#it says one more bite in the bg btw
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you are what you love, not who loves you.
in that case, i am a mouth. i am teeth. i am a hungry thing. but god, it loves me too. it loves me too it loves me too it loves me itlovesmeitlovesmeitloves
[based on jennifer’s body peterick au by @meat-wentz]
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lyss-butterscotch · 10 months
btw im obsessed over furina too shes literally just me and if you by aaany chance wanna ramble about her feel free to, tis an invitation. if not thats fine too! boop
Omg kiki hi!!! You have no idea that i just like buried my face to a pillow cuz oh gee golly gosh oh sovereigns above this girl. THIS GIRL.
[Obvious spoilers for fontaine archon quests and furinas story quest]
Literally abnormal about her she deserves all in the world. We have hands to give furina pats on the head we can speak so we can tell furina she did it i am so jdhdjsyshjsjsjsn waaaaaaaaa
I love how they paced her characterization throughout each patch, idk i just feel like its well paced. The first patch shows that shes all bark and no bite. All the flare all the drama with neuvillette being the one truly working the system (you can see it in the patch art too!). I just couldnt understand how she is oh so shamelessly show offy when she literally has nothing to show for but her title like damn i felt bad for neuvillette for dealing with her. But the way she falters and hesitates, just makes you think theres something else going on. But i still felt like she HAS a bite, she just for some reason doesnt use it so i was just expecting her to break and show power later on.
Then act two. Man i never wanted to punch a character so bad like arlecchino LEAVE HER ALONE MAN SHE DOES NOT DESERVE THIS SLANDER. Its when i start to think shes not the god after all. She keeps saying she has plans but its 'secret', as much as i wanna defend her arlecchino was right. She has nothing to show for, she has no plan, no act to help fontaine so what is there to defend? But she CLEARLY cares for the prophecy so WHY ISNT SHE DOING ANYTHING. Arlecchino saying that furina might not be a god after all just makes me even more insane about the plot. Like okay theres no way the gnosis isnt in the oratrice and neuvillette is the sovereign so what the hell is going on with furina???
Then the final patch. Omg oh god oh golly oh my lords above. I hate how even as she got duped into a trial she is still trying to keep up her bark. The way she says 'THE TRIAL OF THE HYDRO ARCHON SHALL NOW BEGIN' with so much fervour like she is STILL trying. It made me think shes gonna reveal some super important bg plot shes been working on to make us go 'wow she really is a great archon'. BUT THEN. BUT THEN SHE GETS OUTED FOR NOT KNOWING WHY THE ORATRICE LET OUT A WRONH VERDICT, NOT WANTING TO SHOW OFF HER HYDRO POWERS, AND BEING AFFECTED BY PRIMORDIAL SEA WATER???
Like at that point i think furina youre done. Its over. But the way she cried and begged for people to believe her still WAAAAAAAA. LIKE GIRL WHY ARE YOU STILL TRYING STOP THIS HURTS TO WATCH. Then she goes full catatonic once the trial is over urgh bby no :(
I hate how focalors specified that furina had to act like 'how people think gods act' and not just 'act like a god'. I hate it. I hate how she was trying to be nice but in fear that itll blow her cover she had to shine brighter to blind the people, when there was nothing to show underneath it. Dies dies dies!!!!!!!!!
As much as i hate that they didnt really show furina moving out of the palais mermonia. I think its fitting. How shes so tired of all the flair she has to put up she really just... wanted to leave. Be done with it. No flare just slips away silently.
Im glad that she and neuvillette is still in good terms, i think atleast after 500 years of putting an act together + neuvi finding out the shit she had to go through, he'd atleast have some form of camaraderie or respect for her. The fact that he is supportive of her being involved in a performance after she moved out is so waaaaaa she deserves it!!!! I think its clear that despite her needing a break, performing what she wants is something she likes to do and im glad she has something thats entirely her own going on for her :)
Also also la vaguelette is the song ever. I hope hyv is happy that they made a song that can make me cry 1 second in. Literally best song after yunjins opera song. They did not hold back and my heart weeps everyday.
Also the fact that now she just eats macaroni everyday is a mood. Boop
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rooneywritesbest · 5 years
The Horsemen
The Horsemen
By Cory Benoit And Brendan Rooney
Takes place in the quaint town of Springdale which was built over an Indian burial site underlining and alluding mystery. We open to the 4H it’s a bar. The horsemen are the title of a group of friends who are essentially brothers. The horsemen are enjoying Guys night when they hear it’s karaoke night what could go wrong
John - 21-year-old leader of the solves the problem (Action Man)
Jose - 21 yrs old Brain of the group  
Jim - 21 yrs old Moral compass of the 4H sees the problem but can’t figure it out
Mackie- Funny outgoing, caring, tries to do the right thing all the time also trying to get out of the shadow of the 4H  
Melanie - New girl working or in town
Johnny: Hey Guys another night at the 4H Does this mean we are officially horsemen because were regulars all the time. They literally have our faces on the wall of fame.
Jose: Maybe in your mind but isn’t it the wall of shame. I Mean Mackie threw up last month when we were here.
Jim: Lol maybe you guys are right what do you think Mackie.
Mackie: I think it's time to order actually boys.
John: yeah you're probably right Jim -  Mackie look at the new hottie at the bar absolutely smoke screen.
Jose - Well mack go get it.
Mackie-  I don’t know boys she looks like she’s staring into my soul.
Johnny - Tell you what Mack I'll take a shot. Here I go boys
Melanie - can I help you another drink or closing your tab?
Johnny - Nah just shooting my shot and see where im getting
Melanie - Nice try and no thanks scurry back to your little fraternity over their
(Feeling a sense of shame and being upset John swallows his hubris and proceeds to walk back to the horsemen)
Mackie - Damn Johnny you got crucified up there by the bombshell
Jose - Using those big words again Mack trying to play out of bounds
Mackie -Screw you Jose I don't see you trying to stand out and make a name for yourself
(Jim proceeds to smack Mackie on the head almost to wake him up from his tangent)
Jim - Come down to earth Mack and relax bro the waitress is coming back boys you ready to order yet
Melanie alrighty you four ready to order. (Melanie has a sense of disgust for the four sitting like they owned the bar.
Mackie - I’ll have a beer and a burger
Jose - steak for me please, seasoned, and medium rare
Johnny - Uh i'll have Wings and I’m sorry for before we noticed ya wasn’t from these parts
Jim- I’ll take a sampler platter
Melanie - So Btw horsemen I guess that’s what they call you guys.  There is a karaoke night going on maybe you should join
Mackie - What uh no thanks singing is for chumps.
(Mackie suddenly gets an urge or a gut feeling then Mackie realizes karaoke sucks but only says that because he has ulterior motives because Mackie doesn't possess the ability to sing.)
Mackie- You know what actually I’ll give it a try.
Johnny - Mack attack you sure you wanna go up there
Jim - Mack we know you can’t sing you sound like a dying whale
Jose- Do you bro remember boys Mackie just being Mackie
(Mackie goes on the stage looks over at the 4H and scolds and scolds himself for getting himself in this predicament. Mackie warms up and makes a whale like sound which proves to himself that he can't sing. Sweating bullets on the stage.)
Jim- So you heard it here first I’m telling you boys shammu wants his voice back
Mackie: all right everybody got a mop this won’t take very long (im getting nervous Mackie has a sense of fear painted on his face)
Extra - here’s the mic here is the screen go break a leg. Big guy
( Mackie gets the mic he feels an earthquake below his feet but notices no one else is feeling the same which Mackie feels nervous.) (The earthquake is figurate because it’s a shift in the tone and emotion of Mackie) But I feel I could put an audio bite in the BG  
(Mackie starts to sing a little)
(Melanie is seen talking to the horsemen with a sense of amazement on her face. The others are surprised on what is occurring)
Melanie - Wow so boys Mackie is really good did you guys know he could belt like Sinatra
Jose- That’s just Mackie being Mackie
Jim- The Machine is probably doing it for him
Jose- I don't know guys. I feel like what if it’s something else. I really think it’s more than autocorrect something about that machine don’t seem right?
Johnny- Sweetheart The Mack cannot sing it’s just not possible if he could sing then I'm an alien in disguise but that’s a big joke
(Jose proceeds to get up and walk around to solemn apologize for Mackie singing even though the crowd starts to boo Jose)
Jose- Hey everyone here sorry for the torment on your ears they are probably bleeding by now
Melanie - Sounds like maybe you guys should pay more attention to Mackie from now on. You guys must look like fools not knowing he could sing like that. (Melanie walks away tending back to the bar)
Jim - Maybe the waitress is right btw what’s your name
Melanie - It’s Melanie
Johnny- Boys lets go get the big guy off the stage and buy him a round.
(So the scene ends and now we have A brotherhood. That is broken and torn because of that Microphone. The horsemen play it off quickly dismiss it. But the action shifts to Melanie sketching away on her notepad and  Melanie’s design shows Mackie singing afterward)
(Melanie suddenly gets a gut feeling pointing her to the image of the mic cemented in her train of thought)
The scene opens the horsemen sitting around confronting and asking Mackie about what just occurred walking out of the 4H
Jim -  So i gotta ask Mack where did that come from?
Mackie -  I don't know boys I really don't remember what happened
Jose -  Mackie all the ladies were chanting you're name
Johnny: bro that was dope.
( Suddenly Mackie has anger on his face almost a complete 360 of his positive attitude all the time. A vain imprint was on the face of Mackie he looked over at the three with disgust in his eyes).
Mackie - I gotta go and screw you guys. Maybe you know what. Mackie should hit the road and leave the horses in the stable from now on Mackie out.
(The trio felt broken and split Jim being the brains of the group comes up with a theory about what occurred)
Jim - Boys I think Mackie is revoking his brotherhood card. I’m telling you something is wrong with that machine. First off who talks in the third person about themselves. You know what I’m gonna take a further look. Even autotune being invented in the spring of 1997. No one is that good.  
Jose- What happened to the mack
Johnny- Boys that’s not Mackie something feels wrong
(Johnny walks to the bar and bumps into Melanie. Melanie being startled proceeds to run away).
Johnny- I'm sorry btw on how I treated you did a great job and the boys and I wanted to give you a tip welcome to the 4H and the quaint city of Springdale.
( But it was Too late the humiliation was already in seeched in his vigor and her mind)
(Next day Mackie has a proverbial fire lit up his ass.)
Mackie arrives at 4H to see the guys sitting alone. Mackie pulls up a chair
Mackie- What’s up dipsticks
Jim: Mackie you're being a douche and you can say yeah yeah whatever but you know it’s the truth. Look inside bro this isn’t you
(The horsemen are playing cards and Mackie gets dealt in)
Johnny - Deal him in boys
Mackie -  Cards in time boys Aces boys I win alrighty. So I’m off now. See ya later boys.
(Mackie leaves the table goes to the bar. The 4-horsemen are now dissolving away to the trio comprising of Johnny, Jose And Jim.)
Jim - Jose what’s macks problem he hasn’t been the same since the karaoke night
Jose- Maybe it’s a new Mackie and he wants to test the waters of the social chain I guess. (Jose tries to hide the fact that he’s afraid of what Mackie has become and wants his friend back
Johnny- I don’t know boys maybe we should come back on another music night. Wonder if Mack will actually show.
(Mackie comes back from the bar to tease the horsemen with his newfound talent)
(Jim looks at the trio with a mission about to take place).
Jim- Hey if anyone asks I’m in the bathroom.
Jose- You got it, bro, wait are you sleuthing again? (Jose gets a sense of feeling annoyed)
Jim-Maybe maybe not
Johnny- Just don't get caught.
Scene end
(We return to Jim looking at the karaoke machine and Melanie investigating the disturbance holding a letter in her hand).
Jim - I knew it autotune wasn’t even turned on. So it has be to something else or Mackie can just really sing because I’m all out of ideas. (Jim hears an explicit sound) Whose their?
Melanie- Relax I'm not here to turn you in. I just doing some maintenance getting the machine ready for the headliner. (Melanie feels conflicted should I give him the letter or not?)
Jim- Please just don’t tell anyone about this ok I’m just worried about Mackie. He’s never been this distant.
Melanie- I understand I won’t tell but you kinda should hurry back to your table just saying. (Jim leaves the backstage and joins the trio waiting for the stage to erupt when the corrupted Mackie gets up there.) Whew, that was a close one when should I tell them the truth it has to be soon. I can feel it.
(We pan to the horsemen sitting in their booth feeling lost and confused with a not a glimmer of hope to rescue their friend. Mackie strolls over with a smug attitude emanating from him clouding his judgment.)
Mackie- So boys ready for karaoke again. (Mackie then proceeds to push the horsemen severing the bond) Get out of my way chumps.  It is time to grace my kingdom. If you excuse gotta go warm up the pipes.
(Melanie enters the bar holding her notebook  sketching an image of the mic pondering till it hit her what if the mic was the problem for the four horsemen)
(Melanie rushes and surveys the bar to find the horsemen to spread the newfound answer to all of their problems)
Melanie - Guys I know what’s wrong with Mackie it’s the mic if we destroy the mic I feel like we can change him.
(The horsemen look at her with a confused look on their faces. Jim then gets up to talk to Melanie about her theory)
Jim- What are you talking about destroying the mic you crazy.
Johnny- Yeah are they gonna put that on our tab or yours just saying,
Jose- Hey are you not telling us something we should know?
Melanie - Everything you need to know is this in the letter please trust me. I can get your friend back i know a way but we have to work together. (Melanie throws the letter on the table. Jim proceeds to open and read the letter. Then the trio’s faces are immediately glued with the impression of a shock to the new-found clue of their investigation.
Jim, Jose, John- what!!!!!!!!!!!
(John Reads the letter with anger and sadness on his face staring at Melanie sensing her guilt.
John- “Dear Horsemen, It’s Melanie aka the hottie from the bar btw thx for that insult but I think I know what’s wrong with Mackie. If you guys claim to say that he couldn’t sing then explain to me in person how did he sing and belt-like Sinatra moving on? When he was up there something was surrounding him. I know it sounds weird and hard to explain. But you need to believe me. So stick with me the town of Springdale is not what it seems. Mackie will continue to spiral down a path of being a jerk and will slowly break away from you guys. I’m telling you this ahead of time to put aside your own truths and pride to save your friend before it’s too late. I know you four are inseparable but the time is now you have to fight for Mackie or you will lose him forever. (Jose stands up with a new lit fire of emotion)
Jose- Boys Mackie is our friend our brother. our fellow horsemen it’s not the 3 horsemen it’s the four horsemen we take on everything together. He fought for us let's fight for him. Whose with me!
Johnny- For the Mack
Jim- For our brother
Melanie- ok ok relax and breathe guys  Get Mackie on stage and we can fix this now
(Jim finds Mackie standing at the bar flirting away with his new faux sense of pride and confidence. The first part of the plan is starting to come together. Jim grabs Mackie and walks him to the backstage area)
Jim- Hey Mackie buddy it’s Showtime show the 4H some magic bro
Mack - Alright Jim I never liked you anyone what’s your game anyway.
Jim- I just want to see you sing bro
(Mackie walks to the stage grabs the mic. starts to sing and has the crowd chanting his name like nothing ever seen before).
(Melanie  Picks up her notebook and starts to draw a presence of energy around Mackie confirming her theory)
(John now standing next to Melanie sees her sketching away and the aura around Mackie starts to emit from the page to the visible eye).
Johnny- What's that around Mackie? (John says curiously)
Melanie - That John would be dark energy let's just say I have my fair share of knowledge
Jim- So what do you want us to do. Should we get the mic or create a diversion. Your call. I say we stop doing this and leave but that’s just me. But this is for Mack i want the old Mackie back.
Jose- I say diversion turn the lights off and get the mic out of Mackie's hands
Johnny- Melaine your call?
Melanie- do both
Jim - ok let's do this! This all started because of that stupid mic.(Jim interrupts Mackie on stage to get his attention) Mack, I'm sorry for this bro but get off the stage you stink
(Mackie furious stops singing proceeds to fume anger and the darkness around him starts to emit from him being visible to Jim.)
Mackie- What did you say to me out of everyone I thought I trusted you, Jim. You're just a follower you have no identity. (The distraction was going perfect. Jose was in a position calling out orders. Johnny would bullrush the stage and Melania was idling by at the lights waiting to pull the switch.)
Jose - Now Johnny get that mic and break it. Melanie, you got lights
Melanie - Got it
(Melanie turns the lights off for a few seconds. In the dark a fight can be heard for the control of the cursed mic)
Mackie - what's going on hey where's the mic
Jim - Sorry bro but this is for your own good.
(Johnny grabs the mic and then stares at the evil creation but then makes the choice of a hero cementing the role of horsemen leader)
Johnny- I’m breaking it boys just remember Melanie this is going on your tab
(Melanie starts to laugh and roll eyes a little. Then at that moment, The aura disappears from Melanie's notebook and the cloud around Mackie. Jose then starts to talk to Mackie)
Jose- Mack Mack you ok bro?
Mack - Boys what happened i don’t remember anything from the last time. I was up here on the stage
Jim - It’s alright Mack we got ya bud now how about a round of beers on us
Mack - I'll drink to that btw what are we drinking towards anyway
(Melanie laughs and calls the horsemen to the bar then serves the drinks and says)
Melanie  - To friends and brothers who are the one and only Horsemen  
Johnny- Hey Mel can I talk to you in private what's up with that notebook of yours.
Melanie - Let's just say I don’t think the mic will the end of these disturbances. Just remember Springdale is a scary quiet town but with tales waiting to be written. No offense you guys aren’t ready to fully understand who lives in the shadows and plagues the streets of Springdale. No one is ready for that, for now, See you boys around.
Johnny- Wait stop please your hiding something I can feel it. I know it. (Melaine calls Johnny outside and they converse more in private)
Melaine- Listen Johnny you're the only one. Whose figuring out my story, and your buddy Mackie. The poor guy just wants a place to belong and to break out of your shadows. You may not know but you cast a huge shadow on that poor guy. Just remember you seem different but that’s the thing it’s cool and intriguing about you four something brought you together. Destiny has a bigger plan for you i can feel it. I gotta go.(Johnny walks backs inside the bar almost feeling like nothing occurred in the last couple days. When it really it did but he was happy to have his brothers back.  
(The horsemen sit and ponder about what just occurred and with Mackie having no memory and Johnny questioning his thoughts on who Melanie really is and what she told him? Melanie stands outside 4H sketching an image of the horsemen enjoying their drinks. Melanie then looks up and says)
Melanie- Those four really have no idea what really lies in Springdale. However, it may seem crazy destiny has a bigger plan for them I can feel it. (Melanie walks off into the shadows of the night.)
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