#it got me excited about rvb like no other season since 14 has
oops-ibrokereality · 5 months
Probably a controversial opinion but I really enjoyed season 19
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theatricalsorrow · 5 months
Overall?? Did not like rvb restoration. Thoughts under the cut
There's so many questions that are just left in the air by what happened and I def felt like there was some mischaracterization stuff.
-I Knew Sarge was going to die, if anyone was going to it was going to be him. I had felt all right about his death initially?? But then the end just. Grif leaving made it lose inpact?? "I always believed in you and knew you could be better" and then he just leaves? After all the things they've been through and he doesn't turn around and stay? Just made it feel meaningless.
- Grif was so angry??? Why was he so angry??
-Doc being dead with zero explanation to that and him just being a haunting of Wash was uhhhh??? Bad
- Donut didn't even exist except as a 5 second memory flash pissed me off so bad. Where was my boy???
-Why the fuck would everyone have just left Wash alone in that facility. No ones been checking up on him and trying to take care of him? Help him out? Cool cool cool. Carolina def would've been making sure he's okay and you know the reds and blues care too but whatever
- What was Carolina even doing if she wasn't with Wash or the Reds and Blues. What could've been so important that she wasn't with her family as she has stated they are to here-
- Love (sarcastic) that Lopez didn't exist after the first 5 minutes
- only things I thought were particularly satisfying was A) Tex coming back because my friend, my partner, and I were all excited screaming when we realized what was happening and that was so fucking hype. And B) I'm glad she got a good ending with Church there. That was also nice to see them walk away holding hands, and I felt a lot about it.
-Mad that her and Carolina didn't get to even talk though cause of course they didn't. Carolina didn't even question why she was there and that's a real "okay but why didn't you question that?" Feeling.
-Tucker existing almost not at all because he was Meta the whole time and then he didn't even get to talk to everyone/wasn't there like Caboose was to say bye to Grif
- The Brief existentance of Dr. Grey had made me think Wash was just hallucinating here cause she also felt like she wasn't herself
-Of course Chorus was immediately sidelined
-Locus not even mentioned (fucking Felix got mentioned but not Locus, damn -_-)
- This is a said lightheartedly (but also with feeling), but 21 year slow burn of Grimmons still ended in nothing. Couldn't even give us that one.
- I think that hour-twenty time run shot them I the foot. It could've been something good, but it just felt unsatisfying in the end. It was just Meh. Not the worst thing they could've made, but damn it could've been much better.
I just think it's also weird they said they were de-canonizing 14-18 and then they made references to stuff in those seasons and it felt weird. But whatever, they did what they did. I'm gonna go do a rewatch of other stuff cause I want to see better content again ahdjsjsj
Edit: I have more to say-
-Where was Freckles? Yeah there was confetti gun but I (could be misremembering) did not hear any freckles voice lines?? He's in Caboose's gun?? Where was he?
Just watching it made me feel like I missed an entire season. Like there was supposed to be a season between end of 13 and Restoration but there isn't and wasn't supposed to be. The fact that it's been several months since Tucker went missing and nobody tried to go find him?? Or reach out either?? That just seems weird too. Idk man it just felt off and like everything was to the left a couple inches the whole time
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delta-roseblr · 7 years
Season 15 of Red vs. Blue
Many of you may have noticed I’m a huge RvB fan and since season 15 ended this past Sunday for first member (and I think it comes as no surprise that I am a First member) and I haven’t seen anyone really put my feelings on the season into words, I’m going to- Put simply I’m not happy, but let me break it down further:
This season actually had some great moments that I really enjoyed, such as:
The entire episode with Grif and the Volleyballs
The episode where Wash gets shot right up until Wash gets shot
Grimmons all but becoming canon and all the scenes contributing to that
The return of fucking Locus 
The unicorn guy (who’s name I can’t remember and don’t feel like looking up) not being some badass assassin or anything like that.
All the little references to other Rooster Teeth shows like RWBY and Day 5
Carolina can’t sing
All the red team character development
Because of that stuff and a general love of the show I really wanted to like the season but here are the reasons I can’t:
-Tucker activating the Temple of Procreation is a funny joke and on the surface makes sense but if you think about it it actually doesn’t. Tucker jokes about being a player and a ladies man but he is the guy who took Sister on a date and wanted to bring the sniper rifle to impress her. And as we have seen his character develop he has become a pretty responsible guy, I don’t think he would honestly activate this temple on purpose just to get some action. I have read a fic or two that have laid it out as through a series of stupid coincidences and laziness Tucker accidentally activates the temple which I can easily see happening but that isn’t what is implied within the show. And that leads me into my second point.
-The class action lawsuit from all Tucker’s baby mommas. Everything about that seen is WRONG- I’m not saying that Tucker didn’t get some action but I highly doubt he got that much. He acts like a player but canonically he isn’t that smooth with the ladies, I’m sure the hero status and temple helped but not that much. But even if you believe he hooked up with that many women, canonically Tucker is a caring parent (I don’t know if we can say good but he cares about Junior enough to get all excited at the mention of him and subject strangers to pictures that he carries around). His first reaction to hearing he has children is negative which seems very out of character- In all reality, I feel he would have been more likely to react along the lines of “first we find Church and then I have to get back to Chorus to figure that shit out”
-And my third point, Yet again a ton of Tucker character development in his almost immediate and blind trusting of Temple. This is taking place after Felix, there is no way Tucker would have been so quick to trust Temple or so blind to all the signs he was up to no good once they were in the underwater base.
-The whole idea that the Blues and Reds served as a template for the Reds and Blues goes against facts established in season 14. We see Agent Florida picking the different members of Red and Blue team and he is just picking the worse soldiers he comes across, he clearly isn’t looking for certain personality times to match the Blues and Reds team dynamics.
-Carolina’s lengthy recovery time (with her injuries seeming to get worse at the most convenient times plot wise), Wash getting shot, and Locus having to be the one to take was to the hospital all felt like poorly written plot devices to keep the real fighters out of the actual big fight.
-Along the same lines, the explanation that Wash was fine and Locus was gone in the final episode felt like such a fucking after thought it wasn’t even funny. It seriously seemed like it was a line thrown in last minute because they had forgotten about that entire plot point.
-VIC’s goodbye speech which was a parody of Epsilon's goodbye speech at the end of season 13. As someone who still is depressed over the lose of Alpha (because he is different from Epsilon) and still gets teary eyed at the end of season 13 I found that distasteful. I know they were going for a moment of humor and Caboose had already had his emotional goodbye speech with Alpha- but I feel like they didn’t have to write a joke at the expense of Epsilon’s death scene. For me personally this was the moment where I completely lost any hope that I can grow to like this season.
I’m sure if I forced myself to rewatch the completed season I would find more smaller things I didn’t like that I probably ignored due to the other glaring problems but that thought depresses me. So here I am hoping that season 16 is better and seriously missing when Burnie or Miles were writing.
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