#it recruiting in Russia
rednblacksalamander · 1 month
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blyat summer
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Sergey Chekhonin (1878-1936)
Sergei Chekhonin is known for his work in the field of early revolutionary heraldry. At the request of the Provisional Government, he made sketches of checks of the Arkhangelsk branch of the State Bank, which were then used as money in the Northern region and were called "morzhovok" (1918-1920s). The artist was the author of a sketch of one of the first Soviet military banners, created projects of postage stamps, the state coat of arms, the seal of the Council of People's Commissars, participated in the decoration of Petrograd for the first anniversary of the revolution (decorated the Alexander Nevsky Lavra). He worked a lot in the field of agitation porcelain, in 1918 he became the artistic director of the State Porcelain Factory in Petrograd.
On the orders of the fleet, Chekhonin made drawings for the magazine "Baltic Sea Transport" - the cover of the numbers for 1918, a vignette in 1919, made the brand "Transbalt" (1918).
Wood cut print poster
Tretyakov Gallery
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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New Recruit
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soviet-amateurs · 2 years
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Conscription. Saratov 1971
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taiwantalk · 11 months
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TW: discussions of the invasion of Ukraine, anti-Semitism, genocide, death, and Nazism
Caveat: I do not live in Ukraine or Russia, I am an American with a vested interest in Ukraine bc I have family there (including my little brother), but listen to actual Ukrainians please.
Looking at the talk around Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, I’m seeing a few folks pointing out how odd it is that Putin is citing “getting rid of Nazis in Ukraine’s government” as a reason for his unsactioned invasion, given Volodymyr Zelenskyy is, you know, Jewish. As many have already pointed out, there is a far-right nationalist movement in Ukraine, including a contingent of vocal neonazis. This is bad, we all agree. But this group doesn’t control the government, especially not to the same extent the far right controls the government of, say, the US.
BUT, what nobody has said, because it isn’t taught in the West for some godDAMN reason, is that the Nazis targeted Slavs and Soviet citizens for genocide too. Slavs were sent to concentration camps and killed en mass. In much greater numbers than any other group. Putin is drawing on very real, very powerful memories of an attempted genocide to try to convince Russians to support and carry out his attack on fellow victims of that same attempted genocide.
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Real shitty thing to do, but at least now you know why.
(We’re not gonna get into the fact that a lot of the Soviet victims were from modern-day Ukraine because this isn’t about convincing you that Putin is doing horrific things. You already knew that. I WILL mention it though, because the West has a habit of equating the Soviet Union and modern-day Russia, which is a mistake)
Tldr: the Nazis killed an estimated 12 MILLION Slavs during the Holocaust and Putin is trying to use that horrific trauma to convince Russians to commit more genocide.
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bopinion · 2 years
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2023 / 08
Aperçu of the Week:
"I have met children who have learned to count off 45 seconds - that's how long it takes for Russian missiles to hit Kharkiv after the siren alarm."
(German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock addressing the UN General Assembly on Thursday on the annual of Russia's attack on Ukraine)
Bad News of the Week:
Since the Ukraine war, everyone knows about the Wagner Group. Consisting of mercenaries, commanded by Putin compadre Yevgeny Prigozhin. While soldiers are placed in the chain of command of their officers, at least ostensibly serving the good of their country, the same is not true of mercenaries. They are simply on a pay roll. No matter by whom. If one can apply an ethical standard to acts of war at all, it certainly does not apply to mercenaries.
Even before the Ukraine operation, the Wagner Group was active. There is evidence of their action for at least Syria, Venezuela, Libya, Mali, Mozambique, the Central African Republic, and Sudan. With horrific reports of atrocities, including against civilians, that leave one speechless even in the context of war. As I said, the lack of ethical standard....
Prigozhin's recruitment strategy is particularly perfidious. He offers prisoners their freedom if they commit to a six-month war effort. According to Die Zeit, tens of thousands of prison inmates have already accepted. We are not talking about convicted purse-snatchers here. We are talking, for example, about Alexander Tyutin, who was sentenced to 23 years in prison for a quadruple contract killing. So - to put it sarcastically - a professional. Who is now recovering from his stint on the beach in Antalya. Yes, that's in Turkey. Yes, Turkey is a NATO member. But the man was, after all, pardoned by the legal system of his home country.
This course of action shows an appalling concatenation of different institutions. From the Ministry of Justice accepting this get out of jail card, to the Ministry of Interior signing off on the deal and allowing them to leave the country, to the Ministry of Defense inserting these special forces into their strategies, and the secret service providing them with military intelligence. Of course, this is only possible with the blessing of Vladimir Putin himself. Who uses the group as a geostrategic tool to exert international influence when ideology, the ruble, or fossil energy no longer work effectively enough.
I would not have thought that even at the level of Russian rule of law, I would be surprised by a parallel world in which even those low regulations no longer apply. Which shows that Putin believes himself to be above all earthly things. It cannot be a coincidence that he compares himself with Tsar Peter the Great, of all people. He went to war not only against the Crimea and Azov, but also against Sweden in the "Great Northern War". Will history teach us nothing once more?
Good News of the Week:
Humans are pushing nature back more and more because of their numbers and lifestyles. For example, orangutans in Indonesia are losing their habitat as humanity demands more and more palm oil. And Corona would not have existed either if the Chinese did not have such an appetite for wild animals. But this development is not only happening in Asia with its mega-populations. In the Alps, too, with more and more ski resorts, hotels, excursion destinations, etc., much natural habitat has already had to give way to concrete and steel.
Fortunately, there is a growing awareness that tourism can be sustainable and that it is the unspoiled beauty of nature that attracts tourists in summer and winter. As a result, more and more landscapes are being placed under nature conservation, and awareness of this is growing. And indeed: the first measurable successes are appearing!
The symbolic animal of the Alps is the chamois. The shy climbing specialists above the mountain forests stand for untamed alpine nature like no other animal. And according to the Bavarian State Forests, the population in the Bavarian Alps is recovering: 1,654 geese were counted at about a hundred observation points in 2020. In 2021, there were already 1,873 and in 2022 even 2,060. This fits a counterpart in the very north of Germany: on the coasts of the North Sea, the number and spread of the grey seal is increasing again. Not long ago, Germany's largest predator was considered "very endangered".
Personal happy moment of the week:
Saturday evening in Miesbach, the capital of our district: many people are out and about, you can hear talking and laughing, the pubs are full, light shines onto the street from decorated shop windows. Quite normal life, which after all feels new again after the last few years. It's a good thing that our friends had made reservations at the Osteria, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to get a seat. Simply a nice evening.
I couldn't care less...
...that Great Britain hardly has any access to vegetables and fruit anymore. Because the problems are home-made. Because of Brexit. It causes high customs and formality hurdles for exporting producers in the South, who thus prefer to sell in the European internal market. Domestic growers have been excluded from energy price subsidies, making it no longer profitable to operate greenhouses at home. And the cheap seasonal workers previously employed in agriculture, primarily from southeastern Europe, are no longer allowed into the country. Sorry, but you have deliberately chosen exactly this disaster.
As I write this...
...I am amazed at the unexpected return of winter. Since the beginning of the month the temperatures were clearly in the plus - up to 16 ° Celsius stood on the thermometer. Therefore, I had personally already ticked off the winter. Now I look at a snow-covered landscape and rejoice. And try not to think about the fact that Monday morning will be chaos on the roads and railways.
Post Scriptum
On the annual of Russia's attack on Ukraine, a new ice age is drawing near. On one hand, Putin changes his narrative: the West would use a Nazi puppet government in Kiev to threaten his country. Seeks military support from Belarus, Iran, China and others. Unilaterally cancels the New Start nuclear arms control program. On the other hand, NATO empowers its eastern flank: the "Budapest 9" strengthen their cooperation. Poland gets moral support from Joe Biden. Air defense systems are deployed on the Slovak border. Such a confrontation of global power blocs was last seen in the Cold War. And I thought those times were over once and for all...
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shattered-pieces · 2 months
“You have a choice - either sew for camp and sew mittens, or a real man’s job” On a date with his wife, Artyom Kamardin said that in the Moscow pre-trial detention center-2 there is an active recruitment of persons under investigation and convicts from the Ministry of Defense. Three employees came to his cell to persuade him to sign a contract - the conversation lasted half an hour: Even if you got here by accident, do not think that lawyers will be able to get you out. You have a choice - either sew for camp and sew mittens, or a real man's job. When there is mobilization, you will all be taken and you will die there, now there is at least a chance to get into a well-coordinated team, and on favorable terms, 150 thousand Moscow additional payment. In our detachment, only four died. All the prisoners in his cell refused this.
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head-post · 3 months
More than 500,000 specialists recruited to Russian defence industry amid growing influence of BRICS
BRICS will approve the category of partner countries, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF 2024).
Lavrov said:
This category should be presented in its details both in terms of criteria and countries that can qualify for it.
According to Lavrov, BRICS is considering about 30 appeals from different states that propose to establish various forms of co-operation. Russia, as BRICS chairman, pays “great attention to the fact that the newcomers should get used to the already established forms of work and traditions,” the minister said.
He emphasised that the process is very smooth and “all arising and inevitable issues are solved normally.”
The Commonwealth was established in June 2006 at the SPIEF with the participation of economy ministers from Brazil, Russia, India and China. Initially, the organisation was called BRIC after the first letters of the founding countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China). Since 2009, the governments of the countries have met annually at official summits. South Africa joined the association in 2011, since then the name BRICS has appeared.
In August 2023, BRICS invited Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Iran, Argentina, Ethiopia and UAE to join the group from January 1, 2024.
Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov said at a session of the SPIEF 2024 that Russia’s defence industry has attracted about 520,000 specialists in less than a year and a half. Manturov noted:
We have attracted 520,000 specialists to the defence industry complex in less than a year and a half. And there is still a need for about 160 thousand.
Read more HERE
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xtruss · 8 months
Efforts to Recruit Russian 'Fifth Column' Highlight 'Pervasive Nature of US Surveillance State'
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Having already displayed eagerness to attack Russia's economy through sanctions and to kill Russian soldiers and civilians with its Ukrainian proxy, the United States now seems poised to try and destabilize the situation in Russia with the help of local sympathizers.
Mere weeks ahead of the 2024 presidential election in Russia, the United States intends to ramp up efforts to recruit Russian graduates of US exchange programs in order to form a “fifth column” in Russia and to meddle in Russia’s internal affairs, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin has said.
Commenting on this development, retired US Air Force Lt. Col and former Pentagon analyst Karen Kwiatkowski told Sputnik that “all participants and graduates of military and state department exchange programs have always been targets for this kind of recruitment.”
According to her, the expansion of this recruitment approach to a “wider range of high school student exchanges, academic scholarships to ostensibly private universities, and civilian travel speaks to three things.”
“One, the return to human intelligence (HUMINT) within the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Two, expected available future funding for HUMINT, which has been weak for years in the US and is less costly and more easily hidden within the larger budget,” Kwiatkowski said. “And three, the expanded and pervasive nature of the US surveillance state, and its ability to not only track and identify but surreptitiously engage these young people among Americans (who are surveilled usually without FISA warrants).”
The former DoD analyst argued that these recruitment efforts do not aim to influence the 2024 presidential election in Russia but rather the next election after that, pointing out that “human intelligence takes time to develop.”
“Of course, in our technical age, any person known to the US in any place around the world using a cell phone can be an instant target or an immediate asset,” she conceded. “International social media and gaming, along with instant translation capabilities means that hundreds of thousands of people today have and can maintain international friendships and associations, and all of these may be monitored and targeted by various government agencies.”
Seeing how most US exchange programs in other countries receive US federal government money, it would be safe to assume that the US government is “interested in outcomes long after the exchange period is over,” Kwiatkowski said.
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CIA Struggling to Tackle ‘Horrendous’ Losses in China Spy Network – Report! Over the past several years, the Chinese government has intensified a crackdown on alleged spies working for the US in the country. (Oleg Burunov)
The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is struggling to rebuild its damaged spy network in China, unnamed American officials have told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).
According to them, the goal is to restore the CIA’s "human espionage capabilities" in the People's Republic of China (PRC), where the agency lost its network of agents a decade ago.
"We have no real insight into [Chinese] leadership plans and intentions in China at all," the sources claimed.
One official made it clear that strengthening the human spy network targeted on China will be a tricky task, saying, "The reality is that you don’t have collection resources that you can exploit all over the world."
House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Turne, for his part, was not that optimistic, bemoaning the fact that China’s "goals and objectives are so vast that it really is very difficult to say that we’re doing a great job."
“Most of the people who participate in exchanges are already bi- or trilingual, academically smart and have excellent social IQs and are comfortable with and can perform well under higher than normal stress,” she observed. “Because these people are already destined to be successful and rise up in leadership roles in their home countries, connecting with them (via social alliance and/or blackmail) serves the US intelligence agencies well, in any era.”
Regarding the SVR reports that US intelligence officers intend to conduct training in Latvia this February on methods to incite ethnic and social hatred in Russia, Kwiatkowski pointed at the US government’s sordid history of conducting and facilitating “coups and political changeovers in many places using both State Department and military assets,” as well as tolerance and support of “various types of European Naziism.”
“I have to assume that any training on methods to incite ethnic and social hatred will tap into existing resources, and habits of the CIA and its extensive array of funded think tanks and aid organizations,” she said. “Other than the improved nature of human surveillance, and the use of deep-fakes, disinformation and AI-assisted technologies, the general practices of the intelligence agencies will be much as they have been for decades.”
“Ideally we will be able to hear from participants in these training sessions, either as whistleblowers or as blowhards, and find out more. It certainly speaks to the US intent to continue war in any and every way it can in the region,” Kwiatkowski added.
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soviet-amateurs · 2 years
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Lugansk, 1980
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mothman-etd · 15 days
I have talked a few times about Psychological Operations or psyops on here, but I would like to point out a real world example of a PO Operation that was found out recently by the Department of Justice.
Before that though, If you would like to read more about the actual position of a PO soldier, you can look no further then the PO benefits page on the US Army special operations recruitment website (https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/PO/).
Personally I feel like many people still believe psyops to be some kind of conspiracy theory instead of a fairly standard military division in almost all modern militaries, anyways onto the example.
The US Department of Justice is going after (indicting) two RT (Russian state media) employees for committing fraud and violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
Basically they created a front "media" company in Tennessee, translated russian propaganda videos into english, then paid right-wing influencers to promote (reblog/retweet/talk about on streams) said videos.
Three of the named influencers that I could find were Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson.
I honestly have no idea who these three are, but supposedly their platforms have millions of followers. Also, some of these influencers were paid up too $100,000 a week to promote their videos and messaging.
So to summarize, Russia setup a fake company to pay American influencers to repeat their lies so that their followers would interpret those lies as legitimate since their were coming from a source they trust.
When people talk about election interference this is what we are talking about.
$100K a week is insane money for most, I am sure many people would be hard pressed to not sell their soul for that much money. Many of the videos from this media company were lies about the Ukraine war, and looking into Tim Pool it seems he also has a very anti-Ukraine stance (Audio from one of this podcasts https://v.redd.it/41xgvuri0vmd1/DASH_AUDIO_128.mp4)
I generally do not talk about my job on here, but corporations used to pay me to run seminars to help train their employees on spotting these types of attacks--mainly targeted psyops attacks from nation states to hack into their company via end user interaction.
Or in layman's terms, to help companies protect themselves from Russian Ransomware Thieves and Chinese Intellectual Property/Information collectors. Both of these being extensions of the Psychological Operations military divisions of each country.
I am really not sure how to end this post other than I am just trying to show people how real it is that the militaries of the world are spending obscene amounts of money in trying to influence your opinions and day to day life via your internet consumption.
Surf responsibility, be very wary of anyone telling you not to vote and don't believe everything you see/hear on TikTok/youtube/twitter/Insta etc etc
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t-jfh · 10 months
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These men were among nearly 200 inmates who left a high-security Russian prison to join the war in Ukraine.
The majority were convicted drug sellers or murderers, seeking redemption, money or a path to freedom.
But their ’second chance’ as military combatants has proved very costly, with many of them being killed or maimed in battle.
They are among tens of thousands of convicts being used to power the Kremlin’s war machine, in what has become the largest military prison recruitment program since World War II.
A Prison at War: The Convicts Sustaining Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine
The New York Times obtained exclusive documents providing the fullest picture yet of Russia’s secretive prison recruiting effort, which Vladimir Putin’s regime is using to replenish the Russian army in its war against Ukraine.
By Anatoly Kurmanaev, Ekaterina Bodyagina, Alina Lobzina and Oleg Matsnev
Produced by Gray Beltran
The New York Times- December 4, 2023
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Members of Ukraine's National Guard Omega Special Purpose unit fire a mortar toward Russian troops in the front line town of Avdiivka, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in Donetsk region, Ukraine November 8, 2023.
(Photo: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty/Serhii Nuzhnenko via Reuters/File Photo)
U.S. intelligence assesses Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 casualties - source
A declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that the Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 dead and injured troops, or nearly 90% of the personnel it had when the conflict began, a source familiar with the intelligence said on Tuesday.
The source said those losses are the reason Russia has been forced to loosen recruitment standards and draft convicts and older civilians to deploy in Ukraine.
The report also assessed that Moscow's losses in personnel and armored vehicles to Ukraine's military have set back Russia’s military modernization by 18 years, the source said.
By Jonathan Landay
Reuters - December 12, 2023
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deltareco · 10 months
Interview and Test For Leading Russian Oil and Gas Company | DeltaReco | Surat
“Watch this exclusive interview and test conducted by our team, Delta Recruitment Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (DeltaReco) at Surat with one of the leading oil and gas companies in Russia. Don’t miss out on this engaging interview!” Delta Recruitment Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is a prominent recruitment agency in India. We have been catering to the talent acquisition needs of top multinationals and Indian companies for over a decade, which has earned us the recognition of being the top recruitment solutions provider in India. As a result of our extensive knowledge and expertise in this field, we have garnered a reputation as a trusted and reliable recruitment partner. The industries we cater to are Oil and Gas, Power, Civil construction, FMCG, Hospitality and more. Stay updated on job requirements and more by following our social media handles and checking our stories and posts! Or want recruitment solutions for recruitment needs visit our website: https://deltareco.com/ for more. or contact our team at +91 82370 25703 | 0250 2328775/76.
Instagram: @delta_reco
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#interview #recruitmentconsultant #oilandgas #oilandgascompanies #oilandgascompany #interviewprocess
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