#it has its semi dark side (getting praised for your good polish because you look foreign but are polish) but eeh
wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
hello! im asking this from you because i dont really have anyone else to ask and you seem to very openly talk about being polish and so on, so apologies if you cant really give me an answer;
Are polish people generally positive towards people learning polish? in my years of learning russian i find that very often russians tend to act negatively or rudely to "outsiders" learning their language for whatever reason. i find that it discourages me quite a lot when i try to interact with them. Now im facing the possibility of getting a chance to live in poland in the future for a few years and of course i want to try to learn the language as best as i can. is there this same kind of negative attitude that the russians sometimes have? does it depend somehow on where that person is from?
thank you so much in advance 🙏
from my experience poles get excited like puppies whenever you try to speak our language. it may not be the case depending on who youre talking to (not much you can do for racists and xenophobes i suppose), but ive never really met anyone who was weird about foreigners learning polish... usually met either as a neutral thing or with general appreciation (especially from the "polish is the hardest language to learn" crowd). then again i also dont really have much contact with many foreigners in my town, so i may be completly wrong and living in a bubble. i dont know. id encourage more people to answer in the notes
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