#it used the quick draw mechanic but that was easy to replace
dravidious · 3 months
You're more amazing than searching
Got this in my inbox and decided to finish up the last 2 red uncommons. Also one of the red uncommons was actually perfect for the RG signpost so here's that too
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#asks#custom cards#Supply Maximizer is basically just Ertha Jo lol#Living Weapon Factory is actually a card from the original modified set#it used the quick draw mechanic but that was easy to replace#making a free 2/1 for every equipment might be a bit strong in constructed but eh that's what constructed is for#i wanted to make sure it was decent in limited where you don't have as many equipment#Overburdened Anvil might be too strong too. maybe take off the trample to limit its damage#Forge Duelist is part of a semi-cycle of 1-drops with keywords that act as buff targets#black got left out because it doesn't have enough power boosting#Forge Duelist originally had double strike but then i checked and saw that 1/1 double strike usually costs 2 mana#which makes a lot of sense because it's effectively a 2/1 at worst#amazing perfect idea: 1-mana 0/1 double strike#also while writing this i noticed that Living Battleaxe is definitely too strong#i made its equip cost 3 and uh. no. absolutely not that's way too much reusable stats for that low of a price#bumped it up to 4 and then 5 and i'm still not sure if it's okay#the other equipments that give +4/+2 are either rare or have downsides so it's hard to judge#the closest i could find is Greataxe which gives +4/+0 and is a 1-drop with equip 5#and all the actual living weapon cards are either old or from overpowered supplemental sets so they're no help#i might have to drop it down to a 3/2 with equip 4#anyway i'm pretty proud of Battering-Ram Expert supporting both supplies and equipment
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
THEME: Mechs
This week's game recommendations are all about piloting mechs, for victory, for love, for glory and for money.
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Last Shooting, by My Name is Grant.
Two pilots can change your destiny. Two massive war machines can change your future. Two players can share the happiness.
Last Shooting is a 2-player RPG that uses a unique system to tell stories about Mech battles. Using a customized version of the Final Bid engine, Last Shooting builds the characters and defines them more sharply during each scene of play. Then, it gives you the power to destroy any of those aspects to propel yourself to victory.
This game is excellent for a one-shot session with one other friend. The game uses a bidding system that requires you to bid elements of your character sheet for a chance to win in each scene, and the game is over after three scenes. It's great for couples looking to roleplay together, or perhaps for that night where most of the group cancels, but you still want to play something.
24XX Goliath by Brick Road Games.
24 YEARS AGO OTHERWORLDLY INVADERS DEVASTATED THE PLANET. To defend ourselves from the monstrous Leviathan, experimental technology was used to create massive mecha called Goliaths. Since the war ended most Goliaths were re-purposed for civilian use. Now, the Leviathans have returned, stronger than before. Pilots from all walks of life are being drafted to fight back.
This is your standard 24XX micro-game, complete with roll tables and quick character generation. This game was inspired by Pacific Rim, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and the Xeno series, so if you are looking to emulate those pieces of media, this might be the fit for you.
ECH0 by Role over Play Dead.
Peace. Kids playing in mech wreckage. A ghost. 
One last journey across an ancient battleground to find a pilot's final resting place.
ECH0 is a game for 3 or more players, about children escorting a mech pilot's ghost to their final resting place. This is a pick-up-and-play game, which means that it requires very little prep and is over after one session. It is a GM-less map-drawing game, and is perfect as a game on its own, but might also work as an interesting set-up story for a mech-themed campaign. The concept for this game is also great for exploring the idea of grief and loss for something or someone that you never really knew.
Dragon's Fire by Majcher Arcana.
This world is ruined. 
Once mighty, shining, and true, the land now festers, ruined by agents of chaos and corruption. The Bastion is mankind’s final refuge, towering at the center of the Five Wastes, sheltering the weak and needy, and fighting to keep the Fallen from breaching its walls, to secure humanity’s future for as long as they hold. 
You are Riders, piloting your colossal machines—the Dragons—as you strike at the Fallen Lands, pushing back the hordes that assail the Bastion, delivering aid where it is needed, and eventually piercing the very heart of each of the Five Wastes, so mankind may once again live freely in these lands.
Dragon's Fire is a game designed from the Together We Go toolkit, a game system designed and inspired from OSR-style games. It's meant to be rules-lite, easy-to-learn, with only a few stats to track and improve. Right now it's not a full game, but the core rules have been released for just over $1 USD. If you're a fan of OSR games and you want a chance to play as mechs in a setting inspired by the Dragon's Heaven anime, this might be the game for you!
Mectors by Chubby Crow Games.
After the war, thousands upon thousands of bipedal mechanized fighting vehicles (or “Bimechs”) were left scattered across the land. Many were brought back to the capital cities to be repaired or scrapped, but the majority of them were too damaged to be easily transported. With the war won, the victors simply left their mechanical refuse in the battlefields to rust and wither. 
Across the nations, in communities that had lost great numbers of working folk, these Bimechs replaced rudimentary tractors and mining equipment. Nobody knows who was the first to call them “Mectors”, but the name caught on and spread. The war ended over a century ago, and while the world still bears its scars, it has also healed. The capital cities still skirmish from time to time, but those fights rarely extend into the farmlands and mines of the common folk.
In Mectors, players take on the role of a farmer, miner, fisher, carpenter, or some other worker in a labor intensive field. Mector Owners come from all kinds of backgrounds. Some own a Mector that’s been in their family for generations. Others came across theirs recently, through purchase or luck. And a rare few have managed to piece their own together using scraps from decommissioned Mectors, but this is even harder than it sounds. No matter how they got it, they now have a powerful tool with a long history.
This is a game designed off of the Charge System, which takes a lot of cues from Forged in the Dark. The designer already has a few supplements released for the game: a Heartland supplement which can be downloaded for free from the main page, and a Steeper Talent Tree that provides some extra character options. This is a game that allows you to take the idea of mechs and view it through an alternate lens: a high-tech version of "beating your swords into plowshares," if you will. For the concept alone, I think it's worth checking out.
Beam Saber by Austin Ramsey
Centuries after humanity abandoned a rotting Earth, blighted by their follies, the Izyan Conflict's seeds sprouted deep in space as plans unfurled.
The Exodus ships fled humanity’s decaying cradle in varying states of quality and completion. Ships failed, were raided or cannibalized, and jettisoned all but the essentials. History, art, and play all fell in the face of necessity. Those that survived found planets to land on, settle, and fight over across the known regions of space. The evacuation left a vacuum of power, but not for long.
After the Exodus, five Factions rose to power—and thus, The War began.
Beam Saber is a Forged In The Dark game about the pilots of powerful machines in a war that dominates every facet of life. They are trying to do their part, then get out physically and mentally intact. The organizations that perpetuate The War throughout all of known space are too incomprehensibly huge to take down. There is no “winning” The War, there is only surviving it. Hopefully you can help others get out too.
This is a game for folks who like Forged in the Dark games, especially games that manage a large number of factions. Each player has their own Pilot playbook, but they will also need to build a vehicle (possibly more than one if they need a replacement or something temporary). Then they'll build a squad playbook, which like a Crew in Blades in the Dark, is something that the group will build together. This is a game that prioritizes fiction, but doesn't lag behind when it comes to lore; you'll get your role-play, your rules, and your rich history, all in one book. (And even more resources besides!)
Lancer by Massif Press
Lancer imagines a future where a survivor humanity has spread to the stars after weathering terrible ecological collapse on Earth - the end of the Anthropocene as a consequence of unrestrained consumption and poor stewardship. Thousands of years later, humanity lives in the wake of a desperate revolution, one where the victorious radicals now manage the galaxy they've won.  
Lancer is truly prolific in what it holds. On the one hand, you have an incredibly streamlined system for narrative role play when you look at pilot creation: your pilot takes four descriptive stats that they'll use to navigate anything and everything they'll interact with outside of their mech. Pilot play is narrative and rules-lite. On the other hand, you have an incredibly stat-heavy and detailed system for mech combat: your mech-driven missions will require grid maps, strategy, and teamwork in order to be successful. It's up to your table how much play is pilot-driven and how much is mech-driven.
Then there's the resources. The core book in the title link has everything you need to run a Lancer game. However, if you're looking for the resources to make a character, there's a free version of the rules, an app where you can keep your character information, and a series of supplements (both official and third-party) to incorporate into your games.
If you like lore, you'll find it in Lancer, but not all in one place. The Core book has a lore section but you'll find lore in the Mech descriptions, in the core bonuses, and in the pilot talents. There's so much to learn about the world of Lancer, and if you're curious enough, you'll find out just how complex this far-flung future truly is.
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noxcaelestia · 10 months
Huge mechanical pencil fan please tell us more (i don’t draw i just fucking love them)
Hello, thank you for your message! To love mechanical pencils is a great thing. ☺️
To get things started, I gathered up as many mechanical pencils (and mechanical erasers) as I could find and have used in the past year.
I absolutely love mechanical pencils because they’re so convenient, durable, reusable, reliable, versatile, and what I learned from using regular pencils in art especially can most certainly be replicated without worrying about many other drawbacks.
This will be a super long post so please bear with me!
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This is a set of Pentel GraphGear 1000 pencils (my favorites) which includes one of each of 0.3mm, 0.5mm, 0.7mm, and 0.9mm. The 0.4mm was a separate purchase. It comes with four boxes of Pentel HB Super lead for each size and a tube of replacement erasers for this line and many other compatible pencils.
The Pentel GraphGear 1000 series are my favorites because of their rigid design and retractable point that keeps the lead steady and prevents accidents from pokes to drops. The clip is sturdy and acts as a button to retract the point. You can also twist the barrel and always know what lead hardness you’re using whether it’s 2B, B, HB or H. These are amazing to use on good, lightly textured paper.
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The leads shown are the Uni Kuru Toga HB 0.5mm, and Pentel Ain Stein in HB 0.2mm, 0.3mm, 0.4mm and one 2B 0.3mm.
The KuruToga lead is made with the KuruToga technology in mind with a softer outer layer and a harder inner layer to maintain a more consistent thickness through the pencil’s turning mechanism.
Pentel Ain Stein leads are made specifically to write smoother than standard leads by default though they also have varying degrees of hardness/softness. These are my usual lately.
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Uni KuruToga, 0.3mm and 0.5mm (standard)
The mechanism in the Uni KuruToga is made to rotate minutely when the lead hits the surface in order to promote a more consistent line. It may be more suitable for writing but I find it helpful for quick drawings when I don’t need to swap out a different size for a certain effect.
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Pentel Orenz, 0.2mm and 0.3mm
The Pentel Orenz is meant to help with preventing lead breakage with its own gradually retractable tube (also likely better suited for writing). The lead is meant to sit mostly inside for it to prove effective. When drawing, I tend to ignore this function depending on what I’m doing (it holds up quite well if I’m careful). Plus, it’s the only mechanical pencil I’ve found commercially and affordably that used 0.2mm, the smallest commercially available lead I could find. It’s wonderful for minute details in pencil.
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Pilot AirBlanc in 0.3mm
The Pilot AirBlanc have proven indispensable in some of my language study classes years ago where smaller lines made the characters easier to write and more legible for me. The pink one was a gift from a class and I bought a second one in blue. The pencil is quite soft and comfortable and it’s quite fun to use.
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Pentel P200 series pencils in 0.5mm (two have blue and red Pentel Super 0.5mm lead respectively) and one in 0.7mm
The Pentel P200 series have been super reliable for me over the years. I’d keep them so long until the metal part lost its sheen but they were still plenty functional for years and harsh usage. (More than once did a single P205 last me for art classes over the years including drawing as large as 18x24in).
It’s a great sleek, versatile and durable option that’s relatively cheap and easy to find in most stationery sections and art stores, sometimes with additional leads and erasers. The 0.5mm was my favorite size for a long time because it’s thin enough for fine detailing in my drawing but also a comfortable size for writing finely.
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GraphGear 500 series in 0.9mm and 0.3mm
A more heavyweight drafting option, the GraphGear 500 is more clunky and less stylish than its successor. They do their job well for writing and drawing but the grip is not very comfortable for long periods of use but it does prevent slipping. The metal tip does not retract like the 1000 series unfortunately.
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The mechanical erasers I use are from the Tombow Mono line a 2.5x5mm, a 2.3mm and a 3.8mm. They are excellent for erasing small to fine marks and are decently durable and smooth (though a previous 3.8mm one split in half and shattered after continuous wear).
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A “how it’s started vs. how it’s going” model comparison since I began working with and completely adapting to mechanical pencils for writing and drawing.
I hope this was informative! I couldn’t help myself!
(​Fun fact: my schooling was weird in my early years and we weren’t always allowed to get up to sharpen pencils even through middle school so mechanical pencils sort of helped to bandage the problem hence my long term obsession)
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so-many-fandoms-here · 8 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistakes you notice.)
• Characters: Shuntarō Chishiya, fem!Reader
• Genre: Angst
• Warnings: death, betrayal, logic mistakes/plot hole (I just kind of messed up I’m sorry :/), (manga spoilers I think?)
Angst Prompts - #20
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-Chishiyas POV-
(Y/n) and I stepped inside the classroom of the elementary school which was the destination of the game we would participate in. Two other people were already inside the room, sitting on the big desk in the middle of the room.
On the table was something like a board game set up, obviously the game we were about to play. „Four people“, I mumbled, looking at the two empty chairs left at the table. „Means this will either be really hard, or really easy“, (Y/n) finished my thoughts.
Hesitantly she walked up to one of the chairs and sat down, being greeted by a belt like thing popping out of the seat and trapping her on the chair. „What a surprise“, she mumbled sarcastically, making me grin slightly. I sat down next to her on the last empty spot and took another glance at the people sitting on the square table. Both of them were men, trembling and sweating with fear.
„Registration closed“, the well known mechanical voice appeared. „Game: Rummikub. Difficulty: Diamond 2.“
I have to say, I was a little disappointed at the difficulty. Of course two days more on my visa were better than nothing, but I hoped anyways to get a higher difficulty so I could have a few days more to rest. But it was too late to think about that.
I looked back to (Y/n) who’s leg trembled nervously, then back at the table. It wasn’t exactly a board game that was set up. On the table laid tiles, lined up in neat rows. In front of the players stood a little rack where one could place said pieces.
„Rules: Every player gets 14 tiles on their rack. The goal is to be the first one to play all the tiles from your rack by forming them into sets. There are two kinds of set. Either a run, a set of at least three consecutive numbers in the same color, or a group, a set of three or four tiles of the same number in different colors. In order to make an initial meld, each player must place tiles on the table in one or more sets that total at least 30 points. These points must come from the tiles on each player’s rack; for their initial meld, players may not use tiles already played on the table. Later players can add tiles to already placed sets. If a player can not place anything, they have to draw a tile which ends their turn. Jokers can be used to replace any number. The last one with tiles on their rack loses.“
I looked over to (Y/n) to see if she understood everything. She reassured me with a nod.
„Game start.“
For this game I definitely needed luck, but maybe if I payed enough attention I could see some patterns in how the others placed their tiles on their racks. Maybe they have a structure behind it like placing them after color or numbers. I focused on one of the men, looking whenever he picked up another tile, the way his groups were organized, hoping I could see trough him.
(Y/n) was the first one to finish, followed directly by me which caused me to relax my shoulders again. We’re safe.
The unlucky man who lost acted like all the others in the games I played before. He screamed, cried, kicked and tried to flee but like all the times before he was unsuccessful and after a few seconds of him having a meltdown a laser shot trough his head. At least he had a quick death.
I looked over to (Y/n) again who seemed calm again too, not further touched by the man’s death or at least didn’t show it.
While we sat there and waited for the Game Clear announcement, the table suddenly started to move down. I leaned forward to get a closer look and saw that the floor where the table stood on was constructed like a small pedestal, now moving down into the floor and swallowing the table. But even after the floor closed again the mechanical voice stayed silent, destroying the light feeling of peace again that I was feeling.
After a few moments the table returned, the tiles set up neatly again. (Y/n) looked at me with the same amount of horror in her eyes as I was feeling deep inside me. It would have been way too easy.
„Round two. Game start.“
My eyes were glued to the man that sat with us and I tried to focus on him but not because I wanted to read him, but because I tried everything to not look at (Y/n). I felt so stupid. I was always prepared for everything, always had a plan and held a good distance to everyone, but besides all my efforts I just couldn’t stay away from her.
I heard (Y/n) mumbling all kinds of curses and stuff, completely consumed by panic which made it even harder for me to stay calm.
„No no no!“ „That’s not right!“ „I don’t want this!“ - her cries shattered my heart.
I didn‘t know if I was glad or not that the man lost. Yes, I would have more time together with (Y/n) but it also made the situation so much harder than it already was.
After the scream of the man died with him together, we were left alone and if the situation wasn’t so unbelievably painful, I would have laughed about the fact that even the table disappeared again.
„What now?“, she asked after a long pause, obviously not needing an answer. My eyes were glued at the tiles in the table, all neatly lined up again. I wanted to touch her and if we both would have reached out our fingers could have linked but none of us moved, knowing that this touch would have made everything harder.
Her (e/c) met mine and in silent agreement we reach out for the tiles to start the last game. I didn’t know what I hoped for. If I wanted to win or if I wanted to lose because both seemed to have the same outcome - I would die. And I couldn’t tell which death was better, the physical or the emotional.
(Y/n)s fingers danced over the table, picking out the tiles carefully and like the times before it seemed like she had luck with every draw. Almost as if she knew where which tile was placed.
„That‘s not right!“
My head shot up and I watched her as she looked at the tiles. With a horrible gut feeling I focused on her eyes and saw it. They didn’t move in a swift motion, they eyed every piece individually. She counted the tiles.
„You seem to win again“, I whispered, nodding to the many rows she already placed. She paused and with her hand still in the air she looked at me, her eyes shimmering with tears. „I don’t think I want to win.“
The words I said hurt worse than every injury I suffered before: „Then why do you play?“ A confused look appeared in her eyes and slowly she let her arm sink. „What do you mean?“
„I heard rumors about the Dealers“, I said. „They make sense, you know. Setting up the games and all that. But why do you set up a game where only one can survive if you know we’re both will participate?“ All the color in her face was gone, but she still acted like she didn’t know what I was talking about. „Did they manipulate your game?“, I asked further but still couldn’t get an answer from her.
I looked around the room, hoping I would find a camera, but if they where some, they were hidden pretty well. It didn’t surprise me though. Nothing surprises you when lasers are shooting through head out of nowhere.
„You can’t talk about it, right?“, I took another guess that was answered with silence too. All the times she went on a walk, was she actually setting games up? She was gone for hours but I never questioned it. Why would I? I couldn’t blame her for wanting a few hours to herself, which I thought was the reason for the long walks.
„I am sorry.“ (Y/n) voice was barely loud enough for me to hear. „I am a dealer.“ She shut her eyes tight, like she waited for something, but what she was waiting for didn’t seem to happen, leading her to open her eyes again. „Guess they don’t care, since one of us is going to die anyway“, she said with a sad sigh, confirming my guess that she wasn’t allowed to talk about it.
„You lied to me“, I stated objectively, trying desperately to keep my composure.
„Of course I lied!“, she suddenly yelled, her voice breaking mid sentence. „Did you think I would actually tell you the truth?!“ Her tears are pouring like waterfalls. „I couldn’t! I mustn’t! They would have killed me on the spot! I tried to make it obvious that I was lying, your so smart Chishiya, I hoped you would see through me!“
Keeping my stoic expression was hard with her screams, invading my ears and running through my body like bolts of lightings. „I prayed that you would get suspicious of my walks! I prayed that you would notice my obviously weird excuses, but you never did! Why did you trust me Chishiya?!“
My skin crawled, not because her voice became so high, but because of the hurtful truth in her words. Of course her reasoning was odd and maybe there was a part of me that was suspicious, but I didn’t want to be. I felt like (Y/n) wouldn’t lie to me, that she wouldn’t betray me. But she did.
But she had no other choice.
„Yes, I set up the game but originally only one was supposed to die!“ Her eyes didn’t seem to have any tears left, but her body didn’t stop to twitch, trying to squeeze out more tears.
„What about the other games you played? Did you all set them up?“, I asked, somehow still keeping myself together. „The less you know the better.“
I wanted to get angry at her but I couldn’t, because I knew that she was right, no matter if I liked it or not.
„I know a lot, Chishiya. More than I want to know, all Dealers do. We get provided with a decent amount of information, but we still don’t even have a quarter of the knowledge of what’s going on“, she continued. „And believe me, I didn’t want anything ever so bad than to tell you everything, but I can’t without causing you to be in danger again.“
I did believe her. Again I was met with the brutality and chaos of this world again. You couldn’t tell good and evil apart and betrayal and lies were sometimes a good thing.
(Y/n) sigh heavy, her breath leaving her lungs intermittently causing her to sound even more miserable than she already did. „How many tiles do you have left?“, she asked, bringing our last conversation to an end. „Two“, I answered and looked at the black and red one on my board.
Without looking away from my face she took a random tile and placed it on her board. „Take the second last from the top row out of your perspective.“ Her eyes were burning themselves into mine and I needed a second before I was ready to look away, to trust her one last time, and reached out for the tile she was about to take a few minutes ago. It was a joker.
Then she drew another random tile, which she didn’t even bothered to place on her rack but instead placed it next to it, the number facing down so neither I nor she saw what her last draw was. „Finish“, she whispered, but my hands were frozen.
There was so much I wanted to say, and I felt she had so much to say too, but both of us stayed silent, knowing these words had to die too, because if we started talking, we maybe wouldn’t stop ever again. Not a hundred years would have been enough for all the things I suddenly wanted to say, so instead I took the few seconds left to look at her, to study her beautiful face so her features would be burned into my brain and I would never forget her.
She smiled while I placed my last row of numbers. She smiled while I knocked over the rack to symbolize that I have won. And she still smiled while the laser shot through her head, causing her head to fall on the table.
„Game clear“, announced the mechanical voice while my chair set me free again but I didn’t stood up right away. I decided that everything that happened in this room would stay in this room, so if I cried in here, it basically never happened, but my eyes didn’t pour any tears besides a single one, which made their way lonely down my cheek.
After I stood up I allowed myself to pet her (h/c) hair one last time before I took the card and left the building, leaving (Y/n) and with her a piece of my heart behind.
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foundinfantasy · 1 year
Not a Modder (Just like to think creatively)
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These were ideas I had before the pack came out with just knowing we were getting horses, nectar making, and mini-goats and sheep and just thought of how much more they could've done.
Tabletop dancing -> broken arm, leg, drunken antics, ie consequences
Bulk -> sell to bars, shipping, packaging, (carton of eggs, wine, boxes of apples), (personally would like to see cat and dog food as a purchasable item, cans and bags and tupperware)
Scouts update - > fundraising, bake sales / cookie drive, and horse camp
Lasso -> toddler to elder, child+ competitions
billiards -> social activity for teen+, random outcome, betting, pool hall
motorcycles -> we have bikes, wouldn't this basically be the same animation without the moving feet.
Rodeos - > with zero pixel animal abuse - social event and competition (using mechanical bull riding) at a saloon lot type with saloon doors
glasswork, ironwork, stones -> gold or stones from river, mining, making horseshoes, glassblowing, bead-making
any indigenous gameplay?! Sage harvestable, burnable, craftable sage, weaving skill, dreamcatchers, totems, blankets, books/conversing with sim about culture - > beads, jewelry, knitting addons - > crafting table
horse plow -> attachable wheel barrow to mass harvest all
mischief and politics -> new protests, new policies, and the urban legend of cowtipping
petting zoo - > update to barn to free llama and cow, ability to lock bunnies in, employee a fox, [just adding snakes and lizards]
nectar making - > should've been in mws - winetasting, order bottle during meal, blends, nameable, snob interactions and/or moodlets about the notes, make box wine [low, get drunk quick quality],
stare down - > rude introduction
pianola - > upgradable to play on its own [even though not historically accurate] - > ability to play piano drunk
MY IDEAS AFTER THE PACK WAS RELEASED (and I've spent like two days in game, not bored just drawing out that single drop of gameplay) - this is mainly where the "not a modder" comes in as I have no idea how easy or difficult it would be to add these things.
First off, lock that dance behind a skill or something
A Wandering Cowboy Mod - a cowboy NPC shows up randomly at my doorstep, is he hurt, is he friendly, is he a burglar, is he here to start a quest???
^^^ same concept but Alien Crash landing
Horses that steers goats/cattle back.
Ability to lead horses
Horse betting / mini game (make my rich sims poor)
Obvi, wild horses
Ability to brush teeth and/or an actual horse bath
Horsegirl books, toys, interactions,
Holster gun match with chances of misfire, with either possibly dying, etc, (historic version of this too)
Gunslingers and Bounty Hunters
obvi, Unicorn things; could be cool if used to cure all sickness/alignments from other mods and/or resets their age and/or work like Father Winter.
Bank Heists
A fiddle or banjo.
Ability to craft all the furniture with woodworking table.
Falling off the horse -> consequences
Replace in-game harvestable grapes with debug grape vines
Dual riders, teach to ride for children, romantic kiss where one sim is on the horse and the other is standing below them, lift onto horse to kiss, thrown over the horse and taken, watching stars together while sitting on horses
Nothing to do with westerns but the rocking horse mod made me want a rocket ride coin machine mod
Add with more thoughts later.
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poojalate · 30 days
Top 5 Reasons Why Ball Pens Are Perfect for Everyday Writing
Ball pen have long been a staple in our writing arsenals, and for good reason. Their practicality, reliability, and versatility make them ideal for everyday use. Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply someone who enjoys writing, ball pens offer a range of benefits that make them an excellent choice for daily tasks. Here are the top five reasons why ball pen are perfect for everyday writing.
 1. Durable and Long-Lasting
One of the standout features of ball pens is their durability. Made with robust materials like metal or high-quality plastic, ball pens are designed to withstand regular use without breaking or wearing down easily. This durability makes them a reliable tool for daily writing needs, whether you’re jotting down quick notes or signing important documents. The longevity of ball pens ensures that you get consistent performance over time, making them a cost-effective choice for everyday writing.
 2. Smooth and Consistent Ink Flow
Ball pens are renowned for their smooth ink flow, which translates to a pleasant and efficient writing experience. The ballpoint mechanism, which uses a tiny rotating ball to dispense ink onto the paper, ensures an even and consistent line. This smoothness reduces the effort needed to write and minimizes the risk of ink blotting or smudging. Whether you’re writing a shopping list or drafting a report, the smooth ink flow of a ball pen enhances writing efficiency and clarity.
 3. Versatile and Available in Various Tip Sizes
Ball pens are available in a wide range of tip sizes, from fine to bold, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your writing style and needs. Fine tips are great for detailed work and small handwriting, while medium and bold tips are ideal for those who prefer a more expressive line. This versatility makes ball pens suitable for a variety of writing tasks, from note-taking and drawing to official documents and correspondence.
 4. Convenient and Low Maintenance
Ball pens are incredibly convenient and require minimal maintenance. Unlike fountain pens, which need regular cleaning and refilling, ball pens are easy to use and maintain. Most ball pens come with a retractable or capped design that protects the ink and prevents leaks. Additionally, ball pens are typically disposable or have refillable cartridges, making it simple to replace or refill ink without fuss. This low-maintenance aspect makes ball pens an ideal choice for busy individuals who need a hassle-free writing tool.
 5. Affordable and Accessible
One of the biggest advantages of ball pens is their affordability. They are widely available at various price points, making them accessible to everyone. Whether you need a single pen for personal use or bulk pens for an office or classroom, ball pens offer a budget-friendly solution without compromising on quality. Their widespread availability in stores and online ensures that you can easily find the perfect ball pen to meet your needs.
 Conclusion: Embrace the Versatility of Ball Pens
Ball pens are a fantastic choice for everyday writing due to their durability, smooth ink flow, versatility, convenience, and affordability. Their ability to deliver reliable performance and ease of use makes them a go-to writing tool for countless tasks. Whether you’re signing documents, taking notes, or simply doodling, ball pens provide a dependable and enjoyable writing experience.
Embrace the practicality of ball pens and experience the benefits they bring to your daily writing routine.
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supervapesuk · 4 months
Best Pod System Kits
Pod system kits are compact and portable vaping devices that utilize refillable or replaceable pods to hold e-liquid. Designed for simplicity and convenience, pod systems are an excellent choice for vapers seeking a hassle-free vaping experience on the go. These kits typically include a pod device, one or more pods, and a charging cable.
Pod system kits are known for their ease of use, often featuring draw-activated firing mechanisms that eliminate the need for buttons or complicated settings. The pods themselves are easy to refill or replace, making maintenance quick and straightforward. Additionally, pod systems are often more discreet and portable than larger vaping devices, making them suitable for vapers who prioritize convenience and portability.
With their compact size, user-friendly operation, and versatile compatibility with various e-liquids, pod system kits are popular among both beginners and experienced vapers alike. Whether for use as a primary vaping device or as a convenient backup option, pod systems offer a convenient and satisfying vaping experience in a compact package.
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aptecequipment · 4 months
Company Profile: Aptec Equipment Private Limited
Aptec Equipment Private Limited, located in Gujarat, India, stands as a leading manufacturer of road construction equipment. Renowned for our world-class Sensor Pavers, Wet Mix Macadam Plants,Drum Mix Plant, Curb Pavers, and Mechanical Pavers, we combine innovative design with cutting-edge technology to deliver superior products to our global clientele.
Global Presence and Heritage
With a strong global presence, Aptec Equipment has pioneered advancements in road construction machinery. Despite our extensive international reach, we remain deeply connected to our roots, drawing on a rich history of delivering exceptional value on construction sites worldwide. Our commitment to quality and innovation drives our team to continuously improve processes and develop high-quality products.
Product Range
Sensor Paver - ASP 550
The ASP-550 Sensor Paver is a cutting-edge machine powered by an Ashok Leyland 130HP BS-IV Diesel Engine, designed for dual applications, including Wet Mix and Asphalt. This model features electronic controls and offers a hydraulically extendable paving width from 2.5 to 4.5 meters, which can be further extended to 5.75 meters with bolt-on extensions. Compliant with M.O.R.T.H. specifications, the ASP-550 is built for high performance, ensuring efficient and precise paving operations.
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Curb Pavers - ACP 40
The ACP 40 is a versatile curb paver machine manufacturer driven by a 16-HP petrol engine with electronic ignition, ideal for laying curbs of 450 mm by 500 mm using the extrusion principle. This compact curb-casting machine features quick-change mould profiles for fast and easy replacements, typically taking less than 30 minutes. Mounted on pneumatic tires, the ACP 40 includes an automatic sensor for steering and height control, ensuring consistent and accurate curb placement.
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Curb Pavers - ACP 120
The ACP 40 is a versatile curb paver machine manufacturer driven by a 16-HP petrol engine with electronic ignition, ideal for laying curbs of 450 mm by 500 mm using the extrusion principle. This compact curb-casting machine features quick-change mould profiles for fast and easy replacements, typically taking less than 30 minutes. Mounted on pneumatic tires, the ACP 40 includes an automatic sensor for steering and height control, ensuring consistent and accurate curb placement.
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Drum Mix Plant - DMP 40/50/60
Aptec's Drum Mix Plants, available in models DMP 40/50/60, are engineered for superior fuel efficiency and reliable performance. Designed to meet the latest M.O.R.T.H. specifications, these stationary plants are known for their exceptional product refinement and operational efficiency. Each model is tailored to provide trouble-free asphalt mixing plant with optimal fuel usage, making them ideal for various road construction projects.
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Mechanical Paver - AMP 450
The AMP 450 Mechanical Paver machine is designed to deliver excellent pavement quality, uniformity, and smoothness. This mechanical paving machine is versatile and effective, with a paving width ranging from 2.5 to 4.5 meters and a depth range of 10-200 mm. The AMP 450 is built to meet diverse project requirements, ensuring consistent and high-quality paving across different surfaces.
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Wet Mix Plant - WMP 120/160/200/250
The WMP series Wet Mix Plants are designed with top-quality components and innovative features to ensure efficient operational costs and superior output quality. Available in models WMP 120/160/200/250, wet mixing plants include fixed or variable speed drives and adjustable gates on bins. The twin shaft pug mill ensures fast, continuous, and homogenous mixing of aggregates and additives, while the surge hopper arrangement allows for uninterrupted discharge into trucks, preventing shutdowns and spillage.
Quality and Durability
At Aptec Equipment, we prioritize the longevity and performance of our products. Our machinery is designed to withstand extreme environments, ensuring high production with minimal maintenance. By manufacturing in-house, we maintain strict quality control over every component, providing clients with the best in terms of performance and cost-efficiency.
Innovation and Customer Support
We are committed to incorporating the latest innovations and advancements into our products. Our dedication to higher fuel efficiency, enhanced security, and greater productivity is evident in our long-standing record of excellence. Our customer support team is always ready to provide prompt maintenance and support, ensuring your business runs smoothly without interruptions.
Aptec Equipment Private Limited is a cornerstone of India's infrastructure sector, offering world-class products that blend quality, innovation, and technology. Our state-of-the-art production facilities and robust R&D capabilities enable us to deliver superior road construction equipment that meets extensive market needs. We invite you to experience the Aptec difference, where quality meets excellence.
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vapehk1 · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Lava Plus Vape: Embrace the Fiery Fun!
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Vaping has taken the world by storm, and in the sizzling hot world of vapes, the Lava Plus Vape stands out like a dragon at a barbeque. This guide is your one-stop-shop for everything Lava Plus Vape. Prepare to dive into the fiery depths of this popular vaping device, as we explore its features, benefits, and the sheer joy it can bring to your life. What Makes the Lava Plus Vape So Hot? When it comes to vaping devices, the Lava Plus Vape isn't just another pretty face in a cloud of smoke. This vape is packed with features that make it as hot as, well, lava! For starters, it boasts a sleek, ergonomic design that fits comfortably in your hand, making it easy to vape on the go. But don't let its smooth exterior fool you; this vape means business. Under the hood, the Lava Plus Vape is powered by a long-lasting battery that promises hours of uninterrupted vaping pleasure. No more mid-day battery blues! Plus, the device is equipped with a quick-charge feature, so you can get back to your cloud-making in no time. The Lava Plus Vape also comes with multiple power settings, allowing you to customize your vaping experience to your liking. Whether you prefer a gentle puff or a powerful plume, this vape has you covered. Flavor Explosion - The Taste Sensation of Lava Plus Vape One of the biggest draws of the Lava Plus Vape is its incredible flavor options. Imagine biting into a juicy piece of fruit, or savoring your favorite dessert, but in vape form. That's the kind of flavor explosion you can expect from this device. The Lava Plus Vape uses high-quality e-liquids that deliver rich, intense flavors with every puff. The secret behind these mouth-watering flavors lies in the advanced coil technology. The coils heat the e-liquid evenly, ensuring that you get a consistent taste every time you vape. And with a variety of flavors to choose from, including classics like vanilla custard and exotic blends like mango dragonfruit, there's something for every palate. You might even find yourself switching flavors multiple times a day just to keep your taste buds entertained! The Health Perks - Why Lava Plus Vape is a Safer Choice Vaping has often been touted as a safer alternative to smoking, and the Lava Plus Vape takes this to the next level. This device is designed with safety in mind, incorporating features that minimize risks and maximize your vaping enjoyment. For starters, the Lava Plus Vape produces a vapor that's free from many of the harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes, making it a healthier choice for your lungs. Additionally, the Lava Plus Vape is equipped with multiple safety mechanisms, such as overheat protection and automatic shut-off, to prevent accidents. This means you can vape with peace of mind, knowing that your device won't go up in smoke (unless you want it to, of course). And because the Lava Plus Vape doesn't produce secondhand smoke, it's also a considerate choice for those around you. You can enjoy your vaping sessions without worrying about the health of your friends and family. How to Get the Most Out of Your Lava Plus Vape Now that you're acquainted with the fiery wonders of the Lava Plus Vape, it's time to learn how to get the most out of this hot device. First and foremost, maintenance is key. Regularly cleaning your vape and replacing the coils will ensure that you always get the best flavor and performance. Trust us, your taste buds will thank you. Another tip is to experiment with different e-liquid flavors and power settings. The beauty of the Lava Plus Vape lies in its versatility, so don't be afraid to mix things up. Try new flavors, adjust the wattage, and find the perfect combination that makes your vaping experience uniquely yours. And remember, the Lava Plus Vape community is vast and welcoming. Join online forums, share your experiences, and learn from fellow vapers. You might even pick up a few tricks to enhance your vaping journey. Conclusion The article delves into the world of the Lava Plus Vape, highlighting its standout features, delicious flavor options, health benefits, and tips for optimal use. With a sleek design and long-lasting battery, the Lava Plus Vape offers a customizable vaping experience. It boasts a variety of rich, intense flavors, thanks to advanced coil technology. Emphasizing safety, it incorporates mechanisms like overheat protection and produces vapor free from harmful chemicals found in cigarettes. Maintenance and experimentation with flavors and settings are key to maximizing enjoyment. Overall, the Lava Plus Vape promises a flavorful, safe, and versatile vaping adventure. FAQs 1. What is the Lava Plus Vape and how does it work? The Lava Plus Vape is a disposable vaping device designed for convenience and ease of use. It features a pre-charged battery and a pre-filled e-liquid cartridge, meaning you can start vaping right out of the box. The device uses draw-activation, so there are no buttons to press; simply inhale, and the device activates. Once the e-liquid is depleted, you dispose of the entire device and replace it with a new one​. 2. What flavors are available for the Lava Plus Vape? Lava Plus Vape offers a wide range of flavors to suit various preferences. Some popular options include Fruit Ice, Mango Ice, Strawberry Watermelon Bubblegum, Coffee Latte, and Cool Mint. The variety ensures that there is something for everyone, whether you prefer fruity, minty, or creamy flavors​. 3. How long does the battery last on a Lava Plus Vape? The battery in a Lava Plus Vape is designed to last through the entire volume of e-liquid in the device, which is approximately 2000 puffs. Since it's a disposable device, the battery is not rechargeable. Once the e-liquid is finished, you simply dispose of the device and get a new one​. 4. Is the Lava Plus Vape safe to use? Yes, the Lava Plus Vape is designed with safety in mind. It includes features like overheat protection and automatic shut-off to prevent accidents. Additionally, it uses high-quality materials to ensure a consistent and safe vaping experience. However, as with any vaping device, it's important to use it according to the manufacturer's instructions and keep it away from high temperatures to avoid potential hazards​. 5. How much does a Lava Plus Vape cost and where can I buy it? The cost of a Lava Plus Vape varies depending on the retailer, but it typically averages around $12.25. You can purchase it from various online vape shops as well as physical vape stores. It's advisable to compare prices from different vendors to get the best deal. Be sure to also factor in any potential shipping fees if buying online​​. Read the full article
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entrance-matting101 · 6 months
Revealing the Era of Convenience: Exploring the Appeal and Benefits of Loose Lay Mats
The introduction lays the foundation for the exploration of loose lay mats, a revolutionary flooring solution. It begins by defining loose lay mats as versatile floor coverings that break away from traditional adhesion methods during installation. The shifting trends in flooring preferences are briefly acknowledged, setting the stage for a deeper dive into the characteristics, types, and advantages of loose lay mats. The introduction serves as a gateway to unraveling the convenience, versatility, and transformative potential that loose lay mats bring to the world of interior design and flooring.
Characteristics of Loose Lay Mats
The convenience of loose lay mats without the need for adhesives. The loose lay mats have interlocking mechanisms that fit together seamlessly, ensuring stability.
Types of Loose Lay Mats
Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVT): Overview of LVT loose lay mats and their aesthetic versatility.
Carpet Tiles: Exploring the flexibility and design options in loose lay carpet tiles.
Rubber Mats: The resilience and suitability of rubber mats in the loose lay format.
Benefits of Each Type: Comparative advantages of different loose lay mat materials.
Advantages of Loose Lay Mats
Ease of Installation: Discussing the simplicity and time-saving benefits of loose lay mats.
Versatility: How loose lay mats cater to various design preferences and spaces.
Cost-Effectiveness: Comparing the overall cost benefits of loose lay mats, including installation.
Ease of Replacement: The convenience of replacing individual tiles without disrupting the entire floor.
Applications Across Environments
Residential Spaces: Ideal use in homes for quick and stylish flooring transformations.
Commercial Settings: Practicality and efficiency in commercial spaces with high foot traffic.
Healthcare Facilities: Hygienic and easy-to-maintain flooring for healthcare environments.
Educational Institutions: Adaptable flooring solutions for schools and universities.
Maintenance and Durability
Cleaning and Upkeep: Discussing the straightforward maintenance routine for loose lay mats.
Durability in High-Traffic Areas: How loose lay mats withstand the wear and tear of busy spaces.
Design Options and Aesthetics
Color Palette and Patterns: Diverse design choices available in loose lay mats.
Texture and Finish: Exploring the tactile and visual aspects of different loose lay materials.
Customization Possibilities: How loose lay mats can be tailored to suit specific design requirements.
Comparison with Traditional Flooring Methods
Loose lay mats surpass traditional adhesive-based flooring with their hassle-free installation, providing advantages in flexibility and ease of replacement.
Versus Click and Lock Systems:
Loose lay mats stand out against click and lock systems, offering unique benefits like simplicity in installation, repositioning ease, and reduced maintenance complexities.
Challenges and Considerations:
While some loose lay mats may lack water resistance, and certain materials can be temperature-sensitive, careful consideration and selection can mitigate these challenges.
In summary, Loose Lay Mats herald a transformative shift in flooring, presenting a flexible, user-friendly alternative to traditional methods. This article explores their distinctive features, emphasizing non-adhesive installation and material versatility. With advantages like easy replacement, cost-effectiveness, and adaptability in various settings, from homes to commercial spaces, loose lay mats prove their practicality. Maintenance insights and design considerations add to their appeal. Drawing from real-life experiences and foreseeing technological advancements, the conclusion asserts that loose lay mats are not just a passing trend but a pivotal player in the flooring industry, seamlessly merging convenience, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness.
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sitaloka · 8 months
Blue Razz Ice Funky Republic
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What is the Blue Razz Ice Funky Republic Ti7000?
Features and Specifications
The Blue Razz Ice Funky Republic Ti7000 is a disposable vape device designed for single-use convenience. It comes pre-filled with e-liquid and is equipped with a built-in battery, eliminating the need for refilling or recharging. The device’s sleek design and compact size make it easy to carry and discreet for vaping on the go.
It is built-in screen that shows you the exact juice and battery strength as you puff.
This eliminates you guessing how much juice is left, and those harsh burnt hits are a thing of the past.
You never have to worry about the battery running out because this device is equipped with a built-in 600mAh Battery, and is pre-filled with 17ml of 5%/50mg Salt Nicotine.
Finally, this device requires no maintenance other than a quick recharge when needed.            
Flavor Profile: Blue Razz Ice
This combines the sweetness of blue raspberries with a refreshing menthol twist.
Vapers can expect a burst of tangy blue raspberry flavor on the inhale, followed by a cool and icy sensation on the exhale.
The combination of fruity sweetness and a menthol kick creates a delightful and invigorating vaping experience.           
Convenience and Ease of Use (Blue Razz Ice Funky Republic Ti7000)
Disposable vapes like this are ideal for vapers who prioritise convenience and simplicity.
With no need for refilling or recharging, users can enjoy their vaping experience straight out of the box. Once the e-liquid is depleted or the battery runs out, the entire device can be discarded and replaced with a new one.
This eliminates the hassle of maintenance and ensures a consistently satisfying vaping experience.
Vaping Experience and Performance of Blue Razz Ice Funky Republic Ti7000
The Funky Republic Ti7000 disposable vape provides a smooth and flavorful vaping experience.
The built-in battery offers sufficient power for extended usage, allowing vapers to enjoy their favorite flavor without interruptions.
The draw activation mechanism ensures that users can simply inhale to activate the device, making it accessible even to beginners.
The Blue Razz Ice flavor profile delivers a balanced blend of sweetness and menthol, providing a refreshing and enjoyable sensation.
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joshua1blog · 1 year
Exploring the Future of Vaping with Alien Labs Disposable
In recent years, the world of vaping has witnessed remarkable advancements and innovations. Among the latest offerings to hit the market is the Alien Labs Disposable, a vaping device that has captured the attention of both seasoned vapers and newcomers alike. This article takes a deep dive into the world of Alien Labs Disposable, exploring its features, benefits, and the impact it may have on the vaping industry.
The Rise of Disposable Vaping Devices
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Disposable vaping devices have gained immense popularity for several reasons. They offer a convenient and hassle-free vaping experience without the need for maintenance, refilling, or charging. These compact devices are perfect for on-the-go vapers, providing a quick and satisfying nicotine fix wherever you are. The Alien Labs Disposable has taken this convenience to the next level.
A Look at Alien Labs Disposable
The Alien Labs Disposable is a groundbreaking addition to the disposable vaping market. Known for its sleek design, superior build quality, and exceptional performance, this device has quickly become a fan favorite. Here are some key features that make it stand out:
Long-Lasting Battery: One of the most notable aspects of Alien Labs Disposable is its long-lasting battery. Many disposable devices tend to run out of power quickly, leaving users frustrated. Alien Labs has addressed this issue, ensuring that users can enjoy their vaping experience for an extended period without the need for frequent replacements.
High-Quality E-liquids: The quality of the e-liquids used in disposable devices can significantly affect the overall experience. Alien Labs takes pride in using premium e-liquids, resulting in rich, flavorful vapor that is smooth on the throat. Users can choose from a wide range of flavors to suit their preferences.
User-Friendly Design: Alien Labs Disposable is designed with user convenience in mind. Its draw-activated mechanism eliminates the need for buttons or switches, making it incredibly easy to use. The ergonomic design ensures a comfortable grip, and its compact size fits comfortably in pockets or purses.
Variety of Nicotine Strengths: The Alien Labs Disposable caters to vapers of all experience levels by offering a range of nicotine strengths. Whether you're a heavy smoker looking to transition to vaping or an experienced vaper looking for a nicotine buzz, there's an option for you.
Environmentally Friendly: In an age where sustainability is a growing concern, Alien Labs Disposable takes a step in the right direction. While disposable, these devices are designed to minimize their impact on the environment through responsible manufacturing and recycling programs.
The Impact on the Vaping Industry
The introduction of Alien Labs Disposable has the potential to make a significant impact on the vaping industry. Its emphasis on quality, convenience, and sustainability sets a new standard for disposable vaping devices. Here are a few ways in which it could influence the industry:
Competition and Innovation: The success of Alien Labs Disposable is likely to spur competition and innovation in the disposable vaping market. Other manufacturers may follow suit, raising the bar for quality and performance across the board.
Shift Towards Sustainability: As more consumers become conscious of environmental issues, the environmentally friendly approach of Alien Labs Disposable could attract a growing customer base. This may encourage other manufacturers to adopt sustainable practices in their production processes.
Improved User Experience: With its long-lasting battery and premium e-liquids, Alien Labs Disposable offers a superior vaping experience. This may lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, setting a new standard for what users expect from disposable devices.
The Alien Labs Disposable has emerged as a game-changer in the world of vaping. Its blend of convenience, quality, and sustainability has the potential to reshape the disposable vaping market and influence industry practices. As vaping continues to evolve, innovations like Alien Labs Disposable show that there is no shortage of exciting developments on the horizon for vaping enthusiasts.
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vapingwow · 2 years
Uwell Caliburn A2 Replacement Pods To Satisfy Your Temptations!
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Have you heard about vaporizers that are disposable? The finest vaping experiences are offered by the most recent smoking generation. Disposable vaping is healthier than conventional smoking in comparison. Without providing you a significant high, they are potent enough to soothe your body and mind. You may simply carry the disposable vaping devices anyplace because they are very tiny and portable. You'll feel the most content and relaxed with a disposable vape.
Though for a smart vaping experience, the parts that go into a vape need to have a solid foundation. You are capable of having the ideal vaping experience thanks to their function. A superb vape has a proper operating mechanism and integrity. You must be perplexed as to why we are bringing it up. It's because we'll be talking about one of the greatest vaping components in this area of the article, which ultimately produces strong nicotine hits in the throat. We are emphasizing the Uwell Caliburn A2 replacement pods in this section. Keep reading with us to the very end because you'll learn every last nuance regarding the replacement pods like a pro.
So let's get started!
The UwellCaliburn A2 Replacement Pods: A Little More Information!
The UWell Caliburn A2 is designed to be a covert pod system that simulates smoking. The Caliburn A2 is well-liked, affordably priced, and offers a lot of practical features. They have a 0.9-ohm resistance and a two millilitre e-liquid capacity. Each Caliburn A2 pod features a magnetic connector on the bottom that can be plugged into the battery and a drip tip on the opposite side.
The only device that can make use of the pod coils is the UwellCaliburn A2. The Caliburn A2 is available in six various hues, including green, blue, orange, iris purple, grey, and black. The pod system can recharge 90% of its battery in 35 minutes thanks to its USB-C fast charger. The new Caliburn A2 Replacement Pod is sleek in design and easy to use. It is substantially easier to establish and remove a new magnetic field. The top filling has been improved, making it easier and less polluting.
How Is Filling A2 Pods A Straightforward Procedure?
By removing the drip tip and using the two substantial fill apertures, pods may be refilled. Follow the two lines on either side of the pod to prevent overflow. So, you may make an educated guess as to how much e-liquid is still in your supply. Due to its improved flavour and ability to work with higher VG liquids, Caliburn A2 coils are fantastic for mouth-to-lung and direct-lung vaping. The cartridges are also relatively long-lasting.
What Unique Qualities Come With The Uwell Caliburn A2 Replacement Pods?
The Uwell Caliburn A2 Replacement pods are the greatest and may leave your heart in pure bliss, as we have already stated. You won't experience any other wants as long as you have them! Having said that, have a look at its attributes and details:
Push Vape's draw system.
The chip-set, several circuit safeguards, and a dependable, continuous, and consistent output are all included in the "Top Filling Design."
Battery capacity of 520 mah.
Trustworthy and open-source.
Excellent Taste.
A Little About The Uwell Caliburn A2 Replacement Pods' Performance
Unique UwellCaliburn A2 pods are equipped with Meshed-H 0.9-ohm coils. Overall, the lock performs as promised. Just like you would expect from a high-quality cotton coil, the vapour is dense and moist. The coil may be used with a variety of liquids as well. After three refills, the vapor's quality remained sweet and rich without having a scorched taste. MTL vapers will value the coils' resistance, which was specially crafted for MTL usage.
UwellCaliburn A2 Pods kits respond quickly to directions to fire. We can still fire both guns with only a tiny tug. To use the two devices, hit the fire buttons 5 times in quick succession. Even though their peak output wattage is only 15W, they may nonetheless create huge vapour clouds.
Wrapping It Up
New vapers are the target audience for the Uwell Caliburn A2 Replacement Pods. These pod kits are excellent for those who are new to vaping and desire something simple. Coils do not need to be changed if a coil breaks because the entire pod may be discarded and a new coil can be fitted. What then lies ahead for you? This is the only ideal moment and the finest thing to include into your life if you have been longing for a wonderful vaping experience with your friends, family, and relatives. You won't ever feel the need for anything else with it, we assure you. Go ahead and get your set of Uwell Caliburn A2 Replacement pods without waiting a single second!
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embroidery-pro · 2 years
Brother KE14 Little Angel reviews
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Brother KE14 Little Angel reviews
Introducing the Brother Ke14 Little Angel Sewing Machine The Brother Ke14 Little Angel sewing machine stands out in the first place for its very colorful and very girly design, with its drawings of pink and purple sewing accessories. Despite its small size, its light weight and its look, make no mistake, it is not a toy but a sewing machine. The Ke14 Little Angel from Brother is a perfect mechanical machine for beginners in sewing and becoming familiar with the common points of use. For its Ke14 Little Angel sewing machine, Brother has endeavored to offer easy adjustments and simple and usual functions, while ensuring perfect safety for the seamstress. It is thus the only machine equipped with a finger guard, which reassures feverish seamstresses for their first machine sewing work.  
The technical characteristics of the Brother Ke14 Little Angel
Here are the main technical characteristics of the Brother Ke14 Little Angel sewing machine: A mechanical sewing machine, Adjustments by knobs, A finger guard for safe sewing, horizontal bobbin, 4 step buttonhole, The lighted work plan, A free arm for sewing hems and rounded parts, A 6-head drive claw, Adjustable thread tension, 14 stitches, including utility stitches and stretch stitches, Preset stitches, Reverse function, 1 kit of accessories supplied: zig-zag foot, buttonhole foot, screwdriver, zipper foot, bobbins, a set of needles, a rheostat pedal, Optional additional accessories, A presentation DVD to take control of the sewing machine, Sewing machine usable from 14 years old, 50W power, Weight: 5.5kg, Template: 44 x 37 x 19 cm. Its strengths The Brother Ke14 Little Angel sewing machine is really very visually appealing. Very aesthetic, it brightens up the sewing workshop and makes you want to get to work. Its small size is also an asset, since it can be easily moved. Especially since it has a handle. Its small size allows it to be installed anywhere and stored with a small footprint. However, it is made with a stainless steel structure which ensures good solidity. The Brother Little Angel Ke 14 allows you to carry out the most used sewing works, with its usual stitches. It allows you to work with different types of fabrics, such as fine fabrics or elastic materials. Its free arm allows good freedom of movement to sew the essential hems and other rounded parts. Getting started with the machine is relatively quick and greatly facilitated by the explanatory DVD supplied with it. The dials are simple to understand, easy to use and the last adjustment stays in position since it is a mechanical machine. The reverse function makes it easier to sew bar tacks. Adjusting the thread tension helps prevent breakage. The coil remains visible, which makes it possible to anticipate its replacement so as not to be disturbed during its work. A special feature of the Brother Ke14 Little Angel sewing machine is that it has a system that prevents the seamstress's fingers from coming against or under the needle. The system is therefore secure. This means that the machine can be used by the youngest seamstresses, from the age of 14. The price of the Brother Ke14 Little Angel from Brother is less than 100 €. With its three-year manufacturer's warranty, it is accessible to as many people as possible and offers an interesting price-quality ratio for trying out machine sewing. its weak points A few weak points are to be noted on the Brother Ke14 Little Angel sewing machine. Passionate and assiduous seamstresses will quickly take it in hand but can quickly reach the limits of the machine. Because once the usual stitches are well mastered, it will be necessary either to invest in optional accessories, which requires an additional budget, or to change the sewing machine to embark on more original, more voluminous sewing work or to work on textile textures. thicker. Also note the absence of automatic threading, which turns out to be a very useful option for getting to work quickly and not struggling to pass your thread through the eye of the needle. What type of seamstress is it for? The Brother Ke14 Little Angel sewing machine is undoubtedly aimed at beginner seamstresses. Young people who wish to indulge in sewing will also find their ideal machine in this model, as it is very reassuring. This sewing machine can also perfectly meet the needs of occasional seamstresses, those who do not have a fixed workshop. It can also be used as a backup machine for basic sewing work, especially when travelling.
Our opinion on the Brother Ke14 Little Angel sewing machine
The Brother Ke14 Little Angel machine is to be considered as a first sewing machine. Behind its pretty design hides a machine of good quality, solid, and equipped with all the basic functionalities that one could wish for on a sewing machine. The optional accessories allow you to progress in your mastery of sewing, but the possibilities are still limited. We emphasize that the Ke14 Little Angel sewing machine is safe to use by younger sewing enthusiasts, who rarely find compromises between toys and more sophisticated and expensive sewing machines.
10 Tips for your Brother KE14 little angel 
The Brother KE14 Little Angel is a compact and lightweight sewing machine that is perfect for beginners or those who have limited space. Despite its small size, it still packs a punch when it comes to features and capabilities. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Brother KE14 Little Angel. - Get to know your machine: Before you start sewing, take some time to familiarize yourself with the various buttons, knobs, and controls on the Brother KE14 Little Angel. Read the manual and practice using the different stitches and settings to get a feel for how the machine works. - Threading the machine: Threading the machine properly is crucial to ensure smooth sewing and to prevent tangling or breaking of thread. Consult your manual for specific instructions on how to thread your Brother KE14 Little Angel. - Adjusting the tension: The tension of the thread plays a crucial role in the quality of your sewing. If the tension is too loose, your stitches will be uneven and may even come undone. If the tension is too tight, your fabric may pucker or stretch. Experiment with different tension settings to find the right balance for your project. - Choosing the right needle: The type of needle you use can have a big impact on the quality of your sewing. Make sure to use the correct needle for the type of fabric you're working with and replace the needle if it becomes dull or damaged. - Selecting the right stitch: The Brother KE14 Little Angel offers a variety of stitches to choose from, each with its own specific purpose. Select the appropriate stitch for your project and experiment with different stitch widths and lengths to achieve the desired look. - Maintaining your machine: Regular cleaning and maintenance will help prolong the life of your Brother KE14 Little Angel. Remember to oil the machine, clean the bobbin case, and replace the needle and thread regularly. - Practice, practice, practice: The more you use your Brother KE14 Little Angel, the more comfortable you will become with it. Practice different techniques and try out new projects to improve your skills and discover the full capabilities of your machine. - Take advantage of the compact size: Because of its small size, the Brother KE14 Little Angel is great for taking with you on the go. You can easily bring it to a friend's house, a class, or even take it with you while traveling. - Utilize the free arm feature: The Brother KE14 Little Angel comes with a free arm feature that allows you to sew cuffs, sleeves, and pant legs with ease. Make sure to read the manual and practice using the free arm feature to create stunning results. - Accessorize: The Brother KE14 Little Angel comes with a variety of accessories, such as buttonhole foot, zipper foot, and blindstitch foot, that can help you create different types of projects. Make sure to explore the different accessories and how they can be used to enhance your projects. In conclusion, the Brother KE14 Little Angel is a great sewing machine for beginners or those who have limited space. By following these tips and tricks, you can get the most out of your machine and create beautiful, high-quality projects. Remember to take your time, practice regularly, and make use of the various features and capabilities that the Brother KE14 Little Angel has to offer. Read the full article
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deltaponline · 2 years
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merakiui · 4 years
it’s 100% okay if you don’t wanna do this since it’s a triggering topic, but I thought I’d send an ask just in case since I haven’t been doing well recently.
Could you maybe write some HCs for Childe and Scaramouche with an s/o who struggles with depression and self harms as a coping mechanism? Again, it’s completely fine if you don’t wanna do it, sorry to bother you if that’s the case
Childe and Scaramouche with a Depressed S/O
cw: descriptions of depression, self-harm, mention of dagger/knife + blood **please avoid reading if this sort of content upsets you! note - you’re not bothering me at all, anon! I hope these hcs are able to cheer you up. feel free to send a message if you’d like to talk or vent! I’ll be here to listen! <3 
💧 Childe 💧
He’s aware of your depression because it’s kept you from doing certain things with him. There have been days where you can’t find the motivation to get out of bed and wash up for the day. Whenever this happens, he tries to cheer you up, asking if you’d like to spar with him or go out to beat some hilichurl camps to let off some steam.
Childe understands that everyone deserves their alone time when they aren’t feeling well, but he wants you to use it for healthy coping mechanisms.
He’s very perceptive, so it doesn’t take him long to find out that you’ve been self-harming. He’ll notice how bandages go missing and how you always insist on wearing long sleeves, even when the weather calls for short sleeves.
And then he’ll notice how often you wash your clothes, scrubbing extra hard in certain areas so that they’ll be as inconspicuous as possible.
He’s no stranger to blood and how to care for specific injuries, so it’s easy for him to piece together what’s going on. And when he finds a dagger hidden in your bedside drawer, wrapped up in a blood-stained cloth, the final puzzle piece falls into place.
Childe doesn’t want to upset you, so he’ll lightly bring it up when you’re in a neutral mood, so as to not worsen your feelings. He’ll gently explain his findings before asking if it’s true.
You’ll admit to it because there’s no point in lying to your lover; he’ll see through you no matter what you say.
Childe doesn’t know everything about depression and why self-harm is used as a coping method for some, but he’s willing to learn everything he can to help you through it when things get rough.
But he can’t help feeling worried whenever he sees your current cuts, always fearing that one day you’ll cut too deep. He has you promise him to never try anything that may threaten your life and he won’t stop pestering you until you’re absolutely positive you won’t fatally wound yourself.
Childe understands that everyone copes differently, but he doesn’t exactly approve of your methods. He wants you to be happy, but he also wants you alive and well, so it’s not a surprise when every sharp object in your house disappears, replaced with friendlier versions that allow you to go about your daily life, free of self-harm.
Rather than self-harm, Childe proposes other means of coping and he seeks to distract you from those thoughts so that you can enjoy your time with him. He’ll stick to you like glue, never truly allowing you to go off by yourself if you intend to cut yourself.
Childe’s annoying when he gets like that, but you’d rather have someone pester you with their affection and care rather than someone who shows no sort of sympathy whatsoever. 
⚡ Scaramouche ⚡
Scaramouche doesn’t really know about what you do in your spare time, other than your hobbies and work. So he almost passes out when he catches you drawing thin cuts along your wrist, blood pooling from the shallow wounds.
He’s quick to snatch the knife, holding it in front of your face like it’s a stolen toy. He’ll harshly reprimand you, wanting to know exactly what it is you’re doing and why you’re doing it.
He isn’t oblivious and he knows of your depression, but he still wants to hear you confirm the truth. And when you do he can’t help but feel upset. It’s evident by your scars that you’ve done this before and he feels very foolish for not noticing sooner.
Scaramouche doesn’t want you to hurt yourself like this again and he makes that dreadfully clear. He always hates having to act stern and mean, but it’s all for the good of your health. The worst case scenario always flashes in his mind: you’ll hurt yourself in a way that’s irreversible and he’ll be too late to stop you.
If you show any sort of displeasure at that, he’s willing to beg. And it’s a strange sight to witness Scaramouche, 6th of the Fatui Harbingers, beg. But he’ll do as much as that if it’ll get you to stop cutting.
You’re aware of the danger and you explain to him that it’s your way of coping. The pain is a familiar comfort and you need it in order to stay sane.
Scaramouche holds your hands in his in order to take your mind off of what you were just doing, forcing you to look at him so that he can get his point across. He wants you to use healthier methods to cope and he’s going to help you whether you like it or not.
He’ll offer an array of substitutes. If you want to belittle his underlings to get rid of some pent-up anger, go for it! If you want to feast like royalty, he’ll gather an entire buffet.
Like Childe, he’s also going to stick by your side. He’s not as clingy as Childe, but he’s definitely going to pester you about it, such as asking to see your wrists and anywhere else you might’ve cut yourself or doing away with sharp objects.
When he can’t be with you, you’ll be in the care of one of his most trusted underlings, who has been ordered to keep you safe at all costs, even if it means prying a knife from your hands.
It can be quite bothersome as you try to break your own coping habit, but you know Scaramouche means well when he takes so many precautions.
Scaramouche will always listen to you; he encourages you to vent to him when you’re stressed or upset over something rather than resorting to a blade. And you’ll find that talking about it with your lover is more soothing than any self-inflicted cut.
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