#it just makes my heart swell
thewizardofrp · 2 years
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"It feels like L O V E." ~ Louis De Pointe Du Lac
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allastoredeer · 5 months
I read the new chapter of Holy Suffering as soon as it came out and I love the way u write Lucifer. For the past few days I have been reading Radio apple fanfic and I hate how lucifer is portrayed in most of them, shy , innocent with Alastor after the fight, and kinda out of character for the both of them, cause they suddenly like each other, and I don’t see it in them. They like to piss each other off, that’s the whole ship point.
Ur Lucifer is so sassy, Hits all the Good Characterization checks in my brain, he’s such a delight to read, same for Alastor. U had me going speechless most of the time Alastor spoke, cause I honestly didn’t know what he was gonna say next. Writing Alastor it’s probably hard, cause he is misterious and always hides his emotions but You totally nailed it. Right now he is probably angry at Lucifer cause he ratted him out lol
Al be like the audacity of this man after he forced him to do this.🙄
Anywhizzle I just wanted to ask, for the overload meeting, is Charlie gonna send Lucifer with Alastor? Maybe as a snake or something, to make sure is he okay. Cause she really sounded mortified that she didn’t notice that Alastor was suffering and man Al definitely didn’t like that, but it’s not like he can say no to Charlie so
A nd is there like a schedule for next updates? I am really invested in this story and I honestly can’t wait to read more of it.
Thank you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Hahah Lucifer's got bite to him, for sure. He doesn't come off as the shy type to me. Awkward as hell, certainly. In the throes of depression, absolutely. And he cares about Charlie's opinion of him to a fault. But when it comes to someone throwing their weight around--or, more accurately, getting involved with Charlie (cough Alastor helping Charlie with the hotel, couch Adam fighting/hurting Charlie cough) he isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty.
Alastor is hard to write ಥ_ಥ I love him so much, but sometimes, I want to cut open his head and properly study his brain because f;knslnjsbj out of all the characters, he's the hardest for me to pin down, in terms of both dialogue and actions. He has such a way of talking, and such a distinct voice (his radio filter) that it's simultaneously easy to imagine his voice, but hard to put it to dialogue. So, I really appreciate hearing that I nailed it (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Seriously, it's so appreciated to hear.
Nah, Alastor is going to be going to that one alone :3 It's going to be set in his POV, so we'll get some insight in his thoughts on the whole thing, and how he's handling his current affliction. I'm both excited to and nervous to get into it, because writing him in someone else's POV is hard, so writing him in his OWN POV is a little intimidating, but I'm mostly excited. I have a lot of thoughts for this series, and it's gonna be fun to explore them.
As for a schedule, I used to try to keep myself to one, and I've found that I have both a love/hate relationship with it. One the one hand, keeping a writing schedule is nice because it gives me a clear view of what I want to work on and an goal date to get it done, which is very nice for my ADHD brain.
BUT, on the other hand, when I start putting that pressure on myself to get it down, and I fail to actually reach that goal, it hits me pretty hard and it can take away my motivation and joy in writing the fic. It starts to feel more like a chore than a fun hobby I can do in my downtime.
Thankfully, I am DEEP in Hazbin Hotel hyperfixation, and the amazing feedback I've gotten from my fic's is certainly fueling my motivation. So thanks to everyone leaving kudos and comments! It's seriously so helpful and I cherish ever single one of them.
If I had to give an estimate for when the next installment of the series will drop, I'd say either at the end of this week, or the beginning/middle of next week. I have an unrelated AppleRadio one-shot I want to bust out before I work on the next installment, and that one I'm going to try and post by Thursday or Friday.
To quote out favorite Radio Demon,
~Stay Tuned
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sapphicsnzs · 3 months
all my posts have been about my girlfriend and i’m not sorry about it one bit. i’m still in awe that’s she’s mine and ugh i feel like the luckiest person on earth. she’s the reason i started this side blog and she’s the inspiration for literally all of my posts. it’s such a privilege being able to care for my girl
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birf · 6 months
drawing buckwild nsfw but in the most aro-ace way do you know what I mean
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ilostyou · 3 months
i’m still stuck on buck’s voice cracking when he says “trying to get your attention has been kind of exhausting”
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sophfandoms53 · 9 months
Cory going home this week just solidifies him getting my AFP votes bc I think he deserves it but also bc it’ll piss off half of the cast and especially piss off production
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halscafe · 1 year
finding a common ground
upon moving in, guy was able to immediately hit it off with his new roommates -- all except one. if he didn't speak to them, they never gave him a hard time but on the occasions where he would try and strike up a conversation, they would give him a cold response and move on with their day. alright, so we're playing this game?
they say curiosity killed the cat, but guy thought that saying was stupid, and nothing could stop him once his curiosity was piqued. who is this person, and why oh why won't they give him the time of day?
step one - gather the facts. guy goes to who has spent the most amount of time with who he has dubbed, "grumpy mcgrumperpants," but they just say that regarding their cold exterior, "that's just how they are."
alright, forget the steps, we're going right in! his first couple attempts to get to know them fail, however guy is not so easily disheartened.
on a late friday night, when everyone but guy and "grumpy mcgrumperpants" are out of the house, guy spots them outside of their bedroom in the living room, watching an old tv show that coincidentally, guy has also watched.
without warning, guy sits down and starts talking about the show being played, slowly ending up in a ramble. as he wraps up what played out like a tedtalk, he looks to his mysterious roommate with a smile that can rival the moon in brightness, content in finding this common ground.
after a small moment of silence, guy is asked by his mysterious roommate, “why are you doing this?”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean, talking to me. i’ve been anything but friend and talking material.”
“why is it that youuu can dictate what is friend material? maybe i like my friends to be jerks — you can’t just make assumptions like that you know!”
expecting a light-hearted laugh in return of his banter, guy instead receives a slap to the arm, and a simple response with an unexpected smile, “you’re stupid.”
“yeaaa, see you’re not wrong there!”
although not much speaking occurred for the rest of the evening, something had definitely shifted between the two of them that night. beneath that grumpy personality that his roommate exhibited, guy could definitely see they were a softie underneath (one as sweet as honey ♡).
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euphor1a · 1 year
to the boyfriend i want so hopelessly but will never have, happy birthday milove ♡
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#gyugyu 🐶#hiiii ! yes this is the mandatory ‘it’s my ult bias day’ sappy ass long delulu message from aleyna 💌#so pls proceed with caution bc once i start talking it’ll get ... yeah. anyway#happy mingoo day everyone 🥺🥺#he the loml 💖 (... one of many but let’s not talk about that *cough*)#i just love him so much :((#the giant puppy boy who stole my heart and never gave it back 😭😞#also he’s literally the most boyfriend to ever boyfriend?????? it’s so unfair ☹️#just another day of not having mangyu 😔... what is life#do you know the feeling when you like look at someone and your heart starts swelling in your chest so much that it hurts??#that’s exactly how i feel whenever i look at mingyu 🥺! i appreciate and love every little thing about him so much i :(( can’t explain#he’s soooooo comfort shaped i love him 😞. god. wanna pepper kisses all over his face and tell him how happy he makes me and#how precious he is and how i’d actually commit arson for him 😭#also wanna kith those pretty moles 🥺🤏🏼 nnnnnnnn#why so babie if so huge 😔 he’s literally a giant puppy baby ashtsjjdhk GOD#when he laughs/giggles >>>>>>>>>!! my heart is hurting so BAD i’m so fond of him 😭😭😭#every now and then i find myself going; SIR WHY ARE U DOING THIS ARE U WILLING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY POOR HEART??#like loving him literally unlocked a whole new spectrum of emotions for me idk how to explain this like a sane person#in short this is like. the most fucking delulu i’ve ever been in my life 💀? or at least it feels like it...#😩 just one chance PLS!!! PLS I BEG!!!! :(( i’m so down bad it’s SO BAD#a very brainrot inducing man (the type i always fall for 😔?! started seeing the patterns hhhhh)#the amount of love my little body holds for him is insane 😷 (little in comparison to him btw... i’m generic female height 👾)#loving mingoo feels like a rainy night where you’re cuddling with your loved one under a blankie; about to fall asleep bc of how cozy u are#i wish words were enough to express how i feel about this man... but it really isn’t 😕!#he just means a lot to me okay?#he’s everything and beyond 💓 i love him like my whole life depends on it (although i’m like that for several people)#not my fault that my heart is so fucking big and it has separate places to store everyone i adore 💖#happy bday babylove 🥺 i hope your day is filled with the happiest of moments and you can celebrate properly 💕#it’s so sad that you’ll never know how much you mean to this random girl on the other side of the world :/#i’m so done for aren’t i? took like 40 minutes to type and everything... sigh. i love him so bad </3
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toasteaa · 10 days
Wanted to say this for a while, but I absolutely adore your ocs, art and writing. They are fr a delight to read every time I check tumblr :)
I've been holding this hostage in my asks because I have to keep coming back to read it and just 🥹
Like, you like my madness? You think my ramblings are nice?? You like to hear my thoughts even when they don't have a proper end to an idea??? Wjdjsdjdjd
It's something I'm always ultra conscious about because I was so nervous when I first started talking about my ocs and oc x canon lore and just oc lore in general, but like...hearing that you genuinely enjoy hearing about them and reading whatever brain nugget my mind cooks up makes me so indescribably happy, I'm going to go wail 😭💕
And! I absolutely need you to know! I LOVE seeing everything you post! Little bits of lore, bits and pieces of each of your ocs and what they're like in the world of Teyvat is just so FUN! The way you've built them up is honestly an inspiration and your art!!! Your art is SO good, I love seeing it every time you post 💕💕💕
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npcgrian · 1 year
etho going crazy trying to kill joel and screaming "you saved me so i could kill you" and immediately afterwards going "were still friends, no hard feelings ^_^" is all ive ever wanted
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redloftwingfeathers · 9 months
Nothing makes me more emotional than aoc allowing future sidon the opportunity to save mipha from her demise
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deadbeatescape · 9 months
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oh my god im going to cry they have a little laundry room they have a little arcade machine in their little laundry room where they all wash their lab coats and security uniforms im going to sob
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thatoneweirdo14 · 8 months
i will not be shutting up about yoi for the forseeable future.
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girlboydotjpg · 2 years
aew posted a video of taz talking about what hooks title win means to him and hooks next to him silently rocking from one foot to the other and looking around.... we stan a champ on the spectrum
taz not trying to get hook to stop rocking or make hook make eye contact or speak,,,,, in your infamous words [taz voice] autism be damned my boy can make a motherfucker tap!!!!!!
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bravewolfvesperia · 5 months
/ i will be completely honest, the biggest crime of the vesperia dub really is the almost total removal of yuri being so childish and pouty.
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