#it has been SO LONG since ive watched princess tutu
lesbianfakir · 1 year
⏳🗡🩰⚙️ -goldkrone-struggle-tweets
Hi Heron!!
⏳ How long have you been a fan/how did it happen?
I've had Tutu on my radar for ages and I watched the first 3 or so episodes in highschool and just never got into it. I would try to give it a rewatch every so often but I never made it to episode 4. Finally I watched a youtube essay where the youtuber said if you love utena you have to watch princess tutu and i finally said fuck it, skipped the fiest few episodes, and binged the whole thing. That was December 2021 I believe and ive been obsessed ever since.
🗡 Unpopular opinions that might get you killed?
Ruetho is really sweet actually, listen. Listen. Does it have its flaws? absolutely. Is the execution bad? Undoubtedly. There are tons of things I would change BUT. Every time I see the scene where Mytho decides that for once in his life he wants something and he wants to love Rue I go awww that's so sweet. They've both lived their lives under impossible standards and come out the other end flawed but undoubtedly human. They're deeply traumatized and they have a lot of work to do but--and this is the part where you all disagree with me--I think they can do it. Ruetho is really interesting and heavily underexplored but it can be so good actually
🩰 Who has the best character design?
Feels like such a cop out but it has to be princess tutu shes gorgeous. She's just so cute and ethereal and the whole design comes together really well. I like Duck too I think she's fun with lots of personality! Anyone who says her hair is ugly is WRONG it's adorable. Also special shoutout to Paulamoni she's hot as fuck, 10 out of lesbian 10s
⚙️ How would you feel about a remake/reboot?
Now undoubtedly I would hate it but I'm so desperate for more tutu content I want it soooo bad. I just want to see my fav dance scenes with higher quality animation. If tokyo mew mew can get a reboot so can Tutu PLEASE
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goldenluckex · 3 years
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saw someone else do a little redraw of this scene and wanted to try my hand at it also^^
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yur-ahh · 7 years
Tagged by: @noonedefeatsme
rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people
the last: 1. drink: pepsi (lol self medicating) 2. phone call: the only person i call is my grandpa 3. text message: "myth puppy" from @alma---vivo 4. song you listened to: believe me natalie by the killers 5. time you cried: yesterday morning
have you ever: 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: once lol, that's why i was crying 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: does potentially special count? i was too young to remember anything about her, but i know she was special to me already 10. been depressed: i'm getting better 11. gotten drunk & thrown up: nope
favorite colors: 12. purple 13. red 14. pink
in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: i have!!! and i've been so happy for the first time in a long long time 16. fallen out of love: obviously 17. laughed until you cried: on more than one occasion! 18. found out someone was talking about you: i'll take this to mean "talking shit behind my back" and yes, of course, have you seen the internet? people have been talking shit about my achievements since i debuted in juniors three years ago 19. met someone who changed you: interestingly enough, one changed me in bad ways and the others changed me in better ways than i could ever imagine 20. found out who your friends are: found out i had way more friends than i thought. i've got a problem with understanding my relationships with people 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: i'm gonna be real right now. i don't run my official facebook account so i have no idea who i have added on there
general: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: okay i checked just for you and yes they're all the accounts of senior skaters, so i know most of them (also i finally remember who minami kenjirou is) 23. do you have any pets: my two kitties potya and mariska 💕 24. do you want to change your name: i was gonna be cheeky and say "uwu my last name uwuwuwuwu" but do you know how long that name would be??? Too Long. so i guess i don't have to call about changing all my merch 25. what did you do for your last birthday: had a movie marathon (note to self, start marathons earlier than 5pm) 26. what time did you wake up: 4am? it might've been 5. i have a hard time sleeping at night 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching youtube to help me pass out 28. name something you can’t wait for: getting married 31. what are you listening to right now: vitya snoring quietly 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i think there was an interviewer once named tom?? idk 33. something that is getting on your nerves: there's a fly in here and i have no idea where it is 34. most visited website: tumblr.hell, youtube, or netflix 35. hair colour: i can see there being discourse about this in the future (cause yall pick the dumbest things sometimes) but i'm a natural blond 36. long or short hair: my hair is past shoulder-length by now 39. piercings: here's a cool piece of trivia. i got my ears pierced a long time ago, i just rarely ever wear earrings 40. blood type: B. i'm not gonna lie, i had to check my own wiki page for that one 41. nicknames: you guys know most of my nicknames by now: yura, yurotchka, yusha, yushka, kotik, koneko, kitten, etc 42. relationship status: taken x4 combo! 43. zodiac: pisces 44. pronouns: he/him 45. favourite tv show: princess tutu or vampire diaries (both got me through hard times don't @ me) 46. tattoos: i love how they look but i'm not sure if i'll get any 47. right or left handed: right-handed 48. surgery: none.... yet, knock on wood 49. piercing: awesome this is on twice 50. sport: figure skating ofc. i would put ballet on here but i don't dance competitively so does it even count as a sport? 51. vacation: i had the wonderful opportunity of going to universal studios, epcot, disney's hollywood studios, and disney world all in the span of a week 52. pair of trainers: only for exercising
more general 53. eating: snuck outta the nest awhile ago to get some fruit 54. fav drink: fUCK i LOVE SMOOTHIES. STRAWBerry smoothies, mANGO smoothies, pour it down my throat you COWARDS 55. what you’re up to: being the middle of a vitya and seung-gil cuddle sandwich 56. waiting for: someone to wake up 57. want: seung to Move his Hand lmao 58. get married: yeah 🐱 59. career: jj wrote "Gold medalist ;)" so im gonna write "goldier medalist ;*"
which is better: 60. hugs or kisses: i love to be kissed. also, lemme point out it didn't say where the kisses are going 61. lips or eyes: lips, their shape, their color, lipstick, lipgloss (though, eyes are also fascinatingly beautiful) 62. shorter or taller: taller. tall people are easier to spot in a crowd 63. older or younger: young 64. nice arms or nice stomach: all tummies are perfect canvasses for me to write my name or rest my head 65. hook up or relationship: definitely relationship, i wouldn't have been able to do hookups i think 66. troublemaker or hesitant: the thing is, you need to have both. an impulsive, "spontaneous" person will make the cautious, "calculating" person open up to doing things they never would have done, but they also keep the impulsive person from doing anything dangerous
have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: nope 68. drank hard liquor: noo 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i-i don't have glasses! 70. turned someone down: pffff the amount of angels who were clearly in heat and on twitter (a bad combination already) and asking me to father their pups has been hilarious considering i physically cannot do so 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: not that i know of 73. had your heart broken: yes 74. been arrested: absolutely not, i'm a good boy 75. cried when someone died: obviously??? i'm a human being?? i cried when binx died in hocus pocus and he didn't even actually die 76. fallen for a friend: fuck off
do you believe in 77. yourself: only if i'm motivated by something else, usually proving to people that they shouldn't underestimate me 78. miracles: everyday is a miracle, like when i wake up and i see my pack wasn't just a dream, or every time i make them smile 79. love at first sight: no, and if you think it does you're going to have a bad time 80. santa claus: i havent believed in ded moroz since i was seven, grandpa used to say that if he was ded moroz, i could be snegurochka because if i grew my hair out i'd look just like her pfff he's right though 81. kiss on the first date: if it went well, go for it! 82. angels: ive never been very religious or spiritual but i do find comfort in the idea of guardian angels 83. current best friend’s name: aside from my pack, there's phichit/pchela (@justpeachyphichit), seung-gil (@alma---vivo), and of course mila (@milababaecheva) 84. eye colour: blue/green 85. favourite movie: besides the lion king, i really love the movie black swan
20 is way too many people to tag so if i mentioned you in this post you can count that as me tagging you? if you want? idk i'm so tired i spent almost four hours typing this
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