#it just fits with him SO well. and ties in with Espera perfectly
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moonchild-in-blue · 9 days ago
Details I'm losing my mind over:
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The layers on his sleeve imitating the pauldron! The little cross tassel! Chains on his rings! The nose! The ruby encrustings on the mask and pauldron! Jewelery!!!!
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love-between-idles · 6 years ago
The moment they truly met. Shū's perspective [Esp/Eng]
[Un año y medio antes]
Era una noche bastante bulliciosa en el instituto por la conmemoración a algo mundano, por lo que el el próximo cabeza de la familia Sakamaki había decidido buscar un nuevo lugar para relajarse y dormir. Había escuchado de una azotea que estaba cerrada a los alumnos por tener rejas bajas, así que optó por ir allí para no ser molestado.
Le sorprendió bastante ver a la "¿Novia?" De su hermano en ese mismo lugar, exactamente sentada en barandal. Parecía no haberlo notado, porque seguía mirando los amplios terrenos que se abrían paso en los detrás del instituto con una mirada perdida. Debía admitir que era la primera vez que la veía tan seria, siempre solía tener una sonrisa mientras era “amigable” pero correcta.
Se sentó contra el muro mientras la observaba. Había algo en ella que nunca le cuadró, era demasiado... Perfecta para su hermano. Educada, amigable, sabiendo específicamente cuando hablar, qué decir, cómo actuar, siempre cuidando su aspecto... No parecía una joven promedio de 16 años.
—¿Acaso buscas suicidarte? —le preguntó notando cómo se sobresaltaba.
Vió que instantáneamente se volteó y al verlo forzó una sonrisa.
—Hola, Shū-san —habló con su característico tono agradable.
No respondió, solo observó cómo salvaba la situación, como siempre, diciendo lo "correcto" para llenar el ambiente.
—También he venido aquí a buscar un poco de paz.
Nunca había realemente hablado con ella más que cinco oraciones de cortesía, sentía que eran demasiado forzadas o que mismo ya ese tipo de comentarios los había oído... Que había oído en las intensivas clases de etiqueta que le daba su madre. Recordaba que cada estilo frase era particular para el perfil que uno quería armar de si mismo, y ella estaba usando uno de esos. Sinceramente le sorprendía que su hermano, el más estudioso, no lo haya notado.
—De tu parte no me sorprende, debe ser agotador el fingir todo el tiempo —comenzó mientras la miraba con los ojos entrecerrados. Esa mujer no le inspiraba confianza.
Alanís lo observó conteniendo perfectamente sus emociones evitando que las mismas sean transmitidas a su rostro, pero Shū escuchó como su corazón se aceleró por el nerviosismo.
—No sé de lo que hablas, Shū-san.
—Vamos, no te hagas. Es más que obvio que ya te debe cansar el ser "perfecta" para Reiji; cuidando cada palabra, cada acción... ¿Cómo eres realmente? Vamos, respóndeme, doble cara.
La joven soltó una pequeña risita, como se notaba quien realmente estaba para el puesto de sucesor de una familia tan importante. Había sido descubierta, pero se daba el mérito de que haya tardado un año en notarlo. Su risa poco a poco se apagó y dejó atrás una mueca seria y fría, pero no tanto como la suya. Sonrió sin emoción.
—¿Y qué esperas que te diga? Me haz descubierto, soy una doble cara, ¿Qué harás, decírselo a tu hermano? Pensará que, como siempre, intentas saborearlo.
—No es problema mío los asuntos en los que él se mete. Mi único interés hacia ti es si yo me veré perjudicado. ¿Qué buscas de nosotros?
La sacó la lengua y llevó su dedo anular en pose juguetona.
—Lo único que busco es casarme con alguno de ustedes, Sakamaki, y me importa una mierda lo que pienses al respecto, ¿Ok?
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Sabía que este tipo de gente podía esconder otro tipo de faceta más bruta y directa, no se esperaba que la chica que había conocido podía ser tan calculadora. Sincerate te esperaba algo más inocente de su parte
—¿Acaso eres algún tipo de consorte? —le consultó con una ceja alzada.
—Te equivocas, no le hago favores sexuales a tu hermano por dinero, bueno, a nadie en realidad. Pero si con acostarme contigo me ahorraré que le hables no tendría problema de hacerlo. —Alzó los hombros desinteresada. Se giró en la barandilla para estar de frente a él.
—No me interesa decirle ni tampoco tener relaciones contigo, solo quiero evitar estragos que puedas llegar a cometer.
—Oh~ ¿Ahora te haces el interesado por ser el "hermano mayor? Fufu~ tranquilo, no soy una villana que los envenenará uno por uno para quedarme con sus riquezas. Lo único que quiero es casarme con tu hermano, nada más. A él se lo ve feliz y mientras tanto a mi me dejan tranquila. Es un trato justo, yo doy mi sangre y mi cuerpo a cambio de su compañía oficial, aunque claro, él no lo ve así. ¿Todos contentos, no te parece?
No objetó nada, no era un asunto que a él le incumbía. Era problema de su hermano el cómo iba a terminar eso.
[A year and a half before]    
It was a rather boisterous night in high school for the commemoration of something mundane, so the next head of the Sakamaki family had decided to find a new place to relax and sleep. I had heard of a roof that was closed to students because they had low bars, so he chose to go there so as not to be disturbed.
   He was quite surprised to see the "Bride?" Of his brother in that same place, exactly sitting on the railing. He seemed not to have noticed, because he kept looking at the wide grounds that made their way in the back of the institute with a lost look. He had to admit that it was the first time I saw her so serious, she always used to have a smile while being "friendly" but correct.
He sat against the wall as he watched her. There was something about her that never fit her, it was too ... Perfect for her brother. Educated, friendly, knowing specifically when to speak, what to say, how to act, always taking care of her appearance ... She did not look like an average 16-year-old girl.
—Are you looking to kill yourself? —He asked, noticing how he was startled.
He saw that he instantly turned around and when he saw it forced a smile.
—Hi, Shū-san —she spoke in his characteristic pleasant tone.
He didn't respond, he only observed how he saved the situation, as always, saying "right" to fill the situation.
—I have also come here to look for a bit of peace.
He had never really spoken to her more than five courtesy prayers, he felt that they were too forced or that he had already heard those kind of comments ... What he had heard in the intensive etiquette classes that his mother gave him. He remembered that each phrase style was particular to the profile one wanted to put together, and she was using one of those. He was genuinely surprised that his brother, the most studious, had not noticed.
—I'm not surprised on your part, it must be exhausting to pretend all the time —he began while looking at her with narrowed eyes. That woman did not inspire confidence.
Alanís observed him perfectly containing his emotions avoiding that they are transmitted to his face, but Shū listened as his heart was accelerated by the nervousness.
—I don't know what you're talking about, Shū-san.
—Let's go, don't do it. It is more than obvious that you should be tired of being "perfect" for Reiji; taking care of every word, every action ... How are you really? Come on, answer me, double-sided.
The young girl gave a small giggle, as you could tell who really was for the position of successor to such an important family. He had been discovered, but the merit was that it took him a year to notice it. His laughter slowly died away and left behind a serious and cold grimace, but not as much as his. She smiled without emotion.
—And what do you expect me to tell you? You have discovered me, I am a double face, what will you do, tell your brother? You will think that, as always, you try to taste it.
—It's not my problem the matters that he gets involved with. My only interest to you is if I will be harmed. What are you looking for from us?
She stuck out his tongue and took his ring finger in a playful pose.
—The only thing I'm looking for is to marry some of you, Sakamaki, and I don't give a shit what you think about it, okay?
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—Are you some kind of consort? —He asked with a raised eyebrow.
He knew that this type of people could hide another type of facet more crude and direct, it was not expected that the girl he had met could be so calculating. Sincerely he spect anything more inocent.
—You are wrong, I don't do your brother's sexual favors for money, well, nobody really. But if I sleep with you I will save you from talking to him, I would have no problem doing so. —She raised her shoulders disinterested and turned on the railing to face him.
—I'm not interested in telling him or even having sex with you, I just want to avoid the havoc you may have to commit.
—Oh~ Now you're interested in being the "big brother?" Fufu~ quiet, I'm not a villain who will poison them one by one to keep their wealth, all I want is to marry your brother, nothing more. he looks happy and meanwhile they leave me alone, it's a fair deal, I give my blood and my body in exchange for his official company, although of course, he does not see it that way, everyone happy, don't you think?
He didn't object, it wasn't a matter for him. It was his brother's problem how that would end.
[The end?]
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