#it might even become my favourite if i ever get fed up with sky islands
foxstens · 1 year
submerged superstructure my beloved
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impivus · 6 years
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very rushed very shit intro comin @ you all but here goes nothing ! i’m felix from the gmt tmz, i use he / him pronouns, and im gonna power nap any minute now because one thing you should know about me is that i’m eternally on the verge of passing out from minimum exertions during the day. this is my pain in the ass eunsu: not even going to sugar coat it - he’s the human personification of a headache dumpster fire all in one beefy package and i really don’t even blame your character if they just . ignore his presence because, me too !
under the cut there’s some information about him if you want to get to know more about him regardless. smash that mf heart if you want to plot.. and i will get to you ? sometime ? its an ambiguous promise but i keep them, discord is also an option so just ask if you’d prefer to plot on there. eun’s about is here but no plots as of yet because life is hard and We Cant all Have Everything 
aka im lazy 
* ☾ ✧ * º ━━ is that KIM JONGIN walking about ? nope ! that’s just EUN SU CHO. & i’ve been told that they work as a INFORMATION BROKER ! apparently, they are TWENTY FIVE ( 204 )  years old .  some people say they are a CISMALE, DEMON ! HE is very CULTIVATED & INTUATIVE but also DECIETFUL &  MENACING. i wonder if they are just as odd as the rest of us .  ⇢  SYNOPSIS. MBTI TYPE  /  entp, the debater ZODIAC SIGN  /  scorpio   ENNEAGRAM TYPE  /  7w8 KINSEY SCALE  /  3 MORAL ALIGNMENT /  chaotic evil / neutral HOGWARTS HOUSE / slytherin ⇢ AESTHETICS. 
goosebumps raised and feelings of growing dread, the dark corner of a room where light doesn’t reach, silver pocket - watches with dead batteries, the scratch of a record player needle, flares in the sky, bad ideas coming to life, half-assed clapping when it’s required, figures dancing within the shadows & a smile you shouldn’t trust . 
literally anybody: when are you free?  eun su: im forever imprisoned in my own personal hell so i am never truly "free" but i don't really have plans all next week except for monday
this is eun su, and will y’all believe me if i say he used to be a good egg before he turned into the rotten egg i’m presentin y’all with today ??  i kid u not.. bs free zone. he did once ..  have a hort  he was born to a cult of witches, his twin brother absorbing all the magic that was meant to be equally distributed between them in his mother’s womb, which pretty much left eunsu as the black sheep of the family. said cult had been living on a small, near enough desolated island for literal decades, entertaining themselves with magic, seeking out knowledge, observing the unassuming populace, and toying with other supernatural creatures who dared cross their paths. unfortunately for eunsu’s family, tragedy struck when one of his aunt’s tried to over throw the high priestess ( his mother ) in their coven. unyielding in her position and untouchable to the magic she was exposed to, her sister went about other ways to break the woman’s spirits, dabbling in black magic predominantly to achieve her goals. eunsu’s brother was, thus, cursed before he was even born with an incurable heart defect that would see him dead before he reached double figures. eunsu’s mother was broken not mourned over how much he missed out as on a child: but she mourned for the fact that he was the only child that harboured any magic in their veins, the only child that could’ve carried on their lineage.   queue entrance of eunsu and his Whats the Worst that Could Happen Attitude. being young and naive, thought he could’ve been able to solve it by himself, solve the issues and earn his mother’s lacking affections. eun had heard about dark vessels that could miraculously grant wishes through summonings. though he didn’t have magic in his veins he had a fire in his heart, and after all, demons cared not for who or what they fed from: so long as they appeased their hunger.  all it wanted in return was a good, pure soul, and that’s what the demon stole from him before it mended his twin brother’s heart, giving the boy a new lease of life that wasn’t intended for him from the start. pity that eunsu died before he got to the age of twenty, following a quick and hungry fever that overtook his frail body and too soon turned deadly. there was no surprise that, come judgement day, he was turned away at the gates of heaven, in exchange for becoming one of lucifer’s own.
as a result of being eternally cursed with immorality and a tainted soul, he's lived some hundred-odd years and is coping by making the current populace in jeonseoul suffer along with finding purpose in digging out the secrets of his past life, mayhaps trying to find the demon who cursed him.... which could definitely be a wc.. and strengthening his abilities as a demon.
his personality is a bit insufferable; eunsu keeps himself distant and cryptic, because he likes it that way. he's a real weirdo ( if u have ever watched hxh he’s hisoka.. THAT weird )  that's hard to forget: completely mischievous, dramatic, and malicious to boot. some days he's waxing poetic about the futility of having a sense of justice and the next he's using his demonic powers to make some innocent tourist think they're hallucinating as they attempt to walk into a steady flow of traffic. 
ultimately life's a game to him and bih.. he’s here to have fun ! he's outlived his actual family and friends ( well, aside from his brother who he barely remembers, prolly be a wc if anyone’s interested ) and he's not looking to get attached to anyone. it would be great to Die because it’s his forever Mood but he also gets furious if anyone tries to actually expel him for real - so he'll simply prod at the world and its people until he gets the reactions he wants.
fair warning: it is a pain to genuinely care about eunsu and not many people will wanna do it. he comes and goes into people's lives as he pleases, stops reaching out once he's bored and only ever grazes the surface of a relationship based on its worth or his curiosities, innocent ppl, cute ppl, etc are just gonna be eaten up by him then dropped. 
the people who will be closest to him are doubtlessly other demons ig ? but he also hates y’all too so.. don’t get too friendly like he’s not here to make friends he’s here to be Jeonseoul’s next top Demon. also since he died sumn like 200 years ago it’s possible some wizards / familiars knew of him and his coven, it’d be super interesting for someone to have known cute human eunsu in exchange for chaotic bastard demon eunsu 
since he’s a young demon, his horns are small and his wings barely span about two inches above his shoulder bones, he got itty bitty bat wings lbr he’s kinda pissed abt it. there’s tattoos over his scars from clashing with other demons / hunters / angels, but his devil’s mark lining the back of his neck, performed by first demon who took his soul, has never faded away. 
he also works as an info broker, which ties in with the fact that he’s a contractual demon ! it's more of a hobby than a job, something he does for kicks and to restock his gambling money and alcohol money, but he offers a helping hand to solo clientele for private cases if need be, just remember to bring your negotiation skills because his manipulation skills are a1.
he's well-versed in witchcraft even if he can’t actually possess the abilities that actual witches can. while hardly the mentoring type, he could be convinced to equip people with his knowledge of latin, spells or dark magic they want if he's interested enough. then again he might decide to screw them over for kicks so ask him for favours with caution.
for someone who carries a ton of spite and secrets, he passes as an easygoing, casual literature major on the daily to disguise his true intentions. find him at the university pretending to be a student and failing miserably at it like edward’s thousand year old ass in twilight
he cheats at the casino with his demonic powers but does it infrequently enough to pass it as luck. play games with him at your own risk. casinos are one of his favourite places but he can really be found anywhere with ease but some other places he frequents are: beaches, libraries, museums, bars, etc !
he'll get on people's nerves, but getting him to care to the degree of hate is another story. living this long has numbed him; people don't surprise him anymore and he doesn't care to spend time thinking about others. the secret to getting him to turn deathly serious is as simple as telling him you can tell that he was once a good person - because the cheesy truth is he was. he just convinces himself that he's given up trying to remember his human life and finds it easier to live like he’s dead.. yknow which he is.
romance makes him queasy, he's a spiteful old bastard and the concept of sweet love rubs him 100% fictional. there's someone he fancied before he was cursed but i'll save you the story: that's a distant dream now.
he might quote romantic works or put some pretty words together but he's fake as Fuck. if he notices someone innocent and unsuspecting crushing on him they are in so much trouble. he'll kiss their hand then twirl them right off a cliff. corruption kink central right here laid ease
as of rn he’s trying to master how to teleport and shadow control but he really is like on level one and he’s got to get up to level 50 to achieve even a fifth of what these other demons can do 
edit: i totally forgot to include eunsu’s ‘demonic’ title after he was banished to the perils of hell. it’s ironically just saint, and he goes around using that bc it’s blasphemous and a big ole middle finger to god himself. nobody will know his real name, but if there’s an off chance that they do, that’s a massive threat to eunsu and he’ll get his Snipers on Scene
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welcometojoelsvoid · 6 years
My ocs explained: Voidverse
A friend of mine asked me to tell about my ocs, and since there a lot of them and this will be long and tumblr messages won't let me send the whole thing, so I decided to make a post dedicated to it.
This post won't have pictures of my ocs because I'm lazy, but if you're interested there's a tab on my blog called "My characters", which has their pictures and their tags.
So, to get the more complicated things cleared out, I have this group of characters I call the "alts", basically, they're alternate versions of myself. One is always based on an aspect of my personality, which I then turn into said alt. A new one is usually born whenever I make one for a new fandom or universe.
Ps. This isn't all of them, there are a few minor characters and wips that I left out because this would become waaayyyy longer than needed. These characters belong in a group I call the "Voidverse", which are the characters that I consider to be the main characters of this storyline (some of my ocs live in different realms and realities, etc). I might make another oc megapost about the other verses if you guys want.
Classic the Demon (he/him), 24
My "main" alt, who is also my persona on the internet is called Classic the Demon (they all have nicknames since most of them usually share my name). Classic is kinda the leader of the alts, he's the one who usually gets to join a new verse if I haven't made a new alt specifically for that verse.
Classic's powers include telekinesis, teleportation, offensive spells and the summoning of a weapon (in this case; a sword) and a pair of wings. Classic has this so-called "pocket dimension" that he accesses via his magic. This dimension is where he stores a bunch of random stuff from clothing to food to sketchbooks. Also, because he's so extra, whenever he summons his sword he kinda swipes his right hand from left to right once while his sword materializes from dark energy, just for dramatic flair.
Like most demons, Classic is also capable of collecting souls through contracts, though Classic had "retired" from doing said contracts.
Classic was born in a Renaissance-era like time period in a small hidden village of demons. The village was very small with only a few houses and a post office. Classic's family consisted of Classic himself, his mother and father. Although his father had left when Classic was an infant for an unknown reason. Therefore Classic was solely raised by his mother.
Classic's only friends in the village was another boy his age named Eemeli and a person called "the Guard". The Guard lived at the edge of the small town, whose job was to protect it from the dangers of the grand forest right next to them. Classic looked up to the Guard, for she was one of the strongest people he knew. His favourite memory of her was when she fought a bear with her bare hands.
Eemeli, on the other hand, was an adventures child much like Classic, though not as reckless. He had a family of two (2) parents and four (4) siblings.
(But of course, because this is a character made by yours truly, there is a lot of edge and angst)
At the age of 13, Classic's village was attacked by a troupe of human soldiers. They burned the houses and slaughtered the people. With the help of his mother, he had survived. Classic had passed out during the attack and once he woke up he couldn't believe his eyes. Everything was destroyed and burnt to the ground, including the people he held so near and dear to his heart. Classic didn't know what to do, so he wandered aimlessly until he reached a town of humans. Traumatised and blinded by hate, he killed everyone and anyone he saw and when he reached the castle he stabbed the king to death with a dagger that had appeared in his hands, which would later on, as he got older, form into the dark sword that it is today.
Classic was "rescued" by a group of angels and was brought into their home in the sky. No, not heaven, but a floating island. He hadn't told them exactly what happened, not that he was all that able to because of the shock of it all. Though the angels did not press on the subject, clearly aware of his discomfort.
The family he was living with had one (1) child, Ale, a pink haired angel with greenish eyes. The two of them instantly became close friends and through that friendship considered each other siblings. Growing up in a community of angels as a demon was tough, but most of them were very accepting of Classic.
Though, with time he became restless. He wanted to go somewhere, do something. But he didn't know where nor what.
At the age of 19, Classic and Ale packed their bags and went to see the world. And through this adventure, they became face to face with Death, literally. On their adventure, Ale had been hurt severally and Classic in desperation tried with all his might to help them. He turned to soul stealing harvesting and contract work to earn currency, souls paid well with witches and faeries. Unfortunately, he couldn't earn enough in time or get any help. Ale had died of sickness and Classic ever since blamed himself.
His journey alone took him to many places, but he was always alone. Until he met a certain someone, but more about that later.
Classic himself is a cocky yet charming personality, not really in love with himself but absolutely adores praise and loves being in the spotlight (when he wants to, otherwise attention from a lot of people make him anxious). He's the one I made the most like myself, so ultimately he has the same issues; depression, anxiety, ADD and sociopathic tendencies. Of course, pretty much every alt have more or less these traits, some show them more, some don't.
He's a loyal friend and cares for his loved ones, good with a sword and has good problem-solving skills and critical thinking, but he lacks the sense of responsibility sometimes and gets very paranoid about not being good enough. He's very forgetful and has a hard time understanding complex things like math, geology and physics but has a talent for arts, language and philosophy. He's not in touch with his owns feelings but can tell when someone else is upset, anxious or lying. He's very unused to affection and compliments, often deeming himself not worthy of them but tries his best to stay positive.
Jojo (he/they), 23
Jojo is an easily excitable and reckless half-dead demon living in a post-apocalyptic setting. Jojo doesn't have magical abilities, though, they lost them alongside his horns and tail after committing suicide before he was brought back to life.
He likes brights colours, stuffed animals, motorcycles and most importantly; explosives.
Jojo had lost a part of their hearing and vision to a malfunctioning bomb, had been lucky that in a tight spot the last of his magical ability had protected all but a small portion of the side of his head, face and neck.
His left leg was lost in a fight. Jojo had seen a young girl being kidnapped, followed the kidnappers and fought them, rescuing the kidnapped children and losing his leg to an axe. This had happened before the war.
Even in crude conditions, Jojo believes that positivity can get you through anything. His blatant naïtivity can often cause him to trust the wrong people but make no mistake, Jojo is no fool and can quickly regain his composure and build up his walls. Jojo is a very social person and can easily get along with anyone, although can sometimes get a tad too excited and accidentally say and do something rather awkward. They always try to make up for hurt feeling, tough. Jojo is also big on taking risks and can often put themselves in dangerous situations.
As mentioned previously Jojo is a bomb fanatic and loves explosives and explosions. He taught himself to make his own bombs and frag launcher, many of which malfunctioned in various ways.
He doesn't remember much about his childhood, his memory fading alongside the scars on his body. He just remembers having a good family and he's fine with that. Jojo is also one of the only alts who drinks and smokes (they smoke pot, don't like cigarettes much). He's overall a pretty chill dude when he's not jumping from place to place and blowing stuff up.
He's also the one who shows the most clearly symptoms of ADHD.
He's a smart boy who's a bit clumsy sometimes.
A wholesome boy. A very sweet boy.
Invite him to every party because he's never been to one but really wants to. Good with kids, animals and knows how to make broccoli taste good. (Not good with elders and other fragile things that break easily)
282-J aka J/Jay (they/them), 22
282-J, the one that is actually not even a demon. 
J's power is "teleportation" via light. They can turn themselves into light particles and move a few meters to the direction of their choosing. So J cannot use this power in places without some kind of light source, though the illumination of a phone or TV, etc, is not enough. J also cannot move through solid matter, like walls and doors.
 J was born into "captivity" in a science lab (Oh, yes, it's "science labs are evil" trope time!). This science lab was fixated on mutants and mutation, so I relate J to the Marvel universe (because X-Men).
From birth J had lived in that facility, being experimented on every single day. Some weren't bad, like seeing how long of a distance J can teleport for example, but some are excruciating, as when J would go days without being fed or being locked in a dark and tight room for weeks, even months! It all took its toll on J's fragile body.
Once the lab crew injected an adrenaline type drug into J's bloodstream and locked him in a small room for three (3) days straight, when a staff member was sent to retrieve J's seemingly passed out body, they had bitten into the man's arm and in response got an elbow to the chest. J coughed up blood and couldn't breathe, actually passing out this time. When J woke up they were in their own room; padded, white walls and the one-way glass in front. J felt their own breath on their face and when J reached to touch their own face, they felt what seemed like a gas mask of sorts and tried to fumble with it to take it off. The voice from the speakers told that the gas mask had two (2) benefits; it restrained J from biting the staff again and it kept J, themselves, alive. Apparently one of J's lungs had received a lot of damage from the incident and the lab crew could not entirely fix it, so a special gas mask would have to do.
J is very timid and does not speak often nor raise their voice. They're very awkward in social situations and get overwhelmed by large groups of people and loud noises. Though J can be brave and courageous when they want to and they're also a quick thinker and rather clever.
Cappy the Capricorn (she/her), 300+
Ah, yes, Cappy the Capricorn- or Cappy the Zodiac demon. The one person you wouldn't invite to your family gatherings.
She is a Zodiac demon and her powers focus mostly on controlling the water element. Another skill of her's is knowing how to cut her own hair using seashells and other sharp objects found on the seafloor. She's a very calm person with a professional-seeming personality, but she can be a bit "inappropriate", so to say.
She's a siren-like creature and when underwater her legs turn into a fishtail. She very much enjoys tricking unsuspecting men into their tombs and seducing women into sleeping with her, though to the fair lass she shall do no harm (In other words; she's a lesbian). Her magic is very powerful, but she isn't a fighter- she doesn't want to waste her time on petty brawling. Although if not left alone when asked, she won't hesitate to use violence as her saviour.
Unfortunately, there isn't much to tell about her background, for it does not exist because I am a lazy sonovabitch who doesn't think through their characters' backstories.
But Cappy is not really that much of a "macho sex object with no personality" (I hope), for in actuality she's a real softy. She's all smooth and clever in seduction and all that sexy stuff, but when a cute girl compliments her, she blushes like crazy and gets all flustered. If she ever would develop a crush on some poor soul, that poor soul would have to deal with a very nervous and stuttering mountain sea goat.
From 1 to 10 I'd rate Cappy a 5/10 on the friendship scale. Not that she's an evil person or whatever, she just doesn't know how to properly act around people (living at the bottom of the sea for hundreds of years will do that to ya, I suppose...). She, however, is very supportive and helpful whenever the people she considers her friends are having a hard time (especially about their own appearance, she ain't having none of it).
The Voidkeeper (she/they), ???
The Voidkeeper, the eldest one- mostly because their age cannot be comprehended for it simultaneously does and does not exist.
The Voidkeeper is half-blind, half-death and selectively mute. She is also a sociopath and does not feel empathy nor sympathy (or feelings, at all).
And most important, they are dead. I mean no heartbeat, rotten insides, dried out blood kind of dead.
She was banished to what is called the Void when she committed suicide. See, demons cannot be killed, only trapped in artefacts or returned to the Underworld, but a demon has the ability to take their own life, but it is not without punishment. When a demon commits suicide they are banished and assigned to a task which they will carry out for the rest of eternity. This one was assigned to look after the Void, a fruitless task for it is empty and barren. The only thing that happens is that every millennia a new book appears in the Void to give some sort of entertainment to the Voidkeeper.
On very rare occasion a poor soul might accidentally either wander or be sent to the Void and it is the Voidkeeper's duty then forward to guide the wanderer where they were supposed to go. Every time something, or someone, appears in the Void the Voidkeeper is alerted by the soul stone they carry. This stone, as prompted by the name, is in a way the Voidkeeper's soul, which they cannot ever regain. It is their life source and their source of power. The Voidkeeper is not allowed to ever be violent, so the soul stone only grants them defensive powers. In this case the ability to heal and create protective forcefields.
The Voidkeeper cannot physically ever enter the realm of the living, but with the aide of someone very powerful, they are granted to walk amongst the living as a ghost of sorts. They, however, cannot be touched by the living.
The Voidkeeper is very silent and intelligent. They know more than you'd expect, but will never tell you what you want to know. Only what you need to know, which in itself is not much. She prefers to observe others as they go about their life whenever she isn't reading, other than that there isn't much to her.
Inquisitor Lotus Draqon (he/him), 23.5
The alt for the da:i fandom and my most recent alt.
He's very peculiar in the sense that he was born from the merged souls of Classic and a dragon called Jupiter. No one is sure how this happened but one-day Classic had disappeared. It took a long time to find where he was and the answer was very surprising.
Now with his soul living in as in another person's body, Classic was trapped in a frozen state in another pocket dimension with Jupiter. This meant that as long as Lotus was intact or alive, Classic would not himself be present and neither would Jupiter.
Classic's soul gave Lotus many of the abilities that he himself has, telekinesis, illusion magic, weapon and wing summoning, etc. And Lotus as a person is fairly similar to Classic, some of the differences being Lotus' dragon attributes; his scales, tail, the sword is rather different, bigger horns and bigger wings (and a bigger appetite).
Lotus is also more innocent leaning and shyer. And unlike Classic, isn't such a good swordsman (he gets better with time tho).
Similarly to Classic, Lotus isn't very independent and often depends a lot on the people around him for help and advice. They both also have a giant sweet tooth and love animals. And they both stutter, have trouble pronouncing some words and have motor and verbal ticks (whenever Lotus yawns, burps, gets excited, happy or is frightened he goes "woof!", Classic just makes weird demon noises. Their motor ticks are pretty much the same, twitchy hands, neck and whole damn body).
Though Lotus is more prone to seek out simulation, tapping his claws against a table, playing with his hair and tail and pressing his toe beans. Classic mostly plays with his hair and his shirt sometimes. Also because of dyslexia, they both often have jumbled words when speaking, though with Lotus it's stronger and for him, reading is harder. Lotus is more willing to take risks and go out on an adventure, he has very strong legs and wings that can carry him for hours. And in general Lotus' health is better than Classic's, he's learned to cope with his problems better and cares for himself more.
Also, laser pointers totally work on him.
Now, let's get to the other characters in my verse.
Katy Huerta (she/her), 38-41
A retired Special Task Force agent called back on the field after suspicious and unknown signals had started appearing out of nowhere. They were most likely of a supernatural origin and agent Huerta was assigned on the job. Katy is a skilled and headstrong woman with experience with supernatural forces. As a young child, her body is shared by her and a power fire spirit. She can control fire and use it as a weapon, as well as turn into fire herself.
Turns out that classic had been causing waves of magic which turned to signals as he made his way to this world and travelled around it. At the time he was 19 years old. Katy wasn't sure how to approach him as she found him walking around abandoned buildings but she knew she couldn't kill or arrest him, he hadn't done anything wrong. So she took him in. Taught him, mentored him, took care of him. Katy doesn't have much knowledge about magic but she taught him how to use his sword, how to use his mind and how to use his heart. Classic would follow her around like a puppy, mostly because HQ didn't fully trust a demon to walk around by himself. They respected Katy a great deal, but we're very unsure of this decision. Katy didn't care, though, she was sure. Katy's heart is as big as her muscles and just as strong, she never gave up on that boy and she's glad she didn't. She found a lifelong friend and a trusted partner. She was like a mother to him.
Katy is what I like to call the "bridger", she's usually the bridge between the different universes and dimensions. I gave her full knowledge of the different alts, what they are and what they mean. Whenever there's a new alt, she informs the others and looks over the new one, deciding whether or not they should be cautious and stay away or if they can be invited to the "inner circle".
The day when Classic had his soul transferred and himself trapped was something Katy wasn't sure how to take action, she had no idea who "Lotus" was and what kind of alt they were (you can never know, even the nice sounding ones can be mean and the world they live in might not be able to handle Katy's presence). She took a risk and bridged into the world of Thedas to handle the situation.
Coraline Daniel (she/her), 65.5
The pretty typical vampire oc, I'd say.
Coraline is a carefree soul who enjoys being a mysterious shadow in the back of people's minds. One day she's here, another day she's gone. She doesn't burn in the sunlight but her powers weaken a lot, which includes mind control, teleportation and flight.
A true lady and a primadonna; never settles for second best, Coraline is a beauty and rarity and uses it to her advantage. Many people are slow to notice she's already sucking the blood out of their veins, her victims helplessly falling into her traps and under her spell. 
All except one.
Agent Katy Huerta; the STF's favourite puppet; a saviour; a righteous knight; a woman of high regard and the only one to catch Coraline's eye. She had been assigned to search for the reason behind recent murders (Coraline's doing, of course) and had successfully tracked the culprit down. Coraline was surprised that her normal tactics hadn't worked and this piqued her interest. Ever since their first meeting, they seemed to bump into each other quite often. It was a classic game of cat and mouse, with a lot more flirting though. And they both seemed to enjoy it.
Coraline could never trap her and she could never catch Coraline in return. Neither of them wanted to. Or did, but the meaning behind it had changed.
Katy would track the vampire to her next destination, catch her red-handed, they'd fight, steal kisses in between and Katy would watch her disappear into the night. It became routine, tradition. Routine was broken when Katy asked her for a date before she could run off again, caught by surprise but regaining composure Coraline accepted. Katy brought her a silver ring as a gift to their date, it was a simple gesture that meant something more to them both.
Akachi (they/them), 12
Akachi was found in Western-Africa, alone and unconscious in a cryochamber at an old hospital. The child was in a deep coma and appeared to have lizard-like attributes. Files showed that they were there because of an illness that threatened to take their life, but nothing else could be recovered.
The STF team took them back to America to take care of them, but no one was sure what should be done. Should they be given up for adoption? Surely that couldn't be safe for the child. Luckily STF's golden girl Katy Huerta stepped up to take care of the child, adopting them. The child's name is Akachi, was what she was told, they were found abandoned and appear to be intersex. And so the child was given in to her care. Once home, Classic had been very curious about the child. They decided to take care of Akachi together.
Back then Akachi had been just 4 years old and they didn't appear to have any memories before the hospital, so adapting wasn't the most difficult thing. Akachi is a gentle soul and a very curious child, very imaginative. Akachi was placed in a special program when starting school, normal school being a distant thought but they got there eventually.
Akachi is very excited about new things, very excited to learn and experience things. Although Katy tries to keep them away from tough adventures, sometimes by accident a certain demon cannot resist the puppy-eyes. Akachi is all too happy to meet new people, they always dream of having a big family and they do consider the alts to be family.
Elizabeth Hart aka Wolfy Heart (she/her), 27
Quite literally my oldest oc, I'm fairly sure that Wolfy was the first oc that I ever made and she's come such a long way since then.
Wolfy is the daughter of a rich German family, not that it matters but I'm just laying down random facts at this point, she grew up fairly similarly to everyone else though, she wasn't spoiled and her parents were very good at parenting and were decent people.
Wolfy is a very motherly person and takes care of her friends a lot, she loves socialising and cooking and is very good at playing the harp. She's very curious and blushes easily, she's very modest. She likes spending time with animals and children and is very creative and fashionable. She's compassionate and wants what's best for everyone, she's a little naïve in that sense.
Wolfy had been good friends with Katy (through a mutual friend) even before Classic came around. And Wolfy was more than happy to welcome him with open arms and warm cupcakes! Wolfy's also like an aunt to Akachi who she also welcomed with open arms and warm cupcakes.
Idk dudes I love Wolfy, she's been there for me through many years and seen some shit, she's amazing, she sometimes makes her own clothes and really likes turtles.
Quality werewolf, would bark again
Katja Storm aka Kstorm (mostly she/they but he is also fine), 30
Kstorm is also a very old character of mine (like Wolfy and Katy), she's been through many changes and I'm finally happy with where she is!
Kstorm is the oldest of (3) three children, she's half Spanish half Korean and she's a DJ and quite enjoys making music. I imagine her style is similar to Porter Robinson but maybe a bit more bass heavy (I just love Porter Robinson y'all)
She's dating a girl named Kayna (Kstorm calls her Kaykay uwu), who's best friends with Wolfy and by correlation, she got invited to the Cool Kids club B)
Kstorm herself is a witch and when Classic came around she got pretty excited (but like low-key, cuz she's cool like that), tbh Kstorm was a big help with assisting Classic to handle and control his magic. While Katy is very agitated about spreading the knowledge about bridging and the alts, but she trusts this group of people.
Kstorm doesn't go on adventures or jump through dimensions much, too busy working but she asks to get herbs and cool artefacts and talismans whenever the others do go.
Kstorm is a cool and collected person, she doesn't like drama and doesn't want to make a big deal out of things, especially if it isn't. She went to medical school to become a nurse before turning into a fulltime DJ and she often puts together charity events at the club she performs at. She's generally loved by her community, though there has been drama and people trying to ruin her name. She lost some of her fans after coming out as genderfluid and pansexual but regained a large following of very supportive followers and fans.
Taika (they/them), ???
Taika is a tall, cat-like forest spirit who came from a very monochrome and old realm, they came to the human realm to experience colour, loudness and life for what it could be.
They don't have a mouth (or nose) so they can't speak and when they were born their limbs were deformed so now they have prosthetic arms and legs (luckily the forest spirits are pretty handy).
Taika is a very innocent and optimistic creature, very curious about humans and other beings.
Taika especially loves a lot of what humans have created and relishes in their culture with loud music, dyed hair, ripped jeans and technology.
Now, Taika doesn't really belong in the Voidverse, but I love them so much that I had to mention them cuz they're literally so precious.
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pxrtgasdace · 7 years
race to the pirate doctor, with @pilawforhire. (previously.)
Another man would have taken Law’s offer or suggestion to leave purely out of spite. Let him see how far he’d go without a guiding light, an extra pair of hands and a living fire commanded at will. All three things the captain would regret having dismissed when he found himself in bigger trouble. How easy it was to just walk away with a thanks for nothing and fuck you very much...
Not Ace, though. For one, even if he didn’t need to find this wonder man or heretic demon for Pops’s sake, he was not one to turn his back on adversity, as Law would soon find out, if he hadn’t figured that much already. In some aspects, Ace was a straightforward kind of man, easy to figure. Then, if anything, his companion’s lack of capacity to appreciate his company and the aid light and heat provided was all the more reason why he should stay. What kind of lesson would Law learn if everything he found unpleasant walked away with a gesture of his tattooed hand? Though older than Ace was, he might become a spoiled brat just yet.
Besides, pride and duty aside, to stay around Law came with the fulfilling reward of knowing he'd be bothered. Wasn’t that fun?
By accepting the canteen, which looked like a peace offering, Trafalgar Law accepted Ace’s company in what was now a joint enterprise of unclear nature  - were they joining forces to find this doctor still or to get the hell out of what, with every new obstacle, felt more and more like a floating mousetrap?
With a quenched throat, Law threw the canteen back at Ace, who promptly caught it in his hand as though it were a baseball, and gave good use to his voice, letting the intellect hidden under that curious furry hat his new friend thought looked too much like a baby seal for his taste shine through. He’d noticed the absence of women and children and in reality the island was scarce even in the young adult male department. To call it the opposite of Amazon Lily sounded about right. Talking about unnatural demographics!
Ace would have answered Law in all politeness had the Surgeon not made the mistake of talking of Pops and things he did not know or could ever hope to understand - what did he know of Whitebeard? That’s right. He knew nothing. It was not for Law to say if the use Ace was giving to his time would turn out to be a waste and, even if it was so, it was still Ace’s own time he was wasting and no one else’s.
His bitchy friend was already on his way to the curious building of questionable taste but Ace, who’d already placed the canteen back in his bag and positioned it on his back, didn’t move, forcing Law to peek over his shoulder, at least, if not force him to stop altogether lest he proceed all alone. 
If he did go for a peek, he’d find Whitebeard’s son frowning back at him and it could not be clearer his calm was an illusion, achieved with no small effort. No longer a little boy with fire on the tip of his tongue, Ace’s temper was not as volatile as it used to be. He could rein in his bad disposition before mild offence, which was arguably the best way to classify Law’s remark, unfortunate but not insulting.
“Careful now, Traffaroo. You don’t want to be speaking of Pops, do you? Nothing’s a waste of time for my father’s sake, you got that?  And it’s not like I owe you shit but no, no one knows I’m here. Especially not Pops.”
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The moment he said it, Ace thought of his crew, still performing maintenance on the Moby Dick, not too far from this island. His absence should come as no surprise since he’d announced he’d be taking Striker in order to do some personal business; but what of his delay? How much time had passed since his departure? No matter. They would be fine and so would he... and Ace would return with a doctor for Whitebeard, the promised one or not, even if it was Trafalgar Law’s sorry ass he had to drag onto his raft and kidnap... He hoped things would not come to that - Law hardn’t earned his blind trust yet.
Ace’s words were a warning that, once uttered, lifted his mood and brought back a cheeky smile to the face and some wit to the tongue. “You should get along with whoever owns this place. Guy with a big-ass sword, guy with a big-ass building... Sounds like you’re compensating for something” 
Finally, Ace caught up with Law. “What about your crew? Do they know you’re here?” Like Law, he noticed the black birds and, just like he did as well, did not give them attention with a prolonged look or a pointing finger. Maybe it was a dumb thought, but Ace gave it voice, still. “D’you think those work like surveillance Den Den Mushi?”
The crows were awfully quiet and still, not there to attack the intruders, meaning there had to be another use to them. They could not be normal crows. If they were, then there should be other animals around, squirrels and lizards... Species which were lacking. Ace’s hypothesis was that the birds might be acting as eyes and even ears to the boss of the weird creatures they’d encountered thus far, which could explain why traps came so quickly whenever they roamed outdoors.
Before Ace could come up with a joke about the foul smell coming from Law’s insides, the facility came full into view. For the love of God! This island was making Ace’s work as a comedian too easy! “Oh, come on! Tell me that’s not compensation!” 
At the sudden movement of the ground, Ace grabbed his hat as a reflex, followed by a clumsy seizing of Law’s clothes. But the ground did not open for a second time and thank heavens for that, for the sake of variety. Funny enough, instead of the bottom opening up, it was the top that was closing in on them. Never a dull moment with Traffaroo!
Jokes aside, the ancients had spoken of their fear of having the sky crashing upon them on several accounts and it was not hard to give them credit. It was a scary thing to be suddenly engulfed in darkness, as though there was no escaping closed spaces where the sun didn’t shine. At least neither of them suffered from claustrophobia.
Ace lit up the moment Law spoke but there was no need for his fire to show the way. “The birds”, he said to his grim company with narrowed eyes and a clear tone of accusation in his voice.
A while later, Ace and Law were facing the mighty aubergine phallus with its appendages, the shape not so noticeable up-close. Now, Law might have expertise around balls and feel at ease picking a favourite but that did not mean Ace was eager to do the same. Luckily, the younger man stopped himself in time before provoking the other with this kind of remarks - from what he already knew of Law’s sharpness of the tongue, something told Ace things would follow a route of no return if he gave him an excuse to be lewd. Not only that, there would be no winning... Ace kept his mouth shut about it.
“You’re not the boss of me!” No, no, no. It was not fear. Ace had decided he would not separate ways were it not truly necessary. Without them having the island figured out, adopting the divide et impera tactic could prove to be a fatal mistake. Besides, what made Law believe there would be a way of meeting halfway, even? “Step aside, Roo!” He added, urging Law to give him some space inside the elevator.
No buttons to push. No music to listen to. No movement... And then, when Ace was starting to wonder if this was no more than a static box to trap trespassers inside, the elevator began its crazy ride. Surprised by the sudden jerk, Ace shouted something about being fed up with this shit and grabbed hold of another jerk - his pal Roo, who’d unwillingly bump against him. All Ace could hope, apart from wishing this unnerving trip would stop soon, was for Law not to vomit on his shorts.
“Get off me!” Ace pushed Law away the very moment the door opened, obviously ignoring the fact it was him who was decided to grab Law in the first place. “I hope the crows didn’t catch that... You alright?” He patted Law’s shoulder with some sympathy for his upset stomach and stepped out. As someone used to having his body adopt strange positions when the digestive system was filling up, Ace had more resistance to all those abrupt motions.
The room they were now in was... The very opposite of what Law’s room must be like, according to Ace’s imagination. It was as though someone had puked rainbows all over the place and they had stubbornly pasted themselves to the walls, coating them. A children’s play room, the one Ace could be glad he’d never had. 
He glanced over the pictures on the walls. They seemed authentic enough, drawn by children and not adults trying to pass as children though, by now, the idea of them being forged was not that crazy, not after the turkey and the Bigfoot, the gigantic ball and the eccentric construction. While there was nothing special about them, Ace was sure that, for the shortest amount of time, he’d seen a wave of ginger hair before it disappeared. (Where to?)
He was about to tell Law of this - any minimal thing, any slight impression might be of utmost importance - when the same ginger head reappeared and this time it was lock on, targetting Law and throwing sponge balls from the pit placed in a corner of the room at him. 
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Ace shrieked. What? It was not every day that you were confronted with a maimed cyborg child. The shock subsided and was replaced with something like sadness, akin to it. The first child they met in this island and it was not... whole; healthy. Somehow Ace knew, in his heart, that any other children they might find would be in a similar state, with limbs entirely amiss or mechanical parts in their place.
“No!” He chastised Law even before the Surgeon of Death moved. “Don’t attack her!” His approach was different. “Hey, little girl” Crouching across from Law, elbow supported on the raised leg, Ace gave the child a smile. “Did uncle Traffaroo scare you? Come here” His hand beckoned her to as much as his words did. “It’s alright”
Law might disagree, say this weak form of fighting back was not a fear-induced reaction but a learnt tactic, a command, as though the child was yet another foe, a short-legged, part-tin pawn meant to delay them before the cavalry arrived; yet Ace did believe the girl had to be fearful, if not of them, then of whatever it was that was going on in her life. He’d rather not harm this child or any other.
This pacific approach did not work and Ace made the stupidest face when eleven other kids appeared out of nowhere, from the already mentioned ball pit, from behind the bookshelf, from under big duvets covering bunk beds... forcing Ace to retreat back to Law. Though they were children, there was an army of them, equipped with prosthetic arms, legs, clockwork eyes, metal in lieu of flesh... One of them had no head on its shoulders. It was not a pretty or peaceful sight to behold.
“Hm, Roo? I think we found the kids” No shit. “You’re the doctor. What are the odds of these being happy kids who’re able to enjoy life thanks to the miracles of science and not a sacrilegious fusion of people and kitchen appliances?” Before Law had the chance to answer, Ace addressed the kids. “We mean you no harm. Why are you here?” All that was left was for Ace to ask them ‘take us to your leader’ to complete the stranger in a hostile land cliché. “Where are the women?”
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coreshorts · 7 years
The Trial of Stone
The stay in Swiftperch was longer than she expected. With the town coming under attack by slavers, Hali found herself pulled toward the fight to capture them after the town was cleared and she had recovered from her previous trial. Though the battle left her beaten and bloodied, having very unwisely engaging in close combat, but also being caught in the Captain’s last-ditch effort to kill his would-be captors, she was healed and after another day of rest, set out again, the crystal beckoning her to the far north.
She headed back toward Gridania, where she set off on foot for the highlands of Coerthas. Though she enjoyed Vylbrand’s cool, rainy weather, this was a whole new treat. Snow was ever her favourite, the quiet of snowfall, the crunch under her boots as she trekked through the drifts, the faint whipping of wind, and even the biting, bitter cold bringing her a strange kind of joy.
The crystal pointed further west, taking her through the snowy central highlands, and up across the mountains toward the western highlands. It took her the better part of a day, staying awake and moving through the better part of what might, if not for the perpetual snowfall, be daylight, to reach the other end. 
Of course, the time it took her to trudge across the frozen land was partially owed to her wish to take her time through Coerthas, enjoying the weather, even stopping to play in the snow from time to time, making snowballs and practising her Ruinbolt spell by tossing them into the air and blowing them to bits, often with a gleeful giggling following the crack of thunder that often followed.
Though it saddened her, she eventually made her way through the mountain pass that led toward Dravania, and the crystal’s destination. When she emerged on the other side, she was thankful that the cold was still present, at least, but stood in wonder at the strange, foreign beauty of the Forelands. Everything was different: the trees, like great spiders that towered over her, the sky, dotted with what she could have sworn were floating rocks and islands, and even the very ground, which, despite the cold, remained covered in foliage.
Something got her eye as she walked the path toward what appeared to be a settlement, seeking shelter and a place to rest. With a roar, a dragon passed overhead, dipping down into a clearing in the trees, and snatched up what looked to be some kind of cross between a coeurl and a bear - a creature she’d later know to be a bandersnatch. The creature, easily twice her size, was dwarfed by the massive dragon, and she stood, transfixed, her mouth hanging open in awe and fear.
It wasn’t much further down the path that she happened upon Tailfeather, happy for the hospitality of its chocobo-hunting inhabitants, but less for the cloying stench of the birds that was ever present. Nonetheless, for some coin, she was offered shelter and a bunk to rest for the remainder of the day, and come the late evening, with enough sleep to set her in motion again and a bit of tea to help her along, she set off again.
The crystal’s direction was one of unfortunate difficulty, however. As she neared the nearby mountain, the dragons’ sacred summit of Sohm Al at the peak and home of Anyx Trine at the base, she realised that passing them to her destination would likely be the most idiotic decision she could make. However, she was equipped to bypass such an arduous and likely deadly encounter, and, nearing the base of the mountain outside Anyx Trine’s great stone walls, she began to concentrate,
The ground beneath her shifted with a crumbling noise, and, as through it were water, she sunk into it, the Burrow spell that she had learned carrying her through the mountain’s stone and earth until she reached a shaded area among its cliffs, safe from prying Dravanian eyes. 
The cave mouth nearby seemed to radiate heat, and an odour akin to sulfur, marking it to Hali as a volcanic mountain, and that gave her pause. This would be a difficult trial, indeed. She focused, creating a pocket of breathable, cooling air around her with her conjury as she headed further into the cave, and, though it didn’t help to keep her senses clear of the choking fumes and smoke, it kept her safe from breathing too much, the worst of it being an acrid burning at the back of her throat.
Further into the cave that she later knew as Mourn - the final resting place of dragons - she encountered a shrine, with two of the men waiting, one before the shine, peering up at it, and the other staring off into the depths of the mountain. The shrine itself was a towering figure of a dragon, cut from stone, with glowing crystals to either side that radiated heat.
Before she could speak, as she approached, the man to the side turned to her and spoke up, “The Vessel has questions.” Hali blinked, then nodded.
“I... do,” she said, taken aback for a moment, not expecting to be offered answers already. She thought on the best ones to ask, not sure of how long the man might humour her.
“Who or what are you?” she asked, “What do you call yourselves?”
“We are Immortals,” came the simple answer. She wasn’t impressed with it, and she rethought the question.
“Okay. What is this magic you use? What’s it called...?”
“It is power,” the man replied with an arrogant tone and a scoff, “Nothing more.”
Hali’s brow furrowed and she grew irritated, beginning to think of another question that might get the answer she wanted.
She was, however, cut off, “The Vessel has one more question.”
“Mh,” she grunted, annoyed. She thought hard on that last question. She could ask them what they wanted from her, what their plans were for her, but if it was ill intent of some kind, they wouldn’t tell her. As it was, all she had been given were cryptic half-answers for the most part.
“What is a Vessel?” she finally asked, frowning.
“An empty soul. Weak, to be fed with power that it may grow strong,” was the final reply, and, without another word, the man turned to gaze out over the thick smoke rising from the depths of the mountain again, silent.
“What is this place?” asked the man before the shrine, turning to face her fully.
“Um,” she shrugged, trying to recall what the residents of Tailfeather had told her, “It’s a gravesite for dragons. A final resting place.”
“And what is this?” the man motioned to the statue behind him.
“I... assume a shrine, maybe to some god. Or a memorial of sorts.” She truly had no idea, but hazarded her best guess, shaking her head in uncertainty.
The man looked irate, furrowing his brow behind the veiled turban, the white paint around his eyes crinkling with his face as he asked, “What is the point? Do all of your people do this?”
Hali blinked rapidly for a moment, as if trying to comprehend what she’d just been asked, then shook her head to the negative, “N-no. I mean, the dragons are hardly my people in any event, but... some do. Where I was raised, it was viewed as a waste to mourn the dead overlong. It made us vulnerable. We didn’t have many enemies, per se, but there were those who would take advantage of it. We buried our dead, paid our respects, and then moved on. And... that was the end of it.”
“Our people have no such regard for the weak.” Weak. Not dead. Even the strong could, and would someday, day, she thought, but it was best not to challenge that notion.
She was distracted by the thought by a vision that raced through her head mere moments later. Hundreds of cloudkin, dead, on the ground, looking much like the beast she first slew at the behest of the strange men, and hundreds more people, marching over the corpses, all dressed in the same manner as the three she had seen time and time again.
The vision cleared, and she saw the man now facing the statue and he asked, “Would you feel anything if I destroyed it?” She furrowed her brow. Her immediate reaction was to question why she should even care - after all, it wasn’t hers - besides angering the dragons. However, the feeling inside her, that which had caused her immeasurable pain time and time again, stirred in anger, causing her to become annoyed.
“I don’t care,” she shrugged, then sighed, “But something does. I want it to be silent. I don’t understand these feelings it’s trying to force on me, and I don’t much appreciate them either. It’s annoying. I want to hurt it, to make it just shut up already.”
She detected the faintest trace of a wicked grin behind the man’s veil, his eyes crinkling around the edges slightly, and with a turn, he drew in aether and sent a beam of energy across the statue that cut it in half, the top half sliding off and crumbling to the depths.
When the statue was attacked, it was as though it targeted her very soul, and something cried out in agony, forcing her to double over in the existential pain that it had forced upon her before on multiple occasions. She hissed in pain, wincing, her whole body tensing as she fought back. Another vision overtook her.
A land much like the Dravanian stone around her spread out, red and volcanic. A longing began to crush her soul, a sadness of something forever lost. Countless statues and monuments, much like the one just toppled, crumbling into ruin beneath her. It made her want to scream in anguish and despair. No. Not her. The thing within her. These were not her feelings...
The man turned back to her, and, without a word, withdrew a small bag, from which he drew an amulet, ever careful to hold it away from himself, not daring to touch the gem. When it was revealed, she felt as though her very soul was being pulled from her, and she drew back, eyes widening and teeth bared.
“If the Beast is too much for you,” he said, “It can come to an end here.”
Hali sneered in annoyance and pain, “Hells no. I’ve come this far, done this much, and I refuse to just give up over an annoyance. This is something I will master, so put that damned thing away. I am not making all this time and effort wasted.”
The man in blue looked satisfied, and he tucked the amulet back in its bag, the bag going beneath his robes, and the feeling disappearing as the Beast within her calmed, either for fear or from the miqo’te’s insuppressible willpower and the wall that was her absolute determination that kept her soul safe. Or... was it something else that helped her? She had felt another presence, unlike this “Beast” before, but it was gentle, comforting, steeling her against the assault on her very soul. She shook her head. It was of no consequence. She’d learn in time if it was another product of this magic.
“Your will is like stone, but how long until it begins to crack? Your final trial awaits,” the man before her said, turning and disappearing, the other nearby doing the same.
She was left alone in Mourn, but decided not to linger, making her way back to Tailfeather by way of another, longer Burrow spell that had her emerge just before its gates. Checking the crystal again, it had already begun to point to the southeast again, a hard pull, making her think of the Shroud. She resolved to rest for the day, then set off in the early evening the next day.
Back to where it all began, to the final trial... but she felt as though she still had fewer answers than questions.
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