#it really is amazing what random things your brain latches onto
memento-mariii · 1 year
Is it possible to get brain damage (affectionate) (positive) from a book you haven't even read yet?! Read a tumblr post about the book on my dash, did some digging around on it, it seemed right up my alley, and now it's been eating my brain for the last 4 days. Ough.
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tewwor · 3 months
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🧍 you know how long that'd take me to list out??? anyways, i'll limit the ones that have made me the most feral over the years —
@huntershowl + litho : yall want to talk about slow burn? that moment where we both clapped and they mushed faces together will forever be ingrained in my brain. 4 entire years worth of waiting....
@hnjwn / @cordoliae + chanyeol : insane. they're insane! the sheer depth they somehow fumbled into is just.. outstanding tbh. even though they're both hibernating, i had to mention them
i'm personally only comfortable with romantic age gaps of around 10ish years. and, yes, i'll admit that does bleed into my characters a lot.
just before sexual foreplay + more. not that i really delve into that a lot anymore. but hey! if the stars align and the mood's right, then it still might happen.
with mutuals? no..... god no........ granted, chemistry is still a very big thing. not every random pair of muses will stick and that's okay! but if you have even an inkling of joy with a romantic ship between our muses, i'm almost always on the same exact boat. so please never, ever be afraid to voice that!
**please know that i probably missed a ton ( rip my work shocked brain ), but these are just the first ships i can think of where we've had in threads or yapped ooc!**
currently established:
@huntershowl / @icarusplunged + seph/litho & seph/jie/ricochet & seph/adal/lior & rusa/ricochet — need i say more? the original marked dating sim hard launch tbh OHGAWOIGH anyways, doesn't matter how long either of us go on hiatus. one of us keeps crawling back
@miidnighters + bella/jie & hartley/cruor/iris — the way both of them just stuck? it's amazing, jaw dropping, heart warming!!! every aspect of a robust, well rounded relationship can be hit in either, i love them both so, so much.
just starting ( and super excited for ):
@xinxiins + jie — don't get me started on how many times my heart's ached already. there's such a cultural connection that guts me Every Time 😭
@chth0nia + cruor — every time i think of them, i think of that crying dog pic you sent. exactly how i feel about them!!!!
@bloodykneestm + whoever you want lbr — i've yet to write those starters for iggy and alastair but just you Wait……
@interxstitial + literally anyone — like, okay yeah there's ravi sure ( i do love them though ), but if there's anyone else that piques your interest... you just let me know and i'll fedex express ship them over. i'll even cover the cost dw
@temporalobjects + botan/clarence/pildo & iwai + chanyeol : i don't think i've ever had a canon latch onto a ship so quickly before? and the fact that it's technically post canon and he's lumped with two sunshiny loveable dorks! then there's... yknow.. the other two that keep dancing around each other. shed many tears from angst and laughter over both ships, drawn at least 1 or 2 things for each ♡
@womanlives + mercy/jie & dez/clarence : my 'missing you' letter. i hope you know that those two ships have brought me such immense joy and tears at the same time. truly have a special place in my heart ♡♡♡
more like showing interest, i feel like? asking can be sooooo anxiety inducing ( i know it can be the same with just mentioning it ), but there's a very good chance i'm already jumping up and down in glee with the exact same thought so! just let me know!!
it's toned down a bit ( barely ) ever since i've been overtaken with how dear and important other types of connections are. but yeah, still love ships with all my heart
just let a clown know. yall know where to find me in my lil' clown corner. if you're more plot heavy, then hell yeah! we can chat up a storm! if you're more 'throw things at the wall and see what sticks' intensive, then hell yeah! i love punting these idiots out and see what happens in the weirdest ( or saddest ) situations. applies to both monogamous and polyamorous ships!
tagged by : i was tagged... in it so that counts right? ( thnkx @huntershowl muah muah )
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zachsreaderinserts · 4 years
sleepy boys inc x gn!teen! reader headcannons
trying something new! i like bbs and all, but i wanted to write for other youtubers! lemme know if yall wanna see more content like this lol.
this takes place in a minecraft au!!! also, mentions of bad parenting/abusive parents
wc: 2,319
okay the sleepy boys
chaos incarnated, all of them. you can’t deny it
so, when tommy invites a friend from a local village, at first, everyone else is skeptical. since when has tommy made a friend who didn’t hate him within 20 minutes from all the screaming and insults he spewed?
unlike his friends, phil is more excited than anything. though he isn’t tommy’s dad, he feels like it sometimes, so he really wants to meet this new person who has caught the youngest’s attention
techno is very much not on board. he has a hard time trusting people at first glance and having been friends with tommy for the longest, he knows that tommy readily jumps the gun and attempts to befriend literally anything just because he can
and wilbur? indifferent for the most part. yes, he feels the need to make sure tommy is protected and cared for, but he also recognizes that this situation is out of his hands. the best he can do is hope that their friend isn’t an absolute asshole
so, it’s saturday. all three men are sitting on the couch in phil’s cottage, talking amongst themselves as they wait for tommy to come back. techno makes a joke about murdering them, which leads to phil scolding him about his violent tendencies
“you haven’t even met them yet, techno, what the fuck.”
wilbur is simply adding fuel to the fire, making little remarks here and there and watching the whole thing escalate to phil lecturing the piglin hybrid.
because of this, not one of them had noticed that tommy returned, with his newest friend. they both stopped at the sight of phil in dad mode, tommy considering just turning around and taking his friend as far away as physically possible
too late, since techno’s sixth sense made him whip around and stare at the newcomer. this made phil stop lecturing and wilbur quit giggling long enough for tommy to introduce his friend
after saying their name, the friend lifted their hand shyly, face burning from slight embarrassment. their other hand was latched onto tommy’s, feeling intimidated.
can you blame them? the fucking blood god looks like they wanna skewer them and cook them over a campfire.
tommy took notice of their shyness and cleared his throat, “we were planning on going to the carnival in their village if you three assholes feel like tagging along.”
like there was any way they were gonna let tommy and his friend go out without chaperones.
tommy turned back to his friend, “give me a second, i’m gonna go grab my sword just in case.” and proceeded to run up the stairs and towards the guest bedroom in phil’s house that he claimed.
the millisecond he was out of earshot, techno grabbed his friend by the front of the shirt.
“what are your intentions with tommy?”
the friend blinked once, twice, then bit back a smile. “you’re asking that as if i’m about to date that motherfucker.”
this time, it was wilbur who bit back a grin of his own. who would’ve expected the originally shy kid to have replied like that????
techno’s brain short circuited and his grip on their shirt loosened slightly. did.... did this kid just brush off his question???
“can you put me down? you’re gonna stretch my shirt.”
techno’s brain blinked back into focus and he gripped the kid’s shirt harder, shoving them against the nearest wall. “i asked a question, kid.”
“you know, tommy told me something like this would happen. i’m glad i came prepared.” and then, tommy’s friend sucked in a deep breath. techno leaned back, expecting the worst...
oh god, this was far worse than anything he thought of.
he dropped the teen out of disgust more than anything, reeling backwards. if there was one thing that haunted his dreams, it was uwu-speak.
phil started howling of laughter, clutching his stomach and hunching over. originally he was going to stop techno from threatening a literal child but this outcome was so much better than anything he was anticipating
wilbur was no better, already tearing up from how hard he was snickering. he started choking on his own spit at one point, smacking his arm against the couch.
tommy was so fucking confused when he came back down the stairs, seeing the mayhem that was, for once, not caused by him. he glanced at his friend, who had the world’s biggest shiteating grin.
yeah, they were gonna fit in just fine.
and they did! phil took them under his wing (both physically and metaphorically) and allowed them to come visit his home whenever they wished. and whenever they did, phil was the first to ask how they’ve been and what they were up to
to phil’s surprise, the kid was overall calm in their choice of activities. things like playing soccer or drawing or figuring out how to learn instruments in their free time. it seemed like they were desperate to get their hands on anything and everything just to learn
he found it funny, though, when their chaotic side shone through. they easily were on tommy’s level when they got into that headspace and it was so hilarious to him.
his favorite memory of the kid was when they walked into the house and marched right up to where techno was reading idly in the corner. planting their hands on their hips, they spoke.
“if you were to fuck a clone of yourself, would it be masturbation or would you be considered gay?”
phil, who was washing the dishes six feet away from them, just about crumbled into a ball on the floor from how hard he was laughing and sobbing.
of all questions, that was the one that came out.
but he had no idea that the chaos was a coping mechanism. he just thought they were naturally like that in their free time.
he soon found out the truth when they came home with tommy, who was cursing up a fit, visibly angry. his friend was slumped over, as if trying to hide themselves from the world
when phil asked what had happened, tommy exploded.
“their fucking dad took all their money from their savings! said he needed it more than them and when they asked for it back, he called them a fucking disappointment! that fucking bitch--”
phil can count very few times when he felt true anger and he can confirm that when tommy had told him what had gone down, he saw red.
but he knew better than to outwardly show it. judging by how hunched over and defeated the kid was, what they needed was a stable support system
so he walked over and shut tommy up with a hand on his shoulder, “why don’t we take the rest of the night to build up that game room you wanted in the basement. i’m sure if we knock it out before techno and wil are supposed to be back, we can all play something like monopoly.”
seeing where phil was headed, tommy nodded and brushed away his anger. he knew that what his friend needed was a serious cheering up. tommy ran towards his guest bedroom, claiming that he was going to find his blocks.
phil crouched in front of the teen, tilting their head up to look him in the eyes. “you’re not a disappointment. you’re an amazing person with a chaotic joke machine going 120 kilos over the speed limit in your head and you are talented. your dad doesn’t know shit about what you’re capable of doing.”
oh boy, the kid’s crying. those are tears, full on tears.
that night was one of the best nights of their life, however. they enjoyed the entire three hour long game of monopoly where they watched the light leave everyone’s eyes. it was funny when wilbur lunged across the table when he landed on a railroad, out for phil’s blood.
speaking of wilbur, he enjoyed every minute in the kid’s presence. they often asked creative and random questions and went along with the abstract jokes he made, the two of them laughing heartily the entire time.
when the kid first mentioned wanting to learn how to play the guitar, he practically burst through the wall of the room next door, breathing heavily and exaggeratedly.
“did someone say guitar”
yeah, he’s feral. that’s canon.
they proceeded to spend the entire day in phil’s garden, each of them equipped with a guitar. despite their outwardly smooth brain and stupid demeanor, the teen was a fast learner and could play the most basic chords by the time the sun was setting.
wilbur’s favorite moment was the first night they met, when they went to the carnival. there was the game where you shoot the water and fill up the balloons and the kid was going head to head against techno and tommy.
it was when techno won that the teen turned to techno with murder in their eyes and spoke in a deadpan tone of voice,
“you’re lucky you won this time, you gentrified mayo monkey.”
wilbur’s jaw dropped, as did techno and phil’s. tommy was already in hysterics, smacking his hand against the counter that held the guns.
needless to say, wilbur found his favorite, not-quite sibling in a heartbeat.
techno was the last to come around with the child. can you blame him? every time he tried to threaten them or had beaten them at something, they would respond in a cryptic threat--
“i’m going to pee your pants if you don’t let me win”
or just brushed him off. without a second thought.
“anyways, i was murdering a chicken the other day, and the fucker had the audacity to ribbit at me.”
to say he was confused was an understatement. he was terrified of the fact that a literal child held so much power and disinterest in things like their own life. so for the first few months, he avoided them.
but he had seen past that when it was around midnight on a weekday. tommy was hanging out with tubbo and ranboo in their village miles away from the area. wilbur was out drinking with schlatt, niki, and fundy, and phil was already asleep.
techno wasn’t too far behind, sitting in front of the fireplace and staring out of the window that showed the front yard. it was only then when he saw the flash of a familiar face and looked closer as the teen walked up to the house quietly. their head was down and they carried a small bag with them.
techno opened the front door with a long creak as they reached the porch steps. it was only when they jumped and looked up in surprise that techno had noticed a deep bruise on their left cheek in the moonlight.
despite the fact that he kept away from them, techno was very protective and territorial of tommy, phil, and wilbur. and since they were attached to the teen, he became protective of them as well.
so all the voices in his head went quiet for a second. before exploding into a mixture of screams and threats, all leading back to protecting the child in front of him.
without thinking, he reached forward and cupped their face for a better view of the bruise. at the warm and soft touch, tears slipped down the kid’s cheeks and they sniffed pathetically.
the voices quickly took a 180, all screaming to take care of them. make them feel better. so, techno led the kid inside and let them spend the night in his room, with them falling asleep on the bed and him falling asleep on the rocking chair in his room.
phil did not hesitate to officially declare himself as the teen’s official father, saying that their biological father was a “little bitch”
now somewhat living with the teen, techno found an appreciation for their quieter moments, when they were reading or simply daydreaming. it was cute, in his eyes. but he also grew to enjoy when they were absolutely feral, especially toward tommy.
his favorite moment with them was when they had gifted tommy a music disc for his birthday. it was sweet and sentimental and tommy just about burst into tears when he saw it.
all of the sappiness quickly vanished when tommy put it into a jukebox.
tommy had let out the most terrified scream and it practically engrained itself into techno’s brain. it was the first time he ever laughed at something the teen had done and the teen felt proud of themselves.
and finally, tommy. he was already happy to call himself a friend of the teen’s. they were like peas in a pod, working together.
tommy came to them when his insecurity felt heavy and they came to him whenever their dad’s words got to them. they had a nice system of dependency on one another and neither of them would trade it for the world.
tommy’s favorite moment of being friends with them was during their first birthday living in phil’s house. it was a birthday befitting their personality, with brightly color streamers hung and confetti all over the floor. he knew that they enjoyed it severely and once the cake was cut, the kid turned to phil.
“phil, where’s the big tiddy strippers i requested?”
tommy was GONE
he all but choked on his slice of cake and walked away, shaking his head while trying to stifle his giggles. but when he heard phil’s scream of “WHAT”, he just lost it.
all in all, his friend had made a fine part of the sleepy boys. they were a happy face in an otherwise somewhat bleak and dangerous world. and all four men appreciated it.
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Oh This Should Be Good | Sakusa Kiyoomi
Pairing: Sakusa X Reader (female) 
Genre: fluff, comedy?
Author’s Note: @makeusfreefromthisfandom and I are doing a seasonal challenge where we give each other prompts! You can read her’s here to the prompt I gave her! and here, you can obviously read mine with the prompt she gave me: 
“Ahaha this is random but imagine his daughter asking him where babies come from 😭“ 
Also note: I like to write Sakusa as if he’s getting help with his germaphobia like slowly over time, as challenging as it is, he’s trying to change and be better with people he loves and cares about like his partner and perhaps offspring. Even though this would be kind of out of his canon character, I like to write him like this so he’s a more flexible character to write for.  
Warning: Timeskip spoilers ah ha ha, parents, kids, married characters 
D/N = Daughter’s name
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gif from @rivaillerose​ 💛
“Daddy!” Sakusa and your little girl ran towards her father, grabbing a hold of him around the waist as he stepped into the living room, finally getting a rare day off now that baby number two was on their way
“Morning, pumpkin,” he stifled a yawn as he patted her back, messing with her hair up before she let go of him in a fit of giggles, following him
“Will you play with me today?”
“What do you mean, I always play with you,” he slid down on the wooden floors, making himself comfortable as he leaned back against the couch, now at the same eye level with his precious jewel
All she could do was smile as bright as the sun, her laughter echoing throughout the living space as the sunlight poured in
She truly was such a little angel, it amazed Sakusa still to this day how far he and his growing family was coming
Naturally, his smile matched hers
He relaxed as he let the day go by, his daughter playing around him, playing with her toys, occasionally watching the cartoons
“What are you doing?” She leaned into his side as he wrapped an arm around her to make sure she didn’t fall or slip in any way as she peered at what he was doing
“I’m just-“ but before he could answer, his phone rang as he faced himself in his pwn phones reflection
He could see the visible relaxation and smile disappear as soon as he saw the contact names
“Don’t answer #1, Don’t answer #2, and don’t answer #3”
Despite their contact names, he still answered, internally praying that he wouldn’t regret this call
“Oi Hinata, you were right, I owe ya five bucks since he answered,” Atsumu’s accent sounded over the call
“Sakusa, hey hey hey!” Bokuto the bright star called through the phone
“Uncle Bo!” Your daughter jumped against her father as she held onto his wrist until Sakusa lowered the phone, letting her see her “uncles”
Though he never agreed to let them be her uncles
“Oh! Mini Sakusa!” All three of their eyes twinkled as they all beamed looking to your guys’ daughter as if she was their own
“What do you guys want?”
“So cold, Omi~” Atsumu whined. “You haven’t been at practice for so long, the scrimmages haven’t been the same.”
“But it’s also nice not to worry about blocking or trying to dig Sakusa’s nasty cut shots cause of his wrists…” Hinata smiled looking relieved
“Oh! How’s Y/N’s pregnancy? Did you guys find out the gender yet?” Bokuto chimed
“She’s doing alright and no, we wanted it to be a surprise..” Sakusa replied
“Hm?” Sakusa looked to her as she now made herself comfortable in his lap as he leaned forward, putting the phone down
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close
“Where’s mommy?”
“Right here~” you waddled down the hall, your hair and clothes disheveled, unknowingly disrupting sakusa
“Mommy!” Your little girl sprung from Sakusa’s lap, making her way to you, latching her arms around your belly as best as you could
“Careful, D/N,” Sakusa worried seeing how she ran up to you, trowing your arms against her belly
“Why?” She held onto your hand as you walked toward the couch Sakusa leaned himself against before you lead her to sit down in his lap once again
“Oh, the Jackals. Hi guys,” you waved as you laid yourself down on your side on the couch, your head
“Y/N!” They all chimed, as if they all shared the same brain cell
this only confirmed Sakusa’s theory the more they said or did things simultaneously
“How’s pregnancy?” Atsumu chimed as he clearly lounged about in his own apartment
“Tiring,” you spoke just loud enough for the phones mic to catch what you said as you looped your arm around his shoulders, reaching for his hand to which he linked together
“But a lot more manageable since we know what to expect,” you yawned into your shirt, a habit you picked up from being with Sakusa
He used to cringe and shy away at your touch but now he didn’t even think twice about yours or D/N’s
“Hm, we’ll be uncles for more kids,” hinata beamed
“We didn’t even say-“
“The best uncles,” you nudged Sakusa’s shoulder playfully to which he just sighed, squeezing your hand in return
“Speaking of tired, why aren’t you sleeping in bed?” Sakusa turned his head, letting it rest on the edge of the couch as you brought your hand through his hair
“I didn’t want to sleep alone, plus it sounded so fun out here, how could I miss out on all the fun?” You reached down, booking your daughter’s nose as she stared at you
And then your belly
“Daddy?” She stood in between his legs as all the adults watched, curious at her next words
“Where do babies come from?” She stared with her wide eyes at Sakusa as you snickered, burying your head into his shoulders, eyes heavy
Atsumu choked on the water, doing a small spit tic as Hinata paused his game to laugh
Bokuto erupted into a big fit of laughter, enough to wake Akaashi beside him before he shushed him, cuddling him back to sleep but this is a different story
“Oh this should be good..” you laughed as all eyes fell upon Sakusa, the laughter dying down and being held in his teammates’ mouths as they awaited 
“Uh...” Sakusa’s mind raced as he panicked 
he knew this question would come up at some point 
but not like this 
at least not now 
your eyebrow raised naturally as sakusa’s breathing picked up 
“Next question...” he changed the subject, not ready to answer 
“But what about babies? How did one get in mommy’s tummy?” 
“Yeah, omi, how?” you joined in on the fun only to be on the receiving end of Sakusa’s famous glare that only softened for you after a second 
Now sakusa really regretting answering the call 
“It’s a secret, you’re not old enough to know yet,” Sakusa evaded 
“Aw, but-” 
“Next question, pumpkin,” He looked to her as if pretending it was just the two of them, parting her raven hair, ticking it behind her little ear
“Oh Omi, your ears are so adorably red and hot,” you teased, brushing your finger along the back of his bright red ears, purposefully pointing them out as the jackals laughed too 
the day continued with good memories as were made
He never thought he would feel this way in his life but
If he told himself 4-6 years ago that he would be married, let alone go on a date with someone and actually tolerate them, he wouldn’t have believed himself
but now he was grateful that you had crossed his path
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
ALSO! Reference meme I made: this tik tok sound
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04  @fortheloveofbakugo @tsumtsumsemi @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @pink-panda-pancakes @differentballooncollection @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction @euphorihan​ @turquoiselace​ @macaronnv​  @oxmaddy​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​ @curiouslilbeast​ @plantisnotplant@therestless101 @abcdaichi @oyasenpai @kaaidalupita @lovinnoya @wisepandaslimeland @killuaking @kattykurr @bbymilkbread @tsumtsumland @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl @amandahh626 @nabisonyeo94 @wntrmn @dai-tsukki-desu @peteunderoos @ohyoumakemelive @aka-a-shii @shinhiromi @wompwomphq @lollypop-lam @isentsworld @blue-melody @u-wakatoshii @moondriplets @lovinnoya @yuueisteria @humanitysbiggestsimp @cjphoenix135 @inarizaki-captain @closetfurrytsukishima @chibichab @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @kuroosbixh @lavearchives @sweet-sour-devil-ish @daichis-kitty @creepyproxies @itsmarziapei​ @skyh20​ @yehetstudies​ @that-chick212​ @proherotheflamehashira​
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elysianslove · 4 years
The anon reminded me of something I wanted to ask 😅
Anyways, if you can't answer this question then please point me towards someone who can. I'm trying to write something with Suna and I agree with what you said about it being more about how you interpret the characters but I just really can't get a good grasp on his personality and motivation 😤 so if you could me out that'd be great ❤️
oh my god lemme just crack my knuckles. so much to say. aight yuhhh get into ittt,,,
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suna’s general personality; of course this is all personal perception and interpretation, but, from what i’ve seen he’s a very laid back person. very, very chill, and not much provokes him. but not much doesn’t mean nothing, and it’s seen that when, consistently, things don’t go his way, he kinda gets irked. but i see him as someone that generally just goes with the flow, takes life as it is, strides with it, with a shrug and an it is what it is attitude. like i said, when things don’t go his way, he will get annoyed, and start frowning and scowling a bit more, but he never lashes out. his anger is more passive aggressive, and he’s never outwardly violent. the type to act unbothered when you pick at him until you yourself get annoyed at how aloof and cold he is. he’s also very perceptive and analytical. reads people insanely well. he’s the type to just casually be observing people as they pass him. you know people watching, where you try to figure out what people’s lives are, what their occupations are, their interests and hobbies and love lives? yeah suna’s way too good at that. also! the type to be dismissive about their achievements. like don’t get him wrong, he’s super smug and he definitely has too big of an ego (as he should, king!), but if someone goes oh my god!!!! you were so amazing out there!!!! he’ll just shrug lol.
motivation; like i mentioned above, i think suna does things just to do them you know? but he recognizes when he’s good at something, and i definitely think he’s really proud and smug about how good he is at volleyball. in regards to a significant other, or a crush, i think he’d observe from afar, and his main motivation would be his interest in you. how he wants to learn more about you, how he wants to know every little quip of yours, and everything that you can offer.
suna’s love language; subtle physical touch and secret/inside actions. i see him as someone that latches onto your hand always, because it’s not obvious to everyone that he’s touching you, but he can feel your hand in his and it’s comforting. also likes to hold your hand in his but,, within his hoodie/jacket’s pocket. likes to trace across your wrist just random drawings as well. when you’re alone, though, i see him as someone that’s insanely cuddly. like borderline clingy, and will always latch onto you like a koala. what i meant by secret/inside actions is things like communicating with your eyes, inside jokes, meeting your eyes from across the room and just smiling lazily at you, and the like. i see a relationship with suna being really lowkey and unproblematic. you’re in your own world with him, in a small, little love bubble. 
suna’s preferred dates; drive through cinemas, stargazing, nights in, driving around at 3 am, concerts, the club [where he can sit back and watch you dance for him]
kissing suna; always slow and sensual, but one that makes your heart race insanely fast and fills your brain with a drug-like euphoria. 
what being with suna feels like; listening to any song in slowed and reverb. 
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end note; im going insane i loved doing this so much and i love suna so much i could write a ten page essay about any of the hq characters. ( i think i just changed my mind about the 1k event thing lol )
i hope this helped i luv u <3
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bluewhale52 · 4 years
Little Black Book: The One Who Broke Your Heart (M)
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Summary: There are a few names in your Little Black Book, and these seven hold a special place in your heart. Now that you are closing that chapter in your life, you reminisce the time and experience you have had with your seven favourite men, especially with Jung Hoseok, the one who broke your heart.
Pairing: Hoseok x female reader, a bit of Seokjin x reader
Rating: Explicit. NO MINORS ALLOWED.
Genre: nonidol!au, friends with benefits, angst (I hope!)
WC: 5.3k
Warning: swearing, fingering, penetrative sex, oral (m &.f receiving), outdoor sex, public sex, dance studio sex, a bit rough (I think?!)
A/N : I really wanted to add a bit of angst in this installment, and it’s my first time writing anything angsty so I hope I was able to portray the feelings and heartbreak as I imagined it in my head. Also, there’s a Seokjin cameo here- for those who are not familiar with this series, you can read the Seokjin fic (series masterlist below) so you have an idea how he fits into OC’s life and this little universe. Many apologies for errors, I am publishing this completely unedited and unbeta-ed. As always, likes, reblogs and comments are much appreciated. Thank you for reading, and enjoy!!💜
Series Masterlist:   Little Black Book
You tried to stay awake, you really did. However, you struggled to keep your eyes open, even with Hoseok pounding into you from behind.
“Hobi,” you slurred. “I can’t, too drunk.”
You felt him falter. “Fuck, I think Iam too. I can’t cum.” His hands rested on your waist, and he pulled himself out. “This is such a bad idea.”
You collapsed on his bed, hand blindly grabbing a pillow and placing it under your head. “Tomorrow.” You mumbled.
“Yeah tomorrow.” Hoseok lay down beside you. You soon fell asleep.
When morning came, you woke up with a nasty hangover and Hoseok absent from his bed. You saw a glass of water and a bottle of Condition, with a handwritten note, which you purposely ignored, not ready to face reality yet. You downed the hangover drink then searched for your clothes. As you got dressed, you could not help but take a peak at the note. You saw the word ‘sorry’, and immediately you grabbed the paper, crumpled it and tossed it across Hoseok’s bedroom.
You took deep breaths, to still the nausea in your stomach, and also to pull back the tears that were threatening to spill out. You swallowed hard, and after making sure you looked decent enough for your walk of shame back to your apartment, you left Hoseok’s place without a second glance.
“________, hey!”
You froze at the sound of your name, loud even with the dance music blaring. You turned to find Hoseok, weaving through bodies to get to where you were standing.
“Hi….” you greeted him weakly. He barrelled into you with a big hug.
“How have you been? WHERE have you been? I’ve been texting you!”
Your mind raced to find an excuse. “Um, you know, busy. Things just went zero to 100 after my bar exam.”
“I heard! I wanted to take you out for a celebration dinner but you never replied.” Hoseok gave you an exaggerated pout as he directed you to a quieter corner in the house. “Glad you came to this party though! How long has it been? A year?”
“Seven months.” You mumbled, your brain was still processing Hoseok standing in front of you.
“Feels so much longer when you’re not replying my texts!” Hoseok teased you. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you.”
How could you resist his eyes and that heart shaped smile? Whatever anger and embarrassment that had bubbled up at the sight of him immediately disappeared. “I’m sorry, Hobi. I promise I won’t leave you hanging for so long next time.”
Hoseok lighted up at your nickname for him. He looked at you fondly and kissed your forehead. Your entire body went in flames, you hoped he did not notice the sudden rise in your body temperature. Hoseok dragged you out to the back garden, insisting you both needed to catch up immediately. Finding a secluded spot under a large tree, you sat side by side, watching the house party from afar.
At his request, you updated him on your life. How you got hired into one of the largest law firms in Seoul, how you worked at least ten hours a day, how you still took the subway in weekends to go to random places, how you still survived on instant foods and take-outs.
“We should take cooking classes together.” Hoseok chuckled. “I need to be able to feed myself too.”
You raised your eyebrow. “But doesn’t your girl-“
“We broke up.” Hoseok cut you off. “For good this time.”
That’s what you said seven months ago too, you wanted to say, but instead you grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently. “I”m sorry, Hobi.”
“We’re better like this. We’re so toxic to each other.” He squeezed your hand back. When you tried to pull away, he held it tighter. “Please don’t ghost me again. It was hell without you.”
Your head told you to stay back, but your heart said otherwise. You shuffled closer to him. “I’m sorry, Hobi. For the break up and for me not being there. I was just…” Angry. Jealous.Tired of being a rebound. “... so busy.”
“You’re here now. It’s enough.” Hoseok whispered.
You both let silence take over, only with the beats of dance music from the house in the background. Leaning back against the tree, you looked at your clasped hands. You couldn’t help but admire Hoseok’s fingers. Long, nimble and such an extension of his passion- when he danced, even his fingertips were telling a story.
Suddenly you felt your chest tighten. Something had shifted in the air. The way Hoseok held your hand was different. Your bodies were closer. You could hear his breathing, and he probably could hear yours too as well as the pounding of your heart. Your cheeks reddened as you felt him leaning closer.
“I really missed you.” He kissed your temple. You pressed your legs tighter together. “I missed you so much.”
You closed your eyes and swallowed. You knew if you turned your head, you would face him directly and there was no stopping the kiss that would come. So you kept your gaze down to where your legs were folded, focusing on the grass underneath you. His breath was hot against your ear. You shuddered, but still, you did not move. His hand moved to the small of your back, rubbing it gently. You clenched your jaw, determined not to show any reactions whatsoever.
He felt your body tensing and he sighed against your neck. “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop.” His voice was soft yet so loud in your ears.
Did you want him to stop? No, of course not. The night of that disastrous hook up was still fresh in your mind, no matter how much you wanted to forget about it. You wanted to feel Hoseok, all of him, all over you, on you, IN you. But what happened when tomorrow came? Would it be like any other mornings, when he left crawling back to his on again-off again girlfriend, after you had dried his tears and told him his life was better off without her?
You were helpless, however, when his scent invaded your senses and clouded your mind. You could only feel his lips ghosting over your skin, his fingers pressing against your back. You exhaled sharply. “I want this, Hobi, I want this so bad.” You whimpered.
His mouth latched onto your neck, lips nipping and tongue licking at the sensitive spots. “Seven fucking months overdue.” He mumbled. “Your place or mine?”
Your eyes shot open at his question. Definitely not his place, where memories of his ex lingered. And definitely not your place- you wanted to keep your sanctuary free of whatever memories of him. “No,” you panted. “Here.”
Hoseok stopped. “Here? HERE?”
You both looked over to the house. No one seemed to notice you both were outside. No one was coming out either. Hoseok grabbed your hand as he stood up. “Let’s go to the other side of the tree. Just in case.” He sounded as breathless as you were. You followed him.
It was much darker, the tree blocking the lights from the house and the back patio, but you did not mind. You wanted pleasure, just physical pleasure, from Hoseok, and seeing his face could very well send you careening further into the hole you did not know how to climb out of.
Hoseok pressed you against the bark. He kissed you urgently, pressing his hips against yours. His knee wedged itself between your legs, and you automatically rutted against his thigh. His lips moved to your neck, and you warned him not to leave any marks. He growled at that, and yanked your top up, bunching it around your chest. He pushed your bra down, freeing your breasts and he immediately zeroed in on your nipples, alternately sucking them. You buried your fingers in his hair. “Harder, Seok.”
He followed your direction, and sucked on your nipple harshly as his fingers pinched and twisted the other. You moaned loudly.
“Fuck, your tits are amazing.” He left your nipple to start marking your breasts. You winced slightly at the pain, but you enjoyed it. “Turn around, baby.”
You turned and faced the tree. Hoseok’s chest was pressed against your back as his hands continued to massage your breasts. You felt his hard member on your back, and you reached around to stroke it over his slacks. His hands moved down to your jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them. You wiggled your hips and helped him push the denim down to your ankles. His hand dipped into your panties, those long fingers opening your folds and feeling your wetness.
“Baby, you’re so wet.” He hisses in your ear. He slid a finger in and your sex quickly sucked it in. You both moaned, and he slid in another finger. His long digits invaded your hole and caused more of your honey to spill out. His fingers fucked you hard and fast, and your arms shot out to hold on to the tree. Your legs were becoming jelly.
You babbled his name as he inserted a third finger, stretching you out. You rested your head on the bark as you felt the heat in your core spreading. You focused on the movement of his fingers, and the sounds they were making in your hole. You arched your back, you were at the brink of your climax.
Hoseok noticed how close you were and he pulled his fingers out. “Seok, the fuck? I was so close.”
He did not answer you. Instead, you heard rustling behind you and then your panties were pulled down to your knees. A hand with sticky fingers landed on your waist, and soon you felt the blunt head of his cock at your entrance.
“You clean?”
You nodded, holding your breath. You felt his cock coming in, inch by inch, and you let out a silent scream when he slammed his hips, bottoming out in you. He leaned forward, resting his forehead by your neck. He was breathing heavily.
“Seok,” you wiggled your hips, “Hobi, fuck me. Hard.”
“Give me a second.” He whined. “I don’t want to cum too soon.”
A few seconds passed, then his hands grabbed your breasts. He squeezed them hard as he whispered, “Hold on baby, I’m going to fuck you now.”
And fuck you he did. His hips were snapping hard and fast, his cock pistoning into your cunt relentlessly. His hands were holding onto your tits tightly, using them as anchors to move your body back and forth into him. You felt his balls slapping against your clit, and you heard only the smacking of your skins, mixed with your moans.
“Oh yes, Seok. That’s it, fuck me.” You encouraged him.
“Yeah, you like this, baby?”
“Fuck yeah, you feel so good. Fuck me. Fuck me, Hobi.”
Hoseok picked up his pace and you did not think he could get any deeper. Your moans were getting animalistic, you both were focused on reaching your own climaxes. Your hand reached down and started to rub your clit. The moment your fingers touched the sensitive nub, you clenched around him, making him curse. You rubbed your button harder, and soon your legs started shaking.
“Cumming, baby? Keep rubbing your clit. Cum on my cock.”
Your orgasm hit you hard, and Hoseok continued fucking you through it. He grabbed your hand from your core and  brought the fingers to his mouth, licking and sucking them. “Shit, I gotta eat you out next time.”
He continued fucking into you as you were coming down from your high, and you felt his movements getting sloppier. “Seok, come in my mouth.”
“Dirty girl.” He growled as he pulled out. You turned around, as fast as you could with panties and jeans around your ankles, and got down on your knees. He pumped his cock before you, and you could hear how wet it was, lubricated by your juices. You opened your mouth, and he pushed himself in. Wrapping your lips tight around his dick, you bobbed your head up and down, sucking him as if your life depended on it. You felt his fingers in your hair, holding your head steady as he started fucking your mouth.
“Fuck, fuck baby, I’m cumming.”
You hummed against his cock and you felt his cum spurted out in your mouth and down your throat. Hoseok cursed as he watched you greedily gobbling up his seed.
Once your heartbeats slowed down back to normal, and the lusty haze was lifted, you both hastily got dressed, avoiding each other’s eyes.
“________, I’m sorry, I didn’t know what got over me, and…”
“Hobi,” you cut him off. “It’s ok. We both needed to get it out of our system.” You wiped the corners of your mouth.
Hoseok did a final check on his zipper. “Can… can I take you out to dinner? Or something? Like a date?”
You closed your eyes. How long had you waited to hear that? “Do you think that’s a good idea, Seok? I mean, I know your history. You always go back to her.” You winced at your own words and tone.
A few seconds passed by and Hoseok still did not respond. “Let’s just stay as friends, hmm?” You offered. It’s safer that way, for me, you thought.
“Okay.” Hoseok replied softly. “Just… just don’t disappear on me again, please? It really was shit without you.” Hoseok moved closer to you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. You nodded. It had been shit for you too.
“Ah!” You screamed as the ache got too much to bear. “Hoseok, can we stop please?”
Hoseok puffed. “Come on, baby. We’ve just started.”
“Too much, Seok.” You panted.
He chuckled. “Just give me one more, hmm?”
“I can’t, I can’t, Hobi!”
“Yes you can, baby. Come on, you can do it.”
You wanted to cry, but you pushed yourself, dropping to your hands and knees.
Just one thing at a time, you told yourself. Push your feet out. Bend your elbows. Push down, then push up. Then tuck your knees back in. And stand. There. One thing at a time.
You collapsed on the studio floor. “I’ll never do this ever again. Fuck you for making me do this.”
Hoseok threw you a towel. “Come on, let’s stretch or you’ll be all sore tomorrow.”
“No.” You said defiantly, from the floor. He stood over you, arms on his hips, then nudged you with his shoe. You shot him an annoyed look. “You come down here and stretch me.”
Hoseok’s eyes widened at your remark. “Is that an invitation?”
You froze, not realising the innuendo you had blurted out. You looked at him standing by your feet. Dressed in a sleeveless baggy shirt, the front tucked into his shorts. Hair wet and skin glistening with sweat. He shouldn’t look sexy, but he was oozing with nothing but sex appeal. Your mind instantly went back to the house party ten months prior. You wondered if he thought about that night as often as you did.
He squatted next to you. You averted your gaze away from his bare thighs. Your cheeks felt hot. “It can be whatever you want it to be.” You managed to say.
Hoseok narrowed his eyes. “You sure?”
You understood his hesitation. You had been keeping your distance. You had mostly turned down his requests for dates, citing your busy work schedule though in reality you feared he would leave you for his ex-girlfriend the moment she came back to him. That was what you got for being Hoseok’s shoulder to cry on during the six years of his on-again off-again relationship.
So things had been… civil, strictly just friends. Until he invited you to join him at his studio after hours, doing his daily exercise routine. And did you buy a new pair of sports bra with a zipper at the front and leggings with little holes on the sides that go all the way to your upper thighs? And did you fantasise Hoseok taking them off of you? Yes, you definitely did.
“Yeah I’m sure. If you want to.”
Hoseok straddled you, trapping you between his legs. “Do you have any idea how hot you look in this? Shit, I’ve got a raging boner since the moment you stepped in.”
His hands were on your body, rubbing your sides up and down. “And these leggings, with your skin peaking out. Did you put these on for me, baby?”
You arched your back in pleasure as you felt his fingers trailing over your thighs, down to the back of your knees and to your ankles. He took off your shoes and your socks, then his hands moved back up to your waist. He peeled both your leggings and your thong off, quickly leaving you bare on the floor.
“God, I’ve been wanting to eat your pussy since that night.” He licked his lips.
“Hobi, I’m all sweaty.”
“I bet you taste even better then.” He shuffled to lie down next to you, and motioned you to get on his face. You blushed when you realised that the position would make you face the floor to ceiling mirror. He glanced over and smirked. “Well, enjoy watching yourself being pleasured with my tongue.”
You got yourself over his face, and lowered your body onto him. His tongue darted out for a taste, making you peeped out a small moan. He wrapped his hands around your thighs and pulled you down. Then you felt the flat of his tongue on your folds, moving over your lips all the way to your clit.
Your hands immediately grabbed his hair, for you needed something to hold on to as he continued swiping his tongue over your sex, prodding through your lips, dipping into your hole and collecting your nectar. Before long, you started to ride his face in abandon, and he pushed in two fingers into you without warning.
He fingered you hard and fast, just like that night, as if he remembered your request back then to go hard. You felt your juices leaking out, drenching his fingers and his mouth, and with a growl, he added a third finger into you.
You nearly collapsed forward at the addition, and Hoseok decided to test you further by pushing in a fourth finger. Your body shuddered and shook at the stretch, and you moaned loudly. His mouth left your sex then, and he focused on fucking you with his long digits. The sloshing sounds of his fingers pumping in and out of your cunt filled your ears, so loud even with the exercise music in the background.
“Fuck baby, cum on my face, come on.”
His voice went down several octaves than you were used to, and it turned you on even more. You felt the pressure building, the cord ready to snap. Your hole pulsated and clenched erratically around his fingers. You felt his lips closing around your clit, sucking it, as his fingers continued to piston your hole. Then you came hard, your body shaking violently on top of him, his free hand grabbed your ass cheek, desperately trying to hold you down as he continued his ministrations to prolong your orgasm. You pushed his head away when oversensitivity set in on your clit, but his fingers refused to leave your hole, merely slowing down in their rhythm.
“Hobi,” you mewled. “Want your cock now.”
Giving you pussy a last kiss, he pulled his fingers out and got himself out from under you. Your body was exhausted, and you fell forward, bracing yourself up weakly on your elbows. You glanced at your reflection in the mirror, and you realised how wanton your position was, down on all fours. Hoseok was standing behind you, undoing the ties on his shorts, then pushing them and his boxers down. His cock popped out, and you could see in the mirror how long and hard it was. You swallowed.
Hoseok kneeled, and keeping your eyes locked on each other in the mirror, he pushed himself into you in one stroke. You screamed at the intrusion, and he immediately bent down to kiss your shoulders and neck to soothe you. You closed your eyes and stilled your breathing, relaxing yourself around his girth. “I’m OK Hobi, you can move.”
He kissed your neck before he straightened up, his hands gripped your waist firmly. “Open your eyes, baby. Look at me when I fuck you.”
You opened them, as he asked, and you struggled to keep them open when he pulled his cock out slowly before he slammed himself back into you. You stared at his reflection. His sleeveless baggy shirt was sticking to his body, his pecs outlined clearly beneath the fabric. His jawline sharp and tight, even when he moaned out your name as he fucked you slow but hard. His cock was dragging against your walls within, and before long you felt your orgasm coming.
“Fuck, baby, you gonna cum again?” Hoseok moaned as he felt your pussy tighten around him. You breathed out a yes, and he picked up his pace. “You like me fucking you hard like this? Feel good?”
“Yeah, oh god yeah Hobi. Close, so close!” You forced your eyes open as you were starting to climax. He kept his eyes on you as he continued pounding you, moaning loudly along with you as you finally reached your second orgasm.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking hot.” He pulled you up against his chest and spread your legs slightly so that you could see his cock moving in and out of your pussy. His arm wrapped around your waist, holding you up, as the other reached for the front zipper of your sports bra. “Time to see these tits, hmm?” He whispered coarsely in your ear.
Not fully recovered from your climax, you hazily watched him pull the zipper all the way down, until the bra opened up completely, freeing your breasts. You felt smug when his chest rumbled in appreciation at the sight of your bare tits. Both his hands immediately moved up to cup your globes, his palms felt rough against your stiff nipples. You removed your sports bra completely, then reached back to grab Hoseok’s hips.
Soon you found yourself in an erotic rhythm. You bounced yourself on his cock as he stayed motionless behind you, enjoying the increasingly fucked out expression on your face and massaging your naked breasts. You gasped when he decided to meet your thrust, sending his cock deeper into your core. Liking your reaction, he did again, and again, ramming his hips against your ass harder and harder.
His grips on your breasts got tighter, his fingers digging into the flesh. He did not give you any chance to breathe, his cock plunging into your wet cunt in a maddening pace. All you could do was moan and gasp for any air you could get in between. You felt his pace got sloppy, and he released your breasts, only to pull your arms behind your back, gripping your elbows harshly.
“Watch us, baby. Watch us cum together.” He ordered.
You focused your eyes on your reflections, and the sight sent you into your third orgasm immediately. Your face was red and flushed, your mouth agape in pleasure. Your upper body arched from the way Hoseok held your arms, and your breasts were jiggling wildly from the way he was slamming into you. Your eyes moved to your sex, and you felt a sinful satisfaction when you saw your arousal dripping down your legs, juiced out by the cock that was eratically pistoning in and out of you.
Hoseok continued to pound into you mercilessly, edged on by your orgasm. He lost it when he heard you mumble ‘in me, in me’ and with one last thrust, he buried himself as deep as he could in you as he released his load. His body jerked as he cummed, and he released your elbows, only to wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his chest on your back, as he continued to empty himself.
You threw your head back, breathing heavily. You felt the soreness setting in, no doubt from the stupid exercise you did earlier as well as from the sex session that just happened. You felt sleepy now, tired, and your head lolled against his shoulder. Hoseok gently laid your body down, then slowly he pulled out of you. His soft cock twitched when he saw some of his cum dribble out of your cunt.
He bent down and kissed the small of your back. “Now, can I PLEASE take you out on date?”
“__________, hey.”
You blinked at the sound of your name. Seokjin was waving his hand in front of you. “You okay? You just zoned out on me.”
You put your bag down, then took off your shoes. “Yeah, I’m fine.” You sat yourself on the king size bed in the middle of the hotel room. Seokjin eyed you.
“Did something happen in the office?”
You shook your head.
“You sure you’re ok? You look really out of it.”
You huffed. “I’m fine, ok?”
“Well I can tell you’re not. You’re bratty and annoying but this,” he waved his hand around you, “something is really bothering you.”
You groaned and threw yourself on the bed. “I don’t want to talk about it.” You bit back a sob, and when you felt a tear escape your eye, you cover your eyes with your arm. Seokjin sat next to you, his large hand gently caressed your hair.
“Ok. We don’t have to talk about it. We don’t have to do anything either, ok? We can just order food and watch a movie or something.”
You could not hold back the next sobs, and with Seokjin gently comforting you, you let it all out. The anger, the disappointment, the heartbreak, all poured out with your tears. Seokjin eventually lay down and hugged you as you cried on his chest. When you finally calmed down, you pulled back and apologised for the tear and mascara stains on his shirt.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled as you tried to wipe black stain off.
“It’s all right, sweetheart. It’s just a shirt. You feel better?”
You sighed. No, you did not feel better, you felt even shittier, lonely even. “Yeah, thanks.” You lied.
“Want to get some food?”
You shook your head. “Help me forget, Jin?” You meekly asked.
You had to reassure Seokjin a few more times that it was indeed what you wanted. He obliged, undressing you gently before proceeding to worship your body with his mouth and fingers. When he entered you, you gasped and more tears rolled down which he kissed away. He fucked you gently, softly, almost carefully. At other times, he would fill your ears with filthy praises; this time however, he kept telling you that you were beautiful, that you felt good, that everything would be ok.
But it was not enough for you. Your mind went back to the three months you had had of dating Hoseok, before the ex-girlfriend came crawling, begging him to take her back. You knew you had no chance then, and you were grateful you had kept a close guard on your heart because- surprise, surprise- he did go back to her. As your status unceremoniously returned back to Hoseok’s friend, you buried yourself in your work. Along the way you met Seokjin, and entered into a regular hook up schedule with him. It was not planned, but it definitely helped you build your confidence back.
Until you received a text message that evening, en route to Seokjin’s hotel room, that destroyed everything all over again.
Hobi [19:03] : she left me. I don’t know what to do. Baby, I feel so lost.
Seokjin offered for you stay in his room that night, and you accepted readily.
“________, hey!”
Hoseok arrives at your table, and your heart takes a little leap. He is in a suit, his black hair slicked back, and his signature smile bright on his face. You smile smugly as women, and men, turn to look at him as he passes, and some even give you an evil eye for being his company for dinner.
“Hobi!” You stand up and hug him. “You look good!”
“Ah thanks, I prefer to be in more casual wear, but I figure I need to dress up for the attorney of the hour.” He winks.
“Said the choreographer of the hour.” You tease back.
You both fall into easy laughter. “It’s good to see you. Thanks for inviting me out to dinner. I know you’re super busy these days.”
“Hobi, it’s the least I could do for ghosting you… so many times.” You hide behind your wine.
“I deserve it.” Hoseok sighs. “I was a really shit friend.”
You shake your head. “We were a mess. But once we took our feelings out of the equation, it got a lot better, right?”
“No excuse though, baby. I really took advantage of you.”
“Hoseok,” you grab his hand. “I made all those decisions myself, ok? And I just muddled up the whole thing further by not being upfront with you. So, we were both idiots, but now we’re not. Can we leave it at that?”
Hoseok chuckles. “Ok, ok, fine. So what’s the occasion tonight?”
You fidget in your seat. “I want to tell you something.”
“How bad is it that you have to wine and dine me?”
You slap his arm. “Don’t joke! I’m serious!” You pout at him. “There’s this guy-“
Hoseok nearly chokes on his wine. “Oh my god, I knew it, it’s Seokjin, isn’t it? Are you finally dating your boss?”
Your mouth drops. “What? No! Ew, no! No, it’s not him.”
Hoseok doubles over on the table, taken over by laughter. You poke him. “Ok, so it’s not him… could it be… the poet?”
You blush and bury your face in your hands. Hoseok slaps the table, “Aha! Ding ding ding!” He mimics a ringing bell. “So, you’re dating?”
You nod. “We decided to give it a try. Oh my god Seok, he came by last week and it felt SO different.”
“Wow. What made it different?”
“I... I don’t know, really.” You struggle to explain. “It just felt so intimate, you know? Like with you or the others it’s just pure sex. But with him... the more we have sex, the more I feel something? And turned out he feels the same way.”
Hoseok nods his head. He is smiling at you in a way that makes you feel uneasy. “What?” You ask.
“You look happy. Was he the last dick you had?”
You cover your face in embarrassment. “I honestly couldn’t even fuck anyone after that night, Seok. He- oh my god- he just took me to another level.”
“The man with the magic tongue and the golden dick.” You both snicker at his remark. “So, no more hanky panky between us then?”
Your face and body feel warm. “Yes, no more dance studio sex, no more sex in your car, no more sex on your balcony. But I’m sure you can find others to have fun with. You work with lots of female idols these days- anyone catches your fancy?”
“Oh god, no. I can’t date any of them, I’m their choreographer! But….”
“Oh no, not the ‘but…..’.”
“... she called last week.”
You groan. “What the fuck does she want? The last time you got back together was more disastrous than all the other times before!”
“She wants to get back together. She gave me an ultimatum too- get back together with her and marry her by end of the year, or she’ll be out of my life. FOR GOOD.”
You stare at your best friend. “Don’t tell me you say yes.”
“Baby, please- you think I’d do a marriage proposal like that?” Hoseok scoffs. “I said no, of course. And I blocked her number.”
“About fucking time! Well done, you!” You high five Hoseok. He laughs heartily, then his expression turns somber.
“I wish I had blocked her out of my life earlier,” he says softly. “I wonder what would have happened between us.”
You look down at your hands. You stopped wondering about that a long time ago. “Maybe in the next life, huh?”
“Yeah, maybe. We’re better off as friends in this one, right?”
You nod wistfully. “Best friends?” You raise your wine glass. He clinks it with his glass.
“Forever and ever. In this life and the next.”
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Published 15032021
112 notes · View notes
tsuki-xoxo · 4 years
One Day At A Time
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Overview: The moment you first saw Shinso’s performance at the first year Sports Festival set off a chain of fateful interactions and an unrequited declaration of rivalry. Now, as you stand hand in hand with your husband-to-be, you can’t help but think back to everything that brought you here. 
Pairing: Shinso Hitoshi x Reader
Word Count: 3741
Genre: Scenario, Fluff 
A/N: I had so much fun writing this for the POCuties Server Collab: ‘A Wedding to Remember!’ My heart went binkie boom doom. I hope you all enjoy best boi Shinso!! And thank you to @tui-lah​ for beta reading, I appreciate it! You can find the rest of everyone’s amazing works here.
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The flowers entwined between your fingers twinge with sweat from your palms as the beating of your heart ran a mile a minute. Exhaling a breath, you briefly glanced at the bouquet of beautifully arranged flowers before the double doors broke you from your reverie. On either side stood your best friend, Mina, in a beautiful gown that accentuated her figure, and Kaminari, your husband-to-be’s best friend. 
Mina beamed, the black sclera of her eyes twinkling as she caught onto the small sigh of contentment that left your lips as you basked in the physique of the love of your life in a tuxedo at the end of the peddle-filled aisle. The light reflected from the vibrant bouquet, which made you look dazzling in the spotlight. Carrying on an otherworldly trance before the two left your side, not before the blonde sent you subtle thumbs up. 
Facing your groom, your eyes roamed his figure, giving him a once-over. The tuxedo hugged him perfectly, highlighting his broad shoulders and slim build. The black of his suit had a velvet quality to it, and brought something out of him, a self-respecting pride and confidence that had you nibbling your bottom lip. 
“Oh, hello, Mr. Bond,” you whispered with a cheeky grin. You couldn’t help yourself, Shinso looked like the perfect action man with a license to thrill. His typically messy indigo hair was slicked back, or at least tried to be, you had to give him an ‘A’ for the effort. You peaked at the tips that were haphazardly pushed back, intertwining into a beautiful chaos-- you’d fix it later into his naturally ruffled tufts. 
You heard a breathy snort from the man across you. Looking up, your eyes latched onto an all-too-familiar pair of glaciers that resembled hyacinths and the lazy-smirk that had the corner of your eyes softening. 
Shinso reaches out to you as soon as the one to wed you both begins to speak, his calloused hands holding yours. It’s funny actually, as you gaze at your intertwined hands and the paleness of his skin of how the two of you ended up in the aisle together, rings readied to be worn, and a life promised to spend together forever.
You remembered it like it was just yesterday.
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After his fight with Midoriya during the first year Sports Festival, you left the stands to find the General Studies student in the hall. Luckily for you, you saw him in no time, the striking lavender hair and familiar U.A. uniform that he wore was hard to miss. You quickly fell into step with his languid steps.
“Shinso Hitoshi, right? I’m (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you.”
With his ashy lilac and deeply sunken eyes, he faced you with a bored expression on his face. “Okay.”
The two of you walk in silence for at least a few minutes, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck before he speaks. “Uh--” he clears his throat a little awkwardly, “why are you following me?” It was a simple question, not one that harbored an accusing tone, and you were almost shocked by the fact that he made no effort to chase you away.
“Oh shit,” you cursed, smacking your forehead, having forgotten to announce the reason why you followed him in the first place. “My bad, dude, I can’t believe I forgot. You’re my rival.”
“What?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows, his pace slowing even more until they stopped. 
“Rival, y’ know where two people compete for the same objective or superiority.”
He clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes, “I know what a rival is, but why are you declaring that you’re mine.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. You thought that at this point, it was obvious enough for him to catch on. Maybe he was a bit slow; the bags under his eyes may have killed a couple of brain cells over the years. “‘Cause we have the same goal,” you shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “We want to prove everyone who doubts us wrong.” Mich like him, growing up with an ‘evil’ Quirk, you’ve had a fair share of gossip surrounding you. That’s why you wanted to be a hero, to end the discrimination against labeling Quirks as villainous. 
“Really?” he paused, “what would a student from the heroics course know about being deemed as a criminal.” One look into his eyes, and you already knew. The bitterness in his orbs was unmistakable.
“More than you know,” you murmured, refusing to break eye contact. 
The mauve haired boy’s uninterested expression softened at the dispute in your eyes, the corner of his mouth tugging into a small grin. Looking at you properly this time, like he really saw you as a person, not just some random stranger that decided to follow him around.
“Sorry, but no,” Shinso stated, the usual indifference lacing his tone, the smile falling from his face. “I’m not looking to make friends or rivals.”
You giggled mischievously at him, the purple of his eyes side-eyeing you with weariness. “You’re cute,” you state bluntly, bouncing on the balls of your feet. His expression is replaced with a gawk at the pure boldness from you, red splotching on the apple of his cheeks. “You actually think you have a choice! See ya soon, rival!” 
With that, you turn on your heel, searching for your homeless-looking homeroom teacher. You have the perfect recommendation for an intern.  
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“(L/N)?” he demanded, stunned by your sudden appearance.
You turned your head from your position on the floor, stretching, glancing toward his direction. “Hey, rival.” The boy looked slightly different from the last time you had seen him, with a bandage-like material wrapped around his neck, similar to Aizawa’s.
Hopping onto your feet, you brushed the dust off your hands, walking onto the mat placed in the middle of the gym as Aizawa spoke up. “Shinso, you’re training with (L/N) today. It’s a joint training to access your weaknesses, first to get knocked down or pushed off the mat loses,” he said, his expression never changing.
Bending down a bit, you prepared to make a move before the boy with lavender hair stopped you in your footsteps. “How the hell did you get Aizawa-sensei to agree to this?” he asked with an amused look in his eyes. 
Smirking, you peered up through your lashes, looking at him with faux innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Yes, you do. At the Sports Festival, you told Aizawa about the general studies student, but Aizawa was already aware of the male since he had taken note of him. Unsurprisingly to you, your teacher decided to mentor the student, and it took a lot of bribing and coaxing for you to convince him to join just one training session, but that’s all you needed. 
You stiffened immediately, your eyes glazing over as you become immobile, not even able to process or think properly. You watch the white of your rival’s teeth move, and the next thing you know, you blink, conscious, and off the mat. The stoic male wore a bored expression on his face as your eyes widen in realization, he just brainwashed you. 
It was as if a match sparked over you as you glared at him. Lunging forward instantly, taking the purple-haired boy by surprise, you brought your leg up to kick him in the shin as he lost balance. Without giving him a chance to catch his breath, you pounced, both arms wrapping around his torso as you tackled him, or at least tried to. It seemed that Aizawa had been training his student well because the tackle didn’t do anything besides move him backward. Quickly, you leaped back, creating a space.
The boy’s ruffled hair from his night’s sleep and current fight had strands sticking together, slick with sweat. “What, that’s all you got?” Shinso asked, but you bit back a sharp remark, refusing to take the bait again. 
Failing to evade the knee that came straight for your abdomen, the impact knocked you back slightly but lacked to knock you down. You were taken aback by his speed and accuracy, and for a second, you wanted to smile at the growth of the male that stood in front of you, it was like he wasn’t the same boy that had lost to Midoriya. 
Focusing on the match at hand, you dodged his next onslaught of attacks, moving efficiently to evade them with the slight knowledge of his fighting style from the Sports Festival. Thanking yourself for forcing all those hours you spent training your physical abilities, you moved forward the moment you noticed Shinso starting to take labored breaths from his never-ending assaults. However, before you could even register what was happening, Shinso loosened the material around his neck, effectively capturing you amid some ridiculously strong bandages. With the help of the capture tape, he swung you around, gathering momentum before releasing you. Before you were thrown off the mat, though, you grabbed the white scarf and pulled yourself safely in bounds. 
With record speed, you raced across to meet Shinso, the capture material moving forward to shield its wielder from an attack, but you abruptly shot your arm up, tensing the male’s muscles you pushed it out of your way, continuing your route to the lilac haired male. Using your remaining strength before your sight dotted from vertigo, a drawback to your Quirk, you used both of your arms to grasp onto his, crouching you flip him over. 
Falling flat on the mat, you heaved a breath and closed your eyes to regulate the spottiness surrounding you. When you heard shuffling, you peaked an eye open, pointedly-eyeing the hovering male. 
“You’ve gotten better,” you commented. 
Shinso let out a soft chuckle. “You’re not half bad,” he countered, crossing his arms before adding, “besides when you became a sore loser and just hopped back in here without a word.”
You gave him a non-threatening pointed look, “hey! I forgot about the brainwashing bit for a second there. Can you blame me?”
Scoffing, you took his outreached hand and pulled yourself up with his combined effort. 
“I mean for a rival, that was just sad,” mused Shinso, running a hand through his hair, tufts of purple sticking out in random directions, suiting him. 
The corners of your mouth lifted up into a smile, a slight stinging sensation from the cut on your lip from the fight somehow, but you didn’t care as your smile widened into a brilliant grin since Shinso finally acknowledged you. “Rival, huh?” you laughed, feeling absolutely delirious. 
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After Shinso acknowledged you as his rival, you both became training partners and soon enough close friends. Before either of you knew it, you were already in your second year at U.A., and your purple-haired friend had been accepted into the hero course. 
You’re not exactly sure when you started developing feelings for the boy. Maybe it was the moment he exposed his perfectly aligned teeth, glowing with happiness and hope. Or it was his innate ability to spark a conversation with anyone, despite having a reserved and calm attitude. Even stating that he had no interest in making friends, yet you swiveled your way in and surrounded him with support, along with Kaminari, the greenette, Midoriya, and even the cerulean blue-eyed Monoma. Or it’s his aspiration to usurp anyone who walked the same path as him to become a Pro. Either way, there was no denying the flutters roaming around in your stomach. 
As you heaved, trying to catch your breath,  your exercise friend was doing the same, but talking about something, you weren’t really paying attention to his words. Just hearing his voice made your stomach tingle and your heart beat erratically in your chest so hard that it felt it’d burst. You followed the beads of sweat trickle down his face and run onto his lips, focusing how the red of his tongue would peak out to catch the salty droplets. 
When your eyes met, you swore that your heart thumped so hard that it was audible, even for him. His eyes, those deep magenta orbs that could tell a whole story just by looking at them, felt like you were injected with liquid adrenaline into your bloodstream, and the entire zoo grew rampant in your chest. Shinso’s cat-like eyes felt like looking into the sun for too long-- a maze you could get lost in and soon enough be blinded by. He was so effortlessly looking handsome. 
And his hands. The same slender ones that have been on you time and time again, training after training. The image of his hands brushing against your own as you walk flickers throughout your mind, growing into a daydream of your own intertwining. Suddenly you speak, “Hitoshi, I like you.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise at your confession, mouth ajar, and hand frozen on his capture material. The intensity of his gaze put a crack in your steely disposition as you glance the other way. “But don’t worry. I don’t expect you to say anything, I just wanted to get that off my chest. 
You watched as Shinso grinned, shaking his head in disbelief, his arm rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He wasn’t one to smile much, never having much reason to and the fact that it took too much effort. But every time you spoke, you somehow made the corners of his mouth tug upwards each time. You didn’t merely speak words with no meaning behind. With every word you spoke, they were curt, straight to the point, and your conversations didn’t need the time-consuming falsehood of small talk. So, it was no surprise when you bluntly admit your feelings to your crush. 
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Like you promised, you never forced Shinso to speak up about your confession, not once asking if he felt the same way. You guys’ relationship continued to grow without a hitch, but that never stopped you from making flirtatious remarks with the male from time to time. A cheeky grin permanently painted across your face every time you were with him. 
Scrambling up to your feet, you hurriedly made your way over to him despite your aching muscles. Clasping your hands around his neck in a chock-hold, you used your legs, dropping him on the ground right then and there.
“What were you saying about beating me?” you asked, laughing in between pants. 
After three years of regular quirkless and quirkful combat with Shinso, you both had improved drastically every battle with one another. It took you everything to drop him over your shoulder like before, but you collapsed on the ground next to him, panting as soon as you did. 
“I’m going to kick your ass,” Shinso retorted, looking at you. Picking up on your exhaustion, he rolled over, immediately entrapping you with his weight as he grabbed both arms with his own, pinning you down. 
“That’s not fair! The match was already over,” you pouted, however made no effort to push him off. He grinned, breathing out, his breath fanning over your face. It took mere seconds for him to realize the close proximity of your two faces, his own heating up, instantly taking on a rose hue. He hastily scrambled off of you, looking away as he tried to calm his face. 
“Damn, I was hoping to be wrapped in your arms for longer,” you teased, whipping a fake tear delicately from your face. 
He coughed at your words, choking on the water as his head snaps at you from the comment, hints of pink still present on his cheek. “Huh? Wha--”
“Relax,” you scoffed, propping yourself up with your elbows. “I’m just fucking with you.” As you made your way to your bags that were thrown onto the floor, you patted the male’s toned back as to acquiesce that everything’s alright. But before you can maneuver around him, Shinso’s hand latches itself on your wrist.
“Wait,” he murmurs, pulling you toward him. You make no move to pull away, feeling safe and secure in his arms, not the edge of intensity that comes with dancing with danger in your daily life as a hero-in-training. Subconsciously, you find yourself leaning into Shinso’s embrace, even more, an affectionate smile on his face. 
He tugs your cheek softly. “I like you too.” You stay silent, holding your breath as the pad of his thumb brushes against the skin he just pulled, and fingertips lightly grazing your jaw, you find yourself leaning into his palm, the ends of your lips tipping up slightly. You two focus on one another’s eyes, and all your common sense shuts down because the attention he’s giving you his startling, the vibrant violet of his orbs near closer, stealing your breath. 
You brought your hands to the back of his neck, and in an instant, his lips found yours with a content sigh. Your eyes flutter shut, and even in darkness, you see light exploding. Although his movements were gentle and slow, his lips were firm, the two of you moving in perfect sync, sending shivers down your back. With each move, the blurred lines of your friendship beginning to clear, forming something new entirely. Parting your lips, you sighed as he slowly pulled away from the kiss, his lips plump and red. 
Fluttering your eyes open, you find Hitoshi wearing a sweet smile on his face, filled with affection. His smile was one of happiness growing, much like spring flowers. You could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. While your heart was pounding, and your lips were still pulsing from the way he kissed you, the silly smile never fell from your face.  
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You and Shinso have been dating for five years now, debuting and growing as Pro Heroes. As time passed, your love for him got even stronger. Whenever he looked at you, it was like every ounce of air was taken from your lungs, floating in the sky like a midnight smoke cloud. Every time your lips tangled, the world would stop, leaving just the two of you wandering the earth together. When the two of you cuddle, and he holds your face between his hands, it’s like he’s keeping you in an eternity of security.
When the two of you were patrolling the streets, you came across chaos and panicked citizens. In the distance, there were flickering flames that hinted something deadly. 
“Stay near me, (Y/N), and be careful,” Hitoshi announced as you catch up to his hurried pacing, nodding in acknowledgment, walking right into the heat of battle. The scene you were met with was unlike the disarray clues you had witnessed from the running citizens earlier. 
All around, you could see the burning of bright orange flames as they devoured everything in their path. Your nose scrunched up in alarm from the smell of charred concrete and ash as they dusted the air. The moment you observed your surroundings, you wished you hadn’t. You narrowed your eyes as a menacing creature hovered around a horde of panicked civilians that desperately tried to scramble away. The beast had an ugly beak head with wings and extra limbs, and bloodlust radiating out of its beady eyes. It’s what every Pro has been acquainted with, a Nomu.
“Ready?” he grunted, quickening his pace to match yours. 
“Always,” you answered, reaching out an arm, and in an instant, you immobilized the Nomu-like creature grasping hold of one of the unfortunate bystanders, your boyfriend running by you with his capture scarf in tow. 
You rushed over to the person ungracefully falling with its captor. Grabbing the man’s arm, you slung him over your shoulder as you hauled him to safety. The man gasped out a thank you, slumping over a wall a fair distance away from the fighting, trying to catch his breath. 
When you ran back into action, you and Hitoshi captured villains, the Nomu, and protected citizens. Multiple other heroes had arrived at the scene at this point, and the creature had been dragged out of by policemen, sirens echoing down the streets.
You had been rambling to your boyfriend about your costume, mentioning that you’d need to see Hatsume soon for some upgrades, but as you glanced over at him, you recognized the far offness in his eyes. 
“Hitoshi?” you ask with furrowed brows, snapping your finger in front of him.
He blinks, his hands finding purchase around your waist. He pulls you closer as he nudges his head between your neck, and you wrap your arms around him. “I love you,” he whispers into your hair. Pulling back slightly, he reaches for your hands, interlocking them. A light smile adorned your face as you looked into his unblinking dark purple eyes.
“Will you marry me?”
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Now, as you stand in front of your soon to be husband, you feel the way your heartbeat picks up while your lungs fill with more air, but at the same time, you feel incredibly light. This is it. You’re seriously going to marry the love of your life. 
There is so much to admire about him like his raw honesty. The way his words spill out real slow as if the truth can take its time. There’s like a force behind them, yet the kind that is respectful and quiet-- an observant and patient determination. He supports your pure, unadulterated personality, the good and bad. But of everything, it was looking in his eyes you loved the most. That’s all you ever needed to connect, just you and him, eyes, no words.
“You may now kiss.”
Shinso ran the tip of his tongue along his lower lip, gently drawing you closer to him, placing both hands on either side of your face. You two share a brief but deep kiss, yet you two are still grinning afterward as cheers from friends and families surround the two of you like magic, causing you to shiver in complete pleasure and ecstasy. 
In a world of chaos, the two of you find a place where togetherness means peace, where savage winds cease, and no clouds can block the warmth of the brightening rays. 
And neither of you would want to have it any other way. 
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amandawritez · 4 years
there's a first for everything
 Anon requested: “can u do more jj smut please. secret was so good omg. like maybe getting eaten out by him or your first time idk”
A/N: sooo I decided to make this more of a shortish blurb about JJ eating you out rather than a whole thing bc my brain is like broke today and can’t think of any ideas idk why
JJ pulled his lips away from yours to look down at you for a moment, his blonde hair fell over his forehead, and his lips were slightly swollen and red from kissing for so long. He then latched his lips to your jaw and began working his way towards your favorite spot below your ear and started sucking harshly, sure to leave a mark tomorrow but at this moment neither of you cared.
His right hand snaked behind your back attempting to unclip your bra and after a few attempts you both laughed and you lightly pushed his shoulders up so he sat back on his knees in-between your legs and you sat up easily unclipping it with one hand and tossing it in a random direction. Leaving you both now only clothed in your underwear, all other clothing thrown all over room discarded long ago.  
You wrapped a hand behind JJ’s neck and pulled him back down on top of you returning to your previous position. His lips attached to one of your nipples and his hand fondled the other, pinching your nipple lightly causing your back to arch and a breathy moan to leave your mouth.
JJ then began working his lips down your stomach and hooked his fingers into your underwear pulling them down your legs and discarding them behind him. You we’re too caught up in the feeling of his lips on your stomach to realize what he was doing but when you did you sat up abruptly.
“Wait JJ what are you doing?” you asked and he looked up at you with a smirk.
“I’m playing chess..what does it look like princess I want to eat you out” he laughed to himself at his sarcastic comment and normally you would have giggled too but right now you were beginning to panic.
“Wait um-”
“Shhh just lay back baby.” he interrupted you still not looking up instead kissing your thighs.
“No JJ, uh, we don’t have to. I want to give you head let’s do that.” You attempted to pull him up but he was a lot stronger than you and didn't budge. He looked up at you confused before pulling away from you and sitting back on his legs.
“Whats wrong?” he asked genuinely concerned and you stuttered for moment before burying your head in your hands out of pure embarrassment.
“Baby talk to me.” He thought he had done something wrong and pried your hands away from your face forcing you to look at him.
“I’ve never um done that.” You mumbled barely above a whisper and he didn’t hear you.
“(y/n) I can’t hear you, you're worrying me.” He sounded uneasy.
“No guy has ever.. done that to me.” you finally spoke up and averted your eyes from him, you were beyond embarrassed. His face formed an O shape but he quickly smiled and lifted your chin to look at him.
“Thats okay, that's totally fine, well its not really fine because it means every guy you've ever been with sucked.” you both laughed lightly and the mood in the room became less tense.
“But, will you let me? I promise if you want me to stop I will but please let me try, I think you’d love it. You trust me right?” You nodded slowly, he could tell you were nervous but he pulled you in for a kiss before slowly lowering you onto your back and returning to his position between your legs.
He slowly kissed up and down your thighs and brought his thumb up to your clit rubbing light circles. He pulled his finger away and brought his face so close to your pussy you could feel his breath fanning over you, and he reached his fingers up to interlace them with yours. 
He dove in licking a strip bottom to top and then used his tongue to circle your clit. 
“Oh! wow that's, fuck that's actually really good.” you relaxed into his touch immediately and he smiled before returning to diving into your folds. Your fingers let go of his hands and moved to grip and pull lightly on his hair causing him to groan. He used his now open hands to push your thighs back more spreading you open even wider for him. He circled your entrance with his tongue before pushing deeply into it repeatedly. This new angle caused you to moan out loudly and tug on his hair more, you were loving this. 
“JJ m-more please.” he looked up at you and smiled you could have cum just from just the sight of him looking up at you alone, his blue eyes burning into you as he brought two fingers to his mouth pushing them in. Your gaze never broke as he pulled them out now slicked up and pushed them knuckle deep into your tight cunt. 
“Fuck, look at you squeezing my fingers so well, you're always so fucking tight baby girl.” your eyes rolled back as he pushed his fingers as deep as he could manage and separated them in a scissoring motion stretching you out. 
His lips returned to suck on your clit as his fingers began to pick up their pace inside of you curling now. He continued this for a minute while moans spilled from your mouth. He pulled out his fingers for a moment before bringing his mouth back to your entrance and pushing his tongue as deep as he could until his nose was  touching you and he began flicking it back and forth causing your back to arch and legs to shake.
“JJ I’m so close please keep going p-please make me cum.” he loved hearing you beg for it, knowing he was the only one who could make you feel like this.
JJ pushed his fingers back in wasting no time attaching his mouth back on your clit and moving his fingers at an unholy pace. He watched as you unraveled above him your fingers gripping and twisting the bedsheets and his name falling from your lips repeatedly. He continued until he was sure you had finished before he placed a light kiss on your clit causing you to twitch at the sensitivity from having just orgasmed. 
He sat up and you watched him bring his fingers to his mouth sucking them clean and swallowing before leaning down to kiss you so you could taste yourself. You were panting and still trembling from the orgasm and he smiled seeing how fucked up you were. 
“So?” he questioned with his eyebrows raised. 
“Yeah that was.. amazing.” he grinned and pulled you in for a kiss, glad that he could be that first person to show you that. 
A/N: I hope you liked this anon who requested it sorry it was so short my brain like not functioning today :) keep sending requests in! 
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brattyfics · 4 years
First of all, your work is like amazing! And; 166: “ Okay.. This is new. ” 188: “ Mine. ”166: “ Okay.. This is new. ”- for ez pleasee
166. Okay this is new 188. Mine 77. Are you jealous? 170. Bend over
So I combined two different prompt requests because they were both for EZ and seemed to tell a story together. This ended up being way longer than I intended (almost 2K words), but it’s finally finished. I didn’t use the clubhouse for a setting because that’s been done before but I understand choosing a different setting sort of de-personalizes the requests. I always kind of create an entire backstory as if it’s an OC out of habit. Do you guys like it? Do you not? Let me know.
Hope you all enjoy :)
You poured drinks into cups in an attempt to be a good host. All around you people chatted, talking about how good it was to see each other and how nice your new place was. You were in the middle of hosting a housewarming party with your closest friends and family in attendance.
Ezekiel was outside on the grill, firing up the meat he brought from his dad's shop. Angel, Coco, and Gilly accompanied him, bringing the meat inside in shifts.
You stop to take a breath for a minute, looking at your nearly full living space. Everyone seemed to be having a good time but all you could think about was the mess they’d be leaving behind.
EZ entered through the sliding glass door with his brothers behind him, bringing in the last of the food. He placed a kiss to your forehead as he passed, silently reminding you it would be fine. You’d find a way to rope the guys into helping you at the end of the night together.
You and Ezekiel had been dating for nearly a year and you were always surprised at how he managed to support and uplift you in ways you never would have thought possible.
Despite the laughs and raised voices, you heard a knock at your front door. Answering it, you found your friends from work had finally arrived. Among them was your best work friend, another female friend of yours, and a male you recognized from work but didn’t really know.
“I hope it’s alright I brought him. We were all together tonight anyway and I figured you wouldn’t mind.” You shrugged, stepping aside to let them in. As the four of you made your way into the living room, you found out his name was Brian.
“Nice place.” He complimented, looking around.
“Thank you.”
“You live alone?”
You nodded, distracted by one of your guests talking animatedly, drink sloshing back and forth against the sides of their clear cup. You excused yourself to stop the accident waiting to happen, not realizing you had unknowingly declared yourself single in Brian’s eyes.
It was the truth, you did live alone. As in love with EZ as you were, the two of you hadn’t reached that stage yet. You understood he still needed time to adjust to the world as an adult without the baggage of a super serious relationship. He spent the majority of his nights with you, but technically, you didn’t live together.
Once you resolved the drink crisis, you attempted to rejoin your work group. Brain told you the other two had gone off to use the bathroom, leaving him alone in a room full of strangers. You pitied him, settling down on the couch next to him, making small talk while you waited for them to come back. He seemed nice enough, but you felt yourself grimacing when he hinted at hanging out. It would never happen but you didn’t want to burn any bridges at your job so you soldiered through it with a smile.
In the meantime, the guys teased Ezekiel, warning him to go get his girl before she got snatched up by the gringo. Coco made kissing noises while Angel thrust his hips dramatically. He knew they were trying to rile him up and that being jealous of this random guy was irrational, but he couldn’t help himself. He wondered who the guy was. One part of him thought he wasn’t important if you had never introduced them. Another part of him thought maybe you had kept the stranger away from him on purpose.
Ezekiel trusted you, but he lived a whole other life you didn’t know much about. Sometimes he was gone for weeks on runs. You never asked him for details. He thought it was so you could maintain plausible deniability, but maybe you liked him being gone for long stretches of time. If he could transport drugs, occasionally kill someone, and then come home to you as if nothing happened, surely you could fuck someone else and smile in his face afterward.
The male stranger’s body language said to EZ you were familiar. His whole body faced you, he leaned in too close for EZ’s liking, and he seemed to hang on your every word. He didn’t touch you or do anything outright disrespectful, but EZ could tell when a man wanted to fuck a woman. The combination of drinking and grilling all day in the heat was leading him down an unnecessary path of anger.
You were just about to explain you were taken to Brian when you caught EZ watching the two of you with a vested interest. He wore a scowl on his face, his eyes drilling imaginary holes in the back Brian’s head.
Okay...this is new. In almost a year, you hadn’t seen EZ get jealous. More often than not he was easygoing because he was secure in what you two had. That combined with the prison stint taught him to control and hide his emotions better than most people. He wasn’t the type to lose it all over a fist fight, at least you thought so. The dangerous look in his eyes made you unsure.
You loved him too much to play around with his emotions and freedom so you excused yourself, joining him in the kitchen. Brian looked confused at first, but it all clicked in place once he saw you talking to the Kutte clad group of men. He turned to face in the opposite direction, wanting no part of the M.C.
“Are you alright?” You asked sweetly, hands wrapping around EZ’s thick midsection. Angel, Coco, and Gilly catcalled the two of you while you rolled your eyes. Angel wore a sly smile on his face, surprised to see his little brother’s feathers ruffled. It wasn’t anything malicious, he would just enjoy teasing EZ about it later.
EZ wore the same pissed expression on his face, not phased by your cute gesture or the guy’s being extra. You pouted, leaning up on your tiptoes to kiss him. You were shocked when he moved before you could reach his lips, your pucker landing on the corner of his mouth instead.
“Are you being serious right now?” You hissed hands dropping from his waist to cross over your chest. The boys quickly excused themselves, stalking off to find anything other than watching you two fight to do.
“Were you serious over there?” He gestured angrily to where you had been sitting before. The work group had reassembled, three sets of eyes watching your every move.
“Are you jealous? I don’t even know him, I was just trying to be nice!”
“What do you think?” You frowned at his tone. EZ never spoke to you that way. You grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the bathroom. He went without a fight, but you could hear him grumbling under his breath. As soon as the door closed, he was right on your heels. You reached out to push him back, his body heat combined with your own rising temperature too much.
“What is your problem? You---” His hand caught your wrist before you could push him back. You expected him to drop it, but he held on, roughly pulling you into him.
“Bend over.”
“Bend over. I’m not gonna tell you again.” You shivered at the tone in his voice. He wasn’t playing around.
You bent over in front of him, grabbing your ankles as the bottom of your ass peeked out of the dress you wore. Whack! He smacked your ass harder than ever before while you jumped forward.
“Oww!” One of your hands went back to soothe the sting while the other supported your weight kept you from falling.
Whack! He rained down another blow on your other ass cheek. You whimpered at the rush in your panties. You vaguely remembered people were in your home, biting down on your lip to muffle your sounds as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes.
Whack! Whack! He spanked you again and again until he was satisfied. Your panties were drenched, clinging uncomfortably to your folds.
EZ flipped your dress up over your hips and waist until it hung off the top half of your body, shielding your view of his legs. Your eyes could only see the fabric of your dress, but you heard his belt unbuckling and pants hitting the ground. His actions made you anxious, your heart thudding in your chest. You listened closely, hearing the telltale signs of him rolling on a condom. You wiggled your hips, hoping it would entice him to hurry up.
It worked. He roughly pulled your panties down your hips, shocked to find how wet they were. The two of you had tried a lot of things but you were still learning each other. EZ was a gentleman, followed your lead and let you tell him what you liked. He spanked you if you asked for it, but never in anger or as a punishment before. You didn’t even think he had it in him.
You tried your best not to drool while he poked at your entrance, working his way past tight resistance. A few shallow thrusts were all the preparation he gave you before hammering into you. He pulled you up so you were standing, not leaning against his chest but not bent all the way over anymore either. One hand held your hip so you couldn’t get away from his deep strokes, the other hand latched tightly on your shoulder, pulling you back onto his fat cock over and over.
Strangled moans fell past your lips, your hands clenching and unclenching around nothing as you struggled to take all of him. Your hands ghosted your own body, pinching your nipples for a distraction from the brutal pounding you were receiving. Eventually, your hands found your clit, relieving some of the tension in your stomach.
Pain and pleasure compounded, your eyesight blurring as you came hard, coating him in cream. Like lighting it blinded you and like thunder, it deafened you. Somewhere deep inside you hoped you weren’t screaming out loud for everyone to hear, but in your sex-crazed state you couldn’t tell.
His thrusts became choppy as he neared his own release. Your wet fingers slipped down to cup his balls, needing him to follow you over the edge before he killed you. Death by dick on your obituary would embarrass your family.
“Mine.” He repeated the mantra, grunting loudly. “You’re mine.”
With one final thrust, he burst, seed filling your womb. You scrambled to get away from him, crawling towards the bed. Whack!
“Okay! I get it, leave me alone.” You whined, pouting at his aggressive behavior.
“Say it and I’ll leave you alone, Princessa.”
“I’m yours, daddy.”
@woahitslucyylu @briannab1234 @sheeshgivemeabreak 
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
Through It All
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Part 14
Summary: Now married, Spencer & Y/N navigate the D/s lifestyle. How will their relationship change?
Words: 1,966
Warnings: Lactation kink, fingering, nipping.
A/N: My next entry for @cm-kinkbingo​ run by my beautiful girlfriend @heycasbutt​. This fulfills my lactation kink square.
In the warm sunlight streaming through your window, you can feel Spencer’s arm fitting snugly around your waist, holding you close. As you begin to stir, you realize he’s already awake too. Since it’s a weekend day, you have no plans, aside from taking care of the adorable time-vampire that is Charlotte Magnolia Reid. “So what are we doing today, handsome?” You mumble, the words barely decipherable to your own ears.
Spencer kisses the back of your hair before nuzzling his nose into the side of your neck. It tickles and sends you into a fit of laughter that ends up with you laying on top of him. “We aren’t doing anything,” he says with a glint in his eyes. “But you are.”
Is it mom brain fog? Have you forgotten something you had planned?
When Spencer clocks your quizzical look, he laughs. “I have a surprise for you. You have to be ready by 11 AM.”
Spencer playfully smacks your ass when you get up before following you to the bathroom, where you get in one of your rare shower quickies. And Charlotte hasn’t woken up yet! Rejoice! She’s not sleeping through the night just yet, but she’s down to only waking up once or occasionally twice.
While you dry your hair, Spencer gets Charlotte, who finally begins to stir. They pass the bathroom and you sneak a kiss to your baby’s cheek. “I’ll be right there for feeding!” You cry out from the tiled walls.
“There’s a bottle left in the refrigerator, I got it!”
Since you have no idea where you’ll be going, you put on minimal makeup and then walk outside to where Spencer’s feeding Charlotte on the couch, talking to her about the people passing by on the street below - making up stories about them. “Babe, I don’t know where I’m going so what do I wear?”
“Wear one of my graphic tees and your most comfortable pair of leggings.”
With your instructions, you slip into your bedroom and get dressed. Spencer’s shirt is a tad too tight considering the girls are still big, but it’s good enough and the next few hours pass without any major incidents aside from a bit of spit up on Spencer’s pajama shirt.
As you’re rocking Charlotte to a mid-morning nap, there’s a knock at the door. “I’ve got it,” Spencer replies when he sees you go to get up.
Emily, Tara, Penelope and JJ are plowing inside in a matter of seconds, cooing over ‘little baby genius Reid.’ “Good god,” Tara says softly. “She’s so beautiful. How do you two not stare at her every second of every day?”
Sometimes it’s difficult, with her soft brown hair like her father’s and big beautiful eyes the same color as yours. “Well, some days, we do exactly that, and other days she doesn’t want to sleep or she’s sick and driving me crazy, so then I normally see the inside of the pillow into which I’m screaming,” you say quickly, flashing them a cheesy grin.
JJ snorts. It’s been a while, but she remembers the feeling well. “Did Spence tell you what we’re doing today?”
Shaking your head, you glance toward where Spencer’s standing in the kitchen, gathering ingredients together that seem to be for tonight’s dinner. “Paint and wine class,” he says proudly. “After I saw you painting Charlotte’s nursery, I knew it had to be done eventually.”
“Aww, you’re so romantic, I love you.” You swoon and run to kiss him, blushing as the girls ooh and ahh over Spencer’s sweet gesture. He’s your everything in every way. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”
Spencer takes her from your arms and looks down to talk to her, shaking her little hand with his fingers. “We’ll be okay, right? You won’t kill me?”
Laughing, you grab your purse off the counter and give him another kiss before leaving with the girls. It’s been ages.
Thankfully, Dr. Obel cleared you a while ago for the occasional cup of coffee or glass of wine, despite still breastfeeding, so you nurse the hell out of a glass of red at the painting party. Besides you, Emily, Tara, JJ and Penelope, there are four other women there that know each other and are much less animated. In other circumstances, you might feel bad about being so loud and laughing like a maniac, but you haven’t had a girls’ day out in months, so fuck it.
At these classes, they always have someone teaching and a specific painting is chosen ahead of time. After a while of listening to the instructor, you paint what she’s painting, but at your speed and adding little flourishes here and there. While most of the ladies have basic paintings (because admittedly they’d rather be drinking than painting), you end up with something you’re really happy with.
Shadowed pine trees sit on a moonlit lake, stars, trees and the moon alike mirrored in the lake’s surface in a myriad of colors. Bob Ross is one of your biggest influences when it comes to painting, and by the end, it feels like you’ve done him proud. “Damn, Y/N!” Emily says, taking the last sip of her third (and last) glass of wine. “Spencer said you could paint, but that’s fucking spectacular!”
All the ladies, and even the instructor, praise your work. At first, you deny it and tell them it’s not all that, but eventually you allow yourself the praise. Something you’re working on. “Ladies, this was amazing. Can we make this like an every other month thing? Every third month?”
“Hell, yea,” Penelope says, quickly picking up one of the hors d'oeuvres and shoving it into her mouth. “Man, thith iz gud.”
“Sewiously, I ‘eed the recipe,” Tara replies with her mouth equally full.
The subway ride back to your apartment is filled with random girl talk and lots of baby talk. Everyone wants to know Charlotte’s milestones and to see every single picture you’ve ever taken, which is already a lot given she’s less than a year.
Upstairs, you all walk in just as Charlotte needs a diaper change. When Emily and Tara offer to take dirty diaper detail, you just smile and sink into the couch. You’re not about to argue with just a little extra time off mom duty.
“Well, this was amazing,” JJ says, running her finger down Charlotte’s cheek. “You guys need anything? All set on food and stuff?”
“Yea, JJ,” Spencer replies. “We’re all good. For now.”
Once the ladies leave, you gather Charlotte close to your chest and lift your shirt. The time away refueled your batteries and you sigh happily when she begins to eat.
“Have a good time?” Spencer asks. You point back to the painting which is propped against the wall near the door. “That’s beautiful!”
“Thanks, babe. And thanks for the surprise. It was really nice to have a girls’ day.”
Spencer’s hand sits around your shoulder, his fingers slipping delicately into your hair. “I’m glad you had a good time. I have my girls right here.”
“Did you two fare okay?”
He nods and you both sit in silence for a moment. You lean into him, content and relaxed. The peaceful atmosphere allows your mind to wander and when you mind wanders, it tends to walk into dirty territory; today is no different. “Hey, Spence, I have what might seem like a weird question.”
“Have you ever thought about you know, maybe doing that wonderful thing you do with your hands while getting a firsthand taste of breast milk?”
Immediately, his pants tighten. “I hate the fact that it has been a consistent thought since your  boobs grew, yea. Definitely thought about it. Like I don’t wanna sit here and have you feed me or anything, but like...a little taste? Yea.”
“Wanna maybe give it a go later?”
A smile is all the answer you need.
Later that night, once Charlotte is finally asleep, you and Spencer practically trip into your bedroom, peeling off clothing like you’re in a nudist colony.
Spencer groans appreciatively when you jump into his arms and peel off your shirt and bra. He carries you toward the bed and plops you down onto the mattress unceremoniously, laughing as he wriggles you out of your leggings.
When he descends upon you, eyes hungry and hands frenzied, your smile fades into a lust-filled gaze that has Spencer nipping at your neck and chin and lips. “God, you’re gorgeous,” he mumbles against you, honeyed voice running deliciously up your spine. For a moment you get in your head; you don’t feel gorgeous as of late, still a ways away from your pre-baby body, but Spencer snuffs that thought out of your head. “Stop thinking and feel.”
“Yes, Sir.”
He slithers his way down your body and licks a stripe up your slit with a flattened tongue, moaning at your taste before slipping two fingers into your sodden pussy. “So wet for me already?”
“Always for you, Sir.”
Spreading your legs with his hands, he crawls back up, nipping and biting and sucking at any and every patch of skin that pleases him. And all you have to do is lay back and enjoy it and he calls you his good girl.
When he latches onto your nipple, the tug on your breast is similar but the feeling is altogether different. The way he rolls his tongue over your nipple causes you to arch into him, gathering his hair in your hand and pushing him closer. Every time he nips at your nipples, bringing them to taut peaks, it shoots straight to your core and you buck into his hand. “So wet, Sir.”
“Does this get you off, love?”
“Excuse you,” he says, immediately stilling his fingers.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Because it feels wrong. Taboo.”
“And that gets you off?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“My dirty girl.”
Switching from nipple to nipple, never leaving one untouched for too long, his fingers stroke at that sensitive spot inside you. You buck down into his hand and reach between you, slipping your hands into his pants to stroke softly at his hardening cock. “Come for me, Y/N,” he breathes, his palm sitting heavily on your clit. “I want you to come for me.”
His words ignite a fire inside you, white hot light bursting before your eyes as he latches onto your nipple one last time. “Fuck, Sir,” you laugh shakily, stroking his cock harder and faster. “Now, come for me. I need to see you.”
Spencer bites down on your lower lip and pulls away, hissing through clenched teeth as his orgasm starts to roll over him. “That’s it, baby. Harder. Keep going.”
All you can hear over the sound of your movements, wet and slick and rough, is the rolling growl that leaves Spencer’s mouth when he comes in your hand and over both your stomachs. “Shit.”
“Have fun?”
“Yes,” he laughs, exhaustedly collapsing at your side. “You feeling okay? You were getting in your head for a second. I could feel it.”
“Yea, still having body issues. But I’m working on it.”
“I have an exercise for you to do. Not physical,” he says quickly. “A self love one. Every morning when we get up, I want you to look in the mirror and say one thing you like about yourself. You can start with things that aren’t physical and then work up to physical.”
A sleepy, content smile spreads across your face. This is the dynamic you always wanted - someone you could rely on in every single way. Even at your lowest, your craziest, your most overwhelmed, Spencer is there for you, telling you how beautiful you are as you drift off in his arms.
@heycasbutt @ultrarebelheart @katherineisagubler @proud-slytherin-ghost @randomwriter23 @fandom-queen67 @sixx-sic-sixx @xqueenofthecraziesx @aofay02 @groovyreid @criesinreid @jdougl-love @xreider @cringeemospntrashassbutt @prettyboyeffect @prettyboyreid @themanip @spencerreidsthings @augustgraceful @whollytaciturn @prisonreid @factualfic @jasmine-negron @snitchthewitch @ellabobella051419 @crazyforsstuff @kaatelyyynn​ @jane-dough @dreatine @bitter-post-millennial @adlerorzel-blog @hallieedrew @psychedelephantt @krisymccall996 @4ueijos @mclaujac @ray-likes-starwars @nurseemilyblog @slightlyvicked @she4567 @guesswhosback129 @princessdolan @happycreatorfangirl @fallwhisper @nyemadowell @sammy-jo1977 @sin-bin-and-tragedies @imsuperawkward @ahhahahaheehee @crispygiantsaladgarden @reputay-swift @pizzarollsfordayz @andiebeaword @timey-wimey-lovi @garbagecanfics @friedparadisetale @dereksbetaa @idontevenknow2 @holyfishloverfarm @nohemi2500 @typeshitbih @sadgirlhan @kmc217 @bigbuttsowhatuniverse @charmedfandomgal @im--blushing @dangerouspersonllamabagel @fichoe21 @yes-sir-hotchner @thefandomallrounder @mrsenos08 @walkerchick007 @letsdisneythings @winchesterqueenie @specialagentleigh @spn-wheresthepie @haileymew @bitchyoulied @geniusgub @urdicksmol @6lack6erry @slutlanna976 @downondilaudid​ @baileysb1tch @la-vie-en-amour1​ @letsdoit-tomorrow @eideticprettyboydrreid​ @lazynoodledragon​ @shybaby231 @aimzonicles97​ @grace-superpowers​ @softestlavender​ @ssa-dr-ladylock​ @drprettyboy​ @patricks-fabulous-face​ @tearosaria​ @shxdowofdarkness​ @marvels-gurl​ 
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queernarchy · 4 years
Statement of Elizabeth Williams, regarding a box of tapes found in the basement of her student house. Statement given October 18th, 2018, 105 Hill Top Road, Oxford.
Right. Um. I, uh. Right.
To be perfectly honest, I’m not really sure what I’m doing. I- I found this. It’s the only one I’ve found in the box that’s blank. You know, I’ve never actually seen a tape recorder, like in real life? It’s quite - Well, I’m not even sure I know how to use it. Except … I do. Because I turned it on. I hit the button and now I’m talking to it, like it’s a person. Like I’m crazy, which … I might be. God, I might be. 
I probably am. In fact, I hope I am. I hope I was just dreaming it all up. Another sign of an overactive imagination. Spending too much time with those books and not in the real world, as mum would say.
Even if it was real, there is no reason for me to be talking to you - no, to this. [TO HERSELF] It’s a tape recorder, Beth, it’s not a person. [BACK TO NORMAL] But I am. It feels right to, to tell you. So I’m going to. I’m going to tell you what happened and then it’ll be over. And I can go back to my life. 
I’m not great at this. The talking, the explaining, the storytelling, it’s not really my thing, at least not anymore. 
When I was a kid it was easy, you know? I was always latching onto one thing or another, letting it consume my brain and then going on and on about it to whatever poor soul I could corner long enough into listening. My parents didn’t let me use a computer until I was well into my teens - something about them making nightmares worse? It was all bollocks, really, how would they know that if they never actually let me use one? But, anyways, before that I used to spend hours in the Wokingham library touring the sections. Once, when I was twelve, I read a book on oceanography: Vanished Ocean: How Tethys Reshaped the World, and spent a solid week scouring the corners of every bookshelf for anything I could find on ancient supercontinents or vanished fault lines before giving my report to the first unlucky and unsuspecting librarian who happened to be out in the open. [LAUGHS] Poor Mike.
I never cared what the genre was, nonfiction, mystery, fantasy, that was never important to me. I just loved the pursuit, and the compelling joy of walking through a new world. It was like a secret between me and the writer, something that we knew that nobody else did. 
I always dreamed of being a writer too one day, but like I said, the storytelling part never actually came natural to me, no matter how many books I consumed. I suppose it must have been that lack of skill that bugged the people around me to no end. My father spent most of his time at work and I didn’t really get along with my brother or sister, but let’s just say that my mum was never as ... enthusiastic about my new interests as I was. 
It wasn’t her fault, I was deeply, deeply irritating. But to my credit, the minute I realized that, well, that’s when I finally started to shut up. Thinking back, I think that’s where it started. I had always kind of been afraid of pretty much anything and everything. But when I got old enough, I started to routinely feel a gripping terror bubbling up through my stomach, my chest, shaking my limbs and rooting me to the spot whenever I spoke for more than a minute at a time. 
All this to say, a few years ago I graduated secondary school with absolutely no skill in writing, the one thing I actually enjoyed, and a lot of anxiety. It seems inevitable that I would end up studying library sciences, doesn’t it? It’s practically what I’ve always done anyways - sorting and researching. And a future as a librarian with a couple cats and a cozy cottage, surrounded by books, well … there are worse things. Much worse. 
I moved into student housing right before my first term started at Oriel. I call it student housing, but it’s not, not technically. The actual dorms were a bit out of my price range, so when I saw an ad looking for flatmates in Cowley, only a 20 minute bus ride from the college, it seemed meant to be. There were ten living here all together, to start. George moved into his boyfriend’s place last year, leaving nine of us. [DARKLY] Well, eight, now, I suppose.
It was a proper house, renovated a few years back, I think, but it was already thoroughly  trashed by the time I showed up. It was one of those places that, the minute you walked through the door, you could just feel the grime lurking between the worn couches and stained mattresses, that musty smell of overuse. I tried to ignore it, I did, but one Friday night a couple weeks after I’d settled in, I waited until everyone had gone and walked to the closest shop to buy a blacklight. It went about as well as you’d expect. I spent that entire weekend scrubbing this house from top to bottom. I even cleaned Sam’s room. It’s not like I’m a germaphobe or anything, I just like to know where things have been. And if they dirty again, well, at least I know it’s the slobbery of my friends rather than that of strangers. 
I didn’t touch the basement, though. None of us ever did. I’m not sure why, it was always just an unspoken agreement between us. I must have asked about it when I moved in. I must have. I mean, it would be one thing if it just never came up, if it was just an unfinished and unsafe part of the house we didn’t go down to and that was that. But, you know, thinking about it now, we didn’t even mention it, not once. It’s amazing, isn’t it, what you can ignore. Right up to the moment you’re devoured by it.
I don’t remember the exact moment things started to feel wrong. Can’t have been more than a couple weeks ago. It was subtle, at first. Doors swinging closed on their own, misplaced items, shadows that didn’t really ... fit. All things that could be chalked up to the mind playing tricks out of boredom, or fatigue - just a consequence of one too many sleepless nights. I didn’t really think about it too hard, even when Sam brought it up at breakfast, started insisting the place was haunted. That was easy to dismiss, she’s always going on about some supernatural this or that and I don’t believe in ghosts, but even that would have been easily digestible as an explanation. 
It was like that for a few days, and all the while, that feeling of wrongness lurked in the background, pulsing beneath us. I honestly don’t know if I would have even taken notice if Milton hadn’t started behaving the way he did. Milton is - was - every bit the hipster film student of your wildest imaginations. I swear, I saw him wear a beret once, completely unironically. We’d been friends, as I was one of the few people who would listen to him ramble on about whatever arthouse film had caught his attention that week. We got on fine, well, actually, for flatmates at least. That’s not to say that I always liked him - I’d acted in a few of his student films, just by convenience, and he wasn’t exactly the most easy to work with. Everything always had to be just the way he wanted it, down the most minute detail. I swear, if he could have tied strings around our limbs and puppeted us from afar, he would have. [PAUSE] Sorry, that’s … that’s poor taste. 
It had to do with the cassettes. You see, Milton had always insisted on using magnetic tape for his recordings, refusing to even entertain the idea of a digital camera. Something about being more authentic - I never understood it, but far be it from me to get in between a film major and their precious ‘analog charm.’ He loved those tapes, and we all got used to seeing dozens scattered throughout the house at any one time. Which is why it struck me as odd when last week, they vanished entirely. When I asked him about it, he just said that he'd been editing a new project that he needed them for. I wasn’t sure what kind of project would require that many cassettes all at once, but he certainly spent enough time working on it. He’d be locked away in his room for hours, sounds of whirring machinery coming from behind his door. When he did come out, he was exhausted, gaunt. I tried talking to him about it, you know, but he’d just ignore me.
It was strange behavior, sure, but not supernatural. Perhaps I would have chalked it up to stress, just a bad week, but that’s when the nightmares started. I had always had them, just a side effect of my anxiety, but they’d died down a couple years ago, after I moved to Oxford. One sleep after this started, though, I saw Milton. He was sat at a desk, a mess of cassettes unspooled into piles of thin black magnetic tape scattered across it. He was tangled in tape as well, almost every limb bound by it. He stared at the pile in front of him with dull eyes, completely still. 
I didn’t realize until the tape began to lift his arms that he wasn’t just tangled in it. The long, metallic strands were embedded directly into his skin. The strands controlling every movement, he grabbed a spool, and, very slowly, raised it to his mouth. His jaw unhinged, farther than anything natural, and he began to stuff the tape down his throat. Again, and again, and again, until the entire pile was gone. I had never felt relief the way I had when I finally woke from that dream. I didn’t know that was only the first time that I would have it.
I woke from one of these nightmares late one night, heart beating fast and body sticky with sweat. I climbed downstairs, trying to clear my head, and found Milton sitting in the living room, staring at our small television screen playing his movie. At least, that’s what I assumed it was. There was no coherence, no audio, just rapid, violent black and white images that flashed across the screen sporadically and bits of static that faded in and out at random. Occasionally, I’d see the corrupted and disjointed image of my own face cross the screen, along with the other actors. The pattern was hypnotic. Every few minutes, the images would perfectly align, shaping spindly, bony legs that almost seemed to reach beyond the glass face of the TV.
After a while, I finally managed to ask him if he was alright, if the cassette had become corrupted somehow, if there was any way to fix it. He had always been so fiercely protective of his tapes, and with the state it was in I expected him to be furious, or devastated, at least concerned. But when he turned, there was none of that written into his face. Just a calm, blank expression. He studied me carefully for a long moment, before finally speaking. ‘We should feed our guest. She’s so happy to have arrived, and she is very hungry.’ He smiled after he said that. When he did, I could have sworn I saw that thin black film tape weaved inside him - webbed in the back of his throat and threaded right through the fleshy center of his tongue. I went back up the stairs immediately and locked my door, sat in bed until the sun came up.
I managed to avoid him the days after that. I thought about telling the others, trying to explain it to them, but I knew it wouldn’t end well. They wouldn’t believe me, why would they? I wasn’t even sure that I believed me. I thought about moving out, of course I did, but I had nowhere to go. No money, no real friends outside of the ones I already lived with. And who knows if I was just overreacting, imagining it all. So I decided I’d just ignore him as much as I could until he went back to normal or I’d saved up enough money for a new place.
It didn’t last, though. It was three days ago that it happened. It was late, and I had carelessly lost time sitting in the kitchen, studying for my history exam. I was alone when he walked in. He didn’t say a word, just, met my eyes with that calm look, like an invitation. Then he turned, with a finality I had never seen before, opened the door to the basement, and vanished down the stairs. 
I shouldn’t have followed him. I could have just walked away, went upstairs and buried my head in my pillow. But I didn’t. I had to know. To see. 
So, I walked down those old stone steps, dodging cobwebs. I don’t remember if I closed the door behind me, or if it did that part on its own. The cellar was warm, far too warm for October. It was unfinished, and empty save for an old, lidded cardboard box that sat neatly in the center of the room. A long, jagged crack ran through the floor and up into the far wall, as though the foundation had been damaged in an earthquake or something. Milton stood facing away from me, towards the crack in the wall, whispering something I couldn’t quite make out. I called out to him, and he turned to face me, expression wild with … something. Excitement? Panic? He had started to say something before, all at once, dozens of shadowy, spindly tendrils, adorned with what looked like coarse hairs crept from the crack and began to wrap themselves around him.
I felt that familiar terror bubble up, running cold through my veins, stronger than I’d ever felt it before. I wanted to run or scream, but I couldn’t. He didn’t scream either, but I could see the fear growing in his eyes, silently pleading. He didn’t move, not even as the tendrils began to … unspool him. They reached into him, breaking into his body like plaster, and pulled. He was hoisted from the ground, his limbs yanked in different directions and elongated. They just dangled there, arms and legs and head only still attached by threads of dark, magnetic tape, like an old, torn doll hanging together by string. And then the tendrils began to move him. They took their time puppeting him, and at the end, they pulled up his head, forcing his gaze to meet mine. His cheeks were strung up into a grin, but I saw the tears that flowed freely down his contorted face. 
I don’t know how long I stood there, watching him stripped him apart, piece by piece, slowly and deliberately. I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks, although I couldn’t tell if they’d come from the terror of it all or simply because I no longer possessed the ability to blink. I watched and watched. And when it was over, and he was gone, I waited. I waited for them to take me, a part of me just relieved that I didn’t have to watch anymore. I had already shut my eyes tightly before I understood that I could. I felt my hands twitch, regaining their will. When I finally opened my eyes again, I was alone, in that old, dank basement, with nothing but that long dark crack, and, in the center of the floor, the cobweb covered cardboard box, now open, and filled to the brim with tapes. 
I don’t remember the rest of the night with any real clarity. I know I stood there for a while. I know at some point I calmly bent down, picked up the box, and walked it upstairs. I spent most of the last two days just staring at it. I’ve missed all of my classes. Sam has come to see me a couple of times, to ask how I am. This morning she actually brought me a plate of spaghetti. Imagine that, spaghetti for breakfast. I do appreciate the thought, even if it makes no practical sense whatsoever. Must be an American thing. She did mention that a man stopped by yesterday. Short, greying hair, lots of weird scars, asking about ‘strange happenings’ in the house. Sam told him about her hauntings, and apparently he had been, less than impressed. He told her he was sorry, and that she should move out, and then left without another word. [LAUGH] Creep.
I finally got up the nerve to look into the box. It’s pretty much what it says on the tin: Tapes and stationary. And cobwebs. So many goddamn cobwebs. 
Nobody has said anything about Milton. I expect in the next few days someone will notice he’s gone. How do you explain something like that? I’ve been seeing it again, though. My nightmares … my nightmares have been getting worse. I keep ending up back there. I just watch, and watch, and watch, and I can’t turn away. 
Statement ends, I suppose.
…. Statement? I, I don’t, I didn’t -
I don’t feel better. I really thought I would. I don’t know why. Why in the world did I think that telling my stupid story to this thing would make me feel better? 
The box is still sitting at the foot of my bed. I want to get rid of it, I do. So why don’t I just toss it? It would be so easy. Just … throw it out. But I can’t. 
Oh, huh - 
This tape’s blank as well. I thought I’d sorted through them all, but I guess I missed one. Hm. 
They’re quite interesting, you know. I haven’t played any of the tapes yet, but I glanced at a few of the written accounts. Some of them are so illegible I can’t even read them but others are. Compelling. They make me feel, right. Scared, but [SIGHS]. I don’t know how to explain it. 
I did some research on them, the ones I read anyways. I say research, I mean some quick Googling, a bit of asking around. They’re not real. The Magnus Institute, that’s the logo printed onto the stationary, isn’t a real place. And, as far as I can tell, these people … these people don’t exist. Anywhere. I mean, I found a few names that match but nobody who lines up to the descriptions and when I reach out to them they claim to know nothing about any of it. One of the people I called, Timothy Hodge, his name is, actually gave me the number of his psychiatrist. [LAUGH]
So maybe it’s fiction. A collection of short stories about fictional people and fictional suffering. Just a practical joke. Except, I know that it’s not. I can’t explain how, I just … Know. 
I should probably move out. Only an idiot would stay in this place, after something like that. When I leave this room, I’m going to have to walk by that basement door. Every single day.. I should leave. I want to leave. I will leave. Just, not yet. 
I need to understand, to unravel the mystery, and I’m getting the feeling that there is something in this box that’ll help me do just that. I’ll try to record whatever I find out. I do have another blank tape, after all. [HM] End recording. 
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sommerstessa · 4 years
at tessa’s home ft. @samuel-dryden (kind of)
─── saturday morning, around 3:30 am.
She couldn’t sleep, yet again, and by now, it didn’t come as a surprise. Since the shooting, Tessa had been unable to rest peacefully, her thoughts becoming infected by fragmented memories of that day. The images came in brief flashes, a gun here, some blood there, but all of it was enough to have her shooting straight up in bed, her body covered in a cold sweat. Glancing around her room, Tessa’s heartrate only began to settle when she was assured that nobody else was in the room, a new anxiety that had settled as well. It was strange, given that she hadn’t suffered a home invasion like Naomi did or an attack by anyone she knew personally. This was random, and, as the police were saying, an accident. Just some frightened guy who was way out of his league. Logically, Tessa knew the chances of it happening again were slim to none, but that didn’t turn off her mind. Logic had no place in nightmares.
Unfortunately, Tessa’s inability to sleep was compounded by the burdensome feeling of guilt she’d held onto since breaking up with Sam. They hadn’t spoken in a little over a week, the longest either of them had gone without one another since they reconnected in the coffee shop three months ago. She felt terrible, and was thoroughly convinced the blonde man hated her (rightfully so) for breaking his heart. There was much she wanted to say, but she wasn’t sure it would be appropriate to reach out to him. Really, she wasn’t sure she’d actually say any of it even if she did reach out to him. She was scared of making things worse, saying something she couldn’t take back, something that set him farther away from her than she intended. Deep down, she just wanted to apologize, maybe see if there was a possibility for a future friendship. But how awful would that be? He was no doubt in love with her, and she couldn’t offer him anything but friendship.
As these thoughts consumed her brain, Tessa leaned over the side of her bed, feeling for the cold, rectangular object she had tucked beneath her bed the night before. Grabbing the laptop, she leaned back against her headboard and opened it up, immediately going to her safe space: her blog. It was a place where she allowed her mind to unleash itself, feelings transposing into words on a screen. It was a place where she felt most connected to and honest with herself.
Beginning a new post, Tessa sucked in a deep breath of air and began typing.
To the man who offered me the world, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry I shut you out without explaining myself. I wasn’t ready then, and I’m still not, but you deserve the truth.
This wasn’t your fault. The only thing you’re guilty of is loving me for everything I am and you have no idea how much I appreciate that. It’s what every little girl dreams of - growing up and finding their Prince Charming, the man who can fix anything, the man who can turn even the darkest of days into the brightest ones. You were that for me, but the problem is, I was never one of those little girls. I never dreamed of having a man who loved me as strongly as you do. My dreams never revolved around being loved. My dreams were more selfish, revolving around my ambition and accomplishments, traveling the world, building a following, and making a difference in the world. And while the two aren’t mutually exclusive, I never learned how to have both at the same time. I know you would never hold me back from my dreams, but deep down, I also know I could never be the woman you wanted to spend your life with. I would never put our relationship first, like you deserve.
I thought I could do it. I convinced myself you were the person, the person I could have a future with, the person I could settle down with, but it never felt right, even though I wanted it to. God, you have no idea how badly I wanted it. When I was younger, I had the biggest crush on you. I mean, who couldn’t? You’re attractive, intelligent, dedicated, generous. You give yourself so willingly. When we ran into each other that day, I thought, well, isn’t this nice. And then you kissed me, and it was like everything was falling into place. I was beginning to envision what my life could be like with you.
I thought you could fix it. I thought you could fix me.
When I told you what I learned about myself, you had no hesitancy in committing anyway, no matter what the future brought. It was so selfless, and I didn’t think anybody could love me like that. But you did. You didn’t care what my body would look like or what it would or wouldn’t be capable of doing in the future. You dove in headfirst, and I latched onto it. You gave me hope, hope that I’d have a real family one day, a husband and kids, whether they were genetically ours or not.
But I was wrong. I was wrong for putting all of that on you. I was wrong for seeing you as a band-aid, as someone who could fix me. I was wrong for quieting the small piece of my brain that contained doubts. I was wrong for letting you believe we were on the same page for the past three months. I was wrong for letting you fall deeper and deeper, while I felt like I was still getting to know you.
That’s not to say I never cared about you, or that our relationship was a lie, because it wasn’t. On the contrary, I care deeply about you. I want you to be happy. I want you to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of with a woman who dreams of those things, too. But I was never that woman. No matter how happy we were together, no matter how right we felt together, I could sense that we were only fooling ourselves. I could sense that there was something missing, something deep down at our cores that kept us from clicking just right. I don’t know if you felt it, too, but it wasn’t the type of thing that could go unnoticed. I tried to quiet it, I tried to ignore it, but I learned very quickly that I will never be the type of person to ignore feelings, as vague as they may be. I’ve always been incredibly connected to myself and in tune with my emotions. I knew we weren’t right together, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.
I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for worrying you. I’m sorry I still can’t say it to your face. But please know that you are an amazing person, boyfriend, son, brother, boss, and everything in between, and one day, you’re going to make an amazing husband and father to a family who’s perfect for you.
And I’m going to be right there in your corner, cheering you on every step of the way.
My hope for the future is this - I hope that one day, you can see me as Tessa Sommers, the woman who set you free so you could accomplish your destiny. So you could find the right woman, the woman whose butterflies survive the initial honeymoon stage of the relationship, the woman who continues to swoon even after the first few dates. I hope that one day, you’ll see me in town and you’ll smile and wave, and think of me as someone who gave you freedom rather than heartache. I hope that one day, we can be friends, and we can reflect back on these three months as something we both needed for different reasons, a time during which we both learned valuable lessons about ourselves, even though it didn’t work out in the end.
You will always hold a piece of my heart, and I will always be grateful for the pure generosity and selflessness you gave me. Please don’t ever change.
Chewing on her lower lip, Tessa’s finger hovered above the ‘post’ button for much longer than usual. Despite never using Sam’s name, it would be easy for others to intuitively determine who the post was about, especially others living in Wilmington. Sam didn’t deserve that. He didn’t deserve to have his romantic life available on the internet for anyone to read. Although Tessa had made a life decision to lay her personal life out there for the world, he didn’t.
Releasing her lip, Tessa’s finger moved the cursor towards the drop-down menu, where she very carefully selected the ‘post privately’ option, after which she made sure to copy the link and open up a new tab. Pasting the link into an email, Tessa then entered Sam’s email address in the ‘to’ line. The subject read ‘Please read.’ There was a final moment of hesitation during which Tessa pondered the negative aspects of going through with this. Of course, everything she said had the potential to make things worse between her and Sam. But she hoped he’d understand the gesture, understand where she was coming from, and maybe it would give them both some sort of closure.
Exhaling, Tessa clicked send on the email and subsequently closed her laptop, setting it on the mattress beside her and grabbing the remote for the television. There was no chance Sam would be checking his emails at 3:30 AM, but there was even less of a chance of Tessa going back to sleep now.
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amandaoftherosemire · 5 years
A Lost Hour
Fandom: Marvel Avengers AU
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff X Reader
Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers
Author: @amandaoftherosemire​
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2,807
Format: One-shot
Warning: Language, fluff, implied smut
Summary: On a mission alone with Natasha Romanoff, you try to keep from annoying her as you hide how much you adore her.
A/N: Written for @buckysforeverprincess’ Hop Into Spring 3K Challenge. Congratulations on 3000, darling!! You’re amazing and you deserve all the love and adoration! My prompt was “Don’t forget daylight savings.” Writing reader inserts is like exercising my brain (second person is not second nature, that’s for damn sure) because I like to make them as neutral as I can. Except, since I’m female, I tend to write from that perspective, which means that all of my reader inserts have been fem!reader. This time, I wanted to stretch my brain in a new direction, so I wrote as neutral as possible, including gender. Please feel free to let me know what you think, including ways I failed. I’m always trying to do better and learn more, so I’m absolutely open to criticism.
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A Lost Hour
Natasha watched you out of her peripheral vision from across the motel room. You were standing at the other queen bed unpacking, laying out everything you’d need for the mission the next day, your movements brisk, economical, and lethally efficient for all you were humming what sounded like ‘Hollaback Girl’. Nat appreciated that when it came to the work, you were a silent, stone-cold professional. She would put you at her back any day of the week, her highest compliment.
That said, when you weren’t actively on a mission, you never seemed to stop making noise. If you weren’t talking, and somehow you never ran out of things to talk about, you were humming, singing, muttering, laughing, or just making weird noises with your mouth. If she was the sort who gave in to such things, you could have her literally climbing the walls like the spider for which she was named.
To be fair, it wasn’t that the noises were in reality all that irritating. No one else seemed to notice, for instance. If she was being honest, she wouldn't classify the sounds you made as irritating at all, really. What drove her crazy was that they made it impossible for Natasha to ignore you, though she'd never had that problem before.
She couldn’t quite put her finger on what made you so compelling to her. It wasn’t your looks, though she thought you incredibly attractive. That would never have been enough to capture her attention on its own, however. She’d used her own for both good and evil often enough to know how little beauty truly counted. The fair of face couldn’t catch her eye.
Though she most often pretended to ignore you, sometimes she put on that she found you annoying in order to insist that you be quiet. As a matter of fact, she found your voice, the sounds you made, too appealing. She had to concentrate to tune you out, her ear seeming to naturally tune itself to the timbre of your voice.
She also found your little rants funny, though she groaned as loudly as anyone when you started in on one. You had any number of random little pet peeves and there was no way to know when someone might inadvertently step into one in the course of normal conversation. When you got going, however, was when she found it most difficult to resist the urge to kiss that chattering mouth. Lately, it had only gotten worse.
Because though she could see that you found her physically attractive, she was almost certain you didn't really like her. She was painfully attuned to the tone of your voice and could hear it was often a touch colder when you spoke to her than when you spoke to any other member of the team. You were warm and pleasant with everyone, so it wasn't as though you were mean or rude even then; only Natasha would ever notice the difference.
She refused to let it bother her, but it made it easy to pretend she didn't like you right back.
Once she'd finished the double-check that she had what she needed for the mission in the morning, she repacked everything as it had gone in except for her night clothes and her toiletries bag. You had long since moved on to flipping through the channels, your preparations for the mission less meticulous than hers, though you were hardly sloppy or haphazard. You were still humming under your breath, but you were unusually quiet and she was having a hard time placing the melody.
You were watching Natasha out of the corner of your eye, trying to keep the humming to a minimum. You knew it drove her crazy and you were trying not to irritate her on this mission. You'd been half in love with her almost since you met her. You hated that you annoyed her, but you also couldn't change who you were, so you tried to stay as quiet as possible when she was around.
You'd hotly anticipated and deeply dreaded this mission. Any time you spent with Natasha was nerve-wracking, but an overnight mission, just the two of you sharing a motel room seemed like a recipe for disaster. Disaster for you, at least. You doubted Natasha would even notice you unless you irritated her by talking or humming too much, or if you fucked up your part of the plan.
You, on the other hand, were going to spend the next 24 hours on pins and needles, trying not to give away how absolutely magnificent you thought she was. Sometimes you went too far in the opposite direction, but it was better than her knowing you spent most of your time in her presence internally sighing dreamily
Obviously, she was beautiful. You had eyes; you could see she was gorgeous. You were no more immune to her appeal than the next person. That said, it was her strength that you found most captivating. In addition, you respected her competence and efficiency and you had a nice healthy fear of her lethality. You weren't frightened of her, but like a razor-sharp blade, you didn't take her bite lightly. Her capacity for loyalty had surprised you, but only until you got to know her. Her humor charmed you, made you wish you didn't annoy her because you found her hilarious.
Of all the things about her that made you wish you could at least be friends, however, it was the sweetness laying close to her bones. She hid it well but, where she cared, she was kind and deeply loving in her own quiet way. On more than one occasion, you'd had to start ranting about something stupid to cover for the puppy-dog-eyes you'd been giving her.
When she settled onto her bed with her tablet and a bottle of water, you spoke softly. "Do you want to pick?" you asked as you offered her the remote. "If you leave it up to me, I'll end up watching the crokinole championships on ESPN Twelve like a lunatic."
Natasha frowned a little and lifted puzzled eyes to yours. "What in the world is crokinole?"
You laughed and flipped back to the channel airing the niche game's championship. "Fuck if I know," you replied and settled back against the pillows with a grin, "but in about twenty minutes I bet I'm going to have a whole lot of opinions on technique and strategy."
A half an hour later, both you and Natasha were watching the classic dexterity game with rapt attention, discussing the ongoing bracket as though you'd been following the game for years. You'd looked up the rules on your phone, not that you really needed to. The point of the game was absolutely clear once you'd watched for even just a few minutes, but the Wikipedia page clarified some scoring questions the two of you had.
"Oops, he left a hanger," you were saying as Natasha's phone rang, Steve's number lighting up the screen. You snickered when you saw the picture she'd used for him; it was some promotional shot from the 40s when he was being used to sell war bonds and he had the dumbest cheesy grin on his face.
You loved that she teased Steve in this way, taking potshots at the public persona, the piece of propaganda rather than the private man or the real symbolism of the shield. Steve was one of those she cared about; you always enjoyed watching their dynamic at play.
“If he can pick up the twenty and knock the other guy’s puck into the gutter, I think he’s won it,” she replied as she swiped the screen. She’d gotten as into the game as you had, the two of you finally bonding a little. She didn't notice because she was answering the phone, but you were caught in full-blown puppy-dog-eyes mode.
You sat in silence, watching her smirk at Steve and assure him that she had things well in hand while you grinned at her like exactly what you were, a moron with a desperate crush.
“You’re on speaker if you’ve got anything to tell us both,” Natasha turned to focus on you as she hit the button on the screen. Her eyes met yours, warm and full of fun, then rounded ever so slightly in surprise at the lovesick smile on your face. For the first time, she wasn’t seeing any coolness or reserve in your eyes and she wanted it to never stop. She smiled timidly back at you.
“Just stay safe, watch each other’s backs, and don’t forget about daylight savings.” Steve’s voice snapped you out of it, made you aware you were being stupidly obvious in the way you were staring at Natasha. The smile on her face was almost shy and sweet and was making your heart gallop like a thoroughbred. You latched on to the last thing Steve said like a lifeline.
“Ugh! I hate daylight savings!” You fell backward onto the bed with a groan of annoyance, partly to be dramatic, but mostly to stop looking at Natasha. “Especially Spring forward. You know the whole thing’s pointless, right? It doesn’t even do what it’s supposed to, and some think it’s actively detrimental. But no, we keep doing it because we’re stup—"
“I’m on it, Cap,” Natasha cut you off with a good-natured chuckle as she got up to sit next to you on your bed. She patted your knee affectionately as she finished the phone call and hung up. You propped yourself up on your elbows and watched her, nervous but oddly excited.
Natasha had never been this friendly before.
“I thought you didn’t like me,” she said quietly. This evening with you, learning the intricacies of a game neither of you had heard of before, had seduced her in ways she’d never thought to expect, let alone guard against. The uncomplicated adoration she’d seen on your face as you looked at her gave her the confidence to speak bluntly.
“No!" you cried, distressed that you'd made her think so when you thought so highly of her. You gave her a sheepish smile and ducked your head. "I know I can be annoying,” you said, wrinkling your nose. “I don’t want to irritate you by scampering after you.”
Her mouth curved and her eyelids lowered in an expression both earthy and ethereal. Your heart skipped and you knew you were in way over your head. “You’re not irritating or annoying,” she said. When doubt flickered across your face, she felt a pang of remorse. “You’re distracting,” she murmured.
“Distracting?" You frowned a little, not sure if that was a compliment or not. "Is that good or bad?” you asked, a little breathless. The look on her face was making your heart race.
“Well," she said softly, and leaned in ever so slightly. You were painfully aware of every movement she made, and your breath caught in response. "That depends." You had seen her flirt for work; this was nothing like that. Her eyes were direct, her body language straightforward, and you would swear that she was trying to be as honest as she could.
"On?" you prompted and sat up. You and she were face to face now, but neither of you moved, though you were both practically holding your breath in anticipation.
The corner of her mouth lifted in the slightest of smiles, your eyes following the movement with meticulous care as you waited for her next words with a heart pounding in desperate hope. "On if I'm trying to ignore you," she replied, her smile spreading and her eyes turning surprisingly shy. "I tend to ignore that which I don't think I can have. Or whom."
Her eyes seemed to sear into yours, the dreamy green going sharp as jade. You shifted forward a fraction of an inch, your hand twitching towards hers before you stopped it, terrified to overstep and fuck up this exhilarating conversation. "And I don't know how to shut up, especially when I'm nervous."
Natasha wasn't smiling now, but you had absolutely no idea what she was thinking, her expression inscrutable. "I make you nervous?"
You gave a quick, disbelieving laugh. "Have you met you?" You didn't know why, because she hadn't moved, but you started to feel like she was leaning away from you. You kept talking, because you were terrified you were fucking this up, and you always talked too much when freaked out. "Between your strength and skill, oof, and your mind, you'd be the most intimidating woman on the planet. Add in the humor on top of everything else and you're spectacular. I'm astonished whenever I manage not to babble."
By the time you managed to shut yourself up, she was smiling again. You didn't know it, but she had thought you were going to start yammering on about her physical appearance and nothing was more likely to make her dismiss someone as not worth her time. Marks underestimated her because of her looks; she didn't waste her real self on marks. Instead, you were charming her with your chattering about how intimidating you found her, not her face. "So, you're telling me I don't need to ignore you."
"Not if you don't want to," you said, making her smile wider with your earnestness. You went on, shy yourself this time. "And if you don't mind if I babble."
Wasn't this a pleasant surprise? she thought. The discovery that you found her as appealing as she found you was the best thing she'd learned in a while. She decided to live a little and tell you the whole truth. "When you babble, it makes me want to kiss you."
Your eyes popped open and your mouth spread in a wide smile. You didn't know what had led to your good fortune, but you weren't going to question it. You licked your lips and your heart kicked when her eyes followed the movement. "Even when I babble about something stupid, like daylight savings?" you asked, audibly breathless.
She smirked a little. This time it was she who eased forward a little, causing you to sway toward her without thinking. She was close enough now that you could see the flecks of gold in her eyes and her mouth was close enough that you imagined you could feel her breath on your skin. That tempting mouth curved in amusement. "Especially when you babble about something stupid like daylight savings.”
"People think it's for farmers," you immediately launched into anything you could remember about why daylight savings sucks and is stupid, but you were barely thinking about the words coming out of your mouth, "but that doesn't make sense in a modern era with electric ligh--"
Natasha laughed, which had you slowing down, delighted to make her laugh out loud for the first time. She'd tell you later that she laughed internally at the things you said all the time. For now, you were simply enthralled at the sound of her laugh when you inspired it.
You didn't stop talking, however, until she took your face in her hands and stopped your words with a soft, almost tentative kiss. Slowly, gently, you slid your arms around her, pulling her close as she melted against you. She slid her arms around you in turn, enchanted by the soft generosity she found in your mouth, in your arms.
A long time later, she pulled away reluctantly, only to sink back in with a chuckle at the misty-eyed look of awed adoration you gave her. Silent and smiling, you'd been struck speechless and so opted to let her have her way, happy to follow where she led.
The next morning at 5:00 AM, according to the phone buzzing next to the bed, and 4:00 AM according to your body, Natasha leaned across you to turn off the alarm. When it was quiet in the impersonal dark of the motel room once more, she snuggled back down under the covers, her arm sliding around your waist as she rested her head on your shoulder. You smiled at the ceiling, delighted by the sunset cloud currently tickling your nose.
"You're right. I hate daylight savings," she murmured.
"See!" you whispered hotly as you cuddled close, delirious at the feel of her satin skin sliding against yours and incensed that you were going to have to give it up soon. "If not for daylight savings I’d get to spend another hour in bed with you. It's fucking stupid." That was as far as you got before Nat was rising over you in the dark to press her mouth against yours again.
For the first time in either of your careers, you nearly missed a mission because of daylight savings.
The End
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@hellzzzbelle @suz-123 @buckysforeverprincess @cheekygeek05 @lbouvet @rishlo @diinofayce @bibliophile1773 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @miraclesoflove @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @destiel-is--endgame @irritated-bisexual
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Never Disturb A Sleeping Cowboy ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @ed-edler @king-of-lee-squirrels and @kingoflesquirrel
A bit of peace and quiet shouldn't be too much to ask for, right? I mean, all it really takes is going somewhere, nice, safe, comfortable and secluded, right? Well, at least that's what Ed Edgar figured to be the case as he lay on a patch of grass in the comforting shadow of an oak tree. After a day of hard work, the cowboy just wanted a nap which the faint scent of grass and flowers around him. He got so close to getting it too, he was lying down, relaxed, and with his hat over his face to shield him from the bright afternoon as he shut his eyes....but it was not to be. Ed Edgar's relaxation was cut short....by a nut.
It was a walnut to be precise, and to be fair the dropping of this particular walnut had been a complete and total accident. The King of the Squirrels had been relaxing in the tree above the cowboy, hardly aware of his presence since he was fixated on arranging some walnuts in his hand by size. Unfortunately, he had fumbled with one and dropped it, which caused it to fall...and land right in the brim of Ed's hat. Thankfully Ed hadn't thought much of it, simply squirming to get comfy once more with a little sigh.
'C'mon mother nature let me naaaap.....'
King covered his mouth to repress a laugh, mainly due to how surprised he was that he managed to land the nut right into the brim of Ed's hat by accident! The monarch hummed to himself as he observed the grumbling man beneath him....oh part of him wanted to let him rest....and yet another, stronger part of him was really very bored. Unfortunately for King, the boredom took precedence when it came to King's decision making....and that decision being that the monarch was going to see how many more nuts he could land on Ed's hat.
The monarch ended up huffing in annoyance when his first two purposeful drops missed Ed's hat by a mile, and the next two, and the next three. But the King was determined....and that determination allowed one to land. Then, a second one landed on its mark....and Ed had HAD it. Ed growled and ripped off his hat, intending to look up and glare at the tree before finding one to nap under that didn't grow nuts. When he looked up and saw King with a hand full of nuts however...his agenda swiftly changed.
'Who in the hecki-King? What in tarnation?!'
The cowboy narrowed his eyes up at the monarch.
'Were you throwing those down onto me?'
Ed spoke accusingly, to which King mustered up the most innocent expression that he could, along with a soft smile down at Ed as he replied.
'Oh my goodness, Edward I simply do not know what on earth you are tal-'
'Oh don't give me that Mr Regal Schmegal crap, I know it was you!'
Ed could see through the innocence from a mile away, using his full first name was enough. As Ed jabbed his finger up at King, the monarch merely rolled his eyes and let the façade drop, swinging his legs as he remarked casually.
'Well you're the one who sat under my tree.'
Ed scoffed, sitting up straighter as he regarded King with a raised eyebrow and disbelief. King never ceased to amaze him with how brazen he could be, I mean sure he was random and eccentric, but he really took his royal status to heart and embodied it quite a lot.
'So you're saying that out of every single tree here, this SPECIFIC one is in fact yours?'
King looked down at Ed's pursed lips and thought for a moment. I mean, technically all the trees in the woodland were his, but there was brazen cheekiness and then there was being a true asshole; King preferred being the former of those. He replied promptly.
'We don't get cows in the woods Edward, if so my subjects would have spotted them.'
King smirked subtly, continuing to swing his legs and feet from his position straddling a comfortable branch. Ed gritted his teeth....Ed had a thing about smart asses.
'You think you're so smart don'tcha?'
The cowboy was getting more and more riled every second, I mean smugness aside, this guy had had the audacity to stop him from resting without even batting an eye! Ed anticipated maybe teaching this monarch a lesson, though he wasn't sure, he was still a little tired....
'Well this IS my habitat, and kingdom in fact....'
Ed narrowed his eyes....I think that tiredness was temporarily forgotten now. King smiled to himself, since he was having rather a lot of fun teasing Ed...until he felt a hand latch tight onto one of his swinging ankles. King looked down, and froze at seeing Ed wearing a dark smirk.
'I think a certain King has gotten too big for his boots.'
Before King knew it, he'd been tugged off of his low hanging branch and forced onto the forest floor, only able to let out a yelp as Ed completely overpowered him. Ed smirked in triumph as he pinned the spluttering King on his tummy before sitting on his shins, and snickering as King's bare feet caught his eye.
'Or lack of.'
King flushed with embarrassment....shoes and socks just felt constricting okay! He scrunched his feet as he grasped at the earthy floor, whilst trying to sound defiant.
'Unhand me! I'll set my subjects on you for this!'
Ed hummed amusedly at that....since there were no squirrels, or any other similar woodland creatures to be seen. He set about picking a tuft of soft grass, stroking through the soft blades and holding them in his fist so the tips of the grass blades were all nice and close together. After he finished his little construction, he purred.
'And how will you do that when you're too busy laughing to give any orders?'
King barely had time to register the sentence in his brain before Ed's intentions suddenly became very, VERY clear to him. Ed had begun stroking up and down his soles with the grass blades, making King splutter and giggle with embarrassment at the soft tickling. He couldn't let this happen, he was a King darnit he couldn't just let himself be humiliated like this!
'L-Lehehet me gohoho lehet m-mehe gohoho nohow!'
....unfortunately, he didn't sound as tough as he'd wanted to sound. Ed smirked broadly at this, loving how tittery and ticklish the monarch was.
'Not until you apologise to me for being a dick.'
Ed chuckled, particularly when King spluttered and tittered even more because of his embarrassment. First off, he was being nothing like a piece of genitalia and frankly King found that to be EXTREMELY inappropriate! Secondly, he wasn't going to apologise just because he demanded it!
'Ihihi w-wihihill d-doho noho suhuhuch thihing! Ihi aham a K-Kihing!'
Ed snorted and rolled his eyes at his reply, he felt sooo intimidated by King's jumpy, giggly tone right now; he'd known it was a long shot asking for an apology so soon anyhow. Ed smiled, settling himself properly on King's shins and ankles as he took to swiping under King's toes with the blades of grass.
'Then I guess I'll be tickling your royal tootsies for all eternity, your majesty.'
Ed used the royal title snidely as King squealed and hit the forest floor, his giggles becoming rather frantic as he scrunched his toes to defend their oh so sensitive undersides.
'Yohohou cahahan't yohou cahahan't!'
Ed hummed as he regarded King, before tossing the grass aside; he definitely needed a harder tool of some kind to really break through to King.
'Hmmm, seems like you need a little more convincing about who's really in charge here....'
Ed mused before, unseen to King, his eyes lit up and he picked up two long, thin objects from the forest floor. Meanwhile, King panted, trying to keep himself together despite knowing that the tickling was going to get worse. Nonetheless, King took in a breath, licked a little of his peanut butter beard for moral support, before attempting to replying insistently.
'I-Ihin MY k-kingdom I am in char-AAEEE WHAHAT IHIS THAHAT?!'
King's verbal plan was cut off by his own shriek, followed by his hysterical, hiccup-filled giggling. Ed had picked up the most perfect pair of fine, sharp twigs from the forest floor and had started swiping them up and down King's soles happily. One sharp, precise, tickly twig per foot.
'Y'know I always found twigs annoying, they always stuck in my back whenever I tried to rest or nap outside. I never knew they could be so wonderfully effective!'
Ed mused, putting in a little dramatic effect; he blamed associating with so many Extra™ egos for his little dramatic streak. Ed was serious when he said he liked the twigs now though, they could scratch into wrinkles that fingers could not, and they were harsher than blades of grass could ever be. Plus, they were tickling King and making him blush and scrunch his feet pretty damn hard, so they were clearly doing a good job.
Ed chuckled, King's threats just sounded cuter and cuter by the second. He experimentally flicked the twig tips over the royal's toe pads as he crooned in response.
'Oh yeah, and how will ya do that? I don't see any of your subjects out here rushing to your aid your majesty....'
King shrieked and arched his back, squeezing his eyes shut as his cackles made his entire body shake with mirth. He totally didn't have his eyes closed in an attempt to ignore the fact that Ed was right and that his subjects were most likely just watching their King being tickle tortured, nopety nope noooope.
King cried, consumed by embarrassment; especially when he heard Ed snort in amusement as he continued the evil twig tickling technique.
'Uh huh uh huh, I'm not hearing an ''I'm sorry''.'
Oh that smug, stetson-wearing peasant! Despite the torturousness of it all, King was far too proud to let himself be beaten by this. Kings were strong, and he was no different.
Ed huffed with gritted teeth, growling as he tossed the twigs aside. Damn he was strong. He knew plenty of egos that would have babbled apologies as soon as those sharp twigs reached their precious toes, but not King. Ed had to think. This guy was a King of the wild, always outside in nature, so maybe he just needed a rougher treatment than most; plus, with how riled Ed was right now, he was more than happy to provide that kind of treatment. Ed turned his head, looking down at the monarch who had his face tilted to the side. Perfect....he could say this right to his face.
'You have NO idea what you're letting yourself in for. You're dealing with the tired, ruthless version of me Kingy, and that's the version of me that'll be more than happy to make you scream out an apology!'
....King ordinarily might have laughed at how much Ed's moustache twitched as he talked, but the things Ed was saying, the way he was talking....sent so many chills down King's spine. He could see that Ed meant every single word that he said....and King had a sneaking suspicion that even if he did apologise now, Ed would go all out on him before he actually had mercy, he was just that riled. So, King mustered up a smile at the cowboy. If he was going to be tortured, he was going to show his strong attitude first.
'Ahall I hear are words and words and words cowboy....'
King's smile was toothy and smug, since even though he had a hint of fear of what Ed was going to do, he didn't think it would be THAT bad. I mean, twigs were the most tickly things that the forest floor was currently offering....so King didn't even fathom the prospect of Ed actually having his own tool on him. But he did. Granted, he had never anticipated using it for anything other than polishing his boots, but once Ed remembered having the sharply bristled brush in his butt pocket, all thoughts of boot cleaning were cast aside.
'You wanna play tough, pretend you're the big strong leader, fine.....I can play tough too.'
Ed's eyes darkened with ruthlessness as he took out the brush....and started scrubbing King's soles with it. Needless to say, all King could do was scream.
It was just maddening and insane and just the definition of tickle torture. King was writhing with mirth and regret whilst Ed smirked with delight at seeing King's soles already going a cute pink.
'Ahaaawww, can someone not take a lil scrubby scruuub?'
King thrashed and shook his head with wide eyes because no he could NOT handle it! His screams and shrieks were loud and getting shriller by the second.
He was seriously going....nuts (yes Ed did chuckle at his own joke a little), and Ed couldn't have been happier, tickle punishments were very much his forte. He snickered happily at the incoherency, scrubbing the balls of King's feet now as he mused.
'One little word, one niiiice little word and it'll all stop.'
As King clenched his fists and struggled and struggled, he knew he had to make it stop....he had to...even if that meant submission.
Ed chuckled and crowed at King's cry, removing the brush immediately.
'Theeeere ya go!'
King gasped desperately, his fists clenching around soil and leaves for comfort as he panted and shivered in the wake of it all. His feet tingled, and King was in shock because never in his life had he felt tickling like that before. Since Ed had slid off his shins, he found the strength to turn onto his side and start to sit up as he whispered.
'Whahat...w-wahas th-that?'
Ed smiled fondly at his innocent question, and held up the brush for King to see; of course, this very much sent the monarch into a state of flustered, wide-eyed awe.
'Ya like it?'
Ed teasingly asked, before giggling at how King swiftly turned his head away out of embarrassment whilst sitting up properly. Ed tucked the tool away with a grin as King mumbled.
'Y-You d-didn't HAVE to use it o-on me....'
Ed smirked, damn he was adorable when he was all meek. He nudged King's shoulder gently as he replied.
'Well, you were kinda being a brat, I had to break ya somehow!'
....dammit, King couldn't help but smile at that, and he nudged Ed back softly as he looked back at him. Then though, as the King looked at Ed and saw his slightly drooping expression and lazy blinking, he remembered why the cowboy had been here in the first place. King straightened up as his idea came to the forefront of his mind.
'H-How about, as an additional apology...'
King unclasped his red, fur lined cloak and offered it to Ed with a soft smile.
'I watch over you as you rest, since you are in my kingdom it is only fair that I am a good host for you.'
Ed blinked a few times, then had to fight a little blush of his own at how kind and sweet King was being. He hadn't even been thinking about his tiredness, until now though, because now he could feel the need for a nap washing over him. He smiled and accepted the cloak, before settling down on the ground and snuggling into its blanket-like warmth.
'Thank you King....I feel safer already.'
King smiled fondly at that, and as Ed got the much needed sleep he deserved, King kept guard. And I can assure you that he made sure no-one, and I mean no-one, disturbed his sleeping cowboy.
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Until I See You Again
— Star Gazer —
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Pairing: Choi San x Manager Reader
Genre: idol au | soulmate au |
Word Count: 2,637
Warnings: mild swearing? 🤣
1 | 2 | 3
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Eyes. From dusk to dawn, his gaze was heavy on you, following you through the doorways, over the floors, in the shadows, his eyes were there—trained to you. Weeks, months, with them on you, why are they now making you nervous?
“So for your schedule, you’ve got your debut stage in the upcoming week, not to mention we’ve got a fan meet in...” You flipped through your agenda that was riddled of notes for the boys you’d been taking care of for about a week. The once easy job you had was now filled with dance practices, studio sessions, fan meetings, and scheduling for debut stages and performances, “... three days. Showing your faces to the day one fans will make them feel like they’re more important than your debut.” The room was filled with nodding heads and murmured words, “Any questions?” One hand shot up, “Yes, Jongho?”
“For the next three days, is it just practice or are we going to have a break to celebrate our debut?” His sweet face made you smile, out of all the boys, he took to you the quickest.
“You just had to ruin the surprise didn’t you?” You hummed, “We will be celebrating after your fan meet with whatever you guys want to eat.” An eruption of cheering bounced off the walls and their excitement filled you with happiness. The past week with the boys had been rough, you were still trying to figure them all out, but seeing them so happy made you feel like you were doing something right, “Alright, alright, now if there aren’t any more questions, I do have some phone calls to make. I’ll be in the meeting room if you need me.”
“Yes!” The boys said in unison. You closed the planner, walking into the meeting room that was off to the side of the practice room. Closing the door behind you, you plopped down into the chair near the window that overlooked the practice room. You sighed heavily as you watched the boys start their practice, your eyes automatically latching onto San; as always he was amazing, every step, every move he made stood out from the rest, powerful yet graceful all the same. You may not like him, but you couldn’t deny that what he has was pure talent.
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Sitting in your normal spot at the table in front of the convenience store, your eyes settled on the condensation that dripped down the cold soda can. It wasn’t that warm outside, but it still continued to build up and slip down the metal. Watching it reminded you of the sweat that clung to San’s forehead while he practiced. Loose strands stuck to his skin, teeth biting into his lip, fierce eyes focused on his reflection in the mirror—
The rattling of the chairs being pulled over the concrete startled you. Looking up, Byungchan, Sungwoon, and Seungyeon came into focus as they sat down, “You guys scared me…”
“And you scared me.” Sungwoon sighed raking his fingers through his short espresso locks.
“Yeah, what’s the point of calling us out?” Byungchan pulled his hat from his head and placed it on the table, his hands following in suit of Sungwoon as he ran his fingers through his hat hair. You chewed on the inside of your cheek attempting to piece together a sentence through the scattered mess of your brain.
“Do you guys happen to remember the night of the grad trip?” Three groans came from beside you.
“You called us out here for that?” Seungyeon hissed, rolling his eyes.
“Seungie is right, this could’ve been done through text—”
“Can you guys just bare with me? Please?” Byungchan looked at you, his furrowed brow softened with one look at your face, your eyes begging for an answer they could give you.
“Is this about San?” Sungwoon asked, and you nodded, confirming his suspicions.
“Every night it’s the same… I wake in the grass and he appears. The past few nights he’s mentioned the graduation trip and then I wake up before I can even ask anything… I guess my question is, did we go to school with San, or even remotely hang out with him?” You were pulling random things from the air, hoping you’d strike a chord with something, but between passing glances with the boys—they had no connection with him.
“I know we were sharing the site and rooms with another graduating class from Sidi High, but that’s all I can remember.” Byungchan’s soft voice gave you some hope, even if it was just a step closer, it was definitely something.
“The weird thing is that you and Dongyeon weren’t even a thing before your accident, so how you two got together is beyond—”
“Did I hear my name?” Dongyeon’s deep voice cutting off Sungwoon sent chills through your skin as it radiated from behind you. Large hands gripped your shoulders, warm thumbs slipped into the collar of your shirt, beginning to massage the base of your neck.
“You always appear when your name is said, don’t you?” Seungyeon breathed, rapping his fingers over the worn wood of the table.
“Feeling rather brave today are we, Seungyeon?” His fingers tensed up against your neck, your anxiety started to kick in feeling the tension between your boyfriend and your best friend.
“That’s enough you two, we’ve all had a long day, so why don’t we just call it a night?” Sungwoon stepped in, trying to defuse the tension, but Dongyeon didn’t lower his gaze from Seungyeon.
“Really…” You stood from your seat, turning to meet Dongyeon’s glare, “That’s enough, stop.” Catching your eyes, he sighed, turning his back to you.
“Let’s go home…”
“Okay…” You turned to the guys, rubbing your temples a bit, “I’ll text you guys later, okay? Get home safely.” Grumbles and groans met your goodbye and you took your leave with Dongyeon, who was quiet almost all the way home.
“Y/N…” He rasped, his voice getting caught up in the scuffing and tapping of your steps.
“Yes?” You peered into his face, but he refused to meet your eyes.
“What were you guys talking about back there?” Whispered words mixed with the crunch of the yellowing leaves scattered over the pavement, his shoulders slumped with the short strides he made, your own feet slowing their pace, falling short behind him.
“Oh... we were just talking about the graduation trip—”
“You asked them about that, too?” The scuff of his body turning to face yours made you swallow hard, his eyes now fixated on you.
“I just want answers of how San knows—”
“What did I tell you?” He growled as he took the space in front of you, his body hovered over you, shrouding you in his obsidian shadow, “Stop trying to dig into things from the past, you’re only going to get yourself hurt.” You stepped back from him, taken back from his sudden aggressive stance.
“Why don’t you want to talk about it?” You bluntly asked, “It’s my past, so what business do you have butting into something that doesn’t concern you?” His face tightened while he rolled his tongue on the inside of his mouth. Darkness swirled in his eyes, something you’ve never seen pass through his glare before, it was everywhere and then nowhere to be found moments later.
“I’m not fighting with you.” He grabbed your wrist and tugged you along up the hill, “This is pointless and stupid, it’s not worth going to bed pissed about.” Sighing in response, you tried to not let his words get to you, but he wasn’t the one who had half of their memories missing, nor did he have someone coming after him in his dreams.
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The night sky was clear, so clear that you could see the stars upon opening your eyes, but you weren’t in your bed, you were back in the forest that you had been in every night. You sat up, rubbing your eyes, waiting for your brain to comprehend why you were laying in the grass surrounded by trees. A voice spooked you; you turned around to see the familiar dark hair and heavy eyes, “San…”
“Why’re you here?” He hissed, his demeanor completely different than the other dreams. He stood above you, his body clothed in just a black tank and a pair of deep red sweats, his arms were crossed as if he was annoyed.
“That should be my question...” You growled back, causing him to scowl at your tone, “Wait… isn’t this just a dream?” You rubbed your temples, groaning a bit, a headache starting to form, “I was just laying in my own bed, so I don't know… Do you know this place?” He pondered your question for a moment before shrugging.
“Possibly.” San turned on his heels and started down the dirt path, scrambling to your feet, you quickly followed him.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
No response. His nonchalant behavior was starting to piss you off, but he seemed to be the only one who knew what was going on.
“Do you know why you keep appearing in my dreams?”
No response, again.
“Are you ignoring me?” You grabbed his arm to get his attention, he was quick to yank his arm from your grip and turn to face you, his eyes shades darker than before.
“Just act like you normally do…” He huffed, your brow furrowed almost immediately at his words.
“What do you mean by ‘act like I normally do’?”
“You’re always trying to avoid me.” He wasn’t wrong, you were avoiding him, but it wasn’t like you were going out of your way to, you’ve just been busy with scheduling and keeping up with them.
“I’m not trying to avoid you…”
“Why then?” His question, which he may have deemed simple, had you at a complete loss for words, “Why did you go with him?”
“Why did I go with who?! What did I do?!” You hissed, quickly becoming more frustrated, “You’re the one appearing in my dreams and making everything so… so…. difficult!”
“Yes, you! You’re always in my space and always watching me, maybe that’s why the others think you’re slacking!” He knew you were lying, he’s always on point.
“I really don’t care about the others.” He took a step toward you, your body instinctively stepping back away from him, “I’m just curious as to why you went with him.” He brought his face in close to yours, his warm breath dusted over your lips causing cold chills to run up your spine.
“Y-you keep asking me the same question and I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve never really talked to you or any of the others, as a matter of fact, I’m too busy with your guys' schedules...” You backed away from him once more, the skin on the back of your arm came in contact with the rough bark of the tree behind you, letting you know that you were stuck. San raised his hand, slamming it against the trunk of the tree hard enough to make you jump; his dark eyes connected with yours as he leaned into you once more, his face coming closer than the last time.
“You really don’t remember?”
“R-remember what…?”
“Two years ago, on the graduation trip.” You felt the fire spread over your cheeks at San’s closeness, the only other time he’d ever been that close to you is when he was running after you, and yet you still had no idea what he was talking about.
“What… did I do on t-the trip…?” You mumbled, as you watched San open his mouth, no sound came from his mouth, though you watched his lips form words.
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You jolted up from the bed, your heart beating erratically in your chest; you ran your hands through your hair, trying to calm down when the bedroom door opened and Dongyeon walked in, “You’re awake?” You nodded, keeping your eyes down, memorizing the pattern on the blanket. The throbbing headache that made itself apparent in your dream followed you into reality—giving into San has turned your mind into a scattered mess.
“Yeah…” You glanced over at the clock, “It’s only five…?” You sighed and started to get out of bed.
“You still have another hour to sleep—”
“No, it’s okay… I just want a shower right now.” Dongyeon noticed that you couldn’t meet his gaze, as you were walking past him, he caught your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
“What’s wrong?” You pulled your hand out of his soft grip, shaking your head.
How do you explain that you’re having private meetings with the number one guy he detests in your dreams?
“It’s nothing, really. Just a bad dream.” Your lips slightly turned upwards, trying to hide that there was more going on in your head than he could ever fathom.
“Alright… if you say so.” Nodding your head, you leaned into him, pressing your lips to his.
“I’ll be out in a few.” Your feet thumped down the cold wood of the hallway and disappeared behind the bathroom door. You let your mind run wild while you turned on the shower and stripped out of the little bit of clothing you were wearing. The cold ceramic tub bit at your skin as you stepped into the warm water; it poured down over your body, as your mind faded into the thick of your dream.
The first night you actually got to talk to him and it was cut short, the real question on your mind was who was this guy he was talking about? You’ve known San for a little over a week now, so why would he be talking about the graduation trip? Your memories of the last year slowly came to you, but nothing of that night and the more you dwelled on it a throb made itself apparent at the back of your head. After cleaning yourself and turning off the water, you stepped out of the shower, the steam filling the bathroom mirrored the heavy fog in your mind as you wandered back to the bedroom. Slipping into some clean jeans and a nice shirt, the smell of pancakes lingered into the room causing your stomach to growl, “How was your shower?” Dongyeon’s voice startled you as you met his gaze in the mirror.
“It was fine.” Breaking eye contact, you ran your fingers through your damp hair, carefully detangling any knot or snag.
“Just fine?” Your lackadaisical nod to his question made him cock his head, confused as of why you were being short with him, “Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You rasped walking over to the dresser.
“Are you mad about our little scuffle last night?”
Stop trying to dig into things from the past…
His deafening voice rang in your ears, his harsh tone from the night before awakening your exhausted senses, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yanking the drawer open, you grabbed a pair of socks before shoving the drawer closed, “I’m perfectly fine.”
“Then why are you acting so… distant?” His voice fell, the sound of it tugging at your heartstrings. The warmth in the room faded, welcoming in the chilly air of Dongyeon’s clouded clarity; disheartened eyes cast themselves to the floor where gloomy morning light began to flood.
“Yeonnie…” Reaching out to him, you pulled him into your arms, his head reflexively falling to the bend of your neck, “I’m not mad.”
“I just don’t want you to end up getting hurt…” A muffled whisper, too soft to ignore, but heavy enough to shatter your heart.
“I know… I’ll stop…” Vacuous words, tainted with the idea of a promise that you knew you couldn’t keep to him.
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“Until I See You Again” Master List
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lminlovewithmycar · 6 years
Christmas with Queen - Roger Taylor
A/N: My first ever queen imagine, I hope you all enjoy! I also live in the states so sorry if my depiction of anything is wrong! 
Pairing: BohRap!Roger Taylor x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Implied smut, cussing, alcohol use, I think that’s it?
Requests Are Open! I write anything Roger Taylor!
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not my gif but wow i love one (1) man
The sound of wind whistling against the window of your London townhome woke you out of your sleep. You sighed deeply and cracked your eyes open, seeing snow falling outside from the crack in the curtains. You swung your legs over the side of your bed as quietly and gently as you could, as to not wake the sleeping, beautiful man that laid next to you, blond hair making a slight halo around his head. Fitting, because he looked nothing short of an angel as he slept. 
Christmas morning! your brain told you, and you smiled, planting your feet on the hardwood floor, standing yourself up and grabbing your silk robe to match your lacey nightgown from across the room. You slipped the robe on while tip-toeing your way into the kitchen. You began to brew some coffee and grabbed two mugs from the cupboard above you. Once it was done, you poured you and Rog’s coffee, just the way he liked and padded your way back to the bedroom. When you got to the room, you noticed Roger was in the process of sitting up and stretching out, a lazy smile on his face as he gazed at you. You climbed back into bed and handed him his coffee, feeling so lucky to have him by your side for Christmas. He and his bandmates had wrapped the American leg of their News of the World tour, and you got to be with him for a few months before he went back onto the road. You internally smiled, feeling the warmth of his presence next to you in bed.
“Merry Christmas, love,” he said, hand coming up to your face, caressing it and planting a kiss on your cheek.
“Merry Christmas to you, too,” you grinned back, sipping your coffee. 
After a few minutes of just enjoying each other's company, you decided you wanted to exchange gifts before having to get ready for the day. You grabbed Rog by the hands and tried to pull him out of the bed, which was a fail, to say the least. After a few minutes of him making the biggest dramatic deal about having to get out of bed, you got him upright. You took his hand once more and led him into the living area, running to plug in the tree lights and turn on the tele to see The Scrooge, one of your favorite Christmas movies, playing. You hadn’t noticed, but Rog’s eyes were stuck on only you as he watched you sort through the mass of gifts under the tree. He loved seeing you light up like this, and even though this would be the third Christmas you had spent as a couple, he never got tired of watching you light up on Christmas morning. Every time, he would fall deeper in love with you - something he didn’t even know was possible.
After a little while and many gift wrappings later, you were at your final gift and so was Rog. You had gotten him a few shirts from his favorite little shop down the road, which he loved, some personalized drumsticks, a few other random gifts, and the one he was opening now: a necklace chain with a little letter on it, representing your first name initial. He smiled at it and leaned over to plant a kiss on your lips, sweet and chaste, and whispered an ‘i love you’. You smiled, unwrapping your final gift. So far you got some new records for your record player, a picture framed of you and Rog recently that a pap had taken, and some beautiful earrings. You opened the box and saw the most beautiful fur coat from Mary’s boutique. You smiled as you gazed at it, in awe of its beauty. You wrapped your arms around Rog’s neck and planted kisses all over his face as he laughed.
“Thank,” kiss. “You,” kiss. “So,” kiss. “Fucking,” kiss. “Much.”
“Don’t thank me, I love seeing you happy and spoiling you to death, so get used to it,” he grinned back at you. 
Most people have only seen Roger as the label that tabloids slap on him: wild and groupie-crazy drummer boy in a rock band. Sure he was a rock star, but he was also the most heartfelt and soft-hearted boy you have ever met. Many people don’t see the Roger that you see: the one that cries when he gets stressed, the one that makes passionate love to you rather than just a quick shag, or the one that wears your initial around his neck so that he can keep you close to his heart at all times. He may be labeled as a crazy rock star, but he is your crazy rock star, and neither of you would have it any other way. 
You make your way back to the bedroom while Rog starts to make some breakfast. You decide, knowing you will have to leave soon to your mum’s house, to get ready. You put on a pair of red pants with a matching red top and belt, throwing the fur coat onto the bed and laying out your wedged heels. As you brushed through your hair, you hear Rog should that the pancakes are ready and you add finishing touches to your makeup, exiting the bathroom, slipping on your wedges and coat, and entering into the kitchen. The smell of pancaked hangs in the air as Rog nearly chokes on his food when he sees you.
“You look gorgeous,” he babbles, food still in his mouth. You giggle at him.
“Why thank you.”
After eating, Rog goes to get one of his new shirts on with some trousers. When he returns a few minutes later as you wash the dishes, you smile and walk over to him and run your hand down his gorgeous torso. The shirt fit him just right and he looked absolutely beautiful.
“Be careful now, don’t get too handsy or we’ll be late to your mum’s,” he smirks, hands pushing your hair back as he rests them on the sides of your neck, thumbs just centimeters away from your lips.
“Mm, that sounds so tempting, though,” you sigh, latching around the back of his neck, pressing your lips to his. He kisses you back and it instantly becomes heated. You shove your hands into his golden waves, wrapping them around your fingers and tugging, earning a moan from him. His hands travel down to your ass, gripping it and pulling you closer to him as you feel his already-hard-on brush against your thigh. Just as quickly as things escalated, though, they halted and Rog pulled away. 
“Later,” he whispers against your lips.
“’Later’ is all the way at night, God knows how late,” you whine. “Come on, we’ll just tell my mum we had car trouble.”
Roger was never the man to turn down a chance to get with you, but he knew how anal your mother was about timing, and he was not going to ruin Christmas for you. Not today. Today is special.
“You know we can’t to that,” he grabs onto your hands and squeezes them in affirmation. “Later.”
The car ride out to your mother’s home out in the countryside just in the outskirts of London was filled with music from a radio station that you and Roger loved to blast. You sang gently along to Hotel California by the Eagles as the car pulled into the driveway of your family home. Roger parked the car and took in a deep breath.
Another side the fans don’t see - the fact that after three years as your boyfriend, Roger still gets a tad bit nervous talking to your parents. They don’t really understand the world of rock and roll that you two live in, but they try their best to. All Roger cares about around your family is making sure that he impresses them without sounding like a cocky rockstar. You knew your parent’s, though, and they absolutely adored Rog. They constantly insist that he was the best thing that had ever happened to you.
You grab his hand and smile at him, and it tells him everything he needs to know to calm down. He climbs out of the car, rushing to your side so that he can open the door for you. You take his hand and stand up out of the car and you two walk up the steps, hand in hand, and you knock on the door.
“Y/N!!” your younger sister cries as she flings open the door. You embrace her in a hug and giggle as she swings you side to side. She pulls away from you and turns to Roger and she embraces him into a much less energetic hug.
“Hello, it’s nice to see you,” Roger smiles. 
Your sister leads the two of you into the house where your entire - entire - family is. A chorus of “Y/N!”’s echoes through the room. You make your way around to each family member, hugging and greeting each one with smiles as Roger follows you and shakes many hands and hugs a few. Especially your aunt, she demanded a hug from him always. She always announces to him that she is a hugger and Roger, being the amazing and sweet man he is, will just smile and embrace her.
You sat with the family for a while, knowing you would only stay for a little bit because Rog’s family was a bit of a drive. 
“So, Roger, how’s your music group?” your dad asked, not quite grasping the concept of a band as big as Queen.
“We’re in the middle of a tour right now, actually. I got to catch a break for the holidays thankfully, but we’re better than ever. And I have a beautiful woman by my side to experience it with me, what more could I want really?” he smiles and nearly everyone coos an ‘awe’. 
“A ring, maybe?” Your mom blurts out when the room goes quiet. You gasp and hiss, “mum!” and you feel your cheeks turn red.
You and Roger had talked about marriage all the time, of course, but for your mother to make a comment like that made you worry that it was gonna put stress on you and Roger’s relationship to rush into marriage. Your mom has always pushed you to marry Roger, but with touring and his band really taking off, you just assumed there wasn’t enough time for marriage. Your mom understood that, so you thought.
“You’re not wrong, ma’am. We’ll see,” Roger responded, squeezing your hand.
The rest of the day zips by pretty fast. After a little while of lunch, gift exchanges, and a few hugs and kisses from your mum, dad, and family later, you were off to Rog’s family. Considering it was quite small, Rog’s family’s Christmas was a lot more mellow. You played some soccer out back with the younger side of the family and also had a very charming chat with Roger’s mum about Rog as a child. She brought out the baby books - for the third year in a row - and you lovingly stared at each picture as you did every year. When you and Rog noticed the sun starting to set, you headed off, deciding it was time for the most exciting part of the whole day: Freddie’s with the band.
When you arrived at his home, you were not even surprised to see Freddie throw his arms up into the air as he strutted outside his door, wearing bright red pants with a dazzling, sparkly silver shirt, topping it off with an obnoxiously sparkly Santa hat.
“It’s Christmas, darlings!” he welcomed you two, kissing you on the cheek and wrapping an arm around Roger’s shoulders. You all walked into Freddie’s insanely decorated living room, gawking at his giant Christmas tree. You greeted each of the band mates. You hugged Brian and complemented his top, hugging his date as well. You throw your arms around Deaky, greeting him happily. He laughs and tells you a hello and you hug his date as well. You finally walk up to Mary, one of your best friends for the longest time. She introduced you to Roger so you had a lot to thank her for. You gave her a tight hug and started a conversation with her about her new promotion at her boutique. After greeting everyone, Fred quiets the boys down to make an announcement to the eight of you.
“Since Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Y/N finally decided to show up, late probably due to shagging or some shenanigans, we can finally eat!” 
You all gather around Fred’s large dining table, but before you could dig in, Fred holds up his bottle of overpriced champagne, popping it, earning a cheer from everyone. He pours each person a glass and you all toast to being able to spend Christmas together. You then proceed to dig into your Christmas meal, knowing that if Mary cooked, it would be amazing. 
After a few more drinks into the night, Rog disappears into the kitchen for some reason you didn’t know. You were pretty tired at this point, so you just laid your head back into the sofa. Mary eventually appears from the kitchen followed by Roger announces that everyone should probably order a taxi and leave now so that the boys can rest up for an interview tomorrow. You just figured she wanted the house alone with Freddie, so you didn’t question it. The thought of Roger’s voice in your ear whispering ‘later’, was still fresh in your mind, so you stood up quickly, walking to go help Rog gather all the gifts that you two had gotten from the boys. You told everyone goodbye and saw Brian and Deacy get into their taxis. Roger insisted that he only had a glass of champagne so he would be okay to drive. You knew he was okay, so you climbed into the car and began to head home.
“Babe, I really want to drive through the city and see all the pretty lights,” Roger asked, sounding like a little child. You smiled, taken by surprise at his question.
“Well, let's do it then,” you grin, grabbing his hand as he took the extremely long way home. You didn’t mind.
After about an hour of detours, you finally arrived home. Roger was somewhat eager to get out of the car and he rushed to your side, your feet crunching in the snow as you stood up. Before you walked up the steps to your house, Roger grabbed both of your hands so that you were face to face with him.
The wind lightly gusted around and through the two of you and snow lightly fell in your hair, sticking to your face as well.
“Y/N, I want you to know how much I love you before we walk into the house,” he states, his voice shaking just a little bit.
“Rog, what’s going on?” you question, concern in your face. Rather than answering you, he just leads you by the hand up your steps and to the door. Roger reaches for the handle and pushes the door open for you.
Walking inside your house, the first thing you notice is all the little tea candles, making a path through the foyer into the main room, which was practically cleared out. Mary, Deacy, and Deacy and Brian’s girls were holding little candles at the entrance to the room. You then noticed the rose petals that were lining the floor. You see Brian sitting on a bench and playing his guitar and Freddie at the piano, playing along with Brian. You immediately recognize the tune to Love of My Life, and Freddie chimes in with the chorus to the song, Roger’s hand still gripping yours. Just as Freddie sings his last note to the song, you feel a tear fall onto your cheek. It goes quiet for just a second before Roger’s hand lets go of yours. You turn to him, his beautiful face illuminated by the candles. He runs his hand on the side of your face lovingly, blue eyes staring deep into yours. You notice that he, too, is tearing up just a little.
“Y/N, I remember the first ever time I saw your face. You were with Mary and she introduced you to me after a show downtown. I remember you looked at me with the most beautiful million dollar smile I have ever seen in my entire life and twisted a piece of hair in front of your ear, and you just simply said your name and shook my hand. I knew all the way then three years ago that I never wanted to let you go. Something about the way you laughed, twirled your hair, dance to your favorite song, something about the way you just live freely makes me want to hold your hand and just kiss you forever. That one time we had a show at a pub here just before you and I had just started living together, I got absolutely piss drunk, and you came and picked me up in the middle of the night at some random bar without hesitation. I remember waking up next to you the next day for the first time. Later that day, I marched myself to the nearest ring store and started looking. I knew then that I wanted to be with you forever. And those feelings are still fresh on my mind constantly. I want to wake up to you every morning. I want to always be able to come home to you after a long day and just make the most passionate love we’ve ever made. Hell, I want to grow old and rock back and forth on a rocking chair one day. And even then, I’ll still think I’m the luckiest man in the world. And especially, I want to have more moments like these with you. Moments where I can feel your heart beat for me and I can look in your eyes and see the stars. Y/F/N,” Roger breathes, tears streaming down his face as he gets down on his knee, opening the little velvet box. “Will you marry me?”
You, uncontrollably sobbing at this point, choke out a “Yes” and he jumps up, spinning you around, cheering and crying at the same time. You hear everyone around you clapping and cheering. When he sets you down, he slips the ring on your finger, and your jaw hits the floor. The ring is the biggest rock of a ring you’ve ever seen. 
“I love you so much, Mrs. Taylor,” he whispers to you before kissing you passionately on the lips. 
“How did you all do this?” you squeal, turning to your friends.
“You really believed Roger when he wanted to ‘take the long way home’?” John laughed.
“Yeah, if I’m correct, normally Roger would’ve sped to get home so he could get you into bed and-” You slapped Freddie’s shoulder before he could finish that sentence.
“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. God help us all. Two divas and wedding planning,” Brian fake-dramatically stated. Rog shushed him with a slight chuckle.
“Well, Freddie was right. I wanna have some alone time with my fiance, so thank you all, but would you mind leaving?” Roger winked. Everyone was out of that house in one minute flat.
You pecked Roger and squealed as he unexpectedly picked you up, your legs around his torso, arms around his neck.
“I love you,” he commented.
“I love you too, Roger Meddows Taylor.”
And with that, he carried you to the bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him, finally getting to what he promised you earlier.
Requests are open - I write Roger Taylor fics!!
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