#it has grown a LOT since i first dreamed up Ronan almost 6 years ago now
words-with-wren · 5 months
@chrumblr-whumblr Day Ten: Whipping
Fandom: Original Work! Secret of Brightwater again. My boy Ronan backstory, as well as meeting two, arguably three, of the most important people family members he's got.
Word count: 1,741
The dawn air was cold, and Ronan’s breath billowed out in front of him like smoke. He huddled deeper into his thin cloak, wrapping it around the threadbare cloth that served as his clothes. The sun wasn’t even fully up, and fog filled the grounds. 
He shuffled along with the other slaves, woken up before first light unexpectedly. They were still yawning, eyes rubbed, faces drawn and bleary-eyed. But all dozen of them had been pulled out of bed. 
Ronan wasn’t sure why. He’d learned asking questions was never useful though. For now, he shuffled along in the midst of the other slaves, listening to the muffled discussion of their guard. 
“Any idea what’s happening?” someone asked. Ronan shook his head, not wanting to answer. He was still new here, still finding his place in this manor. He’d arrived about a month ago, bought and sold like property, put to work in the small fields around the manor. 
He still hadn’t figured out the dynamics of the place. There were three hired guards, and under them two head slaves, in charge of half a dozen men each. For now, Ronan’s main efforts was to keep his head down and avoid being noticed. 
Usually, it worked. But usually they weren’t dragged out of bed before the sun even rose into a freezing morning. The ground crunched with ice as he walked over it. 
They were led to the back of the manor, a place he had passed many times but never really stopped at. It was a area separated off by a row of hedges, and in the center a small platform. Here, a crowd had gathered--all of the people on this property, Ronan realised. He’d never seen everyone in one place before. 
He found his place among the fieldslaves, shifting from foot to foot in an effort to keep as much warmth in as possible. Across the square stood the house slaves, mostly maids and cooks, huddled together. One of them--a middle aged woman, was clearly struggling not to weep. A third group made up the hired men--mercenaries, scribes and other higher up servants. Paid. Not owned. 
Standing on the platform stood Lord Bloodborne himself. Ronan had seen the many only a few times, a large, imposing figure with a full, black beard. He rarely visited the fields but when he did, made it clear the slaves were beneath him. Ronan had once seen him strike a man for even looking at him. 
He fought the instinct to lower his gaze. 
Beside Lord Bloodborne stood a girl, probably around Ronan’s age. Her dirty blonde hair was long, flowing the entire way down her back, held back by a intricately woven headband. She was wearing a blue dress, her hands folded in front of her, her face expressionless. 
Somehow, Ronan recognised that expression, or lack of. A schooled carefully designed mask that hid her true emotions. 
Kneeling at Lord Bloodborne’s feet was a boy. He looked maybe fifteen years old, not that much younger than Ronan himself, shaggy dark hair covering his face. Ronan had seen him around a few times--he was the son of one of the house slaves. The woman who was trying her hardest not to cry. Jasper, his name was. They’d exchanged a few words before. 
His hands were bound in front of him, and he was breathing heavily. Ronan felt a twisting feeling in his chest. He balled his fist in the fabric of his cloak. 
“Let this be a lesson to you all,” Lord Bloodborne said. He was holding a whip in one hand. His voice carried through the early morning fog, booming across the grounds. Again, Ronan fought the urge to lower his gaze. “This boy was found stealing from my home. That kind of behaviour will not stand.” 
Ronan gritted his teeth, anger burning steadily in his chest. He dropped his expression to the icey grass, wishing he could do something. Wishing he was brave enough to stop it. 
He’d never been brave though. Even as a child, running half-wild in the woods near his home. He’d always followed the lead of the others, been hesitant and unsure of himself. He’d never been one to stand up to bullies. 
Even still, the sound of rope on flesh and the shout of pain from the boy made him feel sick. 
“He’s just a child!” Jasper’s mother cried out, and Ronan looked up to see her stepping forward, eyes red and wet. 
Again, he felt sick. All of these people here, and no one was doing anything to help. Only the mother of the boy, one woman standing up to the cruelty. If he wasn’t so afraid of being the boy under the whip, Ronan would feel nothing but shame. 
“He is my property and will learn respect,” Lord Bloodborne snarled, and brought the whip down again. Jasper grunted in pain and Ronan squeezed his eyes shut. 
He remembered the stories his mother had told him when he was a child. Stories of heroes and saviours, swooping in at the last moment to save the day. But Ronan was not that hero, he was a coward. He was afraid. 
Three more times the whip came down, and Ronan didn’t look. He kept his eyes down, squeezed shut. But after the fifth strike, someone did speak up. 
A soft voice, a girl’s voice. 
The girl beside Lord Bloodborne had laid her hand on his arm, and was staring up at him with a serious expression, pleading with him. He stared at her for a long moment, the scoffed, lowering his arm. 
“Let that be a lesson to you all,” he called. “You will respect my property and know your place.” 
He stared with satisfaction at Jasper, his back a mess of bruises, lying on the ground. Then he turned and stepped off the platform, returning to the manor. Jasper’s scurred forward, crouching beside him. 
Ronan stepped forward as well. He wasn’t sure why, wasn’t sure what exactly caused him to move. It was a hypocritical action, now the danger was over. But ever since he was small he had always been unable to see something or someone in pain. 
Everyone else moved, heading back to the warmth of their quarters for a meal before the day’s work began. But Ronan couldn’t bring himself to leave, not quite yet. 
Bloodborne’s daughter stood for a moment, staring down at Jasper and his mother. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered softly, then with a glance towards Ronan, elegantly hurried after her father. Ronan couldn’t help but watch her go for a moment, enchanted with the way her hair flowed behind her. 
“I’m okay,” Jasper said weakly. His mother crouched beside him, cupping his face in his hands. 
“What have I told you,” she said, her voice catching. “You need to be more careful.” 
“I’m super careful,” Jasper muttered. “He just wanted an excuse.” 
Ronan stood awkwardly, hovering above the scene. He wasn’t quite sure how to join it, not sure what to do--if he even should do something. Perhaps it was too late to do anything. He sat down on the platform beside Jasper anyway. 
“Can I help?” he asked, voice hesitant. Jasper’s mother looked at him with a start, her expression softening as she saw him. 
“We’d best get him inside so I can take a proper look at him. It doesn’t look like the skin was broken,” she added, addressing the last to her son. 
“I’m too tough,” Jasper muttered. But when Ronan silently helped lift him, taking most of the younger boy’s weight, he couldn’t help a few noises of pain. 
Between Ronan and Jasper’s mother, they brought him inside. Ronan hadn’t been inside the manor before--he spent most of his time in the small building that housed the slaves. It was strange, how much this place reminded him of home, of the kitchen quarters he and his friends used to--
No. He wasn’t thinking about that. The here and now was important. The past didn’t matter anymore. 
“Lie him down here,” Jasper’s mother directed, leading him into a small room. Jasper was silent now, breathing shallowly. His mother fussed over him, pulling medicine out of a cupboard, while Ronan stood awkwardly aside, still unsure if he should even be here. 
Jasper’s mother was satisfied a moment later, leaving him to sleep and she let out a long sigh, sitting on the ground beside the bed. She looked up at Ronan and smile. 
“Thank you, dear,” she said. “I don’t think we’ve met yet. What’s your name?”  
Ronan blinked, suddenly surprised he was actually being addressed. He didn’t want to think about how long it had been since someone had spoken to him. 
“Ronan,” he said. It had been so long since he had spoken his name. That was all he remembered from his full title. 
“Thank you, Ronan,” she said. She grabbed the side of Jasper’s bed and lifted herself to her feet. “My name is Jen.” 
Ronan gave her a small smile, unable to fully meet her eyes. On the bed, Jasper groaned and shifted. 
“I’m sorry,” Ronan said quietly.
“Whatever for, dear?” Jen asked. She crouched beside her son, laying a hand on his shoulder. 
“I should have…should have done something more,” he said softly, voice a bare whisper. His mother’s stories were the only thing he let himself remember about before. The heroes and legends from those tales--they would not have let this happen. 
“Oh.” Jen stood, turning her attention fully on him. She stepped forward, reaching out to grasp his hand in her’s. “Oh, honey,” she said softly. “You can’t be blamed for that.” 
Ronan blinked, not sure how to process that, exactly. Her hands were warm, cupped around his, and he focused on that. He couldn’t meet her eyes, staring at the ground. 
“This life is hard and cruel. No one can blame you for keeping your head down.” 
A hand cupped his face, and she gently lifted his head and suddenly, Ronan remembered his mother. Not just her stories, but his mother, wrapping him in her arms, resting her head on his chin playfully, tucking him into bed, patching up a bruise.
His vision blurred. 
Jen pulled him into a hug. He was taller than her, and he wondered if he would be taller than his own mother now. The thought was enough to finally bring the tears to his eyes. 
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jacksallys · 2 years
opening lines game !!
rules: list the first lines of your last 20 stories. (if you have less than 20, just list them all!) see if there are any patterns. choose your favorite opening line. tag some people to play the next round!
thank you so much to @highscal for tagging me !! this was so much fun <3
i’m not sure who’s done this yet actually so i’m going to tag @escapesos @pixiegrl @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists and anyone else who sees this!! sorry if you’ve already done it hfkdks
1. the twilight hyperfixation harry potter, gen
It was suggested as a joke at first, for the Marauders to watch Twilight at their weekly film night.
2, 3, + 4. according to your heart, my place is not deliberate (falling for you) 5sos, muke
Luke didn’t like getting the bus at all. chapter one
Maybe Michael didn't have to use Open Sesame on the doors to the dining hall, but he felt like it. chapter two
Michael was pretty much already dressed when Luke woke up. chapter three
5. i don’t want to be your friend (i want to kiss your neck) 5sos, muke
Every time he asked, Michael managed to change the subject.
6. everything is never as it seems (when i fall asleep) 5sos, muke
Luke’s flat was filled with smoke as his potion bubbled over the pan, spitting out at him as if it wanted to attack him ― which honestly, was probably a suitable punishment since he hadn't been paying much attention to the love potion at all
7. you are the sun (and i’m just the planets spinning around you) 5sos, muke
Michael wasn't too sure what to do about his current situation, honestly.
8. make me your radio (turn me up when you feel low) 5sos, muke
Luke was starting to get the shakes from how much coffee he’d been consuming on a day to day basis.
9. my heart’s a stereo (it beats for you so listen close) 5sos, muke
When Luke woke up, he could already tell that it was going to be a god awful day.
also going to include some wips under the cut because i’ve ran out of fics! guess that means i need to actually finish some and post more :’)
10. untitled soulmate fic harry potter, wolfstar — currently 1.3k, i impulse started this tonight after i told gigi about an angsty wolfstar soulmate au idea i had and they encouraged me to add yet another wolfstar fic to my docs :’)
Remus Lupin had grown up knowing that he was skinbound.
11. untitled baby fic the raven cycle, pynch — currently 3.7k. have i finished the raven king yet? no. however that’s not important, ronan lynch accidentally dreaming up him and adam’s baby, despite them not even dating, is important !! i wrote almost 4k in one sitting and then planned to write it the next day however. someone (me) got sick and then someone (also me) went to a 5sos concert and now someone (me) is sick and lacking the braincells for writing so! it’ll probably be finished soon, pynch is on my brain a lot right now actually
Ronan Lynch was a dreamer.
12. i know this whole damn city thinks it needs you (but not as much as i do) harry potter, wolfstar — currently 1.6k, this is my spiderman wolfstar au that’ll probably take about two years to fucking finish at this point :’)
“Now, I would like to remind the returning students and new sixth form students that this academy has rules. No fighting, no pranking—” McGonagall gave the Marauders a pointed look at that comment. “—And absolutely no bullying. This is a place for education and you’ll all do well to remember that.”
13. untitled starstruck fic 5sos, malum — currently 7k ish, this one has taken a… very long time, it’s never really been my top priority fic wise however. i think i might make it my top priority? it deserves it, hopefully it’ll be great when it’s finished!
It was 3am and Luke was watching an old, shitty recording of a Calum Hood concert.
14. look up here, i’m in heaven carry on, snowbaz — 1.1k! i actually finished this AND posted it ages ago however i convinced myself it was dogshite so i deleted it like a lot of my shorter fics
Baz had always liked smoking.
15. you’re my lover boy (i could be your baby) pjo/hoo, valdangelo — currently 4.6k despite me not even being finished with the second scene of this 5 + 1! it’s 5 times leo kissed nico and one time nico kissed leo :) including but not limited to: the first kiss, the dared kiss and the accidental kiss!
It wasn’t often that the Seven & Co. hung out when there wasn’t a battle to fight.
16. you’re not my homeland anymore (so what am i defending now?) harry potter, regulus black & sirius black — currently 1.6k :) another 5 + 1 fic, also it’s NOT incest i promise i just wanted to write an angsty fic exploring the decline of their relationship as brothers as a gift to gigi <3
Regulus Black sobbed into his brothers arms, begging him not to leave him.
17. untitled marauders fic (but it’ll probably be called how evergreen, our group of friends!) harry potter, multiship, wolfstar centric — currently 3.7k, it’s a BIG sirius centric fic, i have abt a 15k doc just planning it but it’s proving to be difficult to write bc sirius is a difficult character for me to get in the head of, especially in the beginning when he’s like, fresh from eleven years straight of only knowing a life of abuse and not really realising it’s abnormal? hits a wee bit close to home however! i’m gonna write it, i’m determined. not sure i’ll ever post it tho hfkdks
Sirius Black was fairly certain that today was going to be the day he died.
18. untitled black widow annabeth x avenger percy pjo/hoo, percabeth — currently 4.8k. i don’t actually have a whole lot of this fic to write… literally like fucking. maybe another couple of thousand words. i could finish this in about an house… hm. inch resting
Annabeth Chase was ruthless.
19. i’m losing myself in you (and you, and you, and you) 5sos, ot4 — currently 2.4k! this is a fun hogwarts au, i don’t actually remember writing ANYTHING of what’s already been written, pretty sure i was high the last time i opened this doc so that’s fun! idk if i’ll ever finish this, it was completely based on the idea of luke going to a quidditch match and being layered with four house scarves (his own and all three of his boyfriends) so that he could cheer them all on. however! this one has been on the back burner for fucking ages so. not sure if it’ll ever be finished rip
Luke Hemmings was pretty sure that he was going to die… or combust, or something else that was fairly fucking dramatic.
okay that’s it! so sorry if you read all of this, i don’t even remember half of what i wrote but! yeah. i think all i can learn from the majority all of my first lines is that :) for some reason using the character who’s pov i’m exploring’s first name has a huge chokehold on me. i think it might be the fact that around the time i started writing properly i was reading heroes of olympus for the first time and rick tends to do that with all of his chapters. maybe. idk! i don’t do it all the time but i kinda like doing it, it makes my work feel a little more meish. anyway yes thank u for ur time xx
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