#it is the best decision you'll make this year i promise
roosterforme · 4 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 9 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley never felt like this before in his life. As soon as he spent a few minutes in your presence, he needed to keep coming back for more. Your touch and your voice were already making this homecoming something he was hoping to repeat, and he decided to keep pressing his luck.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, language, Bradley getting handsy
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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Bradley promised he would pick you up in an hour. That gave you essentially no time to get yourself ready to go out. At least you didn't have those typical first date jitters, because you and he had already taken the time to slowly get to know each other over the past few months. All of the emails from him that you'd archived into their own folder in your inbox felt precious now that he was home. Now that he surprised you at work. Knowing what he felt like and seeing the way he moved in person seemed to be the only missing pieces, and now everything fit perfectly in your mind when it came to Bradley Bradshaw. 
While you weren't nervous about getting to know someone new, you were a little antsy about trying to make yourself look as nice as you could in an hour. After you'd worked all day. For your first date with a man you already couldn't get enough of. He reminded you that he wanted to take you to the beach, as if you could forget the splendid details he'd divulged over the phone a month ago.
He told you he was going to wear jeans, nothing fancy, but when you looked in your closet, everything seemed tragically terrible. You could practically feel time ticking away as you yanked a simple sundress from its hanger and pulled it on over your cute underwear set. Not that he was going to see that tonight, but it made you feel good regardless. It also made your skin feel flushed as you thought about the photo you'd sent him where you'd gone topless under your bedding, and you squeaked when you heard knocking on your door. 
When you pulled it open, he was there, like a dream. Earlier in your classroom, when he interacted with your students, it felt like you had imagined the whole thing. But nothing felt as real as the warmth in his voice when he softly said, "Hey, Gorgeous," as he filled your doorway with his broad shoulders.
"Hi, Handsome," you replied, even as he leaned in closer until your lips were met with a kiss as sweet as the ones he treated you to earlier. He seemed to be taking your desire to be kissed as soon as he saw you to heart. Either that or he just couldn't help himself, and you were more than okay with either scenario. 
Your fingers ghosted along the buttons of the loud tropical print shirt he was wearing. The fabric was soft as he deepened the kiss enough to let you feel his rough mustache against your skin before pulling away. All of the teasing kisses from a few hours ago made you want to pull him inside toward your couch, but he was already reaching for your hand.
He looked a little tired, and once again you got butterflies knowing he wanted to spend his first evening home from a very long deployment with you. As he smiled and wrapped his big hand around yours, he asked, "You ready for me to show you why deleting that dating app was the best decision you'll make all year?"
Your lips parted in soft surprise at his confidence and his little smirk. Granted, so far, he had no reason to behave otherwise. You let him guide you outside, and you locked your door as you said, "I thought getting my students to send mail to a deployed Naval aviator was my best decision?"
He hummed softly. "Seems as though you can do no wrong."
It was like floating on a cloud, having his attention and gaze fixed on you. How in the world this man wasn't already locked down was mystifying. As his rough thumb trailed back and forth across your knuckles, the butterflies started up again in a big way. It was actually happening. The first date that you'd been daydreaming about on repeat was here. He was following through with it, and now you were expected to act normal.
When he unlocked the door and helped you climb up into his insanely cool truck, he said, "It looks like you can't stop smiling, which is great, because it's a beautiful smile."
You laughed softly and covered your eyes before groaning softly. "I'm just still kind of in shock." You peeked at him from between your fingers. "When I woke up this morning, I was convinced something terrible had happened to you... or that you ghosted me."
Bradley looked truly concerned as he coaxed your hands away from your face and said, "Baby, you thought I ghosted you?"
You gave him a little shrug and said, "The thought crossed my mind. I know you said sometimes they shut off communication from the aircraft carrier when-"
He silenced you with his lips on yours, cupping your cheek with his big hand before breaking away to say, "I've been thinking about you since I unfolded the first letter you sent. And I've been thinking about today since you gave me your personal email address. I'm not going anywhere, and I'm definitely not going to ghost you, Gorgeous." Just as you felt embarrassed for having admitted that much to him, he kissed you again and said, "I want to get you Thai food and take you to the beach. It only took me thirty-seven minutes to get here in traffic, and it should be even shorter now. Since we're going to be doing this drive with frequency, I want to learn the best times for it."
You made a soft sound as his thumb continued to stroke your cheek, and you nodded as you said, "Let's do it."
Bradley laced his fingers with yours as he drove down along the coast back to Coronado. The time it took to get to your place was really no big deal to him, but he didn't want it to seem insurmountable to you. Traffic in San Diego could be a nightmare at times, especially in the evening, and he didn't want you to think he wasn't more than willing to do this. Especially after you thought he may have ghosted you. And especially since he was planning on asking you to be his girlfriend. 
You and your students got him through his deployment in a way nothing else ever quite had before. Your letters and emails were informative, funny and thoughtful, and you had this addictively subtle way of always letting him know he was on your mind. After months with Vanessa, all he got was a bad attitude, a partner who clearly wasn't invested, and an email about a water bottle. 
You were singing along to a song he happened to love when he chuckled to himself as he changed lanes. "What's so funny?" you asked, giving his hand a little squeeze. "My singing voice isn't that bad."
"Your singing voice isn't even slightly bad," he replied easily, glancing at your face in profile as you smiled. "I was just thinking about my ex-girlfriend."
"Oh," you said as your smile vanished, and your hold on his hand loosened. 
"Shit," he grunted. "Not like that," he promised, tugging on you gently while trying to focus on the road. "You and I had exchanged more emails halfway through my deployment than Vanessa and I did in seven months. And I'm hoping you'll keep emailing with me on occasion, even though we can text and talk on the phone right now, too. I associate my inbox with you now."
"Vanessa?" you asked, avoiding the rest of his statement. "Isn't that the name of Jayden's dog?"
Bradley nodded. "It sure is," he replied with a laugh. "One of the reasons I always liked his notes the best."
You were looking out your window now as the pretty coastline started to give way to a view of North Island across the bay. "I'll keep emailing you. How could I not? Texts and phone calls would be a bonus."
"I told you, you're going to get sick of me soon, Gorgeous. That's how many of my texts and phone calls you're about to be on the receiving end of." Bradley kissed your fingers as he turned to cross the bridge that led to Coronado, and he murmured, "Start thinking about what you want to eat for dinner. We're almost there."
He would erase all doubts about him from your mind. Your hand already felt like it belonged in his as you and he walked into the takeout restaurant while you listed off some of your Thai favorites. The two of you seemed to translate well from interacting through screens to physically being together, and the fact that he already wanted to put a label on this was a bit surprising to him. But there was still a lot he wanted to ask you about and tell you first, which was proving difficult when you looked up at him with bright eyes as a beautiful smile. He practically blurted out the world girlfriend as you told him you couldn't decide what you wanted to eat.
"What are you getting?" you asked. "I'm torn between Pad Thai, Yellow Curry and Tom Yum Goong."
"Let's get all three," he replied before kissing you. 
When he pulled away, your eyes were still closed as you asked, "All three? I can only finish one."
"Yeah, we can share them," he whispered, kissing you softly again. "My appetite is huge." When the person who was working at the counter had to clear their throat to keep Bradley from pulling you closer to his body like he had earlier in your classroom, he begrudgingly ordered not three, but four entrees while you laughed. 
"You weren't kidding," you mused as he paid for dinner.
"Listen," he told you as he put his credit card away. "There are three things I'm never going to joke about. Food is the first one. My mom always made me clean my plate, and I never outgrew that. If I'm willing to eat two servings of dinner from an aircraft carrier mess hall, then I'm probably going to eat at least that much if it's food that actually tastes good. And second, if I say there's a spider and that I need you to come quick, there is absolutely a spider that I need you to take care of for me." You laughed and bit your lip as he said, "And third, I'm never going to joke about how attracted I am to everything about you."
Bradley tried his best not to cause a scene in the small restaurant, but when you ran your fingers along the scars on his face and up into his hair, his hands found their way to your hips, and your body was snug against his. He didn't say another word, and you didn't either. Neither of you moved any closer for a kiss. You just brushed your fingers gently through his hair, occasionally tugging a little bit, and he thought he could lose his mind this way. With you smiling softly at him, silently and unknowingly showing him that your touch was uniquely something he'd been craving for so long.
"I'll take care of the spiders for you. Don't worry," you told him as you grinned.
"Baby, that's like dirty talk," he replied, his words making him think of that one photo you sent to him of you in bed. You dipped your head, trying to hide from him as you laughed, and he leaned in to kiss your jaw just as his name was called. "You ready for dinner?" he mumbled, knowing he was about five minutes away from his stomach growling loudly even though standing here with you was one of the nicest feelings in his recent memory.
"Let's get you fed," you told him, patting his firm stomach and accidentally snagging one of his belt loops with your finger. He had to bite the inside of his cheek against the growing need he felt for you as you reached out to grab the bag of food, and he followed you back out to his Bronco like a lost puppy.
After some debate about where you wanted to sit since the wind was starting to pick up, you chose a blanket on the sand over the back of his Bronco. You honestly weren't sure Bradley could even fit back there comfortably with you. He was so tall and broad, and his legs were so long, you'd practically have to be on top of him so he'd have room. Your mind wandered to the idea of him spilling off of his couch while you snuggled with him, and you could feel the warmth rising in your face as he helped you down onto the sandy asphalt of the parking lot.
With your hand in his, Bradley led you around to the back door where he pulled out a picnic blanket and a cooler. The wind picked up and you shivered a bit, wondering if he would let you curl up against his warm chest and his tropical shirt. 
"I brought this just in case," he told you, turning to reach back inside and grab a well worn, gray sweatshirt that said TOP GUN across the front. He held it up, and you nodded, and then Bradley pulled it over your head for you, his fingers skimming down your sides as you pushed your arms through the sleeves.
"Thanks," you murmured as the oversized garment kind of swallowed you up. It was so soft over your sundress, you couldn't imagine ever wanting to take it off. And the look Bradley was giving you as you stood before him in it warmed you up as much as the shirt itself.
"I like the way that looks," he said, voice a little raspy as the wind pushed at his wavy hair.
He shook his head, brown eyes fixed on you. "And I like the way that sounds."
You didn't need to eat anything. You could be sustained on making out in the backseat. You thought about telling him as much when he groaned softly, handed you the beach blanket and picked up everything else. "If we don't get settled, we'll miss the sunset, and the food will be cold."
He pressed one hot and heavy kiss to your lips before nudging the door shut with his hip, and you scampered after his long-legged gait to catch up with him. When he asked you to pick a spot for the blanket, you spread it out near some tall dune grass, away from some of the other couples who seemed to have been lured out by the promise of a pretty sunset. And just as you predicted, Bradley sprawled himself out and took up most of the space, leaving you sitting right at his side.
You helped him open up the containers of food and the disposable utensils, and then you watched him reach into the cooler and hold up a bottle of Prosecco and a bottle of a local craft beer. You pointed to the Prosecco, and he opened it for you as you said, "I know you told me you don't have much family, but you mentioned your mom? And how she always made you clean your plate?" You couldn't help but be curious, especially since you'd already told him a bit about your own family through email.
"Yeah," he replied evenly as you took a sip of Prosecco right from the bottle when he didn't hand you a cup. It was sweet and cold, but you almost choked on it when he said, "She died years ago. So did my old man. He was in the Navy, too."
"Bradley," you gasped, sloshing some of the wine onto your fingers as you tried not to drop the bottle. "I'm so sorry." He just shrugged and waved you off, but you ended up with your arms around his neck and the cold bottle pressed to his back as you whispered, "Is that why you didn't really have anyone writing to you other than me and my class?"
His big hand found your lower back through the sweatshirt. "Baby, the only other person who ever writes to me is my best friend, and even that is pretty sporadic."
You pulled away a little bit to meet his eyes as you asked, "What about Vanessa? The human, not the dog."
Bradley laughed and said, "The dog would make a better pen pal than the human. Probably be nicer to me, too."
You were completely taken aback. "What's that supposed to mean?"
He kissed your cheek before getting you settled at his side again, and you watched him scoop some noodles onto his fork. "Means she's not like you. And I'm going to try my best to prove that I'm not like your ex boyfriend who didn't like it when you talked about your job. Shouldn't be hard since I already think your kids are so cool, and I probably read at about a fourth grade level."
"Bradley," you balked as you laughed that he remembered what you told him about your ex, but he was already holding the food out to you.
"Try this and tell me what you think." You took the fork from his hand, tasted the dinner and moaned in appreciation. "It's pretty great, right?"
"Oh my goodness," you told him, digging the fork into the container for more. "It's even better than the place by my school."
You tried the curry next as the sun just about hit the horizon, and Bradley casually said, "We can do this all the time. Or I can surprise you with dinner after work."
"It's not a surprise if you tell me that," you told him before taking another sip of the wine.
"You don't like surprises," he said with a smile, and you realized for the second time tonight that he probably remembered everything you ever told him. The butterflies were back in full force as you and he chatted while you shared the meal. It wasn't like a first date at all. It was like some highly romantic reunion where he kissed you with a bit more frequency as the food containers ended up empty and the sky turned purple.
He was so warm as you snuggled up against his chest with your head on his shoulder. As the first few stars appeared in the clear sky, his big hand came to rest on your thigh, his fingers dipping inside the hem of your dress as the breeze made you cuddle even closer to him. "Was your last mission dangerous?" you asked, remembering how apprehensive he looked and sounded over the FaceTime call.
When he didn't respond right away, you thought perhaps he didn't hear you, but he squeezed your thigh and cleared his throat. "All of them are, Gorgeous."
Your heart clenched. You had him here with you after months of wishing and dreaming. You didn't want to seem pushy by asking, but you couldn't help yourself. "I never thought about what it would be like to... be with someone who deploys for work. Not until we started talking. But now I think about it a lot." His soft grunt next to your ear had you quickly asking, "Is that what it would be like? Always worrying if you're okay? Always wondering if you miss me as much as I miss you?"
He took your breath away as he kissed you, parting your lips with his and tasting your tongue. His lips were sweet from the wine, and his nose bumped yours as his big hand slid around to the back of your thigh. All you could do was hold onto him as he treated you to kiss after toe-curling kiss. You shamelessly moaned his name when he finally let you take a breath, but then he was right back on you. Your fingernails scraped softly along his faded scars before digging into his hair, and he broke the kiss and held you to him.
"You would never have to worry about the last bit. I would make sure of that. But yeah, Baby, the rest of it would kind of suck."
The only thing you could say was, "Bradley," as his eyes searched your face in the darkening evening light.
"I would have been miserable," he whispered. "If you never sent that first package, I would have had nothing to look forward to each day and nothing I was excited to come back to San Diego for." His voice was impossibly deep and alluring as he said, "I thought about that a lot. What if you never sent it? Or what if someone else got it instead of me? What if I didn't somehow manage to earn your attention? I don't like thinking about that. And I don't like the idea of you worrying about me even though, at the same time, it feels really fucking good knowing that you would."
You were melting. You were going to turn into a puddle for this man. This lonely man who had an ex who hadn't been nice to him and never emailed him enough. This man who cleared his calendar today to bring you flowers and visit your kids as soon as he got off of the aircraft carrier. You wanted to say so much as you pushed gently on his shoulders, and Bradley slowly leaned back until he was laying flat with you on top of him.
"Gorgeous," he crooned in the moonlight with the sound of the ocean behind you and his big hands on your thighs. 
You pushed his hair back from his forehead and whispered, "You just got back today, and you gave all of your time to me."
His cheek was warm and rough with some stubble as your lips found his scars. You kissed them just like you told him you wanted to as he said, "It was just me being selfish. I wanted to be around you so badly. I'm already dying for more. Please go out with me again tomorrow?"
It took you all of a split second to agree. And maybe you were being selfish too, but you weren't prepared for the way your heart was racing in time with the butterflies. And how warm his big hands were as they inched up your legs while you tasted his tongue. And how much you knew you were going to want him to stay when it was time to say goodnight.
Your hands were all over his face and shoulders and in his hair, and Bradley was nothing short of delighted by this. Your lips drifted from his mouth down to his chin, and he had to try very hard to focus as they grazed his Adam's apple. He had your apartment keys in his hand, with which he was also squeezing your hip though his sweatshirt. It felt serendipitous that he was the one who got your letters, especially since he went from halfway in love with you to most of the way there after one day in your presence.
"Baby, you need to go inside," he warned, but something in his tone of voice just had you clinging tighter to him. "I need you to go inside."
You broke free from where your lips ended up on the side of his neck, and you whined. "I know, Bradley."
"God," he rasped, releasing you completely and taking a step back. "Say it one more time."
You unlocked your door, turned to look at him over your shoulder, and your kiss-swollen lips curled into one of those simply gorgeous smiles that earned you your nickname. "Bradley."
It sounded so fucking good. "I'll see you tomorrow," he whispered. "Lock the door behind you."
You did as you were told with one more little smile just for him, and then he was left standing there alone, trying to catch his breath while he got his phone out and worked on taking date number two from daydream to reality.
Why is he like this? They are going to get even more handsy on their second date, and I can't handle it. And he can't even go more than a day without seeing her? He needs to be locked away. Thanks for reading! And thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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munsooooon · 3 months
Steve had a very heated argument with his parents who arrived home unexpectedly. It was an argument filled with crying, anger, and a lot of pain.
So he made a decision that was unreasonable and not at all safe. But a world full of strange creatures had taken away his last years of adolescence without being able to enjoy them and he still had to deal with those arguments with his parents, if life could not give him a break, he had the right to commit some stupid things.
So when he managed to calm his crying a little, he asked Eddie to sneak in through his window. Which Eddie did.
If his parents found them, it would be the end. Robin definitely would kill him but none of that mattered when Eddie was between his legs, moving slowly and silently, Steve was ecstatic, with saliva building up in his mouth, he was making the cutest moans just to show his boyfriend how much he was enjoying it, he could feel Eddie all over his body, because he was hitting the exact spot of pleasure even though he was doing his best to be as quiet as possible.
"My little princess so spoiled and so needy" Eddie whispered. "What would you do if mom and dad found you like this?"
Steve responded by moving his body, fucking himself against Eddie's body, taking what he needed from him. He had been with many girls while their parents were home but this was the first time he had been on that side of history and he was loving every second of it.
"That's it, princess, you gonna show them how good you are taking me, right?"
"Mmm huh, yes Eddie, please"
"Shhh, babydoll, be quiet, show them I've made a good boy out of you"
Eddie put a hand over Steve's mouth because he knew he was getting close and he knew how loud it was, the adrenaline was pushing them to the limit, with his free hand he pressed hard on the boy's hips to keep him on his dick, to keep him still, to avoid the noise of the bed and to be able to use him as Eddie wanted. He began to move faster, Steve began to cry, his face was flushed, his hands were trying to take pieces of Eddie's body, his hands were moving in the air helplessly as if he wanted to get away from the pleasure Eddie was giving him but at the same time chasing that pleasure and craving more and more.
If anyone approached Steve's room, it was impossible for them not to notice what was going on.
"That's all, right love? All you needed to behave was a good cock inside you"
"Yesss, Eddie, please"
"See? I have made you a good girl, a very polite girl who knows how to ask for what she needs, im so proud of you darling"
Steve's mouth opened in a silent scream, he began to cum, squeezed Eddie and began to move slowly. Steve was shaking non-stop and the tears on his face wouldn't stop flowing, his eyes were closed and his mouth moved with Eddie's every movement.
"I love you" Eddie whispered as he kissed his cheek, still moving, he was pursuing his own cumming, slowly, unhurriedly. "You're mine, mine, just mine, not theirs."
Steve felt his body melt, he feel loved.
"You'll be my husband one day, i will take you far away from here, baby. I promise, just be patient"
Eddie cums inside him, Steve smiled with his eyes closed as he felt it.
Eddie slipped his fingers into Steve's mouth, who slowly opened his eyes. He soon got the message and began to wet the older man's fingers, a few seconds was enough, Eddie kissed his nose to let him know it was enough.
Eddie moved his fingers closer to Steve's entrance, asking for permission.
"May I?"
"Of course, Eds." Steve whispered.
Eddie inserted his fingers inside Steve and using his cum and Steve's saliva to move them quickly and easily. Steve bit down on his lip to keep from moaning loudly, Eddie quickly moved to his prostate, using it as he pleases. It was easy to make Steve cum once again, Steve felt himself really wet.
Eddie lay there for a few minutes hugging Steve, who slowly began to fall asleep. Before sleep overcame Eddie too, he slowly got up and quietly got dressed, he couldn't stay in Steve's room.
"Be a good boy and take care of yourself until we see each other in the afternoon" Eddie whispered.
At 3:54 a.m. Eddie kissed Steve's sleeping face and climbed down the window.
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literaila · 8 months
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: satoru does not get the 'flu' that you have, or why you can't take megumi to the bookstore
warnings: symptoms of the flu, satoru is a bastard, cute kids
last part | next part
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year two.
you:  can you take megumi to the bookstore? i can't make it 
"megumi wants me to ask you what you mean by 'i can't make it.'" 
your phone rings as soon as the message is sent, making you groan and roll over in bed. your palms are sweaty, and your body feels a bit like you got eaten alive. 
you probably shouldn't have answered, but honestly, how can you be expected to make smart decisions in this state?
you sigh into the phone. "it means that i can't make it, satoru." 
usually, his voice would make you smile but right now it just makes you want to die. and sleep for a couple... billion years, at least. 
"megumi wants me to ask what you mean by that?" satoru says again like you can't tell he's grinning. 
"just let me talk to him," you sigh, turning over on your side, which does nothing to ease the ache in your abdomen, by the way. you feel briefly nauseous like you might need the bowl you dragged under the covers, but it eases. you swallow bile. 
"what's wrong?" satoru asks, still teasing, and doesn't put megumi on the phone because he has never, not once in his life done anything without an argument. 
really, why do you put up with him?
"well you just forgot that both of the kids are in school right now, like they are every day, so..." 
you close your eyes, pulling the covers up even higher. "oh. yeah." 
"did you get hurt, or something?" satoru asks, no concern evident in his voice, "going on another mission?" 
satoru is silent, waiting. and you really truly do hate him. anyone else would just do you this favor. 
but not your best friend, no, he does nothing you ask. 
"i'm sick," you tell him, after a whole minute of silence. 
you can almost hear it as his brows furrow. "what?" 
"i have the flu or something," you cough into the receiver, hoping that it hurts his ear. 
"ugh," you groan, trying to rub the ache out of your jaw. "not all of us are immune to getting sick, you freak. will you take megumi to the bookstore for me? please?" 
"i don't think he wants to go with me." 
"satoru," you whine. 
"...and also i'm not allowed to enter the premises anymore." 
you sniff, wishing that you had more tissues, "what? since when?" 
"a couple weeks ago," he answers, nonchalantly. you can hear him moving around, probably wreaking havoc on the house you'll have to deep clean in a couple of days. 
not to mention your room. seriously, getting sick is the worst. 
"nuh uh," he says to you, very seriously. "that's between me and the children. they swore me to secrecy, and you're the one that's always going on and on about trust and how easily it's broken..." 
"you mean that you swore them to secrecy." 
"i bribed them," satoru agrees as if it's not an insane thing to say about your seven and eight-year-olds. 
"with what?!" 
"tsumiki took the offer of picking whatever takeout she wanted, and i think megumi was just glad i couldn't bring him anymore, the brat." 
you can hear his eyes roll, and the mention of the little boy's name reminds you of why you're having this discussion in the first place. 
"satoru... i really can't take him and i promised we'd go today," you groan into your pillow, voice feeling very sore. you shouldn't be talking to this insane man right now, you should be asleep. 
he pauses. "i can wear a disguise, i guess?" 
you groan again, hopefully, louder. "no, you're right about him not wanting to go with you." 
"i guess i'll just..." you attempt to sit up for the third time, feeling a bit dizzy as you do so. "i'll take some medicine and see if i feel better by the time they get out of school."
you're already mentally checking your medicine cabinet, not even sure if you have anything to help this ease by later in the afternoon. just some pain relief would be nice, but if you're contagious...
"what? no."
"well, you can't take him," you answer, still annoyed. 
"he doesn't need to go..." 
you hope that satoru can feel your scowl. "i promised." 
"he's a reasonable kid..." satoru says, clearly not remembering the brooding that happened the last time megumi had to re-read one of his books. "i think." 
you're silent. 
"look, i'll talk to him, okay?" he settles on, finally. "and i'll give him a couple hundred yen, it'll be fine. 
your mouth opens, and you cough, before, "no, satoru--" 
"get some rest," he exclaims, unpleasantly. 
"have him call me when you pick them up, satoru--" 
"don't die of the flu or anything." 
and then he's gone, and now you've got a headache, too. 
you think you might be dreaming when you open your front door.
the knocking had woken you up--you think--but with how long it took to walk from your room, into the hallway, and then the door, honestly, you might've fainted. or decided to take another nap against the wall. 
because once you open it, it feels like you've done this before.  
once again, three people are standing in front of you, two of them already arguing before you even take a step back to swing the door all the way open. 
the light hurts your head as you squint at the three of them. 
"it was my idea--" megumi is saying to satoru, grumpy, you know, from all day at school, and because he's talking to satoru.
"you're not taking all of the credit," satoru says back, "i bought everything." 
"'cause you're rich." 
"wow, so you're objectifying me?" 
"yes," megumi answers immediately, even though you doubt that he even knows what objectifying means (actually, you're pretty certain satoru doesn't even know). you cough, and it feels like something has died inside of you. 
the three of them turn towards you, tsumiki with a pleading look.
"it was my idea, okay?" megumi tells you before anyone else can say anything, and then he pulls tsumiki along with him as they move past you, through the door, into your apartment. 
yes, it's clear that satoru has raised them. 
"i said we should bring soup," tsumiki looks up at you, waiting for the praise she knows you'll give her. 
"our idea," megumi amends, easily. 
then they're out of your reach, going to sit on the very same couch they'd slept on a year ago, probably trying to escape satoru.
who you turn to, with a frown. his hair is so white it hurts to look at.
he points into your apartment, "those are devil spawn." 
you cough. "don't call them that." 
he raises a brow at you. probably at how soft your voice is, or the fact that you haven't hit him in the thirty seconds he's been standing there. 
it's a new record. 
"why are you here?" you rasp out, wiping some snot from your nose.
"no 'hello?'" 
"hello, satoru," your voice is retched, "why are you here?" 
"you look kinda rough, kid," 
you sniff, leaning against the doorjam. you could fall asleep here in an instant. "i'm sick, you jerk." 
"so this is sickness..." satoru says, intrigued, pretending to inspect you closely like you're some lab experiment. 
"i distinctly remember a cold that had you shaking on the floor of your dorm, begging shoko to heal you." 
satoru points a finger at you. "that was an uncurable illness." 
"and yet we're still stuck with you." 
satoru just smirks, pretending to be an angel he is not. 
you cough again and then sigh. it's cold with the door open. "are you just here to annoy me?"
"no," satoru shakes his head, giving you a ridiculous look, "well, i was telling megumi that you couldn't take him to the bookstore, cause of your disease or whatever," he ignores your weak protest, "and then i suggested that maybe we could see how you were feeling, bring you a little gift basket--" 
"no, he didn't!" megumi calls. 
satoru frowns. "devil. spawn." 
you snort, somehow amused at all of them, finally moving aside so he can walk through the door. 
satoru passes, suddenly brighter, but not before leaving an obnoxious kiss on your cheek--a resounding smack following. to which, you promptly wipe off. 
he frowns, and you push him so you can close the door. and then you trail into the kitchen, sitting down immediately before you fall. 
it's so embarrassing that just standing for too long has made you this lightheaded. 
satoru sets a bag on your kitchen counter and begins to unpack it. 
you try to see over his hands. "what did you bring me?" 
"you guys are so unappreciative," satoru tells you, pouting, "you only want me for my goods." 
"and the view," you answer, easily. "what'd you get?" 
megumi and tsumiki comes over to you, both of them giving you a short (megumi) and tight (tsumiki) hug. you've trained them well. 
"soup!" tsumiki tells you, grabbing the container from satoru's hands, despite his look. and then she walks over to your stove, looking in the cupboards for a pot to heat it in. 
because she's used to taking care of herself. they both are. 
"satoru," you nod to her, and he frowns, but reluctantly takes over, pushing tsumiki away from the stove. you're both familiar with this behavior from her. 
most days when you make dinner, tsumiki is trying to sneak into the kitchen, refusing to let you take care of it. 
she pouts a little now, but lets satoru handle the soup.
"gojo got you all of these," megumi tells you, bringing your eyes away from the other man, pushing a stack of pill bottles and medicine containers your way. "i don't think he knows what any of them are." 
"hey! that's a great selection," satoru pours the soup into a pot and sets it on the stove, returning to the counter with the three of you.
"this is a muscle relaxant," you tell him, frowning as you look at the packages--most of which are not for the flu. this is why he's not allowed to go to the store without you.
"well, your muscles need to relax, don't they?" satoru asks, dryly. "wish we could find some of those for your brain..." he mutters, afterward, and you throw the packet right at his face. 
"i found those little sour things you like," megumi continues, smirking just a moment at satoru. "they didn't have a big bag." 
"thanks, megs." 
"there's tissues, and chapstick if your lips get dry. and i picked out the cough drops because gojo wanted to get chocolate flavored or something--" 
megumi rolls his eyes. 
tsumiki steps to your side again. "and we got flowers, but those are still in the car." 
"no, they're not," satoru suddenly has a bouquet of roses in his hands, almost covering his entire face. "they're right here." 
"when did you do that?" 
"when you guys were ridiculing my excellent taste," he pouts, white hair falling over his glasses. 
you laugh. 
"where's your vase?" he asks, going through every cupboard before finally listening to your answer. he settles on the other end of your kitchen, cutting and arranging the bouquet. 
tsumiki taps you. "are you feeling bad?" 
"just a little out of it, sweetie, don't worry." 
"did we get everything you need?" megumi chimes in, giving you a brief moment of eye contact before looking away. 
"yes. you guys did great, thank you both. you're very sweet." 
satoru ahems loudly. "and what about me?" 
"you could've done better." 
the kids both laugh and you push them into the living room, telling them to go sit down for a bit--knowing that satoru dragged them from school to the store to here without a break--and that you'll find a snack for them. 
and then you sigh, a bit nauseous from sitting up for so long. 
"do you need to lay down?" satoru peers at you, setting the bouquet on your table. "you look green." 
"thanks. how'd you learn to do that?" you gesture to the flowers which are arranged beautifully. honestly, you're surprised he didn't leave them on the counter for you to deal with. 
"i am a gentleman." 
"ha. no, seriously." 
"...i may, or may not have looked up what to bring someone who has the flu--and the flowers were extra, but!" he pauses as you laugh at him, resting your head against the cool counter. "i only had to do that because i don't get affected by stupid things like the flu or whatever you have." 
"of course," you whisper, closing your eyes. 
and then there's a hand on your forehead. "you're really warm." 
you press your head into his hand, which is also pleasantly cold. "yeah." 
"did you sleep all day?" 
you nod. 
"really? that's so lazy." 
you push him away, and he laughs, just loud enough for you to hear it. you open your eyes again when you hear him move away, watching him stir the soup on the stove. 
"you probably shouldn't have brought them here," you tell him, gesturing to the living room. "i don't want to get them sick." 
"they missed you," satoru shrugs. "you wouldn't want them to be sick alone." 
"yeah, but..." 
"i'm the worrier today," he interrupts, wrapping his hand around your wrist so he can pull you. "go lay down on the couch with them and i'll get your soup ready." 
"you'll burn it, you mean?" 
"as a punishment for all of the cruel things you say to me," and satoru smiles as he nudges the top of your head with his nose. 
his eyes are almost stern (almost, but not quite) as he watches you lay down on the couch, your hands gestured in defeat, and nods when you're settled in. 
when he walks away, you call, "bring us some water!" 
there's no response, but you know he'll do it. 
tsumiki just slightly nudges you with her hand and you smile, opening your arms for her to cuddle under. 
megumi doesn't do the same, but you don't fail to notice when he scooches just a little bit closer to you both, his thigh touching yours. 
your head still hurts and even the smell of the soup is making you a bit sick, but you'll deal with it as long as they're all here. 
you're arguing with satoru about dinner, several days later, when tsumiki and megumi sneeze at exactly the same time. 
it took a couple of days for you to recover, but now you're better than ever, happily fighting with satoru over the stupidest things and watching over both of the children for any defects that happened while you were out of sorts. 
they're mostly okay. 
but now the both of you look over to them, your eyes wide, satoru almost wincing. 
and then you look back to him, already scowling. 
"hey, it was just a sneeze," he tells you, quickly, already knowing what you're about to say. 
"i told you--" 
and then he sneezes, taking a step away from you. 
you groan, giving up on dinner. it looks like the next few days are going to be spent coddling all of your children. 
next part
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 8 months
I don’t know if This is the place where people make requests but I was thinking Katsuki and y/n have been friends since childhood but as they grow up Katsuki takes the hero path and y/n chooses the villain path it’s like the 2nd year of UA Katsuki knows y/n is a villain and keeps it a secret she’s also in the class. I don’t know how much I’m aloud to ask but hiiii and if this gets picked thank you
ouuuu this is such an interesting request ! i luv me some angst once in a while ! this is also probably the angstiest fic ive written rn lmfaoo ! i tried to honour your request as best i could and i hope you like it ! (also yall keep enabling my katsuki friends to lovers addiction its not me its yall sooo🤥..) also here, reader’s family is part of a crime syndicate sorta like the chie hassaikai !
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fem reader, blood n injuries, kinda angsty but i cant bring myself to fully write angst so take the bittersweetness <33 katsuki claims he hates reader but he doesn’t, reader has a sorta traumatic backstory but if u squint HARD, reader feels guilty, slight miscommunication trope, lemme know if i missed something !
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"how long are you gonna keep doing this ?"
you're rolling up your bloody sleeves when you hear the question you'd been expecting fall from your best friends lips.
"what do you mean ?" you're playing dumb, you know it. and unfortunately, katsuki knows it too.
he narrows his eyes at you, you ignore him "don't give me that shit." he all but growls at you "how many more times are you gonna come to me all fucked up like this ?" you'd expected him to be louder, but you blame that on the fact it’s so late. angrier isn't the term you're looking for, you've known him long enough to know he's trying to hold back his anger. for you. you feel your stomach twisting at the thought.
"as long as you'll have me" you jest, smiling at him. you never took anything seriously. from the time you were kids until now, katsuki hates that about you. "you'll keep taking care of me, won't you suki ?"
you're spoiled, you think everything is a fuckin' joke. katsuki hates that about you.
he huffs, grabbing your outstrechted bruised and bloodied arm "i won't if you keep wakin' me up so late. we've got school tomorrow, you dumbass." his actions are softer than his words, like they always are. he cleans at your injuries with the med kit he has stashed away in his room for emergencies, emergencies being you. you snort and katsuki can barely cover the smirk growing on his face at the sound.
"you're such a goody two shoes." you sigh playfully, but your tone is more loving than playful like you'd hoped.
you'd been hiding your lifestyle from kastuki until you no longer could. coming to him one night heavily injured because you thought he was the only one you could come to, a decision you regret to this day, even as you sit here in his bedroom again.
you'd never meant to get him involved in your mess. katsuki, who's future was so promising. katsuki, who since the ripe age of 5 with starry eyes and bandaged cheeks proclaimed he would be the best. katsuki, who had wanted you to be together when that moment came.
but you had to ruin it. and you're sure that even as he sits there with you and cleans up your wounds, a part of him hates you for it. you don't blame him, how could you ?
you ruined everything. you always do—
you feel a finger flick against your forehead and when you focus again katsuki's eyes bore into yours.
"don't go zoning out on me, idiot. don't go falling asleep on me either. 'f i can't sleep, neither can you." you huff out a laugh at his petulant demand. you hum as he bandages your arm up carefully. " i think i can do that." you sigh.
"i wasn't asking." he retorts, looking up at you seriously "don't go knocking out on me."
you're left speechless at his words. because despite what he says, you know what he means. you've known katsuki for too long not to.
it’s stupid that such a simple sentence has you blinking rapidly, sniffling away the tears forming in your lash line. katsuki sighs. even when you tried acting tough, you’ve always been such a crybaby.
neither of you say a word as he finishes bandaging up your wounds. he insists on rewrapping up your hand and your heart squeezes because you know he’s stalling and it would be time for you to go soon.
it’s for the better, you think. despite your heart tying itself in knots, you won’t allow katsuki to get caught up in them.
he finishes and no words are exchanged. he stares at you, pleading for something you’re not quite sure about, or at least that’s what you tell yourself (you’ve known him way too long not to know what he wants). you avoid his gaze, your eyes growing misty again when you hear him sigh in defeat before he gets up from his bed and leaves the room.
while you’re throwing your jacket on and tugging your dirty boots back on (katsuki was a stickler about keeping his room clean) you can’t help but look around his room. it makes you giggle how he hadn’t really changed that much at all.
he’s thrown out most of his action figures but it seems he just couldn’t separate himself from the all might one’s. he’s still got the all might poster, his pride and joy that he never stopped showing off when you were kids. and then you see something on the shelf where he keeps all his manga.
katsuki walks back into the room and his shoulders visibly sag when he sees you ready to go. you don’t see it though, you’re focused on something on his shelf, he raises a brow.
before he can ask you anything though, you turn to him with a sly little grin, the grin he knows you have when you’re about to say some dumb shit. he hates that about you.
you’ve got a small rubber band looking thing pinched around your finger and katsuki feels his stomach drop.
"you still have this ? " you twirl the braided friendship bracelet you’d made for him when you were kids around your thumb and index finger, giggling when you see katsuki’s expression morph from curiosity to embarrassment. faster than you could blink, he’s already stomping over to you. he wobbles around a little on his bed to reach over your shoulder to snatch the bracelet back.
“don’t go snooping through my stuff !” his fingers are inches away from the bracelet when you switch it over to your other hand. a struggle breaks out where you push and shove at each other. you end up underneath him with him trying to open up your hand tightly clutching onto your bracelet.
“s’not snooping—if it’s just sitting out in the open !” you giggle. he finally manages to snatch his bracelet out of your death grip with a huff and a pinch at your thigh. you don’t miss the way he inspects it carefully before deciding it was unharmed and placing it right back where you’d found it. your heart squeezes despite yourself.
“either way, don’t go puttin’ yer dirty paws on my stuff. you’ll get your germs on them.” he snickers childishly. you’re just as if not more childish because you blow a raspberry at him. katsuki squishes your cheeks out with his hand in response.
you realize you feel a little too comfy, then realize you’re laying in katsuki’s bed and suddenly spring up to try and leave but a hand pushes at your chest, stopping you from doing so. “where the hell do you think you’re goin’, huh ?”
“home ?”
“don’t think so.” he utters simply, pushing you down onto his bed harshly “you’re not going anywhere.”
“shut up. none of that bullshit you spout all the time” he leans down until your noses almost brush against each other, you inhaling sharply and katsuki grips the sheets next to your head “ if you get yourself in trouble again, i’m the one you’re gonna come bother and i’m trynna sleep. you’re staying.”
the asshole knows exactly what to say to make you feel bad, even if he doesn’t mean to. so you swallow the lump in your throat and concede “okay, fine” you nod “but i gotta leave super early, so don’t be surprised to see me gone when you wake up.”
“s’less trouble for me if you are.” he quips. he’s mean, he’s always been mean. yet his eyes tell a different story. there he goes again with those pleading eyes. the ones that make you want to spill your entire heart and more, to give your life and soul to him. you turn your face away from him.
“stop that.” he whispers, nosing at your neck, your heartbeat picks up and his does too.
“stop what ?” you're playing dumb, you know it. and unfortunately, katsuki knows it too.
“stop trying to act all hard. you know i won’t fall for that shit. those other extra’s might, but i won’t.” he’s awfully quiet. it almost gives you whiplash how he’d went from wrestling you to doing..whatever this was. you don’t mind, despite yourself. “known you too fuckin’ long, unfortunately.”
“yeah” you choke out “yeah, unfortunately.” you feel tears burning in your eyes but you refuse to let them fall, that’d be unfair. you’re not allowed to be upset over something you’d caused.
“for fucks sake’s, yn” katsuki goes from gripping his sheets to gripping your wrists, you close your eyes. “ just—fuckin’—“
“i’m sorry.” you whimper, he pauses.
“i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have come tonight, or any other night” you sniffle “i should’ve—you should’ve forgotten about me.”
you’re babbling, you always do when you get in your own head. when you refuse to tell him what’s bothering you, determined to do everything yourself, katsuki hates that about you. though it’s something he can’t really get too angry at you for, cus he does it too.
you’re babbling and you’re crying like you always do because you’re a crybaby despite acting like you’re not, and katsuki hates that about you. that’s why he sighs and flips you both over so you’re laying on top of him. immediately despite your better judgment, despite claiming he should’ve forgotten you, you cling to him like he’ll disappear if you don’t.
you’re clingy. you’ve always clung to him. you’re annoying, spoiled and bratty. you make dumb jokes and you never take anything seriously and you cry easily and katsuki tells himself he hates all of that about you.
because it’s easier to say than admit he’s hopelessly in love with you.
he doesn’t care about waking up late to treat your wounds, he’d stay up all night even if it meant fucking up his sleep schedule just to take care of you. he’d give everything he has just to hear you giggle at your own stupid jokes and he’d offer up every limited edition all might figure he has just to stay here and bicker with you over nothing. he’d always comfort you cus you cry easily and he wants to breathe the same air you do constantly, he’d swallow you whole and keep you safe right next to his heart if he could.
you’re clingy, annoying, spoiled and bratty and all of the above but katsuki would do absolutely anything for you.
so he comforts you as you lay crying into his chest. apologizing about something he has no idea about. he’ll ask and he knows you won’t answer him, but he doesn’t care. as long as you’re here.
you fall asleep soon after and you’re still clutching onto him. he reciprocates by holding onto you just as tightly, hoping it keeps you safe as you dream. it’s a stupid thought, he thinks. but it seems you’ve gone and wiped your germs onto his heart.
“you drive me fuckin’ crazy.” he whispers into the air. you’re still wrapped up snuggly in his embrace and his black sheets. in his room where you’d spent the majority of your childhood together. until you came to him with a snotty nose and big wet eyes and told him you weren’t allowed to come play at his house anymore.
fate must think it’s so fucking funny, because despite you not coming over anymore you’d ended up going to the same school every year afterwards, even now ending up in the same class. and with you sneaking into his room almost every night to have him clean up your injuries.
he knows you’ll be gone in the morning, somehow untangling yourself from his snake like grip. with tired eyes and some treat from that coffee shop you know he likes, your stupid way of apologizing to him. katsuki wants to tell you you don’t have to do that because he’d forgive any crime you commit. he’ll turn a blind eye to whatever you do even though he’s studying to do the exact opposite because it’s you and he loves you. but you’ll get in your own head and start assuming stuff. so he accepts your chocolate covered croissants and splits both with you.
you must’ve hit your head extra hard during your late night excursion to think katsuki would ever forget about you. you’re stupid that’s for sure, and katsuki wants to say he hates that about you. but that’d make him stupid too.
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meazalykov · 2 months
gold or silver
laura freigang x reader
summary: you say words you don't mean.
warnings: reader's mentality is.. harsh in the beginning. jealousy. bits of angst.
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it's the 40th minute and you were frustrated.
as an attacking midfielder, it seemed like you were doing everything.
you were helping the offense with your creative chances, you were clearing goals to help with the defense, picking up any pieces that horan or coffey failed to receive.
your body was tired and your mindset started shift into playing aggressively, anyway that will help you win against the germans.
by now, you'd start your aggressiveness with any other team-- but the germans had something special with you.
having two german parents made you eligible to play for the german national team. you were born in the United States and were raised in the US for your entire life-- the decision to pick a national team was hard.
back in 2018 when the united states promised to put you on the 2019 World Cup roster, you accepted.
it didn't help that they were the best team in the world at that point.
it made it special that you played for bayern munich, a bavarian club. most of the german girls on the gerwnt were your bestest friends, you've considered them to be your non-biological sisters.
one of those non-biological sisters, sydney, introduced you to laura back in 2021.
the both of you hit it off, the chemistry was undeniable and you've been with the older girl for 3 years now.
mallory swanson shoots the ball towards the goal in the 44th minute but it deflects off of the goalpost, the ball lands on your foot and you shoot the ball-- only for it to launch into the crowd.
you yelled in frustration as sam reassures you that you'll get it next time-- again. this was your third huge opportunity of the night and you didn't make a single goal yet.
nobody did. its nil-nil.
when the referee blows the whistle for halftime, you groaned out in frustration. hearing this, trinity jogs by your side as you both head back to the dressing room.
sitting down by your locker in the dressing room, you cling onto the bottom of your red shorts and take a sip of water out of your gatorade bottle.
the entire dressing room was frustrated-- the many missed chances wasn't acceptable.
after emma came in the dressing room, surprisingly calm while talking about the switches in play, you look up to the ceiling in silence.
"hey y/n." sophia places her hand on your right knee. you look towards her and raised your eyebrow, signaling for her to talk to you.
"are you okay?" sophia asks with a light smile.
"not really, are you okay?" you ask back.
sophia shrugs her shoulders, "I've been better."
that response breaks a smile from you.
"I just want to help you guys score, or at least score myself, I hate this deadlock we are in." you speak, going to take another sip of your water bottle after.
"I'll score for you and the team in the second half, I promise." sophia says.
"but honestly, I thought that your bad mood might've been about playing against laura and your german friends." sophia continues.
"no-- not really." you place your water bottle down and bend down to fix your cleat laces.
"huh?" sophia says, surprised.
"I mean, I am determined to help us get a medal. I'm not letting a relationship get in the way of our dreams." you say.
"and I know laura thinks the same way. yes, I am a little scared that she will resent me if we win and she doesn't-- but if that is a huge problem for her, maybe we aren't meant to be." you continue.
sophia knits her eyebrows together as you finish tying your cleats.
"she wouldn't resent you. are you saying that you would have resent for her if germany wins tonight?" Sophia asks.
"no, because I'll make sure they wouldn't win." you say, standing up and jogging out of the dressing room.
in the 61st minute, you push down and block a huge chance coming from nicole-- your girlfriend's frankfurt teammate.
seeing her fall after her failed chance, you walk up to her and help her when you realize that she had a cramp in her leg.
laura is subbed on her nicole afterwards, which made you feel nervous.
seeing her come onto the field, your tough façade faded away at the sight of her. you couldn't play mean when it came to her-- she made you feel loved and soft.
you didn't think it, but subconsciously, you make a note to be aggressive towards every other player except for her-- unless you absolutely had to.
in the 72nd minute, laura gets the ball and nearly gets the goal against the united states. noticing the position between her and crystal dunn, you reached your hand up because she was offside.
when the ref called for it offside, laura walks closer to you frustrated.
something inside of you feels heartbroken when she walks by you without bothering to look at you-- or gives you a signal that she notices you.
did she hear your conversation with sophia? no way, the American locker rooms aren't near the german ones.
was it because you were the first to urge the referee to call off-side? maybe.
in the 94th minute, you ran the ball up the field and passed it to mallory.
mallory, seeing no free space thanks to feli and kathy, passes the ball back to you. as you get the ball and dribble around feli, you pass the ball over to sophia.
berger fails to grab the ball from sophia's feet as she shoots the ball into the undefended goal.
you feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you dart towards sophia, who’s grinning like she’s just won the entire tournament. 
she practically tackles you in the celebration as you both crash to the ground, your teammates piling on top of you. 
the scoreboard flashes 1-0, and the realization hits you—you’re just minutes away from securing a spot in the gold medal match.
you finally stand up, breathless and exhilarated, giving sophia another congratulatory hug. you gave the assist and she got the goal.
she smiles at that thought, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she points at you and says, "i told you i’d score a goal for you."
"and it was perfect, soph!" you laugh, your heart swelling with pride and affection.
your voice carries your excitement, and for a moment, the world seems to pause around you, focusing only on the joy of the moment.
but then, out of the corner of your eye, as you’re jogging back into position, you catch sight of laura. 
she’s not far, standing near the center circle, her posture stiff, eyes fixed on you with a mix of confusion and something else—something you can’t quite place. 
her brows are knitted together, and she’s biting the inside of her cheek, a habit you know all too well. 
you feel a pang of guilt but push it down, focusing on the game at hand.
laura’s mind races as she replays your words in her head. "scoring a goal for you?" the phrase echoes, unsettling her. 
of course, she trusts you—she has to. but seeing you so close to sophia, hearing the way you cheered for her, stirs a gnawing insecurity within her.
she shakes her head, trying to rid herself of the thoughts. now’s not the time. there’s a game to win, and the germans are still in it—barely.
the game restarts, and you see laura moving with renewed determination. she’s pushing forward, trying to lead her team to an equalizer. every touch she makes on the ball is sharp, decisive, but there’s an edge to her play now, something almost desperate. 
you can’t help but feel a twist in your gut every time she gets close to the goal. she has to be stopped, even if she doesn’t want to be. 
in the 96th minute, laura receives the ball just outside the box. she fakes a shot, sending emily off balance before cutting inside. 
your heart skips a beat as you watch, silently praying she doesn’t score. it’s a terrible thought, but you can’t help it. the idea of seeing her disappointment if she misses, or the tension if she scores, is almost too much to bear.
laura shoots, the ball curling towards the far post, but it’s just inches wide. the ball goes into the crowd and you exhale a breath you didn’t know you were holding. the sight of laura with her hands on her head, staring at the missed opportunity, brings a lump to your throat.
when the final whistle blows, the stadium erupts in cheers for the USWNT, but your gaze is locked on laura. she’s sitting on the grass, staring at the ground. your feet move before you can think, crossing the pitch to her.
you should be celebrating with your team, but that's not your main concern. as much as you said it did in the locker room. 
“laura,” you whisper as you reach her, crouching down. 
laura looks up at you, her eyes tired and exhausted, and for a moment, the world falls away. it’s just you and her, and the weight of the game feels inconsequential compared to the heaviness between you.
“i’m sorry,” you say, knowing it’s not enough, but it’s all you have at the moment.
“it’s okay. you deserved the win.” laura shakes her head, managing a small, sad smile. her voice is soft, but there’s a crack in it that makes your chest tighten.
“it’s just a game, laur. we’re still us. and i believe that you guys will go and win bronze.” you reach out, gently brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. 
she nods, but her eyes tell a different story—a story of doubt, of worry, of wondering if the game really is just a game, or if it’s something more. something that could wedge itself between the both of you.
“i saw how you looked at sophia,” she admits, her voice barely audible. 
“what did she mean by ‘scoring for you’?”
you open your mouth to respond, but the words catch in your throat. how can you explain that it was just a friendly promise, a moment of celebration? that it means nothing compared to what you have with laura? you can see the doubt in her eyes, and it scares you.
“it was nothing, i swear,” you say, squeezing her hand. 
“sophia’s just… sophia. she’s engaged to michael and i do not have feelings for her outside of platonic ones. you’re the one i’m with, the one i love.”
laura takes a deep breath, nodding again, but you can tell the seed of doubt has been planted. 
the victory feels hollow now, and as you pull her into a hug, you can’t shake the feeling that this game has cost you something far more important than a spot in the gold medal match.
so much for what you said in the locker room at halftime. you’re terrified that you might’ve manifested something. 
you hold laura close, feeling the tension in her body as she tries to keep her emotions in check. 
the cheers and celebrations around you fade into the back of your mind, replaced by the sound of her uneven-- and tired--breathing. 
you hate this—the way the game has twisted something as pure as your love for each other into a source of tension.
“laur,” you murmur against her hair, trying to comfort her as you sit on the grass, 
“you’re the one i’m going to go home with after this all ends. none of this changes that.”
she pulls back slightly, her eyes searching yours, trying to find reassurance in your words. 
“but it does, doesn’t it? we’re always on different sides out here, and it feels like… i don’t know, like we’re not on the same team anymore– i mean we aren’t physically– but i mean with us.”
the vulnerability in her voice breaks your heart. you never wanted this—never wanted to be the reason she felt insecure or doubted what you have together. 
you cup her face gently, your thumb brushing away a tear that threatens to spill over.
“we’re always on the same team in this relationship,” you say firmly, hoping your conviction can bridge the gap that’s opened between you. 
“what happened on this field stays here. it’s just a game, but you and me? it exists everywhere else.”
laura looks down, her lips pressed into a thin line. “it’s hard to separate it sometimes, you know? watching you celebrate with her, hearing what you said echoing outside of the locker room at halftime… it hurt, y/n.”
the honesty in her words cuts deep, your heart drops and you feel a huge wave of guilt hit you. she heard what you said. 
you wish you could go back, change how you reacted, change what you said to sophia, change how you celebrated. but you can’t. all you can do is try to make it right now.
“i didn’t mean to say that.. or to hurt you,” you whisper, your voice thick with emotion. 
“sophia and i—we’re just friends. she was just trying to cheer me up, that’s all. i don’t think that you’ll hate me like I said in the locker– the emotions of this game were just–” you cut yourself off, finding no excuses. 
“you’re the one i care about, the one who matters to me.” you say with full sincerity. 
“I know that, but it’s hard when we’re out here, competing like this. i don’t want to feel like i’m fighting for you.” laura’s eyes soften, but there’s still a shadow of doubt lingering. 
the feeling of playing against you all of the time is starting to catch up to the german girl.
she's never been your teammate on the pitch, just an opponent or rival.
“you’re not,” you insist, your grip on her tightening as if you could physically hold her fears at bay. 
“you have all of me, laura. there’s no one else, and never will be.” you stare into her eyes. 
she nods slowly, taking in your words, and you can see the conflict in her eyes begin to ease, if only slightly. 
“i want to believe that,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper. “but this… it’s just hard.”
you pull her into another hug, wanting to shield her from the pain, to show her that nothing has changed between you. 
“i love you, laur,” you say, the words a promise as much as a declaration. 
“we’ll get through this, together. when you win that bronze medal, i promise i’ll be there to celebrate with you.”
laura lets out a shaky breath, her arms wrapping around you tightly. “i love you too,” she murmurs against your shoulder. 
“i just… i don’t want to lose you and three years of us to this– to a football match if anything.”
“you won’t,” you assure her, pulling back just enough to look her in the eyes. 
“we’ll figure it out. we always do.” you say. this is true, you guys have solved small disagreements before and have made compromises. 
a small, fragile smile forms on her lips. not caring about any cameras or teammates that could see it– you lean in, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. 
the sound of your teammate, sam, calling your name pulls you back to the present. you know you have to go, to join them in celebrating the victory, but you’re reluctant to leave laura’s side. 
you’d stay by her side forever if you could. ninety minutes of rivalry exhausted you. 
laura notices your look at sam and gives you a small nod.
“go,” she says, her voice steadier now. “you deserve to celebrate. i’ll be okay.”
“are you sure?” you hesitate, searching her face for any lingering doubts. 
“i’m sure. we will talk more later back home, okay?” she smiles, a bit more convincingly this time.
you nod, pressing one last kiss to her lips before standing up.
the joy of the journey towards gold feels muted, but as you jog back to your team, you glance over your shoulder at laura. 
she’s watching you, and there’s a small smile on her face, one that tells you she’s trying to be okay..
as you rejoin your teammates, the cheers and laughter envelop you, but your mind is still on laura. 
the victory with your national teammates is bittersweet, a reminder of the delicate balance you have to maintain between your love and your rivalry when playing on the national level– even club level since you play for bayern and she plays for frankfurt.
but you’re determined to make it work, to ensure that no game, no matter how important, comes between you and the woman you love.
you’re determined to show laura that she’s the most important part of your life—on and off the field.
well, after you win that gold medal for your team. 
my master list is here if you want to read more fics <3
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jaegerrb0mb · 6 months
Even if it hurts <3
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Note: this is hot garbage I wrote half asleep listening to cigarettes after sex. I never wrote angst b4 so thought I’d give it a try. (I never read it back either, heeelp 😭)
Summary: katsuki bakugou has to end things with his gf of two years.
Warnings: none I can think of¿
Pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem reader
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"Listen, I love you, I really do, but with the way my grades are slipping, I need to focus on my hero work now more than ever. I just want you to understand that," his voice is calmer than usual. You feel tears drip on your clothing and look down at that.
You didn't even notice you were crying.
"But I don't want to lose you," biting at your lip to hold back a sob bubbling up your throat, you watch Katsuki through blurred vision as he shifts uncomfortably on his bed, Now avoiding eye contact with you.
When he texted you to come to his dorm room, this was the last thing you'd ever expected. But deep down, never wanting to admit it, you saw it coming, just not so soon.
"Y/n…" his voice trails off, fearing that if he looks at you crying, he might breakdown himself. "I don't wanna do this either, I'm not tryna be a jerk, but right now it's for the best. You'll thank me in the future when we're both top her-" cutting himself off when he hears you stifling, he closes his eyes tightly.
This hurts him just as much. It's impossible to hide it, yet trying to keep composed, he continues. "You're not losing me, I'm right here and I'll always be here for you. After graduation, if things go how I hope, I'll take you back in a heartbeat. I can guarantee that much." These words echo in your mind as the room falls into silence, the only sound being your hiccups and soft sniffles. It remains that way for a minute or so.
"Y/n," his voice croaks as he turns his attention to you, but the sight brings such a violent pain in his chest he didn't know was possible, almost like there was a knife twisting that he couldn't remove. He has to tear his eyes away once more, looking at anything else but you. He opens his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it.
"Two years... we've been together for two years, Suki," the sound of his name falling from your trembling lips burns his ears, and he knows whatever you say next will haunt him after.
"But I'll never call it a waste because loving you was the best thing I've ever done," you sobbed. Your throat feels swollen and stuttered as you try to speak the words in your head. "I'll respect your choice, even if it hurts. As long as you're happy and fine with this decision, then I'll be happy and fine with it. And that's all I ever wanted for you after all, to be happy." Tears roll down your cheeks as you try to put on a smile.
Katsuki's stomach turns as you finish. Everything in his being is yelling at him to take it all back, to tell you 'it doesn't have to end like this, we can work through it together.' However, he knows that's not true. He wishes it was, but he can't take on this relationship and his career at once. He tried to make ends meet, but it didn't work. He knows this is what has to happen. It has to be one or the other, and you know that as well. And god, does it hurt. His head is spinning and he feels sick. Katsuki never knew he could feel physical pain from something like this before, up until now.
A soft hand brushing against his cheeks reels him out of his thoughts. Looking up, he sees your puffy eyes and tear-stained face wiping away at his own. "We're gonna be okay, Bakugou."
You press a soft kiss on his lips, pulling away slightly and whispering against them. "Promise." His hand goes up to wipe away your own tears, and you let him. You both sit in silence, crying and basking in each other's touch one last time before you move away.
Making your way off his bed and to the door, you grab the handle hesitantly for a second before leaving.
As soon as you do, he quickly buries his head into his pillow, letting out an uncontrollable sob, finally breaking down. You hear it in the hallway, only making you cry harder as you walk further.
Both of you are heavy-hearted.
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rubberizer92 · 3 months
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John Doe woke up to the monotonous beep of his alarm clock, the digital display reading 05:00. He groaned and rolled over, his eyes adjusting to the dim light seeping through the blinds. The room was a study in neutral tones, from the beige carpet to the off-white walls, and the only sound was the rhythmic ticking of a clock that had been a gift from his father.
John was an average man in his late twenties, with a body that suggested more time spent in front of a computer than at the gym. His hair was a mess of dark waves, and his eyes were a tired shade of brown. He worked a desk job that paid the bills but didn't excite him, and his social life was as bland as the décor in his apartment. His mornings were a routine of the same old grind.
Today, however, was different. John had received a letter, not the usual email or bill, but an actual letter with a proper stamp and an official-looking envelope. It was from the government, but it wasn't a tax notification or a jury duty summons. It was an invitation to a place called the DRONE Center. He had heard whispers about it, a mysterious facility that promised a life of purpose and fulfillment.
Curiosity piqued, John had signed up for more information, not truly believing he would ever receive a response. Now, as he stared at the envelope, his heart thumped in his chest. The logo on the letter was a sleek black drone, the letters "DRONE" emblazoned in shiny silver beneath it. The Division for the Recalibration of Obedient Neural Enclaves, it read. What could that mean? He had read the brochure countless times, but the reality of it all was starting to sink in.
John showered and dressed in his best suit, feeling the weight of the decision he was about to make. The center promised to transform him into something greater, to serve a higher purpose. As he stepped out into the crisp morning air, the world around him looked sharper, more vivid than it ever had before. The thought of leaving his mundane life behind for something more was intoxicating.
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He arrived at the center, a towering, gleaming building nestled in the heart of the city. The doors slid open with a hiss, revealing a reception area that was more like a luxury hotel lobby than a government facility. The man at the desk looked up at him, his smile as perfect as the gleaming chrome surfaces around them. "Welcome to DRONE," he said, his voice a soothing purr. "We've been expecting you."
The elevator ride to the top floor was swift and silent, the mirrored walls reflecting his slightly nervous expression. When the doors opened, he was greeted by a room that looked more like a futuristic gym than anything else. Men in tight, rubberized suits moved with mechanical grace, their bodies sculpted to perfection. The air was filled with the faint scent of antiseptic and something else, something that made John's heart race.
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The man who had led him there, Dr. Hartwell, explained the process in a cool, detached tone. "You'll undergo a series of treatments and training sessions to become one of our elite drones. It's a three-year commitment, but I assure you, it's an opportunity of a lifetime."
John nodded, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. He had made his choice, and there was no turning back now. As he donned the provided uniform, the smooth rubber clinging to his skin, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of life awaited him in the service of the DRONE Center.
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yusa-lisaxyuta · 1 month
Bakugou Fluff
ok its suggestive Fluff but not nsfw !!! I promise!
moaning during a kiss drabble <333 [x fem!reader] (ur hubby n wifey ugh)
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You both sigh together in unison, the sweet sound of your front door clicking closed being music to your ears. You smile at each other briefly, kicking off your shoes and walking towards the kitchen together, a routine you two developed over the years. You turn on the faucet and start washing your hands as always, smiling at the welcome feeling of your husband's strong arms wrapping around your waist. He stands there, pressing the occasional kiss to your neck as you dried your hands.
"I had fun tonight ya know," you start, placing your now-dry hands over his. He swats them off, mumbling as he moves to take your place in front of the sink. "You'll get 'em dirty again, Dumbass," he says, trying to ignore the anticipation in his chest as he awaits the rest of your words.
You just scoff and shake your head, sitting on the counter behind him as he finishes up. Once done he slots himself between your thighs, holding you close. "You're cute like this, y'know Katsu? Always been the best at plannin' ahead...It fits you, y'know," you mumble into his hair, playing with the short stubble on the back of his neck. You both feel the skin of his face heat, an embarrassed yet accepting grunt coming from his throat as he tries to play off the loud beating of his heart. "Yeah yeah, talk your shit. Just make it fast, it's almost 10... 's time f'bed," he mutters,holding you tighter despite his words.
You smile softly in return, tilting his chin up so his eyes meet yours. "I know," you whisper, barely getting the words out before kissing his lips lovingly, his hand instantly reaching for yours as he kisses back. He sighs softly, letting you pull away when you're ready.
"Fuck, you taste so much sweeter today..."
His hands grip your hips as he yanks you closer, standing slightly straighter as his breath brushes against your lips. His eyes scan your features closely, skills honed from years of hero patrol.
"Kats- mmnh.."
Your words were silenced by his lips once more, the action pulling the softest whimper from your mouth. The grip he has on you tightens, his hands swiftly moving to your ass as he lifts you from the countertop. He carries you to your shared bedroom with ease, opening and closing the door all without his lips leaving yours. After what felt like an eternity, you feel the soft sheets under you as he finally lays you down on the bed, pulling away as you both gasp for air.
He didn't plan on stopping anytime soon.
"Best decision ever..," he whispered, your lips meeting his again. The sloppy make out session continued awhile longer, his hands and lips making your thoughts fuzzy with each passing second. You moan quietly against his lips, the blonde pulling away soon after. You both lay there panting like dogs in the summer heat, faces equally flushed. There was just something about seeing you breathless, pinned so perfectly beneath him- it broke his resolve in ways he could never comprehend. His eyes darkened as he took in every detail, even the slight sway to your breasts with every deep breath you take. He finally leans back, yanking his shirt over his head with a low growl. You grin, your eyes scanning over each and every scar visible on his perfect body.
"So much for goin' to sleep, Kats?"
He growls in response, pinning you down roughly.
"Save it," he rasps, eyeing you like prey. "I plan on calling out tomorrow anyway. Now shut up 'n lemme fuck you like there is no tomorrow..."
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 1 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Your Step Father would like to introduce you into high society but you're required to take lessons to learn how to play the part and from your instructor's perspective it seems like you have a lot of catching up to do. Pairing: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: Explicit Language, not really anything else at this point lol a/n: Planning on turning this into a short series so please let me know what you think <3 p.s. this is horribly edited and was written in one sitting lol
"Why do I have to suffer the consequences of the decisions you made for this family?" I say chasing after my mother as she walks down the main hallway in our new home. "Y/n becoming a debutant is not a consequence" she says, making her way into the main living room.
"To me it is" I complain, dreading this entire ordeal already. "The whole process only lasts about a year so-" "A year? You expect me to be parade around in pretty dresses and entertain people I have absolutely no interest in just because you decided to marry a rich man? Yeah, no I'm not doing it" I say, watching as she takes a seat on the couch waiting for me to tell her my grievances, knowing that I won't back down easily. 
"It's not a huge commitment I promise. You'll have etiquette lessons twice a week, go to a fitting every once in a while and take dance lessons once a week. I'm sure you can sacrifice a few hours out of your week for this. "Your father wa-" "Step father" I cut her off, making my stance on the man known. "Your step father wants to introduce you as his daughter and the best way to do so would be having you come out at a debutant ball" she explains hoping to show me their reasoning behind it. "Oh I'm straight so don't worry I won't be needing a coming out event or anything like that" I say teasing her. 
"Very funny" she says clearly unamused, "I would really appreciate it if you just did this for us, and if you don't want to do it for us then do it for you, for your future. Do you know how pivotal this moment could be for you? A lot of important people go to these balls so if you want to make a name for yourself in this city then that's a great place to start" she says hoping to entice me, showing how this could benefit me as well. "Just think about it, okay?" she says standing up to leave the room and placing a hand on my shoulder as a sign of reassurance, leaving me conflicted. 
A few days later at the breakfast table I finally decide to give them my answer. "Um, dad" I say hoping to get his attention. "Yes honey?" he says putting down the newspaper that he had just been flipping through. "I think I want to go through with the whole debutant thing if you still wanted me to" I say playing with my sleeve, still unsure of the choice I've made but I guess theres no going back now. "That's great! I'll contact the agency and get all of your lessons set up straight away" he says quickly texting his assistant, asking them to get things set in motion.
"Would you prefer private lessons or would you like to take them with some of the other girls that are preparing to come out as well?" he questions, still looking down at his phone. "Oh it's okay don't worry about getting her pri-" "Private lessons would be great" I say cutting my mom off. The less interactions I can have with these spoiled rich kids, the better. I send her a tight lipped smile, telling her to back off before I change my mind and she does just that. 
"Alright, I have Matthew working on it now so we could probably get everything set up by the time your classes end. You finish up at four right?" he asks, catching me off guard, "You know my class schedule?" I question. "Of course I do! What kind of father would I be if I didn't pay attention to my daughter's academics?" he says, giving me a warm smile before taking one last sip of his coffee, standing up to go. 
"I've gotta head off, love you" he says giving my mother a quick peck and then coming over to me to give me a kiss on the top of my head. "Have a good day you two" he says to us as his final adieu, heading out to where his driver is waiting for him. "Thank you" my mother says, happy with the effort I'm putting into assimilating our family. "I'm doing this for you guys, but I'm also doing this for me like you had said, I guess I'll just have to suffer through it for the next year" I say, already questioning myself. 
"I promise you won't regret it!" she reassures me, reaching out for my hand across the table and I mirror her action. 'I sure hope not' I say to myself and give her a pained smile before leaving to head off to class. 
"You're what?" my friend Jesse say, not believing a word I just said. "I'm gonna start taking lessons to become a debutante" I say, repeating myself, hoping he'll just take in the information so we can move past it. "So you're blowing me off so you can go to Barbie school?" he says, still in disbelief. "It's not Barbie school" I say rolling my eyes at him before sitting down at the table we usually hang out at during our breaks. 
"Aren't they going to be dressing you up and making you all girly so you can go to tea parties and balls?" he questions, sitting across from me. "Yes..." I say trailing off not being able to prove him wrong. "Barbie school" he says satisfied with himself, taking a bite out of the apple he had just bought for dramatic affect. "Whatever" I say crossing my arms across my chest. "So when do you start?" he asks, suddenly curious about the topic. "Matthew sent me a text with the address I'm supposed to go to for my first etiquette lesson so I guess I'll be headed there after class. 
"And Matthew is...?" he questions, "My dad's assistant, I've told you this like five times already" I say rolling my eyes at him. "I'm sorry okay, there have been a lot of changes in your life and brand new characters added to the cast so it's hard to keep it all straight" he explains. "Name one other person besides Matthew that I've told you about" I say with a raised brow, curious as to who these 'new characters' might be. "Your step dad" he says proudly, not elaborating further. 
"Anyone else?" I ask, rolling my eyes at the cop out answer he gave me and he decides to sit in silence after putting little to no thought into anyone else I might've told him about. "Do you even know his name?" I scoff, feigning irritation. "Scott? No Thomas!" he says confident in his second answer. "It's James" I say standing up and grabbing my stuff so I can walk towards my next class. 
"I'm sorry, you know I have shit memory" he says throwing his arm around my shoulder after catching up to me, having only been a few steps behind. "I know" I shake my head laughing it off, "It's funny how clueless you are sometimes" I say, shrugging his arm off of me. "Hey!" he whines, semi offended. "It's okay though, I still love you" I say waving him off as we part in different directions and blowing a kiss at him which he bats off to the side, rejecting my love. "Later loser" he says and we head off to our respective classes.
After the lecture is finally over my professor calls me to the front. "Yes?" I question, waiting for what he has to tell me. "I read your paper last night" he starts, "I'm sorry Professor I had some other assignments due at the same time so I wasn't able to put in as much effort as I wanted to" I confess feeling guilty about putting that assignment on the back burner. "Well I was actually going to tell you that I was rather impressed with it" he says looking up at me from his seated position at his desk, fixing his glasses. 
"Really?" I question, surprised that it was good enough for him to even single out. "I wanted to ask if you would be interested in participating in this writing contest at the end of next month" he proposes and hands me the flyer showing all of the details. "You really think my writing is good enough?" I question, not even having considered signing up for something like this. "I wouldn't be speaking to you about it if I didn't think it was" he says laughing at my reactions. 
"This would be amazing thank you!" I say starting to skim through the details real quick. "You can take that with you if you'd like" he offers and at that I nod in thanks and say my goodbyes before walking out and heading out towards my car. 
"Now where exactly is this place?" I ask myself aloud, pulling up the text I got and putting the address into my gps. "45 minutes?" I say in astonishment, now slightly panicked seeing that even if I leave now I'll still be 10 minutes late. "What the hell Matthew?" I curse and put my seatbelt on, speeding out of the parking lot and down the street, praying that I'll be able to somehow shave a few minutes off the eta to make it in time.
"Punctuality is one of the most important aspects of proper etiquette" I hear the man say to me with his back turned as I walk into the area of his home he has dedicated to these lessons. "I'm very sorry I did not realize how far these lessons would be in relation to my University" I apologize hating that I've already made a bad impression which has clearly started us off on the wrong foot. 
"Proper planning is also something you must consider to be able to maintain a certain sense of decorum before arriving to your intended destination" he says still with his back to me. "I apologize again Mr. Jeon it won't happen again" I say using what I hope is the proper way he would like to be addressed. "See that it doesn't" he says finally turning around to face me. I nod my head in acknowledgement and he gives me a sour look showing he's displeased with my response. 
"One must verbally respond to properly communicate with one another" he says, placing his hands behind his back and interlocking his fingers while walking towards me and stalking around me like a predator sizing up his prey. "Understood" I respond and once he finally comes back around facing me he looks me up and down one last time before uttering another word. 
"For your next lesson be sure to come in a dress or skirt that sits at the knee as well as stockings and heels of some sort and a blouse of course to pair with the skirt. If one wants to act like a lady, one must dress like a lady" he says and turns away to grab something in the corner of the room. "Noted" I say under my breath already exasperated, "What was that?" he questions looking over his shoulder at me, sorting through a few books to bring over. "Understood Mr. Jeon" I say, trying to play along and follow his rules.
"Seeing as we need to start from the very beginnings of the art of etiquette I need you to read these books by this time next week" he says handing me five very large books weighing my arms down and requiring me to stumble back to regain my balance. "All of them in a week? That's almost a book a day!" I say surprised by the workload I've been given after not even starting the actual lesson yet.
"I was not aware of the fact I would be required to teach you everything from the very start so let's just say we both have a lot of work to do" he says and motions towards a place I can set my purse down along with my five new headaches for this next week.
"Take a seat here please" he now motions to a chair that he has placed in the middle of the room waiting for me to do as he says. I walk up cautiously and take a seat, sitting on it like I normally would, knowing that he's meant to critique how I sit to change it. "Sit up straight, roll your shoulders back" he says taking in my posture at all angles while I follow along with his orders. "Loosen the tension in your back and shoulders" he says placing his hands on my shoulders from behind making me tense up even more from the unexpected contact. 
"You've done the opposite of what I've asked you to" he says and I can hear how fed up with me he continues to be. "You startled me, I didn't realize you were going to do that" I say under my breath but loud enough for him to hear. "One must never mumble or talk back to anyone no matter the circumstances. Especially aimed to or in front of an authority figure" he says and walks back around to face me again. "So you see yourself as an authority figure to me?" I question, curious to see what his answer might be.
"I see myself as someone who deserves your respect and obedience" he says and tilts my chin up with his pointer finger maintaining purposeful eye contact. "And you will treat me as such". 
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lucysgraybird · 7 months
part 2 of modern!uni!coriolanus x fem!reader. part 1 here, part 3 here. as promised, reader's a lil cuckoo which i hope yall are into because it's here to stay. on this, if anyone feels like offering thoughts -- would longer updates be preferable, or does it make no difference? the only tradeoff would be that they'd come out less frequently (once a week vs every 2-3 days). warnings: blood mention, minor suggestive material. this is not a healthy relationship but BOY is it fun
Coriolanus Snow, as it turns out, is wonderful to date, at least for you. You've been back from the winter holiday for a month, and though you've yet to make anything official with him, things are going very well. He doesn't text constantly, but there will always be a good morning text when you get back from the gym, and a good night text when you check your phone after hours at the library. He makes it clear that you're together when you're out with an arm around your waist or a hand over yours on the table, or with the faint bruises that trail across your collarbone and down your shirt. That's your favourite mark of your relationship: it's illicit, obvious. You know it makes other people a little uncomfortable, and you like that they can't seem to look away. 
He's also fascinating. Orphaned when he was quite young and raised by his grandmother and cousin, you've learned that while he obviously has money now, he didn't always. He had a stint in the military to pay for school, and got a job for his best friend’s father as a thank-you for saving the boy’s life in battle. Apparently the friend had been court-martialed for something – Coriolanus wouldn't go into detail – and now they weren't as close. He now makes more money than most people would dream of twenty years out of school, and though it means he's almost always busy, you like that he's so dedicated. 
Right now, you're bent over a sheet of stats equations at a table on the quad when Coriolanus sneaks up behind you. He drops a kiss on your head and settles in an open seat at your table.
“Hello,” you say, setting down your pen. 
“Don't let me distract you,” he replies, pulling a book out of his bag. “I'll wait until you're done to talk.”
This is another thing you appreciate about Coriolanus. Besides that first date, he understands how much you value school and your grades – he actually seems to like it – and never expects to come first. You blow through the last few problems, check your work, and clip the paper neatly into your binder.
Coriolanus looks up from his book. “Finished?”
“Good,” he says. “How's that class going, by the way?”
You keep apprised of each other’s academic performances – you're both shooting to graduate valedictorian next year, so you've got a little bit of competition going. As far as you can tell, it only serves to push both of you further, as winning seems more of a reward if there's been a real challenge for it. This being said, he knows that your statistics class is giving you a little bit of trouble, just like you know that his Victorian literature class is driving him up the wall. You're going to win, but you'll let him hope.
“Not as badly as you might hope,” you tease. “I'm on track for a decent A. How goes the adventures in Victorian lit?”
He lifts his book miserably, revealing the cover of Middlemarch. You wince.
“Rough. Don't make winning too easy on me, though.”
“Wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart.”
You smile at the pet name, however targeted it is. “So did you come to make fun of my homework, or did you have something you wanted to talk about?”
“Right, yes. We've been going out for a little over a month now.”
“This is true.”
“And I think it's time we make some decisions. I'm not looking for something casual. Between school and studying for the LSAT and work, I don't really have the time to devote to something that's definitely not going anywhere.”
“I hope you're not proposing, Coriolanus.”
“Not at all. But I am asking if you would like to be my girlfriend, officially.”
“Oh! Yes.”
“Yes?” He seems surprised. 
“I'm not particularly interested in anything casual either,” you say. “I’ve tried it and it doesn't work. I just get jealous.”
“I wouldn't have pegged you for the jealous type.”
“You haven't given me any reason to be. Believe me, if I'm jealous, I'll make sure you know.”
You regret saying that the minute you do – not because it's not true, but because it could be a little off-putting. But it seems to have the opposite effect for Coriolanus, who bares his teeth in a smile. The wider his smile gets, the more he looks like a wolf, the more you feel like he is waiting for the perfect moment to sink his teeth into your neck. Perhaps it should scare you, but it doesn't. It thrills you. It makes you want to tilt your head back and let him take hold, because you want to see your blood on his teeth and trickling down his chin, staining the starched white of his collar. You want to ruin this boy, which you would feel worse about thinking if you didn't get the sense that he wants to destroy you, too.  
“I hope you would,” he says, lifting you from your reverie. “As long as it's okay that it goes both ways.”
“Of course.” Perfect.
“Are you free tonight?” 
“I have a class that ends at 6, but after that, yes.”
“Would you like to meet my family? You'll love my cousin, and my grandmother…well. She doesn't like anyone, but she's interesting.”
“That sounds lovely,” you say, a thrill flooding you at going from occasional dates and make-out sessions to meeting his family in the course of an afternoon.
“Fine, then. I'll pick you up at 7.”
The Snow apartment is incredible. There's a sterility to its modernity that should be disquieting but isn't: you can't imagine Coriolanus growing up anywhere else. You're sitting with his cousin, Tigris, while he disappears to make drinks. The fabled grandmother was apparently refusing to make an appearance. Tigris seems anxious, fiddling with her floral skirt.
“So you're dating Coriolanus?” She asks finally. Your brows knit together – is she daft? Coriolanus introduced you as his girlfriend. 
“Mhm. We've been going out for a little over a month.”
When she doesn't say anything else, you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
“Coriolanus tells me you basically raised him,” you say, wanting to fill the silence.
Tigris nods. “He was such a kind little boy. I worry I didn't do enough sometimes, you know?”
What a weird thing to say. “I'm sure you did your best. I can't imagine it's easy bringing someone else up when you're a kid yourself. And he's turned out well, from what I can tell.”
“He can just be…intense. I'm sorry, I know this is strange, I just want you to know what you're getting into.”
You laugh lightly. “Maybe I need to find someone to give him this speech about me. I'll be okay, Tigris. I can be a lot too; I think we'll be good for each other.”
Coriolanus returns just at that moment.
“I think we'll be good for each other too,” he says, handing you and Tigris each a glass of red wine. “I hope my cousin hasn't been telling you too many embarrassing baby stories.” 
Something passes over Tigris’ face – grief, maybe, or fear – before she settles into a demure smile. 
“Not at all, Coriolanus. Your girlfriend is so sweet.”
He sits next to you and puts his free hand on your knee. “She's perfect, isn't she? I knew you guys would get along.”
Tigris gives him a tight smile, then lets her eyes go unfocused into space. 
The rest of the night passes with much of the same uncomfortable conversation, until Coriolanus finally decides that it'd be best if he drove you home before it got too late. It's the first time you've seen him drive, and you just enjoy the way the streetlights cast shadows on the angles of his face and the way his hand sits hot and heavy on your thigh.
“I'm sorry if Tigris said anything strange to you,” he says finally. “She's been odd ever since I got back from being deployed.”
“She was fine. I think she was worried you'd be too much for me.”
A muscle jumps in his jaw. “She doesn't approve of my job. Or my ‘work-life balance’, as she calls it.”
“Sounds like she cares about you.” It's hard to say more, because you don't really know what he does for work. Something with national security or defense tech, but beyond that, you're in the dark. It also seems like there was more to the way Tigris was acting than just complaints about Coriolanus working too hard, but it's not your place to pry. Nor do you really care.
“No, you're right. She does. I just wish she'd keep her opinions to herself.”
“That’s fair. I'm still glad I got to meet her.”
“I am too. And I'm always glad to spend time with you.”
To say that, he takes his eyes off the road for a moment and gives you a sweet, close-lipped smile. You return it and place your hand over his on your thigh. His fingers dig in a little too hard, and you curl your nails like claws into his skin in reply. He pulls the car into a parking space in front of your apartment.
“Here you are.”
You turn to him and take in the way he's looking at you, the way his eyes have gone murky in the dark of the night and trail across the scooping neckline of your top. The skin on your neck is pristine again, and you need him to fix that.
“Would you like to come upstairs?”
“I was hoping you'd say that.”
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hvaneyflowers · 10 months
Italian Girl ************
Carlos Sainz Jr. x femOriginaCharacter! fashioninfluencer!
Instagram au ---- Part 3
Carlos goes to Italy for vacation, meets a beautiful young girl, falls in love, and marries her in less than three weeks.
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liked by 50.000
tagged: carlossainz55, francescadistefano_official
f1news: BREAKING NEWS! Carlos Sainz has tied the knot! The Ferrari driver announced he had married an Italian fashion influencer, Francesca Di Stefano, of 22. The Spanish, who is 28, had recently broken up with his long-time girlfriend, Isa Hernáez (almost a month ago). Rumors say that he and Francesca met at a wedding in Italy 3 weeks ago, and now they're married. Congratulations to our Smooth Operator!
view all 250 comments.
username788: Wait! What?!
username199: OMG!!! WHAT?!
username1829: WTF?!!
username992: He's really a Smooth Operator!
username919: Congratulations, I guess...
username9829: He got married to a girl he just met? WHAT?!
username819: He just met? I don't know. Maybe he cheated on Isa with her. username8902: I don't think so. She doesn't look like the homewrecker type. Actually, she's very kind and polite. She's old money.
username749: I feel sorry for his ex-girlfriend. They were together for 6 years, and she wanted to marry him. I wonder what she's thinking about this.
username578: Imagine being with him for almost a decade, and he never proposed, but he met this girl on his vacation, and three weeks later, he married her.
username89: I don't know what to think about this.
username56: This is... unexpected, completely unexpected.
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liked by charles_leclerc, chiaraferragni, and 700.890 more.
francescadistefano_official: It's true, I married a man I met three weeks ago. I know it sounds crazy, and it was, but my heart told me it was the best decision I could have made. Carlos and I met at our friends' wedding, and we immediately liked each other. The next day we went on our first date, and since that, we haven't left each other side. He proposed to me after three weeks of going out, and I said yes, because, why not? I love him and he loves me back. The truth is that the heart wants what it wants. I don't know what the future holds for us, but I've never been so in love with a man as I'm with him. I love him. I really, really love him. And I love every minute that I'm with him. I just want to be with him, no matter what.
view all 400 comments.
carlossainz55: Love you, babe! We'll be together 'till death do us part. It's a promise.
charles_leclerc: Carlos is the best man you could ever know in your life! Congratulations to both of you! I'm hoping to meet you soon!
chiaraferragni: The heart wants what it wants! Congratulations! Bring him to dinner soon. Fedez, me, and the kids are dying to meet him!
username899: Do you know he cheated on his ex-girlfriend? He would do the same with you. Just saying.
username890: Oh, shut up! We don't know what really happened between him and his ex.
francescadistefanofans: I'm very happy for you, my princess! Wishing you the best!
username16: I wonder what your kids would look like! You both are so gorgeous!
username09: Imagine a little Carlitos and a little Francesca! I can picture them running in the paddock to hug their dad after a race! username16: OMG! SO CUTE!! NOW, I WANT TO SEE THAT! username78: Francesca said that she wanted to be a mother before 30, so it's about time! username67: I know she would be the most beautiful pregnant woman! username7: Francesa wants kids, but we don't know if Carlos feels the same. username16: I hope yes. They'd make beautiful kids!
username1: Congratulations! He's a lucky guy!
username3: You'll be my new top couple! Such old money vibes!
username45: They give me Lana del Rey's vibes username3: I KNOW!! Power couple!
username567: Congratulations! I wish the best for you both!
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liked by landonorris, fernandoalo_oficial, carlossainzoficial, and 800.780 more.
tagged: francescadistefano_official
carlossainz55: They said you'll know when you meet the one, and they were right. When I first saw Fran, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I don't know what had me the most. Was her charisma? Or her kindness? Or her laugh? I don't know but I completely fell in love with her. Marrying her after three weeks of knowing each other was the craziest decision I've made, but I know it was the best. I love you, babe, to the moon and back. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us!
view all 5000 comments.
charles_leclerc: He's the smooth operator, what did you expect? landonorris: An invitation to the wedding!
fernandoalo_oficial: Felicidades, amigo! Espero que seas muy feliz en tu nueva vida! / Congrats, my friend! I hope you'll be very happy in your new life!
username8999: I CAN'T BELIEVE! What about Isa?
username788: He doesn't care about her anymore, and I think she feels the same.
username75: Congrats! I guess... This was unexpected.
username890: I hope you didn't make a mistake.
lewishamilton: Congratulations, mate! I wish you the best!
alex_albon: We need to do a bachelor party!
charles_leclerc: YES! I agree with that!
lance_stroll: Congratulations! She seems nice!
scuderiaferrari: Congratulations Carlos! Looking forward to meeting her!
username777: Alex said something about a bachelor party, I need that to happen!
maxverstappen1: Wow, unexpected, but happy for you, mate! Congrats!
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liked by carlossainz55, valentinaferragni, and 900.890 more.
tagged: carlossainz55, maisonvalentino
francescadistefano_official: Mr. & Mrs. Sainz 7/25/23
view all 600 comments.
valentinaferragni: Absolutely gorgeous! Love U!!
francescadistefano_official: Love u too! ❤️
username887: I don't know why, but now this is my dream wedding!
username81: Right? It looks so beautiful!
francescadistefanofans: YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL, MRS. SAINZ!
maisonvalentino: What an honor to have been chosen for your special day! Congratulations!
username45: Waiting to see you in the paddock next race!
username3: Are you going to live in Spain or he's moving to Italy?
francescadistefano_official: I'm moving to Spain next week! username72: You'll love Spain! francescadistefano_official: Can't wait!
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liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, and 600.578 more.
francescadistefano_offical: Maldives, you are incredible! #honeymoonlife
view all 500 comments.
carlossainz55: You look absolutely stunning! Can't take my eyes off you, nena!
francescadistefano_official: You too, Mr. Sainz! Love you so much! carlossain55: Love you, too, Mrs. Sainz! ❤️
username781: So they went to the Maldives for their honeymoon. Are we seeing her in the paddock next week?
username17: I hope so. I want to know how their relationship is! username22: I don't like her. She's doing what Carlos doesn't like. Sharing his private life! username18: We don't know them! And Carlos looks like he is okay with that!
scuderiaferrari: Recharging energy for the next race!
f1: Ready for Zandvoort? Hope to see you there, Mrs. Sainz!
username199: You both look so happy! Wish you the best!
username23: Happy for you! And jealous! You have Carlos Sainz as your husband! So lucky.
francescadistefanofans: Beautiful as always!
204 notes · View notes
roosterforme · 1 year
Right Girl, Wrong Time Part 9 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: It took ten years, but Bradley finally gets to have both of his dreams. Taking you to the Hard Deck shows him how perfectly your life and his still blend together. And if you want to take a marker to his door and claim him permanently, Bradley will hand you the Sharpie. 
Warnings: Fluff, smut and swears
Length: 3400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
This is a sequel to accompany my story Old Habits Die Hard (you'll want to read that one first)!
Check my profile for my masterlist
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Bradley still couldn't believe you were in his house waiting for him. He scooped you up in his arms and held you tight in his lap on the couch. 
"You've been here for three days?" he asked, shocked that Nat had been able to play it cool while she drove him home. And now he understood that you were the something sweet that Nat had left for him. His best friend was far superior to anyone else's best friend, and he'd sing Nat's praises for the rest of his life.
"Yes," you confirmed, running your fingers through his hair and kissing his cheek, "I've been here for three days, all thanks to Natasha. She promised me you wouldn't mind."
"Mind? Baby, you can stay forever. I want you to. I'm just kind of shocked you've been sleeping in my bed without me."
You smiled at him and straddled his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Are you sure you want me here? Your house is immaculate." 
When your lips met his jaw, Bradley softly said, "No, you're a slob. This is never going to work." But his hands were sliding up your bare thighs and under your dress. "You can mess the place up, I don't care, Sugar. Now are you going to tell me more about the schools?"
You settled against him, kissing him between sentences as you played with his hair and told him everything. "The labs at Miami were incredible. And my office would have been huge, but there was one huge drawback."
"What's that?" he asked, rubbing the soft skin of your legs. 
"You don't live there." Your face was calm, and a soft smile was touching your lips, but Bradley let his head rest on the back of the couch."Sugar, you can't make this decision for me," he whispered, and your fingers tightened in his hair.
"Listen to me, Beer Boy," you scolded, and Bradley couldn't help but imagine that this was your lecturing voice. "I didn't make you part of my future plans when we graduated together, and I regretted it. I'm not going to do that again. There's nothing Miami could have offered me that can compete with being in San Diego, working at a great university, and getting to be with you. I went to visit Miami just like I promised you I would, but I made up my mind about us before you left Virginia after the reunion. So you're just going to have to get over the fact that you made my decision easier, not harder."
Bradley just looked at your determined features and squared shoulders. "You really liked San Diego State? And you think you'll be happy there?"
"I loved it, Bradley. And I already accepted the position, so get used to me being here." 
He knew he was grinning like an idiot while you pushed his hair away from his forehead with your soft touch. "Did you visit the study rooms yet?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed next to his ear. "They are very nice."
Bradley closed his eyes as your lips found his Adam's apple. "So you got a little solo action in the library then?" he asked with a smile. 
"No. I was waiting to go back with you. The doors have locks, and the lighting is adjustable. Ten out of ten. I would love to take you there."
When you repositioned yourself so you were straddling his right thigh, Bradley groaned softly. You were running your fingers along all of the insignia pins on his uniform shirt, and he could feel your warm core pressed snug up against his leg. You started rocking your hips against him slowly, and Bradley hiked up your dress to find you skipped underwear. "Feel good, Sugar?" he groaned.
But now you were tracing his nametag with your fingertip. "Bradshaw," you muttered. "Hmm, I never pictured myself as a uniform chaser, but here we are, Beer Boy. You look good in this."
He held your hips in his big hands as you circled them a little faster. The sight of your pretty pussy already making his khakis wet had his full attention. Every time your knee nudged his erection, he wanted to be inside you, but he'd wait until you were done with his leg. Because he'd been thinking about this so frequently at night while he was deployed. He thought about taking you in every position. His mind had covered all the bases while he looked at his Sugar photo folder and jerked off.
You moaned and kissed him, your fingers gently dipping into his collar and withdrawing his dog tags. "Oh, yes," you hissed, grinding down harder on him. "Definitely loving the uniform."
Bradley wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and devoured your mouth as you got close. "If you're a good Sugar, you can mess up my dress blues and dress whites later."
"Oh god," you moaned, fisting his dog tags and pulling him so he was kissing you as you came. 
He could feel the warm wetness through his khakis as your movements slowed and your kisses became languid. As your lips dragged across his mustache, Bradley stood with you in his arms. "Can I take you to bed? Our bed?"
You moaned and nodded as he guided you to the bedroom. "Our bed. Because I live with my boyfriend now," you whispered with a little smirk, running your fingers over the wet spot on his pants.
"I missed you," Bradley promised when he had you sprawled out on the bed. 
You nodded at him, running your thumb along his mustache. "Yeah, deployments are going to suck, Beer Boy."
But he just shook his head. "No. I missed you for ten years. The deployments will be easy. You'll be here when I come home. And I'll love you the whole time."
Your eyes closed at his words, and Bradley kissed every inch of your face. Then he pulled your dress up high enough to get his lips on your tattoos. "I love you, Sugar." 
Eventually you got his zipper down, and Bradley was fucking you while you were both clothed. Your fingers were wrapped around his dog tags as he leaned down to taste your mouth. You held him close by the chain, but Bradley didn't want to be anywhere else.
"I want you." The desperate gasp against his lips as you pulsed around him made him dizzy. "I love you."
"I'm all yours, baby," he promised, slowing his strokes as you clenched harder. "You're so good."
You bit your lip and tipped your head back, looking like the vision of his fantasies since college came to life once more. When your back arched off the bed, Bradley took you hard by the hips and bottomed out, holding your tight pussy around him as your gasps got louder. 
"Feels so good," you whimpered, fluttering around his cock buried deep inside you. When your fingers started to tremble on his dog tags, releasing the chain and going for his hair instead, Bradley started fucking you again. You came with his name all over your lips, and Bradley watched his tags hit your neck and chin as you squeezed his release from him. 
"God damn," Bradley moaned when your lips parted, and you took his dog tags gently between your teeth as he filled you up. You were still moaning softly, your hands warm against his biceps and forearms. "God damn, Sugar."
He snuggled up with you, his cock still deep inside your wet pussy, and he looked at your sated expression as his tags rested on your slightly parted lips. 
"I got both of my dreams," he whispered, running his fingers along your cheek as you turned toward him. "Finally."
You fell asleep with Bradley's dick inside you. That's just how right he felt. That's just how happy being with him in San Diego made you.
He had been talking about taking you to his favorite beach and all the best restaurants. He was waxing poetic about a pizza place that kind of reminded him of the one he liked at UVA when your eyes drifted closed. The last thing you remembered was the prickle of his mustache against your temple as you sighed into a blissful nap.
When you woke up with the afternoon sun on your face, you sat up in bed alone. You could hear the distant sound of the washing machine running, and when you went into the living room, Bradley was folding and sorting his laundry, along with the things you'd left in the dryer, in just his khaki uniform pants. 
"Beer Boy," you whispered, and he was instantly off the couch and wrapping his arms around you. You rested your cheek against his bare chest and kissed him. "I could easily get used to this."
Bradley chuckled. "You made out a lot better in this deal. I have a new roommate who is a slob."
You glared up at him, but he was smiling brightly. "Come here, let me show you what I did," he said, taking you by the hand and leading you into his office. The desk was empty except for your purple notebook, a single black sharpie and the Navy desk lamp. "You can have the office. You'll need it for correcting exams and lesson plans and whatever else you'll be doing that I won't be able to understand."
You picked up the sharpie and turned to look at him. "Am I allowed to write on the door?" All of Bradley's doors were white, including his front door.
"You can do anything you want, Sugar. And when your boxes arrive, you can have half the closet in the bedroom. And you can use as much of the bathroom counter as you need." You hugged his naked torso as he said, "Nat wants us to go to the bar tonight."
"We can go," you whispered as he rubbed your back. "I love Nat. I'm going to steal your best friend."
"I'm telling you, she's usually terrible. You'll change your mind soon." He dug in his pocket and handed you a keyring. "This is for you, too. A house key."
You took it in your hand, and turned it over. It was a beer bottle opener that said I LOVE CHICAGO and had one key on it. "Where did you get this?" you asked with a smile. 
He shrugged and kissed your forehead. "I found it at a flea market ages ago. It made me smile. It's been living in the kitchen drawer."
"You really missed me," you whispered, clutching the marker and the key. You felt tears in your eyes. 
"I'm not going to miss you anymore. You're mine again."
Bradley gave you a neighborhood tour, taking you on the scenic route to the Hard Deck. Your fingers were laced through his and his Grateful Dead playlist was playing and he was so in love. Fuck, earlier this morning, he wasn't even sure where he stood with you. He thought maybe you had chosen Miami and left him floundering. But now he had a girlfriend who lived with him in the house he owned in Coronado. 
He started laughing. 
"What's so funny, Beer Boy?"
He kissed your knuckles as he pulled into the parking lot. "You live in San Diego now, Sugar."
"Beer Boy, you absolute dunce, I live in your bedroom now."
He laughed harder as he parked his Bronco, and then you were crawling across the seat and onto his lap. "Yeah, I guess you do."
"And you know what else?" you asked, running your fingers along his mustache and making him smile. 
You licked the side of his neck, and Bradley held you close as you whispered, "I'm taking you to visit the study rooms tomorrow."
He let his head tip back against the seat as he groaned. "You're too good to me, Sugar."
"And once I have an office, I'll take you there, too," you added, running your hand down his chest to his abs. Bradley was wearing the tropical print shirt you'd had on in the hotel room when he fucked you on the desk. He was greatly looking forward to putting it on you again tonight and fucking you next to his Navy desk lamp just like ten years ago.
"Sugar, I got plans for us. So let's get inside, get a drink, and then go back home."
You climbed out of the driver's door and asked, "What kind of plans? I thought we were going to hang out here for a while so I could meet your friends."
Bradley wrapped his arm around you and kissed your forehead. "My plans involve the desk at home and minimal clothing."
"Oh! Then yes, let's make it an early night."
Bradley was antsy to introduce you to the guys, but as he held the door open for you, letting the noise spill out into the evening air, you paused. When you pulled your phone out of your pocket, you made a surprised noise. "It's Veronica calling me back, but it's late in Virginia! Let me answer so I can tell her I'm moving in with you and get my stuff shipped out."
Bradley nodded and you kissed his cheek. "Come find me by the pool table, Sugar." He heard you answer the phone as he strolled inside and ran right into Nat at the bar.
"Well? Where is she?" Nat asked him, glancing all around. "Shit, did she remember how ugly you are when you got home and decided to move to Miami instead?"
"You're fucking hilarious, Nat. She's outside talking to her friend from UVA who is shipping her boxes out for her." Then Bradley smirked and added, "She agreed to move in with me."
Nat squeaked and threw her arms around him. "I am honestly so happy for you Bradley! You've been in love with her for longer than I've known you!" She released him and patted his chest.
He rubbed his hand through his hair and held up two fingers for Jimmy to get him two beers. "You're right. I wish you had let me know I never got over her. Maybe I could have made this reunion happen sooner."
"Nah, the timing was just right," Nat told him and he followed her to the pool table with both beers. 
"Did you tell the guys she's here?" he asked, knowing he was about to get hugged several more times. 
"No. I haven't told them anything," she replied, and as soon as Fanboy saw Bradley, he was cheering. 
"Rooster's back!" Bradley had them all slapping his back and giving him awkward hugs, and then he had a pool cue in one hand. 
"Good to see you," Hangman drawled. "Next drink is on me." Bradley was just about to thank him, when he saw Jake looking longingly across the room. "Unless I can manage to pull her. Then you're on your own, bird brain."
Bradley couldn't keep the grin off his face when he realized Jake was looking at you as you made your way inside. He couldn't blame Jake; you were gorgeous, your jeans were hugging your body, and your top made your tits look extra amazing. 
You spotted Bradley and moved through the crowd with a soft smile touching your lips, and Bradley knew he was going to love you forever. 
"Damn," Payback sighed, looking right where Bradley and Jake were both looking. "Anyone know who she is?" 
"Never seen her before," Jake answered. "She's beautiful."
Bradley heard Coyote and Fanboy add their two cents about how they'd love to be the one to take you home, and Nat was doubled over in silent laughter next to Bradley. 
"Nah," Bradley said, "she's all mine."
"Put your money where your mouth is, Bradshaw," Jake said. 
"Two hundred bucks," Bradley replied, trying not to laugh. 
He heard Jake agree just as you dodged around a waitress and smiled at Bradley. Then all the guys gaped in wonder as you closed the distance and wrapped your arms around him.
"She's going to ship the boxes out tomorrow," you told him with a smile, leaning up to kiss the corner of his mustache. "She said she can't wait to come visit and go to the beach."
"Sounds good," Bradley said, kissing the top of your head before you released him to give Nat a hug. He turned to the guys who all looked shocked. 
"What in the Twilight Zone is going on here?" Jake asked. "Since when do you have a girl?"
"Since this morning," Bradley answered with a smirk. "But we've been together for a long time. Kind of."
"That doesn't make a damn bit of sense," Jake replied, but then Bob was looking at you with a smile. 
"You're Sugar, right?" he asked you quietly. "You look familiar."
"It's nice to meet you, Bob," you said with a bright smile. 
"Holy shit," Fanboy muttered, and then he was smiling. "This is the famous Sugar!"
"How did this happen?" Payback asked Bradley. 
"It's a long story," you told them with the kind of smile that Bradley knew would have them eating out of your hands from now on. "But I took a job at San Diego State so I could be near the love of my life."
Bradley leaned down and kissed your smiling lips before handing you one of the bottles. "Have one of the good beers, Sugar."
The evening passed in a blur of excitement, and you were never far from Bradley's side. In fact, he made sure he was touching you as much as possible even though everyone wanted to talk to you. When it was time to leave, he guided you toward the door, turning back to yell at Jake. 
"You owe me two hundred bucks!"
Jake just groaned and flipped Bradley the middle finger. "I'll bring it to work."
"Why does he owe you money?" you asked, lacing your fingers with Bradley's as you stepped out into the cool, night air.
"He made an error in judgement," Bradley told you with a straight face.
When he pulled the Bronco into his driveway a few minutes later, your lips were all over him as soon as you unbuckled your seatbelt. When you both stumbled to the porch, unable to walk correctly as you were halfway in his arms, you made a big production of taking your key out. 
"Allow me to unlock our front door," you said, dangling the Chicago keychain in the moonlight before opening the door. Bradley couldn't keep his hands off you as you led him down the hallway to the office. 
But when he tried to lead you inside and over to the desk, you took his hand and kept him in the doorway. "What's wrong?" he asked, brushing his fingers along your cheek.
"Nothing," you replied, the light filtering down the hallway illuminating your face. "Everything is perfect."
Then Bradley's eyes caught on the office door and his lips parted in awe. You had taken the black sharpie to the pristine, white surface, the same way he had done to his bedroom door in his fraternity house so long ago. Back then, he was desperately trying to get you in his life. And repainting his door for you had been the only way he knew how to show you he was serious. Writing the nickname he had given you on his door and begging you for your phone number seemed silly now. But somehow it had worked.
So if you wanted to walk around his house, live with him, and make him this happy all the time, he didn't mind if you took a permanent marker to every surface. 
"Sugar, I love you too, baby," he promised, already considering all the things you and he would do together in the future. Already thinking about how much he wanted to marry you. 
With a smile, you let Bradley lead you into the room, past the door that now said SUGAR LOVES BEER BOY in your handwriting. He would never paint this door.
Part ten will act as an epilogue of sorts! That will be posted in a few days. Thank you for reading along with Beer Boy/Man and Sugar; I've been smitten with them since day one! Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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peachhcs · 4 months
Does Will tell any of the guys he's realised his mistake??
Or even just that he slept with someone??
i like to think will calls grace first. she gives the best advice when it comes to any of this and then he calls gabe and ryan to talk to them.
"what's up, will?" grace asked as soon as she answered the phone.
"i hooked up with someone," will said immediately which caught grace off guard.
"there was this halloween party last night..i think i was a little drunk and i hooked up with this girl," the boy explained, chewing on the bottom of his lip.
"okay. did something happen?" the older girl grew concerned.
"only that i did it because i thought i'd be able to get over samy and i didn't. i only thought about her the entire time," the hockey player's head fell into his hands as he sat on the end of his bed.
"oh. i see," the older blonde was at a bit of a loss with what to say.
"i think i fucked up, grace. i think i really, really fucked up," will frowned deeply as all the feelings he's tried pushing away for months began resurfacing.
"will..you didn't..fuck up. did you make a bad choice on rash thoughts? yeah. you didn't completely fuck up though," grace tried reassuring her brother even though she couldn't quite back his decisions.
"i should've talked to her more. i don't..i don't know what i was thinking. i thought i was letting her go for the better, but anytime i see her anywhere i wish i could call her and everything was how it used to be," now will was crying.
"it's not too late to talk. reach out to her. tell her you wanna talk or something."
"i can't. she blocked me on everything so even if i wanted to talk to her, i physically can't," the younger boy frowned deeply.
"do you want me to mention something?" grace offered softly.
"no, that's gonna make me look stupid. she doesn't wanna talk to me and i don't blame her," a long sigh fell from will's lips.
"look, we all do stupid shit when we're 18. she definitely does wanna talk to you. you guys were best friends once upon a time. that kind of bond doesn't disappear that easily. is there any time soon you'll be out near michigan or something?"
"i don't know. days off are random sometimes and unpredictable," will shrugged even though grace couldn't see him.
"maybe talk to gabe and ryan. they could make something happen. i know they're rooting for you two as much as i am to get back together or at least talk," will knew his older sister had a point. he should talk to gabe and ryan, but then they'd just tell him i told you so and harp on him.
"i don't know. i'll see. i should let you go," will mumbled.
"i'm always here to talk, will. it's gonna work out, i promise," the hockey player really wanted to believe his sister's words and he hoped to god it was true.
"wow, look who's calling first," ryan grinned through the screen when the call connected. will rolled his eyes a bit, but smiled when he saw his friends on his computer screen.
"you look like shit," gabe commented upon seeing will's red eyes and puffy cheeks.
"fuck off," the blonde mumbled.
"i'm kidding. it's good to see you. you had a hella game the other night," the dark-haired boy cheered.
"dude, you put those older guys to shame. like you were flying," ryan laughed making will laugh as well.
"thanks, it was pretty cool taking some of the veterans down. they're gonna be after me now."
"yeah, no shit. i think everyone now knows why you decided to sign on so early," gabe grinned.
their compliments had will flushing with pride. he's been working hard to prove himself these last few games and he was glad it was all finally paying off.
"by the way, halloween was so legendary this year. we went to like four different parties," ryan chuckled.
"i bet it's crazy in california," gabe wondered as the topic shifted.
"yeah, it is pretty crazy out here. so crazy i even hooked up with someone.." will began which had gabe and ryan's eyebrows raising.
"wait, you hooked up with someone? who?"
"uh..i don't really know her name, but i think..i think i regret it. i thought it would like..help me realize breaking up with samy was the right choice, but it didn't. i just thought about her the entire time.." will felt almost ashamed admitting this to his friends.
"you're gonna tell me i told you so, but i know i fucked up now. i..i shouldn't have broken up with samy. i thought it would be better for both of us, but i just really miss her and i wish i could talk to her or something," the blonde frowned.
"you're saying this now? six months after the fact?" gabe raised his eyebrows.
"oh come on, give me a break. i was stupid, i know. i finally realize that now. i don't know what to do," upon seeing their friend's face, gabe and ryan saw how torn up will was about everything. they knew he really regretted everything that happened.
"i just don't get why you didn't talk to her more about this before you even decided to break up? you know she would've talked with you about whatever you were worried about," ryan said.
"it was a bad decision during very rash thoughts. i was overwhelmed and a mess back in may. i got scared and pushed her away like i do to everything. you guys don't need to tell me how much i fucked up. i know already," will huffed.
the three fell silent for a moment. will pulled a hand through his hair while gabe and ryan spoke with their eyes.
"a few of us are going to michigan over winter break to samy's lake house. if you can find some free time, you should come out. i think samy would like to see you. you two can finally talk maybe," gabe finally said.
"i'll think about it," will nodded. could he actually fly out to michigan and see samy after not speaking to her or seeing her for eight months though? the idea sent will's head spinning and not in a good way.
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potassiumivy · 12 days
PLAYBOY. | jjk
❥ mdni. fic masterlist.
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GETO SUGURU WAS ON AUTOPILOT. he hasn't heard of you, or anyone else for that matter. 
everyday was the same: wake up, eat breakfast, water your plants, go to sleep, and repeat.
it reminded him of the older days. he felt the same emptiness inside. there was no darkness swallowing him whole— he was just an inhabited vessel. 
his eye bags were more prominent than ever. he didn't care enough to leave his room. even the news of sukuna's vessel didn't excite him.
his nights were usually dreamless, but ever since his students left, geto suguru became a restless wanderer.
in his dreams, he would walk for miles to find his purpose again. when he was awake, he'd walk for hours around the garden, trying to find a piece of you.
he didn't go on missions. he refused everything and anything. 
he didn't even present himself to the new first years. 
the only things that we're keeping him sane were the twins— mimiko and nanako, and watering your plants. 
he was coping with it in his own way.
he had been a mentor to you ever since you joined the school, but he only became your teacher this year.
he saw you growing up as a sorcerer along with your classmates, and he couldn't be prouder of you all. 
he just couldn't believe how useless he felt the day you all got suspended. he knew he wasn't the strongest, and he knew that he couldn't single-handedly change their decision, yet it hurted more than it should've because it involved you.
geto taught you many things, but he also learned a lot from you.
he had learned to get along with you, befriend you, and most importantly, he had learned to love to you. 
he fell in love with every little detail of you. every single one.
he felt pathetic when he realized it. a teacher, deeply in love with his student. the age-gape wasn't terrible, it was 3 or 4 years. it's been a while since he celebrated his birthday, so he can't be too sure.
he knew that you weren't the type to settle down, so he never planned on confessing his feelings. no one knew about it and he was convinced that he'll take it to the grave.
however, when he saw you leave, he promised himself that he'll never let you go again. 
and so he waited.
the pain was getting too unbearable. a certain night, he ended up crossing gojo's path when he was watering your plants. 
he talked for the first time since you left. his throat was sore from staying mute for so long. he didn't know what came over him, but he ended up telling gojo. maybe it was because he needed to get it out, or maybe it was the guilt of keeping away a secret from his best friend.
"you're the only strongest now. so promise me you'll bring her back." was what he asked for.
"okay. okay, i promise."
those few words were enough to make his eyes soften. gojo, the twins, and you were the only people he cherished so dearly. 
this promise was all he needed to keep going.
he wanted to do something for you on his own, but it was better to let gojo do the work. 
he wasn't the strongest anymore, only satoru was.
when he was passing by the hallway to reach his room, he saw your golden doorknob shining in the moonlight. he opened it carefully, stepping into your room. he didn't bother turning on the lights. 
there was a couple of pictures around, a few magazines here and there. clothes were all over the place— he even spotted a tank top hanging from your ceiling fan. 
he also noticed a shit ton of gold objects and a fat stack of cash on your desk.
your bed wasn't made either. he sat on it, running his fingers through the silk sheets. he slowly laid down, bringing the covers close to his face. it smelled like you. 
he sighed deeply, and before he knew it, he shed a tear. was it out of relief? he couldn't tell his emotions apart anymore.
he cried himself to asleep. 
geto came back to your room every single night from this point on.
and every night, he wished really hard. he prayed the moon and kissed the stars. 
he wished that one day, he'll fall asleep in your arms.
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
it was past midnight, and you were tiptoeing back to your dorm for the first time after being temporarily kicked out. 
gojo was behind you, grinning from ear to ear. he was more than proud of his surprise. 
even if he tried to be quiet, gojo was not very discreet. not at all. 
at some point, you grabbed his bicep to pull him faster, and he let out a loud squeak. 
"shhh! you're gonna wake up megumi. he'll get grumpy with me again." you pouted.
"and i'm telling you, he won't." he whispered back.
"but yuuji told me he got hit by him." you looked at him through your lashes, and it made him melt. "i don't want megs to hate me..."
gojo didn't know what getting over him, but he tried flirting with you. 
"you know," he caressed your cheek, "he'll never hit a pretty girl like you. and if he tries, i won't let him." 
he expected you to blush, hide your face and swoon over him, but he received a hard slap instead. he shouldn't have deactivated his infinity.
you were frowning, your other hand crushing his wrist that was on your cheek earlier. 
"ouchie! you'd better let that go, y/n!" he cringed in pain. 
"are you saying that women aren't equal to men?"
"what?? no! i never said that!"
"but you did." you insisted, getting angrier by the second.
"i pinky promise you, it's megumi who said it!" he started panicking.
"no, i didn't."
both of your heads turned towards the newcomer, who was none other than megumi and the two other first years.
"and you lie on top of that? men are pigs." nobara deadpanned.
"guys, let's take a deep breath—"
"so you're saying that you won't hit y/n because she's a girl?" yuuji tilted his head in confusion.
"that's not what i—"
"hit me, gojo!" you shrieked. "prove to me that you're not an alpha male podcast listener in disguise!"
"look... i won't ever raise my hand on you. maybe one day, we'll get to—"
"don't be a pussy! hit me, i can take it!" 
oh good, how bad he wished you'd tell him that in different circumstances. geto's confession didn't even cross his brain from the carnal desire he felt towards you; you and you only.
he sighed, the corner of his lips twitching. "alright." he agreed as he raised his hand to hit you. gojo satoru was not a pussy. 
"oh my god." nobara gasped. "are you an abuser?" 
"HUH? you hit women gojo-sensei? even i wouldn't stoop that low." yuuji exclaimed out of astonishment.
megumi couldn't stand his idiotic classmates, but this was a sight he deeply enjoyed. 
your eyes darkened. "so you're not taking me seriously?"
"megumi! defend me! i rescued you from your crazy clan! you owe me one!"
"who said i wanted to be saved?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"you fatherless little sh—"
"what's going on, satoru?"
the door of your room was wide open, revealing your teacher. his eyes bags and puffy eyes was the first thing you noticed. it seemed like he lost quite a bit of weight too. 
you've never seen someone you care so deeply about being in such a terrible state. your heart contracted painfully from a foreign emotion you felt.
"geto-sensei?" you tentatively called out.
the man, almost unrecognizable, immediately turned his head towards the sound of your voice. his eyes lit up, his breathing got faster. "you're back."
nobara raised an eyebrow at the scene. "why is there a teacher in her dorm?" she whisper-yelled.
yuuji shrugged his shoulders. his mood dropped a bit, but he was still curious, so he looked at megumi for answers. the said boy shook his head, as if to say 'not now'.
geto freed his best friend's hand from yours, entangling his fingers with you. "you're really here." his eyes softened, and he bit his lip to stop himself from crying.
he glanced at you, and once he did, he was unable to look somewhere else. only you mattered. "are hakari and kirara coming back too?"
you only nodded your head. 
geto smiled softly. "thank god."
your bottom lip trembled, and you immediately latched yourself onto the man. your shoulders shook slightly, and light sniffing could be heard.
"thank you, geto-sensei. thank you for caring so much about me and my friends, even if no one else did."
"everyone cares about you." he ran his fingers through your hair. his eyes met gojo's, who was looking at the scene intensely. 
"they cared about me, but not about kinji and kirara. i've noticed this, even if i'm not very smart." you sobbed. 
"so i'll always be grateful."
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©potassiumivy, 2024. all rights reserved. do not translate / modify / republish my works.
taglist: @sad-darksoul
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not-goldy · 8 months
It's time we lay this to rest. Might be a tough pill to swallow, but accepting Jikook are close enough to do this enlistment together every step of the way, should be the final straw. Went through an hard process, when they knew they could do other things, enlist separately, enlist with others, choose different units alone, but didn't. It should be everyone's cue to back off & stop spreading different narratives & lies to cope. Do you really want to do this for 17 more months, cause Jikook aren't gonna separate confirmed, for a fact, in writing.
Do you truly know your favs? Do understand how close you have to be to consistently drop all honorifics daily, the way Jikook do? Do you realize Jimin's been there for every graduation of JK's? At each other's side when the other is sick. Made a major life decision together & enlisted together. Even went to the doctor & had their covid vaccine together, cause why not. Their parents cook traditional soup for the other's bday & judging by Hobi & Tae's face, that alone should tell its not a normal occurance for her to do that for others or even at all. They spend bdays, holidays & couple days. Together alone when they made #1 as group together for the first time. Planned & gone on many private trips together over the years & before enlisting when they should've spent those last days with partners or family. Spent 8 years choosing the other, riding together, hang in the others room for hours doing nothing, go out & do things together and when they did do separate things & went out with other friends, the other was still on their minds & they let us know it publicly. Only saw each other over their breaks, while other members were living it up alone. Jimin allowed Jk on his personal album, when he said he wanted no members as features cause its about his personal life/his story & JK was allowed to be part of that. Always together behind the scenes. Knowing ones passcode to their studio & using it & the other knowing ones passcode to their home & letting himself in & making himself at home. No matter what kind of relationship you think they have, its special, its close, its mutual, its unbreakable. One day you'll get it & I hope for Jikook's sake its soon, because they deserve nothing but love, support & respected, like any other duo of BTS.
If you believe even a tiny bit Jikook are fanservice, you're saying Hybe, JK, Jimin, the Government, their parents & bts are all in this cover up together, playing along with fanservice & for what? To bring more hate on their children, their artists, their soldiers, their members? Does that make logical sense? Jikook have nothing to gain from fanservice. All they've gained from being close it hate, bullying, harassment & yes you are part of this problem, if you ever helped spread this narrative. They give you all their love, the least you can do is support & respect their decisions as adult men. Think for yourself, believe what you see, not what you're told by blogs who gaslit, manipulate, lie & you blindly follow, boosting their hate blogs & egos, while you hurt your favs you claim to love. Think for yourself & you'll finally gain some peace. I promise.
And the fact Jikook just don't care too😹😹😹
They living their best life whether they scream yell or wail nobody can tell them nothing 😹
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 7 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: i.
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
index | previous chapter | next chapter
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"[First]... [First]. Hey wake up!"
You blink blearily, just barely catching your chin with your palm. "Sorry," you mumble, closing your eyes once more. You open them once more when Shoko raps her knuckles against your desk again. "'m still kinda out of it."
Yours was the start to a very trying day.
First and foremost, you overslept and missed breakfast.
You were still tired.
And most irritating of all, you had a headache ー you forgot to drink water before and after going to bed, sue you.
While you're still cognizant, you whip out your phone to text your friends. What a waste, you sigh. There aren't any missions to go on today either. Originally your plan was to head out once classes were over for the day and meet up with your non-sorcerer friends in the city. Eat at Johnny's, maybe go to an arcade and watch a movie with the money you had leftover. With how you're feeling presently though, you much preferred laying down and immediately going to sleep. "This sucks," you fail to fight back on a yawn. "I wanted to see what's been going on with everybody from my old school too." You yawn again.
Me: I'm not gonna be able to make it, sorry. Can we meet up another time instead? Have fun without me (T^T)
Chinatsu: aww that sucks. Do you think you'll be free next weekend? We can do something for your birthday!
Your smile is small yet doubtful as you text back an 'I promised my aunt that I'd visit her next weekend to celebrate so it might be a while til then.'
If there's one simultaneous benefit and drawback to attending Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, it's that your schedule is sporadic enough that you it's never consistent what you might be doing on a day-to-day basis let alone week-to-week. Some mornings you'll find out classes are canceled for the next few days and other times you think you're home free to bullshit for the weekend only for Fujioka-sensei to pop up and say you and Shoko have a mission that'll take up the entirety of your free time. As far as your old friends from Tsubame High were concerned though, you somehow got yourself a scholarship for a bigshot religious school with a limited number of students and hellish expectations for said students.
"Look at [First] getting herself into some fancy rich kid private school," Tooru said when you broke the news to your friends you'd known since middle school that you'd be transferring to Tokyo Jujutsu Tech.
Chinatsu: Look at [First], not having too much time for the little people!
"It's pretty unusual for you to sleep in," Shoko's comment brings you out of your nostalgic stupor.
Me: Yeah who are you again?
"Yeah, I know," once you quickly type in your reply, you finally shove your phone back into your pants pocket. If there's a definitive benefit to attending Tokyo Tech, it's the customizable uniforms. You went for the boys uniform at this particular school. It felt like it would be the most practical decision when you'd be running around fighting cursed spirits. And with it being fall, the winter solstice being a couple weeks away, wearing pants felt like the best long term investment you could have come up with. Not to mention, you looked good in it. "It's not like I had any trouble getting to sleep though."
"Bad dream?"
"I don't know I can't remember it," you shrugged trying to recall whatever it was you were dreaming about. It's all hazy, not even the most significant parts scratching at your brain coming through the fog. "I don't think it was bad though. Maybe it was about my husband. I'm still mad they killed off his character in Anaconda 2 last year, can you believe that shit? He was the finest dude in the movie!" When you hear a snicker coming from your right, you shoot a glare towards the culprit with snowy white hair. "Like Inoue Waka even knows who you are, please shut up."
"At least my celebrity crush lives in my country," Gojou snickers back with a shit-eating grin. "Running into Morris Chestnut in Japan? Doesn't seem all that likely. Ah the delusions of young children."
"You are literally only two days older than me, you are making this way too big a deal."
Although Suguru releases a breath of exasperation, there's a smile gracing his features. "Well you can't be that tired if the two of you can bicker like this. Just try not to tear each other apart next week when the party hits. It's your special day after all."
Ah yes, the party. The brilliant idea that the first and second year teachers, Fujioka and Yaga, came up with on the fly yesterday on December 1st.
When you were told that there was a small number of students at this school, you didn't realize how little there would be going in. Among the first year students, you're quite literally only one of four. The previous second year student, Okita, died two months ago leaving the current number of second year students at 0. There's quite literally only two third year students in Utahime and Mei Mei. And as for 4th year students, there is only one ー Yamada.
The ratio of non-jujutsu sorcerer to sorcerer was shockingly out of balanced if there were only seven students at your school. Because of that, the teachers made sure to celebrate every student's birthday. A party, cake, presents, the whole shebang. No class, no missions. Just a day of setting up the dorms for a party while the one turning a year older had to either leave campus and wander around until it was time for their party, or sit around doing nothing around campus until someone came to get them.
It wasn't too long ago when you were all celebrating Shoko's birthday on the 27th of last month.
It was her party with her cake and her presents.
But you? The teachers had a special idea in mind for you. Because in a school of seven students where two of them were born within days of each other, why have two separate parties when you could make it one and cheapen the cost?
One party with one cake and a mixture of presents for you both to tear open at the same time.
Gojou is December 7th.
You're December 9th.
They'll just celebrate both on the 8th and call it a day.
When it came down to it, you understood the principle behind the plan. You could even get behind it. It's just that if somewhere to ask if you liked Gojou Satoru, your answer would be an irrevocable 'no'.
Hell, you'd answer 'no' even if no one did ask.
Gojou Satoru is impossible for you to like from his stupid sunglasses to his shit-eating grins. Even worse is his arrogance. Because apparently, there's no one in the world of jujutsu you were scouted into that didn't know who Gojou Satoru is. Born merely two days before you, Gojou Satoru's birth changed the state of the jujutsu world. "He's basically like the jujutsu sorcerer version of Jesus," Shoko explained when you asked why everyone seemingly made a big deal over him.
I don't like him at all.
You're the odd man out in your class, though, you begrudgingly force yourself to accept all over again during lunch. Despite your less than stellar review of the boy, Suguru and Shoko got along just fine with him.
Gojou had always been obnoxious about the fact you were born a couple days after him when you found out you shared a month of birth. It is just that with your birthdays being right around the corner of next week, he is being especially intolerable. He even came to wake you up this morning when you overslept, forcing Gojou Satoru and his blue eyes that were partially obscured by his sunglasses to be the first thing you saw that morning. Clearly a premonition that today was going to be a mess when he all but sang "morning, junior, you're gonna be late to class at this rate!"
By the gods, I wanna punch him so much. I don't care if he's Jujutsu Jesus, he just thinks he's hot shit because he has blue eyes.
At the very least, you can rest easy in knowing the fact that the feelings of dislike are mutual.
Gojou Satoru is strong, it's an irrefutable fact no matter how much you'd like to deny it. He's strong and in turn, the strong are the only ones Gojou respects. You apparently don't make the cut.
And that's fine. Strength came in all sorts of ways. (An argument the two of you have already had with one another where Suguru said you both would just have to agree to disagree.) You disliked Gojou Satoru but you could live with the fact that, at the very least, you were going to be stuck together for four years. Because even if he was strong, life sometimes paid you back with small moments of grace where someone put the golden boy of the Gojou Clan in his place.
"Just so you know, Takamatsu Akira is visiting again," Shoko's voice pulls you back into the present.
You raise an eyebrow at the unfamiliar name, "never heard of 'em."
"He's a sorcerer that can see glimpses of a person's future when he looks at them," Suguru answers in her stead over a sip of his oi ocha. "He's apparently at the school today for some sort of meeting."
"Hands off the goods," your eyes widen in amazement as you quickly smack away Gojou's hand from your lunch. "Really? And it's all accurate too?"
"He's a major asshole, though," the white-haired boy hisses with a pout. You roll your eyes. I'm not sure how reliable your words are if you of all people are calling someone an asshole. Your incredulousness must show on your face because Gojou's next words are, "seriously! He only tells people he thinks have interesting futures anything about it."
"Satoru's just mad because apparently his future isn't interesting," Suguru smirks, smugly welcoming his best friend's unamused side eye. "He told me about mine though."
You bite back a snort when your curiosity to know Suguru's fortune wins. "What did he say about it?"
Suguru touched his chin thoughtfully, recalling back the day he met the seer. "He said that one day I'll be stuck at a crossroads between two paths and make a life changing decision," he pauses dramatically and you lean forward in anticipation. "That's all he told me though."
Damn it.
The brown-eyed boy chuckles but he shoots you a look of amused sympathy, "he never really tells you too much about it apparently. I was disappointed too."
"Did he ever tell you anything about your future, Shoko?" You ask your class' resident slacker.
Shoko shook her head, bob gently moving with her. "I'm one of the boring ones too," she says with a lazy wave of her hand. "Like Gojou."
"Don't worry, my friends," Suguru places a hand over his chest and bows with far too much grace and humility. "I alone will shoulder the burden of having an interesting future. Unlike Satoru."
You choke, unable to stop yourself from chortling this time. Whatever Gojou sputters in his self-defense, you don't hear it over the sound of your own laughter. "Maybe he'll tell me about my future too," you sigh when your giggles subside. You sincerely doubt it, but it's fun to think about the possibilities. I want an interesting life plot twist, like the reveal I'm actually a long-lost member of some royal family he just won't tell me which one.
"He'll probably stop by because you're here," Shoko rests her chin on her palm. You were the newest in your class, starting a month later than the rest. "He likes seeing if new students will have interesting futures ahead of them."
"Don't get too excited, [First]," Gojou quickly rains on your parade with a lot of arrogance for someone whose future is apparently so boring a seer won't even talk to him about it. "I'm the most interesting person in this place and he won't even talk to me. So who knows what sort of reaction you'll get."
"Oh quit being bitter that your future is gonna be boring, asshole," before any other quips and gripes can be exchanged, the class door slides open abruptly. You look over with a start, wondering if it's your teacher when you see it isn't. The man is a bit younger than Yaga but his hair is already graying and his eyes are a deep green reminiscent of pine trees. You have a feeling you already know who it is and grin. "You wouldn't happen to be Takamatsu Akira, would you? Gojou here was telling me about his boring future soー" you stop yourself with a shudder when you blinked and realized that man was in front of your face and much too close for comfort.
"Now that is something," the man blinks owlishly, eyes almost glowing in his amazement.
Your discomfort flies away faster than a seagull with someone else's lunch, "really?"
The man leans back with a grin and a snap of his fingers, "really, really."
With that you look at Gojou and stick out your tongue and he sticks his tongue in return.
[First] 1, Gojou 0.
Suguru chuckles and Shoko grins and all the while, Gojou flicks your forehead too quickly for you to react. "Look, hater, it isn't my fault that your future's boring, quit trying to rain on my parade," you snicker, batting your eyelashes. "Mr. Takamatsu, I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me about my future if you don't mind. Before the naysayers get more butthurt than they already are."
"You're gonna die, kid."
With four words, your blood freezes and you find yourself blinking once, twice slowly. It's the matching looks of shock and surprise on your classmates' faces that tells you you heard Takamatsu correctly. Stiffly, you look back at the seer hoping for that revelation to be nothing but a joke, but instead you find yourself looking at a maniacal grin. That grin feels more like a knife in your gut. "In the worst way possible."
The knife sinks deeper into your flesh, twisting.
"Hey," out of the four of you, Gojou is the one who finds his voice first.
Takamatsu ignores the boy with snow white hair as if he's nothing but a minor breeze, "But," he beams like he's only told you that he found a discount at the convenience store. "Because I like you so much, I'll let you ask three questions about it."
"O-okay," you stammer almost instinctively. Like a zombie, you find yourself stumbling onto your feet and Takamatsu nods at the door. These answers will be for you and you alone. You aren't sure what expression you wear on your face as you exit, nor the expressions of your peers. You can't bring yourself to look at them as you follow the future-seeing sorcerer into the halls of your school.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
In the worst way possible.
It's only once you're relatively alone that the seer halts his walking in the middle of the hall to look at you. "Feel free to ask your questions," he tells you. "Your classmates shouldn't be able to hear, even if they keep looking out the door. So ask away," he reassures you, waving his hand nonchalantly.
You glance to your left and sure enough there are three heads leaning out of the door, staring straight at you both. You can't bring yourself to smile reassuringly before you return your gaze to the sorcerer in front of you.
Three questions.
Your first question can only be so obvious. "Howー how do I die?"
Takamatsu's amusement is sapped from his face at that question. "Really?" He yawns with a shake of his head. "That's what you're going to ask? That's quite boring."
Boring? Boring?! It's my life! "Yeah but-"
"You know what, fine," Takamatsu sighs, crossing his arms. He recalls his vision in his mind for a moment before he opens his lips. "You're going to be killed by someone precious to you. Ask me something more… riveting this time."
You blink slowly.
You're going to be killed by someone you care about.
When do I die?
Was it an accident?
On purpose?
Why would they want to kill me?
You don't think those are questions Takamatsu will find intriguing in the slightest. In a panic, you ask the most original question that enters your brain. "Do I die… angry at them?" No. Fucking. Shit, me. "Wait, that was dumb don't answer th-"
"Nope, it counts," Takamatsu clicks his tongue. Maybe it's payback for your first question being so predictable and unoriginal. "And my answer for that is no. Your heart will surprisingly bear no anger towards the person who kills you." A revelation that shakes you to the core. "Well, one question left to go, kid. No more mess ups, I'll take it even if it's something as a dumb as a repeat question."
"Okay, okay," you exhale nervously, biting your lip. I need to think.
You know yourself.
You're selfish at times, who isn't? If it really came down to it though, you know you'd always put someone else's life over your own. You can talk big, you can snort when you watch a movie and say 'yeah sorry, they'd be stuck on their own. I'm not dying in a situation like that, I'd wanna go home'. But you know yourself enough to know that despite thinking it, your feet would inevitably turn towards the other person. Maybe you'd die in the end but you know you'd try your damnedest to get them out.
Why else would you put yourself on the line fighting curses?
Curses were scary.
You'd seen them you're entire life, unable to explain why or what they are to the people around you. Some were tall, some were small and some were so grotesquely horrifying that it made Sadako and Freddy Kreuger look like kittens. Being able to literally shield yourself from them were a saving grace when Rejection came in. Those curses didn't attack often, no they mostly just hung about before choosing some random poor soul to haunt. You just didn't want one touching you or your parents.
Things got a bit better when they sent you to Japan for the summer with your aunt. Apparently that's what happens when you live in a country with a more stable and organized force of jujutsu sorcery. Or maybe it was, begrudgingly, because living in the home court of Jujutsu Jesus kept some curses from wilding out the way they did in your home country.
Either way, your parents relented when you begged for them to let you continue living in Japan with your aunt.
That's how you were prepared for the night your class' test of courage went to shit when a curse showed up and miraculously kept the list of mortal casualties at zero.
But I'd like to think that in a life or death fight where it's me or them, I'd choose me. You shake your head pushing the thought to the side. You almost forgot the most important detail. Your killer will be someone who matters to you. But I won't be mad about it. If it was life or death, I'd choose me. I know that. Stranger on the street or a lifelong sworn enemy. And I know if I was killed by someone I apparently care about, I'd definitely be bitter about it. I'm not that forgiving.
Future you isn't in agreement. Your eyes turn to the ground.
Is it a life or death fight situation or an accident? You open your mouth briefly before closing it again.
They're precious to me.
They're someone I care about.
But I won't be angry.
I mustn't have been trying that hard then, you wet your lips as a light bulb flickers deeply in the recesses of your mind. You couldn't have been. How else could your future self's lack of anger be justified? One day, there will be someone you care for so greatly that even in a life or death battle, you'd still choose them.
You raise your head to look into dark green eyes dancing with amusement, a grin accompanying them. The grin morphs from clear to distorted at the welling of tears in your eyes. I wasn't trying. "I must really love this person, don't I?"
Takamatsu's grin grows even wider, eyes flashing in pleasant surprise. "Yeah," he leans against the wall, crossing his arms. "It seems like you do."
Tears roll down your cheeks like streams into a river yet your arms hang loosely at your side. "That's three questions then," you murmur, throat constricting. You inhale slowly, hold your breath and release before wiping your eyes. "Thank you for answering my questions, Mr. Takamatsu. Lunch is gonna be over soon, so I'm gonna go finish eating now."
You bow before turning on your heel back to your class, your classmates are still there. You don't really care to receive their pity or empathy.
"I'm gonna die, it's gonna suck and that's all he really told me," you say before anyone can ask.
It's hours after classes have ended for the day and you're cooking in the communal kitchen when you see Gojou again.
"Hey," Gojou says and his tone is so serious it startles you. You set your knife down on the cutting board before looking at him. His face doesn't seem right to you and it dawns on you a second later it's because he's frowning and it's not the usual childish frown you're used to seeing. "Don't take what that guy said seriously. Like I said, he's an asshole. He was probably saying all of that to freak you out." There's a pause and Gojou scratches the back of his head, looking uncomfortable in his skin. "So don't, like, cry about it. Takamatsu's a prick."
"Are you," you squint, looking Gojou over suspiciously. "Trying to make me feel better or something in your own weird Gojou way?"
"Someone has to make sure you aren't drowning in their sorrows," Gojou returns to his usual brand of cocky, with a grin. His sunglasses slide down, revealing playful eyes.
"I don't want the comfort then," you roll your eyes and return to chopping your vegetables. "Besides, I don't need it anyways, I'm strong."
"We had this argument before that there's different kinds of strong, you jackass," you argue for argument's sake knowing it's a moot point to argue with someone who vehemently believes otherwise. Apparently he thinks belief in philosophical kinds of strongs is how the weak comfort themselves.
You vaguely notice that in spite of your annoyance, your shoulders aren't stiff and your jaw is loose. Apparently Gojou is good for something, after all. "Strong looks different for different people. A kid is strong when they act tough after tripping. A grown man crying and being open with his emotions is strong," you recount some of the ways you've seen people be strong in your life. You've witnessed strength in various ways in your 15 years of living. "… Even just living despite how hard it can be is strong. But it's whatever, I already know you think that's a load of self-comforting weak crap, don't feel like arguing about it."
Save for the sound of you cutting green celery and the light simmer of the pan, silence falls over the two of you.
"What did you guys talk about when he said you could ask him questions?" Gojou finally asks.
"… nothing important," you mutter back.
When you wake up at 4:30 in the morning the next day, knowing full well there was going to be physical education that day, you decide to ditch class.
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In the oneshot I somehow fucked up the timeline by one year. In reality, Gojou was a 1st year in 2005 not 2004.
Also, in the oneshot I said the reader was the baby of the class. I was wrong again. Suguru was actually born in '90, not '89, like I originally assumed. Thus, he's actually the baby of the class. So I removed all mentions of the reader being the class baby. Still, you're younger than Gojou by two days so he is still rather insufferable about that, much to your chagrin.
Compared to the oneshot, now that there is more extended time to look into such things, there will be dives into the reader's non-sorcerer origins, family and friends. I would like to note that the reader isn't from Japan originally in terms of her nationality, but that will be covered in future chapters. Regardless, the reader is ethnically ambiguous for the self-insert convenience!
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