#it was 106°F yesterday
Can we all just collectively skip the rest of summer and go straight to fall?
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 months
Noooooo, I was writing this morning when the power went out, and I lost so many words 🙃 Also, more importantly, it's been hot as fuck lately so... wonderful
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March 1, 2024
Day 1 in La Colorada, Los Santos!
Yesterday Dena and I flawlessly travelled to Los Santos by ourselves and it was very straightforward. We're staying with Stephanie until Sunday to get to experience life with an active volunteer. Stephanie has been at this site for exactly a year now but because of the consolidation period last year her experience is a little wonky. Last November all active Peace Corps members in Panama were gathered up to a central location to wait out country wide protests against a new mine. Consolidation is one step before evacuation because both the US and Panama would like to avoid having to evacuate members. For 38 days 81 active volunteers were sequestered because the protests were leading to road closures and food shortages. Really cool that the protest was successful in closing the mine down.
We arrived in town yesterday and it's HOT and dry and very dead. About 106⁰F today and everything is dead. The journey from Los Mortales took us about 4 hours total. This community has about 2000 people, 5 times the size of the community I currently live in. The primary concern of this community has been solid waste management and combatting burning piles of trash.
Stephanie's community guide showed us how he is boiling sugar cane juice to make miel de caña (sugar cane honey). He has to boil the jugo de caña for 8 hours in that big vat. He also gave us fresh pressed sugar cane and ginger juice (gaurapo). Then at one point he handed me a 6 day old puppy so I was a happy gal.
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Otherwise we've just been observing her routines as a volunteer living alone in a community. She has two dogs and really feels that they give her companionship and protection and she works with a travel vet who stops in her town to give them vaccines and check-ups. It's been nice to just relax and not have classes or five kids screaming my name. But I do still hope that when I get placed for my site it's closer to the mountains. Stephanie hosts an English club for kids who wanted to improve their English over the summer break so today we helped her prepare for the end of club party, as regular school will begin again on Monday. We made chocolate chip cookies in a frying pan for the kids. Loving the sleepover and getting to know Dena better but know I'll be happy to return to Los Mortales on Sunday.
P.S. supposedly Los Santos is the only region with Spider Monkeys but I haven't seen any yet.
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zombolouge · 1 year
It is the beginning of April, and thus three months of the year have gone by, and I would just like to recount some of the things that have happened to me in the span of three goddamn months this year so you all can understand that when I say I am Cursed in some nature this is not just me being quirky and eccentric, it is the only logical explanation.
Work changed PTO schedule to an accrual system, did not tell us until I was into a week off in January, so now I have No Days Off perpetually
got food poisoning
got pneumonia
broke my wrist
toaster broke
toilet exploded (suddenly and inexplicably), destroyed several towels
car was stolen
moving money used to replace stolen car
new car was towed
tried to apply to an appt, got denied, and then found out the 300 holding fee they make you pay was getting refunded VIA MAILED CHECK, IN SEVERAL WEEKS
moving money assistance application was sent to the shadow realm, the only method of support is via email, nobody answers the email
have to stay and sign a lease for 400 more a month
work changed pay schedule so I make 150 dollars less a pay check (but sometimes get an extra check a month). We were given 1-month notice.
mysterious Fever that almost killed me (we don't know what caused it, the fever was the ONLY symptom, and it reached 106 F)
my cat of 20 years passed away a few days ago
my car was broken into AGAIN yesterday and it's 500 bucks to replace the window and I have to drive to Bellevue in 37 F with no window to do it
Anyways hope 2023 is going great for everyone else because I sure as FUCK am carrying some Cursed Weight for us all. :)
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julius12345678910 · 21 days
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I saw this Lee Krasner painting from across the room at the LACMA yesterday and I was just like YES. I ended up going there because there is a terrible heat wave in LA. yesterday it was 106 F outside.
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fantabulisticity · 1 year
Hm. It's past noon and I am hungry and have been since I had to get up in the middle of the night to turn down my heater and go pee. And I'm thirsty. And I'm still lying in bed. And I need to call my friend who moved away recently and I need to do dishes and put away my clean laundry and vacuum and clean my kitchen and buy groceries and an air conditioning unit bc the last guy who lived in this apartment told me it gets hellishly hot in the summer (hotter than outside), so I can't use my usual strategy of "just suffer" this time around without it being very bad for my health. Because normally when it's 106°F outside it's only like 98°F inside and I just lie on the floor in my underwear and groan and it works out. But if it gets HOTTER inside than it is outside then like. I can open my windows. And it'll be 100°F+. But I can also AFFORD an air conditioning unit this year without going into debt and having to use the food bank for several months. So I should probably get one. And I need to buy it NOW before it starts getting warm and I have to drive 2 or 3 hours to find any to buy. Which means I need to get up now. But my bed is cozy and I don't wanna get up. I got up early yesterday and didn't even get to go back to bed before I had to Do Stuff. So I want to spend all day in bed today. But I have SO MUCH shit to do :(
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jones7thavenue · 2 years
2022 Diary Entry No. 24
I'm. So. Beyond. Pissed. Because. My. Man. Cheated. On. Me. With. Another. Fucking. Woman. GodDAMN it, I should've broken up with his ass when I had the chance, but now I'm stuck with Maxi and weekend Mommy Duties. This is bullshit. Right now, as he got back with me after I got caught, I'm wanting to kill him, but I can't do it, in fear of retaliation, as I'm stuck with a $106 bill to my mother-in-law to retrieve my Chromebook and PlayStation 4. He fucking broke my heart and promise to me. I just need to calm down before I go over there and go from 0 to 25 to life....which, unfortunately, I can't afford to do at this point. Fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, FUCKING SHIT!
Anyway, I need to calm down + read a book, for a change. Fifi tore the covers off my copy of The Hobbit, but it won't stop me from reading it before it gets torn away and fucked beyond repair. Before that, however, I need to organize my medication for the week coming...except that I don't have enough Abilify for that, so unless the psychiatrist has an appointment with me soon, I won't get sleep for a while.
I couldn't sleep or get myself to reading at all. I've been smoking 3 cigarettes for the past 4 hours, all because that manslut pissed me off. Plus, I tried to masturbate, but even that has no effect on me, except that I need to pee....which I just did. It's all his fault, and, no, I will not deny that. It's just fucking ridiculous. It really is. Buying replacement equipment for Christmas is going to be a bitch, good Lord. I want to cry, but that has gone out the fucking window by now, because I know it's going to take me several fucking steps back. Even I tried to get my aunt in FL to believe me, but....she's mad at me right now. Best thing I should do is give everyone space for now, make this blog diary my best friend for the time being, read it for another time, see how much I've grown or shrunk overtime......in two years, maybe. Just maybe. Smoking is expensive, but it's the only fucking thing that'll calm me down at this point. I just can't believe my life is unfolding from perfection before my face. I am trying not to fucking cry. If only I fucking stayed in college. I didn't because I'm fucking broke. Look at what I made me. This unfolding is my own fault, regardless of who I blame. Thanks to my own ass, I'm forever unable to work in my lifetime. Fuck. My. Life. Fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, FUCKING SHIT!!!
My nails are getting more fragile. My heart is severely broken. I'm on a semi-dry spell. I can't fucking stand it, man. My parents are at each other's throats every fucking M-F in front of my face. GodDAMN it, I should've graduated from a shit load of schools a long ass time ago. Going back to school takes money. It's just so fucking unfair + dark + lonely + empty. I can't feel suicidal, but I just need better, and in order to earn better, I need to be better than this shit. I went to the UBH 2 times too many, when it shoulda been one time. I blame it on him regardless of how much it's also mine. All of it. I don't give a fuck about nothing anymore.
I just painted my fingernails black, out of boredom. I'm waiting for the polish to dry right now. I need to fucking eat some food, actual food, instead of this fucking junk food. I already threw out rotted or soon to be rotted leftovers. I ran on six spicy chicken nuggets and nachos and cereal and coffee yesterday. That doesn't give me the right to eat fucking junk food. What the fuck am I doing that for, yo? Wait a fucking minute...I had put myself on a food shopping ban....fuck that ban.
I just ordered some cereal and extra chocolate Belvita breakfast biscuits and 3 twelve-packs of all the Stubborn Soda Co.'s flavors of soda. All of them are delicious for being organic pop. I should recommend them to my older sibs. They'll thank me later. Speaking of which, I should do review TikToks on these. That should be fucking interesting.
It's been a bright day today. I just helped Jackie put the groceries away, and I'm eating a piece of pecan pie, choosing to nibble a little at a time until I feel more at peace with myself. I'm not going to talk about it anymore, for I fear it'll piss me off more than I'll ever admit.
I watched the first episodes of Teletubbies on Netflix, narrated by Tituss Burgess, making me silently happy cry for the first time in my life. I just needed a happy cry, and I'm happy I found it. I know, I'm crying again, but why not? I deserve to cry, do I not? I didn't have a childhood, being locked into slavery with my grandmother, who I forgive because it's what Jesus would've wanted anyone to do with their ex anyone, for that matter. I'm broken because of stress and mental illness. Overwhelming mental illness, I tell you. I'm in pain because I was used all of my life. This pain is not only from physical abuse, but also mental, emotional, psychological, physiological....all over is in pain. Like, when will I fucking stop hurting? When will the pain stop? Fucking shit.
I had to smoke a cig to calm my nerves. Anyway, I'm going to read The Hobbit tonight while my parents are asleep. Just to relieve the pain in my aching heart. I'm getting back into reading, slowly, but surely. Maybe reading is the way to my own heart, after all, while I wait for my property to come back to me. I'll have to wait. It's the only way. I need to stand up on my own feet. In fact, I need to spend time with a friend, any friend, just to distance myself from the bullshit and the pain. I'm tired of this pain that's lasted my whole life. I'm sorry, I'm crying again, but fuck it! I no longer give a fuck about what others say about crying. I deserve to cry over who I am. It's just my heart breaking. I have a lot to think about. I hate being like this. I won't stay like this. Never again am I going to stay like this. I have to grow, because Max needs me more than anyone. And the next moves I make will effect and affect his relationships with women for the rest of his life, and my own relationships with men for the rest of my life. I can't let this pain win. I won't. I will win. Not just for Max, but for the two of us.
To be continued...
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dailyaudiobible · 2 years
11/06/2022 DAB Transcript
Ezekiel 14:12-16:41, Hebrews 7:18-28, Psalms 106:1-12, Proverbs 27:4-6
Today is the 6th day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. A brand-new week is out in front of us, and we will march into it together as this journey continues day by day, step-by-step. And our journey currently has us sailing through the book of Ezekiel, which is what we’ll continue to do. This week we’ll read from the New English Translation, the NET Bible and picking up where we left off yesterday, Ezekiel chapter 14 verse 12 through 16 verse 41.
Father, we thank you for your word, we thank you for bringing us into this brand-new shiny sparkly week that we get to…that…that we get to live into and write the story of our lives upon it as we walk with you. And we thank you that the Scriptures do indeed transform the way we write the story of our lives. We thank you that they challenge all that is false with in us and bring out what is true, and we ask Holy Spirit that that continue as we submit and collaborate with you in your work within us. We thank you for what we read in the book of Ezekiel today, the way that you love your people and the way that your people betray you as an adulterous lover. That is not the story we want to be telling as we write the story of our lives this week or as we write the story of our lives this month or for the rest of this year or for the rest of our lives. That is not the story that we want. We want a story of faithfulness, that we would lean to you for dear life, but also that we would fall in love with you irreversibly as you have shown us that you have fallen in love with us. So Holy Spirit come, certainly lead us into all truth, lead us on the pathways of righteousness, lead us deeper into love with you, we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi neighbors, it's Lisa the Encourager I wanted to call in to pray for Chris Ann and I heard the anguish and sorrow in your voice in asking us to pray for your marriage to be reconciled with your husband and your true faith for holding on for so long and just asking God to help you. And I'm praying for you Chris Ann. I'm praying for your reconciliation with your marriage and that your husband, his life will be turned around from Christ and that he will see what he's missing in such a beautiful, wonderful woman as you are. And I also want to pray for Tim, Christy from Kentucky’s sweet husband. I just enjoyed my friendship with Chrissy for many years now to the campfire and I just wanna pray for her sweet husband that he can be healed from this illness that he has and that everything will…the doctors will be able to find a good cure for whatever it is that he has. And we know that ultimately Christ is the healer of all and we have faith that He will heal Tim as well. And I also wanted to say just a quick little shout out to Grant and Aiden Sparky's sons and say it was nice to hear from you both and I'm glad you're doing good in football and I'm glad you're making friends and it was really nice for you to both come on and say hello to us. So, dear God let's all pray together for Chris Ann and Tim. I pray God for Chris Anne's marriage to be restored dear Lord. I pray God that Your heavenly and will be laid upon their marriage and they will be able to reconcile soon to all and give all the glory you because we…
Good morning, DABbers this is Jerry who lives in Wyoming and currently in Peoria AZ. I'm here with…in the home of my sister and brother-in-law. I'm here visiting for the first time after quite a few years, more than 20 years. Oh gosh it's even been even more than that. And my sister has mid stage dementia and my brother-in-law has…has stage four prostate cancer. He has weeks maybe only days to live. I've been here for a couple of days and I have to go back home and get my stuff in order then hopefully, hopefully, I pray that I will be able to come back and help them out. I just ask for prayers for strength and courage and prayers of healing. I haven't seen my sister in forever and we never really got along but now she's wanting to have me here and she's felt such comfort when she saw me. And I just pray that God will work it all out so that I can be here with them and that it's not too late that I can be back in to see the two of them within the next week or so, however God sees fit. Please pray for complete healing and…and that God is so sad. I love you all for your prayers. Thank you. Bye.
Hello, my wonderful DAB family this is Rosie also known as Great to be Free in Jesus. I was just calling to say thank you for the Sleep it contemplative journey. It was available last night so I was able to listen to it and I just think it's a God thing because the very next day after we’re…the very first time we could even listen to it, the Bible is talking about rest. In Hebrews 4:8-11. First Joshua had given them rest. God would not have spoken of another day later on. So then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from His. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.” And that's the kind of rest that we need. And I'm so thankful for it because I went to sleep faster last night, and I feel so rested today. And I can't tell you when the last time was, I had such good deep sleep. But anyway, I just wanted to say thank you and I love you my wonderful DAB family. And I'm still praying for you and your families every day. And God bless you.
Hey it's Kayla. I don't know if God loves me anymore, but I don't really care anymore. I'm just ready to go home to heaven. I hate to leave behind __ and my daughter, but I just can't do this. I'm living in a hell on earth. Thank you to all who pray for me. I don't know what else to do. I don't wanna survive anymore.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 years
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themorningsunshine · 2 years
I think I saw you in my dreams once
A sequel to My Night Demons
Pairing - Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Summary -  Soulmate AU -  In which one can see their soulmate’s dreams and communicate with them through those dreams.
Or,where Bucky thinks there is not the slightest chance in the world that he has a soulmate but then why is there a girl constant in his nightmares, trying to calm down his night demons?
Word count - 3.5k
Warnings - Nothing (Yeah, I am surprised myself)
a/n - And here it is!! I will be forever grateful for all the love My Night Demons has got. That fic is extremely close to my heart and your kind words has made it even more meaningful.
I had all these ideas for the sequel. Mostly angsty with all the feels, but it turned out to be the softest thing I have ever written. It’s just a ball of fluff. I hope you like it and let me know what you think about it.. Hearing from you guys makes my day :)
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Bucky fidgeted with his fingers as he paced the room. To say that he was nervous would be a huge understatement.  He had not slept the whole night yesterday. Creating thousands of scenarios in his mind about how this day could go. Thinking about all the things he could say, all the things he could ask, all the things he could do. He shakes that thought away as soon as it arises. He wouldn't let himself hope.
As if on cue, he feels a pat on his shoulder and he doesn't have to turn back to know it's the two idiots he called friends standing behind him with the widest grins on their faces.
"Finally!! It's the day!!" Sam spoke loudly as if alerting the whole tower.
Steve chuckled and patted Bucky's shoulder, "Don't worry, man.. It's gonna go great."
Bucky gives him a grateful smile which quickly vanishes when he sees two more people walking in.
"Wow, is the day here already? I thought it would take even longer." Nat snickered.   "Look, tin man, I don't care what you do, don't screw up today. It's not like there are many people who are willing to be with a 106 year old man. So, just don't show her how you really are and you should be fine." Tony said in mock seriousness. He then kept something on the table besides him and said, "Also, there is a party this weekend. Bring her along."
Bucky's eyes widened as he looked at the piece of paper. "What's the occasion, Stark?" Even though he knew Tony never really needed an occassion to throw parties, he felt obliged to ask.
Tony just shrugged as if throwing a party with hundreds of people was just a regular occurrence, and for him, it really was.
"No, really, we also want to meet her. Wanna see the girl who melted your cold heart, Barnes." Nat pointed a finger at him, as if threatening him to listen to her.
"Yes, I want to meet her too. You just don't stop talking about her, about how beautiful and sweet and kind and smart and funny she is." Sam says imitating and mocking Bucky.
Bucky hit Sam on the head with the invitation card but couldn't help the little smile that crept up to his lips. He hoped nobody would notice.
"Oh, you're so in love, old man." Nat chuckles as Steve ushers everybody outside the room.
The restaurant looked really comfortable and was lit in a warm golden light but it did little to calm Bucky's nerves. He had come here 20 minutes early, hoping that getting settled and familiar with the place would help him become a little less nervous.
His thoughts were all over the place. He was about to meet you for the first time. Atleast outside his dreams. Seeing you today would remove the possibility of you not being real but just a figment of his imagination. A possibility that constantly haunted him.
What if you didn't show up? What if you did show up but realised that he and his past is too much for you? He wouldn't blame you if you decided that you didn't want to sign up for this? But you had seen him at his worst and assured him that you wanted to be there for him. You told him you'd wait.
And you did wait. It had been a few months since he had showed up in your dream unannounced and you had spill your heart to him. These months had gone by in a blur. Now that he was willingly making a connection with you, he found himself a part of a lot of your dreams. He enjoyed most of them. The one at the beaches, with the childhood memories, even the scary ones that you told him you had got after a Conjuring marathon.
Once he had also transported to your dream to find himself and everybody around him as dinosaus. He was super confused about it the whole time and the both of you had gotten a great laugh at the memory the next day.
You were a part of his dreams too, little more frequently than he was. The nightmares were getting little less frequent and he was scared that it was the only way he would ever be able to see you. But then he started seeing some good dreams too. They were extremely rare but were amazingly peaceful. Those were his favourite. The both of you could just be together peacefully.
These months were enough for him to realise that he had made the right decision. That you were indeed his soulmate. Because how else could he explain to Steve why he was smiling the whole day after waking up because the both of you had spent the last night fighting wizards and flying dragons?
Those months were enough for him to fall in love with you. How could he not? You had showed up in his darkest hours and not run away the other way round when you faced his night demons. That you could make something as silly as talking dolphins the highlight of his week? That he had started to look forward to the nights he used to dread and the nightmares he had learnt to hate?
He hadn't realised it until Sam pointed it out to him and called him in his exact words, "A 106 year old ex assassin being a love sick puppy." He would still not admit it to anyone but he could keep this little secret to himself.
The chimes of the restaurant door ring and Bucky is brought out of his thoughts. He looks up and there you are, standing at the door and looking around the place searching for him.
Bucky can't believe his eyes and a sigh of relief leaves him. You were real and you were right there. All thoughts in his mind calmed themselves down as he looked at you. You were in a yellow sundress and it was as if he was walking back on a memory lane. It was very similar to the dress you had worn the first time you had showed up in his dream. All his thoughts and doubts settled down as only one question lingered in his mind, How did you look even more beautiful in real life?
After a moment of looking around, your eyes frantically searching all over the place, you let out a breathe you didn't know you were holding as your eyes landed on him. A smile found its way to your lips as all your nerves calmed down as you gave him a small wave and started walking.
Bucky saw you walking towards him and his heart started racing once again. How do you greet your soulmate who you are technically meeting for the first time? Will a handshake be too formal? A kiss too forward? What about a bow? Oh, he was going to go crazy. Was there even a right way to greet the girl you are in love with?
When you stand directly in front of him, he doesn't have the time to think before you circle your arms around him and engulf him in a hug. All the air is sucked out of his lungs and his heart is beating so fast, he is pretty sure you will be able to hear it. When he snaps out of his daze and brings his hands to hug you back, he realises that he didn't really know how your touch felt like before this. But it's exactly like he had imagined. Soft and gentle.
Ths hug is over too soon for Bucky's liking and you take a step back.
Maybe it's the way you are looking at him or the giddy smile on your face that you are trying so hard to hide, but all that Bucky does is whisper, 'Hi' with a wide smile of his own.
You give a breathy chuckle as you reply and Bucky is suddenly aware of his surroundings. He quickly moves and pulls up a chair for you. The one exactly opposite his. As much as he wants to stay as near as possible, he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
He can see you are flustered by his action. He might not be as charming and smooth he used to be in the 40s, but he does know how to treat a woman right.
Once you are comfortable on your seat, Bucky sits back down and takes a moment to just look at you. He can see the way your eyes shine under the glow of the restaurant light, but brighter than any light he has ever seen is the smile you are adorning. You have a gentle look on your face and are biting your lips nervously. Bucky glances at your lips for a fleeting moment. They look so soft, he has to physically hold himself back from leaning in just to have a taste.
You look ethereal and Bucky can't help but wonder how he got so lucky.
The words leave his mouth before he has the chance to stop them, "You look beautiful."
Your cheeks turn red and heat crept to your neck. He was going to be the death of you. Your breathe hitched in your throat at the way he was looking at you and you realised you could stare into those blue orbs till the end of time without blinking. When you realise you're staring, you clear your throat and pray to the heavens to grant you the courage to form a coherent reply. "Thanks. You look good too." You remember something and your smile widens a little bit more as you continue. "In fact, you look so good, I think I saw you in my dreams once."
Bucky can't help but laugh at that. "You have been waiting to say that, haven't you?"
You nod your head with a playful smile and reply, "For a very long time."
After that, time passes in a blur. In between conversations about your family and job, his team and friends, hours pass without anyone of you realising it. You tell him about where you grew up and ended up in the job you now had and he tells you all about the team and the tower with occasional recollections dating back to the 40s.
Somewhere in the middle of all that, Bucky's gloves are discarded to the side and your fingers are occasionally brushing his. He now finds it silly that he was worried if you would flinch away from him or his arm. You had seen him at his worst and was still sitting right there, talking and laughing with him like you had known him for years.
He realises that you like to talk a lot. Sometimes you would get too excited about something and start rambling about it. You would then later realise what you have been doing and apologise for going on a tangent but Bucky assures you that it's alright, that he wants to hear you talk. What he doesn't tell you is that he feels like he could just sit and listen to you for hours, if you'd let him.
When the waiter comes to your table to tell you that it's time for the restaurant to close, you realise just how much time has passed. You look around to realise that there is hardly anybody sitting inside the restaurant right now and all your food has been over already. The sun had set long back and it was dark outisde. If you were being being honest, you couldn't even remember how the food was.
You give an apologetic smile to the waiter and ask him to get the bill. You look at Bucky and wish that this day was as special to him as it was to you. That even he wasn't ready for this night to be over just yet.
As a kid, when you had heard about all those soulmate stories, you had wondered how your soulmate would be like. You had wondered how he took his coffee, if he liked pancakes too, how he sounded. You had created numerous scenarios in your head about seeing him in your dreams or meeting him but nothing could prepare you for the man sitting in front of you right now.
You had known about him before you saw him for the first time in that dream. Numerous news reports, newspaper articles and rumours, even pictures, but nothing compared to actually seeing him. He was the kindest, sweetest and the most attentive man you had ever met. He had created a tough wall around himself to protect him after everything he had been through but once you made your way through it, you would meet a man, who had got nothing but pain and hate from the universe but was still fighting to save the world, to do good. He was the best soulmate you could have ever asked for.
The waiter coming back with the bill snaps you out of your thoughts. After a lot of resistance from you, Bucky pays the complete bill, ending the argument with, "Gotta let me take that, doll." You couldn't argue back after that nickname.
As the both of you walk out of the restaurant, Bucky can't help but smile. He had not felt this light in a very long time. He didn't feel the weight of guilt or remorse on his shoulders and was instead filled with hope. Hope for a better future.  
But he didn't want this night to be over just yet. He had got to know a lot about you today but it wasn't enough. Far from it. He wanted to know everything about you. He wanted to get to know you forever if you had let him. So, no, he didn't want the night to be over just yet.
Once the both of you were outside the restaurant, you turn back and smile at him. You wanted badly to spend some more time with him but you didn't want to burden him either. "Thank you for today, Sargeant."
Bucky's heart skips a beat at the nickname but he knows he has to say something quick. "It's really late, doll. Let me drop you home?" He looks at you, a little unsure if he had overstepped. He didn't want to cross a line. He didn't want you to think he had ulterior motives. Yes, there were numerous times throughout the night when all he wanted to do was to lean in and kiss you, but he would be extremely content with just your company either. If it also let him make sure that you reached home safe, that was a bonus.  
"You don't have to, Buck. I don't want to be a problem."
Bucky shakes his head and replies, "Never, doll. You can never be a problem." You give him a smile and nod your head. Your cheeks almost hurt with how much you had smiled today.
Just as Bucky is about to call a cab, you speah hurriedly, "Bucky?" When he looks back at you, you continue, "Let's walk?"
Was your house a little far from the restaurant? Yes
Would you have taken a cab on any other day? Also, yes
But did walking mean getting to spend more time with him?
The last thought had taken over all the others and you hoped he would agree. Bucky was more than happy to.
The both of you turned towards your house, you promising to lead the way and jokingly assuring him that you weren't going to kidnap him and then the conversation continued from where you had left it as if like you hadn't stopped talking at all.
After a couple of minutes of walking, Bucky had swiftly shifted towards your other side, now walking along the side of the road. His simple gesture had rendered you speechless and you swear you could kiss him right there.
The mood between the two of you was a little different here than the restaurant. There were conversations and laughs just like before, but there were also long stretches of comfortable silence. During which the both of you just enjoyed each other's company.
In the middle of one of those silences, Bucky had brushed his fingers with yours and unlike the other such instances, you knew this was intentional. He was heasitantly asking for permission to hold your hand. You brushed your fingers through his too as if telling him it was okay and then enterwined your fingers with his. You took a side glance at him and could swear he was smiling as widely as you were.
If you were not in love with him before, you were definitely a goner now.
Before you knew it, the both of you had reached your home.
"I swear I remembered it to be further." You remarked and he chuckled in reply.
"Thank you so much for today, Buck. For everything." You smiled at him.
"Thank you, doll, for waiting for me."
"I would have waited for you forever." The words tumbled from your lips before you had the chance to think twice. You shouldn't have said that. It was too forward. When you look up to him, half expecting him to looking at you with a confused gaze, you were surprised to meet his eyes.
His gaze was intense and he was looking at you like those were the most precious words he had ever heard.
His eyes involuntarily dropped to your lips and he cursed himself before looking back up only to realise that you had done the same. Before the courage left him, he takes a small step towards you. He half expected you to push him back so he becomes extremely surprised when instead, you stand on your tiptoes and close the distance between the both of you.
The kiss is soft and gentle and yet feels like your souls were meeting. Bucky had heard that when you kiss someone you love, the world starts spinning around you, your thoughts and heart frantic, but it's nothing like that.
It feels completely different. The world isn't spinning aroud him, it has come to a standstill. His thoughts aren't frantic, they are calm, for the first time in forever.
Bucky thinks it feels like coming home after a long day of work. Like the first drops of rain after months of drought. Like coming to the shore after spending months in the ocean.
When the necessity to breathe rises, you pull away from him slightly even though Bucky is pretty sure he would drown himself for the chance of kissing you once more.
The both of you lean in again until your foreheads touch each others. You stand like that for what could be hours or just mere seconds before whispering, "I am glad we found each other in our dreams, Buck."
"I would have found you anyways." When you look at him narrowing your eyes in confusion, he continues, "I would have found you anywhere, doll. If we had not met in my dreams, we would have met in the city. If not in the city, I would have found you outside America, in England, Paris, India or hell, even Antarctica. I would have found you in any corner of the world or even the world beyond this one, because you are my destiny. You are my fate. And I think I am exactly where I was supposed to be."
All you can do at his words is look at him and hopefully, he would read your eyes and understand everything you are trying to tell him. Every emotion you felt for him that you couldn't put in words. All the gratitude you felt for the world for making him your soulmate.
And maybe he does understand that, because the next thing you know is his lips are on yours once again. It feels exactly like the first time, if not better. You wonder if that's how it is going to be spending your life with him, each kiss, each day spent, better then the last one. You were willing to find out.
Bucky didn't have the perfect life. As far from it as it could get, actually.
He always blamed fate. Despised it for writing his story like this.
But if you were going to look at him like that for the rest of his life, he thanks whatever god is up there to write his fate this way.
'Cause fate had found his soul worthy of yours, and he was determined to prove it right.
Taglist -  @shawnie--jo @anghstybean @shortnloud @hawkeyes-queen @buchanansrose @iamtrying @cjand10 @kingfleury
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animusrox · 5 years
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1.   Avengers: Endgame 2.   Parasite 3.   Waves 4.   1917 5.   The Lighthouse 6.   The Last Black Man in San Francisco 7.   The Farewell 8.   Midsommar 9.   Shazam! 10.   Uncut Gems
[Grade A]
11.   El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie 12.   Knives Out 13.   I Lost My Body 14.   The Nightingale 15.   Joker 16.   The Death of Dick Long 17.   Ready or Not 18.   Jojo Rabbit 19.   Just Mercy 20.   Dragged Across Concrete 21.   Cold Pursuit 22.   Marriage Story 23.   Hotel Mumbai 24.   The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind 25.   Arctic 26.   The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot 27.   Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 28.   Klaus 29.   A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 30.   American Factory 31.   Ford v Ferrari 32.   The Public 33.   Alita: Battle Angel 34.   The Report 35.   In Fabric 36.   Her Smell 37.   Hustlers 38.   Under the Silver Lake 39.   Happy Death Day 2U 40.   Bombshell 41.   A Vigilante 42.   Apollo 11 43.   The Two Popes 44.   Long Shot 45.   The Irishman 46.   The Amazing Johnathan Documentary 47.   Doctor Sleep 48.   The Current War 49.   Jumanji: The Next Level 50.   Toy Story 4 51.   Ad Astra 52.   Gloria Bell 53.   Dark Waters 54.   Them That Follow
Click Keep Reading For My Full List
[Grade B]
55.   Pain and Glory 56.   Hala 57.   It: Chapter Two 58.   Dolemite Is My Name 59.   Our House 60.   American Dreamer 61.   The King 62.   The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part 63.   Terminator: Dark Fate 64.   Little Women 65.   Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 66.   Judy 67.   Us 68.   Child’s Play 69.   Honey Boy 70.   Haunt 71.   Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 72.   The Laundromat 73.   Wrinkles the Clown 74.   The Addams Family 75.   Teen Spirit 76.   Ma 77.   Missing Link 78.   Annabelle Comes Home 79.   Spider-Man: Far from Home 80.   One Child Nation 81.   Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans 82.   Between Two Ferns: The Movie 83.   The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil 84.   The Wind 85.   Portrait of a Lady on Fire 86.   Crawl 87.   Brittany Runs a Marathon 88.   Wounds 89.   Queen & Slim 90.   Good Boys 91.   The Peanut Butter Falcon 92.   Pokémon Detective Pikachu 93.   Rocketman 94.   The Beach Bum 95.   Brightburn 96.   The Hole in the Ground 97.   Aladdin 98.   Justice League vs. the Fatal Five 99.   Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened 100.   Fyre Fraud
[Grade C]
101.   High Life 102.   6 Underground 103.   Captive State 104.   Blinded by the Light 105.   Captain Marvel 106.   Climax 107.   Greta 108.   Hagazussa 109.   Last Christmas 110.   Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 111.   Black and Blue 112.   The Kid Who Would Be King 113.   Nightmare Cinema 114.   Little Monsters 115.   The Upside 116.   The Art of Self-Defense 117.   Richard Jewell 118.   Polar 119.   Fighting With My Family 120.   Glass 121.   Abominable 122.   Knock Down the House 123.   Escape Room 124.   The Aftermath 125.   Where’d You Go, Bernadette 126.   John Wick: Chapter 3 127.   The Dead Don’t Die 128.   The Lion King 129.   El Chicano 130.   Yesterday 131.   Maleficent: Mistress of Evil 132.   Lucy in the Sky 133.   In the Tall Grass 134.   Motherless Brooklyn 135.   Reign of the Supermen 136.   Dora and the Lost City of Gold
[Grade D]
137.   Godzilla: King of the Monsters 138.   Five Feet Apart 139.   The Good Liar 140.   Playing with Fire 141.   Triple Frontier 142.   The Goldfinch 143.   Triple Threat 144.   The Kitchen 145.   21 Bridges 146.   Iron Sky: The Coming Race 147.   Pet Sematary 148.   Charlie’s Angels 149.   3 from Hell 150.   Luce 151.   Gemini Man 152.   Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 153.   I Trapped the Devil 154.   Anna 155.   Zombieland: Double Tap 156.   The Best of Enemies 157.   Countdown 158.   Harriet 159.   Late Night 160.   How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 161.   Always Be My Maybe 162.   Tolkien 163.   Stuber 164.   Don’t Let Go 165.   Miss Bala 166.   Farming 167.   Polaroid
[Grade F]
168.   47 Meters Down: Uncaged 169.   Dumbo 170.   Wonder Woman: Bloodlines 171.   Frozen II 172.   Dark Phoenix 173.   Batman: Hush 174.   Booksmart 175.   Men in Black: International 176.   The Secret Life of Pets 2 177.   Satanic Panic 178.   Wonder Park 179.   Black Christmas 180.   Primal 181.   Rambo: Last Blood 182.   Angel Has Fallen 183.   The Curse of La Llorona 184.   The Angry Birds Movie 2 185.   Jexi 186.   Shaft 187.   Isn’t It Romantic 188.   Mercy Black 189.   The Prodigy 190.   Velvet Buzzsaw
191.   UglyDolls 192.   The Intruder 193.   Replicas 194.   Serenity 195.   Hellboy 196.   The Hustle 197.   The Souvenir 198.   Cats 199.   Sextuplets 200.   The Fanatic
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Lessons in History
Part Two: Coming Out of Retirement
Pairing: History teacher Bucky Barnes x English teacher/former SHIELD agent reader
Word count: 1,545
Warnings: Explicit Language, PTSD triggers
Beta-read by @drinkfantasy 💕💕
The tour ended at your classrooms. “So that makes us neighbors, then,” Barnes says, shoving his hands into his pockets. Glass gave you his classroom key for whatever reason, and you hand it to him. “It’s all yours,” you fake a smile. All you want is to hunker down in your classroom with the door locked and talk to nobody.
Barnes fumbles with the key and lets himself into his new room. Before he closes the door, he says, “Hey, (Y/N)? Can you show me how to work some of this stuff?”
You chuckle. “You’re such an old man.”
You hear him mumble “you have no idea…”
You have no idea what I know, you think to yourself. “Can we do this tomorrow? I’m meeting someone for dinner,” you say. He nods. “Yeah, of course.”
You sat at the bistro outside with your best friend from when you were in SHIELD. Though you were retired, and it was now SWORD, and technically she could die for giving you this information, Callie slid you the file. It was thick, with “CONFIDENTIAL” stamped on it in big red letters. “How the hell did he get this job?” You ask, flipping open the file.
Callie took a sip of water. “It’s part of his reintegration into society. The government gave him an honorary degree and gave him some basic teacher training.” You rolled your eyes. “He’s gonna get eaten alive,” you whisper. Callie looked at you. “Not exactly. That’s where you come in. They know you work there, so they consider this sort of coming out of retirement.”
You slammed the folder shut. “But I never agreed to this! I just wanted a normal civilian life! I can’t teach MY kids AND babysit a super soldier!” You exclaim. Callie sets her hands on yours, warning you to quiet down with a look. You shake your head. “I’m sorry, it just would have been nice to get a warning. Especially…” you sigh. “They DO remember he almost killed me, right?” You ask quietly. Callie nodded, biting the inside of her cheek. “Listen, (Y/N). I know this isn’t the ideal situation, but he HAS been pardoned by the government, and they’re doing their best—“ You cut her off. “I don’t give a fuck if the government pardoned him. I still have to forgive him, and I don’t know what it will take or how long it will take to get there.” Callie squeezed your hands. “(Y/N), I understand how you’re feeling. Unfortunately, for both of your sakes, you’re going to have to set the bitterness aside. You were a badass agent, and you’re an awesome teacher. I know you’ll be able to teach a 106-year-old dog some new tricks.” She smiled and winked. Calming down, you take a sip of water. “Okay, you’re right. I can do this. But tell me, is there anything else I will need to know?” Callie avoided eye contact as she said, “We also might’ve moved him into the apartment next to you.” Fucking fantastic, you think. I’ll never be able to escape those cold, steely blue eyes.
You manage to avoid him when you get home from having Callie dump the weight of a former HYDRA pawn on your shoulders. You can’t help, though, stealing a glance at his door as you slip inside your apartment. “If they’re gonna bring me out of retirement for this I better get paid well,” you mumble as you sink into your sofa with a glass of wine. Callie gave you his file to look through, and you’re being careful as to not spill any of the red onto the files. As you’re flipping through the various assassinations he’s committed—including John F. Kennedy—you hear a knock on your door. You hastily shove the file under the coffee table.
“Callie, I swear to God if you tell me anymore today—“ you stop mid-sentence as you see Barnes standing in front of you. “(Y/N)? You live here too?” You lean an arm against the doorframe and sigh. “Yup. Guess we’re neighbors here too, Barnes.” You try to smile, but your irritation is obvious. “Do you knock on all the strangers’ doors or just mine?” You ask. Barnes shakes his head. “No, I mean, I wanted to greet my new neighbors and introduce myself. I suppose that’s a second introduction for us, then.” He chuckles awkwardly, rubbing his left hand on the back of his neck. “I suppose so,” you respond with a straight face. Barnes shoves his hands into his pockets. “Well, it seems like I caught you at a bad time, so I’ll see you tomorrow, (Y/N).” “Bye, James,” you respond, quickly shutting the door so he can’t see the tears welling up. You lean on the door. He probably thinks I’m a bitch, but I can’t get hurt—or almost killed again, you think to yourself, sniffling. You still had the nightmares every once in a while, and you figured he would be in them again tonight.
You don’t realize he was standing outside your door still, trying to decide if he should check on you or leave you alone. He can still hear you sniffle as he returns to his apartment.
You’re tossing and turning that night, the feeling of the metal hand around your throat taking over your nightmare. You jolt awake, sweat covering your body. You check the time. 3:17. “Fuuuuuck” you groan, burying your face into your pillow. You try to fall asleep again, but every time you do, the nightmare picks up right where it leaves off, giving you no rest. After an hour and a half, you give up and start a cup of coffee. You rake your fingers through your disheveled hair. “Definitely not looking forward to professional development today,” you mumble to your empty apartment. Today you were going to have to play nice again, and teach grandpa Barnes how to work technology so that nobody suspects his true age. You chuckle despite yourself and say to nobody, “I wonder how he’s gonna handle the part in the history book where JFK was killed…”
You avoid Barnes for about half the day, but after lunch he asks, “(Y/N), can you show me how to work this stuff now?” You nod, putting down your seating chart you’d been working on to follow him into his room. Your blood pressure jumped as soon as he shut the door. “Are you okay?” He asks. You nod. “Yeah. Fine.” You can tell he doesn’t believe you as he settles into his chair. “Alright, so where do you want to start?” He shrugs. “How about hooking up this monitor to the other monitor and both of those to the projector.” His eyes grew wide. “The what?” You point to the projector. “That thing to these things.” You gesture to the monitors. You show him where things plug into each other and make him label the cords with masking tape. “I can’t come rescue you every time something gets unplugged,” you explain. He chuckles. “Thanks, (Y/N). You’re surprisingly patient with me, seeing as most people know how to work this shit.”
He looks up into your eyes. “You know… you look very familiar,” he says. You turn with a start, tucking some hair behind your ear nervously. “N-n-no, you’ve never met me before yesterday.” Seeing you shrink from him gives it away. “Wait, let me see your eyes again.” Though it’s the last thing you want to do, you turn around and look him in the eyes again. He feels a dull ache in his vibranium arm, and vaguely remembers getting clapped in the back of the head. “Oh my God,” his eyes widen in realization. “I-I-I’m sorry…” He hangs his head, tears forming in his eyes.
You almost feel bad for him. You watch him as he clenches and unclenches a fist. “Sorry for almost killing me?!” You exclaim. “Sorry doesn’t quite cut it.” You cross your arms.“You used to work for SHIELD, didn’t you?” You nod. “I remember now. I’m so sorry. You know I’m not the Winter Soldier anymore. I’m trying my best to lead a normal life.” Actual tears are forming now, which you didn’t know was possible from the man who assassinated dozens over the last few decades. You’re not sure how to handle it. Despite everything in your body telling you to leave the room, you’re frozen to the tile. You say nothing and take a sudden interest in a speck on the floor.
He wipes his eyes, a bit hurt that you show no signs of forgiveness. He looks back at the equipment in front of him. “Ok, so this cord goes into this port,” he states, as if he hasn’t just broken down in front of you. And then this remote controls the projector.” You nod. “You’ll really ever only need the power button and maybe the volume buttons.” “Okay,” he says. He looks at you and smiles awkwardly, his eyes still a bit puffy from the tears. “Thanks, (Y/N). Now I can be 106 without looking like I’m 106.” You chuckle. “Don’t worry,” you say. “Nobody will be able to guess that you were around before the television.”
Part 3
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
Has anyone told you that you look submissive and breedable today?
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". . .No, they have not." Nobody has told him that, uh, ever, in fact. "I have heard the phrase go around, and one of my students came to me a few years ago and said he was threatened when he was told something similar. But it’s never been directed at me.
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"Are you here to tell me as much? I don’t think I look any different today than I did yesterday. . . .”  His hair is in a ponytail, is that what’s making a difference?  It’s 93°F/34°C in Tokyo at the moment, but it feels like 106°F/41°C.
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Tuesday 3 September 1839
[Today it’s the third and final mine visit of the Sweden tour: the silver mine of Sala. This time Ann descends into the pit as well, and gets to choose how they get back to the surface! A hearty meal, a beautiful sunset, and an impromptu Swedish lesson gleaned from the postbook round off the day.]
[up at] 6 35/”
[to bed at] 10
Much rain in the night fine in the morning F 64° at 7 breakfast at 8 5/”  breakfast at 8 ¾ and off in the carriage to the mine at 9 ½ having put forward my watch 20 minutes to these clocks – at the mine at 9 50/”  began descent at 10 35/” – in ½ hour at the palais 86 famms deep
Whole depth = 145 famms
Great specimens at 92 ditto
Premiere etage = 106 ditto
Second -----
Third etage = 127 ditto at 11 35/”
Water at the bottom – bottom pit 150 famms deep – we went  close to the waters edge and were then 142 famms deep – Began the ascent at 12 – one deep ladder up to where  we got the lime specimen (Kalk) then a short almost perpendicular ladder and a passage and another ladder and  then back at the place third etage where 2 men sat and gave us new torches gave one man (guide) a new torch – 127 famms deep – here we  had to choose whether to mount by escaliers or by the bucket – Ann chose the former – we  had reached the place in 5 or 6 minutes –  huge caverny place – off again upwards at 12 10/”  110 men – can earn from 20 to 48 skillings banco a piece  per day – CXI (for Charles 11) near the bottom just before  descending the ladders I think 166 steps to the first etage at 12 19/” curious veins  of white lime (Kalk) like arches – more and more conspicuous here than elsewhere – did not observe this archlike appearance anywhere else    gin but no horses now – none of 24 years – now the mine is so deep, all the ore is got up at one  place, le grand puits and this here is the premier etage – we have wound round different galleries  to it since the 166 steps – an immense hall here  now [at] 12 25/” – this first etage 106 famms deep –  there John stopt to get another torch opposite the  escalier on which we stood waiting at 150 steps  from (about) the first etage – then 307 steps up to  64 famms of depth at 12 25/” (my watch must have stood)  at 12 40/” had mounted 571 steps more there a gallery lofty and then  stood looking into le grand puits (the great shaft which is  roundish – 4 or 5 yards in diameter?) Then 150 steps  and at the top at 12 44/” came out into the little building 5 or  6 yards from the great pit mouth –   1344 = steps of escaliers exclusive of ladders and slopes –  
The man shewed us the plan of the mine in this work Berättelse om Sala Silfververke
På Sala Bergslags anmodan
fåfattad af J.H. af Forssellers
Berghauptman. Stockholm, tryckt
hos J.P. Lindh, 1818
Then washed hands etc saw the pumps etc till 1 ¾ - off  back again at 1 48/” and at home at 2 2/” – ordered beefsteak and  coffee – i.e. dinner at 2 50/” all good – another sort of limpa bread white good – off at 3 40/” – no! 4 5/” therefore  = my watch had lost 25 minutes since 9 ½ this morning –  No forest – corn land – rye one then barley another – and fallow  every other year – a woman ploughing just out of Sala  and a woman thrashing corn yesterday morning – a woman thrashing  this afternoon – 4 sorts of hay here –  a horse’s keep costs a rigs dollar a day at Stockholm Land laid up in high ridges for wheat next spring – Tårnaby at 5 ¼ small station tidy looking one story red wood house not good farm yard buildings but might sleep? Nice open corn country nice drive and beautiful evening and sunset – to Carlby at  6 55/” – very nice good red wood station house – should have been in clover here but wish to push on and having dined  want nothing but beds – a little to the left of us (in sight ¼ hour ago)  the white church steeple of Sintuna Must wait 1 1/2 hour for horses – resolved to stay all night –  
År 1839 vag
September månads Dag-bok
Carleby Gastgifweri, der Skjutsningen
             Upprätthålles för Dygnet af
             Håll-hästar         ---          Inga st[ädslade]
             Reserve  --- ---    29 ½ mantal                     Skjutsar i tour
             Gästgifwarens egne 1 ½ ditto
             Hwarifrån Skjuts utgår*  
Sat 20 minutes in the carriage copying the above from the post book. Håll Hästar i.e. horses that come at 6 p.m. and stay the  whole of the next day to be ready if wanted, Inga, none,  Reserve i.e. horses chez les paysans liable to be called  on (sent for), 29 ½ (that is 29 to be furnished and 30 another  alternately) and Gastigwarens egne the station-man himself  must furnish 1 ½ horses i.e. one 1 day and two the next –  therefore there are 31 horses liable to be taken i.e. the Reserve  (the number of horses) = 31 at this station –  Came in at 7 ¼ – new good house but well we want nothing  to eat – one small room with 2 little beds but comfortable enough –  sat a young woman weaving coarsish woollen – At the silver mine this morning the man’s wife had a  nice piece of shirting in her loom – spins the wool herself  buys the weft – nice even finish thread from . . . .  this spinning and weaving district begins at Geevlä (Geffle)  and reaches to Torneå – much of the linen sold (almost the linen  sold at Stockholm) comes from there – sat writing (inking  over) the above of today till now 9 20/” – fine day – beautiful  evening from after 6 – F 66 ½ now at 9 20/” p.m.
 Anne’s marginal notes:
silver mine at Sala
 good Inn at Sala
*Year 1839       road
Daybook for the month of September
Carleby Inn, where transport 
is provided on a daily basis by 
station horses   -   none kept      }
reserve horses 29 1/2 mantal     }        provide transport by turns
innkeeper’s own  1 /12 ditto        }       
from where transport starts
Many thanks to Ylva Nilson for translation help!
WYAS pages: SH:7/ML/TR/130021    SH:7/ML/TR/130022     SH:7/ML/TR/130023
Interior of the Sala mine (photos by Pritin Tyagaraj):
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The plans of the Sala mine that Anne was shown (from the work she mentions, Berättelse om Sala Silfververke by Jakob Henrik af Forselles):
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machudson · 4 years
hi yesterday was 106°F and today there’s a thunderstorm at 5:30 am. what the fuck
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alexandrematiasreal · 5 years
The Filmography 2019 - List Trailers Edition
The Filmography 2019
001- GRETA 002- Framing John Delorean 003- Ford v Ferrari 004- Finding Steve McQueen 005- Men in Black International 006- Murder Mystery 007- Jumanji - The Next Level 008- Jexi 009- Sextuplets 010- GRETA 011- Knives Out 012- CATS 013- Blinded By the Light (Spider-Man - Far From Home audio) 014- Spider-Man - Far From Home 015- Playmobil - The Movie 016- LUCE (A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood audio) 017- A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 018- John Wick Chapter 3 Parabellum 019- Men in Black International 020- Knives Out 021- The Art of Self Defense 022- The Kid Who Would Be King (Spider-Man - Far From Home audio) 023- Dead Trigger 024- Spider-Man - Far From Home 025- Hellboy 026- Ford v Ferrari 027- Alita Battle Angel 028- Tyler Perry´s A Madea Family Funeral 029- Angel Has Hallen 030- Hellboy 031- The Kid 032- The King 033- Avengement 034- Dragged Across Concrete 035- Bottom Of The 9th 036- Family 037- Farming 038- Hellboy 039- Jay and Silent Bob Reboot 040- FREAKS 041- Good Boys 042- Jay and Silent Bob Reboot 043- The Kitchen 044- John Wick Chpater 3 - Parabellum 045- Good Boys 046- Wonder Park 047- Ophelia (Wonder Park audio) 048- Outlawed (Wonder Park audio) 049- ABOMINABLE 050- UglyDolls 051- Charlie´s Angels 052- Aladdin 053- John Wick Chpater 3 - Parabellum 054- Playmobil - The Movi 055- Slaughterhouse Rulez 056- Being Frank 057- A Shaun The Sheep The Movie 058- Tyler Perry´s A Madea Faily Funeral 059- Missing Link 060- The Angry Birds Movie 2 061- The Secret Life Of Pets 2 062- Avengers - Endgame 063- The Hustle 064- The Farewell 065- The Hummingbird Project 066- Aother Shot 067- The Secret Life Of Pets 2 068- Tolkien 069- Triple Threat 070- This is Not Berlin 071- Shadow 072- Tolkien 073- 6 Underground 074- Charlie´s Angels 075- Triple Threat 076- 1917 077- Togo 078- Toy Story 4 079- What Men Want 080- Shazam! 081- Alita Battle Angel 082- Booksmart 083- Captain Marvel 084- Dumbo 085- Frozen 2 086- Gemini Man 087- Frozen 2 088- Aladdin 089- Midway 090- Lucy in the Sky 091- JOKER 092- Fast & Furius Presents Hobs & Shaw 093- Midway 094- Turma da Mônica - Laços 095- Dora and the Lost City of Gold 096- Avengers - Endgame 097- Men in Black International 098- Hellboy 099- Dora ad the Lost City of Gold 100- Wonder Park 101- Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker 102- Noelle 103- Ode to Joy 104- Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 105- Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker 106- Men in Black International 107- The Kid Who Be king 108- Avengers - Endgame 109- X-Men - Dark Phoenix 110- Captain Marvel 111- X-Men - Dark Phoenix 112- Daniel Isn´t Real 113- Bacurau (Avengers - Endgame audio) 114- Shazam!(Avengers - Endgame audio) 115- Avengers - Endgame 116- Godzilla - King of Monsters 117- How to Train Your Dragon - The Hidden World 118- The Divine Fury 119- Escape Plan The Extractors 120- X-Men - Dark Phoenix 121- How to Train Your Dragon - The Hidden World 122- The Lion King 123- Godzilla - King of Monsters 124- Fast & Furius Presents Hobs & Shaw 125- Jojo Rabbit 126- Long Shot 127- Miss Bala 128- Maleficent Mistress of Evil 129- Jumanji - The Next Level 130- White Snake 131- Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker 132- Maleficent Mistress of Evil 133- SHAFT 134- Rocketman 135- Spies in Disguise 136- Maleficent Mistress of Evil 137- Playing With Fire 138-Sword of Trust 139- T-34 140- Terminator - Dark Fate 141- Rambo Last Blood 142- Replicas 143- Spider-Man - Far From Home 144- Terminator - Dark Fate 145- Spider-Man - Far From Home 146- Fast & Furius Presents Hobs & Shaw 147- POKEMON - Detective Pikachu 148- Spies in Disguise 149- Stuber 150- Fast & Furius Presents Hobs & Shaw 151- Shazam! 152- IDFA 153- Fronteras 154- The Informer 155- Ip Man 4 156- John Wick Chapter 3 - Parabellum 157- The Liong King 158- Master Z 159- The LEGO Movie 2 The Second Part (Avengers - Endgame audio) 160- The Monkey Prince (Avengers - Endgame audio) 191- Avengers - Endgame 192- SERENITY 193- The Dead Don´t Die 194- Zombieland - Double Tap (TRolls World Tour audio) 195- The Dead Don´t Die 196- Relaxer 197- Late Night 198- The Hustle 199- The Public 200- Red Joan (The Public audio) 201- JOKER (The Public audio) 202- Wild Rose (The Public audio) 203- Divide And Conuer - The Story of roger Ailes 204- Nada a Perder 2 205- Ad Astra 206- Parasite 207- Uncut Gems 208- El Camino A Breaking Bad Movie 209- Lords of Chaos 210- Ladyworld (JOKER audio) 211- A Vigilante (JOKER audio) 212- SKIN (JOKER audio) 213- Dumbo (JOKER audio) 214- JOKER 215- Us 216- Midsommar (Us audio) 217- Never Grow Old 218- The Death of Dick Long 219- The Gangster, the Cop, The Devil (The Art Self Defense audio) 220- Cold Pursuit 221- Gemini Man 222- Glass 223- Captain Marvel 224- SAVAGE 225- Trolls World Tour 226- Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (Doctor Sleep audio) 227- The Isle (Doctor Sleep audio) 228- The Intruder (Doctor Sleep audio) 229- The Lodge (Doctor Sleep audio) 230- Under the Silver Lake 231- Alita Battle Angel 232- The Strangers - Prey at Night 233- 83rd Street 234- We Have Always Lived in the Castle 235- X-Men - Dark Phoenix 236- Monos 237- Glass 238- SERENITY 239- The Unicorn 240- My Evil Stepdad 241- Saint Maud 242- SERENITY 243- Saint Maud 244- The Mountain 245- The Guilty 246- The Hummingbird Project 247- BOZE CIALO 248- Marighella (Her Smell audio) 249- Her Smell 250- In Fabric 251- King of Thieves 252- Trading Pait 253- Dark Waters (Harriet audio) 254- The Professor and the Madman (Harriet audio) 255- After 256- American Woman 257- Angel Has Fallen 258- Tone-Deaf 259- Toy Story 4 260- The Vanishig 261- Tresspassers 262- The Souvenir 263- The Standoff at Sparrow Creek 264- Into The Ashes 265- BIG SHARK 266- Child´s Play 267- Better Days 268- Accident 269- Child´s Play 270- Dead Water 271- JUDY 272- Don´t Let Go 273- Fighting With My Family 274- Eli 275- Scary Story to Tell in the Dark 276- Knives out 277- JOKER 278- Pet Sematary 279- Look Away 280- The Final Wish (Extremely Wicked, Shockingly vil and Vile audio) 281- Extremely Wicked, Shockingly vil and Vile 282- Queen & Slim 283- Play or Die 284- Polaroid 285- Project Ithaca 286- Replicas 287- the Nightingale (The LEGO Movie 2 The Second Part audio) 288- Songbird (The LEGO Movie 2 The Second Part audio) 289- The LEGO Movie 2 The Second Part 290- Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker 291- Missing Link 292- Shazam! 293- Trolls World Tour 294- The Lighhouse 295- Angel of Mine 296- It Chapter Two 297- Crawl 298- Motherless Brooklyn 299- Godzilla - King of Monsters 300- Happy Death Day 2U 301- It Chapter Two 302- Hotel Mumbai 303- Annabelle Comes Home 304- 3 From Hell (Motherless Brooklyn audio) 305- Black and Blue (Motherless Brooklyn audio) 306- Motherless Brooklyn 307- The Kitche 308- It Chapter Two 309- Doctor Sleep (Jacob´s Ladder audio) 310- Jacob´s Ladder 311- Ready or Not 312- Richard Jewell 313- The Beach Bum 314- The Command 315- Brightburn 316- The Curse of La Llorona 317- Night Hunter 318- Escape Room (Night Hunter audio) 319- Teacher 320- Hagazussa 321- The Haunting of Sharon Tate 322- The Edge of Democracy 323- A Odisseia dos Tontos 324- A Scoreo Settle 325- 21 Bridges 326- Bombshell 327- The Irishman 328- Secrets 329- Out of Blue 330- Rambo Last Blood 331- The Mustang 332- Pain and Glory 333- Light of My Life 334- Avengers - Endgame 335- Yesterday 336- The Death of John F. Donovan 337- Breakthrough (Motherless Brooklyn audio) 338- Lady and the Tramp (Motherless Brooklyn audio) 339- Extremely Wicked,, Shockingly Evil and Vile 340- Ladies in Black 341- Five Feet Apart 342- CATS 343- Astronaut 344- Baristas 345- Head Count 346- Frozen 2 347- POKEMON - Detective Pikachu 348- the Last Tree 349- The sun is Also a Star 350- The Aftermath 351- POKEMON - Detective Pikachu 352- APOLLO 11 353- Ad Astra (The Lion King audio) 354- Lucy in the Sky (The Lion King audio) 355- Harriet (The Lion King audio) 356- Don´t Come Back From The Moon) 357- Penguins 358- The Goldfinch 359- Nada a Perder 2 360- Downton Abbey 361- Ice on Fire 362- The Biggest Little Farm 363- ICEMAN 364- Honeyland (The Peanut Butter Falcon audio) 365- Where´d You Go Bernadette (The Peanut Butter Falcon audio) 367- Midsommar (The Peanut Butter Falcon audio) 368- The Peanut Butter Falcon 369- Marriage Story 370- The Peanut Butter Falcon 371- Father The Flame 372- Toni Morrison the Pieces I Am 373- Spider-Man - Far From Home 374- Fighting With My Family 375- Little Women 376- The Aeronauts 377- Loro 378- Low Tide 379- Nancy Drew and the Hidden 380- Hardball The Girls of Summer 381- Katie Says Goodbye 382- Overcome 383- Paradise Hills 384- The Lion King 385- Minha Mãe é Uma Peça 3 - O Filme 386- The Last Black Man in San Francisco 387- Spider in the Web 388- The Art of Racing in the Rain 389- Drunk Parents 390- Superpower Dogs 391- The Angry Birds Movie 2 392- The Beach Bum 393- Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 394- Good Boys 395- Tyrel 396- UglyDolls 397- Under The Eiffel Tower 398- Summer Night 399- JUDY 400- Wine Calling 401- Zombieland - Double Tap 402- A Vida Invisível 403- The Good Liar 404- Dumbo 405- Blinded By the Light 406- Papi Chulo 407- Peel 408- Burn Your Maps 409- Malificent Mistress of Evil 410- Super Size Me 2 411- Catching Faith 2 The Homecoming 412- Chasing The Dragon 2 413- Divaldo - O Mensageiro da Paz 414- Dolemite Is My Name 415- Ms. Purple 416- Ophelia 417- Run the Race 418- Last Christmas 419- BEL-AIR 420- Berlin, I Love You 421- Booksmart 422- A Hidden Life 423- A Beatiful Day In The Neighborhood 424- Antiquities 425- Little 426- Giant Little Ones 427- Gloria Bell 428- Semper Fi 429- The Black Godfather 430- The Bronx, USA 431- The Parting Glass 432- The Pass 433- The Professor 434- The Quiet One 435- Tolkien 436- The Upside 437- Us 438- Waves 439- Queen & Slim 440- The Two Popes 441- Yesterday 442- Vita and Virginia 443- A Dog´s Journey 444- A Dog´s Way Home 445- The Mustang 446- On Becoming a God in Central Florida 447- The Mountain 448- All is True 449- Amazing Grace 450- Con permisito dijo Monchito 451- Charlie´s Angels 452- ABOMINABLE 453- Toy Story 4 454- Aladdin 455- Rocketman 456- Western Stars 457- How To Train Your Dragon Hidden World 458- Shazam!
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