#it was 7 minutes originally but i had to shorten it down because tumblr
realkaijuhavecurves · 7 years
So I made a compilation of my favourite semi-overlooked vines, enjoy
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What’s your hair like? A mess. It’s long, wavy, and a mix of my natural dark brown hair and the red that I dye it because it’s been several months since I’ve gotten my hair done and my roots are very overgrown. It also needs a trim. Is there someone you can’t help but stare at? Alexander Skarsgard. How do you feel about teenagers claiming to be in love? It’s hard for me to understand because I can’t imagine feeling that at such a young age and I kind of feel like it’s easy to get caught up in the emotions and lust due to hormones, and I wonder if they know what it really means, but who am I to say what they feel? To them it’s real, they’re the ones feeling it. Plus, I’m almost 30 and I’m not sure I even really know what it means or if I’ve ever actually been in love. I thought so, but I’m not so sure now. Are you dating anyone? If so, for how long? No. Do you believe in long distance relationships? They work for some people. I’ve never had one.
Do you have unlimited texting? Yes, even though I hardly ever text. What’s your favorite button on the keyboard? All the ones I use. Do you like your handwriting? No, it’s awful. Your biggest fear? Losing my loved ones, dying, never amounting to anything or never doing anything with my life, things getting worse or never getting better... What’s on your walls? Some posters/paintings and decals. Do you like perfume? Yeah, some. Are you a guy or a girl? Girl. Do you prefer to have girls as friends or guys? I don’t really have a preference. If we vibe, we vibe.  What’s the top thing you look for in a S.O.? Someone who is patient, understanding, caring, and kind are especially important to me. Last words you heard and from who? My mom saying “goodnight.” Why do people cheat on each other? There’s a variety of reasons.
What’s your favorite brand of pencil? I don’t have one. Do you wake up by an alarm clock? If so, isn’t the BEEEEEP annoying? Yes, but it’s not a “BEEEEEP”, it’s something I chose from the options on my phone. It’s like an instrumental song type one. The last song you listened to? I have Señorita by Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello stuck in my head. The person you go to for advice? If anyone, my mom. Are you one of those people who just HAS to vent to somebody in some form? No. I don’t like doing that with people. I hate burdening others with my stuff and unloading on them, so I don’t do it much. I save that mostly for surveys and Twitter. Do you have Myspace, facebook, and myyearbook? I have all 3, but only my Facebook is active. I haven’t used Myspace or myyearbook in like 10 years, myyearbook even longer, but my account still exists out there. I don’t recal using myyearbook much, I think I just signed up to check it out. How do you feel about avril lavigne? I like some of her songs. I haven’t listened to her music in awhile, though. I wonder what happened to her. Don’t you hate it when people don’t say your name right? Nah. Now and then someone will mispronounce my last name, which I don’t understand, but I don’t hate it. It rarely happens.  Have you heard of Paramore? If not, look them up. :) Yes, I’ve known of them for years. I actually saw them in concert once as well. Who’s your favorite sibling? I don’t like choosing favorites when it comes to family members. I’m closer to my younger brother. Favorite Parent? I’m closer to my mom.  What do you want to do for a living? I don’t know. :/
Do you know anyone with down syndrome? No. Does anyone you know have a birthday this week? Mine is tomorrow.  What do you think of the middle name ‘Jane’? I don’t think anything about it. What’s your favorite name in the opposite gender? Alexander. Can you keep eye contact with everyone? I find it awkward to hold it too long at once, like I’ll look away for a bit and then look back and so on. What color are your eyes? Brown. Do you curl or straighten your hair? It’s been like 3 years at least since I last straightened my hair myself. When I get my hair done my hair stylist straightens it, but it’s been almost a year since I got my hair done. :X Pro-life or pro-choice? Why? What shape is your favorite bowl? Bowl shape?  Did you know the Salvation army was a church, too? I think I’ve heard that before. I hate winter. What’s your least favorite season? Ugh, SUMMER.
Do you know the difference between a hoodie and a jacket with a hood? A hoodie is more thin/lightweight.  Do you belive in 'hating’ anyone? I don’t hate anyone. Do you like Twilight? I was really into it when the books were still coming out and then the movies, but I outgrew it. Do you know the difference between loving someone and being in love? Yes. I’m not in love with a family member, but I love them. What animal that is endangered is your favorite? Giraffes. :( How do you believe the Earth and life on it was created? God. What’s your religion? Christianity. How many fingers do you have? * 10 (dont u come @ me w that “”“thumbs”“” bullsh*t either, lmao. They'are ALL fingers) <<<< Hahah. I say the same thing. Don’t get all technical with me! What about toes? 10. Do you like your teeth? No. Do you need glasses or contacts? I wear glasses. Have you considered getting contacts that change your eyecolor? What color? It’s cool, but the idea of putting in contacts freaks me out. I also prefer wearing glasses anyway.  Do you have allergies? Yes. Have you ever made a quiz? Don’t you love it when you’re on a roll? Once, a long time ago. Like pre-Tumblr days. What time zone are you in? Pacific.  Do you wish you lived some where else? Yes. Sometimes don’t you wish you could move away and start over? Yes, but unfortunately my problems would follow me. It would be nice to live somewhere else, though. I hate this city. What’s the craziest color you’ve seen on a house? I’ve seen pink, yellow, purple, and blue houses. Do you like the name Trevor? Eh. How do you pronounce Bzoink? Biz-oink. Is Taylor Swift better than the rest of the teen singers? I’m not a fan of Taylor Swift.  What time will it be in 3 hours and 2 minutes? 7:14AM. What’s your favorite brand of cereal? General Mills, Kellogs, and Post. Do you like to read? Yes. What’s your GPA? I’m doneeee with school. Isn’t annoying when you’re friends are different around different people? Depends on how they’re being different. I did have a friend who was completely different and not in a good way. Do you want a phone with a keyboard? I have a touch screen phone. Do you go to church but you aren’t sure if you believe in God? I don’t go to church right now, but I do believe in God.  What grade are you in? I’m done with school, remember? Are you shorter then most of your friends? Yes, all of them. Do you prefer a S.O. older or younger? By how much? A bit older. Like up to 5 years at most, I’d say. I just feel like the older I get; though, the harder it’ll be to find someone. I’m almost 30, but I feel so...stunted and behind in life. Someone in their mid 30s would likely be in a much different place in life and be further ahead. I don’t know if they’d want to date me with where I am in life. Do you like popcorn? I love movie theater buttered popcorn. I also love this garlic parm seasoning I get put on it at this one theater we go to. SO good. Why does corn get chewed up but come out in the original form? Ew. Are you pessimistic or optimistic? Very pessimistic. What number do you think you’re on? I’m not counting. That was # 76. What’s your bestie’s name? Was it really? Wow. Anyway, her name is Yolanda.  What size shoe do you wear? 6 in women’s.  Do you like lollipops? Nah. Don’t you hate the texture of lotion on your skin? No. Well, unless it’s like greasy. Favorite movie? I have a lot. How many words per minute do you type? I don’t know. Do you think it’s possible to meet your bestie online? I don’t have a bestie online. Do you blog or write in a journal? This is my blog and journal. Isn’t health class annoying? I didn’t find it annoying. Who’s your favorite teacher, if any? What internet browser do you use? Chrome.  Isn’t it weird to like having butterflies? No? The good butterfly feeling is nice, like the kind you get when you’re excited or you like someone.  What’s the longest flower name you can think of? *shrug* What year were you born in? 1989. What time is it, backwards? 91:4. If you had to shorten your name to 4 letters, what would it be? Step. Sam; a femine name or a male name? Whatever. What’s the prettiest cat you have seen?  All the cats I’ve ever seen.
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louisinawetsuit · 7 years
I was tag by @champagnelarrie and had fun doing this so thank you 😊 hopefully those I've tag will join in on the fun and anyone who I haven't tagged but sees this hopefully will do it as well. So in no particular order I tag @hogwartzlou @mullinhore @alldayeveryday1daf @goddamnlouis @guesswhatyourealoser @bravestmanintheworld @they-feel-the-same @prettygoodfromhere @styloueh @afangirlfantasy @acertaintwistedtenderness @disenchanteddeath @always-in-my-heartx @justholdonharry Here's mine - LAST [1] drink: coffee with kalua [2] phone call: brother [3] text message: friend for her birthday [4] song you listened to: Broken by Xenia Ghali [5] time you cried: probably two months ago when I had to move but I'm glad I did [6] dated someone twice: Date? What's that? [7] been cheated on: never as far as I know [8] kissed someone and regretted it: never [9] lost someone special: My daddy almost five years ago [10] been depressed: a few years ago was not good times but thankfully music kept me going [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: like two years ago. Try not to go that far when I drink to avoid doing just that. LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] blue [13] blue [14] and now green ;-) IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes [16] fallen out of love: no [17] laughed until you cried: oh for sure. Laughter really is good medicine for the soul [18] found out someone was talking about you: my old boss cause he realizes he lost a great employee and treated me like crap when I gave my two weeks notice but now he's suffering for it [19] met someone who changed you: not in the last year but someone who helped me be more open and let my walls down a bit [20] found out who your true friends are: not really but because of my move I've found the people who want to keep our friendship alive and take time to stay in touch long distance [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: no I don't really Facebook but in any case no to the kissing (see question 22 lol) [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them they're all family and friends [23] do you have any pets: sadly no though I live with two dogs, one cat, two turtles and one hamster [24] do you want to change your name: no but I usually go by a shortened version since it's a little long at four syllables [25] what did you do for your last birthday: just dinner with friends but it was nice [26] what time did you wake up: its Sunday and I slept in till 11:00 almost [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: catching up on The Originals [28] name something you cannot wait for: My knight in shinning armor lol but no really I guess Louis' new single. I really can't wait to hear it [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: a few minutes ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: to believe I can find my contentment again [31] what are you listening to right now: Nothing right now cause I'm concentrating on this [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes one of my bosses who was a great guy [33] something that is getting on your nerves: stupid drivers [34] most visited website: probably tumblr yup just checked my battery usage and almost double of what the next one down the line was [35] elementary: just fun and friends [36] high school: Not a bad experience though I had to work harder but we had fun too especially senior year [37] college: One year and then I quit [38] hair colour: naturally black but right now brown [39] long or short hair: I like short cause it's easier to maintain but I'm thinking of growing it out some [40] do you have a crush on someone: sadly no [41] what do you like about yourself?: I think I'm a nice person and try to help others though sometimes it's taken as being weak [42] piercings: Just my ears don't think I'll venture further than that [43] blood type: B+ [44] nickname: V [45] relationship status: single [46] zodiac sign: libra [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show(s): ugh was vampire diaries but right now probably so you think you can dance [49] tattoos: yes, two. One I like to refer to as my satanic symbol but it's just a Celtic knot and the other which hurt like hell is my sons footprint from birth on my foot [50] right or left handed: right FIRST… [51] surgery: thankfully never [52] piercing: ears [53] best friend: kelly [54] sport: swimming [55] vacation: camping on Long Island. So relaxing with nothing to do but chill out and beach days [56] pair of trainers: reebok [57] eating: the customary cooked and mashed veggies but not from a jar. Mom made it fresh daily for her wee baby [58] drinking: Booby milk from mom [59] i’m about to: watch a movie probably [60] listening to: nothing right now [61] waiting for: Mr. Right [62] want: to smoke but I won't cause it's so bad for you so I don't [63] get married: never say never but no. Been there done that and NO [64] career: probably missed my calling to be a teacher but right now I'm a bookkeeper YOUR TYPE… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs for sure they're like tea where they will fix almost anything [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller but just a little bit [68] older or younger: younger but just a little bit too [69] romantic or spontaneous: romantic [70] nice arms or nice stomach: no preference just nice I guess. A good person to be honest [71] sensitive or loud: Sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: I'd like a relationship but after being on my own for so long I hope I can sustain one if it comes along [73] troublemaker or hesitant: Uh neither I think HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger?: well not total stranger I knew his name and talked to him for a few hours first [75] drank hard liquor?: yes but usually mixed with something no shots [76] lost glasses/contact lenses?: no never but I have broken a pair once [77] turned someone down: yes [78] sex on first date?: NO [79] broken someone’s heart?: yeah unfortunately but then he broke mine as well [80] had your own heart broken?: yes see above :'-( [81] been arrested? hell no I would probably die before they ever got me in the police car [82] cried when someone died? YES [83] fallen for a friend: no DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself?: fo sure [85] miracles?: yes [86] love at first sight?: no but yes to lust at first sight [87] santa claus? No but I wish I did still [88] kiss on the first date?: sure if you feel like a spark is there why not [89] angels?: yes [90] current best friend’s name: mitzy [91] eye colour: dark brown [92] favourite movies: Mary Freakin Poppins!!!
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rwbyrwby · 7 years
@cleanhoney tagged me in this ayyy thanks buddy
THE LAST: 1. drink: milk lmao 2. phone call: I just checked and it was in April omg but it was my friend Tia 3. text message: it was EE advertising by sport to me haha 4. song you listened to: I think it was I Smile by Day6 it’s a bop omg 5. time you cried: it’s been a while because I bottle up all my emotions but let’s not go into that now 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: nah 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: don’t think so 10. been depressed: it’s been quite prominent for a couple years I think 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: it was last summer I’ve been a good boy since
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: uhh like blue, purple anddddd yellow??
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yepp 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yeeee 18. found out someone was talking about you: don’t think so 19. met someone who changed you: not much 20. found out who your friends are: no I have the same friends really 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: noOO
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like all but one?? 23. do you have any pets: unfortunately not :(( 24. do you want to change your name: nah not really, I don’t like it too much but I’m just like a dog, I respond to it but it doesn’t mean anything to me 25. what did you do for your last birthday: nothing I think 26. what time did you wake up: usually around like half 9 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: I was on a plane maybe sleeping maybe reading 28. name something you can’t wait for: fucking KARD debuting with a mini album in like under 3 weeks I’m so excited wow 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like a couple minutes ago 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: this is such a weird question like what kind of answer like am I changing my depression or like am I changing how well my computer works like there’s a lot of things how serious are we looking 31. what are you listening to right now: my parents talk to their friend lmaooo 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom?: yeah I know a tom I went to school with one for like 5 years 33. something that is getting on your nerves: i kinda got a cold 34. most visited website: tumblr probably tbh 35-37. Um what?? 38. hair colour: it’s like standard blonde :(( 39. long or short hair: my hair is pretty short 40. do you have a crush on someone: yeh Mark Lee 41. what do you like about yourself: this one is hard honestly but I like my hardwork???? I worked a lot for my exams last month and I only had like a few mental breakdowns 42. piercings: I have none but I want my ears done soon 43. blood type: wtf who knows this 44. nickname: don’t have one unless you count the shortened version of my name 45. relationship status: single :( 46. zodiac: Leo 47. pronouns: he/him 48. favourite tv show: RWBY is a web show and I guess Sense8 is a Netflix original so it never actually aired on TV so imma not count them and say iZombie 49. tattoos: none atm, might get some when I’m older idk 50. right or left handed: right for me 51. surgery: I had to have a small op when I was 11 52. piercing: again?? Read my answer to the last one that said it 53. sport: I played tennis when I was young but I pretty much hate all sport now 55. vacation: I came home from Barcelona this morning lmao it was good 56. pair of trainers: what’s this even asking I own a pair of trainers yes
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: also what is this asking I’m not eating anything now yes I like eating it’s something I do often wtf 58. drinking: again wtf 59. i’m about to: I ain’t got no plans 61. waiting for: Splatoon 2 omg it’s so soon 62. want: the succ 63. get married: I’m not too fussed with marriage but if a future boyfriend wants to and it seems right then sure why not 64. career: I’m still in school but I’m not sure what I’d like to do when I’m older 65. hugs or kisses: both yass 66. lips or eyes: I’m more attracted to eyes??? Is that what’s it’s asking?? 67. shorter or taller: taller I’m like average for my age I think but I assume these questions are about what I prefer in a significant other so I guess I like a man a bit taller than me 68. older or younger: don’t mindddd 70. nice arms or nice stomach: I’m more attracted to nice stomachs woooo 71. sensitive or loud: I’m neither sensitive or loud??? But I’d prefer a partner that’s sensitive as I can deal with that you just don’t have to be mean but loud people can sometimes be annoying 72. hook up or relationship: hook ups yahhh (jk relationships omg wtf) 73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitantttt
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: nO OMG 75. drank hard liquor: nope 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: never had any 77. turned someone down: no, never had the opportunity HAHA 78. sex on the first date: I would yeah 79. broken someone’s heart: nOpe 80. had your heart broken: no?? 81. been arrested: I am a good boy no 82. cried when someone died: only Pyrrha 83. fallen for a friend: nah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: rarely 85. miracles: no 86. love at first sight: don’t think so 87. santa claus: not any more 88. kiss on the first date: yeee sure that’s cool 89. angels: i don’t think so
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: 91. eye colour: bluey green it seems like they’re turning green wtf 92. favourite movie: probably the incredibles tbh I tag: @mightymegalodon
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