#it suddenly started working again a few mintues ago
starlight95tonight · 1 year
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What's going on with ao3? It was working a few minutes ago and now it's unavailable???
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localwebslingers · 4 days
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@redhead-reporter asked: "Mmph!"
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Fifteen minutes. That's how long the conversation had gone so far and Peter was still stopped in front of the coffee machine. Hand on the cupboard door that had the mugs in it because he'd closed it five minutes ago when Mary Jane started using more wild hand gestures. Apparently there was an interview that was suddenly dropped in front of her last second for the podcast, some big shot who thought he could scare MJ off of the idea by doing that without warning, and maybe scare her off from the well deserved critisim she'd already voiced. Clearly, the man did not know who he was dealing with if he thought throwing that at her, would come anywhere close to making her sweat.
What the man did do, was make Peter get up five minutes into MJ telling him the news to start working on a new pot of coffee, which transitioned into venting about the man's ego. Five mintues after that, the gesturing started. Peter no longer could tell if she was only annoyed by this guy or if she was stressed that this was suddenly on her plate. He was personally leaning towards a mixute of both. The cupboard door was opened again to quickly find and grab the mug she needed, because there was a mug for this kind of occasion and Peter knew exactly where it was.
It was filled, he walked over to set it down on the table next to her, and then Peter leaned in to kiss her. Cutting her off mid sentence, and reaching up to hold her arms gently. He stayed there a few seconds before pulling back and looking at her, "Mary Jane, if this guy is dumb enough to think that you're going to go easy on him just because he caught you off guard, he deserves every dig, question, and counter point you can think of to throw at him." Peter let go of one of her arms to point at the coffee mug, "So, what else do you need me to grab for you, before you show this guy why you're still the best reporter this city's ever known? Because I'm pretty sure that's what you're planning to do, and I have a secret stash of chocolate bars for you hidden in this apartment if I need to get into it."
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taylorsage22 · 3 years
Sleepy Needs(Sara Lance x reader)
Request-Hi, can you write Sara Lance x fem reader smut? Thanks
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You practically wondered through the halls of the waverider. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you leaned against one the large metallic walls. Somehow you made your way to the lab, where you leaned against the doorway as your hazey gaze searched for a figure. A loud clang startled you to attention. You squinted as you saw movement from the back of the room. Through shelves and desks you could make out a cloudy silhouette as it shifted.
“Sara?” You croaked, stumbling into the room. Letting your bare feet shuffle across the cold floor. “Sara, come to bed.” You whined as you weaved through the junk which decorated the room. A mixture of spare parts, and random creations of the genius herself. You finally found her, hunched over a desk as you often found her at this time of night. Working on god knows what. “Heyy Beautiful.” You cooed as you leaned against a desk, your arms crossing over your chest. She only perked up at the sound of your voice. Her deep brown eyes met yours for a split second. Exhausted.
“I told you, I’ll be there in a little bit.” You groaned, and shuffled behind her. Wrapping your arms softly around her shoulders.
“You said that, hours ago.” You whispered in her ear. She sighed, her body relaxing at your touch. She slowly set down her tools, and turned her head to look at you again.
“Hours, huh?” You nodded, your chin gently digging into the soft skin between her neck and shoulder. “I’m sorry…I just-”
“Had another breakthrough?” She turned, holding your hands as she faced you. Leaning on the desk behind her.
“You could say that…” She looked almost guilty. There weren’t many people that could make Sara feel guilty. Especially not when it came to saving time. But you, you were different from the start. She squeezed your hands, before looking back up at you. A sparkle flickering in her gaze. A smile slid across her features. “How can I make it up to you?” You shrugged.
“Get some good sleep for once maybe? You know how much I worry about you.” You brushed aside a stray hair that fell from her ponytail.
“I’m more worried about you.” Her hands slid from your hands, up your arms, down your shoulders. Till they found themselves at your hips where they pulled you in.
“How so?” You chuckled.
“Well, since I’ve been so busy, I’ve neglected some of my…responsibilities.” She smiled brightly, her nose gently brushing against yours.
“Sara, I don’t need-” A hand from your hip slid down, and groped your ass.
“I’d hate for you to feel neglected. In any way.” Her other hand met at your ass, as her lips crashed passionately into yours. You moaned softly as you ran your hands up and her sides as you kissed. Her lips moving in perfect unison with yours. Before you knew it, she had you spun around. Your lower back pushed against the desk as she ran her hands teasingly all over your body until it became even too much for her, and she tossed your shirt aside. Groping your breasts as she left sloppy kisses along your neck.
In the heat of the moment she turned you over by your hips. Bending you over the desk and practically ripping down your sweatpants. She leaned over you and kissed down your back as her fingers teased you through your panties. She smiled and chuckled softly at your sweet whimpers of pleasure. She bit your ear, as she slowly slid them down, letting them drop to your ankles. Leaving you exposed to the cold air. When she pulled away, you went to lean up and turn around. Only to let out a gasp of surprise as you felt the warmth of her tongue against your skin. She licked at your wet pussy, paying careful attention to your clit. You could feel her smile against you as you moaned. She sucked at your flesh, and suddenly you felt her fingers slide into you. Curving her fingers perfectly, over and over again. She knew every inch of you, and just the way to make your toes curl.
“F-Fuck baby” You cooed, as her fingers worked you. Your heart raced as you felt yourself climax, forcing a helpless cry out of you.
“Mmmmhhh” Sara moaned, as she pulled her fingers out and took a few last laps of your juices. She giggled slightly at the sight of you in such pleasure. You turned around, and watched her start to walk away. You reached out, grabbing onto her wrist and pulling her into you. Earning you a surprised gasp and smile from her lips.
“And where do you think you’re going my beautiful girlfriend.” You asked before kissing her passionately. Sara knew damn well how to treat you, but two played this game. You had her nearly naked within a mintue as you made out. Your hand roaming her soft skin as the huffs and puffs filled the lab once again. She playfully bit your bottom lip, sending shivers down your spin. You held her by her hips, and did as she did to you. Spinning her around so that her backside faced the desk. Only she sat on it. Spreading her legs happily for you. You smiled and knelt down. Licking up her as she moaned. She hadn’t been touched like this for a little while. You could tell she was just as desperate as you.
You drew circles over her clit, making her hand reach for your hair. As your tongue worked her clit, your fingers teased her for a moment. She hissed as she threw her head back. You slid them inside of her. Curling them as she did you. Working her as you moved your tongue flat against her bud just to be a little mean before going back to what made her beg. You felt her tense around you in no time. Her pussy contracting as she came. You smiled and pulled your fingers out, only to lick them clean. Enjoying her taste just a little longer. You stood, watching her pant as she came down from her high.
“Damn.” She said breathlessly. You smiled, proud of your work. You kissed one last time, tenderly. Before you coaxed her back to bed with you.
A/N-So I hope you like this.💙
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kooksbliss · 4 years
– finishing line || jjk
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→ pairing: racer!jungkook x reader
→ genre: strangers to lovers / smut (future) / fluff (future) / street racer au!
→ word count: 6.1k
→ summary: it was a normal, ordinary night out with your best friend, or so you thought. that was before she invited you to a street race, to which you caved into and went. there you met the oh so famous, jeon jungkook. 
→ warnings: hoseok makes an appearance / explicit language / mutual pinning / jungkook makes oc a hot, shy mess / pet names / teasing / this chapter is pretty sfw 
a/n: hi hi hi! hope everyone is having an amazing day <3 this will be more than one part but i don’t think this will be a very long series (i’m thinking around five chapters max) leave me suggestions or any ideas you would like me to write in my ask box! i’m down to do drabbles anytime, hope you all enjoy part one!!
— posted 04.15.2020
masterlist new masterlists | 01 | sneak peek of part 02 | 
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You were tired; no, you were drained. Working black friday was no easy task, especially when you work in retail. You stretched your arms as you exited the employee break room after a long awaited break. Once you got back to the sales floor you went up to the cash register to clock back in from your break that’s when you heard someone scoff beside you. 
“It’s about time.” Hyuna stated. 
Hyuna is a co-worker of yours that well, happens to hate you for no reason, no reason you're aware of. She had been working with the company a little over a year before you got employed over the summer and ironically was placed to be your supervisor, meaning you had to be nice to her if you wanted to keep your job. 
“Sorry, Jaehyun needed some help with the stock.” You said as you punched your employee number into the system.
Jaehyun was also a supervisor but for the men’s department, he has been a close friend of yours since you started working here and knows about how Hyuna tends to treat you, unfortunately there's not much any of the two of you can do about it. 
“Well next time come straight out, Jaehyun is a big boy he can take care of himself. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be going on my break.” She said as she walked past you making sure to hit your right shoulder in the process. You looked up at the clock, thirty more minutes just thirty more minutes, you had been working for who knows how long and your feet had been begging for a rest.
Luckily since it was five in the morning there weren't too many people left in the store, but one thing you did know was that your sleeping schedule is fucked after tonight. Suddenly the chime sound from the bell that hung above the door rang out, you looked away from the clock about to greet the person who walked in, well that was until you saw who it was - to which you responded with a roll of your eyes.
“Come on don’t give me that look, y/n! You know you love me~”
“Jennie left about an hour ago, Hoseok.” 
Jennie is your best friend, you two have been friends since middle school and once her family moved next door, there was no separating the two of you. When you both graduated high school you both thought that it would be good for the both of you to have a change of scenery from the small town you lived in, that’s when you made the comment of moving out into the city, which Jennie happily agreed to. 
Jennie is from a wealthier family compared to your own she could afford going to university straight out of high school you on the other hand, didn’t have the financial support so you got this job and plan to work for another year or two before deciding on whether or not you are financially well off to go to university. She decided to move into an on-campus dorm while you found a decently well priced house, that was near your workplace and not too far from everything else, it’s been a year since you two decided to move into the city and you have loved every second of it, life was good.
“Actually I’m here for you, Jennie felt bad not being able to take you home after your shift so she asked me if I could.” Hoseok said as he walked to the side opposite of you at the checkout table.
Hoseok is Jennie’s boyfriend, they’ve been together for about eight months now and met in one of her classes freshman year. You're so glad she met him, you've never seen her happier and you know he’s good for her. As for you not being able to drive, well - a month ago some dickhead rear ended you and you’ve been waiting to see how much his insurance will cover, so you’ve been taking the bus a lot and thankfully your friends - well Jennie, has been taking you to work which is really the only place you go to outside of your house. 
“Oh, okay. Thanks Hoseok, you didn’t have to.” You said feeling bad about him having to be up at five am to take you home.
“It’s no problem, y/n! You know I’m someone you can count on.” Hoseok said as he walked around the store. “You still have thirty mintues right?”
“Yeah, sorry for making you wait.” 
“Y/n. I already said it wasn't a problem. Anyways I wanted to start my Christmas shopping early.”
As you were about to respond a lady came to the cash register.
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Your shift was finally over, you clocked out and grabbed your coat from the back thankfully you didn't run into Hyuna, which is a win in your book. You caught up with Hoseok, who was waiting for you near the entrance. 
“You ready?” Hoseok asked as he looked up from his phone.
“Yep!” You exclaimed as you two left the store, looking down at his hands you noticed that he did in fact buy some things. 
Walking across the parking lot you held your coat closer to your body, the crisp November air was chilly especially in the morning. “Thank you again Hoseok.” 
“Of course, y/n. Do you want anything before we head back?”
You were hungry but, you were just too tired to put that before your sleep. “No, that’s okay I’m super tired from tonight.” Hoseok just nodded as you two reached his car, he clicked the door open and the two of you got in. It felt really nice to sit down, your legs were aching and you wanted nothing more than to lay in your bed and sleep the rest of the day away. 
The ride to your house was nice the two of you caught up and made small talk, soon you were arriving at your house. “Well, thanks for the ride! Be sure to have a safe drive back home.” 
“Of course y/n, I’ll be sure to text Jennie to tell her you made it back home safely and that I didn’t kill you.” He joked. You smiled back as you wished him a good night - well morning. Unlocking the door to your house you quickly took your shoes off and entered your bathroom where you took a quick shower, changing into your sweats and t-shirt entering your bedroom. Charging your phone you placed it on your bedside table as you laid down, sleep slowly consuming your thoughts. 
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Feeling the sunlight pour into your bedroom you slowly began to wake up. Sitting up you stretch your arms up into the air and reach over to check your phone as the time reads “3:00”. You moan and groan but finally got up to do something productive for the rest of the Friday you had left. You were looking forward to the relaxing weekend you had planned ahead since you got a bit of a break from work as you didn’t have to go until Monday. 
Doing your typical morning routine you went to the kitchen to make an omelet, grabbing your phone off the counter you put your music on shuffle and started making your dish while dancing and singing along to the song.
Once you were done cooking you gave yourself a pat-on-the-back for not burning the house down. Pouring yourself a glass of juice while sitting down on the barstool you started eating your meal while scrolling down your feed liking some memes.
You then got a message from Jennie.
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You did say you wanted to be productive but really, now all you wanted to do is binge watch your show and wait for your outing with jennie.
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Looking at your phone the time read “6:23” you finished the last few minutes of your show and turned off your tv and went to get ready. After you had dressed casually in booties, jeans, sweater, coat and your purse you topped your look off with light makeup. Opening the the bus app you see when the next bus would be coming and headed towards the stop near your house. 
The sun was already setting making you feel uneasy, you weren’t normally out at this time in the dark and definitely not alone. You sped up and felt your nerves calm once you reached the crowded area of the city. 
Waiting for the bus you sat on the bench and got your phone out of your pocket to check where the bus was, saying it was three minutes away.
Once the bus stopped, you got on, paid the amount and walked towards the back and sat down waiting for the stop that was closest to the restaurant. 
You arrived at the restaurant after walking about ten minutes from where the bus had left you at. You called Jennie to ask if she was already there since it was 7:15. She said that she got caught up in traffic and would be there soon and to go ahead and get a table. 
You went inside feeling your once cold cheeks warm up with the heat of the atmosphere, sounds filled your ears and the restaurant's signature dish scent reached your nose. It was busy as usual, you walked up to the main table to get a table for two, the hostess seated you in a booth towards the back. 
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“WHAT?” You shouted in the middle of the restaurant causing many bystanders to give you the side eye. “Shush! Lower your voice, y/n!” Jennie whispered loudly.
Jennie had arrived around thirty minutes ago and the two of you had been chatting it up and she suddenly dropped a huge bomb on you. 
“...Wait, so Hoseok is a-”
“A street racer, yeah.” She started, “I know it sounds totally crazy and I know how you steer away from those sorts of things but, you know he’s a good guy a-and it’s been killing me not telling you.”
You stayed silent, never did you ever think that Hoseok was a racer and your mind was still trying to comprehend everything your friend was telling you. 
“And the reason why I’m telling you is because - now y/n don’t freak out or close yourself out but,” biting her bottom lip she continued, “ I wanted you to go to one of the races with me. It’s been killing me having this secret from you, and that’s only if you want to go! I’m not trying to force you either...”
You were not expecting this at all. Your friend was dating a street racer… and now she’s inviting you to one of their very much illegal races. What should you say? You want to say no you really do, it’s not your scene, plus you really just wanted to relax this weekend. 
“When is it?” You finally spoke after a good minute of silence.
“Tomorrow night.” Jennie responded, “Y/n, I just wanted to tell you about Hoseok, and he told me I should ask you if you wanted to go with us. You don’t have to say yes, and there's many more races anyways if you do decide to want to come to one.” 
You thought about what she said, and were happy that they would even think to invite you. “I’ll - I’ll think about and let you know for tomorrow if that’s alright.” 
“Yes of course y/n! Take your time. Anyways did I tell you about what my chemistry professor said yesterday? He totally was like-”
You got lost into your thoughts as you thought about what she said, normally if someone were to ask you to go to a street race you would’ve said no on the spot but for some strange reason you did want to go but you know you shouldn’t.
“Like, that’s just so rude to say and I don’t even understand why he would bring that up in the first place!” Jennie sighed.
The two of you spent the rest of the night gossiping about each of your co-workers as well as the show you were watching, but in the back of your mind you kept thinking about what she said. 
Jennie took you back home and you two wished each other goodnight. 
Walking into your house you went to your bathroom and did your nighttime routine, changed into some pjs and you promised yourself you were just going to watch two more episodes of your show. Did that happen? No, of course not. What you did however is manage to fall asleep on the couch. 
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Waking up with an awful cramp in your neck you arose from the couch with a groan. “Gosh I really shouldn’t have slept on the couch.” You spoke to yourself. Today you weren’t feeling up to cook so you just had your favorite cereal and texted Jennie.
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Looking down at your phone you sighed. Should you go? A part of you really wants to know about the racing scene and to see. You needed some thrill in your life and maybe this is it, this is your chance. 
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You may have seemed cool, calm, and collected over text but in reality you were freaking out. You just agreed you were going to a street race in less than thirteen hours when your previous plans were to binge watch the show you’ve been watching for another season, a lot more tame for what you're now signing yourself onto. But for some reason you did want to go - it's been a long time since you've gone out anywhere else outside of your work. 
Your thoughts were racing, maybe it won't be as bad as you think it is, maybe the media just exaggerates what the reality is, maybe it’s actually super lame. You tried to make yourself feel better about your decision but you can’t help the anxious feeling inside your lower stomach.
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It’s 9:49 pm and you've been staring at your closet for the last two hours, at least that’s what it felt like - it was really more like ten minutes, but still! What were you supposed to wear to these kind of things? 
You supposed wearing black is the most common thing, at least you hoped. You digged into your closet and found a pair of high waisted black joggers with vertical lines on the sides of them, a black halter, some all white sneakers and a large oversized jean jacket.  You then went to your bathroom and tried to make yourself somewhat presentable, with some light makeup and styled your hair to your liking. 
You checked your phone for the time “10:42” you felt your heart accelerate, you were excited, nervous, and anxious all at once. 
One minute soon became two, then three, and soon it was already 11:00. Your nerves were on edge. Suddenly your phone rang and you flew up three feet in the air, with shaky hands you picked up your phone Jennie’s contact lit up the screen and you answered. 
“Hey Jennie!” You said trying to sound excited to hide your nerves.
“Hey! I’m outside! Oh, and make sure to bring your ID.” 
“O-okay sure thing!” You said as you began to awkwardly laugh. You grabbed your phone and your small wallet that you slipped into the front pocket of your joggers since you didn’t want to take a purse. 
Well here goes nothing. 
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After driving for what seemed like 20 minutes from your house you arrived in a secluded area where there was a pay toll like entrance and a huge line of cars wanting to go in.
“Uh, Jennie? How many people actually come to these things?” You said being genuinely surprised by how many people are lined up behind the entrance. 
“Hm. I don’t really know the exact numbers but it varies to who actually races, if they’re a fan favorite, a newbie, stuff like that.”
You supposed that made sense but still you didn’t think that there would be so many people, you’re assuming that Hoseok and his friends are fan favorite racers. 
It took 15 minutes from you two to make it to the pay toll.
“IDs?” A deep voice rang out. 
Jennie waited for you to get yours out of your wallet and then handed the man both IDs. He checked the two and looked back up at the both of you, then handed Jennie two white bands, as well as the IDs.
“Thank you.” Jennie said as the toll’s gate rose up and drove off, 
“This is so exciting! How are you feeling y/n?”
How are you feeling? You really didn’t know, it was a strange feeling that’s for sure.
“Good, just… nervous.” You softly chuckled as you looked down at your hands that you curled on your lap.
“That’s totally understandable, I was too when I came to see the first race. I wanted to be a supportive girlfriend but I actually ended up liking it.” Jennie said as the two of you arrived at a graveled parking lot, there were cars parked everywhere and you could hear the distant sound of people talking and the car's engines.
“Here you’ll need to put this on.” Jennie said as she put the white band on your wrist and you did the same for her. 
“Thanks.” You said as the two of you got out of the car.
The cold crisp air nipped at your cheeks as soon as you got out. You hugged the jacket closer to your body and met up with Jennie on the other side of the car.
“Okay! Let’s go!” Jennie said as she looped her arm around yours.
After walking for about four minutes you reached a huge crowd of people, once you two had successfully made it past the crowd you could now see the large narrow street that disappeared into the distance.
Jennie then started walking towards the left where there were a lot less people, and stood two large men in front of a pathway.
“Uh, Jennie?” You said as you cuddled closer to her - what is she doing?
“I’m with Hoseok.” Jennie ignored your questioning and spoke to the men.
“What’s the code?” Said the man on the right. Jennie then whispered what you assumed to be the code to one of the men, they both looked at each other and spread apart making room for the two of you to continue walking on the pathway. 
“Uh, what was that about? Where are we even going?” You asked Jennie once you two were a good distance from the men.
“Sorry if that freaked you out, but basically where we are going is like the VIP area for the racers and those are the bodyguards, the racers are the only ones that know the code but they can tell people too, which is why I know it because of Hoseok.” Jennie said as you two approahed two buildings, one was like an open pit stop area for the cars and the other was like a clubhouse - they really take this street racing seriously huh?
“Oh, I see. So do all the racers hang out over here?” You said as you started hearing the sounds of people getting louder and louder. 
“Yep! Hoseok is probably in his car now, getting ready for his race against Jungkook.” 
Jungkook? That name was unfamiliar to you. 
“Who’s Jungkook?” You said a bit confused.
“Oh! That’s right I forget that you don't know him, well you can meet him after the race,” She said pulling her phone out checking the time, “It’s already 12:27? The race starts in three minutes!” Jennie exclaimed and grabbed your arm taking you to the pit stop area. 
Entering the pit stop area there were a lot of people inside making the once quiet outdoors loud with excitement. You then noticed that each of the racers had their own separate rooms and the people inside were either the guests or the actual pit crew of the racer, well it’s good to know they actually have proper protection and safety. 
The racers had a gold plaque above the open room that they were in, Hoseok’s was the fourth room and you happened to notice that Jungkook’s was right next to Hoseok’s. 
“Come on y/n it’s about to start, I’m so excited!!” Jennie pulled your arm onto a couch that was placed in Hoseok’s room. A loud engine sound rang out making you jump up in your seat, it sounded so close you didn’t realise how close you actually were to the street. 
The cars were not in your view of distance yet but you could hear just how close they were, then you saw two cars one red and one black stop right in front of the room you were in. 
Out of nowhere a very slim, tall girl dressed in basically swimwear and heels holding two flags stood in the middle of the two cars, just seeing what she was dressed in made you shiver. An abrupt voice from an intercom then broke the silence.
“Welcome, welcome ladies and gentlemen, hope everyone is doing well on this cool November night. Tonight’s race is a treat for all of you, we got two of our hottest, favorite racers but I’m sure the lot of you already know that. These two don’t need any sort of introduction, of course I’m talking about Jung Hoseok-” the crowd roared out, cheers and screams rang, you felt your eardrums were going to burst. “And Jeon Jungkook.” If possible you heard the crowd scream even louder. 
“Now, let’s get this race started shall we?” The intercomer’s voice faded out and the girl lifted the two flags, “three, two, one!” She said as she lowered the flags. 
The two cars then accelerated passed her, you got up from the couch and moved to the opening of the room and saw the two cars faintly in the distance.
“They go super fast don’t they? I think Hoseok said something about going 130 mph.” That actually scared you - the fast you’ve ever gone was like 90.
“Dang, and how long does it take for them to come back?” You said as you looked down at the black and white checkered finish line that was a couple feet away from you. 
“Hm, it depends really but it usually takes eight to ten minutes. But in the meantime I like getting some snacks while I wait.” She said turning around to go to the popcorn machine that was next to the couch.
You were still looking towards the distance when you happened to look over to Jungkook’s room, there were at least five girls inside, one of which made eye contact with you and flipped you off, you quickly looked away and met up with Jennie again on the couch.
“So uh, this Jungkook guy? He seems to be a ladies man.” You said while reaching over to steal some of her popcorn.
“Hey! Well yeah, he most definitely is. Why do you ask?” Jennie’s eyes suddenly lit up as she smirked, “Y/n are you trying to get laid? I mean I thought you would be one to wait but I mean Jungkook probably wouldn’t mind fucking a virg-”
“Woah, woah Jennie!” You say as your cheeks and ears start getting red. “N-no well I - well for one I’m not a virgin! And two I asked because when I happened to look over to his room there were a lot of girls but also this one girl gave me her middle finger!” You said in almost a pouty matter. 
“Wait, you’re not a virgin? Not that it’s a bad thing if you are but, you never told me that you lost your virginity.” Jennie said a bit surprised and honestly you don’t blame her. Anyone who knows you probably thinks you haven't got a freaky bone in your body. “But as far as the girl who flipped you off - that was probably Lisa for some reason she thinks that her and Jungkook are together when he himself has made it clear that he’s not into her in that way. She even got jealous of me before she found out I was with Hoseok and not Jungkook.” 
“Oh, then maybe that’s why she flipped me off, but I don’t even know him. A-and about that I uh, lost it the night of junior prom with my date.” You said looking anywhere but her, for some reason you always get shy talking about sexual things, also you didn’t see the hype around it your first time wasn’t as magical as you thought it would have been and people hyped sex up so much you just thought it would be different, you didn’t even climax!
“Oh well maybe you can tell me about it at a better time-” The sound cars’ engines could be heard again and Jennie jumped up. 
“Come on! Let’s see who’s in the lead!” Grabbing your arm the two of you stepped into the open area of the room to where you can see the cars in the distance but on the opposite of which they started. The black car seemed to be the one in the lead but not by much.
In a matter of seconds it seemed, the two cars then passed the finish line, but it was so close that neither you or Jennie could tell who won.
“Well, well, well ladies and gentlemen it seems that this race was indeed a close one, but winning by three seconds more, Jeon Jungkook won tonight’s race. Be sure to stick around to see your favorite racers, that’s all for tonight folks have a good night.” The intercomer wished his goodnights and what was left was the cheers from the crowd. 
The sound of the car door opening reverted your attention to the two racers, Hoseok was the first one to come out of the red one, that meant that Jungkook’s was the black one. You and Jennie waved over to Hoseok as he smiled and waved back.
You looked over to the black car once again only to see the girls you saw in the room along with Lisa were swarming him before he even got a chance to get out. Then you heard the car door opening and you felt the world stop.
Jungkook removed his helmet as he flashed a smile and one of the girls, the one you were told was Lisa then wrapped her arms around him. Then you felt your heart in your throat, he looked at you at least you think he looked at you, regardless you blushed and looked away from what seemed to be his stare directed towards you. 
Hoseok then came up to Jennie and kissed her, “Honey, that was a close good race, but you did good.” Jennie said with a smile.
“Thank you, baby.” He said as he leaned back down to plant another kiss on her lips. You felt so awkward, it was like you were third wheeling, you just looked at the ground trying not to make eye contact with your best friend’s makeout session.
“Okay, okay we get it lovebirds.” An unfamiliar voice said, causing you to look up.
And there he was. Jungkook was absolutely breathtaking, you never thought that someone could look this good close up. You were so mesmerized that you didn’t realize you were staring.
“Didn’t your parents ever tell you it was rude to stare, sweetheart?” Jungkook said to you to which you didn’t even reply until you felt Jennie’s and Hoseok’s eyes on you too.
“O-oh I’m sorry.” You said looking down, this is why you don’t go out, you just don’t fit in. You were jizzing your pants just looking at the man who doesn’t want anything to do with you, or even knows your name as a matter of fact. 
“Aw, sweetie that’s alright. No need to get all shy on me, I don’t bite unless-”  
“Jungkooookie!~” Lisa ran up to the group cutting off whatever Jungkook was going to say and hung onto him, “That was such a good race! I knew you would win, no offense Hoseok.” 
“Yeah, none take-” Hoseok started but Lisa, you supposed has a habit of cutting people off.
“So Jungkookie, do you want to go out for dinner with me? It can be a celebratory thing, I even have dessert for you whenever we get to your place.” She said as she sent a wink his way. You could only imagine what she meant making your face red with the thought.
“Actually I might have to cancel-” He answered, removing her arms around his torso. “I was thinking about going with Hoseok, Jennie and-” He paused looking to you. “What’s your name sweetheart, I’ve never seen you around here?” 
You felt your heart stuck in your throat anytime he would even breathe in your direction, the more seconds passed the more you felt yourself grow hot.
“I-it’s y/n.” You said as you mentally slapped yourself for stuttering. “And uh, it’s my first time to a race.”
Jungkook hummed. “Ah, I see. What a pretty name for such a pretty girl.” He said with such sincerity, looking straight into your eyes. You really thought you were going to faint, was he really saying this to you? 
“You're joking. Jungkook, there’s no way you would rather go with them, her, rather than going with me?” He didn’t answer but instead kept staring at you, while you just stared back with wide eyes. 
“Jungkook!” He finally tugged his eyes away from you as Lisa exclaimed and pulled onto his arm.
“Actually I think I would, and I will. Maybe another time hm?” Jungkook said as he looked over to Hoseok. “What do you say? Want to treat me to a celebratory dinner, loser.” He said in a joking matter directed to Hoseok.
“Since you won and I’m such a good friend, I’ll treat you for tonight.” Hoseok said.
“Great-” Jungkook started, “You’re coming right y/n?”
“O-oh I don’t - it’s late a-and-” 
“She’d love to, Jungkook.” Jennie jumped in, you gave her “the look” to which she ignored. “What? Come on, you were taking some of my popcorn earlier, surely you're hungry.”
She was right you were hungry but just thinking about being in a room with Jungkook made you already want to die in a hole from embarrassment, you don't even know the guy and he has such an impact on you. 
“Fine, fine. I’ll go too.” You said still looking at Jennie missing the way Jungkook’s eyes lit up. 
“Uh, what about me Jungkookie? I thoug-” Lisa started, 
“Actually Lisa, can we have a rain check? I want to spend some time with my friends.” 
“Ugh, whatever. You know where to find me when reality hits you.” Lisa said looking at you as she rolled her eyes and walked away with a huff.
“Sounds good, let’s all meet at the restaurant. Jungkook you drove here right?” Jennie asked.
“I did, I drove Hoseok here as well.” Jungkook answered. 
“Hm, well Hoseok can come with me and, y/n, why don’t you go with Jungkook?”
Your eyes almost just shot out of your eyes, was she serious? You’d rather go with them and feel like a third-wheel rather than go in a vehicle alone, with him. You could already see it, you making a fool of yourself.
You felt everyone’s eyes on you as they awaited your response. But you didn’t want to be rude and it’s just a 20 minute car ride, it won’t be that bad, at least you hoped. 
“Uh, yeah sure, if he doesn’t mind.” You said looking over to him only finding him already looking at you. You felt your heart rate increase, something about how he looks at you makes you feel strange, and you couldn’t tell if that was a good or bad thing.
“Of course I don’t mind babygirl.” He saids with a slight smirk walking towards you whereas you felt yourself heat up with the pet name. “Now, shall we?” 
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The walk to Jungkook’s car was short and quiet, maybe he came to the earth revolving revelation that you really weren’t that special and that he’s wasting his time. Being captivated in your thoughts you didn’t even notice that Jungkook, who was beside you, stopped walking.
“Woah, woah babygirl, are you already trying to escape?” Jungkook said with a chuckle. 
“Huh?” You turned around with a confused expression painted onto your face. You then noticed that he stopped at a parked car with keys in his hands. “W-well how was I supposed to know this was your car!” You said walk towards his car.
Jungkook put his hands up against his chest as a surrender, “Yes, you’re right, my fault.” Walking to the other side of the car you open the door still very nervous due to the fact that you’re about to be in a confined space with him.
Whipping around to put your seatbelt on, you felt your phone vibrate, causing you to accidentally drop it in the cup holder between the two of you. Reaching over to get your phone, Jungkook did the same thing causing the two of you to rub your hands against each other. “S-sorry.” You said as you pulled your hand away, still feeling his hand lingering next to yours, it’s almost scary how your body reacts towards him. Man you really needed to get laid again. 
“No worries it is your phone after all.” Jungkook said as he held your phone up, he didn’t mean to look down at your phone but he just happened to, “Hm, who’s Kyle?” Kyle… Kyle??! Why is he messaging you, you grabbed the phone out of his hand and looked down at the message. Just a simple “Hey” was displayed on your screen, why is he messaging you after all these years?
“Oh, he’s nobody just someone I went to high school prom with, I really don’t know why he’s messaging me.” You said as you looked down confused at your phone, but decided not to respond. 
“So do you know where we’re going?” Jungkook rang out, “Oh! Not yet but let me text Jennie.” You responded. As you waited for her response you felt this awkward tension as you looked at the plain grassy field in front of you. “So, uh Jungkook?” You said turning to look towards him, “What got you into racing?”
“Hm, we haven’t even gone out and you’re already asking for my life’s story?” You suddenly felt super invasive, “Sorry I didn’t mean to seem nosy.” You said as you look away, staring back towards the field. You felt cold fingertips graze the side of your right cheek as Jungkook turned you to look towards him. “You didn’t babygirl, I just- don’t really like to talk about it.” He said as he stares at you, you begin to blush, surely he could feel it as his hands are gripping your face. You felt electric, you never met someone that had such an effect on you and you didn’t really know why. You knew you really have, but you just couldn’t resist as your eyes moved down from his eyes and onto his lips, he must have seen this as he then began to move towards you.
“J-jungkook…” He stops moving and just stares into you, removing his hands away. Jungkook cleared his throat looking straight on as you stayed in the same position, shocked. You almost just kissed a man you didn’t even know, it’s strange - you don’t even know him yet it feels so right being with him. Maybe it was only you that felt this way but you could have sworn you could see a rosy hue on his cheeks. 
You felt your phone vibrate as you got another message, this time from Jennie.  
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You choked on your own spit as you read the message in your head, you were going to kill her.
“Woah, what’s wrong are you okay?” Jungkook said as he looked over to you, “Y-yeah uh, Jennie said that something came up so it’s just us two, y-you can just drop me off if you like. We don’t have to do anything-”
“Y/n. It’s fine, I don’t mind, really.” He said as he put the car in reverse, “Now, let’s go get something to eat babygirl.” 
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taglist: @krystle1990, @lurkerarmy​, @olivialovemason88​ @eclivpses @hinawariinoue97 @chimshoe95​ — (let me know if you would like to be added!)
© kooksbliss - all rights reserved
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rainbowglittr · 3 years
Love and Marriage - Chapter 12 (Mature, Minors DNI)
After a loss in the family uncovers a family secret, Jaleia and her husband Jesse are forced to balance one family crisis after another along with their budding careers and their plans to expand their family. Will the pressure to keep everyone else together ruin their own relationship? Can ruined relationships be fixed before it’s too late?
Chapter 12:
Jesse's POV
I walked into the studio, Di was with the other group of songwriters, they were actually working on a song that Trevor J might record. I will never understand her obsession with that guy.
It was our last week in L.A. I was going to miss this city, in crazy way it was so peaceful in this city. But I couldn't wait to get home. I missed Jaleia and I felt bad about leaving her alone for so long.
"Hey, how's it going?" I said greeting everyone in the room. I was a little on edge because I didn't want Imani to start anything this week.
"Dre!" I said. He took his headphones off.
"Yo, make sure me and Imani are not left alone."
"Why? You don't trust yourself?"
"Fuck no. I don't trust her. I'm not interested in that woman at all."
"Then why-"
"Cause she stopped by the studio a couple of days ago, and let's just say I'm not sure shes going to take no for answer. And Jaleia made me promise not to be alone with her."
"You going to fucking help me or not?"
"Yeah, man of course, chill."
Imani walked in another ridiculously tight and short outfit. A sheer crop top that showed everything and shorts.
"Hey Jess. How are you?" She said.
"I'm good. Just wanted to make sure that we can keep this strictly professional. You know."
"Yeah I completely understand. Keep it classy."
"So this song is super personal for me, it's the one that got away type. You know." Imani said.
"Yeah, I think you need to change the melody on the chorus. Because it'll sound better a little faster, let me show you."
I can't help that I want you
I can't help that I need you
I can't help that I miss you
And I really want to kiss you
But you moved on
And I know that it's wrong
Maybe if I had one more night
I would do everything right
Maybe in just one last night
You wouldn't be the one that got away
The one that got away
"Doesn't that elevate the song? The change in the melody. And then when you get to the bridge that would allow you to just go crazy with the runs and vocals."
"That sounds great Jess, I forgot how good you are! I love it. We really make a good team."
"Yeah I guess."
"I know you've missed L.A. how do you like it out there? Bored yet?" Jaleia said. I was face timing her while at the studio.
"I've missed it, it's amazing and less dirty than New York. You'd love it out here."
"I bet I would."
"What's wrong baby, you haven't said much."
"I'm just tired and I miss you. And I'm bored and I'm hungry. "
"Baby, one problem at a time."
"Ughhhhh, I'm just in a mood. I don't know what's wrong. "
"What me to sing you something?"
"Yeah, you know, you don't sing to me as much as you used to."
"I'm just saying."
Someone tapped my shoulder. I took one earbud out and turned. JD stood next to me.
"Please deal with Imani, she is driving me up a wall, I can't work with her until she gets her head on straight. I'm fucking serious." He said. He looked pissed.
"Um, what happened?" I said.
"She won't listen to a damn thing I say and she just cursed me out and threw something at me. If she does it again I will be getting arrested." JD said. JD was the coolest person I know. It takes years to piss him off so I don't know what the fuck Imani was on to piss him off.
I turned back to Jaleia. "I gotta go Love, JD is going to kill someone. I love you."
"Love you too, Jessekins."
"So I was thinking of something like...." Imani started singing.
Just put your hands there
I ain't going anywhere
I want to feel you
Want you to feel me too
The deeper the better
Let me show you what I can do
I can do things other girls can only dream of
I need a man who can do it all night
Need you to love me right
"It sounds good but I think we could tweak the lyrics a little bit. Like the deeper the better doesn't fit into your lyrics well, maybe something more nuanced?"
"I see what you mean, maybe can't wait to scream your name?"
"Sing it again for me." I said. She stood up and started swaying her hips.
Just put your hands there
I ain't going anywhere
I want to feel you
Want you to feel me too
Can't wait to scream your name
Let me show you what I can do
Do things them girls can only dream of
I need a man who can do it all night
Need you to love me right
Love me
Touch me
Feel me
Trust me you need me
I'll give you all of me
Cause I need all of you
Boy you ain't never had candy like this before
"How's that sound?" She said.
"Sound goods, you wanna lay it down?"
"Yeah." Imani got up and walked in the booth.
"Ready for me to play it back?" I said.
I hit play and she started sway. She locked eyes with me as she sang the through the verses. Her hips gyrating to the beat. Once it was over, she stood behind me and put her hands on my shoulder.
"How did that sound?" I swatted her hands away and said.
"Yeah, it was great."
I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the hotel door. Imani was standing there in a trench coat. She didn't say anything and just walked right in and started kissing me. Before I knew it she was on top of me on the couch. She was kissing down my neck as I grabbed her ass. We started grinding against each other. She suddenly sat up and let her trench coat fall off shoulders. Her bare chest greeted my face. I wanted to stop but I just couldn't keep my hands off her body. She started kissing down my chest until she got to my shorts. She pulled them down and placed her hand on my-
I bolted up in bed. I looked around, my heart was pounding, I was breathing heavy. My room was dark but I could see the light underneath my door. I guess Diana was up. I grabbed my phone and tried to ignore the throbbing in my dick. It was 4:27 am. Rubbing my face I tried to think of anything would disgust me. Garbage, someone chewing with their mouth open, dog shit -anything that bring it down.
I was drenched in sweat. Why the hell was I dreaming that? Imani was pretty but not risk it all pretty. I would never do that. As soon as put my dick to sleep I got out of bed and put some sweats on. I walked out the room into the living room area.
"Hey Jess, I'm making hot chocolate. " she was at the Stove heating a tiny pot of milk.
"At four in the morning? What the hell? Where did you even get hot chocolate?"
"I got it from Disneyland!"
"Of course."
"What was that noise?" I said as I grabbed some water from the mini bar. I leaned against the counter.
"I tripped over my suitcase."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah my toe hurts a little but I'm fine."
"Why are you up?"
"Just couldn't sleep." She said. I didn't believe her but I didn't push it.
"Be careful, I'm going back to bed."
"I will." She said. Something was definitely off. But I went back to my room.
A few mintues later Diana knocked on my door.
"Jess are you still up?"
"Yeah Di, you wanna come in?"
"Jess can we talk for a minute?" Diana said, carrying two mugs in her hands. She handed me one and sat next to me in the bed.
"I had a nightmare about dad." She said.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I said. I wrapped my arm around her.
"No. I just miss dad so much."
"I know I do too."
"Really? You never seem like it."
"Just because I don't say it doesn't mean I don't. I just have a hard time talking about it. It sucks."
"It does. Dad always made me hot chocolate when I was upset."
"That's why you made some?"
"Yeah. When I does it stop?" She said.
"When does what stop?"
"When do you stop being sad?" She said as a few tears started streaming down her face. I kissed the side of her head and hugged her tighter.
"I'm sorry to tell you but I don't think that it ever goes away. I don't think you ever stop being sad or stop missing someone. It's just that when you think about that person, eventually the positive things you feel about that person will outweigh the sadness. But it never goes away. Now stop crying, you're too pretty."
"So only ugly girls can cry?" She said, sniffling.
"That's not what I meant!"
"It's what you said."
"Well it's not what I meant, Little girl."
"It's what you said, Grown man."
"Are you done with your mug?"
"Yeah, do I have to go back to my bed, cause I don't want to."
"Nah, you can stay here. Are you feeling better?"
"I guess."
"I'm sorry I can't make it go away, Di. But you're not alone. I still can't watch videos of him. But I promise you, it'll get better."
"Thanks, Jess. Love you."
"Love you too."
"I see what you mean." Dre said.
"What?" I said.
"Imani was straight throwing herself at you. Oh Jess, you're hilarious. Jess, did you like that."
"So you see what I was talking about?"
"She is dangerous for you man. I'm telling you."
"Look today is the last day I got to deal with her, how bad could it be?"
It was sometime past two in the morning and we had just finished Imani's album.
"Yes, it going to be great, I can't wait to show my manager. Thanks so much guys!"
They all responded with a congrats or you're welcome.
"Well if you really want to thank me, I have an idea." Green said, suggestively thrusting his hip. She walked over to him and started twerking against him. She laughed after a while and stopped.
"How's that?" She said walking away.
"Its a start girl, it a start. Imma head out I'll see y'all tomorrow!" He said shaking his head.
"Bye Green!" We all said. J.T and JD followed behind them. Imani was on the phone talking to somebody. I started working on a new track I wanted to finish before heading back to New York. Since I knew I wouldn't be coming back I let Diana stay at the hotel.
Dre got up and I grabbed his arm and said, "Where are you going, man?"
"Relax, nigga damn. I'm going to piss, I'll be right back."
"But don't leave me alone-" I said as he walked out the room. Imani got up and closed the door. I got up from my chair and just stood there awkwardly.
"You don't have to close the door." I said.
"Yeah but it's really drafty." She said moving closer to me. I backed up until my back hit the wall.
"I really want to thank you for working with me and my album."
"It was literally my job." I said.
"That's true. But I really can't thank you enough. The other people at the label don't have the same, passion about music like you do."
"Yeah, I'm just going to-"
"Relax Jess, I'm not going to do anything. I don't bite."
"Right, right. I'm fine over here." I said. I watched her as she went to the controls. She hit play and the music started blasting. She started to danced.
"Come on dance, Jess. Nothing wrong with that."
"I'm good."
"Don't make me come over there." She said, shaking her chest.
"Don't come over here." I said. She walked over to me. She tried to back up on me and I slid out the way.
"This seems inappropriate." I said.
"Just relax." She said, smiling at me. She started dancing close to me. I was looking all around the room instead of at her. She was really starting to piss me off. I was leaving tomorrow night and I didn't have time for her bullshit, I just wanted to finish some music.
"Alright you done, Imani?" I said. At some point while she was dancing she had taken off her shirt. She got down on her knees in front of me. Putting her hands on my zipper of my crotch.
"Let me help you relax."
I walked away from her and sat on the couch.
"How about you respect yourself enough and relax. I've told you I don't want you. I'm married, how much clearer do i have to be? Leave me alone." I yelled over the music.
"I'm sorry Jess, working with you this week has really opened up some feelings. Sometimes you just want what you can't have."
"Well you better close your feelings, it's not happening. " I said. Leaning back on the couch, I closed my eyes and put my hands over my eyes. All of a sudden Imani was grinding in my lap and kissing on my neck. I tried to push her off but she had a freakishly strong grip on me.
"Bitch, if you don't get the fuck off me in the next two fucking seconds."
"Oh, Jess, don't try and act like you don't want me. I see how you've been checking me out. I love things I can't have. But I always get what I want."
I tried to push her off me again. She wouldn't budge. Her nail were digging into my back and everytime I tried to get her off she scratched harder.
"Get the fuck off me. I don't want you. Bitch, I have a wife."
"She never has to know. I love sneaking around, it's so sexy and exciting. I won't say a thing. Just take me Jesse, I can feel you, you want me, I know you do." She said still grinding in my lap and trying to kiss my neck.
"Just one night?" I said. I knew if I kept trying to get away she would just cling to me harder. She smiled and cupped my face with her hands.
"All I need is one night. We don't have to be a thing. Just fuck me real good tonight. I'll make it worth it. No one has to know. And you know I'll make it worth it. You loved what I used to do for you."
"You are looking pretty good tonight."
"I knew you still wanted me. Now make me scream." As she leaned in to kiss me I lifted her and pushed her off my lap.
"You thought, you crazy Bitch. Stay the fuck away from me." I grabbed my laptop and bag and ran out the room as she kept calling my name.
On my way out I saw Dre coming in with food. I pulled him into an empty hallway.
"What the fuck man? You said you were going to piss."
"And then I got hungry so I went-"
"I told you not to leave me alone with her!"
"I would ask what happened but it's pretty clear, you got lipstick all over your fucking neck."
"Are you fucking kidding me? Shit!" I said trying to rub it off.
"You're just making it worse. Did y'all, well you know."
"No we didn't fuck! She climbed on me and kept trying to get me to do her. Oh my God, Jaleia is going to kill me! What am I going to do?"
"Don't tell her."
"Are you crazy? I can't not tell her!"
"I know I'm just fucking with you." He said. I glared at him. "Look, did you do anything wrong?" He said.
"Then just tell her the truth. She may not be happy but she won't kill you."
"Just calm down man, why you so hyped up?" Dre said. I took a deep breath.
"I just feel like shit."
"You didn't do anything."
"But I wanted to. At least at first. I feel guilty as shit for wanting to."
"Did you?"
"No, of course not."
"And why didn't you?"
"For a million reasons, I love my wife, I would never betray her. I'm not interested in that hoe. I'm not a cheater."
"So congrats, you're a horny man and an attractive woman threw herself at you. Take it from me, an ex-cheater, if a female literally throws herself at you, and you've had sexually history with that female, and you don't take the bait, you can't be too hard on yourself."
"Thanks man." I said.
"Seriously though Jess, you could've ruined everything tonight and you didn't. You don't know how long I spent wishing that I had done the same."
"Aight man, I'll see you at home." I said as we slapped hands.
"Try not to shit yourself." Dre said.
"Shut the fuck up." I said.
I scrolled through my phone looking for that one contact. My heart was beating so fast. I pressed call.
"Hey baby." I said.
"Jess, I'm tired. Its like two in the morning."
"We need to talk."
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mcxbobbyx · 5 years
Highschool Reunion: The Party (A love island fan fic)
Theres a knock at my front door after i see my best friend pull up in the driveway. I open the door and immediately get pulled into a hug. "Are you ready for tonight's party??" Chelsea asks. "Its going to be so epic! Everyone from highschool's gonna be there so..." her gaze lingers to my outfit "what in gods name is THAT?" Im wearing my cherrygate shirt with rubber ducky pj pants. "What? They're comfy!" She giggles and walks inside. "Lets get you ready!" After hours of doing make up and
hair, I stand in front of the mirror not even recognizing the girl in front of me. Chelsea lingers beside me "You look amazing!". I grab my purse and house keys before leaving. "My car? Or should we go in separate?" She asks. "Lets go in yours. Im pretty sure one of us needs to be able to drive" I reply. We both giggle and hop in her car. The music starts as we head down the road. "Gosh! It's been so long since highschool. Do you even remember anyone? Like its been how long?" asks Chelsea. "10 years," i replied "and of
course i remember a few people. There was Hope from science. Elijah from the football team" I continue. "Oh yeah," chelsea cuts in "i remember him! He was so cute back then... I wonder how he looks now." She says seductively. We both look at each other and burst into laughter. "Is Bobby going too?" I ask. Bobby and I had been friends since kindergarten. Highschool was a blast together but since then we've all just been so busy with our careers. "I wonder how he is.." i mutter. Chelsea smirks and
says "i think the last time i heard of him he moved to Glasgow and was catering at the hospital there. He might've got the word about the party. Im pretty sure noah sent the invite. Why? Is there something i should know??" she then looks at me suggestively. "What?? No! Definitely not! Come on! We were best friends. Its only curiosity." A low giggle escapes her as she pulls in front of the house. Noah's place is HUGE! "What does he do again?" I ask. "I think he works for a library.." she replies. "Yeah!
Some library." I mumble. We park the car by the street and begin walking up. "Okay, so when we get in there dont forget we have to leave by midnight. I HAVE to be back at the office tomorrow before 9 or i could get fired. So we'll meet back here by then okay?" she says. I nod in approval as she takes the door and opens it to a gigantic crowd of people. They all look at us and we begin to get greeted by tons of people. Theres that guy from math! He looks horrible! Oh wow! Its Jo from chemistry, geez she
got fat! We make our way throughout the house. The place is enormous inside. 3 stories, huge outdoor pool, flat screens on all corners of the walls and a big island in the middle of the kitchen filled with chips, wings, and plenty to drink. "Noah!" Chelsea squeales, pushing her way towards noah who stands by the stair way with a drink and hope close by. We exchanged hugs and begin to chit chat. "You guys remember hope from Mr. Tansey's science class right?" Hope reachs for our hand and gives it a good
shake. "She's actually going to be my date this evening so my apologies to you both." noah says. They both pull each other close to their side. "Aw" i begin "its no problem. You're a lucky guy." I suddenly feel my hand get pulled behind me and find myself pressed against a green buttoned down cameo, smelling a faint hint of cologne all on top of someone's incredibly muscular caramel chest. My eyes linger toward his face, "Not as lucky as I am." say Bobby. His golden hazel eyes beam at mine. In this
moment if his hand wasnt pressed against my lower back, i swear i couldve melted on the spot. For a moment its as though we were frozen in time. He was no longer the dorky bestfriend i used to know. The cafeteria banter was long gone as i can only see a man. Maybe not as tall as noah, but just enough to keep my head in a swoon. I suddenly feel chelsea brush my arm "any chance i could catch a hug too?" Bobby releases me slowly and gently hugs her "hey Chelsea. Still got prep, i see" he says. "Of
course!" She begins "How else would I have gotten all those cheerleading trophies?" Another figure steps into the picture as i see queen bee Lottie walk around the corner. "Hi chels." she says warmly. She glances at me for a moment and then smirks as if something was funny "hey y/n, got rid of the glasses i see." I roll my eyes. Same old Lottie. "Yeah, i guess you can say some people change. But you look nothing different lottie." She huffs out a laugh and says "aw thanks! I knew i could stay young
forever." Her eyes move past me towards Bobby. "Hi" she says, putting her hand out "im lottie, i dont believe we ever met." She looks him up and down, almost drooling at the mouth. Bobby shakes her hand and says "oh ive met you, but you just wouldnt remember." a small smirk spreads across his face. She hesitates before continuing "well maybe a second time will be better-" before another word could be said, Noah bangs on the counter "Can i have everyones attention please? Now that we're all here, i just
want to say that since highschool ended, these past few years have been the best of my life. However tonight is about remembering the years that began where we are today. Its good to have everyone back! In a few moments we'll be playing man hunt and after is 7 minutes in heaven. You guys are more than welcome to join either or simply pig out in the damn kitchen." The crowd chuckles as he continues "I hope you all can have a good time, and here's to another 10 incredible years to come." He finishes off the speech by raising his
glass and everyone cheers him on. He hops off the counter and walks towards us. "Aye Bob's! Up for some man hunt in the dark?" Noah asks, pulling bobby in a man hug. "Hell yeah man! Sounds sick!" They continue the bro talk as chelsea asks "you wanna join? We need more people for the girls team." Without question, lottie pulls you in and says "Of course she does! Cant wait to get down and dirty again right?" I hesitate to answer "sure, why not?" The girls smile as we all head outside and i catch a
glance at bobby who's eyes seem to follow for a moment. We all stand in the street for a mintue until noah and hope walk inti the middle. "Alright, so pretty much the basic rules of tag. One team hides and the other tries to hunt us down. The boys have decided to hide first so girls, you'll have 10 mintues until you can begin. Everyone ready?" The group shouts as the boys begin to jet off. Bobby's eyes still flickering at you. You watch as he walks past a few houses and turns the corner. The few moments pass
and you begin to dart towards his direction. After a few miles of running, you begin to feel out of breath. Leaning against a tree to catch up. Suddenly you hear a scream from one of the girls and see two figures run past you. You watch, but then you feel a sudden jerk from behind you again and the same hint of cologne from before "Bobby!!" You laugh "stop doing that!" You both chuckle for a moment. "I knew you'd come tonight. Its been forever since i've seen you." We had see each other a few years ago when i
went to the hospital in Glasgow, but i barely remember it. "How's your head? Better?" He asks. I smile at how he remembered. "Much" I reply. His hand still holding me by the arm. For a moment we stood there in the woods. Just looking at each other. Gripping me softly and almost pulling me towards him. His hands find my cheek as he caresses it. His thumb skimming my lips and this eyes follow. "You're so beautiful" he whispers. With a low chuckle he pulls away "i can't believe it's been this long
since i've seen you. I still remember you sitting in math class. Biting on your pencil till it broke in two." I chuckle "Hehe, i remember that. You called me a gofer for a whole week after that." He laughs again before raising your head towards his. "I know" he whispers. His warm soft lips brush against yours, his body pressing against you as you cling to the base of the tree. The moonlight glistens on his face and down his chest, peaking out of his cameo. He sees you looking at his chest and pulls you back in for a kiss.
Slow and tender at first, but eventually intensifies as you can taste the sweetness of his lips. Bobby's hands lingering from your hips to your thighs. He wraps your leg around him as he begins to slowly move his tongue against yours. Savoring each warm touch you both make. A gentle moan escapes him, he moves his lips from your mouth down towards your neck. Massaging your thigh with his thumb. You bite your lips to keep from moaning. A small smile spreads across his face as he kisses your chest one last time before returning to
your lips. The kiss is passionate. Hard but still so tender as he lowers you back down. Barely wanting to stop he whispers through a kiss, "Come on, i think we should probably head back before the send out a search party." He smirks a bit as you grab each others hands "I'm pretty sure they could find us. You arent exactly the best hider." Bobby playfully makes a hurt face and places a hand on his chest "my pride". You both walk back, filling the streets with warm laughters and heavy smiles.
Available on Wattpad https://my.w.tt/6i6zaLVZEZ
Follow me on Instagram: @mcxbobby 💞
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theslasherchild · 5 years
Micheal Myers love story
Part 5
Once we got home I passed Michael his new cloths, “ I hope you like them Micheal”, I also hope they fit i thought. Suddenly Micheal began to undress, mine and Elie face burnt red as he shirt lifted and his bare skin began to show through, I quickly ran forward and yanked his shirt back down,”NOT HERE” I yelp “go upstairs and changed“ my face still burning pink.
He nodded and quietly walked up stairs, “ buzz-kill” I heard Elie sniggering at me as she began to laugh, I threw a scoul at her. “ you lucky thing having that strapping lad living with you, almost makes me forget he’s a psychopath” she said giggling.
I swiftly turn on my heal and marched into the kitchen leaving Elie in a laughing messing the sofa. I sat on the island in my kitchen, still had a pink to my cheek as I drank my coffee, I sat and look out the window at the kids playing in the street. I once again began to cast my mind back to my childhood thinking about Micheal, he’s grown a lot I though casting my mind back to the little boy with blonde hair I wonder what happened to him once I left.
I sat thinking on it for a few more mintues before I felt someone walking into the kitchen I turn around to see Micheal. He looked...really hot, the jeans I got fit him really well and the black shirt outlined his muscles perfectly, I felt my face going pink as he stood there in front of me, staring at me. I looked up to meet his gaze, it was the first time I had properly look him in the face since we were little I suppose, his eyes were dark brow to the point where they almost look black they were beautiful I started to begin to loose myself in those eyes, so much so that I didn’t realise nor stop my self when my hand began to move to his face cupping his cheeks, what am I doing I thought once my hand touched his face, my face getting closer to his how can one man even do this to me so quickly why am I so desperate to be near him he’s a killer but yet I want him.my head swirling as our face become closer and closer, I begin to feel his breath on my face, my arms wrap around his neck and his hands move down to my waist and he moves himself in between my thighs on the counter, bringing me closer to him as I feel myself press right up against him, god why did he have to be so sexy to me I though. Our lips so close, “am I interrupting something” I heard a nervous voice come from the doorway.
I turn quickly to see Elie stood looking nervous, standing next to the policeman that had came to my door a few days ago, “s-sorry I’m interrupting you two, but I’ve bine sent to this neighborhood again to tell yer about the situation” my face blushing scarlet as Micheal still hadn’t taken his hands off me yet in fact if anything he had tightened his grip on me, “ r-right yes thankyou c-could you just please go into the living room we’ll be there in a minute” I look up at Micheal and gently push him away from me he had a oddly hurt look on his face, “ would you like any coffee sir” I ask , “ why thank you little miss” he replied walking away into the living room with Elie.
I jump off the island and I look up at Micheal sternly “ listen Micheal, that man thinks your my boyfriend and if you want to continue staying here your going to have to play along, I know you’re not the most talkative person but if he ask you anything I need you to answer” he didn’t say anything, “ please Micheal, I don’t want you to go please do this for me” without thinking I wrapped my arms around his waist and look up at him, a slight pink cane across his face, “ fine” he said, “ but only because I want to stay with you” I blushed at his response and squeezed his, I made the guys coffe and walked into the living room, Micheal following behind me.
We sat across from the police guy “so sir what’s this about” I ask nervously gripping Micheal hand, “ please call me bill”, he said cheerfully, he looked over at Micheal “ I do t honk we’ve had the pleasure, he held his hand out to shake his, anxiety ran over my body as I watch Micheal, suddenly michel leaned over reaching for his hand and shook it before quickly grabbing my hand and squeezing it right. “ anyway enough introductions what’s this about” Elie ask sternly “ right, sorry luv, I’ve just come over to tell yer that we’ve bine tracking the car that’s he’s bine using and we’ve actually tracked it to Maine” my face suddenly began to brighten, “ so does this mean he’s left he town”, “must so miss but we’re still asking yer to be careful and make sure yer doors and window are locked” he said once again cheerfully.
After Bill left I quickly ran into Micheal arms, “ isn’t this great some stupid kids must have taken that car you stole to Maine, thing might finally dye down a bit” I said happily. “ he held me tight a small smile going across his face, “ I’m gonna be heading home Ilene”, I turn to see a relived looking Elie, “okay I’ll see you tomorrow at work” I have her a quick hug and waved her goodbye. Once I got back in and locked the door I looked at the clock 22:30 it said, I should get ready for bed I do have work tomorrow I thought. “ Micheal “ I said, he quickly came into the hallway, “ I’m gonna go to bed your welcome to stay down here for a bit though” he nodded and walked into the living room.
I sluggishly walked up the stair, I brushed my teeth and put on my pjs and climbed into my bed, relief washing over me, I was so happy that Micheal would be staying with me I do t know why but I don’t want harm to come his way I want to keep him safe Because he wants to keep me safe i thought about it for while before drifting into darkness. I woke up to the sound of my alarm, after a few minutes it took me a second to realise the hands that were clutching onto me, I began to rock Micheal in hopes to wake him up but all I got was an annoyed grunt, “ Micheal” I said but still no response, “ mikey...” I said in the best sexy tone I could muster up at 6:30 am, however it seem to work as his eyes open and he sat up to face me but then he place his head in my chest pulling me closer to him, oh shit I thought as I tried to pull away, “ please don’t go” I heard Micheal say muffled but my chest, “ but I need to go to work Micheal “ I said gently, I got no response I sighed and thought, I mean I haven’t had a day off since I started at that school, I thought, “ okay fine BUT only this once” I said annoyed he then look up at me his face emotioless but his eyes said everything. I stretched to reach my phone and on my night stand hoping the cable would reach me, I called Elie to tell her I wasn’t coming I and then the school to tell them I was Ill, you know the general excuse.
“Okay I’ve called I’m all your today, but tomorrow I’m going In no excuse” I said sternly. Suddenly he grabbed me lifeting me up as he sat cross legged so that I could sit in his laps my legs either side of him. “ why is your face so red” he ask, he leaned in close so his head was the crook of my neck, “am I embarrassing you” he asked innocently. I pushed away from his in shock, “WOAH, weres mister I don’t talk to anyone gone” I said laughing, “ I don’t feel like I can’t talk to you Ilene” the way he said my name made me feel so special. Once again without realisation my arms were wrapping around his neck as i pushed his down into the mattress so that I was on top, our face got closer until our lips finally connected, it was amazing I had never felt so much emotio in just one kiss, at this point I didn’t care that he was a killer he was mine in this moment, the kiss began to get more sloppy as our lips danced together my tongue exploring his mouth, suddenly I felt something, something hard pressing up against me, I couldn’t help my self but push further down on it making a slight grunt come from Michaels throat, I stopped and sat up “ looks like I’m the one making you nervous” I said with a smug look on my face. I heard a small laugh come from his lips, my face brightened I was so happy that I could make him laugh he always looked so sad to see him smile made me feel so good.
WARNING: mature content ahead (you’ve bine warned)
“I’ve missed you” he said, I froze for a moment staring into his eyes until he continued “ I was so lonely when you left I couldn’t wait until I would be able to see you again” I blushed as he expressed his disire for me, “am I really that special to you” I asked nervously embarrassed by all this attention “yes” he said plainly but his eyes said everything I needed to know, I bent down and peck his lips, “ I dont quite know what it is about you, but you make me feel like I can be myself and loose myself in you” I said. His face grew red at my remark until he quickly tossed me over so that he could be on top, I grew red as his mouth moved to my neck and earlobe kissing and licking me adding in small bites, it felt so good I placed my hand in his hair and neck. This really is crazy I thought me here messing around with a killer but I oddly didn’t care I want to be with him I don’t want this to go away I thought. He suddenly began to push his hips against me moving them rhythmically my grip tighten on his hair and I causiouy moved my hips upward to match his rthym.
Small moan escaping my lips as low grunt came from Micheal as he worked away on my neck. On god what am I going to do with him I thought slightly giggling into one of my moans. I loved this feeling Michael gave me, I never got this much lust when I was with peter or any of my ex’s this felt so real and right to me I never want it to stop. I started to kiss his neck biting and sucking in it, as I switched off my thoughts and letting pleasure take over. Michael slowly moved down from my neck to my collarbone as his hand moved up my shirt, a sudden embarrassment came over me, “ s-sorry there not very big “ I said face night red, with that he whipped of my shirt and just stared at me “ your perfect “ he said as he began to kiss my breast playing with them, my moans became louder as I felt his warm, wet mouth over my nipple sucking on it, “ohhhh my go-“ my moans cut of as he pulled away as disappointment spread across my face.
He sat up to take his shirt off and threw it across the room, my hands rubbing all over him, he really was well built he was so beautiful. He them harshly grabbed my wrist pulling them above my head before quickly pulling my pants down, I closed my eyes and I felt him kiss my stomach moving down further and further until I felt a warm mouth lick me, kiss me there, I couldn’t help my self I moaned out so loud, “ OH GO-Oood yEs rIgHt thErE” my voice shaking, his hand squeezing my thighs. I suddenly felt something cold push against my entrance as I felt his cold finger pushing into me, I yelped out, he kissed me on the lips gently to almost comfert me, as I relax he began pumping his finger in and out before adding another. I became a moaning mess as he kiss me roughly.
He then pulled his fingers out and kissed me again, I looked at his face it was red and flustered he was so cute, I pushed his over kissing him softly before my hand started to push his pants down I pulled him to the end of the bed as I knelt down I rubbed his back as I reached into his pants rubbing him gently his face a deep red and he pushed my hair out of my face. I pulled his member out, oh my god I thought blushing at the sight of it, it was big and thick. I began to kiss the tip and kissing all the way down before licking back up I took a dead breath and took him all in one, hearing him grunt and moan made me so happy that I could be the one to make him feel such strong emotion. My head bobbing up and down faster and faster before he grips my hair right grunting loud shooting his load into my throat before I swallow it. Both panting I snake my way back up into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist as he falls back into the bed pulling the cover around us.
Hello 👋 sorry if the mature bit was bad it was the first I’ve ever write but I hope you enjoyed it
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flyinghetfield · 6 years
Chapter 2 {Birdy} Hey I finally decided on a title name! Anyway long wait I know but here is chapter 2. No mention of the boys still yet, but just some foundation building. Enjoy! x -------------------------------------------------------
bzzt. bzzt. bzzt. Elle glanced down at her phone once again and pre emptively rolled her eyes as Jonathan’s name appeared on her phone once again. It had been non stop; calling, messaging, emailing for the past two days. She imagined he would of had quite the wake up call coming home to find Elle not home with most of her belongings gone, as well as a nice little note with a particular photo attached to it.  “Gosh isn’t he a persistent.” Dennis places a cup of tea in front of Elle and plonks down to the left of her. Glancing towards him she sadly smiles, tossing her phone out in on the coffee table in front of her, it violently vibrates on the wooden surface as another one comes through. “18 missed calls, 22 texts. Last time he messaged me like this was because he couldn’t find his favorite Jersey.” Rubbing her eyes, she takes in Dennis’s quaint home. Musicians are plastered everywhere from Duke Ellington, to Louis Armstrong. His lounge sunk in which is where the both of them sat, with a giant couch going around, perfect for parties and a old school record player off to the side, with records neatly sitting on either side. The old dark oak with the pale cream carpet gave it a sense of ‘I’m trying to be modern but I really love the 60s as well.’ All he needs now is carpet walls... “Has he..” Elle looks over at Dennis as he rubs the back of his neck “..done this before?” “What? Gone out on the town with another girl and not come home until god knows what time?” He nods. Elle stares down at her tea and Dennis waits patiently for her to answer.  “..Yes. Once before, I was..God was I stupid back then you know? I had threatened to leave him right then and there, when I found out he had kissed another girl but he was so upset over it, saying he would never do it to me again. That she meant nothing.. and I believed him.” Sinking further into the couch, Elle leans her head back and stares up at the light above. “I guess.. in the back of my mind I always knew.” She looks over at Dennis. “He still thinks we are in high school, that he’s the big football star, that ever girl will fall to their knees and suck his cock cause he beckons it.” Dennis snorts and shakes his head. “..And like a fly, I fell straight into his trap and fell for him like a absolute loser.” “Your not a loser my young bird.” Dennis puts his hand on Elle check and caresses it slightly. “You were a young girl, who most of her life had not had any sort of affection correct?” Elle nods slightly. “Then this dashing, young boy comes into your life and showers you in affection. You can’t help but fall head over heels.” “...I need to toughen up then.” “No.” Dennis is firm and pulls his hand away. “Do not put a barrier around your heart because of this. Become smarter.” He gets up from his spot, looking down at Elle. “You may not realize it yet but we need bad loves so that we can appreciate the good ones when they come along.” “How are you so wise?” “I have my secrets.” A smile appears on his lips and Elle can’t help but smile back. Dennis walks off towards the Kitchen as Elle leans over and grabs her phone. I’m so sorry. I was stupid. You can’t do this to me. I need you. Please. I can’t live without you. Elle wipes away the few tears now slowly descending down her cheeks as ignores the texts and pulls up her emails. Scrolling through her phone, she tries her hardest to ignore all the emails from Johnathan until she finally lands on T. Staring down at the email, she re-reads it for what felt like the hundredth time. E. Attached is a plane ticket. When you arrive in California, there will be a guy waiting for you to take you to the hotel. I will forward more instructions when I get them. Safe travels. T. “Please tell me your not replying back.” Dennis this time, has walked out with an arrangement of cookies and sweets, placing them on the table. “No, No... just..” Elle bites her lip. Oh boy. “I.. don’t freak out ok? But I got a job offer..” Dennis just sitting back down, stops. His eyebrows are now up and his eyes slightly wider then a second ago. “Your leaving me?” His voice is flat. Elle quickly looks down at her pants, pulling out some fluff as she quickly talks. “Only for a few weeks! It should be a quick and easy job and then I’ll be back and..” Dennis raises his hand, stopping Elle’s now rushed excuse. “Stop panicking. Take a deep breath.” Dennis watches as Elle closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, calming down slightly. “Tell me... Is this something you want to do?” “What do you mean?” “Your not rushing off to a job because of what just happened right? Tell me your doing this cause you want to.” Elle sits there for a moment. It was true that the reason she had accepted the job in the heat of the moment, wanting to get out but she also missed doing something that she knew she was good at, plus she had already said yes, it’s not like she could back out now. “Yes.. I want to do this.” Dennis stares at her for a few moments longer before finally smiling, he leans over and picks up two cookies, passing one over to Elle. “To your new exciting adventures then yes?” He raises his cookie. “Definitely.” She raises hers, tapping them together before a wave of giggles cast over them as the munch into a few, giving Elle a slight sugar high since Dennis seemed had seemed to put cocaine or something in them.. I can’t stop! “So tell me about it.” Elle pauses for a moment. “About what?” “The Job! What made you say “I am going to leave Dennis forever.” and accept it?” Rolling her eyes, Elle slightly wavers on the question. She has never voluntarily told anybody what she has done and the thought of telling someone, makes her quiet skittish, which is not unnoticed from Dennis.  “Please tell me your not going to go strip in a club somewhere?” Elle gives Dennis a light slap on the shoulder. “How did you find out! You were so supportive a mintue ago!” She pulls a sad face for a split second before laughing. “No, not stripping. Knowing I wish I had the confidence to do that, just something else..”  “Spit it out little birdy.. Cat got your tongue?” Elle pokes her tongue out at Dennis and shakes her head before finally telling him. Here goes nothing. “I write music.” It takes a moment for Dennis to register what Elle just said and she watches once again as he looks slightly taken back at the comment. “You write music?” Elle nods. “Huh.” “Huh? What’s that meant to mean.” “No no nothing bad... Just I didn’t expect it...If you don’t mind me asking. Do you have any music on you that I can hear?”
Elle grabs her phone and scrolls through her music bank, pulling up one particular song and hitting play. It doesn’t take long for Dennis to recognize the song. “Wait what? I don’t understand... Isn’t that the popular song that’s on the radio and TV at the moment?” Elle nods. “I write and mix music that artist buy and use for their own personal use.” Dennis’s jaw slightly opens. “But this song! It would have to be racking in over a thousand dollars a day!” “I get none of it. I mean I get a slight pay off at the start but afterwards I get no recognition or writing credit.” Dennis shakes his head “It’s a win - win either way though, I get an nice little extra income, the artist get’s to become famous, I really don’t mind.” “How many of these have you done?” Elle shrugs, she hadn’t really kept track for how many musicians had used her music. “Elle.” Elle looks over at Dennis slightly shocked. He rarely used her actual name. “I don’t know what to say. This is your music?” “You don’t believe me?” “No I do! I don’t see why you would lie to me, it’s just.. shocking.” He sits back as the song finally ends and starts to play again. Leaning over she hits stop before settling back and staring at Dennis. “I’ve never told anybody else about this since they make me sign contracts and stuff. So you can’t say a word alright?” Dennis nods slightly before he speaks again. “This job... are you going to be writing more music?” “I don’t actually know, I mean I guess so? All I do know is that they want me to meet them and that they are a big Metal/Rock group.” They sit in silence for awhile after this. Elle feeling guilty for telling Dennis this now, She knew he practically lived in music, so knowing she had hidden this probably effected him deeply. “...Just” His voice calm now but stern. “Be careful alright?” A sigh of relief came out of her and she leans over to hug him. “Of course.” She felt as Dennis wraps his arms around her waist, giving her a squeeze before leaning back out. “I don’t want my little birdy getting hurt, again.” Getting up he grabs the now cold tea sitting in front of Elle and walks back towards the kitchen. “Oh.” Stopping suddenly he turns towards her. “Tell me one thing.”  “...If your earning this extra money from writing music.. Why did you work those extra shifts?” Elle starts laughing. “Only because I get to see your beautiful face.” Dennis leans back into a full belly laugh. “Isn’t that meant to be my line?” “Well I did learn from the best.” “Damn straight you did” Is all Elle hears as Dennis he walks back into the kitchen. She didn’t want to tell him the true reason for saving away the money she had made, not just yet. “So when do you leave?” Leaning against the Kitchen door, Elle looks back at her phone. “Tomorrow.” “Tomorrow? Wow, they need you asap then.” Elle stands from her spot and stretches, yawning as she does so. “I should get going. It’s a early flight.” She starts to grab her stuff before Dennis stops her. “No no no, your staying here for the night. I have a spare room” Dennis walks off down the hallway and Elle reluctantly follows. “You don’t..” “Yes I do. Where are you going to go?” “I can go stay at a motel, I don’t mind.” “Nuh uh. Your sleeping here.” Elle watches as he opens up one of the doors on the left of the hallway and clicks the light on. Elle pokes her head in. It’s pretty much the same as the lounge - Dark oak walls and white floors, pictures of artists in frames around the room. The only oddity was the single bed mattress hidden off to the side. “Your music room?” “Spare/Music room. Sometimes this old man can’t help but fall asleep next to his beauties.” He points over to the old guitars and Elle laughs. “Are you sure?” “For god’s sake” Dennis gives Elle a slight push, making her walk into the room. “There are spare clothes in the cupboard. I’ll see you in the morning.” And with that he shuts the door. Elle laughs and walks over to the bed, sitting down on it. Looking down at her phone, she bites her lip before pulling up the messenger app. I’m going away for a few weeks. Don’t try to contact me. I need some space to think. Elle. Her thumb hovers over the send button until she slowly closes her eyes and presses it, her shoulders that she hadn’t noticed had tensed up finally intense and she relaxes slightly. Tomorrow she will be in a different state. And that’s all she cared about for now. ------------------------------------------- Next chapter .. may involve the guys... just have to wait and see! <Prev
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kmusicmuses101 · 7 years
Trust (2)
Christians POV
Its been a week since I last spoke to her.
Its been a bloody fucking week
A week of which I can’t find her anywhere.
Her assistant won’t tell me anything.
Her cousin won’t even pick up my calls.
I am sitting on my ass just thinking of ways to contact her she blocked me from everything she even blocked the boys from everything so there was no way in getting to talk to her.I ran my hands over my hair ruffing it up and groaning in frustration
“What the hell happened? Why did she just want to break us up so suddenly? ”
My phone vibrates from a message i jumped up hoping it’s Y/N but its someone else.
“Hey I still have some things at your place can I grab them.”
“Yeah sure you can grab them now”
It was a message from Lily. I met her a couple of months ago at a party then one night of drinking one lead thing to another and that was how became a fucking a cheater.I regretted it the first time I did it I really did but it just kept on happening I didn’t know how to stop.
I started to avoid Y/N because I knew in myself if I looked into her eyes I would have right away confessed everything and I did not want to lose her.She has been through this shit already and I know for a fact to her finding out about this would break her even more and she would leave me and not even try to work this one out.
So I hid it from her to protect her and maybe also my heart from getting hurt if she ever chooses to leave me.I know I am disgusting human being for doing this but I broke it off with Lily the day before Y/N called to end our relationship.
A half an hour later there was a knock on my door I opened it in comes Lily. We looked at each other briefly and I moved away to let her in.
She walked into my apartment as I closed my door I turned around and really looked at her cause I was not only doing Y/N wrong but also Lily since she didn’t know I was in a relationship and I hope she never will find out.
She turns to look at me also “Can I go to your room and look for my stuff?”
I nodded and after a good five mintues she came out with a bag of her left over stuff
“This is the last of it was fun Christian while it lasted, see you around” I nodded again trying not to speak much and wanting to get this over with so I can try to reach Y/N again.
I walked her towards my door when she turned around again
“Oh by the way your cleaning lady sucks you should really change her”
I looked at her confused
“What do you mean?”
“You know the one from last week? I clearly told her to clean some of my stuff but she just stuffed it into your drawers”. What is she talking about? The cleaning lady cancelled last week cause she had an emergency.
“What do you mean she sucks? she didn’t come in last week”
“Uh yeah she did cause I remembered I really liked her hair colour and was thinking of dyeing it in a similar colour” I froze and looked at her
“When did you see her?”
“Last week I think on a Tuesday?”
“Wh…what colour was her hair again?” Please please tell me who she saw was not Y/N!
“It was a rose gold colour it was super cute!”. I froze in fear and utter shock I didn’t even realized that she continued to walk out the door while waving goodbye.
As she closed the door I slowly slid down my wall and had my head in my hands as I yelled out in frustration. Y/N must have came over to get something before her cross-fit class and that is when she saw Lily.I started hitting my head against the wall harder and harder. I did this I broke us I lost her. I made myself lose her
Slowly tears started to fall from my eyes and I placed the palms of my hands in front of them to try to stop it but it kept on coming out and I didn’t know how to stop. I know I don’t deserve to cry over this I’m the one that ruined us.
But I really do love her
After a few hours I got up and went towards my phone and texted her cousin
“I know she found out, please tell her I understand and I respect her wishes but please ask her to talk to me one last time then I will get the hell out of her life ”
I sent the text and waited for a reply. After twenty minutes I got a text back.
“She said ok”
“Thanks, tell her in an hour I will meet her at the park close to Han river….Hey and Y/C/N? I’m so sorry”
“Fuck off Christian”
Ok that hurt but I kind of deserve it.
One hour later
I am sitting here looking down on my lap when I hear footsteps. I looked up as soon as I see shoes in front of me. There she was looking just as beautiful as always. She smiled at me when I finally looked up at her but from her eyes tell me a whole different emotion is running through her we both know the smile meant nothing.
“Hey Christian”
“Hey Y/N”
I moved over and asked her to sit beside me she shook her head no
“I feel like this is going to be short”
I flinched a bit but nodded my head. I stood up and asked if we can walk and talk in which she agreed on. We walked for two mintues when she finally spoke
“I just want to know this Christian, are you more happy with her now?”
“What no!!! it was more of a fling it meant nothing too me” we stopped walking and stopped by a park and she sat on the swing while I stayed stood up beside her leaning on the railing.
“Then is it because you fell out of love for me? cause the most decent thing you could have done for me is break up with me, or if i was that shit in bed your should have just told me”
“What no no no I am very much in love with you! STILL in love with you! It happened because I was drunk”
“So you ruined a year and three months relationship cause you were…"drunk” then why did it keep on happening?“
I froze I had no answer
"I…I don’t know?”
We both went quiet
“Maybe maybe its me” Y/N broke the silence “What is you?” I didn’t understand what she meant.
“This can’t be a coincidence I got cheated on the first time and now you, the only common thing here is…me” before she finished her sentence I bent down to her level and see tears about to fall from her eyes.
“No no its not you it’s always going be that fucking idiot and me we are just both dumbasses that made huge ass mistakes that I for one would regret for the rest of my life” I held her hand tightly and wiped her tears away from her face with my sleeve
“Urgh I promised myself that I will not cry and be a strong ass person that don’t need no man haha” she moved my hands away from her face and wiped the tears herself. I had no words to say to her I felt like anything I say would never comfort her so I did what I could do.
“Y/N I need you to understand that you are the most beautiful and the most strongest woman I know like strong woman Do Bong Soon strong” she laughed a bit and looked at me in the eyes.
“I’m so fucking sorry this happened I am so fucking sorry that you have been with a selfish asshole that would right even have the guts to ask you to forgive and maybe give me another chance”. I couldn’t stop myself I couldn’t stop my motor mouth and I somehow got the balls to ask her to give me a chance even though I am very sure that she would never give me chance in hell. She let go of my hand and stood up and crossed her arms and she staref at me with such a dark glare I actually took a step back.
“Your fucking kidding me right?”
I knew right then I fucked up again Y/N rarely swears and when she does you made her pissed and that itself is rare.
“Forgive you?….give you chance? Its either your fucking high Barom or you think of me that low!”
Shit she said my Korean name fuck!
“No no no I just thought——-urghh I don’t know Y/N I don’t know what to do I love you and I don’t know what I will do without you"I started to grab my hair frustration and she moved closer to me and stopped me from pulling out my hair. We were silent again after a few minutes she moved away from me and stood up straight. "Barom”
I flinched again as she said my Korean name again.
“Yes Y/N?”
“I think we both know this is the end of us”. No words would come out of me I had nothing to say that would change her mind. I think deep down inside I knew meeting her here would be the last time I would ever see her.
“We had a good thing going on huh?”
“Yeah until you fucked it up”
I flinched again she looked up at me
“Sorry not sorry you had that one coming though”
I looked at her as she was laughing and started to realize that this is it…..this is it for us.
I looked as she brought her hand toward me for a shake which I was about to return but at the last second grabbed her in for a hug I kissed the top of her head.
“I’m really going to miss you Y/N”
She wrapped her arms around my waist and rubbed her face in my chest
“Ditto well in a month or two I’m still gonna cuss you out in my head and to my friends”
I slowly let go of her and cupped her face gave her one last kiss on her forehead. I watched as she let go of my waist and smiled at me and she walked away.
She is walking away from me and there is not a single bloody thing I can do to stop her.
I fucked up and I will never forget it.
I ruined us.
It’s completed wooooo!!!
Thank you for the wonderful feedback and music suggestions to get inspired!!!
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!!
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sleepyfaceandsnark · 7 years
Don’t Love You Like I Did Yesterday: Chapter 12
               “I Will Be There”
Months after the incident that brought them together Mickey tries to cope...or ignore it completely. 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
If you ever need someone to cry to If you ever need someone to hold you
I will be there Standing by your side I will be there Standing by your side
If you ever need someone To just love you If you ever need someone  To simply adore you
I will be there Standing by your side I will be there Standing by your side
  Months pass after their mutual confessions of love to one another and when Mickey asks to go slow…boy does he mean slow.
Though Ian’s not complaining he’s just happy to be with him once again and this time do it right. Though going slow now means hardly any fucking. They fuck of course. It wouldn’t be them if they didn’t just not as often as Ian’s used to. Though Ian notices it takes a while for Mickey to be touched and like it. If it wasn’t rough sex Mickey didn’t seem to remember how to react but he doesn’t get angry. Not this time.
Ian chalks it up to the situation with Jackson. Mickey still doesn’t mention him and Ian doesn’t pry or tries not to that is until one day he lets it out.
One morning Mickey wakes up an hour after Ian and gets up off the bed stretching his back until a crack is heard. He walks to the kitchen where Ian is typing away on his laptop at the counter.
“Hey,” Mickey says rubbing his eyes. “You got up early.”
“Yeah,” Ian greets him not taking his eyes off his computer. “Forgot about this fucking paper I have due this afternoon.”
“Shit,” Mickey grabs a cup of coffee. “What class?”
“Mystery, Myth, and Horror.”
“Fun. How many pages?”
“Just 2. Double spaced. But I didn’t read the fuckin story we were supposed to so now I have to sparknote everything.”
Mickey chuckles lightly. “Perks of the college life, huh? There’s always something you’re forgetting to do.”
“Yeah.” Ian sighs. “You working today?” Ian asks, rubbing his eyes.
Mickey nods and checks the time. “In about an hour.” He finishes his cup and puts it in the sink. He walks over to Ian and kisses him on the cheek the redhead still only making contact with the glowing computer screen.
“You’re done by 3?”
“Yeah. Got my first class in 40 mintues.” Ian types rapidly on his computer as Mickey puts on his clothes in Ian’s room.
“Damn.” Mickey says walking back into the kitchen figuring maybe he should actually eat breakfast since he’ll be at work for 6 hours.
Ian slams his computer shut. “Done.”
Mickey smiles. “So I’ll see you after work?” He asks pouring cereal into a bowl, watching Ian put his laptop in his bag. “You’ll be back here by then right?”
“Huh? Uh yeah.” Ian hesitates. “Or we can just go to your place.” Ian leaves not looking up at Mickey.
Mickey stops scooping his spoon through his cereal. “And why would we do that?”
Ian closes his eyes and readies himself for what may come. “Why not? We spend so much time here.”
“Do you not want me to spend time here?”
“I never said…” Ian scratches his head. “I just don’t get why we have to be at my place all the time.”
Mickey sighs and goes back to his cereal.
Ian continues. “I mean it’s not like you fuckin live here.” Uhoh
Mickey drops his spoon in his cereal, the clank echoing in the small kitchen. “Look if you don’t want me here just fuckin say so.”
“I never said that,” Ian mumbles.
“I said I never fuckin said that!”
“Then what?” Mickey yells back, standing up. “Am I intruding on your privacy? Is my ass taking up too much room in your luxurious life, huh?”
“You haven’t been back to your place in months. Months! If you’re scared-“
“Fuck you!” Mickey shakes his head and heads towards the door where he left his shoes.
Ian breaths in. “If you’re fucking scared just say so but don’t hide away from him he doesn’t-“
Mickey makes his way back to Ian. “I aint fucking scared of shit. You’re one to talk asshole!”
“What does that mean?”
Mickey shakes his head and walks back to start putting his shoes on.
“No come on! What the fuck does that mean?” Ian follows his anger matching his opponent.
Mickey turns back around sharply.“Your fuckin pussy ass couldn’t stay with me because you were too chicken shit thinking about what my dad would do to us.”
“You’re really gonna bring that up now? After all this-“
“You had no idea the shit I had to go through to be with you and you just fucking drop it like it was nothing.” Ian ignores the water seeming to suddenly form in Mickey’s eyes.
“I did not!”
“Oh fuck off.” Mickey says trying to bring his attention back to the shoes he was struggling to put on.
“You acting like if your dad found out about us it’ll be all ice cream and daisies.”
“No I wasn’t. Believe me I know better than anyone how he’d be but I didn’t give a shit because I wanted to be with YOU!”
“Well I didn’t want to end up dead in a ditch somewhere from something so-“
“So? So what?”
Ian shakes his head. “No ‘so’ what, Ian?”
Ian bites his tongue and looks down at his feet.
Mickey takes a step back. “Did you not think we were gonna last? Is that it?”
    Ian shakes his head. “It was so hard, Mickey. Our life…”
“Yeah I know I was there.”
“I know you were. Can you really blame me for being freaked out I mean your dad he’s…well like you said you know.” He says quiet now.
Mickey just nods.
“The way we were going. I figured one of us was bound to break up with the other or end up dead. So I figured I’d take the lesser risk.”
“Lesser risk? You broke my fuckin’ heart.” Mickey chokes out. And it’s like when Ian broke up with him trying to act tough but his voice fighting against him. It takes Ian aback  and he’s not sure what to say next.
Mickey runs his hands through his dark hair and sighs not looking at Ian. “I gotta go to work or I’m gonna be late” Not true he still had about 45 minutes to spare.
Ian lets him go, the slamming of the door rattling him enough to bring his mind out of the mild shock.
Then he looks at the clock. “Shit!” He says, knowing now he was the one that was going to be late.
 Mickey doesn't come back to Ian’s after work that day though Ian isn’t surprised by this at all. Their fight was pretty intense and Ian didn’t think they’d make up anytime soon let alone Mickey to come busting through the door like nothing happened. Ian wonders how long it will take for Mickey to say something. Why’s he always the one who does it? A voice in his head says to him and after a few minutes Ian agrees. He’s about to call Mickey leaving an apology on what will probably be his voicemail when he hears his phone ring instead his caller id displaying the name of the man he was seconds away from calling himself.
“Mick?” Ian picks up.
It’s silent for a while until he hears a sigh. “You were right?” Mickey’s voice says and he sounds tired, defeated.
“I’m a fuckin pussy…” Mickey says softly, trailing off.
  “Wha-… where are you?” Ian asks, Mickey’s tone scaring him a bit.
Mickey doesn’t seem to hear Ian’s question he just keeps talking. “Can’t even go into my own fuckin apartment alone,” Mickey gives a small bitter laugh. “Fuck…”
Ian understands now. “Is he there?”
“No. Fuck. I don’t know.”
Ian hears a sigh and Mickey breathing harshly through his nose.
“Mickey where are you right now?” Ian asks already getting his shoes on.
“Side of the building. I can see the apartment I just can’t-“
“I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” Ian says his shoes on, grabbing his roommate’s keys.
“Just stay there.”
“Ok. Ian?”
“Yeah?” Ian says now down by the car.
“I’m sorry.”
Ian sighs deeply, starts the car, and pulls out.
“You shouldn’t be apologizing, Mick. I spoke out of turn. I should’ve calmly talked to you about it or something.”
Mickey laughs lightly partially out of humor partially out of nerves. “Calmly talk? To me?” He says jokingly. “Good luck.”
Ian gives a chuckle and waits for the exit gates of his apartment to open.
“I’m still sorry though you know.”
“Yeah,” Mickey sighs.
“I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”
Ian’s about to say Love you again but he hangs up instead, unsure if it was the right time anyways.
Soon he rounds the corner to Mickey’s, his apartment always keeping their gates open till late, and finds his apartment. He parks the car and jogs to the side of the building where Mickey said he was.
He watches the shadowy figure pacing back and forth, tossing his phone anxiously between his hands.
“Mick?” Ian whispers in the dark.
The shadow figure stops and turns to him. “Ian?”
Ian moves up to him quickening his pace. “Hey,” he says when he’s in front of him. He badly wants to grab him and hold him, maybe that would comfort him, but he’s not sure what Mickey is okay with right now. “You okay?” He asks instead.
Mickey nods though his leg visibly moving uneasily telling Ian that’s not true.
“I don’t know what it is I just can’t go in.” He says looking towards where his door on the 2nd floor would be. “And I can’t stop fucking-“ he turns his hands over in front of Ian. Ian notices them trembling. Mickey grabs them out of frustration, distances himself from Ian a bit, and shakes them hard in an attempt to get them to stop.
“Hey, hey.” Ian walks back closer to Mickey. He grabs Mickey’s hands. “It’s okay.”
Mickey nods taking his hands out of Ian’s to run through his hair. “I need a smoke.”
Ian pulls out his pack and hands one to Mickey.  
“Thanks,” Mickey says pulling out his lighter.
“What do you usually do? I know you haven’t been wearing the same clothes this whole time?’
Mickey shrugs. “I knew he was going away the week after to see his family or some shit in his hometown so I snuck in and grabbed some stuff.”
“You shouldn’t have to sneak in to your own place you know?”
Mickey nods again and inhales his cigarette.
“Okay. Why don’t we go up together, grab some shit, go back to my place, and then tomorrow we can work on getting the locks changed like we were going to do weeks ago?”
Mickey sighs. “I don’t need to keep bothering you with this shit. It’s so fuckin stupid” He looks down.
“Hey,” Ian says and Mickey looks up. “I’m not leaving you to fight this shit alone. Not again. Okay?’
Mickey gives a small smile. “Yeah okay.”
Ian nudges his head towards Mickey’s apartment. “You good?”
“Yeah I’m good.”
They walk towards the door. “Thanks”
“What are boyfriends for?” Ian says smiling back at Mickey.
Ian locks his finger onto Mickey’s a moment later. It’s a small gesture but comforting nonetheless.
They walk in and find the apartment empty. Mickey visibly relaxes. He stumbles on the box he had hurriedly put Jackson’s stuff in that day forever ago trying to find the light. Realization that Jackson never came back to get it suddenly puts Mickey at ease. He had stayed at Ian’s this whole time for nothing Mickey thinks to himself. Well not for nothing.
He’s about to laugh out loud when he hears the door handle jiggle and keys enter the lock.
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Suicide, judgement, selfishness, regret the Human nature.
The last few days have been oddly stressful and just strange. First there was work which was shit just because of one of the woman I was working with. I mentioned it before but she likes to start arguments and fights. That was bad enough. But I felt like I shouldn't complain about it. Just because she's human too not a saint and if that's her nature then I'll just deal with it. It's annoying but whatever is what I thought. The next day I got a call from a number that I didn't recognize. I was going to ignore it but something said answer so I did. I was told a woman I used to be friends with committed suicide and the circumstances of her death. I feel like I need to explain things a bit. She and I used to be really close like kind of creepy close. I loved her and she loved me but it was different kinds of loves. She would joke about us dating after she came out as a lesbian. I was her emotional support she suffered from depression and admitted suicidal thoughts in the past. When she had down days she would call me and I'd take trips down to see her. Either that very same day or the next. I'd drop everything call my college friend who knew her too and we'd take a trip down to cheer her up. No matter what I tried to be there for her. Then she meet her now ex girlfriend. When she meets women she tends to go Mia towards all her friends and focus on that woman. She'd dated while we were friends but this time was different. I hate being the third wheel and planned a trip for just me and her as my goodbye trip before I moved to tn. She invited her gf despite me asking her not to. So I admit I went petty and fucked around and didn't go but instead went to our home town without telling her. It wasn't long after my mom died so I was pushing people away and fucking them over in general. I was tired of being there for people and feeling like they didn't give a shit about me. She texted me later and blew up at me. She called me manipulative and a bunch of other shit saying she didn't want to be friends anymore with me or the college friend. At this point I started to doubt myself. I always thought I was a pretty okay person but she really made me seem like a monster. So we stopped being friends and hadn't talked for a few years. So hearing about her death I wasn't sure how to respond. I didn't believe it at first but when I found it was true I kind of went Oh okay then. I accepted it. She was troubled it was shit she felt the need to do that but hey shit happens is what I thought. My friends on the other hand were distraught. Crying at work and telling me about how they regret things or being pissed at me for not telling them when they found out after me. I feel back into old habits forcing emotions I didn't feel. Not saying what i felt since that never worked well and i didnt want to fight with anyone. Creating an imaginary person to fit in. The same thing she often did. Molding herself into what she thought people would like. It wasn't a funny situation but for some reason people who say they know me the best thought I'd be laughing about it after I didn't express the level of grief they wanted me to. They got pissed if I said lol at something they said. I'm a positive person in most things so I found the good side of it. She went out in a way she would have liked. A way she often talked about doing it when we had been friends. So I didn't feel anger or sadness towards it. It's shitty she saw that as the only way out but I kind of blamed the people around her for a moment. If she had a better support system she might not have done it. But then again she pushed away her support systems for the woman she was with. Being loved was all she wanted and being with someone even someone who helped her isolate herself from her friends was bliss. Making that person suffer after they broke up was something she'd have done. I ended up reconnecting with people from my highschool days and that was the bad part. They came to me with their emotions and suddenly it didn't become of poor her and her killing herself it became a poor me and my reaction to her death. Suddenly the dead woman was a saint in their eyes and they were filled with such regret and sorrow for her. Despite being in the same city as her even only a few mintues away they never really gave a shit about her. I was hours away and still went to her when we were friends it was something she and I talked about a lot. So it pissed me off that people were suddenly so concerned. Suddenly they missed her and suddenly I was a bit of a monster for not having the reaction they wanted. Even writing this pisses me off really because it's still doing the one thing I don't want to happen it's making her death all about me/them. That's the part I hate the most. When the judgements from my highschool friends got to be too much I contacted a mutual friend of the girl who had died. She like I had been part of her support system in our college days till the girl cut us both off at the same time. She was the one I went on the trip with. The part that brightened my day was my college friend gets me. I honestly told her how I felt which was nothing. She understood it. She also understood why I got pissed at the petty little "I should have done more for her been there for her" after it was way too fucking late. Regret is for the living and I felt none because I had done all I could for her when we had been friends Suicide to me is the ultimate selfish act. I didn't think about it too hard. She wanted death and nothing would have stopped her at the time. I blamed her dad for a moment since he still had the guns he had been warned to get rid of years ago. But blaming him doesn't make sense either. There is no one to blame. It's human nature to look for fault. Even I still do that sort of thing. I feel for her family and her ex but at the same time I don't really know or talk to them. Being who I am my college friend said I'm stoic and it freaks people out when I don't have the same emotional reaction they have so I get called cold blooded heartless and cruel often. It's like because we are all girls i should be as overly emotional as the rest but instead I either bottle It up or feel nothing or look at it in a logical but positive way. But being cold hearted and cruel from people who are supposed to be my oldest and closest friend was upsetting. I dont feel like I am cold just not as emotional but I hate when others emotions are being pushed onto me. Why do I need to be reduced to tears by the death of a friend who I hadn't spoken to in years? I was just glad for the time we did have together. She was funny bright a good friend and did a lot for me. She was a good woman while she was alive troubled but filled with love so I remember that. She had her flaws and the parts of her that made us friends. So instead of thinking oh god I should have done more for her I think I'm glad she was there for that part of my life. Oddly she sort of helped me grow as a person and realize things about myself. Till her I bought into the whole 'your a cold hearted bitch who doesn't care about anyone' stick but if i had really been that way she and I never would have been friends I wouldn't be the one so many people had run to for support. I thought many times or reconnecting but I felt like she would reject me and going through all the emotional things I had been going through wouldn't have put me in the mindset to help a friend who had mental issues. As blame grew and pressure grew I felt myself breaking down. Not because of her death but because suddenly it was all about everyone else but her. I tried to talk to my cousin about it but she ended up whining about her own problems and when we went out to eat she complained about the food and bought up our family. She wants me to sort out my grandmother again about my dad but i told her she was on her own this time. Not to mention I'm week three nearly four into the bloodest period of my life so I'm pretty sure I need to go to the doctor but have no insurance till june. With all the emotions swirling in my head I took a day for myself. Not doing anything just laying in bed. I found the song human by rag n bone man. I listened to it on repeat and really connected to it. I'm only human so I try not to fault people for the fucked up shit they do. I don't deal with it but I don't want the warrantless blame they push onto me either. I can see why she would want to die. It's crappy when you can't see a way out. So when friends who have the same feelings as her suddenly didn't get it baffled me. Were they just talking about suicide before just to get attention? Could they not understand how it felt to be so down to the point there is nothing bright in the world. Where you can only look at all your flaws and blame you lay at others feet for why you are the way you are? It's hard to pull yourself back from that point it's shit she probably didn't have anyone who could pull her back from there either. Those were just the type of friends we had. But they're human too so I can't really blame them for being the selfish type. We all do what we can for each other. So all I can say is Rip my friend. The years we had together were good. I won't miss you because I think your happier now. The noise is gone. You left a fuck ton of mess behind you but hey your dead so don't worry about it.
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