#it hurt a little on the incisions 😭
outragedslime · 2 years
Top surgery recovery observation
One thing I didn't hear anyone else talk about is the deal with coughing/sneezing.
If you are getting top surgery, I suggest to be very careful to avoid these. Dust your house well beforehand. Spring allergies? I recommend not doing it during spring. Take extra care while drinking or eating to not choke (I'm really bad at this one lol)
I might've inhaled near some dust? I'm not sure but I felt an urge and had my first sneeze post op today. It was very scary😭
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saturnxlust · 5 months
HEYYY :P ik its been awhile my bad😔
Injured!Proxys+ben x Doctor! Reader
Tim Wright/ Masky
So this man is closed off, all of the proxys are😞
But hes not a idiot, he knows when his body has had enough and when he needs help
The only way you’d be able to help him is if its a severe wound or if your close with him
Im talking at least 2+ years of either dating or being friends..
Lucky you if you’ve made it this long!
Now actually helping him is difficult
Hes stubborn and doesnt like to admit hes in pain so when you stitch his sorry ass up or disinfect it, he winces but swears hes fine
Hes not fine
He also complains the entire time about how he could do it himself
Knowing full well he couldnt he just likes to be a pain in the ass
Brian Thomas/hoodie
Hes more lenient, he’ll let you help him even though we all know this man could do it himself
It wouldnt be good but as long as he isnt bleeding out he doesnt really care
Although hes the more lenient one hes still closed off and it takes atleast a year or more to be able to help him
The first time you actually clean up a wound he falls deeper in love
Its not covered in dried blood or anything!
Hes amazed at how gentle you were and found it cute if you were concerned about him
It gets to the point where he would make small bruises or cuts just to have you put a little bandaid on his finger or put pain cream on his bruise
He would totally make you kiss the bandages after, no matter how big or small😭
He has dinosaur bandaids and unicorn bandaids.
Toby Rogers
Oh boy buckle up
So he cant feel pain
Good luck☺️
He doesnt know hes hurt and most likely you wont either
If you somehow get him to wash his fuckass sweatshirt and seem to see a wound, he too, would be confused and surprised
He would find how concerned you were funny and laugh as you clean him up
If you yelled at him while he laughed he’d tell you to relax and that hes fine
Hes not fine
Like brian he would make small cuts and or bruises to have you patch him up
Back tracking a little, it would take a few months but not because hes closed off
He trusts you completely to not hurt him physically
It was just getting to see him without his sweatshirt on that was difficult
He keeps that thing on all the time no way your getting a peak at his scrawny ass unless you rip that sweatshirt off him or if you get…spicy.. with him..
Eyeless Jack
Good luck
He went to medical school
This man knows what hes doing
But like the others finds it funny that you want to help him
He doesnt need it but honestly
Hes too smart to get too badly injured, if he does it’s because he went awhile wothout eating and became reckless
I think that if he were to go more then a fee weeks without eating he would get reckless with how he got the kidneys
He wouldnt leave the victims alive and leave them in their bed naked with incisions on their stomach
When that happens he usually comes home with a bruise or scratches from the victims fighting back,
If you’ve gotten to the point that you know about that and accept it, not only will you be helping clean him up
You’d help clean his clothes up
Hes a clean guy dont get me wrong but after eating i think he would just need to sleep
And if your like me theres no way that 7’ tall demon is getting in my bed soaked in blood and possible guts ☺️
Jeffery Hodek
God i wish you luck if your with this man
He will let his wounds get infected for fun and he will enjoy it when you get upset (COUGH COUGH MOUTH CUTS COUGH)
He honestly couldnt care less and again, finds it amusing when you yell at him
Lets be honest his story is written awful so im gonna tweak it a litte
He did not get bleached, there was a explosion and some of his hair burnt off, it has since grown back a little but the burn scars are still there
So if you want to help him clean his mouth he’ll complain and tease you and taunt you but he’ll let you do it
..if you even want to after all that.😒
Benjamin Lawman
So he can’t actually get hurt…i mean unless hes like a zombie but he isnt, this guys a ghost
So i mean, unless he has some power to be human magically theres really nothing that can hurt him
Even you..
But you should find a way to hurt him, whether it be physical or emotional causr hes a jackass
And will make fun of you just to see you cry😒
Either bring up something from his past(he might get a little angry at that🥰) or threaten to throw him into a lake
You can’t actually throw him but..he..doesnt need to know that😇
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fandom-space-princess · 3 months
24-hours post hysterectomy thoughts:
- my doctors said that everything went really smoothly, and my discharge nurse said that for what I had done to me I was doing amazingly well. I got released to go home about an hour and a half after waking up. Guys I did it! I got a good grade in surgery!
- today I can both eat and walk better than expected. Anaesthesia didn't make me nearly as nauseated as I was afraid it would. The incisions hurt, but not nearly as bad as cramps did. Laughing hurts. Coughing hurts. Both are tolerable though.
- it still hasn't sunk in yet that I'm really done having periods forever. FOREVER. The mind boggles. (I mean, technically I'll still have the hormonal component - I kept my ovaries. But the debilitating pain and the horrible cramps and bleeding through every pair of pants I own? Bitch byeeeeeee!)
- one of my friends congratulated me on being "no-longer-girl" which. I already wasn't. Gender does not live in an organ, especially one I no longer have. But I find that I'm inclined to feel charitably about it. She's a little confused, but she got the spirit.
- I can kind of feel where they removed the endometriosis from (the places that always hurt on the inside of my pelvic wall and near my ovaries now hurt in an interesting new way). It's freaky, but sort of a good freaky?
- I woke up in the middle of the night so dehydrated that my eyelids were stuck shut. I had to massage my eyes to get them open 😭 hydrate or diedrate has never felt like more pertinent advice. My goal today is to drink about a gallon of tea.
- what do you MEAN I never have to have a panic attack at the thought of being pregnant ever again. What do you MEAN I'm free from that hell for the rest of my life. That no matter what happens to me or what kind of bullshit politics are happening around me, I can never ever be forced into this thing that I've always feared. I still can't wrap my mind around it. It feels like such a gift.
- all the cleaning I did and little treats I bought myself and fussy adjustments to my diet and habits I made in the lead up to this all feel 100% justified right now.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Jimin’s face and tiny ‘yeah’ when joon told him to use insta more Knapp he looked half ashamed half scheming. I wonder what he was or is thinking because I don’t believe for a sec he doesn’t have any pics to upload like yoongi. 🤣I love how healthy and fluffy he looks 😭💖
And here I was about to delete this app and download Ko-fi again🤣
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Whoever's lying to Jimin and telling him his body isn't pretty should slip and fall.
I went on a rant months ago that this man is having a negative view of his body again and now here we have it from his own mouth- IT WAS ALL ABOUT HIS LOOKS FROM DAY ONE. I don't wanna hear nothing else.
So much for he's doing it for his health to stretch his back actually lost friends over this topic all for him to come and and say exactly what I was saying all along. Yall made excuses for him now you looking like clowns right about now.
That said, nice body never hurt no body.
But if his definition of nice is to conform his body to these rigid toxic male body beauty standards then- chilee imma support him on it cos I want him to start modeling skirts and shit.
If Bretman can do it he can do it.
Better still he can visit Doctor Kim. I hear you don't need to lift weights and go on crazy diets to define your abs no more. A little incision here and there and he can give you the abs of your dreams uWu!
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He looks good though.
Really good.
Immaculate even.
And that perm! MI LIKEY
I'm grateful for Namjoon talking positive about his body and reminding him jist how much his body inspires so many art works and that he really has a beautiful body naturally.
He shouldn't put too much stress on his body especially after his surgery and I feel I have to send him a message every day from now reminding him he really is perfect just the way he is. A healthy body is all he needs. I don't know bout this whole leaning into his masculinity business. What has muscles got to do with masculinity. Aigoo.
Namjoon really thank you. You told him something I've always wanted to tell him. He really is pretty. His body proportions is perfect. Blackswan Jimin- aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh..
And he just laughed when they asked him to do more IG? No explanation? Welp. He looked guilty asf. Man knows what he's doing lmho. He knows he has to be active on there which means he is choosing not to be. As for joonie he should be careful what he wishes for cos Jimin on his jikook agenda is a menace.
Also lowkey felt Joon put him on the spot to force his hand by discussing this so publicly like this. Would have to take my time and watch that live again in context.
Oh and just the way Joonie said Jungkook is taking dance lessons when JM said he's taking vocal lessons- is it me or it sounded a lot like those two a trading trade secrets?🤣
Jimin likes to ask for voice lessons from Kook and Kook takes dance advice from Jimin- sometimes chilee.
Aha and just look at the way Namjoon asked Jimin to post more often on IG. Yall don't think he'd give Jungkook the same advice if he's not being active on SNS?
Remember the 'now Jungkook will be back to posting for everyone on our birthday. He will make a portrait for everyone.'
Doesn't this vlive give you deja vu?
If he is asking someone to do something it's probably because he thinks the person not doing that is a problem.
Kook not posting online clearly was a problem for them or that they felt some type of way about it especially as it contradicts the kumbaya ot7 agenda they have going on.
Everyone I'm back to kissing Joonie ass. This live reminded me of why I think he is the best team leader for bangtan. Man is just intelligent. Thoughtful. I dig that. Wish he was my bro.
I want to catch JMs reaction when they name dropped Kook. Hey, we all have our kinks. This is mine keep it pushing.
Glad they came on Vlive.
Vmin are back to being lesbians as usual. We ain't mad🤣
I'm leaving but I love it here.
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