#it hits very personal spots i can heavily relate to ....
ripplefields · 2 years
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musical nerds - @r0b0-writes (thank you for giving us this amazingly written fic :] !!!!)
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So the general consensus is that Alastor's mom is in heaven, and that she'd disapprove of her son's actions, right? Though shit, I'm a slut for supportive parents, so have other ideas :
Idea number one : Alastor got his taste for murder from his mom, and she is also in hell because she killed people too (we don't know for sure she's in heaven, after all. Being a good parent doesn't keep you from doing horrible things sometimes - edit : apparently it IS canon that she's in heaven. Oh well. Guess this is an au idea now). Maybe she was involved in Alastor's murders, maybe she killed people separately from him, maybe she stopped killing people after she had her kid, maybe she only killed one person, point is : she's in hell too. She actually died after Alastor, who found her the very instant she landed here (he knew about her own killing(s) and heavily suspected that being an extraordinary mother would not redeem her in heaven's eyes, so he was waiting for her with extreme attention) and helped her adjust to hell. She decided to open a restaurant near Cannibal town, it's pretty famous in the Pride ring. She and Alastor live very near each other and spend as much time together as they can, but they mostly try to hide the fact that they're related and close because Alastor has some powerful ennemies and his mom is not quite as powerful as he is. They share a lot of deer features but try to camouflage some of them so people don't guess they're related (they both have a tail but only Alastor's mom lets hers be visible, they both have white spots-freckles but Alastor hides them, they both have antlers but Alastor's mom hides hers in her curly hair, they both are red-themed but she tends more towards purple and he exaggerates his red, etc). Rosie and Niffty are the only ones who know that she's Alastor's mom (other people who know them might know they're close, but not that they're related), and Rosie and Alastor's mom get along like a house on fire. So much gossip (and blackmail). He would introduce her to the hotel at some point (maybe as part of the staff? A part-time cook?) but he'd only call her a "dear friend". It would take some time for the others to guess their relation. Husk suspects heavily because he has eyes and he's seen them interact, but his monstrous boss being soft creeps him out so he doesn't look too closely. Angel Dust only tries hitting on her once, because the glare Alastor shoots him is the most terrifying thing he's ever seen (he's suddenly glad Alator restrains himself when Angel flirts with him). I think Charlie could benefit a bit from a motherly (or grandmotherly??) presence too.
Idea number two : Alastor's mom would absolutely have killed some assholes, she just lacked in opportunities and ended up in heaven because despite thinking about it real hard she hadn't killed anyone. She's been trying for a very long time to find a way to send messages to Hell (because her boy is absolutely down there and she doesn't think he would appreciate if she fell from heaven for him.). At some point she learns about the exterminations, which.... Exterminates any good will she may have had towards heaven haha. The possibility that her boy's been gone all this time, killed by some angel? She snaps. Of course now she has to fall from heaven, if only to check if her son's alive. How does one falls from heaven? She figures murder must do the trick. But who? That's also obvious. The leader of the exterminators and the most annoying man she's met in heaven will do!
That's how Alastor's mother murders Adam before he goes after the hotel, falling in the process. Luckily she falls right where she wants to be! I like to think that she's not phased by her fall at all and appoints herself the hotel's cook.
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ponsey · 2 years
Rambling Thoughts on the first two light novels of I’m in Love with the Villainess
I’ve now finished the first two light novels of “I’m in Love with the Villainess” by Inori. While I had initially decided to read the series because I felt like reading a cute girl romance story (with a Claire sorry for projecting :3) in a setting I thought was an interesting take on the isekai genre, it has become something a lot more personal and connecting to my own experiences than I had ever expected.
Before I read the novels, I browsed through the first three volumes of the manga adaptation, in anticipation of the rumored anime adaptation. And I liked what I saw! It was a cute story. But it felt like there was something missing, or at least some aspects of it that could have been way more fleshed out.
Not even at the end of the first novel, there was way more to take in. A lot of the themes are expanded upon via the reflections of the protagonist, Rae Taylor. Her inner monologues are a primary way of conveying the story’s messages of being queer, fandom culture, and how the two are intertwined, especially in online spaces. Her dialogue is very valuable for understanding the themes, and it’s just something that can’t be conveyed as effectively or efficiently over manga panels instead of walls of text; there just isn’t the space.
Also even though this is moreso personal preference than me nitpicking, I way like the artstyle used in the illustrations in the novels more than the manga. While I don’t dislike the manga style, the novels feel way more nuanced to me. I’m expecting the anime do use the manga style though, as that may translate better to an animation.
But that’s enough about that. Onto the themes!
I really was not expecting for some of the characters, especially Rae, to hit close to home as hard as they did. To me, Villainess is a story about how much of an outcast being queer can make you feel, and how many people turn to fandoms in online spaces as a place where they feel they can belong and be themselves. Rae’s story of not finding much connection with people due to her sexual orientation and instead finding comfort in fictional media definitely is something I, and lot of other readers, can heavily relate to! Connecting with people is hard! And especially so you fear won’t understand, or even worse, think negatively of you, for standing out differently in such a way when society may scorn you for it. Even with our protagonist having the support of her family and close friends, her negative experiences she’s had in the past due to being queer really have stuck with her, and emotional scars like that may never go away.
Fandom culture can be tied together with both escapism and LGBT identities in that way very well. It’s an amazing form of escapism, but works best on the internet where it’s easiest to find people like you. Not only that connecting to fictional characters is a large part of communities like this. There’s a certain degree of comfort associated with projecting onto a fictional character. It might not be the healthiest option long term, but there’s a sweet spot where it helps you come to terms with yourself. The beauty of fanfiction in general is something that can assist with that; you can have your own little slice of your own takes on something, down to a personal level. And that’s something Rae does too with her faves. This whole series really is a larger form of fanfiction, and that’s pretty cool in itself.
While Rae’s character is especially relatable for me, I do want to give some shoutouts to Claire and Yu as well. Claire was a great figure and it was kinda adorable seeing her figure out herself, the feeling of being stubborn on how you’re “not gay…not gay…not gay- ah shit I might be gay” definitely is a very real experience a lot of people have! Everyone’s journey is different and I’m glad we’ve been able to see more perspective variety than Rae’s pov. That’s certainly a feeling I can relate to, but even moreso with Yu. From the beginning of the story when I saw Inori cover a broad range of LGBT themes, I thought it was very well done but I didn’t think too hard about if they would do a trans character. I really should’ve seen it coming but I was still pleasantly surprised how well Yu’s trans-ness was incorporated into the narrative, especially how it would work within the confines of the world of Revolution. It was cool, realistic, and an just an interesting way to write a trans character in a story that has magic and curses. It was lovely seeing her be able to be herself for the first time and made me warm inside. The way the queer themes were incorporated into the world was so well done and really helped to elevate all the characters and themes I thought.
Also one final thought is that I wasn’t joking when I said this series is a lot like Trails in terms of the general premise no joke. And Cold Steel has even more gay sex than this and One Piece?? I’m so hyped I love Rean already I wanna give him a big hug and kiss teehee :3
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I have a sudden urge to write.
Toast. Running. Into. Werewolf. Hunters
Like some hunters roll into town, and as the locals have a friendly chat with them, one of them mentions that there's currently been a werewolf epidemic in some neighbouring states. While most have been taken care of, some managed to flee, so they're looking for any stragglers.
At some point P.I.E catches wind of this. Toast, while a little panicked, reassures himself that he'll be fine: he's dark-furred, can sniff them a mile away, and knows the area better! He can just avoid them and be fine!
Cut to Ghost getting woken up late at night by scrapping at the door and whimpering. He opens the door to a very injured Toast; his shoulder is bleeding heavily due to a bullet wound, and he's wheezing bad. It takes a long time to take the silver bullet out, and longer to treat the wound (as well as any lesser injuries he sustained) as best he can, but Ghost manages to bandage his shoulder, and calm Toast down from the adrenaline. (although he did end up with wolf sick on his lap that stunk of garlic and wolfsbane)
When it's morning hits and Toast changes back, he's borderline near dead from exhaustion, so he taps out while Ghost gets some fresh clothes before leaving for P.I.E. He can handle himself without Toast, Right? (Spoiler: barely) By the afternoon he wakes up and manages to throw up again (this time he got to the toilet and hurled in there), and after Ghost comes home and he has some water, he explained what happened. Turns out the hunters were very prepared.
During the night, be had stumbled upon a dead deer that looking back looked very suspicious, but he felt like was starving and, hey, you can't pass up on free food, so he dived in. He managed to eat a good amount, stopping because there was something thick smeared inside that was becoming hard to stomach and he felt not so great.
He stumbled on his way, feeling sicker and more sluggish as the night wore on. When he layed down to rest, he was about to fall asleep when he got shot at. The first bullet caught his ear, and the sluggishness and lingering drowsiness made it hard to react fast enough before the hunters caught up and pinned him down. He waited while they started talking about what to do with him and whenever to shoot him through the brain or heart, and took his chance when he felt the hands going slack.
During his escape, one hunter took aim at his head but hit his shoulder instead, which slowed him down, but was able to sprint all the way back to Ghost's place. He also apologizes for puking on him.
Ghost is just happy he isn't dead. They can't exactly do anything because considering what the hunters have at their disposal, they're definitely from somewhere higher up, and god knows the reproduction (living or dead) if Ghost tries to retaliate, so for now Toast will just have to stay low at full moons until the Hunters leave.
During those full moons, Toast is kinda miserable: he wants to run around and do stuff but he can't because he's injured and he might get spotted again, but Ghost does help with changing old bandages, getting food (and the odd jams) and just being there, so it's not as bad as it can be.
Then the Hunters start asking for anything related to "a large black canine". Oh no.
That's as far as I've gotten so feel free to add any ideas. :D
My idea is you should write this as a proper fic!! This is a Solid first few chapters laid out here and I’d love to see where it goes!
To open discussion for others to give their ideas and inputs, I’ll start ^^
Maybe toast isn’t the only black werewolf in the area, but something about them makes them completely innocent and undeserving of any pain, so this isn’t just about saving him, but the other person too.
Or maybe before really knowing the whole situation, PIE agrees with the hunters to do an intern swap— Yknow to give both groups of trainees more knowledge they otherwise wouldn’t get— and now Ghost and Toast are Down two very helpful interns and aren’t sure if they can trust the new ones.
That is all, everyone feel free to share your own ideas however small or large <3
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Good evening or morning (wherever you are).... My request for today is Kaeya from genshin impact. What if he were to confess his love to a timid reader but *gasps* she reveals she has a boyfriend already. Smut is fine if you want.
Thank you so much 🦋
Thank you for requesting!! ♥ Part 2 of my trying to get back into smut OTL
Rated Lemon/Explicit!
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Even after everything that happened, you weren't able to forget the look on Kaeya's face as you broke the news.
True, you and your boyfriend had wanted to keep your relationship on the low, but not because you tried to deceive your friends, just so you two could have some peace while finding out more about each other and developing your feelings. But you never meant for anyone to look at you so... disappointed. Even if you were happy with your choice of partner, having to reject someone dear to you still hurt.
"Oh, [Name]," Kaeya sighed, shaking his head. Of course, he wouldn't be happy to hear the person he just asked out confess that they had a boyfriend. Perhaps especially because you two had always been relatively close, even more so lately where you were out almost every day after work. You felt a tinge of regret not telling him earlier. Save him the embarrassment you assumed he must feel. Then again, how could you have known that the charismatic Kaeya had feelings for you? He could have any woman in town, so why had it to be you? Of all people, you wouldn't have expected Kaeya to confess his love to you. Even if you two always got along fine, you thought yourself to look rather gray next to the shining knight that Kaeya was. Someone who wasn't fit to be anything more than friends with him.
"W-We can still continue being friends?" was the best and stupidest comfort you could come up with on the spot. You saw his grimace of disapproval, and it took him a second to collect himself, taking a deep breath before pushing himself away from the wall he had leaned on after learning the truth. Kaeya truly appeared devastated by the realization that you were taken already, and part of you could understand him. Certainly, you had just ruined his night and whatever companionship you two had, just because you couldn't have been more open from the beginning. It would have at least saved him some heartache, if any.
"Friends?" Kaeya mumbled, unfolding his crossed arms as he walked back to your side, leaning on the backrest of your chair. Feeling uncomfortably cornered, you stood up, looking around you. The outside of the tavern was lonely, and Kaeya had chosen this place for his confession surely to avoid any curious listeners. There were still voices coming from inside Angel's Share, but the streets of Mondstadt were quiet at this time of the night, with only his smooth voice reaching out to you. "With all due respect..."
Wrapping his fingers around your chin, you were forced to look up, staring right back into the mocking expression of your 'friend', the mood suddenly shifting. You had regretted having to reject Kaeya's feelings before, Kaeya always having been a good friend to you and hurting him felt wrong. But you would come to regret it much more that you went outside with him, away from the safety of the masses.
"I'd rather be anything else than your 'friend'."
"Come on, Dove! Say it! I'm better than him, aren't I?"
Your attempt to refuse this assumption was meekly interrupted by your loud gasps as Kaeya pushed forward. The curve on his cock was so perfectly aligned inside of you, constantly hitting the good spots whenever he plowed it inside. A cocky grin was on his face as he showed you off in the reflection of the mirror before you, spread over his legs and hanging in his grip on you. It was the biggest taunt he could think of, constantly reminding you how good you were feeling despite your initial refusal of him.
The image inside of the mirror wasn't one you had ever seen of yourself. That sweaty, drooling mess of a human, eyes unfocused and yet filled with pleasure, was nothing you could relate to. And yet, except for the occasional blue strands of hair falling over your skin and peeking out from behind your shoulder, your brain recognized the sight as you. Still, it was hard to accept this side of yourself, especially with his marks and hands. All. Over. It.
Kaeya only laughed as you tried to refute him, smirking a cocky grin from behind you. "Oh? Did Mr. Boyfriend not touch you yet? Even though you're such a little slut?"
His hand falling between your legs, Kaeya first brushed up your thighs, causing you to squirm from the sensation. His hands were trained and roughed up from handling swords, but the way he used them showed how skilled he was. Settling at your clit, he slowed down the rocking of his hips for a moment to get his fingers wet with your juices before picking up the pace again. There was no way you could deny how you were feeling after riding him for the better portion of time ever since he brought you to this city apartment of his, your body shivering and moving on its own with his hand teasing your clit, the additional pleasure riling you up.
"Look at your cunt gaping open for me~" he purred, opening your lower lips wide for the mirror to reflect your exposed entrance. Seeing how his shaft disappeared inside you clearly, you only felt hotter from embarrassment, turning your head which was quickly caught by his free hand, Kaeya turning it forward again - painfully so. His grip wasn't even close to how he had touched you before when you two had still been 'only' drinking buddies. You weren't sure how long he had feelings for you, but you wagered that these feelings must have changed much in the last hour, just like his touch. It once had been so gentle, kind. But now, it was rough and demanding, leaving no room for how you felt.
"Let go!" you said firmly, tearing yourself from his grip to avoid looking at this strange self in the reflection. You felt ashamed and embarrassed. Kaeya made a fool out of you, now that he had you in this peculiar situation. It's not like you wanted to cheat on your boyfriend and betray him in any kind. But your body reacted positively to it, making Kaeya chuckle as you tightened around him after seeing yourself, "You are enjoying it a lot, aren't you?"
It brought tears to your eyes, knowing it was Kaeya deeply lodged inside of you, but your sobs were just another incentive for him to continue. You couldn't even blame him for that - they did sound a lot like sounds of pleasure that overtook their place. Soon you were back to gasping and moaning, glad you at least weren't begging him for more with how shameful you behaved.
"You can still leave him," Kaeya suggested. Though a smile still played around his lips before he hid them behind your shoulder, kissing it tenderly, he sounded very serious. "Leave him and stay with me. No one needs to know what kind of slut you are, going behind his back."
"But I didn't!" you sobbed. "You forced me too-- You forced yourself on me!"
Without hearing the sigh falling off Kaeya's lips, you found yourself breathing in sharply as he made a sudden push, burying his cock even deeper inside of you, the base of it touching your body. The gasp was followed by a long moan, tears streaming down your face after he exploited your sensitivity so much. It was a regrettable, disgusting moan signaling how much you enjoyed him hitting these sweet spots of yours.
Your gaze fell back to the mirror, showing the pleasure-stricken expression on your face. Even though you knew you shouldn't feel this way, Kaeya simply seemed to know all the right things to do, and he used all of them. It was bitter, but he did make you feel... erotic. Made you feel like something you never saw yourself as. Something your boyfriend couldn't make you feel.
With him, it was sugary-sweet puppy love, but with Kaeya, there was so much more. Desire, carnal at that. Love, demands, obsession. No matter how either of you moved your body, it was exciting, making your heart race. Every glance at yourself in the mirror made your body tingle, and every one of his pushes sent waves of excitement up your spine. You wished to have experienced these things with the person you truly loved instead of the hawk watching you from behind.
"I know," he mumbled, his hands driving up from your pussy to your chest, giving your breasts an equal squeeze. Taking in a sharp breath, you held back, instead having Kaeya be the one to groan lowly into your shoulder as you tightened around him. "I'll take so much better care of you than that boy. I can make you your true self, don't you think? You're wasted on everyone but me."
"Just finish it," you breathed heavily, and Kaeya sighed.
"As you wish."
Picking you up by the legs, Kaeya hoisted you up into the air, taking a few steps forward to stand right in front of the mirror. It was a breathtaking sensation to feel his cock carving you out from the dynamic motions, your walls gladly welcoming every inch before confining his member inside. You really could do without a closer look at how his cock slid in and out of you, sloppy sounds and tingling sensations running through you, but it almost made you wonder if you'd be able to experience the same sensations that Kaeya put you through, ever again once this was over.
"Hope you're ready for what you wished for," he reminded you, and you instantly began to realize alarming innuendos in his choice of words and the teasing tone of his voice, struggling in his hold.
"N-Not inside!" you yelled at him, slinging one arm over his head to be the one to tightly grip his face this time. "You can't cum inside!"
"Oh, really?" he taunted you. You squeezing his cheeks together didn't change the fact that he could grin like a Cheshire cat out of fairytales. "Give me one good reason not to."
"I can't bear your baby! I just can't!"
Grinning even wider, Kaeya let you drop a few inches to kiss your nose. "You'll need to do better than that."
Biting your lip, you thought about what he could want to hear from you, eventually realizing the level you'd have to stoop to. A baby would ruin everything, especially if it was Kaeya's baby. Even if things wouldn't turn out the worst way possible, it would still be a lifelong reminder of this ordeal he put you through. Your pride was worth nothing in exchange for the future you always wanted to have.
"P-Please..." you mumbled, the quick pace with which he was ramming into you making it hard to speak. At the same time, it urged you to hurry, as it wouldn't be long now before he'd fulfill the deed inside of you.
"I can't hear you~"
"Please don't cum inside me!"
Halting abruptly, Kaeya looked at the mirror image of you two, thinking for a split second before he resumed the pounding--this time, determined to finish. It was almost like you were hit by thunder, every movement releasing more shocks through you. You were a panting mess, but Kaeya wasn't far from it either. His eye would close halfway as he sunk into pleasure with you, both of you falling deeper and deeper into this hole.
Until it was finally over, your body curving and stretching, Kaeya's grip tightening to hold you throughout your orgasm, fingers digging into your supple thighs. Closing your eyes, you felt like flying, carried by a cloud, away from all the bad things and surrounded by the comforts and excitement that only intimacy could cause. You were almost lost in the orgasm before a part of you recalled the danger that was Kaeya, but much to your relief, when you opened your eyes again, he pushed in deep for the last time before suddenly lifting your up and off his cock.
Spurts of white semen shot through the air, landing on your reflection's stomach almost exactly where it would have landed inside of you. Both of you huffing, exhausted and spent, you watched as it dripped off the slick surface, leaving its stains there rather than inside of you.
Kaeya finally dropped you down, your legs unsteady, but his hold never ceased and kept you up. "Thank you..." you muttered, finding it hard to believe that after all he did, you were still thanking him for not cumming inside. Finding yourself in his arms rather than the ground, you refused the kiss he wanted to plant on your lips, instead turning your cheek, but Kaeya didn't seem to mind.
"I think you owe me something," he whispered into your ear before you felt his teeth bit into your lobe, making you flinch. "I did pull out like you asked me to."
"I owe you nothing, you... you bastard! You fiend! You...!" Your feelings took the upper hand as you heard what he demanded from you now. It was hard not to raise your voice when he dared to tell you about what you owed him after taking you against your will.
Laughing out loud, Kaeya quickly composed himself again, pretending to be hurt. "Ouch. I didn't know you knew these kinds of words."
A sudden rough pull in your hair yanked your head back, your body arching under the force and pressing against his while Kaeya towered over you, never letting his gaze stray from you. "Call me what you want. I don't care what you think, I'm not your friend, remember? I am anything but your stupid, little friend."
This time he took your mouth as he pleased, ramming his lips into yours and slipping his tongue down your throat. When he finally spoke again, his words were nothing but threatening to you, an anxious knot building in your stomach.
"That's why you'll break up with that asshole, you understand?"
"Why would I! Just leave me alone! You had what you wanted!"
"You still don't understand it," Kaeya sighed, releasing your hair briefly before tangling it around his fingers again, pulling you back even further and making you fear your spine would snap. "You are what I want! You belong to me! I was nice this time, but I will change if I must. Break up with him and make it easy for both of you. And then you'll come back to warm my bed, understand?"
Gulping, you put on a brave face, trying to face his stare head-on. This was getting out of control; you couldn't let him win with all his endeavors! No matter how you thought about Kaeya before, this wasn't the man you had come to like and appreciate in the past. He was something, but you could only hope it was still a human.
"And what if I don't?" you asked, using all the courage left inside of you.
"Oh darling, believe me," he laughed, unexpectedly pulling away all of his hands, your body unable to keep itself up and plummeting to the floor. Instant waves of shock and pain hit you, but when he stepped between your legs, you couldn't help but look up to him. How could you have been so wrong about a person you spent so much time with? Who was this man claiming to love you?
"You will do as I say, or everyone will know what kind of slut you really are. Especially your fine boyfriend. Who do you think the people will believe - their charming cavalry captain or some random chick that was seen laughing and hanging around him a lot?"
You opened your mouth to protest, wanting to prove him wrong, wanting to tell him Mondstadt cared about you as much as they did about him. But... was this wrong to assume? Would they really believe your word against his? With a reputation like Kaeya had, would you stand a chance to win against him? You couldn't imagine living a different life than you had so far, so would you be able to deal with the branding of a cheater? Realizing these questions, you closed your mouth again, scrambling to get up and collect your clothes from the ground. You were ready to storm out of the room, just go home and forget about everything that happened but reaching for the doorknob, Kaeya approached you from behind, holding the door shut with his hand.
"Don't hate me too much, okay? I really, really love you, [Name]."
He sounded anxious as he whispered these words against your head, leaving a trail of kisses. How could you believe this? How could you believe any of what he was saying? Just now, he had forced you into a level of intimacy you hadn't been ready for, threatened you, and made demands. And now he came to you, showing these rare moments of vulnerability and insecurity that made you special before all of this went down. What could you still believe about Kaeya?
"This isn't love," you mumbled, twisting and turning the knob to leave, deciding you couldn't listen to his voice anymore.
"You'll come to understand that this is love," Kaeya chuckled. You could hear the bittersweet smile on his lips as he planted one more kiss on top of your shoulder before he pushed himself away, letting you escape into the night.
Only when the cold, fresh air engulfed your heated body could you finally collect your thoughts. Your body ached, and yet, it tingled with every step, remembering you of the pleasure you had experienced through him. Disgusted and appalled by yourself, you made your way back home, crying the whole time, wondering what went wrong.
It was all Kaeya's fault, right? He went mad and did these unspeakable things to you. He was jealous because you had a boyfriend already and rejected him. None of this was your fault... right? But at the same time, would he make these threats come true? Was there really no other way than to break up with your boyfriend? Could you do nothing but obey his demands if you wanted to keep living your life? Was the love he had for you really love?
These questions kept you up all night.
All while Kaeya sipped on his drink, satisfied with himself, studying the image of you he had in his mind and the cum stains on his mirror. Stains he only planned to add to but never get rid of.
Just like you'd never get rid of him.
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mercurygguk · 4 years
bleeding for you | jjk
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genre; angst, fluff
pairing; EMT!jungkook x female reader
✎ summary; In which it’s just another quiet night at the fire station until there’s an alarmingly serious car accident not far away. Jungkook is the first on the scene along with his partner, Namjoon. What meets Jungkook at the scene of the accident is worse than anything he could ever imagine.
word count; 3,367
based on a request by anon; It's a Jungkook au, where he's a EMT & they get a call for a very serious accident. When he arrives on scene he sees a very familiar car. A hand dangles from the shattered window, the engagement ring he'd slipped on your finger not two months ago mocking him. I envision a happy ending, but if you want, do with it what you will.
warnings; Descriptions of car accidents, mentions of bruises and blood, jungkook’s crying a whole lot, i’m sorry if this is tough on your heart bc it definitely was on mine, phew
a/n; I LOVED THIS IDEA FROM ANON, SO THANK YOU ANON and let’s be honest here, paramedic/EMT!jungkook is lowkey hotttt. Also, I took some inspiration from the tv-show Chicago Fire and some from Grey’s Anatomy because those are the only shows I’ve actually watched with things related to this kind of scenario, lol. I hope you like it, enjoy!
ps. it’s heavily unedited and i wrote this rather quickly, so please ignore if you spot anything hehe
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The clock ticks on the wall and there are sounds of cars passing by once in a while outside on the street. Jungkook is staring silently at the TV in the staff room, his eyes focused on the ball that moves around between the football players. He’s bored, sighing deeply to himself as he drops his head back against the back of the couch he’s currently slouching on. Namjoon, Jungkook’s partner, plops down beside him, a sandwich on a plate for him to eat for dinner. He looks happily at his sandwich, more than excited to bite into it and finally getting a chance to continue reading his book for once.
Jungkook hates quiet nights at the firestation. He despises them. It makes him think of all the other things he could be doing instead – an example being at home, in bed with you; his fiancé. A title you recently had gained after Jungkook finally got the courage to get down on one knee for you, asking you to be his for the rest of his life. Just the thought of the happiness he felt that night made butterflies erupt in his stomach, suddenly daydreaming about your smile and the way you always manage to make him feel like he’s floating on a pink cloud. He’s totally whipped, but only for you.
His daydream is quickly interrupted by the sound of Namjoon chewing his sandwich loudly, making Jungkook glare at him with disgust. Namjoon, the charming person that he is, looks back at Jungkook in confusion.
“What?” Namjoon blurts with his mouth filled with a bite of his disgusting sandwich. Jungkook shakes his head at him, turning back to the boring game that’s unfolding on the TV. He really hates quiet nights. 
After half an hour and still nothing, Jungkook groans and gets up from the couch to wander around, causing Namjoon to look at him again with tired eyes. “What’s going on, Jeon?” He asks, flipping a page in his psychology novel.
“Nothing’s going on,” Jungkook grumbles, tired of just sitting around, “absolutely nothing.” 
Namjoon is about to tell Jungkook to sit down and relax for once but the alarm beats him to it, sounding loudly throughout the entire fire station. “Squad 3, truck 81 and 82, ambo 65, 78 and 32 – bigger car crash on the 5th highway, multiple victims,” Taehyung from the alarm center's voice booms throughout the fire station’s rooms. Jungkook’s eyes widen and so do Namjoon’s. They’re quick to move, book, sandwich and football match long forgotten as they run to their unit. Jungkook jumps in the driver’s seat, buckling up faster than ever. His partner is fast to join him and buckling up as Jungkook speeds out of the garage at the fire station and onto the road. Jungkook’s focused, eyebrow knitted together in concentration and the urge to do what he does the best – save some lives.
The highway is chaotic once Jungkook and Namjoon arrive as the first ones at the scene, multiple cars lying around – on the hood, on the side and some crushed to the point of where it’s not even a car anymore. It looks worse than anything they have ever experienced and it’s slightly terrifying but they’re headstrong as they grab their medical bags and run off to a random car each. Squad 3 and the firetrucks pull up not long after Jungkook and Namjoon’s arrival, all of them getting out quickly and getting to work, trying to see if they can save all victims or just the majority of them.
The first car Jungkook reaches is empty, the driver of it luckily managed to get himself out before any sort of rescue arrived. He seems fine, his car almost not even scratched. “Sir, are you alright?” Jungkook asks, doing his job in making sure the man is alright before continuing to another car. The man nods, waving a hand at Jungkook.
“Please go see some of the others, I’m fine!” He almost sobs, clearly traumatized by the car accident.
Jungkook nods at that, giving him one last look all over before heading on to the next car. He looks around in his haste to get to the next one, stopping abruptly in his tracks as he spots a familiar looking car. It can’t be, he thinks to himself as he turns to look at the car properly. His chest tightens at the thought, feeling himself hastily moving closer to the car as tears begin to form in his eyes. It doesn’t occur to him until a hand dangling from the window catches his attention as he gets closer, the diamond ring confirming his worst fear.
“No, no, no!” Jungkook shouts in a mix of terror, anger and his heart breaking into a million pieces, tears already falling from his eyes as he runs up to the car, his hands trembling. Pain shoots through him at the sight of you, body limp and unconscious, face battered in bruises and wounds and there’s blood on your beautiful, white shirt and he prays to God that isn’t yours but who is he even trying to fool? Of course, it’s yours. “No, please, no!”
From the other side of the highway, Namjoon spots Jungkook scrambling towards the car that he, too, finds awfully familiar. His eyes widen at the sight as realisation hits him. 
“Shit!” He hisses, making sure the victim he’s treating is okay before running towards Jungkook, heart beating a hundred miles per hour. All he can think about is getting his partner away from the car which is lying on its side. “Kook!”
Namjoon has to pull harder than he expected as he reaches Jungkook. He isn’t willing to let go of the car, hands reaching for your unconscious body that is still, thankfully, buckled up in the driver’s seat. You hear nothing of Jungkook’s cries as he’s pulled away by his partner and best friend. “____! Baby, please wake up, please!”
The sight in front of them is nothing but a real life nightmare, the scene only a fear of Jungkook’s until tonight. Namjoon has no idea how to calm his partner down as he pulls him away. His heart is breaking at the sound of Jungkook’s sobs, his chest heaving for air as he looks at the broken car, which was nicely parked in the parking lot of his and yours apartment building when he left for work this morning. He watches it being pulled apart to reach you, the EMTs of Ambo 78 tending to your wounds and body, trying their best to support you until they get you to the hospital.
They lift you into the ambulance, Jungkook’s body working automatically as he tries to jump into the back of the ambulance and ride with you to make sure that they’re taking care of you the right way. This isn’t just another victim, it’s you, Jeon Jungkook’s fiancé. Namjoon holds him back, using all his strength because a sad, terrified Jungkook is stronger than he ever could’ve imagined.
“Hyung, please, I need to go with her!” Jungkook cries, glancing quickly at the man holding him back, before looking back at the ambulance you’re now in. They close the doors, hurriedly getting in the front and speed off. “For fuck’s sake, Namjoon, let me go!”
Namjoon shakes his head, “I need you to calm down first, Kook. You’re not thinking clearly.”
Jungkook thinks that’s the biggest load of bullshit he’s ever heard. He whirls around, not in the mood for his best friend’s psychology shit. “I swear, I will punch you,” he sneers, eyes watery and cheeks stricken with tears. Namjoon stares back at him, lips in a tight line and eyes wide because he has never seen Jungkook so out of it before. “How am I supposed to calm down when my fucking fiancé is a victim of one of the biggest car crashes we’ve ever witnessed, huh? She’s hurt and unconscious in the back of one of OUR ambulances right now, Joon. Don’t fucking tell me to calm down.”
Despite his harsh words, Namjoon feels sorry for Jungkook. He nods, putting his hands up in surrender. Jungkook breathes out, chest heavy with a feeling he can’t quite describe. He just knows that he doesn’t want to waste another second here, the only place he wants to be is by your side until you wake up and tell him you’re okay.
“At least let me drive you to the hospital?” Namjoon offers, voice hesitant and cautious as he gestures to their ambulance. 
Jungkook sniffs, nodding, “please.”
The ride to the hospital is quiet, tense too. Jungkook is staring straight ahead and not moving, just letting the tears in his eyes fall until he has none left. He’s pretty sure the drive to the hospital usually isn't this long. He feels like he’s been on this ride with Namjoon for hours when really, it has only been at least 15 minutes. 15 minutes too long, he thinks to himself. He could’ve been with you right now, holding your hand while you get sutured up and stitched back to perfection – at least what Jungkook thinks is perfection. However, you’d never agree on that.
Namjoon doesn’t get to say anything before Jungkook’s out of the passenger seat of the ambulance, his body moving almost before Namjoon had parked it. He doesn’t notice anything around him, heading straight for the front desk to ask about your status. The nurse there looks at him with a face that says she’s sorry without even saying the words. Jungkook doesn’t need those words, there’s nothing to be sorry for. People only say they’re sorry when something really bad happens, and as far as Jungkook knows, you’re still alive. You have to be. He hasn’t married you yet.
“My fiancé was brought here not long ago, her name is ____,” Jungkook hurriedly asks, the nurse working quickly to type into her computer. Jungkook taps his foot against the floor in impatience.
“She’s in surgery at the moment,” the nurse says softly, watching as Jungkook’s breath hitches in his throat at the news. Namjoon comes up beside him, laying a hand on his shoulder. “The doctors will find you once they’re done.”
Namjoon nods in appreciation to the nurse, Jungkook stares at nothing in particular, scared he’ll break down in the middle of the entrance of the hospital he so often visits because of his job. “We’ll wait over there,” he tells the nurse, tugging Jungkook along. “Let’s go, Kook.”
Jungkook follows along, sitting down in a seat with Namjoon beside him. He feels like he should be calling his family and yours, yet he can’t think straight and his head is empty for words right now. The only thing on his mind is you and the fact that you’re at risk of dying. He has no idea how serious your injuries are but they’re serious enough to land you on the surgery table. His breathing is short, eyes staring at the floor and ears focusing on the sound of the opening and closing of the doors to the surgery halls. He feels alone even though Namjoon is sitting right beside him, he feels helpless, he feels like he’s been left in the dark. He knows nothing about what’s happening to you and it’s driving him absolutely crazy. The thought of losing you brings a new round of tears to his eyes, lips trembling as he fights to keep his sobs inside and not break down in the middle of other people. It’s like Namjoon senses as he gets up, pulling his phone from his pocket. He moves a bit away from Jungkook, speed dialling the only person he knows will be able to comfort his best friend in the slightest. 
Jungkook’s wandering the waiting area, hands tightly intertwined in front of his lips and eyes closed as he walks back and forth in front of Namjoon. It has been at least three hours and his nerves aren’t exactly becoming less the longer it takes for the surgeons to give him some kind of news – any kind would be appreciated by now. He stills as a hand comes to rest against his back, gentle touch that can only belong to one person on this planet. He turns around to face her, her eyes softening at the sight of his red eyes and wet eyelashes.
“Mom,” he croaks out, a sob raking through his body as he crumbles into her embrace.
“Oh, sweetheart,” she coos, wrapping her arms around his tall frame, hugging her sweet, heartbroken son to her chest in the hopes of comforting him just the tiniest bit. They stay like that for a few minutes until Jungkook’s mother breaks the embrace, holding him at arm's length. “I’m sure she will be fine, Jungkook. She’s a strong woman.”
He sniffles, feeling slightly better at his mother’s words. He offers a small, the tiniest, smile. She smiles softly and comfortingly at him, reaching up to wipe his tears away. “You have to be strong too, sweetheart. She needs you to be strong for her.”
Jungkook nods and whispers lowly: “I know, mom.”
“Mr. Jeon?” A voice calls. Jungkook, his mother, and Namjoon whips around to face the doctor who called Jungkook’s name. “Miss ____ is out of surgery. We were able to fix her injuries and she is up for recovery now.”
Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief, feeling a heavy weight disappearing from his shoulders. The doctor offers him a warm smile. “She will be in the ICU for at least a couple of days until we see some progress. You can go see her, she is in room 248.”
“Thank you so much,” Jungkook says with the utmost gratitude and a smile as he shakes the doctor’s hand before grabbing his things and heading in the direction of the ICU. 
He finds the room without any problems, pausing just outside of the door. His mother and Namjoon both stand behind him, watching him in silence. They’re not pushing him, letting him do this on his own, letting him prepare for whatever he’s about to meet behind this door. He inhales and holds his breath before pushing the door open and heading inside. The sound of the monitor beeping is the first thing that meets him, what meets him next causes him to gasp softly in horror. This must be what it feels like to live out your nightmare and biggest fears, he thinks to himself as he moves closer to your body that’s lying unconsciously on the bed. It seems his tears are never-ending today as he pulls a seat to the side of the bed, sitting down with his eyes trained on you.
He looks you over, wincing lightly at the sight of tubes and IVs attached to you. There are scratches and wounds on your body, your skin beaten up from the harsh car crash you so unluckily ended up in earlier. He’s hesitant as he reaches for your hand, being more than careful as he intertwines his hand with yours. You don’t squeeze his hand like you always do and it makes him realize that you are in fact unconscious and probably not aware of the entire situation right now.
Jungkook scans your face, lips trembling and fingers shaking as he reaches up to move your hair out of your face. There’s scratches on your pretty face too, a big patch on the right side of your forehead where they stitched you up. He’s hurting, not quite as much as you, as he looks at you. You’re still gorgeous, even like this. 
“I love you so much, ____,” Jungkook whispers, bringing your hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to your ring-clad hand. “Please be okay.”
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Days have passed since the accident, and you still haven’t opened your eyes. Jungkook is becoming impatient, sitting here and waiting is killing him slowly. His mother had left in the morning after being with him throughout the first night. Jungkook had called your family while his mother held his hand. He will never forget the way a sob raked through your mother’s body as he told her what had happened. They were here now; your mother, your father and your brother, Yoongi. Your parents sit on either side of you, Jungkook’s resting against the wall at the end of the bed, Yoongi sitting in the chair beside him. The silence is almost unbearable but no one dares speaking, afraid of nothing in particular – perhaps the chances of you crashing right in front of all of them.
Jungkook’s done crying. He doesn’t think he has any tears left in him, only this heavy feeling of regret even though he has nothing to regret. No matter what, he couldn’t have stopped this from happening. Why you were out driving that late is still a mystery to him, but he’s not sure he wants to know. He has a feeling it will tear him apart knowing the reason.
Your dad jerks up from his resting posture causing everyone to widen their eyes at him. “S-she squeezed my hand,” he almost whispers. Jungkook’s breathing quickens, eyes staring at your closed ones. He waits, anticipating the worst. Your eyes flutter, a small crease forming in your forehead as you try to adjust to the lights in the room. He sighs in relief for what feels like the hundredth time, feeling the tears coming back. Okay, he isn’t quite done yet.
“Jungkook?!” You croak out, trying to sit up. Jungkook feels his heart breaking at the tone in your voice. You sound confused, slightly shaken up and sad. He’s quick to be at your side, taking over from your father. His hand grabs yours, fingers intertwining automatically. “Kook,” you whimper, clearly not fully awake from your deep days long slumber.
“I’m here, baby” he softly calls, searching your eyes with his own, “I’m right here.”
You look at him, eyes locking and you feel yourself calm down already. Jungkook notices the unshed tears in your hazy eyes. “Where am I?” You ask, voice small.
“The hospital,” he explains, keeping his voice low and soft for you as you just woke up from a long, long nap. “You were in an accident, ____. Do you remember what happened?”
You shake your head, wincing at the movement. Your entire body is sore, hurting everywhere and you want to cry. You just want to cry and hug Jungkook tightly because that’s the only place you feel safe and happy, in his arms. 
“How long?” You speak a bit louder now, still not registering your entire family standing around the two of you. You’re in your own little world, your focus only aimed at the curly-haired man in front of you. Your mom is watching you closely, letting a small tear slip down her cheek as she takes in the moment of you and Jungkook. Your father is right beside her, rubbing her arms in comfort. Yoongi is watching too, smiling to himself because he doesn’t think his younger sister could’ve found anyone more fit for her than Jeon Jungkook.
“Only a few days,” Jungkook answers, bringing your intertwined hands to his chest. His heart is beating hard and fast causing you to gasp. He smiles at you as you look up at him, eyes wide.
You move to press your other hand to his chest, resting it above his heart. “Are you okay?”
Jungkook can’t help but chuckle. Even when you’re the one hurting, you ask him if he’s okay just because his heart is beating a bit faster than it usually does. He nods, smiling softly at you, eyes twinkling with fresh tears once again. 
“I’m fine,” he whispers, leaning closer to press his lips to your forehead in a lingering kiss. “Just really relieved.”
You smile at his words, only imagining how worried he must’ve been the past few days if you’ve been in this bed and unconscious. “I love you, Kook.”
Jungkook chokes out a laugh, “I love you too baby, more than anything.”
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teawaffles · 3 years
Albert’s Drinking Contest: Chapter 3 / End
Note: Some language.
“No way, how……?”
Roughly twenty minutes had passed.
And with their glasses in hand, Moran and Louis were both gasping in agony.
Once the match had resumed, the three participants had attacked their glasses, consuming drink after drink like a surging tide. Now that Louis had been saved the trouble of approaching the other two time and again to fill their glasses, the rate at which the wine now entered them had seen a remarkable jump.
Although Louis was not a strong drinker to begin with, his sheer determination to prevail had allowed him to keep pace with his veteran opponents: at this point, he’d already downed a comparable portion of wine.
However, even mental willpower had its limits. Back when he’d consumed his twentieth glass, the intoxication had hit Louis like a brick, and a wave of dizziness swamped him. From then on, Louis had placed his spectacles on the table, and repeatedly rubbed the inner corners of his eyes in a bid to chase away that sense of vertigo.
Now, Louis was attempting his thirtieth glass of wine since he’d entered the match. In other words, Moran and Albert had already drunk an astonishing 51 glasses.
Even as they moaned like spirits of the dead, both Louis and Moran tried to fill their glasses for the next round; but the hands that held those glasses kept trembling, and wine spilled onto the table many times over.
“——This is truly an excellent wine. With this flavour, I can enjoy myself twice as much.”
On the other hand, Albert was still in perfect shape.
Having long finished preparing his next glass, Albert looked at his two opponents, barely able to hold their own glasses, as if watching them from on high.
Despite having consumed an extraordinary quantity of alcohol, he was still unperturbed, and enjoying the taste of the wine. With unfocused eyes, Louis turned to look at his oldest brother.
“Ha, haha — as expected of you, nii-sama.”
In the face of this overwhelming presence, his own powerlessness seemed almost hilarious in comparison, and he chuckled as if he’d given up.
“This isn’t, the time to be, laughing, Louis……”
Moran thumped his back, in an effort to coax some life back into him. But that gesture was much too weak, and looked as though he was simply trying to soothe a badly drunk man.
Yet perhaps that move had worked, for then, Louis knocked back his entire glass. Following suit, both Moran and Albert drained their glasses too.
“Well then, we’ve finally reached the thirtieth glass.”
Watching the three of them, William announced the tally with dispassion. But at this point, it wasn’t clear if his voice had even reached Louis and Moran.
Having reached a nice round number, it seemed Louis was starting to loosen up. With the last ounces of his strength, he turned his head, and looked at Moran beside him.
“Mr Moran. My apologies, but it looks like, this is my end……”
“Wha…… Oi, hang in there, Louis!”
But his desperate plea went unanswered. The moment Louis uttered those final words, just like Fred, he slumped onto the table.
Half-dazed, Moran mumbled the name of the fallen — and William swiftly appeared by his brother’s side.
“You’ll catch a cold if you fall asleep here, Louis.”
Gently, he tucked the blanket he’d prepared around Louis’s shoulders.
Albert looked on in concern.
“William, is Louis alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, it seems he’s just asleep for now.”
The two brothers looked on at their youngest sibling, now keeled over; but even as Moran too fretted over his condition, a sense of admiration and gratitude towards the man had grown within him. Despite being drawn into the match, Louis had pressed on and fought alongside him to get this far. If Moran himself hadn’t been so sozzled, he would even have wanted to give the man a huge round of applause.
However, even those ardent emotions dwindled with time. For Moran was now back to square one — as the only player standing up to Albert — and that lonesome despair weighed heavily on his shoulders.
Here was an opponent so tough, that even someone who’d joined halfway had been no match for him.
That raw power sent a chill down Moran’s back. Desperately trying to hold his vision steady, he glared at Albert.
“……How the hell are you still alive?”
Through his hazy consciousness, Moran barely managed to utter that one phrase. Although it’d come from his own lips, to him, it sounded as if it’d been said by someone else far away.
Albert shifted his gaze from Louis to Moran.
“It’s not so surprising, is it? I just genuinely enjoy drinking wine, Colonel.”
“This is no longer in the realm of ‘enjoyment’, innit……”
Perhaps his inebriation had finally tipped over into delirium: at that moment, the sight of Albert lounging with a glass in hand looked almost like that of the devil.
And finally, that time had come.
“Oh, shit——”
In his final moments, with every last ounce of strength he had within him, Moran uttered that cheap curse.
And in an instant, as if someone had flipped a switch — he blacked out. Like a marionette whose strings had been cut, he collapsed onto the table in front of Albert, and began to snore loudly.
“Looks like…… it’s settled, then.”
Watching the sleeping figures of Fred, Louis, and now Moran, William announced the end of the match.
And thus, on this memorable night, the drinking contest had ended in complete victory for the preternaturally strong Albert.
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Around thirty minutes after that, Fred — who’d been the first to drop out — opened his bleary eyes.
Blinking, he slowly sat up, and saw Moran and Louis fast asleep in a row beside him, with blankets wrapped around their shoulders. Why Louis too?, he thought; but seeing that sight before him, at the very least, he somehow understood that the match was over.
Perhaps it was inevitable, but it had ended in a crushing defeat for Moran, Louis and him.
“Good morning, Fred; though the sun hasn’t risen yet.”
Someone called out to him from the side — by reflex, Fred’s gaze snapped toward the voice, and he saw William smiling gently at him, seated in the same spot from earlier. Beside him was Albert.
“……How long has it been?”
Since he already knew how the match had turned out, for now, still a little groggy, Fred enquired as to how long he’d been unconscious.
“It’s been around thirty minutes since the end of the match. So that makes it around two hours since you passed out,” said William. “It’s past midnight now.”
That voice had a somewhat comforting note to it, as if he was worried for Fred, who’d just awakened from the depths of drunkenness.
Then Albert — who was still enjoying his wine — spoke up in concern.
“Still, the colonel has done this time and again without learning his lesson. Even though wine is a luxury to be savoured and enjoyed.”
“Although you’ve beaten him every time, it seems that argument has yet to persuade him otherwise.”
Looking at Albert, who seemed to be functioning perfectly despite everything, William shrugged in amazement.
Fred had no clue as to how exactly how much wine Albert had ended up drinking; but from the wryness of William’s smile, he could at least tell that it was an amount beyond an ordinary person’s imagination.
Once again, Fred reflected on how it’d been a mistake in itself to challenge this monster to a fight.
“Although Moran seems to have given it his all this time around, as I thought: he was no match for you, nii-san.”
As if narrating Fred’s thoughts, William looked back on the outcome of the battle. Then, Albert picked up a bottle that still contained some liquor.
“Won’t you join me for a bit, William? Just to enjoy the wine.”
Despite having consumed a copious amount of alcohol, Albert was still game for more. But William waved a hand in refusal.
“I won’t. Anyway, I already had my fill over dinner.”
“That’s a pity; now that it’s just the two of us, I’d wanted to discuss its flavour at length with you.”
Saying that, Albert tilted his glass, and gently brought it to his lips. That gesture looked almost as if it’d been calculated down to the millimetre — the atmosphere surrounding him truly befitted that of a British aristocrat.
William, the pivotal intellect of their organisation, and Albert, who was speaking to him.
Gazing vacantly at the two men, a thought suddenly struck Fred.
——How did this man come to be what he was today?
Albert had been born and raised as a noble — in this stratified society, he was considered part of the upper class.
But despite the position bestowed upon him by his birth, he had not sunk into the degenerate practices of the nobility; instead, his heart ached for the twisted nature of their country, and he wished to overturn it from its very foundations.
And the catalyst for all that, had been the two brothers he’d picked up.
Rather than indulging in their social positions and means, the Moriarty brothers instead refined their intellect and abilities with unyielding force of will, thus turning themselves into the “Lord of Crime” — an existence working in the shadows of Britain’s underworld.
Fred looked at Louis, asleep to his side, and then at William and Albert, who were engaged in conversation.
It was almost as if they’d been destined to meet.
——Could I, too, get closer to them?
Despite not being related by blood, Albert saw William and Louis as his brothers — the bonds between them were strong. In that case, perhaps Fred’s relationship with them could become even closer than what it was now.
Secretly, that thought blossomed in Fred’s heart.
“Well then, it’s getting late, so we should call it a night. Seeing as they’re asleep, what should we do with Louis and the colonel?”
Paying no heed to Fred’s longing gaze, Albert drained the last of his wine, and calmly got to his feet. Remaining seated, William spoke.
“Since they’re so soundly asleep, I’d hate to rouse them; let’s leave them be a while longer.”
“I see. Then I shall remain as well.”
Listening in to their conversation, all of a sudden, Fred remembered the important agreement that’d been made at the start of the match.
Nervously, he asked after Albert.
“Um, since I’ve lost, I suppose the forfeit will fall on me too……?”
Simply owing to the fact that he’d participated in the drinking contest, as one of the defeated parties, Fred had resigned himself to accepting the loser’s penalty.
However, Albert smiled.
“Aah, no need to worry about that. As you know, this match is a personal matter between the colonel and myself; I’m sorry you got caught up in it.”
“N-no, you don’t have to apologise. Even though it was a rather sudden turn of events, it was still my own decision to participate.”
At that unexpected apology, Fred waved both hands weakly. But Albert kept up that elegant smile of his as he continued.
“You don’t have to concern yourself with the forfeit. Well, even if I were fine with him doing it, the colonel would just be a right bother; so I’d be grateful if you could just tidy up the glasses we’ve used tonight.”
“T-Thank you very much.”
Having expected a bigger penalty, Fred was grateful for Albert’s magnanimity. In his heart, he heaved a sigh of relief, and proceeded to clear the glasses.
As he did so, Albert turned to look at Louis, who was still fast asleep.
“And since Louis was also caught up in this, I’ll exempt him as well.”
Then his focus shifted to Moran, who was slumped beside Louis.
“……Instead, I suppose I’ll have to give the colonel a proper punishment.”
Although his voice had been calm, a disquieting feeling lingered around those words. Hearing that, even the agile Fred had unwittingly stopped in his tracks.
In place of Fred, whose face had paled, William asked after Albert with a wry smile.
“Nii-san, exactly what kind of punishment will you be giving him?”
Albert’s tone remained calm as always.
“Let’s keep that a secret for now. But no matter what it’ll be, I’m sure all of you can look forward to it.”
Saying that, Albert smiled. It was elegant to a fault.
As he took the empty glasses, Fred looked at the sleeping Moran.
He’d set up this contest of his own accord: he had it coming for him. And yet, as Fred thought about what lay in store tomorrow for the man he saw as an older brother, he couldn’t help but feel a little sorry.
Just like this, the night to commemorate the founding of MI6, had drawn to a close.
T/N: …Do I really want to know what Albert’s gonna make him do? (ohoho)
Translator’s notes
Drinking capacities
I thought I’d summarise their relative strengths at drinking :3 From weakest to strongest:
Fred (<20 glasses)
Louis (30)
Moran (52)
Albert (52, and then some)
Though William didn’t participate in the end (aww), I would think he’s on par with Louis, and maybe even a bit stronger too.
The illustration
The illustration shows Moran slumped on a tiny coffee table of sorts; but I’m wondering where Louis and Fred are, since they were described as being asleep on the table beside Moran... Perhaps this is an incongruity between the story and the illustration?
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Corruption au Eren cockwarms mikasa once they’re together, he says ‘it helps him remember things’ and then every so often he gives her an orgasm just to keep her pliant against him while she plays with her boobs, he doesn’t do it in a cruel kind of way, it just he wants to pleasure her while doing his work
however when they’re not together, he’s such a sadist about it, he refuses to let her come even after he’s done his hw and is just fucking her, he always leaves when he’s done. Until one day when he starts feeling bad, he lets her come and it absolutely ruins him, he becomes obsessed with pleasuring her and seeing her face flushed pink, and hearing the needy sounds she makes and the quiet sighs, and the way her hands frantically move around until he Holds them together
STOP U GUYS KNOW ABOUT MY COCKWARMING OBSESSION STOP IT 😂😂 omg bless corruption Eren tho, this is my favourite kink for him, its so hot and it fits their situation perfectly.
It starts slow for Eren, to be honest he has no fucking idea when it really started. One day he'd been failing calculus, accepting he wasn't going to pass the year and thinking about maybe dealing drugs as a career path over his previous dreams of doctor. The next he was being forced to study three days out of the week with high school princess, Mikasa Ackerman.
At first he'd hated it, hated her really. He'd never been able to stand her, not since they were little and she'd chosen the dark side of Historia Reiss, bully and mean girl if there ever was one. Historia had sweet innocent baby Mikasa under her thumb. Mikasa followed her around like a dumb fucking puppy and Eren hated followers, they were all the same, no personalities, no aspirations of their own. She had no backbone either. She let all the shit Historia did slide, all the bullying, the holier than thou attitude because her family was richer than god. So very typical of the rich kids from the upper class neighbourhood. Eren would know, he used to be that rich kid, used to live that life. That was until his parents died in a brutal car accident, Zeke had inherited half the estate on the condition he'd take care of Eren and the rest was tied up in Eren's trust fund until he was twenty one.
Big surprise, no one had taken care of Eren and he was fucking lucky Armin and his grandpa had been there to help him out.
Everyone else, all his other 'friends' had given him the cold shoulder upon finding out he was no longer rich for the moment, he'd been dropped like a hot potato. So Eren's hatred of the upper class of Shiganshina had begun.
And Mikasa Ackerman was the pinnacle of it all, the worst the rich had to offer. She was beautiful, smart, loaded, had every opportunity in life, completely innocent and sweet, and the cherry on top of it all she volunteered on the weekend at the pound.
She disgusted him, so prim and proper and all around good girl while she was letting her 'friends' bully him for being poor, watching the injustice happen like a fish in a bowl.
He couldn't fucking stand her.
Of course, she would be the person who ended up tutoring him though, Principal Erwin mandating it if he wanted to graduate. So here he was sitting in the computer lab at five on a Wednesday watching her plump lips move as she explained integrals to him for the third time in an hour.
It's been a few months since they've started this little arrangement and he's gotten used to her presence. He wouldn't say he likes her, thats a stretch but he's not quite as cruel as he once was. He'd be lying if he said he didn't get a kick of watching that beautiful mouth part every time he does something mean though, those little gasps when he pinches her thigh or touches her where he shouldn't.
It's probably the highlight of these sessions.
Today he's feeling bold, maybe he'll push his luck. After all, he's done it before and she's never protested. For some reason or another Mikasa Ackerman has a soft spot for him, and no matter how mean, she lets him get away with murder. "Miki, come here I can't hear you properly." "And then you take the-what?" She looks up, pretty dove-grey eyes wide, sparkling as she explains her favourite subject, fucking math.
"You heard me, get over here." As usual, she takes orders so fucking well, it brings out the absolute worst in him. She's standing up and next to him in seconds and he's eye level with her perfect chest, those tits he dreams about every night, ripping her bra off with his teeth and sucking at those pretty pink nipples of hers. He's only seen them a few times, when he convinces her it's okay, when he's sure there's absolutely no one around, but they keep him awake at night. He pats his lap, grinning as she goes easily, settling into her favourite spot, he knows she loves it just as much as he does. Her thighs always shake and she shudders as his hands find their place cupping those beautiful creamy thighs, head tucked into her shoulder.
Mikasa starts talking again, beautiful lilt soothing him as she launches into a renewed explanation of integrals while his hands move up, up, up and to his absolute favourite spot, her panties. Today she's wearing cotton, he can feel it, must be laundry day and he kisses her shoulder as he feels how wet she is. Fucking perfect.
Lately she's been more partial to fancier underwear and he can't help but wonder if it's for him. He has a feeling it is, because the first month of their little arrangement he'd snuck as many peaks as they could and it was always pink or white cotton with polka dots and pretty bows. They were his favourite, so fucking innocent, so untouched by anyone but him.
He watches as she moves her pencil drawing lines and numbers, a little bit of the alphabet too and he ignores it all in favour of watching her chest, her breath hitch as he slides a finger inside her panties, feeling those velvet lips, it's been a while.
He's been on his best behaviour lately since Levi almost caught them at her house that one time, but he's horny and she's wet and he misses being inside her, misses watching her try to talk through him fucking her, how her voice would waver, change pitch. How many times she'd stumble through her sentences, have to start all over again, because she can't handle how big he is, doesn't know how to deal with the all-consuming sensation of him fucking deep within her walls, just sitting there filling her right up to her cervix.
He can't really be blamed for what he does next, and besides it doesn't matter, Eren's not a stupid kid, he allowed himself to get this far behind in calculus. He'd spent an hour last night going over integrals with the sole purpose of knowing what was going on today so he could fuck with his favourite toy.
He moves her a bit so she's resting more heavily on one thigh and slides his joggers and boxers down just enough expose his heavy cock to the air, already rock hard and waiting. Mikasa gasps a little bit, a breathy sound quick and sharp as she sees him, her eyes transfixed on his dick and he grins, sliding her panties to the side and slamming her down on him before she even knows what hit her. The slide is so fucking easy too, it takes almost nothing and he gets a sick sense of satisfaction that even with little to no prep she can take him, probably better than anyone else he's ever fucked. She takes it all no complaints, as deep as she can and he bottoms out.
She lets out a long moan, that pretty sound he wants to record and listen to on his phone over and over again, her head lolling back uselessly against his shoulder as she takes in the sensation.
"Miki baby you know this helps me remember better right, sorry it just wasn't getting through my head I was too distracted, but now I'm all ears, why don't you continue. What's that rule you were talking about, how are derivatives and integrals related again baby, they're opposites?"
She's breathing quick and Eren doesn't blame her, he's struggling to keep his tone level as her walls squeeze him, warm and soft and he wants to stay buried there forever, she's so fucking tight.
"I-Eren-I-yeah, opposites," she finally manages to get the last word out ending a little broken as she struggles to sit up and make herself comfortable on his cock, she should be used to it by now with how often he does this, but it never fails she always reacts like she's taking him for the first time all over again. He fucking loves it.
"Why don't you explain again baby, I don't think I really understand? And make sure you're clear Mikasa." She nods, still squirming around, every movement shooting electricity up through both of them as she accidentally grinds down, she lets out an involuntary moan and Eren smirks.
Eren takes it upon himself to move her up and off his cock a few inches before impaling her back down, biting down on her neck a little bit as punishment and she whines, teeth coming out to bite down on her lip brutally as she tries to keep quiet.
"Stop moving baby, you're distracting me, just take my cock like a good girl and explain for me yeah?" She replies brokenly her voice soft and struggling with her breaths, "Yeah."
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queenofhearts7378 · 4 years
(If the ending seems rushed it's because it is, I was tired of looking at it. This has been on my drafts for a while.)
It took Danny about half an hour before he could admit it to himself: he was totally lost.
"I thought you said you knew where he was!" He hissed quietly at the kwami in his hair.
"I do," Huginn said, "He's somewhere in Paris."
"You are the worst kwami ever. Paris is huge!"
"I could have said he was somewhere in France."
Danny made a frustrated sound as he pulled out a paper map, not trusting Google to give him the proper directions. As he did so he failed to notice the other person running towards him.
"So I think if we just-oof!"
He collided into someone else and they both went sprawling on the cobblestone. Danny's hand flew up to his hair, making sure Huginn was there and wasn't sent flying where people could see him.
(They weren't careful enough in Amity one day and his parents are more convinced than ever that Phantom is a ghost. He really didn't want to send Paris into a panic of something similar.)
The other teen groaned as he lay on the cobblestone, a look of resignation on his face.
Danny scrambled to his feet and went to help him up, "I am so sorry! Lo siento-nope, that's Spanish. Wait what's french for sorry?"
Danny blinked, and focused on the guy that grabbed his outstretched hand. He grinned as Danny pulled him to his feet.
"Je suis désolé is what you are looking for. But you could always just say it in English."
Danny flushed, "Yeah, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."
He waved him off, "I am sorry as well. I was not looking either. My name is Adrien."
"Danny." Danny looked at the crumpled and slightly torn map, "Uh, would you be willing to help me with directions?"
"Oui. One of the tourist attractions? A hotel?"
"No, not a tourist." Adrien shot him a questioning look. "No really! I'm looking for this guy. I have this….problem I'm hoping he could help me with."
"Where does he live?"
"I don't know."
Adrien raised an eyebrow.
Danny huffed. "All I know is his name is Wang Fu and he owns, like, a tea shop or something in Paris. My source was rather useless when it came to directions." He winced as Huginn pulled at his hair in retaliation.
Danny saw that Adrien was giving him a funny look. "I know I'm making like no sense but I already tried Google and all it did was take me to the Eiffel Tower and I don't have the name of his shop cause my source hasn't been to Paris in forever-"
Danny groaned into his hands.
Adrien was silent for a moment, and then he said, "I think I know who you are talking about."
Danny peeked through his fingers to see Adrien making a thoughtful face. Adrien grinned at him. “You are lucky. Master Fu is my Chinese tutor. I would be happy to show you his shop.”
Danny stared at him, hands dropping from his face. “You’re serious? Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”
“Oui,” Adrien shrugged, “My Chinese lessons."
Danny let out a surprised laugh, “Talk about good luck!”
Adrien snorted, “Good luck tends to avoid me these days.”
“Oh you got a case of Murphy’s Law too?”
“Sans aucun doute,” he replied wearily.
Danny had no idea what Adrien just said, but he could relate.
It was only a ten minute walk to Fu’s shop, in which Adrien and Danny had spent making small talk. It was pretty cool to chat with a local who was happy to tell him all about the hidden spots in Paris.
Danny really wasn’t here for sightseeing, and he had to go home in a couple days, but it was still cool.
“-and if you are ever caught in an akuma attack, I find alleys are a good way to stay clear of the damage.”
Danny blinked, “Akumas?”
Adrien gave him a curious look, “Yes, Hawkmoth’s akumas. You should have been informed of that when you came into the city. They give out booklets.”
“....I’m not very good at listening.” Danny could feel Huginn laughing silently in his hair. “That sounds like a supervillain.”
“It is a supervillain who takes someone experiencing negative emotions and turns them into a rampaging monster with a butterfly called an akuma so he can steal the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir.”
Danny blinked incredulously. At least Huginn was right in the fact that Paris would have the answers they were looking for. If Wang Fu didn’t have anything to offer, maybe he could find Paris’s resident heroes for some answers. Looking around, he didn’t notice any damage similar to his own fights.
“And here we are!” Adrien gestured to the almost hidden massage parlor.
The two of them walked into the shop, the bell above the door announcing their arrival. “Un moment!”
Danny shivered with his kwami as the two of them felt the magic in the air wrap around them.
“Bon après-midi, Sensei!” Adrien called back, “J'ai amené un ami.”
“Un ami?”
Wang Fu himself was very short in person, and gave Danny a very confused look as he walked into the backroom beside Adrien.
“Um, hello sir.” Danny waved awkwardly, mentally trying to figure out how to get Adrien away long enough to talk about his miraculous problem.
Huginn solved that problem by jumping right to it, almost literally. Adrien gave a squawk of surprise as the small black kwami flew out of Danny’s hair and up to Fu. “You are the last guardian correct?”
“Huginn!” Danny hissed.
“We need your help.” Huginn continued regardless of Danny stressing out behind him. “Something went wrong with the miraculous.”
“Umm….” Adrien was looking between Danny and Huginn with wide eyes.
Fu looked curious and somewhat baffled himself. “A crow miraculous? I had thought the Miraculous of Passageways and Death was nothing but a myth.”
Danny threw up his hands. “Oh sure! Let’s just forgo any sense of secret identities, it’s not like my enemies are trying to kill me or anything.”
“You are a Miraculous holder?” Adrien asked, looking like he got hit over the head.
“More or less,” Danny muttered. He sighed heavily before lifting his bangs.
Wang Fu muttered something that had Adrien flushing as he reached up to look at the scars on Danny’s forehead. “My miraculous fused to my head.”
“And I thought my kid had bad luck!” Another black kwami flew up to poke at him.
“I see we’re outing all the identities today.” Huginn said, “Is Hawkmoth next?”
Danny smiled at Adrien, “Hey! Same hat!”
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
my friends and i have problems {sleepy bois inc x reader}{dream smp au}
pairings: found family!sbi x fem!reader (she/her) word count: 2.1k warnings: cursing, violence, injury, mention of blood a/n: reader is tommy’s older sister :) there will be a part two :) GIF ISN’T MINE
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“just give this up, y/n,” dream huffed as he adjusted his grip on his sword. he smirked behind his mask as he lifted it and got ready to strike. “it’s not worth it. he’s not worth it.”
he knew his words were making her angrier, his smirk deepening as her eyes slanted and her face flashed red. he got the reaction he wanted. y/n lifted herself off the ground, not bothering to wipe the dirt off of her armor. she hoisted her sword up, ready to attack whenever he was. “i’m not going to give up. i’ll get tommy back here or i’ll die trying.” 
dream felt anger rise in his chest as he took a step forward. somehow the mask he donned morphed into an expression that caused an undeniable feeling of fear in y/n’s gut. she tried to swallow her feelings but she couldn’t rid herself of the suffocating fear she felt. dream took another step forward, holding his sword closer to himself. “then i guess you’ll die trying.”
suddenly, his sword, nightmare as he named it, swung through the air. y/n saw the glint of the setting sun reflect off of it before she felt the blade of the sword hit her arm. she grunted in pain as the blade hit the one part of her arm that she neglected to cover with armor. dream laughed maniacally and used the butt of his sword to push against her chest plate, knocking y/n back to the ground. he flipped the sword in his hand and pressed the tip of it to y/n’s throat. “just. give. up.” with each word, he pressed the sword harder into y/n’s neck. she held her breath as she anticipated the trickle of blood down her neck. but it never came. instead, she heard the voices of her adoptive brother and father from down the pathway. dream took a step back as the voices neared before he enderpearled away, leaving y/n alone in the middle of the field. 
“y/n?” ghostbur’s voice piped up as him and philza turned the corner. he smiled brightly at her, basically skipping over to where she sat in the field. “hi y/n! phil and i were just headed over to techno’s house to visit him! oh- oh my, you have jam all over your face and arms. here, have some blue, calm yourself.”
at the mention of jam, phil turned his attention from the spot dream previously stood in to face his adoptive daughter. his expression twisted into one of worry as he saw all of the cuts and bruises that littered her exposed skin from the duel she just had with dream. “y/n…what did you do?”
“can we not do this right now?” she sighed heavily as she took the blue from ghostbur and stuffed it in her pocket. “i don’t need you to go all ‘dadza’ on me right after i almost got stabbed to death by the masked idiot.”
phil shot her a look that said ‘we’ll talk about this later’ and bent down to help her stand up. “fine. let’s just get you to techno’s. i’m sure he has some materials to get you all cleaned up and healed.”
the three of them began their journey towards techno’s house. there was scattered chatter from philza and ghostbur every couple minutes but there was never any remark from y/n. 
“i know what will help you, y/n!” ghostbur exclaimed as they tied up the small boat they used. “seeing tommy!”
y/n stopped dead in her tracks on the sand, turning to look at ghostbur with a confused stare. “what…what do you mean?”
“do you not know?” ghostbur asked.
“know what?”
“oh you’ll love this!” ghostbur beamed innocently. “tommy is at techno’s house!”
“what?” y/n whispered. she snapped her head towards her father figure and stared blankly. “for how long?”
“only a few days,” phil said. she felt anger boil inside of her at philza’s words. she started walking again, towards techno’s house with purpose in her step, ignoring the pain from her cuts and bruises.
“and you were going to tell me when?” y/n seethed. ghostbur and philza hurried after her, barely falling into step with her hasty movements. 
“soon,” phil said, his voice raising slightly to match her tone. “we were trying to figure out what the situation was with dream and tubbo.”
“and you didn’t think that i should have been involved in that conversation? or were you going to wait until after dream killed me to say something?” y/n bit back. she turned down the path towards techno’s house, the subtle landmarks indicating which way she was supposed to go before her eyes caught sight of the small spruce cabin. she sprinted towards the cabin, ignoring the shooting pain in her legs. y/n banged on techno’s door until he through it open. he looked at the much shorter girl with surprise, his eyes flitting between her and phil and ghostbur standing behind her awkwardly. “where is he?”
“where’s who?” techno coughed. even though he was the infamous technobalde who never died and was notorious for his dueling skills, nothing scared him more than y/n when she was upset. the root of this fear being when she was first introduced to techno, he thought it would be funny to steal her favorite sword from the chest in her room. he ended up with a black eye. ever since then, y/n’s been the one person to strike fear into the heart of the almighty technoblade.
“you know exactly who i’m talking about,” y/n huffed. she glared at techno as he shifted on his heels. techno glanced at phil who just nodded before he let y/n into the house.
“follow me,” he said as he descended the ladder.  “what happened to your face?”
“what happened to yours?” she sneered. 
“ouch,” technoblade mumbled. “tommy! get out here.”
tommy came stumbling out from behind a wall and stopped when he saw y/n. there she stood, his big sister. the only person to stick with him through thick and thin. the only person to actively try to stop dream after tommy was exiled. a big smile spread across his face as he ran towards her. instinctively, she pulled tommy in for a hug. tommy hugged her back briefly before stepping away. “you’re here! you’re really here! i thought dream would’ve exiled you too by now.” 
“he definitely tried to,” y/n muttered, earning confused glances from techno and philza. 
“what happened to your face?” tommy asked once he noticed the cuts from her duel with dream.
“don’t worry about it. it doesn’t matter right now,” y/n said smiling.
“oh so he gets a real answer but i get the response of a two year old. makes sense,” techno said in his signature monotone voice. 
“it’s getting late so why don’t we eat some dinner and then relax for a little bit. like a family,” philza cut in before there could be another childish spat. 
techno maneuvered through the small kitchen, throwing raw beef and pork into their respective furnaces. tommy and ghostbur went outside to put some small additions onto the house tommy was building. 
“so, are you going to tell me what happened to you?” phil asked expectantly. the question caught techno’s attention and he turned to face them while waiting for the steak and pork chops to cook. 
“igothurtwhileduelingwithdreamtogettommybackfromexile,” y/n mumbled quickly under her breath.
“i got hurt while dueling with dream to get tommy back from exile,” y/n said louder and slower. 
“what were you thinking? dueling dream alone? not even i’d do that,” techno chastised. very few times would he step into the role of ‘older brother’ and now was one of those times. 
“i was thinking that i needed to get my brother back to his home instead of letting him sit in god knows where all by himself,” y/n all but shouted. “phil, back me up.”
“actually, y/n, i’m siding with techno on this one. it was risky and kind of stupid to go against dream. we don’t know what weapons or resources he has and he could have killed you,” phil scolded. “you know you could have just asked techno or i for help and we could have made a plan.”
“no, i couldn’t have,” y/n said sternly. “this was my battle and i needed to fight it. by myself.”
“why won’t you let us help you?” phil asked, growing frustrated at y/n’s stubbornness. 
y/n took a deep breath and let her resolve melt. “because i don’t want to have to need help or have problems okay?! if i have problems that i can’t solve by myself then that makes me weak. tommy is my brother so it’s my job to get him back to l’manburg.”
“but y/n, we’re all a family. we’re all here for each other and will help each other out. just because we aren’t all biologically related doesn’t make tommy any less my brother than he is yours. just like your as much my sister as you are tommy’s,” ghostbur said, catching y/n, phil, and techno off guard. 
“i..i know that ghostbur,” y/n sighed. “but tommy is my responsibility and i needed to do it alone.”
“tommy is all of our responsibility, y/n,” techno replied as he pulled out the steaks from the furnace. “why do you think i let him stay here? i wouldn’t let just anyone hide here.”
“so what exactly happened?” phil asked, changing the attention back to y/n’s wounds since he could tell she was about to explode and yell at all three of them.
“where’s tommy?” y/n asked, searching the small room. 
“he said he had something for you and he wanted me to distract you,” ghostbur said. he picked up his satchel and took out a little blue bundle. “here have some blue, please calm yourself.”
“thank you ghostbur,” y/n said, flashing him a genuine smile. 
“so, what happened?” phil asked again.
y/n sighed as she put the blue into her satchel, groaning at the pain in her arm from where dream cut her. “i was on my way to go see niki and puffy but i bumped into dream. he kept taunting me about tommy’s exile and saying things about tommy not wanting to see me anymore because i abandoned him.”
“he was just saying that to make you mad, y/n,” phil sighed.
“yeah, i know. and it worked. i don’t know what happened next or who drew their sword first, all i remember is him kicking my ankle and me falling to the ground. then he cut my arm and i thought he was going to kill me but you guys showed up,” y/n explained. “he just kept taunting me. saying things like tommy wasn’t worth all the hassle and that i’d die before i’d get him back to l’manburg.” 
“let me see where he cut you,” phil said. techno was already moving through the house to get one of his healing potions for y/n. y/n took off her chest plate and showed her arm to phil. it was a lot worse than she expected. the blood was starting to cake on her arm and there was a large gash going from just above her elbow to the center of her forearm. “damn, he got you good. techno hand me the potion and a bottle of water.”
techno passed him both of the objects, smiling pitifully at y/n. sensing what was about to happen, ghostbur left the house quickly, muttering something about needing to give tommy some blue. phil unscrewed the glass bottle of water and poured it on y/n’s arm. she hissed as the water came into contact with the nasty injury. 
“holy shit, where’d you get that?” tommy’s voice cut through the room startling y/n. she snapped her head towards where he stood in the doorway. he had worry written all over his face and was staring down at the large gash on y/n’s arm.
“dream,” techno said simply. rage flashed through tommy’s face.
“that asshole did this to you?” tommy asked. he didn’t wait for a response. “when i get my hands on him-”
“tommy,” y/n sighed. “it’s okay don’t worry about it.” 
“it’s not okay, y/n,” tommy said. 
“well what are we going to do about it?” y/n asked.
“well they’re having a festival in l’manburg,” techno cut in. “and we know that dream is for sure going to be there.”
“what’re you saying, techno?” phil asked while handing y/n the healing potion. 
“i’m saying, we do something about this guy and take him out once and for all. we go to the festival and freak havoc. then it’s a win-win.”
“a win-win?” y/n inquired.
“you guys can take down dream,” techno paused. “and i’ll take down l’manburg.”
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redgalaxyarts · 3 years
Obsession - Tamaki
Synopsis: (MxF) Tamaki is y/n's stepbrother, ever since she came into his life all those years ago he's wanted no one but her. He's tired of hearing y/n's boyfriend use her body when he knows he could do it so much better. He knows what he's about to do is wrong but he just can't seem to help himself.
Warnings: Language, DUBCON, adultery, slight domming, STEPCEST, slight tentacles, toy use, pervy Tamaki, panty sniffing, mentions of alcohol, spit, facial, oral, creampie, bruising
(3rd POV)
The dictionary definition of obsession is: an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. That's exactly what was constantly stuck in Tamaki's mind every second of the day. The thought of her bent over her bed with the sheets in her mouth and tears cascading down her face while Tamaki was behind her giving her the orgasm of her life was constantly occurring in the man's head.
In their first year, she and him met when their parents introduced them to each other and announced the marriage. Ever since they had their first handshake and Tamaki felt her soft skin he was instantly drawn to her, captivated like an artist to their most finest painting. Since their first hug when he felt her plush tits brush against his chest and his cheeks turned the rosiest of red and he touched himself to sleep that night, to the first time they kissed after a heavily drunken evening when their parents skipped down and they agreed not to mention it again but Tamaki never forgot about that day. He always remembers the way her tongue slid across his and the very quietest of moans that left her mouth when he somehow gathered a handful of courage to bite her lip and pull her hair. Tamaki remembers it all, he knows it's wrong to think of his younger sister that way, but he knew it wasn't as bad as it could be since they weren't actually related, it would be okay, they'd be okay. Least, that's what he kept telling himself every night when he would steal a spare pair of panties to keep as his own just to have that smell of her next to him.
Those thoughts were running especially rampant with Tamaki hearing her pathetic excuse of a boyfriend using her as his own sex toy when she deserves to be treated better. He was locked in his room, hip-thrusting into his pillow with an ear to the wall listening to her barely moan from the "performance" the two of them were putting on.
This wasn't as loud as she could go and Tamaki knew it. He heard those lonely nights when she'd pull out her vibrator and how loud she'd get even though her face was buried into the pillow trying to keep quiet. Tamaki knows how much of a freak she is after he went into her room when she passed out and saw her lying naked with her pretty and pierced nipples laying up and open for him just asking to be sucked, it took everything in Tamaki not to have his way with her then and there.
This time was it, Tamaki had enough with fucking his pillow and whining at how pathetic it was when he could be getting the real thing if he just waited and played his cards right. So he stopped after cumming in his boxers and wiping himself clean and changing boxers, he waited until her spiky blond dog of a boyfriend left without even a goodbye to either of them, he waited until she took a shower to clean herself and get back to her room, he waited up until he heard the low buzzing of her vibrator starting up. He'd make his move now, he knows she needs him, and he's more than happy to help her.
Tamaki's heart lept out of his chest when he finally walked to her door and rested his forehead on it breathing in and out trying to calm himself. His eyes were shut into slits and his hands were shaking, he was right about to turn away until he heard it-
"Ah, fuck."
Her moan sent shivers straight to his cock. His shyness was immediately dissipated as he placed his now relaxed hand on the doorknob and turned it, practically throwing the door open in the process.
When the door hit the side of the wall the girl immediately dropped the toy and covered her bare self with her comforter. The toy rolled off the bed and onto the floor and the faint buzz in the background only drove Tamaki further to her.
"Tama, what? You okay?" She asked with a confused face.
"Lay down." He commanded, totally unlike him she thought.
"Huh? No Tamaki please leave I'm indecent right now."
"You heard what I said, lay down and open the covers." He strode farther into the room and when he got next to the bed she hugged her covers tighter to her chest.
"No-" Before she could protest, Tamaki used one of his tentacles to pull away the covers from her and her bare body was presented to him.
He kissed her with such ferocity and intimacy with one hand behind her head and onto her neck that she couldn't help but moan into his mouth. She knew it was wrong, she had a boyfriend, has, she has a boyfriend, she thought to herself. When Tamaki bit her tongue she moaned once more before pulling herself away and shaking her head.
"Tamaki I can't, what about Bakugo can't do that to him." She whispers to him while wiping her bottom lip with her thumb, not actively trying to cover herself up anymore.
"Y/n, I-I need this and I know you do too. He c-can't make you cum like I can." His normal anxious stutter comes back but his facade of dominance and confidence is still being presented behind it.
She brushes her hair to the back of her head and rubs her palms in her face and is about to protest again before a yelp rips through her mouth as she's pulled downwards on her bed and her head falls into her pillows. Her thighs are propped up onto Tamaki's shoulders and he bites into her thigh which makes her squirm and thrash, not from the feeling of it but from the conflicting emotions coursing through her.
"Tamaki n- ooohhh fuck." Her protest was cut short at the sudden long lick up her lips from the man under her. She goes to speak again but her words get stuck in her throat when she feels two slender fingers split her lips apart and a tongue graze over her clit. Her legs spazz from the sudden hit against her nerves and she's instantly enthralled at the dance happening against her pussy.
She bucks into his face when he enters two fingers inside of her, scissoring and pumping out of her to get her stretched for him. Tamaki's other hand rests on the hook of her pelvic bone and rubs circles in that area trying to comfort her and feel all of her while she takes one hand to tangle between his locks and push him farther into her pussy and she uses her other hand to twist her nipple in between her fingers.
"Holy shit Tama, yes, yes right there please." She breathes out as the man hits a particularly good spot inside of her while curling his fingers and he can already feel how close she is. He smiles into her pussy at his obsession and daydream finally coming true.
"Sssh y/n, you don't want to wake up mom and dad do you?" His words muffled from the muff in his mouth and the girl just rolls her eyes back behind her head and takes in the new speed of his fingers and tongue.
"Y-yes sir." She says, not thinking of it.
Tamaki freezes and a pang of something shoots to his cock, making it stand straighter and harder than before. He pulls away and she whimpers for him and tries to pull him back down but it's with no use as he uses his tentacles to snatch her wrists and move them above her head.
"Say it again." He says standing above her now.
Ecstacy shivers run through his body as he cracks his neck and smiles a wicked smile the girl's never seen before.
"On your stomach for me."
"Yes sir." The girl agrees purely motivated by the ache in her core.
Tamaki bends down to meet her at eye level and smiles as he leans in to kiss her. She smiles back with him and they share the sloppiest kiss they've ever had but the intention behind it is that most passionate thing they've ever tasted. They pull away with a string of saliva between them and the girl smiles up through her eyelashes at Tamaki as she licks it clean.
"Be good for me and take all of my cock alright?"
She nods her head and helps Tamaki step out of his boxers before his cock springs back against his pale stomach. She tries her best to hide the expression on her face but Tamaki notices it before smirking to himself at his pride. He is average size but he is girthier than she's ever seen, girthier than her boyfriend and vibrator are. She gulps and wipes away the shock before wetting her lips with her tongue and opens her mouth wide before Tamaki takes her head in his hand and guides her to his cock with his other.
"Aah, y/n, fuck." Tamaki whimpers out as he lets his head fall backward and his fingers knot into her hair and grip tightly while he waits for her to take him all the best she can. She gets halfway before choking and pulling away but she shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath before trying again and this time she gets him all the way in and Tamaki shakes in her mouth at feeling himself in her throat. His moans are quiet but so confident as he rocks his hips against her face with her now cupping his balls helping him get closer to cumming.
The sounds of gulping and moaning and still the slight buzz in the background is all that's heard in the room. She has picked up her pace with blowing him and he's holding onto her head for dear life before he reaches over and smacks her ass cheek as hard as he can and grips it tightly and he feels her moan slide from her mouth and vibrates his dick. He does it to the other one before standing up again and pulls her from his cock.
"You're such a good little sis for me huh?"
"Mhm, just for you sir."
They kiss each other slowly before he lays her onto her back and slides her up and adjusts himself between her legs, lining himself up with her.
"You ready for me?"
"Please do it, I want to cum on your cock Tama."
He moans a deep growl before he slides himself forcefully into her dripping cunt and begins his attack against her pussy. The bedframe knocks against the wall and she hurriedly reaches up and puts a pillow behind it as to not wake up their parents before her arms fall back down and grab Tamaki everywhere they can. She grips his biceps and squeezes before he hits a certain sweet spot inside of her and she lets a moan rip before Tamaki slides his palm over her mouth.
"Shut it y/n."
Her eye's shut as he thrusts harder, and their moans are quiet but forceful. Her legs wrap around his waist and her heels dig into his back as she tries to push him further in, when he does go further she feels his veins rake against her gummy walls and she feels his girth spread her wide. Her moans don't stop, so Tamaki takes the hand over her mouth, slides it down her neck, and squeezes tightly as he rams her with more force. She feels the pain in her gut and her throat but she doesn't care because of the pure pleasure she's feeling.
Her hands slide to Tamaki's back and she leaves deep scratches as he hikes her legs to her shoulders and pounds into her in the deepest spot she's felt yet. Her legs shake and her toes curl as she feels herself drawing closer. Tears are pin-pricking her eyes as the lack of oxygen and the sharp pain in her gut is getting too intense but she doesn't dare move cause she doesn't want to break from this feeling. A single tear falls and Tamaki bends down to kiss it away before releasing her throat and a deep breath is had from her but it's cut off by Tamaki's lips.
Their lips move in tandem with one another and it's as if Tamaki is giving his breath to her but she practically inhales him as she moans into his mouth. Tamaki now takes his free hand and moves it to her clit and rubs and she's seeing white. Her eyes roll to the back of her head, her legs spazz uncontrollably, her chest heaves and her breath hitches as she orgasms and tries her absolute hardest to not scream out the pleasure she just felt.
It's only a handful of more pumps before Tamaki unloads himself inside of her and his thrusts grow sloppy after he cums. They both stop and take deep pants and wipe the sweat from each other before Tamaki slowly pulls out of her and they both whine at the loss and the cum drips from her pussy.
"Fuck that's hot."
"Mhmm, towel and water please." She says with the shakiest smile and voice she's ever spoken with.
Tamaki nods and goes to the bathroom and grabs a towel and wets it and cleans her up before kissing her pussy once more as well as her lips and he quickly yet quietly runs into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and he brings it back and helps her bring it to her lips.
"Thanks, Tama." She says with a smile before chugging half of it and sliding under her covers after setting the bottle on her dresser.
He slides in next to her and they kiss each other slowly and passionately before pulling away.
"This isn't right Tama, we can't tell anyone about this."
"Don't worry, I w-won't. You don't know how long I've wanted you."
"I do know actually, I..I've heard you fucking your fist to me before, it was hot but so wrong so I didn't do anything about it."
Tamaki didn't know what to say so his face turned beat red and he buried himself into her pillows before she giggles.
"Too late to get shy now Tama, you just fucked your little sister."
"Y-yeah I-I know." He squeaks into her pillow, not wanting to face her from his anxiety.
"Ssshh, come on Tama, it's alright."
She says before kissing his shoulder blades and rubbing the back of his head before he turns his head to her and faces her and she kisses his cheeks and they snuggle up into each other and fall asleep.
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atlabeth · 4 years
transferred part four - atla smau
TRANSFERRED - zuko x fem!reader
masterlist | part 3 | part 5
summary: trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know that he’s falling for you as well.
warning: cursing
a/n: IM SORRY I KEEP SWITCHING POVS the one at the end is katara lmao
taglist:  @ourbestfriend-mishacollins , @lil-lex1 , @xxshad0wxb1rdxx , @zuko-is-the-sun​ 
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You slipped your phone into the back pocket of your jeans and got out of your car, taking a few moments to stretch out your arms and legs after the long drive. It was a little weird to think that this was going to be your new home and university, especially after so long in Kyoshi, but you were honestly looking forward to the change. After the disastrous breakup you endured, it was time for a new chapter. 
Your eyes instinctively snapped over to where you heard a noise, and a huge grin broke out on your face. Two people were coming out of the complex, and they were none other than your two roommates. 
“Sokka, Aang!” You yelled as you ran towards them. You barreled into Sokka and wrapped him in the tightest hug you could muster, looping Aang into it as well for a few moments before you pulled away, smiling so wide your face hurt. 
“Aang, it’s so good to see you, and Sokka — Sokka, you’ve gotten so tall!” You mussed up his hair with your hand which he swatted away. 
“It’s good to see you too, Y/N, but it hasn’t even been that long! And I don’t know how many times I have to remind you that you’re only a year and a half older than me!” 
“Sokka, I haven’t seen you since I moved to Kyoshi for college. It’s been far too long.” You gestured with your head for them to follow you as you started walking over to your car. “And Aang, it’s been forever since I’ve seen you too! You better be treating Katara well.” 
The shorter boy smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head, faint red tinting his cheeks. “I like to think I am, we’re really happy together. She’s the best person that I know and the most beautiful girl ever and she always h-” 
“Okay, that’s enough! Seriously Y/N, you don’t have to whip out the interrogations right away.” Despite his complaints, Sokka gave you a genuine smile and you could tell he was just as happy to see you. 
“Whatever. I’m gonna need all the details on everything that’s been going on the past three years. The occasional facetime call has not been enough.” You went to the back of your car and opened your trunk where most of the boxes were, turning your head when you heard another car pulling up. 
“That’s Katara’s car!” Aang exclaimed. “That must be her and the other girls!” 
The car pulled in two spots away from you and as soon as it stopped, an auburn-haired girl jumped out of the driver's seat and streaked over towards you, wrapping you in an even tighter hug than you gave Sokka. 
“Suki!” She was practically suffocating you but you were so glad to see her that you didn’t even care. “I’m so glad you’re here!” 
“Like I would miss my best friend’s moving day?” The two of you pulled away and went through your increasingly elaborate handshake, ending in a hip bump that caused you both to dissolve into giggles. “You look amazing, Y/N. It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve been together.” 
“Well, we don’t have to worry about that anymore, because I’m here to stay! At least for the next four years.” You laughed and looked over to where your sister was helping Toph out of the car and gave her a wave. 
“As much fun as I’m having with all these greetings, we gotta start moving these fuckin’ boxes! At this rate, I’m gonna be sleeping outside.” You hugged Katara as well when she walked over, then you picked the first box up and motioned with your head for everyone else to get one as you started walking backwards towards the apartment. “Toph is the only one who’s exempt from this, everyone else gets a box and s-” 
You stopped in the middle of your sentence when someone bumped into you from behind, causing you to nearly drop your box. You were just as surprised when you felt hands on your waist, keeping you steady and helping you regain your balance. You turned your head and could immediately feel your cheeks heating up as you hastily moved away, laughing nervously and occupying yourself with the box in your hands. 
“Hey! Zuko! Nice to meet you! It is Zuko, right?” His golden eyes seemed to burn into you, but they were offset by his kind smile and the casual nod he gave you. 
“Yeah, that’s me. Sorry I’m so late, I was showering. I didn’t think you were gonna be here so soon.” He waved at Katara and Suki and they smiled back at him. 
He was even more attractive in person. His jet black hair, still a little wet from his shower, hanging just above his eyes was really doing it for you, and god, his eyes. They were intense, but more like a comforting campfire than a raging wildfire. You didn’t even realize you were staring until Sokka elbowed you. 
Your eyes widened slightly and you quickly averted them, adjusting your hold on the box and letting out another nervous laugh. “Now that we’re all here, how about these boxes, huh? I don’t have that much stuff because I’m broke, which is good for all of you.” 
You had gotten out of your flustered state by the time that everyone had a box in hand, save for Toph, and conversation flowed much easier while you and the rest of the group walked into the complex. 
“How was your drive, Y/N?” Zuko asked, holding the door open with his back as you all filed inside.
You shook your head and scoffed as you hit the button to call the elevator. “As boring as you can imagine. Traffic wasn’t horrible, but I swear I hit every single light on the way here. My music was the only thing that kept me sane.” 
“One pro of being blind is that I always have company in cars, but it also kinda sucks when the only source of conversation you have is Sokka or Katara,” Toph said with a teasing grin. 
“What?” Both of the aforementioned yelled at the same time, causing everyone except them to dissolve into laughter. 
“This is what I missed. I don’t even have to make up for three years of missed teasing because Toph’s had it taken care of.” You patted her on the shoulder as the elevator door opened and everyone filed in. “What floor are we on?” 
“Three. There’s a lot of foot traffic and we have some very annoying neighbors, but it’s one of the cheaper places here!” Sokka pushed the button and the doors closed. 
“Sounds.. fun!” You couldn’t really complain because you had practically begged for Sokka to let you live with him, plus you couldn’t afford anything more than splitting rent four ways in a cheap apartment. “Is there anything else I should know?” 
“Sokka never washes his dishes and only takes out the trash if you yell at him to do it. Zuko always leaves his towels on the ground but he’s a neat freak so the cleanliness of his room leeches into the rest of our apartment, it’s great. And I’m a perfect roommate,” Aang said with his smile that could convince you to give him everything you owned. 
“That is such a lie, Aang! I do everything that I’m supposed to do; your room is a mess that can’t even be cleaned up by Zuko, plus you stay up super late all the time talking on the phone to Katara! Thin walls buddy, THIN. WALLS.” 
“Do you want to talk about thin walls? Because you play your music as loud as possible, and somehow it’s always when I’m trying to study! And every time we drink, you become a huge mess.” After Zuko put his word in, the three boys all started arguing. You made eye contact with Katara and Suki; Katara gave you a sympathetic smile but Suki just grinned. 
“Alright, boys! We’re here, so kindly shut up.” You elbowed Sokka in the side as you walked out of the elevator, giving him an innocent smile when he scowled at you. “Lead the way, bro.” 
It took about ten minutes to get all of your boxes in the apartment with six people helping you, and though the girls wanted to stay they had to get back for some stuff relating to their classes. You thanked and hugged them all, and soon it was just you, your brother, your sister’s boyfriend, and the guy that you thought was hot. 
You spun around in the living room before collapsing onto the couch, spreading your arms out above you and sighing heavily. “I feel like I could fall asleep right here.” 
“I hope you can because that’s where you’re gonna be sleeping.” You looked up at Sokka with shock, and he stared back at you for about five seconds until he started laughing. 
“Ah, you should’ve SEEN your face!” He managed to get out through his laughter, wiping a tear from his eye. 
“Do you enjoy causing me pain?” 
“Very much so.” 
“You and Sokka are sharing a room, Y/N. Aang and I are in the other. And don’t worry, there are two twin beds in each so you don’t have to share share,” Zuko explained quickly. 
“Oh, fantastic. My boyfriend always snored a lot so I’ve gotten very good at tuning them out. You’re lucky that I’m the best roommate ever, bro.” 
“First you invade the sanctuary that is my home, and then the sanctuary that is the group chat for the home, and now you embarrass me in front of all of my friends for no reason? You are not my mom!” 
“Come on Y/N, we can show you around your room and the apartment.” Aang interrupted Sokka’s spiel, still going on in the background as the two of you walked over to a door with a large band poster on it. 
Zuko watched your retreating figure with a small smile on his face until you disappeared into the room, snapping out of his trance when Sokka started pulling him towards the room, grumbling about how ‘no one appreciates my genius’ and ‘can’t believe they left me’. 
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shihalyfie · 4 years
The difference between the friend dynamics in the Adventure and 02 groups
This is a point I’ve reiterated in a lot of my 02-based metas, but there is a fairly distinct difference between the Adventure Chosen Children having a tight, deep bond and yet not quite being friends in “social life”, whereas the 02 group was a much tighter group on a social level. I always feel that I need to be really careful about saying this, because if I don’t word it carefully, it sounds like I’m trivializing the Adventure group’s bonds (plus, a lot of Adventure diehards will get very upset at you for suggesting this no matter how you put it), so I thought I should write something a bit more in-depth about it.
I think a lot of of this ultimately ties into what each series was about. The fact that Adventure was meant to be a series about “self-recognition of the individual” whereas 02 was about “relationships with others” has been pointed out by many a fan (and official staff too, while we’re at it), and it naturally lends to how the characters and the relationships between them will have a fundamental difference.
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The idea that the Adventure group wouldn’t be the type to get together all that easily never really took that long after Adventure to set in. Of course, Our War Game! having this as a plot point also had a meta purpose (basically, limiting the number of people who could participate in the Diablomon battle), but it also has a very important point behind it: the Adventure kids’ social lives were never all that intertwined.
Again, this is something that sounds really awful to say without further qualification. What do you mean, the Adventure kids weren’t friends? Does that mean their entire adventure was for nothing? Did they go through all that only to forget about each other right after it?!
Well, no, that’s kind of exaggeration. I think to properly flesh out the nature of the issue, it’s important to define the differing ways you can be friends with someone. Imagine that you go on the best vacation in your life. You meet a handful of people there. You swap stories and get life-changing advice. You take commemorative photos after some really spectacular experiences. You swap numbers and social media contacts and then you go home. Are you going to keep in touch every so often with the people who gave you some very important advice, and maybe check on their important life events or organize a reunion sometime in the future? Very possibly! Does that mean everyone you met at that trip will now be regularly going out for lunch with you every week now?...Probably not, especially if you already have friends from school. That doesn’t mean you aren’t friends with the important people you met during that best life-changing vacation; it just means that they fill a very different niche in your life from the friends who don’t necessarily understand the life-changing vacation but have the free time to chat with you over lunch.
When the Adventure group found themselves pulled into the Digital World during summer camp, they had already come from very different social spheres. In short:
Taichi, Sora, and Koushirou were the only ones with a background of knowing each other beforehand, thanks to being in the soccer club;
Yamato went to the same school as the others but was a stranger to them, to the point people didn’t even realize Takeru was his brother at first;
Mimi had her own friend circle (see Adventure episode 29);
Jou was assigned as Mimi’s camp group leader but had no other prior relation to her, and Yamato didn’t even initially know his age;
Takeru wasn’t even supposed to be there since he didn’t go to their school and was only tagging along with Yamato;
Hikari was brought halfway into the adventure by virtue of being the eighth Chosen and Taichi’s sister.
Although six of the eight come from the same school, you can see that they’re basically “kids brought together by a certain circumstance” -- they’re not kids who would have normally come into each other’s purview had it not been for this. Which also means that as soon as their adventure ended and some years passed, the aspects of their real lives and social circles started kicking back in:
Taichi continued soccer;
Yamato formed a band (and presumably had a good relationship with his own bandmates);
Sora quit soccer for tennis;
Koushirou quit soccer for the computer club;
Mimi moved to the US;
Jou started attending a private school outside Odaiba;
Takeru and Hikari were never in their age group to begin with.
In the case of Taichi, Yamato, Sora, and Koushirou, it’s representative of how, although they originally had a shared interest in soccer, ultimately, they started to drift into their own specialties. Again, remember that Adventure was a series fundamentally about finding yourself and finding your own path, and all of these choices actually tie into their character arcs: Taichi is a straightforward person and a natural, charismatic leader, meaning soccer was good for him to begin with; Yamato learned to become more sociable and make friends at school; Sora started playing tennis as part of properly reconciling with her mother, and Koushirou decided to pursue a club relevant to his actual interests instead of one purely so that he could have minimal presence in it.
Mimi’s moving to the US is an interesting case because it’s likely because she’s often described (by both fans and official staff) as someone who is easily likeable and can get along with practically anyone. Considering that she’s constantly considerate of others and lacking in condescension or malice, it’s easy to see why; her infamous bouts of complaining were largely because she was under a lot of stress at the time of Adventure’s events (it’s even said that her cracking under pressure was meant to be representative of how an ordinary child her age would react to the situation), and otherwise she has no problems making friends -- hence why she was shown in Adventure episode 29 as already having friends in Taako and Mii-chan that she presumably hung out with prior to the events of the series. So in moving to the US, the point is made that Mimi could move to an entire other country and still hit it up with people there (and she does, given how she makes friends in Michael and the other American Chosen without issue). So thus, Mimi’s moving is also part of her own path -- becoming an effective “ambassador” between international Chosen as they start to pop up all over the globe.
As for Jou, his character arc has heavily to do with the fact that he’s always been on the “elite” academic track -- Japanese school entrance exams stretch back as far as high school, so the fight to get into medical school comes back as early as here, and since the events of Adventure helped Jou come to terms with why he wanted to be a doctor rather than just following his father’s wishes, it’s understandable that he would now be putting everything into that goal -- even if it means going to a different school outside Odaiba and committing himself to the prep school life. And, generally speaking, the other kids respect that too, given that the only time they tried to pull him from it was a time they were literally suffocating on the spot and needed Ikkakumon’s specific backup badly (02 episode 16).
And finally, Takeru and Hikari? The fact that they’re that much younger than the others in this group really is a big deal. When they’re on something “purpose-based” like an adventure, of course the others will have no problem keeping them around, and of course they’ll be happy to participate with these older kids. But if we’re talking about mundane, ordinary life -- there’s not a lot of evidence to suggest they really would prefer the company of kids so much older than them for conversations over lunch. This is especially because it’s hard to imagine they didn’t have other friends at school, too.
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Not that they mind being around all these older kids when the time calls for it, but as far as socialization goes, they have their own lives to live. And that’s fine; again, Adventure was a narrative about kids coming to terms with themselves and what they wanted, and it’s not their fault for prioritizing those paths and forming their own social circles rather than insisting on being a specific eight-person group (no matter how much the fanbase wants to have the romantic image of them sticking together all the time no matter what).
Plus, it’s not like they all completely drifted apart and cut each other off!
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Just because they’re not “daily life friends” doesn’t mean they’re not still important to each other. 02 episode 38 has Taichi, Sora, Jou, and Koushirou show up for Yamato’s concert -- it’s unlikely they were attending every single one of his concerts, but this was a very important one that was going to be broadcast on TV, so it’s only natural that even Jou (who, again, doesn’t go to school in Odaiba anymore) would still come to support him.
In fact, the fact they can come together when a situation like this happens even without necessarily meeting up every single day of their lives is probably a testament to how strong that bond is in itself. They don’t need to hang out once a day or week to maintain their friendship, and having other friends they’d rather hang out with throughout the day or invite to events doesn’t necessarily mean the other Adventure kids are less worthy friends to them. That experience in August 1999 was so impactful on all of them that they will never forget it, so even if they spent quite a long amount of time not interacting with each other, when a circumstance that necessitates them coming together does bring them together, they can hit it off like nothing happened. Think about how you might have an important friend that you may not chat with on a daily basis, but you talk to them once in a while and hit it off like you never had a break in the conversation. But because that strong bond is based on that one very specific experience that happened in one specific summer, it’s only natural that the majority of meetups over this are going to be based on something to do with that experience, like Digimon incidents; for ordinary things like “band concerts” or “club activities”, it’ll naturally be easier to stick around friends who have more similar social interests, like fellow band or club members.
On the other hand, this is very much not the case for the 02 group.
To understand why the 02 group has a fundamentally different dynamic, we need to dial back to a little before the actual “adventure” part of 02 started.
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Right off the bat, we see:
Takeru moves to Odaiba from Sangenjaya, and specifically to the same building Miyako and Iori live in, meaning he’ll be walking to school with them every day;
02 episode 7 indicates that the Motomiya and Yagami families live in the same apartment complex, meaning Daisuke and Hikari are also likely to walk to school together;
Miyako and Iori are established as having already long hit it off with each other as neighbors;
Daisuke, Hikari, and Takeru end up in the same class (with Daisuke and Hikari having known each other already).
In other words: Even before anything to do with Digimon had been introduced (or re-introduced, technically) into their lives, the kids were already being thrown into each other’s social circles. You could technically argue that Daisuke wouldn’t have necessarily met Miyako and Iori if not for the Digimon incident coming into his life later in the episode, but Takeru being neighbors with them basically fills in all of the gaps here -- unlike with the Adventure kids where the adventure in August 1999 threw them together when they likely wouldn’t have been in the same social circle otherwise, the 02 kids are the social circle even independently of the Digimon incidents. In fact, due to being functionally neighbors, there are a lot of ways these kids’ social lives intersect, with Daisuke and Miyako being Taichi and Koushirou’s juniors, Miyako working for Yamato’s band, Yamato being classmates with Miyako’s sister Chizuru, and Jun and Miyako’s other sister Momoe being classmates.
Since, again, 02 was a series fundamentally structured on examining relationships, you can basically view Adventure being a series about “bringing some people together as they find self-assertion even when they’re from different social circles” while 02 follows that up with “so if they were in the same social circle, how would they deal with that?” -- especially since 02 makes it clear that certain kinds of emotional baggage associated with that can actually make it much more complicated.
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A lot of 02′s first half is dedicated to the 02 kids doing completely mundane things that have very little relevance to the Digital World conflict -- watching TV in the computer room (remember: this was before they realized the “genius boy” being covered on the news was actually relevant to this), or having a picnic in the Digital World. Mimi even explicitly points out that this kind of thing wouldn’t have happened with the Adventure kids, but it’s not just because of the fact that Adventure involved a lot of running for their lives! It’s easy to dismiss a lot of what happens in these early episodes as “filler”, but a lot of this is dedicated to depicting how the 02 kids were constantly spending time with each other for reasons completely separated from Digimon incidents. This even includes completely ordinary things like soccer games -- Takeru, Hikari, Miyako, and Iori come to support Daisuke with an obvious motive of seeing him do well, so it’s apparent that they’ve come to enjoy hanging out with him beyond just obligation.
Part of this is because of the different nature of the Digimon conflict that they experienced. The Adventure kids had an experience that really was, functionally, “one” experience -- an extremely formative and important one, but one condensed one that they all experienced together. The nature of what the 02 territory war and conflict was, on the other hand, meant that what the conflict “was” to the 02 kids was of a completely different nature. This wasn’t summer vacation; this involved going back and forth between the fight and real life, to the point where Digimon fighting became integrated into “daily life” -- so of course you’d probably hope that the people you’re fighting with are also people you like to bond with on a social level. “Digimon life” and “social life” became synonymous to them.
And when it all comes down to it, it’s hard to pinpoint a “single experience” that the events of 02 embodied, or at least in the same way August 1999′s adventure was. As much as they were running for their lives, the Adventure kids have the luxury of looking at the events of their series as a formative singular time for them, one that they could even look at nostalgically, but for the 02 kids, it’s hard to condense everything into one singular experience (it’s easy for the audience to see it as one series, but for the kids themselves, it’s a very long chain of vaguely connected events). Actually, most of the year involved fighting with someone who ended up becoming their important friend and the other involved helping him deal with his trauma, so it’s not like everyone would be likely to have the most romantic image of this experience itself to “bond” over as much as they care more about the take-home they got out of it: each other.
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One thing that 02 doesn’t really spotlight front and center with its starter cast of characters is that, unlike the Adventure kids, who either came with their own social circles prior to Adventure or eventually developed their own in the course of their lives, it’s heavily implied that the 02 kids actually had difficulty making other friends even on a social level, or at least were likely to be in a situation where the other 02 kids really were better company than their other options even for mundane situations. This is especially in the case of the newly introduced characters, who are, effectively, a bit socially “displaced” from others and likely to have struggles fitting in.
There are quite a few signs that Daisuke had serious difficulty making friends prior to the events of the series (with Hikari being the closest thing he had to one), and the fact that the 12-year-old Miyako is portrayed as constantly hanging out with the 9-year-old Iori, brought together by being neighbors, rather than people closer to their own ages stands out. Iori is particularly interesting in that, unlike with Takeru and Hikari, who were portrayed as kids likely to socialize better with those their own age, Iori’s unusual maturity for his age heavily implies that he would actually be out of place with his classroom peers (a very common phenomenon for some people in real life, too!). 02 episode 3 depicting him left alone in the classroom with only a teacher to watch him while his stubborn fixation on principles leaves him slow to finish his lunch says a lot -- his own behavior is liable to isolate him from others, and it’s thus not all that surprising he ended up bonding with some kids who are older than him and more accepting (and even treat him with proper respect, too).
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Takeru and Hikari, too. There’s been a lot of arguments over whether the two of them would theoretically be closer to the Adventure kids or the 02 kids, but I would honestly say it’s technically both at once -- they have the same “not socially close, but intuitively understanding” relationship that the Adventure kids all have with each other, but hold the other 02 kids as part of their social circle and hang out with them in “daily life”. So in other words, they have the Adventure kids’ relationship with the other Adventure kids, and the 02 kids’ relationship with the 02 kids. This is presumably why Takeru and Hikari end up hitting it off so well at the start of 02 even though they didn’t interact all that intimately in Adventure; not only do they have that shared experience they intuitively understand, they also were able to start hanging out in day-to-day life and actually, well, socialize.
This applies to them in relation to the rest of the group as well. While neither of them were necessarily portrayed as having social problems, one common thread between the two is that they’re both very emotionally closed-in. Takeru’s response to negativity is to cover it up with smiles, until he can’t hide it anymore and bursts (which scares the hell out of Iori in 02 episode 19 and ultimately forms the basis of their Jogress arc), whereas Hikari has issues vocalizing whenever she’s hurt or in pain (said by herself in 02 episode 31, but with precedent from Adventure episode 48). That means that, even with potential social circles at school, it’s unlikely they necessarily would have had someone they could emotionally bond with deeply off the bat (especially since Takeru had just moved from Sangenjaya), and it’s likely why they kept gravitating towards each other (despite never truly talking about anything in-depth for most of the series) up until the Jogress arc.
In other words, while the Adventure kids’ adventure of self-actualization meant that their relationships to each other were mainly formed on simply understanding that they had a similar experience and empathizing, the 02 kids -- full of a group of somewhat socially maladjusted and out of place kids, plus two who had been on the prior adventure but were young enough to now still be carrying some deep-seated, unresolved emotional baggage -- were in a position where they arguably needed each others’ help to grow.
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Jogress isn’t just an obligatory evolution gimmick; it’s something very important to 02 as a series and understanding what it wants to say about relationships. I think one thing that makes me very sad is how often its constant pigeonholing as a gimmick makes me hear people saying that Daisuke and Ken was the only plot-relevant one and the rest were forced “spares”, saying that something like Takeru-Hikari and Miyako-Iori would make more sense. But when the point of the series is about building your relationships from scratch and learning to grow together, I really don’t feel that a story about relationships that naturally existed already would have helped it nearly as much. It’s not like Daisuke and Ken was that likely of a friendship, either!
This is especially in the case of Takeru and Hikari, who certainly were vibing pretty well with each other, but were still very emotionally closed-in with a lot of emotional baggage until the more to-the-point Miyako and Iori were able to break through their shells. (02 episode 13 is so often considered a “Takeru and Hikari bonding” episode, but while it does do a lot to show off the depth of their relationship that hadn’t been depicted much besides them just hanging out all the time, it also does not solve Hikari’s core problem in nearly the same way Miyako gets to the bottom of it in episode 31.) This is also why Takeru and Hikari have such a different relationship with the 02 kids compared to theirs with the Adventure kids; while they were largely tagging along with the older kids and learning a bit about inner strength back during their summer adventure, the 02 group is the one who not only provided them with friendship on a more equal peer level, but also poked deeply into their emotional issues that they very much needed others to help them out of. These are friends who finally get them.
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That Ken ultimately becomes yet another addition to this group of kids in need of friends finding support in each other should go without saying -- after all, it’s made abundantly clear he was very lonely and friendless until Daisuke and the others reached out to him -- but it ultimately culminates in them choosing to integrate this lonely boy from Tamachi into their social life. (Remember: Ken is the only of the six 02 kids to live in Tamachi and not Odaiba, but the last quarter of the series has them going out of their way to meet up.) The episode that establishes that everyone has truly made their peace with Ken and wants to unequivocally support him (with the most originally stubborn against it, Iori, graciously accepting him) is sealed off with a Christmas party. A completely ordinary Christmas party that has nothing to do with the Digimon incidents at hand, where they can play meaningless card games and celebrate the little things like Ken laughing, because it’s not just forgiving him or learning to work with him, but actively enjoying his presence and supporting him.
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The Digimon Animation Chronicle profile for Ken in Diablomon Strikes Back refers to him as Daisuke’s “best friend” (親友). Usually, the word for “friends” within Adventure and 02 would be nakama (仲間); you may have heard this word from One Piece fans, but this is a word that roughly means “one of us” and has a stronger emphasis on being in a certain group, or being like-minded. Thus, “you’re a Chosen Child like us,” or, more pertinently, “you have the same goal as us and we’re in this together” (after all, it’s not like being a Chosen Child was ever an exclusive club or anything).
But in the case of Daisuke and Ken’s relationship, it’s not just about having happened to gain a deep bond over the course of 02, it’s that Daisuke now really does have a sense of emotional closeness to Ken that the two are considered best friends by default -- in any situation, despite him living all the way in Tamachi. Even though the franchise loves to put them in the category that “protagonists and rivals” usually get, where most others are ones who tend to have friction but understand each other in the end, Daisuke and Ken are unique in that they’re not like that at all. They have a very straightforward sense of emotionally confiding in each other, at worst maybe lightly bantering a bit, but they are friends before anything else, and that extends to the rest of the 02 group as well.
The aftermath
On its face, it sounds like the 02 kids are getting a pretty luxurious deal -- they got a fun adventure of emotional growth out of it, and they’re tight friends with each other at that! Well, that probably sounds great, but there’s a flip side to all of this.
Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, the Adventure kids’ adventure in 1999 was a lot more “romantic” than the 02 kids’ eight-month-long ordeal. Sure, a lot of it definitely was stressful, what with the running for their lives and the scary villains and the emotional conflict, but there was also the part about getting to meet Gennai and the other friendly Digimon around and getting to explore villages. They were on summer break, so they didn’t even really have to worry about school (especially once they realized time dilation was a thing); it’s basically the epitome of the romantic coming-of-age story. (Fun fact: Stand By Me is really culturally influential in Japan.)
02, on the other hand, was an eight-month-long ordeal of having to fight a territory war crammed into the after-hours of school, juggling fighting this war with keeping it from parents, in a fight that would retroactively turn out to be against what would later become a heavily traumatized and beloved friend, plus eventually watching him get subject to even worse trauma. Oh, and the series also ended on witnessing a bunch of deaths (or in other words, the worst New Year’s Eve ever). While it seemed like the kids had the luxury of enjoying the Digital World in ways the Adventure kids couldn’t at first, actually, they didn’t get to enjoy as much of it at all, since they never got to form any lasting relationships with anyone like Gennai or Elecmon. These kids were basically too busy trying to keep each others’ heads on straight to really be able to focus on that.
The comparative mess that the 02 kids went through, and the messes that they kind of are, means that they’re rather dependent on each other for emotional support. This is not inherently a bad thing, mind you; the fact that some people are more independent than others is a simple fact of life, and the 02 kids (whether it’s from naturally being a bit misfit or from the degree of their experiences) being the type who grow together with mutual support isn’t inherently anything bad. It does, however, mean that they’re likely to have some difficulties ahead coming out of 02 as “growing up” conspires to make it more and more difficult for them to stick together -- after all, how many people have actually been able to stick with their elementary school friends all the way into adulthood? This is especially because Japanese high schools admit students by examination, and rank by academic ability; it’s not particularly common for those from the same elementary/middle school to attend the same high school, even if they live close to each other, and it’s very unlikely that all of them will be sticking together in school by that point.
So, how did they fare?
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Well, before we get into anything else, we should probably bring up one thing that seems like such a tiny little detail but is actually very important for this: Technology didn’t stagnate at 02′s D-Terminals, and by the time of Kizuna in 2010, smartphones and group chats existed! (Earlier than they did in real life, at that.) This is actually really important because of how much it does for that question of “how to keep in contact when circumstances like school keep you apart” -- especially when the Adventure group would certainly appreciate the method to keep in touch despite their lives largely getting increasingly separate. That, and even more so if other similar technological things like social media existed; there’s a lot of ways to keep in touch despite physical and circumstantial distance.
Of course, they’d been keeping in touch via email since 02, but a group chat is much lower pressure and actively encourages everyone to keep in touch; think about how useful group chats have been for connecting with your own longtime friends. It’s ambiguous whether the 02 group was privy to this particular chat from To Sora given that they were clearly on call for incidents like the Parrotmon one, but it’s also entirely possible that this is a room for The Ones Who Went on That One Adventure in August 1999, especially since they use the Crests as their icons, and the 02 group has their own (let’s be real, they totally would; think about how many Discord servers with overlapping people you might be in right now). This, combined with the fact that the Adventure and 02 groups seem to have formed a sort of recon squad for the increasing number of Digimon incidents in Tokyo, means that there are actually a lot more opportunities to stay involved with each other than ever before!
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As it seems, the Adventure group does seem to be rather emotionally close to the point that Taichi is willing to reach out to Yamato simply to dump his emotional troubles about his future career prospects on him (despite them going to very different universities at this point). Yet, at the same time, there’s still a palpable sense of distance going on here, and a depiction of Taichi and Yamato having developed separate social lives and their own friend circles -- Taichi with Morikawa and Nemoto, and Yamato with Abe (their names come from the novel), who are also acquainted with each other enough to talk about career and worry about each other.
When Taichi and Yamato talk over beer, they don’t even have updates on the same people (Yamato has to update Taichi on Sora and Takeru’s status), and ultimately, Yamato comments on their drifting -- saying that it’s a potentially inevitable part of choosing one’s path. It’s not hard to see why he says this; it’s been a recurring theme for them since after the events of Adventure. Sora and Mimi haven’t been around for Digimon incidents lately because of their careers, and it’s highly likely Jou hasn’t either; Koushirou keeps in touch, but our only depictions have been in the range of business and Digimon incidents.
But for the 02 group? Absolutely not.
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The Kizuna drama CD has a lot about what the 02 group was doing (and planning to do) during their little “vacation” in New York. In fact, there’s a lot to go on about here:
Daisuke and Takeru show up together even though Iori was allegedly said to be “first” approached, meaning the two of them were basically hanging out anyway.
Daisuke insists on going on a trip that’s about his own personal career with friends -- and not just any friends, but specifically the group of himself, Ken, Miyako, Iori, Takeru, and Hikari. He also wanted his seniors along, but they were too busy -- but it’s pointed out that the other 02 group members aren’t exactly full of free time either, meaning that these five have a special place of importance to Daisuke in his ramen career trip.
Even the Digimon are aware of what the other humans (the ones that aren’t even their partners!) have been up to lately.
Miyako and Hawkmon say that it’s only natural for them to show up when the group is getting together -- i.e. being with this specific company is a fact of life to her, to the point she invents D-3 gate exploitation to be with them.
The group keeps saying “it’s been a while” for periods of time in which it is made pretty obvious it’s actually not a lot of time at all. (Miyako had just left for Spain to the point her coming back elicits an “already?!” kind of reaction, yet that constitutes “a while”, and the most likely very short time between the trip planning and the movie is also apparently “a while”, and it’s very likely that Takeru’s “a while” in greeting Iori may well have not been that long, either.) It really makes you think about how often the people in this group must be meeting up to think that this constitutes “a while”...
Hikari is ready to fight people for denying her the chance to play with Miyako.
Beyond that, they’ve all apparently been regular enough presences in Daisuke’s life for completely offhand comments and actions to have major impacts on his career thoughts.
In the movie itself, Miyako refuses to take on the exact same request that she ultimately gladly participates in with the rest of the 02 group in New York -- presumably, because the fact her friends are there makes it all better.
As it turns out, despite everything -- despite everyone going in completely different directions with their careers, attending different schools (Iori’s still in high school while everyone else is in university!), the 02 group has been maintaining this attitude of going out of their way to hang out with each other, in a sort of “we do it together, or we don’t do it at all” sense. Of course, that’s not to say they’ve all stayed so socially maladjusted that they’ve become completely incapable of making any other friends at all, but there is a very clear, strong preference of them wanting to be in each other’s specific company to the point that they would do ridiculous things to make it work.
So, you might be asking: what’s the trade-off?
Yamato attributes the alienation between the Adventure group to “choosing one’s own path”. Inherently, this is not quite right (nor is the sentiment that “choices are bad” in general), especially considering that Daisuke, Iori, and Hikari already made their choices in path a long time ago, yet are still behaving like this. The question is actually more of priorities; notice that while the older Adventure characters are mainly portrayed in Kizuna as aggressively pursuing career prospects, the 02 characters, despite having their current educational statuses listed in their profiles, simply seem to have this as not an object.
Iori’s still in school uniform; he’s arguably cramming this all between school club obligations. Ken, Miyako, Takeru, and Hikari don’t have their current educational status involved at all, and even though Daisuke’s ramen trip is technically for his future career, he’s also happy to just “play around” about sightseeing (and, again, there’s also no reason he needed to bring his friends for this). Takeru’s working on his novel, but he hasn’t actually decided it’ll be his career yet. It’s not about whether they’ve made choices or not; it’s about the fact they’re going about this remarkably casually to the point where maintaining their relationship with their friends is more important than career. And this extends to the 02 epilogue as well; compared to their seniors’ more prominent history-making careers, the 02 group’s is more low-scale and community-oriented (the only exception being Sora, but even that ties into individual ambition more than anything else, considering that not succeeding her mother is already a pretty big deal in itself).
The take-home
Adventure and 02 are both very well-known for showcasing people with different personalities and goals in life, and celebrating their differences. I think, personally, the difference between the Adventure and 02 groups’ dynamics is also something that reflects on the different ways to live one’s life as well. This is especially something that most of us can probably understand well now that we’re adults looking back at this, especially in light of Kizuna.
There are some of us who really want to do large-scale things in this world, and will need that understanding of the self to get there but may struggle with maintaining consistent friendships on that turbulent path, and have to adapt by managing the different levels of their relationships and learning to get along with different people in different ways. There are some of us who gain happiness more from mutual support with the people around us even if it means not ostensibly achieving as “great” things, and feel most comfortable with a single consistent set of friends. Some of us are in between, or feel elements of both as we try to experiment with things in life (actually, I’m pretty sure that’s probably most of us to some degree).
Think about your own life and future prospects right now, and then think about the friends you may be in touch with, or haven’t been in touch with for a while, or the ones you talk to for different purposes or fulfill different niches in your life. We’re all trying to straddle this balance; there’s no one right way to live.
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cawy-x · 3 years
Sick | Oikawa Tooru x reader
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You stopped counting how many times it had vibrated since the beginning of your lesson, which had only started ten minutes ago. You groaned in annoyance, you could not concentrate at all on what the teacher was saying and some of your classmates were giving you glares. You carefully took your phone off your pocket and hid it behind your pencil case. You noticed that you had at least twenty notifications from Tooru. You rolled your eyes and put your phone on silent mode before putting it back in your pocket.
“You are free to leave,” the teacher announced after the three hours lecture. You sighed of relief and stretched your legs. You packed up your things and put everything in your bag. You left the amphitheater and immediately took your phone. You now had fifty notifications, one from every social media you owned, three missed calls, and a lot of text messages. You decided to look at the messages first.
“I need you. I am bored. Help me.”
“Where are you? Why are you not answering?”
“I am dyiiiing.”
“Your boyfriend is dying, and you are ignoring him.”
“____-chan, please answer.”
“I think I need to go to the hospital.”
“My throat is so sore that it’s almost hard to breathe.”
“And I can’t even breathe through my nose! I miss the good old days…”
The texts went on and on about him dying and his final wish being seeing your face one last time. Your boyfriend could be quite dramatic sometimes. You sighed and rolled your eyes and as you were about to put your phone in your pocket you felt it vibrate. You looked at the notification from Iwaizumi and chuckled.
“Make it stop or I’ll have to end it myself.”
“Don’t tempt me! I would even pay you to end it quicker. But don’t worry I’m on my way 😉”
You put away your phone and started to walk towards Tooru’s place, fortunately, he did not live too far from the university. You decided to stop at the convenience store, knowing your boyfriend, he probably only had painkillers and had probably planned on ordering food. You took some soup and other food that are easy to digest as well as some medicine. You almost felt embarrassed at the number of things you had bought. You paid for the grocery and quickly made your way to his apartment.
You knocked on the door, and waited patiently but no one answered. You knocked again, still no answer. You were losing patience and started banging on his door. The door swung open to a sleepy Tooru. He had the worst bed hair you had ever seen, sticking out in all directions. He was only wearing his boxer and a T-shirt and was not so graciously scratching his stomach while rubbing one of his eyes with his other free hand.
“Iwa-chan you’re too loud, you gorilla,” he complained in a hoarse voice. He yawned and finally took a good look at you. His hands stopped as his eyes started widening, you could see his cheeks gradually turning red. He was frozen to the spot, a stupid expression etched on his face. You gave him your sweetest smile.
“A gorilla, huh? I am not sure I am into that new pet name,” you teased him and took a step forward. Before you had time to take one more step, the door was shut abruptly to your face.
You stood in front of the door dumbfounded and you could hear loud noises coming from his apartment. He was probably trying to tidy it as much as he could. You banged on the door.
“If you don’t come out in ten seconds, I am leaving Tooru!” You threatened him. You started to count in your head and the door finally opened again after nine seconds.
Tooru casually leaned against the door frame. He was panting heavily but tried to not show it. He was wearing pants and you noticed that his hair was slightly damp in the hope to tame his bed hair. He gave you one of his charming smiles.
“Hey, there.” His voice sounded funny which made it hard for you not to laugh at his attempt to look cool.
“Hi, there,” you said back, “are we pretending that you were not a total mess two minutes ago?” You mused, raising an eyebrow.
“I-,” he puffed his cheeks, “I didn’t know you would come.”
“Really? Despite the hundreds of messages telling me to come and that you were on the verge of dying,” you put your right hand over your heart and clenched on your shirt, “I must be a terrible lover for you to think that,” you dramatically added.
“The worst. Actually, you’re so bad that I’m willing to sacrifice myself and keep you to myself so that other men won’t have to go through this pain,” he stated proudly with a soft look in his eyes.
“So generous,” you rolled your eyes and chuckled lightly. “Can I come in now?”
Tooru did not move and looked conflicted.
“Are you sure? I mean I have a cold, I don’t want you to catch it…”
“You know what they say, only idiots…” you trailed off and stepped forward.
“Yes, that's why I am worried about you,” he snickered as he moved out of the way to let you in.
You looked at him, seriously pondering if hitting someone sick could be considered a crime.
“Says the actual idiot with a cold.”
He childishly stuck out his tongue at you and you sent him a kiss. You made your way towards the kitchen and put the grocery on the counter. As you began to unpack, you felt two strong arms snaking around your waist and your boyfriend’s face nuzzling into your neck, he gave you a quick kiss on the crook of your neck and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Thank you for coming,” he whispered. You smiled and finished unpacking while Tooru was still embracing you.
“I brought some medicine, I figured you did not take any. You should take some before eating,” you said as you turned around to face him. He was unwilling to let you go which made it harder to face him as you struggled in his embrace. He grimaced at the sight of the medication.
“They taste awful,” he complained as he put them aside.
“Seriously? How old are you again? I didn’t know I had to shop for a little kid.”
“You’re so mean ____-chan. You should not be mean to a sick person,” he sighed, pouting, letting you go and grabbing the bottle of syrup on the counter.
“And a sick person should not be all over their loved one spreading their germs,” you retorted, “drink this and then go back to bed!”
He narrowed his eyes at the syrup and unwillingly poured some on a spoon. He made a gagging noise at the smell. He pinched his nose and quickly drank it. His face contorted in disgust.
“See, it wasn’t that bad you big baby.”
“It was terrible! I would not even recommend it to Tobio-chan!” He groaned and then seemed to be in a deep reflection, “well maybe for Tobio-chan…”
You rolled your eyes and pushed him towards his bedroom. Once he was comfortably in bed and after he had begged you to stay with him, you went back to the kitchen to make something for the both of you. You opted for a pea and carrot soup with rice. You put on a timer and took advantage of the rice boiling to check on Tooru. He was, fortunately, still laying in his bed watching intensely at a video on his phone. You did not have to check to know that it was something volleyball-related. His eyes left his screen and fell on you. He smiled gently and put down his phone next to him. He pushed his cover aside and motioned for you to join him. You slowly closed the door behind you and joined him under the cover, snuggling under the cover. You planted a chaste kiss on his forehead, it was still warm. You buried your face in his chest and he engulfed you in his arms, bringing you closer to him. His head was resting on top of yours. His hands were gently caressing your back. You stayed still for a moment, but you could feel his hands wandering not so aimlessly under your shirt.
He hummed in response and started to give you small kisses on your neck.
“What is it ____? Do you want me to stop?” He asked despite still leaving trails of kisses all over your face and neck.
“You should rest, you’re sick,” you said without much conviction.
Before you could comprehend what was happening, Tooru had you pinned under him on his bed.
“I am fine. You should read the room ____-chan,” he said in an attempt to sound sensual, but his voice still sounded funny from his blocked nose. You found it more adorable than seductive.
His face came closer to yours; you closed your eyes anticipating his kiss. Instead, you felt something moist falling on your cheek. You immediately opened your eyes and looked at Tooru’s face hovering an inch from yours, snot running down his nose.
“Ewww Toooooru, that’s disgusting!” You laughed half-disgusted, half-amused, as you pushed him away from you. “You should read the room,” you repeated mockingly.
He looked at you puzzled by your sudden outburst, seemingly offended.
“I am not disgusting thank you very much,” he huffed and sniffled. That is when he noticed that he had snots coming out from his nose. He immediately covered his face and looked down at you as he was still on top of you. His eyes stopped on the wet spot on your cheek and his face completely changed into a mixture of horror and shame. He rapidly left the bed, almost tripping on the clothes on his floor. He grabbed the box of tissues on his nightstand and immediately cleaned your face, apologizing profusely, eyes not meeting yours. Once, he had made sure that your face was clean, he blew his nose. He stayed seated on the floor, his head hanging low. It must have been a blow to his ego.
“It’s fine Tooru,” you were about to add something when you heard the timer ringing. You hurriedly left the room to prepare the food. You put everything on the tray and came back to his room. He was curled up under his cover, hiding. You put the tray on the nightstand and sat next to him.
“Come on little snail, come out of your shell, dinner is ready,” you said patting his back.
“Don’t make fun of me ___-chan, I am mortified!” He whined.
You smiled, holding back a chuckle.
“That was so uncool,” he continued whining and groaning.
“It was,” you said, and he groaned, “but you’re sick it could have happened to anyone, don’t worry. Now let me see your pretty face and let’s eat before it gets cold.”
The covers moved as his pouty face poked out of it. You smiled at him and squeezed his cheeks together until his lips puckered. You kissed him and turned your attention toward the food. You felt the mattress move under his weight and suddenly his arms snaked around your waist.
“I love you,” he whispered and sat next to you on the bed, opened up his laptop, and turned on your tv show.
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taexual · 4 years
i’d love you to stay but that’s simply insane // JJK (1)
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        jungkook is an uncontrollable lead vocalist of the campus band, and you’re a goal-oriented top student that’s known his rich and complicated family since childhood. you don’t want anything to do with each other, until each other is exactly what you want to do.
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: college au
warnings: strong language, accidents caused by drunk driving (DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, DRIVE WHILE DRUNK OR AGREE TO RIDE WITH SOMEONE WHO’S DRUNK!!!)
words: 4.4k
                       chapter one.
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The music coming from the stage was deafening and headache-inducing but the ambience of the club itself was absolutely energizing, and you kept switching between regretting the decision to come here, and thanking your roommate for convincing you to. Glancing at the girl next to you – she’d already finished her fourth drink and you weren’t sure if she realized it because she seemed to be hypnotized by what she was seeing on stage – you smiled even despite knowing that you’d be stuck helping her battle a killer hangover tomorrow.
“It’s crazy,” Inna said suddenly as if having read your thoughts, “isn’t it? I mean, they’re driving the whole club insane, look at them!”
You did look but not at the band on stage. The second floor of the club provided you with a great view of the first floor and the sight of your heavily intoxicated and barely legal peers dancing so close to the stage, they were nearly on top of it already, distracted you – it always amused you to see the duality of the top students in your class.
“Yeah,” you said. “But Parental Advisory brings the insanity with them wherever they go. I saw some people who brought actual posters to the club.”
“Shit, I should have thought of that,” Inna said, hitting herself on the temple with her palm in disappointment.
“I don’t even get it,” you started and your roommate was already groaning. Even drunk, she could recognize the tone of your voice when you were about to complain. “I mean—”
“Come on, you said you wouldn’t complain!” she whined.
“I said no such thing,” you disagreed, “and I’m not complaining, anyway. I’m just saying how they’re nothing special. Everyone’s only listening to them because they’re the only band on campus.”
Inna looked like she wanted to argue – like she’s done a million times before – but then she decided to let it slide and finish her drink instead.
“You’re only saying that,” she pointed out then, the straw of her cocktail still in her mouth, “because you have a weird prejudice against their lead vocalist.”
You raised your eyebrows with a skeptical scoff. “Jungkook? I don’t have anything against him. I just think he’s an overrated, arrogant asshole.”
Your roommate glanced at the stage again, seemingly losing herself in the performance for a minute, before she agreed to give you the benefit of the doubt, even though she always suspected that there was something more there – she knew you and Jungkook had history and she felt like your open dislike for him was concealing your deeper feelings.
“He may be arrogant,” she said just as Jungkook tossed the towel he’d used to wipe the sweat on his forehead off into the crowd, “but that’s just because he’s aware of how good he is.”
“Or maybe it’s because his dad owns a successful business,” you said, “and he’s just an entitled heir.”
“Sure, that could be a factor. But being an heir wouldn’t make those girls so devoted to him,” she was only half-joking as both of your gazes immediately fell to the side of the stage where a group of girls was already waiting for the performance to be over.
“There’s always a crowd of girls wherever he goes,” Inna continued, her eyes glistening. She chuckled then, “and, let me tell you, word is, they’re never disappointed.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes even despite having heard the rumors on campus as well. It wasn’t that the members of Parental Advisory slept around – or maybe they did but they weren’t ones to brag about it – but they knew what to give their audience to make them satisfied. That included their shows on stage and their parties back at their shared house – a notorious place already, known all over campus as the only spot where a party could stay alive and burning all throughout the weekend.
“Do you think his groupies leave reviews?” you slipped into sarcasm without meaning to. “Do they rate his performance on and off the stage out of five stars?”
“No, are you seriou—okay, that’s enough for me. I’m going to get another drink,” Inna stood up, choosing to focus her energy into having a good time rather than trying to get you to see the band from her point of view.
You debated stopping her -- she’s already had more drinks than she could handle -- but the determination in her eyes as she turned around and crossed the room towards the bar stopped you. You didn’t dare to interrupt a woman on a mission.
Finishing your own drink as you waited for her to come back, you took this time to focus on the atmosphere of the club. Despite the fact that Parental Advisory was, obviously, not one of your favorite bands, they did play good music – even if you could already feel a headache creeping in – and, there was no denying, they definitely knew how to put on a show.
You watched Jungkook lean into the crowd with his mic stand, his white shirt almost see-through from his sweat – and everyone who was close enough to touch him went wild. It was almost as if he ignited wildfires inside of them with his eyes – just one look and everyone around him dropped all of their inhibitions and started to live.
You knew of the effect he had on people even before he joined the band as you found yourself reminiscing about all the times you’d listened to Jungkook play a very strained version of Für Elise on his grandfather’s old piano. He’d always look at you after he finished playing and the glitter in his eyes made you feel as though you’ve just listened to the most harmonious melody in the world, even if his family’s cat wouldn’t stop hissing, begging him to stop and get away from the piano.
Somehow, listening to Parental Advisory – even though they favored alternative music and stayed clear of Beethoven – always brought back the memories of Jungkook at the piano. It softened you until you started to understand why every person at the club was completely at his will, responding to his every gesture, and, for a little while, you could relate to them as you followed Jungkook on stage with your eyes.
You didn’t like these memories – they lowered your walls against your will – so you were glad to get distracted by Inna as she plopped back down on her seat next to you, a new drink in her hand.
“Man,” she said and then took a sip, “if I’d brought a poster too, maybe we could have gone to the after party.”
Of course she wanted to go to their after party. When it came to Parental Advisory, after parties were basically a part of their performance, so she couldn’t just leave in the middle of it.
“You can still go even if you don’t have a poster,” you said, already coming up with a plan of how you were going to get home after the final song ended. “It’s not like their parties are exclusive.”
“Well, they sort of are,” Inna said. “It’s different when you just show up to the party. The people who matter arrive with the band. And they usually invite some of the girls with the posters backstage after the show.”
“The people who matter,” you repeated with disgust, “I hope you realize how pretentious that sounds. You’re not a loser if you don’t roll up to the party with the band.”
“It’s—okay, maybe it’s a little pretentious,” she said. “But I’d still like to be a part of that crew. Or, at least, arrive with someone.”
She wasn’t trying to conceal her wistful tone and even if she was, she probably wouldn’t have been very successful, because her wish to get a glimpse into the inside world of Parental Advisory was obvious in her eyes as she watched the band play out the final chords on stage.
Despite dragging you to gigs like this nearly every weekend, Inna was, all things considered, a good friend and you felt like you owed her this one thing because tonight really wasn’t as torturous for you as you may have made it seem.
You still couldn’t help but sigh before speaking to let her know how difficult saying this was for you (all so she wouldn’t expect you to do this every time you went out, really), “I suppose we can go to the party together. I’ll make sure you don’t feel like a loser.”
Her whole face lit up as she turned to you. “Do you mean it? Because I’m too drunk to recognize it if you’re mocking me right now.”
“I mean it,” you said sincerely. “If you don’t mind arriving with me instead of the band.”
“Oh, who cares, the band will be inside,” she dismissed her previous stance immediately, “thank you! I’ll make sure to repay you by getting you a clean cup of beer so as not to repeat my last mistake.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, frowning as you tried to resist the memory of Inna’s last mistake that involved accidentally making a cocktail of beer and tequila and then leaving you to fend for your life as you battled a hangover that seemed to last the whole week.
“Let’s not go there,” you said, “I’ll get my own drinks this time. Or, actually, maybe I’ll stay sober. One of us has to.”
Inna chuckled. “Good! I think it’s a little too late for me to do that.”
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As it turned out, your roommate wasn’t the only one who got drunk way before the after-party started, because, by the time you returned to campus and reached the large building Parental Advisory lived in – courtesy of their rich parents, of course – everyone there was already wasted and in the middle of a very intense game of how-many-stupid-things-can-I-do-in-one-night. The guy who dived head-first from the roof into the jacuzzi in the backyard – no clothes on him whatsoever – must have been winning.
“Did you see that?” Inna laughed, her eyes lighting up like a child’s in the presence of candy. “There’s a reason why people won’t shut up about the parties here.”
“Hmm,” you looked around, more concerned about the girl from your Philosophy class who was attempting to do a keg stand all by herself. “But how do they not have accidents here? Everyone’s drunk out of their—”
“Oh my God, there they are!” your roommate squealed as she stopped walking suddenly and you automatically bumped into her. She turned to you, completely unbothered by the fact that you’d made her spill half of her drink. “Do you want to say hi to Jungkook?”
You lifted your gaze until you saw the four members of the band make their way towards the kitchen – which was, conveniently, directly behind you –  and then scoffed.
“Not at all,” you said as the group approached. “But even if I did, watch how he successfully ignores me.”
But your expectations weren’t met as Jungkook – still mid-laugh about something someone had said to him – stopped right in front of you.
“Oh!” he looked surprised to see you, but not nearly as surprised as you felt when he stopped to talk to you. Inna had stopped breathing as she watched you from the side and, frankly, you thought your lungs had given out, too. “Nice to see you here. Having fun?”
You hadn’t talked to Jungkook in seven years at least – a lucky number, one would think – and now that he was suddenly addressing you again, you weren’t sure if you’d ever learned how to talk at all.
“Sure,” you ended up saying because what else was there to say? “I like what you’ve done with the place. Before the party started, I mean.”
He laughed, giving the space that was once his living room – but was now a dance-floor with a couch that was nearly tipped over by some couple that was making out on it – a good look and then turning to you again.
“Thanks,” he said. “My mom took care of it.”
“Of course,” you let it slip. Acting like you didn’t know him was obviously not going to work because you did know him, and you knew very well that his mother was an interior designer because she was the one that designed your parents’ house, too. “Hope she’s doing well.”
“She is,” Jungkook said but it sounded a lot like the automatic response you’d given him before – “sure, I’m having fun at this party” – and he realized that as he cleared his throat, “she, uh, she’s still in touch with your mom, I guess, yeah?”
“Well, they’re best friends,” you said. Once again, your mouth opened before you could control yourself and every single word came out sounding overly sarcastic and borderline snotty. It was like you were trying to live up to his arrogant nature while he was pretending to be humble. “Anyway, it’s, uh, good to see you, I guess. I’m going to—”
Your eyes were already on Inna – who was no longer as amused by Jungkook as she had been moments ago, and was currently ogling Taehyung, another Parental Advisory member, who was talking to someone a few feet away from her – and you were already in the middle of taking a step past Jungkook and towards her, when he suddenly grabbed your forearm, stopping you.
The act – or, his touch, to be precise – shocked you so much that you turned to him with parted lips but weren’t able to express your surprise out loud.
“Wait, you guess?” Jungkook asked, sounding oddly amused. “So, it’s not really good to see me, then?”
For a moment, you didn’t understand what he was saying at all – because you weren’t thinking what you were saying when you spoke to him – but then you realized and pulled your arm out of his grasp.
“I’ve made small-talk with at least a dozen people I didn’t know before tonight,” you said, “it’s been good to see them all.”
“You know me, though,” he insisted, grinning now. It was like he listened to the sarcasm in your voice but deliberately chose not to hear it.
Still not really sure why he was talking to you now of all times – you’ve been going to the same classes for three years now and there have definitely been opportunities for you two to interact but you both ignored all of them – you figured he was just bored. Doing the same thing every Friday night – performing and then going home to get drunk with strangers who basically worshiped him – was bound to get tiring after a while and maybe he was looking for new ways to entertain himself.
“I knew you,” you clarified, not wanting to become his newest form of entertainment.
He shrugged, seemingly unfazed by the seven years you’d spent not talking. “You still do.”
You scoffed and were clearly about to disagree, so he jumped in before you could.
“We can always catch up,” he said with a nod towards the kitchen. “Let’s get a drink.”
“Why?” you asked. You couldn’t help it, this was too weird.
“Why not?” he countered, ever the opportunist. You didn’t reply. “What’s with the frown? Do you still plan everything out in advance? Should I make an appointment with your secretary before you can agree to get drinks with me?”
You felt the frown he’d mention deepen as your skeptical expression turned into a full-on scowl. You didn’t appreciate being mocked.
“You should,” you said. “But, fair warning, I’m booked until graduation.”
You were already turning to walk away – and noticed that Inna had disappeared – but, once again, Jungkook pulled you right back in by speaking louder.
“Aw, that’s disappointing,” he said in a way that made him sound more excited than disappointed. “Won’t you make an exception for an old friend? You used to.”
You felt goosebumps rise on your skin as he said this but didn’t even attempt to defend yourself. He had always been the exception to everything in your life – no matter how busy with homework you were, no matter how many school events the student council needed your approval for, you always made time for him – and, somehow, that came back to bite you in the ass.
“I haven’t talked to you since we finished middle school,” you said, purposefully not sticking to the day in discussion for too long or Jungkook would have undoubtedly used that against you, too, “lots of things changed. I only make exceptions for the people who matter now.”
Jungkook – who was absolutely going to discuss your middle school graduation in great detail if you’d stopped talking after you mentioned it – grabbed his chest and threw his head back dramatically.
“Ouch,” he fake-moaned, “that’s really cold, you know. I’m just trying to reconnect with you.”
“I think you have more important matters at hand,” you said, finally finding an excuse to walk away – it came in the form of three girls who had appeared by his side, evidently too tired to be waiting for his attention from across the room.
He hadn’t even noticed them at first – which was surprising, considering how strong the scent of their combined perfumes was – but, as soon as he turned his head to finally look at them, you walked away.
Instead of being annoyed by your abrupt exit, however, Jungkook seemed to grow even more amused. This was the first time you’d left him hanging – things really have changed.
“I’ll call you!” he called out across the living room but you didn’t turn back so he assumed you didn’t hear. Sighing, he turned back to the girls by his side. Taking the one closest to him by her hand, he pointed towards the kitchen. “Ladies.”
When you finally turned around to look at him – because you did hear what he’d said – he was already guiding the group of girls into the kitchen and filling their cups. An unexpected sense of disappointment settled in your chest but you tried to shake it off.
He was the one who decided it’d be better if the two of you stopped being friends at the beginning of ninth grade. It couldn’t have taken him seven years to change his mind.
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A loud commotion outside distracted you from the conversation you’d been having with someone who, apparently, lived in a dorm room across the hall from yours – funny how you haven’t even seen each other before tonight – and you both turned to look out of the window.
“What the fuck was that?” you heard Yoongi, another one of Jungkook’s bandmates, ask himself, as he hurried past you. “Is that fucker fighting again?”
Your heart rate picked up as you realized that the “fucker” in question must have been Jungkook. Thinking rationally, you knew you had no reason to go out there and check what was going on, and yet the possibility that Jungkook was in a fight – and not for the first time, apparently! – was enough to send you right after Yoongi, until the two of you stopped in the backyard, both looking around to see what was causing the loud noise.
“Do you see him?” Yoongi asked you, too drunk – and too busy looking after his lead vocalist – to question why you were outside with him when everyone else settled on watching the scene play out through the windows of the house.
“Why do you think it’s him—oh. Yeah, I see him,” you pointed to a black car parked at the far end of the backyard – clearly, the car belonged to one of the members – and Yoongi saw Jungkook as soon as he turned to look.
Frankly, it was hard not to see Jungkook because he was being unceremoniously thrown on the hood of the vehicle by a guy that was about twice his size. And yet Jungkook seemed so much more aggressive than him as he pushed himself off the car and attacked.
“Fuck,” Yoongi muttered briefly before breaking into a sprint. “Jungkook! Shit, get the fuck away from him. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
Profanities continued to spill from his mouth as he attempted to break the fight up. You found yourself running to catch up with them – which was a blessing for Yoongi because he struggled to hold the other guy back when Jungkook kept throwing himself at him – but you didn’t dare to intervene just yet.
“What are you doing?” you demanded – no one paid any attention – and then cleared your throat before trying again, louder, “Jungkook!”
Still, the boy was far too focused on his opponent – who was being cradled by a huffing Yoongi – so you had no choice but to step in – literally – and place both hands on Jungkook’s chest, pushing him back into the car roughly.
Taken off guard, he stumbled and fell on his back, landing on the hood of the car yet again and nearly taking you with him as he had angrily grabbed your wrists before he fell. He was seemingly ready to push them away before he looked into your eyes.
“Fuck,” he exhaled as soon as your gazes met, his grip on your wrists softening but not disappearing as he held your hands against his chest that moved up and down, his heart beating rapidly under your fingertips.
After waiting until his heart rate slowed down just slightly, you pulled your hands out of his and stepped away so he could stand up from the car.
“What the hell happened?” you asked. You could feel yourself start to shake but it wasn’t due to the chilly evening air.
“He’s being a dumbass again, that’s what happened,” Yoongi snarled, pushing the guy he’d been holding back off of himself and glaring at him and Jungkook both. “You need to get your shit together, man. I’m sick of looking after your sorry ass.”
The last part was directed at Jungkook who groaned, pulling the sleeves of his hoodie down. The guy he’d been fighting spat on the ground, gave him one last frustrated look, and returned to the party. Jungkook looked like he was going to yell something at him but Yoongi cursed loudly and gave up right then and there, turning around towards the house.
“I don’t need you to look after me!” Jungkook yelled after Yoongi, who pretended not to hear him as he walked away, and then – much to your surprise – the younger boy threw the driver’s door of the car open.
Confused and seriously concerned, you watched Yoongi leave before turning back to look at Jungkook. “W-what are you—”
“Just go!” he snapped at you as he got into the car.
“You can’t drive!” you protested in panic, grabbing the door before he could close it.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want,” Jungkook snarled, looking at you with a fire so prominent in his eyes that you ended up letting go of the car door out of sheer surprise. You’d never seen him like this before.
And then, as you turned away from him for just one second, searching for Yoongi – surely, he’d come back to stop him – Jungkook started the engine of the car.
You swore under your breath, knocking on the window of the car but it brought no response from him. “Jungkook! You can’t—”
He said something and you automatically stopped pounding on his window to listen. The engine of the car was drowning out his words and you expected him to lower his window and repeat what he’d said, but Jungkook used the moment when you took an unconscious step away from the car, and pushed the pedal.
You swore loudly as you watched him drive away, running your hands through your hair in desperation. For the next minute, you watched the car maneuver around the front yard clumsily and then drive down the main street. When he disappeared from your field of vision, you pulled your phone out from your back pocket but you didn’t know who to call.
Looking around again, you realized that Yoongi had gone back inside, and suddenly, you weren’t sure what would be faster, calling the police so they’d be on the look-out for a drunk lunatic behind the wheel or finding the rest of the Parental Advisory members so they could hopefully find a better solution.
But before you could reach a decision – it all seemed to happen in a split-second, honestly – you heard a loud crash. With your heart immediately falling down to your stomach and then plummeting all the way down to your feet, you ran across the yard and towards the main street, hoping – praying – that the sound was unrelated to Jungkook.
And yet, as soon as you stopped on the sidewalk and looked down the road, you saw the same black car right there, next to where the road split into an intersection. It had been forced to stop by a lonely lamp post, the view of which was partially blocked by a large tree trunk, but even so, you could tell that Jungkook had slammed the car right into it.
Struggling to breathe, you listened to people pour out of the house. They seemed to be much more alarmed than they’d been when they first heard someone fighting.
You didn’t think you could move.
“Call an ambulance,” you whispered, your eyes glued to the smoke that was coming out in dark, angry swirls from underneath the totaled hood of Jungkook’s car. “Someone needs to call the ambulance!”
Your own phone was lit up with the number of the police that you’d dialed mere seconds ago but you couldn’t find the control in your fingers to press call. Then, you heard cursing and realized that the people from the party weren’t going to help. They didn’t even consider helping.
They were running away. Escaping from the accident which seemed to them like the perfect reason for expulsion from university. They no longer wanted to be a part of the special club that got to arrive to Parental Advisory parties with the members of the band themselves. 
Inhaling deeply, you realized that no one else was going to do this for you, so you finally managed to pull yourself back together again.
You pressed your phone to your ear and with each beep of the dial tone, you cursed the Parental Advisory parties more and more – they were an accident waiting to happen. An accident so awful, it could erase seven years of silence as you hoped Jungkook would be able to talk to you again. 
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fanfic-about-fictif · 4 years
Open book
Type: drabble/oneshot, 100% catboy fluff
Pairing: Sage Lesath x female reader
Words: 1781
Warnings: no warnings 
This is my first writing about Sage and related to Last Legacy/Fictif stories, so let me know what you think! Maybe even give me some ideas if you like it, so I can write more?
Sage bursts into her room and - well, not her room exactly, but her room for the time being - and then he smirks, his eyes glistening with mischief, as per usual. She didn’t turn to look at him, as a matter of fact she didn’t even let him in because he didn’t bother to knock.
“I was just about to go shower and thought, we should shower together.”, he concluded simply, gazing at her body, while she was perched on the wide windowsill.
She didn’t even need to look up at him to see he was smiling wide.
“You know, for practical reasons. Obviously.”, he added.
She still didn’t look up at him, twirling her phone in her hands absent-mindedly.
“Practical reasons?” she questioned, but her heart wasn’t really in it, she barely registered his words.
“I can help you with the washing. Make sure you clean each inch of your body properly.”, his teasing tone would usually make her chuckle or groan. Maybe she would roll her eyes at him or even blush, but this time, nothing. Not even a witty remark.
Sage’s smile instantly faded. “What’s wrong?”
His worried voice seemed to snap her out of it and she finally glanced up. Upon locking eyes with him, she faked a smile and shook her head. “Nothing’s wrong.”
He walked over to her, made her scoot up the windowsill with a sweep of his hand and then sat down. Her phone was set aside on the windowsill and she brought her knees to her chest, enveloping them with her arms.
“Why were you looking at...”, Sage pointed at her phone. “...Whatever that is?”
“It’s a phone.”, she said. “You can call people with it, no matter how far away they are, or even send them messages, or also-“
“Not what I was asking.”
She sighed, resting her chin on the top of her knees. “It’s dead, anyway. Not working anymore.”
“It’s dead since you came here?”
She nodded, looking out of the window.
“You wanted to call somebody?” Sage asked hesitantly.
There was a brief pause as he noticed her eyes glistening.
She faked a smile again as she looked at Sage and he decided he absolutely hated that. Her eyes looked so sad, even though he could notice she was trying so hard to hide it. The sunlight from outside hit her face perfectly, making it shine and illuminate in a way that left Sage mesmerized. He loved those moments; when she wasn’t even aware how beautiful she is.
“Tell me what’s wrong. Why won’t you talk to me?” Sage’s voice got softer, gentler than she ever heard him, but she couldn’t concentrate on that now.
“Must be because you’re an open book usually as well.”, she retorted, but even then he could hear she’s in pain.
Sage sighed, leaning back on the wall, thinking of ways he could make her talk. “How about I tell you something you want to know about me first and then we can talk about what’s wrong with you?”
She perked up at that and stared at him incredulously. “What?”
“Ask me something. Anything.”, he suddenly got tense and not even the grin on his face could hide it.
“And you’re gonna answer?” her eyebrows shot up in surprise.
It didn’t sound very convincing, but she knew Sage wouldn’t back out of it now. At least, she hoped he wouldn’t. She thought about it for a few seconds, looking through the window again.
There were so many questions that she wanted to ask, most of which Sage avoided already or would avoid if asked. This was her one opportunity. But, she also didn’t want to make him too uncomfortable or steer the conversation that would end in their fighting or make Sage run off as usual. So, she decided to steer clear of any questions pertaining the current events. She would save that for another time. Now, she just wanted something to distract her from all the problems.
“I can hear the gears in your head turning when you’re thinking this hard.”, Sage grinned.
She faced him and looked him straight in the eyes. “Have you ever been in love?”
Sage looks shocked, like he was at least vaguely prepared for any question but this one. To say he wasn’t expecting it would be an understatement. But, he quickly regains his cool exterior under her scrutinizing gaze. She was watching his reaction and every move. He suddenly smirks, catching her off guard in turn.
“Why are you curious about that? Looking to fill that position?” he winks, grinned wide again.
She rolled her eyes. “I should’ve known you were going to deflect that one too.”
Looking annoyed, she hastily stood up to leave, but Sage caught her wrist. “Wait!”
She looked over her shoulder at him and glared.
“I’m sorry.”, Sage sounded sincere. “I was only messing around. I’ll answer, as promised.”
After a second of hesitation, Sage gently pulled her towards him to sit back down. She did, resuming her previous spot and position.
“I…”, Sage started, looking through the window because he couldn’t bear looking at her piercing eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever been in love.”
“Really?” she blurted out before she could stop herself.
Sage furrowed his brows. “Is that so bad?”
“No! I…”, she cleared her throat. “I’m just surprised, that’s all. Considering…”
She trailed off, not finishing her sentence, and immediately regretted even starting it and going down that path.
Sage turned his head to face her, looking half-confused and half-annoyed. “Considering what?”
She was uncomfortable, starting to blush, and it was her turn to look away from him. “Nothing, forget it.”
“Considering I’m bedding lots and lots of women?” he concluded with a mocking voice and then huffed.
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
Sage shot her a look and she sighed. “Fine, I kinda did.”
“Is that really bugging you so much?” Sage asked quietly. “Do you think I’m a bad person because of it?”
She giggled. “No, don’t be silly, Sage. I don’t condone your… Promiscuous lifestyle.”
“Promiscuous lifestyle?” Sage grinned, but she ignored him.
“How is it possible that none of those women made you feel something?”
“Oh, they all made me feel something.”, Sage’s lips split into an even wider grin and she could sense a flirty comment before he even said it. “If you want, I can show you.”
“Sage.”, she rolled her eyes.
He laughed at her. “Sorry, I’m done.”
She shook her head at him but couldn’t help but chuckling along with him.
“I just…”, Sage breathed out heavily, his shoulders dropping. “I did, develop… Uh, some feelings towards some. But, uh…”
It was absolutely adorable seeing him so flustered and lost. But, he was trying. He was opening up and telling her stuff, and she was grateful for the effort.
“Didn’t really work out?” she offered and Sage nodded sombrely, looking away.
She decided to end his suffering, for now, at least. “Thank you for telling me, Sage.”
His ears twitched and perked up, before Sage smiled.
As if just now remembering, he looked at her with wide eyes. “Now it’s your turn.”
“My turn? For what?” she acted like she didn’t know what he was talking about, while they both knew she wasn’t fooling anyone.
“Your turn to pour your heart out.”, Sage watched her curiously. “Who were you trying to call? Is there someone you’re in love with?”
She didn’t notice how much Sage was involved in that question, even though he asked it in a light-hearted tone. He prayed that he was wrong, that someone wasn’t waiting for her at home, down on Earth, and thinking about her the in the same way that he was. She couldn’t notice his breath catching in his throat as he waited for her answer, because she was looking down at her hands and nervously twirling with her fingers.
“No. There’s no one in that way.”, she replied quietly and Sage breathed out in relief. “I just miss my family. My friends. I wish I could let them know I’m alright.”
There were a few moments of silence as she tried to wipe off a tear that slipped down her cheek without Sage noticing. He did, of course. He moved closer to her, gently cupping her cheek and wiping another tear with his thumb. She had no choice but to look at him now, he was only centimetres away from her face. She didn’t know what to expect, but she surely wasn’t prepared for Sage’s intense stare, almost knocking the wind out of her. She leaned into his hand slightly and he glanced at her lips, plump and rosy. Sage wondered many times if they were as soft as they appeared.
“You have me.”, Sage whispered. “I know I can’t replace your family and friends, but…”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
As Sage got closer, she stopped breathing, bracing herself for a kiss. Instead, he pulled her into a tight hug. She put her arms around him as well, her heart humping wildly.
“I know I’m not enough to make you happy, but I’ll make sure you get home safe and that you see your family and friends who can truly make you happy.”, Sage said it so quietly, in such a small, worried voice, that she wouldn’t hear it if they weren’t pressed together in a hug.
She pulled away to look up at him and tears welled up in her eyes when she was Sage’s face expression.
“You’re more than enough, Sage.”, she admitted.
Before he could protest or say anything else, she slid her arms up so they were around his neck, pulling him closer to her so she could reach up and kiss him. She could feel his shock at first and contemplated pulling away and running off, but he responded before she could, by almost grabbing her and pulling her even closer. It didn’t take long before she ended up in his lap, legs wrapped around him, while the kiss progressed into a more intense and passionate one than the one they began with.
She pulled away first, breathing heavily and looking into Sage’s lust-blown eyes. “Wow.”
Sage chuckled. “Took the word out of my mouth.”
She rolled her eyes at the joked, giggling. She suddenly became hyper-aware of their bodies pressed together, so much that she could feel every ridge of his muscles and the leather jacket against her skin. Her hands were tangled in his silky hair.
Sage’s eyes were flirty and sparkling, and when he spoke, it sounded like a low rumble coming from deep inside his chest. “Now… How about that shower I mentioned before?”
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