#it makes so much more sense to be able to choose and fully customize
swagging-back-to · 8 months
the sims is great and all but it also just so isnt.
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starwarsmum · 13 days
Day 7 of Maribat BioFamily September! I managed a whole week! Prompt of the day is Love Languages
The manor has been quiet ever since Marinette had gone home after the trial of Hawkmoth had ended. Damian had resorted to his usual grouchy manner and everyone was much less physically affectionate with one another.
The change hadn't been immediate. Tim had made a point to do a daily video call to begin with, and anyone who was available would crowd around the laptop to say hello. But as they all fell back into their routines, video calls became phone calls, which became texts. And the thing with texts, at least for the Batfamily, was that there were certain times they couldn't answer.
So now, after two months, the family were back to their emotionally constipated ways and Dick hated it. As another person who thrived from physical affection, he missed the way his new little sister would launch herself at him to say hello. Or the way she would spend quiet time with Damian, which seemed to mellow him out more than anything else anyone had tried.
Or how, when Tim was crashing from a caffeine high and needed more to keep going, she magically appeared with a fresh cup, and some cookies she'd baked with Jason who, surprisingly, found a sense of calm in kneading dough and learning something new. Even Steph, exuberant as she was, had withdrawn somewhat, no longer having Marinette to watch sappy romcoms with.
So when Bruce suggested they invite Marinette back for the summer, Dick had been overjoyed. He had immediately booked off two weeks so that he could fully immerse himself in the experience of Time with MarinetteTM. He even decided he would live in the manor with everyone else as much as he could.
They all made a special effort to be at the manor when Alfred told them that he would be collecting Marinette from the airport. Well, all except Damian who everyone said would probably do better picking her up than helping with the welcome party effort. To everyone's surprise, Damian agreed to go without any argument.
Dick was charged with getting the decorations up, given he was the most able to climb. Steph and Jason were choosing music, having agreed that they would both add songs into a playlist and go from there. Tim was arranging some party games - karaoke, a few board games some cards - while Cass stayed out of the way. 
Duke was still on the day patrol, although they planned for him to arrive back while the festivities were still happening and swap out with Bruce and Steph. Barbara was due to arrive any second with a trivia quiz to round out the night, and Dick couldn't wait.
_ _ _
When Marinette landed in the airport, she had so much energy that she practically vibrated while going through customs. Everyone who spoke with her gave her indulgent smiles, and she dragged her luggage into arrivals. Looking around, she squealed as she spotted the green eyed boy that she had been steadily falling in love with over the past couple of months.
He caught her up as she flung her arms around him, tucking his face into the crook of her neck. He had grown a little taller in her absence and her toes scraped the floor as she clung to him. He put her down after several moments, smirking down at her before she pulled him down into a kiss.
“Alfred is waiting for us, Angel,” Damian said at last, brushing a hand against her cheek gently. She beamed up at him, heart full of joy, but she let him pull away and take her luggage. “You have brought a lot with you, were you planning on staying for longer than the summer?”
“No, silly,” she giggled, picking up one of her bags. Damian grabbed her rolling suitcase and the other bag, motioning towards the door. “I brought the gifts I've been making for everyone. It's been kind of…lonely without you all in Paris.”
Damian hummed in agreement before pulling her to a stop just before they stepped into the open air. He leaned towards her, kissing her softly and she melted into him again. They had agreed that they would keep their budding relationship to themselves for now, not wanting the others to meddle before they knew if it would work.
While they had been long distance, they had gotten to know each other fairly well; Marinette asked questions about his favourite classes, hobbies, his friends, and Damian asked about her dreams for the future now that there was no supervillain terrorising Paris. They'd watched films for date nights, streaming things at the same time and chatting about them. 
In spite of that, it just wasn't the same as being in the same city. So before they were sucked back into the family dynamics, it was nice to reconnect by themselves. And when she pulled back again, he chased her for a moment which filled her with warmth.
“Hi, Monsieur Alfred,” she said as they approached the car. The butler smiled at her, helping to put her luggage in the trunk before opening the door for Damian and her. They talked quietly in the backseat, not touching but not leaving a lot of distance between them. When they pulled up to the manor, Damian stepped out of the car first and offered his hand back to her. She giggled as she let him pull her out and said softly, “Thank you, Dami.”
Inside the manor, everyone cheered when she came in, and Marinette was overwhelmed with happiness at how much effort they'd gone to for her. They spent the next few hours playing games and catching up until Dick excitedly said that they had set up karaoke.
“Before we move over to that, I need to give you all something!” Marinette trilled, grabbing one of the bags and pulling out delicately wrapped parcels. She moved around the room, handing them out and she could see the surprised faces of everyone except Damian. When someone asked what the occasion was, she merely shrugged and blushed lightly. “I just like making things for people, and since you all are basically family now, I wanted you to have something from me.”
There was a moment of silence before Steph impatiently ripped open her parcel. She stopped short as she pulled out a pair of pyjamas that was reminiscent of her Spoiler suit. Nobody else having waited to open the gifts once they heard Steph do so, they all similarly pulled up short as their alter-ego personas were put into sleepwear form. One by one they all swung back to stare at Marinette, although Damian merely looked amused.
“Was I not supposed to work out that Jason and Tim, who are exactly the same size and shape as the two vigilantes I met on the Watchtower, were Red Hood and Red Robin? Please, I'm a designer, measuring people by sight is kind of my thing. None of you even have magic to disguise you, how no-one has worked out that the Batfamily just so happens to be the same number of people as all of you is absurd.”
There was silence throughout the room until Tim pulled the rest of his gift out of the wrapping and gasped. Marinette giggled when he turned back to her, gaping. His hands were gripping the clothes tightly and the rest of the family were watching him with concern in their eyes.
“I figured if I was telling you I knew your identities, you deserved to know my other secret,” she said, the words making Tim stare at her wordlessly for several more minutes. “I mean, aren't you all supposed to be the world's greatest detectives? Kind of embarrassing that I had to spell it out for you, my initials are literally MDC.”
Her words were met with stunned silence as everyone immediately turned over their gifts to find her signature stitched into the tags. She was then buried under a pile of loving people.
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dykedvonte · 5 months
I am making grabby hands and begging for more of your lovely Benny HC’s pleeeeease
Okie Dokie!!! Kinda long so under the cut it is
Benny is baby-faced and mid-20s. I like the idea he was so roped into House's offer because he was and still is kinda young and impressionable. His lobes aren't fully cooked yet and it shows.
Short and just now getting stout. Being a wastelander means you stay kinda lean and now he takes a lot of opportunities to fill out and look bigger.
Weirdly naive. He can spot a lie/lair from a mile away but if you somehow can charm your way past that intuition he's all too trusting with you on personal matters. All boot riders are like this actually as they rarely are wary of someone considered their own.
Moves like a lizard, very still one moment and then fast/jittery the next. He's not very predictable outside of being a backstabber.
A hand talker who can't keep still or quiet for long. Gets bored easily which is why he never was the casino desk man.
Was just called Gecko before but mainly for his eyes and not the aforementioned behavior. Very cold and sharp like a Mojave golden Gecko but also pretty.
All his smiles are practiced. There's a certain menace his natural smile has, too many teeth, too big, too wild, too mocking. Kinda like a dog barring his teeth and combined with his eyes it's rather intimidating. All the fake smiles are coy and rather closed lip.
Doesn't like using guns but it gives him an edge. Likes to get in close and feel like he's earned the kill during a fight but he's got an image now...
Not religious and doesn't get organized religion. Part of House's doing as House of course would explain it as something superfluous but Benny's own opinions are more "If a god was real why would he make life suck this much ass"
Maria means nothing to him but is part of his image. Following the point below, what he got from House is like a uniform for him, even if he doesn't want to go back to it, it is physically comforting.
Got to choose his name from a list House gave him. Chairmen had the most things altered about them. Treats his name like a title more than anything, interestingly enough.
If he ever defected he would join the followers. They share a lot of viewpoints and he'd act as a spokesman vs anything else. He is a likable guy, just not a guy you can get close to while keeping a "likable" opinion of him.
Doesn't sleep that much. Not much to do with the plans he has but he is a wastelander at heart. The city while secure isn't what he's fully used to still and the lights/sounds keep him up
Emotionally repressed and doesn't know it. Has a hard time actually connecting with most people cause he struggles with determining if a relationship is serious. People are friends or FWB and little else cause it's never been important to his or the Chairmens' prosperity.
Follows Boot-Rider customs discreetly and says Chairmen shit for show. A lot of the family would tell you a big reason Boot-Rider traditions aren't gone is that he won't let them die even if they gotta be silent about them.
He's eerily people smart. Intelligence is subjective here as he's not book smart but he gets people he knows what they want to hear even if he doesn't genuinely believe it. The comic knows he pays attention to what makes people vulnerable and he's like idk FNV Heather Chandler. Not introspective at all though.
My last point for now is: Violent. Maybe a better word is intense but he lacks inhibition and temperament control in a lot of aspects. If he's forced a direction he kinda just runs wild even if he was taking it slow before. He has hard opinions and makes plans with a sense of finality to them and doesn't act until that's achievable. Like I'm sorry but he gets mean at you and whatever he say to Yes-Man about the khans must be crazy with how YM talks about them. He is so willing to get his hands dirty, I can imagine he misses being able to get messy.
This is not organized at all but these are major ways I see Benny. He's like borderline an oxymoron who avoids it by small margins. Everything about him can be explained even though we don't get a lot of personal info about him, we know his habits. He's a guy who has such a detailed facade you can't tell what his actual face is most of the time and when he does show it, it's only in very specific and wild scenarios it can be hard to say it's how he'd really be. I'll just say the opening of the comic with him fluctuating from motionlessly looking at Vegas, to calmly talking to Swank, to rage and settling on something almost like commercial charm when talking about murdering what is basically a family member is just so indicative of what Benny is and how I tend to characterize him in my head.
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octoxicash · 9 months
I has a question about the man built like a possum (Narrator). I get he is already sorta creature, but he is still kinda humanoid. So, my question is, can he go like full blown creature-creature, if that makes any sense.
literally packing for christmas travelling tomorrow morning rn but i had to stop and open my laptop bc oh my god i love talking abt my narrator thank u so much anon. get infodumped on. sorry
In my own tsp headcanon he literally has no physical form and just kinda loads a model in whenever he wants to actually interact w something? but its very much like the perspective of paying a video game to him.
At some point i just decided he kinda made his own custom "human" body out of convenience but its editable / customizable still however he wants it. I mainly just draw the same one out of habit/comfort but also I think he'd choose a similar form for Stanley's sake. In my head its also the first form he saw of Narr's so that's just kinda. him. so he looks like how i draw him for most of the time.
The reason he gave his form non-human traits (tail(s), extra set of arms, claws, weird eyes, yellow tones in claws / mouth / blush, bioluminescence, etc.) is that he felt being human didn't encompass him fully / felt too important to let himself look like one. Also he's just more fun to draw like that
an actually! most of the time he doesn't even have his full body loaded up! the only parts that r actually there are head/hands/tail bc he's lazy and sensory inputs a bitch! the clothes kinda just go around where his body WOULD be n act like its there but there's. nothing in there. like if u rolled up his sleeve boom he's hollow in there (doodles on right unrelated I'm too lazy to crop)
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I do have a post-parable au as well that i haven't rlly done much with in which he's no longer able to change his form and is just fuckin stuck w how i usually draw him because that's just what he looked like when they escaped so that's silly. imagine ur just chilling irl and randomly some guy who lookes weirdly jaundice-d up and has a fucking. TAIL. comes asking you questions yet acts perfectly healthy.
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in the parable tho he can look like anyone he wants or any Narrator design (or other character designs) out there I just have a few "preset" ones that i draw just cause that's how i view him :3
he can go full Thing™️ and one of the designs for him that i DEFINITELY need to draw more of is kinda angel-like (its literally based on how i draw the wtnv angels) an its one of my fav designs of him to doodle. same colors i use for my main design for him but shifted around some. ill draw / color him a shitty ref one of these days i prolly
tl:dr yes. and also im ill.
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holyhomo · 6 months
i think previous anon meant ‘user’ as in ‘reader’, and are asking about how they interact with the characters + their past :)
Ah I thought so already! Well the MC character is of course meant to be fully insertable, however I will admit that I should’ve made some changes to the MC’s given background as I did cut myself in the fingers there to be honest!
But that’s mainly because there is a ‘canon’ MC and yet I didn’t put some hard facts of theirs into the story at points I should have.
From very early on I’ve been debating whether or not to make the reader an actual character. Or better said, to reveal the canon character that is the protag.
As you probably have noticed, from the very get go I have not once used something like Y/N or ‘insert your skin tone’ or anything like that.
Mainly because it takes me out of the story. So I saw it as a challenge to write around it.
But yeah highly debating whether or not to reveal and start calling the protag by her canon name and reveal more about her background in the story itself besides here.
Please let me know what you think!
That all said, who is the ‘canon’ MC?
The ‘canon’ MC’s name is Fran (Francine) ‘Parker’.
There is one small problem with Francine due to me not writing things properly in the beginning due to wishing to keep the insert part.
She literally can’t be from any freaking country I imagined as a possibility 😅
Obviously Fran speaks English, so it would make sense that she could be English, however I never made the reader comment on living back in England or any other character.
She’s stated to not speak: French, German or Spanish, so any countries in Europe speaking one of those languages also doesn’t really check out 😅
She is stated to be from Europe, living in a city approximately a 6 hour drive away from Ylva’s apartment in Paris. 😅
I fricked up a lil as you can see.
So then if I were to have to choose for her to have come from a country when I inevitably rewrite things, it would probably be from England. Since everyone reading this story has some level of English skill. (With a shout out to my Spanish reader who uses a translator!)
Okay, with all this out of the way, let’s talk about who Fran is!
Francine (Fran) Parker, is a 24 year old lesbian from ??? who was abandoned by her birth parents at a park and grew up in foster care with not one, but two failed adoptions. She eventually aged out of the system but was able to get affordable housing as long as she had a job from the government.
Which is how Fran started working at the convenience store! She was always a bit of a night owl who didn’t do much besides work and entertain herself afterwards. She had no real social life due to the hours she worked but also didn’t have much of an interest due to having some big issues regarding bonding with people due to her upbringing.
She finished secondary education, but didn’t pursue anything after that, so she could just work and get an income and housing, as she had no one to financially support her otherwise.
She wasn’t thriving, but she was surviving and that was good enough for her. She just took every day as is, not looking at the further into the future than her next pay day.
Sure deep down she wanted to be a mom and have a home with a white fence and a loving doting wife, but she didn’t really see it happening.
Kinda a spoiler incoming as I am addressing this question pretty soon:
The whole reason she’s as calm as she is about the whole kidnapping situation is actually really sad. She fell for Ylva because in her whole life, no one, absolutely no one, but Ylva went through such extremes just to be with her. Her parents abandoned her as a baby at a random park, not one, but two adoptions failed and she went from one to the other foster home.
And then suddenly her super hot customer she was lusting after kidnaps her because she wants to be with her that badly.
So Fran just ran with it, because that’s also Fran. She takes every day as is.
She’s also shown to be incredibly maternal due to not only her lack of a maternal figure, but also often being one of the older and more responsible kids in the homes she lived.
She’s responsible in general actually. While she absolutely had months were dinner was cup noodles, she can actually cook quite well and is amazing at budgeting (not that she has to anymore).
She’s also not someone to just back down unless she realizes not doing so might get her or someone else harmed.
Fran’s Netflix obsession has also been mentioned before, but besides joking references I made of absolutely unhinged scenes of multiple different series such as Pretty little liars and Riverdale which she watched with Oline and Leslie and watching Adam Sandler movies with Ylva, she actually just watches whatever. Though a good documentary or feel good show like renovations or cooking, are always appreciated by her.
Here's Fran's pic! Also btw my IRL name isn't actually Fran. I just picked it because someone once mentioned calling me Holy or Homo or something felt awkward. I like Holyhomo though lol.
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averysmolbear · 1 year
Welcome to another addition of Tessie adds to the Tessirei selfship lore! So yes, this is all selfship fuckery. Just something that popped in my head to fill in blanks on some stuff for my selfship with Reiner. I fully respect anyone who chooses not to read this. But I wanted to post it while it was poking around at my brain and hopefully I can post an actual fic again soon. Thanks for putting up with me and my selfship shenanigans!
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When Reiner and I first met, he had just started his own architecture company and had won his first bid with his design for an apartment complex that would reuse most, if not all, of an abandoned warehouse. He had been so proud and I loved hearing all about what he was working on. Of course, when he asked me about my job, I turned several shades of red, getting flustered and trying to change the subject.
It took a little prodding but Reiner finally got me to talk about what I did. I was working as a supervisor for a small team of customer service agents for an insurance company. It wasn’t as flashy or interesting as Reiner’s job but he asked so many questions about what I did and seemed so proud of me for my supervisory role.
As we got into a relationship, he commented about how much I loved cooking and baking and started tossing out the idea of me starting my own YouTube channel where I could teach people to make the things I enjoyed cooking. The idea of being on camera made me nervous but Reiner talked me into trying it. I convinced Sasha to help film me (it meant I would be more comfortable because it was her in the kitchen with me and she got paid in food which she was happy about) and Reiner talked Armin into helping with video editing.
The first few videos did pretty well so I kept going with it, filming sometimes 3 videos at a time in one day while I was off from work. Reiner eventually talked to his old friend, Historia, about helping me promote my channel. I was flustered about the idea but she had an insanely popular makeup tutorial channel so I took her up on the offer when she asked to collaborate with me.
I let her give me a makeover on her channel and she recorded a video with me where we made pink velvet cupcakes together. Both videos pulled in larger numbers than I had gotten before and Reiner started trying to talk me into quitting my job to do YouTube full time. His business was taking off and in his spare time he and some of his friends were working on renovating a house as well, which he took me to see.
We had been talking about buying a house around then. I thought that I had him convinced to wait but he had already gotten this place and was working on it for us. He just didn’t tell me that until all of the renovations were done.
When Sasha’s boyfriend, Niccolo, agreed to record a video with me, I knew it was going to push me to a point where doing YouTube full time would make the most sense. And it did. He was a popular professional chef so cooking with him on my channel had helped my views a lot more than I expected.
I decided to go full time with the YouTube thing just a bit before Reiner and I were ready to settle into the house he had been working on. His business was taking off though and his company was one of the most sought after in the city. We both were able to pretty much work from home by then which came in handy once we started our family.
Reiner even found time to give me the push I needed to start working on my first novel again. It had been something I had outlined years ago and when we started dating, I had started my first draft. While I did end up getting published, I did so under a pen name and was soon balancing trying to write with making new videos for YouTube.
The community on YouTube was always very excited to hear life updates from me and they loved the videos where Reiner helped out as well, commenting about how “cute” we were together and calling us “couples goals” constantly. When I got pregnant and eventually couldn’t hide it with camera trickery, the community went wild with excitement over the baby but even when the kids were old enough to help out in the kitchen, if they ended up in a video, their faces were always hidden because Reiner and I agreed that we didn’t want them to grow up on the internet in that way.
And years later, when they were in their teens, the kids all got to decide on their own about being in videos or staying off camera (Isobelle and Theodore both make appearances and both of them have their own YouTube channels as well, at least for a little while).
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beach-illustrations · 10 months
Would love to hear your review of Artfol once you've settled in a bit! (Probably wouldn't hurt for me to have a more presentable art archive somewhere either, so I'm curious about the alternatives)
of course!! after using artfol for about a week, i do like it! it's still very new, so i wasn't expecting too much off rip from it but it definitely has some good potential if it gets successful!
putting this under a read more because, as per usual, this got long.
to start: the good stuff! good, robust organization thus far for artists. all the art you post gets automatically put in its own separate tab on your profile called gallery in chronological order and any other art and text posts that you share as well as your own art and text posts get put into another tab called feed. the feed is in chronological order from newest to oldest and it's suuuuper nice being able to have an easy place that contains all your original work people can go to without the hassle of punching in specific tags in a search bar (or inputting them into the website url) and hoping for the best. the feed can then be further organized between posts and art, art submitted to challenges, art submitted to submissions and reshares of other peoples stuff.
you can also make collections for your own gallery, so you can have all your fan art in one collection, ocs in another, etc. this isn't just for personal organization either; your separate collections are displayed under the about section on your profile or, if you've got them, links section! i honestly like this a lot. most of my experience of running an art blog comes from tumblr and getting separate pages set up on your blog, while not horribly difficult, does require a bit of knowledge regarding html and manually inputting website urls where you want the links to go. having all of this steam lined is much better. all of this is relatively easy to figure out as long as you're open to just clicking buttons on the website to see what they do, as far as i could find there's no official tutorial available. you can only have a limited number of these without a premium subscription but i haven't a clue as to what that limit even is.
you can also effectively pin certain art pieces that you're proud of to the top of your gallery by putting them in a featured selection. no idea how to do this yet but i do think this in of itself is neat.
customization is light but they cover the basics well. they've got a nice bio and announcement/secondary heading type feature under your username that you can customize, as well as a nice big space for an icon and a big ol' banner you can put your art in. other than that, you can choose a 'theme color' as artfol calls it but it just determines the color of the bar under your banner as far as i can tell on the website version. they also have a separate area for links that automatically turn into the websites icon you're linking back to.
custom warning tags!!! these fully blur the image and you can put as many words to warn others about the content of the art as you want to clarify what someone's getting into if they click show. at first i was worried i could only put one custom warning on an image but nope, it lets you write multiple warnings on the censored image if the NSFW and Gore filters aren't cutting it for the art.
speaking of which; artfol allows NSFW! in places where online spaces have been getting progressively sanitized because big corporations and google ad sense are the ones who can pay the bills of hosting thousands of images and videos on servers, it's nice to see that.
the challenges! other artists can issue challenges to others to either draw their characters in certain outfits, as certain creatures, drawing a piece of art in your style, etc. think some of the various art memes floating around on twitter, except this time they have their own dedicated category! i haven't done any challenges yet but this seems like a great way to socialize with other artists on artfol, as well as stretch your own art skills.
AI art is explicitly banned.
there is an algorithm however it prioritizes art made recently, so artists of all skill level and mediums get a shot at being seen on the front page which is nice! as far as i can tell, your home feed (which is very similar to tumblr's) is in chronological order and doesn't put in any suggested or recommended posts in the middle of the posts of the people you've chosen to follow. the like and share options are easily accessible and when you share someone else's art, it notifies them by telling them that you've pinged them which is... odd to me, but the website doesn't seem to auto credit them any other way in reshares (in contrast, tumblr keeps the OP's username and icon at the top of their own original post when it gets reblogged). i'm also something of a tumblr hermit so this could be a common reshare (reblog?) format else where for all i know and i'm just griping about nothing.
there is a premium subscription you can sign up for as i mentioned earlier. you get stuff like no ads (which you also get if you've got an adblocker on your browser), more collections can be made, you can upload cover art (icons, i think?) for your collections and the art you post, you can have custom profile theme colors (i guess they let you use the color wheel or a hex code instead of the pre seleced colors they already have?) you get more layouts for your featured art on your profile and you don't have to wait 60 days to change your username. oh, and you can make groups that people can join based around one particular thing, however i haven't touched any groups yet because none of them are all that appealing to me.
honestly, a lot of the premium subscription perks are very inconsequential to the core functionality of artfol which is a huuuuge bonus to the devs in my eyes. they easily could have paywalled commission pages or collections all together and them just giving you some extra customization perks instead shows me that the devs are actually focused on making an artist friendly website and app.
over all, artfol is relatively easy to navigate and upload your art to! the base features are solid however the website does have some downsides.
the bad:
the most egregious thing is that I haven't been able to and currently can't access the content guidelines or privacy policy pages. when I first signed up, artfol gave me a link to what the website claimed was the content guidelines however it just linked me to the news page and that really didn't sit well with me.
because the artfol website is so new, I am going to give them a chance and interpret this in the best faith possible and assume that it seems like this is just an issue of certain pages crashing, seeing as I used to be able to access the News page on artfol and now it's just gone like the other pages. on top of that, it seems like every link except for their twitter, android and apple download links, instagram and discord links at the bottom of the artfol website page is broken in the same way. out of all pages eating themselves the content guidelines and privacy policy ones feel like the worse ones to lose. I haven't been able to access the guidelines from the jump and it's been really frustrating. I just got done sending an e-mail to their contact e-mail, so hopefully something good comes from that. in the mean time i've also downloaded the app to try to see if i can find the guidelines and privacy policy on there. I've noticed people complaining about crashing pages in the mobile app reviews so hopefully this is just a case of a website page accidentally eating itself and it's just very unfortunate coincidence that it happens to be some very important pages affected by the crashes.
other than that, the other downsides are that the website takes like a minute and a half to load, clicking on a censored image to view it on your home feed takes you to the individual post and has you un-censor it there rather than directly from your home feed and some features are currently only available to mobile accounts such as commissions tabs, however i'm sure that will eventually be made available to the website version as well in due time. also, while uploading art, not including the custom censor tag or NSFW or gore filters, you can only put 5 tags on your art. these are all only minor annoyances and i'm sure they'll eventually be fixed in upcoming patches.
over all: asides from some concerning hiccups with missing pages, artfol seems very promising for a relatively new, bare bones website! the developers have very much taken a mobile app first, website later approach which at least to me isn't the end of the world, seeing how the website is already doing okay all things considered. the community seems nice and i'm planning on trying out some challenges soon to get more experience using it!
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lulu2992 · 2 years
As much as I like being able to customize the Deputy in Far Cry 5, sometimes I wish they just had a fully fleshed out protagonist instead like in the other games. It just feels like a part of the story is missing when the main character isn't allowed a personality and can't properly interact with the other characters. And it feels pointless that we're supposed to make the Deputy character our own but yet we're allowed zero free will in the game. I would have much preferred a protagonist with a character arc, especially since we're branded with the sin "wrath" which not all of us can relate to, but would have been an interesting journey to see in a more developed character. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War did a similar thing where the protagonist is customizable, but there are many times in that game where you actually get to make your own choices. Which makes sense if the game is allowing you to personalize your character.
Sorry for the rant lol. I just played Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 5 and as much as I love FC5 it just feels like it's lacking in some areas.
On the one hand, I think the fact the Deputy is customizable and doesn’t speak is the main reason so many of us are still very attached to Far Cry 5 and its characters. Players could project themselves into their Deputies and this, plus the fact that, when other characters talk to the protagonist, it often feels like they’re talking directly to you, made the game very immersive. I think it’s what the devs were aiming for and, in my opinion, they succeeded!
But on the other hand, yeah, having a customizable protagonist is frustrating when the game “forces” players to do certain things and barely lets us decide anything. I understand that the story of Far Cry 5 is a prophecy and the Deputy is on a path they can’t really stray from, and it’s interesting, but I also think that, maybe, having a protagonist with a voice, a name, and a personality would have made more sense in this type of scenario. The only thing we can choose is in what order we complete the missions but, sometimes, that actually breaks immersion a bit because the Seeds react the same whether or not the Deputy has already killed their siblings, which isn’t very realistic…
So they succeeded in making players feel like they were part of the game’s world, and many people still feel “at home” in Hope County (and “fell in love” with the characters) for this reason, but I agree that it also feels pointless to be able to create your avatar when you can’t decide what they do or how they react, and you sometimes feel like a spectator instead of the main actor. Now that I’m thinking about it, though, maybe the goal was to give players an illusion of control to make the prophecy and its ending (as well as Jacob’s trials) more impacting... Anyway, my Deputy did things I wouldn’t have done and I don’t think my sin would be Wrath, either, so I totally understand your “rant”!
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falveysq · 5 months
Falveys Motors Inc
Please don't hesitate to visit Falvey's Motors at your earliest convenience. We really appreciate all of your hard work.
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Building relationships with consumers is more significant to Falvey's Motors than making money. Vehicle sales are another one of our areas of expertise. At Falvey's Motors, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We won't give up until our core belief—that creating a sense of community is essential—is fulfilled. Being known for being a trustworthy, truthful, and open business has always made us proud. If we follow these principles, we will not give up until we accomplish our goals. These principles have served as the foundation for our organization since its founding. Until we can assure people that these principles will endure, nobody will change their position.
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If you have any questions about our inventory, your purchase, or anything else, you can get in touch with our dealership day or night. Having you there would be a huge blessing for us. We would be overjoyed if you could participate in our endeavor. Which are the easiest ways for a novice to make a rental car reservation? You have to go to Falvey's Motors. We are resolute in our pursuit of achieving our objectives. The fact that no employee has offered to help out is depressing. Among our most loyal clients are those from New London and the neighboring communities of Stonington, Norwich, Groton, and Mystic.
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vardahbeautysalon · 1 year
Relax and Rejuvenate with a Home Massage Therapist near You
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments of relaxation and self-care can sometimes feel like a luxury. Between work commitments, family responsibilities, and the constant buzz of technology, taking a breather is often easier said than done. This is where the services of a home massage therapist come to the rescue, offering you a chance to unwind without the hassle of traveling. At Vardar Beauty Salon, we understand the importance of self-care, and our home massage therapy services are designed to provide you with a rejuvenating experience right at your doorstep.
Why Choose a Home Massage Therapist?
The concept of a home massage therapist brings a world of benefits to your fingertips – literally. Imagine being able to book a relaxing massage session without having to leave the comfort of your home. No traffic, no parking woes, and no stress about timing. Our skilled massage therapists will arrive at your doorstep with all the necessary equipment, ensuring that you can fully immerse yourself in the experience without any external distractions.
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The Montessori Grammar Symbols of Relaxation
Just as the Montessori grammar symbols represent a structured approach to understanding language, a home massage therapist employs a structured approach to provide you with relaxation. The soothing strokes and techniques used during the massage follow a pattern that releases tension and stress from your muscles, much like how grammar symbols systematically represent different parts of speech. With each motion, you can feel the knots of stress gradually untangle, leaving you refreshed and revitalized.
A Personalized Experience Tailored to You
One of the unique aspects of our home massage therapy service is the personalized experience we offer. When you search for a "home massage therapist near me," you're not just looking for any therapist – you're looking for someone who can understand your specific needs and preferences. Our therapists take the time to listen to your concerns and customize the massage session accordingly. Whether you're seeking deep tissue relaxation or a calming aromatherapy massage, we've got you covered.
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Bringing the Spa to You
Stepping into a spa is like entering a realm of tranquility – a world away from the stresses of everyday life. With a home massage therapist, you can recreate that spa ambiance within the familiar surroundings of your home. We bring along calming music, aromatherapy scents, and a sense of serenity that will transport you to a state of pure bliss. The best part? Once the massage is over, you don't have to snap back to reality immediately. You can continue to bask in the afterglow of relaxation without the need to rush anywhere.
Booking Your Home Massage Experience
Ready to embark on a journey of relaxation and self-indulgence? Booking your home massage therapist is just a few clicks away. Visit our website to explore our range of massage options and choose the one that resonates with you. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to select your preferred date and time, ensuring that you can seamlessly integrate this much-needed self-care into your schedule.
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In a world that often demands more than we can give, taking time for yourself is a necessity, not a luxury. A home massage therapist brings the luxury of relaxation to your doorstep, offering you a chance to unwind, rejuvenate, and embrace a moment of tranquility. Just like the Montessori grammar symbols guide us through the complexities of language, a skilled therapist guides their hands to release the complexities of stress from your body. So, the next time you search for "home massage therapist near me," remember that you're not just seeking a service – you're seeking a pathway to self-care and well-being.
Resource: https://vardahbeautysalon.bravesites.com/entries/general/relax-and-rejuvenate-with-a-home-massage-therapist-near-you
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neeeeei · 1 year
Portable Luxury Bathrooms Bring Comfort and Convenience to Events
Portable luxury bathrooms provide comfort and convenience to a variety of events. These mobile toilets are not your typical port-a-pots, as they come with a range of amenities and features that make them stand out from the crowd. They offer guests a more comfortable and convenient restroom experience that cannot be found in other portable restrooms. Portable luxury bathrooms are perfect for any type of event, whether it be a wedding, birthday party, festival, or corporate gathering. They come equipped with a variety of features, including full flushing toilets, separate urinals, hand-washing facilities, air conditioning, and much more. With their modern design, attractive features and convenient location, luxury portable bathroom brings a sense of comfort and convenience to any event.
What Portable Luxury Bathrooms Offer? 
Portable luxury bathrooms have become increasingly popular, providing guests with maximum comfort and convenience. Whether you’re hosting a large event or you’re planning a special occasion, these high-end bathroom options are great for giving people the full experience. Portable luxury bathrooms offer guests all the same amenities as traditional facilities, with the added benefit of being able to move the units in and out quickly and easily. Portable luxury bathrooms come fully equipped so customers have access to running water, flushing toilets, hot and cold water, mirrors, and fresh, clean towels. These modern bathroom facilities can include separate private areas for men and women, and large seating areas for groups. They come with a variety of options so customers can customize the facility to best suit their needs. 
The Benefits of Perishable Amenities at Events
Perishable bathroom amenities are an important part of any event. These amenities can range from toiletry supplies such as hand soap, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer to more luxurious options such as perfumes, candles, and lotions. These amenities provide your guests with an extra touch of convenience and luxury that can make their experience even more enjoyable. They also help keep the bathrooms tidy and odor-free, and can help set the tone for your event. When choosing perishable bathroom amenities for your event, make sure to select items that are of the highest quality and long-lasting, so your guests are able to make the most out of them. 
Ensuring Cleanliness and Sanitation 
When it comes to portable luxury bathrooms, cleanliness and sanitation are of the utmost importance. Portable luxury bathrooms must meet high standards of cleanliness and hygiene, especially in the areas of ventilation, plumbing, and waste management. Portable bathrooms need to be regularly serviced and sanitized to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. It is important to properly maintain portable bathrooms to ensure that they are safe for use and that guests can enjoy them without any health concerns. Private portable luxury bathrooms are great for providing a hygienic and clean bathroom experience, making sure that your guests stay healthy and safe.
Providing a Home-Away-From-Home Experience 
Portable luxury bathrooms have become increasingly popular for providing guests with a home-away-from-home experience. These modern bathroom facilities can be customized with all the same amenities as a traditional permanent bathroom, including a running water source, flushing toilets, hot and cold water, mirrors, and fresh, clean towels. Portable luxury bathrooms are great for providing guests with all the comforts of home in a more convenient and efficient manner. Private bathrooms give guests the chance to relax and enjoy the privacy and comfort of their own space, while still having access to all the amenities and services they need. 
The Luxury of Customizable Portable Bathrooms 
Portable luxury bathrooms are a great way to give your guests an extra touch of luxury. These units come in a variety of styles and sizes so they can be customized to suit any event or occasion. From elegant Victorian designs to modern, sleek styles, portable luxury bathrooms can be tailored to fit the overall aesthetic of the event. Customers can also choose from a number of features that will make their guests experience enjoyable and comfortable, such as heated floors, energy efficient lighting, and climate-controlled interiors. Portable luxury bathrooms are an easy and affordable solution for giving guests the highest level of elegance and comfort. 
An Affordable Alternative to Traditional Permanent Solutions 
Portable luxury bathrooms offer an affordable alternative to traditional permanent solutions. These units are much more cost effective and provide a lot of flexibility. Portable luxury bathrooms can be moved in and out in a matter of minutes, so you don’t have to worry about long-term installations or expensive plumbing costs. Additionally, these units are designed to be easily transported so they can be moved around quickly and without hassle. Portable luxury bathrooms are a great solution for saving time and money while still providing guests with luxurious and comfortable restroom facilities.
Why Your Guests Deserve to Feel Comfortable and Welcome?
Your guests deserve to feel comfortable and welcome when they come to your event or special occasion. Portable luxury bathrooms can provide that extra level of comfort that will make your guests feel pampered and special. These modern bathroom facilities come with all the same amenities you would find in a permanent facility, as well as the added convenience of being able to move the units in and out quickly. Portable luxury bathrooms offer your guests a luxurious experience that will make them feel relaxed and at ease, while still being able to enjoy all the same amenities they would have access to in a standard public restroom. With portable bathrooms, you can make sure that your guests feel comfortable and welcomed no matter the occasion.
Portable luxury bathrooms bring an extra level of comfort and convenience to events of all sizes. From outdoor concerts and festivals to corporate and private events, luxury bathrooms offer a touch of class and elegance that is sure to impress guests. With their modern designs, luxurious amenities, and convenient mobility, these portable bathrooms provide a luxurious alternative to traditional options. With luxury portable bathrooms, organizers of events can now ensure their guests are provided with the highest level of comfort and convenience.
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blabastay · 1 year
Are you tired of the same old cookie-cutter hotel experience? Do you crave a deeper connection to the culture and people of your destination? Look no further than homestays and rental homes! These holiday rental accommodations offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in local communities, learn about their customs, and create unforgettable memories. In this blog post, we'll explore why homestays and rental homes are the way to go for an authentic travel experience. So, pack your bags, grab your sense of adventure, and let's dive in!
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Introduction to Homestays and Rental Homes
When traveling, many people want to experience the culture and way of life of their destination. Hotels can provide some insight into the local culture, but they often lack the immersion that travelers crave. This is where homestays and rental homes come in.
Homestays are when you stay with a local family in their home. This allows you to experience day-to-day life in your destination and get a true sense of what it's like to live there. You'll also have the opportunity to learn about the family's culture and traditions. Holiday home rentals are another great option for those looking for a more authentic travel experience. By renting a home, you'll have more space and privacy than you would in a hotel room. Plus, you'll be able to cook your own meals using local ingredients, which is a great way to save money and eat like a local.
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Benefits of Choosing Best Homestays in India or Holiday Rental Homes
There are many reasons why you might choose a homestay or rental home over a hotel room when you travel. For one, it can be more economical. But beyond that, staying in a homestay or rental gives you a more authentic experience of the place you’re visiting. You’ll be living like a local, rather than being catered to as a tourist.
This can offer many benefits. First, you’ll get to know the area and its people much better than if you were just staying in a hotel. You’ll learn about the best places to eat, shop, and sightsee from your hosts or fellow renters. Second, you’ll have more privacy and independence than you would at a hotel. You can come and go as you please, and don’t have to worry about following hotel rules and regulations. Homestays and rentals often offer unique amenities that hotels can’t match, such as kitchens and laundry facilities.
So if you’re looking for a more authentic travel experience, consider choosing a homestay or rental home next time you hit the road.
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Different Types of Accommodations Available
There are a few different types of holiday rental accommodations that you can choose from when you travel. You can stay in a hotel, motel, or even an AirBnB. However, there are some distinct advantages to choosing a homestay or rental home over these other options.
For one, homestays and rental homes offer a more authentic travel experience. When you stay in a hotel or motel, you're usually just staying in a generic room that could be anywhere in the world. But when you stay in a homestay or rental home, you're getting a taste of what it's like to live like a local in your destination.
Another advantage of homestays and rental homes is that they're often more affordable than hotels or motels. This is especially true if you're traveling with a group or family. You can often find whole apartments or houses to rent for the same price as a single hotel room.
Homestays and rental homes usually offer more privacy and space than hotels or motels. You'll have your own bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen area (in most cases), so you won't have to share with strangers. And since you're not sharing space with anyone else, you can make as much noise as you want!
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How to Choose the Right Option for You
There are a few things to consider when deciding if a homestay or rental home is the right option for your next trip. First, think about what kind of experience you're looking for. If you want to be fully immersed in the local culture and meet new people, then a homestay is probably a better fit. On the other hand, if you're looking for more privacy and independence, then a holiday home rental could be a better option.
Another thing to consider is your budget. Homestays are typically more affordable than renting an entire home, but it's important to factor in all of the costs before making a decision. Additionally, think about what kind of amenities and facilities you need during your stay. If you're planning on cooking most of your meals, then having a kitchen in your rental home will be important.
Take some time to research your options and read reviews from other travelers. This will help you find the perfect homestay or rental home that meets all of your needs and expectations.
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Tips for Making You Stay More Authentic
When it comes to planning your next vacation, you may be considering a homestay or rental home instead of a traditional hotel. And for good reason! A homestay or rental offers a more authentic travel experience, immersing you in the local culture and community. Here are some tips to make your stay even more authentic:
1. Seek out local recommendations. Ask your host or neighbors for suggestions on where to eat, drink, shop, and explore. This is a great way to find hidden gems that you wouldn't find in a guidebook.
2. Embrace the unfamiliar. One of the best parts about traveling is trying new things! Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new - whether it's food, activity, or destination.
3. Slow down and savor the moments. Instead of rushing through your vacation, take time to truly experience all that your destination has to offer. Slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures - like savoring a delicious meal or taking a leisurely stroll through town.
By following these tips, you can ensure that your homestay or rental experience is truly authentic and memorable!
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Homestays and rental homes offer travelers a more authentic experience that hotel stays cannot. Not only do you get to have your own private space, but they also give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and truly take in all that a destination has to offer. You get to interact with locals, explore areas off the beaten path, and even save some money by avoiding overpriced tourist attractions. With so many benefits, it’s clear why homestays and rental homes are becoming increasingly popular among travelers looking for an authentic travel experience.
Syndication URL on Why Holiday Rental Homestays Offer A More Authentic Travel Experience
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davidcampanella · 2 years
David Campanella - How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing
A beneficial addition to a portfolio of investments can be real estate. Each piece of real estate is completely unique, and they aren’t creating any more of it. Whatever sort of real estate investing you choose, real estate is a terrific way to increase your return on investment. Whether you want to be a very hands-on investor or fully hands-off, there are a wide variety of options available to real estate investors. There are actually many various ways to enter the real estate market, despite the fact that when most people think of real estate investing, they picture owning a small rental property. Each has risks and benefits, and many provide distinct investing opportunities. According to David Campanella, the following are some ways to begin investing in real estate:
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Property Flipping
Everyone is now aware of property flipping. However, what you see on television doesn’t entirely represent the process of effectively buying a residential home, making necessary repairs, and then selling it to a buyer who will adore it. To pay for labour and supplies, you’ll need a sizeable sum of money. You’ll also need a reliable construction team or subcontractor. You might also be the subject of a number of inspections, all of which you must pass before you can put your property on the market.
Although it is possible to get a construction loan, due to experience requirements and other bank-imposed conditions, first-time flippers frequently find it challenging to do so. A flip that is priced appropriately and will appraise for the asking amount, however, might not stay on the market for very long in the current real estate market. Be ready to perform any additional repairs discovered by the buyer’s inspection. No matter how many people have worked on a house, none of them are perfect.
Your flip house may, in the worst event, be turned into a rental home. Although it won’t be ideal and it will take much longer to recoup your investment, this may be an option if no one wants to buy the house. Sometimes the market changes after you begin a project, and your only choice is to continue. When investing in real estate flips, always have a backup plan.
Land Speculation
When you buy a plot of land with the goal of selling it later, either in full or in pieces, you are engaging in land speculation. You may be able to own land in some parts of the nation, but you must sell the water rights or the mineral rights to other companies, such as mining operations or oil and gas firms.
Although land speculation is frequently a short-term real estate investment strategy, a savvy investor who is familiar with the requirements of the industry they are courting, such as oil and gas miners, farmers, homebuilders, or commercial developers, can make a tidy profit by selecting the right land parcel at the right price at the right time.
Although quite simple, land speculation can be risky. You must be well aware of the advantages your land offers to its specific market, as well as its existing value and future possibilities. Additionally, you’ll need to pay professionals to document everything.
Short-Term Rentals
With spare homes or accessory dwelling units (ADUs) existing on your property, short-term rentals are a terrific opportunity to earn a little additional cash. You have a lot of control over who gets the keys when renting out short-term rental properties by the night or the week. Additionally, you can get bigger returns than you would from a typical residential lease.
Make sure that the community where your short-term rental property is located permits that kind of transaction because many homeowners groups and towns are actively working to outlaw short-term rental landlords. Additionally, you must be at the top of your customer service game because reviews from past visitors might affect how well-liked your rental is.
Small Residential Rental Properties
Some people decide to invest in real estate by merely purchasing a few modest homes. To get a sense of what it’s like to be a hands-on landlord, a couple of houses or a duplex might be a good place to start. Most extremely tiny landlords select their own tenants and take care of any necessary repairs (as well as their own evictions). Hiring a property manager may make sense as you expand your real estate holdings. But in the beginning, the margins are probably too thin for a manager.
Many of us are already familiar with the landlording industry because we have almost probably rented something from someone at some point. As a result, it is a little more comfortable than, example, investing in real estate. However, you’ll also need to enforce your leases and maintain the property, which may entail doing everything from calling the plumber and the backhoe when a sewer line decides to collapse at 3 a.m. on a Saturday to collecting rent from obstinate tenants.
Large Residential Rental Properties
Without any prior building or landlording experience, large residential rental portfolios can be a pretty good entry point into the world of real estate investing. However, pay special attention to the business overseeing the investment. They ought to have little debt, a reserve of funds for maintenance costs, and well-defined long-term objectives. Additionally, learn how long you must hold an investment before you can sell it. No matter how the market is performing, some groups will lock you in for a longer period of time than others.
Commercial Real Estate
Investing in commercial real estate can take many different forms. You could construct a small mini-storage facility or invest in a group of vacant warehouses in an industrial park, a small shopping center, or even an office building. Although leasing each of these properties requires a unique skill set, commercial real estate generally has higher values than residential real estate and frequently commands higher rents.
However, investing in commercial real estate carries some risk. In weak markets, it might be challenging to rent certain types of real estate. Office rentals, for instance, have been quite hit-and-miss during the COVID-19 outbreak since some businesses are allowing their staff to come back to the office while others are still keeping them at home. (By contrast, warehouses can’t be rented quickly enough.)
Real estate Investment Trusts
You can purchase shares of funds called real estate investment trusts (REITs) on the open market. REITs are traded just like stocks, in contrast to private real estate developments. In general, REITs are liquid, much like stocks, provided you don’t mind losing money if you need to sell them quickly.
REITs are a great way for novice real estate investors to add a little real estate exposure to their portfolios because they are very transparent and are required to disclose a lot of information about their income and expenses. Like any other type of stock, REITs carry the same risk: the company could fail, or you could lose a lot of money as a result of poor management on the part of another party. Before you buy, make sure to fully research the REIT.
The Sum Up:
Whatever kind of investor you are, there is sure to be a real estate investment that will exactly suit your needs. Looking for a practical experience? Try your hand at flipping or renting. Do you want anything more like “set it and forget it”? You might be a good fit for REITs.
But before you put any money on the line, make sure you fully comprehend the terms of the real estate investment, just like you would with any other kind of investment. Making these decisions carefully and carefully pays off because real estate is a long game.
For more information contact with David Campanella.
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pinerdom · 2 years
Tavern tycoon review common sense media
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Tavern tycoon review common sense media upgrade#
The titles mobile roots show clearly here though, with big buttons clearly designed for a finger press obscuring most of the screen. From arranging development of titles, to creating a safe, comforting work environment for the team and more there’s a lot to keep track of. There’s a lot to unpack before you even start then, but once you get into the game the amount of options laid out in front of you becomes almost overwhelming. Speciality’s can be chosen to give your team a focus, and game states can be enabled to help you on the way, such as extra options or a bigger starting studio. There are a plethora of options available, from focusing on old school titles to more modern online enabled ones and even your own hardware. You get to chooser a name, a logo (each rather recognisable imitators of well known companies) and a set up. Mad Games Tycoon places you as the ethereal overlord of a brand new studio of your design. Unfortunately, it seems the only thing more meta than playing a game about making games is when said game itself is bad. Play it here 3.What could be more meta than playing a game about making games? It’s obvious by just scrolling through your average Twitter feed that there are a lot of people out there who think they can do a better job than the professionals, so Eggcode are here to help you prove it. You will eventually be able to cook them all as you expand your business which is a particularly fun part of the game. Classics like American, Japanese, and Chinese are joined with more interesting options like South American, African, and Australian, among many, many others. These staff members even level up as they work, getting better at their jobs.Īnother impressive part of this game are the cuisines you can choose from. It won’t take long before it’s impossible for you to handle the restaurant alone which isn’t much of a problem as you can hire staff to take over those roles. Each dish has its own combination to understand, something which you’ll be rewarded for doing as serving customers quickly gets you more money. As a chef, you play a minigame, hitting keys in the right order as you prepare and cook the food your restaurant will serve. When waiting, you can guide customers to their seats, bring them their food and, most importantly, take their money when they leave. One of the more impressive parts of the game is the player's ability to take part in both cooking and waiting on tables. This game starts you out in a small restaurant that you develop as the game goes on which is pretty standard as tycoon games go but doesn’t fully encapsulate what makes this game incredibly fun. Imagine if Cooking Mama and Diner Dash had a blocky baby. There’s so much to this game that it has its own Wiki and has had 623 million visits. Each ride can be managed through a menu that lets you alter the price of each ride and more. There are some simple ones like the teacups and the carousel right up to gargantuan roller coasters. When it comes to the most important parts of the theme park, there are plenty of rides to fill your theme park with. While this system must have been incredibly difficult to develop, it pays off when your theme park looks completely different to your neighbours. Rides, paths, decorations and shops can be placed onto the map with an interface similar to Frontier’s Roller Coaster Tycoon. The game is really a Roblox-ified Roller Coaster Tycoon.
Tavern tycoon review common sense media upgrade#
Instead of following a linear upgrade path to slowly crawl up and instead of using pads to make purchases, Theme Park Tycoon 2 has a far more elegant solution. This game is perhaps one of the most impressive Roblox games out there.
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hearfit · 7 months
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thrill-seeker-vn · 3 years
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Thrill Seeker is rated 18+ for gore, violence, bad language, and themes of physical abuse. Any other warnings will be added as the game progresses.
Thrill Seeker is an interactive fiction horror/mystery game with romantic aspects. Solve the mystery of who killed your mother and make some friends along the way.
Rules for asks
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Upon coming back to the family home from college, you find the corpse of your mother mutilated almost beyond recognition. Apart from the terrible scene, there is seemingly no evidence found by the police and no suspects are brought up.
The lack of answers is driving you crazy, and so you set out to find out who has killed your mother yourself. This job will be difficult-- there will be friends that can help you along the way, but some of them have darkness that runs through them bone deep, and to trust the wrong person can be deadly.Still, if you can find it in yourself to trust them... or to simply look past your own judgement-- you might be able to romance them, as well.
There is corruption all around you-- make sure you know who to trust. Make sure you can trust yourself. 
Will you be led into corruption, yourself?
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- fully customize your MC - choose their name, physical appearance, race, and gender (including cis, non binary and transgender options, all of which will influence the story!)
- Change your MC’s personality - your choices affect their reality, and change your ending (some which are good and some... which are less than good, by the conventional sense)
- Befriend and/or romance three love interests (gender selectable) who influence YOU just as much as you influence them, and who can change your ending
- Solve your mother’s murder and/or ruin your life
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Hansol/Hanyoung Blackthorne | m/f | 26 yrs old | Hansol’s height: 195 cm | Hanyoung’s height: 185 cm | Korean/Vietnamese descent
Hannie was your old high school rival, going to the same private school as you did. Differing from you, who got there on scholarship, they got there on their parent’s money. Their family owns a law firm, which has always been Hannie’s dream to own-- and own, they now do. 
You remember them as infuriating and just a little too perfect to be real. Sometimes people are gifted with just a little too much-- save some talent for the rest of us! It would’ve been easier to let go of your rivalry if they were just some silver spoon-- no, they just had to be a golden one, too. Smartest in class, best in athletics, super tall and super handsome-- and to make matters worse, they ran for student body president. You never stood a chance-- you were forced to go for vice!
They were the last person you expected to see at your mother’s funeral, and you expected even less their want to help you. Again, the thought comes into your head... too perfect to be real.
You both still butt heads-- it’s hard not to. But at least they’re genuine. 
Oliver/Olivia Williams | m/f | 25 yrs old | Oliver’s height: 173 cm | Olivia’s height: 179 cm | British descent
Oli was your neighbour and best friend growing up. You’ve always been together for as long as you can remember, and they’ve been there for you through thick and thin. You haven’t seen them in a while-- you lost contact when you left for college. 
Still you can remember how they made you smile. You can’t think of a more bright person. They lit up every room they were in, their laughter was infectious, and they were always there for you. Whether it was your first breakup, another time of Hannie beating you, through thick and thin, they were always there. And, you can bet you were there for them, just as much, and you cared for them with just as much ferocity as they cared for you.
They were one of the first you contacted when you found out about her death. They were a cop, after all, and they lived in the same area as your mother-- there was no one you trusted more. 
But for all of Oli’s kindness and similarities... something seems off. They aren’t the same person they used to be, and you don’t think it’s just the years. Something changed them.
You can only hope it’s not for the worse.
Nneka/Naasir Adebayo | m/f | 28 yrs old | Nneka’s height: 152 cm | Naasir’s height: 185 cm | Igbo descent
N Adebayo is a doctor... or at least, they’re trying to be. And they’re almost done their studies!
They met your mother when they were just a child. N had many health problems, but your mother had been there for them and always treated them with kindness. She inspired them to go into medicine. If they could make a difference in someone’s life like how your mother made one in theirs-- that would make them happy beyond belief. 
You met them at the funeral, and they were passionate about helping you. They had already been looking for might have done it-- you were surprised to find that. N is passionate in everything they do, and they pour all of their heart into everything. They're the kindest person you’ve ever met, and your heart feels light just looking at them.
However, there’s a sharp edge to that smile. They change emotions so quickly-- and they’re so good at acting, too. What do they really feel? What do they really want?
Just pray you’ll have the upper hand when you find out.
Find out more about the RO’s: N Adebayo | Oli Williams | Hannie Blackthorne
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