#it makes sense in my head but sounds wild the moment i try to explain it all
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yeyinde · 2 months ago
So if I could ask, sorry if it’s unintelligible I’m to figure out how to word it; for the baby trap series what’s the order here? Like Price’s missus is pregnant but around that time Ghost is like starting his plotting and near the end Johnny’s got his ‘little secret’ but then for Kyle, Johnny’s is pregnant and his is pregnant around the same time, did Price’s wife and Simon’s wife already have their kid or? Idk I’m trying to figure the timeline out in my head, loved all four of them I’m just curious
It's all mostly concurrent. And Price's is almost standalone tbh, and really only includes Simon's because I had an idea for him but wasn't sure how committed I was to an anthology at the time.
But it's set sometime after MW23. The actual reading order is Johnny, Price, Simon, and Gaz.
And the timeline is: Johnny gets shot, goes to Canada. Price and Gaz almost die in a plane crash. Johnny kidnaps Doe. Simon gets sent on a mission where he meets Bird. Price schemes. His wife schemes harder. Doe deals with a maniac on the Mackenzie River in NWT. Gaz slowly unravels. Price's wife is pregnant. He tells Simon (and Laswell). Inspired, Simon makes his move. Gaz reaches out to Price for help (and is possibly both being manipulated by Price and manipulating him at the same time), then to Johnny. Gaz comes back from his mission intentionally hurt, and tricks Dove. Johnny smuggles Doe into Scotland. Then gives terrible advice to anyone who will listen. Simon takes it as Top Five Things Realtors DON'T Want You To Know. Gaz plans a visit to Scotland. Price calls Nik about that international kidnapping case Laswell threw at him. Something about a missing hiker in Nahanni and isn't that where they sent Soap? At the same time, his wife is probably plotting a playdate with the wives of her husband's friends.
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solar4seekstron · 5 months ago
Before and So Forth Chapter Two: Megatronus
TransformersOne!Megatronus x Cybertronian!GN!Reader(Bit of Starscream x reader-kinda)
Solars Indie Series
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Chapter One, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight
Introduction Indie Series
Content: 18+
TW/Tags: Smut, HUGE Size differences, Reader gets hurt, Starscream is worried, Megatronus and Solus are fighting, Long aft chapter again.
Note: In the lore of transformers prime Solus is in a sort of Poly like relationship with the other primes and although she loves and cares for Megatronus as well she doesn’t seem to really pick him or the others if that makes sense. Thought it would be interesting to add that here and Megatronus choose he’ll court the reader. As for Starscream his feelings toawrds reader will become more and more clear as the story continues and eventually the reader will accept it after the primes deaths. There’ll be more at the end of the post to explain.
As always I hope you all enjoy and be sure to read the text after the story. Smut will be in purple in case you’re uncomfortable with the smut parts.
(Just like the first one this one will be as long as well.
You made your way to the lunch area with the other High Guards. Passing by some cone heads and seekers.
You did your best to remain calm as you walked. As you continued, you thought about your mission. Where you’ll be going to the surface to keep an eye out for Quintessons. Something you offered to join in order to be a little more useful…
You were deep in your thoughts when you bumped into a chest. You looked up and see it’s Soundwave- “Soundwave! Sir. My apologies I uhh…-w-well you see I-“
“Have you eaten today?” You think for a moment putting a finger to your chin as you look down…”…….This morning?” ………….”Training….. keeping me busy?”
You could swear just by your own gut feeling Soundwave was frowning and before you knew it he was grabbing your cervo and dragging you to the lunch room.
He and Shockwave along with Starscream had their own little area being one of the strongest members of the high guard. As you both got there Shockwave was staring at his energon bowel..…analyzing it?
And starscream was eating as he saw Rumble and Frenzy messed around as they ate theirs like wild animals.
Ravage was eating out of a bowel right next to Shockwave. Shockwave looked over at her and slowly moves the arm that doesn’t have a cervo towards her.
Rumble next to Ravage, on the other side notices and smacks Shockwaves arm. His one optic squinting down at him.
As you and Soundwave get there he sat you on his seat and puts a few energon cubes in front of you. “Eat.” “Soundwave-“ “Eat.” You sigh and start eating the cubes as he stares down at you.
Soundwave then sits across from you picking up Ravage like a kitten as her snout never leaves the bowel and sits down.
Setting her on his lap. As you ate you can feel Starscreams eyes on you. Given that you did just disappear while he was training the others. You can also tell Soundwave was glaring at you .
He was always so strict with you and a few other Guards about eating enough in order to do our job. Shockwave was side-eyeing Soundwave. Then looks at you then back at him.
After he then looked down at his bowel and back at you then Soundwave.
Rumble sighs and was the first to speak. “Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Soundwave can we go on Y/Ns mission?” “No”
”Told you he’d say no.” Frenzy says. Laserbeak resting on his head sleeping. Rumble grumbles and finishes his energon cubes getting down and walking away. “Rumble Return at once.” “No!”
”Soundwave, we're just going to fly around in search for any Quintessons signal. Make sure they���re nowhere close to us, you know?” You try to say to Soundwave seeing Rumble’s upset. soundwave stares down at you. You finally finished your energon cubes.
Soundwave only stares at you and lets out what sounds like a sigh. Looking down at Ravage and Frenzy.
Frenzy just shrugged and Ravage went back licking her paws. Shockwave slowly blinks his one optic as he finally finishes his energon soup. Soundwave sighs and comms Rumble
“Mission with Y/N: Accepted” Rumbles cheers and Yes’s can be heard from his comm and not too afar from them as Soundwave stays still.
You chuckle a bit as rumble returns and jumps onto your lap. Ignoring the glares of Starscream, Shockwave, and Soundwave.
He starts asking you about the mission. You check the time and see you leave in 10. You let Rumble know and you both make your way to the other seekers you’ll be joining.
Rumble runs off ahead of you as you continue to walk.
You then feel a hand grab your arms and pull you back. You back hitting the chest of someone- still taller than you. You turn your head to look up. It was Starscream.
”You really think you can walk away without apologizing? We were suppose to train and another thing I-“
You just rolled your eyes and gently pulled your arms away from his grasp and look at him. “Screamer we train every morning and one of the Primes decided to have his training today. I can’t say no.”
Starscream stared at you and let out a bit of a growl and takes a step forward. “One, don’t call me screamer. Two, I don’t care you ditched me! And three! Which Prime?”
”Uhh……Megatronus.” You say with a small smile. Starscream only stared down at you as he then sighs and gently holds your hands as he continues to look at you.
“I don’t like the way that Prime looks at you. Every time we fight we are able to escape. He seems to just stare at you with this look.”
Here you start to panic a bit as he speaks. Maybe you should tell him what Megatronus did. Maybe you can trust him?
But as you looked up at him you can see the sadness in his eyes makes your spark almost feel pity.
”I may be just a part of the high guard but those Prime should know their place as well.”l
He sets his hands on your waist and gently pulls you closer gripping a bit tightly as he speaks. You soon realize what was going on and you were quick to come up with something.
You knew you had to stop him, not to mention you had to leave soon.
”Starscream I really must get going. Let’s talk later shall we?” You gently hug him, your chin on his shoulder. He kept his hands on your waist for a moment longer until you pulled away.
“We can train together in the morning alright?” He stays quiet for a moment and then nods.
Letting you go. You walk to catch up with rumble meeting up with him and the others. Starscream was still standing there as he looked down at his hands.
Unaware of Sentinel watching from deeper in the halls.
Once you were there you chatted and apologized for being almost late. Then transformed. Rumble hopping on top and hanging on tightly to you.
You and the other guards with you then fly up to the surface. As you flew, Megatronus from the room meeting with the other primes, watched you as you left. He was currently in a meeting with a few of the other primes.
Solus is also there. She notices him watching the guards leaving and almost frowns. Megatronus then returned to the meeting. Taking his seat next to Solus.
After many hours since going into your little patrol the sun was slowly setting. You and the others keep flying as Rumbles' grip slowly gets loose. You make sure to remind rumble that he has to hang on tightly.
It requires that you move fast in case of attack. After some time you and the others take a small break and hide in an abandon city. safely.
Hidden you decide to look at the lost city for a bit. walking around it alongside some deer robots. Your mind starts to think as Rumble and the others stay together.
After some time your mind wondered. The rumor of Megatronus and Solus prime. How he must have implied that he wasn’t courting Solus but…. He…wanted to court you..Why?
You and many others seen how she looks at him. But you were certain he must’ve had feelings for her at least once as well. Not to mention the whole situation with Starscream.
You began to worry. Your spark only starting to feel pain because of your confusion and lost of what’ll happen.
But as you continue you would stop as you feel something poking and grabbing at your leg. you looked down and it’s- IT’S A QUINTISSON!!- but- smaller.
Almost deformed in a way. You almost took sympathy at first as it whimpered and crawled closer to you. But then it launched at you, holding you back with your hands and arms. It keeps slashing at you. But then it gets a good scratch at you face.
You screamed in pain as you finally get a chance to blast it away. Then you get to it and stab it repeatedly until it stopped moving. You were out of breath given you were caught of guard and had to think fast.
You held you cheek feeling the energon and pain on your eye brow and cheek. That thing really got a good hit on you.
You made your way to the others as my talked and messed around. Rumble having a good time as the others laughed.
You still kept your hand on your cheek and your other hand as a blaster as you ran to them.
”Weapons ready! Possible Quintessons!! The others hear you and get their weapons ready. You all searched around the city separated. As Rumble and another seeker stays with you.
Rumble was able to patch and clean you up thanks to a medical kit the other seeker brought with them. After some time you all can confirm it was just the small one.
Most likely being left behind. You all decide to continue your mission. You told Rumble you will handle explaining what happened. What’s important is he’s safe.
And so forth you and the other seekers continue to fly in the air, Rumble with you again as the sun finally sets.
Once upon returning you knew you were in for it.
Making it into the surface unfollowed you and the others landed at the front of the tower.
You all then walk in some other guards noticing you new scar. You made your way to the medical bay as Rumble says his byes and heads to Soundwave. As you spoke to the nurse after a few minutes you door bangs wide open showing Soundwave.
He was beyond upset and told the nurse to leave. Once they were gone he really laid it into you. Not for Rumble possibly getting into danger. No.
Because you weren’t more careful and now although not huge.
You have. Scar on your eye brow and cheek. Your cheek wound being much deeper. When you thought of thinking of making a little snarky comment to lighten up the mood.
He already knew and told you to not even try it. You looked down and just waited for him to finish.
You’d then feel a hand on your shoulder. As you looked up he was staring down at you. “Always close to the ones you trust Y/N otherwise your future will have consequences…Understood?”
You slowly nodded.
He then left after that. You sighed exhausted and as you walked out and started heading to the training room.
Something you did every night before heading to recharge, you didn’t expect to see starscream in there, training by himself. As you walked in you greeted him which surprised him as he was in the middle of a move.
“Sorry ‘bout that Starscream.”
He groaned and once he stood up. When he saw you he dropped his weapon. Making his way to you and putting his cervos on your shoulder as he looked at your scar.
”What the hell happened to you?! Didn’t you say long ago you would always be careful?! You could’ve gotten hurt more you idiot!”
You only look at him as he complained and just smiled. You soft smile you can only rarely do as he continues on. But once he sees your smile. “Starscream…I’m alive ain’t I?”
He stays quiet for a moment as he takes in your words. He’d sigh and look away for a moment.
His eyes then close and his cervos on your shoulders tighten a bit. “Go recharge Y/N……”
”That’s an order…And we both will be training early tomorrow morning, understand?”
“….Yes sir.” You’d then turn and leave walking out of the room. Starscream stays in there as his cervos clenched out of anger.
You were almost out of the building until you got an idea. Then as you thought, you walked to Megatronus' private quarters. The one place he must be at now….
Yes, your feelings towards Megatronus are true but so was with Starscream. Both in plain view, obviously it woul work. Starscream you’re not sure of.
But for Megatronus to kiss you and Starscream showing even more affection than before!…..You are always on the job and…and…Megatronus..should be with someone of his rank. Not you.
Starscream may seem as a possibility- but No! You have to discipline yourself. Not to be used by a Prime.
You will speak to Megatronus and stand your ground.
Even if it means you’re no longer part of the high guard. You must put yourself first.
As you got to his door you could hear voices from the other side. It was Megatronus and Solus arguing. As you get closer you’re able to hear them better. You continue to listen.
The other Primes shouldn’t be back for another few cycles. You stay at the hall higher in up your Audio Sensors.
Ok if they start doing it then you’ll leave but what if it has to do with the rumor. Maybe he lied and it was real?
”I have lost interest Solus you said it yourself! Not only was my courtship on hold for so long but you wish for me to just except your feelings for another for the millionth time?
Am I to believe you can still have such feelings for me as you do for the others. I’ve waited. I’m Done!”
”If you really cared then you would’ve try harder-“
“Harder? HARDER!? You don’t even know what you want and you’re just dragging me and the others with you into your black whole! I’ve moved on. I don’t need this and I don’t need you!”
Solus just stares up at him. Her face full off anger as he stares down at her.
”You’ll come back..you always do.” She then walks past him finally leaving the room. She walks the opposite direction from where you are.
She can be heard crying a bit from afar and you just peek from the wall from the hall. You grow even more worried.
Has this been happening? Did he try courting her before? Wait- HAS SHE BEEN FRAGGING THE OTHER PRIMES!? You swear you almost feel nauseous at the thought of this just going on.
Once it seemed the coast was clear you made your way to the door after it was shut. You’d then gently knock on his door.
Pretty much regretting it as you grow nervous but you know you must do this.
Though what you didn’t know is on the other side of the door he was losing in on the other side of the door.
After waiting and waiting for her. She still makes him wait as she flirts with the others. He then threw his berth up in the air, hitting the ceiling and throwing his data pads around.
You gulped and knocked again as you say in a whisper “Please don’t kill meee-“
”If you don’t leave I-“ He yelled as the door finally happened, only look at no one. He looks around. You had to clear your throat in order to grab his attention.
He finally looks down more and sees you. You two stay quiet for a moment looking for each other. His optics were wide as he seemed almost out of breath because of his rage earlier. You finally speak.
”Can we talk..Megatronus?” You give a small smile.
Hopefully to brighten his mood. At least a little bit as you keep looking at him. He calmed down, his optics no longer wide and his body stops tensing up.
“It is good you are here Y/N.”
”Oh that is good to hear Megatro-“ He then grabs you with his one hand. It only going fully around your waist as he pulls you in.
His door closes and he walks a bit deeper in his room and gently sets you down. “-nus…uhm. Why don’t we talk ‘bout- About! Today.”
You corrected yourself as he sat on his berth.
“…..Go on.” You gulped. Oh boy you either die today or leave bruised or worse- fired but you must treat this like a grown up and handle the situation.
”Sir- Megatronus. Our relationship isn’t appropriate. Yes my feelings are reall but I’m nothing more but a guard who fights for you and the city from the Quintissons. I don’t know what’s going on between you and Solus Prime that created this rumor.” You lied
”But I’m sure a Prime like yourself and Solus can work out-“
He then grabs your arm bringing you closer to him as you stumble a bit trying to not fall. He then sets you on his lap. His hand on your back as he sets his other hand on his lap.
“I could give less of a damn of you believe is proper or not. The reason we are keeping this secret and away form the others is for your safety. I am well aware of what I’m doin’… But I….Just years of these emotions inside me and knowing that Solus will just make me wait and wait and she runs off to the others possibly even more then more…I’m sick of it. I feel used! And It isn’t what I want and should even need!”
You could only stare up at him as he spoke and took in his words. He really was doing this because he believed you'll not treat him like Solus. You’re loyal, you’re suppose to be.
“Megatronus did you ever think that it could be because she’s dealing with stress and trying to trains her own high guards just as the others-“
He slams his foot down. “If so then why must she make false promises and mess with me with the others in front!”
”…..Doesn’t she..do the same with you and isnt she known she’s affectionate?” He only looks down at you with an angry expression and slowly blinked. You gulped and looked down.
“She’s poly isnt she?” Megatronus the growls more as he stands up. “OK OK let’s calm down!” You backed up as he paced back and forth. L
“Megatronus please lets just-“
”I am done!” He stays quiet for a moment. You could only stare at him, then look down. He was really tired of all this. You feel sympathy. But maybe this could be a good thing?
You can actually have your chance and he already admitted he- wait…..well wouldn’t hurt to ask.
“Megatronus do you…have actual feelings for me? Like- Love even?” He pauses for a moment before slowly turning. He thought for a moment. Before sitting back down. He would then sighs and fixed his bed and sits back on it.
“Years and years when not focused on Solus the whole time…I have could only notice you everytime…Your Bravery, Loyalty, and Strength- It’s everything a warrior represents!…I….” He takes a knee after being silent for a moment before you.
Looking down at you with soft eyes. Something he rarely does.
His large hand gently grabbing hold of yours.
“I do love you. And I hope you’ll continue to give me a chance to guide and be with you? Please…statues passed aside just..give us a chance. Me a chance?”
In your head you knew. This is just straight up pity but at the same time not. You do care for him. Hell it took you a while to not blush around him.
You thought for a moment then remembering why you came here in the first place.
Maybe it wouldn’t hurt. A relationship will barely stop you from doing your job. And Megatronus is a respectable leader. he’s about as serious as you are about the war……..
Oh what the hell.
You look up at him. You only have took a second before finally answering and gently holding his larger ones with yours.
“I’ll…let you court me Megatronus…and Hope our journey can continue forward on what lies upon us…”
You’re sure he must be smiling under his mask. But then you thought and spoke when he moved his larger hands moved onto your waist.
”Maybe we should take it slow first? Why not take our ti-“ You see he’s just staring at this point. “Semi slow?” He nods letting out a “hm”. He then sits down and gently picked you up as he puts you on his lap.
His other hand reaching to his mask. He’s about to take it off- HE’S ABOUT TO TAKE IT OFF….you start to panick as bit. You didn’t expect this to happen so soon.
You could only sit there as he removed his mask. He then reveals his face. It was grey a bit darker toned as he had a few scars on his lips and around his eyes.
Most likely from a Quintissons. You just stare at him as he looked down at you. His face unemotional as his optics just narrowed. You realize you’re just staring and you should probably speak.
“Wow I didn’t expect you’re so much more handsome then I expected.” He only let out a deep chuckle. At least my scars don’t seem to bother you. I believe scar are what makes show of a warriors worthiness. Such as like yours here.”
One of his digits gently touches your scar on your cheek. Noticing it’s over your eyebrow as well.
”The scouting today had its surprises but at least I got it on a special day?” You tried your best to brighten up the mood even more. His other hand still on your back starts to pull you a bit closer as he sets his mask down.
“Let me ask you have no other courting you at this moment Y/N.”
You responded with a no. You didn’t really have anyone else. And Starscream has his own thing going on. It’s most likely not possible like how it would’ve been with megatronus.
”Good. Something for myself. Someone I can trust…” You slowly nodded. Your cervos resting on your own lap as one of his digits touches your chin and keeps it in place as he looks down at you. “Mean it…?”
”Y-yes Megatronus.”
He gently sets you on the berth with his cervos as he leaned down getting fully on the berth as he uses his arms a support and was basically over you once more.
He then leaned closer both of you foreheads touching as he stared down at you. Your cervos gently holding his cheeks as you give him a small smile. You then closed your optics as you take in the moment.
He then leaned forward a bit his lips touches your once more since earlier this day. You didn’t take some time after to return the kiss.
Lightly turning your head to deepen it.
It was close to how it was earlier this day in thr training room. His cervos moving to your waist and gently rubbing at your chest.
Putting a little pressure on you to keep you pinned on the bed. His lips are so gently against your small ones.
You can only imagine what it’ll be like when you he finishes courting you. You could only hope he still be gentle even then. When you opened your optics a little bit, his optics were already closed. He seemed almost a peace. Something that wasn’t seen much earlier today.
You closed your optics once more as he moves his lips to your neck and shoulder as his other cervo that was against the bed now was behind your head. Supporting it as he brought you closer.
Your cervos stayed on his cheek. Supporting him to continue as he continues to cover your shoulder with kisses. He then continues going lower and lower.
His cervo moving to under you making you lift up a little. Now you head to your waist only inches above the bed. He then kisses your chest taking his time as he then makes his way to your waist. Your chest and waist becoming covered with kisses.
Your cervos then rest on the top of his head. Both of his cervos staying in lace as he spends some time to continue covering your waist with kisses. You’d let out a few sighs as you take in the moment. That worry and stress you had moments before soon washing away. The same thing surely happening to Megatronus.
Before you know it his kisses have gone lower and just over your panel he sets a kiss in place for only a moment. Your legs spreading on their own for him as you let out a small gasp. He then gently licked the now sensitive panel making your legs flinch only a bit. You didn’t realized how sensitive your panel has grown. He then gave soft kisses and licks on your inner legs and panel once more. With the cervo supporting your head up. His thumb gently move to be over you lips. “Open for me my dear.”
”M-Megatronus isn’t this going too fast?” He only continues until he finally stops slowly lifting his head being a few more inches from you
He then so gently picked you up. He sits up on the berth as the has one of his cervos supporting you up by your lower half against his sheet. His back now resting against the wall as he looked at you. His optics still soft as he then used one of his digits to gently rub your bac as he then spoke. “Maybe so but at least let me have a taste. So that you may know what to expect after our courting.”
You gave into the thought for a couple seconds before you then descide to nod. Giving him your gentle smile once more as he continued to almost seem emotionless. Though before you knew it he let out a small smile as well. He then leaned forward once more as his lips touch your panel and since you agreed. Your panel opens.
Showing how wet your valve is. Practically soaking as you shiver a bit from the cold air. He’s then set a small and gentle kiss on your valve as you let out a few gasps softly as your head titled back.
He’d then stick out his glossa once more and this time gently pressed more pressure against you valve. Making your legs shake lightly as he continues and presses his head closer into your legs and more so against your valve. He would then continue. Although he had a much bigger mouth compared to the other primes. He was more so gentle when it comes to using it. And he made very sure of that with you.
He’d then gently job at you node as he spreads your legs using one of his digits with the cervo supporting you. You let out a moan not expecting him to make a move like this given his size.
You’d then turn your head and notice his own panel has been removed and his other cervo has been busy with his spike. His spike was long and rather girthy as it stood tall. The tip was already leaking precum as he held it tightly. Your cervos held onto his digits tightly as you let out a few more moans. Trying to have a good hold of your legs as they continue to shake. The side of your thighs rubbing against his cheeks as he continues trying to bring you closer to your orgasm. When it appears that you are getting louder and louder. He looks up at you. His optics are narrow. You notice and place a hand over your mouth as you moan into it. He closes his optics once more and continues.
You feel a knot growing in my stomach. The feeling only growing as you continue to moan into your cervo. He realizes this means you’re getting closer. He continues this action and licked harder against your entrance and node.
He was already moving his cervo up and down his spike. Squeezing tightly as he grows closer to his own release. He too then moaned lightly. Causing his glossa and lips to vibrate against your valve. Only causing even more pleasure for you.
And then soon you are undone. Finally getting your release as you let out one last moan. Your legs shaking and your cervos squeeze tightly on his digits. He continues his act as he licks at your valve cleaning you up. Making sure you’re all cleaned up and not a single drop falls.
You’re a mess as you were panting. Trying to catch your breath. He wasn’t far behind, finally receiving his own release. It landing on his lower waist as he too tried to catch his breath. He slowly opened his optics and looks at you. As you did the same. Your legs were shaking and he gently raised you high as he sat up. His hand still holding you as he tucks himself away. His panel closing. You’d then close your panel once you finally caught your breath.
You looked at him and you both stared at each other. Although silly you both had a smile on your lips. He brought you closer and both of your lips meet. Touching once more. He kisses you with both passion and hunger. Hoping you’d do the same. You gently set your cervos on his cheeks as you return the kiss. You then spend what felt like cycles as your lips touched. But as th seconds gon by the later it became at night.
You’ll be exhausted in the morning for your training.
He was the one to pull away. He looked at you and let out a small chuckle. “I should help you sneak out so no one sees you. Wouldn’t want you losing your job.” You let out a chuckle at his words. He’d then stand up fully nad think. Then looking at his chest as he sets his mask back on.
”I should have enough room in front of my cog. I can walk out and go where you wont be seen so you may make it home. No one will question if it’s me going out.”
”That’s…a pretty good plan.” He then opens his chest and there lied his cog. There does seem to be room but you’re still a bit too big. You then get an idea. transforming in his cervo he looks at you. He then tried his best to fit you into his chest and able to get you to fit at a certain angle.
After cleaning himself up more he walks out of his room. Luckily only the night guards out and they only bowed their heads to Megatronus as he passed them. He then walks outside, getting closer to one of the alleyways and once the coast was clear. He opened his chest and picked you out. Setting you on the floor. You’d then transform and stretch out your arms. You’d then look up at him as he kneels down.
”I’ll see you for training tomorrow in the afternoon. You shall join me in training to show the others how to grow stronger. Understood?”
”Yes..Megatronus.” He nodded. He appears to wanting to lean forward. To give you one last kiss but he knew he had to return. Holding back. He then… bowed his head to you. This took you by surprise. You’d walk forward and place your hand on his chest “Until tomorrow My Prime.” You two stay quiet for a moment until he stands up. Then turning the other way heading back to his quarters.
You made your way back to your home. Once you got in you leaned against the door once it closed. And slide down sitting on the floor. You and one of th primes…Oh boy..This job just got a lot more interesting..
Back with megatronus as he walked back he passes by Solus who was leaving from her training room. She was alone and tired. Having gone training to let her anger out. She’d then notice megatronus passing by to his own room
”Megatronus what are you- what were you doing?” Megatronus would stop and turn his head back a little. Only glancing a bit. But right away, he continues walking. As she spoke more trying to grab his attention. He just continues to ignore her. Finally going to his room to recharge. Leaving Solus alone.
Hell yeah Chapter 2! Only a few more chapters to go!! As always the chapters for this story will be every Tuesday so please be patient. More chapters are to come.
As the story continues I’m planning on letting it get to even the movie. But because I love giving myself more work I’ll make two different parts where you either get left behind and don’t know what actually happened. Sentinel takes you and lies. Making you his Conjunx until Megatron kills him and eventually takes you cause he yandere. And another will be you being there knowing what happened and staying with the trio. Idk if i should make it poly since the trio also have feelings for you so you guys let me know your opinion. lol.
Maybe I’ll do one where the reader will join the Autobots in a different ending so it’s not all high gaurds joining the decepticons lmao. That should be all with what I have planned. Hope you all have a good rest of you morning/evening/night.
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bingbongsupremacy · 3 months ago
Surprise Boyfriend
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Plus size reader
Warning: Cursing, mentions that reader is plus size but doesn't emphasises, insecurities
Summary: You're in love with Eddie but he doesn't like you back. Right? You're just friends. That's why it's so surprising when he asks to meet your parents.
*Not Proof Read*
I’m not sure when things started to change between Eddie and me. We've been friends for a while, hanging out after school, talking about everything from Dungeons & Dragons to heavy metal. We joke around, complain about the crazy world around us, and escape to our own little bubble where things just make sense. But lately? It feels different.
Eddie’s always been a little flirty with me. It's just his nature. He’s got that sarcastic charm that comes with being an all-around badass—a wild, untamed guy that everyone notices. His long, messy hair, the leather jacket he always wears, his constant rock ‘n’ roll vibe, and, of course, the undeniable smirk that’s always on his face. I never really thought much of it. We’re friends. He’s just Eddie being Eddie. But now? I’m starting to wonder if there’s more to it.
The way he looks at me sometimes. The way his arm casually drapes around my shoulders when we sit close. The way he holds my hand, like it’s something natural, like we’ve been doing it forever.
But then I remember—Eddie’s the kind of guy who’s into wild, pretty girls. Not… well, not me. I’m not thin, I’m not what everyone expects. I’ve got extra weight, and I always feel like I’m the last person someone like Eddie would ever want to date. He’s got a reputation to uphold, after all, and I’m just his friend. Nothing more.
It’s a Saturday, and we’re lying on Eddie’s bed again, watching one of those cheesy 80s slasher flicks. We’ve been here for hours, the room filled with the scent of old pizza and the faint smell of smoke from the joint we shared earlier. Eddie’s strumming his guitar quietly in the corner, the soft music blending with the sounds of the TV. He’s so comfortable here, and for the first time in a long while, I feel relaxed too.
"So..." Eddie glances over at me, his eyes mischievous. “When am I gonna meet your parents?”
My heart skips a beat, and I turn to face him, unsure of what he’s getting at. “What?” I ask, the word coming out a little more confused than I intended.
“You know,” he says, still grinning. “I feel like I’ve spent enough time with you, your friends, and your—well, your extended family. What about the folks? When do I get to meet them?”
I blink, unsure if he’s joking or being serious. “Eddie, what the hell? Why would you need to meet my parents?”
He sits up, running a hand through his messy hair, his expression turning slightly more serious, but there’s still a playful edge to it. “Because, Y/N, I’m your boyfriend.”
I laugh a little, but then I catch the look in his eyes. He’s not joking. Or at least, he doesn’t seem to think he’s joking. My breath catches in my throat. “Boyfriend?” I repeat, barely able to hide the confusion in my voice.
Eddie chuckles softly, shaking his head. “Y/N, come on. We’ve been going on dates for months. I even took you to that picnic last weekend, remember? We smoked a little weed, and I bought you dinner afterward. That’s a date, sweetheart. Plus I invite you to my shows and then dinner afterward. I consider that a date.”
I swallow hard. Oh god. I didn’t realize that’s what that was. I thought we were just hanging out, just… being us. I mean, Eddie’s invited people to see his band before, so I just assumed this was another one of those things. He’s always friendly to everyone. And yeah, we’ve shared some quiet moments together, but I never thought it meant what he clearly thinks it does.
“But you invite everyone to your shows, Eddie,” I say, trying to explain myself, my voice trembling a little. “I thought you were just being nice, like you always are. Like, friendly Eddie.”
He narrows his eyes at me, leaning in a little closer. “I’m always nice, sure. But I don't pay for everyone's dinner. Being nice isn't the same thing as asking someone on a date, is it?” He gives me a pointed look, clearly a little frustrated.
I chew on my lip, still unsure of what I’m missing. “I don’t know, Eddie,” I say quietly. “I just thought… we were friends.”
He grins, his usual cocky charm returning. “I thought we were more than that. I mean, come on. We’ve been holding hands, sharing this bed, watching movies together. You’re practically my girlfriend without all the labels.”
I feel a warmth spread across my cheeks as I glance down at my hands. He’s right—we’ve been close. Really close. But I never thought of it in those terms. I’m not used to being the girl who gets that kind of attention. Especially not from someone like Eddie.
“I don’t know what to say,” I whisper. “I didn’t realize you felt that way. I didn’t think you wanted to be with me.”
Eddie gently takes my hand, squeezing it softly. “Why wouldn’t I want to be with you? You’re incredible. You’ve been there for me, Y/N. You come to all my shows, you cheer me on like you’re my biggest fan. You support me—like a girlfriend would. I thought you knew.”
I feel my heart pounding in my chest. Does he really feel that way about me?
The weight of his words settles on me, and I begin to understand. He’s been there for me too, in his own way. He’s always included me, always been there to make me laugh, always made sure I felt important. I start to realize that maybe I’ve been blind to what’s been right in front of me this whole time.
“We’ve been hanging out so much,” I say, a little embarrassed, “I just thought it was normal. I mean, I never thought you were asking me out. I thought you were just… being Eddie.”
Eddie smiles, the tenderness in his eyes making my chest tighten. “I get it,” he says. “But I’ve been asking you out, Y/N. We’ve been going on dates. I don’t do this with anyone else, you know. It’s always been you.”
I nod, trying to process everything. The hand-holding, the moments when he pulls me closer when we’re sitting next to each other, the way he makes sure I’m always part of whatever he’s doing. He’s been showing me, in his own way, that he cares.
“You’re right,” I whisper, my voice barely audible. “I just… I didn’t know. I didn’t realize.”
Eddie brushes a lock of hair behind my ear, his touch gentle, and I can’t help but melt into it. “Well, now you do,” he says softly. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
I smile, feeling something shift between us. Maybe I’ve been blind to it all along. Maybe I was the one who didn’t see what was right there in front of me. But now I do. And somehow, knowing that Eddie really does want to be with me makes everything feel right.
As Eddie leans back, his arm sliding across my shoulders, I feel like maybe—just maybe—I’m finally seeing things clearly. And I can’t help but wonder what the next step for us is.
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otakubimbo · 1 year ago
Will Always Find You
MafiaBoss Sukuna x WifeReader
Your thoughtfulness turned into carelessness and now you've found yourself in a predicament. How are you going to get out of this?
Content: Violence. Mafia Au. Noncurse Au. Sukuna being husband material. Reader trying to be a sweet girl.
Sticky: This may turn into a prequel series, idk yet.
STICKY UPDATE: I, infact, did start a series. Here, thank me later MWAH.
It hurt, everything hurt. Your shoulders were screaming in pain from the strain of having your arms tied behind your back for so long. You had no clue how long you had been there, all you knew was that anytime the door opened from the basement you were being kept it, it was to expect pain. It was the Zenin’s who took you, obviously. Naoya made sure you knew that every time anyone ‘graced’ your presence. The presence of the rival mafia’s wife, Y/N Sukuna.
It was your fault that you were caught like this, trying to surprise Urame for their birthday. They were your personal bodyguard, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to surprise them if you didn’t sneak out alone. Stupid. You had to figure out a way to get out of here, you knew Ryomen had to be looking for you but how would he find you? Fuck. What were you going to do? You were already weak from the beatings, you had already lost a lot of blood, and surprisingly they tied these knots securely. Once you were taken, they stripped you of all your weapons, even the hidden knives you had. Luckily, they left you with your clothes and jewelry, nothing you could use to assist in your escape. Your head was splitting from the pain and the attempts to plan when everything was interrupted by the bright light from the door upstairs.
“I’m not telling you shit, if this is your idea of torture it’s pathetic!” You yell towards the top of the stairs, trying to make your voice sound as strong as possible despite the pain with each word coming out. As soon as you started speaking the figure at the top of the stairs came rushing down. Everything in your body freezes, the usual lackeys would take their time, but this was different, something was different. You train your eyes trying to adjust to the light to see who was coming down the stairs. The first sight that your eye catches almost makes you burst into tears, pink hair.
“Y/N” Sukuna’s voice breaks as he sees your state. You give him the best smile you could manage. Rushing over to you, he unties you from the chair and brings you into his arms, squeezing you as if you would disappear at any moment as if he thought he wouldn’t have found you. He could feel your tears starting to soak into his shirt as you sob into him, finally letting go of all the feelings you had been holding onto. Gently pulling you make, he holds your face delicately in his hands, inspecting all your injuries.
“Ryo, you found me.” You say between sniffles, eyes slowly blinking.
“I will always find you, my love.” He says and with that, everything turns black.
The smell of antiseptic floods your senses before you even open your eyes. You could tell you were in a hospital just from that. Slowly and painfully, you open your eyes to see that you are in a hospital, most likely the family hospital. The last thing you remember is Ryomen holding your body and you pass out. You tried to move but the pain immediately shot through your body making you yelp. Sukuna, who had been sleeping in a chair at the side of your bed, jumps up at the sound of your yelp. His eyes are panicked and wild.
“Hey, handsome.” You say softly, trying to reach out to touch him but it was too painful. He grabs your hand and brings it to his face for you. Once you both realize that despite the pain you are okay, his face shifts. He looks mad, pissed even.
“I’m sorry.” You stroke the side of his face with your thumb. He stays silent, glaring at you, squeezing your hand to almost a painful point but not painful yet. You take his silence as a time to explain yourself, “I am sorry, I know I shouldn’t have gone out unguarded, but I wanted to get Urame a present for their birthday. It wouldn’t have been a secret if someone went with me. And if I asked someone else to guard me it would have been suspicious. You were busy, Yuji was gone for the day. I didn’t think one time out by myself would lead to this. I should have been more careful; I should have been more aware. I let my guard down. I’m sorry Ryo, I really am.”
He's silent for another moment, eyes still piercing, but then they slowly soften as they gaze upon you. A breath that he didn’t even realize he had been holding for so long finally escapes him and a look that you never thought you would see on his face appears. He looks like he’s about to…. Cry?
“I thought,” He started taking your hand from his face and engulfing it with both of his hands. “I thought I lost you; I thought I lost my wife.” He takes a deep breath before he continues, “I would burn this world down for you without a second thought and you need to realize that, there is no King without his Queen. You almost died! You were stupid and reckless all over a birthday gift! There are ways to be discreet and you know that without putting yourself in danger! They were planning on killing you!”
Your gaze never leaves him, “I’m sorry Ryo, my husband, my love. Never again. I promise.”
His nostrils flare while he lets out an aggressive breath, “There will not be an again because you will never be leaving anywhere with out me, Yuji, or Urame. Ever”
“Anything you say Ryo.”
“Of course, I am the King after all.”
You let out a soft giggle which makes you cough a little, your throat was dry. He quickly hands you the water that was on the table next to your bed.
“How did you find me?” You ask, after soothing your throat.
“I will always find you,” he says as his hands go to around your neck, taking off the locket he gave you when he asked you to marry him. When he opens it, it shows the pictures you already knew were in there; One of you and him on your first date and one of you and Yuji on his graduation. He pops out the picture of Yuji with his pocketknife to reveal a small device behind it. A tracker. A TRACKER!! Your jaw drops when you see it.
“Ryomen Sukuna, you put a tracker on me!” you yell, finding all the strength in your body to hit him, he just clicks his teeth while fixing your necklace.
“Of course, you are reckless.  I need to always know where you are, I told you when I gave it to you that I will always be with you. “He states casually, putting it back onto you. You wanted to continue to be mad, but he was right. He was the boss of a huge mafia family, and you had a tendency to forget that he needed extra insurance for your safety. You lay back down, feeling suddenly exhausted.
“I am your husband; it is my job to protect you and keep you safe.” He says as he goes to kiss your forehead, “Now rest.”
Your eyes had already shut when you laid back down. Sukuna looked at you as you slept, a tear finally escaping his eye that he wouldn’t let anyone see. If anything happened to you, he wouldn’t know how to live anymore. If there was no you, there would be no him.
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elizabethsnuts · 10 months ago
could you write bucky wanting to be able to braid his daughters hair but he doesn’t know how so he practices on nat and then their daughter being over the moon when bucky does her hair the next morning? 🥹
Perfect Braid
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Natasha helps Bucky practice doing braids on her hair so he can do the perfect braid just for you.
Bucky Barnes was a skilled man, honed through decades of war, and survival. Yet, there was one particular skill he lacked —braiding hair. It seemed simple enough, a trivial task in comparison to the life-or-death situations he had navigated countless times. But when you had approached him one evening with wide, hopeful eyes and a hairbrush in hand, he realized it was anything but trivial. It was a moment that required precision, care, and above all, love.
"Daddy, can you braid my hair like Mama does?" You had asked, your voice filled with innocent trust.
Bucky had knelt down, taking the brush from your little hand, his heart swelling with a mixture of affection and apprehension. "I'll try my best, baby doll."
His first attempt was a disaster. The strands slipped through his fingers, tangled messily despite his best efforts. Your giggles were gentle, not mocking, but they only heightened his determination. Bucky promised you he would get it right, and that was a promise he intended to keep.
That night, after you were tucked into bed, Bucky found Natasha sitting on the couch, reading. She looked up as he approached, one eyebrow quirked in curiosity.
"Nat, I need your help," He admitted, somewhat sheepishly.
"With what?" She asked, closing her book and giving him her full attention.
"Braiding hair."
Natasha's lips curved into a smile, a rare and genuine expression that lit up her face. "Never thought I’d see the day you became a big softie," She teased. "Y/N asked you to braid her hair, huh?"
Bucky rolled his eyes but couldn't help the small smile tugging at his own lips. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. But I'm serious. N/N asked me, I want to do it right."
Natasha stood, gesturing for him to sit. "Alright, sit down. I'll show you."
She sat down in front of him, her long, red hair cascading over her shoulders. Bucky watched intently as Natasha began to separate her hair into sections, her hands moving with practised ease.
"First, you need three equal sections," She explained, guiding his hands to mimic her movements. "Then, you take the right section and cross it over the middle, like this. Then the left section over the new middle. Keep repeating that pattern."
Bucky's metal fingers felt clumsy and awkward compared to Natasha's graceful movements. He fumbled, dropping the sections more than once, but Natasha was patient. She corrected him gently, her instructions clear and calm. Slowly, the pattern began to make sense, and Bucky found a rhythm.
"You're getting it," Natasha encouraged, feeling the braid start to take shape under his fingers.
They practised for hours, and Bucky was determined to perfect his technique. Natasha's hair became a testament to his efforts, the braids improving steadily. Finally, when he managed a braid that was neat and tight, a grin full of pride and accomplishment lit up his face.
"Thanks, Nat. Really," He said, his gratitude evident. He kissed her cheek and smiled.
She smiled at him, a glint of pride in her eyes. "Anytime."
The next morning, Bucky woke early, nervous but ready. He found you already awake, your hair a wild halo around your head. You beamed up at him as he approached with the brush and a few hair ties in hand.
"Ready for your braid, baby doll?" He asked.
You nodded eagerly, climbing onto a chair to sit still while Bucky worked. He combed through your hair carefully, recalling Natasha's instructions. His hands moved methodically, sectioning the hair and beginning the braid. Right over the middle, left over the middle, repeat.
Minutes passed, and the room filled with the quiet sounds of his concentration and your soft humming of nursery rhymes. When he finished, Bucky secured the end with a hair tie and stepped back to admire his work. It wasn't perfect, but it was a braid—tight and mostly even.
You reached up, touching the braid with awe. Your face lit up with joy, your eyes sparkling. "Daddy, it's beautiful!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around his neck in a tight hug.
Bucky hugged you back, his heart swelling with pride and love. "I'm glad you like it, sweetheart."
You pulled back, looking at him with pure adoration. "You're the best, Daddy."
At that moment, Bucky felt a profound sense of accomplishment. He had faced countless challenges in his life, but none compared to the simple joy of making his daughter happy. As he watched you skip away, your braid bouncing with each step, he knew he would braid your hair every day if you wanted, because, for you, he would do anything.
Natasha entered the room, having observed the whole scene from the doorway. She gave Bucky a nod of approval, her eyes warm. She turned to you with a big smile on her face, "Did Daddy do you hair just like Mama does?"
You nodded your head quickly, almost jumping up and down in pure excitement. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I love it!"
As the day went on, Bucky found himself smiling more often, the memory of your delighted expression a constant source of joy. It was a small victory, but in his life, small victories were often the most meaningful. And this one, this braid, was the most important of all.
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rikabluejay · 2 months ago
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✎Chocolat Aphrodisiaque
Pairing: BFF!Jake x BFF!femreader | college au one-shot
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Smut, aphrodisiac chocolate, pinv, unprotected sex(wrap it up people), teasing, rough sex, overstimulation, friends to lovers, fingering, cunnilingus. Let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: this is my first time writing a story and posting it😭 low key kinda scared, please drop suggestions if you have any. Feedbacks are appreciated🫶
What starts as a harmless experiment with aphrodisiac chocolate soon turns into a night of passion neither Y/N nor Jake can ignore. As their long-standing friendship blurs into something more intense, they’re forced to confront the dangerous line between desire and boundaries.
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Half a Piece of Chocolate
A small, innocent piece of chocolate- that's all it took to land you in this situation. Jake was now between your legs, his hair tangled in your fingers, and your moans filled the room like there was no tomorrow.
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"Y/N!" Jake's voice echoed down the hallway as he burst into your room, phone in hand, and practically leaped onto your bed. He shoved the screen in your face with the excitement of a kid showing off a new toy.
"I saw this TikTok, and we have to try it!”
You blinked at him, unimpressed, until the words "aphrodisiac chocolate" on the screen caught your eye.
"You're joking," you deadpanned. "We said last time was the last time, Jake. The. Last. Time."
Jake's grin didn't falter. "C'mon, Y/N. It's for science. And TikTok never lies."
You sighed, recalling how "science" and TikTok had landed you in very compromising positions before—literally. This wasn't the first time your best friend had pitched some wild idea, and somehow, it always ended with the two of you tangled up in sheets, promising never to cross that line again. Yet here you were. Again.
It didn't take much convincing, as usual. Now, you sat across from Jake, watching him break the chocolate bar in half.
"The instructions said it takes about thirty minutes to kick in," he explained, handing you your piece.
The chocolate melted on your tongue, rich and slightly bitter, and you waited.
At first, nothing.
But soon, your thoughts began to spiral. Was Jake always this attractive? Or was the chocolate messing with your head? You hated to admit it, but Jake wasn't just hot—he was the hottest guy on campus. And he was your best friend. It didn't even make sense how someone like him ended up in your life.
Before you could dwell on it further, Jake's hands slid up your thighs slowly, teasingly, as his eyes stayed locked on yours. The atmosphere in the room was thick with anticipation, the chocolate's effects kicking in, making your pulse race. His pupils were blown wide, and you could see the same desire reflected in his gaze that you were desperately trying to ignore.
"Please, Y/N," he rasped, his voice raw with need. "I can't wait any longer. I need you so bad."
You nodded before you even realized what you were doing, your body betraying your mind's last attempt at resistance. As soon as the approval left your lips, Jake moved, not wasting a second. He leaned down, his breath hot against your skin as he kissed your neck, his hands sliding beneath your hips to pull you closer. You arched into him instinctively, already desperate for more.
Then, his lips descended lower, trailing soft kisses down your chest, over your ribs, before he finally reached the edge of your panties. His breath tickled your skin, sending shivers down your spine, and when he pulled the fabric aside, you gasped.
His fingers brushed your inner thighs, caressing your skin gently before he finally pressed his lips against your clit. The first lick was slow, deliberate, as if he was savoring every moment. You moaned loudly, unable to keep the sounds from escaping as his tongue flicked against you with just the right amount of pressure. The chocolate's effects were hitting you hard now, making everything feel more intense, more alive.
"Jake," you breathed, grabbing his hair as your hips moved involuntarily to meet his tongue. "Please don't stop..."
He smirked against your skin before diving back in, licking, sucking, and teasing you in ways that made your body tremble. His tongue worked relentlessly, the pressure building in waves as you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
With every stroke, you felt your control slip away. His hands gripped your thighs, holding you still as he feasted on you, never giving you a chance to catch your breath. Your grip on his hair tightened, and he moaned against you, the sound only adding to the heat between your legs.
When his fingers joined his mouth, you cried out in surprise, but it was pure pleasure. Two fingers slid into you with ease, curling and thrusting in rhythm with his tongue, and you swore you saw stars. The sensation of both his mouth and hands on you was overwhelming, and it didn't take long before you felt yourself spiraling toward the edge.
"Jake, I'm so close," you gasped, barely able to form words through the pleasure. "Don't stop... please..."
But he didn't stop. Instead, he pushed deeper, his fingers moving faster, his tongue relentless as you finally shattered beneath him. Your body tensed, your legs shaking as you came with a loud moan, your hands clutching at his hair as if grounding yourself. He didn't let up, riding out your orgasm with skilled movements that made your head spin.
As your body started to calm, Jake slowly pulled away, kissing his way up your body, his hands on your hips guiding you into a new position.
You barely had time to catch your breath before he was positioning himself between your legs, his body hovering over yours as he looked down at you with an intensity that made your heart race. "You're so fucking hot, Y/N," he growled, his voice low and gravelly. "And I'm not done with you yet."
Before you could even respond, he was pushing into you, filling you in one swift motion. The stretch was almost too much, and you gasped, your body still sensitive from the intense pleasure you'd just experienced. But Jake wasn't giving you time to adjust—his pace was relentless from the start.
He thrust into you hard, the sound of skin meeting skin filling the room as your nails dug into his back, your body instinctively moving with him. His pace was frantic, almost desperate, as if he was trying to chase something, some elusive release that would give him peace.
But the only peace you were finding was in the heat of his body against yours, the connection so deep that you couldn't remember where his skin ended and yours began.
"Fuck, Y/N," he groaned, his eyes dark with need. "You feel so good, so fucking tight."
You could feel him hitting every inch of you, each thrust deep and purposeful, as your body started to respond again, the pleasure building once more. You couldn't stop the way your hips met his with each stroke, your own need pushing you to meet him halfway.
"Jake... slower..." you begged, but your voice came out breathless. You were already overstimulated, your senses on fire, but the need for him was overwhelming.
He paused, just for a moment, as if to give you a chance to breathe. His forehead rested against yours, his breaths coming in ragged pants. "Tell me if it's too much," he whispered, though you could hear the edge in his voice.
But it wasn't too much. It wasn't enough. You nodded, and with a low growl, he resumed, pushing even deeper. His thrusts were harder, more frantic, and it wasn't long before you felt your body tightening again, every inch of you screaming for release.
The tension in your body snapped, and you came hard, your back arching as the waves of pleasure hit you like a freight train. Jake followed immediately after, his moans mingling with yours as he spilled inside you, filling you with a primal, possessive force that had your body trembling beneath him.
When the room finally went quiet, the only sound left was your labored breathing, both of you too spent to move. Jake stayed inside you, resting his forehead against yours as you both caught your breath. The sheets were tangled around your bodies, the aftermath of the intense, unforgettable night leaving you both breathless and drained. Your chest rose and fell with each exhale, the aftershocks of your release still rippling through your body. Jake slowly pulled out and rolled to your side laying beside you. You couldn't quite shake the lingering warmth, both physical and emotional, that Jake had left behind.
You turned your head to face him, your thoughts still a whirlwind, and for a split second, you forgot about the promise. The agreement you'd both made—the one you both swore you'd never break again— seemed distant, almost irrelevant in the haze of what just happened.
Jake's gaze met yours, dark eyes full of something unspoken. There was a fleeting moment where you could feel his pulse quickening again, the same undeniable pull that had dragged you both into this mess to begin with. He didn't look at you like his best friend anymore, and you didn't look at him the same way either. The line, that fine thread holding your friendship together, was fraying with every touch, every kiss, every moment like this.
His hand reached up to gently brush a strand of hair from your face, the touch tender but heavy with intention. "You know, we weren't supposed to cross this line again, right?" His voice was soft, almost like a question, but the tension was palpable.
You shifted under his gaze, the weight of his words sinking in, but it didn't feel like the same boundary anymore. Maybe it was the chocolate, maybe it was the aphrodisiac’s lingering effects, or maybe it was just the undeniable truth of the moment: the lines between friendship and something more were irreparably blurred.
"Jake..." You paused, trying to find the words, but your voice faltered. The thoughts swirling in your head were a mix of guilt, excitement, and desire. The truth was, you didn't know if you wanted to go back to what you were before—the friends who swore they'd never cross this line again—or if you wanted to give in to whatever was building between you both now.
Jake's fingers traced over your arm, sending sparks across your skin. "We said it was the last time," he whispered, almost like a challenge, the intensity in his eyes matching the desire in his voice. "But I don't think either of us meant it, did we?"
Your heart skipped a beat, your body betraying your mind. It was so easy to get lost in the way he was looking at you-so much more than the playful, teasing best friend you had known all this time. There was hunger there, but also something deeper, something you couldn't quite name.
You swallowed, your voice barely a whisper. "I don't know anymore."
The air between you two was thick with unspoken words, emotions tangled in a web of confusion and desire. Everything that had happened tonight—the promises broken, the boundaries crossed—was too much to ignore. But the unspoken question remained: where did you go from here?
Jake let out a low, frustrated sigh, his face inches from yours, breath mingling with yours. He seemed to be struggling with the same question, torn between what was right and what felt so damn good.
"You're not just my best friend anymore, Y/ N," Jake muttered, his voice hoarse. "I don't think I can pretend that we are."
His words sent a shock through you, and for a moment, you couldn't breathe. What did that mean? What did he mean? Could you go back to being just friends after everything that had just happened, or was this a turning point in your relationship, an irreversible change?
You wanted to say something, to put some sort of label on it, to figure out what the hell was going on. But you couldn't. You were caught in a whirlwind of emotions, and the only thing you knew for sure was that tonight had changed everything. You weren't just friends anymore.
Jake shifted, moving closer, but not to touch you-at least not yet. It was as if he was giving you space, allowing you to come to terms with what had just transpired. You could feel his gaze on you, though, waiting for an answer. And you realized, maybe he wasn't the only one who didn't know how to move forward.
"I don't want to pretend anymore either," you whispered, your words hanging in the air like a confession, a declaration.
The silence that followed was loaded, but not uncomfortable. If anything, it felt like a shift, a moment where both of you acknowledged what had been simmering under the surface for so long. The barrier was gone now-there was no going back, no un-feeling what you felt in that moment. The line had been crossed, and neither of you seemed ready to rebuild it.
Jake’s lips ghosted over yours, teasing and soft, and as his hands brushed over your body once again, you didn’t pull away. This time, you didn’t want to.
There was no going back. You had both blurred that line beyond recognition, and somehow, neither of you were in a hurry to fix it.
"You know," Jake whispered, his voice low and rasping, "the night's still young." His lips curled into a smirk, and you knew exactly what he meant.
A mischievous glint danced in his eyes, you didn't have to say anything. The next moments unfolded in a blur of heated kisses, your body responding to his like it had a mind of its own. The night was far from over. More would come, and neither of you had the intention of stopping anytime soon.
As your lips met again, you pulled back just enough to catch your breath, your heart racing. You managed to whisper, "So... do you think the aphrodisiac worked?" Your voice was playful, but the way his hands were roaming over your body told a different story.
Jake's grin only deepened, and with a smoldering look in his eyes, he pressed his lips to your ear, his breath hot against your skin. "Oh, I think it worked... way more than I expected."
You pulled him closer, your lips meeting again, the room seemed to hum with anticipation. And just like that, the night stretched out before you both, filled with promises of more. More than just this, more than just a slip-up. It was clear— this night was just beginning.
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bunniesanddeer · 11 months ago
Just recently found your stories! I love how you write Alastor! I have a request and I apologize if its long.
Reader arrives at the hotel and unbeknownst to everyone they can see people’s pasts, mainly their earthly lives, once they touch them. Which usually isn’t a problem until she meets Alastor. They see his past as well as the fact that his soul is owned by a mysterious entity.
As time goes by, Alastor and reader form something of a friendship and he can sense reader is powerful and repeatedly tries to get them into a soul deal. One evening while at the bar, he’s trying to make a deal when reader, somewhat drunk, states “no power I have can help you with your deal.”
One of those “oh shit” moments and reader runs only to get caught by a very agitated Alastor. They explain how they know and don’t know who the deal is with etc trying to calm him down. He realizes they have known this whole time and not spoken of it so he feels he can trust them.
Sorry sorry sorry this longer then it sounded in my head!
Hi! Sorry this took so long! So much has happened, and yet so little. In the middle of trying to buy a home, and my full-time job has been kicking my butt. Sorry if this is OOC, or anything like that. I have been having a hard time writing at all!
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Pairing: Alastor X Reader
Warnings: Mild horror.
Word Count: 2,093
Maybe it was the psychology degree. Maybe it was that strange empathy that had been instilled into you as a survival response. Either way, you don’t know what caused it; when you ended up in Hell, because of course you did, you found out you had a strange ability, one that startled you. At a single touch, the entirety of someone’s life was made known to you; all their secrets, their thoughts, and even their afterlife. Their lives were heavy burdens, and so you settled on wearing gloves. You could minimize the damage to your psyche, and to your soul, if you avoided it entirely. No one would find out, if there was no risk of you using it.
Time was hard to measure in Hell, and so you couldn’t tell how long it took you to find a comfortable, enough, routine in Hell. You wore soft gloves, and only took them off when alone, or when they got soiled. You had a job, and you were living a boring rerun of your life on Earth. That was until you saw the advertisement for the “Hazbin Hotel”, looking for employees. You recalled the Princess, Charlie, making a fool of herself on the news only a few months prior. She was endearing, and the reminder and call for employees drew your attention. Without thinking too hard on it, your decision had been unconsciously made. You were going to apply. 
The main lobby was large, and had family portraits of the royal family hung on the wall. There was a bar and couches on the far side of the room. There was no one but the bartender in the room. The grumpy cat at the bar drew your eyes, and so you made your way to him. 
“Ah, hello?” You called to him, trying not to startle him. 
Sharp pupils lazily flickered towards you, and the cat-man let out a grunt. 
“I’m here to maybe, apply for a position here,” you continued. You extended a hand and introduced yourself. “I was a therapist, and although it has been some time-”
“I don’t care. You’ll be talkin’ to Charlie,” the bartender interrupted, taking a swig of his drink. “She probably already knows you’re here.”
Sure enough, a white blur was bounding down the steps, exuberance filling every part of  her form. “Oh hello! Hello! My name is Charlie,” she said, grabbing at one of your hands and shaking your whole body with her handshake. “You said you were a therapist?”
Now that she had settled into being mostly still, you could make out her features better. She had blonde hair, loosely tied, and cherub cheeks. Her large eyes were filled with such wild hope, that you feared ever needing to tell her ‘no’. This was the Princess of Hell, Charlotte Morningstar. 
“Uh, yes, I was!” You try to match her tone, and notice other people filling into the lobby. “I specialized in correctional counselor. I worked with those in the prison system, trying to help them avoid recidivism. Along with programs in the prison, we helped them acclimate back to civilian life, and keep their records clean! I also worked with some after they left.”
Charlie’s eyebrows shoot up into her hairline. “Oh wow! That would be PERFECT.” You watch her smile grow, and she turns to the woman that was now standing next to her. “You hear that, Vaggie? This is great, right?”
Although you were hesitant, this felt like the right move. So with a little forced pep to your step, you accepted the offer she made only minutes later, and joined the Hazbin Hotel team. That was before you realized Alastor was there. 
Months into your stay was the first time you accidentally touched anyone. You had been in your room, organizing some of your things, when Alastor barged in, yelling about some Angel Dust annoying him. The two of you had a weird friendship going. He would poke and prod you, and you would laugh it off and speak your mind about what you thought was ‘wrong’ about him — all in good fun, of course. Because of your general comfort with each other, he liked to barge into your personal space more and more often, and it had led to a few close calls. Now, though, was far too close. You weren't wearing gloves, and he had his arm wrapped around your shoulders.
“My dear, you simply must tell Angel Dust that his attempts at wooing are preposterous!” Alastor flipped you around so you were facing him. “He has no musical talent at all, I’m sure! How would it ever work?”
You scrunched up your face, and stared up at him. His bright red pupils widened as you laughed. “Al, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Ah, what fooey!” Alastor grabbed at your hand before you could pull it away, and it happened. Everything. All the terrible words and looks in his childhood. His mother’s soft smile, and her softer hands cupping his face as tears rolled down his cheeks. Angry voices telling him to leave. The cool feeling of metal under his hands. Warm liquid pooling beneath his feet. The chains wrapped around his throat. The abject hate he felt. The way every single choice he made had to be done precisely. The spark of joy he had to smother around people he loosely defined as friends. The control he desired like smoke in his hands. And then it was gone, and Alastor was giving you an odd look. 
“Are you alright, dear?” His head cocked, and the static that constantly coated his words quieted down. His thumb rubbed across your bare skin once, before he pulled his hand away from you, letting it clasp around his microphone. 
“Uh, yeah. Zoned out there, for a moment. No worries,” you said, trying to discourage his well-known prodding. You couldn’t handle it, right now. You shrugged your shoulders. “I didn’t get much sleep, last night, I’m sorry.”
When he finally let it go, and went back to his ranting, your mind slowed down. Now that it had happened, it was only a matter of time before something slipped. Would you die, because of what you knew? Would his master order him to slaughter you, or would he do it happily himself? Or would he use you, thinking that your power could save him, when the inevitable confrontation occurred?
You could only worry and wonder. There was nothing you could do to change it now. And so you kept your mouth shut, and waited.
The inexorable fate that awaited you, came weeks later, when the staff had settled in together to drink. Angel Dust was working, Sir Pentious had squirreled himself away in his room, and Charlie and Vaggie were out having ‘date-night’. The group, including Alastor, were several drinks in. 
Husk poured Alastor another drink, rolling his eyes at the Radio Demon’s antics. Alastor was telling a wild tale, and it had you and Niffty cackling, although it seemed she had heard it before.
“And just as he turns back to yell at me, he slips, and falls! Splat! Straight onto the concrete!” Alastor lets out a raving cackle. Niffty giggles, her drink splashing a bit as her whole body shakes. You wipe a tear from the corner of your eye, and try to calm your breathing.
“That is so fucked up, Al. Why?” You wheeze. “Why do you do this?”
“Because-” and he hiccups, which sets you off into more giggling. “Because life is a tragedy, and tragedy is hilarious.” He sets his drink down, and slots himself onto your seat, squishing you as he does. “As you know, my dear, I take quite a liking to anything that makes me laugh.”
He’s incredibly drunk, there is no way he isn’t, because he fucking taps your nose with one red claw, and mutters “Boop”, under his breath. You shake your head, feeling like you’ve drank more than you had. Your eyes feel the tiniest bit fuzzy and you laugh at the strangeness of it. 
“Are you alright, Al?” You ask, scooting over just a little, trying to get him off of your hip. “You seem out of it.”
Husk grunts, “He’s always like that with whiskey and rye. Should’a seen him a couple years ago-” His voice cuts off, and you look over to see the death glare Alastor is giving him. It settles when the bartender stays quiet with an eye roll. “Oh, whatever.”
Alastor hums, and then returns to looking at you. “You know, my dear, I could really help you out, down here, if we were to make a deal! Imagine setting up your own little clinic, and helping all the wayward souls down here!” He giggles again, and his smile widens. “Or you could manipulate them all to do your bidding with your strange mind medicine!” 
You shake your head. “C’mon Al, you know I’m not interested in that.”
Alastor shakes his head, his ears flopping back a little. “Then not that! There is plenty I could give you, for just one, little deal!”
Without thinking, you mutter, “I have no power that can help you with your deal, Al.” 
Your heart stops in your chest, and you stare at Alastor as his entire demeanor changes. His eyes are wide, and his pupils are tiny pinpricks of light in his dark sclera. His hand grips at the arm of the couch, and you know you’ve fucked up. Before he can say anything, you dart up, and out of the lounge. 
With the sudden surge of adrenaline, you feel nearly sober. Your feet pound at the floor as you dash down the hall, and up the stairs as quickly as you can manage. You slide around a corner, and sprint down a hallway before you hear the static. 
The normal white noise has been replaced with a thick static, heavy with screams, and the hall is getting dark. It feels as if the torches on the wall are being snuffed out, even though you can see them still softly glowing in the dark. Your heart pounds, and your breath catches as you hear Alastor’s music playing at a distance. He’s not nearly far enough behind. Is there anywhere in the hotel you could even hide?
It doesn’t matter, because he’s right behind you in only seconds. His form has grown enormous, and he takes up the entirety of the hallway. One large hand stabilizes him by pressing against the wall, and the other wraps around your torso, fingers wrapping around your form easily. He squeezes you, just enough to let you know how much power he has over you, and he brings you level to his face.
“How do you know?” His voice is rough, and deep, and the static and screams re making your head hurt. When you don’t immediately answer, he squeezes just a little, and shakes you. “HOW DO YOU KNOW?” 
You let out a rough sob. “I can just tell. If I-” your voice cuts out as you cough from the previous exertion. “If I touch someone, I know just about everything about them, from their mortal life, to here in Hell.” Tears roll down your face, and you heave. “I tried to avoid touching you! It’s why I wear gloves! But you caught me off guard a few weeks ago!”
Alastor’s gaze doesn’t waver, but his expression does, just a little. You keep talking.
“I didn’t tell anyone, and I wouldn’t! That goes so far against my morals. You know that. Haha. Patient confidentiality.” You squeeze your eyes shut. “I’m sorry. I wish I could have prevented it, and I wish I could help you now that I know, but I can’t!”
Your form is set on the ground, and you want to curl up, so badly, but you don’t. Instead, you open your eyes, and see Alastor, at his normal size, adjusting himself. 
“Yes, well, I suppose there’s nothing to be done.” He flicks his eyes to you. “If you say anything, ever, I’ll gut you, do you understand?”
You merely nod, and he nods in return. He takes a breath, and then offers you a hand, and you take it. 
He gives you a sly smile, as you are wiping your face off with his handkerchief. “I’ll get a deal out of you, yet, my dear!” And he says nothing more, as the two of you make your way back downstairs. 
You hope, with everything you are, that he doesn’t.
Thank you for reading! My taglist is pinned on my page. I will try to have the two other requests I'm working on out soon! Sorry for the wait. Having a chronic illness, a job, and house huntng is hard, haha!
Taglist: @wen01203 @alastorssimp @girl-nahh-two @numetalnerd2007 @justchillingandhavingfun @alastorssimp @wen01203 @lemonyboy97 @fairyv-ice
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loredrinker · 2 months ago
Solas and Ghilan'nain - Past Lovers?
I’ve got it stuck in my head that Solas and Ghilan’nain were lovers.
I mean, there’s no direct evidence - but can I find narrative elements to make the case? Sure can!
A few splinters lodged themselves in my mind as I played through the game and remembered some details from Inquisition. These thoughts have only burrowed deeper since then.
Starting with this: 
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That’s such a specific thing for Solas to say. It implies he knew her very well. How many late-night conversations or time spent together would it take for him to notice her sensitive nature? And not just notice it, but hold onto it so deeply that he later uses it to try and reach her before she ascends? That feels personal to me.
And his reaction to Ghilan’nain’s use of the Blight to warp creation? It feels like devastation. It’s not just moral outrage - it’s sorrow, disappointment. As though her actions were a betrayal by someone he not only respected but cared for emotionally. Maybe even loved.
The Letters
Then there are their letters - sounding like they were sent long after their relationship would have ended, when Ghilan’nain was preparing for her ascension. They read like a final attempt on Solas’s part to stop someone he once cared for, a last effort to appeal to the person she used to be.
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Solas’s letter to Ghilan’nain still has that intimate and familiar tone. It's once again implying that he spent time with her, observing, understanding, talking about her work with her. He's acknowledging her brilliance but questions the morality of her choices. It makes me wonder: did Ghilan’nain ever share her creations with Solas before releasing them into the wild?
In his letter, Solas is warning her, cautioning her against the Evanuris. He’s worried - not only about the consequences of her actions but also about the possibility of having to oppose her himself, as he eventually did with Mythal. There’s even a sense of protectiveness in his words, as though he’s trying to shield her from the political manipulations of the Evanuris.
If Solas and Ghilan’nain were lovers, it would explain why her choices seem to affect him. They don’t just trouble him on a moral level - they hurt him emotionally. He appeals to the Ghilan’nain he knew in their private moments, urging her to use her talents for the good of “our people”.
And the reference of Andruil brings to mind the tale from The Masked Empire - Fen'Harel and the Tree, where Felassan recounts Fen’Harel being captured by Andruil for 'hunting the halla without her blessing'. (Solas pursuing Ghilan'nain without Andruil's permission or knowledge).
If Andruil was jealous of a relationship between Ghilan’nain and Solas forming (and possibly forming before even Andruil and Ghilan'nain become lovers), her response might have been to try to seduce Solas herself to drive a wedge between them, or to promise Ghilan’nain support and power to pull her away from him. (Check out this fan theory on this love triangle.)
And Solas inserts a jab: 
"Of course, I know why. I hope you gain peace with Andruil. You would not be the first to sacrifice your morals for love." 
This statement is pretty charged. Is there an undercurrent of jealousy or betrayal here? He’s accusing Ghilan’nain of compromising the very values he once believed defined her - values he would have come to know intimately if they had a relationship.
But could Solas also be reflecting on himself here? Perhaps with Mythal? Or, keeping this focused on Solas and Ghilan’nain, could he be admitting that he might have compromised his own values for Ghilan'nain at some point?
It’s all open to interpretation, but that ambiguity is part of what makes this potential pairing so tantalizing. 
Ghilan’nain’s Response
Ghilan’nain’s letter draws a parallel between them, pointing out that neither of them is among the original, godlike firstborn. Could this shared status as outsiders have drawn them together? There’s something seductive about the idea of two outliers finding common ground in a world ruled by the Evanuris.
Her letter also highlights the philosophical divide that separates them. Solas values restraint and ethics, while Ghilan’nain is captivated by the untapped potential of magic - even if it means crossing moral boundaries. Going against the values he thought she held.
And then, she jabs back:
“She supports me, always, in everything.”
It feels like a veiled accusation: Why didn’t you support me the way Andruil does? Perhaps she expected Solas to stand by her as she pursued her evolution, but instead, she finds herself defending her decisions against his judgment. There’s a passive-aggressive edge to her words, reminiscent of Mythal.
Yet, beneath this letter there feels a hint of regret. She shows Solas a lingering connection to her past - maybe even sorrow for the person she used to be.
“At the bottom of the letter is the stamp of a stylized halla head.”
Maybe this is her version of drawing a heart at the end of a letter. Whether intentional or not, it feels significant. Perhaps a reminder of what she once was or a soft plea to Solas: Remember this part of me.
Inquisition Evidence 
When I started looking to see if others shared my thoughts on Solas and Ghilan’nain, I was pleasantly surprised to find that some definitely did - going back to 2018. One fantastic thread started by @liaragaming was a lot of fun to read. It dives into various moments in Inquisition that could be hints to a deeper relationship between the two. I encourage you to read through it.
One thing in particular it mentions is a codex that also caught my attention when I began researching connections between Solas and Ghilan’nain.  
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Pride - capital P.
Ghilan’nain was killing countless beasts for Andruil, but if Pride is Solas, then he stops her - at least to save some of the beasts - and she listens to him. At one point, he held influence over her.
If they were lovers, Solas would have done everything in his power to urge her to resist total submission to the Evanuris, seeing their demands as acts of tyranny and control. But, by convincing her to defy them, even in a small way, he might have unknowingly set in motion tensions between Andruil and Ghilan’nain - tensions that could have ultimately unraveled the bond between Solas and Ghilan’nain as well. Tensions that could have led Andruil to discover that Solas and Ghilan'nain were bumping bits.
What I love about this is how it serves as yet another example of Solas overstepping his bounds with the Evanuris, challenging their authority.
But there are other juicy teases in this thread worth highlighting.
“I know that mistake, to carve the angles of her face from memory.”
What if that line might actually refer to Ghilan’nain - and a betrayal. 
In that same thread, @mrs-gauche points to an ancient elven codex in Inquisition, that talks about a crime of high treason.
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When I read the codex, it feels like it’s referencing Solas taking shape as the Dread Wolf. Ghilan’nain urged him on - encouraged him, maybe even helped him. As a creator of monsters, what if they combined their powers to enable him to shapeshift? If Solas once held enough influence with her that she listened to him, it’s possible he also confided in her about his mistrust of the Evanuris, possibly even early ideas for rebellion against them. Perhaps this “shape” was even her idea, a contribution to his cause. However it happened, it’s clear Elgar’nan was furious that Solas dared to wield a power reserved for the gods.
Now, the phrase “the sinner belongs to Dirthamen” is more complex, especially when considering how language evolves and meaning can be lost over time. It could imply that the sinner (Solas) was an ally or had ties to Dirthamen - perhaps someone Dirthamen valued or sought to defend. This would align with Dirthamen’s association with knowledge and secrets, suggesting that the sinner’s actions might have carried hidden truths that others misunderstood.
Alternatively, it might signify a rite of judgment, where Dirthamen acted as an arbiter, evaluating the sinner’s deeds before passing him to Mythal or Elgar’nan for final judgment.
If Solas is the sinner, Ghilan’nain urging him to take this form may have brought punishment down on her as well. Or, in a bid to save herself, perhaps she betrayed him - revealing this new power to Andruil, or even exposing his early plans of rebellion - who in turn delivered it to Elgar’nan.
And Mythal? If Solas looked to her for protection and she refused? Was this supposed protector of the people acting out of jealousy? A personal rift? Or was she taking her role as an Evanuris so seriously that she believed no one - not even Solas - was above the law?
Yeah ok, I could be reading too much into it, but I'm having fun.
And as I posted yesterday, I’m currently fixated with this Solas dialogue: 
“I have joined my share of causes. But when I offered lessons learned in the Fade, I was derided by my enemies… and sometimes by my allies. Liar. Fool. Madman. There are endless ways to say someone isn’t worth listening to. Over time, it grinds away at you.”
How many betrayals did Solas endure from those closest to him? 
Final Thoughts 
Thematically, the idea of them being lovers could work.
We’re told she was quite the beauty: 
“She was very beautiful - with hair of snowy white - and as graceful as a gazelle.” 
And let’s not forget that Solas is an artist (I’m never letting go of the fact that he paints, composes music, and plays multiple instruments - he is sensualllll). It’s logical that he’d be drawn to her creativity and beauty. Wisdom alone would naturally be drawn to her creativity. 
And as a creator, Ghilan’nain is also an artist, she brought life into existence. Solas might have been captivated by her ability to shape and redefine the world. Her creativity and artistry could have inspired him, while his wisdom and philosophical insights might have deeply resonated with her. Such collaboration could easily have blossomed into something more intimate. 
This is why I’m dying to know more about Solas’s life during this time. We don’t even know half of what he was part of or what he endured. Could you imagine his absolute horror at seeing Ghilan’nain’s shape twisted by the Blight, her descent into madness, and the cruelty she unleashed - all while knowing he couldn’t stop it?
It might all be a stretch, but it’s such deliciously tragic food for thought. Not only did Solas lose Mythal, but Ghilan’nain too.
And when he says to a romanced Inquisitor, “It’s been so long since I could trust someone,” well, no shit.
Well, it's settled - this is officially part of my headcanon now.  
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lovebugism · 1 year ago
If you’re still taking requests for the blurbs could I request my favorite couple Punchy and Steve with this prompt?
“let’s wear matching ugly christmas sweaters to the party! ❞ 
thank u for requesting lovie! — hours before the harrington holiday party, steve's worried if his parents will like you while you think of ways to make the whole thing more fun (punchy x steve universe, hurt/comfort, 0.9k)
blurbcember ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
Cotton sheets cling to Steve’s sweat-slick body. He lies face down on the mattress, curls his golden arms around the pillow that smells most like you, and smushes his cheek into the center of it. He watches with heavy eyelids as you flit around the bedroom, only half-dressed — the high-strung thing that you are.
You stand outside your closet in black cotton underwear and a striped pink bra, ciphering through all of your clothes until you have three different outfits hanging on your arm. They’re all in black, but Steve’s been with you long enough to know that they’re all varying shades of the same color. (He thinks you might’ve made up the color heather grey charcoal, though).
“I take it you’re excited for tonight?” the boy teases when you set your clothes on the foot of the mattress. His smile is rosy and half-hidden in the pillow, weighed down by fatigue and all the love he has for you.
“Of course, I am!” you insist, giddy in a way he hasn’t really seen you. “You’re not?”
“No,” he answers plainly, pouting like a child.
Your laugh sounds like sunshine compared to the rain cloud he is. “Don’t be so grumpy. It’ll be fun.”
Steve scoffs and turns onto his back, folding his toned arms under his wild head. The thin sheet wraps around his waist accordingly. His chestnut-colored happy trail peeks from beneath it — just for you, you think.
“It’s a Christmas party. At my parents’ house,” he explains in a monotone. “I think that's the furthest thing from fun, babe.”
“Well, we can make it fun,” you shrug, as unfazed as ever. It makes sense. Excitement tends to follow you wherever you go. “We can, like, sneak in booze or something. Oh— or smoke in your childhood bedroom! That would be fun.”
“My parents would freak.”
You think for a moment, then shrug again. “I mean, we could wear matching ugly Christmas sweaters or something. That’s innocent and fun.”
Steve doesn’t mean to laugh, but a small chuckle spills from his kiss-bitten mouth before he can stop it. “You’re so cute,” he mumbles lowly, honey eyes sparkling with amusement and adoration.
“I know,” you concur as you smooth out the skirt of a black lace dress. You try to be nonchalant about the way his simple compliment stirs rays of sunshine within you, but they come bursting out of your sheepish smile anyway. “Thank you…”
“You’re welcome,” he says, huffing as he rises on the mattress. Still slightly exhausted, he slouches and reaches lazily for you. His dramatic grabby hands make you scoff, but you gravitate towards him without thinking twice.
You fold your legs beneath you as his wide palms smooth over your waist. He squeezes gently at your love handles and tries to muster a smile. The pink expression wavers slightly at the edges.
“Just… Just don’t take it too hard if my parents are assholes at first, okay? Or if they’re, you know, cold or whatever. They’re not usually fans of… fun.”
Your grin never falters. “That’s okay,” you assure, light and sincere. “I’m one of the two town freaks, remember? I’m kinda used to people not liking me.”
You giggle about it, but Steve’s chest starts to ache. He thinks his heart might be breaking a little.
“They just need to get to know you, you know? Then they’ll fall in love with you. I know they will.”
His confidence makes you cower. You’re not as sure as he is about the whole thing. You’re not exactly rich-parent, nice-house, good-side-of-town material. You think you might be the exact opposite of who most people would want to bring home to their parents.
“You think so?” you murmur, hands fidgetting where they rest on the outsides of his biceps. You hope he doesn’t notice how clammy they are.
“I mean… I did,” he answers with a scrunched nose and twinkling eyes.
A beat of silence passes. Steve smiles until you roll your eyes at him. Then his brows pinch. “What’s that face for?” he asks, chuckling at the frown that furrows your brows.
“You’re so cheesy,” you grumble, shoving gently at his bare chest. Not enough to push him away, of course. Just enough to make a point.
His laugh is golden and utterly boyish. “But it’s true!”
“I know,” you insist with a small scoff in place of a laugh. “You didn’t look twice at me in high school, and now you’re naked in my bed. So obviously something switched.”
Steve flashes you a lopsided grin and tilts his scruffy jaw to his freckled shoulder. “Is it everything you ever dreamed of?” he teases.
“Oh. Totally,” you laugh. “I definitely had a wet dream about this once.”
His face swirls in disdain. “You’re disgusting.”
“And you love me. So who’s the real freak here?”
“It’s always gonna be you,” he says with a big, dumb smile. You roll your eyes again but let him kiss you, anyway. He tastes like sex and the frozen pizza you made him after. You’re sure you taste much of the same.
“And guess what?” he wonders when he pulls away.
Your face falls flat. You humor him even though you know what’s coming. “What?”
“I’m always gonna love you for it, too—”
You shove him away entirely. His boyish laugh follows you all the way to the bathroom.
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lowkeyrobin · 1 year ago
hey! (just wanna say I really love your writing and especially the ones on mental health)
could I ask for more of the reactions to an Australian accent, but with the cricket crew instead? (those who are okay with x reader ofc)
tysm!!! have a wonderful day!
ah omg thank you 🫶🫶🫶 I've been working really hard esp on those ones + the fact I've always kinda struggled w mental health stuff so I rlly pour my heart out into those ; and he's of course!! sorry if I misunderstood you on that last one by the way LMAO ; gonna keep this as a oneshot tho because it was way easier than a preference format for some reason ; also I wish we got more freddie, tommy, tubbo & ranboo pics while we could 😔🙏
HANDSOME BROS ; australian accent
summary ; youre the only aussie in a group of british kids (and an american)
warnings ; language, lots of ball jokes (sorry tommy)
word count ; 1.4k
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Showing up for Tubbathon 2024 was a wild one.
Having your hand duct taped to Tommy's was also a whole thing in itself. At least you weren't working with Ranboo, who had no idea how to cook, unlike their poor partner Freddie. Recipe For Disaster was probably a horrible idea to join.
You and Tommy, Green Team, versus Ranboo and Freddie, Orange Team.
You'd never really talked on stream before. You either communicated through Minecraft signs or in-game chats. If you did speak, however, you'd often use a voice changer to make you seem a little more understandable, as you knew your accent was a bit difficult to understand sometimes.
You'd also met with your friends in real life before, of course, but you made sure the entire trip you strained your voice to sound a little more understandable.
But, now cooking with one of your long-time friends, the big guy TommyInnit himself, you didn't seem as worried or insecure when you spoke. I mean, you'd barely spoken, but you were in a comfortable environment - Tubbo's house - and were accompanied by friends you'd known for a long time now.
The stream had started and Tubbo had explained your rules, leaving the two groups to get to cooking.
"Hey, mate, can you hold the bowl while I stir the eggs?" You kindly ask Tommy, wriggling a whisk out of the jar between the stations.
The blonde blinks in silence, staring at you, "Your accent went 0 to 100 very quickly, Y/n/n" He giggles.
"Wait, what?" You glance about, feeling a little nervous as you plop the whisk into the measuring cup, needing to stir the eggs.
"Not in a bad way! Like, I never noticed your fuckin' accent was so, like, heavy before? You didn't sound like that last time we met up, or talked" He shrugs as he explains himself.
"Oh" You shrug, watching as he secures his free hand around the handle of the glass measuring cup. You begin to whisk the eggs, poking at the yolks to make it go a little bit faster. "I mean, I usually use a little voice changer to make me a little more understandable"
"Ohhhhh, wait, that makes sense" He nods, "Ow! Calm down, I'm not trying to get surgery on my wrist now!" He quickly pulls his hand away, feeling something pop.
"Shit, I'm sorry! Are you alright?"
He bites his tongue, nodding as you reach for his hand. "I'm good"
You gently grab his wrist, quickly and lightly kneading the area for him.
Ranboo looks up, seeing you two distracted in your green aprons. "They're taking a massage therapy break already" they comment, tapping Freddie on the shoulder.
"C'mon, man up, Tommy! You'll be okay" Freddie lightly smiles, cracking a few eggs over the measuring cup, which they'd just struggled to find.
"Dude, I just had surgery on my crowned jewels, I don't think I will!"
"Good God, help me now" You chuckle
Ranboo and Freddie go silent for a moment before the boy with the red hair speaks up.
"You weren't kidding about the voice changer, were you?"
You shake your head no, "Why would I lie about that, mate?"
The two shrug, hearing Tubbo fake yell at them for cheating since they were conversing with you. The four of you jokingly plan a rebellion that you'd put into place for later, deciding to focus on the food right now.
"Tommy, Tommy, the plate, not the floor! If you drop that I'll actually kill you"
"It's on the damn plate!"
Tommy quickly sets the pan down to help you fold the guacamole together, using his one hand to hold the bowl while you rushingly mix it all up. From the avocados to the lemon juice, you got it to a nice consistency, and, with a struggle, get a dab of it on the paper plate you were given next to the burrito.
"I think he's gonna like it either way, considering most of what he eats, he orders." You shrug, setting the bowl of guacamole down.
Tommy lightly laughs, "Yeah, that's true"
You were finished before the timer, luckily, however, Freddie and Ranboo were still working, using each hand to do their own tasks to work a little faster.
"Tubbo, can you understand me with my accent this thick?" You shout into the other room, purposely making your voice and accent sound a bit thicker to try and mess wirh him.
It's silence until he answers, like he needed to translate your words. "Barely!"
You and Tommy laugh, chatting away while the other group works.
"What's Australia even like? Just like... giant spiders and kangaroos?"
"Holy shit"
"I'm serious! It's not like I'm going anytime soon"
"Well, it's not that. It's like the UK but much warmer, and yeah, kinda scarier. It's like a real-life Better Minecraft mod"
"You guys have armored skeletons attacking you??" Tommy laughs as he teases you.
"I hate you!" You laugh
"I love how you say 'you', it sounds so dumb"
"It sounds like how you Brits say it!" You smile, using your free hand to try and fight him in a playful manner.
"Dumb in a nice way! Dumb in a nice way!" He shouts, trying to use his free hand to protect himself from the cat fight. "They weren't lying when they said you Aussies fight like wild animals, what's next, you gonna kick the shit out of me?" He asks, egging you on.
"I'm gonna kick you in the crown jewels if you don't shut up!" You joke, making him scream in terror, probably killing the viewers' ears as well.
He yelps, falling back as he drags you down with him, having slipped on himself.
"Jesus Christ, they've broken each other's backs off that floor, I heard it" Freddie lightly laughs, holding the paper plate up for Ranboo so they could put the food on it. "I think Y/n's dead"
"Tubbo! We need the ambulance!" Ranboo laughs, "Get Eryn back here, they actually can't get up! The tied hands have impaired them tremendously"
"Tommy, just stand up!"
"My balls hurt!"
"Then let me stand up, I can't when you're holding your dick together!"
Eryn quickly rushes over, helping the both of you stand up slash getting Tommy to release his tied hand from his crotch. You help him up and pat him on the shoulder with your free hand as Tubbo wraps up the time.
In the end, your groups nearly tied, you and Tommy one point behind Freddie and Ranboo. Honestly, they did deserve the win.
"I still can't believe you fooled us with the voice changer, even changing your voice in real life. I swear, you sound totally different," Freddie lightly chuckles, freeing himself from the apron.
"In a good way, though" Ranboo adds, "Your accent is really fucking cool, trust me"
You lightly smile, freeing yourself from Tommy's sweaty hands. "Thanks- ow, holy shit!"
"You think that hurt?" The blonde teases, having ripped the rest of the duct tape of your hands.
"Piss off"
After the stream ended, Tubbo turned on some music while you guys cleaned up. He and Eryn were sorting out the lights, cameras, and microphone while the four of you cleaned up the kitchen. You decided to clean each other's messes, trying to make it a little more enjoyable, which none of you minded.
The music, picked my Tubbo himself, was an early 2000s hip hop mix, titled something like 'Greatest 2000s Hip Hop Hits' or something. And of course, Ranboo and Tommy were getting down to it, mostly leaving you and Freddie to do the cleaning while you laughed at them singing and dancing along.
Tommy was bouncing around, not focused on cleaning whatsoever as he tugs on your hand, wanting you to join in.
"Y/n, Freddie, cmon!"
"This isn't High School Musical, dude" You reply
"You deserve a break!" Ranboo shouts, pulling Freddie into whatever fucked up dance trapezoid you guys had going on.
You sigh and set down the cups you were washing and turn the water off. You spray the water from your hands on Freddie, starting a war as you join their little dance party.
Freddie gasps and smiles, throwing the little bit of water in the measuring cup at you in retaliation.
"Australian versus Brit! Who will win!?" Tommy shouts with a little laugh.
"Hopefully not the American"
You fake shudder and nod. "Yeah, I agree with that, Ranboo"
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glasstableprincess · 5 days ago
Firework show. (NSFW!) Ace x Oc/Y/n
I made this semi my oc bc my oc has like fire and firework powers but I wanted this to be enjoyable for others that wanna roleplay as my oc.
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Ace's breath hitched, a phantom sting lingering where the vibrant, almost playful, flames had kissed his skin. He flexed his singed fingers, the faint scent of burnt sugar and sulfur a stark contrast to the usual salty tang of the sea air. The memory of your heat, the way it bloomed and pulsed, replaced the phantom pain with a different, more potent kind of warmth.
The remnants of your power, a swirling, vibrant echo of fireworks and wildfire, still danced on his tongue, a taste he couldn't quite place. It was a delicious, dangerous burn, a reminder of the raw, untamed energy that pulsed within you. He remembered the way your body had arched, the soft gasps that turned into sharp, almost feral cries as his touch ignited your own internal inferno.
Now, standing on the deck of the Moby Dick, the curious gazes of his crewmates bore into him. "Ace, what happened to your fingers?" Thatch asked, his voice laced with concern. Marco chimed in, having seen the burns closer. "Yeah… You look like you burned them."
He froze, the question echoing the raw intensity of the previous night. The image of you, a swirling vortex of fire and light, overwhelmed his senses. His mind raced, searching for a plausible explanation, but all he could conjure were vivid flashes of your skin flushed with heat, the way your flames had danced around his touch, the way his tongue had traced the delicate lines of your form as you erupted in a blaze of your own making.
He swallowed, the phantom sting of your fire now a burning blush creeping up his neck. The words caught in his throat, a mix of desire and the sheer absurdity of trying to explain the consequences of your shared inferno. How could he possibly articulate the way your power, untamed and wild, had turned his own touch into a brand, a mark of your shared, fiery passion? Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse… You walked onto the deck, your gaze falling on the three of them.
Ace cleared his throat nervously, his eyes darting towards the floor as he fiddled with his now burnt but healing fingers. It wasn't his fault you were so easy to… flare up. You had similar powers to Ace, but without a Devil Fruit, your abilities manifesting as fire or fireworks. Usually, when intense emotions like pleasure, sadness, anger, or envy took hold, you became… fiery. So, during their intimate moment, you unintentionally burnt his three fingers and tongue. Thankfully, neither of you were harmed by the fire itself, but physical damage was still a possibility. If they could see his tongue, they would surely notice its abnormally vibrant red hue.
"Ah…uh…" he stuttered, scratching the back of his head, the blush on his face deepening. He glanced at Thatch and Marco, who were still eyeing his burnt fingers with concern. The corner of his mouth twitched into a sheepish, forced smile. "Well…you know how it is, right? I'm always clumsy..." he said, hoping his nonchalance would diffuse the situation.
But your presence only heightened his embarrassment. He could still vividly recall the taste of you, the sound of your moans against his lips. It was impossible to ignore the pull towards you, the way his heart raced whenever you were near.
"Just…got careless with some fireworks last night," he lied smoothly, averting his gaze from your knowing expression. The lie rolled off his tongue effortlessly, years of pirate life honing the skill. "Nothing to worry about," he assured, holding up his hand with a casual wave.
Inside, though, he felt anything but casual. He craved another taste of your fire, the rush of adrenaline as your flames danced around him. And there you were, a living embodiment of everything he desired and feared. The urge to reach out, to pull you close, to apologize for the burns was strong, but he held back. For now, he'd let the secret simmer between them.
Marco and Thatch looked confused. They weren't aware Ace had fireworks, but… Ace was always reckless. And they had indeed heard some sort of fireworks last night. However, Thatch wasn't buying Ace's story easily, his eyes finding yours and giving you a skeptical look. Marco was thinking the same thing but didn't want to jump to any conclusions, knowing it would fluster you both and probably make both of you go on fire. Again. Marco raised a doubtful eyebrow. "With three fingers and your tongue? Sounds a bit… specific."
A shiver went down Ace's spine as he remembered the way his tongue had swirled and dipped, the way your moans had grown louder, more desperate. Your fingers had gripped his hair, your nails digging into his scalp as the intensity built. Then, a sudden, sharp burst of heat, and a searing pain had shot through his fingers and across his tongue, the taste of you replaced by the acrid tang of burnt flesh. He'd pulled back, his eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and concern, but you'd only gasped, your body still trembling with the aftershocks of your release. He began to think about the way your breath had hitched, soft whimpers escaping your lips as his fingers slipped inside you, the friction building the heat within you. Your flames, usually contained, began to flicker and dance along your skin, a visual representation of the rising pleasure. He'd dipped his head, his tongue tracing the delicate folds of your core, and your fire had erupted, a wave of heat washing over him. The taste of you, a blend of sweetness and sulfur, had filled his senses as your body convulsed around him, your internal fire igniting his own... Oh and when you came? When you came... It felt like fireworks popping and sizzling on his tongue your sweet juices flowing onto his tongue like fire... He knows it's bad for him. But you know Ace loved it as much as you did in the heat of the moment.
"I swear it's nothing, Marco... I'm fine. I just... Got a little carried away with something-"
"Something or someone?" you replied, finally breaking your silence. Ace's eyes widened in shock… He knew how bold you were, but fuckkk—you were driving him insane. That playful look in your eyes and that teasing little smirk on your face… Thatch and Marco's eyes darted between you and Ace. It didn't take long to put the pieces together. Oh but when you put two and two together what do you get? A very hot mess.
Looks like Ace was playing with fire. Literally.
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 1 year ago
I saw someone saying that the farmer is “special” (explaining why they always get to see the blue jellyfish every summer) and this idea came to my head.
May I request some headcanons on the adventurer’s POV where they realized the farmer is “special”, and kinda fall for them the moment they realized that?
Think of it as like the lantern scene between Eugene and Rapunzel in Tangled. Thanks in advance ^^
Honestly, it turned out more like one-shot than headcanon, but I hope you enjoy this format as well, dear anon. Thanks for the ask! 🫰💕
It had been so long since Alesia had set foot in the Cindersap Forest. The last time she'd been here was probably ten years ago, when Marlon had taken her to train and gather mushrooms for brewing elixirs. It hadn't changed much since she'd moved to Castle Village, so it would be easy for her to remember all the paths here. Venturing deeper into the forest, she scrutinised the majestic poplars, looking for the secluded spots of mushroom colonies and simply enjoying nature. After all, she had missed the forest...
The archer's attention was drawn to some movement behind the dense blackberry bushes. Crouching down and trying not to make a sound, she curiously crept closer and closer until she finally reached the bushes. What Alesia saw made her very surprised. She had expected to see a fox or a grouse, but instead she saw the Farmer surrounded by wild deer.
A young male, three females, and four fawns - one big friendly family of noble creatures that surrounded the Farmer and would not let them pass. The adult deer licked Farmer's hands, jostling slightly in an attempt to take all attention for themselves, while the little fawns jumped and galloped around unrestrainedly. One even stole a tasty cave carrot from the Farmer's basket.
Alesia was so amused by this picture, how all these forest creatures demanded the Farmer's attention, affection, to be scratched behind the ears... And the way the Farmer glows with happiness, how they genuinely laugh and smile...
The crunch of a dry branch that the sniper stepped on immediately made all the deer turn their heads in her direction and prick up their ears. The male shook the signal and the whole herd galloped away, leaving the slightly confused Farmer alone.
Alesia emerged from the bushes and nodded a greeting to Farmer.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare them," she smiled slightly guiltily at Farmer.
"Actually, I should thank you. They follow me around forever when I'm picking berries in the forest," Farmer was still smiling just as broadly. "Or else they'd steal all my carrots from me!"
That event was something Alesia would remember for a long time after returning to the Galdoran Continent.
The Lunaloo migration, or Moonlight Jellies as they are commonly known, is perhaps one of the most majestic phenomena Lance has ever seen. They are frequent visitors not only to the Stardew Valley, but also to Ginger Island, so Lance was able to enjoy the beautiful sight without leaving his post.
Once again, the pale light emanating from the magical jellyfish illuminated the entire shore. Lance sensed this energy and quickly teleported to the docks. However, he didn't know that there were more spectators here who had come to see the jellyfish.
Farmer had been on Ginger Island for a month now and their presence wasn't too surprising. But as far as the pink-haired adventurer could remember, all the people of the Valley come together on this day. So why is the Farmer here? And alone?
Lance wanted to call out to them, but stopped himself when he noticed something even more unusual: at least five green, Shining Lunaloo were swimming very close to Farmer when they put their hand into the sea water. Such jellyfish were very rare, and the fact that there were as many as five floating near Farmer...
"A wonderful sight, don't you think?" Lance thought to himself that he should learn not to scare people with his sudden appearance, for this was the second time he'd made them jump in surprise. "Sorry, my friend, didn't mean to disturb you."
"That's okay, don't worry," Farmer assured him, and then their attention turned back to the jellyfish. "Look how beautiful!" they pointed with their hand at the glowing water.
"Beautiful creatures, indeed," Lance agreed.
The two stood in silence for half a minute, only the sound of the sea waves and the distant noise of the local jungle fauna could be heard.
"You know," Farmer broke the silence, "I don't know why, but those jellyfish, the green one, always come near me. Strange, isn't it?"
"Lunaloo are creatures imbued with magic. So it's no wonder they sense magic in you, too." Or something special, Lance wanted to add, but decided not to distract the Farmer any further with conversation, examining the jellyfish closer and setting himself up for dreamy thoughts.
Fireflies... They were strange creatures, at least to Isaac, who had never seen fireflies. In fact, neither had he seen any of the other fauna of the forest. The dark-haired adventurer was so used to the quicksand and bloody fog of the Crimson Baldlans that he was beginning to wonder about fireflies. Even the gardens created by their witch Camilla in Castle Village can't compare to the beauty of nature. And yes, Isaac was a connoisseur of beauty too, even but only a couple of people knew it.
He was standing on the dock near Marlon's boat, enjoying the silence of the night and the scenery of Adventurer Summit. And then, it flew past him - a glowing bug that caught the Isaac's attention. The firefly flew higher and higher, and without knowing why, Isaac followed the insect up the stairs. What was his surprise when the firefly he was following headed straight for the Farmer, who was surrounded by dozens of other fireflies.
Like a large camp lantern, they stood motionless, trying not to scare away the bugs that had managed to land on their sleeves. Noticing Isaac, the Farmer chugged a smile.
"Hey, good night. Um. Yeah, I know I look a little silly for you, right?" Silence was the answer for Farmer, and they weren't surprised at that - Isaac was a man of few words. The most they could hear from the monster hunter was a snort because the Farmer had once again interrupted his rest and enjoyment of solitude with his noisy company.
But the scarred man had a completely different look - there was no rolling of the eyes, no irritation, no anger, no indifference. His gaze was so soft and so unnatural to Isaac that the Farmer was a little confused.
Isaac, after all, was a connoisseur of beauty, and now he was looking at something more beautiful. Maybe something more beautiful than even the fireflies.
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bruisedboys · 2 years ago
congrats on 4k mal!!!! so so deserved ily!!!! for HONEYBODY can i request a meet cute moment with mechanic!eddie <3
omg hi anna babe! I’m so sorry this took me so long, it’s also really short and kind of awful but. I tried <33
super embarrassing but I don’t know a thing about cars so I’m sorry if this is vague or inaccurate
mechanic!eddie munson x gn!reader
The walk back to your car from the telephone box feels dehumanising. You’re embarrassed, you’re frustrated, you’re hot. Your car refuses to start and you’ve had to call the local mechanics to come and pick up you and your useless hunk of metal with wheels. As if you weren’t embarrassed enough, stuck on the side of the road while cars whiz past you in both directions.
By the time you get back to your car you’re sweating and irritated. The guy on the phone said his coworker would be here in five minutes so you get back in the drivers seat in search of some shade. It’s warm and sticky inside the car but at least the sun isn’t taunting you anymore.
A few minutes later a truck pulls up next to you. A younger guy with a head full of wild curls and tattoos all up the arm that’s draped over the car door sticks his head out.
“You’re Y/N?”
You nod. “Yeah.”
“‘Kay.” He flashes you a grin, pearly whites blinding in the bright sun. “Lemme park and I’ll get to checking out your car.”
You get out of your car while he parks in front of you and then you watch him get out of his truck. He’s in a graphic tank with grease stains all over it and dark grey coveralls tied around his waist. His curly, wild hair is tied back in a messy knot at the back of his head. He’s wearing more jewellery than you are, a big chunky necklace and a cool spiky earring, a dangly silver earring on the other ear. He’s really quite handsome, and you don’t have time to process this information before he’s standing right in front of you.
“Hey,” he says, toolbox clanging where it dangles from his hand. He smiles at you warmly. “I’m Eddie. Wayne sent me to come check your car.”
Wayne, the guy you’d talked to on the phone. You nod and try not to stare at Eddie’s arm as he sets the toolbox on the hood of your car. It’s covered top to bottom in black tattoos, inky designs stretched across his pale skin. You swallow.
“Uh— yeah. Yeah, it stopped and then wouldn’t start,” you explain, a bit uselessly but it’s hard to think when your mechanic is so wildly attractive. “I tried everything, but it’s kind of a piece of junk so I’m not surprised.”
Eddie grins at you lopsidedly. “Right. Well, let me have a look at it and see if I can figure out the problem. If not, we’ll tow it back to the shop. Sound okay?”
You nod. Anything would sound okay coming out of his mouth, you think.
Eddie pops the hood of your car while you stand to the side, unsure what to do. You could stand here and watch him, his arms as he turns knobs and screws, tattoos stretched taut across his bicep muscles. But you’re melting in the hot sun, and you think you might pass out from reasons other than the sun if you watch him any longer.
Eddie must sense your awkwardness. Or at least, see the sweat collecting on your forehead.
“Do you want to go sit in my truck?” He asks you, emerging from under the hood sweaty and grinning. “Y’can put the air conditioning on, it’s hot as balls out here.”
“Oh, um. No, that’s okay. I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?” Eddie looks at you from under his lashes, concerned. “You look like you’re melting, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. Your heart does a funny jump to your throat that makes it difficult to speak. To breathe, even. You find yourself being led over to the truck by Eddie, his hand on your wrist, thumb at your pulse point. He opens the passenger door and lets you climb in, then rounds to the driver’s side. There’s a miniature red guitar keyring dangling from the rear view mirror. Eddie sticks his keys in the ignition and hits the aircon button, humming to himself all the while.
Immediately you’re hit with a cool wave of air and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Feels good, right?” Eddie asks, grinning.
It’s impossible to miss the implication, even though you know he didn’t mean it to be there at all. Your chest goes tight and his ears go bright red. It’s kind of adorable.
“I mean the aircon,” he says quickly. “It’s nice. I just got it installed last weekend, Wayne made me pay for it myself, but, um …” He trails off, ears a hot red and his cheeks dusted pink. He meets your eyes and grimaces. “You don’t care. I’ll be out here, if you need anything.”
He gives you an awkward two fingered salute and then disappears. You hear him groan to himself as he walks away.
You laugh to yourself, totally charmed. For once, you’re glad your car is such a nuisance.
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i-mybrunettelady · 6 months ago
hail, mighty hero
zaeim and nyra share a moment in kourna. set during long live the lich (lws4). mind the spoilers. 2k words. mature.
Allied Encampment is bustling with life. But it’s not the kind of life that would indicate happiness; in Zaeim’s head, that kind of life is almost a fragment of his imagination. It certainly is for the poor souls of Istan, or even Vabbi. Here in Kourna and the real world, it’s a life of anxiety, a life of uncertainty, of vague hope. People are carrying their restlessness with them and looking up at the leaders of this makeshift resistance group to make sense of it. 
Zaeim feels that burden intensely. He guides his Sunspears, makes plans, tries his hardest to not break nor bend under pressure. Every time he sees a wounded or dying Elonian, he sends a prayer to Kormir and it weighs his heart down even further. Every time there’s an accident, or a failed scouting mission, Zaeim wonders if they’re all going to die and Joko will remain the tyrant of Elona forever. 
So when he feels this way, he turns to Nyra. She stands tall, proud, indomitable and entirely mad. Her eyes shine with something wild and barely restrained, like fate itself had carved a chasm in her soul so now she’s trying to rebuild it back with parts of the real world. She attracts attention wherever she goes and people flock to her like moths to flame. From a distance, she looks radiant. Up close, Zaeim wonders when she’s going to burn out entirely. 
She can’t seem to fight off a sunburn from days in the sands and amongst the army. Her hair, short, messy and in constant disarray, has lightened to a near blonde, a contrast to the areas of her face that caught the beginnings of a tan. She has growing dark circles under her eyes and ever-present dirt beneath her nails, be it blood or tar or whatever else. Comfortable tunics she wears are more filled with creases and dust by the day, patched where they’d gotten nicked in the fights with Awakened. She hardly looks like their leader, Zaeim thinks, as worn out and bitter and restless as everyone else. 
He knows deep down, however, that it is her light this whole thing is centered around. And so, he can’t look away. Especially not when they’re discussing tactics, when she’s explaining things in that strangely accented Elonian of hers, or when she settles on a decision and cuts a clear line in the sand. I have listened to your suggestions. From this point on, you are with me or against me. 
Hardly anyone dares oppose her.
And thus Zaeim finds himself drawn to the moments where he’s with her. He likes the reassurance in her eyes. He likes the subtle nature of her smiles. “I’ve never been very expressive, in terms of.. Face,” she said one night, reclining against a wall. Zaeim raised his gaze to her face. “Do you mind that?”
“Some people are simply not,” he replied, with more eagerness than he’d intended. “I don’t doubt that you’re genuine about this and about Elona. Kormir knows you want Joko dead as much as anyone else here.” 
“There can only be one biggest dick in this desert, yeah?” she huffed and blew a curl of hair away from her nose. “For fuck’s sake, I need my hair to grow faster.” 
Zaeim smiled. “That growth spurt went elsewhere with you, it would seem.” 
Nyra laughed. It was a solid, deep sound, echoing in the small cottage they’d claimed as their base of command. “I’d say Joko stole it and I wanna get it back.” 
“Or Sayida.” 
“Sayida is wiser than Joko.” 
Zaeim shook his head. “Debatable, but I will not argue with you.” 
“That’s smart,” Nyra said, in a gravelly tone. If he hadn’t known better, he would’ve suspected a threat. “You are wise too.” 
Zaeim doesn’t consider himself wise. He doesn’t think Nyra herself is wise, either. All he knows is that between them, and supposedly Sayida, and the Olmakhan and the Primeval ghosts, they can take down Joko and see a free Elona. 
Sometimes, that is enough. 
Other times, though, he wants to see Nyra the woman, Nyra the person behind the legend. Then he watches her movements, and notices, rather quickly, that her right shoulder is almost always stiff by the end of the day. She’s careful to not move her right hand much unless she has to, and the occasional stretch she does brings about a pained expression. She doesn’t bring it up, however. 
He understands. He has old wounds too. But in the grand scheme of Alysannyra Ainsaph, that one thing feels like a game changer. She goes from a symbol to a person, and from person to a symbol in a way Zaeim is familiar with, as the Spearmarshal. It makes him want to hold her close, feel the heat of her skin and the roughness of her sunburnt cheeks, in a union that so few people can actually understand. 
She comes to him in a dream, once, and there, she kisses him. And maybe Joko kills them all without Zaeim ever having tried to recreate that dream in real life. Zaeim hopes he musters up the courage to try. 
Opportunity presents itself rather unexpectedly. There is an Awakened Inquest incursion that Nyra herself chooses to annihilate, and that has her painfully rolling her shoulder to try and relieve the ache of it all day. In a break between planning, when the maps are in the safety of Canach’s hands for the moment, Zaeim takes a chance to lean in and whisper in Nyra’s ear, “Does your shoulder hurt?” 
Nyra almost hits his head as she raises hers. “What?” 
Zaeim blinks and steps away. “I noticed your shoulder is stiff and I wanted to offer relief. There is something that us Sunspears use and that I have a little bit of in my pack for old injuries.” 
“Relief, Spearmarshal?” Canach snickers, still looking at the maps. “I do think our dear Commander would love some relief! She’s had so much on her shoulders for this little war of yours–” 
“That’s what you take from this,” Nyra drawls, unimpressed. “Anyone you wanna fuck, Canach?” Zaeim blushes. 
“My hand suffices, Commander.” 
“Good. Stay out of the poor Spearmarshal’s business then. Maybe his hand doesn’t suffice.” 
Miraculously, Canach backs down. He offers Nyra a smile and returns the maps in her hands. “I will ponder on the tactics, Nyra,” he says quietly. “I will also see if Gorrik has any advice on the matter.” 
“Gorrik?” Nyra raises an eyebrow. She huffs out a breath and leans in. “Lie better next time, you asshat.” 
Canach grins. “He knows more than you think he does, Nyra.” 
“Oh, indeed.” 
“Get lost, though,” she jerks her head towards the door. “Think about tactics elsewhere.” 
Canach salutes her and heads to the door. He makes sure to close them as loudly as he possibly can without breaking the damn thing. Zaeim watches him go and crosses his arms over his chest. His face feels hot still and he digs his nails into the exposed skin of his upper arms. Yes, Kormir curse him, he does want to sleep with Nyra, and is that a crime? Is it a bad thing if a man wants to sleep with a woman? 
“Zaeim,” Nyra says, “if you frown any harder, you’ll get a permanent wrinkle.” 
“Wrinkles are the least of my concerns,” Zaeim grumbles and looks away. He then clears his throat. “I hope you’re not offended that I–” 
“That you find me attractive?” Nyra taps a nail against the table. The wide stance she’d assumed earlier when talking to Canach now becomes a long, lean form. The wood creaks under her weight when she leans against the table. “No.” 
“But?” Zaeim looks back at her again. She’s rubbing her clothed arms. She’s the only fully clothed and covered person in this entire camp, barring Gorrik and Taimi. She has bandages up to her knuckles. “Are you hurt?”
“Zaeim, I’m more scar tissue than skin behind this patched up tunic,” she says after a while and laughs awkwardly. Zaeim stares. It somehow never crossed his mind that she too might have insecurities. His head has a hard time wrapping itself around that notion, that the Godkiller and Dragonslayer is insecure about her scars of all things. 
“That is hardly a concern to me, if it is any consolation,” he offers softly. “There are a lot of scarred Sunspears.” 
She looks him up and down. Her eyes linger on his arms and legs and on the peek of his chest, before she looks him directly in the eye. Zaeim squirms under inspection. He knows he looks older than he is; life of a Sunspear is hardly easy, and beauty is the first thing to go when you choose to defy Joko. In the grand scheme of things, it’s least relevant. But right now Zaeim wishes very hard that he’d been born a noble, a prince of Vabbi or Istan, someone she would find easy to look at. 
“For what’s worth, I think you’re attractive too,” she says and Zaeim’s head shoots up. She sounds a little sad. 
Zaeim breathes out. “I still have my ointment, if you’d like it.” 
She considers for a moment, and as if to prove a point, goes to roll her shoulder. She stops halfway. “Yes,” she says. She rises from the table that creaks thankfully, and carefully pulls some of her tunic down to reveal her right shoulder. Zaeim sees the tail ends of angry, dark pink burns, but when she catches it, she raises the sleeve so they’re covered again. 
He doesn’t ask. Instead, he points towards a little stool near him. She walks over, playing with the material of her sleeve, and turns her back to him as she sits. His breath catches in his throat. The scar there is gnarly, deep, like something had tried to tear her spine off. It sits in an uneven line at a weird angle too. 
“It would’ve been worse without surgery,” she says, distantly. 
“Is there a way to–”
“No.” The finality of her response makes him close his mouth and dig through his pack. He unscrews the little clay pot and a familiar, slightly pungent scent spreads across the room. Zaeim says nothing as he softly rubs the cream into the knotted flesh. The only sounds in the room are the scoops his fingers make and their breathing, rugged and tense. 
She has tan lines, he notices. Her skin is hot where he touches it. Every so often she turns her head to look at him, and her eyes seem so impossibly big and insistent, conflicted in a way he can’t possibly decode. The sunburn makes their purple hue stand out even more. Zaeim’s hands itch to touch and caress more of her. He imagines his lips on her exposed neck, his hands in her hair. This close, she’s less of a symbol and more of a living, breathing person, with dark circles and a haunted stare and greasy hair, and he cannot get enough of it. 
“Kiss me,” she says. Her voice is rough and rich and breathy. It echoes in Zaeim’s ears like a drum. 
“Gladly,” Zaeim mutters and closes the clay pot. He could die tomorrow; it would’ve been a damn shame if he didn’t leap at an opportunity to kiss her. The pot clinks as he returns it carelessly to his pack and washes his hands free of the ointment. Nyra watches him with a strange expression. 
“What?” Zaeim asks and his heart wants to beat out of his chest. He feels its thunder in his throat. 
“You remind me of someone,” she says softly. “It’s– it was a man as dedicated to his dream and his duties as you are.” The way she implies the man is dead makes it seem targeted, almost a reproach. She’d mentioned a lover before, back in Tyria, but that he is dead. Zaeim has no idea who this man is and senses the topic is too raw to discuss further, but he wonders.
Self reproach is the only thing worse than regret. 
Zaeim crouches before her. This close, she smells like the cream he’d put on her and sweat. “Do you want me to kiss you? Truly?” 
Her eyes blaze. “Enough consideration,” she bites out, “I’m not fragile, for fuck’s sake!” And she pulls him to her and crashes her lips to his, digs her hands in his locs. Zaeim moans under the attention, and he would’ve felt bad about it if it wasn’t swallowed by the domineering force of her lips on his, even if closed. He doesn’t know what to do with his hands. 
After a moment, she takes her head back a little, as if snapped out of a daze. “You probably wanted something sweeter,” she says quietly. “This was anything but.” 
“I will not lie,” he replies, “my usual idea of a first kiss is something that isn’t a metaphorical devouring.” 
Nyra blinks. “We can kiss slowly, if you’d like,” she says and plays with his locs. And then adds, with a grief so big it could swallow the world, “It’s been a long while since I had one of those. Probably don’t deserve them either. But..” 
Zaeim stands up. “This chair is a little uncomfortable,” he says. Nyra follows suit, close enough so he can feel the heat of her body. “I am certain there are more comfortable places in this house for people to kiss.” 
“Walls have hardly ever failed,” she suggests. Finding a little nook that’s big enough for both of them is a challenge, but when they finally do, and when he kisses her again, with his hands on her ass, the world falls away. 
Kormir knows they both need this. Kormir knows they both need a lot of things. And thankfully, Kormir, bless Her, provides. 
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silentglassbreak · 1 year ago
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
Alright, back to our regularly scheduled programming. Thank you all for being patient with me. We need to develop this plot, so let's all buckle up.
Warnings: Nothing wild here. Testosterone being tossed around.
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986 @myownthoughts12 @poisongirl616 @missduffsblog @reidsblessing @malerieee @jilliemiw86 @thisbicc @xx-like-a-villian-xx @diabolicdiatonics
Part 9 - First Time
One Month Later
Normal is a relative term, isn’t it? By definition, it means conforming to a standard. Therefore, my life was getting into a sense of normalcy, as I was forcing it to.
I couldn’t handle the heartbreak anymore. It was too painful to allow myself to continue to sulk. Every time she left, anytime we said goodbye, my soul folded in on itself more and more. Is it going to stop hurting just because I want it to? No. Can I allow myself to move on? I think so.
One hundred and eighteen days since she ended things. My world fell apart, but I only have to wait so long before I start trying to put it back together. I’m encouraged to move forward. I’m told to let myself heal. And I think maybe it’s time.
Thirty-six days since Mileena and I recovered from the stomach flu, and our safe bubble was burst. We haven’t kissed, fucked, or had any above mildly flirtatious contact since.
We’re still close, and we still talk every day - sometimes for hours, but I’ve put up a silent barrier between us. Continuing to allow the physical affection was only making it harder for both of us. And I’ve learned, through months of dealing with this, that she has little to no control.
She’s still seeing Justin, which stings in ways I can’t even begin to explain, but I’ve swallowed it. Leena seems to have taken to him, which makes me happy. Although I never expected to feel that way, I do. Seeing her smile, and seeing her joy has brought a sense of calm to my soul, even if I’m not the person lighting that fire inside her.
Maybe I’m moving on.
Today, I was awake early, driving to the guys’ place, anxious and excited all at once.
Today was album completion day. After hours on hours of sitting with Jolly in the studio, rewriting lyrics, re-recording vocals, and reworking the instrumentals, it was finally ready.
Today, at 9AM, the album was due to Sumerian. We were going to send it at 8AM, the email already drafted and all of the files attached. It was a big moment, and we were ecstatic. The amount of work that had gone into this album made Death of Peace of Mind look like child’s play. We were all so ready to be moving to the next stage - preparing for release.
I pulled into the driveway, and noticed the amount of vehicles. I, clearly, wasn’t the only one there.
Just inside the front door, I kicked my boots off and made my way toward the living room, already hearing many conversations ongoing. Just inside the foyer, I could see Nick and Laura, enthralled in whatever conversation they were having. Jolly was sitting on the couch, eyes glued to the screen of his laptop, surely checking the email again to make sure all of the attachments were sound, and nothing had been forgotten.
In the back corner of the room, Folio stood by the fireplace, mid-conversation with Leena, who was holding Addison on her hip.
“Well, hello family!”
Everyone’s eyes flashed to me, smiles breaking out on everyone’s faces.
“There he is!” Nick walked over and clapped my shoulder. “Cant believe you’re the last one here!”
I shook my head. “Traffic was rough this morning.”
I gave him and Laura welcoming hugs, and made my way over to Leena and Addison.
“There’s my girls.” I gave Mileena a one-armed hug, and took Addie from her, squeezing her tight.
“Are you excited?” Leena was beaming at me, something like pride on her face.
“Excited and anxious. I’ll be glad once it’s out of our hands.”
Folio snorted next to me. “Yeah, so you can’t fuck with it anymore.”
Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “It’s not fucking with it. It’s perfecting.”
He reached over, slipping Addie from my arms. “Well, go check on Jolly. He hasn’t spoken in twenty minutes.”
I padded over to the couch and flopped down. “All good here?”
He nodded, reopening the email. “I think so. Everything’s working. Cover art and back art is there. Lyric docs are attached. I think we’re all set. Bryan is going to forward in the pictures for the social media announcements. And Matt’s working on the details for the release party already.”
I nodded. “We don’t know how long?”
Jolly shrugged. “Three months, maybe? Slaughter is releasing their album next month, but then Alec told me it’s pretty clear until November. We’re likely shooting for a fall release.”
“Oh sweet. We can start touring in spring, maybe?”
Jolly smiled and leaned back. “I fucking hope so man. We’ve been getting a lot of heat for not hitting Australia on the last tour. Or Asia.”
“Maybe we start there?”
I could feel eyes burning into the side of my head, Mileena standing close enough to hear our conversation, but I ignored them.
“Festival season is in the spring and summer, so maybe we start with that? And work our way out?”
I huffed, and let my eyes drift over to Leena, who had a sad expression on her face that she wasn’t hiding well. “We’ll let Matt and Lana work it out.”
“Two minutes, guys.” Nick called from across the coffee table.
Folio came and plopped next to me. Nick sat next to Jolly, Laura perched on one of his knees. Leena sat, Addie in her lap, on the arm of the couch.
Jolly’s finger hovered over the ‘Send’ button, and we all held our breath.
“As always, I would like to just say, you guys are the best. We have worked our asses off for this, and if we receive even half of the success as Death of Peace of Mind, we’re lucky. We’re lucky to do what we love, and do it well.” I spoke to the entire room. To my brothers.
“Let’s fucking do this!” Folio announced, and the clock struck 8:30, Jolly clicking the mouse.
A second of silence fell over us, until the confirmation that it was sent popped on the screen.
We all broke out in celebratory hollers and clapping.
“Fuck yeah! We fucking did it!” Nick exclaimed, patting Jolly’s shoulder.
“You guys are awesome, you know that?” Laura smiled at us all.
“We need to celebrate!” Folio stood up suddenly, all of our eyes snapping up to him. “Let’s call Matt, Bryan, Lana, and Davis, and let’s go fucking celebrate!”
“Uh, dude…it’s not even 9AM…” I was smirking at him.
“It doesn’t have to be a party.” He stopped, thinking for a moment. “Let’s go ride fucking roller coasters!”
Nick, Jolly, and myself all stood up, affirming our excitement at once.
“That’s fucking awesome! Let’s do it!” Nick was still holding onto Laura. “You’ll come?”
She smiled wide. “Blocked my whole day for you, babe. I’m down.”
Nick glanced at Leena. “You too?”
She seemed to hesitate, her eyes looking over to me. “I, uh, might need to pass.” She chewed her lip. “Addie and I had plans today.”
“So…cancel them?” Jolly interjected.
“We were supposed to meet with Justin.”
I scoffed. “So bring him?” Her eyes widened in surprise at me. Valid, given I was mildly surprised at myself as well. “Unless, of course, he’s too scared…”
The drive to Knott's Berry Farm was quicker than I expected. Folio and I rode in my truck with Addison, Nick and Laura were in her car, Bryan and Matt were picking up Davis and Lana, and Mileena would be meeting us in about an hour after she picked up Justin. As we turned right off of La Palma onto Beach Boulevard, the traffic came to a dead stop. The turn-in to Knott's toward the parking lot was packed.
"Is something going on today?"
I shrugged. "No idea. We got here early, so I didn't think it would be too packed for a Thursday." I glanced at the dash. "It's only noon."
He rolled his window down, leaning his body out of the window, and waving at a security guard who was directing traffic.
"Hey," The guard walked over to my car. "is there a reason it's so busy?"
The guard stood with his hands on his belt, and glanced down to the line of cars.
"The concert today. It doesn't start until 6, but folks want to get in early."
Folio raised an eyebrow, dropping back into the vehicle. "Concert?" He pulled his phone out and opened his browser. After a moment of searching, he smiled. "Oh dope, dude! There's three bands playing today!"
I was pulling toward the parking lot now, waiting for my turn to pay at the stall. "Which ones?"
"Skillet, Daughtry, and Lifehouse."
I nodded in surprise. "That's fucking cool, man. We picked a good day to come."
Once we had all parked, I was pushing the stroller with Addison squealing excitedly. We all talked about which rides we were hitting first.
"Dude, we can't just start with the biggest ones. We've got to warm up." Nick was trying to reason with Folio, who looked as though he was crawling right out of his skin.
"Bro, I am riding the Xcelerator first, and you can't fucking stop me."
I chuckled. "I'm so in on that, man."
Laura reached for the stroller, taking it from me easily. "That's fine. You and Folio go get your adrenaline rush. Addie and I will be waiting for Leena in Camp Snoopy."
I bent down to kiss Addie's nose as she munched on her cotton candy, making an absolute mess. "You be good for Auntie, baby girl."
She blew a bubble in response.
Folio and I practically sprinted to the line for the roller coaster, only being a few dozen people back. He immediately hopped up onto the railing, smiling wide.
"So excited. I haven't been here since I was a kid."
I nodded. "Leena and I came like...three months after we met? She likes to act like she loves roller coasters, but in reality, she only rides the mellow ones."
He giggled. "She always talks such a big game, dude."
"Fucking honestly. She's as human as the rest of us, contrary to popular belief."
He nodded, jumping down to move with the line. "You going to be good with her bringing Justin?"
I perused this a moment. "I think so. I've had some time to adjust."
He looked at me suspiciously. "Have you been adjusting? You and Leena seem to be pretty...I don't know...weird?"
Leaning against the rail, I crossed my arms and looked at him. "Weird like how?"
"Well, let's see," Folio turned to face his body toward me. "you break up, when clearly neither of you wanted to do that. You both get majorly depressed for a while. Then you have an outburst at the 4th party, where you both disappear for half an hour." He raised his eyebrow suspiciously. "Then you flirt all the time, and both get sick at the same time, hiding out for three days together, where neither of you will talk about what happened." I chewed on my bottom lip. "Now you guys just stare longingly at each other from across rooms, and act like everything's okay." We moved forward with the line.
"Oh, and not to mention that she has a boyfriend."
Thanks for that, Folio.
"Doesn't seem very adjusted."
I scoffed. "Well, I didn't realize I came today to get attacked, but alright."
He chuckled at me, smacking my shoulder. "I'm just asking. I'm not sure any of us really get why you two aren't just...together...."
I shrugged, then. "That was her decision."
He cocked his head. "But why?"
I sighed hard, arms still crossed. "She can't handle it, dude. The," I waved my hand around us. "Bad Omens, rock and roll, touring thing."
Folio looked interested. "No?"
Shaking my head, I noticed we were getting closer to the front. "Nope. And that's my life."
"Can't her and Addison come on tour?"
"Man, I wish. I've even tried to convince her too, but having a toddler on a tour bus wouldn't work, and even I know that."
He looked disappointed. "Fuck, man."
"Yeah, I know." Huffing out a weak laugh, I rubbed the back of my neck. "I even offered to quit. Just write and produce so I wouldn't have to tour."
"You couldn't do that, dude. You love this shit."
I nodded, and looked directly at him. "I know, but I love them more."
Folio and I were walking over to Camp Snoopy, where everyone had convened after riding their respective rides. I caught a glimpse of Mileena sat at a picnic table, surrounded by everyone, feeding Addison in the stroller. Before I even reached the group, I noticed it.
Everyone was speaking, laughing together. Justin was stood talking to Davis, talking about something with his hands, and Davis was definitely into the story. The entire group was engaged in some form of conversation, looking excited and lighthearted. Everyone, except Mileena.
She was handing Addison her snacks, back turned to the group, and a look of frustration on her face.
We approached them, everyone turning their attention to us.
"How was it?" Nick chirped up from behind Laura.
"Fucking rush. So much fun." Folio responded, coming to sit next to Leena, and grabbing the snacks from her. Leena smiled at him as he started talking to Addie, handing her the puffs from the bag. If anyone bonded with the baby the most, to everyone's surprise, it was Folio.
I stepped over to stand in front of Leena, staring down at her. I lowered my eyes so I was looking directly at her. I gave her the look; the one that she knew asked if she was alright. She just pursed her lips, and nodded curtly.
I glanced back over to where Justin was still talking to Davis, Jolly now having joined the conversation.
I smiled down at Leena. "Want to come with me to grab a soda?"
Her eyes drifted over to Justin, who was paying her no mind, and stood up.
"You okay with her for a minute?" Folio just nodded to her in response.
She followed behind me as I made my way toward the Calico Ghost Town, and the snack shops they had nearby. We joined the long line, and I turned to look at her.
"What's going on?"
She sighed. "Nothing, just wanted to be here a lot sooner."
"Everything okay with you two?"
She looked at me, her eyes hesitant, but I could see that she wanted to tell me.
I held my hands up. "Safe space, here."
Leaning her head back, she groaned. "He's irritating me."
"How so?"
"He's pissed that I wanted to come here. We had plans to get lunch, and take Addie to the park. I explained that today was a big deal, but he told me he didn't see why I had to come."
I raised an eyebrow. "Ah, okay. Makes sense."
"No, it doesn't. He knows that I'm close with all of the guys, not just you. But he still gets so fucking weird about it." Her voice was full of annoyance, which amused me.
"I mean..." I calculated my words. "Can you blame the guy?"
Her head snapped toward me. "What?"
Laughing, I took a step away from her. "Leena, I am your ex. We spend an awful lot of time together."
She narrowed her eyes at me. "We have a kid together, Noah."
I nodded. "I get that. I'm just saying, he probably has pretty good reason to be skeptical."
She huffed, and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I know. I just," Taking a slow breath, she calmed herself. "if him and I are going to make it work, he's going to have to understand. You guys are my family."
I let my arms reach for her, pulling her into a comfortable hug. "I know. And if he really likes you, he'll figure it out."
The day passed comfortably, the warm sun baking us while we waited in lines, played games, and ate funnel cakes. Mileena passed on the bigger coasters, as I had expected. Laura and I rode the Jaguar six times in a row, nearly toppling over from lightheadedness after the last ride.
Justin and I didn't speak much, only in passing comments and niceties. It was easier that way.
By 5PM, we started to see the signs go up for the concert, so we decided to head over to the stage area, tucked behind the Ghost Rider, in an attempt to get decent seats. We found a table big enough for everyone - with the exception of Matt and Lana, who insisted they be at the front - and got comfortable.
Addison had been sleeping for about an hour, and I had pulled her from the stroller, cradling her to my chest against my sweatshirt, so I could try and shield her ears some from the music. I stood at the end of the table, swaying her back and forth, Mileena sitting next to where I stood, chatting idly with Laura about the day.
I felt a bump to my elbow, and looked to my right, seeing Justin standing next to me, large beer in his hand.
I nodded toward him. "What's up, man?"
My hand was rubbing circles on Addison's back, my knees bouncing gently.
"Could I borrow you for a minute?"
Looking at him curiously, I tried to gauge his intentions. I had kept a good enough distance from Leena for the day, in an attempt to not stir any drama.
"Uh, one sec." I turned, motioning with my chin for Folio to come over. "Can you take her for a minute?"
He just peeled her off of me, repositioning her on his chest. This caught Mileena's attention, who had a concerned look on her face as I began following Justin to where he stood a few feet away. I flashed her a small smile for reassurance.
The opening riffs to Skillet's first song caught my attention for a split second before I turned my attention back to Justin.
"What's going on?"
He took a long pull from his beer, and I noted that it wasn't the first he had that night. "I just wanted to chat with you. Hadn't had much chance to talk today." He snorted then. "Or...ever, really."
I laughed, putting my hands in my sweater pocket. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
"Congrats on finishing the album, man."
I nodded. "Thank you, I appreciate that."
We both looked over to the stage, taking a second to listen to the song. Comatose. A good one.
"So, can I ask you something? Man to man?"
I turned back to look at him, shrugging. "Go for it."
"Are you fucking Mileena?"
This caught me wildly off guard, making me lean back on my heels, eyes blown wide.
"Excuse me?"
"Cause you two seem a little more comfortable than typical exes."
My mouth was hanging open, my brain scrambled. "Dude..."
"If you are, I guess it's whatever. We never made anything exclusive." His words didn't match his tone at all, which told me if I didn't give the right answer, he would probably put a fist straight into my mouth.
As tempting as that was...
"No, man, we're not sleeping together." I waved a hand in between us, shaking my head. "We're not like that."
"Anymore." He added on.
"Well," I glanced back at Leena, who was watching the concert from her seat. "clearly. We do have a kid together."
He smiled at me then, his eyes darkening. The look made my stomach turn.
"She's great in bed, isn't she?"
My blood turned to ice, and my spine involuntarily straightened. I may be moving on, but I'm still a human being. I can only tolerate so much, and he was testing my fucking limit.
Before I could respond, he decided to continue. "I can't imagine how you ever let go of that, brother. She's fucking wild."
I ground my teeth together, jaw clicking in the process. My hands were balled into fists at my side.
"Let's not." Was all I could get out.
He scoffed. "Oh come on, it's not like we haven't both been there."
The eyes staring back at me were malicious. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A hot, angry fire lit in my chest, screaming at me to rip this jackass' tongue straight out of his mouth, but I didn't. Instead, I returned his smile with my own, venomous and rage-induced.
"I mean, I guess you have a point." He raised his eyebrows, clearly not expecting my response. "There is a small difference, though."
He took another chug from his cup, wiping his mouth. "What's that?"
I licked my lips, glancing around to ensure no one was around.
"You get to fuck her, right?" He just nodded in response. "She begged me to fuck her."
I watched his smile fall, his eyes squinting and chest puffing out. "Oh yeah?"
I let my shoulders roll back easily. "Yeah. So," I leaned in, making sure he could hear me clearly. "that girl over there, regardless of if she's riding your cock, or any other douchebag's, belongs to me."
I could see his jaw tighten. I turned my body to walk away, leaving him with one last comment.
"And I'll just warn you now," I looked him up and down. "you're just temporary. May want to wrap your head around that."
With that, I walked away. It wasn't my proudest moment, I'll admit, but I didn't care. I held my head high as I walked back to the table, and took my daughter from Folio, bobbing to the music while she slept soundly in my arms.
Mileena and Justin had disappeared shortly after our talk, which didn't surprise me. I didn't see them through the rest of Skillet's set, and Lifehouse was due to come out after the intermission. I had handed Addie to Laura, taking a few minutes to run to the restrooms and grab a pretzel. I waited in line at the snack stand, scrolling through the photos I had taken on my phone that day, when I felt a hard slap come across my left shoulder.
I looked over, seeing a tearful Leena, face red with anger. "What the fuck did you say to him?!"
My eyes panned around, seeing all of the eyes staring at us.
"C'mon." I grabbed her arm, pulling her away from the line, but as soon as we were alone, she squirmed out of my grip.
"Seriously, Noah! What did you say?! He fucking left!"
I rolled my eyes at that. "I didn't say anything he didn't need to hear."
She deadpanned at me. "Which was what?"
Sighing, I adjusted my hat, turning it backwards on my head. "The guy's a dick, Leena. He wanted to talk about how you are in bed with me."
Her eyebrows shot up. "What?"
"I just made it clear that wasn't a good idea."
She narrowed her eyes. "He told me you said we were still sleeping together."
I shook my head. "Nope. I actually told him that we weren't."
"Noah, what did you say?"
After several attempts of trying to give her the cliffnotes version, she finally snapped and demanded to know what I said, verbatim.
Once I told her, I thought the big vein in her neck was going to explode all over both of us.
"What the fuck, Noah?!"
I kept my voice even. "I love how you're only mad at me, when he wanted to antagonize me, while also being halfway drunk." I threw my hands up. "On a day that's about my band, to begin with." I smirked, annoyed, and put my hands in my pockets. "Guy's got some fucking balls, I'll give him that."
Leena shook her head. "I am mad at him. But I'm more mad at you."
My face held an amused, bewildered look. "Make it make sense?"
She rolled her eyes. "Noah, you were the one who reasoned that he had a right to be uncomfortable."
"Oh, well let me be clear - I hereby retract that statement. Guy's a douche." I nodded at her to emphasize each word.
She groaned, and rubbed a hand over her face.
"The fuck am I going to do?"
I snorted. "That's on you, dude." She glared at me. "But my two cents? Break it off. He's an ass." And with that, I walked away from her, leaving her to stare after me with an exasperated look on her face.
Lifehouse finished, but my mood was dead. I had no interest in staying for Daughtry. I was so beyond annoyed by this entire situation, that I elected to leave early.
I offered to take Addison, but Mileena assured that she would take her until my regular day. Rather than argue, I just said my goodbyes to everyone, and headed for the entrance of the park.
My irritation grew the further out I got, and was at a full blown rage by the time I reached my truck, my fist landing on the door.
How could she? This muscled-up dirtbag comes in, pisses her off, and then has the audacity to try and talk shop with me, about her, and she's mad at me? Where is the fucking math on that? What did I fucking miss?
I had been so God damn tolerant. So patient. I had taken the mixed fucking signals, the back and forth emotions, the wanting me one second, and treating me like the outlier the next. I had taken it all on the chin. I'd sat there and watched her be in a new relationship, ignoring how painful that is. Moving on before my very eyes.
And all for...what? For going on tour? For leaving her alone? For admitting that I'm a human fucking being and pictured another woman naked? That for a split fucking second, I considered sleeping with her? For which I then beat myself up and felt guilty as fuck afterwards?!
I was done. Done being patient. Done being the bigger person. I got the fucked end of the stick this entire time, and now she's mad at me?
I sped down the highway, no regard for the limit, zooming toward my house so I could be alone. She ruined this day, and I was fucking over it.
It only took me twenty-five minutes before I was pulled up to my gate, noticing a sedan parked on the street outside of it with it's headlights on. This caught my attention, as it was a vehicle I didn't recognize.
I swiped in, and saw the sedan following me through the gate. This had me on guard, my eyes watching my rearview mirror as the car stopped behind my truck. I was too keyed up, willing to fuck up anyone who tried me at this moment.
Jumping out of my struck, I slammed the door behind me and walked toward the vehicle. The driver's door opened, and a small man, slightly hunched over, stepped out. He wore a lanyard around his neck with some form of ID, and held a manila envelope in his hands.
"This is private property." Was all I said before he walked up to me, a kind smile on his face.
"Noah Davis?"
I scrunched my nose. "Who's asking?"
He looked down at his papers and back up to me. "My name is Leonard James. Are you Noah Davis?"
I crossed my arms. "Sebastian."
He adjusted his glasses. "Oh, I apologize sir. I see that here. Noah Sebastian Davis?"
I rolled my eyes. "My government name, sure. Who are you?"
He handed me the envelope, still smiling at me.
"You've been served."
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winters8child · 5 months ago
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 102
Being married to Steve brought a sense of peace. We enjoyed cooking together, spending evenings in the garden, and cozying up by the fire. Yet, the holidays felt lonely with just the two of us. Natasha visited less often, buried under work commitments.
Steve still attended group therapy sessions, leaving me to my own thoughts. In those moments, old emotions resurfaced, reminding me of my ongoing journey through therapy. Despite making progress, I kept these feelings to myself. Steve valued those sessions deeply; they reflected his enduring commitment to making a positive impact, even in our quiet, everyday life. Helping others remained a core part of who he was.
To distract myself, I immersed myself in books and tended to the small herb garden I had planted. But nights were the hardest—sleep was where I couldn't hide the truth. My nightmares laid bare my troubled soul, waking me in a cold sweat, heart racing.
I often dreamed of my baby, hearing his cries as I ran but never reaching him in time. Afterward, Steve would comfort me, asking about my dreams. "Nothing specific," I'd reply, deflecting his concern. I didn’t want to reopen wounds he seemed to have healed from better than I had.
We hadn’t discussed having a child again, but I could see the hope in Steve's eyes whenever I mentioned that my period was late. I was determined not to let it happen again. I meticulously took my birth control pill every day at the same time, though I hadn’t shared this detail with him.
It wasn’t a secret—he knew I was on birth control—but he didn’t understand the panic that would grip me if I thought I had missed a dose. When I envisioned the future, I no longer saw laughing children, but I was too afraid to admit that to him.
I even started lying to my therapist, feeling ashamed of my lack of progress after nearly five years. It seemed she didn’t believe me, as she insisted on seeing me at least twice a month.
One day, Steve came back from a group therapy session later than usual, his expression a mix of stress and excitement.
"We might have found a way to bring everyone back," he said, and I could hardly believe it. He explained how Scott Lang, who we thought had vanished, had shown up at the compound gate, talking about time travel and asking for Tony’s help.
The plan was to retrieve the Infinity Stones, snap our fingers, and bring everyone back. It sounded fantastical, almost impossible. Still, two days later, Natasha, Steve, Scott, and I stood on Tony’s porch, trying to convince him of our wild plan.
"I'm gonna stop you right there, Scott. Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on Back To The Future?" Tony asked, sarcasm dripping from his words.
"No," Scott replied, looking a little embarrassed.
"Good. You had me worried there, 'cause that'd be horse shit. That's not how quantum physics works," Tony shot back.
"Tony... we have to take a stand," Natasha urged, determination filling her voice.
"We did stand. And yet, here we are," he retorted, meeting our eyes.
"I know you have a lot on the line. You’ve got a wife, a daughter. But I lost someone important to me. A lot of people did," Scott continued, his voice rising with urgency. "Now we have a chance to bring them back. To bring everyone back. And you’re telling me that won’t even—"
"That's right, Scott, I won't even. I got a kid," Tony interrupted, just as his daughter came outside and jumped into his arms.
"Mommy told me to come and save you," she mumbled.
Tony glanced around, a wry smile creeping across his face. “Good job. I’m saved,” he said before looking at us again, nostalgia tinging his voice. “I wish you’d come here to ask me something else. Anything else, really. Honestly, I missed you guys. Oh, and the table’s set for seven.”
Steve stepped forward, concern etched on his face. “Tony, I get it. And I’m happy for you; I really am. But this is a second chance.”
Tony shook his head, determination hardening his expression. “I got my second chance right here, Cap. I can’t roll the dice again. If you don’t want to talk shop, you’re welcome to stay for lunch.”
The others moved back toward the car, but I lingered on the porch, feeling uncertain. Tony’s gaze shifted to me, curiosity dancing in his eyes.
I glanced at him, then at the little girl cradled in his arms, her frown mirroring my own thoughts. “I wouldn’t do it if I were you,” I said softly, the weight of my words hanging in the air. With that, I turned and joined the others, leaving Tony to ponder my warning.
“So, what do we do now?” I asked once we were back in the car, the engine humming softly as we pulled away.
“Hope that Bruce is willing to help us,” Natasha replied, her voice tinged with sadness at the mention of his name.
I pushed away thoughts of what bringing Bucky back could mean. Life had taught me that hope often led to disappointment, and I wasn’t sure I could handle that again.
I didn’t expect to meet the Hulk when we sat down at the diner to meet Bruce. Or rather, a mix of both. He was huge and green, but his features were unmistakably Bruce's, and his intelligence shone through. He seemed genuinely happy as he explained how he had stopped fighting the Hulk, embracing his full potential without losing himself in the process.
He was hesitant at first but eventually agreed to help us in our crazy endeavor. To our dismay, the entire process of sending someone through time turned into a disaster. Technically, it worked, but instead of sending grown-up Scott into the past and bringing him back the same, he returned as an old man. Moments later, he turned into a baby.
When all hope seemed lost, Tony showed up, holding his genius invention in one hand and Steve's shield in the other. He had built something he called a "Time-Space GPS" to resolve the issue that had turned Scott into an old man and then a baby. Things were getting serious now. It was time to get the whole team back together.
After countless nights of wracking our brains over how and when to get the stones, we finally settled on three teams. Each team would head to a different point in time to retrieve the stones. I would stay behind to monitor everything and ensure it all went smoothly. According to Tony, they’d be back in five seconds.
They did return, but when I looked into each of their faces and finally landed on Clint’s, I knew something had gone wrong.
“Where is Natasha?” I asked, my voice shaking as Clint fell to his knees.
“Clint, where is Nat?” Bruce echoed, his voice trembling as we all held our breaths.
He didn’t have to say anything; the look on his face said it all. She hadn’t made it. She had given her life for the stone.
I shook my head in denial, tears welling up as I covered my mouth with my hand. I should have said something when I had the chance, should have told them their idea was insane.
Anger surged through me, wishing Tony had never agreed to help. Who was to say this plan would even work? Who was to say Natasha hadn’t died for nothing?
I turned and ran off, but Steve reached for my hand. I shook him off, my voice breaking. “I need to be alone right now,” I said, tears spilling from my eyes as I walked away.
I collapsed onto the couch when I reached the common room, pulling my legs up and hugging them to my chest. It felt like life had taken so much from me, and it just kept taking, relentless in its cruelty. How much pain could one person endure before they broke completely?
Was this life even worth living anymore, I wondered. My thoughts were interrupted as the shutters closed over the windows, plunging the room into near darkness. I frowned, standing up. When I tried to head back to the others, I found the entrance to the lab sealed with metal doors.
I couldn’t make out the chaos inside until a loud whizzing noise cut through the thick metal, followed by a groan and a resounding bang that made me jump back in panic.
As the shutters slowly lifted, I saw Bruce sprawled on the ground, the glove housing the stones emitting a trail of smoke.
“Did it work?” he asked, wincing in pain.
“Worth a shot. It’s over. It’s okay,” Thor said, his voice steady, trying to reassure him.
I glanced at Clint as he answered a buzzing phone, his face a mix of joy and tears.
“Did it work?” I asked, my voice laced with hope and fear just as the sky darkened and chaos erupted around us.
Next Chapter
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