#it might be nice to live with people who don't intimidate me at least for my first year
touchlikethesun · 3 months
looking at flats for next year and trying to decide if i'm cool enough/have enough energy to live with people that are university lecturers and film directors and gig organisers (or just generally bohemian, which i am not) for a full year or if i should live with someone/someones that are more lowkey that i'll be able to relax more around from the get-go
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chaiisms · 2 months
all of the following prompts are taken from party banter between the companions in larian studios' baldurs gate 3 (2023). there should be no spoilers! also, a disproportionate amount of these are from astarion and karlach. i'm not sorry.
I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, [ name ]?
You'll be as depraved as the rest of us in no time.
Friend of yours?
Were you always so sneaky?
If there's hope for me there's hope for anyone.
How are we not there yet? My feet are killing me.
This is what I get for trying to strike up conversation.
We're not going to have trouble, are we?
If we continue this way, we may get too close for comfort.
Don't get too comfortable. We shouldn't overstay our welcome in such a place.
Do you have pet names for each other yet?
[ name ]! Was that a joke?
You know what - that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
Given your own nature, are you really the one to judge?
You can read?!
I'm surprised - I expected you to turn your back once you got what you wanted.
I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.
Why stay somewhere safe and comfortable when we could be in mortal peril?
Can't say I love what they've done with the place.
I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.
At least you didn't tell me to 'be myself'.
You have so much to learn. Repeat after me: honey muffin, sweetie pie, sugarplum.
Nice to be in a crowd of normal people for once.
So [ name ], how is your sad, hopeless pining going?
You seemed a million miles away just then.
I fear I've been rather hasty to judge you, [ name ].
Ready to enter the belly of the beast?
Step one of starting a conversation: think before you speak.
I hear your relationship has taken on a new aspect recently…
All right, just keep it down. We're conspicuous enough without your hyena call.
Not one for roughing it, I see.
Why not have a little fun?
You're right, of course. Forgive me.
My money's on you, [ name ].
The echoes - listen! They're coming from three directions!
Want me to carry you?
Feeling at home?
Treat them right, or you'll have me to answer to.
Oh, darling, would you?
No doubt they found me too intimidating.
A girl could get used to this.
Now I don't know what to believe.
Well - yes, it was a joke.
I know that, too. It just wasn't funny.
And here I thought I rubbed you the wrong way.
Man, it's good to be home. First round on who?
Oh, I wouldn't actually leave. After all, where would you be without me?
You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you?
Well what would impress you, then?
Let's just stop this conversation right here, shall we?
Must've been an awful day for the people who lived here
You've clearly thought this through a great deal. I'm impressed and appalled in equal measure.
Sure, but think of the stories you'll be able to tell.
I never was scared of the shadows.
I know you're not really as heartless as all that.
I judged you wrongly. I'm sorry.
Are you charging for this sage advice, or is sticking your nose into my business just a hobby?
Pragmatism, thy name is [ name ].
That's ironic, coming from you.
We're either very clever or very lucky.
You do not need luck to survive, [ name ]. Not when you have me.
That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky.
Stop gawking at the decor. This place is dangerous.
I can't tell if you're joking.
So, what's it like caring for someone other than yourself, [ name ]?
You think I'm beautiful?
I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
Yet another thing we have in common. We're two peas in a pod.
Is it so unbelievable that they would simply like me?
Use your words.
You gonna catch me if I eat a brick?
[ name ], I've heard you talking in your sleep.
Let's never speak of this again.
You can take a day off once in a while, [ name ]
Hey! Something bit me.
Cheer up. It might be all downhill from here.
I love a nice secret hideaway, don't you?
Think the bar is open?
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cerise-on-top · 1 month
Hi im.. a tad... late, (12 days exactly), But i was... wondering if i could request a platonic fic with Ghost and Gaz where they take reader to an arcade for their 18th bday? (You can probably guess who this is, Mr Cerise, Heh, Howdy howdy!)
Hey, Archi! Don't worry about requesting anything late, I don't mind in the slightest :] This got a little bit longer than I wanted it to be, I hope you don't mind that! I hope you can like it at least a little bit as well, I really tried! Have a nice day! @butchersflower And happy (belated) birthday again! :D
Happy Birthday!
“Well, look who it is. If it isn’t one of us fossils!”
Smiles all around, even with a statement as stupid as that one. And yet, as embarrassing as it may have been, you couldn’t help but be fond of those two fools. Dangerous as they were, they were among the best pals you could have ever found. Yes, an adult may sometimes spell danger to someone much younger than them, but those two goofballs had known you since you were ten years old. And after all this time, they were among the first to celebrate proper adulthood with you. As proper as being 18 could possibly be.
“Kyle, be mindful of what you say, Archi might feel old and his back might start hurting.” A sly grin, crossed arms, even familiar as you were to him, Simon still seemed closed off. But it ultimately didn’t matter, it was his idea to meet up near the old arcade after all. For as intimidating a man as he might have been to anyone, who didn’t know him all that well, you couldn’t say you feared that man. He was tall, muscular and had probably killed more people than you ever knew by now, but fear was the last thing on your mind as you rolled your eyes at him.
“Howdy. Good to see the both of you as well.”
“Come on now, show a little more enthusiasm. Today is a special day!” Kyle gave you a pat on your back. “Happy birthday! Welcome to adulthood!” There was a certain sweetness to him being so excited for you. He was usually so calm, even when put under pressure, it was almost astounding, but on that day, Kyle seemed almost more excited than you were. Not that it was a day unlike any other, but it was still nice to be appreciated a little bit for once.
“Happy birthday, kid! Let’s make this a nice day for you.” You would have never thought either of them cared this much for you. As they were still on deployment, fighting for their lives, they texted you about that day. As they were still on deployment, they remembered your birthday, wanting to spend it with you. As they were still on deployment, they realized you liked going to arcades, wanting to take you there to make the day a little more special. It was far sweeter than you expected two men, capable of killing people without a second thought, could be. Even as you tried to bite back a smile, even as you tried to seem nonchalant about all of this, it felt good to be spending time with someone, who cared this much about you.
“Well, you brought me to the arcade, didn’t you? Just as a heads up, I don’t have too much money with me, so we might not be able to make the most of it today.”
Kyle huffed in response, clearly amused. “Oh, yeah? You think we’re gonna let you use up your allowance for this? Pocket your wallet again, we’re paying for everything today. It’s a good use for our military money.” And with that, he took out his wallet, checking its contents. He seemed rather satisfied, knowing fully well that, if he did run out of money, Simon could always just pitch in. Besides, there was an ATM nearby anyway, so it’s not like he had to walk too far to get some either.
“You gonna let us wait out here all day or are you gonna go in? Lead the way, champ.” If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that Simon was more excited to go to the arcade than you were. When had he even gone there for the last time? He was quite a bit older than you were, so it might have been quite a long time ago. Not that he had much time for games these days anyway. Either way, he hinted at the arcade doors with his head. For a sniper, he sure was an impatient one. But you supposed it was a rather hot August day, so it’s not like you didn’t understand where he was coming from. You agreed, opening the door and going inside. It was much cooler in there, the cold air hitting your face. Much more pleasant than that hot summer day outside, you would have preferred to spend all day there.
It was a rather dim room, illuminated by the small lights above, that barely lit up anything. But it was still rather chic. Very retro, very nice. It was hard to believe that something like this would do as well as it did these days, but the teens seemed to be in agreement that an arcade was a nice place to hang out in, with the adults giving into their nostalgia for the good old days. But aside from a few people, it seemed rather empty today. Perfect for playing some rounds. But what to play first? There was quite the selection there. From classic Mario Bros to Pac-Man, it was hard to decide on one game. You didn’t want to take advantage of Kyle’s and Simon’s monetary situation either. However, there was nothing wrong with going for one of the classics first: Tetris.
For as eerily quiet as it was at first, there was something undeniably nice about that song starting to play. By no means had you been alive for long enough to be able to be nostalgic for it, but it was nice to hear such an old melody, one that has been famous throughout generations, in all its chiptune glory. If you had to take a guess, then you would have said that you were doing quite well as you played. With unwavering concentration, you stacked those blocks. With unfaltering determination, you decided on your next move, hoping it would result in another level. But no matter how much you tried to keep your cool, you were bound to lose eventually as the blocks fell at a velocity you could no longer keep up with. As you looked at the high scores of previous players, you were somewhat baffled. How could anyone score this high? You were likely never going to make it into the top five, but it didn’t bother you as much. Playing Tetris at the old arcade was time well spent. You considered whether or not you should play another round.
“You know, back in my day, I used to score pretty high on Tetris. Could always give you a tip or two, if you’d like.” Ah, cheeky Kyle, always so confident in himself. At least he seemed to have been having fun alongside you.
“You’re more than welcome to beat my score. I’d love to see it.”
“Alright, I’ll come get you once I lost. You can find Simon at the Mortal Kombat machine over there. Play a few rounds with him, will ya? But do watch out, he gets a little vicious once he’s played a few rounds.” It’s not that you were unfamiliar with playing video games with Simon, but unfortunately, Kyle was right. If you wanted a chance at beating Simon, then you had better hurry over to him while he was still unfamiliar with the controls. Once he had figured those out, you were never going to win against him. Besides, it seemed as though Kyle was busy now anyway, proud as a peacock, flaunting his skill at Tetris. You were happy he was enjoying himself this much, though.
Looking around, you definitely found another few machines that caught your eye. Mainly Contra and Galaga, but you were definitely eyeing Space Invaders as well. But for now, you had a mission. Not a hard one as Simon was just across the room, thinking. He wasn’t really moving, just looking at the machine more so than anything else.
“Howdy, Simon. You wanna play a little bit? I think it’s a two player game.”
“Gladly.” And with that, he immediately put in a coin, waiting for you to join him. Although he wasn’t bad, it was evident he wasn’t sure of what he was doing at first either, pressing buttons at random to figure out what they were doing. Yes, he may have gotten a few hits in at first, but he was fairly far from beating you. Yet, it didn’t take long for him to figure everything out, giving you a harder fight for your well earned victory each time. At first, there was no rhyme or reason to what he was doing, but soon enough he was just like a viper. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike, injecting his venom into you. Indeed, he was playing nice at first, but his hunger for victory grew more and more into a certain type of greed. You were an adult, you were his equal, you were not to be underestimated. But it felt kind of unfair anyway to watch him use his special moves, without you actually knowing the button combinations for any. After your ninth match, there was no beating him anymore and losing every match didn’t seem like much fun either.
“It’s so unfair how quickly you figure everything out. But I’m glad you seem to be having fun.”
Much like Kyle, he seemed proud of himself, even if he did try to hold himself back. That amused glint in his eyes did not go unnoticed by you. “We can always play something else. Find something new that you can beat me in, I don’t mind. I want this to be a fun day for you first and foremost.”
“I wanna check on Kyle, see how he’s doing.”
“Where is he anyway?”
“He’s playing Tetris, saying that he used to be really good at the game when he was younger. It kind of got me curious to see how good he really was back then.”
“He’s an intelligent man who can keep his calm, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a fairly high score.”
“Do you wanna try to beat him too?”
“No, I don’t think I can.” Huh, even Simon knew his limits, it seemed.
Watching Kyle from afar, you weren’t sure he even noticed the both of you as you got closer to him, too engrossed in his little block stacking game. The blocks were unbelievably fast by then, with half the screen being covered in them already. Two other men gathered around him, watching in awe as he never faltered. It was quite the spectacle, it seemed. Looking over his shoulder, you saw that his score was roughly 795.000. Well, you felt accomplished enough with your 56.000. Truly, there was no denying that he was good at Tetris, he had every right to boast about that. Especially since his score just kept going up and up. You knew that Kyle was a very capable man, he was a sergeant in the SAS after all, you just didn’t know that this also extended to arcade games. He didn’t curse, he didn’t flinch, his eyebrows didn’t even furrow as the blocks got closer to the upper part of the screen. A few times, he was able to lessen them, but in the end, even he lost. It wasn’t a game meant to be won.
897.000. It was fair to say that he was pretty good at the game. But he still didn’t make it into the top five.
“Oh, you’re really good at Tetris, you weren’t lying.” You almost didn’t want to believe that score, but you weren’t exactly sure it was possible to cheat at an arcade game either. Especially not Tetris.
“I’ve played a little more than you have in my life. I was young at one point too, you know.” Wasn’t he 31? He wasn’t that old yet either. Well, if you asked him to, he probably could give you some good tips on how to score a little higher in the game. You almost couldn’t tear your eyes from that score. The other two men congratulated Kyle before leaving him alone again. “Nothing wrong with admiring that work of art, but I used to score higher than that when I was younger.” Show off. But you still felt inclined to believe him.
“Kid, when do you want to grab a bite? Wouldn’t want to let you starve in here either.” You took out your phone to look at the time. For some reason, the time being 13:43 was less believable than Kyle’s score. You hadn’t even noticed that it was that late already. Well, some food definitely wouldn’t hurt. Wouldn’t want those two men to get grouchy.
“Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get something to eat. I don’t think I’d want to miss out on Kyle’s gaming prowess, after all.” You put your phone back in your pocket. Unfortunately, this was likely the time where you had to decide on what to eat. You didn’t really mind anything, in fact, you were okay with most things. But if you had to choose… “Well, Wilson’s is open right now. I could go for a really good burger right now. Besides, a chocolate pie would be pretty good as well, not gonna lie. I hope that’s not too expensive for you guys.”
“Archi, I don’t think you understand that we earn enough money to buy you whatever you want today. If you were 21 we could take you to a damn casino as well and it wouldn’t hurt us too much to lose a few hundred bucks. Just tell us what you want, we’ll get it for you. Unless it’s an expensive car, we can get you just about anything. Buying you a burger or two won’t set us back. Order whatever you want at Wilson’s, it’s on us. We mean it.” Considerate as always, even when he was preaching to you, Kyle was just being kind. You were so glad to have him and Simon as your friends.
“Come on, get in the car. Tell us where that restaurant is and we’ll take you there. Wouldn’t want you to starve on us, after all.” Even Simon was being more stern than usual right now. Maybe you really shouldn’t mention money around those two, as conscious as you were about costing them too much. Then again, you really didn’t know how much they earned. As curious as you were, you weren’t sure you should be asking the two of them about that. ‘It’s enough to feed you and have you have a nice day today.’ Right.
Well, not like you were complaining. It was about time you got a nice burger. And maybe you could go back to the arcade later as well? You haven’t gotten to play as much yet as you would have liked. Surely, Simon and Kyle were open to the suggestion, it did seem as though the two of them had fun as well. Besides, there was a chance you weren’t going to be able to spend as much time with them anymore in the near future, so you had to make what little time you did have with them count. How nice it was to have the two of them care about you, even if you had no idea yet how to repay them. Knowing them, you likely didn’t have to either, but that just wasn’t your style, no. If anything, because it was your birthday, you should have gotten the two of them something as well.
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intestinalemphasis · 6 months
So I'm making a story now.
Blaming @lesbianoms for sorta planting this concept in my brain. This one's made for you, you wonderful human! Enjoy!
Sweet-Tooth Manor
Pt. 1
(F/F story, semi-NSFW?? Mostly foxy stuff. EVENTUALLY but not here yet: non-fatal vore, painless digestion, reformation)
A brief, shitty synopsis of idea: young femme meets middle-aged rich classy woman, and becomes her, ah, "plaything" at home...of the voracious sort.
Odette was enamored with this place. The atmosphere, the people, the blooming gardens spread vast and wide across the rolling hillside. It was simply breathtaking.
"You must have a very fine taste." Said a voice from nearby. Odette looked around, finding a tall, elegantly dressed older woman sitting at one of the metal dining tables outside. She sat cross-legged in a deep red dress, a cigarette between her manicured fingers.
"Oh, I don't mean to intrude, dear," she said, "I just had to tell you how much I admire your physique, your style."
"Oh, thank you!" Odette said, "I don't really dress this fancy most of the time, it's just this place is so beautiful, I wanted to look at least a little bit like I'd fit in with it..."
"Oh don't be so modest, honey, you look absolutely ravishing," the older woman said, flicking the butt of her cigarette off into the ashtray. "Come, sit."
Obediently, Odette walked over to sit with the compelling woman. She was even taller close up, more than a head higher even while they were sitting down. And in heels of all things, too! She must've been one hell of an iconic figure in town.
"Forgive me, where are my manners. I haven't even asked your name."
"Odette," She replied, "my name is Odette."
"Oh what a lovely name. Just like-"
"Swan Lake, yes." She finished. The amount of times she'd heard that...
"All the more reason you're such a dazzle, darling. Trust me, I'd kill to be able to pull off that young, naive charm again..."
Odette smiled – a thin, humble-but-not-all-too-convinced-of-herself smile that she'd practiced giving in return to any form of compliment. The woman sitting across from her seemed to frown, noticing her cover.
"I do mean it, you know." She added, with a little smile of her own. The bright red lipstick almost made it appear devious.
'You mean which part?' Odette almost said, as she contemplated her last words. She was stopped in her tracks, however, by the way the older - and impressively tall - woman turned in her seat to look her straight in the eye.
She looked the young woman up and down: long hair tied back in a ribbon, flowery sundress with modest sleeves, and a youthful, springlike aura which seemed to surround her. Yes. She would do quite nicely, she thought. Quite nicely indeed.
"I don't usually ask this of people this soon," she began, "ordinarily, I like to have a drink or two first, let things wander where they ought to before I make any propositions. But you've..." - she made a popping sound with her lips - "...let's just say, you've piqued my interest. I admire your modesty even in your sheer beauty."
"Oh?" Odette asked, curious.
"I can see that whimsical sparkle in your eye. You long to live in this kind of a place, no?"
"it's been my dream for all my life," she said, "this village, the people who inhabit it...I am so deeply connected with it, and it means so much to me."
"So you might be open to this proposal, then, I take it?"
"What proposal?"
The older woman leaned forward on her elbows, twirling the end of her cigarette in her hand. "How would you like to stay here, in the villa, under contract of a...business venture, I'd like to offer to you?"
Odette blinked, her big brown eyes appearing to the mistress like that of a mother doe's in the woods. She was slow to respond, either thinking too many things, or none at all. Finally, she nodded softly. As though the concept was equally intriguing and intimidating.
"I'd love to be able to stay here, yes. But I'm curious...What's this of your business venture?"
"Oh come now, the evening is still so young," the woman said, "we have all night to catch up on these things, back in my quaint little hillside manor."
"Of course, yes," Odette said, smiling more genuinely now. "That sounds quite lovely, I look forward to learning about it."
"I have a feeling you'll be just suited for the job..." The woman said.
"Forgive me, where are my manners." Odette added in, "I still have not even asked your name."
The woman smiled, chuckling softly. "No worries, dear. Most people only ever refer to me as the Mistress. Sometimes theirs, sometimes not. But I like you, especially so. Mmm...I think so, yes. You can call me Edith."
The way the woman smiled, Odette was unsure whether to feel enamored, honored, or slightly unsettled.
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verdemoun · 2 months
Hiii been a minute since I asked something. I know Mary Beth didnt timewarp (it makes me both happy and sad 😞) but if she did what would it be like (I'm very interested in how she and Jack would interact. Pls pls pls)
Okay iiiiif Mary-Beth timewarped:
Mary-Beth was murdered by a stalker following the success of her novel mere weeks after John saw her in Saint Denis. In this AU, this stalker would later be the bounty that successfully got the one-up and murdered Sadie Adler, too, who was in a recklessly blind rage trying to avenge one of the woman who had supported her following the death of her husband.
Mary-Beth was obviously traumatized by this experience, clinging onto Arthur in tears when he was there ready to pick her up. Being a well renowned author already in 1907, she was easy to locate. She originally stayed with Arthur due to him having the spare room, but despite loving the space and generally what a nice house it was she realized she couldn't handle being alone after the experience. She moved in with Hosea, Bessie, and of course, Kieran (later, Javier too).
Mary-Beth was truly had symptoms of agoraphobia, including severe monophobia. She had to be with at least one other person or she would get panicky, even if she knew others were in the house but not in the same room. Even with others, she struggled to leave the house.
But she was lucky in that being around a group was exactly what she needed. She had, privately, gone through a very similar thing when she left the gang: learning to be alone again and coping with that anxiety. Being with the VDLs was one of the only times if her life she felt safe, and being with the gang again was a balm for her soul.
Shout-out to her and Kieran just besties. Autism be damned my boy felt a debt needed to be repaid. Mary-Beth was his best friend and closest thing he had to an ally in canon era, and if she was hurting he was going to be there for her. They were joined at the hip and some of the glares Kieran would give people when Mary-Beth needed space really reminded them he was as much an outlaw as them once upon a time. Femme-nb solidarity they share clothes.
Predictably she becomes an ao3 queen, secretly writing sequels to her own novels. She also earns a tidy living writing dime-store erotica, which she reads aloud to Kieran to proofread. Hosea and Bessie both sit at the kitchen table drinking their coffee very slowly when she's proof-reading because - well she's a damn good writer.
At first Jack is a little bit intimidated because 'holy shit since when was Mary-Beth Leslie Dupont what do you mean an aunt I don't remember is the Leslie Dupont'. You meet one of your favorite authors only for them to laugh, affectionately say they haven't seen you since you were thiiiiis tall, that they remember changing your diapers, only to then enthusiastically ask to see your writing the second your pain-in-the-ass well meaning cousin drops that you write too.
After getting over a lot of his own awkwardness and other assorted issues, Jack will go to Hosea's because really all his favorite people are there. Hosea might be his papa and go-to for new book series he's obsessed with, or really anything he's reading, but he loves sneaking looks at whatever Mary-Beth's writing and sometimes very rarely sheepishly asking her to read his stuff which makes her whole face light up in the most overdramatic gasp yes of course imaginable.
He also does not know he sits there like an excited puppy waiting for her reactions and comments because she is so positive and supportive of his writing and poor boy craves validation. It could be red hot garbage and she would still give him an essay of what she loved about it before gently making corrections.
They are losers your honor Jack and Mary-Beth sitting in Hosea and Bessie's chairs respectively in the reading room parallel play style both frantically writing and teasing each other with spoilers.
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I know personally as someone who was in my mid-late teens when I watched su, it really mattered to me to get to see a show that said parent figures aren't just right because they said so, and you DO deserve an apology when they hurt you, but one that also had the nuance to show that while you deserve reconciliation and apologies for being hurt by them, they also act with their own reasons and not usually out of a callous disregard for you. Like yes it obviously doesn't flat apply to full on abusive parents, but to parents who were neglectful without really meaning to be or being unable to do anything about it (like, parents who needed to always be at work or who couldn't be there for you) it's actually very relatable and well calculated. Ngl I think some people just dont know what to do with media they don't directly relate to or immediately understand. I did also see a lot of su criticals who tried to claim the show was about forgiving abusers for this exact reason, but I think you only really get that interpretation out of it if you think all media should be about you specifically
In all honesty, the diamonds really did show three different types of parents who are incredibly toxic and damaging to their children without meaning to hurt them.
Yellow is a workaholic, and holds a very strict no-nonsense attitude. She didn’t make time for Pink or treat her problems as legitimate until it was too late, but she did still very clearly care about her. She didn’t let her emotions show to anyone, least of all to herself because she saw them as an obstacle to what needed to be done.
Blue is her polar opposite, she suffered greatly from a loss and (in this case, correctly) blamed herself for every part of it while never actually processing or overcoming her grief. By not taking care of herself, she lashes out at others and cannot move forward. Before Pink was shattered, Blue was indignant, disdainful, and quick to take out frustrations on Pink when she felt “embarrassed” by her not conforming to their expectations.
White was condescending and more dismissive than the other two. Quick to belittle and intimidate to get her way. She loved Pink, yes, but more in the way one might love a nice coat. She was a perfectionist and projected that need to be right and perfect (literally) on every other gem, the other diamonds most of all as they are implied to be of her own creation. Her ego and inability to accept being wrong (or by extension, those she created doing what she decides is wrong) cause her to force Pink to fall into a role that she was never really suited to. She saw Pink as one of her greatest failures and something she needed to either fix or hide away.
All three of them together formed a very deeply toxic and emotionally abusive relationship towards each other and to Pink most of all. A few people take issue with Steven “forgiving” them as they misconstrue it as a victim forgiving abusers, but at the end of the day Steven is not nor was he ever Pink Diamond. He was mistaken for her and felt some of what she experienced because of that, but he was not a long-term victim the way Pink was, in a lot of ways he was an outsider who had context of the situation and wanted to step in to keep them from hurting anyone else.
More to the point, he doesn’t forgive any of them. He calls them out on their toxic behavior and tries to get the point across to each of them that the way they’ve been living isn’t healthy for anyone, and is actively traumatic not only to them but for everyone they hold power over. The end of the series sees him teaching them how to atone for some of what they’ve done and to help others heal, but he doesn’t stay with them, nor does he invite them to stay on earth despite extending that offer to just about every other gem he encountered. It’s established in the movie that he almost never visits any of them outside of his activism and subtly making sure they aren’t regressing into dangerous people again. In the epilogue series he is shown to be (rightfully) distrustful of Blue and Yellow as well as being openly afraid of White. He helped them feel closure for Pink and repaired the relationship the three of them had, and that was it. Even if he had been in that abusive environment for as long as Pink was, that isn’t an unreasonable response. Some victims of (unintentional!) emotional abuse do find catharsis in confronting their abuser once safely out of that situation and expressing the way that behavior harmed them. Some victims genuinely do want their abusers to become better and healthier people when the abusive traits stem from their own trauma or lack of emotional intelligence. There are other victims in the show who completely sever ties with their abusers and never interact with them again, so this wasn’t trying to push a narrative that victims MUST do that, it was giving people language and strategies to approach these conversations if that is something they want to attempt.
This was another of my famous rambles, but I suppose in conclusion I would say: whether SU crits liked it or not, the final arc of Steven Universe was absolutely helpful to people in toxic home environments. It also served as an allegory for queer children not being accepted by their parents for who they are, and how changing your perspective as a parent and accepting your child is legitimately a healthier option for everyone because to do otherwise just ensures you will lose them in every way that matters.
There’s just a lot of important takeaways from that arc, especially for children. I’m incredibly tired of seeing grown adults whining about it because they chose to take it literally. Well done on missing the point of a show for middle schoolers I suppose, but idk if you really just want to see all villains get killed for their villainy just go watch Breaking Bad or the lion king or something. There are plenty of shows where violence is the answer, there’s not any real point getting furious over one of the few that don’t use that as the ultimate conclusion.
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hunter-sylvester · 8 months
Do you think Eddie Munson and Hunter would be friends? I’ve seen some people say yes, and some say no. I feel like Hunter would lowkey hate Eddie at first, then (very) slowly warm up to him.
I mean, yeah. I think they would, and I agree that it would take Hunter a while to warm up to Eddie. That’s basically how I wrote the progression of their friendship in Does it get better?
In DIGB it's a situation that's created by a few unfortunate social mishaps. (Eddie asking about something Hunter feels embarrassed about & making a slightly mean joke that just hits Hunter like a truck because of factors Eddie doesn't know about.)
Aside: There might be a fair bit of referencing to DIGB in this. I wrote a 27k word crossover fic of Metal Lords and Stranger Things, so a lot of my thoughts about their possible dynamic have ended up in that.
I do think that regardless of circumstance, Hunter just needs a bit of time to warm up to people in general. We kind of see that with Emily in the film. It's also something I've discussed when I was asked if I thought Hunter would get along with Ema & Spoon from Harlan Coben's Shelter.
I said he might see Ema as a threat in that previous answer. And I do think Hunter is someone that just easily feels threatened. He never feels safe. He's just like me fr And I could definitely see Hunter initially perceiving Eddie as a threat too. He's loud, he's cool, he's older.
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We know Eddie's a nice guy but he's somewhat intimidating by design. For the same reason Hunter wants to be but I think there's more truth behind it with Eddie. Partially because of the time-period his canon takes place in, Eddie has just lived a much harsher life than Hunter. At the very least harsh in a different way.
And I do think that comes across in his general energy. I mean we see it in the show too, like he's a scaredy cat but when pushed into a corner he will defend himself. I think with more success than Hunter. Where Eddie flees or fights, Hunter freezes. Think of the way Hunter just 'lets' Skip drag him around at Clay's party. Not trying to victim blame, I think it's a panic response. But he has the survival instincts of a spoiled housecat. Eddie is more of an alley cat in this analogy.
I think Hunter would also just find Eddie a bit overwhelming initially. But because of how little introspection he has, he would somehow make that an "Eddie sucks" thing. And he'd lash out and/or hedgehog* in response.
*hedgehog moments or 'hedgehogging' is basically when someone feels threatened so they metaphorically curl up and stick their spines out in a reflexive attack to keep themselves safe. (I don't know if it's a term anybody but me and my friends use but it makes sense in my head)
As for Eddie's side of things I feel like he might initially think Hunter is just a bit of a brat (in the spoiled kid way not the other way this time). I mean one of the reasons Eddie thought Steve would be a douche was his parents being rich. It makes sense that might contribute to the same perception being applied to Hunter.
It's also arguably more true for Hunter. He IS a financially spoiled little fucker. The only way his dad knows how to try to make him happy is to buy him things. Broken his leg on stage? New guitar.
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He doesn't know how to "comfort" him any other way. (and it's a piss-poor way of "comforting" your child btw) Aside: I also think Alan might have felt guilty for dropping Hunter in rehab just cause he didn't know what to do with him. So then having him get hurt right after would've only exacerbated that hence the $3.3k guitar as a "sorry, promise I probably love you, son"
But I do think that once the two come to more of an understanding and actually get to know each other properly they could be a chaos factory and a half. (I have a few WIP fics on the backburner that delve into that actually.) I mean Eddie does like Mike, who is a bit of a dick so he might also not have too much of a problem with Hunter being a dick. In any case, I think most of the "needing time" would be from Hunter's side.
Aside: I think especially a bit of maturing will help Hunter go a long way. Being seventeen ain't easy. I just think Hunter will start to become a lot more comfortable within himself in his twenties.
But in any case, I do think Hunter & Eddie would like each other after overcoming those hurdles. Which I also ultimately think they would overcome.
And I'm actually very attached to the idea that Hunter & Eddie would develop a sort of pseudo mentor/older brother dynamic. Which I think Hunter would actually really benefit from. As extensively established, his parents suck. (so do Eddie's tbf)
So I think having someone there to kind of fill a role adjacent to guidance would really help him. And having that be another metalhead is kind of important. Since Hunter's special interest is obviously metal and it's the framework he uses to make sense of the world. It really needs to be someone that speaks his language.
Aside: I'm always working within the concept that Eddie and Hunter are roughly as far apart in age as they are in their respective canon. As in: Eddie is 19/20 in canon, Hunter is 17 in canon. So if Hunter is aged up to 20, then Eddie is in his mid twenties. I'm not talking about this in a "Eddie was alive in the 80's and is now 50-something" kind of way.
Also a D&D game ran by Eddie with Hunter as a player would be fucking wild. If he can keep the friendly fire to a minimum I think they might enjoy playing D&D together a lot. Then again, Eddie's campaign was referred to as "sadistic" by Dustin, so maybe he wouldn't even mind the friendly fire lmao
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I feel like this one is a little disjointed, I'm kind of all over the place mentally but I hope you still got something out of it, Blue Anon ^-^🤘
And as always, thank you for asking 🖤
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icarus-does-fall · 6 months
It's roughly 5 thousand words
I can write more to it if people like it, it's technically open ended- but yk see how it reads I guess ^_^
I might cry if I wrote the redacted boys wrong but I wrote this in less than a week all during the hours of 10pm-2am so 🤷‍♂️
Story under the cut (no shit)
Ambrosine Oliver Emory- Or Beau to his friends had just moved to Dahlia, he worked for a news network that crossed continents and before he was in Dahlia he had been living in Ireland for the past 6 months. The cherry on top? Beau was a fire elemental, and moving to Dahlia he’d finally be able to meet some other empowered folks, not to say that Ireland didnt have any empowered of their own, they just were a bit more long lived than he was used to, but it was a special sort of sight to be there during Halloween.
He’d just stepped off the aeroplane, the California heat as strong as ever even though it was nearly two in the morning. His hair was dishevelled and pulled back into a messy bun as he walked to collect his bags before making his way to his car that had been shipped ahead of him and had been waiting for days. He already had a small apartment set up for him thanks to work, all which so happened to be on the border of the Shaw pack territory- not that Beau knew this though.
David Shaw, the alpha of the Shaw pack, coincidentally the largest pack in the area. He’d been engaged up until a few years ago when his mate died, they’d been out on their own and a few of Quinns goons had gotten them cornered and caught off guard. They were found too late. It’d been only recently that Asher and Milo had convinced David to start trying the dating scene again, so far it hasn't gone well. That's what you get for leaving your love life in the hands of those two.
Now being the alpha of a pack meant a lot of things. It meant paperwork, meetings, politics, but it also meant being alerted when a new and unnamed empowered moved in too close to the territory and it also meant that he had to make sure that the new empowered wasn't someone insane or a danger to his pack.
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤..𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
It’d only been a day after Beau had gotten moved in, he looked more put together than he did when getting off of the aeroplane. His hair was pulled back into a braid, he'd thrown on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. He'd just barely gotten the chance to get used to the time changes and take a shower when there was a knock on his door.
“Bloody hell- I don't even know anyone here yet and my door is already gettin’ banged on, there's no chance I’ve gone and pissed somebody off yet… Right?”
With a sigh and a slight drag of his feet from the couch to the door he opened it only to be faced with the one and only David Shaw. Now Beau wasn't an idiot, while he might not have known who exactly stood in front of him he knew the man had importance and power just from the aura he radiated.
“Oh- um… hello? How- Who- Can I help you with something… Mister…?”
David's response was blunt and to the point but it carried a husky and low sort of tone. “Shaw. David Shaw, pack alpha. You're the new empowered who's moved close to my territory, I'm here to make sure you're not a threat.”
Beaus' eyes widened a fraction after David's introduction and he laughed sheepishly, he leaned against his door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. “Oh… you're the Dahlia alpha that's nice to know… Do I invite you in, how does this work? I’ve never been uh… vetted before, I’m usually just allowed to live in places.”
David's eyebrow quirked, normally people were scared- or at the very least seemed more intimidated of him than this person was showing. He wasn't small and he had authority, he was… intrigued to say the least. “Just a short chat would suffice for now, no one here knows who you are, that's suspicious when you move in so suddenly, and you're too close to pack territory to simply ignore.”
“Okay then… Come on in I guess? Pardon the mess, I haven't gotten to finish unpacking just yet. My stuff was sent here before I was and a shower and watering my plants seemed to be a higher priority than unboxing dishes.”
He couldn’t stop the soft chuckle this newcomer seemed so scattered about that it reminded him of his friends. As he stepped into the apartment and took in the sight the warning was putting it lightly, the boxes and the mess was everywhere but even so it still left homey. “This isn't a way to live, you know. There's nowhere to walk- Or sit.”
Beau gave David a flat look and huffed slightly. “I said I was working on it, there's no need to get so judgy about it, damn.”
Davd’s lips pursed before he sighed and moved one of the smaller boxes off a chair and sat at the breakfast bar. “Apologies. Now you know who I am, just who are who exactly?”
“Shouldn't you, oh I don't know, know this already? You know I'm empowered but not my name, stalker vibes dude-”
He growled and his eyes narrowed in slight irritation. “I'm not a stalker, I just get updates on the empowered who move into pack territory, that doesn't mean I get your life story though.”
“Sure thing wolfy, as for my life story as you put it, my name's Ambrosine Emory but folks just call me Beau, it's easier, and I work for NPR. The news station so I get sent all over, this was just my next assignment. Nothin’ devious I promise.”
David's eyes narrowed further and he growled lowly, “Don't call me wolfy.”
“Yeah whatever, wolfy. So am I allowed to live in my apartment or are you gonna tell me no? Which I really don't think you can do.”
David's scowl deepened and he huffed. “Shut up- Just don't hurt the pack and yes you can stay. There's no rule against you living where you do, just against causing trouble.”
Beau grinned and laughed, leaning against the breakfast bar with a roll of his eyes as he was propped up on his arms. “Wooowww so graceful~ How ever should I say thank you for letting me stay in my own apartment.”
“You have an attitude, has anyone ever told you that you need to be more respectful sometimes?”
“I can be respectful! When I need to be, but just cause you're some alpha doesn't mean you automatically gain my respect, life doesn't work like that wolfy.”
Beau grinned further and tried to muffle his giggles. “Sure sure okay, you can whatever your way out of this one but not everything. Just sayin’... Soooo you sayin’ for coffee or, leaving so I can keep unpacking?”
David huffed and stood from the chair with a slight scowl on his features. “Just shut up and keep your nose clean, we’re gonna be keeping an eye on you alright.”
“Bye wolfy see you ‘round!”
“Fuck off. And stop calling me wolfy damnit.”
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤..𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
David made his way back towards the pack house with a scowl on his face and the moment he walked through the doors he was immediately bombarded with questions about the new move in from Milo and Asher.
“Hey Davey! Back so soon? You scare off the new kid on the block already/
“Aww man does that mean I don't get to invite them over for game night? Maann I was looking forward to some fresh players.”
“Davids not in control of game night Milo, invite who you want, I wanna know what the new kids like? Anything interesting?”
“Will both of you shut up, please.” David rolled his eyes at the twos excitement and shook his head as he hung up his leather jacket and then walked towards the kitchen for a drink. “The move ins name is Beau, he's a fire elemental. Works for the news network, NRP- but I’m gonna do a little digging on him, something seemed off.”
“Off? Wanna explain any further on that maybe?”
“He didn't seem bothered by me being there, he treated me like just a regular visitor, like I couldn't absolutely destroy him, that's weird isn't it?”
“Oooor hear me out, you're overthinkin’ it and the dude is just a dude who knows he wasn't doing anything wrong? Not everyone is gonna be out to get ya David.”
“Maybe but it's still a possibility and you all are my responsibilities. And after…” David sighed and his grip on his drink tightened as he scowled. “And after Angel died because I failed I have to make sure that doesn't happen again. I can't lose anyone else important to me. It’s not happening”
The room after that got very quiet, very tense, it always did whenever Angel was brought up in that way. It was always easier to just think that them and David had broken up because they weren't around anymore but the truth was ugly and harsh and no one liked to face it.
“Sorry man, you know we didn't mean anything by it. We all miss ‘em you know.”
“I know, I know… I just need a minute, and keep an eye on the newbie alright? I just don't trust him.”
And with that David took his drink and walked off to his room. It was simply an over decorated place to hold a bed, what life and colour it held died away when Angel did, he moved out of his apartment- He had Asher and Sam help get his things, he could barely make it through the door, and then moved back into the back house. No more hosting solstice for him. He let out a guttural growl and slammed the door behind him as he walked into his room. It cracked. And broke the door jam, that was the fourth one in three months.
He sighed and under his breath as he sunk against the door spoke, “Damnit Angel, you fuckin’ perv why’d you have to die on me. We were getting married next spring, we had a plan damnit.”
David leaned his head against the broken door and sighed again before taking a sip of his drink. He could hear the concerned whispers of Milo and Asher on the other side of his door, this wasn't anything new and while David was coping he wasn't always coping healthily which was the problem. He worked till he dropped most nights and he hadn’t let himself cry since the day Angel died, he had people while somehow having no one all at the same time.
He didn't move from that position until the sun began to set, and the boys left after about 15 minutes of lingering after the door was first broken. While they knew their mates would understand if they stayed they also knew that there was nothing either of them could do to help David right now. They weren’t sure there was anyone who would be able to help pull David out of his new found darkness.
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤..𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
While David was having his mental breakdown, Beau on the other hand was unpacking without a care in the world while jamming out to Metallica- Thank the gods that he didn't have any close by neighbours otherwise he'd be getting noise complaints on his very first day. But hed gotten the majority of his boxes unpacked and his apartment actually looked like a place that could be lived in now and not just a storage unit.
Beaus’ apartment was filled with thrifted goods, fairy lights, tapestries and posters of all sorts, it was warm and cosy, soft to an extent. He even had a few stuffed animals scattered about to act as throw pillows.
By the end of the night he was curled up on his couch, the TV was playing Wall-E and he’d made himself a cuppa tea. “I’d say today was productive, yeah? Got grilled by the alpha of the largest pack in Dahlia and then got my apartment unpacked… mostly… Now to just keep the big bad wolf off my back, that would be fantastic.”
He laughed to himself and took a sip of his tea as Wall-E and Eva danced across his TV screen and then eventually fell asleep just like that, all nestled up sleeping soundly on the couch with Disney classics playing in the background. That was of course until the sun rose the next day, by then he was being awoken by nonstop knocking at his door.
Gods above it wasn't even 9am yet. There wasn't even coffee made.
“Hey newbie! You awake? What’d you do to David last night that broke him when he came home?”
In Beaus' groggy state he simply glared at the door for a moment, grumbling to himself as he stood and shuffled over towards the door. “Fuckin’ cunts- First its the big bad wolfy saying imma blow everybody up, now its wolfys friend at the door to and its too damn early, better have coffee or imma be the problem wolfy fuckin think I am-”
He opened the door and stared at another hulking figure, well everyone was a hulking figure to Beau he wasn't exactly that tall, except this one had scruffy ash blonde hair and piercings galore. “Hey-”
“Nope, nononono, no pleasantries yet, it's too damn early- I just wanted you to stop bangin’ on my door. Here’s how this is gonna work. If you really need to talk, you're gonna wait until I've had my coffee and then we can chat. Hear me?”
Asher nodded, his arms crossed over his chest. Beau was direct and almost a little harsh, he didn't hold back. That was appreciated, he had a feeling that his new move in was gonna be a good addition to their little life. “Yeah yeah I can wait, shoulda brought coffee to streamline the process huh- I’ll remember.”
Beau grumbled and rolled his eyes before walking towards his kitchenette, Asher following closing the door behind him as Beau put on a pot of coffee. As it started to brew he merely leaned against the counter and crossed his arms watching how Asher seemed to take in every part of his apartment.
“Okay I can't do the creepy silence, even if im not totally awake yet- Who are you besides wolfys friend?”
Asher chuckled and raised an eyebrow, “wolfy? And he hasn't gone off on you for callin’ him that? hell i still get shit for callin’ him Davey. Names Asher, friends call me Ash. I'm David's beta in the pack, i've known him his whole life and he came back to the pack house just off last night yaknow? Wanted to see what the two of you could’ve talked bout to see ‘im off like that.”
Beau cracked a smile at that and had to stop himself from laughing. “Wait, wait, wait, you think I broke the big bad wolf? That’s hilarious, I didn't do nothin to the guy, he’s the one who barged in here, insulted my house- apartment- whatever and then threatened me. All I did was ask if he wanted a cuppa coffee.”
“Wait- thats it- You sure?”
“I was there, of course Im fuckin sure”
“Obviously but something happened to cause him to basically shut down, he broke another door last night so.”
“He broke a door? I mean I’ve caught a few things on fire when I've forgotten myself but a door christ I didnt think me moving in was that big of a deal, no one else has ever cared before.”
“Well… We’ve had some problems recently, not just the pack but like off in Dahlia- Rouge vampires and shit, people have died and no one knows you, hell you're moving in from a different country so Davids just being cautious.”
Beau was about to say something when the kettle whistled for his coffee and so he turned his attention from Asher towards the stove top and put together his coffee, pouring in his cream and sugar and basked in the heat of it as he sighed happily before he spoke up again. “So empowered folks have died here? Cause some crazy vamp, and wolfy here thinks I'm somehow involved? I work for a new network- I think the most dangerous thing I’ve done is skydive.”
“David gets protective sometimes, more so after his mate died. He’s been a wreck, he's back to acting just like when his dad died all over again. It's a hard sight to see but he means well, honestly he does.” Asher paused and then grinned and laughed. “Wait wait, you've gone skydiving? Like jumping out of a plane skydiving?”
“Yeah we went for my cousin's birthday some time ago- He’s an air elemental… And well he didn't really wanna go skydiving but his partner and their friends thought it'd be a really cool idea and I was in town that weekend so I got dragged along. Laskos’ a bit of an airhead sometimes but he's really sweet and we don't have the greatest relationship with our families so we tend to stick together like glue.”
“Damn newbie who would've thought you'd be adventurous, you just seem more like a homebody than anything else.”
“I don't know if I should be offended by that or not but uh.. Thanks? Maybe?”
“Sure thing newbie, now since you're living close to pack territory, you planning on meeting any of 'em or just lurking near the edge of the grounds?”
“I could but uh incase you're forgetting there, I am kinda tiny compared to you lot and I'm not a shifter? I play with fire. Not sure how it works down here in Dahlia but most places I've lived the empowereds don't really just mingle unless it's important.”
“Sure for the most part but not really, we all kinda just hang, there's no real separation yaknow? C’mon I’ll introduce ya to your new neighbours newbie.”
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤..𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
David that morning however looked broken, he always did after a night thinking about Angel. It had been years since their death but by the gods above he wasn't moving on, no he was simply just burying every emotion and breaking things to deal with the emotions he felt. He knew, he knew he needed to talk, he barely was getting over his dad's death and that was thanks to Angel and then they go and get killed- He simply lost it. He was a shell of the, not more open man that Angel made him but he was different around them and he’d lost that spark.
He had bags under his eyes and his usual put together self looked like he was slowly falling apart. He was doing all he could to stay together, to keep everyone together. Groggily he made his way towards the kitchen only to be greeted with the sight of Asher and Beau in his kitchening laughing having a grand old time.
He stood in the doorway and stared for a few moments before sighing and walking into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. “Morning Ash… and others.”
“Hey Davey! I dragged the newbie over, figured he could do with some friends and since he's living close to the pack, thought I could introduce him to some of the folks here. Milo and Sam are swinging by later to hang out too. Same mentioned something ‘bout bringing Porter on by too but that's still up in the air.”
Beau was sitting on one of the kitchen counters and rolled his eyes as David and Asher spoke. “Dramatic little wolves- Are we sure I really need that many friends? That sounds like a lot of people there pretty boy-”
Asher simply grinned and ruffled Beaus' hair with a laugh. That simple action caused a surge of feelings through David and he wasn't sure why. He was blaming it on lack of sleep. “Don't worry about it newbie, they're all great people, and I'm sure everyone will get along great with you.”
David scowled and huffed quietly as he poured his coffee into a mug and then leaned against the counter to face Asher. “And you thought it was a good idea to bring a stranger into the pack house? Do you know the consequences if something goes wrong?”
“Oh chill out the newbie isn't some axe murderer, he's actually pretty chill.”
Beau grinned widely and laughed a bit as he changed positions a bit to sit cross legged on the counter he was sitting on. “Hey, maybe I am some crazy axe murderer! Don’t take away all my fun just cause wolfy here doesn't trust me.”
“How many damn times do I have to tell you not to call me Wolfy? My name is David for gods sake you war criminal.”
“Oh for fucks sake, its too early in the day for you to be this pissy isnt it? Don't you know how to relax and have fun?”
“I can have fun when my home isn't possibly being threatened.”
Beau huffed and blew out a stream of smoak from his nose. “I can show you being threatened if you want to be threatened. Dont fuck with me wolfy.”
David snarled and placed down his coffee, taking a step clear to Beau as Asher shifted awkwardly from foot to foot before laughing awkwardly and then began to walk out of the kitchen.
“O-okay, I'm just gonna- go… Have fun? I guess? And here I thought I was gonna introduce the newbie to people today and make friends.”
They both ignored Asher as he left, unbeknownst to them, Asher was pouting as he walked out of the pack house and got onto a call with his mate to complain about the whole being ignored situation, if anyone would listen to him Babe would.
“Aww if the big bad wolf all mad cause I called him out on his bullshit?~”
“You haven't done anything except piss me off so why don't you just stop talking.”
Beau smirked and leaned forward on the counter letting his legs dangle over the edge. “Why don't you come make me shut up wolfy?”
David's eyes narrowed and he took another step closer to Beau and the counter. He was now within a foot of him, his hands placed on either side of Beau on the counter and his voice was a gruff whisper. “I am more than capable of making you shut up you war criminal.”
Beau flushed slightly, and his voice turned breathy, it wouldn't have been noticeable to a normal person, but to a shifter, David caught the change in tone though, it nearly made him smirk but he was still a bit too pissed to pay attention to how he was feeling despite what he was doing. “Prove it then wolfy cause I don't think you got it in you. I think I’d burn you.”
With a growl David closed the space between them, pulling Beau in for a kiss. David's lips were rough compared to the softness of Beaus’ yet together it was a slow yet still heated and almost electric feelling. “I said, shut up.”
The kiss broke away after a few moments and while Beau was blushing, David seemed shocked by his own actions and took a step back before simply walking away, he looked to be in a daze. He walked out to the porch where Asher was sitting, still on the phone talking with Babe.
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤..𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
David took the open seat next to Asher, his face was pale but now also flushed red as he buried his face into his hands and groaned. “Ash, I think I fucked up.”
“Oh so now you wanna talk to me? I’ll call you back Babe, now Davey here wants to acknowledge my presence. Soooo what did you do?~”
“I kissed him- I didn't mean to either, but I did, we were arguing and I kissed him, and it wasn't a bad kiss either. What about Angel? I-I know they're gone but damnit Ash it feels wrong to move on from them.”
Asher's smug grin slowly faded into a knowing look and he smiled softly as he clasped David on the shoulder. “Oh man… You know it's okay to feel happy and do things again? I mean, I know Milo and I tried to set you up a few times but you just depression scared those people away, this guy those, he has a fire and I think it set something off in you… And we both know that Angel would’ve wanted you to keep living, not stick around to be some stick in the mud for the rest of your life.”
David sighed and looked over towards Asher through the corner of his eye. “Are we sure about this cause I still love Angel, they were my everything and- Christ Ash I kissed him and just walked out on the guy!”
Asher held back a laugh and grinned as he shook his head. “You idiot, you walked out on the guy you just made out with?”
David flushed slightly and huffed. “We didn't make out, it was one kiss, okay? One.”
“Oh with how messed up you are right now I’d say there’s gonna be more than just one singular kiss in your future Davey.”
David scowled and he growled quietly but he was still blushing. He hated to admit it but Asher was right, Angel would’ve preferred he moved on with his life and not stick to the past but their wedding would've been this month, he was a whirlwind of emotions and he could figure out which ones were which. “I hate you Ash.”
“I know Davey, now go talk to the pretty boy that you left in there and talk to him.”
“And if I don’t? Think I’ll fuck up my future chances or think he’ll walk out here to follow me?”
“Oh please, you're a good looking guy David but I don't think that the newbie is that desperate for a piece of your ass.”
David huffed and lightly shaved Asher, holding in a laugh as he rolled his eyes. “Oh fuck off Ash, he kissed me back, you dont just do that if youre not at least somewhat into the other person… Right?”
“I don't know man, you know how me and my mate got together- I kinda just do what they say… Mostly… But just go back in there and talk to him, tell him about all the things, I promise he’s a chill guy- He’ll understand.”
David sighed and his head dropped again before he stood and began to walk back into the house to where he left Beau sitting onto the counter. Beau now however was finishing off David's coffee and raiding the fridge as David walked back into the kitchen, he grinned cheekily. “You do that to every guy you kiss? Just walk off right after?~”
“No- No typically it leads to something else, I just haven't really kissed anyone in a while- It was… unexpected”
Beau grinned teasingly and laughed softly as he closed the fridge door. “Right… Can’t blame you for that, so uh… Why haven't you kissed anyone in so long? You get mono and go comatose for a year?”
“Well… My mate, they died a few years back- I doubt you know much about whats happened in Dalhia but theres a vampire running about named Quinn- some of his goons caught my mate out on their own and next thing any of us knew they were bleeding out in my arms and I stopped kissing people after that.” He laughed nervously and shrugged, “Milo and Ash tried a couple times to get me to date but I scared all their options away.”
Beau paused at that, his smile faded completely and he placed down the stolen mug of coffee. “O-oh… Oh shit- Im sorry, Im not fucking up your grieving process am I? Being a menace and kissing back- I know how tough that stuff is… I could've pulled away if I knew you were going through some things.”
David chuckled softly and placed his hands on Beaus' shoulders. “No it's fine, be a menace- hell Ash said that is what is probably helping me pull me out of my dark and scary place. I walked out cause, I still love my mate but you invoke some type of feelings in me too, I wasn't sure what to do about that.”
“Oh- Alright, sooo do I get another kiss or is this just gonna be an awkward thing till someone bucks up and does something about your dark place?”
“We take it slow, I might feel things but I'm still ‘dark and scary’… But I can spare one more kiss, for now.”
“You're not scary wolfy~”
David growled playfully as he pressed close against Beau, his lips grazing his ear. “Oh shut up you little criminal.”
And as soon as David stopped talking he leaned in for another kiss which Beau quickly responded to.
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤. .𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
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9800sblog · 1 year
Hi! I really like how informative San’s future Spouse reading is. I was wondering if you could do the same kind of reading for Joshua from Seventeen’s future spouse reading? I’ve alway wanted if he would marry a regular foreigner, another Kpop idol, or foreigner celebrity or a regular Korean person. And i wonder what the marriage will be like and how he will be like as a husband? Thank you in advance if you do this request - 🧜🏽‍♀️
Joshua Hong tarot reading - who is his future spouse?
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-> member of K-POP group Seventeen. through tarot, he told me the characteristics of his future spouse, this is how I interpreted those messages.
-> do I have his energy permission to do and share this reading? page of swords
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a hopeless romantic, sweet and kind, loves to daydream and play with animals. i think they have gone through difficult mental health period and now they use their experiences to help those who need and have big confidence boost. they love animals, may specially like cats or really big dogs. this person may feel like a soulmate for joshua! they may be both dreaming of having someone like the other, even if they haven't met yet, love at first sight, I think. they're probably cute and sweet in public and only sexy if they're in privacy. may be into vintage vibe or lifestyle (mostly 50-70s) and mostly listens to rock music, I think? may look more intimidating than they actually are, maybe dark eye makeup, chains and teased hair (that is trendy in korea currently, doesn't surprise me). they're probably skinny but physically active, like someone that exercises to maintain their weight and body type.
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career and fame
i think he doesn't wanna marry a celebrity and, with the king of swords, he probably wants to be the main provider in the relationship.
his person probably helps those with emotional needs, helps people learn and accept reality; they're likely to be a lawyer or a judge and, less likely but still possible, a psychiatrist.
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the chariot, justice, 4 of pentacles reversed, queen of swords reversed
they might be legally and ethnically a Korean, born to korean parents, but moved elsewhere for their career or school. probably somewhere with hot sun, mostly tanned and/or black people, I'm getting a sense of South America or deserted places in Africa, mostly the first tho because I think they currently have opposite timezones, because I am getting messages of sun and moon in the cards.
if they already know each other, they likely don't talk as much - this might be someone he knows from school and they lost contact because of life, but will end up crossing paths again because they're just perfect for each other. alternatively, they were in a relationship and broke up because of distance, but miss each other, idk.
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joshua as a husband
he glows as a husband! that's a big dream of his probably and he definitely wants children, at least 2. he is a jealous partner, because he thinks his environment has too many good looking and nice dudes, so he wants to protect his person from possible different opportunities. he looks like a gentleman, treating this person like they're his entire world, he would flirt and treat them even after a long time, he would never fall out of love and just never let things fall in routine. he'd be playful and make them feel like they're 2 children living inside a mattress fortress they built. he'd do anything for them, make their dreams come true no matter how difficult they may look. like I said, he probably wants to be the main provider and gift giving seems to be an important love language of his, he'd give them all this expensive stuff just because he thinks they'd look nice and they deserve the best, I guess it's about quality over quantity for him, but he definitely wants quantity too. at the point they get married, he'd rather stay home with his family than going out to party and he'd love to do just that, laugh his future spouse and his future children seems like one of his biggest dreams.
>n< very cute
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prosciuttulipa · 5 months
Hey, hey, nice talking to you. If the slots are still open, could I ask for a matchup? It's totally fine if not tho, don't feel pressured 😊
For JJBA, Part 5. But please no Diavolo 🤢 I don't mind their gender tho.
Personality: I'm a introvert but not necessarily shy. Actually, I'm pretty chaotic and carefree. You could say I'm a rule breaker, I just do whatever I want. People call me wild but I would say I'm just free lol.
I might have a careless behavior, but I do try my outmost to be kind. Just because I'm intimidating, it doesn't mean I have to be outright mean, right?
I also am heavily independent, I think I might actually have a stroke if I ask anyone for help, I just don't like feeling vulnerable lol.
I would say my good qualities are that I'm pretty pacient and open minded. I just don't get angry and don't judge people at all.
My bad qualities are that I might be too nonchalant about everything and have a tendency to be aloof. Like, I don't take most things seriously, it might prevent me from having outbursts but it also makes me look indifferent.
Likes: I really like cats, cold weather and spooky stories, horror movies. I love halloween and visiting "haunted" places.
Dislikes: I'm really afraid of dogs for no reason and hate hot weather. I also dislike spicy food.
Hobbies: My main hobby is deadass spending money, it's so fun buying random things. I might have a spending problem but at least that's my own money, right?
I mean, that's my job, but I like acting. It's always fun performing and decorating lines, it's like living an alternative life.
When I'm free, I like reading novels and mangás. My favorites one are those of fantasy genre. I just love all that magic shit.
Love Language: Since I like buying things, Gift Giving is naturally how I show love. I like buying them clothes, gifts and paying for the meal.
Quality Time is good too. Normally I value my own time alone but when I actually want to spend it with someone else?? You'll know I'm hooked.
Green Flag/Deal Breaker: I like people who are naturally kind and actually know how to show appreciation. That's something I struggle with and I think that would be something they could help me with.
On the other side, I dislike people who are mean for no reason. Like, you should just chill?? Why are being a pain in the ass lol.
Appearance: I'm a pretty tall girl with pale skin, long curly hair and brown eyes. I need to use glasses but I don't like it, so I just walk around blind.
I only wear black clothes, a rock ish style, kind mixed with goth.
About that choice you were speaking about, I will choose 3 songs if that's not a bother.
That's all, thank you for reading until here. 💐
Congratulations! You have been matched with...
Risotto Nero
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Another goth couple matchup, but this time any assumptions people make are not far off the mark. Broody, intimidating, and an inclination to ignore the status quo, you and Risotto are not for the faint of heart (and yes, you two absolutely take pride in that).
Although aesthetically similar, you two balance each other out in small ways. Risotto's job requires precision, but he sees it as a way to protect your right to be wild; it's a privilege he's long lost, and he doesn't want it to be taken away from you too. On the other hand, your efforts to be kind and nonjudgmental despite your chaotic nature soothe his general pessimism towards humanity. As an assassin, he lives in a world where you either hurt or get hurt, with trust being a fool's game—to see someone who values their freedom but does not use it as an excuse to harm others is a rarity to him. Rather than forcing you to be vulnerable, Risotto softens your independence by being a quiet source of strength. He doesn't bring attention to the ways he offers support, and lets his actions speak for themselves. His hope is that you never feel like you have to ask for his help, because the fact that you have it will already be ingrained into your existence.
It's well known that Risotto does not make a lot from his job, so he is frugal with his money. He's shocked (and a little embarrassed) when you offer to buy him things so frequently, but he always shows his thanks with the softness in his gaze. In turn, he indulges your love for quality time, going wherever you want him to go. He finds it amusing when you drag him to watch horror movies or read spooky stories; it takes a lot to spook him, and chances are that he makes it scarier for you by offering his take on how he'd kill off a character.
Dates with Risotto can range from silently chilling at home to exploring abandoned haunts. However, he has a major soft spot for cat cafes. They're so different to his day to day life, wholesome and sweet—and as he watches you play with the cats, he can pretend for a moment that he's just living a normal life with you.
The Matchmaker's Gift:
Still waters run deep, and such are Risotto's sentiments. This song perfectly encapsulates his affection for you, intense and protective.
Another Hozier song (I can't help it, Risotto is so Hozier-coded). In his eyes, you seem too sweet for him, but he'll be damned to let you go.
This song reminds Risotto of your devil-may-care attitude towards life. It's a song full of rockstar charm, a trait he associates with you.
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r-we-taire-yet · 2 years
"Not sure if you could tell, but I'm not exactly a people person."
Sleepy Hollow was a small town. It was hard to avoid people, no matter how much one wanted to, and Matilda very much wanted to. High school was hard enough without the suspicious glances and hushed whispers of classmates. All her life kids had teased her for being a witch, everyone but Kat. Kat was the only friend she needed, she was the only person she needed. One person was enough when the rest of the world seemed to hate her for who she was.
But Brom Bones was making things difficult. Ever since he started dating Kat, he'd made an effort to get to know Matilda too, and it was really getting in her way of being a loner. Brom would bring his Babes everywhere he went, so every time he wanted to chat they descended upon her like a pack of extremely dense wolves. All Matilda wanted was to read her book and survive senior year so she would never have to step foot in that school again, but Brom as always had other plans.
"Hey, Matilda! What are you reading?" Brom asked as he sat across from her at table in the library.
Matilda sighed and kept the book in place to try to signal her lack of interest in the conversation. "You wouldn't like it."
"Maybe I will!" Brom said. "Why wouldn't I like it?"
Matilda turned the book around to show both pages were entirely full of words without paragraph breaks. "Because Oscar Wilde really liked to write long purple prose."
Brom winced at the look of it but his smile didn't waver. "Maybe you can tell me about it instead?"
"Where are the Babes?" Matilda asked, turning the book around and trying to read again. "Did they abandon you so you decided to bother me instead?"
"Nah, I sent them to find the comic books. You always seem so uncomfortable when we're all around, so I wanted to talk to you one-on-one instead," Brom said.
"And why is that?" Matilda sighed.
"Because you're Kat's friend and I want to be your friend too," Brom explained, almost sounding genuine.
Brom could be a bully. He had all the toxic masculinity of the average high school jock and had a reputation for picking on people who were outside the norm. Matilda didn't know what Kat saw in the guy most of the time, she never wanted to be around him. There were times though, when Brom showed a different side, a nicer, gentle side. Matilda suspected there might be a genuinely nice guy trapped under all the layers of high school bullshit Brom had. Sometimes he seemed just... kind. Dumb, but kind. All the teasing and bullying got in the way of her actually wanting to be associated with him though.
"Who says I want to be your friend?" Matilda asked.
Brom frowned. "Why don't you want to be my friend?"
"Well, you're a bully," Matilda said. "You make fun of people who don't fit in and make their already difficult lives worse. You throw around your strength to intimidate others. You act like women should be glad to be around you as if they don't have their own thoughts and feelings. Your view of masculinity makes your life worse because you won't let yourself be as close to the Babes as you guys could be. Basically, you have a lot of work to do on yourself before I would want to be your friend and I'm really not sure you're willing or capable of doing that."
Brom stared at her in utter shock with his jaw hanging open as he tried to process what she'd said. "... Wow... harsh."
"Well it's true," Matilda said.
"You don't just say that kinda thing to someone!" Brom said. "That's not the kind of thing you're supposed to tell someone who wants to be your friend!"
"Not sure if you could tell, but I'm not exactly a people person," Matilda said. "I'm not looking for friends, certainly not from toxic masculinity obsessed bullies who act like they own the planet. Fix your attitude and then we'll talk."
"... Fine! I will! I'll show you! I'll be the least toxicly masculinity anti-bully you've ever met and you'll see you were wrong!" Brom said, standing up and saying loudly to the rest of the library. "Hear that, World?! From today on I'm a feminist!"
Matilda groaned and covered her face with her book. Why did she feel like this was only the beginning of this insanity?
"Hey, Mattie," Brom whispered as he leaned towards her.
Sleepy Hollow was beautiful in the fall. Matilda always loved the colors and smells and the spirit of the season. It was different this year though, there was something warmer about it now. Kat was gone, and that grief was still one of the worst pains she'd ever felt in her life, but she had so much more now. She had Ichabod and Brom, and Verla and the Babes. The world seemed brighter than it ever had before and, frankly, Matilda was happy. She wasn't sure she'd ever felt this happy before.
"What?" she whispered back, still smiling slightly at the silliness happening in front of them. The Babes had convinced Ichabod to play some game with them, and Matilda and Brom had chosen to watch from the bench in the gazebo. She was honestly just waiting until Ichabod had an asthma attack so she could win her bet with Verla.
Brom wrapped his arm around her shoulders and smiled fondly at her. "I told you so," he whispered.
"You what?" she asked, pulling back with a playful smile.
"I told you I'd fix myself and you'd change your mind about me," Brom said.
Matilda laughed and leaned her head against him. "Yeah, I guess you did. I'm proud of you for proving me wrong. Don't do it again."
"You're usually right, but as your husband I think it's kinda my job to show you where you're wrong, just like you've always done for me. I wouldn't have changed if you hadn't roasted me so badly back then," Brom said.
"And we wouldn't be here right now if you and Ichabod hadn't gotten through to me," Matilda agreed. "You may just turn me into a people person yet."
"I would never change you, you're perfect the way you are," Brom said, kissing her head.
"We've already changed each other for the better, no stopping it now," Matilda said with a smile.
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gayvillainera · 2 years
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
— this, but in the sense that I would love to hear more about what you think about Rebecca as a character. You write her wonderfully mean, but does she have redeemable qualities for you?
OOOH yes okay. (Also buckle in, this got long.)
Part of what makes Rebecca so fun for me is that the only information we have of her is filtered through at least 2-3 unreliable narrators at any given time - we have the Narrator's feelings about what she's seeing and being told (insecurity, anxiety, awe) PLUS the feelings of whoever's telling her about Rebecca (obsession, rejection, anger, fear) AND what they want to accomplish in telling her about Rebecca (intimidate her, comfort her, relieve themselves of guilt). So very little about her is ever fully true, but no one seems to be (deliberately) lying about her either... which means there's so much room for interpretation.
I think ultimately, she's a selfish person. She doesn't do anything she doesn't see a point in doing, including things like staying monogamous to her husband, but I think she's incredibly socially astute. She wouldn't have been widely beloved by everyone if there wasn't something to like, so she was very charismatic, observant, and good at making friends - and most of the time, that comes from a genuine desire to like people and be liked. I think very few people are actually evil manipulative sociopaths who are only nice to people to control them.
She's clearly a very talented sportswoman, and that takes a lot of dedication, discipline, daring and ambition. I don't think she mindlessly indulges in vice, but she's going to do what she wants when she wants to, and I think she'd be up for trying anything once. She's also probably competitive and stubborn to a flaw.
She is also, I think, a very tightly controlled woman. She might act on impulse or do "illogical" things but I think she's always thinking about what's next and how to get to it, and always calculates her next moves based on a strong internal logic even if it's not obvious from the outside. (BUT - how much of that is influenced by Max's belief, which he shares with the Narrator, that Rebecca "purposefully goaded him into killing her", thus casting her as some all-powerful mastermind?? I'm not sure. I think it's also interesting to consider that she was just a woman who got dealt incredible hands until the day she didn't anymore.)
I think she can be incredibly mean, and that living with Maxim probably made her worse in that regard, but I don't think she's inherently cruel or evil. I'm writing her much further along that spectrum for Wenn der Abend Beginnt because, honestly, it's fun and kind of hot to explore that sort of attitude in fiction and it works to enhance the themes of monstrosity, perversion, and reciprocation that I'm exploring in the fic. But I think she was a person, and she was loved, and I want to reconcile that those things can be true AND that she can have done bad things AND that we never hear the full side of her story anyway. I want to explore all of it!
So yes, I absolutely think she has redeemable qualities, because the best characters do and in my opinion the best "villain" characters ESPECIALLY do, and du Maurier wrote some good damn characters.
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taruruchi · 1 year
TARU AND ASHI W ❝Wanna go and grab some food with me? My treat.❞ 👁👁????? it can work either way cause they both have connections to monstro lounge HAHAH
I LOVED WRITING THIS SOSO MUCH!! Thank you for your idea, I absolutely loved it, and I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing <33
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Taruchi ran up to the girl who was just leaving her classroom. She knew the class had just finished a test and she wanted to surprise her friend. Who wouldn't want good food after a test, right?
The grin on Ashi's face brightened as she caught sight of Taruchi. “Heya, Taru!” she happily chirped, putting her arm around Taruchi's shoulder. “Didn't expect to see you outside my classroom! Don't you usually head to Ramshackle right after classes end?”
“Ahaha, yeah,” Taruchi admitted, embarrassed. Such is the life of a major introvert, sadly.
“But I remember you worrying over assignments and stuff since we have a lot,” she continued, “and I thought maybe you'd wanna go to the Mostro Lounge and grab some food with me? My treat!”
“For realsies?!” Ashi exclaimed, almost resembling a puppy with its tail wagging. “Yeah, let's go!” She grabbed Taruchi's hand and started running for the Mirror Chamber.
Laughing, Taruchi ran and tried to keep up with Ashi. “Slow down, you might bump into people!”
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“Ah, Ashi, are you here to work today?” Jade greeted at the entrance, formal as usual with just a touch of underlying... passive-aggressiveness? As if he was trying to coerce someone. In all honesty, Taruchi was still afraid of him sometimes.
Ashi happily shook her head, either oblivious or simply ignoring Jade's intimidating sort of aura. “Nope! Not an employee today but a customer!”
“I'm treating her today,” Taruchi said, waving from just a bit behind the girl in front of her. “Hi, Jade.”
“Oh? If it isn't Shrimpy and our manager.”
Somehow Floyd had sneaked up behind them. He had a grin on his face as he ruffled their hair, earning complaints from the two girls.
“Floyd, you messed up my hair!” Taruchi frowned and reached up to straighten it.
However, Ashi was busy looking at her incredulously. “How did you become the manager? Has Azul been overthrown?” Her stunned expression quickly turned into excitement. “Queen! As you should! Can I get a raise?”
“I would if I could,” Taruchi replied, rasing a hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh. Yes, she had a relatively high position here now, but... “It's a difficult story. I can at least get you free food.”
Nodding solemnly, Ashi realized, “Now I understand why people run restaurants. It's for the free food. I should just come here with you every time I want food.” Clearly this seemed like a brilliant plan to her, and really, it was.
Taruchi shook her head, smiling fondly. “Sure, I'd love to come here with you more.” She looped her arm with Ashi's. “Now let's go and find a table.”
They marched over to a table by one of the windows, and just beyond the glass was a whole sea of fish and other living creatures, corals and seaweed living harmoniously to make the place as stunning as it is. Could there ever be a more tranquilizing place than this? The owner clearly thought this through, making the windows as big as they are to capitalize on the ocean's natural beauty.
“You like the sea that much?”
Ashi's voice pulled Taruchi back to reality.
“Ah, w-was I staring? I'm sorry, I got distracted,” she apologized. “Sometimes I come here just to do that, it takes my mind off things.”
Ashi shook her head, making it known she didn't mind. “It's all good! It is very pretty and totally hypesies! Plus, that's a nice fun fact to know about you.”
The atmosphere matched that of the view—as if you were peacefully floating through the currents as a jellyfish would. For a long time, it had been hard for this wallflower to match the energy of most people, but maybe it was different this time. Judging from the flow of their time spent together...
It seems like this would be a good friendship.
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countlessrealities · 2 years
We've been mutuals for a while, but I remember following your live-action blog first, for the murder family plot! I was so excited to write with you, but also very intimidated back then 😂 but then, we developed the best dynamics and plots and learned to know each other! What's funny is that Rick & Morty was kind of the first thing we started really talking about on discord, because it was something we both enjoyed! Before you even made your cartoon blog!
As for why I'm following you now, well! First of all, I admire your writing and portrayal a lot, it's always a joy to write and plot with you. I love all our dynamics, all our threads, and all the things we have developed together or are currently developing! But you're also a dear friend of mine, and I'm so happy to have met you. I love that our friendship has kind of extended beyond the realm of rp (even if I love writing with you!!!) and that we can talk about everything together.
Here's to many more years of rp and discussions (and tea lol) 🥂
Tell me anonymously or not why you follow me || Accepting !
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You're too nice to me! Tbh, I don't think I'm intimidating at all xD I'm a shy bean with no social skills, even if I get why people might feel a little hesitant to approach me. I write a lot >.> which is both a blessing and a curse, depending on whom wants to interact with me ^^"
But you're right! It's kind of ironic considering that now I've made a blog that it's mostly Rick and Morty themed x'D I guess our talks sort of factored into it, because I wasn't really sure if I should have indulge at first, but it turns out it was a great choice, so thank you for indirectly encouraging me!
And writing with you is a delight, so I'm really glad that you found my blog and deemed me good enough to give me a chance! We've come up with some many plots and dynamics since then, I've lost count. And we still have a few that we haven't even started, but I'm looking forward to them all <3 I have no hesitation in saying that you're one of my best RP partners ever and I've been RPing for a long time now. It's rare to find people who are so talented and creative like you, so I feel really blessed for having the luck of finding you.
You've quickly become a dear friend for me, and I love writing, plotting and just chatting with you. You're both a wonderful person and a great RP partner. You deserve the world for where I stand and I hope you'll get it. And also that we'll get to keep interacting for a long time, no matter what characters we'll end up keeping.
Last but not least, I'm a huge fun of your art! Being able to call such a great artist a friend is a wonderful privilege! I hope you'll give me a few autograph, so I'll be able to boast about knowing you in person x3
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ladambell · 10 months
Feelings are hard.
I've heard it said before that if you continue to like something ironically for long enough — a silly pop song, a movie with bad acting, an ideology, what have you — then it becomes an unironic appreciation of that thing. I think the same might hold true for adulthood: pretend you're a grownup long enough, and you become one. Tick enough boxes in the "responsibilities" column, and the rest — the ennui, the debt, the dread, the back hair — it sneaks up on you.
There was a time in my life that if someone near me was playing a video game, I was there watching them and trying to convince them to let me play, no matter what that game was. Now I'm often either too preoccupied or too burnt out to play games with my own kid. Live service games where you play with or against real humans intimidate me, and mobile games are stuffed full of inspid ads for even more insipid mobile games. Sorry, tangent.
I used to run a podcast. I had a Twitter alt account where I posted silly bits of old cartoons. I even occasionally went out with friends! Madness! Now I get excited by new clothes, appliances, new toiletries. I look forward to working on broadcasts of high school football games — for the money, sure, but also because I get to hang out with people from my last job that I dearly miss.
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So all of that... that's how I've been feeling lately. With my thrice-weekly commute, work, cooking, chores, errands, and oh yeah, sleep... it feels like I have little time left for anything else. And with the confluence of those precious moments of free time, a tight family budget, mild social anxiety, and a more-than-mild addiction to social media, it's not hard to see why my interest in hobbies, conversation, and even recreation have gone completely by the wayside.
But now I'm struggling for a sense of identity, because so often it feels like all I am is a tool completing a series of tasks. Filling a space like an extra in a TV show, adding texture to a background without really contributing anything.
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What do I even DO anymore? My job definitely serves a purpose in my organization, but it's hard to see anything outside of that. I don't see any product at the end of the day, something I can point to and say "I MADE THAT." When I was in a creative job, even a news editor, I could still point to a piece I cut and say "I MADE THAT" and feel proud of myself. Now, as long as the place isn't burning down and my inbox isn't blowing up, I can't get that feeling anymore. Pointing at a schedule and going "I MADE... sure that... there were... ⁿᵒ ᶜᵒⁿᶠˡⁱᶜᵗˢ" just doesn't hold the same sense of satisfaction for me. And what do I have to show for that, you know? I don't even have anything from my current job I could show to another potential employer and say "I MADE THAT." All I'd have to go on would be whatever praise my current boss has for me, and she barely even knows what I do.
I used this analogy when I gave a presentation to my current team a little while back — this quote from Futurama describes my job perfectly:
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So I mean, sure, I get the occasional "attaboy" at work, and it's nice to be appreciated, to have your work acknowledged. But again, words are cheap and no one cares how much money you make. I have nothing of value to show for the time I've spent here so far.
Alicia astounds me. She has her job, AND she does a lot for the kiddo, AND her scout stuff, AND at least two friends she regularly chats with, AND she handles all the bills, AND SHE EVEN READS. Like, books. She's amazing. As useless and milquetoast as I feel sometimes, it's a wonder we're still together. I think the moments I feel surest in myself are the times she boosts me up — when she tells me about how a parent chatted her up at a scout event and asked her how she manages to do everything she does for scouts while also balancing a full-time job, and Alicia praises me: "I have the most wonderful husband, who supports me and helps with our kid, and takes care of so much of the house stuff..." Even now as I type it, I start to tear up. More than being appreciated, it's good to feel necessary. To have a real purpose. To be a pillar for someone else. That's why I keep doing all the adult things — because I know if I don't, I'll be hurting them. Hurting her.
I consider myself a very private person; I don't open up to people without seriously getting to know them first, and I'm fairly antisocial — I really only make friends when I'm stuck with other people in some situation I can't escape. If I were on my own... I'm not sure I could've made it this far. Despite having a degree in mass media, I'm still convinced I wouldn't have gotten the TV job if I hadn't been with her — her old co-worker's husband worked at the TV station, you see. He put in a good word for me. I don't know, I have very few friends and no clue how to network.
I have no idea where I'd be now if it weren't for her.
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When he and his brother Justin announced that they were retiring from their jobs at Polygon in 2018, Griffin McElroy said:
It does not matter how happy your work makes you if work is all that there is.
So I guess if I have any sense of identity right now in my life, it's as a supporter, a provider. Life isn't about me, and whether I make things or not doesn't matter all that much. What matters is the family I support, the love I help create. That's more important than a hobby, at least for now. And this feeling of emptiness isn't forever, it's temporary.
I still like video games, although I don't have nearly as much time or money for them as others apparently do.
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I still have ongoing games of Scrabble and Words with Friends with a trio of regulars (that I rarely ever talk to).
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I still jot down potential Only Connect questions every now and then in the Notes app on my phone.
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And I think maybe someday I'd like to find a way to do some more painting. The process never seems all that special at the time, but the results are usually pretty satisfying.
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Breaking Point - Locked Out
Pairing: Hockey Player Eijiro Kirishima x f!Reader
Warnings: CURRENTLY: NOTHING besides cursing - I'll post warnings per chapter but please be aware smut will happen, along with other adult themes. Minors, please do not interact.
Contains: Fluff <3, mentions of alcohol & makeouts
Summary: College was full of interesting people. Particularly one large man who got himself locked out of his apartment whilst bleaching his hair...
WC: 919
A/N: PLEASE READ THIS! I decided since my smut piece, Breaking Point seems to be being enjoyed, I thought I'd let you guys read the first little bit of the fic I pulled it from. There is a whole lot more to this story that I'd like to post in time but, I hope you enjoy these pieces of it for now.
It wasn't unusual to hear people at all hours of the day and night where you chose to live. And, in the month you'd lived in the off-campus housing, you'd gotten pretty damn good at tuning it all out.
Looking back, you laughed at the ridiculous image you had when first applying for the two-bedroom apartment with your best friend. You'd be off the university campus, out of dorms! It'd be nice and quiet, good for studying. Only people who pay this much extra would care about their grades!
You couldn't have been more wrong.
The parties were constant. Usually smaller during the weekdays but the moment Friday rolled around, you swore the drinking and debauchery didn't end until the wee hours of Monday morning. So, when you arrived home at 10 PM on a Friday night things were only just beginning.
You climbed the stairs up to the third floor, walking around people shotgunning beers, tossing a football, and a full on makeout session just to get to your door. Number 309. Home sweet home.
"Guys! This isn't fucking funny!" Just three doors down from you, a large man was banging on the corner apartment's door with his fist. Despite everything going on around you, his frustration was heard loud and clear. "If I don't wash this stuff out it's gonna burn my damn hair! Come ooon!"
So, the pink-tinged towel around his shoulders wasn't some drunken fashion statement. That was when you noticed the shine of goop in his hair, light purple, bleach. He continued yelling but whoever was on the other side of the door obviously wasn't listening or they just didn't care and he gave up after about a minute.
"Just gonna go wash it out at the damn locker room and hope for the best." He grumbled as he walked by you with a quick, "'Scuse me."
The words fell out of your mouth before your brain had a chance to close it. "I have a functioning shower."
He stopped and it didn't go unnoticed that he was the tallest person in the hall, maybe the broadest too. Slowly he turned around with a finger poking the center of his very broad chest. "Me?"
You nodded, deciding it was too late to spin around and pretend like you didn't just offer what you had. "Yeah. Bleach can be unforgiving. It'll take you at least fifteen minutes to get to any of the sports facilities and your ends will be fried by then."
The man beamed brighter than the damn sun. "Thank you!" You opened the door and flicked on the light. Fumbling with your bags, you opted to just set them down on the loveseat and walk him down the short hall to the bathroom. "The blue bottles are for color-treated hair. And, sorry, I don't think the showerhead's gonna be tall enough for you."
He might have looked like a large, beefy giant, but when he smiled, you didn't find a single thing intimidating about this man.
He visibly resisted the urge to palm the back of his neck since bleach. "I'm kinda used to ducking in showers by now. This is great. Really! Thank you so much!"
"Right then. I'll just leave you to it." You gave your best, please-don't-like-I'm-awkward laugh and started to close the door.
"Uh, wait a sec, this is bleach. Do you have a specific towel you want me to use? I wouldn't wanna ruin a good one."
Pretty smile and thoughtful. Well, that was a lethal combination. You muttered about how obviously it would stain everything while pulling out one of your own dye-covered towels from the hall closet and handing it over to him with thanks.
The moment the door closed, your stomach let out a fierce roar in hunger. "Yeah, I hear ya." You grumbled and returned to your bags. Moving around the kitchen, you put everything away and only left out what you needed to make a modest dinner. Well, you'd make enough for Suka too, whenever she'd get home.
You ended up prepping enough for a family of six, just like always.
The water to the shower shut off just as you were adding rice to the pan and shortly after, heavy footsteps were heard from down the hall. "Where would you like your towel?"
"Oh, you can just leave it on-" You looked over towards him and your mouth nearly dropped open. He bleached his hair so you expected maybe a nice blonde, platinum even, but what you were looking at was a man with shoulder-length Cheeto orange hair. And again, your mouth spoke before your brain could stop it. "That, um, that sure is a nice shade of orange..."
His lips set in a straight line. "'S not finished. Some people like the Dorito look, I'm not one of them."
You just chuckled and took the towel from him, shooting it into the hamper back in the bathroom. "I look forward to seeing the end product. Whatever it might be."
He thanked you again for saving his ends. about to walk out of her apartment in his bare feet, "If they're, uh, still not letting you in, you're welcome to wait for them here. Until you prefer waiting out there in the insanity."
"You've been really sweet. I'll go check and let you know regardless."
It was only a few minutes later before he was knocking on your door again.
"Are ya hungry?"
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