#it takes me like 4 hours to fo my accounting homework
prettyarson · 5 years
In need of sum Felix cuddles rn 😔
Oh my gosh, me too like could you imagine him holding you ughhhh
You let out another sigh, your hand flinging your pencil down. You were frustrated and stressed and all you wanted was to take a nap. You were about to storm off into a fit until the arms around your waist tightened. You were seated in Felix’s lap, your textbooks and notebook splayed in front of you two, and of course, Felix was holding you close.
You let out another sigh and welcomed his warmth. Your muscles relaxed and let all the frustrated and stress leave your body.
“Math again?” He asked softly, to which he only received a nod and tired yawn.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Idle Chat with Shaw
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a feature which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
The CN server was recently graced with a new feature called 随便聊聊 (“Idle Chat”), where you can select a mood and talk to the love interests about work, life, and studies :>
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Idle Chat with: Gavin / Kiro / Lucien / Victor
[ WORK - Topic 1: Overtime ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I don’t have to work overtime today! No overtime! I really don’t-- have-- overtime!
Shaw: I can sense your noisiness from your words.
Shaw: Since you want to kick up a racket
Shaw: Come watch our performance. You can scream and shout all you want.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I read a news article today which said that the more one does overtime work, the more efficiency goes down. I think what it says makes sense...
Shaw: It’s supposed to
Shaw: You’re not a robot
Shaw: Why are you always making yourself live like clockwork?
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I have to work overtime again and again. Why are there so many things to do every day? My life has already taken the shape of overtime!!
Shaw: Mm, this is your ninth day of overtime this month
Shaw: It’s really quite a lot
Shaw: What time are you busy until? I’ll see if I’d be near your office at that time.
[ WORK - Topic 2: Income ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I finally got my pay! My shopping cart can finally be tidied up. I plan to get ALL colours of the spray paint you mentioned the last time.
Shaw: ...are you usually such a squanderer? 
Shaw: I think you should get two basic colours to practise your skills
Shaw: When it comes to graffiti, it’s not as if the more gaudy the colours are, the better it looks.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: The case I’ve been handling recently started off with an interesting concept. After changing it, it seems to have sunk into mediocrity. I feel perplexed.
Shaw: What’s there to feel perplexed about
Shaw: Haven’t you already found the answer
Shaw: Since you know it’s mediocre, don’t be satisfied with mediocrity. 
3. Mood: Angry
MC: There was something I really wanted to buy, so I waited till my payday to reserve it. In the end, it has a higher price now!!
Shaw: If it’s something I really want
Shaw: I’ll buy it directly
Shaw: The more you delay, the further it’d go from you.
[ WORK - Topic 3: Program Progress ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: My colleagues and I completed an incredibly perfect proposal! Everything will be fine once it gets approved!
Shaw: No wonder you’ve been telling me that you’re busy these days when I ask you out to have fun
Shaw: I’ll let you rest at home these two days
Shaw: Your time after that has been reserved by me.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Every time it’s the end of the month, I’d start counting down to payday. Or else I’ll have no motivation to work at all...
Shaw: It’s so boring to countdown to payday,
Shaw: Countdown to something else
Shaw: For example, that there are only three more hours till you get to see me. 
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I suspect the other party is doing this on purpose. The program is almost about to be approved and now it got delayed by half a month! I’m never working with that company again!
Shaw: Since there’s still half a month
Shaw: Why spend half a month angry
Shaw: Let’s go, I’ll take you to do something that’d not make you angry.
[ WORK - Topic 4: Program Results ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Didn’t expect that this program would be so uncomplicated! I even thought I’d have to work overtime over the weekend, but I no longer have to. I’ll come find you at Live House over the weekend!
Shaw: Not bad, your other party is finally behaving.
Shaw: But I won’t be around this weekend
Shaw: Find me in the library
2. Mood: Upset
MC: This program is finally over. I don’t have much of a desire to participate in the celebratory feast. I just feel that I’m finally free!
Shaw: Don’t celebrate that program
Shaw: Come join my band’s celebratory feast.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I took out a 50 cent coin to “assassinate” the other party. The other party is not only fussy, but also dares to lag behind in payment!
Shaw: He’s already behind in payment
Shaw: And you’re still hounding him for 50 cents?
Shaw: biu--
Shaw: All right, I’ve “assassinated” him already.
[Note] “biu” is meant to represent the sound of a bullet flying by!
[ LIFE - Topic 1: Losing Weight ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: The weight loss methods I collected were actually really useful. I’ve finally slimmed down by quite a lot! I can wear new clothes to the music festival now!
Shaw: You haven’t been drinking cola or milk tea recently
Shaw: Because of this?
Shaw: That outfit you prepared - even without losing weight, you’d still look pretty good in it.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Why haven’t I slimmed down even after trying so many methods...
Shaw: Watching you change methods to lose weight is pretty interesting
Shaw: Feels like I can write a thesis based on Pi Li Pa La
[Note] “Pi Li Pa La” (噼里啪啦) is one of Shaw’s nicknames for MC
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I. Put. On. Weight. Again.
Shaw: All
Shaw: The
Shaw: Best
Shaw: In
Shaw: Losing
Shaw: Weight
[ LIFE - Topic 2: Meals ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Today, I discovered a small stall along the street! It’s very delicious!! I think you’ll also like the taste
Shaw: I haven’t even eaten it
Shaw: How do you know that it’s a taste I like?
Shaw: Arrange a timing, we’ll go together.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I visited a hotpot stall which is famous on the internet. It ended up being pretty much the same as the stall I usually go to...
Shaw: These stalls are all the same
Shaw: Focused on sales, and don’t create new flavours
Shaw: Next time, I’ll take to a hotpot place - that one can be called delicious.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I went for hotpot today. In the end, the chilli oil splattered onto my clothes... It was a new outfit I just bought - I’m so mad!
Shaw: ...
Shaw: Are you stupid? Next time, wear an apron when you eat.
Shaw: So how did the hotpot taste?
[ LIFE - Topic 3: Reading ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Yesterday, I chanced upon an especially good fiction book. I ended up being too engrossed in it, so it was daytime by the time I lifted my head...
Shaw: Sure.
Shaw: The “staying up late” champion goes to you
Shaw: I’ll be forced to take second place for a day.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I recently read a fiction book. The author kept writing about eating, sleeping, and building a garden... And she could actually write over 2000 pages worth of such day-to-day accounts??
Shaw: ...
Shaw: I have a new understanding of how bored you can be.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I just finished a book and am so angry that I’m turning uneasily on the bed!! The protagonist was in a piteous state from beginning to the end. In the end, the antagonist got away scot-free!
Shaw: Ah, I’ve read that book
Shaw: In the second book, the protagonist counterattacks
Shaw: ...does this count as spoiling the plot?
[ LIFE - Topic 4: Games ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Hahahaha! I defeated the boss in that wrestling game you mentioned. You won’t dare to look down on me now, right?
Shaw: ...
Shaw: You’ve already showed off on SNS, and now you’re specially sending me the news to show off again
Shaw: Looks like you really feel a sense of accomplishment.
Shaw: Fine, I’ll commend you.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I haven’t been able to find any fun games recently... Feels like they keep following the same pattern. It makes me want to start playing old games that I’ve already completed...
Shaw: Since you can’t find any fun electronic games
Shaw: Why not come out and have fun with me? You can even train your body.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: When I played games today, I bumped into an annoying teammate. His standard was obviously average, but he kept blaming others for mistakes!
Shaw: Do you remember his ID?
Shaw: Send it over
Shaw: I’ll go meet him.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 1: Progress ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: This time, I’ve given myself sufficient time to prepare! My study plan is also set. From this weekend onwards, I’ll be in the library with you.
Shaw: You really want to come with me?
Shaw: Would you be sleeping in the library like the last time?
2. Mood: Upset
MC: It’s not that I don’t want to study, but many things keep disrupting my studies. Actually, I really want to study...
Shaw: Just admit it
Shaw: You’re just not in the mood to study
Shaw: Want me to come over to help you change your mood into a studying one?
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Even after reading the analysis, I can’t understand what it’s saying at all. I can’t study any more. I really want to become a salted fish swimming around in the ocean...
Shaw: A friendly hint
Shaw: Salted fish are dried fish, so they can’t swim
Shaw: If you want things to turn for the better, you could ask me for help.
[Note] Shaw’s uses an idiom in the final line, “咸鱼翻身” ( “xian you fan shen”), which directly translates to “salted fish turning over”. It’s a metaphor for a person who experiences a reversal of fortunes!
[ SCHOOL - Topic 2: Homework ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I breezed past the questions today! And I kept an hour free to practice the skateboard. Didn’t you say you wanted to teach me a new move?
Shaw: One hour isn’t enough to teach a new move
Shaw: It’s easy to fall if you practice it too quickly
Shaw: First, go to the location and let me see the results of your previous practice
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I keep thinking that I’ve turned into an emotionless robot that goes through questions. I can’t find even a bit of passion in studying. Anyway, does studying even require passion...
Shaw: You’re asking me such questions? Seriously?
Shaw: My response is
Shaw: You don’t need it in studying, but you need it if you’re seeking knowledge.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I can’t finish it... I already have many things to do in the morning, and still have to rush my homework at night. It’s not like I possess three heads and six arms!
Shaw: Even though you don’t possess three head and six arms
Shaw: If you add the both of us together, there’ll be two heads and four arms
Shaw: I won’t do your homework, but call me if you need anything else.
[Note] “Three has and six arms” is a direct translation from an idiom, 三头六臂 (“san you liu bi”). It refers to someone who possess superhuman abilities
[ SCHOOL - Topic 3: Pre-exam Revision ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I just did a self-test and feel like the examination questions aren’t that difficult. Didn’t expect that the method you taught me on how to have a productive revision would be so effective!
Shaw: Of course my method is useful
Shaw: How else could I make it into Loveland University?
Shaw: After your exam tomorrow, remember to call me.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Does re-doing questions again count as revision... But no one can guarantee that these questions wouldn’t appear in the exam...
Shaw: It’s always better to do it than not to
Shaw: As the old saying goes, “Review the old and know the new”
Shaw: Start with the “review”.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I think the teacher has something against me. He said he wouldn’t test the parts that I already revised! How could he do this!
Shaw: It means you don’t know how to identify the essentials. Learn this from me.
Shaw: I can always guess the examinable areas
Shaw: The Old Man even asked if I secretly peeked at his teaching materials.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 4: Post-exam celebration ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’ve reached Live House. Where are you? Aren’t we celebrating how I’m finally free from the abyss of exams?
Shaw: Five minutes.
Shaw: I brought a cake
Shaw: Since it’s a celebration, it should be more official.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: The exam is over. I’m free. As for the results, I’m not going to think about it. I actually feel a little empty...
Shaw: ...who was the one who wanted my help in comparing answers before the exam?
Shaw: You dared to waste my time, so wait for my punishment. 
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I compared answers with someone. I felt a chill. The important thing is that I wrote the correct answer for that final question. But my fingers itched and I changed it to the wrong answer ahhh!
Shaw: Since you’re wrong, why continue thinking about it?
Shaw: Let’s go
Shaw: I’ll take you to a place where you can let off steam.
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