#it shouldn't be snowing this far south...
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tea-stained-tabby · 22 days ago
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tillandsia usneoides in snow
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ilargizuri · 1 year ago
The Long Night
What I really hated about the Show is that the so-called "Long Night" and the so-called "Long Winter" lasted a few weeks in the Show, when every person who knows something about winter told us in the Books, that it would be a long Winter. Like VERY, VERY Long.
I just saw a Video on YouTube that theorized about the period of the Long Night and they said that it is possible that GRRM actually plans a really long Night where his Characters will grow into adults and do some really important things. Rikkon could be a Man at the End of the Story, Bran be a real King at the Age of his Father, etc.
Now what annoyed me, again, about this Video, is that the Creator also thought that Daenerys and Jon would become real Lovers during that Winter. This is a possibility if Daenerys wants to sit out Winter with her Dragons in the North, sewing Clothes, Blankets and such Stuff near the Hearth with Sansa. And actually govern a community through this Winter, but Govern, is not what Daenerys wants or enjoys or even envisions when she thinks about her Future, because most of the time her "Plans" only include going to Westeros and winning the Iron throne with Fire and Blood!
So Daenerys won't sit at the Fire and wait until Springs comes and the Deep, Deep Snow will melt, actually, That deep, deep Snow will be the Reason the North won't be able to aid her in her War for the Iron Throne if that part is not already over. Because it would take months to get through this Snow, not to mention that the North is low on Supplies, so most likely the soldiers would starve to death, if they tried to march South. So if Daenerys comes North helping them to fight the Others, then it is very likely that the Armies of Daenerys, will starve and freeze to death.
Recently I discovered the explanation about Jon being the Mummers Dragon, which makes some Sense. And Quaithe warns Daenerys to not trust that Person. but so far those People she shouldn't trust were never actively against Daenerys. Tyrion (The Lion) comes to Daenerys's Aid, The Kraken wants to be Daenerys's new Husband, and the perfumed Seneshall is probably Varys, but he isn't planning actively against Daenerys, just not for her. So in general, it is possible that if Jon is the Mummers Dragon, he isn't even actively against Daenerys, so the stabby scene most likely won't happen. BUT Jon mentioned in his Godd Bye Scene with Arya, in the Books, when she gets Needle (I think it was there, but it could be earlier not sure) That they will find Arya in the Snow frozen to Death with Needle in her Hand. So the Picture he paints here, is that they find a Girl/Woman in the Snow, with her Weapon of Choice frozen to Death.
Let's just pretend the War for the Iron Throne is before the War for the Dawn, I mean the book series is not called "Game of Thrones" it is called: "A Song of Ice and Fire." So the War for the Dawn is probably more important than the Squibble-squabble over an uncomfortable Iron Chair. So the Big Final Fight in the Books is most likely against the Others. So IF Daenerys comes North because of Jon and he is the Mummer Dragon, then his Wish for her and aid the North in his War against the Others is what will be Daenerys's Fall. He doesn't even have to do much, all he has to do is win the War and stay in the North when Daenerys goes back too early because it is even colder than when they arrived, she may threaten Sansa and the Starks when they try to stop her for her own Good. But Daenerys doesn't listen, and freezes to Death on her way back to her Throne, And when Spring comes they find a Woman frozen to Death with the Weapon of her Choice, a Dragon. She dies without Issue and a Big Counsel is called to choose a new King, which then either results in the separation of the Seven Kingdoms and Bran becomes King in the North, and so on.
Jon can still become a Stark, still being together with Sansa, maybe even Married to her. They become Lord and Lady of a Castle and Rikkon can still become whatever he wants to be. It is a possibility. Also, Bran could be older than he was in the Show when Winter is over because the Winter in the books will last longer than one Night.
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xazz · 1 year ago
I just realized it shouldn't be snowing or be cold during the Dawning if the Last City is in South America. Especially that far south. It's literally the middle of summer.
Did I catch that before writing all my Dawning 'cold weather' fics? No. Am I gonna change it? No. Am I mildly annoyed? Yeah.
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fleurcareil · 2 years ago
Going for the next adventure!
Hi all, after a year of Tumblr absence (my last post was from March 2022 when my Nature Interpretation course finished), I've decided to have another go at blogging, partially because multiple friends have suggested to do so but mostly because I realized during my course that I really liked it. I was horrible as a child at keeping a diary, so we'll see how it goes but am going to try to write once a week.
So why now?? Because I've finally made the first big step towards my next adventure; I resigned from my job and gave notice to my landlord last week, so by 1st June I'll be home- and job-less... I can't wait! 😜
After a lot of time figuring things out & making a plan during 2022 (more about that some other time), I'm really excited to start a new life and career in southern Chile, hoping to fulfil my dream of working in conservation management at a private park. Have no clue where exactly I'll be living or which job I'm going to have, but that's ok as it's still quite far out. First, I'm going to take some time out of work to capture that true feeling of freedom in which I don't need to do anything except the things that I want to... I felt it during my 3-month sabbatical in 2004 when I was traveling in South America, and I hope I will find it again this year!
The plan is like this; drive off into the sunrise on 1st June and do a big au revoir - farewell road trip through Canada, going back to places that I cherished and exploring new areas that I haven't been yet. I have some ideas where I want to go; Haida Gwaii in the west and Labrador in the east are definitely on the itinerary, however as you can see below that's over 7,000 km apart, so I have some choices to make in between!
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There are many more important things I need to sort out before I leave so creating that plan will have to wait for now. I'll have my camping gear with me, so between campgrounds, motels, hotels & AirBnB I should be able to find a place to stay each night. I'll go back to the GTA mid-September once the rain starts and temperatures drop; by then I'll likely also be tired of traveling... selling the car & organizing my last things shouldn't take too long and then I'll be off to Europe to spend the last months of the year at my parents and reconnecting with long-time friends. I left Europe in 2006 so it will be good to be back there for a while and ground myself in the past before embarking into the unknown future. And then once I've obtained a visa, I'll be off to Chile in the new year in search of my destiny!
That's it for this week... I want to include pictures in all my blogs, so I thought of sharing pics of my front yard just two weeks apart; the top one was taken on 10th March and the second one on 26th March. It's amazing how quickly things can change once the wheels are set in motion (e.g. melting snow by increased sun energy) ... I believe the same applies to me; after having thought things through for a long time, now I've actually made the decision, I'm certain that things will go very fast & I'll be on my way in no time!
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flameraven · 3 months ago
Fuck, I feel this in my bones.
I am a gardener, so I pay attention to the weather. This year, everything was fully a month earlier than it should have been. Flowers and fruits blooming before they normally do. And when fall came, the summer lingered on. 80 and 90 degree temps into September. 70s in October. 60s into November.
Today the high is 67. It's November 19th. It should be cold. We're too far south to expect snow this early, usually, but it should be cold. Highs in the 40s and 50s. Frost on the car in the mornings. Instead it's raining.
In my yard a single confused coneflower is blooming. They should all be dead and gone to seed by October.
It feels weird. It feels wrong. The lizard brain part of me knows. It shouldn't be this warm. It should be winter.
it is november, and yesterday it felt like it was supposed to be snowing. in boston, november used a winter month, not a fall month. it is supposed to be chilly; rarely capping over 45F. it is a sweater-and-jacket month. it is a "maybe a scarf too" month. in my childhood, november meant blizzards and sleet.
it did not snow. tomorrow the weather predicts a high of 76.
i have spent so many years of my life studying the longterm possibilities of climate change - the culmination of capitalism wreaking havoc on the bodies of people, animals, plants - but every so often i am still shocked by something small and personal.
in a hundred years, when someone goes outside in boston - will they know the feeling of "snow in the air"?
i know it's a learned feeling, a sensation that maybe only longterm experience can teach. a few years ago, i was walking with my friend who had just moved up from the south. i said it smells like snow and she gave me this look like - what the fuck. i said it feels like snow too, which didn't help. she looked up to the bright blue sky and then back at me and then back at the sky. 12 hours later, we had 3 inches. you can just tell if it's going to snow.
except i can't tell, anymore. i stand outside in a tee shirt and watch my dog dance around a lake. we're in a drought and the skin of the water has peeled back twenty meters. the lake is tamed, quiet, puddlelike and sour. my pokemon go app warns there's a weather condition in my area.
my dog gets too hot from running and sits in the water and i want to laugh about his long frame and how awkwardly he sits - and i can't. some simian part of my brain is scratching the walls. it was supposed to snow. it was supposed to snow, but now it's warm instead.
during the last full solar eclipse, the dogs and the birds and the crickets went crazy under utter darkness. we laughed at them then, promising it will all be okay in a moment. but some part of me is still locked in that long night: some animal sensation.
something is wrong, my body says. i can't afford eggs or rent. i go outside to watch a sunset and listen to birdsong. i don't bring a jacket. allergies are killing me this season, allergies i didn't have as a kid. everyone comments that halloween has started to feel strange, offkilter. that it's hard having "holiday cheer." my body thinks it's april, and then it thinks we're in september, and then june.
something is terribly wrong, she whispers. go outside. it is supposed to be snowing.
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dawnedon · 2 years ago
UMBRELLA :  for one muse to share their umbrella with the other on a rainy day. [ potentially with the "stranger" offering dawn their umbrella when its raining strongly ]
a comprehensive list of scenarios | accepting!
Pastoria was a city of perpetual rain, humidity, and overall swampiness. While most of the region was still seeing snow this time of year, Pastoria was far enough south for said snow to turn into torrential rains.
Dawn liked to visit the Safari Zone to check up on it whenever she was in Pastoria chatting with Crasher Wake. The skies above were gray, clouds heavy with rain. Dawn could smell the rain in the air too before it even fell. Of course, the Champion didn't have an umbrella on her. She didn't anticipate being in the city for so long, but she was.
Fat droplets of rain began to strike the earth, drumming up into a heavy downpour as she stepped outside. Her hands moved over her head to act as a makeshift shield, though it was superficial at best. There was no blocking out a rain this intense. It was cold on her skin, seeping into her coat almost immediately.
Maybe she could hunker down in the Pokecenter for a while, or figure out something else... Lake Valor wasn't too far - maybe Azelf would have her for a while-
Her thoughts were interrupted as an umbrella was soon held over her, heavy drops pattering noisily against the fabric.
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"Oh-" Dawn starts, turning to look at the stranger, "that's nice of you. But you really shouldn't - you're going to get soaked too. I can just like... hold my bag over my head or something. I think it's waterproof."
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redpenship · 2 years ago
sonic and tails one shot wip!
pending title: the sky is sick, and so are you
This hasn't been Sonic's best week. Not by a long shot.
For starters, he has a concussion. It's getting a bit better, but he hasn't had much time to rest and let it heal. The world is too weird for that.
There's a blizzard in the Mystic Ruins. It's December, sure, but the Ruins are usually warm year-round. It shouldn't be cold enough for snow to form in the first place, let alone get cold enough for a blizzard to ravage the region. Everything about it is strange and out of place.
Maybe he shouldn't be so surprised. Everywhere he goes, the weather is unpredictable. Nothing about the sky makes sense anymore. Where he expects sun, he gets snow. Where there is usually rain, he finds cloudless skies after weeks of drought. In some places, the stars don't shine at all anymore. That's just how it is these days, he supposes.
He wishes he understood why everything was so different. Nothing about it feels natural, but he doesn't know for certain what's causing it. It can't only be Eggman--Sonic and Tails are too good at ruining his plans for him to be the one who stole the stars from the sky. That means it's something Sonic doesn't know about, or something he can't fight as easily. The uncertainty frustrates him to no end.
Tails says it has something to do with the atmosphere. The sky is sick, he'd said. Science is Tails' shtick. Sonic should believe him. He tries to, at least. He just doesn't want to.
When he fights robots and gods that threaten the planet, his job is easy. He can touch them, feel them break beneath his quills. He can't do that with something intangible. This is what makes him so reluctant to accept Tails' theory: how is he supposed to protect him from something he can't even feel?
Sonic comes to a stop at the top of a hill. Visibility is low due to the heavy snow, and his hedgehog eyes are bad enough that he can barely see more than a few metres in front of him. His skull pounds in sync with his heart. He thinks he's already stopped on this hill today, but his memory is foggy and the concussion makes it hard to think clearly. As far as he knows, he's been running in circles trying to find Tails' workshop for the last five hours.
He's been gone for more than a day. He'd left to find food after the first few snowflakes fell, but his trip has been entirely unsuccessful. The cold killed the plants and scared away the small game in the Ruins, and no matter where he ran on the continent, he would find Eggman bases or human settlements. He knows better than to eat anything near the settlements--they spray all their edible plants with something that makes him sick. Anything within a ten kilometre radius is off-limits.
There might be more food farther south, but Sonic doesn't have time to go there and head back to the workshop anymore. He usually has a good sense of direction, but he keeps getting lost no matter where he goes, and because of his head injury and the storm it's been more than a day since him or Tails have eaten anything, and the workshop doesn't even have heating and Tails deserves more--
Sonic sucks in a deep breath. Only his brother is capable of stressing him out like this. If he's going to find the workshop, he needs to stay calm. He needs to focus.
Of course, that's easier said than done when you're Sonic the Hedgehog.
much more of this is written, i should hopefully be able to finish it relatively soon! thanks for reading <3
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forgaeven1 · 1 year ago
it- it ain't always that someone takes whatever he's got to say with the level o'... of calmness, he could say.
no, usually, whenever gendry speaks the way he does, which he's sure isn't delivered fancily or anythin', just some bastard shootin' off the first thought that fleets his mind, people would either responded back in disdain. in arya's case, she would've ... she would've called him stupid. not meanly, or maybe not as meanly as other people would've meant it. no, with her, he knows it's almost purposeful; he knows it's their way of keepin' each other in check. he'd called her stupid too, for rushin' in too quick sometimes, for not always mindin' the fact she's a girl in a world where men would hurt little girls like her. especially those whose father was eddard stark.
this m'lady is playful; the kind of playful, gendry imagines, maybe he would've known more of had he been friendlier growing up. had he been more interested in making friends, in maintainin' them. it doesn't go over his head that they might be the same age, or at the very least, that their ages aren't far apart from each other. he couldn't remember spendin' time with someone who could be his peers without the tension of execution hangin' about like some ghosts, without any impendin' war over his head. her response makes her crack a small grin o' his head, which gendry redirects t' the floor of the snow-caked forest.
❛ yeah. ❜ he laughs a little, choked and short, though s' a laugh nevertheless. ❛ why not. not like we 'aven't seen worse comin' from the richmen, we did. ❜
and anyway, hadn't jaime feckin' lannister's hand made out of gold ? so really, the notion of it isn't too far off, he reckons. which gendry thinks is mad, anyways. like, fuck, the fucker probably deserves it, but t' give a former knight some useless heavy hand ? could it 'ven hold a sword ? gendry isn't sure. he didn't care enough to ask before, nor care enough t' have a discussion about it. there was no time, then. no interest. tha' was before the war o' the dead, though. s' startling, rememberin' all over again that he's not another corpse right now, ready for burnin'.
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❛ well - you're a lady, aren't ya' ? and yer' da's a lord ? you've got land n' everything, i assume ? ❜ he doesn't know much about the houses, if he's honest. the boys and girls o' fleabottom, they don't learn this growin' up. they learn to scrap by, to find their strengths by fallin' mercy to the adults on their streets. gendry himself only knows the big houses : starks and lannister and tyrell and the like. but the vassals under 'em... that's trickier. he's lucky enough not to 'ave his tongue removed by the way he treated nearly everyone the same.
gods, his temper. davos said once it's so alike robert, the damn fat king.
❛ then yer' a highborn, no ma'er what people call ye'. ❜
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the south, the lady speaks. right. they've got to do that. when yer under a banner, you follow your lord liege, ain't it. gendry had sworn himself to jon, to the north really, when he arrived here, but it all seems - pointless now. jon snow's besotted with the foreign dragon queen, and gendry trusts her as much as he trusts any o' the baratheons, had they still live - which isn't much at all. he can't imagine goin' 'ven if jon asks, or arya does. why should he ? he'd done his fight, hadn't he ? and, anyways, he didn't want the throne. other folks could spill blood for it, though. he's seen the devastation, and gendry doesn't think it's worth that much.
although —
❛ isn't- isn't yer da' alive ? then, shouldn't they send only men ? ❜ he asks aloud, confusion marring his questions, as he takes the damp cloth into his own two palms, sighing in relief at the warmth of it.
GENDRY’S OUTBURST MAKES HER GRIN. It’s absurd and rude and Meera quashes it before it can get too big. Not that she delights in his anger. She’s just surprised, is all, at his intensity. All this trouble to make a fire, when really she just had to ask him about home. Meera watches him speak in rapt fascination. After the blandness of the caverns, after the blankness in Bran’s eyes, she’s forgotten what it’s like to witness passion.
She leans in, sheltering close to this new kind of fire. It’s nice.
“Thousands?” Meera repeats. The warmth of the flames seeps into her voice, her smile. She ignores the direction his words were going before he trailed off and spins her own a completely different way. “How could someone even use all that gold? Smelt it down into a golden anvil, maybe?” There’s a sparkle of mischief in her eyes. “Or a golden frog-spear? There’s some fish that like the glint of shiny things, you know. Makes them curious. Easier to catch.” A pause; for a moment she seems like she’s genuinely considering this. “Not unlike us, I suppose.”
Meera’s gaze drops to Gendry’s hands, and she thinks she begins to understand. They’re still ash-black from the battle. No wonder it won’t leave him. He’s brought it all the way out to the pond. She reaches under her furs to pull out some of the bandage scraps she got from the healers. For when it’s time to change her dressings, they’d said. This is more important.
She reaches out to press the cloth into perfect, untouched snow. The cold bites at her fingers; she wrinkles her nose. When it’s drenched through and through, she picks it up, gives it a slight shake, then holds it next to the fire. Cradles it, really. Not close enough to burn out the wet, but enough to soak up the ice.
“Greywater Watch,” she says at last. The browns of her eyes begin to melt. “It’s a castle. Nothing so grand as Winterfell, but it’s home. You’re very kind, you know, to call House Reed highborn.” She flips the cloth so the fire can warm the other side. “Most anyone else would say mudmen.” A glance down at her attire. “I suppose I can’t blame them.”
Meera frowns, thinking.
“I — I’d like to go home.” Bran doesn’t need her anymore, it’s true. But. “House Reed is sworn to the Starks. And the Starks are marching south.” She gives Gendry a rueful sort of smile and tries not to think of her bruises. She is a hunter, not a soldier. The battle for the living had been close. If she goes south, she isn’t hopeful she will come back. “Maybe it won’t come to that. King’s Landing will see the dragons and surrender, I’m sure. They have to.” An undercurrent of terror snaps at her throat. Her eyes go distant for a moment. Then she refocuses.
“Here.” Meera tosses another log on the fire, then worms her way around to sit next to Gendry. Out of habit she reaches for his hands, but then she remembers he’s not Hodor, or Bran, or Jojen during a fit. An awkward moment passes; she tries to figure out what to do with herself. She settles for extending the damp cloth instead. “To clean off the dead, if you’d like. Don’t worry. It’s warm.”
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nightingaelic · 3 years ago
Companions react to the time stop glitch.
The courier gritted their teeth. "I shouldn't have taken this job. Johnson Nash is crazy, there's absolutely no way someone could deliver a package from Goodsprings to Nellis in less than a day, especially if they keep shelling everyone who so much as pokes their head over this ridge!"
They pulled the map up on their Pip-Boy and scanned it, desperate for any path that might take them into the air force base without being blown to bits. Finding none, they groaned and smashed buttons in frustration, then suddenly vanished altogether.
Their companion looked around in surprise, only to find the artillery barrage had stopped completely and the courier was now standing on the other side of them, holding a grenade rifle with an arrow drawn down the barrel, a snow globe and a few new strings of caps. They were also chewing on their lip. "Ummm..."
Arcade Gannon: "Hold on." Arcade squeezed his eyes shut, shook his head a bit, then reopened them. The courier was still there, looking concerned.
"I think I've been drugged," the researcher admitted nervously, standing up from where he'd been crouching. "You were just taking cover next to me."
Rather than attempt to explain what had just happened, the courier played along. "Really?" they said, stuffing their latest acquisitions inside their pack before Arcade could get a good look at them. "You're losing time? Damn. We should get you back to Freeside and check you in at the clinic for observation."
"What about your delivery?"
"Don't worry about it."
Craig Boone: "Don't do that," Boone said sharply.
"Do... what, exactly?" the courier asked, with mild panic in their voice.
"Disappear on me," Boone replied, gesturing toward the hill that Boomer howitzers were guarding. "Snipers and spotters have to keep track of each other, just as much as their target."
"Oh." The courier's shoulders relaxed a bit. "Okay. Sure. Come on, we should go. Screw Johnson and his impossible deadlines."
Lily Bowen: Lily blinked rapidly. "Are you okay, pumpkin? Did those nasty Boomers knock you out of your hiding place?"
"Ummm... yeah," the courier replied, nodding in bewilderment. "Yeah, I just got kicked back a bit by that last blast. Don't worry, I'm okay."
"Let me look you over, sweetums," Lily insisted, rising from her crouched position. "Poor child. You moved so fast, Grandma missed it. Even Leo missed it, and Leo doesn't miss anything."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Raul's eyes narrowed. "Did you accidentally turn on a Stealth Boy for a second there, boss?"
"Yes," the courier lied.
"Oh, okay." Raul's eyes went to the gun they were holding. "Nice iron. Haven't seen that one before."
"I, uh, picked it up in Goodsprings," the courier said quickly, stowing it away. "Chet was running a special. Come on, we should get going."
Raul cleared his throat when they turned to the south. "You're forgetting about your package, boss. Should we just leave it here?"
The courier froze for a second before replying. "Nah. I'll report the delivery unsuccessful and pay Johnson back."
"Then can we open it up and see what it was?"
"... No."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Cass rubbed her eyes and shook her head slowly. "Shit. I think last night at the saloon is coming back to haunt me. Could've sworn you were... ah, never mind."
"Maybe don't take Trudy up on her challenges the next time we see her," the courier offered, with a reassuring slap on her shoulder. "Come on."
"What about the delivery? Johnson's gonna be pissed."
The courier grinned. "I chucked the package as far up the ridge as I could get it, and I'm not going up there to see where it landed."
Veronica Santangelo: "I... might need a nap," Veronica admitted, looking between the courier and the spot they had just been occupying. "Screw the delivery. You're way past needing to work as a courier, and I'm starting to see things."
"I don't need to, I like to," the courier replied, taking the opening they had been given. "But I do intend to give Johnson a piece of my mind, next time I see him. I'm beat all to hell from those Legion assassins outside Novac, and you're clearly dead on your feet."
They moved to put the snowglobe away, but Veronica held a hand out. "Can I see?"
The courier handed the knick-knack over. Veronica turned it around, watching the faux snow fall over the Vault Boy in an air force uniform, a plane in flight and some background hangars. She snuck a look at the courier, who looked positively nervous. "Cute."
ED-E: ED-E beeped in confusion, turning between the courier and the cover they had just been hiding behind.
"No idea," the courier replied with a shrug.
They turned south, retracing the road that had brought them up to the air force base in the first place. ED-E ran diagnostic after diagnostic, but strangely, nothing out of the ordinary was flagged.
Rex: Rex sniffed the courier over. They smelled odd, like they'd picked up new scents in the last few seconds that previously hadn't been there and weren't anywhere in the immediate vicinity either. He whined.
The courier shook their head. "You wouldn't believe me even if you could understand me, buddy."
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mrows-fan-works · 3 years ago
Chapter Twelve
Words: 1460
Tags: Tags: blood, injury, burns, angst, sad PLEASE BE WARNED, its not graphic. Just descriptions of injuries. love ya'll /p
Rating: Teen and Up
Chapter 11 and Chapter Thirteen
A03 Link:
The extent of the injuries sustained didn't make themselves clear until that evening. She had made a point to help Wind clean and wrap his injuries. After forcing him to drink another potion, he’d very quickly fallen asleep as his wounds healed. Elenor hadn’t taken much time to quickly stitch his coat. They had decided to forgo his shirt until they had traveled farther south. That way he wouldn’t freeze for tailoring. Try as she might, Elenor couldn't hide her injuries from Wind for very long. It was easy at first. He was out of it by the time she'd set up camp. Dinner had grown cold, Elenor couldn't bring herself to wake him up after the day he'd had. Really, she was lucky that most of the blood had splashed on the left side of her face. Old burns did wonders to nerve endings after all. The only reason she knew she'd been injured was that accursed blood had traveled down her neck and splashed her nose. Elenor couldn't find it in her heart to care. What were a few more scars to add to an already ruined face? Regardless, Wind didn't need to see acid eating away at her face. Cleaning it up had been painful even with her loss of feeling, but thankfully snow was abundant and sufficient. That and a potion was enough to heal the worst of the damage. Kit had been cross with her, but had settled after she had taken care of herself. Now, he was sleeping with Wind again, keeping him company.
The air had an edge that grew sharper as the night wore on. Memories flashed as Elenor tended to the fire and the shivering bundle that was her charge. Sleep would not be visiting Elenor tonight. Far too many thoughts raced as snowflakes steadily fell. Of all the horrors from the Calamity that she'd carried with her, that abomination was one of the few things she thought she left behind. Living alone meant that monsters weren't unknown. Hell, they were common. Elenor had fought dozens of bokogoblins and moblins, even lizaflos weren't unknown around these parts. But that thing . She hadn't seen it since her life had been torn apart.
In all honesty, Elenor was surprised she had slain it at all. The beast she had fought before was unaffected by her blows. Then again, malice had powered it, and there was plenty of it the day of Calamity. Whatever had happened to this creature, it had made it weaker than the one she had fought. But that was the issue. This monster shouldn't be here in the first place.
On that fateful day five years ago, it was clear that it was connected directly to Ganon's malice. This thing wasn't connected to any malice at all but living off a poor animal's carcass. That begged the question, what dark presence did this creature feed off of?
Regardless, she had put Wind on lookout. She had been fooled by its appearance. Wind was hurt by it. She held blame for Wind's pain. Even if she had made sure that monster was dead, Elenor couldn't shake the fear that gripped her heart.
That monster had almost taken another child away from her.
Part of her knew this boy wasn't the child she lost all those years ago. Her child was gone. Of that Elenor was certain. But...someone was out there...missing this boy. She had no doubt that they were looking for him. From the stories Wind had shared, his family seemed loving. At the very least, Wind was convinced that they cared deeply about him.
Flames cackled and trees snapped as gusts bellowed across the field. Looking over, Elenor could see Wind shivering in his sleep. Rising, she went to check on him. The furs had fallen to his shoulders. Gently, Elenor tucked furs under his chin, smiling warmly as he grabbed it and cuddled into a small ball. After making sure his breathing evened out, she returned to her post to watch for intruders and continue her musings.
Whatever had happened that resulted in him being left alone in the cold, Elenor wasn't going let another family fall apart if she could help it. If her child had somehow survived and someone brought them home to her? The feeling was indescribable. She knew the pain of losing a child, of losing her home. She wouldn't- couldn't condemn Wind and his family to the same sad fate.
Rest assured, she was still going to rip Wind's brothers a new one. Especially his 'Uncle.' She'd put the fear of Hylia in them, that was certain. Even if they were as nice as Wind was claiming they were. No one leaves a kid out in the snow, accident or not, without consequences. Elenor sighed. Looking again at him cuddled in the sleigh. He really was far too young for so much heartache.
Night was fully underway in the middle of the plain Elenor was forced to bunk down in. The hole that had been dug into the drift had provided some cover from the elements. No monsters had been spotted other than that abomination but she wouldn't be surprised if it had killed anything that had gotten close before they had slain it. Small blessings, she supposed.
However, now that this caliber of monster had made itself known, they would need to be more careful than ever. This didn't bode well for Wind's family either… One could only hope to Hylia that they hadn't run into the same thing.  Elenor didn't doubt their ability, considering Wind's own talent with a sword, but fighting an enemy like that was no easy feat. Elenor was convinced that the only reason she'd won at all was that it had been so focused on ending Wind's life.
Speaking of, Elenor could see Wind shivering again in his sleep. However, this time his blankets were still tucked around his head. There was no reason he should be cold. She watched him for a moment as he shifted, grasping his blankets with a distressed expression. She hesitated to comfort him. Despite what they had been through together, they had yet to really get to know one another. How would he react to her waking him? Elenor didn't want to risk making things worse. She watched as his grip tightened on the blanket. It wasn't until she heard him whimper that she stood and rushed over to him. Tears ran down his cheeks making them blotchy. Kit had awoken at this point and was desperately purring in order to comfort his charge. However, it was to no avail, Wind’s face was a mask of fear. It broke her heart to see him suffer. Mentally, she cursed herself for hesitating just minutes before.
As gently as she could she rubbed his head and whispered, " Wind."
He did not awaken. Instead he started to struggle more. His arms thrashed.
Elenor spoke louder, "Wind!"
This time Wind shook himself awake. He gasped and looked around wildly. It was clear that he was looking for someone specific. Her heart broke. He was looking for a familiar face, not hers.
Gently she rubbed circles in his curls, "Wind, are you okay?"
Immediately his eyes snapped to hers. The light in his eyes dimmed a bit when he realized who she was. It hurt, knowing she wasn't who he wanted or needed. But Elenor couldn't walk away without trying to comfort him.
She repeated the question, "Are you ok? Do you need to talk about it?"
Wind's expression crumpled. Tears threatened to fall once more. Instead of answering her question he simply opened his arms. A clear question being asked. Elenor scooted in closer and was surprised when Wind climbed into her lap, curling up. He rested his head on her shoulder. Instinctively, Elenor continued to rub soothing circles in his hair. Kit looked at her, inquiring. Subtly she shook her head. He deflated a bit, but settled in Wind’s blankets to keep them warm.
He clung to her the same as before in her cabin. The memory flashed before her as Wind did his best to make himself as small as possible.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
Still, Wind did not answer. Instead he buried his face deeper into her shoulder.
Elenor held him close suggesting, "What if I tell you a story. Would you like that?" A distraction had helped before, perhaps it would serve her well again.
Just barely she felt Wind's head nod against her shoulder. Elenor felt a burst of affection for her companion. She really was in deep wasn't she?
"Alright." Elenor shifted her hold to a more comfortable position. "This is a story about my daughter, Gabriella."
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inky-duchess · 5 years ago
History Bites: Bad Ass Moments (Women)
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In History Bites, I pick the best moments of history and the antics historical figures in order to give you inspiration for your WIP. Think of History Bites like prompts, only juicer and 90% accurate (results may vary).
Today, we will discuss the bad ass moments of history (women). This post may have a part two. Let's get to it.
Arsinoë IV was the younger sister of Cleopatra. During the civil war between her elder sister and brother who were meant to be jointly ruling, Caesar besieged Alexandria on behalf of Cleopatra, taking the royal family hostage within the palace. In the confusion after the Library of Alexandria was accidentally burned down (I mean Caesar, I love you but you're fucking dick for burning the library), Arsinoë escaped the palace and took command of the Egyptian army. Under her control, the army enjoyed success even trapping Caesar as he tried to take the Lighthouse of Alexandria. This was an important symbol to the city as well as a masterful weapon, whoever controlled the Lighthouse controlled the harbour. To escape, Caesar had to swim across the bay throwing off his great purple cloak and fine armour, holding up his important papers as he limped back to dry land, defeated by a 15-18 year old girl.
Katherine of Aragon handed Scotland its biggest defeat in history. She led troops at Flodden, winning a battle where the Scottish King died. When she wrote to Henry as well as sending him the Scottish king's coat and banners, she mentioned that she had wanted to send the body of the king but the nobles were being pussies and said no. It may have been the shadiest letter of all the Tudor period.
Artemisia Gentileschi was one of art and history's all time bad asses. She was a skilled painter at a time when women were not permitted to attend art schools. She surpassed her father's own works and some of his other students. At 18, she was raped by another artist. In a time far behind today's understanding of rape and justice, Artemisia took a great risk in publicly accusing her rapist. She underwent numerous tortures so the judges could be sure she was telling the truth. The rapist was convicted (a major win). Artemisia went on to become one of the Baroque period's most powerful painters.
Marguerite de Bressieux was a 15th century noblewoman in France. When her father's castle fell to the armies of the Prince of Orange, Marguerite and the other women of the castle were all sexually assaulted. As the French army passed through the devastated lands, they came by a group of twelve knights armoured and mounted, bearing a black banner with an orange pierced by a spear. The commander revealed their face... it was Marguerite. She asked to join the French King's forces and he allowed her though he was quite taken aback. At the Battle of Autun, each of the female knights and Marguerite hunted down the Prince of Orange's men, unmasking their faces before they killed their rapists so they would know just had come.
Harriet Tubman was an American slave who ran the Underground Railway, ferrying slaves off to freedom. After escaping herself, Harriet refused to leave others behind. Known as Moses, Harriet risked life and limb to free slaves from the plantations. During the Civil War, she worked for the Union first as a cook then as scout and spy. Over her life, Tubman released over 300 slaves.
Countess Constance Markievicz was the first woman to be elected to a British Parliament ... while imprisoned for her art in the numerous acts of rebellion in the last years of English rule. Markievicz was one of the figureheads for Irish freedom, even acting as a sniper during the 1916 Easter Rising. When the rising was over, she was imprisoned but not executed (being a woman and a high status woman) which made her angry. She believed that the fight for Irish freedom was not just a male one. Her advice to women and girls of the time was "Dress suitably in short skirts and strong boots, leave your jewels in the bank, and buy a revolver"
Grace/Grainne O'Malley, the Pirate Queen of Ireland was one of the Lords of the West of Ireland. On her father's death, she inherited his lands and fleets as his heir, turning her into one of the most powerful lords of the west. She fought in the Nine Years War, becoming a thorn in the side of the "Governor" Richard Bingham. When her sons and half brother were captured and threatened, Grainne turned her sails to London to speak with Elizabeth I. Grainne did not bow to Elizabeth and began hammering out the terms of a peace. Bingham was fired, her sons and brother were released on the terms that Grainne would stop supporting Gaelic uprisings. Grainne didn't.
Jeanne de Clisson or the Lioness of Brittany, was a 14th century noblewoman. Her husband was imprisoned by the French King who suspected him of being a spy who had lost a battle on purpose. He was executed. Jeanne went immediately to the fort her husband had commanded. The garrison let her in. Jeanne's army took the fort. By the time the French King heard, Jeanne was gone. After a treacherous crossing over the Channel where she lost at least one child, Jeanne resurfaced in England. The English king granted her three ships which she used to wage war on France in revenge.
Ching Shih was a Chinese pirate queen, formerly a prostitute. When her husband died, she took over his fleet of ships. Ching Shih went about on tightening the reigns on her sailors. They could not rape captives, if they did they were beheaded. If they wanted to have one of the women, a sailor had to marry her and treat her right. To disobey a superior twice was death. As she got the fleet into shipshape, Ching Shih began her reign of the seas amassing millions. The government fought her a few times but soon gave up their war, paying Ching Shih to go away. She retired as a respected millionaire.
Osh-Tisch or "Finds Them and Kills Them” was a Native American warrior. She had been born male but chose to live as a woman also known as a baté, a person which two souls in their body. Osh-Tisch took up arms along with the other batés when her tribe went to war with the Lakota, winning the war. As missionaries came to to stick their noses in where they weren't wanted, Osh-Tisch and the other batés were subject to horrific abuse. Batés were forced to dress and act as their assigned gender by the dickheaded missionaries. Osh-Tisch disregarded the missionaries and continued to work with batés across America in order to support one another.
Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery in the years preceding the Civil War. Harriet refused to leave others behind and returned about nineteen times to volatile south to rescue slaves, under the name Moses. During the war, Harriet served as cook, nurse and spy for the Union. Harriet saved over 300 slaves.
Matilda, Lady of the English once escaped a besieged castle. How did she do this? She walked out of the gates and left. She was wearing a white cloak which camouflaged her against the snow. She walked eight miles in the snow to continue her fight for the crown.
Cleopatra VII (that Cleopatra) was once summoned to Tarsos go meet the new Governor of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire, Mark Antony who wanted to borrow some money. They negotiated back and forth on who should come to who. Cleopatra refused to go... but then showed up in Tarsos on luxurious barge. While feasting with Antony at his expense, Cleopatra claimed that she could host the more expensive meal. She dropped a pearl earring into her wine, where it dissolved and downed it like a queen.
Caterina Sforza was an Italian noble woman in the Renaissance period and you could literally not find a bigger bad ass. She rode at the head of an army to occupy the great fortress of the Castel San Angelo in the name of her husband, while being seven months pregnant. At the siege of Ravaldino, Caterina and her children were prisoners of the treacherous Orsis family who had killed her husband. Caterina persuaded the commanders to let her enter the city to negotiate the surrender of the castle. One inside, she climbed the battles and cussed out the besiegers. Utterly stunned, one commander threatened to kill her children but Caterina lifted her skirts and flashed them, claiming she could make more. OK, that may be a rumour. She may have touched her belly or claimed to be already pregnant but still it was a moment. It ended up buying her enough time for more forces to come and beat the army outside.
Catherine the Great born a minor German Princess overthrew her husband Peter III in a successful military coup. A few days before the original coup was going to commence, a co-conspirator let slip to another guard that it was happening. The man was arrested. When the news got to her, Catherine left the palace via carriage commandeering horses along the way. She went to the barracks of the Ismailovsky regiment dressed in burrowed military uniform and made an impassioned plea to the soldiers to earn their support which they gave her. She was crowned sole ruler of Russia and forced her husband to sign his crown away.
Khutulun, the great-grandaughter of Genghis Khan was badass from the beginning. She was the only girl in a family of boys and grew up to be the fiercest. Khutulun was a highly sought after bride. She didn't hate men but felt she shouldn't be married to somebody unequal to her. Every man who sought to wed her had to wrestle her or pay ten horses. She had ten thousand horses by the time she died.
Boudicca was the Queen of the Iceni, a Celtic tribe in England. Her husband, an ally of the Romans, left half his kingdom to Rome and the other half to his daughters. When he died, Rome took it all. When Boudicca spoke out against it, she was flogged and her daughters were raped. Boudicca decided that it was time for the Romans to fuck off and die. Raising a massive host, Boudicca burned three major Roman settlements down Londinium (London), Verulamium (St. Albans) and Camulodunum (Colchester). She was the greatest threat the Rome since...
Amanirenas, Queen of Kush was an African Queen who fought the Romans. Kush lay south to the new conquered Egypt, which meant it was next on Rome's agenda. Kush moved first. Though one-eyed, she was an able warrior who survived at least a dozen battles. Though the Romans burned the capital and took slaves, Amanirenas still fought on bringing Rome to its knees. Rome and Kush signed a peace treaty, preventing Rome from crossing the border ever again. Amanirenas's badass moment came thousands of years after when archeologists were digging up the tombs. Found under her the foot of statue, was the head of the Emperor Augustus.
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princessmacedon · 6 months ago
DC 14 athletics check! Roll: 6; fail. -2HP ( Maria 8/10HP )
Before she even opens her eyes, Maria feels the bitter sting of winter, curling into herself. Hugging her arms, she cracks an eye open, only to be met with snowy mountaintops. In fact, the only glimpse of warmth anywhere is far down the unfortunate side of a sheer cliff.
At least she's not alone. Though it's rather unfortunate to be stuck in the ice and snow while wearing a swimsuit, she feels much safer with someone beside her.
"H-Hello, Miss!" She grins through chattering teeth. "I'm M-M-Maria! Let's... try to find somewhere warmer...!"
Moving her hand as little as possible, she points questioningly to the south. Though both viable directions are shrouded in mystery, she knows heights tend toward chilliness, so it should be safer to move down than up, shouldn't it?
It isn't. Not terribly long into their trek, a half-frozen lake reveals itself. If there's anything they should avoid, it's getting wet.
"Should we turn--" Eyes widen; she points again. "Look! Is that...?"
Maria & Ivy have encountered a creature! Roll: 2 Wildness, 2 Wariness.
unfortunately being allowed to make decisions
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faust-and-furious · 6 years ago
New character: Johanna Thane
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Old friends(and Lucio) call her Jo.
The drawings and photos ended up not quite right but hey that's her general look! Perpetually messy black hair(it's kind tied back in the second but it doesn't like to say that way), and hot pink lips very much on purpose. I figure she's got magic make-up cause how cool would that be.
This is the one I made specifically for Lucio's route, so, assuming each route as a parallel timeline, this is just a line/world where Layla kept traveling with her dads and never really settled in Vesuvia.
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 28 at game start
Height: 5'7"
Favorite colors: gold and blue(esp royal blue). Also enjoys purple or violet.
Personality: Proud and outgoing, but typically slow to form attachments. Not very trusting, especially of authority (not that she remembers why).
She also has a maddening attraction to danger and adventure. Words like "forbidden" will always catch her eye.
She's doesn't do Layla's "jump off a cliff for fun" thing but she likes to hang around in shady areas and generally stick her nose where she shouldn't.
Alignment: Probably chaotic neutral, maybe chaotic good. She thinks the law is so often wrong and corrupt and each case is so subjective that she has a lot of distain for even the concept of it.
As for morality, unless something obviously horrible is in front of her, she tends to lean toward "not my problem." She'll be kind and helpful if she likes you but she doesn't feel it's ever her responsibility.
Fears(that she actually won't run toward): Vast, dark spaces. She hates the idea of something being able to see her when she can't see it.
The unknown makes her nervous but that's usually just motivation to find out more.
Magic: No particular affinity, but alchemy fascinates her, and she uses different forms of ice magic almost constantly cause she's from the far south and it is Too Damn Hot Up Here. For example she'll often cool down the air around her and when she walks past it's like she's a ghost.
Also, on sunny days, she'll have a dark cloud follow her everywhere. She'll tell people it's for aesthetic or mood or something but really it's cause she burns in 0.000003 seconds and won't admit it.
Loves: Snow, dancing, excitement, shiny things.
I'll do a part two for her backstory
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froggybangbang · 7 years ago
A whole 8 inches? 🙃 Geez.
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Great Sites to Go to in Colorado
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Colorado's second-biggest city has developed a heavenly standing, constantly acquiring a spot on the U.S. News Best Places to Live to the position. It's additionally notable for being a focal political and strict center point, yet over the recent years Colorado Springs has backed off on the strict way of talking, in any event, receiving a trace of the laid-back vibe that Colorado guests typically partner with Stone or Telluride (to encounter this side of the Colorado Springs region, head to close Manitou Springs). Fresh Tracks Transportation provides transportation services all over Colorado to tourists at affordable rates.
Why Travel To Telluride
The beginning of this Colorado town's extremely extraordinary name is obscure, however, there are two prevailing speculations. The first is that Telluride comes from "tellurium," the nonmetallic component (frequently connoting the presence of gold stores) that provoked such countless pioneers to advance toward the locale. In any case, numerous local people will disclose to you the name is only a simpler method of saying "to hellfire you ride" – an inventive clarification that features the executioner ski inclines that draw numerous a colder time of year traveler every year. This little ski town has for quite some time been a break for the rich and renowned, with top-of-the-line resorts like The Little Nell and Emissary Snowmass tricking celebs with the guarantee of sumptuous security. In any case, don't let the chance of sticker shock ward you off; all things being equal, you can counterbalance the significant expense of choice housing by basically partaking in your environmental elements. A portion of Aspen's most mainstream locales – like Maroon Ringers – come to us from Mother Earth, who doesn't charge admirers a penny.
Why Go To Rough Mountain Public Park
At approximately 265,000 sections of land, Rough Mountain Public Park isn't the country's biggest public park, nor is it the most-visited with around 4 million yearly guests (contrasted with the Extraordinary Smoky Mountains Public Park's in excess of 12 million guests). Yet, there is something absolutely supernatural about RMNP, which rises 14,259 feet into the Colorado sky at its most elevated point, Pikes Pinnacle. Powder dogs will discover 2,000 or more skiable sections of land ideal for tenderfoots, specialists, and everybody in the middle. "To hellfire, you ride" likewise alludes to the district's rambunctious climate. Occupants and guests the same consistently assemble around Park or Telluride's bars for a foot-stepping fun time. Eventually, it doesn't make any difference where the name comes from – all that truly tallies is the extraordinary experience you will undoubtedly have here.
At the point when it's an ideal opportunity to return to earth, or possibly down to a rise of 7,500 feet or thereabouts, guests can eat up some custom-made frozen yogurt, take a creepy visit through the Stanley Inn, or essentially wander through the superb town of Estes Park. In addition, adjoining Colorado problem areas – Rock and Denver – are each a short drive away.
To restrict the number of individuals visiting the recreation center, Rough Mountain Public Park carried out a planned passage framework that is in actuality through Oct. 11, 2021. Visit the Public Park Administration's site for extra data.
Why Visit Denver
The primary fascination is climbing the recreation center's 350-a few miles of trails that breeze through pine and tidy woodlands, sparkling high lakes, areas of wildflowers, and, in case you're fortunate, some elk or bighorn sheep. What's more, perhaps it's the more slender climate that goes to guests' heads, yet even the most boring report sensations of amazement and miracle following a little while of taking in that invigorating mountain air.
We're not saying you should give the chance to climb the Rockies' path or ski their inclines – simply that you shouldn't do as such without reserving a spot at a portion of Denver's diverse diners, investigating its exhibition halls, or testing a couple of its renowned blends. Working a portion of these more metropolitan temptations into your excursion will permit you to encounter the Denver that local people know and love. For a neighborhood's viewpoint, you might need to pursue a standout amongst other Denver visits.
People of Denver are considerably more laid-back than occupants of other significant American urban areas, advancing a functioning, outdoorsy culture that flourishes with great food and specialty lager. As far as winter wonderland status, not many objections can contrast with Aspen. This beautiful mountain town is straight out of a snow globe, highlighting pleasant mountain chalets embraced by the taking off Colorado Rockies. Obviously, the fundamental draw here is skiing and there are four head ski regions close by that oblige powder dogs, all things considered. Follow the city's inhabitants and go through your days in the Mile High City becoming more acquainted with its climbing ways, shopping roads, and brewery trails. As well as adoring nature, Denver's populace likewise shows enthusiasm for craftsmanship, culture, and food. In the event that The unstoppable force of life isn't your partner of decision, invest your energy meandering around the Denver Craftsmanship Exhibition hall or Larimer Square prior to getting a bin of Rough Mountain clams along with the Legislative center Slope area's Eatery Column. Furthermore, in the event that you end up having children close behind, you'll discover a lot of approaches to keep them engaged here, from a top-notch zoo to the intriguing part of the U.S. Mint.
Why Visit To Aspen
In any case, most guests don't come here to test the political and social talk – they come for the widely inclusive perspectives found at the highest point of Pikes Pinnacle, the transcending bluffs that make up the Nursery of the Divine beings and the reddening precipices at Red Stone Ravine.
However, there's a whole other world to Aspen than winter sports: With top-of-the-line shopping, entrancing exhibition halls, out-of-control displays, and fun celebrations, it very well may be a battle to make it to the slants. Regardless of how you decide to invest your energy here, it will be a getaway you'll always remember.
Numerous explorers consider Denver to be bouncing off point for a Rough Mountain escape, utilizing the Colorado capital for its air terminal and that's it. However, those people are passing up a great opportunity: The Mile High City offers a blend of metropolitan energy and regular environmental elements that other American urban areas can merely fantasize about. For a very long while at this point, this town has been the jewel in the Thundering Fork Valley, and we're not simply talking allegorically.
Why Travel To Breckenridge
Gotten comfortable 1859, Breckenridge holds a similar Victorian-time engagement it did during the stature of the gold rush. Its sensible and well-disposed environment has additionally persevered through its change from a silver-and gold-mining town to one of the country's most darling skiing objections. Additionally, Breck – as it's called by local people – is a fast drive from other famous Colorado objections, including Vail, which is 40 miles northwest, and Denver, which is 80 miles upper east.
Cold weather days in Breck are characterized by runs on the Tenmile Territory and evenings spent refueling at downtown cafés and bars – also an assortment of the bottling works and surprisingly a refinery. In the mid-year, winter sports are supplanted with climbing and cycling. In any case, regardless of the period, the greatness of a Breckenridge dusk and ritzy night sky is a marvel to see – and worth returning to a seemingly endless amount of a large number of years.
Why Go To Vail
Try not to allow Vail's little to measure or distant area fool you: This is quite possibly the most cherished chilly climate objection in the country for one explanation: skiing. Colorado Springs is likewise home organizations, for example, the Flying corps Institute and the Olympic and Paralympic Preparing Center. Also, throughout the long term, it's gotten a cross-segment of characters. Rampage and offer the walkways with maturing politicos, youthful families, workmanship darlings and that's just the beginning: All have a special interest in this part of America the Delightful.
Sandwiched between the Blood Mountain Reach toward the north and the Sawatch Mountain Reach toward the south, this thin valley is home to a few outstanding ski regions, including one of the country's biggest single-mountain resorts. Spiked pinnacles, miles of inclines, and amazing powder draw in the huge number of guests consistently, procuring Vail a vital spot among Colorado's other winter heavyweights, Aspen and Telluride. Truth be told, Vail's expertly manicured slants – just as its lavish lodgings, spas, and eateries – as often as possible invite Superstars like Will Smith, Cameron Diaz, and Justin Timberlake.
That being said, this is a hard city for those on a careful spending plan. The dazzling view is joined by bank-busting inn rates and lift tickets. The best way to keep away from these costs is to avoid the slants, however, that isn't really something terrible. Visit throughout the late spring and you'll find an assortment of approaches to partake in the mountains, from climbing and trekking to horseback riding and even whitewater boating.
Why Should You Visit Colorado Springs
It's not difficult to perceive any reason why Katharine Lee Bates was roused to compose the verses to the renowned energetic anthem "America the Delightful" from Colorado Springs. Glance in one area and you'll see the glorious "purple mountains:" the Colorado Rockies. Shift your eyes the other way to end up looking out at "golden floods of grain:" the Incomparable Fields. The lovely landscape isn't the lone motivation to go to this enchanting town. Colorado's grand landscape draws a large number of voyagers hoping to get cleared up in its regular quality. With a gathering of urban communities and towns, each with its own novel outside contributions, social attractions, and general Colorado enchant, it very well might be hard to pick the best spot for your next excursion. U.S. News considered various elements, including the assortment of attractions, just as the assessments of specialists and voyagers, to decide the best places to visit in Colorado. Have a top choice? Cast your vote beneath to help decide the following year's rundown.
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mythloverdoesntdeliver · 6 years ago
His choice to overturn every social custom, religious doctrine, and historical record about raising up a bastard like a trueborn child.
Customs that came with the Andals and the New gods, not the Old ones the First men still worship in the North. They don't hold to those believes as much, as far as I've noticed. Even Roose Bolton made sure his bastard was safe and cared for, and since the boy had a mother he left him there but when the woman died he took Ramsey in (or I could ve wrong so don't quote me on it).
Did we suddenly forget that Starks are more often than not raising their Snows in Winterfell? Thorren Stark had a bastard brother that was ready to kill the dragons with Wirewood arrows if the man allowed. And there was later a bastard half-sister that 'married' a Targaryen during the Dance of Dragons (no one knows what really happened only what some ppl said and some Measters writings) I'm sure there a few more that I can't remember but Snows have been raised next to their trueborn siblings before.
Catelyn was right to feel the way she had, I would too. But her she took her resentment on the only other innocent. Neither she nor Jon were to blame for the position they were put in, and yet she as the adult punished a child in her fear instead of finding a way to peacefully make him loyal to her children, to gently explain that he is a bastard and how the world will see him, to tell him that he is welcome as another sword to guard Robb's back, that he might even earn a keep of his own...and I think that would've made him grateful, to know that he is accepted when others suffer for their name alone. And the society makes it shameful but her behaviour would then be mocked in public but praised behind closed doors or even with small folk (which is a big plus for getting numbers on their side).
And yes, Ned made many mistakes, like his handling of Jon and Cat situation and one of his worst is his handling of Sansa. He didn't know how to treat her, she was so different to what he knew and in Winterfell he had Cat to help but in the South there was only the Septa. He gave her no information or warning unlike Arya and just expected her, the child that always listened, to follow along. And also remember that Cat kept pushing for a betrothal for Sansa and Joffrey and Ned only agreed after they received Lysa's note about the Lannisters.
Jon's experiences with Cat helped him on the Wall, Sansa only had her mother's teachings to keep her semi-safe and alive. Both ended up strong and competent people in the end, but like with any child they shouldn't have had to suffer at all and in an ideal world they wouldn't have.
Both Ned and Cat are at fault and neither should be forgiven. One for puting children in harms way that could've killed them, more than once, and the other for a behaviour that would've made her fears a reality if Jon was any different than what he was.
(apologise for any misuse of English it isn't my first language, nor is it the language I read ASOIF in)
if catelyn ignoring jon is neglect which is abuse, then what is ned neglecting sansa?
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