#it just makes me so mad. they could smoke in the balcony and i would be entirely unaffected
megkuna · 11 months
it's like the world's worst irony that secondhand smoke is worse for u than actually smoking. it seems unfair and only contributes to more smokers in the world making others put up with their shitty fucking habit
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0luv9 · 10 months
can't move on || mattheo riddle
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Summary: He was done fucked, a weak man on his knees for her, mad for her, in love with her and funny enough she didn't know. Him sleeping around isn't helping him though.
Beware: angst, fluff (?), minimal plot, smoking, drugs, alcohol, she/her pronouns, second person used as well, miscommunication, misunderstandings, excessive use of swear words, both reader and Mattheo assume the worst, happy ending.
Words: 4.025k
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Mattheo Riddle is in deep shit. His feelings have dug him a deep hole, a hole so deep that he could bury himself a hundred times over and still not be anywhere near the surface. He is so in love with you. And you being so fucking oblivious, mistake his advances for him being friendly. It's funny because when has he ever done something friendly? He's not even friendly to his friends, he insults them as a greeting for fucks sake. It's ridiculous how clueless you are, it was endearing at first but now it's just painful for him to watch you go on dates, that too every date with a different guy.
He thinks you've fucked them all, afterall it's him, Mattheo Riddle, he only thinks in extremes, if you've been on a date with some dude, you ofcourse had fucked him because who wouldn't do you. He resorted to the same ways, fucking his frustration out but instead of feeling satisfied, he would feel relieved for a moment and then his frustration would grow more and more, never coming close to being satisfied. He thought he could just fuck it all out, that he could just forget you, that he could just hate you. It became a routine for him, he got rougher and rougher with the girls he slept with, reaching his own high became harder and harder. It was all because of you, 'cause you couldn't see his love and make him a lover.
His reputation was worsening, his grades started slipping, he started ignoring you, becoming angry easily, snapping at anyone and everyone. Fucking girls left and right, every day was the same and he wondered why the hell he couldn't find a solution to all his problems. His smoking habits became worse, one cigarette turned into two, two turned three and now he was smoking one pack a day. His life was fucked, he could no longer think for himself, the thoughts of you with someone else corrupted his mind at all times. Everyone could see him ruining his life, he couldn't care less, he didn't give a shit about the names he was being called, most of them were true anyway.
Tonight was like every other Slytherin party night, except for the fact that he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol, all he wanted was a drunk hookup but he had slept with most of the girls in the room and he couldn't bring himself to repeat them over. He sighed, walking off to a secluded balcony, pulling out a cigarette, it was boring, life had become boring.
"Mattheo," he nearly jerked his head in the direction of your voice, it's been so long since he's heard it. All of it coming back to him, all the feelings he was trying to get rid of came right back, knocking at his heart. He's looking for the sweet smile, the one you'd always give him when you'd talk to him but all you did was frown at him, looking at him like the onlookers who gossiped about him and it fucking hurt. "Yes darling," he greeted you like nothing was wrong, before you would've smiled at his cheesy nicknames but now you grimaced at his hoarse voice and stepped back, he quickly looked away, just like that he blew off his last chance, he couldn't face it, he couldn't see you walk away from him, he physically couldn't.
"Riddle-" "Don't, don't call me that," he whispered, it was pathetic, he knows it too but that doesn't stop him, he couldn't hear you call him that. "Mattheo, I am Mattheo," he breathed out like an affirmation to himself, as though reminding himself of the person he's losing, dropping his cigarette and putting it out with his shoe. There it is, he's doing it again, acting how you'd want him to act, you disapproved of his smoking habits, you never told him to stop though, just so you know, he would stop if you only asked but you never did. You never asked anything of him, making the friendship feel one-sided, never wanting to bother him, you didn't do that with your other friends, you were openly asking them for favours albeit small, still favours, that's how friends are, looking out for eachother but no, you never expressed it, he just had to read into it. It made him feel as though he was your friend, just for the name sake, wow- he couldn't even be your friend.
He closed his eyes trying to contain himself, taking a hit from the burning cigarette, his hands were trembling, he was hurt, he could never be with you, you were making it clear. For the first time he got an actual sign of rejection and he just couldn't take it. "Riddle." It was still your voice, coming from his side, he slowly turned, there you were, standing next to him, looking at him with concern, giving him the slightest bit of hope, making his heart pound against his chest. He simply stared at you this time, unable to think of a response because you called him by his last name, you never did that. You didn't speak either, both staring at eachother, him with everything unsaid, sadness, anger, hope, longing, love, every fucking thing while you looked at him with worry painted all over your face. Mattheo hated to have people worry about him, noone was obligated to do so and he didn't want anyone to do it but right now, he didn't seem to mind, your attention was on him, worried about him. You finally looked away, placing your glass on the railing, alcohol with a lollipop in the glass, a typical you thing.
"alright, Mattheo," a small smile was tugging at your lips at his actions, "tell me, what's going on?" He didn't have anything to say, what would he say anyway? Upon not receiving an answer you sighed and continued, "Draco was telling me how different you've been-" he scoffed loudly interrupting you, ofcourse this is what it is, Malfoy sending you to talk to him, to scold him like everyone else, ofcourse you wouldn't come to him on your own, he was so fucking worthless in your eyes. “Don’t do that Mattheo-“ “Yeah? Why not? Coming here to scold me like everyone else, you know what, surprise surprise, it’s nothing I haven’t heard before.” He was angry, you come to talk to him after all these days and it was to tell him, that he’s bad, that he’s wrong, yes, he started it by ignoring you but you didn’t even make an effort to talk to your “friend” while he was away, it pained him to know that you didn’t even care to check up on him.
“No, I am worried Mattheo, this is not okay for you,” you moved closer, shaking your head trying to find the words, “I tried Mattheo, to catch you, to talk to you but you were always turning away, ignoring me, I couldn’t even get a proper look at you these weeks. Draco was joking about you smoking two a day, one for each girl you slept with, it was then but now, a whole pack a day? I tried to get to you, tried to see what’s been hurting you, but all I saw was your back towards me.” You paused, looking around clearly frustrated, “I thought maybe you didn’t want to talk about it, so I stopped trying but I am sorry, I can’t help myself, I care about you Mattheo and I hate to see you like this,” you looked up at him, hoping he’d understand but he only stared at you blankly, maybe you were wrong to care, he clearly didn’t want to be bothered, you sighed yet again, clearly there was no point, you could only wish for him to be better.
You mustered up all the courage you could, moving closer to the brunette who still hadn’t said a thing, “I am sorry for bothering you, I hope you win whatever battle it is that you are fighting, just know that I care and I can’t help but be worried when you are hurting, sorry if it is selfish that I want you to be better, I won’t disturb you anymore” you gave him a small smile, going up on your tiptoes planting a small kiss on his cheek, lingering for a moment, holding his hand in both of your own giving it a hard squeeze before letting go. It pained you to see that he didn’t seem to care about his own life, making you feel useless for doing the same, he was dear to you, you didn’t want to let go of him but clearly he didn’t want the same, who were you to deny him of anything? So, you let go, taking the moment in before walking away, the tears were ready to fall, you weren’t going to let him see that, you didn’t want him to see how pent up you were over him when he couldn’t even bring himself to care.
Mattheo could feel his chest burn, he could feel the sting in his heart at the sight of you walking away, his knees felt weak, you cared? You tried to reach out? Yes you did, of course you did, you weren’t the ugly person he tried to paint you as, he wanted to hate you so bad, he wanted you to be wrong, he wanted you to scold him, he wanted you to hate him just so he could move on but no, he could never move on from you, even if you spat his way he’d love you. ‘Sorry if it is selfish-’ he fucking wants you to be selfish, he wants you to be selfish about him. Only if he wasn’t busy imagining you with other guys, maybe he would’ve noticed that you smile a bit more around him, just maybe he’d see your eyes looking out for him. Maybe then he would’ve seen the look in your eyes, one similar to his, but he was a fool, he’d always be unworthy of your love, you wouldn’t love someone like him, he ruled that possibility out the very moment he fell in love with you, thereby in his mind even if you actually loved him, you didn’t because he couldn’t see it.
He called after you, he couldn’t see you walk away, not when he has so much to say. You turned around, he saw tears in your eyes, he felt like dying, it was him who made you cry, if he didn't hate himself before, he clearly did right then. With two wide strides he was infront of you, holding your face, wiping away your tears, "please don't walk away from me," he muttered, trying to get you to look up at him, you look up at him with stars in your eyes, taking his breath away, 'I want you so bad' he thinks to himself but it's false, no, he doesn't simply want you, he fucking needs you like the air you take away from him, when you look at him like that- hazy eyed, making him think that you love him but he knows you don't, he knows you don't love the guys you go on dates with, he knows you don't love the guys you sleep with, in his eyes you love to care but don't care to love, he'll be one of those guys, if it means you'll have him, even if it is for one night.
He was staring at you, looking for a sign, waiting for you to push him away but you just look at him with glossy eyes, making him weak, unable to contain himself he presses his lips against yours, you hiss pulling back, the bitter taste of smoke invading your senses, your reaction hurts him, he couldn't even be one of your guys, that's how worthless he is, his grip loosens, he tastes you on his lips, sweet cherry- the lollipop still sugary on your lips. Then you surprise him, fisting his collar, pulling him down, soft lips on his, like honey against his smoke. He loses it then and there, his hand comes up to hold your face, the other low on your back pulling you flush against him. It was heaven, eyes closed, moving in sync, savouring every second, he could feel his skin tingle, his body burn, it was pathetic how you could bring him to feel so much with the simplest of touches, and now you were kissing him, better than any dream or fantasy, it's real, he reminds himself, frowning as he concentrates trying to capture every single detail, of you against him.
Mattheo walks you back to the railings, not letting go of you even for a second. You pull away as the cold metal makes contact with your body, the sting seeping through the thin layer of your clothes. Still impossibly close practically breathing the same air, then the situation dawns upon you, you look up at Mattheo in horror. This is what has become of your love for him, he's using your attraction towards him to get you into bed, just like he did with other girls. There was no difference in their relationship with him and yours with him, evidently so. You loved kissing him but you hated the fact that it meant everything to you but all it was to him was a one night stand, your dignity would not allow it, even though you wanted him so badly. "I'm- I'm sorry but I can't," you quickly walk off, not looking back this was humiliation, you felt embarrassed.
One moment you were there kissing him and the next you were gone, he fucking hates this because he doesn't know what to do or what made you push him away. You gave him hope when you kissed him but shattered it when you walked away, you were confusing him. Why'd you kiss him like that if you wanted to let go? His hands reach out to pull at his hair, "Fuck" he grits out, it was frustrating not knowing what to do, knowing he has done something wrong. But for the most part, he doesn't know how you feel, you kissed him like you felt something but you walked away like it was nothing. He's over it.
He's absolutely not over it. He couldn't even stick to the plan for five seconds, images of you in his arms plagued his mind. He could only cherish that moment, he felt more alive in those few seconds than he ever did, his lips are still tingling, it's the next morning and his head is still in clouds. Mattheo for once, feels human- he feels like going to class again just so he could see you. The wound of your rejection was still fresh in his heart but so was the memory of your lips against his in his mind.
He could handle the professors' taunts, he infact muted them out and zeroed in on your face, you were avoiding him, he could see it, trying so hard just like he did the past few weeks. He saw himself in you for a moment but then you started talking to some Hufflepuff dude next to you, smiling at him so pretty, his blood started burning hot when he saw the guy touch you. You did nothing to push him away, pfft- ofcourse he wasn't Mattheo fucking Riddle that you'd push him away.
Mattheo was practically burning holes into you skull as he took a seat in the very back. Only if he wasn't so overtaken by jealousy he'd see that your smile didn't reach your eyes as you laughed at the Puff's joke, that your reactions were simply polite, a mere distraction from the pinching of your heart. You didn't want to be one of the girls he slept with, didn't want to be discarded after being used.
He couldn't even be one of your guys, he fucking wanted it to be him so bad just to have your for a night, just so you could see him in a different light, just so you'd know that he loved you. He'd gladly be discarded by you.
Mattheo has been searching for you, for about an hour now, you were minx- rushing out of the class before he could catch upto you. You were no where to be seen, he was actually getting worried. He was just about to enter the dungeons when he saw Pansy near the entrance. She'd know your whereabouts, she was a close friend of yours. She'd help him too, because she was his friend as well, right? Or had he destroyed every relationship he had the past few weeks. "Pans, a moment please" "oh hey Mattheo," she greeted him with a smile, that's a good sign, "umm- do you know where-" there he was, polite stuttering fucktard, "oh I know where she is," He didn't even tell her who he was looking for, confusion taking over his features, "I saw you looking at her in class, you like her don't you?" Was he that obvious? If so, why couldn't she see it? "Yeah," he finally admitted it to someone else, it was out there now, he felt some weight lift off of his shoulders, there was no denying to it, he loved her and he doesn't care if he gets laughed at for it but then his heart stops at her next words. "She's on a date with some Hufflepuff, in Hogsmeade," her voice was sympathetic, hurt was painted all over his face.
They were standing there in awkward silence for a couple of minutes before she broke it, heading towards the entrance, "You know you should tell her," she gave him a small smile, she patted his back ready to slip into the entrance, he stopped her "Why? Did she say something about me?" His voice was full of hope, hoping that maybe she had confessed to her friend just like he did right then but to add onto his sorrow, Pansy shook her head, he let his head hang low, moving his hand over his face, scoffing bitterly at the situation he was in, "but you should still tell her, at least you'll be satisfied knowing that you did something about it than do nothing." She shrugged walking in, leaving him there to think about her words.
She is right. He has to know, to know how you feel, he has to talk to you, has to let you know how he feels because in his heart, there's hope that you may like him back because you kissed him like you did. Mattheo wants to confirm that it wasn't his delusions that rendered your lips to move against his in adoration, something more than just physical. He has to hold you again in his arms-
He didn't even have to walk far away to find you, walking alone in the empty corridor but you turn around as you see him. Mattheo won't let you do that this time, he's onto you within seconds grabbing your wrist and pulling you back. "What-" "Please don't ignore me-" "I am not!" You sound defensive, taking your hand back, folding them as you look at him as though he is some lowlife human, there's a similar hurt in your eyes, one he knows a bit too well. "Yes you are, please don't try to deny it," he says slowly and carefully, he doesn't want you to walk away, "what do you want Mattheo?" You are annoyed, you stretch out his name showing your impatience. He takes his sweet time though, taking your hands in his, they feel cold, snatching away the warmthness of the action, "Why did you walk away? Yesterday?" "Why? Is there some rule against it-""no no ofcourse not-" both of you interrupting each other, you were frustrated, what was he trying to do? Did his ego take such a huge hit that you didn't want to sleep with him, like those girls he used and discarded? "Tell me why is it that you care? It's not a huge deal to you, you can have anyone else to sleep with you, it shouldn't matter that one girl decided to walk away when you have tens and hundreds lining up-" "WHAT?" He was looking at as though you were saying something ridiculous, "I cared about our relationship enough not to ruin it but you had to be there, trying to use me like you use the other girls and then discard me-" "STOP!" He holds your face in his hands, intense gaze setting you ablaze, "I fucking care, don’t think otherwise, I care because it's you, you could never be them-"
"wow- am I so worthless and unattractive in your eyes that you don't even-" "Wait, it should be me saying all of this, about you and the guys you on dates with, the guys you take to bed-" "What guys-" you both were now screaming at eachother, it was overwhelming, having to be vulnerable and admit your feelings and not understand what the person in front of you is saying. "I have not once slept with the guys I went on dates with, I'm in love with you for fucks sake but I got tired of waiting for you to love me," What.
He fucked up.
"Fuck, fuck-" his knees hit the ground as he covers his face with his hands, he's ruined all his chances by being an assuming dickhead. Heavens goodness- "FUCK!" He groans into his palms, not being able to digest what you had just said, he feels ecstatic that you love him but he hates that he's ruined his chances with you, "Mattheo-" "Fuck, I am so sorry, I've been a fool, a fucking idiot-" he pulls you down, grabbing your hands, crying because he doesn't know any other way to express it. He has lost his chance all because he let jealousy get the best of him, took illogical steps to overcome it. "I love you, I fucking am in love with you," he grips your hands tight, shaking them as he speaks, unable to control his very physical reaction, "Mattheo what-" "I thought that I could fuck it all out, fuck all the feelings away but no you were always on my mind, not just you but you with someone else, happy. I thought maybe I could resort to your ways, thought maybe I could sleep around then I'd get rid of my feelings, afterall you seemed happy doing it but you never- FUCK! I am so fucking sorry, I love you-" you kiss him, he sure was an idiot to think that you could just flip a switch and "unlove" him, what kind of love would that be? You hated to admit it, you loved him even when he was sleeping with so many girls, you loved him before he did that, a few weeks were nothing to make you hate him.
It was brief kiss, enough to silence him, tears were still running down his face- he was a heartbroken man on his knees afterall- they were only a sign of his regret, then he was at it again, apologising, "stop Mattheo, you are foolish if you think that I'll love one moment and not love you the next-" "but you don't deserve it, not after what I did-" "let me decide that. Do you love me?" Your ask is serious, so he answers you with utmost sincerity, his words soft, full of truth "I love you, more than I think I can handle," he looks down, you don't let him as you wrap your hands around his neck, pulling him close, "Learn to handle it then, I am not going anywhere." For the first time in his life, does Mattheo experience pure bliss, you are a sin against his lips, he pulls you closer like a prayer because if there's a god above, he'd pray for you to be his.
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wzrd-wheezes · 1 year
Riled up. remus lupin x reader
I got it, Remus and reader fighting because she’s complaining about something and he’s in a mood because the full moon is soon and he’s all riled up about it, end it with either smut or fluff I don’t mind either ;)
AN - no this is the smuttiest thing I've ever written so I hope this is okay and not too filthy jsjjfjs. If there's one thing about me.. if ur gonna give me the option to end it with fluff or smut - im gonna end it with smut every time.
Warnings: kinda toxic!remus like hes just a bit of a prick in this, n this is not a good example of a good relationship. a whole load of sex, daddy kink, choking, smoking and the like. as always minors dni and wrap it before you tap it. Enjoy!
“Remus, you know I hate it when you smoke like that.” Y/N said, looking over to her boyfriend that was chain smoking cigarettes on the balcony of their apartment. 
“And I hate it when you nag at me about it, love.” he replied, tapping ash into the ashtray next to him, “yet, you continue to do it.” 
“I’m just worried about you. There’s no need to jump down my throat about it.” she scowled, turning around and taking a large sip from her coffee. 
“God forbid I want to do something that calms me down when the full moon is soon,” he stubbed his cigarette out harshly, as if to make a point, the glass ashtray rattling against the table with the sheer force of it.  
“Oh, grow up, Remus,” Y/N spat, the grip on her mug tightening as she spoke, “You act like you’re still a fucking teenager sometimes.” She walked over to the kitchen and slammed her mug down on the counter. She hated it when he got like this. The days leading up to the full moon made Remus impossible. He was constantly tired and grumpy. He didn’t have a great temper at the best of times but the full moon only heightened it. It also didn’t help that Remus not sleeping meant that Y/N hadn’t been sleeping, resulting in them both being extremely irritable.  
She heard his footsteps approaching the kitchen and swiftly made an exit, shutting herself in their bedroom.  
“You can’t avoid me all day, darling.” he called out. Even though she couldn’t see him, she just knew that he had that cocky grin on his face. The one that made her feel weak at the knees. The same grin that Remus knew could get him out of anything. They could be arguing and he would flash her that smile and it was as if she couldn’t be mad at him anymore. It infuriated her that he knew exactly how to get her. Y/N sighed, knowing that he was right and opened the door. 
Remus was stood on the other side, leaning against the doorframe, cigarette hanging from his mouth.  
“See? I knew it wouldn’t take you long to come around,” he grinned.  
“It’s like you’re purposefully trying to wind me up today. I fucking hate it when you smoke inside,” she sneered, “and you can wipe that fucking grin off your face as well.”  
“Aw, don’t be like that, baby.” he smirked, leaning back against the wall and taking a drag of his cigarette. “You’re getting all upset over nothin-.”  
He didn’t even have chance to finish his sentence before Y/N had stormed off. She made it all of five steps before Remus swiftly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. 
“Don’t fucking walk away from me when I’m talking to you.” 
“Talking?” she let out a laugh, “You’re such a condescending prick sometimes, you know that?”  
“And you’re a whiny, little, brat sometimes.” he barked, his voice significantly louder now. 
“Fuck you.” 
As fast as lightning Remus had flipped them round so that Y/N’s back was pressed against the wall. Remus had one had above her head, bracing himself on the wall as he towered over her. The grin that was plastered on his face had disappeared. His jaw was clenched and his lips were pressed into a line.  
“You need to watch your fucking mouth before I have to do something about it,” he said roughly, his fingers tangling in her hair.  
“Oh, really?” she retorted, “what are you gonna do about it?” 
 Just as quickly as he did before, he flipped them back around and roughly shoved her down on to her knees. Y/N let out a gasp as her knees hit the floor and she looked up at her boyfriend. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” Remus goaded, the infamous smirk back on his face. 
“Not at all,” Y/N smirked back at him, reaching up to unzip his jeans. Remus smiled down at her as he leaned against the wall. Y/N took his dick out and eagerly put it in her mouth. 
“Atta girl,” Remus grumbled, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it, “Look so pretty down there with my cock in your mouth.”  
He took a drag of his cigarette while she sucked him off, lazily grabbing a handful of her hair to keep her in place. Letting out a groan, he leaned his head back against the wall, cigarette hanging from his lips as her began fucking her mouth. 
“That’s it, baby. Can’t whine with my cock in your mouth, can you?” he chuckled darkly, “Jus’ what little brats like you need, isn’t it?” 
Y/N looked up at him, tears streaming from her eyes. Remus pulled himself out of her mouth. Her lips were swollen and drool was running down her chin. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking gorgeous,” Remus whined, “Gonna be a good girl and let me fuck that pretty pussy of yours, yeah?” 
“Remus, pleas-” 
“S’not my name, baby.” 
“Please, daddy.” she whined 
He smiled down at her smugly and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her into the bedroom. He threw her roughly on the bed, and she scrambled to remove her clothes, throwing them in a heap on the floor. Remus followed suit, his belt dropping to the floor with a clatter as he threw his jeans down. Y/N was spread out on the bed, looking at him needily as he stood over her. Remus dropped to his knees at the edge of the bed, grabbing her ankles and dragging her down the bed roughly so that her core was level with his face.  
“Dripping already, baby?” he mused, “Haven’t even touched you yet. If I knew you’d get this turned on just from sucking my cock, I’d have you do it more often.” 
“Can you stop being a cocky little shit and just fuck me already,” Y/N moaned. 
Remus looked at her, grin instantly disappearing from his face.  
“You just don’t learn, do you?” he snapped, “always have to be such a brat.” 
Pulling her underwear to the side, he plunged two fingers inside of her, drawing a sharp gasp from her lips. If there was one thing about Remus, it was that he knew exactly what to do to get his girlfriend going. He knew exactly how to make her tick and he prided himself on the fact that he could bring her to the edge in a matter of minutes. He licked at her clit as he pumped his fingers inside of her, smirking against her as he listened to her moans. 
“Please, daddy, I’m close, I’m-” 
He withdrew his fingers abruptly, wiping them on her thigh. Y/N let out a loud gasp. 
“You fucking dick.” she groaned. 
“Watch your fucking mouth. I won’t tell you again.”  
“I just need yo-”  
He cut her off, quickly removing her panties and shoving them in her mouth. Y/N whined in protest, her eyes widening in shock. 
“I won’t tell you again. You better keep those in that pretty mouth until I tell you to take them out, understand?” she nodded in response.  
“Good girl.” 
Remus positioned himself between her legs, looking down at her as he lined himself up. With one fluid motion he was inside her, letting out a deep groan as he felt her clench around him.  
“Feel so fucking good baby. Take my cock so well.”  
He wasted no time and began fucking into her roughly. His hips snapping against her at a quickening pace. Y/N’s moaned were like a drug to him and he couldn’t get enough. He thought that she sounded so pretty when she was whimpering underneath him, the panties in her mouth feebly trying to stifle her moans. She reached up to wrap her arms around him, legs trembling as she chased her high. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with one hand. He smirked as she clenched around him, her moans getting louder and louder. 
“You close, baby?” he asked, looking down at the girl laying beneath him. Y/N nodded frantically and moaned through the makeshift gag. He thrust into her roughly a few more times before pulling out of her again. “Didn’t think I’d let you cum that easy, did you?”  
He reached down pulling the panties from her mouth and tossing them on the floor. He manoeuvred her roughly so that she was on her knees with her face pressed against the mattress. Once again, he entered her, grabbing handfuls of her arse as he fucked her. He smacked his hand against the flesh sharply, earning a loud moan from Y/N, and leaving a large hand print on her skin. Remus’ thrusts became more sloppy as he reached his own climax, reaching round to pull Y/N up so her back was flush against his chest.  
“Want you to look at me when you cum, baby. Gonna come on my cock, yeah?” he said gruffly. 
“Y-yes, daddy.” she let out a strained moan, “so close.”  
Her eyes all but glazed over as she reached her peak, seeing stars as she clenched around him. Remus wrapped a hand around her throat, holding her in place as he fucked into her. Letting a strangled moan, came inside her, her body going limp against him. 
“Fuck.” she gasped. 
“You okay?” he asked, collapsing on the bed and pulling her towards him. 
“More than okay.” she smiled, her eyes fluttering shut as she snuggled into him. 
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brandogenius · 6 months
Any type of Jo comfort please xooooooo
i had a little fun with this one!! i apologise i wrote it in an hour
ONE SHOT - josette x masc! grumpy!reader - misunderstandings
word count: 1689
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it was a long day. a long week, if you want to be specific. the tension around the house was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
tonight, you found yourself sleeping on the couch, huddled under blanket and makeshift pillows from hard cushions. the tension between you and jo was also not good. having been fighting non stop- continuously for three days straight. jo left and came back. you left and came back. jo asked for space, you respected that. opting to take the couch so your partner has the bedroom.
the couch wasn’t even comfy. spending now, three nights in the couch was giving you back pain. sleeping at awful angles.. that is, if you can get sleep. having been used to the comfort of sleeping with another body beside you. sleeping in the cold empty room was different.
both of you have resorted to the silent treatment. jo may be mad at you. you could remember very clearly the words ‘don’t speak to me right now’ coming from her lips and you respected it. tiptoeing around them, careful not to get in their way.
this argument was your fault, so it made sense for josette to be angry. you did start it first, unfortunately.
you just weren’t having a good day. stress and anxiety making you on edge. a migraine was settled in deep. nothing was going right. you needed some relief. you needed to go for a smoke.
you knew smoking was bad. having promised to stop smoking- a pinky promise to josette a couple months ago on a balcony in one of the hotels you both shared while muna was on tour. a small promise that jo thought was true and so did you. but it wasn’t genuine if you were out that night, three days ago, on the porch steps.
your plan was to quickly have a smoke, just to relax yourself while josette was having a shower. you must’ve lost track of time as the cigarette was snatched from your hand. the disappointed look from your lover staring down at you.
it all went downhill from then onwards. josettes disappointment and betrayal. your frustration and migraine making it worse. every syllable that came out of josettes mouth made your head ring.
you refused to think back on that situation from then on. saying words you didn’t mean while they said the same. it seemed like that broke a pipe.
it was three days ago and you were left wondering if josette was going to leave. every second of the day you hear small footsteps pottering around the house, wondering if the steps would go close to the door and not come back. if you’d watch your partner come down the stairs with a suitcase in hand and leave without a word.
josette needed space and you respected it. even if deep down you knew they wouldn’t leave. yet, you couldn’t trust yourself to believe that just yet.
it feels like the universe has truly decided to punish you further with the migraine that has settled in yet again. it was a different type of migraine. the thunder rumbling the sky was to blame. you were prone to headaches and migraines from thunder and lightning. it was something you didn’t like either
the sound of thunder and lightning scared you. as a young child, you’d run into your parents room and hide under the covers with them whilst the storm drifted away. the safety of being with another person made you feel more relaxed and less scared. who’s to say lighting won’t strike the house and strike you in the house?
it might seem like an impossible situation but it scared you. the loud noise of the thunder that booms through the house. that makes you jump and your blood run cold for a few seconds as your heart beat quickens up. you felt a lump form in your throat as you tried to clear it away. you knew what you wanted to do and you couldn’t.
what a normal situation would be when josette would pull you just a bit closer as you wrapped your arms around them, hiding your face in the crook of their neck. they’d run their hands up and down your back, whispering small praises in your ear.
“the thunder can’t get you baby.”
“it’ll be gone in a little while”
“just try and sleep”
that comfort was something you couldn’t afford at the moment. yet you so desperately wanted it. desperately wanted to hide yourself under the blankets, basking in the warmth of josette, cold arms wrapped around their frame as you hide from the loud noise.
before you knew it. you stood outside your shared bedroom. blanket wrapped around your shoulders, tightly. as if it was the only thing to shield you from the strikes of flashing lights that zoom across your eyes. the rain belts against the window, creating loud noises to distract you from your choked snd shaky breathing.
the lump in your throat seemed to be growing worse as your hand collides with the door. a small knock broke the silence, the tension wavering between both rooms. you heard no word. your hand fell down to the handle. quietly pushing it open as you knocked a bit louder this time.
there, under the blankets was josette. hee back was turned towards the door, seemingly to be laying on your side of the bed. your eyes adjusted to the darkness as you heard shuffling. your heart jumped into your throat as anxiety rose up into your stomach.
“what?” josettes voice could be heard. half asleep with the grogginess. they turned over to face you, flipping on the small light on the bedside table. jo sat up in the bed. a deep frown in their face as they stares back at you.
“what are you doing here?” maybe that stung a little, but you deserved it. you hurt josette, josette hurt you. you hurt yourself and this was your fault. shunned to the living room. what once was your shared room, didn’t feel very inviting.
“it’s four am. what’s wrong?” josettes voice dropped with sleepiness and a small tinge of concern. although you made them very pissed off the past three days, they can’t help but feel concerned. yes, you were stood in front of them, moving your weight from one leg to another, eyes puffy, stained with tears as your eyes scanned around the room, unable to meet josettes who were firmly placed on you.
“i’m sorry..”
that wasn’t one josette thought they’d hear at this hour. the small apology was foreign to their ears. hearing you sound so small and upset made something thug at their heart.
jo was exhausted. sleeping along was tiring and cold. this was a flaw of theirs that they didn’t take pride in. not wanting to own up to their mistakes just yet. opting to wanting alone time to form their thoughts. to figure out what to do and how to go about it.
hearing you apologise made them realise how..weird the last three days were. on one hand, jo was grateful you respected their boundaries and gave them space. but josette didn’t think you’d give them this much space.
josette was perfectly fine.. with sharing a bed with you. it was you who didn’t want to share the bed. that was what josette thought.
a misunderstanding the two didn’t understand yet. too worried to ask the other to come to bed in fear they’d say no.
looking back, it sounds a bit stupid now.
“i’m sorry too” josette spoke out before she could think. a flash of thunder broke through right after they spoke. they watched as you flinched. josette understood why you knocked now.
“come here” you watched as josette opened the blankets. an open invitation for you to join them in the bed. you didn’t need to think twice, quickly running over and jumping in.
“god, you’re fucking cold” josette mumbled, wrapping her arms around you, pulling the duvet up more.
“well, that’s what sleeping on the couch is like”
“you didn’t need to sleep on the couch, though” josette frowned, leaning down to stare at you. your faces right beside each other on the pillows.
“you wanted space. i assumed that meant in the bedroom too.” you closed your eyes, shivering as goosebumps littered your arms. jo’s warm hands ran up and down your back, trying to warm you up.
“that was for one day-“
“how was i supposed to know” there was a small sniffle. josette opened their eyes, watching a small tear slip down readers tightly closed eyes. she wiped away the tears with the pad of their thumb.
“you’re a bit of an idiot. i thought you’d come to bed that night. you didn’t, so i thought you were angry with me so i gave you space”
“i thought you were still angry with me so i gave you space”
“well, it seems like we’re both idiots then” jo moved positions, opting to lay flat on their back. bringing you closer to lay your head on their chest. this was one of the unspoken things. if you decided to be little spoon for the night, nobody said anything in the morning.
josette ran her hands through your hair, playing with some strands as they sighed.
“i’m sorry if i blew up on you. i know you probably were struggling. i must’ve made it worse, huh?”
“i shouldn’t have ever broken the promise about the cigarettes. i just.. wasnt doing very well and needed some relief.”
“you could’ve come to me.”
“i know..”
another strike of thunder came along with a flash of lightning. jo gripped onto you tighter, leaning their head to the side to kiss the crown of your head.
“promise you’ll come to me if you need anything. and you’ll mean it this time?”
“yeah- i promise” you leaned up and placed a kiss on josettes lips. they smiled into the kiss, breaking away shortly.
“try and get some sleep. we can talk more about this tomorrow”
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abiiors · 1 year
midnight, car lights 🌃 // george daniel x reader
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a/n: a second fic for the george bbf!au that's been plaguing me lately!! (a third one is coming soon). also happy 10 years of self titled <33 i'm scheduling this to come out at midnight uk time tihi
cw: none really, just fluff and flirting. maybe a very tiny age gap?? like 2 ish years
wc: 3.3k
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“let’s go on a joyride.”
those words bounce around in your head like the dvd logo, said to you at 11:50 in the night—whisper-shouted would be more accurate. from under your balcony no less, like some fucked up iteration of romeo and juliet. 
so far you have failed to come up with a coherent answer for george who stares up at you expenctantly.
you lean over the railing, your curiosity piqued. "a joyride…” his words repeated back to him in a disbelieving deadpan voice. 
he nods eagerly. in his hands is a tiny heap of small stones—the source of the clinks on your bedroom window that had scared you half to death. when george follows your gaze, he drops the rocks hurriedly, dusting off his hands. 
“it’s a thursday night…” you point out. 
he clicks his tongue. “and you’re clearly not doing anything.”
your eyes narrow at his little jab. sure he’s right but come on now, he didn’t need to point it out like that.
“my brother—”
“is out on his ‘date’.” he makes a little face at that and you stifle the urge to laugh at how icked out he looks. clearly, some more questions that you need to pester matty with. but that’s for tomorrow. right now you raise an eyebrow at the way he cuts you off and finishes your sentences.
“my parents—”
“are asleep!!” his voice acquires a borderline whiny quality. “i checked!” he confirms proudly and before you have the chance to present him with further counterarguments, he throws his hands up in the air. 
“come on, little healy,” george’s grins a feral little grin, “scared you’ll get caught?”
you bite your lip, determined not to let him see your smile. it’s midnight, you’re in your pjs—an old ramones t-shirt and tiny shorts that barely come up to the top of your thighs—your hair is half out of your ponytail. in short, you’re the ugliest you’ve ever looked in front of george. 
meanwhile he looks like he’s just stepped out of an indie rock magazine—black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt that hangs loosely on him and yet somehow fits perfectly and his beloved vans. at this point, you’re sure george could wear just about anything and still look drop-dead gorgeous. 
“only a little drive? i promise i’ll get you back home in one piece.”
truth be told, you had made up your mind the first time he asked. a slow tingle of thrill slithers down your spine. the goody two shoes who’s never even smoked a cigarette before he came into the picture. about to sneak out the window at 11:56 pm. 
“okay,” you mumble to yourself. the small smile you’d tried to stifle escapes anyway. “okay, fine.”
george grins and whoops silently, fists the air in triumph. it does something funny to your stomach–his excitement. 
“hold on a minute,” you tell him before making a mad dash to your wardrobe for an acceptable pair of jeans and a t-shirt. 
the subtle nude lip gloss is inviting but you know it’s too much. he’s probably just bored on a thursday night and has nothing else to do. so begrudgingly you settle on a lip balm and brushing out your hair. 
it’s fine. it’s normal. and anyway, he’s not going to see you as anything more than matty’s little sister, so what’s the point?
another little rock clinks on your window followed by a soft whisper-shout. 
“hurry up!” the clear impatience in his voice makes you giggle but you look at the mirror a final time, smoothing out your unruly hair. this is as best as it gets. 
after all, this is not a date.
“can’t exactly fly out the window, george,” you respond drily as soon as he comes back into view. 
he looks around curiously, toeing the grass and pulling it loose with his shoes. you can practically see the wheels in his head turning, generating ideas that you don’t entirely trust… matty’s friends aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed—not according to you anyway—but once george gets an idea, it is downright impossible to deter him. 
“that looks good enough,” he mumbles but you catch it anyway, catch the spot his eyes are trained on and your stomach plummets about half a foot. 
“have you—have you lost your mind?!” you stifle your screech halfway through, looking at the boy in front of you like he’s grown two heads. 
george shrugs, looking the least bit bothered and points to the pipe next to your window. 
“it’s sturdy, look,” he gives it two firm raps with his knuckles. “and there’s the brick for you to grab onto. and i’ll catch you.”
the last part has your ears perking up. you look at him with a raised eyebrow. it’s only a floor. the ground below you is soft grass that’s regularly mowed and looked after. if you fall, the most that will happen is a bruised ass (and a bruised ego). besides, the alternative is to go your through the front door and risk waking up the whole house. 
“trust me!” he bounces on the balls of his feet, eager and impatient. 
george stuffs his hands in his pockets, veins on his forearms taut with tension. his colourful tattoos are a stark contrast to his all-black outfit. should you trust him? 
“if i fall—”
“you won’t!” he answers confidently. “i’m not going to let you get hurt.”
your heart skips a beat at how soft he sounds, mumbling the sentence more to himself than to you. a shadow of tenderness crosses his features, or maybe you’re just projecting. just a silly little girl with a crush on her brother’s best friend. a cliché. 
“can’t let my best mate’s little sister get hurt,” he clears his throat. and your heart drops in your chest. of course not. to him you are nothing but matty’s sister. ‘little healy’. 
“’course not,” you mutter begrudgingly and grab onto the pipe.
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george stands below you, hands raised, neck craning to guide your steps down the exposed brick wall. there’s taking risks and then there’s whatever the fuck this is. regardless, you have put a disturbing amout of faith is george and now there’s nowhere to go but down. literally. 
the last few feet loom between you and the ground. your sweaty palms almost slip and involuntarily a whimper escapes you. 
“almost there, sweetheart,” george murmurs. that word snags in your brain. all thoughts fly away, and before you know it, you’re missing a step, foot slipping on the rough wall. there’s a split second of panic, the beginning of a scream that dies in your throat as soon as you feel a pair of hands around your waist. 
warm, rough hands on soft skin. 
george, holding you up. 
you’re practically pulled flush against his chest, wide-eyed and flushed from the almost fall. funnily enough, the vertigo intensifies the moment you look up into his eyes. they’re just as wide as yours, mouth parted as if he was about to say something. 
for a fleeting instant, time seems to stand still. the world around you fades into a distant blur as you and george remain locked in this suspended moment, bodies pressed close together, his towering over yours. his warm breath tickles your skin, and you can feel the rapid thud of his heart against your chest.
"are you okay?" george's voice is a hushed murmur, his grip on you firm yet gentle.
you manage a shaky nod, finding your voice after a few seconds. "yeah, i... i think so."
george's grip on you doesn't waver as he slowly guides you back onto the solid ground, his hands lingering on your waist for an extra beat before finally releasing you. you take a step back, both to regain your composure and to put some distance between the two of you. 
"thanks," you mumble, your cheeks burning with embarrassment. "i don't know what happened there." you giggle nervously, unable to stare directly into his eyes. 
"no need to thank me,” he smiles, “just glad i was here."
the two of you stand there for a second, the weight of the almost moment hanging in the air. then, as if on cue, george's playful grin returns, diffusing the tension like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds.
"good to know i can make your heart race like that, little healy," he begins with a teasing glint in his eyes.
despite the heat creeping up your neck, a small laugh escapes your lips, the tension finally breaking as you roll your eyes at his cheeky comment. "you're unbelievable, george."
“right then,” he toes a small pebble, stuffing his hands in his pocket. “shall we?”
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his car is cleaner than you expected. 
sure there are some receipts and empty plastic bottles on the floor, even a jacket in the back seat for some inexplicable reasons but it’s nowhere near the pigsty that is your brother’s car. 
“in you go,” he motions, casually holding the door for you. internally you’re grateful that he can’t see your flustered expression. 
it’s a tiny gesture, barely even a gesture really—just a boy opening a car door for you. but he’s not just a boy. he’s george—the boy who makes you mad beyond belief and annoys you with the smallest of efforts. the boy who makes you stumble over your words. the boy who is your brother’s best friend. 
“my my, george,” you tease to cover up your flustered silence, “manners. when did that happen?”
george rolls his eyes as he closes the car door behind you, and you settle into the passenger seat. you notice the faint scent of air freshener, attempting to mask any lingering odors from the cigarettes he no doubt must have smoked earlier. you glance sideways at him when he gets settled in the driver’s seat, unable to hide the hint of a smile playing at the corner of your lips.
"believe it or not," george retorts, putting the car in reverse, "i do have manners sometimes. just don't expect it all the time."
another playful taunt crawls up your throat, about to make it’s way out of your mouth when george casually just does the hottest thing you’ve ever possibly seen. your heart is in your mouth as you try not to stare at his arm behind your headrest. george, oblivious to your freak out, focuses solely on reversing the car from its little hiding spot. his cologne—something warm and smoky—fills the tiny car. a space that is so overwhelmingly him that you have to swallow roughly every couple minutes lest you do something incredibly stupid. 
like grabbing his face and kissing him senseless. 
especially with how inviting his light stubble looks. 
instead, you pointedly stare out the window at the dull grey road beneath you. 
“scared?” he teases, misinterpreting your darting eyes. 
all you can do is shake your head. there’s no way you trust your ability to speak right now, especially as half of your brain is focused on not ogling his arms and hands. 
this was a mistake. this was a stupid, idiotic, avoidable mistake. 
“come on! aren’t you excited to do something reckless for once?”
you are, you really really are. there’s no denying it as the car finally maneuvers out of the parking spot and away from your house. 
you let out a silent sigh of relief. the tension in the air begins to dissipate, and you take the opportunity to relax your grip on the seat. you sneak another glance at george, this time allowing yourself to truly take in his features.
his bleached hair is tousled—just the right amout of effortlessly messy, and his full pink lips only intensify the butterflies in your stomach. george is beautiful—from the way his hands grip the steering wheel with confidence to his jaw that tenses as he focuses on the road. all of it makes your heart race again. you can't deny your silly little crush, can’t deny all the times you have wished george was anyone but matty’s best friend. that you actually had the courage to kiss him. more than that you can’t deny all the times you’ve wished he would kiss you first. 
“where are we going?” you clear your throat, distinctly aware of how breathy you sound. 
george shrugs. “maccies, i think. been really craving some milkshake.”
and then he has the audacity to snicker at your gaping face. “a milkshake…” you trail off, wondering if hitting him on the head would be taking it too far. “sure, good to know i risked my life for your milkshake cravings!”
“pfft,” he blows air, taking his eyes off the road and training them on to you. “admit it, sweetheart, you were ready to, oh what was it? ‘risk your life’ for the thrill of it. don’t lie to me now, i saw it in your eyes.”
there it is again, the little flutter in your ribcage at the s-word. george seems so casual about it too, throwing it around like it doesn’t bother him whatsoever. and maybe it doesn’t, maybe he uses that on every single girl he talks to. the thought curdles in your stomach. 
“fine then,” you huff, turning back to the window.
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the mcdonald’s is a flurry of people—drunk and high students looking to satisfy their munchies, homeless people looking for a cheap meal and shelter. exhausted employees handing out orders with a dead expression on their face. you almost feel sad, making them prepare two milkshakes at this ungodly hour. 
you turn to george who is busy studying the menu with the utmost curiosity. 
“strawberry,” he mumbles to himself then turns to you. “or no, wait. banana?”
you quirk an eyebrow. “strawberry is superior.”
“which means that’s what you’re getting,” he replies and goes back to perusing.
“if you think, for even a second, that i would let you steal—”
“so territorial, sweetheart,” he teases, eyes still on the artificially lit board. “fine. two strawberries then.”
george places the orders, giving the cashier his winning smile and handing over some cash. she perks up slightly, eyeing him through her lashes while george leans against the counter. a sudden heat burns through you, wild and unpleasant. 
heartburn, you tell yourself. the milkshake will fix it. 
or maybe not looking at george being flirty would fix it but oh well…
so you turn around, finding yourself an empty seat and leave him to bring over the drinks. 
minutes later, you almost jump out of your skin when george places the cool take-out container against the nape of your neck without warning. 
“real mature, george!” the shriek causes a few people to throw distasteful looks your way but he looks absolutely unbothered and oblivious.
“such a grump,” he snickers and motions for you to follow him. 
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armed with your milkshake, you settle in the car once again. the car park is almost dead at this hour of the night and you wait for him to start the car back up, for him to tell you what the next steps are but george only taps tirelessly on the steering wheel. a complete 180 from five minutes ago.
tap. pause. tap tap tap. pause. tap. pause. it’s restless and rhytmless; not like his usual tapping where he’s lost in own tune. his milkshake sits untouched, condensation dripping onto the dashboard. 
you wrap your lips around the straw, sucking on it noisely, sipping on the sweet, cool liquid while you observe him closely. “something’s on your mind.” 
your statement makes him blink. so you’re right then, something is on his mind. he’s more fidgety than usual. in the stillness of the night, his thick swallows and knee jerks are painfully obvious. 
“what’s up…” you trail off, unsure if pushing him would be the right move. 
“there’s this–well. i want to–”
“this is new.” the amount of glee in your voice should be disturbing to you but you can’t contain it. because it is new. 
you’ve seen george be arrogant and annoying, laddish and even on occasion, sweet. but you’ve never seen him be shy before. 
“shut up,” he mutters to himself, then sighs loudly. “okay fine, it’s better if i just show you.”
you follow his movements inquisitively, his imperceptibly shaky hands as he takes out his phone and opens up a non-descript recording titled track 11
his phone screen illuminates his face in the dimly lit car as he hovers over the audio file. the soft glow casts a warm, intimate ambiance, making you acutely aware of how close you are to him in the confined space. your curiosity and anticipation mount as you wonder what he's about to reveal.
"i've been thinking about this for a while now," he clears his throat, finger lowering to finally click on the file. "and i want to share something with you."
at first, nothing happens. all that comes out of the speakers is static and then some more static. but just as you're about to speak, the car is filled with the opening notes of a song—one that instantly tugs at your memory. It's a tune that you have heard before, at different points in time. it's the song that matty’s hummed to you on days you were ill in bed, a song you heard them play at band practice. it’s a song that george and matty laboured over for days. the one that brought you all closer together.
and now it sounds all put together. the final piece of the puzzle locked in.
matty’s voice is stronger than you’ve ever heard, adam’s guitar and ross’ bass sprinkling magic onto it. and then there are the drums—precise and clear and passionate. just like how george drums his fingers on his lap now, matching the beat of the song.   
when the song ends, there's a brief silence in the car. the weight of the notes and the sincerity in his eyes hang in the air, leaving you breathless.
"george," you finally whisper, "that was..."
“we finished it,” he smiles, looking down at his lap. “so we recorded it…”
there you are once again, at a loss for words. almost certain that there might be actual tears in your eyes. 
“that was…”
“shit? derivative? lousy?” he tries to laugh it off, covering up a vulnerable moment with his jokes but you’d be damned if you let that happen. 
the words echoes around the car resoundingly. there’s no challenging your opinion. the song is perfect.
“and you listen to me once and for all george daniel, if you call that song names in front of me one more time, if i hear you call it shit and derivitive and lousy again—”
before you can finish your sentence, george leans forward, crashing his lips onto yours. there’s a crackle of electricity in the air around you, the slowing down of time as if you’re having an out-of-body experience. as if you are a fly on the wall watching two people giving into the magnetic pull between them. but george cups your cheek with his hand and you jolt back into your body. 
his lips are cool from the milkshake but the kiss is searing hot, teeth clashing against teeth. your bodies trying to get as close to each other as possible despite the gearstick between your seats. george tugs on your bottom lip, smiling wide as if he can’t help it—grinning ear to ear.
by the time you pull away, you’re both breathing heavily—practically panting. he doesn’t pull back entirely, instead he keeps his eyes closed and his forehead rested against yours. the grin stays on his face. wide and gorgeous and making him look so boyish. 
“um,” you start and break off into a quick laugh. 
"i've wanted to do that for quite some time now," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper.
with some hesitation, george lets go of your face, opening his eyes to look at you a second later. 
“damn, sweetheart,” he sighs again, chuckling a little. “this is turning out to be a great joyride, huh…”
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lemme know what you think <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo, @partoftheairforce, @beachesgetpeaches, @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855 @beachesgetpeaches, @you-muppet, @mcabister, @alexmarie29, @at-her-very-foreign, @hfkait, @squishysoupy
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boobearymuch · 1 year
Revisiting Vices
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Summary: You thought you knew Leon pretty well by now, but finding him on the balcony tonight with a cigarette in hand had you thinking – wow, maybe you didn’t. Tags: Leon S. Kennedy/gn!reader, light angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, insomnia, sex is mentioned (very very briefly), smoking, cigarettes, Leon S. Kennedy needs a hug Word Count: 1.4k Read on AO3
Notes: ao3 shutting down traumatized me enough to get over my fear of posting fics on tumblr 💀 enjoyy <3
It’s never bothered you – the way Leon’s insomnia seems to have bled into your own nighttime routine. Ever since his return from Spain – a trip he refused to discuss – the occasional bouts of insomnia have turned into a far more persistent beast. There was only so much you could do for him, only so much he would allow you to do for him – if only he could just open up. You thought you knew Leon pretty well by now, but finding him on the balcony tonight with a cigarette in hand had you thinking – wow, maybe you didn’t. 
“Those things will kill you, you know.” You’re trying to tease, but it comes out half-hearted. Something is wrong. He used to smoke, but quit after being drafted into that top secret government program of his. You’re not sure when or how he got his hands on a pack of smokes, but something about the way he fiddled with the cigarette told you this wasn’t his first one of the night. Leon gives you a weak laugh, a light huff of air that smelled of the cigarette’s musk.
“I’ll be back in bed soon. Get some rest.” You lean against the railing to watch him, much to his disappointment. He stares down at his hands, then you. “Are you mad?”
You shake your head softly. “Do you wanna talk?” Of course, he didn’t. You knew that. It’s why he sneaks off in the night to seek comfort in nicotine instead. Leon hangs his head and takes a drag. He does it so well, like he never quit at all. You can’t help but picture a younger version of Leon doing the same. Perhaps he smoked with other recruits during his police training; a young rookie who would rather cough and splutter than admit he couldn’t keep up with the tar. 
“Not really ready to.” Leon admitted gently, “Sorry.” 
“It’s okay.” You wrap your arms around yourself and decide to face the street instead. You just didn’t want him to be alone right now. Leon had a nasty habit of getting stuck inside his own thoughts, which made the insomnia worse. Silence fell between the two of you – comfortable and long – as he smoked. You didn’t check the time before rushing to find Leon, but it had to have been early morning based on the quiet street below. A pair of pale blue eyes calmly watched you survey the stars above, or what little could be seen through the light pollution. 
“I used to live near a casino as a kid.” Leon’s words cut through the night air, and you nearly jolted from his sudden – albeit quiet – declaration. His voice came out hushed, as if afraid of disturbing the city’s peaceful night. “About thirty minutes away from our house. We went all the time. Not to gamble, of course – I was too small for that. My family liked going to the buffet.” His cigarette tapped against the railing, shaking off the excess. “I hated going. You couldn’t escape the smell of cigarettes.” You watched the end of Leon’s mouth flick up into a tired smile that never reached his eyes. “But the chocolate cake was the best there.”
Leon worries you sometimes. Just as he begins to pull away, he’d catch himself, and somehow reel you both back in. The story about the casino almost felt like an apology somehow. Like he was saying, I’m sorry I can’t tell you everything yet, but here is what I’m willing to share. “You think all chocolate cake is the best.” You whisper back. Leon shakes his head, your response genuinely making him smile.
“I have standards, you know.” You hum lightly, feigning disbelief, and silence prevails again.
Maybe on another night he would have stayed in bed; it wasn’t unusual to wake up to gentle tugs as Leon played with the hem of your sleep shirt, staring off into the darkness. On nights like those, he didn’t like talking either. Instead, he’d feign some half-hearted apology for waking you – but you both knew he meant to – before softly sliding his hand up your shirt. The sex took his mind off of whatever haunted memory came to plague his thoughts in the cruel hours of the night when sleep eluded him. He’d mewl soft thank you’s into your neck, fist your shirt like your flush bodies weren’t nearly as close as he needed you to be. 
After, you’d run a shaky hand through his tousled hair and refuse to sleep yourself until Leon’s breath evened out into a light snore. To you, there wasn’t a sweeter sound in this world that could compete. And no sweeter sight than the blush across his cheekbones the next morning when you teased him for drooling on your shirt. Perhaps he felt guilty for waking you like that so often. Maybe that’s why cigarettes have taken your place tonight. 
Another cloud of smoke fills the night air as Leon exhales, this one shakier than his last. “You don’t have to stay out here, you know.” Leon isn’t looking at you when he says this, “One of us should get a good night’s sleep, at least.” He then huffs out a mirthless laugh, “Fuck, I feel like I’m giving you second-hand insomnia at this point.” You bite your lip to hold back a stupid grin, but Leon frowns at you, “That wasn’t meant to be a pun.”
“You’re a natural.”
“I’m serious.” He insists.
A hum leaves you. “I am too. I’m out here because I want to be.” You gravitate to him without meaning to, your hand landing on his arm like a satellite pulled into orbit. His sullen eyes drop to the contact and stay there, “You don’t have to do this alone.” Your thumb gently glides across his moonlit skin, “And as long as I’m here, you won’t have to, got that?” 
You don’t mind reminding Leon of this every so often. You’d repeat it a thousand more times if you had to, and you might. There’s a heavy pause after your statement as Leon watches your hands. You understood that he was worried, but losing a few hours of sleep to give him company – peace – was well worth it. An ambulance siren starts up somewhere in the distance, and he finally nods in defeat. “Okay.” 
“Okay,” You repeat and let go of his arm, “Glad we settled that.” He curiously watches you step away to press your back against the railing, content with yourself. “You know, some chairs would be nice out here. I’m always thinking that, but I dunno, what do you think?”
You thought he didn’t hear you at first with how long it took him to finally respond to your dumb ramble. “Yeah,” He breathes out, and you hum comfortably. You’re about to suggest a shopping trip in the afternoon when a sudden pair of arms are pulling you to the side. The world spins when Leon’s warm lips find yours, kissing you like your skin holds all the answers to his desperate questions. And you don’t mind that his mouth tastes like cigarettes and unspoken horrors. You welcome his touch, his tongue, his broken gasps; you welcome all of him as he is. When he pulls away, his eyes are still closed, but your own trace every inch of his tired face. You wished he’d let you in on what’s going on in his head tonight. If you could ease his pain – just for a bit – it’s all you could ask for. Leon will come to you on his own terms though; it wasn’t anything personal. It takes courage to face the monstrosities of this world, but even more to talk about them. 
You only noticed he extinguished his cigarette when both his hands rose to trace your jawline. “Are you ready for bed?” He asks breathlessly.
“Only if you’re coming with me.” You murmur back.
“Yeah,” He sighs, thumbing your cheek, “I think I’m ready.” 
It occurred to you, in the early rays of morning sun, that maybe Leon couldn’t sleep because he was scared to. Maybe stewing in his own thoughts for hours on end fared him better than whatever horrors awaited in his dreams. But in the glow of morning light, Leon slept so soundly, so quietly. Your hand came up to softly brush a stray piece of blonde hair away from his cheek; what were you dreaming of, Leon? What keeps you up at night? 
You’ll never know for sure, but maybe you didn’t need to.
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silassinclair · 2 years
Treasure (Dave Mustaine x Reader)
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Summary: Kirk's girlfriend Y/n suspects him of cheating and Y/n feels insecure. But luckily Dave is here to be a shoulder to cry on. And maybe the devil on her shoulder too.
“No that’s not the riff bone head!” James said and clapped Dave upside the back of his head. “Maybe if you payed attention like Kirk you would have gotten it down by now.”
Dave snarled and glared at his soon to be replacement. He was sitting on the couch with his guitar in his arms playing the riff like it was nothing. What pissed Dave off more was that he wrote this song himself.
“Oh fuck off man. I wrote the damn song so give me a break, today’s just not my day alright.” The long haired ginger said and took a swig of the bottle of jack resting on the near coffee table.
“You see,” Lars cuts in, “That’s the problem right there.” He’s pointing at the bottle in Dave’s hand.
“What? What I can’t fuckin drink now? I’m not even drunk! Just a little tipsy is all. I’m stressed alright? Calm your tits Ulrich.” He slams the bottle back down on the table. He barely even took a sip.
“He’s right ya know? You’ve been slowing us down.” Kirk said as he looked up from his guitar. You sat idly by on the couch next to him, but not too close to get in the way of his playing. You were hugging yourself trying to make the short sleeves of your shirt extend down just a little farther. It was cold as hell in here.
Dave put his guitar down and marched up to your boyfriend Kirk. It was understandable why he was so mad. Kirk was the better player and Dave was slowing the band down, but he did contribute a lot in the songs written. If everyone else were just a little patient with Dave and told him to cut down instead of berating him then maybe things would be better than this.
“Say that again louder Hammet so I can have an excuse to beat your fucking face in.” Dave gripped at your boyfriend’s collar.
“Enough! Dave let him go. And Kirk stop getting under his skin!” You gently slapped Dave’s hand off Kirk and he slowly let him out of his grip. Kirk scoffed went back to picking at the strings of his guitar gently.
Dave turned to you with a small frown. Ever since Kirk joined he felt like he was slowly being replaced. But when Kirk came so did you, a beautiful ray of sunshine. He brought you to every practice. At this point you were the only reason why Dave would come to practice on time. The small conversations you two had would brighten the sour mood your boyfriend would put him in.
“Sorry Y/n.” Dave said and left the room. You followed after him. Kirk commanded you to come back but you only rolled your eyes. You found Dave on the balcony of the apartment smoking a cigarette.
“Hey Dave. I’m sorry about everything that’s happening. If this keeps up…”
"Yeah I know. I'm definitely going to be replaced Y/n. But I just don't know when."
Y/n gave him a sympathetic smile and rested her head on his shoulder. The outdoor summer breeze was calming but the sounds of the instruments and the guys inside could still be heard.
"You're shivering Y/n." Dave pointed out and flicked his cigarette butt off the balcony. "You have been since we've been inside too."
She looked up at Dave with her lips slightly parted. Has he always looked this.. pretty? "U-Uhm I'm not that cold, don't worry! It's my fault I wore short sleeves anyways even though I knew it would be pretty chilly out today."
"It's not your fault princess. Here-" He took off his jean jacket with numerous patches sewn on it. "Put this on you're shaking like a leaf. I can't believe your guy Hammett didn't notice sooner. What a pushover.." He mumbled the last part to himself but Y/n still heard it clear as day.
The young woman slipped his jacket on and it nearly swallowed her whole. It smelled like him though and she buried her face in the collar of it. Dave noticed this and smiled. Slowly, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Looking down at her again he saw a frown on her face.
"What's on your mind pretty girl? And don't say nothing because I see that lil bottom lip poppin out." His thumb came and brushed against her plump lip making her gasp in shock slightly.
"It's uh.." She rubbed the back of her neck. "It's stupid. You wouldn't wanna hear about it."
Dave grinned lightly. "Well I do wanna hear about it because it's clearly bothering you. Lay it to me flat, come on please." He begged with his pretty dark eyes. Y/n could never say no to him so she sighed tiredly.
"Fine.. It's Kirk." Her frown deepened while Dave stood there confused. Something in him clicked though.
"Is he hurting you? Because if he is I'll march in there and beat the living fuck out of him right no-"
"N-No No! Dave no it's not that. It's just the band is getting more popular and all and the album hasn't even been officially released yet. And whenever you guys go out to play and I just watch as so many women look at Kirk."
Y/n could feel the tears forming already but she continued. "I see the way he looks back at them too. When you guys make it big there's going to be so many women and I'm afraid that he'll just forget me. I don't even have much to offer. I'm insecure, I don't like having sex unless the lights are turned off, and I don't like big crowds. He's gonna dump me or cheat on me sooner or later Dave. I just know it."
A sniffle and then full on tears cascaded down Y/n's face. Her cheeks turning a rosy shade of her natural skin tone. It broke Dave's heart. But what broke him even more is that he knew most of what she said was true and that he's seen it. He saw Kirk and some woman take it to the changing room after a show. But everything Y/n said about herself made him love her even more.
"Look at me N/n." His hands went up to her warm face. His thumb wiped a tear off her face that was threatening to fall. "Kirk is a fucking moron. He doesn't see how much of a treasure you are. All your little quirks and habits are adorable and that's what makes you different from all the women that try and throw themselves at me and the guys. Kirk is a fucking dumbass for even letting you slip from his grip." His hand petted her head gently as he cooed her gently.
Y/n's cries were dying down little by little while her forehead rested on Dave's chest. "Thank you Dave. I dunno what I can do without you. If you ever leave the band I'll leave with you. I'll leave Kirk."
Dave's gentle strokes paused. "You'll really do that sweet thing? But I thought you loved Kirk?"
"I did. But I see the way he sends looks to other women. I just can't handle it anymore. I should just break up with him before I catch him in the act or if he dumps me."
Dave turned away to hide his dopey smile. Just imagining her breaking up with Kirk made him want to fucking dance. How he's waited for this day to come so he can come in to sweep you off your feet.
"Good idea princess. Now you wanna head back inside?"
The two came back inside and the instruments and talking stopped. James looked at Lars who looked at Kirk who looked at Y/n and Dave.
"Baby?" Kirk said quietly. "Your eyes are all puffy. Have you been crying?" He stood up from where he sat and walked up to her. His hands held her face as he looked at her puffy and swollen features. He also noticed the jacket that belonged to Dave was on her now.
"What does it look like captain obvious?" Dave snarled and crossed his arms. Kirk sent him a quick glare but went back to focusing on the task at hand, comforting his girl.
"Y/n." Kirk said quietly. "Tell me what's wrong please."
Y/n's mind was racing. When Kirk got all caring and sweet like this she couldn't help but fall into his arms again and forget anything negative he has ever done. But she knew she had to speak up and break up. This sweetness was only temporary. The pain he would soon leave her with would last long if she didn't break it off sooner.
"Kirk I-" She coughs. "Uhm. Ithinkweshouldbreakup."
Kirk looks at her with a quirked eyebrow. "Huh? I didn't hear you quite well baby could you say it again a little louder and slower?"
Y/n takes a deep breath in and looked him in the eyes. "I think we should break up Kirk." She said flatly and looked back down at her shoes. Kirk's thumb paused it's movement on her cheek.
"Are you serious?" Kirk said exasperated. "We've been together since early high school babe! You cannot be fucking serious right now. Did.. Did he fucking put you up to this shit?!" Kirk's hands left Y/n's face and went to grip the collar of Dave's t shirt. Dave just stood there with a stupid smirk.
"Kirk let go of him." Hearing her voice made his hands drop. He turned to her with tears of his own forming. "This isn't Dave's fault. It is yours. I see the way you look at women and groupies at shows. I've seen you buy them drinks and slip them your phone number. I can't do it anymore Kirk. I'm done."
Kirk stood in utter shock. He thought he was keeping it from her well enough. He still loved her but he liked to screw other women. Kirk's mind was racing for excuses.
"Don't bother man. I'm sorry but I'm with her on this." Lars cut in. James nodded in agreement. "I've seen you take women back to the changing room and I hear it too. I'm sick of it and I don't like that disloyal shit you pull. Y/n is a good girl and I don't want you pulling her along any more." James added.
Y/n felt like her heart just snapped. James just confirmed her worst nightmare. Dave noticed her trembling lip and pulled her into a hug from behind.
"We won't hold anything against you Kirk. You're still a great member of this band, even if you are a shit boyfriend. Well, were a shit boyfriend." Lars said with a shrug. "Don't let this get in the way of your playing though. You're still my friend."
Kirk's shoulders slumped. He fucked up and he got caught. There was no escaping this now. He just let the love of his life slip from his hold because of what? Lust? How pathetic.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I know you won't forgive me but-"
"No buts Hammett." Dave cut in with a frown. "I don't want to hear your pathetic ass try and guilt trip her. So we're leaving. Besides, you fuckers were practicing and clearly performing MY songs better without me. So I'm taking a break. See you all whenever."
Dave took Y/n by the hand, grabbed his guitar, and left the apartment.
When the door closed Y/n let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "Dave that was crazy! I thought I was gonna die! But I did it! I didn't think I could but I did. Yeah I still feel like curling up into a ball and crying but I did it!"
Dave put his arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. They walked down the dark streets with no destination in mind. They just walked and talked.
"Hey since you're single.." Dave started. "You think you can give me a chance? Let me take you out on a date? Maybe the movies? Dinner? A walk in the park? Man I don't really know how date shit works so I'm kinda lost. I know it's really shitty of me to ask you since you just broke up with your longterm boyfriend but I've liked you ever since Hammett brought you to band practice with him. So mayb-"
Dave's ramble was cut off when he felt Y/n's soft lips on his. Her arms wrapping around his neck. He dropped his guitar case where he stood and gripped her sides with his rough and calloused hands.
Y/n broke off the kiss first and Dave chased her lips with his eyes still closed. Y/n giggled and separated their faces with her palm. "Slow down loverboy. We have all the time in the world for that."
Dave opened his eyes and his jaw nearly dropped. She looked so stunning in the light of the moon. Kirk was a fucking fool.
"I like you too Dave. A lot. How about dinner at my house? We can run to the grocery store for supplies?"
A dopey smile spread across the ginger's face. "Sounds good to me princess. I haven't had your cooking yet so I look forward to it."
He picked up his guitar and held Y/n's hand as they walked to the grocery store. Today was a new beginning. A new start in both their lives. When Dave was kicked from Metallica Y/n was there to help him rebuild again. Y/n never left his side even when he went through the worst of his addiction. She never once gave up on him, and he never let her go.
Even with all the beautiful women that came and went during tours he never batted them an eye when he had his gorgeous, lovely, girlfriend. When he proposed with a ring-pop during a drunken night in a hotel she cried and said yes. When he proposed with a real ring a week later her soul just about left her body.
When Dave went sober Y/n praised him all the way. She was so proud of his breakthrough. To this day the two are still head over heels for each other.
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nobadyasked · 8 months
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Pairing: non.idol!Jungwon × Afab!reader
Gerne: kinda angst, fluff, tw cigarettes
- not again, not again, not- her thoughts got cut off when a hand waved beside her face
- you alright? - he asked as he noticed fear plastered on her pale face
-y-yeah just... Tired- great excuse.ofc he would believe her it's 3am
- then go to bed, If anything I'm outside- he said making sure to not break eye contact. That's when he reached the balcony door as she called
- where are you going?
- to smoke - he sighed, and opened the door. The cold air hit his body. It was his tradition to smoke before bed. And she knew it. Why would she ask? Didn't she know? Did she forget? His thoughts were all about her while she was sitting on the edge of their bed and thinking of it. She didn't want to. But she needed to. But Ur wasn't right. But nothing else could help. But how? He'll notice. Hell nah she's not going to do that. No no no. And that's it. She's standing in front of the balcony door looking at his muscular figure though the thin glass. She could see the smoke coming out of the cigarette. The little light was calling her.
- Do you have a spare one?- the question got him out of his thoughts.
- what?- his brain couldn't function properly
- cigarette. Do you have spare cigarettes? - she asked once again feeling her limbs get colder. Not because it was freezing nigh in January but because of his gaze. Oh that fucking gaze. They've been dating for a while but still she wasn't able to read that gaze. Was he mad? Was he confused? What's next? His right hand moved. Is he going to hit her? So many questions spinning in her head making her dizzy
- here- her eyes moved to his hand. Here it is. That box. The box she'd never seen in his hands. But she could smell it. Both of them smoke. It's just that she brushes her teeth after. And he lets that venom slip into her lungs every single time. But what she didn't know Is that he could still taste it when they kissed.
- thanks- she mumbled and gave him the box back.
- oh yeah- he chuckled lowly after awkward silence when she was waiting for the lighter.- here
- thanks- again. She said the same word twice. What will he think? Will he think she's bored? But she's not. Is he insecure? Is he embarrassed? Why didn't he scold me ? I'm smoking after all. Has he already seen me smoking? Has anyone told him? And here we go again. Thoughts making her dizzy. She shuts her eyes close.
- so pretty - he mumbles exhaling the gray smoke
-huh? - she opened her eyes and looked at him.
- so pretty- he said a little louder not making eye contact.- even when smoking
- are you mad?- finally. She Said it. The relief she feels after letting those 3 words out.
- Yeah- he turns his head the other way. Avoiding her and her innocent eyes- this is the last time you're doing it
- can't promise- she says going back to inhaling the substance both knew very well was killing them
- are you kidding?- he looked at her. Finally. They made eye contact. But obviously he was mad. He was confused. He was mad. He was sad. - I said it's the last time
- Okay- she answered throwing the cigarette out.
- come here- he said doing the same with his poisonous treat and opening his arms. They hugged. Both knowing it was not the last time
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Nyan XII - Stalker Cats
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A/n: In this chapter are my arts for the chapter....I'm a bit ashamed of it because it didn't turn out pretty well. But I am sending you this. Please don't laugh 😅
The black cat hit the white cat lightly as he continued to meow.
His blue eyes looked at him questioningly from behind his glasses.
His ears still droop from being sad.
White fluff so sad. But mostly he was jealous.
It was a terrible feeling.
You didn't betray them. You just went out with your friend...
But they feel jealous of it!
They're supposed to be your cats when you go out with some other guy?!
They weren't mad at you because you sure love them. But they were mad that this guy still thought he could get you! You could only be his friend!
Can't he understand?
You were their girlfriend.
Even if you didn't know the whole truth about them, they never lied.
Why do they sometimes disappear from home? Because they are Jujutsu sorcerers. They can't stay indoors all day as cats, even if they would love to.
But unfortunately the world is unfair.
But they feel that what is happening is also an injustice.
If Yuki wanted war, he'll get war.
Is this supposed to be a rival? He doesn't stand a chance against them!
They will make him rest.
Because you are their girlfriend.
Suddenly, the white cat jumped onto the railing and jumped off the balcony, landing noiselessly on the pavement as a human.
His friend, whose girlfriend you were, landed right next to him.
Black smoke drifted lightly at his feet.
"We can't walk around as cats in the city." Satoru said, standing in a white plume of smoke.
"This is just a discovery for me. If we had at least worn the collars that (y/n) gave us, it would have been better. Some idiot wouldn't threaten to lock us in a shelter." Suguru said, taking steps forward to make the smoke disappear completely.
"You know, wearing those collars isn't so bad. At least people will see what she gave us. As if marking us as hers. Not everyone gets a collar from their sweetheart."
"When she gave it to us, she thought we were cats. Normal cats. Not people. You were the one who finally wanted to show her."
"Prefer to eat cat food from a bowl on the floor? Besides, if it wasn't for that, she'd probably be with someone else! She would have another boyfriend! Probably this guy! If we didn't hurry, it would be too late!" he said with a sad face. His cheeks were slightly grim.
"Come on, come on. You're right. And now we have to ensure that we don't lose her."
"It'll be faster as a cat." He laughed, and suddenly there was a levitating white cat in the alley.
"You know there's a dogcatcher in town?"
The cat meowed.
Basically, there was a shelter here.
However, there were a lot of stray animals on the streets, or those that had escaped and the owner couldn't find them.
They don't want to be compared to animals that have run away or been left behind.
But they also can't constantly change into a human and then into a cat.
It would be more suspicious if the two big cats disappeared and suddenly reappeared.
They are sorcerers, and people know very little about sorcerers.
They cannot know much because the world of Jujutsu is a mystery to them.
And it's best to keep it that way.
But they think you'll have to find out someday.
They will have to explain it to you in detail.
They don't want to scare you.
It was hard for you to accept that your cats turned into people. In two men!
That must have been terrible for you!
And now they have to tell you right away that they are Jujutsu sorcerers? That they have powers that normal people don't have?
That there are curses in this world?
There are curses here. Even with you. But since they're with you, nothing comes close to you.
That's why they can't leave you.
How can you react to the fact that there are monsters invisible to you?
Flying cats, cats that teleport.
Cats that turn into people.
And if you weren't with them, you would be unaware of how much you could be loved.
Even if they're half-two purrs who are jealous that you have a friend who's a guy.
And he is a bit like Ijichi. And they don't want you to replace them - handsome, tall and manly. For something like him - shorter and looks like he just went to high school. Even though he probably might be older than you.
They're just better.
That's why they will do everything to make you stop noticing your friend and pay attention only to them.
Even if they are assured of your love still because he is just a friend.
But he fell in love with you...
And you are their girlfriend. He can't just fall in love with someone else's girlfriend and want to go out with her!
Therefore, they must do something to show him clearly that he has no chance.
Because they're with you and he's about to let it go.
That's why two cats were running on the roofs of buildings, jumping between them and looking for you on the sidewalk.
The glasses disappeared from the head of the white man to find you faster.
And suddenly he jumped, clearing the way for the black cat. Causing his friend to hit his fur and they both nearly fell over.
But Gojo didn't care and looked down at the pavement.
Showing Geto that you're there.
His purple eyes met your face as I was talking to your friend, smiling. His fluffy tail twitched in annoyance.
How can someone like him make you smile? He's probably so boring!
Even though you're going to work now... They can distract you somehow.
Or do something to show that they are your boyfriends and he has no chance to change that.
Just what could they do?
They can't get your attention over the phone because they didn't take it from home.
And cats don't have pockets.
As the black cat turned to look at his white friend, he was standing on the edge of the alley, and suddenly saw a fluffy white cat jump from there.
He ran quickly to the edge, seeing the human form of his friend standing around and white smoke disappearing.
His hand was combing his hair.
His eye remained with a thin pupil until he saw you. And it became normal, or better yet, expanded. He smiled slightly.
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And next to him was now a black cat that would have scared him if it hadn't sensed him coming.
Behind him moments later, Suguru was standing watching Satoru's smile.
"What do you do? Whenever you smile like that, you're planning something." He said, leaning his arm against the wall next to him.
Suddenly, he came quickly closer and grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from your friend.
He pulled you into an alley between corporate buildings and pushed your back against the wall, connecting your lips.
Making you blush, but you kissed back.
And your friend watched the scene with a little blush and wide eyes.
They win this round.
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64yrsold · 1 year
ACHES 15. salt
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18+ (please see masterlist for cw) aches masterlist previous (14)
“When do you leave tomorrow?” I asked, watching him smoke on the balcony from the bed. I felt pretty, how I usually did in the afterglow. His cigarette burned red and angry. I swung my legs off the bed, pulling on my underwear and his wrinkled shirt.
“Don’t ask about that,” he pouted, inhaling deeply. His gritty stubble and open lap lured me in, and I sat on his thighs, stroking his curls. The city was alive below us, and I fed off its energy, kissing into his neck and over his collarbones. His chin tipped up to give me access. I heard the cigarette crackle in my ear, listening to him sigh as I hummed into his skin.
“Can I make you stay?”
“I’ll be too tired to leave if you don’t sleep soon,” he laughed, a lazy hand on my hip. 
“Then I won’t sleep.”
“I’ll be back in a week, remember?” He put a finger under my chin so I would look at him. I looked at his mouth. “I don’t want to leave you either.”
“What if I forget you?” I asked, joking seriously. I really meant, ‘What if you forget me?’. 
“I’ll remind you, sweetheart,” he kissed me with weak lips. I liked him like this, exhausted and easygoing. Salt on his skin and hair frizzy from my hands.
“Can you…” I mumbled, trailing off as my heart raced. 
“Can I what?” He was so sweet. 
“It’s ridiculous, but…” I closed my eyes, “Can you put your cigarette out on me?”
He laughed.
“I’m serious.” I stared at his chest.
He cleared his throat, “No, I won’t, sweetheart.”
“I won’t get mad or anything,” I urged. “I want it.”
“You don’t want that, okay?” He frowned, the cigarette dwindling between his fingers. He stroked my cheek with his thumb gently. “I don’t want to do that.”
“Please,” I whispered, to keep my voice from wavering, “Think of it like a tattoo.”
“We can go get a real tattoo instead, darling,” he kissed my lips, apologetic and gentle. “We can go when I get back, okay?”
“Just do this for me,” I shook, begging and bleary-eyed.
“No,” was all he said, simple and firm. I was an idiot. Before I could stop myself, I plucked the remains of the cigarette from between his fingers, and pressed the burning end of it to the apex of my hip bone. He grabbed my wrist in shock, yanking it away from my body, batting the cigarette from my hand. 
“What’s wrong with you?” He spat, more surprised than angry. He sat up, carrying me with him, my legs wrapped around his waist. He took me to the bathroom, setting me on the counter as he rifled through my cabinet. “Why would you do that?”
I didn’t have an answer for him. I sat in silence, stupid tears drying on my cheeks. He washed off the burn carefully, apologizing for the sting, a deep crease between his eyebrows. He let cool water run over it, sighing. It pooled on the countertop. He stopped when I started shivering. He applied a burn cream he found in the cabinet with two careful fingers, spreading it slowly. He picked me up again, bringing me to the bedroom and laying me in bed. 
“I will not always be here to take care of you,” he leaned in close, demanding my attention. “I need to know you will be okay without me here.��
“I’m okay.”
“You can’t do stupid things like that.”
“I won’t. It was stupid.”
He kissed my forehead. “I love you.” 
He was crying quietly when he left the room.
-> next (16)
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nikka-v · 2 years
Another day | Vinnie Hacker x fem reader smut
Summary: Realising that Vinnie is not that bad after all.
Warnings: nsfw!, 18+, swearing?, smut and Vinnie is hot as fuck which is warning as well 😏
I am sorry for any mistakes ♥️
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You did not like Vinnie that much since you met him and the feeling was mutual. No one properly knew why and honestly you two did not know as well. Maybe it was because you did not spend enough time together to get to know each other or maybe it was because your partners used to date and you two still felt the vibe between them and were mad because they wanted you all to spend time together. You just argued so much because of everything.
But even though there was so much hate between you, there was also something else. Something only visible to a few other people. Everyone always said that when you weren't arguing, you had so much chemistry and an invisible connection but that just made you argue again. And Joey with Sarah, your partners, hated it because they saw that too. And it wasn't different on a wedding to which were you all invited.
"I just do not understand why you have to argue with her all the time and then look at her later as if you wanted to fuck her." you were walking through the mansion where the wedding was taking place when you heard Sarah's voice almost shouting from hers and Vinnie's room. You were spending the whole weekend at the mansion and your room was right next to theirs so you snuck to the balcony and listened to the argument from there, naturally curious about the reason and outcome.
"What is your problem, Sarah? Am I bothering you with my thoughts about you and Joey?" you dramatically gasped and had to laugh quietly because of the situation. Of course, you knew how they were still looking at each other but you did not realise that Vinnie saw it too. After a few seconds of silence, you realized that he did not refuse what she said and leaned a little to try to see them.
"You are an asshole Vinnie, how can you speak like this to me?" I finally saw Sarah just as she walked out of the door and closed them loudly.
"You having fun?" Vinnie suddenly looked your way, making you lean back as if he did not already see you. You breathed deeply and watched as he walked on their balcony with a cigarette in between his lips, holding another in his hand, holding it out to give it to you.
"Thanks," you said, taking the small killer from his hand and after putting it to your mouth, leaning closer to him so he would light it for you. You had to admit that when he was standing there in black jeans and a white button my shirt he was really not bad looking plus how he was holding the cigarette made him even more attractive.
“I wanted to break up with her a few weeks ago because of how she still looks at Joey." he said suddenly, surprising you with his honesty.
"Why are you telling me this?" you could not stop yourself from asking causing him to chuckle a little.
"Because the only person you hate more than me is her so I know that you won't tell her." you nodded, that was the only possible response to what he said. He was right, wasn't he? You looked at him cause you felt his eyes on you and he just smiled with sadness in his eyes. At that moment you did not understand why he was sad.
"y/n?" as you heard Joey's voice you quickly threw the cigarette away, blowing the smoke out and gesturing to Vinnie to be quiet about it. Joey hated smoking and you had a few arguments about smoking already so you didn't want to provoke him again.
"Yes, babe!" Joey's head appeared from behind the curtain and he smiled at you, dimples showing on his cheeks. You quickly looked to where Vinnie was standing but he was no longer there so you looked back at Joey with a weird feeling in your stomach.
"What are you doing here? All good? You have a good time?" he asked and you frowned for a few seconds before quickly smiling. He was not usually asking more than one thing when he spoke to you, but you just thought that he finally started to act as a better boyfriend.
"I am all good, just taking a few moments to chill here," you said, putting your arms around his neck and kiss in him on his lips. The garden lights suddenly turned on, making the surroundings a bit more romantic causing you to smile a little at the kiss.
"Should we go to sleep?" Joey asked, looking at his watches all of a sudden. That weird feeling in your stomach happened again as if you sensed something weird happening. To be honest you expected Joey to want more than just a small kiss on a balcony.
"I mean, I thought we will have some us time," you said, making him laugh a little. He hugged you quickly before starting to walk away slowly.
"I am tired y/n. Maybe another day yeah? We do not have to do it every day right?" you wanted to talk to him more but he already disappeared behind the curtains and you heard the bathroom door closing.
"As if we did it in the last two weeks you asshole," you murmured to yourself angrily, almost jumping when you heard someone else's voice.
"That's how it starts you know? I am telling this to you because I care about you, he is doing it with someone else." Vinnie's voice resonated through your head, making you look at him with a shaking head.
"Sure you do care about me." you rolled your eyes, clearly angry. "He is not sleeping with anyone else. Unless you have proof, stop making up things." Joey would not cheat, would he?
"Whatever you say love." wanting to tell him off cause of the nickname you turned at him but he was not there anymore, leaving you alone with goosebumps all over your body. And as you were falling asleep you could not stop thinking about what he said.
Maybe because of that, you had some toe-curling dreams about him. Of how he would just touch you with those tattoed hands with rings. How he would bend you over the balcony railing or how he would just hug you and ask you about your day. The fucking minimum that Joey barely did. And you apparently moaned a little while sleeping cause Joey woke you up while there still wasn't so much light outside with kisses on your neck.
"What is going on?" you asked, trying to adjust your eyes to the darkness while you hugged Joey a little.
"You were having some hot dreams presumably with me so I want to apologise for leaving you wanting me. I did not realise yesterday that you wanted me so much. You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from telling him that he should stop flattering himself so much but he was still your boyfriend so you had to let him think that the dreams were about him.
So you decided to make your brain think more about Joey and sleep with him. And that did not go as planned. Half of the time you saw Vinnie unintentionally and the other half you imagined him to make you feel satisfied which was definitely not a good idea. For the first time in a few weeks, you really came and while moaning you moaned a different name. Vinnie's name. But to your surprise, Joey did not even say anything to it. He was so focused on his satisfaction that he just mumbled some things to himself, not paying you any attention. And then when he finally finished, he just kissed you, rolled over and fell asleep. You on the other hand could not just go to sleep.
Your mind was all over the place. As you took a shower you had to think about the whole situation. You were sure that you did not have any feelings towards Vinnie, this was purely physical attraction, right? You expected Joey to talk about it but apparently, he was really not listening to you and did not bring it up for another two weeks. Those two weeks were strange because of how he was acting but in kind of a good way. He asked you about your day, took you on nice dates and brought you many flowers. It started to get even weirder when he stopped wanting us to meet Sarah and Vinnie so much. You were happy because of not seeing Sarah but you wanted to see Vinnie.
It all escalated at one of the parties when someone asked Vinnie to let you all hear his new song. He sceptically looked around the room, probably looking for Sarah before he pulled his phone out of a pocket and connected it to the speakers. Joey went outside a few moments ago to get you some drinks so you just leaned on a wall behind you and started listening to what Vinnie was saying before he put the song on.
"We called it ‘another day’ and it just popped in my head a few weeks ago," he said and when the song started to play, you liked the rhythm immediately. That was before you heard the words and realized it was about you.
You hated me
but you fuck him and say my name
This got stuck in your head. He knew about that night at the hotel. He heard you. You quickly pushed yourself from the wall and made your way out of the living room towards the stairs to get to another floor.
"Hey, wait." you heard Vinnie's voice as you reached the upper floor so you turned around to see him.
"What do you want Vinnie? Why would you sing about that? How did you even know about it?" you asked him quickly and looked him in the eyes. He took a deep breath before he took your hand and pulled you to an empty room, where you quickly pulled your hand away from him.
"I was standing on the balcony that night of the wedding weekend. I found out from other people that they saw Joey and Sarah kissing in the pool so I needed some time to think before I would go tell Sarah." you shook your head and stepped back a little, not wanting to believe his words.
"That's bullshit, he would not cheat." honestly you were trying to convince yourself more than Vinnie who was standing there, not knowing what to do to make you believe him.
"Okay, go search for them, I am sure they are together right now." he threw up his hands, obviously frustrated because of this situation. And so you did what he told you to do. You pushed him to the side to walk around him to the door so you could leave.
"If you are lying to me, I swear I will hurt you." you looked at him over your shoulder, making your way out of the room to find your boyfriend. You immediately saw a group of some guys, so you went to ask them for pieces of information.
"Jack, have you seen Joey?" you asked the curly-haired boy who you knew and he smiled at you nicely before he saw your angry face. He quickly pointed to a room which had closed doors and you almost ran towards it, taking a deep breath before trying to open the door. Locked. That made you even angrier so you knocked a few times before fully hitting it with your palm and then fist.
"Calm the fuck down, occupied!" you heard Joey's voice which made you kick the door and walk to the next room where you climbed a little out of the window to get on the room's balcony. And as you wanted to open the glassed door, you stopped and looked through a small space between the curtains. You put the palm of your hand on your mouth to stop yourself from screaming out loud. Vinnie was right, they were there, making out while he was fucking her on the bed.
A single tear came down your cheek before you climbed back to the other room. You weren't sad as much as angry. You wanted to hurt someone so much as Joey hurt you but you knew you did not have it in yourself to do this to someone you'd love.
"Are you okay?" you heard Jack as you got out of the room with only one goal. Find Vinnie.
"Don't worry about me, have you seen Vinnie?" you tried to smile at him but did not succeed. Jack understood that you were not in the mood to talk so he just shook his head.
"Not for a while," he said, making you think for a second before you walked back to the room where you saw Vinnie last time. And he really was still there, sitting on a dryer with a cigarette between his lips. Before you did not even realise that it was a laundry room.
"I guess you found them." he looked up from his phone and watched your face as he threw the cigarette out of a small window which you wouldn't even reach because of how high it was.
"Yes. I thought you were lying." you sat next to him on the washing machine and leaned your head on the wall behind you.
"Really? You did not believe it at all?" he asked doubtfully, making you chuckle quietly. Of course, you were suspecting it but never thought that it would be the truth.
"Okay, maybe a little but I just do not understand why." you never understood why would people cheat on each other. That was something you would never forgive anyone.
"I know it sucks but at least you found it out." Vinnie jumped down from where he was sitting and walked towards you so he was standing right in front of you. You just found out that your boyfriend was cheating and the only person you could think about was Vinnie. How he was standing there and could give you everything you've ever wanted.
"Help me forget about him, please," you whispered suddenly, not giving it much thought. But Vinnie was not that surprised about what you wanted the gently touched your knees, pushing them apart and coming closer to you.
"Are you sure about this? Don't you hate me?" he asked, leaning forwards to kiss you but stopping a few millimetres away from your lips.
"But I fuck him and say your name, don't I?" you used his own words to make him believe that you really wanted it. And he did not ask again, kissing you harshly and making you moan because of how his hand moved over your body.
You felt the cold rings which he was always wearing on your stomach before he moved his hands to the thin cloth of your lacy bra which showed a lot more than it should. His touch travelled across your body, helping you take off your cropped t-shirt before cradling your face and finding your lips again.
You moved your hands from his biceps to the hem of his shirt to take it off, taking a moment to admire his body and tattoos. Not that you've never seen him like that before but from this close, it was a premiere. You both were looking at each other's bodies for at least a minute before Vinnie suddenly kneeled at pushed up your skirt. You leaned back a little so he could move it even higher and before you sat properly again, he took off your thongs, leaving you almost naked.
"You don't have to. "you whispered as he got closer to you which made him stop his movements and look at you with confusion readable on his face.
"You don't want to?" he asked and almost looked disappointed.
"I do, I just don't want you to do it because you'd have to. Joey didn't want to. Never." Vinnie shook his head, suddenly amused.
"I don't do it because I have to, I do it cause I want to. I bet he wanted you to give him blowjobs all the time," he said, waiting for your answer which he did not actually need because of how you looked at him. Of course, he wanted to but when it came to giving back, he did not want to. Not that he would have a specific reason, it was because of how selfish he was in bed.
Before you could've said something he moved closer to you, leaving a kiss directly on your clit. You almost jumped a little and felt how he smiled because of how he was affecting you. He stuck out his flattened tongue and licked you up your slit to your clit.
"That feels good, doesn't it?" you heard his voice and as an answer moaned. You were sure he knew how good he was and wanted to show you what you were missing out on.
"Too good baby, I don't think I am going to last long." you joked quietly, your hand wovening through his hair to which he reacted by adding pressure to your clit. Over and over again he was slowly alternating between gently sucking on it and teasing it with the tip of his tongue. One of his hands moved back on your chest reaching your nipples over the bra and gently carresing it and with his other hand, he was holding your hip.
As you were getting closer, his hand moved from your hip lower between your legs, filling you with one finger and in a few seconds with the other. With one hand still holding his hair, you moved the other to hold the edge of the surface you were sitting on. Suddenly you felt Vinnie's hand moving from your chest to your hand, locking your fingers together. This gesture made something in you shift, making you feel a stronger connection to Vinnie.
It did not take long for you to feel an orgasm building in your whole body which made you moan Vinnie's name out loud. Because of so much pleasure, you unintentionally pressed your legs closer to which Vinnie reacted with a quiet laugh and with one hand he hold your legs apart.
"You see what you were missing out on?" Vinnie looked at you before getting up and hugging you, planting a few small kisses on your hair and forehead. You could have felt his hardening dick through his pants which caused you to get wet again almost immediately. You moved your hand lower to touch him through his pants, making him quietly moan into your ear. That moan caused you to get goosebumps throughout your whole body. You weren't attracted to men moaning that much but Vinnie definitely woke something up inside you.
"I can help you with that," you whispered, slowly massaging him, to which he reacted with another moan before leaning to the space between your shoulder and neck, placing a small kiss on your naked skin. But as you continued and with the other hand started to push his pants and boxers down, he grabbed gently your hand to stop you from massaging him some more.
"I wanna come with you," he whispered, having his forehead against yours and looking you in your eyes. He looked so in love with you at that moment which you slightly ignored because of the situation between you.
"Okay then, fuck me, Vinnie," you whispered to his lips as you kissed him passionately and pulled both his pants and boxers lower. He had to laugh a little at how impatient you were.
He caught you by your thighs, moving you to the edge of the washing machine and kissing you again. There were so many emotions in those kisses but both of you knew that you won't be able to tell them out loud to each other. As he moved closer to you and pushed himself slowly into you, you could not hold the loud moan and neither did he.
"You feel so good." he was still holding your thigh, moving his hands to your waist to pull you more against him. You felt so good, maybe better than ever and leaned your head back, letting all the moans out. You did not care anymore who would hear you and even I moaned Vinnie's name.
"Someone will hear it, love," Vinnie said between breaths and on his lips appeared a cheeky smile. He definitely liked how you said his name so maybe that's the reason why he moved one of his hands to your clit. He knew what he was doing for sure because you felt your orgasm building up even quicker.
"I don't care that they will." you pulled Vinnie a bit closer when you put your arm around his neck." God, you fuck me so well, Vinnie."
"Say my name again love." he moaned, definitely getting closer as well, and so did you.
"Vinnie, please I am so close." it did not take long before both of your climaxes came. You were sure that was the best orgasm ever.
" I wanna do this again and again." he was looking into your eyes again. "You looked so good when you came." you had to smile a little, touching his cheek gently and with the other hand you pushed his hair behind his ear to see his face properly, you never quite looked at him from such a short distance.
"Okay then." you smiled at him which made him feel a bit confused. He did not think that there would be something more than just this one-night stand.
"Wait, really?" he looked really cute confused like this with a blush on his cheeks and heavy breathing.
"Yes, I think this little relationship or whatever it is we have, can work out." his eyes brightened before he kissed you quickly, making you laugh at his lips. He was always so serious when he was with you before but this was a nice change and you were willing to try it out. You were sure he would never hurt you just because of the look in his eyes. He loved you.
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fang-and-feather · 8 months
Nostra Unica Famiglia
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Ikemen Vampire - Leonardo & Pureblood! Reader
(background Charles x Reader)
Written for Fluffbruary from @fluffbruary Day 13 Prompt: Choice and the Shapes of Love Creation Challenge by @violettduchess and @lorei-writes Prompt: Storge (Familial Love)
Words: 687
Summary: You thought Leonardo would be mad about your relationship with Charles, but when you finally talks to him, you're in for a surprise
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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You found Leonardo smoking on the balcony. Nothing new, but this time you felt apprehensive of approaching.
The Christmas party went well. Or so you thought. But now that the party is over and Charles has gone home, you feel like all the masks will come off, and you are afraid of what lies underneath. You still brace yourself and call out.
“Ciao cara. Why are you still awake?”
“I drank a little too much to sleep.” Not a lie. You did drink a little more than you’d ever had. You weren’t drunk, but still a little buzzed.
“It doesn't seem like it did you any good, Piccolina. You don’t look too cheerful.”
“I’m not that little!” You never could help complaining when he treated you as a child.
But this time, your answer did not lead to the usual banter. Instead, he turns to you with a smile that looks strangely sad, puts out his cigarillo, and ruffles your hair gently.
“I know. You have never been. Not even when I met you. But you are young, and I know how the famiglia is. Rebellion can be tempting, but it can lead to hastily made, poor decisions you might regret later.”
“Is this about Charles?” You knew he would talk about it, but any preparation you had made beforehand seemed to escape your mind when you finally needed it.
Leonardo turns back to look at the starry sky, and you walk to stand beside him, doing the same.
“You’re old enough to make your own choices, and I don’t doubt you when you say he is a good person. But the others he’s with mean trouble, and he chose to follow them. He chose his own path, and I’m afraid you’ll end up caught in it."
He was right. Vlad is a weird pureblood, who wasn’t too satisfied with your relationship with Charles either. Comte had promised to tell you about his relationship with Vlad later, but had said they were friends who had a fallout because of Vlad’s ideals.
But you also had a good feeling about the interactions you had with them while trying to build this relationship with Charles.
Not an easy or short task. You had a lot of time.
You were about to tell him that, when he started to speak again, turning to smile at you.
“But I saw you today, and this relationship sure seems real. You are young, but I trust your judgment. Just be careful, and know you can come to me if anything happens, okay?”
You were not expecting such support. Such trust. Your relationship as a family barely had a year, either. It had been fine, but you often had this impression Leonardo saw you as a little child. How long had you longed for a little of that love? How lucky you were to end up in this time and place, as strange of a coincidence as it was? Fighting back tears, you hug Leonardo.
“Thank you for trusting me, uncle. You are the only famiglia I currently have, of course you are the one I will turn to if I turn out to be wrong. But I am confident in my choice.”
Hands on your shoulders, Leonardo gently puts some distance between you.
“I know. You sure don’t need it, but you have my blessing.” He leans down to kiss your forehead. “And I hope whatever choices you make from now on will make you happy. Not make you regret it.”
You only hug him back. You know it’s hard for him to say that, but he chose to trust and believe you, like no one in your family ever did. And you know it’s because supporting you is important for him too, who never had a true family either. He chose to be that family to you. It wasn’t just a coincidence that you met; it was fate. Who said destined bonds were only for romantic partners?
That doesn't mean your boyfriend will escape without a talking to, not only from your uncle, but it's already more support than you expected.
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground, @queengiuliettafirstlady
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
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lilyarchived · 1 year
moments with simon "ghost" riley [a mood board]
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warnings : smoking, fem reader, she/her pronouns used. -- 0.5k words.
it was a formal night for the team, attending a wedding you all were invited to. everyone in their suits looked silly to you, laughing as ghost slides to your side, impossibly close. "what are you snickering on about?" ghost asks you, pulling his mask down to take a sip of his drink before pulling it back up, so quickly that you were sure he didn't even pull it down in the first place. "you seen gaz anywhere?" you reply, giving him those gossipy eyes you had on. "oh my god." ghost threw his head back and groaned quietly, chuckling deeply. "that horny bastard. who with?" "you know that medic we have that always put gaz first?" "THE MEDIC?" "SHHHH" -- needless to say, you spent the entire venue giggling and gossiping with the one you were destined to marry sooner or later.
it was a chilly night as you and the guys find a bar to spend the night in, feeling dizzy from how much you've had, you drag ghost out to the balcony; sighing contentedly as you watch the fast car lights move in the dark night. "you doing alright there?" ghost huffs, a cloud of smoke floating near him as he takes another drag. "mhm, it's so pretty out here, no?" you reply, your back on the railings as your head drapes backwards over the free space. turning back to him with a warm smile plastered across your face. 'how could you look so pretty?' ghost thought, a grin of his own forming as he stares at you with those lovesick eyes.
you guys would be out training, feeling tired and worn out, laying down next to ghost -- finding a stray daisy in the field, without having to talk for what has been 5 minutes since your break, you sit up to place it on his heavy gun, smiling as he scoffs at your silliness. (he won't tell you until you notice, but he got it tatted later on) you lay back down, tugging at his wrist as a signal to lay with you. he complies as you stay like that for a while til price was screaming at the both of you, ghost laughing silently as you let out a moan of tiredness.
"ghost." you warn, looking up at him as he inches closer to you. "yes?" he plays your pissed off expression away, hands landing on your waist. "no, go away, im still mad at you." he rolls his eyes as you put your hands on his chest, pushing him away. it was a stupid fight, he didn't mean to invalidate your feelings. "and i said sorry three times, tha's more than i would say if i were to accidentally shoot johnny." he mumbles, eyes lighting up as he sees that smile he's been wanting to see. "there she is." you could see the smirk he had on even with his balaclava on. you step on his shoes as you pull him down by the neck, pushing his mask up just enough for a kiss. after a minute passed by, you pull off, and make your way back inside. "you could've just pulled me down, you know that right?" ghost said loudly, dusting off his newly polished boots. "i know. payback." you wave to him without turning your back. he couldn't stay mad at you.
a/n: AHHH a little moodboard put out before i actually get into writing, im very busy with college but lmk if you liked these ideas. feel free to suggest some, too! ASKS OPEN, REBLOGS AND COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED!!!
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samcatcher · 26 days
When in London.
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chapter 8. masterpost
To make up for his absence yesterday, when we were supposed to do something nice for the day, Jean woke me up with a cup of tea and a tender kiss. That’s how I knew he wasn’t mad anymore, I decided not to bring it up. It’s not like he would have much to say.
After I thanked him with a smile, I went downstairs to try and see how Sam was doing. Yet, he wasn’t there, neither was Danny.
-They’ve gone out with Jake and Josh, some sort of LGBTQ+ charity event, they’re playing there and Josh is doing an interview I think.- Amelia said from behind me.
-Oh okay.- I simply replied. Amelia gestured for me to sit down as she passed me and sat on the living room sofa, littered with Sam’s blankets that he never puts away.
-So, I met Jean, I also heard an argument last night. What’s going on?- Amelia asked, concerned.
-Ami I don’t know what to do. Sam is literally in love with me. He has been since he met me at that party apparently. I thought he was just ‘nice.’ I thought that I could have a new friend but now I feel betrayed. He wasn’t being nice for the sake of it, he wanted to win me over. I just feel so stupid.- I blurted quickly. Amelia stayed staring, she knew I had more to say.
I walked over to the living room door and closed it, so Jean didn’t hear.
-But at the same time, sometimes I wish that Jean never existed. So I could sneak along the corridor with Sam. It feels like he just knows me, more that Jean ever will.- I said as I walked back over to the sofa.
-The main thing you shouldn’t feel is stupid Lyla. It’s obvious you’re going to look to someone else to fulfill you, look at the way Jean treats you. You weren’t even here an hour without him calling you and shouting about something.- Amelia sounded as if she had been waiting to say this for ages. 
I put my head in my hands.
-Now I’ve upset Sam, he confronted me yesterday. I never told him about Jean Ami. I led him on and it wasn’t fair on him.- I said, tears in my eyes.
Amelia reached her arm around me and rubbed my back, I held back my tears, there was a man upstairs waiting for me to get ready for a date. 
-you know what you want, Lyla-
I wanted Sam. 
I nodded and thanked Amelia, then I headed back upstairs to Jean, who was smoking on the balcony.
-What’s the plan for today?- I asked.
-Well, we’re in smelly London, we could go to a bar, a park, maybe a museum?- Jean replied, looking off into the distance.
-Museum.- I said nodding, then I walked back to my room to make a museum outfit.
 The day I had with Jean was actually really nice. We went to eat lunch before the museum. Just some cafe we found near Regent street. It was a beautiful small cafe, rushing with quiet customers on their computers and ordering all day breakfast.
Jean didn’t enjoy eating there, what a surprise. He hated the small things. He was a snob.
After we ate we walked down the museum. This one specifically had the Vincent Van Gough sunflowers painting, so that would be exciting to see.
We wandered around the museum for hours. Both of us taking everything in but not speaking, then following each other out of the room after finally intently looking at every painting.
When we finally got to the sunflowers painting, there was a crowd around it, it took us a while to get to the front after people dissipated in front but built up behind us. 
Seeing a piece of art like that right in front of you is an incredible feeling, as if you could still smudge the paint. You can see every brush stroke and it feels wrong to look so closely. As if you’re invading the privacy of History. That day I realized that that feeling is similar to how I feel when I look at Sam for too long.
I think that realization stopped time for a few seconds. It caused Jean to break his silence and ask me if I was ready to go.
I was ready to go alright. Ready to go and find Sam and leave Jean. Ready to start a new life with a nice man who plays me to sleep and paints my walls. The man who has loved me since I was locked in my best friend's garden at 14. The man who has been looking for me and never gave up. Then played it cool when he found me again.
The man with the same birthday as me, the same music taste, the same language.
I needed Sam. It was so hard to accept it with my boyfriend standing right there but-
I will always need Sam.
I snapped out of it and turned around smiling. I took Jean’s hand and we walked out of the museum together. I was drafting in my head what I needed to say to Jean. Just as I was about to open my mouth his phone started ringing. The name on the phone was the Same as my brother’s.
-is my brother calling you?- I asked
-No, a work friend has the same name as your brother. I have to take this.- Jean replied
He walked a few feet away and answered the phone. Mumbling in french and pacing a little bit. A few minutes later he ended the phone and looked at me nervously.
-Lyla, baby, I’m so sorry. Work has called me in because there's a massive emergency. I need to go home tonight. A lot of people are injured and there’s threats of a second attack.- He said anxiously.
Jean took his job very seriously. He worked as a firefighter as well as a paramedic. He was one of the best in his team, and every time there was a giant incident, He needed to go straight away.
-Okay, please come back as soon as you can.- I replied, secretly hoping he stayed away while I tried to fix my brain.
He walked up to me and kissed my head, and hugged me sorrowfully. Then began to speed walk to the train station. I didn’t follow him. I didn’t say anything either.
I called an uber back home, I didn’t feel like walking. As I walked through the front door I could hear talking in the living room. It ceased as I closed the front door. Shortly after, Sam walked out.
My heart struck, I remembered the realization I had about him today. I tried to speak but couldn’t. I just smiled at him and started making my way upstairs for bed. I could feel him standing there watching me walk up there alone. I had a feeling he would follow me. But he didn't.
Part of me was relieved about both of these men being absent from me. Time to think was what I needed. 
I pulled out an empty journal that my wellness friend had gotten me for my most recent birthday and a matching pen that came with it, then I sat on the balcony on the warm summer night and decided that I would just write my feelings. This is what I ended up writing;
About a week ago I think I fell in love with someone else. Disgustingly. Now I have so many feelings and nowhere to put it all. So I'm going to do this. My boyfriend isn’t a horrible person. I want people to think he’s not a horrible person. He’s beautiful and kind, he’s understanding in so many silent ways but he’s just not there. He can be so earth shattering but he’s just not there. That still doesn’t mean that I’m allowed to fall for another man though. I’m at fault here, I am the one that will ruin everything. Unless he does something unforgivable, unbelievable, something so horrible that it would be required for me to fall in love with someone else and you know what? I’m hoping that happens. I really am. Because I am stuck in this bond. I am stuck in this relationship and I thought London was my way out but it wasn’t. Mentally he is not mine anymore. He is NOT THERE! 
Sam entered my life before Jean ever did. I know it was a short encounter but now I know why I remembered that encounter so clearly. He is mine, I want him to be mine.
His hands are my favorite. The stories in them. The abilities they have and their creativity. What I would do to just have those hands all over me. All the time.
Then his face. He is my painting. I can see his brush strokes and his blending. I can see the blotches of unmixed paint is his pores and the white spirit gleaming in his eyes. I can smell his life on him, I don’t even need to know anything about him, I just know him. 
He thinks of me the same way.
Which is the hardest part. Feeling like this for a week has broken me, tortured me. I can’t imagine how he has felt like this for seven years with no hope. 
He can be my everything, and I’m afraid I just ruined it. So I have to let it go. I have to hope Jean never knows about it and we stay with each other so I can be unhappy forever. That's what I get. That's what I get for falli-
That's where the entry stops. I never finished it because I heard the balcony door slide open and I snapped the book closed. That’s how it would stay. Closed forever.
-We need to talk- Sam said.
-we do. - I replied. 
chapter 9.
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jordisblogg · 2 years
never here
note: has there been millions of stories like this? yea. & do i eat em up every time? YES
summary: after being in her lab for so long and neglecting you, you had finally confronted shuri about it, reminiscing now about what had happened to your relationship, not knowing that shuri herself, was doing the same.
pairings: shuri x black!fem!reader
warnings: angst, smoking🍃,fluff & suggestive themes at the end
translations: ndiyacela (please), uthando (love)
you sighed as you stared up at the ceiling, your body sprawled out on the bed that you and shuri shared, but what now seems like only you stayed in since shuri started being in her lab more. when you’d wake up, she would be gone. when you went to sleep, she would be gone. you couldn’t even remember the last time you both had sex.
it’s been weeks since you’ve spent actual quality time with her. i mean, yeah, you’d see her every once in a while, when you’d check up on her— when you used to check up on her—forgot to say you’ve stopped doing that since she got upset with you the last time you went in, real upset. you shook your head to yourself as you replayed what she said to you in your mind.
“y/n, i told you. you don’t need to keep coming in here! i don’t need you barging in here every 2 seconds telling me what i need to be doing!”
you couldn’t do anything but look at her like she was stupid then. was she seriously upset over you checking up on her?
“you mad … cause im making sure you eat? stay hydrated? you mad at me over that?! shuri, if i didn’t come in here you’d probably be dead— i mean- you don’t even think about taking care of yourself when you’re in here. you’re lucky i do it for you!”
“i’m not a damn child!”
“shit, coulda fooled me. you get mad when i feed you, you get mad when i when i try to get you to sleep, you get mad when i try to spend time with you! i mean i know you be having stuff to do but could at least give me SOME attention? i haven’t seen you in forever..” it was all flooding out now. everything you’ve been keeping in for those past weeks.
“everything doesn’t revolve around you! i have royal duties and projects to attend to, meaning i can’t have you clinging onto me like a leach all day!”
“a leach?!”
you sat up and rubbed your hands down your face. the more you thought about, the situation the angrier you got. you needed to relax.
you rolled up one of the spare blunts you kept in your room and searched around for a lighter. once finding it in a drawer in your bathroom, you headed outside onto the balcony. flicking the lighter a couple time before the joint lit, you licked your lips before putting it between them, inhaling a good amount and letting it marinate before exhaling.
the whole reason why you two were fighting was fucking stupid to you. but you weren’t going to say anything first. to you, your reasoning was logical.
about 5 minutes passed before you heard your name being called.
“y/n?” you didn’t reply, only putting the half finished blunt between your lips once more because you knew who called you.
shuri appeared beside you, leaning over the ledge with you. you kept looking forward though.
“sthandwa please, will you at least look at me?”
you took your time before you turned your attention over at her. your bored eyes stared into her regret filled ones.
“what shuri”
“i just wanted to talk to you. i want— i need to apologize. please” she begged, taking the blunt and putting it into the nearby ashtray and putting your hands in hers.
she didn’t know if what she was about to say was going to get through to you because of the state that you were in but she was going to try anyway.
“y/n, i can’t even begin to express how sorry i am. it’s just been hard, dealing with my brother and mother’s death. then working on new inventions to protect wakanda while ruling it at the same time. it’s a lot.”
you didn’t speak, letting her know that she was free to continue.
“but that doesn’t excuse how i’ve been treating you, and for that im truly sorry. you’re so precious to me and i shouldn’t have been taking you for granted” she brought your hands up to her face and placed 2 short kisses on your knuckles as she looked at you with those big beautiful eyes. you felt yourself relaxing into her touch, not realizing how touch starved you’ve been for the past few weeks.
“ndiyacela, forgive me”
you couldn’t help but cave. you took your hands out of hers and placed them on her cheeks, bringing her face closer to yours and kissing her softly. it was slow and passionate, shuri could feel all of your love pouring into it. she almost didn’t want to let go.
“i love you shuri, but i can’t help you if you don’t let me in. i wanna be able to help you through your grief. i know it was a whole lot from losing your family but pushing the people who are trying to help you isn’t going to make it better. trust me”
“please mama, don’t shut me out” you whispered before shuri wrapped her arms around your waist and placed her face in the crook of your neck, bringing you impossibly closer to her.
you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as she started littering kisses on your face and you shuddered when you felt her slim, cold hands reach under your hoodie and rub over your skin.
“come on, you blowing my high!” you giggled
“ just let me make up for the lost time baby..” she says, lifting her face from yours and trailing her way down your neck.
a/n: i got an obsession with the reader calling shuri mama/ma
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ellekhen · 1 month
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Hand, Hearth, and Home
Chapter 69 - A Hand to Hold
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Chapter Summary: As he proves to be a troublesome prey, Church's dream attempts to ensnare him in the sweetest, most poisonous trap. Shadowheart begins her trials for the Gauntlet of Shar. Church meets a beautiful stranger.
Pairing(s): Astarion x Male Tav (Main); Past OC x Male Tav Rating: Explicit Length: 358K+ words; Chapters 69/?? (Master Post)
Excerpt below:
The sun has gone down by the time Church makes it back into the city, but lights cast the roads in warm, flickering light. It is still early enough in the evening that the streets continue to bustle with crowds, especially with a festival in the square.
On stage, Church spots his friend — the bard D’vana — as resplendent as ever as she performs and dances beneath the glittering lights of her cantrips. Her music floats through the city long before he sees her.
He is tempted to take a pause and watch, drinking in the sweet, lilting music… but he needs to focus. Amid these crowds, his heart looks for one person. There are a myriad of humanoids with white and silver hair of all textures and lengths — it would be impossible to spot just one from here on the ground level.
And so Church makes his way into one of the taverns, weaving through the patrons as he ascends the staircases to reach the balcony overlooking the square. There are customers milling about out here, drinking and making merry beneath the stars.
Church slumps against the railing, breathing in the night air that tastes of spilled ale and smoke.
It all smells so… real.  
He must be going mad. Did he panic after Tavi asked him to move in with him? Is he just overwhelmed by… everything about that?
Has he been writing so long that he can no longer tell the difference between fact and fiction?
“Well hello there, stranger.”
Church’s heart pounds in his chest as he summons the courage to turn towards that voice. 
“Do I… know you?” the tiefling asks, even though in his heart…
You have been looking for him for some time.
“Perhaps not,” the elf drawls, stroking an elegant hand along the railing as he draws closer to the tiefling. “But I know your face. How could I forget a face like yours, even in a crowded place like this?”
Church stares and stares at him. He’s familiar, but so alien and strange as he tries to connect the dots in his mind. The links shatter every time.
“What’s your name, sweet thing?” the elf purrs, leaning in with heavy eyes — red like rubies in the lantern light. 
“I’m… Church,” the tiefling manages to say.
“Well,” the elf chuckles. “I can’t say I’ve heard a name like yours before. I’m…”
“...Astarion,” Church breathes, and gods, his head hurts but the hurt is good. The hurt is right.
How did he forget Astarion?
How could he forget Astarion?
The elf’s confident smile twitches into a momentary frown before carefully composing itself again.
“Ah, well… no,” he titters. “My name is… Petras, actually…”
“Astarion,” Church repeats, his eyes wide as he drinks in the sight of the apprehensive elf. “Gods… how could I…?”
Astarion’s mouth twitches into a small grimace as he pulls away. “You must have confused me for someone else.”
“Astarion!” Church repeats, grasping hold of the elf’s hand before it can leave his side. The elf looks at him with alarm, rage, and… fear? “Don’t you remember me?” 
Astarion levels a cold gaze upon him.
And then it softens.
“Of… of course I remember you… Church,” the elf coos. “It’s been too long, hasn’t it?”
He presses himself up against Church’s body, whispering into his ear.
“How about we go somewhere a bit quieter to catch up?”
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