#it says no context but yes that is mashiba from asv
uniformbravo · 5 years
fuck it im doing another one, this is the artist themed one
🖍️ When did you start drawing? Do you remember?  
me whole life babieeee the earliest thing i remember drawing is some dinosaurs inspired by the land before time uh. they were camping, they had tents. i drew it on the inside of the cover of a picture book. i still have it,
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that's, uh, littlefoot and his family, or something. i think i drew it when i was 4 or 5
✏️ Do you prefer traditional art or digital to relax?  
traditional bc it doesnt hurt my hand as much ;p
📏 What’s your go-to canvas size?
used to be like 540x700 px bc tumblr post size but now its like idk 2000x3000 px bc whatever man. i actually don't remember what i usually go for that was a guess
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?)
yea i do warmup sketches but usually it’s just drawing whatever comes to mind until i feel sufficiently warmed up to try the idea i had in mind beforehand so that idea doesnt look shitty. i dont do any of those like “draw a curvy line ten times” or whatever
🙃 Which is easier: faces facing left, right, or front view?
varies between right and left depending on the day but usually both are easier than front
📚 How many layers do you typically use?
one for sketch, one or two for lineart, like 4 or 5 for color, one-ish for bg, and then whatever extra effects i wanna add on top, so that all comes out to like... 8-10 layers i guess. idk i dont feel like opening clip studio to check
🐻 Your go-to things to draw when you need comfort?
sad characters babey
🎁 Do you prefer drawing fandom stuff or your own characters?
it depends on my mood like if im deep deep deep in a fandom then all i’ll want to draw is that fandom but if im not really into anything in particular atm then i’ll usually default back to my ocs unless inspiration for smth else strikes... so yea i like to do both basically
🌈 Do you use more warm or cold colors?
i guess i usually go for cold
🎼 Your favorite music to draw to right now?
right now? hmm well im not all that into music rn i tend to put on streams or yt vids instead but... as for music, recently i was into the silent voice ost, particularly vol 2
🙌 Draw a doodle with your non-dominant hand
📐 Whats your favorite kinds of lines to draw?
long hair
💐 Do your drawing suit your aesthetics?
not quite but im working on it
🦋 Do your drawings resemble you?
no idea bro
✨ How often do you draw?
not nearly as often as i’d like :( it’s a juggling act between my passion, mental health and physical ability... i’d love to be able to do it every day, but well. alas
🌗 Is night or day better for drawing?
oh night for sure, though i have been doing it pretty exclusively during the day lately... i definitely find it easier to get into the groove at night tho
🍭 What’s your main art blog / what do you tag your art with?
my art blog is @musicaltincan​ follow there 4 me art
🍀 You wish your art was more..(fill in the blank)
hmmm. i'd like to get better at color
🌊 What’s the hardest thing for you to draw?
lately i’ve been struggling with environmental design/composition
🙊 Share your latest silly doodle with no context
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thats all i got chief
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