Goshen is on the route between Toledo and Chicago.  They blow their horns every time, even at 2 and 3 in the morning.
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     When we were done wandering the main street, we drove over to the canal to take a look.  We stopped at the dam and admired the serenity of the lake it created.  It was a very pleasant area.
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25 May 2018 (Wed) – We were up at 6 a.m. this morning. Tucked everything away, hooked up the RV, and drove to Lippert.  They had us drop off the trailer and we drove off to find breakfast.  One of the workers recommended Angel’s House of Pancakes. It turned out to have very good food.
     After breakfast, we drove to a nearby lake and walked a little bit around the area.  Bonnie’s doing so much better but we are still trying to take it easy with her. We put one of my socks on her foot and it seems to come off within the hour.  She managed to pull out the wick this afternoon.  Ugh.
     We then decided to find a Pet Smart and buy some booties for Bonnie. The nearest Pet Smart was in Elkhart, so we drove 28 miles north.  While we were in the store, Lippert called to say the RV was ready for pickup.  We hopped in the truck and drove back to Goshen. They found grease from the seals on the brakes so they replaced the brakes, seals, and hubs on all four tires. I’m glad we got in.  There is only three weeks left on our one-year warranty.
     We hooked up the trailer and drove back to the Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds.  Most of the rally folks have gone and we had a pick of many open sites.  Once situated, Paul went over and paid for the week. It cost a little more because we now have full hook-ups.  We are closer to the office and the Wifi is SO much better here.
     At 4 p.m. we drove into town to get dinner.  Hopper’s Pike Street Grill had good ratings so we ate there. They had frog legs on the menu and the waitress told us they are known for their fried fish.  Seems weird that a state so far north would have good fish and frogs.  Seems like that’s more of a southern dish.  At any rate, I had ribs and Paul had pork chops.  The food was excellent!
      After dinner, we drove to the Old Bag Factory.  It turned out to be a four-story factory built in the 1800s that has been turned into a shopping area.  There were many shops in the building.  Unfortunately, they closed at 4 p.m.  We wandered about the building, admiring the old floors, brick walls, and hanging barn doors.  They kept a lot of the flavor of the architecture.  In its hey day, the factory produced soap and bags for produce. There were 28 factories around the U.S.; the biggest operations in Goshen, IN and Orlando, FL.
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24 May 2018 (Tue) – Paul was up and out at 7:30 a.m. to bring the truck to Ford.  Thankfully, they kept the appointment, checked out the truck, and found a faulty sensor.  It was replaced and Paul was back at the campground by 11:30 a.m.  It cost us almost $300.
     We stopped by the campground office to tell them we would not be moving to the new site until tomorrow.  They charged us $27.50 for tonight and left it for us to settle up tomorrow.
     We drove to the RV Factory to take a tour of their manufacturing process. This company produces Luxe Gold and Luxe Elite.  They only produce one or two fifth wheels a week, opposed to the other guys who churn out about 20-25 a week.  They allow customers to buy direct from them, eliminating the middle man and allowing you to customize your RV the way you want it.  They use top quality items to build their RVs.  We were very impressed and will keep our eye on them when we are ready to buy another fifth wheel.
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      There is a big store in the area called Menards.  It is, I believe, Amish owned and run.  We stopped in to see what it was like.  It turned out to be some combination of Home Depot, Ace Hardware, a department store, and a supermarket.  The store was huge!  There didn’t seem to be thing they DIDN’T carry.  Wow.  We picked up a couple of items and returned to the campground.
23 May 2018 (Mon) – We took Bonnie to the vet this morning.  He did not find anything obvious.  The doctor put a wick (a kind of cotton drain) in the foot to help pull the fluid out.  He also took a culture and sent it to the lab to see if we could see what kind of bacteria is infecting her foot.  There is a pretty bandage wrapped around it.  Bonnie’s been out of it all day.  Dr. Jeff said they were using a light sedation, not anesthesia but she sure is having a hard time recovering.
     We had breakfast at Angel’s House of Pancakes.  Paul ordered fried mush and I had corned beef hash.  It turns out the fried mush is a cornmeal batter that is cooked like a pancake.  There was a senior citizen special going on today – five mush cakes and free coffee for just $6.99.  Paul ate two cakes and left the rest.  He said he preferred biscuits and gravy.  Another customer came in when we were done and sat across from us.  She asked if the food on Paul’s plate was the fried mush. We said yes and she asked to take a taste.  Delighted, she said she was going to order it.  When she saw us leaving the food on the plate, she asked if she could have it. I gave her the plate.  Weird.  
     After breakfast, we drove to an RV supply place to try and find a fender skirt for the RV.  When we had the blowout last month, a piece of the fender was broken off.  We did not find it.  While driving around, we saw a sign for a Moose Family Center.  We drove over to look at it.  It turned out they had a large campground in back behind the lodge.  We drove through it but it appeared to be permanent residents; no transient sites.
     When we got back to the campground, I started making some phone calls. I made an appointment with Lippert to bring our RV in for inspection of the brake seals on Friday.  I confirmed our appointment with Ford tomorrow morning. I called The RV Factory and made an appointment for a tour of the factory on Friday morning.  I also called DRV Luxury Suites RV for a factory tour but they close down at the end of the month.  They won’t start tours again until June 1.  I called Vanleigh Vilano to get a slide seal replaced and see if they could send us the fender skirt, too.  The items will be sent to the RV dealer here in Goshen.
 22 May 2018 (Tue) – We wanted to pick up a couple of items at the information center so we waited until 9 a.m. when we thought they’d be open. When we got there, the office had opened at 8 a.m.  We asked for 22 copies of a DVD about the Army Corps of Engineers’ campgrounds around the U.S. and 22 carabiners.  We got a carabiner in the gift bag that was really nice.  It has a knife, a nail file with flat tip as a screwdriver, and a pair of scissors.
     We had to break down in a drizzly rain and left Iowa City, IA, at close to 10 a.m.  It rained on and off during the drive.  We arrived in Goshen, IN, at 12:30 p.m.  There is a rally going on so they put us in an area with just electric and water hookup. When the rally ends on Thursday, we will be moved to a site with full hookups.  The Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds is very large with 350 campsites. There are many buildings on the grounds where the 4-H club puts their animals for display and judging.  There is also a track where they train horses to trot.  We have been watching trainers run their horses around the track.  One owner had his horse connected to a pickup truck and was leading it around the track at a trot.  I guess that’s how they teach it what speed to run at.
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     When we arrived, I found a veterinarian and we took Bonnie to get her foot checked out.  It has been getting worse.  The area in between the one toe now has two cysts on either side on the inside of the toe. It is also oozing and bleeding a little, too.  The vet said he wanted to take a look at the paw with Bonnie under sedation.  It was very tender and Bonnie kept pulling her paw away.  We made an appointment to bring her back tomorrow morning.
     After dinner, we took a walk around the fairgrounds.  There are hundreds of Entegra motor coaches parked around the campground.  There is a rally going on.  There are vendor displays and a class on how to drive a motor coach.  Each coach had a sign outside with the name of the owner(s) on it.  I guess when they register for the rally, Entegra makes up a sign for them.  There are also a number of golf carts driving around, giving anyone rides from one point to the other as the fairgrounds are very large.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 74 - SBT (Spicy, kids, stay away!)
Here it is!
"So, gonna tell me what you have for me that's better than dinner?" 
"I will, be patient." 
Lucien straddled his lover's lap and smiled. He held both his hands and laced his fingers between the Aussie's. 
"Alright, how long before you tell me?" 
"We will get our dinner delivered, then, we can sleep - or not, as you wish - and tomorrow, you shall enjoy your surprise."
"Sounds like I already have one for tonight, eh?" Mundy put his hands on Lucien's waist. 
"You might." 
Suddenly both men heard a cry for help outside of the van. Lucien jumped out of Mundy's lap and both leapt at the door and opened it. 
"I-I'm sorry!" The poor man said. "I-I'm the delivery bloke, I just have your order!"
Mundy and Lucien looked between themselves and the delivery man. The herd of fluff was hissing, showing their needle-like teeth at the intruder. 
"Cats, calm down, he's ok." Mundy said as he walked to the poor, scared man. 
"Sit." Lucien said and all the cats obeyed. "Good boys and girls." He crouched to pet them. "We do apologise for the trouble, they are not usually outside without us to look after them." 
"It's fine. A hell of a family of cats you have, eh?" 
"Yeah… Here's for your tip and thanks mate. Sorry again." 
"No worries, bye!"
Mundy and Lucien slipped in the van again. 
"Wanna get in?" Mundy asked the cats. 
"Meow." Soot spooned his companion and started to bathe Perle. 
"Alright, fine, try and not make other babies especially not in front of these ones…"
Perle hissed. 
"Mundy, they know what they are doing, come inside, please."
The Aussie chuckled. 
"Fair enough."
He slipped in and they sat down. 
"What did you get us?" 
"Some chinese, I hope you will like it." Lucien answered. 
"Prefer French, but it's fine." He winked at Lucien who smiled. 
Each took their box and started eating their noodles. 
"Mh, could have taken it more spicy than that, eh?" Mundy said. 
"I have very low tolerance for hot food, and I didn't know for you so I played it safe." Lucien answered. "If the lack of hotness is unbearable, I can correct for that after dinner." 
"Well now, you have to, eh? Can't promise me things like that and not deliver." Mundy answered. 
"Then let it be so. But before I forget, tomorrow I shall arrange a few things, I don't need you to be here so you can stay home and sleep for a bit longer."
"Alright, that's nice." 
"Are you not curious as to where I am going?"
"As long as you come back and still love me, I trust you, love." 
Lucien smiled. 
"And I value it pricelessly, mon loup." 
They went on having their dinner.
"So, how d'you feel about Victoria's weddin'? You nervous?" Mundy asked. 
"Quite so, oui. I never imagined walking someone down the aisle in a church for their wedding, especially not like that…" 
"What d'you mean, like that?" 
"Victoria is not my daughter."
"She feels like she is though. And I saw you with her, luv', you really behave like you're her dad." 
"Hm. Maybe."
"For sure!" Mundy said before slurping more noodles. "The way you held her and comforted her in the diner… I was starin' at you and was thinking to myself that your son was mighty lucky to have you as his dad." 
Lucien's eyes snapped wide. 
"I'm serious, love. You're… very different from my dad, for example." 
"How so?" Lucien asked. 
"Dad wasn't very… Uh… He wouldn't show that he loved me much. Not that he didn't, I think he really did love me but he just never said it or showed it. But you, hell, that hug you gave her was more than I ever got from my Dad."
"I see… Same for me technically." Lucien answered. "I never knew my father, never met him. I only saw one picture of him which is now under the ground in Paris."
"D'you ever… regret doin’ that?" Mundy asked. 
"Doing what?"
"Buryin' all your personal stuff?"
"I am not sure. Part of me doesn't want to look back and just wants to focus on this new life I am leading here."
"But the other half wants that stuff back?"
"Not so much for my own." Lucien answered. "But rather, for you."
"Oui. I would like to show you Marie and Jérémy, I would like to show you so many things so that you understand me better…"
"Hey, love…" Mundy tightened his embrace. "I get you, ok? I understand you and respect you."
"Thank you." 
Lucien raised his lips and they exchanged a kiss. He then straddled his lover's lap without his lips disconnecting from the Aussie's. 
"Mmh… Yer lips taste amazin'..." 
"So do yours…" 
The kisses became wet and sloppy while hands touched, grabbed, explored and Lucien seemed particularly eager that evening…
"Gosh, y-your hips, Lu'..." 
Mundy felt his lover was rolling them against his. He put his hands on Lucien's waist and indeed his palms rolled, following the Frenchman's pelvis. 
"Bugger, Lu', wait, let's get to bed…"
They both slipped in the bed and their clothes were thrown left and right, carelessly, until they ended up naked. 
"L-Lu'... You really are doin' things to me right now…"
"I can feel it, mon loup…" Lucien answered. He was on top of Mundy, kissing his neck and going down to his chest. 
"What put you in the mood? You went from normal to this in a flash?!" Mundy asked. 
"You, your lips, your touch, your eyes…" Lucien punctuated his sentences with kisses and licks, to which Mundy closed his eyes and whimpered. His hips started to react on their own. "I also have taken the liberty to buy something for tonight…" The Frenchman added as he was biting the Aussie's hip. 
"Oof-! W-what is it?"
"This here." Lucien put it on Mundy's chest and the Aussie squinted. Not a split second later, his eyes snapped wide as he understood what that little plastic bottle contained. 
"Oh… Y-you wanna-?"
"Oui." Lucien cut him. He laced his fingers through Mundy's and went to his lips.
Their lips lapped and sucked at each other's, filling the van with sounds that made them both warmer. 
"If you so wish, mon loup, I am yours." Lucien almost whispered in Mundy's ears, with his velvet voice.
"Bloody hell… Y-your voice…"
"What about it, hm?" Lucien went on. 
"You know… Perfectly… But what's the plan, hm? Turn me on like there's no tomorrow and then what?" Mundy asked.
Lucien went to his ear and put his hands on Mundy's cheeks. 
"Use that bottle… and me." 
Mundy's eyes snapped wide and his pupils shrank. He grabbed Lucien by his lips and flipped him to be the one on top. He then turned the Frenchman on his stomach with raging lust. 
"Gosh, Lu'..." Mundy laid on top of Lucien, flush against him on his back and started lazily grinding as he bit and kissed his shoulder and his back. "I… I don't wanna hurt you but…"
"Please, I know you won't hurt me… Just have fun… Argh-!" Lucien felt Mundy's teeth dig deeper on his shoulder, his pointy canines would leave a mark, for sure. 
"Want you…" Mundy growled.
"Take me…" Lucien answered before another bite made the sweat break everywhere and the heat between his legs coiled more.
Mundy went down, leaving marks of teeth and such all along his lover's back until he arrived where he wanted. 
"Gosh you look like a porcelain doll…" His hands grasped Lucien's soft flesh left and right and kneaded it like a priceless dough. Lucien whimpered and propped himself up on his elbows. "You look so good I could bloody eat you…" 
"Be my guest - argh!" 
Mundy growled as his hungry teeth dug in the flesh. 
"Mon Dieu!" 
Lucien arched his back as he felt his lover's tongue closing in on his vulnerability. He grabbed a pillow and dug his nails in it as he moaned.
"Look at all this…" Mundy lapped where the Frenchman had been craving some attention and Lucien moaned loud. The Aussie let his tongue paint the tight ring of muscles as his hands pulled left and right to reveal the Frenchman's secrets better. 
"Mon Dieu, Mundy… Aargh!" 
"You're bloody delicious… and so fuckin' soft…" 
"Argh! Please!" 
"What d'you want, hm?" Mundy lapped and the Frenchman's hips jerked on their own. 
"Please… The bottle…" Lucien's eyes were shut, he couldn't see anything anymore. 
"Right, here comes." 
Lucien heard the plastic cap pop open and Mundy coated his finger generously. 
"C'mere." Mundy flipped Lucien on his back again and went straight for a sloppy kiss. Lucien wrapped his arms around his lover and kept his legs open. "Breathe slowly and relax, ok? I got you, luv'..." 
"Oooh… Hah… Slowly… Please…" He hissed.
Mundy held him with one arm while his finger worked gently on his lover. 
"See…? I'm goin' very slowly, it's all fine… Relax, luv', I've got you here… You're with me…" 
"Aaah… Mundy…"
"Sssh, save your strength, just enjoy." Mundy added a kiss to Lucien's lips before sitting between his open legs. He took the bottle and squirted more of its content on his finger before going at it again. 
"Aah… P-please, Mundy…?" Lucien's eyebrows were arched high up. 
"Okay. Here… I'll go slow as always, ok…?"
"O-oui… Oh… Oui… mmmh…" 
Mundy worked him up in slow, gentle movements and Lucien discovered feelings he thought he never would.
"Mundy, please… Your lips…"
"Sure, luv'." Mundy laid on top of Lucien's slim body and held him close as he kissed him. He got surprised by how much Lucien needed it. "You ok, darl'? You feel different."
"Please hold me." 
"Course." Mundy let his whole weight fall on Lucien and held him close and tight. "Talk to me, what is it?"
"It is… My first time doing this… I need you to be slow… I apologise but-"
"No, don't apologise, we'll take our time, ok? And if you want to stop here, we'll stop here, ok?"
"I am sorry." Lucien screwed his eyes shut in shame. 
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with wantin' to go slow, ok?"
"Oui but a minute ago I was so sure of myself but now I don't know anymore." 
"It's ok, it's fine, you can change your mind." 
"But Mundy I put you in this state and now I'm backing away… It's…"
"It's fine is what it is. There is no problem whatsoever, ok, Lu'?" Mundy put his hands left and right on his lover's cheeks. "Love? Open your eyes, just a second." 
"I can't. I'm ashamed." 
"Hm." Mundy thought fast. He put the blanket over them both, they were now both underneath it. "Here, now, nothing will get to you. Please, Lu', look at me, I need to see your beautiful eyes…?" 
Lucien frowned. 
"Love…?" Mundy kissed his closed eyelids gently. "Please, gorgeous?" 
Lucien blinked a couple of times and opened his eyes. He looked up at Mundy and quickly averted his gaze. 
"Hey… Don't feel weird about it." 
"I am sorry." 
"No, don't be, there's nothin' to be sorry about." He kissed his bearded cheek. 
"Yes, there is. Look at me, a man older than you and I behave like a teenage girl…"
"No." Mundy answered. "I couldn't give a shit how you behave like. You have your limits and I have mine, if we get close to these limits, you have to tell me and I'll gladly stop, ok?"
"At my age, Mundy, at my God-forsaken age…!"
"Who gives a shit?!" Mundy asked. "I don't! It's your first time and I'm so bloody happy it's with me and… Gosh, this whole thing just makes me love you more…!"
"You say this to comfort me." Lucien was still not looking his lover in the eye. 
"No, I don't. I just think it's beautiful of you to react this way… It feels like…" Mundy brushed his lover's upper cheeks with his thumbs and Lucien finally met his eyes. "Feels like a first time to me too, eh?" He smiled softly. 
"I love you, Mundy…" Those round, light blue eyes were something to behold. Lucien's eyebrows were arched up in a pleading way and the Aussie couldn't help but just smile and try and remember that instant, that face, the long silver hair all around it like the beams of a masculine sun… 
"I love you too, sweetheart, ok?" Mundy continued brushing Lucien's cheeks. 
"And I'm proud of you."
"Yeah, you took more than I ever did in my life. You're a bloody hero, y-you're my everythin'. I love you so much." Mundy kissed Lucien's cheek again and the Frenchman pulled him closer. 
"I cannot ever recall a man as gentle as you are, Mundy." 
"Never seen anyone as gorgeous as you eh." 
"What? It's true." He chuckled.
"I can believe it." Lucien arrogantly answered. 
"Love ya." Mundy buried his head in Lucien's neck and peppered kisses from time to time. "Love ya like you have no idea." 
"Me too." Lucien wrapped his arms around Mundy's head. "Me too, mon amour, but please…?"
"I think I am ready for more." 
"You sure? We can stop it here if you want." 
"Non, please… I want you." Lucien pulled him closer and grinded his hips.
Mundy left a final kiss. 
"Should I continue or…?" 
"Oui, please."
"Anythin' for you, love." Mundy coated his fingers again. "You really sure though? Oh…"
Lucien took his lover's hand and guided him down where he wanted it to be. 
"Alright, here we go…"
"Ahaa…. Hah…" 
"Breathe slowly and relax. It's much easier than earlier, I can feel it."
"More, please." Lucien closed his eyes to focus on what was happening down there.
"Right… Here… How does that feel?" 
"Orh… Oui… A-another finger, please, I want to feel you more." 
"Okay, luv', take a slow, deep breath." 
"Oh-oui… Oui, Mundy…" Lucien hissed and arched his back. "Oh!" Mundy started moving his fingers and Lucien's hips moved slowly. 
"That's it, Lu'... You're doin' amazing, you're great." 
"Please, your lips." 
Mundy bent down and Lucien pulled him closer when their lips collided. 
"Mmh, how d'you feel, love?"
"I will be better in a minute."
"Oh, bugger, am I hurting you?" 
"Non," Lucien smiled. "I mean when you will truly make love to me." 
Mundy felt a rush of blood to his head. The way that Lucien gazed at him, lovingly, and those words… Poetry. 
"Y-you're… the best." Mundy laid on his lover and kissed him again, more and more. He was past the shy stage now and felt comfortable enough to stick his tongue out himself and start the French kiss. Lucien moaned under him and wrapped his legs around the Aussie's back. 
"Oh! Gosh…!"
Lucien had grasped both their masculinities in one hand and stroked them in unison. Mundy groaned and buried his head deep in Lucien's shoulder. He started grinding against his member and in his warm palm. 
"Gosh, Lu'... Yeah… Yeah…" Mundy added his hand on top of Lucien's and both rolled their hips in rhythm. One groaned and the other whimpered. A concert of lust in delight major. 
"M-Mundy… Please… Do it…" 
"You sure, luv'?"
"Oui… I want you… in me." 
Mundy's eyes rolled back in bliss and his member gave a twitch. 
"I want you too… You're so bloody sexy…" 
"I do my best." 
"You don't need to." 
Mundy grabbed the bottle and popped the cap open again. 
"Non!" Lucien snatched it off his hands and poured some of it in his palm. "Let me please…"
They sat on their knees, face to face. Lucien sank down on all four and grabbed Mundy's member in his hand. 
"What are you - oh? Yeah… Please… Gnh…" 
Lucien took it between his lips and tasted it. Annoyingly enough, his long hair was flowing everywhere and it wasn't practical at all. He swooshed his head left and right to throw it out of the way.
"Let me help ya…"
Mundy took Lucien's hair and held it away from his face. The Frenchman hummed in thanks and sucked just a bit harder. 
"You're welc-oh!-me" Mundy's hips jerked forward on their own.
Lucien chuckled as he pulled back and generously slicked his lover's member with the content of the bottle he had bought. 
"There… Keep the bottle near, we might need more, mon amour."
"How do you want me?"
"On your belly, luv'." 
Lucien did as he was told. Mundy lay on top of him and kissed the back of his neck. 
"You ready, Lu'?"
"I have been waiting for too long, Mundy, please…"
Mundy took the matter in his own hand and positioned himself. 
"Breathe deep, Lu'." 
Lucien closed his eyes and he felt it. 
"Oh… Oui… Doucement… Oui… Orh - Mundy…!"
"You're doin' great…" Mundy groaned. "Just tell me if it's too much or anythin'..."
"More, please…!" 
Mundy lay down again on top of his lover and bit his shoulder gently as he pushed his hips deeper. 
And then, he stopped. He was entirely in the safety of his lover's body. 
"Gosh… You alright?" 
"O-oui… Don't move, please, hold on…" 
Lucien turned his head and Mundy kissed his bearded cheek and his lips. The Frenchman was barely kissing back. He was focusing on the new sensations. It was hurting, obviously, but knowing that it was his lover's member that was pulling his body at its limits made it all worthwhile. 
"You're gorgeous…  And brave… I love you… And you feel so… so…" 
"Say it." Lucien asked. 
"So bloody tight, argh…" Mundy's member was aching with anticipation as he felt Lucien's walls closely wrapping him all around. 
"Move, gently please…" 
Mundy pulled his hips back slowly, not all the way, and pushed in again. He maintained the excrutiatingly slow rhythm for entire minutes. 
"Mmmh, Lu', you sure you're relaxed…?"
"Oui, as much as I can be…"
"Gosh you're so tight… I'm so scared to hurt you…" 
"You won't, continue gently for a bit more, please…"
Mundy's hands were wrapped around his lover's torso as he rolled his hips slowly still. He felt his lover's body get used to it as it relaxed little by little. 
"Faster, please."
Mundy picked up the pace only slightly, still afraid that it would go pear-shaped. But soon he felt Lucien raise his own hips to meet him. And the Frenchman started moaning louder as Mundy's hips matched Lucien's eager ones. 
The Frenchman buried his head in the pillow to smother his obscene song of pleasure but Mundy wanted to hear him, he slipped the pillow off of him away and held his body between his strong arms. 
"Bloody hell you sound and feel amazin'..." 
Both were in a pool of sweat and the van's temperature had dramatically risen. The bed started creaking under them both and they moaned, hissed, growled and groaned louder still. 
"M-Mundy… Ahaa…"
"Nnh-! Yeah…?"
"Hold me close, please…!" 
Mundy instinctively put a hand on Lucien's, pinning his wrist to the bed and sliding his fingers in between the Frenchman. His other hand went underneath Lucien, he wanted to hold him somewhere and couldn't find where until his hand grasped wherever it was and Lucien let a powerful and high-pitched moan out. He rolled his eyes up in bliss. Mundy had wrapped his fingers around his throat… 
The Aussie bent down again to push his hips deeper and he bit Lucien's ear. He grunted at each push of his hips. 
"You're - bloody - amazin'... You feel - so - bloody - good… gnnh! Y-you're gettin' me close…"
Lucien was moaning with an open mouth and as Mundy kissed his cheek and now the corner of his mouth, he realised that the poor Frenchman was drooling on the mattress, he had lost all sense of control of his body. 
"Lu'...? Lu'... What you said about the bottle and stuff… D'you mean it…? You said to use the bottle and… you?"
Lucien painfully nodded. 
Mundy tightened his grip on Lucien's throat slightly and grabbed his shoulder for leverage. His thrusts were now utterly controlled by his hips. He ran after his satisfaction, chasing it as he flared his nostrils, moving as fast and deep as he possibly could. Lucien opened his legs slightly more and Mundy stopped. 
"Bugger… Are you alright?" 
Lucien was sobbing. 
"Hey, luv', darlin', Lu', talk to me…" 
Lucien panted to catch his breath and he answered, his eyes still closed. 
"Please take me… to the end… with you… Don't stop… again… Before… the end…" 
Mundy frowned. 
"Anythin' for you." 
He put a hand back on Lucien's throat while the other was now on the Frenchman's member. Mundy's hips started anew and he felt it. Lucien's masculinity had been out of patience and Mundy's fingers were coated in its eagerness. 
"Gosh, you've been on the edge for far too long… I'm sorry, luv', we'll do it together, I'm takin' you to the end, I promise…!" 
Mundy's body was melting in a pool of sweet as he picked up the pace on his pelvis and his hand. 
"L-Lu'! Lu'', I'm so close-!" 
Lucien groaned louder as he thrusted his hips into Mundy's hand…!
In a concerto, both yelling their satisfaction as if they were alone in the world, they arrived where they had aimed to be. Mundy bit Lucien's neck at the back as he sheathed himself as deep as he could. At the same time, he felt Lucien's pleasure burst out on his fingers.
They panted and breathed heavily, Mundy freed Lucien's throat and kissed him wherever his mouth could reach, namely, on the top of his back and the back of his neck. 
"I love you… I love you… I love you… You're the best, I've never loved anyone else like you before, you just… You make everything make so much sense… You… You're everythin' I never could dream of… Y-you're the stuff of books and movies… You're amazing…" 
Lucien sniffed and Mundy's eyes snapped wide open. 
"Lu'? Love, tell me, what's wrong?" He hugged his lover tight. 
"P-please… Can you…?" Lucien moved his hips and Mundy gasped. 
"Oh, bugger, sure…" He withdrew gently and Lucien curled in a ball. He continued to sniff. 
"Lucien, please, talk to me? Did I go too far? Did you want me to stop but you couldn't say? Oh, Gosh, I-I'm so sorry, I… Argh…" Mundy gagged and Lucien flipped on the bed. 
"'Scuse me…" 
Mundy put on his underwear and slipped out of the van. 
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