#it sucks that she thinks thats all shes worth and that she has to encounter light who only plays into that and makes it worse
infizero · 10 months
i may get shot for this but personally i dont think theres really anything wrong with death note's female characters
#the worst thing is rlly just that there arent that many of them. but i dont think thats like unforgivable#i like misa and i think shes a great character. i keep seeing ppl being like she deserved better i wish she had better writing etc#and thats valid but also i. dont ger that at all personally. i think shes a really good character imo#like yeah shes sort of a stereotypical The Girl but thats not like inherently a bad thing. girls like that exist#and like yes her whole thing is she only wants to be of service to light. but like.... thats ADDRESSED. its treated as a bad thing#it'd be bad if her only purpose was to serve light and that was just not addressed. but thats like the whole point of her character that#it sucks that she thinks thats all shes worth and that she has to encounter light who only plays into that and makes it worse#to the point of her being completely dependent on him and killing herself once hes dead#shes a tragedy. that if she hadnt met light she wouldve probably survived and might have been able to work past her issues#but light fucked all that up#i think thats super interesting and cool and like yeah shes not the greatest character ever#but idk i dont get that complaint. her only purpose being to serve light is the whole point. its viewed as a bad thing#BTW THIS IS NOT ME DEFENDING THE AUTHOR. i know one of his later works has some extremely blatant and awful sexism in it FUCK HIM!#but idk with death note specifically. in a void apart from its author#i think the few female characters it has are fine. idk#serena.txt
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corvidcall · 3 months
hellooo ! your Magic Posting has made me re-download MTGA and i'm having a lot of fun, so first of all : thank you for that !
I'd really like to learn more about Magic lore but I have no idea where to start : as the only MTG expert I know of, would you have any recommandations ?
(if you want to tell me about your girl (Amalia) i'd be happy to know more. what's her deal... what does she do apart from being cute...)
hi!!!!! i would hardly call myself an expert, but thats because theres 30 years worth of shit to learn and i just got into it last summer
Here's a good Where To Start guide from mtglore.com that I think is pretty solid. It gives a rough summary of the worldbuilding basics, and also a list of some of the fan favorite stories, if you need a recommendation. You can also search for stories that feature characters or places you've seen on the cards you like and start there!
For me, though, here's how I got into the story:
The Entire Story of Magic: the Gathering by Spice8Rack. Since this video is trying to sum up 30 years of storytelling, it is really just a brisk overview of the story. But I liked it as an into because it gives you a rough idea of the history, and it gives you a familiarity with a bunch of the proper nouns youre gonna encounter. And also you can learn the most foundation element of the magic lore: Urza sucks.
After that (or, if you want to skip that and just try diving into the story) you can start where I did: the beginning of the Omenpath arc! That's where my perfect son Kellan was introduced, and Amalia was introduced in the set after that one. My main advice for reading the story is to basically just let all the proper nouns you don't recognize wash over you like a cool mist. There's a lot of characters and there's no way in hell I'm gonna know them all. Sometimes, if a character seems neat, I'll look them up on the wiki and read what they've done. But a lot of the time, there's no real need. You can get the gist of who they are, for the most part.
TL;DR pick a spot that seems neat and start there, and you'll probably be okay. It's the tie-in storyline for a collectible card game, so, while I think it's genuinely sincerely really good, it's also gotta be pretty accessible, by virtue of it being, at least in part, a marketing tool
I hope this helps in some way!
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monkey-li · 3 years
Ducktales reboot Dimeshipping “Masterpost”
Well, there is not so much Dimeshipping in the reboot sadly. But as a passionate fan of the ship, I still managed to found some hints why they are meant for each other and are also very much alike ^^.
In this post I gonna collect my thoughts on them. No one has to agree to that, so be kind and just ignore this post when you don’t!
The way she thinks of him:
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Their first encounter after so many years was pure tension. Especially on Magicas side, she looked like she wanna eat him right away. This scene alone created a Dimeshipper lol (hugs @xmysticalnightxx​ ♥♥♥)
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He kept fondling the Dime even though he knew she was, well... in there!
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They are both old fashioned, ancient fools with no idea of children lol.
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They cope with setbacks in the same way. The EXACT same way, even with the same brand of Pizza!
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"Untold chaos, dark artefacts... A man has his hobbies...” Thats what he told Bentina with THAT face. He sure must find Magica pretty interesting then...
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In Glomtales he had only eyes for her. As if all the other villains didn’t even exist/are not worth his time.
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In “The phantom and the sorceress” she talks about Scrooge beeing stuck in a trap not of her own making. And thats one of the reasons they need to focus on the magic lessons...
This indicates two things, first: She knows what happened to Scrooge. So she's watching him closely, just like her DT87 and Comic self. Secondly: Why is this relevant? Only because she firmly believes that otherwise he would rush to help!
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EDIT 09.03.2021
I can actually add something here ♥
There's no way she missed Scrooge by that much... She deliberately freed him from the shadow... and in such a way that he would get his dime back...
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I like that DT17 Scrooge is now proven to be just as evil as DT17 Magica. Ok, I can work with that. He just REALLY needs to talk to her alone, apologize and then help her find her brother. He knows the ppl, he has the money. At least try!
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Besides, before, Magica and Poe were inseparable. But as soon as Scrooge appeared, Magica literally pushed her brother away to face Scrooge alone. To me, this also indicates that she fell for the impertinent stranger at first sight. And based on what I've posted here so far, that feeling never went away despite his betrayal ♥
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Last Episode Last edit 15.03.2021
This one glance was the best thing (and almost only good thing) that happend in the Final...
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BTW subtitles on Disney+ SUCK!!! They are missing so often ><
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Lillian Worth
Okay so heres a lil run down of who lillian worth is and why i somewhat disagree about the “shes the usual asain babymama trope” (WHILE SHE ABSOLUTELY PLAYS INTO SOME TROPES SHE DOESNT PLAY INTO ALL OF THEM) and imma explain that.
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If you dont know Lillian Worth is Rose Wilson’s mother. Rose’s father slade wilson (deathstoke) met lillian in veitnam where he rescued her. Im not gonna give the full run down because there is other posts that talk all about it. But basically they fell in “love” and lillian and slade err became friends with benefits and continued over multiple years
So lillian got pregnant from one of those encounters and this is where i get iffy on the whole trope subject. lily and her girls are not presented as exotic. Ever. They were treated like humans (read next paragraph)
(Before i continue i need to tell you that lili and her girls are sex workers. When she came to the states she continued to be one. But this is one thing marv did that i rly liked. HE PORTRAYED THEM ALL AS HUMAN. He never made them horrible. He showed them helping women and children. A lot of comic writers back then did not touch the sex work topic but he did and he did it in a respectful way. Now while you could argue is disrespectful to make women sex workers i dont see it that way. Its only disrespectful if portrayed in a disrespectful way)
Okay now lets continue now that ive told you what lillians job is.
Okay so we have lillian pregnant she goes to new york has the baby AND IT HAS WHITE HAIR. Now one of the parts of the trope is that the woman doesnt tell the father or let him know.
And while yes lillian doesnt tell slade i do not think its for the racist stereotype.
Think about it. You have a kid with WHITE HAIR and happens to be the daughter OF A VERY HATED MAN. In the end lillian loses her life trying to save rose. (And thats another part of the trope but hold up) the thing is she couldnt tell slade. What was she supposed to do. Tell him??!? SHE KNEW HE SUCKED AT BEING A FATHER. She knew it would be extremely dangerous knowing his enemies. While yes she does play into other parts of this trope, that part there was 0 chance she could.
And it wasnt untill later they made her into the racist asain tiger mom.
Also on the retconed love interest in the og comics her and slade continued to see each other.(this was later retconed by priest because hes stupid)
Rly she only plays into like one trope and thats her dieing but well think about it. Its a comic. Someone has to die for the story. At least she was treated like a human before she died. It would be a whole nother thing if she played DIRECTLY into the stereotype but she doesnt.
So waht im all saying is that while yes lillian does somewhat play into the stereotype she doesnt FULLY play into it. It wasnt untill more recent comics she become ur average sexy asain tiger mom that has nothing to do with the story only to exist for rose’s story.
All in all i think the og representation was respectful and the more recent ones sidelined the fuck outta lilian.
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kaibacorpintern · 4 years
hi i forgot the ship name but would u write something thats seto and ryou? (platonic or romantic) where they play a ttrpg together or somethin idk
“or somethin idk” give me an inch, i have run a mile. a mile of 4.7k words.
platonic euroshipping. post-canon. ryou applies for a game writer position at kaibacorp and makes it to the final stage. contains: dragons, swords, some very sexy things about solidvision and the virtual world, kaiba covered in blood and having a great time, me the writer having a great time, hopefully you the reader having a great time, and ryou, not covered in blood, having a very, very, very anxious time
tw for some fantasy violence
Ryou inhaled, taking a deep breath of: the fresh, sweet smell of grass, the coolness of river water, something dry and grey in the wind, slightly rotten - smoke? And sulfur. The grasses were filled with the restless susurrus of the wind, each blade quivering with anticipation. Above him, a hawk tilted in lazy, wide circles, tracking the hidden paths of its prey. He stood on a dusty path halfway up the long slope of a steep hillside, the farmlands of the valley behind him peeled back to reveal the burned, blackened devastation beneath. The village from this distance looked like the charcoal remains of a bonfire, the air still shimmering with heat. 
The sun itself was hot, making him sweat in the thick, coarse silk of his mage’s robe, every purple thread saturated with light and heat. Mopping sweat from his brow, Ryou opened his options menu, the holographic display falling open, in the guise of an illuminated manuscript, and hovering at waist-height in thin air, perfectly tilted for reading. The parchment was old and yellowed, almost velvet to the touch, the edges frayed with age, and he couldn’t resist the urge to smell it, leaning in cautiously to take an experimental whiff. Strong notes of dust, old ink, age; an undertone of knowledge, of the forbidden kind. 
He selected Player Appearance and the page turned, with weight and heft, to reveal another. Kaiba didn’t miss a beat. Ryou had no doubt if he knelt down to drink from the stream that flowed down the slope, folding in clear ribbons past the rocks, the water would run cold over his fingers until they pruned. And the magic effects?
He swallowed. It was not just the sun that was making him sweat.
He’d just changed into something more practical - a short-sleeved green tunic, a pair of white breeches, leather boots that had just a bit of bite to the fit, like the player had to wear them in - when a chime pealed out from six feet away, as though someone had rung an invisible bell. The air tore apart, in odd, geometric anguish, like a broken mirror twisting into itself - 
and there was Kaiba, standing in the knee-high grass in his customary black turtleneck and tight pants, frowning with his arms crossed.
“Hello,” Ryou said. “It’s so nice to see you again. Your technology is... this is amazing. The attention to detail is incredible. The player screen, with the parchment - it even smells like - ”
“What is this? Medieval?” Kaiba said, glancing around at his clothes, the distant village, taking no notice of his praise; Ryou bit his tongue in self-rebuke. As if buttering him up with compliments was going to help. 
“Western Europe. From the mid-11th century to the 12th. The age of knights and chivalry,” he said, deciding that maybe his best strategy was to simply be straightforward.
“I’m familiar with basic history, thank you. How... classic,” Kaiba said, in a tone that screamed disinterest, and Ryou’s heart began to plummet - already starting from behind? No, no, no, he reminded himself, straightening the slouch out of his shoulders. Yuugi had warned him about this. Kaiba was fantastically tough to impress, in general, and the Virtual World was his world, a realm he'd built with sweat and tears, and stolen back with blood. So he hand-picked every writer that wrote for Virtual World games, refusing to squander a single pixel on conventional nonsense and uninspired cliché. 
The last step - before he brought the axe down - was a short, playable demo, as proof of concept, written by the applicant and executed by the Virtual World team.
Ryou had come this far in the application process. Trust that, Yuugi said. And trust yourself.
Kaiba was looking at him, eyebrows arched with expectant curiosity.
“Er,” Ryou said. “Let’s get started, then. You’ll need to change.”
He pulled up the menu, revelling in the hovering parchment once more, and changed Kaiba’s appearance, like - like magic, the lines of Kaiba’s silhouette rippling like a sine wave from the bottom up, his modern-day clothing becoming a knee-length tunic of chainmail under a belted dark blue surcoat. Kaiba held still throughout the entire transformation, in smug admiration of the effect, his arms held out in a ballet dancer’s pose as chainmail draped down his shoulders to his wrists. 
In his right hand appeared, with a sharp, diamond flash of light, a long arming sword, the edge nicked with age and bloodspill. The hilt was black, with a sapphire gleaming in the pommel. A plain shield dropped onto his left forearm. 
He gave the sword an experimental spin, testing the heft with practiced ease, and slid it back into the leather scabbard on his belt.
“A knight, the charred, smoking remains of a village… I’m assuming I’m on a quest to kill a dragon?” he said, pushing back the hood of the chainmail so that it draped off his shoulders, and nodding up the slope to where the grasses tattered into rocky shale. 
“Yes, you can assume that,” Ryou said politely.
On cue, a child no more than twelve years old staggered up the dusty path from the village, her small torso heaving with breath, sweat and tears running in clean streaks down her soot-stained face. 
“Sir Knight,” she choked out. Flashing a look at Ryou that said cheap blow, but unable to deny his own fraternal instinct, Kaiba dropped to one knee and caught her, his hands swallowing her thin, shuddering shoulders. Playing along, at least.
“Calm down,” he said, steadying her. Ryou imagined his anxiety as a small, hard rock, packing in the twist of every fraying nerve, and leaned all his weight onto one foot, grinding the rock into the dirt with his heel. "What is it?”
“They sent me to warn you, about the dragon,” she panted. “They said only the Chosen One can truly defeat the dragon, and bring peace back to the land. Many have tried. All suffered the same terrible fate - a fate worse than death.”
“I see,” Kaiba said. “And who is the Chosen One?”
The girl glanced at Ryou over Kaiba’s shoulder, her eyes glinting with fear. 
“No - no one knows,” she said. “But all the oracles say they’re coming… a knight with a pure and worthy heart. Sir Knight, don’t go. Come back to the village. It’s safe there. What do you gain from this? Our humble lands aren’t worth the danger!”
“I think they are,” Kaiba said, thumbing soot off her face, and frowning as her cheek pixelated, briefly, and resumed a skin-like texture. "Open master commands, user ID 000002510. Initiate master log. Begin recording: skin-to-skin contact glitch reappeared during writer play-test, candidate Bakura, R. Begin patch work immediately. End recording. Disperse to Virtual World team, flag Sawada, project manager. Close master commands. Did you know, one of the most compelling unsolved problems in physics is the lack of a theory that realizes both general relativity and quantum mechanics?”
The girl gave him a wary look, wide-eyed with faint alarm. Ryou sucked in a breath, grinding the anxiety rock down, down, down.
“You - you speak in tongues, Sir Knight," she said. "Are you also an oracle? Has your future-sight failed you? Don’t you see that only death lives on the mountain?”
Kaiba snorted and stood up, turning to Ryou. “A solid response to non-standard player input. Doesn’t ignore modern concepts, but re-contextualizes them in the setting of this world via a framework of prophecy, and redirects the player to the plot.” 
“Um... thank you?” Ryou said. “I wanted this world to feel like it has a future, too, not just a history. I wanted to place it on a timeline, like it - ”
Kaiba’s attention swung back to the girl, still standing there with her eyes darting between them, full of bafflement. 
“Return to the village, girl. Tell them my future-sight never fails me.”
The girl retreated backwards, warily, twisted on her heel, and fled down the path.
"If I go down to the village, what'll I find?" Kaiba said.
"More information about the Chosen One, and an outlaw who tries to recruit you to her band of thieves, with the option to join them for a stealth-based quest.”
"Hm. You have the imagination and the decency to offer me something other than blatant bait, which I don't always bite. The cliché of the Chosen One is boring as hell, it’s both over-done and deterministic, but I think... yes. Yes, I'll bite. Let's go see your dragon."
In the wake of this... compliment?, Ryou could only offer him a small, tentative smile, his heart clenching tight around Yuugi's advice. 
Kaiba started up the path. 
“Er, Kaiba - you might want to check your inventory before you encounter the dragon."
Kaiba’s hand padded around his waist until he found the small satchel that sat on his hip. Another parchment unfurled in the air before him, listing its contents:
Two full healing spells;
Two glamour spells, for changing the guise of a person or object;
Two transformation spells, for changing a person or an object into an animal;
Two scrying spells, for locating people or objects;
Two ignis spells, for commanding fire;
Two aqua spells, for commanding water; and
Two ventus spells, for commanding wind.
Ryou watched him as he read. He'd carved a small, thick groove into the dirt below his foot. Surely, that was enough for Kaiba to get creative?
Kaiba only closed the parchment with a brisk flick of his hand. Then he started up the mountain, Ryou following nervously behind.
The mountain path was rougher than Ryou expected, a tightly-coiled spring of switchbacks, leading to the curved lip of a high pass. After several minutes of trudging the dust in silence, he was panting for breath, his feet aching and blistering in their boots, and deeply regretting adding this little detail to the story. Next time, he was just going to put the dragon on a rolling, grassy plain, and he’d make it like an American autumn corn maze, because it still needed to be a challenge, and when the players got to the center they’d find the dragon’s decaying, rotting corpse and realize they’d been stuck inside the maze for five hundred years and everyone they loved was dead, and if they wanted to go back to their own time they’d have to find out how to resurrect the dragon, but only at a terrible cost, a sacrifice of some kind... Not his best off-the-cuff work, but there were usable concepts in there, somewhere. If there was a next time.
Despite being laden down with the chainmail, each tiny link flashing like fish scales in the airy slanting of the afternoon sun, Kaiba seemed unaffected by the demands of the hike, propelling himself forward with long, energetic strides. How?
Ryou thought about asking for a break. Or drinking water from the stream. Or changing his boots for something comfier, but he didn't have anything else in his outfit inventory except the mage robes, and the slippers might be even worse… he stopped, hands on his hips, gathering his breath.
From here the valley sprawled below them, a wide, velvety plain, its edges rising and scalloped by mountains. The village fit in the circle of his thumb and forefinger, a smoking black thumbprint. The team had done a fantastic job: the stream ran down the mountain, flattened into a river, and ran south, lazy and serpentine, a green-blue ribbon cutting through the yellow plains, just like he’d outlined in his initial description of the world….
This was all virtual. 
There was no such thing as air, here, or rivers or sunshine or grasses.
His real, physical body was half-asleep in a Virtual World testing pod on the 17th floor of the Kaiba Corp Tower, and his body here was just a series of algorithms, and if he didn’t want to sweat, he didn’t have to fucking sweat! Thank God!
Up ahead, Kaiba noted the absence of his footfalls and turned around, one hand resting easily on his sword hilt. From his position on the path, he looked down at Ryou from several feet up, which doubled the intimidation of his already formidable bearing.
“I’m fine,” Ryou said. “Just... admiring the view.”
“Are you having your Matrix moment? That’s what my programmers call it,” Kaiba said.
Ryou laughed. “I think so. I was tired but I don't feel it at all, anymore. Like all the fatigue's just melted away and I could run a marathon.”
“Is that something you enjoy?”
“Oh, no. I hate sports.”
Kaiba snorted.
“So, tell me. Why do you want this job?” he said. “At my company? Writing stories with my technology?”
“Er - ” Blindsided by the swerve in topics, Ryou tripped over his thoughts. Surely he must’ve read his application? Maybe he didn’t have the time. Stick to straightforward. “I’m sure you remember my performance in Battle City?”
“Yes, I remember,” Kaiba said, which was honestly more than Ryou expected of him.
“Well, I don’t play much Duel Monsters anymore,” he said, “but I still.. every once in a while, I turn my Duel Disk on and play a few cards, just to see my monsters come out, see them breathe… you know I run a Zombie deck, full of demons and dead things, but SolidVision makes them feel so - so alive. You took these fantasy monsters that exist only in our heads and put them in our world.”
“Virtual World game writers don’t work on SolidVision products,” Kaiba countered.
“Right, I know that. To me, Virtual World and SolidVision are the inverse of each other, or opposites that contain each other, like, like yin and yang - with SolidVision, the unreal enters the real, and becomes real. In the Virtual World, the real - ” Ryou motioned to himself - “enters the unreal, and becomes unreal. We like to put walls between imagination and reality, you know, taxes are real and unicorns aren’t, but with SolidVision and Virtual World, there is no wall. That’s the world I want to write stories for.”
“Hm,” Kaiba said, the corner of his mouth curving up in a smile. “Interesting take.”
And he waited, saying nothing more, until Ryou realized he was waiting for him; and trotted lightly up the path to join him.
By the time they reached the top of the mountain pass, the air had turned a clear, dusky gold. The mountains cast long, black shadows across the valley, like dark teeth, chewing up the farmlands. The mountain pass was saddle-shaped, one side sloping down into the valley they’d just come from, the other flattening into a smaller, higher bowl, cupping a pale blue-green lake between its rocky palms.
Kaiba scrambled onto the nearest large rock, his head swinging as he scanned the lake valley. Ryou wrapped one arm around his waist and bit his thumb. They had found a deep, penetrating quiet, the kind of wilderness quiet that was devoid of texture of any kind; no bugs or burbling streams or bird song. It was not even like holding your breath, waiting, because that implied a coming moment of exhale, a sigh of relief. This was a perfect stillness. 
And hidden somewhere inside it was a dragon. 
Ryou bit harder, until he remembered the pain was fake and did nothing, and he had to come up with something else to temper his anxiety, which was definitely, definitely real.
Kaiba's gonna flip his shit when he sees your dragon, Yuugi said, from the back of Ryou's mind, Ryou's demo manuscript in hand. In a good way or a bad way? Is it too derivative? What does it matter that he'll flip his shit for my dragon when he flips his shit for ANY dragon? He's a slut for dragons. Oh my god, you can't say that! Yuugi, please, help - nope. You got this. You know what you're doing.
Even the metallic shing of Kaiba’s sword coming out of its sheath seemed small, in an unnatural way, a pointless, petty defiance. 
A shadow fell across the lake valley. 
Both of them looked up -
and an enormous dragon hurtled out of the sky, landing with thundering force on all four clawed feet, flattening trees and boulders beneath its reptilian bulk. Ryou staggered backwards and fell, in an awkward, clumsy crab pose; Kaiba threw his shield over his face and dug in, undaunted.
Kaiba lowered his shield, just enough for his first full look at the dragon. From his spot, crumpled on the ground, Ryou saw, in the shadow below the shield, another slender smile. The dragon’s hide was a dark, luxurious blue-black, mottled like snakeskin but textured with the heavy crags and knobs of crocodiles. It lowered its head on its long, arching neck, gracefully bearing the weight of two massive, curving horns, and stared down at them with fathomless acid-green eyes.
Even Ryou, who had designed it, sat enthralled: every movement it made - the eager flick of its tail, the claws, curling into the dirt, glinting under a layer of blood and grime, the shuddering of its leathery wings as they folded into its long body - hinted at indomitable power. It was a true creature of legend, a titan from the youngest days of the world, demanding both reverence and terror.
“I have!” Kaiba replied blithely, despite announcing it in a ringing voice.
“I’m here to avenge the village!” Kaiba shouted. 
Ryou had clambered to his feet and bolted for the safety of a low ridge, which gave him a perfect view of Kaiba, head held high and proud as he gazed unflinching at the dragon, several hundred times his size. He’d written those words in his notebook on the metro, leaning his head against the cool midnight glass, pausing every other line to ferret out another piece of sour candy from his bag. Then he’d missed his stop. That trundling, light-washed world of a train car seemed impossibly distant now - a rapidly fading dream, to be remembered only in flashes and silence. To hear the words come out of the smoking jaws of this dragon, each syllable flowing in a delicious, indulgent baritone from its shining teeth, filled him with a breathless exhilaration, his heart hammering in his throat - this was real!
“Only one of us is suffering fate today!” Kaiba shouted back, a laugh in his voice, and then threw a glance at Ryou. “‘Suffer my fate?’ Is that a typo?”
“I - watch out!” Ryou yelled, as the dragon lunged forward, its jaws snapping shut on the empty air where Kaiba had been standing half a second before. Kaiba threw himself out of the way, a nimble tuck and roll, and scrabbled across the shale towards higher ground. Behind him, the dragon swung its massive head, nostrils red and flaring, mouth curled up in a savage draconic grin, glinting with the promise of violence. 
No sooner had Kaiba flung himself behind a scattering of boulders, shield raised, than it unleashed a jet of fire so hot and scorching the boulders glowed red, their rough faces melting in sheets. Ryou felt the heat wash across his face, from several dozen yards away. 
The fire died out. The dragon snorted in satisfaction, horse-like, a loud, wet huff of smoke. The boulders sizzled as they cooled into their new, bizarrely dripping forms.
Kaiba emerged from behind a boulder, sweating and singed, his face streaked with ash and his eyes shining. He tossed the warped, melted wreckage of his shield aside, where it bounced and clattered against the rocks.
“For you!” Kaiba hurled back, and threw his hand into the air, a gesture Ryou had seen countless times on a duel field - a lightning rod, a summoning. “VENTUS!” 
The wind picked up, in a giddy, howling whirl, bringing with it a cloud of dust that descended gritty and blinding and pale across the valley. Kaiba and the dragon vanished from sight inside it. Mentally Ryou subtracted one spell from Kaiba’s satchel.
“THIS WON’T HELP Y - ” Cut off by a wet chop and an ear-splitting draconic scream, a raw, awful sound, torn out of an unwilling throat. Just below it, a glorious, cascading laugh. “WRETCH! WORM!”
The dust settled, revealing glistening, dark-green blood splattered across the rocks, and a single severed claw, its flesh still twitching. The dragon seethed, its wounded foot curled in agony. Kaiba was clear across the other side of the pass, by the dragon’s tail, grinning open-mouthed as he panted for breath. His chainmail and surcoat dripped with dragon blood; his hair was thick with it. 
“COME GET YOUR PEACE, DRAGON!” he bellowed, and the dragon slung its head around, tail coiling in an ominous whip. 
Again Kaiba lifted his hand, shouted “VENTUS - !”
And a second dust cloud barreled into the valley, as the dragon roared back, “THAT WON’T WORK AGAIN!”
It whipped its tail through the dust cloud, a scythe-like sweep - smacking something hard into the rocks with a thick, fleshy crunch of bone that made Ryou’s insides clench tight with terrified sympathy.
The dragon whirled around, clearing the dust with several storm-gathering wingbeats.
This was not real. This was just pixels, neatly arranged and running in rivers of algorithms - just a clever series of ones and zeroes - and yet Ryou gasped, the dragon laughing, at the sight of Kaiba lying in a crumpled, motionless heap in the rocks. He hadn’t considered Kaiba might actually fail to kill the dragon - all thoughts of jobs and game-writing abandoned - unreality aside, the mind had a way of making it real - what the fuck happened if Kaiba died?
“IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE, WORM?” the dragon said, nudging Kaiba’s limp body with its claws, rolling him over. His head lolled, his body twisted into a horrifying, broken-boned slouch. How on earth was Ryou going to explain this to Yuugi? Hell. “I TOLD YOU, YOU'RE NOT W - ”
Ryou almost didn’t see it - a hawk in a dive, arrow-straight, from the top of the sky, diving through a blinding flash of light several stories up - and out of the light came Kaiba, alive and whole, plummeting towards the dragon’s head, gripping his sword with both hands - plunging it straight through the top of the dragon’s skull. 
He left the sword hilt-deep in dragon flesh as he pitched forward with the force of impact, rolling over the dragon’s brow, flailing to catch himself - on the massive horn. Clinging, victorious, as the great dragon swayed, its green eyes filming, and finally slumped, in agonized slow motion, to the earth, body first, head last, with a thundering, bone-rattling crash. 
It released one last, rattling breath, the trees shuddering in the fetid breeze.
The valley descended into stillness once more. 
Ryou sat down on his low escarpment with a limp thump, burying his face in both hands. This was just a Virtual World, where at one point everything would power down and they’d wake up safe and sound in the squishy, air-conditioned comfort of a pod, and he had, after all, planned on Kaiba killing the dragon, but Kaiba’s sheer nerve seemed beyond that. Yuugi was right. The guy was, maybe, a little nuts. Completely off his rocker.
“Ryou,” Kaiba said, above him, and Ryou lifted his head. Kaiba rested the sword jauntily across his shoulder, the rest of him filthy with dragon blood and human blood and dirt. “I have to say, I enjoyed your dragon. A shame it had to die.”
“Your strategy... You used a glamour spell? On a... rock? To make it look like your dead body,” Ryou said. “And then a transformation spell.”
“Correct. Is that all for your demo?” Kaiba said, cocking an eyebrow, both bloody and disdainful, and Ryou swallowed. “I was hoping for more of a cha - ”
His words stopped hard in his throat, a harsh, hacking sound. His free hand flew to his neck, mouth dropping open in pain and confusion, eyes widening. He coughed - or tried to, achieving nothing more than a thin, ugly retching, his face going white - and Ryou watched, in fascinated horror, as his gamble began to play out. There was nothing he could do to help; he’d written it that way.
The sword clattered to the stones, green blood dripping off the shining edge, as Kaiba staggered sideways, gasping for breath, both hands on his neck - what was the algorithm doing to him? Ryou had only written ‘a suffocating, squirming pain, concentrated in the lungs,’ and resolved to think more carefully about what types of pain he might inflict on the player characters, if the gamble paid off... But how interesting to know even the creator of the Virtual World himself suspended his disbelief - his knowledge of the truth - sometimes, and indulged in pain...
He collapsed to his knees, stretching one hand out, fisting it around Ryou’s collar and dragging him closer - 
“What - ” he choked out, eyes glaring into Ryou’s, in baffled, furious agony - terrified - they rolled backwards, the blue sliding away to white, as he slumped over himself. 
His hand went slack and fell. What life remained slipped away in a low, shaking sigh.
Ryou took him by the shoulders and gently lay him down, passing a hand over his eyes to close them. Dead, but not really.
“Just hold on a moment,” he said. The body had been vacated. The soul - the player - was awakening elsewhere.
He waited a few moments, absorbing the stillness, the detail on the leaves of the pine trees; the way the lake water shimmered in golden flecks with late afternoon light. It was maybe his last few seconds to enjoy the world he’d written, rendered in full splendor by the magic of technology, and he’d banished his anxiety from both his mind and body, to live out its exile in the real world. It didn’t belong here.
The great dragon body began to stir, drowsily, waking up from a deep, deep sleep. The deepest sleep.
Ryou stood up and slid down the escarpment to the dragon, pebbles and dust avalanching around his feet. The stab wound in its skull was knitting back together; the severed claw was crawling back to its slow-bleeding joint. There was an agonized hiss, forced through the dragon’s tightly-clenched teeth, and a vibrating groan, deep in its chest, as it gathered itself out of death.
Its eyes opened, in wary slits - not the bright, acid green, but a stunning, oceanic blue.
“OW. FUCK,” it growled, in Kaiba’s voice, magnified and twice as resonant. “OPEN MASTER COMMANDS, USER ID 000002510. SUSPEND ALL PAIN ALGORITHMS. CLOSE MASTER COMMANDS.”
He rolled upright, flexing his wings with experimental care. He arched his neck, looking down at Ryou.
“Yes,” Ryou said cautiously.
“That’s how it goes.”
“You choose them,” Ryou said. “You decide what makes them worthy.”
"That's right."
Kaiba pondered that for a moment, flexing his claws idly in the dirt, the massive slabs of muscle in his shoulders shifting as he tested the strength and fit of his new draconic body. His gaze drifted out over the lower valley, eyes clouding briefly with memories of another story, another game, another man; one who had always seemed real and unreal, all at once, no matter what world he lived in. Ryou had heard it all from Yuugi.
Then Kaiba looked at him and started to laugh, a sound that echoed and rebounded across the small lake valley, the water shivering as each delighted peal of laughter rolled across. Ryou blushed as it buffeted him from all sides.
“IS THAT SO,” Kaiba said, with dry relish. “YOU’RE HIRED.”
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teffyjeffy · 5 years
(Most of) JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure: Stardust Crusaders but almost everybody are kids having fun at recess.
Want a random JoJo post out of nowhere? No? Okay well here you go anyway!
A lot of the time when I was watching JJBA I felt like I was watching a very dramatic retelling of what was actually two kids playfighting.
“My guy punches super fast!” “Oh yeah? Well my guy can stop Time!” “Oh yeah?! Well, mine can too! I just discovered it!” “WELL MINE CAN DROP A ROADROLLER ON YOU” “THATS CHEATING”
Anyway, the idea started to snowball, so please enjoy my masterpost of (most of) JJBA Part 3 where the Stardust Crusaders are a group of 9 year old rascals who met up one day during recess. This is just for fun ^_^ also these are all copied and pasted from discord so the structure is a little jumbled. Enjoy!
Oh, and Spoilers are ahead.
“I can punch super fast!”
“Well I can use cameras and TVs as crystal balls, but I need to break them!”
“Mine can shoot flames, ooo ooo and-and I can control them at will!”
“Mine has a sword that can stab anything”
“No Kakyoin that’s not how we play. Youre not allowed to have an invincible attack”
Kakyoin’s introduction:
“I have an invincible attack”
“That’s not how it works Kakyoin but you’re cool, so you can keep playing with us”
The insect stand “Tower of Gray” was when the group was bothered by a fly on the school bus and they got a little too rowdy in their attempts to kill it, which pissed off the elderly bus driver. Thus the kids agreed that he was responsible for bringing the fly onto the bus in the first place. They got detention.
Jean Polnareff’s introduction:
“I have a sword that can pierce through anything!”
“Okay Jean, you can play with us, but you have to promise to stop pushing Avdol into the wood chips, he doesn’t like it.”
The stowaway girl is actually a 5 year old girl who wants to play with them and they hate it at first but they eventually warm up to her. The monkey with a ship stand was actually a retelling of the groups trip to the town’s public swimming pool. The boat was just an inflatable tube and the monkey was a chipmunk. And the original boat that blew up? That was the group’s original inflatable tube that got popped because the 5 year old wouldn’t stop gnawing at it
Later, the kids SOMEHOW convinced their parents to let them stay in the same hotel while the parents all hate business trips to go to. They “promised” not to pillow fight, then everyone except for Jean went to go get snacks while Jean went to explore the new room.  Unbeknownst to them, the previous guests of the room accidentally left their daughter’s doll behind. Jean HATES dolls. He accidentally stumbled upon Child’s Play when he was surfing channels way too late at night without his parents knowing. Fear turns into aggression and someone from the hotel staff goes to check on him. He finds Jean and realizes it’s the same kid who shot him with a water gun earlier. Jean is kicked out and the parents have to pick their kids up. Jotaro and everyone else weren’t happy. 
Rubber Soul is actually just that one bratty kid who thinks it’s sooooooooo funny to mimic other people while also making fun of the person they’re mimicking. It makes them feel “powerful.” Jotaro encounters Rubber Soul when the latter is mocking Kakyoin one day, while Jotaro is playing with the 5 year old; he then chases Rubber Soul all around the playground, and when he finally gets him, he busts his teeth in. They were only baby teeth though, they grew right back, which saved Jotaro from a brutal punishment. He was still forced to go without dessert for a month. He didn’t complain though because his mother was dealing with the flu at the time. He would give all his desserts to Kakyoin, which his how Jotaro discovered Kakyoin’s creepy habit of juggling maraschino cherries in his mouth.
J. Geil was somebody who used to play games with Jean’s sister. When she found out he sucked at party cake and teased him for having “Two left hands”, J pushes her into the mud and never plays with her again. Jean has held a grudge ever since.
Hol Horse is Geil’s “New friend” which pisses off Jean. Hol Horse, being a member of the wrong crowd, beats up Avdol and J. Geil just goes along with it. Jean is all “Avdol why are you even here, you had nothing to do with this!” And Kakyoin’s like “Should we call 911?” And Jean responds “Not yet, I need to beat up these guys first!” And Kakyoin calls 911 anyway.
The Mirror stand is just J. Geil going “Made you look” and punching your shoulder.
And Hol Horse’s stand is just a nerf gun. The reason it hurts is because he likes to get right up in your face before firing it. It’s ineffective if you’re too far away from him, because the dart bullet loses momentum and hits the ground harmlessly.
Jean eventually gets back at J. Geil by chasing him into the middle of a group of kids, then pointing up at nothing, shouting “Made you look,” and poking J. Geil in the eyes, which causes him to cry like a baby. And later, Jean is like “Oh yeah, I totally stabbed him with my sword!” when Jotaro asks him what happened.
Then Hol horse runs away because he realized J. Geil was a total loser.
The Empress stand was just Joseph’s retelling of his parents taking him to the doctor’s office so they could deal with a wart on his arm. He hated how boring the actual process was, so he pretended that he bested the wart in a game of wits and tore it asunder. Jotaro was grossed out. 
(Btw in this AU Joseph is only a grade older than Jotaro, instead of being his grandpappy)
Wheel of Fortune is just the result of a very nasty game of tag with a brat who wouldn’t leave the group alone.
Enya is the crazy cat lady at the end of the street whose house the kids were forced to pass one day when they missed the school bus.
Steely Dan is the snobby “Cool Kid” of the playground, and a sore loser when the kids don’t play the way he wants them to. So Jotaro gives him a black eye.
The Sun is a kid who likes to fry ants with a magnifying glass. But Joseph likes bugs, and seeing this made him cry. So Jotaro, Kakyoin and Avdol plot to destroy the magnifying glass, which they thought was really funny. But at that point, the magnifying glass had to be returned to the science lab, so the kid was spared. 
Or, in another interpretation:
“Hey guys, I wanna play! My guy’s power is that he’s literally the sun!!! ” 
Joseph: “Wow, that’s pretty powerful-“ 
Death Thirteen was the result of the kids being forced to deal with a baby who was throwing a tantrum while they all waited to get on the giant slide at the County Fair. Kakyoin was especially pissed. 
I have nothing for the Judgement stand.
I don’t have anything for High Priestess either.
And Iggy is still a dog, but I’m getting rid of his tendency to fart because I just HATE IT
N’Doul isn’t blind, he wears glasses and can’t see shit without them. And he has a water pistol. And he hoards the playground’s sandbox.
Oingo and Boingo are a 6 year old and his 1 year old brother and they’re just the cutest little demon spawns.
Anubis is a dog that snatched Jean’s toy sword in its mouth, and the sword’s power to transfer souls was just Jean fearing that the dog had rabies. Jotaro rolled his eyes but convinced Joseph to help him buy a new toy sword to shut Jean up.
Mariah... I dunno man, I didn’t really care for her arc and it definitely doesn’t fit the “kids playground” scenario I’m going for.
The D’Arby brothers are known for being the cheaters of the playground. So Jotaro scares the eldest brother in a game of Go Fish, and it messes D’Arby up so much that it triggers his Asthma and he he has an Asthma attack. 
Pet Shop went down as the day when Iggy had a fight with a seagull and got pecked the ever loving SHIT out of. Jotaro tells the story at every Christmas party.
The younger D’Arby battle happened on a day when he and Jotaro were playing video games together. They accused each other of cheating, which resulted in Jotaro insulting him for liking dolls before pummeling him and consequently getting kicked out of the house. Joseph gave him a high five though, so it was worth it.
Vanilla Ice was the toddler who didn’t bother to move out of the way if you got in his path while he was driving his toy mini jeep. But if you asked Jean or Avdol, they’ll tell you that the toddler deliberately puts people in his path to run them over. And the occasional dog.
And finally, DIO.
DIO was a kid who got transferred to Jotaro’s school after being expelled because the principal of DIO’s previous school couldn’t get him to leave two of the students alone, by the names of Johnathan and Erina. He was pen pals with Johnathan, but that was the only connection DIO bothered to maintain.
Jotaro thought DIO didn’t even deserve the title of “School Bully.” He thought DIO was just a weird freaking kid. Despite that, most of the kids were scared of him, Jotaro’s friends included.
DIO loved to utilize the classic “Time Out!” whenever he played with the kids, and if they didn’t abide to the time out, they got a knuckle sandwich.
Jotaro was the first kid in a long time to just say “Nope.”
That’s when he learned that DIO was a kid who liked to screech like a banshee when things didn’t go his way. As well as throw a whole bunch of pencils (seemingly from out of nowhere) at any person that he upset with.
The road roller in this AU is the closest thing to a lethal heavy weapon that you can get on the playground: a frickin BIKE. 
And DIO is like “TIME OUT SO I CAN SLAM THIS BIKE ON YOU” And Jotaro goes “Nope, your time out is cancelled because you’re a freak and also you tried to bite Joseph which was just gross, anyway-“ and he punched DIO in the leg, pushed him to the ground, and kicked woodchips in his face.
They both got expelled.
A few years later, on his way to middle school, Jotaro bumps into a kid named Josuke...
<============ TO BE CONTINUED
The Pillar Men are a reflection of the infamous day when three highschool bullies showed up to the playground. One of them beat a kid named Ceasar in a Rock Paper Scissors match; in responce, Joseph (who at the time was only 4) went apeshit. He kicked the first highschooler off of the carousel at the County Fair. Then he located the second highschooler, tied up his shoelaces, then lit them with a match. Finally, during the school’s annual science fair, he tracked down the third highschooler, who had just finished rigging a student’s baking soda volcano to blow up in his face. Joseph threw a bunch of rocks that he found outside at the highschooler, and then proceeded to lock him up in the school’s astral observatory. The first two highschoolers fled town after that, but rumor has it that the third one is still stuck in the abandoned observatory.
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howlitecritical · 5 years
New character arcs and new back story because canon sucks again
Main 4 cast with notes on characters that need notes for changes to make sense  Garnet: yesyesyesyesyeysyes everything good about this show. There’s not enough garnet centric things where she’s just herself and not about ruby and sapphire. More information on Garnet. Shes stoicly funny and just murders people with words sometimes. show her being rose’s top tactician. turning the tides of the war that were never in the crystal gem’s favor. maybe theres a fun earth thing shes into. Her room is the heart of the temple for a reason now. Its a balance between pearl and amethyst. The bubbles are organized, but she has her own side space with things she does as hobbies. She has a collection of antique books that she likes to read lava side and she often meditates to see corrupted gems and a future in which the CGs encounter them. maybe she even draws them out to combine ruby’s need to Do with sapphire's need to Know. Fusion is still very important to her, but not she has plot relevant interests that make sense with her character. Her character arc involves her being the first of her kind. shes something completely new! just like steven is. and for that not to bind them together is silly. She wants the best for steven and he makes her want to be an even better leader now that rose is gone and shes the only one left. she makes him think about his actions and slows down his hyper activity when he or amethyst are trying to do something reckless. From him she learns that it’s okay to let her guard down more. Homeworld might come back, but it’s not all on her shoulders. the CGs are a family and they’ll protect everyone together. Garnet in jailbreak is the first time we know shes a fusion and before that we get more about her character not just from environment around her, but her reactions to things. Maybe she feels like she needs to be in control because shes afraid that without rose, homeworld is more a danger than ever.
Amethyst: I like most of her progression actually!!! a few things I’d mess with is when she’s unnecessary hurtful to people she loves, like greg, when she shape shifted into rose, and peridot when she all but threw her stuff into the ocean. these things need to be gotten rid of, or addressed by the narrative. I’d also like to see her hanging around Vidalia wayyyyy sooner or to have a reason why they dont. As for reasons, maybe Amethyst did or said something hurtful toward her, lashing out at her for whatever reason that made their friendship strained. while a decade is a long time for a human, for a gem its nothing. so while she feels bad, Am’ isnt going to apologize herself!!! she didnt do anything wrong!!! and maybe Vidalia is the first person steven convinces her to apologize to. Steven teaches her compassion and is, in return, the gem he can relate to the best. He goes to her first with gem issues and she acts like an older sibling, trying to teach him or cover up mistakes so pearl and garnet dont find out. I think i’d like a progression of Am’ refusing to apologize to Vidalia, realizing that she was wrong and apologizing to greg, but he breaks down and can’t move past that, rendering their friendship difficult and strained as a “sometimes apologizing isnt enough and you have to change your behavior“ and then the third beat with peridot either not happening at all, where she doesnt throw someone’s comfort items into the ocean which, i think steven shouldve realized and stopped her from doing anyway, BUT if you just NEED that mistake on her part, i feel like this could be a “sometimes, you dont know how bad you hurt someone and you should apologize when you find out“ with peridot being hurt and not talking to her and amethyst has to do a big gesture to show shes sorry. I also feel like that fleshes out amedot as a ship and while i dont care about who peridot ends up with, i care about story and the way im going to make this story go, lapis will be in that fun moral grey area and i want more options in terms of story telling and of fan choice. Also!!! explore the possibility of her being deep cut and thats why shes a runt. she only looks smaller but has all these strengths because of it!!! it fits in really well and bismuth or peridot maybe because she was made for kindergardening, could tell her about it and watch her get excited because shes not ”wrong“ she never came out “wrong“ shes just different and thats okay!
Pearl: Was white diamond’s pearl, first of all! that makes every interaction more interesting, because no only did she defect from homeworld, but she defected from the Queen of homeworld and everything it stood for basically. We learn more about how homeworld operates and what places in society each gem fits from pearl, because while she doesn’t believe it herself, she isn’t kept from talking about diamonds now and what one she served. in this funky fresh au, she is sent by white to make sure the new diamond they’re cultivating from earth comes out properly (aka where the fuck did russia go) and getting her equipped with all of the technology she would need to properly rule. this is where she first meets a quartz soldier. at first she’s taken aback by the quartz’s forwardness, no one had ever talked to her like... an equal before. shes not sure if shes allowed to speak, though, she knows theyre waiting for a response. Their first interactions always begin with her requesting permission to speak. They have to wait a few more years for pink to emerge and while they’re there they slowly become friends as the life is leeched out of the area. we could have a snapshots of them waiting for together, rose getting bored and convincing pearl to come do things with her, slowly breaking her out of her shell. Pearl’s difficulty and character arc comes from not just rose and getting over her feelings, which is perfectly fine, but doesnt need to be her only trait, but finding out who she is now, not just after rose, but with humanity as a whole. with the war well and truly over. she wants to learn about what rose thought was so important to fight for, to die for, and because of that, we get her partaking in human activities that arent eating or drinking, because she still dislikes them. While Garnet reads and collects books, i think pearl being really into her weapons collection is a good idea to flesh her out more. Where did she get her swords from? Well thats a mystery. She mentions someone she cared about a long time ago made them for her and thus we get some fun bismuth foreshadowing.
Rose:  And rose..... god... we could of had it all by adele plays in the background anytime i think about her. Here we have a very beautiful fat woman. Shes framed as elegant and regal by the show time and time again and i LOVED that. however after the pink diamond reveal, I have such mixed feelings about her. No more diamond bullshit. Shes the first gem that popped out. Technically she’s too early and she goes to stand guard around the birthplace of her diamond. That is where she and pearl first meet. Pearl is the first gem she ever talks to and while she innately knows stuff about home world, shes pick up a lot from the humans that live nearby. theyve shown her kindness and given her furs to wear and in turn she helped them heal their wounded by crying on them. (yes she still has healing powers sue me) she loves the humans and takes to befriending them before pearl shows up. The two of them get close and after pink diamond pops out, rose realizes what the creation of gems truly means for the world around her. They’re killing what was here before them. This isn’t creation. It’s an invasion. Being the only quartz out so far, shes forced into the role of commander for pink. Her favored soldier. And the more she does what she was “made for” the more she hates it and the more she hates the diamond authority. she convinces pink that some humans are worth keeping. As a curiosity, my diamond. they could prove useful to terraforming other planets or moons to accept life and in time, gem cultivation.  She gets poofed while trying to save someone from the group of people she first made friends with. Maybe pink shatters whoever poofed her for not following her orders because of course Rose wouldnt defy her. rose is Loyal, unlike the rest of you lack luster garbage. Rose comes back with her iconic dress and shes here and queer and shes fucking Done with this shit. she hears about the shattering on her behalf and she goes to pink and asks why and she feels sick to her stomach because star, my diamond, she isnt Worth it. she isnt worth the cost of someone else’s whole Life!!! Oh rose... you’ve always been soft hearted. in this time, Pearl is quietly there. waiting to be called back by white as pink pearl has just been sent to take her place. And this is it. This is the moment rose decides to rebel. according to homeworld, her life should be no more than any other quartz. her life shouldnt be traded for that of others. So why? Why did pink do this? Do the gems in her court mean nothing to her? This is the first time a gem has ever summoned two weapons. A Sword and Shield. A knight turning on her master. She tried to attack pink. to poof her. to send a message right here and now that gems are all equal. that a lowly rose quartz is strong enough to take on a diamond! She fails, but only partly. she manages to strike a blow, but pink stays in tact long enough to strike on of her own, sending rose retreating into her gem. This is when pearl has to make a choice. No matter what she’d be shattered. Pink’s wrath when she reforms, white’s when she finds out about what happened. This is a death sentence. But if its a death sentence, its one she’ll choose for herself. she takes rose’s shield and uses the face of it to shatter pink herself, scooping up rose’s gem and getting as far away as fast as she can. This is the start of a war.
Steven: Oh boi. So i love steven, but theres moments where hes just... not good and the story doesnt stop him from doing that. So if were gonna say hes a kid with emotion based powers, we know hes soft and sweet and excitable. sometimes he pushes people too far because hes trying to do what he thinks is best. I want him to wrestle with the fact that his mom, this person everyone says is good, killed someone. she did something so horrible and she never killed anyone again, but she still did it once. I’d like him to get bits and pieces of his mothers memories and so we get to see the world and flashback things that happened in real time. Maybe he tries to talk to pearl about it, but she still wont instead of cant. He feels like an outcast and everyone would rather his mom be there, but they have him instead. basically a lot of his earlier character arc stuff before garnet and pearl talk to him about how homeworld was. They dont think hes old enough to hear about war, but it seems war is coming back and hes unprepared to face it without learning more. he facilitates more interactions with the townies and now its not just a war of gems against gems, they have humans on their side too and they’ll win!  
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marinsawakening · 6 years
2 3 4 and 7 for ur meme >:3 let the salt come forth
2: Most amatonormative ship?
UHHHHH of all time??? or just in FMA??? oh shit should’ve probably thought this one through before making the ask meme lmao
okay so I’ll do in FMA first because it’s the easiest and uh. that’d be alm/ei. there’s literally no reason for either al or mei to have a love interest, its clearly used as a gag in canon, it was pretty much 100% onesided in canon, but for some godforsaken reason the fandom just?? loves it???? and considers it canon that they’d get married later in life?????? I mean I’m not gonna say that Arakawa wouldn’t agree with that but. she and everyone else is would be wrong. Al is aro and Mei is lithro and they try a relationship post canon but it doesn’t work out bc they’re arospec babe so they decide to be good friends instead and its a relief for everyone involved and that’s the truth.
Of all time…. that’s tough. I’m gonna go with Ca/leo (calypso/leo from the heroes of olympus franchise) even though I’m sure there’s worse things out there because I remember being FUCKED UP MAD when good ol’ uncle rick decided to pair off literally the only character from the original series that didn’t get a love interest because that was LITERALLY HER ENTIRE POINT and then decided to pair of leo because amatonormativity I guess AND THEN decided that they wouldn’t actually work as a couple so he just fucking. changed calypso’s entire personality. and I don’t mind that change much bc I like her better in HOO but YOU CAN’T JUST CHANGE CHARACTERS YOUR NOT HAPPY WITH RICK ESPECIALLY NOT FOR A ROMANCE THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS. anyway im still salty about HOO can you tell.
3. Most amatonormative ship fic trope?
*slams my fist on table* HANAHAKI DISEASE. yes I know that the aro community as a whole is really Done with soulmates and I totally understand and respect that (even if my own feelings are a lot more complicated) bc they’re amatonormative as heckie and much more widespread but like. the entire concept of hanahaki disease is ‘if someone doesn’t love you back you will get TERMINALLY ILL” and I mean??? who the fuck???? thought this was cute????? seriously what the fuck.
4. What popular ship has the least chemistry?
Well I already used alm/ei so and I’m disqualifying ro/yed on grounds of wanting to make this fun so…. pissing people off lets go with edw/in. it sucks. its bad for winry’s character development and completely superfluous to the story. we gain absolutely nothing by having ed and winry be romantically involved. they work way better and are way cuter as friends, and we would lose no story beats whatsoever except for the proposal at the end which was awkward as fuck in my opinion. like if your ship contains canon dialogue like “were his shoulders always so broad” (or something either way it was winry busing about Ed’s shoulders which…. is that a thing? that I missed?) and “wait at home and bake me an apple pie” (again, something among those lines), that’s…. not great chemistry. sorry you guys i just don’t see it. 
7. Which ship discourse is the funniest?
*pulls out my time in the VLD fandom* LET ME TELL YOU A THING
(under the cut because this shit is too fucking long)
okay so for the most part the VLD fandom wasn’t actually…. that bad. I mean it was childish and volatile as fuck and everyone was really hostile to each other don’t get me wrong, but honestly, it’s not the worst fandom experience I’ve ever had, and once I managed to carve out a little niche for myself it was pretty enjoyable (also a lot of the fans were autistic which. neat). 
but there was one event in that fandom that just fucking. killed me. and I’m still not over it. 
so once every three months or so (on average, sometimes it’d happen multiple times a month and sometimes it’d say quiet for months on end) we had some Major Bullshit happen that got on top of the regular ship wars. sometimes it was something a cast member (Pidge’s voice actress, usually) had said or reblogged, sometimes it was new age ‘confirmation’ that just added wood to the fire of the regular discourse, sometimes it was a new Hot Take™ on the show that everyone loved for a while until someone inevitably pointed out that it was ooc/problematic/etc. and then everyone hated it, etc. etc. pretty standard volatile fandom stuff, all things considered, with the vast majority of the discourse having valid points but being taken way out of proportion because of the sheer size of the fandom.
the shaladin discourse is definitely a good example of that. the main point of the anti side in that discourse is ‘hey don’t ship shiro with the other paladins he is an adult and they are teenagers’ and the point of the anti anti side is ‘don’t tell me what to do you pearl clutching purists’ which. i mean im clearly biased here. but the discourse was blown so far out of proportion, primarily because, again, this fandom is too fucking big, but also because a lot of people involved in the discourse were kids themselves. you basically had a bunch of 14/15-year-olds who by and large haven’t quite mastered critical thinking yet yelling at each other in debates that got very emotional very easily. (not saying this to be condescending, lord knows we should all be happy that I wasn’t into fandom when I was fifteen or I would’ve 100% been the person going ‘well actually it’s called ephebophilia get your terms right’ so we all dodged a bullet there. but im just saying that, historically, young teenagers don’t have the best trackrecord for rational, calm discussions, and it really showed.)
so, why am I taking the time to tell you all of this? so that you have proper context to how stupidly ridiculous this discourse was on a regular basis. many (most) of the people in this fandom seemed to totally forget that, while telling people not to ship pedophilia or stuff like that is generally pretty important, it’s ultimately still fandom bullshit and doesn’t really, actually matter that much in the grand scheme of things. it very quickly became a very strong ‘us vs. them’ mentality on both sides that resulted in actually pretty seriously toxic behaviour like death threats (although the anti side definitely had more of a tendency to go witch hunting after people, shaladins were absolutely not exempt from Bullshit, as you’ll see below). like i shit you not we were all genuinely waiting for the time someone would get stabbed irl over it or something, it was so tense.
and at some point, at what I consider the height of this stupid discourse, came Operation Shalanonymous.
I might be getting the name wrong, but they genuinely called it something like that, with a serious graphic behind it. I shit you not. This whole thing was so, so surreal.
Operation Shalanonymous was literally a spyop. A 15-year-old shaladin (and maybe some others, I don’t remember) who at the time went by the url ‘theblackguardianofsheith’ or something similar (they deleted, to my knowledge, and I hope they’re living their best life) pretended to be an anti and went ‘undercover’ in an anti discord server, with the purpose of ‘exposing’ the antis for what they really were. they gathered a bunch of screenshots and such, and then released them all as ‘damning evidence’ onto Tumblr, claiming that they showed evidence of sexual harrassment and hypocrisy, among other things. 
I can’t remember all of the accusations, but some were pretty serious, so I took the time to go through the screenshots and found… very little. there were some distasteful remarks here and there in the form of ‘i wanna kill [insert shaladin]’ that the mods shouldn’t have let slide, and a childish, kinda sexualizing derogatory nickname for the shaladin in question in the form of ‘hunty’, but those two things were really the worst of it. yes, this behaviour was bad and the mods shouldn’t have let it slide or participated in it, but all in all? not worth an entire spyop. if anything, what I found much more damning was that the shaladin (who, as a reminder, was 15 as well) had written a couple of little notes on the screenshots drawing attention to some particular messages of a then 13-year-old anti who said they had a crush on shiro. the notes themselves would’ve been nothing more than childish IF that same 13-year-old hadn’t just come out of a massive dogpiling attack where they were repeatedly misgendered and accused of wanting to have sex with adults themself despite them being a csa survivor. so attempting to throw back to that discourse to ‘prove’ some kind of hypocrisy was distasteful at best and honestly, it did not make them look very good.
so yeah. as you can imagine, the discord members and mods took that very well, and just. for a while, Operation Shalanonymous was this actual Thing, where shaladins were crying that the antis were finally exposed and the antis were accusing the spying shaladin of sending graphic rape porn into the chat to shock users, which the 15-year-old shaladin refuted by saying that they were attempting to get them to do something about it (apparently they were trying to get it taken down or something, but I genuinely have no clue why they thought the antis could help with that, but then again, this whole situation was so far-fetched and there was little evidence provided that this was actually ‘graphic rape porn meant to scar csa survivors’, like the antis claimed either, so like. i don’t fucking know), and accusations went back and forth for a while. it was a mess.
and this, this right fucking here, is hands down the most childish, most distasteful, most useless ship discourse that I’ve ever encountered. not only did someone actually take the time and energy to pretend to be an anti for quite some time in order to ‘spy’ on antis, they also decided to, in all seriousness, release the screenshots under the actual fucking name ‘Operation Shalanonymous’, dropping them like they were the fucking panema papers. like guys??? you know this is the fucking voltron fandom, not goddamn wikileaks, right???? these are not state secrets you’re releasing. they’re screenshots from a fandom chat. it. doesn’t. matter. that. much.
there were some genuinely horrifying things that went down during this whole debacle, and I probably shouldn’t find it as funny as I do, since this really was a prime example of how toxic people can get when they think they’re in the right, especially when the person in question is a teenager (who, again, don’t have the best track record for emotional regulation and foresight). but I just fucking can’t take this shit serious. you gotta remember that a 15-year-old was mostly heading this thing, and it really shows; the whole entire set-up and pay-off was just overwhelmingly childish, and it makes me so, so glad that I wasn’t into fandom at that age, because who knows what shit I would’ve pulled. and I just can’t stop imagining what everyone involved will think of this shit when they’re in their twenties or thirties. because god. ship discourse does not matter this much, guys. it really, really doesn’t, and this whole debacle was nothing but an embarrassment for everyone involved. 
so anyway that was hands down the most ridiculous ship discourse I’ve ever witnessed, thanks for coming to my history lesson.
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
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ROXY: so ur the 1 w/ all the answers ARADIA: is there something youd like to know? ROXY: well apparently uve got cosmic info + hells of motivational one liners so can u tell y it has 2 be this way ROXY: why this game gotta suck so hard ARADIA: can i let you in on a secret ROXY: im not so gr8 w/ those ROXY: spill stuff when i shouldnt or sit on stuff i should spill ARADIA: ill have to trust you anyway ARADIA: i dont have all the answers ARADIA: just what ive learned from talking to people or trying things out and making mistakes ARADIA: trial and error thats how a lot of things work ARADIA: thats what got us here ROXY: and wut left all those ghosts out there ARADIA: yes ROXY: which brings me back 2 my question ROXY: why does this game suck ARADIA: some things just do ARADIA: but i am inclined this time to say because it was made this way ROXY: by callie ROXY: the other 1 ROXY: thats what i heard ARADIA: see you have more information than me in that respect! ARADIA: the waking world is not my area of expertise ARADIA: out in the bubbles i knew what to expect ARADIA: this is new and harder to navigate ROXY: were all in the dark rn ROXY: but thats my place ARADIA: ive been a maid for a long time ARADIA: cleaning up what i could and making the way easier ARADIA: maybe a rogue from outside the system has a different perspective ROXY: i bet other ppl have more ideas n schemes but if ur lookin 4 the roguish attitude uve come 2 the rite place ROXY: i can give u lessons on being feisty + a rule breaker + lookin damn good while ur at it ROXY: did u ever encounter my brand before out there ARADIA: nope! ARADIA: there arent many humans out there ARADIA: youre new territory for me ROXY: oh ROXY: guess there was only the 1 ROXY: it wouldve been nice for her have some1 there ROXY: id want that if i was dying and alone ROXY: but enough of the heavy shit ROXY: we just met and im already being a PARTY POOPER ROXY: u said u were a maid ROXY: guess thats obvs bc uve got the same kinda outfit as jane ROXY: does that mean ur also nice n cute but morph into a terrifying badass when necessary ARADIA: it has been known to happen ROXY: honestly i havent met a troll girl who wasnt a terrifying badass ROXY: we ladies r def carrying this adventure ARADIA: flarp is called a game for girls for a reason ROXY: flarp? ARADIA: a live action roleplaying game four of us used to play ROXY: that sounds wicked awesome ROXY: i always wanted 2 do something like that but my friends were all long distance and sburb ended up being a little TOO immersive ARADIA: we had a lot of fun playing together ARADIA: unfortunately it led to some... accidents ROXY: maybe we should all try playing sometime ROXY: w/ our powers it could be rly cool ROXY: even snowball fights are gonna have the intensity and firepower of a world war ARADIA: i can ask terezi if she has any copies of the rulebook that arent defaced ARADIA: or we could write our own rulebook! ARADIA: that might be fun, and we could make it safer for the players ROXY: what happened 2 u guys anyway ARADIA: tavros broke his torso column ARADIA: terezi went blind ARADIA: vriska lost a few body parts she could live without ARADIA: i died ROXY: k thats more than i was thinking when you said accidents ROXY: usually its more like some1 got hit w/ 3 draw 4s in a row and rage quit or u slipped on some dice and fell on ur ass ARADIA: none of that was the fault of the game though ARADIA: vriska did most of it, egged on by an otherworldly meddler with objectives of his own ARADIA: working in a few tweaks theres no reason it should result in so much carnage ROXY: if u say so ROXY: ive had my fill of killer games ROXY: u couldnt pay me 2 go a round of jumanji ROXY: maybe ill stick to my retro computer games where i can only die digitally ARADIA: oh, those are fun too! ARADIA: you have to find entertaining things to do indoors when its not safe to go exploring outside ROXY: trust me im an expert at whiling away cabin fever ROXY: but i dont think weve got any danger of that now ROXY: there r gonna be so many wacky shenanigans w/ all of us hanging out together i can already visualize it ROXY: sweet sweet shenanigans ROXY: every moment worth snapshotting and putting in a picture album to preserve it 4ever ROXY: hopefully none of these shenanigans will end up w/ ppl getting broken tho that doesnt sound like good times for all ARADIA: we will have to avert any incoming disasters ARADIA: whether they arise from injudicious game selections or otherwise ROXY: a bunch of badasses like us shouldnt have any problem ROXY: well make games safe and fair ROXY: and well figure out how 2 take on this world on xpert mode ARADIA: sounds like a plan
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dwestfieldblog · 4 years
This temporary apocalypse could be seen as a globally overdue Long Night of the Soul, an initiation of sorts which might result in a deeper understanding of what actually matters for human evolution (despite the very best efforts of the scum who are trying to reverse any spiritual progress because it weakens their hold.) There are several ways in which the negative side could truly take over, starting with the horror nightmare prospect of DT (aka ‘Just Another Scumbag’ as Bannon once called him) re ‘elected’. The realistic pessimist in me is sure that if he wins, this planet in this dimension is finished. His winning will be a final signal to the world to give us up. In my lifetime, we have never been so close to the mass breakout of totalitarianism and utter lack of empathy than we are now. Actual fascist populists, not some wet Liberal bleating but the real thing, ready to go live. Covid has bankrupted hundreds of thousands of businesses, millions have lost their jobs, migration from the truly poor and dangerous countries continues...into the becoming poor and dangerous countries. Those who live there and are already ruined by the disasters in every home will be easy prey for the populists. Speaking of whom...
Steve Bannon has spent a great deal of time and other people’s money in setting up a network to overthrow the (arf arf arf) ‘deep state’ and replace it with... a new deeper state...still run by the rich, who will use the populists, who in turn will use the mass of the angry and frightened...etc etc...And power, as most people recognise it, will stay in the hands of the unhuman swine with the most gold and the least soul. WER NICHT HOREN WILL, MUSS FUHLEN...
‘...the human nervous system properly programmed, can edit and orchestrate all experience into any gestalt it wishes. We encounter the same dismal and depressing experiences over and over again because they are repeating tape loops in the central programmer of our brains. We can encounter ecstasy over and over by learning the neurosciences that orchestrate all in coming signals into ecstatic tape loops.’ R.A.Wilson. Prometheus Rising, Hilaritas Press.
It takes a lot of effort and Will to do this but what else is worth it other than to attempt to break out of the vicious cycle and evolve? Even I have managed this when I focus on choosing it. Giving up ingrained behavioural habits often hurts; this is, however, a choice. It doesn’t have to unless you are a masochist.
Flew to England for three weeks in August, full flight sold out, all of us wore masks (apart from one 6 foot 6 mad eyed American who kept pacing up and down the cabin.) Right up to the point where we were all given a bottle of water, some crisps and two biscuits...All masks off at the same time, all passengers attempting not to breathe while we drank and ate. Love seeing how many in both countries wear masks under their nose or even only on their chin. As Bill Hicks would say ‘Any questions why we’re f.....d up as a race?’ As Jonathan Pie does say; ‘Put a f...... mask on.’ I have been coughing since February, and drinking heavily, so not especially optimistic about getting C19.
I avoided almost all of the news while in UK, watched five minutes in total on the TV and only read headlines in the paper. It was enough. Since I have been back in Prague I have continued to avoid the news other than that which I am told by friends and students but I can tell from daily receiving over one hundred emails that things are truly breaking. Hexagram 23 and total Weltschmerz is upon us. Mental health is twisting up globally. One by one, all my friends are suffering serious damage, one way or another. Hearts are breaking apart and many damnable souls, who should be burning, are not. People are afraid to breathe or to embrace, looking to the very worst set of leaders in my lifetime for answers and being manipulated en masse to mass crises.  
(Jaz Coleman....On the Day the Earth went Mad...watch the video, listen. Feel. Weep. Rage. Change.) QUI NOLERUNT AUDIRE DEBERE SENTIRE.
Love the interviews I saw with those who voted for Trump and realised they made a mistake...after FOUR YEARS. What clued them in? Which particular excremental atrocity of his foulness gave them the alert? Will the Electoral College let him ‘win’? Before I left, I saw the Trump interview where he said ‘It is what it is’, with regard to the massive number of deaths in the USA. ‘We are below the world’. Blood pressure rising, I even checked his Twitter account where he published two letters, one from the eternally unlovely NRA and the other from the American Police Federation, assuring him he was the best president to ever serve their interest and they would back him to the hilt. His plan to stir the US up into open civil war continues and Putin sits back and smiles. As does Jared it seems, the smug sadist advisor in the same style as (England’s off Broadway Trump) Boris’s Dominic Cummings.  Herd Immunity? Well yes it might work at some point after a few years and millions dead. You evil alien bastards. The  main individuals in the British Government will make millions from a no deal Brexit, perfect timing. The country will die.
The newest PC bullshit has got even the wonderful JK Rowling into trouble just for speaking her mind politely about transgender issues. I love PC... it is how dumb useless Liberals can act out their secret fascist impulses and feel hard of c..k and wet of p...y...feel good to be so righteous... same with overly ill humoured religious folk,  but the PC tribe cannot use God to justify anything so they are a bit weaker...You morons... ‘People who menstruate’, People with a cervix’? PEOPLE? Really? Women is a bad word is it? Too specific? (Well it has the word men in it, so seems almost inclusive.) You bastards are annihilating language; raping semantics...get another hobby you ridiculous cretins. (Be sure the populists well understand how to manipulate such fools.)
Extinction Rebellion is being used (among a multitude of other groups in other countries, hello Black Lives Matter) by the Kremlin to stir up shite, they are mostly well meaning on the road to Hell. Stop being so dumb and stop helping those who are against you at home and abroad. Dogmatic faith leads to mistrust, violence and hatred, says the lone derranger...And as for the absurd Q Anon, it is those who seek a Deeper State who are using you to do it. Well done.
Jacob Blake, shot seven (count them) times in the back by police even though charged with no crime and paralysed was handcuffed to hospital bed. That goofy twat of a 17 yr boy who wanted to be a policeman, shooting at blacks because he believed he had carte blanc (arf) from Trump to defend his country against ‘terrorists’...he will probably escape much punishment because... he was bullied at school...WHO WASNT?? The only people who weren’t were bullied at home. Guns ‘open carry’ in various states as the NRA rejoice in what they encourage. ‘Your first amendment means I can say your second amendment sucks d...s’. JimJeffries. Damn straight. By the time even I was 17, I had grown out of wanting to kill half the world. Wannabe cops are a little slower. 
Everything is the new normal. Too late for a mid life crisis unless I die at 108 but I never forget that statistically there is more chance of being killed by death than anything else. ‘Heres to my love! O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.’ Walking... see three funeral services shops in the road leading to/away from the hospital, clever businessmen...walking...masks off, between two conveniently placed flower shops and smoking outside the fuming crematorium in black suits and highly polished shoes. Waiting. That’s us.
I MISS YOU MARLENE. I MISS YOU MARLENE. I MISS YOU MARLENE. Nice headline seen on US newspaper...‘Can any good from cyberstalking your online crush?’I wondered that after falling in fascination with a woman in Germany who wrote like a poet and wove a spell of stories to charm and beguile. I would have walked from London to Hamburg to see if she was real. Everyone expresses love and the need for it in different ways. Reprogramming a deeply imprinted circuit is usually uncomfortable and so it proved for both of us. We shall see...if there is time. ‘One of us is crazy and the other one’s insane’
I can remember one of the days I Changed (seven years old?) We had a history lesson and were told about English kings and their ‘Divine Right’ to rule. Because God told them. And they told the people. And the people believed them. I remember the light in the classroom, where I was sitting, the smell of the tables, old unused ink wells, pencil shavings... and just thinking whatever a child’s version of F..K OFF...THATS BULLSHIT ISNT IT? would have been. That was the first moment I started questioning the class system, gullibility and bastards. A couple of years later, the absolute freedom of being, sent to collect the class register, walking down the empty corridors and not in the classroom...a beautiful feeling of being OUTSIDE. Free. Two of many experiences which have never left me. (The Angel Choir, the Rituals, the EYE across the Multiverse dream, the Reconnection...) Even if Freedom turns out to be as much of an illusion as everything else, it is still as beautifully sensual to me as music.
One summer night in 1990 after my 3rd breakdown, I had a dream. I think. Bear (or even bare) with me on this, I know how this sounds but it is only reporting what I saw in my mind. Two Aliens, thin and shadow like, came though my open bedroom door in the night (I could see the silhouettes) and one took a long shiny silver needle like a hypodermic for a horse and stood behind me and pushed the needle in through the top and centre of my skull, penetrating my brain. I FELT it slowly being pushed in, it hurt but I was paralysed. There was no voice but I heard (try not to laugh) ‘So now you have Superintelligence’. They moved out, the door closed, I slept. As usual with me, I remember every single dream I have ever remembered as if they were films I have watched over and over...and after a dream, the atmosphere stays with me for 23 whores. Later that day, I picked a big hardback book to find some info on something (A Cyclopaedia) with pages as thin as a bible. I sat almost motionless and without food for eight hours, DEVOURING every subject in it. Economics, geometry, geopolitical events, medicine, beliefs, systems.....the next day I finished ninety percent of it and went on to read books by five philosophers from second hand shops, started watching insects, stopped swearing, worked out, and read and read and read. All the knowledge I hadn’t cared about in school and college I picked up that one summer. It led to making new friends, new possibilities, new work, new love and led me to fly to Prague in this sequence while continuing to practice many ‘New age’ techniques by a writer called Stuart Wilde. They all worked and I continued...with regular fallings and breakthroughs.
‘Religion was invented when the first scoundrel met the first fool’. Faith is believing what you know not be true’. The seeker finds a belief and stops thinking for themselves...‘Every ideology is a mental murder, a reduction of dynamic living processes to static classifications, and every classification is a Damnation, just as every inclusion is an exclusion.’RAW
I had a four hour conversation with a Christian bloke, thirty, intelligent, believes in Satan as an actual being with horns. Etc. He couldn’t quite see any flaw in saying that any prophet who saw angels, white light and heard the voice of God, healed, etc but was not actually Christ, was only being tempted and used by the devil. He told me to watch the beautiful side of evil...
‘Every act of authority is, in fact, an invasion of the psychic and physical territory of another’. Human progress ‘is the concrete manifestation of some person’s refusal to bow to Authority.’  
‘WE GOT ELECTED ON DRAIN THE SWAMP, LOCK HER UP, BUILD THE WALL. THIS WAS PURE ANGER. ANGER AND FEAR IS WHAT GETS PEOPLE TO THE POLLS. THE DEMOCRATS DON'T MATTER, THE REAL OPPOSITION IS THE MEDIA, and the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.’ Said Bannon, who also said. ‘Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. Thats power.’ Has he met Putin yet? Is he also on speed dial along with Boris and Trump? People! Create better leaders. NOW.
Happy birthday Aleister Crowley on the 12th October and Happy Halloween to all readers, stay healthy and sane (arf) Remember you are magick...buy the re-release of Musick to Play in the Dark by COIL and become moonlight... And those in America, if you actually do truly believe in a good God...go and vote and remove that evil ego and his cohorts in the White House with absolute overwhelming victory or we are done in this lifetime. Be healthy.
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the-winter-spider · 7 years
All In Your Head - Part Four
A/N: I hate building up story lines, i just want to skip ahead to all the angst and the draaaamaaaaaaa. tbh I'm not that happy with this part :/
Pairings: Sam x Dean x Reader!Sister
Word Count: 1,800
Flashbacks are in italics
PS i tried to tag some people and it wouldn’t let me??? Some body help a girl out???? whys that???
“It was a few years ago, i was stuck in the cage again. And after what happened last time, y/n, she took my spot with him” Sam started to sob “In there”
“Oh Sammy, I'm sorry you have that weight on your shoulders”
Sam lifted his head up “W-what?”
“I'm sorry, she put you through that”
His brows furrowed “She didn’t put me through anything, she saved me”
“Well, im sorry thats the only way you see that situation” Standing up, Mary made her way towards the door
“Where are you going?”
“Clearly i'm not welcomed here, I just keep butting heads with you and Dean. You guys aren’t my little boys anymore”
“You keep butting heads with us because you have a problem with y/n, you know nothing about what we’ve gone through all these years, of course we're not your little boys anymore, but we're still your kids”
“She’s not my kid”
“y/n, y/n, y/n” 
Your eyes remained shut you couldn’t see anything but you could feel everything.
“I'm going to bring you back”
His voice was getting louder, and what scared you was it wasn’t Sam or Dean’s voice.
“You know you were my favourite toy, but shhh don’t tell your brothers they might get jealous”
Everything felt scattered, your thoughts were moving a mile a minute.
“Open your eyes y/n, you’re home”
Shaking your head, you brought your knees to your chest, baking up further in the corner.
“Oh, y/n when will you realise, you will be back. Just your choice if you want to be brought back in one piece or in pieces”
You felt like you were on fire, but you couldn’t scream. You body was aching, but you felt yourself relax when you couldn’t hear his voice anymore instead you could hear Dean’s.
You peeled your eyes open, moving your head to look over at Dean “Dee”
His eyes shot open they were bloodshot, and puffy. You couldn’t help but feeling guilty again for what you were putting them through, you were nothing but trouble for them.
“He has me” You sobbed out
“Oh sweetheart, you're safe, i won't let anything happen to you, I promise.”
Pushing yourself up you had no idea what came over you, you wanted out of this room scared that at any second the walls would start caving in and you would be sucked back down there with Lucifer “You can’t keep protecting me Dean”
Dean grabbed your arm trying to push you back down as lightly as he could, his voice soft “Hey you need to lay down and get some rest”
Your body was throbbing in pain, but you pushed through it, lifting your legs you swung them over the edge “I can’t Dean” You were exhausted, but you needed to do research, you need to figure out if this could be prevented or if this was your destiny because if it was then you weren’t going to put your brothers through a fight that wasn’t worth fighting.
You were in seated in the back seat of the impala, in your usual spot. You eyes couldn’t help but keep glances towards Dean. His jaw clenched, he was trying to keep a hard exterior on, but you could see it in his eyes, the pain. His knuckles going white from gripping the steering wheel to hard.
“There’s a motel just off this turn” Sam pointed to the left, breaking the silence. His voice small, trying not to say the wrong thing and push Dean over the edge. Dean grunted, nodding before making a sharp turn last minute causing you to bash your head against the window.
Sam’s head whipped around as Dean pulled into a parking spot “Are you okay!?”
Lifting your hand to your head, you could feel blood “Yeah, Sammy i'm okay” You gave him a small smile.
Dean was already out of the car, slamming his door shut you winced at the loud sound, “Come on, ill check your head out in the room”
You nodded in response, truth was your head hurt like a bitch, you didn’t tell the boys how hard you really hit your head back at the warehouse trying to save Ben. Has Sam got out, you stayed a few seconds longer trying to compose yourself “You’re not going to cry” You mumbled before stepping out, just in time to see Dean coming back from the office with the room key.
“One room, two doubles. You're on the couch” Dean stated, gesturing to you. Nodding you grabbed your bags from the trunk.
Making your way into the room, Sam already had the first aid kit out. “Come” he turned to you, patting the small counter, you slid on. Wincing as Sam moved your hair out of the cut. Your eyes moved to glance at Dean a blank stare on his face. You couldn’t imagine what he was going through, after what happened tonight you weren’t sure just how long he was going to hold this with him, he would try to brush it off in a few days but he would take it out on a hunt being reckless, or he would drink himself into a coma.
You never had anyone but the boys, while at some point or another they had separate, normal lives without you, you could feel a burning in the pit of your stomach even just trying to imagine what it felt like having the memories of the only woman you ever loved erased.
Your train of thought was gone has you felt a burning pain in your head “Ow! What the hell Sammy”
“Sorry” He mumbled “This cuts really deep, did you hit your head early?”
You nodded, “why didn’t you say anything? You could have a concussion!” He scolded you.
“Because i'm fine Sam, just drop it” Sighing he nodded his head “Fine but don’t get mad at me if i  watch you like a hawk”
Rolling your eyes, you jumped down “Yes Mom”
He let out a small laugh, making his way to the washroom. Leaving Dean and you in a awkward silence. Biting your nails, a habit you encountered over the years. Sighing you're made your way to the edge of the bed, sitting beside Dean. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing ever coming out, you didn’t know what to say.
Your lifted your head so fast, the throbbing pain in it coming back but you pushed through it when you seen the tears streaming down Dean’s face ‘Yes Dee?”
“Promise you won’t ever leave me? I don’t think i could handle it if you left to”
“I promise”
“Please y/n, do this for me” You could see the pain in his pleading eyes, you knew how much Dean loved you. But you were doing this for them,
“Dean” You breathed out “I can’t just stay here all day”
He sighed “I know, but Cas said you needed rest”
“Dean, I can’t”
“Why not? Please y/n don’t be stubborn like me, I know you’re tired, i'm tired just from looking at you, you looked like crap” He let out a small chuckle trying to lighten the mood.
You gave him a small smile “It’s not that Dee…”
His face laced with concern “Then what is it?”
“I'm scared Dean” You sobbed out, bringing your hands to cover your face. You could feel the weight on your bed shift, Dean took your hands aways from you face as gentle as he could scared at any second you would crumble into dust in his hands.
“Look at me y/n/n” His voice soft making eye contact with him, he continued “You have nothing to be afraid of. Sammy and I, hell even Cass, we have your back, as long as you're with one of us, i promise with everything in me, you’re going to be okay.”
“You can’t protect me from this, he..”
Cutting you off “Like hell i can’t”
“Dean, you can’t. Whenever I close my eyes he's gonna be there, and i’ll back in the cage”
His eyes softened “Will figure it out, Okay?”
“Now, ill let you leave your room under one condition”
You giggled, “Dean im 30, im not a baby anymore”
He scoffed “As long as i'm alive, you might as well be a baby”
“Yeah, yeah. So whats this condition?”
Finally making your way towards the library, You promised Dean that you would eat whatever Sam ate, so that meant no more bacon, no more burgers, no more burgers with bacon on it. Dean had his arm wrapped around you, helping you towards the library, he insisted on giving you a piggy back, but your arms hurt too much to hold onto him, so this was the alternative. Making your way around the corner, stopping at the blood stain on the floor, you shuttered, bring your arms to hug yourself.
Dean noticed your change in mood, your exterior stiffening, “Y/n?” He questioned, but his eyes followed yours, tightening his grip on you, he rubbed his thumb in circles on your upper arm, pulling you close to his side.
The library coming into view, your face lighting up when you seen Sam, his back turned towards you, Mary’s eyes shifted from looking at Sam, towards Dean and you. Sam turned around when he noticed her eyes were no longer on him.
Making his way towards you, he pulled you into one of his famous hugs “I'm glad you’re okay y/n”
“As long as I have you two by my side, I'll always be okay”
Dean gave you a little shove “That's the spirit”
Mary walked towards you three, her eyes never landing on you, “Sam? I need your answer”
You could see Sam’s change in composure, Dean noticed it to. Becoming wary, you could feel the air get heavy, your heart started to speed up.
“Whats going on?” Dean pushed, looking between his Mother and little brother.
“I asked him to chose”
“Chose what?”
He gave you the same look he gave you when he left you when Dean was in hell, and in purgatory. “Sammy?” You questioned, but you already knew what she meant, a tear falling down your cheek.
“I’m sorry y/n” Sam spoke, his voice just below a whisper
You look towards Dean answering his question “to chose between me and her”
Dean’s face harden, his jaw clenched, his fist balling up before he brought it up, putting all his weight into it as it collided with his little brothers face.
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tamiddyinyourcity · 4 years
I should just handwrite a letter and let the feelings flow. Might not even give it to him.
I just should face whatever lingering feelings I have, since I'm frankly tired of my cute ass laying in bed all day, when there's not a single cloud in the sky, I have the world's best wardrobe right now, and there are at least seven people who want to fuck and/or date me right now.
My hair is shiny, skin looks nice, and the thing that is definitely not a full 10/10 is my mental health.
Why? Ohidunnoknow?
Maybe since having a violent encounter with someone I genuinely had feelings for made me feel not so wonderful? Maybe since I am still pissed at them for lying? And giving up? Lots of factors?
I don't plan to do some "make him fall for me again" headass shit. That's pointless. Even if he did like me, he'd never tell me, hence my present day irritation towards him.
Kinda fucked that all I wanted to know that night was:
Did he have lingering feelings for me?
If no, then what's the things that prevent you from seeing potential for us?
Also if no, then why say you wanted to kiss me that night?
And if yes, what's your main worries?
Plus, why not tell me sooner how you felt?
Mainly just to know how he felt.
At first, it was going okay. He was lying about not having lingering feelings, and giving fake answers. (Which is ten times more annoying than just saying, "I do like you and felt like the way you did in your letter, but I feel like it's too risky to try again due to (insert reasons here)".)
And let me tell you, when your ex is clearly just barely coming down from an MSG-induced panic attack, and she's on your porch, calmly saying she just wants the truth and to hear your reasonings for things.....
Two of the worst things you can do is:
Lie, especially in a way that twists the truth in a way that makes you look like a terrible person. (i.e., instead of saying "i like you to an extent but i think things have gone too far", versus "no???? i dont like you???? i only texted you that to be a fuckboy. i don't like you whatsoever, and see no worth to us", to.... your heartbroken ex.....)
Proceed to agree to tell her to come over to talk, just to then refuse to speak, or answer any question she has, even if she explicitly said "I just want to know, since if i dont hear the answers now, itll just lead to me feeling anxious, or having 'what ifs' and continuing to contact you, when I just want to give you space, and let things end, knowing the truth". (Him nodding his head in agreement, just to still promptly go, "Yeah, I still don't wanna answer why", just literally rung off alarms of "this man cares nothing about how anything he does makes you feel......")
Let me tell you, a guy opening up to me emotionally and being upfront and honest about his hesitation is 10000000x times more sympathetic, than the type of guy that will openly invite me over, just to purposely frame himself as an uncaring, unlikeable and unsympathetic fuckboy.
Like, not to validate me hitting him, since thats still out of line.... but, that was.... really stupid of him.
That's like if I walked up to my mom, when she was already vulnerable from something, and saying some dumb shit like "Ha, wow that sucks. Almost sucks like that time your mom drew a gun on you when you were a toddler right?", and claiming that i did it "to help her cope".
Then being surprised that she may yell/beat my ass for purposely being an asshole in a situation where actual empathy and comfort was needed.
I still understand WHY I franky didn't care how he felt in that split second. But, still, doesnt make it right. It makes it understandable, but not morally great.
Not a wonderful feeling, when you show up to his porch for the sake of having a decent final conversation that clears up all the lingering questions, fears, and burning questions on my mind....
And not only hearing that he just sent me the text about wanting to kiss me, to MESS WITH ME, but then refusing to answer any questions about why he saw no hope, knowing that hearing either good or bad answers, would prevent me from being up all night....
Yeah, showed he didn't care a single bit about whatever he does could make me feel.
And THAT is why I dislike him, so much. He's ALWAYS done this. That day we first broke up, he decided that scoffing and laughing at me while just brushing off any potential resolution, and not telling me the truth about how Azalea feels about me, hiding why she didnt wanna meet me, and blatantly saying he wouldn't even give me the benefit of the doubt for something I doubted would happen anyway, (what boyfriend cant even go 'yeah sure i wont hang out with the girl that stalks you online and talks shit about you, one on one, at a ridiculously late hour of the night???' Its such a low bar, and he couldn't even do that, or explain why it was so offensive, you know?)
So many incidents where all I wanted was the truth, and he never trusted me enough to let me have it. I don't know how he ever got to not trusting me after months of nonstop back to back being together, but he would never tell me. And even if he did, he would never resolve it.
What a fucking defeatist. He literally just.
Christ, man.
I don't hate him, but I do think he's stupid. Yknow, like how if I ever had a kid who did dumb shit, like purposely tried to go up a slide as a kid was coming down, putting fireworks on their skateboard and riding it, putting salt in their milk, or walking in front of someone swinging on the swings.....
I'd love my kid, and still think, "(insert baby name here,) you stupid airhead, how did you THINK that was gonna play out?!"
So, I see Patrick like.... idk, a kid who's really not smart, and doesnt have practical skills, but is still adorable and good at heart.
Ah, reminds me of a metaphor I wrote.
Patrick, when faced with conflict, acts like a kid who is refusing to take their medicine:
is a little asshole about it
despite trying to offer something helpful, will still see it as a scam/facade/"icky" and refuse it off the bat, simply out of fear or just not wanting to
will dramatically escalate a situation instead of just communicating and trying to be reasonable (he may not fling himself on the ground and start crying and screaming, but he's still got the "my way, or the highway", kinda pompous attitude)
tantrums thrown
offers no resolution
will deadass hide or run away instead of facing problems
will prefer causing discomfort to multiple people and thenselves, instead of the temporary discomfort of trying the unknown if it lead to something productive as well
would rather complain than do their part (like a sick kid complaining of being sick and yet refusing to take medicine, he will complain about being broken hearted but will not do the bare minimum)
when they actually try the resolution offered, and feel better, they are 1000000% shocked that "OH LOOK, the person on my side actually was looking out for me! And it worked! Wow!"
And as much as I still like Patrick, to an extent.... hes a mess.
I do deserve better. You think I wanted to leave him? Nah. Hot blue eyed Marxist movie nerd that was hitting my g spot with precision, slurping me like ramen noodles, and also genuinely a fun and interesting person?
You'd be out of your MIND to think my lonely ass would leave, unless I literally could tell it was headed to a downward spiral.
Since once that cute boy with the nice smile and the great waistline starts openly ignoring things that he knows makes you uncomfortable, sacrificing your peace for his contentment.....
Then, yes, it's time to leave.
He had so many other options to choose. The truth. Honesty. Telling me why she was scared of me. Blatantly reminding me that I was who he wanted. Anything.
I just hate that this was the route he chose.
I liked him. Period.
I left, since I knew he would never try.
And he left, since he knew he would never either.
So no amount of me liking him can let a man do the right thing.
If I just gotta leave, let him miss me, and be stupidly labeled "the crazy ex" or "the one that got away", then fine. It'll be like the other ones. And I'll just have to live with it, knowing my truth as well.
1:17pm. Wednesday, March 4th of 2020.
I wanna kiss him.
Not out of love, just to do it.
Thats all i wanna write for now. I should get some breakfast, buy some new zirconia earrings, and cash in my check.
Checks for days.
0 notes
rainsonthejust · 7 years
Re-entering the Dating World, kinda...
The concept of dating again was not one I welcomed. I’m sure those of you who have been through divorce, understand what I mean when I say, I never thought I would have to date again, and I was perfectly happy with that. It’s safe to say, I thrust myself into this horrid thing, kicking and screaming.
So, I’m like an angry dater, I guess. I’m sure that’s attractive… Them: “Hey nice to meet you”. Me: “Oh yeah, I never thought I’d be dong this again but, here we are. Isn’t life fun?” Great first impressions. Who doesn’t like a bitter woman who is clearly not over her ex?
Yeah, I guess I pushed myself out in to the single’s world, a little too soon. I think for me, I just wanted to see what other sad and lonely people were out there, see my options. But also, I think I wanted to prove to myself I was still desirable. That I still had “it”. Proof I could find someone and not be forced to die alone, an old crazy cat lady.
I met a few people. I went on a few dates. Turns out I wasn’t alone. I found a bunch of divorced sad and lonely men. Dating in your thirties is SO much different than when you’re young. Everyone is looking for specific things, or they have already been married and jaded with a few kids from one or two other women and I found out vasectomies are WAY more common than I ever thought.
I think I’m dating regressively. Most young people date for fun, even in high school I was Miss 100 Questions. “Do you want kids?” “Do you want to get married someday?” I always knew what I wanted and if it had no future, I wasn’t interested. Since my breakup, I have been doing the opposite. I want zero commitment. I don’t want anyone who uses the words “serious relationship” or “looking for the one”. I found the idea of an actual relationship, physically repulsive. Disgusting, no thanks. So i got involved in a couple of Friends with Benefits-type situations. I was happy, a girls got needs. It wasn’t even really the sex. The sex was….eh. The intimacy though? That feeling desirable? It was like a drug to me. I needed that affirmation that I was still able to be wanted, that I could satisfy a man. (Losing the one person I thought I would never lose to another woman, really docked my confidence something fierce.) Strangely enough, I felt myself drawn to these broken men. I found their bitterness, their brokenness, and their sadness comforting, like being among friends. I guess maybe Misery does love company and these men got me. I didn’t have to pretend I was ok, and neither did they. We could enjoy each other’s company, touch, and affection, guilt-free. For the first time in my life, I was succeeding at casual relationships. I wasn’t getting attached and I wasn’t worried about getting attached.
Eventually those hookups fizzled out for different reasons, no bad feelings there. I went back to the dating sites… My sister-in-law convinced me that I should sign up for Tinder because she had a friend who met her husband on Tinder. Everyone has that one exception story, right? Against my better judgement, I signed up. A less than fruitful endeavor, I assure you. It’s definitely one of those sights more for finding hookups, but I didn’t want a hook-up per say. I wanted to meet someone I liked, but as a friend, and was attracted to, so we could potentially have sex, maybe. I didn’t want to enter in to some agreement that I would just sleep with someone. I’m not that kind of girl, I have some respect left. I know myself well enough, that I know if I were to do something like that it would only leave me feeling cheap, used, and bad about myself, definitely not something I need in my life.
One of these recent encounters sticks out in my mind. I had started talking to someone, he seemed cool, charismatic, funny, interested in similar things to me, also had a kid, so he understood that portion of my life. He called me on the phone the first time we talked. I thought things were off to a good start. All of a sudden, he sends me a picture of him naked…. Not something I asked for, or wanted. He tells me he’s just very sexually open and unashamed, but apologized for making me uncomfortable. Then he starts trying to get me to “help” him “help” himself, if you know what I mean. I tell him again that we just met and that I’m not interested in doing something like that. I remember feeling a sense of peer pressure, which was completely making me feel worse and worse. When I finally got through to him that I was not that kind of girl and I wasn’t looking for that and if thats what he was looking for, he would need to look elsewhere, he basically said to me “Well, you were on Tinder.” Like that somehow justified his actions. What, because I’m on a dating site, I owe you something? I was disgusted and frustrated. Within a day of talking online to two other men on a different dating site, one asked me what my “bra size was” because “they look so perky” and another asked me essentially how kinky I was in bed… Its amazing how fast you can be turned off when men treat you like you are an object and not a person. Is that the fate of women? Are we only worth what our bodies look like and what we can do with them? That’s just sad.
On the other hand, dating in real life isn’t much better. I met a man a week ago in person, everything was going great. We had a nice interaction, flirting back and forth, he was very charming. We discussed meeting and going out sometime, he gave me his number. (Interactions like this NEVER happen to me) I was psyched. I hadn’t been this excited about anyone since my breakup. Maybe this was it for me, I couldn’t keep my excitement contained. Unfortunately, with that much expectation comes a lot of anxiety and a desperate attempt to remember all the appropriate social decorum… When should I text him? How long do I wait between replies to text back? Questions questions and more questions. Then you text…. No answer….PANIC. A needless emotional rollercoaster, because case and point, I scared him off.
Basically what I’m trying to say is…. Dating sucks.
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lilietsblog · 7 years
one punch man 10-12: the aliens
huh its episode 10 already man this anime is so short is it flashback time yet?
hi terrible Godzilla oh yeah its the S class introduction time
gotta love that theres actually competent military in this anime why is it such a rare thing jfc
seriously tho Saitama's superpower is NOT superstrength, that's just now how physics works I think he has sped up perception, and I suspect he had that to a degree even before he started his training, judging from how easily he managed to take on the crab guy, if not all of it but what his strength training gave him (awakened in him?) was basically reality warping no wonder he's bored: he ACTUALLY REALLY doesn't have to put any kind of effort into his punches, as it's not his physical strength that's doing any work there, it's literally reality bending to accomodate him that has got to suck reality warping ennui I love my egg son
I love how all of these monsters demand acknowledgement and don't just try and step on pesky human distractions that ignore them
okay yeah this dude did end up just trying to step on her
man Tornado is freakishly powerful and that's amazing
Genos oh come on you really should learn some self-defense actually
this sounds like an anime reference I'm not getting
I love that Silverfang at least appreciates Saitama's actual power
and Genos is just inviting Saitama to tag along this is adorable
I love how completely fucking extra all the heroes are and how ridiculous Saitama's low key normalcy looks by contrast
poor Tornado she's amazing but since she's only summoned for appropriate level threats it's not even interesting to be amazing
Watchdog Man is amazing
man you are so dramatic maybe start with explanations jfc there is no logic to this order of operations SAITAMA GOT HIS TEA IT'S FROM STARBUCKS IT'S HILARIOUS awww I love this cute lil bad boy who skipped his lil sis's piano recital )=
poor Saitama not knowing anything I love how casual he is about asking what he doesn't know I wouldn't have managed >_>
you call it right Child Emperor this is very ridiculous granted the meeting holder dude is probably right but he's being very ineffectual about it
Saitama jfc why
oh yeah this is a completely irrelevant bunch of baddies isnt it
OH YEAH THESE ARE THE ACTUAL BAD GUYS GEE 'IN THE NEXT SIX MONTHS' SURE DID TURN OUT TO BE SOON so yeah thats why the meeting holder dude was right
I love how much attention this anime cares to pay to civilians in trouble
man guys you should have hidden in that rut together instead of getting out
the knight guy is awesome
man thats... not all of city A that was destroyed
ahaha Saitama didn't wait for everyone my socially awkward egg acts on his own out of sync with anything <3 i can relate so much
man my favorite thing about this final fight is that it's going to involve collaboration it's not just 'Saitama saves the day' because he's just one person like with the fish king, Saitama was only able to save anyone because other heroes were there first and here there are multiple battles to be fought these dudes are important too
wow his stump sure isn't bleeding out
hey the swords at least slow the monster down that's not nothing
man this samurai dude is hella cool this entire squad is hella cool footsoldiers are important and I love this anime
I love that the kids are in front here it's a terrible idea and yet in context who's going to say no
jfc King you are way too fast to give up
sorry Genos this is a child
I love the peacemaker dude tho
ahaha Saitama is already inside I love him
oh dude you sure are confident in yourself
man this guy's design is SO TOTALLY A REFERENCE
...so the flashback stuff is probably side material that I haven't downloaded isn't it
whatever, I'll just continue the liveblog
man this ending is nice it's just pure aesthetic, and it's such a nice grounding one the Earth that Saitama lives on, which is the same one we all do
hi humanization of the enemy to them, Saitama is the kaiju and yeah he kinda is reality warping powers do that
aww Saitama is not very good at finding vital parts of the ship to destroy eh
Saitama makes for an awesome creepypasta really an unstoppable juggernaut
...I really want OPM to become an endless shounen series it's worth it and it has political setup enough for SO MUCH to happen it features a cast FULL of people very ready for exploration and convoluted plots the first season feels like BARELY A PROLOGUE in what could be the grand scheme of thing
hi Hammerhead!!! I love you!!! omfg is that your actual first name oooomg
this show's unwillingness to kill anyone off IS AWESOME
hi Sonic <3 I still love your oni face
I love that the knight guy looks middle aged with wrinkles and all
sorry coordinator dude that's S class heroes for you
welp bye bye dude that's the batter figuring shit out <3
man poor coordinator dude he's trying his best
I love Saitama and his low key shit I love how the navigator TRIES HIS BEST Saitama is ONE SMART COOKIE oh man this dude can actually look hella intimidating
yeah the downside of telekinesis as a combat power is that you still need to have something to telekinesis unless you can just straight up telekinesis your foes i guess
oh hey gravity manipulation nice
sorry due Saitama's power is basically no sell of any other powers its kinda sad
ahaha hes breaking his own ship now
man this supreme telekinetic power sure isn't used to actual direct combat ....yeah he's ridiculously weak kidna
awww cute lil aliens
awww Child Emperor! <3
ah yes! this is what Tornado is for!
and Mumen Rider on the ground you is good job!!! i love that they give him spotlight so fucking much you have no idea this really is an anime exploring the idea of heroes
guys with indirect powers wait for guys with direct powers to give them a chance
I'm still amazed the Knight is still alive guess his power is some sort of invulnerability/healing
dude if you forget the defense and focus on attack they still outnumber you this would have worked better when you still had many heads
Saitama is like a white hole infinite energy he just makes his own
I love how Saitama is still not used to the change of his status from hobbyist to professional it's the small details that make it <3
ahh and this is the kind of fight Saitama wanted isn't it?
haha twenty years yeah strength training had fuckall to do with it Saitama had this potential since babyhood
man Saitama's low key-ness looks really badass here best egg
I love that Saitama's movement isn't even running particularly well, it's just walking really really fast
awww Saitama's come to not expect much by now <3
haha sorry dude you're now match for Tornado's firepower hope she's got some way to watch out for civilians would be invaluable for search&rescue if she were free for it rn
oh hey Drive Knight there sure are lots of knights here huh
oh and it was Metal Knight who destroyed the town huh was he the dude who came in to test his weaponry against the meteor?
yup dude sorry outnumbered
so guys you might want to get the fuck out from under the ship now
I love the badass opening music this is Saitama's true potential too bad the plot isn't about it
lol I love how they both have pretty low expectations for each other
this dude is about to bring down his own ship heh
OMG SAITAMA DIDN'T NO SELL THAT THAT'S PRETTY AMAZING sorry dude Saitama has power beyond his own conception too
yeah you can heal yourself but Saitama wasn't hurt
man his pants are baggy and look hilarious
wow holy fuck and Saitama's method of surviving is ragdoll roll with it as much as possible I do that in the car to avoid motion sickness on bumpy roads
aww hey dude vulnerable after all where Saitama just isn't
sorry Tornado you're awesome but that wasn't you
this dude is strong but he isn't Saitama fast he's not even Sonic fast just very strong
CONSECUTIVE NORMAL PUNCHES NICE NOT ENOUGH STILL SAITAMA MUST BE SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW (and yet vaguely dissatisfied still because something in his brain chemistry still isn't making this as awesome as it should have been)
I love Saitama's creative names Serious Punch
I love that Saitama never taunts, never doesn't talk to his foes he doesn't dehumanize them, ever
well yeah okay that was pretty curb stomp sorry dude but you still entertained Saitama more than anyone else ever managed to
I hope poor little alien crew members survive alright ^^;
aww and the master picks up his knight
oh hey Amai Mask who the fuck even are you dude what the fuck shut up? I love the bad boy he's saying it like it is dude they literally saved the Earth and everything that wasn't wiped out in a single strike???
Amai is an actual supervillain here isn't he
mm he could be S rank I see
oh hey Metal Knight there sure are a lot of supervillains holed up at the top of the Hero Organization huh well I mean it makes as much sense as anything to recruit anyone sane enough to come in
awww Genos really has found balance with Saitama
so is Saitama already home or what ah nope there he is <3
Tornado you naive muffin
'history-making events, the top stories for days' yeah i guess in this kind of world there's nothing to do but keep reconstructing and ignore the losses )=
anyway I love this anime
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i need to do some writing today.
here is what i know as a fact: i am undoubtedly more mature emotionally and in overall life than him. no matter what, i will always handle life easier than him because “my journey” “taught me” “how to be strong”.but its not strength. its like.. an armour coating. and i just kept painting a protective sealant around my soul everytime something happened so now when something happens thats pretty fucing bad, my reaction is much less than the average person. kind of like an ER trauma doctor - theyve seen so much. i have seen more than almost any other person my age. i know more. even though i didnt have the same experiences as them, i still know of life much more. i know the true reality of life as it is and not what is sold to you or influenced by a higher source. 
and life is absolute total complete shit. it’s totally completely terrible and if you are lucky - and ONLY if you are lucky, will you find your own success which will satisfy you just enough to make it through. 
i am not depressed solely because my father is dead. thats simple. that doent stop me from living my life. if he just died randomly - that sucks ass but you move on. its not his death. its his life. he worked 47 years to have his pensions stolen legally. like government approved pension theft. he worked so hard to die in poverty. he wasnt a homeless person. he never borrowed money from anyone. he had no debts. why in the FUCK did he get that? what kind of god, if there was a god, would reward your earthly services with fucking poverty. the government told him if you pay your taxes and be a good citizen you will get X amount for the rest of your days but no where did they say if you get married though and become seperated your wife will take your pensions. what the fuck is seperation if nothing changes? 
47 years to be crippled in a lazy boy watching wrestling. FORTY. SEVEN. YEARS. where in the FUCK was his reward? he didnt even get a loving family! he died ALONE. he gave everything he had in his life toe veryone else and he died ALONE starving in a hospital bed. 
so tell me now how you paying 1.50 for air at the pump is the sign of the world ending. tell me how them raising the gas prices before a holiday is the worst of capitalism. tell me how you working sooo hard for the past year has been just absolutely terrible and “gotten you nowhere” as you live in your mothers house for free. 
bitch you dont even know the worst of life. you dont even know what it is to do everything right and stil get nothing for it. he said to me, “you dont know, ive had to actually work -” .. “ive watched a dozen men in the exact same position as you get royally fucked much harder than you and have to keep going. how does this give me any incentive to go out and work as i watched men break their back for _nothing_? their lives are no better.”
i told him that my doctor believes i completely understand whats going on. that im not like delusional or creating scenarios in my head - i have encountered the true realities of life and human beings have extreme difficulties dealing with some of the worst parts of life; such as moving & public speaking & death. 
so i go back and forth. because im told im shit i believe im shit and infantalize myself; i must be so ignorant and so blinded not to see the “truth” and that my depression is a fog keeping me from seeing positive things. 
but then there are times like this where i realize i might actually be one of the few people around me who actually see things for how they are. his mother returned from her vacation and immediately she brought a cloud of darkness with her because she is the epitome of mass consumption and spoiledness. and its become disgusting the level in which she is consuming and spending money and i cant even pretend to be amused anymore. it really pisses me off. because i have such little money i am dictated as to how i should be using it and what i should be buying and yet she has enough money to stock her house with food that has been expired for two years and continue to buy more and be particular about bagged milk or eggs with omega 3 and its like you lived on an island which shouldve been closer to farm life and you somehow came out entitled and spoiled as fuck. my friend and i slept in her bed for four hours one night after drinking and she left her rings but we didnt know. his mother found them and fraked out that we slept in her bed because “you cant sleep in a bed someone else has slept in”.
and its like within this “concern” she had no bearng at all on the fact she was insulting me and my friend. he said, “theyre probably cleaner than i am” in response because it did sound like she was saying my friend and i were sooo dirty we somehow sullied her bed. like we’re below her and we fucked up her things. this is of course after she had moved my bag of laundry from inside the house to the garage. so its like one after another thing making me feel sooo second class and shitty and hes crying about 1.50 at the pump. his own mother is apart of the larger problem and continually makes me feel like shit. theres no reason for my laundry to be moved; at all. it was just ‘ugh get out of my house’ without saying it because people like her make passive aggressive moves while smiling sunshine out of their ass. 
the weekend was continually up ad down with him. when he returned he was so excited to see me. he was super affectionate and loving and outwardly praising me in front of his friends and it was really fucing nice and it lulled me into a false sense of security. but like in no way do i believe hes acting malicious. like he did this purposely to manipulate me. his actions were not done maliciously, but this is the result of them. i was lulled into false security because the next four days were very up and down and not great but still okay?
on thursday & friday he was very focused on the time i spent with a new friend. but he portrayed this like a “joke”. like he was “mocking” it or “making fun”. but it became like.. so often that it was not a joke. it became a VERY clear sign of insecurity that amounted on saturday to me saying i was “bored” and him becoming VERY insecure. he apologized that i was bored, he “joked” that i would disappear for a day and suck some other guys dick and lie about it for six months. and lke these are not jokes. theyre said as jokes, his tone is joking but this is not a joke. this is a projection of insecurity.
but the thing is it doesnt make sense. our “relationship” is “open”. for all intents & purposes, hes allowed to “be with other people”. will i also be with him? .... remains to be seen. maybe i will. i dont know. i cannot say if he is sooooo important and i am soooo progressed in my perspectives that i would say i cant be associated with him. i dont know yet. but this is an “allowable occurence” as deemed by him and “agreed” to by me. so this is open. but its becoming increasingly apparant that this is not open for me. none of my actions in any way can or should be considered “cheating”. not that any of my actions ould be described as cheating - ive gone for drives & walks with friends and drew pictures. i have not even physically touched another man in a year beyond a hug which has lasted probably maximum ten seconds long. but even if i had 2 minue long hugs which tured to make out sessions and sucked dick at the end - it shouldnt be cheating. there is no rule that says this is cheating. everything says this is okay. if HE can do it, then CERTAINLY i can also. 
he directly referrred to the fact that my new friend had gone to an art gallery in kitchener and wondered outloud if thats what he shouldve done but didnt think it wold be worth it. he was just focused on the fact this person existed in my life at all and that he would be seen as boring and uninteresting in comparison. i had never seen him so outwardly insecure and bothered by something like this in our relationship.
the next morning he woke up and reminded me that we had an open relationship and that he thought about these other girls and wanted this and this etc. it seemed obvious that he was saying this because he was upset by the insinuation i thought he was boring (which i never said, btw, i said i was “bored”. i specifically remember saying i was bored. period. not that he caused the boredom or was a boring person) and maybe was looking somewhere else. like he had built the delusion up so far he had to hurt me with “yeah well i can do this too” even though i wasnt. i told him this later on and he meekly said that wasnt why he had brought it up but it clearly was. later that night he said, “if you leave me you have to tell me so i can leave you first” which i felt succinctly described what happened - he felt like i was going to leave him so he pre-empted by reminding me he could also fill my space. 
i continually repeated that i wasnt going to leave him but it became so exaggerated that .. it wasnt that i didnt believe that i wasnt going to leave him but i didnt believe there was a relationship to leave. what would i leave? was it not him who wanted to leave? was it not him who wanted more? was it not him whos unsatisfied? why would you assume i would leave when its him whos unhappy? see, i want to have a life with him. i try to make an effort to have a life with him but im completely stuck. 
last night i helped him with this very dumb and futile task of taping large pieces of vinyl wrapping on a deck in the wind before a storm. i didnt have to but i did because i love him and knew it was a shitty task to have to do and next to impossible on your own. we werent able to do it and he was upset about it and his job and his life and within an hour was taking it out on me. he said that our relationship was the “easy way out” and that he could get instant gratification in his day by fucking and smoking weed. if he was alone more then he could have time to “think” and “be himself” and that i should respect when he says no or wants to be alone (he didnt say he wanted to be alone). he said hes run by anxiety and that in another time he wouldve just up and moved by now instead of talking about it.  
i felt really offended that our relationship had been degraded to instant gratification. it was the first time i really felt like a whore in the relationship and that my purpose was to fuck. i asked him what i could do when i was with him to encourage better choices beyond fucking and smoking weed. he told me there was nothing. so i also felt like i had no choice either but to be someone he fucks and smokes weed with and thats it. like i cant build a life with him because im just a fucktoy who smokes his weed. like sure, he wanted to express the dissatisfaction in our routine but he was no better than his mother in expressing it because he didnt care that he was insinuating i had no other use to him. 
he tried to be easy going after this conversation - i didnt respond to his crap but i did not feel good anymore. i made a legitimate effort to help him resolve his personal issues and he essentially shit on me. i wasnt condoning continuing the routine, i was encouraging a change and it was like no, we still have to do this but also give me time alone to have a seperate life.
and i live that already. i live this shitty duality of lives where i spend my days alone trying to put together a life i lead completely independent from him like he doesnt even exist and then have to pick it back up and act like its this most important thing of my life. there is no middle ground, its one extreme or the other while pretending tht this is a “relationship” and that we’re “in love”. but i think we just love each other. i dont think this is in love. maybe im in love, maybe because i understand “in love” more than him but i think he just loves me and cares about me. which is fine - its not even like i think he doesnt want to be with me. he does. but he is not really capable of being with me in the capacity that i need and im not needy. im not broken because this is not good enough for me and that im like wrong for wanting more. its natural and okay. 
he jokes that we are already married. that i will do womens work because he goes to work and i stay home. but there is no “home” in which to do this work in. he has not provided me anything beyond packs of smokes and weed and iced capps. like he supports me in the way the government supports me. just enough to still need more support but not fail completely. i thik he feels comfortable playing house and i’m sort of looking at him like are you for real? like the test drive is about to be over. 
he said he “felt like a prisoner” because he didnt want to go downstairs and make food and face his shitty mother. i told him i felt the same at my place with my roommate. but theres like.. no response. no empathy - like hey, we share the same shitty thing. or maybe even like a deeper understanding of who i am and the life i live without him. 
this morning i woke up and fel the same. he wanted to fuck and i didnt, i said no but he continued to pull down my pants. and this is not going into like some assault story because thats not it at all. yes,  i said no. and if i had pulled away and been like fuck no - it wouldve ended.  i wasnt trapped. i made a concious decision to let him do this but not even want it. and i dont think he really even cared; in many ways he can be pretty depraved and its likely the idea that i was doing it just to get it over with turned him on anyways. and i dont even judge these behaviors because the horrors and depravity and realities of life keep me interested and he is just honest about his depravity because people are ashamed of theirs. maybe i am too. not that i was turnd on by this; im not into guys fucking me when im not into it, but i coud probably participate in rape fantasies so maybe i can disconnect easier and take it for what it is. its never malicious. no one is uisng sex to make me feel this way except maybe myself. i took advantage of an oportunity to amke myself feel like shit for this brief moment. he came suprisingly fast. 
i think he knew i was upset though and i didnt want to have a conversation about his offenses at 630am. he started complaining about gas prices and air prices and i just took that as an opportunity to vent my projections and frustrations. like - fuck off. life is shit and you won the god damn lottery. your anxieties are insignificant and bullshit, you are ungrateful and self centered and lack empathy for others. like you feel “guilty” but you dont actually understand how THEY feel. like watching kids in africa and youre like omgz so sad *sends coffee money*. like, please. 
i tried to approach it from an empathetic point. we hae similar problems. we are both crippled by anxiety and finding a purpose / worth in life. we believe there are solutions “if we could just do this .. this would be better” and maybe we’re right. maybe. but the anxiety stops us. so i tried to help him with my own coping methods - he says he has too much anxiety to look at apartments. i told him to build it up, make it exciting, make it positive and follow through and then feel good about it even though it seems really stupid to have to put this much care and effort into a simple task. it still gets done, right?
he told me that doesnt work for him. i was like “oh”. i didnt know it was an option. when ive said this in the past he told me i wasnt trying hard enough, that i should do better. 
this morning i focused back on me. i hope im accepted for disability. i feel stuck. i want a break. i dont need to put in physical hours at someones business to deserve a fucking break in life. that does not determine my worth. and it shouldnt be this hard. it shouldnt. but society wants poor people dead. they do not care about mental health - and you’re right, no one cares about you. very few people will ever feel the momentous weight of no nest at all. 
so whatever, you know? you dont want to live with me? you dont want to spend time with me? then i just wish i had disability - not for the “quick fix” because nothing about it is quick. but for the opportunities it gives me because no one in the world can do anything without someone else. period. end of sentence. that is the true reality, that is what i absolutely know to be true in an experience which very few people have lived with and those who have would more than likely agree because most success stories are ones who have been elevated by someone or a system created by someones. i dont know a single one off hand that didnt have, “and then i met so and so and everything changed” or “and then i got this x opportunity through this person”. 
i dont want to be paid for in life. i dont want to be supported. i dont even want someone to ust completely pay for me out of their own pocket right now. thats terrible. i couldnt feel goood about it, no matter how “easy” it would be. i want to pay my share, support myself, my habits, my life by my own means. which is what i do now while putting in copious amount of  man hours into “womens work” to offset snacks and meals in what should be a “relationship”. 
i feel like this weekend was a good sign of why i need to work on accepting my independence as highest priority in life. i deserve a family but i wont have one right now because life is not fair as much as it is not fair for people who suffer in war and poverty in third world countries. life is no different - we all live in the same timeline & world & existence so this is not completely unheard of and people do survive terrible tragedies. life is just not fair and for as long as human beings existed as sentient beings, we have been creating unfair scenarios for the benefit of ourselves. thats life. thats what i can know and breathe as life. you can never be surprised or shocked by the actions of a human being - theyre just unpredictable and yet predictable at the same time because no matter what they will create unfairness in some capacity. and it took me soooooooo long to accept this knowledge at all. i wanted to believe that unfair things just happened. like some random force in the world makes unfair things happen and if you do enough right things then itll be smooth sailing glory days. but thats not it. life is not a series of check points. random organic beings evolved seperately like a colony of a million ants and althrough a million ants can make a whole workng system, within those millions are a million different minds. and they need the fucking colony because individually they are nothing but ants. theyre just things flying around on a big ball in a vast nothingness and everthing all a the ame time. and theyre terrified you know? theyre fucking terrified because you dont know why the fuc you came to be. youre just brething and shitting and eating and sleeping. what in the fuck is the purpose to all of this? and maybe theres no answer and youre just here on this fucking big blue ball flying in vast nothingness. but within the colony, its easier to eat and shit and sleep and not die or be threatened by imminent death. and you have a job, you have some task that keeps the gears rolling in this system that suddenly is more important than whats happening outside because this is easy and anything outside is hard and terrifying. 
but every being feels this. its not unique to one hero. its everyone. everyone evolved from nothing and inherited a really complex system that was supposed to make it easier to live and they hoped whoever birthed you prepared you appropriately for the system; if not, or if you’ve lost them, good luck. 
but at some point almost everyone, perhaps everyone, comes to a point, even in the comfort of their parents, where they question their purpose on this ball. why the fuck are we here, why am i in this system, how do i use it to benefit me if outside is unimaginable? how do i not hate myself for it?
and thats where we begin to create individualized coping strategies. maybe its leaning on your parents harder while you question existence, taking 9 yrs to graduate school, hitchhiking across the country, doing recreational drugs, finding “instant gratification” in other humans and eventually, hopefully, you find what works for you. and once you do, it will be hard to convince you otherwise because thats what makes you “happy”. you are at full “easy’ in life where all the basic needs have been covered and you havent degraded yourself for it - whether it be sucking dick or working long hours at a shitty job. 
so i find it hard to demonize anyone at all. even all the people who did me wrong. even all the shity actions described above - thats how they coped to find their personal “easy” because thats the very best you can get within this system because our agreed upon basic purpose in life is to make basic survival “easy”. perhaps our brains and mental capacities never considered what basic surivial truly entailed and maybe were not there yet. is it just breathing eating sleeping and shitting? of course, fucking is involved but thats a future survival of genetics and if you cant surviv until puberty, thats not even an issue. is it also tending to the care of emotional and mental development? 
i feel like society as a whole, human beings as a group, despite the individuals who might go against the majority, but as a group, in popular culture, emotions & mental status are not an issue until theyve created one. so we are purposefully ignoring what weve evolved to know to be a necessity in basic survival. yes, grandpa was ‘tough as nails’ but grandpa was not a fucking robot and perhaps learned good coping methods such as active hobbies, a friend to talk to or maybe grandpa drank a lot. humans are not weaker now, they were dumber before. they had no idea that mental illness existed, that some could be preventable or treated. they did not understand the brain as they did not understand space, the oceans - this is one of life’s greatest mysteries and since we dont understand it we imagine it to have a grand capacity but everything has its limitations. i dont understand the brain at all, i cant fathom the idea of why a person can continue to learn and adopt new things throughout life but never consider what is insde of themselves and capacity they have or why. they’re just full of pride that they managed to ‘achieve’ a perceived limitation. anyone can do anything. whether you have the tools or opportunities to do so is completely different. 
outside of genetic defects, everyone is made up of the same shit. no one is uniquely special or better. everyone, even ones with defects, needs to breathe eat shit and sleep. and thats where the unfairness comes in. for some people, in this system, their inheritance of privledges makes it way more opportunities to create “easy” things in their lives. why do they deserve this inheritance if we are all born as equals? no one as a baby did anything to deserve the opportunities or priviledges that set them up to inherit a better system. why did some babies get better opportunities thn others? 
the system is unfair but you cannot change the system when it still “works” for everone else. you cant change it. it’s so unfair, it’s so completely unfair. but no matter how fucking unfair it is you still need to eat. you still need to shit. you still need to sleep and breath clean air. and thats why you work. thats why you keep working. i try to imagine why others have chosen what they have. perhaps their parents brainwashed them into the system and they had other priviledges and they just blindly accept what they “know”. i question why people buy alot of things they do. i wonder why they put value of themselves, like it was worth doing literal work to earn the money to buy a tube of lipstick? how does that factor easy? but i guess life had become so easy that the anixieties about the color of their lips are higher priority than the comfort of their next shit. 
but THATS not the way it used to be. that would be the difference from grandpa to our modern world. and that frustrates me alot. i would thrive in a tiny home but at 27, and where im at now, thats like a dream i have for 20 mnues before entering real life again. its not going to happen. so how do i compromise right now? im walking wide eyed terrified alone on this big ball in vast nothingness, where do i find my “easy”? my inheritance was the same “strength” and stubbornness my parents had - no opportunity, no priviledge. i’ll survive, but it wont be pretty. 
if i get disability, i want to move. although i want to go to college, that’s a really big step in life that i think i can just hold as a goal. i would like to go to college before im 30. considering i am still interested in my original course and its something that is recession proof and doesnt really require “upgrading” any skills in the future - it’s a totally feasible and good goal. so i want to move. and i could probably move anywhere in ontario or the gta. i mean not even probably - i literally can. i can go anywhere. i have friends here. but i made them all in the past 2 years, without working. i guess i “worked” but it wasnt “work. i found a way to make that “easy”. 
i want to live a creative life. thats my pretty top priority in “easy independence”. i also want to accept that this is plan a b and c. theres no like, “well if this person comes along”. this is so desirable to me that it should take months of considderation to break down the intricacies of my own wants and desires and things i provided myself to decide to merge with someone. 
so im trying to do that. and it takes alot of thinking because this is life or death for me. this is happiness or failure. this is being stable and content or homeless poverty. im “afforded the luxury” of living somewhere “safe” that i can afford as i think about these things. where do i want to move? i want to have my own place. even if its like my friends with no kitchen, i want my own place that i dont have to worry about someone else in. my curret place feels like a hotel or dorm room.  i wan to feel comfortable spending time “alone” and actually be “alone”. id like to move closer to downtown because it was easier to walk around and had more ammenities. i consider also my doctor who woudve gotten me this opportunity and how important it might be to keep within travelling distance. but maybe its better to move? 
if i went to college, it would be in the same city he wants to move to, pretty much down the street 20 minutes away. thats the real insult to all of this. i could have a much easier time but hes decided to make both of our lives very difficult. do i want to move there if he does? or regardless? continue this expensive routine of having seperate places? or commute to college everyday, five days a week? its close to toronto, on the subway line - a total change from my life now. my life perhaps ever. 
i got the letter saying they got my application. it could take 90 business days to decide, which means i might not hear anything until november, maybe even december. which sucks pretty bad. but having even the glimmer of hope makes things “easier” for the time being. i still have this time to fill. and even if idid go to college next year, i have atleast a year before it starts. what do i do with the rest of 2017? he wants me to take a class. he told me also to start getting my liscence. i need a new phone to really kick off my new business idea and my desire to do anythng art related right ow is super low. i hate my environment. its cold and dark and damp and loud. i dont want to make anything, not even jewelry. 
i was paid five days ago but ive done nothing but buy weed and smokes. i havent bought any groceries yet. truthfully i havent showered since sunday (maybe saturday) and i wasnt even home until this morning. i mostly want to sleep. ive smoked so much weed, im not even really getting high anymore. spend some time with my cats who i had really started missing. im expected to open the arts colletive back up and announce upcoming plans but im still trying to care. just, at all. i fell off the radar and dedicated too much time to him and im sad that i cant even be anxious to seehim because even thats pointless now. 
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cryptid-anarchist · 7 years
self hatred rant. i really need to get this out somehow, i want help but i cant turn anywhere right now
i really hate myself sometimes. how i am. i had a great fucking day today, but then it just occurred to me how much i really suck. no matter how hard i keep trying, i cant get past parts of how i am, mostly caused by my autism or depression. sometimes anxiety. ive realized recently that i cant follow through on shit, ive been joking lately that im a “jack of all trades, a master of none!” but thats because i cant fucking commit. i couldnt even ever properly be suicidal, i always chickened out, or i was afraid of inconveniencing people depending on the method. 
the person i love the most is a person who would have gotten through life fine without me but if i hadnt met him i probably wouldnt be alive right now, i was falling so fucking far at that time i was probably a week away from doing what everyone here does to kill themselves without drugs. i dont know if he realizes he has helped me that much but he knows he’s helped me change. and sometimes im angry with him because he gave me gifts that came with trust, if i ever hurt myself the way i used to then that would be a betrayal of the trust he gave me with the pocket knives. i dont know if he did that on purpose, hes a bit of a redneck with a knife collection and he knows i found a bunch of them cool looking. but sometimes it feels like him giving me a few (one for valentines day, one for christmas, one for my birthday, and one he helped me pick out that i bought) was like saying “i know you dont trust people, so these can keep you a little safe. as long as you know i trust that you wont hurt yourself”. im angry about it but at the same time i know that the meaning i projected onto that has helped keep me safe. 
i even got pet snakes because of him. if it werent for him, i wouldnt have done so. but i got them because i knew i needed another crutch. i feel so selfish about that. i do everything i can to make sure they have a good life. i provide for them. and i enjoy interacting with them. they cheer me up. so simple minded, they cant understand human existential crisis. while its true they cant love me the way a human defines love, im honored to have their trust. and i stay alive because im afraid if i cant be around for them, they’ll end up not being taken care of well. 3 of them are actually rescues that i took in because after my boyfriend nursed them, he needed to clear up space so i took them in. dad was pissed about it, he didnt expect any more after the one. 
and my dad has a new wife. im happy for him. and shes way better and easier to talk to than his previous wife. as im adopted, im not related to any one of my family. they always spoke about how great my mom was. i hated her, and she hated me. she always put on an act of caring a little about me in front of the rest of the house. she fucked me up so badly. and her funeral shocked me. i couldnt believe a woman like her, as she presented herself to me, would have such a large funeral. i knew she let her stress out at me, but i was angry that it was ONLY me. all those people were upset that she died. if she didnt die that april i was ready to kill myself that may.then months passed, and i had a few bumpy encounters with potential romantic partners, but then i met my boyfriend. 
i feel really bad that he found me in such a wrecked state. but also grateful he stuck around so long. ive been building myself back up as a person lately. expanding my interests, and becoming a more outgoing person. learning to stand up for myself too. but i really, really wonder if its all worth it or not. i wonder if it was a mistake to keep going this long. because now im afraid of dying, because ive been working so hard. i dont want to let it all go to waste, but im afraid its going to go to waste even if i try hard. like everything else has. 
i dont knwo how to let out this stress. if i betray his trust, ill feel even worse. ive been in a total art funk, so i keep getting more stressed by that. and i dont want to waste my brain away with more manga or anime right now, because i feel like im hiding from my problems. im still afraid to talk to my stepmom about this any more than passive comments, and my dad is fucking terrible with serious talks to the point i dont think i’ll ever approach him with this again. my one true friend is visiting family, and my boyfriend is also visiting family states away for a few weeks. drinking is out the window, last tiem i drank while upset i had some scratches in my self harm zones. my snakes are either in shed or havent stopped fasting, so its unwise for me to handle them. my dog even walks away from me when im too sad to move. 
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