#it took me 980 battles
charmac · 1 year
My top 20 Sunny episodes post S16 rewatch:
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Muse list
Hi everyone, it's me, Kit. You might remember me from my blog Gasping-Tubby-Cuties.
I sadly deleted that blog when I got hit by an awful depression attack, but I'm better now, and willing to give this another shot if you would welcome me (Though I understand if you don't).
Thanks for reading, now, onto the gals
Just a head's up, all the muses are bottom heavy. However, if asked for, their shapes can be changed nwn
Sombra: 5'2, 990 pounds
Mercy: 5'3, 980 pounds
Widowmaker: 5'4, 700 pounds
Tracer: 5'2, 775 pounds. In denial
Moira: 6'4, 120 pounds. Feeder.
Moira is the new leader of the NeoOverwatch organization. This is only a fancy name of her business though, in reality, the facility serves to keep her fatties in check and well fed. She makes sure they keep getting fatter and recording them most of the time to sell their videos in her website. All that food, clothes, and research have to be paid somehow.
Battle Bunny Miss Fortune: 5'1, 600 pounds. Fatty in denial being fattened up in secret.
Battle Bunny Zeri: 5'1, 450 pounds. She wanted to help Miss Fortune lose weight, so now she got caught up in a fattening trap.
Battle Cat Jinx: 5'4, 200 pounds. One of MF's feeders, she does sometimes snack though.
Battle Bat Vayne: 5'6, 250 pounds. The brains of the operation, it was her idea to fatten Sarah and then Zeri. However, she has a hard time not eating part of the products
Battle Bunny Aurora: 5'5, 210 pounds. Secretary who works at the Anima Squad HQ; she discovered a sudden influx of money tied to the sudden growth of all the girls and is now investigating it. Addicted to snacking, especially when busy.
Vex: 4'0, 800 pounds.
Tristana: 4'3, 800 pounds.
Poppy: 4'7, 800 pounds.
Lulu: 4'0, 80 pounds. Lulu is a crazy feeder. Her lust of fatties went to the point that she fattened up every woman in Bandle City up to immobility. Now, she lives with her 3 wives friends, making sure they are all as lazy and obese as possible, while also giving them loads of love. She is not above fattening up any girl that catches her eye.
Caitlyn: 5'1, 800 pounds. A pure ball of lard with pathetic stamina, even worse willpower, and in deep denial. Barely mobile.
VI: 6'5, 200 pounds (pure muscle). VI used to be a fatty, however, Caitlyn took it on herself to help her lose weight by eating her food. Now, Vi is a pure beefcake who lives to pamper, spoil, and keep her beloved princess fat and in denial.
Ann & Rise: 5'4 and 5'2, 300 pounds and 280 pounds respectively. Ann developed a fat fetish when she went to the US. Ever since, she has been trying to fatten herself up. Rise is her modeling partner in roommate, and sadly for her, being around someone who eats so much junk is affecting her own body.
Naoto: 5'3, 320 pounds. A detective trying her best to make a living in the world. However, her love for sweets and junk food lead her to quite a few embarrassing scenarios in front of her fellow officers. Things that only seem to get worse as she gets fatter.
Hilda (fire Emblem 3H): 5'0 (that's not even me, she is that short in canon), 150 pounds. Lazy and spoiled brat who will do everything to avoid any kind of physical work
Ivy (Fire Emblem Engage): 5'8, 180 pounds. Regal and proper queen, married to Alear. She is very formal and eloquent, however, gets embarrassed easily and becomes a stammering and blushing mess. Deeply afraid of ghosts. Looks after Alear by eating all the offerings for the Divine One.
Nekomata (ZZZ): 4'10, 20 years, 500 pounds. Member of the Cunning Hares (known as the Cunning Hogs now by some), used to be an agile and athletic catgirl, now she's more of a spoiled and needy housecat.
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ghoul-bonez · 1 year
~Through the Wind and Rain~
Chapter 1 (What I Do Remember)
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OC x OC set in the “Avatar: The Way of Water” universe…
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Summary: Niri’te’s childhood is blurry, but one day in particular stands out amongst her memories.
Word count: 980
Author's note: Shorter chapter to start it off BUT it’s here! This is chapter 1 of 15, and I am so excited to share every chapter with you! This has been in the works for a couple months now and I’ve never been so excited to get a fanfic out! This is the first fanfic I have written/ finished since like middle school & I’m an adult now so hopefully my writing has gotten better lmao.
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Last - Next
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Chapter 1 (What I Do Remember)
I don’t remember much of my childhood, but one day stands out amongst the many years of muddy memories. The day my parents went to war against the Sky People.
I was very young and didn’t understand the gravity of the situation. I didn’t understand how serious it was. I didn’t understand that the last time I would see my parents would be when I wished them luck, sending them on their way with a hug.
What I do remember from that day is that I was so excited for my parents to go out and kick some Sky People's butts, then come back and tell me all about their battles, just like every time they went hunting. However young me did not understand this was not hunting.
This was war.
I remember sitting alone, watching the adults discuss war strategies while other kids played together around me. I daydreamed of our people’s victory and my parents coming home afterwards to tell me about how strong they were. How they defeated many Sky People. How they had never felt more alive.
I remember my dad walking up to me where I was sitting, daydreaming, stars sparkling in my eyes. He snapped me out of my thoughts when he spoke to me, “Niri’te, my sweet girl, me and mommy have to go fight for our people.”
I remember being so excited, the smile on my face bright and my eyes lit up. My parents were the best warriors, they were strong, brave, and confident. They would do amazing. I had convinced myself they were the best in all of Pandora, but once I saw my mom’s face behind my dad my smile fell. My dad spoke again, “You will be staying here with the other children, your aunt will be in charge so please listen to her.”
I remember my throat closing up when my parents looked so serious. They almost looked scared, but they were supposed to be strong and confident. They weren’t supposed to be scared, and it was starting to scare me, “You will be back right?” My voice wavered.
I remember my mom picking me up in her arms, holding me close and hugging me tighter than ever before, “We love you so much Niri’te, I promise everything will be alright. I promise.”
I remember them crouching next to me and playing with me and my toys for a few more minutes. I didn’t know this would be the last time my family was together and normal. I saw other warrior’s kids talking with their parents, but unlike me they all only had one warrior parent. I used to be so proud both of my parents were great warriors, but now it was scary. Thoughts of what if something did happen swirled in my head. I shook them away as I had made up my mind that nothing would.
I remember as soon as they came they went. My dad picked me up, hugging me tightly, my mom joining in as well. I felt at peace. Then suddenly the peace was broken, and they were rolling out with the other warriors on their ikrans. I watched them follow the Toruk Makto, and everyone cheered as they took off. I cheered and yelled as loudly as I could, my parents smiling back at me, my mother waving me goodbye.
I remember as their ikrans left our sight over the horizon everyone went back to what they were doing. My aunt tried to keep me and my cousins busy, doing anything to keep us from thinking about or stressing about our parents. She offered for us to help gather things from around the area for the Tashik who gladly accepted our help. There were already many injured to help with after the hometree fell.
I remember waiting for hours. Everyone started getting antsy the longer it took. Even as I couldn't keep myself still I was determined to wait as long as it took, my parents would come home to me.
I remember being ecstatic when someone yelled out that the war party was back. I shot up from where I was sitting and pouting, and sprinted towards the ikrans as my aunt yelled after me. I weaved my way to the front of the crowd, searching and searching for my parents.
I remember my heart stopping when I found them. They were being carried by other warriors, ones still standing, and I knew they hadn’t made it back. Not alive at least.
I remember feeling shattered, everything I had ever known surrounded them, they were my support system, they were what made any place feel like home.
I remember feeling myself crumble to the ground, not being able to control my body to keep myself upright. Sobs wracked through my body and I cried harder than I ever had before, my lungs burned from trying to take in air while pushing it back out harshly.
I remember nobody coming to help me. Nobody came to console the sobbing child, more worried about their loved ones. Eventually I felt arms around me, looking up to see my aunt who was running her hand through my hair, she had tears in her eyes too and I knew I wasn’t completely alone although I felt like it.
I remember being exhausted after calming down enough to breathe properly, I couldn’t keep my eyes open as I was carried away from the crowd and the bodies coming in, but I didn’t think I wanted to be awake anymore after the day I had.
The last thing I remember right before drifting off was the rain pattering on the ground, the cool drops sliding against my skin, then I was asleep. The storm within me brewing for the first time. I had always carried it, but until then it was just a drizzle.
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Word Bank:
Sky People (Humans)
Ikran (Mountain Banshee)
Toruk Makto (Rider of Last Shadow)
Tsahik (Spiritual leader)
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dailycass-cain · 2 years
So it FINALLY happened! 
Well, two things happened in Batgirls #13. 
 #1 We got an editor's note detailing a past Batgirl's ongoing for a reader to look at (only took them thirteen issues)!!! 
 #2 The first ACTUAL confirmation that Cass's original origin is back in canon.
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Now, how does this explain Cassandra Cain’s origins that are both in play?
It’s complicated.
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So I’m going to do my best to explain it all here.
So in the current DC Universe EVERYTHING is canon. How you ask? Well...
Let’s start with the DCU post-Crisis on Infinite Earths aka when Cassandra Cain was introduced into this very universe during the Batman: No Man’s Land event. 
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So everything that happened to Cass from that moment all the way to Batman: Gates of Gotham basically. That bit of history up until Flashpoint when Barry Allen decided to screw up the DCU and everything and everyone. 
Instead of fixing it completely Barry was more like Homer Simpson in that Treehouse of Horror episode when he mucked with time too much and settled with what he got when “fixing” it:
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 The universe reset itself. Things happened anew and Cass came back to the DCU this time being reintroduced with a completely new origin in Batman & Robin Eternal. Along with her origin being tied with Harper/Cullen Row as she was now the person who murdered their mother Miranda.
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This version of Cass had 0 memories of her prior life. HOWEVER, she did learn about them in Detective Comics #980:
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But note she had 0 memories of that prior life. 
Dark Knights: Death Metal #6 when she along with many others got the memories of her prior history (for her it was just this missing chunk. For everyone it was SOOOOO much more) as the final battle for the DC Multiverse erupted.
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Everything is one story now.
Even if everything has happened. Just that the universe is still set with Barry’s fuckup timeline. However, it’s always been assumed (at least by me) that Cass took this newfound memory and due to the talk she had with Batman in Batman & the Outsiders #17 decided to retake the mantle of Batgirl in Batman: Joker War Zone #1 during the Joker War event (that was happening around the same time as Dark Knights: Death Metal).
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It's the best way to think of how everything exists when it shouldn't. That or DC doing a fierce impersonation of Cass at an all-you-can-eat buffet. The girl wants it ALL:
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It is how you can have Harper/Cullen Row still existing and talking about Batman & Robin Eternal origin of Cass still (from the Punchline one-shot post Joker War in 2020):
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But also have in 2021 DC referencing Cass’s NML origin in DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1 in the back blurb:
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Along with writer Mariko Tamaki referencing No Man’s Land in her Tec run (#1050) and in the Batman One Day Day: Two-Face #1. Along with Batgirls #13 aka what kicked this whole thing off.
Yet, somehow the mainline DCU is the least complicated of explaining Cassandra’s origins. “Wait, there’s one more confusing?” you ask? Yes. There is! For there is one universe where Cassandra Cain’s origins are even more complicated. 
I give you Batman: Wayne Family Adventures who decided she had all three identities and settled on evolving into Orphan. 🙃🙃🙃🙃
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I refuse to even someone explain this history and devolution. You’re not gonna make me. 
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“When I lose my way I close my eyes / and he has found me”
Ben Solo had people he loved and they loved him too, once.
The second great Jedi purge, though the eyes of a future murder victim.
It was raining when the world ended.
They awoke to the clashing of lightsabers and screaming, and the smell of smoke, and Darkness consuming the Force around them.
Something had changed.
“This was the great Jedi Purge,” Luke Skywalker said. He wasn’t smiling today, and that was so unlike the master they knew and adored. “The near-total annihilation of all the Jedi across the galaxy.
“Survivors have told it me it felt like a storm of darkness, an inescapable torment of loss and fear. The moment the clones turned on the Jedi, it was over.”
This was how it must have felt, they thought, as they scrambled down the halls of the temple, lightsaber ignited. Their fellow initiates yelled directions and orders, flooding the halls with panic.
“Get to the younglings, protect them-”
“They’re coming around the back!”
“The west wing is on fire!”
“Follow me- !”
They charged outside, accompanied by five other students still dressed in their sleep clothes. Rain poured from black clouds above, sizzling on their blades.
They didn’t understand what was happening. The night had been peaceful, despite the fog in the Force that had obscured the futute ever since Ben Solo turned. But the youngest of the new Jedi were tucked into bed while their elders formed watch or went to sleep themselves. Luke Skywalker commed them that very afternoon, and signed off with a weary smile.
Ben Solo leaving the Jedi was the start, that much was certain. The Force had warped since them, becoming heavy and inscrutable.
That was the harbinger of incredible tragedy.
Knights set upon them, dripping with rage and untamed power. They heard the screams of their friends around them and felt them die moments later. Blade against blade against flesh, clashing in the night.
There was a horrible brightness as their defenses began to falter, and they felt a jolt of fear. They were outnumbered and weakened; even if this fight was to be won, another would strike them down soon after.
In the next instant, a searing pain ruptured in their dominant arm and their lightsaber deactivated as it fell to the ground. A second later, they followed, run through the stomach with a deadly sword.
The Knight stood over them, lingering before moving on to the next Jedi. They felt the pain, then the numbness, and they listened as their friends died beside them. It was a long while before the night was quiet again, save for the patter of rain against the mud.
They would certainly die, then, they knew. Their life force ebbed steadily, and the pain grew stronger than ever, now accompanied by a great and inescapable exhaustion.
They turned to the sky. Smoke and clouds hung above, and they could see no stars. They would die among fire, in quiet, and they would not see the stars again.
Still, there was peace. If it was quiet, the suffering of their friends was quickly over. If there were clouds, there was rain, and they relished the cool water on their face. It felt good on their burns and wounds.
They thought again of the first Jedi Purge, of the words she had exchanged with the man now leading another genocide. It had been a sad, solemn day, and even Ben Solo had thought so.
Lessons ended early that day, so Luke’s pupils could recover and reflect. Sadness permeated the air, and they retreated to their room, Ben trailing behind with a worried look on his face. He watched as they curled up in their bed, wrapping a blanket around themself. Ben sat next to them, waiting.
“They were alone, at the end.” They whispered, shaking their head.
They drew their knees against their chest, staring out the Temple window.
“That’s what would scare,” they said, and Ben didn’t need the Force to know their fear. “All those Jedi, suddenly alone. In the Temple at least… you’d die with your friends. But out in battle, they only had their troops. Until they turned on them. And they died alone.”
“That was a long time ago,” Ben said, but they turned to him, tears streaming down their cheeks. They choked, unable to explain this reaction, or how they shuddered when he took their hand.
There were footsteps, heavy and squelching in the mud. They felt the ground trembling beneath them.
So they were checking for survivors. Anyone left wounded but alive. Like them. Doomed to die slowly.
A Sith might leave them to bleed out for hours, let them suffer. Let them reflect on their weakness and fear and anger and despair. Their helplessness.
The footsteps stopped. A single person, teeming with rage and darkness. They studied the clouds, tinged orange from the fire, and turned away from the sky for the last time.
They looked at the looming figure above them, and they knew him. His face was still the same, though twisted with hatred and anger, and his eyes glowed gold. Even his Force signature had changed, marred and corrupted. It wasn’t unrecognizable, only darkened, but the familiarity made it worse.
“Ben…” they croaked, and Kylo Ren shook his head. They sighed, gazing at the sky again, and closed their eyes. Unbidden, tears escaped them, mingling with the rain on their face.
They heard him move, and braced themself for the end, at last. But instead of the burn of a lightsaber, instead of the bliss of sudden nothingness, they felt a warmth capturing their hand. They opened their eyes to see Ben kneeling next to them, his hands clasping theirs.
“You’re not alone,” he said, and the Darkness flickered.
Voices were clear over the rain, faint at first but distinct. They met his stare, and in their dying haze, his eyes almost looked their usual brown.
“Please,” they whispered.
A lightsaber ignited, there was a flash of red, then Kylo was alone again.
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Mando May 2021 Week 3 + Day 18
AN: Ahhhhhh, okay so here it is!! When planning out what I wanted to write for the weekly prompts this is the one that cut the deepest and was my favorite idea that I came up with to fit. I only hope I did it justice and all of you like what I have written. I'd love to hear your thoughts, as well as please consider LIKING and/or REBLOGGING, it really helps me out. I hope that you all have great weeks, love you!
Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni paratayli, gar darasuum
"I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal." The saying is then followed by a repetition of loved ones' names or the names of those lost in battle.
Mirshmure'cya- keldabe kiss, headbutt
Pairing: Boba Fett x GN!Reader
Words: 980 (sorry it's a shorter one)
Summary: You've lost track of how long you have been in the room crying and mourning your loss, and the only person that could pull you from this sadness is completely gone.
Warnings?: death mention, torture mentioned in passing, pre Mandalorian Boba, post sarlacc pitt, don't ask about the armor please I didn't know how else to go about it lol
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Everything had happened so quickly, yet at the same time in slow motion. You thought that you’d never see the day that this would happen, but you knew with the dangerous career he held it was more likely he was going to die an early death than to die of old age, but you had tried your hardest to ignore that fact, believing in his abilities to protect him from all the dangers. You had made plans of possibly raising a family together, trying to convince him to settle down and leave all his hardships and trauma in the past. You never brought these fantasies to him, kept them to yourself knowing that he would not care for the idea of leaving everything behind. This was his life, and how could you ask more of him, ask him to leave it all behind for you. But now you would never get to take the chance to even ask him.
You hadn’t been there with him when it had happened, you had been at Mos Eisley shopping and stoking up on what provisions you had been low in. The day had been like any other really, the only thing that was different was Jabba’s decision to sail out to the the sarlacc pit and have two people, one of which Boba had just brought to him frozen in carbonite, executed by being tossed into the hungry maw of the giant creature. You may have been subjected to watching several horrors though out the galaxy and had heard just how tortuous the sarlacc monster was on it’s victims, and you had hoped that Jabba wouldn’t ask Boba to occupancy him on the trip, but that is exactly what had happened. Boba had told you apologetically to go and stock up on things with a soft touch to your chin, and a bump of his forehead to yours, with a whispered, “I’ll meet you at Slave I when we are finished. I think it is time we take a small break just the two of us.”
That is the last that you had heard of him. You had taken your time with gathering things, happy and dazed at the thought of Boba actually deciding to take a small vacation, sans all work for once. The happiness had lingered long after you had arrived back at Slave I, and as you cleaned things up and organized everything nicely. Your happiness had lingered even as the twin suns began to set, and in your heart you knew that he had been gone for too long. You had been fine until you had heard a knock on the side of the ship. Your happiness lingered even as you greeted a bounty hunter that you had been friendly with in the past while Boba had business occupying him. The other hunter was quite good at sabacc and always kind to you. But the second you saw them standing there, your heart had dropped and that happiness you had carried all day melted away into a burning sadness at the apologetically look the hunter gave you and the pile of metal that was piled at his feet. They hadn’t said a word as they carried the damaged green armor onto the ship for you, they didn’t make any comments on the silent sobs that wracked your frame or the endless trail of tears pouring from your eyes, and they left you just as quickly as they had appeared.
The hours passed in a blur, nothing really processing in your mind besides the overwhelming sadness. You remember moving the ship away from the palace, knowing you were in no shape to protect yourself if some of the less savory hunters and criminals that had survived the ordeal at the sarlacc pit. You remember collapsing on the floor of the ship next to the neatly piled armor as a fresh wave of sobs over took your body. You remember screaming out his name until your throat was raw.
You’re not sure when, but eventually the sobs and tears wore your already tired mind and body and you had fallen asleep. When you finally came too again, you could feel the dried tracks of tears and snot, your throat sorer than it had ever been. You aren’t sure when, but in your sleep you hands had instinctively sought out Boba’s helmet, and you had woken up cradling it tightly to your chest. Carefully, as if it would turn to dust in your hands you tilted the helmet so that the visor was starting back at you, and you could see the reflection of your puffy red eyes looking back at you. You sat there tracing the helmet, the dips and scratches, silently and biting your lip, tired of crying and just holding back the dam of emotions that you could feel pounding in your head and heart to be let free. As you fingers over the imperfections, both small and large, you ran through every happy memory you had shared with Boba, everything from your first kiss to the last time you had slept together.
It didn’t take long for sleep to start pulling at your eyes again, and in your dazed sleepy mind, one last memory pulled at your mind and made you want to cry all over again. Boba hadn’t taught you much about his mandalorian culture, but he had taught you an important phrase, one to commemorate the dead, to honor them. You had never been able to quite say it correctly, but you had listened to Boba whisper the words at night followed by the name of his father. So now as you are on the verge of falling into another slumper, you lifted Boba’s helmet and bumped your forehead against it, and choked out, “Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni paratayli, gar darasuum. Boba, I miss you…”
Tags: @meabravo @ollovaemisc @jessaminejaylinnreaper @echos-newlegs
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Monarch #7
Who: Æthelred II (Old English: Æþelræd) Also Known As:  Æthelred the Unready (his epithet does not derive from the modern word "unready", but rather from the Old English unræd meaning "poorly advised"; it is a pun on his name, which means "well-advised") Where: England Succeeded: His brother, Edward Reigned: 978-1013 and again from 1014-1016 Born: c.966 Died: 23rd April, 1016 (aged around 50), London Buried: Old St Paul’s Cathedral, London (lost) Consorts/Children: First married Ælfgifu of York, sometime in the mid-980s, and she was definitely dead by 1002.  With Æthelred she had at least nine children, possibly ten.  Second, he married Emma of Normandy in 1002, with whom he had three children.
Æthelred Facts! Æthelred’s (combined) reign of 37 years was the longest of any Anglo-Saxon king of England, and was only surpassed in the 13th century by Henry III.  
He came to the throne aged 12, after his mother may or may not have had his older half-brother, Edward, murdered.  It’s pretty much accepted that he was far too young to have been involved.  
This is the moment that the Danish started being seriously problematic.  After decades of more-or-less peace, the Danish raids restarted in 980 and how.  After the Battle of Maldon in 991,  Æthelred paid tribute to the Danish king called Danegeld, intended to bribe him into going the heck away.  
This didn’t work.  So, in 1002, Æthelred ordered the massacre of Danish settlers in what became known as the St Brice’s Day massacre.   Supposed amongst the killed is Gunhilde, the sister of Sweyn Forkbeard, the King of Denmark.   Æthelred justified the massacre in a royal charter of 1004, explaining the need to rebuild Saint Frideswide’s church[1].
Gunhilde may or may not have died then, but it was given as a justification of Sweyn’s invasion of England in 1013 (maybe it took nine years for him to build up both an army and a really good snit over it).   Æthelred ran away to Normandy, and Sweyn Forkbeard ruled for a few months before dying.   Æthelred then came back and ruled until he died, two years later. 
Æthelred has been credited with the formation of a local investigative body made up of twelve thegns who were charged with publishing the names of any notorious or wicked men in their respective districts. Because the members of these bodies were under solemn oath to act in accordance with the law and their own good consciences, they have been seen by some legal historians as the prototype for the English grand jury. Æthelred makes provision for such a body in a law code he enacted at Wantage in 997, which states:
that there shall be an assembly in every wapentake,[n 4] and in that assembly shall go forth the twelve eldest thegns and the reeve along with them, and let them swear on holy relics, which shall be placed in their hands, that they will never knowingly accuse an innocent man nor conceal a guilty man. And thereafter let them seize those notorious [lit. "charge-laden"] men, who have business with the reeve, and let each of them give a security of 6 half-marks, half of which shall go to the lord of that district, and half to the wapentake.[3]
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is incredibly critical of Æthelred, but was written in retrospect and could be seen as to be judging his policies and actions with the foregone conclusion that he was always doomed to lose to the Danish.  There have been some arguments in favour of Æthelred made, and indeed recent assessments have cautiously come down in favour of him.   "Æthelred's misfortune as a ruler was owed not so much to any supposed defects of his imagined character, as to a combination of circumstances which anyone would have found difficult to control.”[4]
Ælfgifu of York Facts! We think she was born in the 970s and died before 1002, when Æthelred remarried.   She might have been the daughter of Thored, the Earl of southern Northumbria.   The problem here is that what we know of her comes from sources written in the 1080s and afterwards.  The first (from Sulcard of Winchester) describes her as being ��of very noble English stock” but declines to name her.  William of Malmesbury, writing in the 12th century has nothing to say of her at all, whilst in the 1150s, Ailred of Rievaulx notes her as the daughter of Thored and mother of Edmund, but again does not name her.  Even though he was writing so late, he was the seneschal at the court of the Scottish king David I, whose mother Margerat was the great-granddaugther of Ælfgifu and his information may have come to him through genuine sources.   And that is pretty much all we know about her, apart from the names of her children.  Even her date of birth and the date of her marriage is supposed based on what we know about her sons.  Of her daughters we have very little information, even some of their names are vague, and there is one who is posited, unnamed, and cannot be confirmed. 
Æthelstan Ætheling (died 1014)
Ecgberht Ætheling (died c. 1005)[40]
Edmund Ironside (King of England, died 1016)
Eadred Ætheling (died before 1013)
Eadwig Ætheling (executed by Cnut 1017)
Edgar Ætheling (died c. 1008)
Eadgyth or Edith (married Eadric Streona) v
Wulfhild? (married Ulfcytel Snillingr)
Abbess of Wherwell Abbey?
Emma of Normandy Facts! As queen of England, Emma wasn’t allowed to be called Emma.  She was Ælfgifu in official royal documents. 
She was the daughter of Duke Richard I of Normandy and his wife, Gunnor (also called Gunnora).  
Her first marriage, to Ælthelred, was made in order to keep relations between Normandy and England cordial.  Things had been going downhill after Richard II of Normandy, Emma’s brother, welcomed Danish Vikings to the dukedom and gave them sanctuary, violating a treaty between Æthelred and Richard I, wherein the duke had sworn not to aid the enemies of England after he too had been giving the Danes assistance.  
During the Danish invasion by Sweyn Forkbeard, Emma and her children were sent to Normandy, where Æthelred soon followed, but they all came back after Sweyn died.   
Little is written of Emma during this time but she’s going to come up again later, because she didn’t stay a dowager queen for too much longer.  She married Cnut in 1017.
She had three children with Æthelred:
Edward the Confessor c. 1003 – 5 January 1066
Goda of England c.1004 – c.1049
Alfred the Noble c. 1005–1036
[1] "For it is fully agreed that to all dwelling in this country it will be well known that, since a decree was sent out by me with the counsel of my leading men and magnates, to the effect that all the Danes who had sprung up in this island, sprouting like cockle amongst the wheat, were to be destroyed by a most just extermination, and thus this decree was to be put into effect even as far as death, those Danes who dwelt in the afore-mentioned town, striving to escape death, entered this sanctuary of Christ, having broken by force the doors and bolts, and resolved to make refuge and defence for themselves therein against the people of the town and the suburbs; but when all the people in pursuit strove, forced by necessity, to drive them out, and could not, they set fire to the planks and burnt, as it seems, this church with its ornaments and its books. Afterwards, with God's aid, it was renewed by me." 
[2]Wormald, Patrick (1978), "Aethelred the lawmaker", in David Hill (ed.), Ethelred the Unready: Papers from the Millenary Conference, British Archaeological Reports - British Series 59, pp. 47–80
[3]Liebermann, Felix (1903). Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen: in der Ursprache mit Uebersetzung und Erläuterungen. Volume 1. Halle a.S.: Max Niemeyer.
[4]Keynes, Simon (1986). "A Tale of Two Kings: Alfred the Great and Æthelred the Unready". Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series 36. 36: 195–217
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smartphonewars-blog · 6 years
Honor Magic 2 with Kirin 980 and Sliding Display Debuts at IFA 2018
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The magic hasn’t gone from your phone! Huawei’s sub-brand Honor just presented the first Kirin 980 powered device dubbed the Honor Magic 2 and it features a SLIDING DISPLAY. Let me share whay I found out about Honor Magic 2 and what’s good/bad about it, but first, let’s go back in time and visit the Honor Magic 1.
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Nearly two years ago, before concept phones were cool, Huawei introduced the Honor Magic out of the blue and it blew people away. It was the first phone to feature facial recognition and AI functions integrated in the software. This was truly a revolution back then. Huawei took their first steps in Face ID and AI which later proved very benefitial and we see them in EMUI 8 today and especially in Kirin 970 with its own NPU chip. Now, back to the present Honor Magic 2 and is it as revolutionary as the first one?
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The battle for most screen-to-body ratio has always been able to sell more phones and help developers introduce new tech. We removed the fingerprint scanner from the back and placed it under the display, but we still can’t get rid off the front camera we need so much, but we’ve found a loophole, or Oppo did.
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A month or so ago, Oppo Find X entered the smartphone scene and people really loved it With Find X the mechanical mechanism works automatically and a soon as you open the camera app the slider will open. Huawei decided this was not ideal and people want control over the slider.
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With Honor Magic 2, you decide when you want to pop-out that camera as the slider is built in the body, just like the Nokia Banana phones used to have. Behind the slider there is a 3D Facial Recognition camera which will also allow you to use it as a paying method. As for the Rear cameras, nothing was revealed, but they were sitting on the back, so you still have those. Well, if you aren’t into sliding phones and the newest chipsets, Magic 2 offers the fastest and safest SuperCharging technology.
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Honor Magic 2 uses a 40W Huawei Supercharging charger. This is nearly twice as fast as Qualcomm’s QC 4.0 (24W). We didn’t get charging numbers, but should be 30-40 minutes to a full charge on a 3500mAh battery and who wouldn’t want that!
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Honor Magic 2 really looks interesting, but I have to say, definetely not revolutionary. Unless Huawei come up with another gimmick they’ve been hiding in this presentation I have to dub the Honor Magic 2 a Oppo Find X copycat and a commercial phone, rather than a concept one. I expect the Honor Magic 2 to launch shortly after the Mate 20 (probably late October) and will be pricey for sure.
Don’t forget to check out and subscribe to my Youtube channel Smartphone Wars for detailed and honest phone reviews.
Don’t miss out on the big September Tech Sale here for lots of bargains on Phones, Tablets and Smartwatches.
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livecases297 · 3 years
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upshotre · 5 years
More troubles in Kogi APC
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The current face-off between Kogi State Governor, Yahaya Bello, and the Deputy Governor, Simon Achuba, which degenerated during the week with the suspension of the Deputy Governor by the state chapter of All Progressives Congress (APC), has heightened fear over the likely fortunes of the ruling party in the November 16 Governorship Election. Observers said the suspension and the commencement of impeachment notice on the embattled Deputy Governor stand as concrete evidence that barely two months before the election; APC, the ruling party, is sorely troubled in the state. Even before the quarrel between the governor and the deputy governor became public knowledge, most observers had expressed fear that open resistance of Bello’s aspiration for a second term by his fellow party men and women may weaken the chances of the party to contest the November 16 Governorship Election as a united party. About three months before last week and this week’s open political fights, we have reported here that though APC and PDP are the strongest political parties in the Kogi State governorship race, it was observed that supporters of the ruling APC were more worried because of the ongoing internal crisis in the state chapter of the party. We made reference then to the inability of the warring factions in the state to resolve their differences. Some concerned insiders told The Nation then that the disagreement between powerful stakeholders in the state APC seemed to have given the opposition PDP some edge. This was because some powerful forces within the state could no longer hide their desire for an alternative to Bello’s aspiration to get a return APC governorship ticket. One such open confrontation came from a group which described itself as the Kogi State Forum of Aspirants. After a well-advertised meeting in Abuja recently the group advised the National Secretariat of APC not to issue the governorship ticket of the party to Governor Yahaya Bello “if APC wants to retain Kogi in the forthcoming governorship election in November.” In a two-page communique, which was signed by Mr. Ben Adaji and Mr. Anthony Odana, Chairman and Secretary respectively of the Communiqué-drafting Committee of the group, they said “that the forum unanimously rejects the candidature of Governor Yahaya Bello to run for the second term due to bad leadership and non-performance.” They also threatened that giving the governorship ticket to Bello “would be amount to losing Kogi State to the opposition,” adding that at the end of their meeting, “Alhaji Yahaya Audu was unanimously endorsed by the forum to contest the forthcoming governorship election in the state.” Only insiders then knew that the matter had become even more complicated. One of the most worrisome factors that have further worsened the crisis within APC in the state since then is the failure of the governor and the deputy governor to manage their hitherto well-guarded icy relationship in the interest of the party. Today, the two are on each other’s throat and it seems the opposition political parties in the state are rejoicing that the ruling party may never be able to contain the implosion. BELLO V ACHUBA Although the Kogi State Deputy Governor, Elder Simon Achuba, had said repeatedly that he has no plan to contest against Governor Yahaya Bello, political observers said his recent allegation that Bello has sent armed men against him, has, more than any other recent development, exposed the degree of disunity and bad blood within the Kogi State APC. The embattled deputy governor shocked observers on Thursday, August 1, 2019, when he told newsmen that Bello has mobilised gunmen to go after him. “I want the Police, SSS, IGP to know that if anything should happen to me, my family and aides, the governor should be held responsible,” he said. Of course, that stunning press briefing was not the actual beginning of Achuba’s expose on the worsening relationship between him and Bello. In a pre-action notice, Achuba had written a letter to Bello, urging him to pay the accumulated sum of N819, 709, 980 owed to him. According him, the sum is the accumulated statutory allocations due to him, which include travel allowances, hotel bills, pledges, and outstanding monthly impress and salaries. He said these statutory allocations were withheld from his office for the past two years. In the letter, dated July 17, 2019, Achuba had accused Bello of regularly refusing to give approval for the release of funds for the smooth running of his office, the office of the Deputy Governor. Achuba did not stop there but warned that his request for the release of the withheld allocations be granted within seven days, failure of which he would be forced to seek redress in the National Industrial Court. At that point, it became obvious that the battle line had already been drawn. The Nation gathered then that many APC leaders at the national level, including top officials in the Presidency, like Mr. President’s Chief of Staff, Abba Kyari, reached out to seek ways of resolving the matter. So when last week’s Wednesday the Kogi State House of Assembly commenced impeachment process against the Deputy Governor, Achuba, every keen observer knew that APC leaders may have failed in the prolonged efforts to resolve the crisis in Kogi State chapter of APC. Reports quoted the Kogi State House of Assembly as saying it based its action on the utterances of the deputy governor on Channels TV and AIT, even as members of the House described Achuba’s utterances as a gross misconduct against Bello and the people of the state.” The impeachment process began with a petition signed by 21 members of the House which was presented on the floor by the Majority Leader, Abdullahi Bello, representing Ajaokuta State Constituency that Wednesday at the plenary. Parts of the petition read, “The actions and utterances of the deputy governor amounts to gross misconduct in the performance of the functions of his office.” The petition also alleged that the committee that the Kogi State Government set up to look into the Iyano crises in the Ibaji Local Government made some finding that indicted the deputy governor over his actions in relation to the escalation of the crisis. “It is our view that the deputy governor is guilty of gross misconduct and he ought to answer to and or substantiate all these allegations.” Based on this, the Speaker of the House, Mathew Kolawole, directed that the petition should be transmitted to the deputy governor and gave him two weeks to reply, while investigation into the alleged misconduct commenced. As if that was not enough, the state chapter of APC, almost at the same time suspended the deputy governor of the state, Elder Simon Achuba, over alleged anti-party activities before, during and after the 2019 general elections. The party said it based the suspension on “some actions the Deputy Governor took that constitute embarrassment to APC family in Kogi state”. The Kogi APC chairman, Abdullahi Bello, told reporters in Lokoja that the party received several petitions from stakeholders in Iyano ward, Ibaji Local Government Area, where the Deputy Governor hails from. Abdullahi Bello also accused Achuba of “discretely and openly working for candidates of opposition parties during the presidential, national and state assembly elections in the state,” he said, adding that the activities of Achuba during the last elections was against the APC candidates, while he (Achuba) held the exalted position of the Deputy Governor of the state According to him, the report of the disciplinary committee constituted by the Iyano ward and Ibaji Local Government Area of APC, to probe the crises in the area, indicted the deputy governor, and also recommended for his suspension to be followed by expulsion, if he did not show any remorse. He therefore said that “the Kogi State Working Committee of the APC, having deliberated on the recommendations of the Disciplinary Committee of APC Iyano Ward and Ibaji Local Government branch of the party, resolved and upheld Elder Simon Achuba’s suspension till he responds to the letter that the party would serve him. “As we are all aware, the All Progressives Congress does not condone acts of indiscipline, indiscretion and anti-party activities from any party member, no matter how highly placed. “His series of reckless, damaging and unsubstantiated allegations against government of Kogi State was an action that constitute a serious violation of Article 21A (ii), (v) and (vii) of the APC constitution, amount, amounting to acts of disloyalty and embarrassment to the party,” Bello said. Reacting to the development, Agude Achimi, an APC supporter in Lokoja, told The Nation on Friday that “Kogi APC is in dire need of rescue. Every effort to reconcile the warring factions has failed. To some of us, it seems the party is ready to let go of the state. We are frustrated and ashamed of the strategies currently being employed to resolve the problem. What is happening at the House of Assembly is a shame and a confirmation of the rot we are facing here in Kogi, even as the suspension of the deputy governor by the party leaves so much to be desired. We are worried over the party’s fate in the November 16 Governorship Election,” he said. Like Achimi, many observers are today worried and curious to see how the crisis would be resolved eventually. Read the full article
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appinsta · 6 years
Android Power Rankings: The best Android brands, ranked
We are now at the start of 2019 after 2018’s bumper year for Android brands. Great flagship devices fighting for overall number one status included the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, the Huawei Mate 20 Pro, and the Google Pixel 3 to name just a few.
At the flagship level, but with just a few less features were the likes of the OnePlus 6 and 6T, both given a serious shake by the new Pocophone F1. And, at the so-bleeding-edge-it-hurts were the likes of the Vivo Nex and the Oppo Find X, with competing innovations in offering full-screen devices. Even as the year came to a close, we saw Honor and Samsung battled it out to be the first smartphone with the punch hole display instead of the notch. A great year, indeed.
But what’s the lay of the land in terms of overall brand success, value, competitiveness, service, style, and importance? Which brand is on top, and which has fallen back?
Introducing Android Power Rankings
The best Android brands, ranked.
What are power rankings?
First, a refresher or introduction to power rankings. Power rankings are, of course, mostly from the world of sports. Systems to rank teams in the NFL, NBA, and NCAA have been around for decades and are part of the fun of a long season. Teams go up and down depending on the strength the team has shown, which mostly comes down to wins and losses. But close losses against top teams can boost a low team, and scrappy, ugly wins for top teams over lower ranked teams might hurt their ranking in close races. It’s a chance to assess the entire league or division, and of course, the fans won’t always agree with whatever system is in place.
How does it work?
How do you power-ranking Android brands, when everything from new devices to an unexpected update with hot new features can change rankings? Is it about proven success, or can a new upstart immediately rank well? Is it about new growth or sustaining a brand without necessarily growing? Is it about having options at every price point, or doing one phone very, very well? Well, it’s all of those.
I’ve decided each ranking subjectively, but took into account metrics such as sales, strength of reviews of devices, our very recent Best of Android results, plus recent poll results around top phones and new brands.
Here’s my Android power rankings for the start of 2019 — one man’s opinion only. I’ll aim to do this at least a few times a year… as long as you promise to argue nice! Let’s get into it.
Android Power Rankings
1. Samsung
Samsung is on top. The King is alive and continue to rule, even as the hyenas and the jackals snap away. While the challengers are coming and may have even had arguably better years across all devices, the Galaxy Note 9 still won phone of the year as best of the best of Android and is the MVP. With One UI rolling out, foldable displays just over the horizon, and new devices with punch hole displays and quad-cameras, Samsung is leading. Oh, and don’t forget the Galaxy S10 coming in less than a month.
Ultimately, here’s why Samsung wins for me. Consider two phones: same size, same specs, same price, but one is branded Samsung, one is Huawei. Which do you go for? Samsung, still, every time.
2. Huawei
Huawei keeps pulling out the stops in its flagship range and its mid-range value phones. Huawei also has Honor on its side to keep pushing budget flagships, challenger phones, gaming devices, and more. But zero U.S. presence really holds Huawei back, and that pressure may grow during 2019. The Mate 20 Pro was a valiant runner-up behind the Note 9 and showed Huawei has the lead at the moment with the Kirin 980 chipset in terms of performance – just. Huawei is pretty much the only top player showing massive growth – 35 percent in 2018. Will the next Android Power Rankings see it beat Samsung, just like Huawei promised it would do in terms of market share?
3. OnePlus
This is a very high mark for OnePlus, but 2018 was almost a complete success and the brand is massively desirable. The OnePlus 6 started as one of the best phones of the year, and the 6T kept up the momentum. The OnePlus 6T, however, became a divisive release, missing a headphone jack and trading it for a slightly slow in-display fingerprint sensor. The 6T McLaren addition added some premium vibes. Sales were strong, partnerships in the US are growing, but prices keep trending upwards too. The brand is definitely boosted by a strong software release cycle and timely updates. OnePlus 7, a separate 5G device, a TV, and more, await.
4. Xiaomi
The race for third place is close. I debated if Xiaomi is first next-best or second-next best after Samsung and Huawei. Xiaomi’s a massive player in China, India, and growing strongly in Europe. The Mi Mix series offers flagship performance, the Redmi sub-brand (which is still very much Xiaomi) dominates budget devices, while the big brand keeps experimenting with sub-brands and new contenders as well. The Apple of China probably isn’t as true as Xiaomi might like, but the brand is boosted by its jack-of-all-trades offerings as well, with the UK storefront looking surprisingly good. A far bigger presence than OnePlus, but I’d 100% rather have a OnePlus device over a Xiaomi device, for now.
5. Google
The Google Pixel range isn’t yet inside the top four. The Google Pixel range is the benchmark for photography, despite DxOMark’s fumbles in its ranking. But the Google Pixel 3 wasn’t enough to elevate the brand to a proper main player – the phone was expensive, not widely available, and honestly all those leaks made it feel a bit… cheap? Pixel is a great home for Google’s best and brightest software and features, but neither the Pixel 3 or the Pixel 3 XL really stood out other than for the camera and perhaps Google Duplex. Will the rumored Pixel 3 Lite change this?
Still, Google is well ahead of the rest below here and with all those former HTC engineers, is cooking its own hardware for real in 2019.
6. LG
LG’s G7 was one of the better flagships this year, although it wasn’t amazing in any one area. The V40 also showed innovation, but LG is fighting an uphill battle for attention against Huawei, Samsung, and others. Never bad, never amazing. Stumbles like announcing an LG G7 One running Android One, and then not announcing pricing for weeks (if not months) might tell us someone, somewhere, jumped the gun. Slow software updates remain a problem. LG is one of the great brands in electronics across all facets of electronics, but in smartphones, can’t figure out how to beat the best. One positive for us, if not LG, is that these devices can often be had for a bargain price just a few months after release. As we asked last week: will life be good in 2019? Let’s hope the rumored foldable phone is a winner.
7. Nokia
Nokia is firmly back. It has continued to produce a steady stream of quality budget wares, with the Nokia 7 Plus and 7.1 being two standouts. The Nokia 8 Sirocco was the first attempt to produce the premium flagship Nokia needs, but it was overpriced and had just as many things to dislike as anyone could like about it. Nokia needs a solid performer that everyone wants if it truly wants to climb up the ranks. Solid performer, very likely selling more than LG, and unlikely to fall from here unless 2019 is a shocker.
8. Oppo
The Oppo Find X was one of the more innovative designs of the year and brought Oppo a big uptick in brand recognition after it proved to be more of a gimmick. The company’s VOOC Super Charge tech was rather slick too. But the company has definitely been overshadowed by its own stablemates in OnePlus, while a competitor like Pocophone came from fierce rival Xiaomi without fighting back directly. Solid, with faint glimpses of spectacular.
9. Sony
The OLED-screened Sony Xperia XZ3 won numerous IFA awards and showed Sony is still a major player. Before that, the Sony Xperia XZ2 whiffed a bit for being pricey and not having a camera that lived up to the Sony name. Mid-rangers from Sony didn’t always go to plan either – the XA2 series was out of step with the latest trends. But the XZ3 was such a return to form, plus Sony’s solid wider brand and heartland of fans means that it holds onto a top-ten spot. The rumor is Sony might even bring back the headphone jack. Who knew manufacturers really might be listening?
10. HTC
Poor HTC. Everyone knows HTC isn’t the force it once was. It tried in 2018 but it couldn’t really make a mark. The HTC U12 Plus was and remains a genuine flagship, but had an eye-watering price that did it no favors at all. It also suffered from mistakes like middling battery life, slow software updates, no headphone jack, and couldn’t tick every box its rivals could for features. The return of the headphone jack in the mid-range HTC U12 Life was very welcome. Unfortunately, the device sits in a world where far more competitive alternatives exist, and being a HTC device alone doesn’t trigger an automatic buy. Top ten for now but in 2019 too?
11. Lenovo / Motorola
Lenovo keep promising intriguing smartphones but haven’t yet delivered a must-have device. Motorola, bundled in here, seems to be drifting in the wind more than making claims for an almighty comeback. The Moto G6 was a definite budget winner at least. Still trying with Moto Mods, including a 5G mod, for some reason. Here’s hoping the Moto G7 is a winner. As for Lenovo, it’s trying to have the first Snapdragon 855 device in 2019, but what Lenovo says and what Lenovo does aren’t always the same. I am genuinely excited to see this new foldable display Moto RAZR-like device.
12. Vivo
The Vivo Nex was one of the hits of 2018, and a sign of things to come in terms of innovations that enable full-screen displays. I played with the little pop-up camera in person, and came away far more impressed than I thought. The V11 and V11 Pro were decent mid-rangers, while the Vivo X21 had the world’s first in-display fingerprint sensor. The dual-display Vivo Nex 2 offered more leading innovation. But Vivo’s not quite mainstream, and its software is just awful, or at least not designed for a Western audience. A real bleeding-edge brand, but a powerhouse it isn’t. Yet.
13. Pocophone
The Pocophone F1 was really a standout and worthy of the title Rookie of the Year (ROTY) for 2018. It had all the sharpness of Xiaomi manufacturing and supply chain genius, all at a superbly value-packed price. It sold like hot cakes and garnered huge interest for a new device, but crucially wasn’t available globally. A big start to life in 2018, and the F2 with Snapdragon 855 will be hotly anticipated. If you perhaps think this is a rather low position, it’s because of a couple of reasons. Pocophone is very closely tied to Xiaomi, and it’s super new and hasn’t proven itself over longer term. The F1 also didn’t come with important little things like full Widevine DRM for watching HD video, or the requisite cellular bands to fit all places at all times. Still, who can argue at the price, even if your aunt can’t call you in the USA on Verizon? Impressive ROTY, but watch out for a second-season slump.
14. BlackBerry
The Blackberry KeyONE was definitely a smartphone with a keyboard. The Blackberry Key2 was a smartphone with a keyboard that you might even buy, if the shouting YouTubers (you know who they are) didn’t talk you out of it. Then the Key2 LE saw an interesting debut, trying to go low-fi and become more attractive to people who might want a physical keyboard, not spend a lot of money, and even feel like it’s for them. These are deliberately more executive-targeted devices and probably a little too niche to be near the top 10. Backed by solid software which is definitely not always the case below the top eight.
15. Asus
Between the Zenfone Max Pro M1, Pro M2, and Zenfone 5Z, Asus made value for money a key theme in 2018, with the 5Z a genuine affordable flagship. The former device in particular was a big winner in the Indian market. The ROG phone caught the eye of gamers too and had a wide release which is encouraging. Asus has talked about 2019 being a focusing on mobile gaming, so stay tuned for how that shakes out this year.
16. Razer
The Razer Phone 2 achieved some great improvements over Razer’s first phone but competition is fierce. Encouraging signs for a really established brand in the gaming scene, and at least the 120Hz refresh display gave gamers something genuinely unique for the money, but not anywhere near the bigger guns. This rank feels low, but at the same time, do you own a Razer Phone?
17. Realme
Realme sprung up as Oppo’s solution to the Redmi juggernaut in India. The Realme 1 and Realme 2 and Realme 2 Pro  all came to play in 2018 and immediately gave the budget range something to think about. The reviews didn’t rave about these new devices but Realme did spring into the top three or so in sales in India by late 2018. That’s all it had to do last year. Too low-end for more mainstream consumers, singularly focused on one country for now, but that might change in time. If so, it could be upwards from here.
18. ZTE
ZTE ranks near enough to last after the decapitation attempt and late-rescinding from the U.S. government. ZTE will be back and isn’t likely to be down this far in 2019, but for now, one of the bigger players in recent years is resetting and refocusing.
19. Essential
Questionable even in existence, Essential had one good phone in 2017 that’s now a bargain. But it didn’t sell enough, and its camera took more than 12 months to get up to speed. The 2018 cupboard was bare without a new phone and with founder Andy Rubin in hot water. Essential ended up buying an email app, for some reason. What’s next for Essential in 2019? Retirement?
20. Red
The Red Hydrogen One was sort of the anti-Pocophone F1. It generated plenty of interest in its hyped new-fangled display, but then it all collapsed as the Hydrogen One turned out to be lots of outdated bits cobbled together, a trick display with no real purpose, and oh yes, ridiculously expensive to cap it off.
Ranked lower than Essential, because not releasing a phone in 2018 is better than coming to the table with this. Sorry Red. Change our minds this year.
So, how’s the top 20 looking to you? Questions, queries, concerns? Let’s take it to the comments. We’ll be back with updated rankings in a few months time!
from Android Authority http://bit.ly/2sQVjxu via app promotion from Blogger http://bit.ly/2RRBqFf http://bit.ly/2MzpnXs
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impracticaldemon · 7 years
For dribbles and asks relationship firsts and Yukino
Words: 980 || FF.net LINK
Dear Anon-san,
🌺I’m sorry for the delay!  Thank you for the ask & for your patience.  I’ve never written about Yukino, so I needed to give this request a bit of thought. I hope you enjoy this story ~ it is rather bittersweet. 🌺
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Soft Shadows
Yukino had wanted to be a part of Sabretooth for several years, but now she had been humiliated, stripped of her membership and guild mark, and expelled. It should have been difficult to pick a “worst thing”, since it had all been terrible, from losing to Kagura to facing the Guild Master’s sanction.  However, if she asked her bleeding heart, the answer was clear: Sting’s indifference to–no, his approval of–her punishment, was the worst thing about the entire disaster.
Sting had always seemed invincible to Yukino–a golden, shining light to be respected, admired, and adored.  Hers was an unrequited passion, of course, but that had never disturbed her unduly. It had merely added to her need to prove herself by winning her battles at all costs. 
Strangely, it had been the twin–dark, silent Rogue–who had seemed disturbed by the Master’s harsh treatment.  Unlike golden Sting, his black eyes had frowned at the Master, not at her, or so it had seemed. Of course, both men been behind her for most of that awful ceremony. Most of it, but not all.  When she had turned to leave, belongings gathered in her arms but otherwise naked, they had been right in front of her, foremost among the assembled guild members.
In that moment, she had realized that Sting not only did not love her, but that he didn’t think of her as a person at all, exactly–it was what he had been taught and all that he knew.  It was the black eyes that had flickered with compassion, not the blue.  Yukino could sense Rogue’s distress at her humiliation, although he had hidden it quickly. Compassion was not a trait that Sabretooth Guild encouraged.  
Rogue had come to see her while she packed, and somehow she had known that he had slipped away in secret, careful not to let anyone, especially Sting, know where he was.  She had let him in without asking questions, and he stood near her now, the frown from earlier back in his eyes.
“I regret that this has happened,” he said at last.  Yukino knew that he had chosen his words carefully so as not to openly criticize either the Master or the Guild itself.
“I know, Rogue-sama.  I undertand.  And… I failed.  This is one of the prices.”
“Just one?  Oh.”  Rogue was exceptionally intelligent; it only took a moment for him to remember that she had lost more than a match to Kagura–she had also lost a bet, and she had staked her life.
Yukino was startled when he reached out and touched her shoulder.  At least she was dressed now, if only in an ordinary sleeveless top and skirt.  The beautiful white and blue cape was folded away, forfeited along with… everything else.  Rogue’s hand felt oddly heavy on her bare shoulder.  He was so quiet that people sometimes forgot that his darkness was the match for Sting’s light–he was a strong man and a powerful mage.
“Please forgive my intrusion and also my… forwardness, I suppose,” Rogue murmured.  He was slightly flushed, and despite her half-dazed state, Yukino wondered why.  Then his other hand clasped one of hers and held it up between them.  With something that sounded like a sigh, he bowed his head and lifted her hand to his lips.
It was a strange, courtly gesture, and Yukino was at once confused and soothed.  His lips on the backs of her fingers were soft and warm, a promise of unbroken friendship and a hint of something more. She heard herself inhale sharply–a small gasp of surprise, nothing else.
“I–Rogue-sama, I don’t–I mean…”  She trailed off when he looked up at her, smiling a little sadly.
“I know.  It’s not me that you see when you close your eyes.  But it doesn’t matter.  Just remember that I am still your friend, no matter what.  I believe that Sting will understand better–will see what’s right in front of him–one day.  For now, try not to give up completely.  Promise me.”
Yukino blinked at him, unsure what to do or say.  He had not relinquished either her shoulder or her hand.  Eventually she nodded uncertainly.
“I promise not to give up.  I have a plan.”  She hesitated, but decided to keep the details to herself.  “Thank you for worrying about me.”
Slowly, as if waiting to be scolded, she raised her free hand and touched the other mage’s cheek.  The light flush on Rogue’s face deepened, but he didn’t say or do anything to stop her.  When she stretched up to place her lips lightly on his, he still didn’t move, except to bow his head and gently accept the kiss.  When she moved away again, he was careful not to  constrain her.
They stood looking at each other for a minute or two, and then released each other’s hands at almost the same moment.  Yukino, suddenly acutely conscious of what had just happened–of what she had done–couldn’t speak. 
“I need to go back to my room before I’m missed,” Rogue said calmly. Before Sting notices I’m gone, he meant.
Yukino ducked her head in acknowledgment.  “I need to finish my packing,” she replied, striving for the same calm.  It occurred to her that they were both putting their masks back on.  She wondered if they would ever speak of that brief kiss and concluded that they wouldn’t–not unless things changed a great deal.
“Good night, Yukino.  And… be careful.  Look after yourself.”
“Thank you, Rogue-sama.  You, too.  Be well.”
An instant later, Rogue was gone.  Yukino lifted her fingers to her lips.  It had all been very strange, like being in a particularly realistic but not necessarily believable dream.  She was quite certain, though, that she would never forget her first kiss.
🌺Note:  Distinctly bittersweet, but that seems appropriate given the events following Yukino’s defeat by Kagura.  I would truly appreciate any comments and notes.  Thank you for reading! 🌺
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lavotha · 5 years
At the cutting edge of the sports’ industry
Sportel Monaco took place at the Grimaldi Forum from October 20-23, 2019, organized under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
This highly recognized sports & media event gathered the elite of the International Sports Marketing and Media Industry, under the professional leadership of CEO Laurent Puons, CEO and Managing Director Amparo Di Fede. (Photo insert:View of networking room at Sportel Monaco 2019 @Sportel All Rights Reserved)  
Prince Albert could not attend Sportel this year because he was in Japan for the Enthronement of Emperor Naruhito, for a ceremony that dates from the 7th century. Pierre Casiraghi, who is a true sports ambassador and supporter, was there to represent our sovereign.
Sportel Awards Monaco celebrated its 30th anniversary, confirming its ever-increasing success, as the event keeps expanding, continually innovating and adapting to changes in the marketplace, welcoming new media as well as the e-sport sector.
“Business leaders know that, for three days, we allow them to meet the main actors both from international sports media and the new technology sector. With 3126 participants, representing a 3% increase, and 980 companies from 73 countries, SPORTEL Monaco is now, more than ever before, the industry’s largest international gathering”, declared Laurent Puons.
For 30 years, top-level executives from around the world, representing sports networks, international sports federations, sports marketing agencies,  production companies, sports content right owners, distributors, technology, and new media, reunite in Monaco. Together they determine the future of major sports events for the 21st-century media platforms, one of the essential conventions serving as B-to-B business podium and the perfect place to find valuable insight on influential business trends and practices.
The highly instructive conferences and expert panels, with a program offering richness and variety, are the source of the sports industry’s current evolution and progress. Over the last five years, SPORTEL has zeroed in on new technologies, revealing the key players in anti-pirating, monetization of content and fan engagement, proving to be always on the cutting edge.
Grand Prix de Monaco, La Legende 
Yann-Antony Noghès presented the projection of the documentary Grand Prix de Monaco, la Legende that he produced to celebrate the 90th anniversary of its creation in 1929, by his grandfather Antony Noghès. It is the compelling story of how the smallest country in the world managed to become the world’s capital of motorsport while having virtually no space for a formal racetrack.
The documentary recounts the great moments of racing, legendary battles, spectacular accidents, money wars, and glamour. Excellently narrated by Prince Albert II of Monaco, it tells the story of the City Race that all drivers dream of winning.
Through the independent testimonies of the most significant drivers and leaders of Formula 1, rare archives, and scenes of reconstruction, the documentary offers an exceptional insiders view into the heart of the most legendary car racing that celebrated its 90th anniversary.
At the end of the screening, the audience broke into applause. Then attendees had the chance to participate in an interactive discussion with French world champion Alain Prost along with Michel Ferry, Vice-president of ACM, Christian Tornatore, General Commissioner of ACM and the documentary Producer Yann-Antony Noghès from Check Productions. (Photo @Sportel All Rights Reserved)
Golden Podium Awards 2019
It was a memorable and emotional experience to attend once again the SPORTEL Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco, under the Honorary Presidency of Prince Albert II of Monaco, and the Patronage of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
The evening began with a retrospective of the last 30 years, with a host of personalities parading on stage to present the awards to the year’s winners. The event honored the winners of the Georges Bertellotti Golden Podium Competition and Renaud de Laborderie Sports Book Competition. They respectively recognize the world’s most beautiful and breathtaking sports sequences of the year, and the best-illustrated sportsbooks, in the presence of Olympic Champions, International sports celebrities, and sports fans.
A prestigious Jury composed of sport and media industries personalities had not an easy task selecting the recipients of the Golden Podium Trophy. The overall message of this highly anticipated ceremony was of sport as a means for peace, gender equality, endurance, and hope.
The evening continued at the Sporting Monte-Carlo, transformed for the occasion into sports fields, and a giant 30th-anniversary birthday cake.
The Golden Podium prestigious Jury
Yelena Isinbayeva, Russia – President of the Jury – Pole Vault Olympic Champion and Peace & Sport Champion
Cheick Cisse, Ivory Coast – Taekwondo Olympic Champion, Ivory Coast
Georgia Garinois – Melenikiotou, Greece – Executive Vice-President of Corporate Marketing The Estee Lauder Companies
Jacques Glenat, France – Founder & CEO Glenat Editions
Brita Heidemann, Germany – Fencing Olympic Champion
H.E. Yvette Lambin-Berti, Monaco – General Secretary, The Monaco Olympic Committee
Valerie Nicolas, France – Handball World Champion
(Photo: Giorgia Garinos, Britta Heidemann, Pierre Casiraghi, Yelena Ysinbayeva, Valerie Nicolas, HE Y. Lambin-Berti & Cheick Cisse @Sportel Press All Rights Reserved)
2019 Laureates
The audience applauded enthusiastically during the Golden Podiums ceremony rewarding the most beautiful sport videos of the year, as well as the Sports Book Prize-Renaud de Laborderie recognizing the best-illustrated sports book. (Photo: Pierre Casiraghi & Alain Prost with then ensemble of Golden Podium Award winners 2019 @Sportel All Rights Reserved)
Alain Prost recognized for his unparalleled career
For this anniversary edition, Sportel Awards honored Alain Prost, former French racing driver, and a four-time Formula One Driver’s Champion considered one of the greatest F1 drivers ever, who received The Sportel Lifetime Achievement Award 2019.  Previously presented to Didier Deschamps, the objective of this prize is to honor an international athlete for his sporting achievements.
Alain Prost with the Legend Award 2019 @Sportel All Rights Reserved
Alain Prost, Pierre Casiraghi and Didier Deschamps, Sportel Monaco 2019 Sportel Monaco 2019 @Sportel All Rights Reserved
Best Slow Motion Prize – Formula 1 – FORMULA 1, United Kingdom
Discovery Prize (Supported by SEBMAN) – Mickey Corker – RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE GMBH, Austria
Innovation Prize – Follow me X Irek Rizaev – Dino Raffault – SUPERSIZE FILMS, France
Best Promotion Program Prize (Supported by CPC&Associes)–  Piotr Jasinski – EKSTRAKLASA LIVE PARK SP. Z O.O., Poland
Advertising Prize – Christian Blachas – Aaron Stoller – BISCUIT FILMWORKS, USA
Second Screen Prize – European Championships – Livelike & Eurovision, USA
Digital Prize (Supported by A.S. Monaco FC) – Swish Live – SAS SWISH LIVE, France
Jury Prize – Presque Parfait (Almost Perfect) – Vincent Aix – CANAL+   – France
Peace and Sport Documentary Prize – Jaime Murciego – JAIME MURCIEGO, Spain
International Olympic Committee Grand Prize – Jones & tino – STINK FRANCE, France
Book Prize Renaud de Laborderie – The Sports Book Prize (Supported by Monegasque Olympic Committee) – Senna Inedito – Pino Allievi, Roberto Boccafogli, Carlo Cavicchi, Giorgio Piola, Carlos Sanchez – Giorgio Nada Editore, Italy
Mark your calendars!
Next year’s sports business’ gathering will take place in the USA. After a two-year absence, SPORTEL will be returning to Miami from March 3-6, 2020, under a brand new format, with an additional day to be set aside for high-level conferences.
Today’s Quote
“Sports teaches you character; it teaches you to play by the rules; it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose; it teaches you about life.” Billie Jean King
SPORTEL Monaco celebrated 30th anniversary honoring legend Alain Prost At the cutting edge of the sports’ industry Sportel Monaco took place at the Grimaldi Forum from October 20-23, 2019, organized under the…
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aikipoet-blog · 5 years
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Knight’s Tale, Part I (Numbered) (Forrest Hainline's Minimalist Translation)
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Knight’s Tale, Part I (Numbered) (Forrest Hainline's Minimalist Translation)
Here beginneth the Knight’s Tale
859      Once, as old stories tell us;
860      There was a duke called Theseus;
861      Of Athens he was lord and governor,
862      And in his time such a conqueror
863      That greater was there none under the sun.
864      Full many a rich country had he won;
865      What with his wisdom and his chivalry,
866      He conquered all the reign of Feminie,
867      That once was called Scythia,
868      And wedded the queen Hippolyta,
869      And brought her home with him in his country
870      With much glory and great ceremony,
871      And too her young sister Emily.
872      And thus with victory and with melody
873      Let I this noble duke to Athens ride,
874      And all his host in arms him beside.
875      And certain, if it weren’t too long to hear,
876      I would have told you fully the manner
877      How won was the reign of Feminie
878      By Theseus and by his chivalry;
879      And of the great battle for the nonce,
880      Between Athens and Amazons;
881      And how assieged was Hippolyta,
882      The fair, hardy queen of Scythia;
883      And the feast that was at her wedding,
884      And of the tempest at her home-coming;
885      But all that thing I must as now forbear.
886      I have, God knows, a large field to air,
887      And weak be the oxen in my plough.
888      The remnant of the tale is long enough.
889      I will not delay eek none of this route;
890      Let every fellow tell his tale about,
891      And let’s see now who shall the supper win;
892      And where I left, I will again begin.
  893      This duke, of whom I make mention,
894      When he was come almost unto the town,
895      In all his wealth and in his most pride,
896      He was ware, as he cast his eye aside,
897      Where that there kneeled in the highway
898      A company of ladies, tway and tway,
899      Each after the other clad in clothes black;
900      But such a cry and such a woe they make
901      That in this world no creature living
902      That heard such another lamenting;
903      And of this cry they would never cease
904      Til they the reins of his bridle seized.
  905      “What folk be you, that at my homecoming
906      Perturb so my feast with crying?”
907      Said Theseus.  “Have you so great envy
908      Of my honor, that thus complain and cry?
909      Or who have you misbeden or offended?
910      And tell me if it may be amended,
911      And why that you be clothed thus in black.”
  912      The eldest lady of them all spak,
913      When she had swooned with a deadly cheer,
914      That it was ruth for to see and hear;
915      She said, “Lord, to whom Fortune has given
916      Victory, and as a conqueror to live,
917      Not grieves us your glory and your honor,
918      But we beseech mercy and succor.
919      Have mercy on our woe and our distress!
920      Some drop of pity, through thy gentleness,
921      Upon us wretched women let thou fall,
922      For, certain, lord, there is none of us all
923      That she hasn’t been a duchess or a queen.
924      Now be we captives, as it is well seen,
925      Thanks be Fortune and his false wheel,
926      That no one’s estate’s assured to be well.
927      And certain, lord, to abide in your presence,
928      Here in this temple of the goddess Clemence
929      We have been waiting all this fortnight.
930      Now help us, Lord, since it is in thy might.
  931      I, wretch, which that weep and wail thus,
932      Was once wife to King Cappaneus,
933      That died at Thebes – cursed be that day! –
934      And all we that be in this array
935      And make all this lamentation,
936      We lost all our husbands at that town,
937      While that the siege thereabout lay.
938      And yet now the old Creon – wail-away! –
939      That lord is now of Thebes the city,
940      Fulfilled of ire and of iniquity,
941      He, for despite and for his tyranny,
942      To do the dead bodies villainy
943      Of all our lords which that had been slain,
944      Had all the bodies on a heap lain,
945      And will not suffer them, by no assent,
946      Neither to be buried nor burnt,
947      But make hounds eat them in despite.”
  948      And with that word, without more respite,
949      They fell grufe and cried piteously,
950      “Have on us wretched women some mercy,
951      And let our sorrow sink in thine heart.”
  952      This gentle duke down from his courser start
953      With heart piteous, when he heard them speak.
954      He thought that his heart would break,
955      When he saw them so pitiful and so mat,
956      That once were of so great estate;
957      And in his arms he them all up hent,
958      And them comforted in full good intent,
959      And swore his oath, as he was true knight,
960      He would do so far-forthly his might
961      Upon the tyrant Creon him to wreak
962      That all the people of Greece should speak
963      How Creon was of Theseus served
964      As he that had his death full well deserved.
965      And right anon, without more abode,
966      His banner he displayed, and forth he rode
967      To Thebes-ward, and all his host beside.
968      No near Athens would he go nor ride,
969      Nor take his ease fully half a day,
970      But onward on his way that night he lay,
971      And sent anon Hippolyta the queen,
972      And Emily, her young sister sheen,
973      Unto the town of Athens to dwell,
974      And forth he rode, there is no more to tell.
975      The red statute of Mars, with his spear and targe,
976      So shines in his white banner large
977      That all the fields glitter up and down
978      And by his banner born is his pennon
979      Of gold full rich, in which there was beat
980      The Minotaur, which that he won in Crete.
981      Thus rides this duke, thus rides this conqueror,
982      And in his host of chivalry the flower,
983      Til that he came to Thebes and alight
984      Fair in a field, there as he thought to fight.
985      But shortly for to speak of this thing,
986      With Creon, which that was of Thebes king,
987      He fought, and slew him manly as a knight
988      In plain battle, and put the folk to flight;
989      And by assault he won the city after,
990      And rent down both wall and spar and rafter;
991      And to the ladies he restored again
992      The bones of their friends that were slain,
993      To do obsequies, as was then the guise,
994      But it were all too long for to devise
995      The great clamor and the lamenting
996      That the ladies made at the burning
997      Of the bodies, and the great honor
998      That Theseus, the noble conqueror,
999      Does to the ladies, when they from him went;
1000    But shortly for to tell is my intent.
  1001    When that this worthy duke, this Theseus,
1002    Has Creon slain and won Thebes thus,
1003    Still in that field he took all night his rest,
1004    And did with all the country as he lest.
  1005    To ransack in the tass of bodies dead,
1006    Them for to strip of harness and of wede,
1007    The pillagers did business and cure
1008    After the battle and discomfiture.
1009    And so befell that in the tass they found,
1010    Through-girt with many a grievous bloody wound,
1011    Two young knights lying by and by,
1012    Both in one arms, wrought full richly,
1013    Of which two, Arcite hight that one,
1014    And that other knight hight Palamon.
1015    Not fully quick, nor fully dead they were,
1016    But by their coat of arms and by their gear
1017    The heralds knew them best in special
1018    As they that were of the blood royal
1019    Of Thebes, and of sisters two born.
1020    Out of the tass the pillagers had them torn,
1021    And had them carried soft into the tent
1022    Of Theseus; and he full soon them sent
1023    To Athens, to dwell in prison
1024    Perpetually – not held for ransom.
  1025    And when this worthy duke has thus done,
1026    He took his host, and home he rode anon
1027    With laurel crowned as a conqueror;
1028    And there he lives in joy and in honor
1029    Term of his life, what needs words more?
1030    And in a tower, in anguish and in woe,
1031    This Palamon and his fellow Arcite
1032    For evermore; there may no gold them quit.
  1033    This passed year by year and day by day,
1034    Til it fell once, on a morn of May,
1035    That Emily, that fairer was to seen
1036    Than is the lily upon his stalk green,
1037    And fresher than the May with flowers new –
1038    For with the rose color strove her hue,
1039    I know not which was the finer of them two –
1040    Ere it were day, as was her want to do,
1041    She was arisen and all ready dight,
1042    For May will have no sluggardy at night.
1043    The season pricks every gentle heart,
1044    And makes it out of his sleep to start,
1045    And says, “Arise, and do thy observance.”
1046    This made Emily have remembrance
1047    To do honor to May, and for to rise.
1048    Clothed was she fresh, for to devise:
1049    Her yellow hair was braided in a tress
1050    Behind her back, a yard long, I guess.
1051    And in the garden, at the sunrise,
1052    She walked up and down, and as she pleased
1053    She gathered flowers, parti white and red,
1054    To make a subtle garland for her head;
1055    And as an angel heavenly she sang.
1056    The great tower, that was so thick and strong,
1057    Which of the castle was the chief dungeon
1058    (There as the knights were in prison
1059    Of which I told you and tell I shall),
1060    Was even joined to the garden wall
1061    There as this Emily had her playing.
1062    Bright was the sun and clear that morning,
1063    And Palamon, this woeful prisoner,
1064    As was his want, by leave of his jailor,
1065    Was risen and roamed in a chamber on high,
1066    In which he all the noble city saw,
1067    And too the garden, full of branches green,
1068    There as this fresh Emily the sheen
1069    Was in her walk, and roamed up and down.
1070    This sorrowful prisoner, this Palamon,
1071    Goes in the chamber roaming to and fro
1072    And to himself complaining of his woe.
1073    That he was born, oft he said, “alas!”
1074    And so befell, by adventure or chance,
1075    That through a window, thick of many a bar
1076    Of iron great and square as any spar,
1077    He cast his eye upon Emily,
1078    And therewithal he blanched and cried, “Ah!”
1079    As though he stung were unto the heart.
1080    And with that cry Arcite anon up start
1081    And said, “Cousin mine, what ails thee,
1082    That art so pale and deadly on to see?
1083    Why criest thou?  Who has thee done offense?
1084    For God’s love, take all in patience
1085    Our prison, for it may none other be.
1086    Fortune has given us this adversity.
1087    Some wicked aspect or disposition
1088    Of Saturn, by some constellation,
1089    Has given us this, although we had it sworn;
1090    So stood the heaven when that we were born.
1091    We must endure it; this is the short and plain.”
  1092    This Palamon answered and said again,
1093    “Cousin, for truth, of this opinion
1094    Thou hast a vain imagination.
1095    This prison caused me not for to cry,
1096    But I was hurt right now through my eye
1097    Into my heart, that will my bane be.
1098    The fairness of that lady that I see
1099    Yond in the garden roaming to and fro
1100    Is cause of all my crying and my woe.
1101    I know not whether she be woman or goddess,
1102    But Venus is it truly, as I guess.”
1103    And therewithal on knees down he fell,
1104    And said, “Venus, if it be thy will
1105    You in this garden thus to transfigure
1106    Before me, sorrowful, wretched creature,
1107    Out of this prison help that we may escape.
1108    And if so be my destiny be shaped
1109    By eternal word to die in prison,
1110    Of our lineage have some compassion,
1111    That is so low brought by tyranny.”
1112    And with that word Arcite gan to spy
1113    Whereas this lady roamed to and fro,
1114    And with that sight her beauty hurt him so,
1115    That, if that Palamon was wounded sore,
1116    Arcite is hurt as much as he, or more.
1117    And with a sigh he said piteously,
1118    “The fresh beauty slays me suddenly
1119    Of her that roams in the yonder place;
1120    And but I have her mercy and her grace,
1121    That I may see her at least a way,
1122    I am but dead; there is no more to say.”
  1123    This Palamon, when he those words heard
1124    Despiteously he looked and answered,
1125    “Whether sayeth thou this in earnest or in play?”
  1126    “Nay,” said Arcite, “in earnest, by my faith!
1127    God help me so, that would be full evil play.”
  1128    This Palamon then knit his brows tway.
1129    “It were,” said he, “to thee no great honor
1130    For to be false, nor to be traitor
1131    To me, that am thy cousin and thy brother
1132    Sworn full deep, and each of us til other,
1133    That never, for to die in the pain,
1134    Til that the death depart shall us twain,
1135    Neither of us in love to hinder the other,
1136    Nor in no other case, my dear brother,
1137    But that thou should truly further me
1138    In every case, as I shall further thee –
1139    This was thine oath, and mine also, certain;
1140    I know right well, thou dare it not withstand.
1141    Thus art thou of my counsel, out of doubt,
1142    And now thou would falsely be about
1143    To love my lady, whom I love and serve,
1144    And ever shall til that my heart starve.
1145    Nay, certes, false Arcite, thou shall not so.
1146    I loved her first, and told thee my woe
1147    As to my counsel and my brother sworn
1148    To further me, as I have told before.
1149    For which thou are bound as a knight
1150    To help me, if it lay in thy might,
1151    Or else art thou false, I dare well say.”
  1152    This Arcite full proudly spoke again:
1153    “Thou shalt,” said he, “be rather false than I;
1154    And thou art false, I tell thee utterly,
1155    For paramour I loved her first er thou.
1156    What will thou say? Thou knows not yet now
1157    Whether she be a woman or goddess!
1158    Thine is affection of holiness,
1159    And mine is love as to a creature;
1160    For which I told thee my adventure
1161    As to my cousin and my brother sworn.
1162    I pose that thou loved her before;
1163    Know thee not well the old clerk’s saw,
1164    That ‘who shall give a lover any law?’
1165    Love is a greater law, by my pan,
1166    Than may be give to any earthly man;
1167    And therefore positive law and such decree
1168    Is broken all day for love in each degree.
1169    A man must need love, maugre his head;
1170    He may not flee it, though he should be dead,
1171    And be she maid, or widow, or else wife.
1172    And too it is not likely all thy life
1173    To stand in her grace; no more shall I;
1174    For well thou know thyself, verily,
1175    That thou and I be damned to prison
1176    Perpetually; us gain no ransom.
1177    We strive as did the hounds for the bone;
1178    They fought all day, and yet their part was none;
1179    There came a kite, while that they were so wroth,
1180    And bore away the bone between them both.
1181    And therefore, at the king’s court, my brother,
1182    Each man for himself, there is no other.
1183    Love, if thee list, for I love and ay shall;
1184    And truly, dear brother, this is all.
1185    Here in this prison must we endure,
1186    And each of us take his adventure.”
  1187    Great was the strife and long between those two,
1188    If that I had leisure to say;
1189    But to the effect; it happened on a day,
1190    To tell it you as shortly as I may,
1191    A worthy duke that hight Perotheus,
1192    That fellow was unto Duke Theseus
1193    Since thilk day that they were children lit
1194    Was come to Athens his fellow to visit,
1195    And for to play as he was want to do;
1196    For in this world he loved no man so,
1197    And he loved him as tenderly again.
1198    So well they loved, as old books say,
1199    That when that one was dead, truly to tell
1200    His fellow went and sought him down in hell –
1201    But of that story list me not to write.
1202    Duke Perotheus loved well Arcite,
1203    And had him known at Thebes year by year,
1204    And finally at request and prayer
1205    Of Perotheus, without any ransom,
1206    Duke Theseus him let out of prison
1207    Freely to go where that he list over all,
1208    In such a guise as I you tell shall.
  1209    This was the forward, plainly for to endite,
1210    Between Theseus and him Arcite:
1211    That if so were that Arcite were found
1212    Ever in his life, by day or night, or stound
1213    In any country of this Theseus,
1214    And he were caught, it was accorded thus,
1215    That with a sword he should lose his head.
1216    There was no other remedy nor rede;
1217    But taking his leave, and homeward he him sped.
1218    Let him beware!  His neck lies to wedde.
  1219    How great a sorrow suffers now Arcite!
1220    The death he feels through his heart smite;
1221    He weeps, wails, cries piteously;
1222    To slay himself he waits privily.
1223    He said, “Alas that day that I was born!
1224    Now is my prison worse than before;
1225    Now is me shape eternally to dwell
1226    Not in purgatory, but in hell.
1227    Alas, that ever knew I Perotheus!
1228    For else had I dwelled with Theseus,
1229    Fettered in his prison evermore.
1230    Then had I been in bliss and not in woe.
1231    Only the sight of her whom that I serve,
1232    Though that I never her grace may deserve,
1233    Would have sufficed right enough for me.
1234    Oh dear cousin Palamon,” said he,
1235    “Thine is the victory of this adventure.
1236    Full blissfully in prison may thou dure –
1237    In prison?  Certes not, but in paradise!
1238    Well has Fortune turned thee the dice,
1239    That has the sight of her, and I the absence.
1240    For possible is, since thou have her presence,
1241    And art a knight, a worthy and an able,
1242    That by some case, since Fortune is changeable,
1243    Thou may to thy desire sometime attain.
  1244    But I, that am exiled and barren
1245    Of all grace, and in so great despair
1246    That there’s not earth, water, fire, nor air,
1247    Nor creature that of them made is,
1248    That may me help or do comfort in this,
1249    Well ought I starve in wanhope and distress.
1250    Farewell my life, my lust, and my gladness!
  1251    "Alas, why complain folk so in commune
1252    On providence of God, or of Fortune,
1253    That gives them full oft in many a guise
1254    Well better than they can themselves devise?
1255    Some men desire for to have riches,
1256    That cause is of his murder or great sickness;
1257    And one man would out of his prison feign,
1258    That in his house is of his money slain.
1259    Infinite harms be in this matter.
1260    We know not what things we pray here.
1261    We fare as he that drunk is as a mouse.
1262    A drunk man knows well he has a house,
1263    But he knows not which the right way is thither
1264    And to a drunk man the way is slipper.
1265    And certes, in this world, so fare we;
1266    We seek fast after felicity,
1267    But we go wrong full often, truly.
1268    Thus may we say all, and namely I,
1269    That wend and had a great opinion
1270    That if I might escape from prison,
1271    Then had I been in joy and perfect heal,
1272    There now I am exiled from my weel.
1273    Since that I may not see you, Emily,
1274    I’m but dead; there’s no remedy.
  1275    Upon that other side Palamon,
1276    When that he knew Arcite was gone,
1277    Such sorrow he makes that the great tower
1278    Resounds of his yelling and clamor.
1279    The pure fetters on his shins great
1280    Were of his bitter, salt tears wet.
1281    “Alas,” said he, “Arcite, cousin mine,
1282    Of all our strife, God knows, the fruit is thine.
1283    Thou walks now in Thebes at thy large,
1284    And of my woe thou gives little charge.
1285    Thou may, since thou hast wisdom and manhood,
1286    Assemble all the folk of our kindred,
1287    And make a war so sharp on this city
1288    That by some adventure or some treaty
1289    Thou may have her to lady and to wife
1290    For whom that I must needs lose my life.
1291    For, as by way of possibility,
1292    Since thou art at thy large, of prison free,
1293    And art a great lord, great is thy advantage
1294    More than is mine, who starves here in a cage.
1295    For I must weep and wail, while I live,
1296    With all the woe that prison may give,
1297    And too with pain that love me gives also,
1298    That doubles all my torment and my woe.”
1299    Therewith the fire of jealousy up start
1300    Within his breast, and hent him by the heart
1301    So madly that he like was to behold
1302    The boxtree or the ashes dead and cold.
  1303    Then said he, “O cruel gods that govern
1304    This world with binding of your word eternal
1305    And written on the table of adamant
1306    Your parliament and your eternal grant
1307    What is mankind more unto you hold
1308    Than is the sheep that rucks in the fold?
1309    For slain is man right as another beast,
1310    And dwells too in prison and arrest,
1311    And has sickness and great adversity,
1312    And oft times guiltless, pardee.
  1313    “What governance is in this prescience,
1314    That guiltless torments innocence?
1315    And yet increases this all my penance,
1316    That man is bound to his observance,
1317    For God’s sake, to lessen of his will,
1318    There as a beast may all his lust fulfill.
1319    And when a beast is dead he has no pain;
1320    But man after his death must weep and plain,
1321    Though in this world he have care and woe.
1322    Without doubt it may stand so.
1323    The answer to this let I to devise,
1324    But well I know that in this world great pain is.
1325    Alas, I see a serpent or a thief,
1326    That many a true man has done mischief,
1327    Gone at his large, and where he likes may turn.
1328    But I must be in prison through Saturn,
1329    And too through Juno, jealous and too wood,
1330    That has destroyed well nye all the blood
1331    Of Thebes with his waste walls wide;
1332    And Venus slays me on that other side
1333    For jealousy and fear of him Arcite.”
  1334    Now will I stint of Palamon a lite,
1335    And let him in his prison still dwell,
1336    And of Arcite forth I will you tell.
  1337    The summer passes, and the nights long
1338    Increasing double wise the pains strong
1339    Both of the lover and the prisoner.
1340    I know not which has the woefuller master.
1341    For, shortly for to say, this Palamon
1342    Perpetually is damned to prison,
1343    In chains and fetters to be dead;
1344    And Arcite is exiled upon his head
134e    For evermore, as out of that country,
1346    Nor never more shall his lady see.
  1347    You lovers ask I now this question:
1348    Who has the worst, Arcite or Palamon?
1349    That one may see his lady day by day,
1350    But in prison he must dwell alway;
1351    That other where he likes may ride or go,
1352    But see his lady shall he never more.
1353    Now deem as you like, you that can,
1354    For I will tell forth as I began.
  Explicit prima pars
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A guide to making Pokémon more Boring
Dear God Richie, where have you been?  - Yeah it's been ages since I posted but I can definitely say that a "significant percentage of my time has been spent on SoSing" What is SoSing?, you ask fervently, surely something capable of taking up a "significant percentage of your time" must be amazing? Well in in short, it is the means by where to find certain types of Pokémon and capture them with higher stats, or if you are luckier find them in a different colour (shiny). Since completing Sun/Moon I jumped straight into this, forget actual end game stuff like battle tree, I want to catch me some shinys! I accidentally started SoSing happening upon a magicarp, and thinking to myself, why not, everyone else has a cheaty "free" Red Gyrados I'll aim to get  this one done for realsies, with a gold magicarp and all:
Job done! All it took was setting up a "chain" where by you set up the circumstances where by a Pokémon will call a friend to it's aid, and you just sit there repeatedly killing off its mates until you find your favourable pokémon. To catch this golden magicarp took roughly two days, and I killed off around 120 magicarps for it too. So my next "project" was Project: Muk, a new forme found in Alola and possible trhe most "proud" pokémon there is:
This one took a lot longer, after a false start where I learned hard the pitfalls of losing focus (falling asleep) when SoSing and just straight out killing the main dude before he call a buddy, ending a 200ish long chain, I then started it up again and got it after another 100ish chain. Boring and rubbish, but I ended up with a viable and pretty pokemon. So where next! I want my Shiny Dragonite!  off i toddled with my fishing rod, repeatedly fishing for a Dratini, which as normal stands at a 1 in 100 chance of appearing, however I found that if you go to a special fishing spot you can reduce this to a 1 in 10 chance, but you have to run out and in of the nearby area... After 150 dragonites I got this guy:
Which just was not good for me, the nature "Lax" just did not inspire me so back to the pond, fishing rod and little walks back and forth to "Special pools" and after a whopping 450 dragonites it got this guy:
Again just not good enough, the stats were all in the wrong places, so 3rd time lucky...
another 980 dragonites later! nearly 1600 dragonites killed i get this little guy! I'm reasonably happy with him. SoSing is soul breaking you spend so long getting to know the moves of the level ranges of all the 'mons that come from them, and it all becomes its own little (terrible) meta-game. Everyone loves a shiny, but guys, I swear after I got out of that last chain of dragonites, I felt elated and free. I had forgotten about the rest of the game I flew to random towns, harvested some berries, generally felt like I had resurfaced back into normal society again, after a prolonged stint with my captors, the Dragonites.  It's really dull, it is the least interesting thing to do in pokémon... But, but, but SHINIES! Yeah I realise that the pictures are terrible, but could be worse we could just be ripping them from Kotaku, like we used to do in the old days. Love and for realsies, red Gyrados's Richie X
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