#it talks of amora the enchantress who is SO IMPORTANT which shes also another character no one really knows of
godliest · 2 years
my  hot  take  but ,    loki  spent  the  majority  of  avengers  as  the  “villain”  yes ,  but  he  cared  about  nothing ,  and  absolutely  nothing  other  than  to  hurt  odin.  him  trying  to  take  over  nyc  ,  all  that  chaos  and    havoc  for  attention.  a  literal  cry  for  help.    the  loki  book  is  the  reason  i  can’t  stand  odin  ,  the  “ father  “   that  had  an   anti  -  magic  use  in  asgard   because  he  feared  loki  so  much.   he  “  saved  “   loki  for  brownie  points ,  placed  a  glamour  upon  him  to  hide  the  frost   giant ,  any  physical   indication  that  would  show  he  wasn’t  asgardian ,  and  continued  to  allow  him  to  think  he  saw  loki  and  thor  as  equal  potential  kings  to  the  throne.  odin’s   true   reason   for   saving  loki  was  to  use  him  as  collateral   damage  in  the   alliance   with   the  frost  giants  ,  he  was  nothing  more  than  a  collected   relic.    odin  banishes  amora  to  her  death  on   midgard  that  will  drain  her  power ,   and  to  loki’s  face  told  him  it  was  on  purpose  because  he  knew  what  amora  meant  to  him.  it  was  a  warning.   he  didn’t  like  the  challenge  of  who  they  were  together ,  and  how  they’d  continue  to  be  years  from  then.   amora  was  the  one  that  opened  loki’s  eyes  on  who  odin  really  was ,  and  she  was  the  one  who  pushed  him  to  practice  his  magic.  odin  even  sends  loki  to  midgard  just  to  keep  him  out  of  asgard.  
 the  constant  battle  and  argument  between  he  and  thor  is  loki  trying  to  make  thor  see  odin  the  way  he  does.  even  in  childhood  its  clear  as  day  the  mistreatment ,  but  thor’s  understandable  respect  for  odin  will  always  hold  a  veil  over  that  truth   and  thats  why  i  find  it  so  interesting,  but  also  need  the  automatic  distrust  that  comes  from  thor  to  be  scrapped  because  their  brotherhood  in  the  book  is  just  so  well  written??     i’m  so  sorry  but  the  only  reason  loki  is  seen  hurt  when  odin  actually  passes  in  ragnarok   is  because  he’s  relieved  to  be  apart  from  the  reminder  there  was  never  love  there.  odin  hated  him  purely  ,  he  despised  him.  he  wanted  him  to  be  a  specific  version  that  was  never  really  true.   every  day  of  his  childhood  moving  forward  was  a  reminder  he  was  never  enough  and  actually  ,  odin  was  the  monster. 
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brw · 4 years
Simon Williams
first impression - well, at first i only rlly knew him as the guy who has vision's brainwaves who also dated wanda! so i didn't rlly like him much, because obviously there are. those panels of him hurting her and beyond being a bad actor and also not rlly being great to vision those were. the only personality traits he had. but i got interested one day and decided to search him up and? discovered he had an Interesting Relationship with a certain hank mccoy and this didn't rlly add up to what i knew abt him previously so i was inspired to read some stuff and. then i was hooked hsjsjeje
impression now - honestly he is SO underrated. like he. gets written weirdly... a lot and its very obvious that a lot of writers dont know how to write him outside his relationship w/ wanda but he's honestly cool! he makes a lot of mistakes but he genuinely wants to do good for people and he also sees the best in everyone. like he was vocally in support of wanda, and seemed completely understanding & accepting of hank when he told him all the bad he'd done over the years. he's also canonically a victim of abuse at the hands of his father & elder brother, which still seems to effect him and his relationships even now. and that abuse makes his decision to be a pacifist all the more potent and meaningful. he's also been implied to have suffered from an anxiety disorder & an eating disorder so like. he is genuinely an interesting and compelling character, it's just a shame he so often gets reduced to "guy wanda sometimes dates who doesn't like vision and doesn't know how to act" smh :/
favourite moment - ooo boy... its hard to say. but. probably his arc where he calls the avengers out on their bullshit in what i think was avengers vol 4. and it's a shame they kinda fucked it over and chalked it up to him being unstable because he genuinely had points. he wasn't wrong. like sure i think. threatening to chuck the avengers tower or whatever into the sea was a little extreme but he did genuinely have a point. and also then straight up told hank he loved him so I'm. hsjsjhjehjjrje. this was a good arc anyway and it's a shame they ruined it. special mention though to his talk w/ hank in uncanny avengers vol 2 #28 (i think it was 28 but it could also have been 25 i. can't remember jsjsjej) because that was genuinely also super sweet and shows how he's willing to grow <3 another special mention to his scenes in vision and the scarlet witch because i think we deserve more content of simon and vision being good family members
idea for a story - with our current understanding of child abuse i would LOVE to see him explore his past and actually get help for it. because it did genuinely affect him for some time and while i think him becoming a pacifist did help i also know that. isn't enough to make years of repressed trauma go away lol. i also think were he to meaningfully think about what he went thru w/ his brother eric, he'd be better able to build a stronger and less strained relationship with vision. and i also think it would be helpful if simon, with our current understanding of eating disorders, had that be a canonical part of him. because he doesn't look like someone w/ an ED. and i think it would be important to see a man who looks muscular and healthy struggle w/ that. just generally. character development. i think it would also be good to bring up his issues w/ amora the enchantress (who was implied to have r*ped him) because while his 90s solo series did bring it up it was also. the 90s jajsjsjsjs. i just basically think something similar to his other series but with better writing and a better understanding of what we're talking about.
unpopular opinion - probably that his relationship w/ wanda is um very unhealthy, on both sides. on one hand, when simon was unstable he violently attacked her and tried to kill her. and that is... not good in the slightest, and him being in emotional distress and physically being unstable due to his ions doesn't excuse that in the slightest. simon also had an issue of putting wanda on an unattainable pedestal, which as someone who did that exact thing with a past partner is not healthy at all. you should be able to admit your partner has flaws and is human, and he did not and could not. but also, wanda hasn't been awfully good to simon either. like for a while she refused to be upfront about her feelings to him, and she slept with him while he was still in incredible emotional distress and upset. and imo because of that he. wasn't rlly in a position to meaningfully consent. so yeah. his and wanda's relationship, even without the relation to vision (which makes it worse) has never rlly been healthy.
favourite relationship - his and hank's! tbh it's probably the best one he has. those two. really love each other it is very sweet. they've both obviously grown a lot but i still think they're good/best friends and their relationship, romantic or platonic is obviously very important to the both of them. they're. very close together and i hope that at some point we can. see them be avengers together again because they were so funny sjshwnsnejen. but i also really like his relationship w/ vision when it's written well, because the two of them have. obviously been thru a lot in their own familial relationships so seeing the two of them have some semblance of "normal" with each other is very sweet. i also like the mental relationship of him being viv's uncle a lot. its not canon yet but i have hopes 🤞 he was a good uncle to tommy and billy growing up so by logic he should be a good uncle to viv too!
favourite headcanon - hmmm, probably the one i have now that he is jewish. idk it just. works with him! he is after all a kirby creation. but there's also one i have where he played the violin when he was younger, which also works with him. like idk. it's seems like a thing rich ppl make their kids do and it fits with him 😊
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