#it glitches a lot when you zoom out which sucks
birdietrait · 11 months
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little pressed flower i made for winnie's room <3
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cryptidiopathic · 2 years
Pokemon scarlet first impressions
Character creator was really cool! I really loved that there seemed to be a lot of unique options to make your character original. I'm playing a purple hair they/them named Aes Ketchup, which is short for Aesthetic Ketchup.
Please no more cutscenes. The world has progressed past the need for cutscenes.
Seriously I'm getting major cutscene fatigue. I would like to play the game now please.
The part where you walk at a snails pace while the starters dart around you was not only stupid, but annoying. I did laugh when Aes Ketchup shot off like a bullet all of a sudden, but, uh, what was the point of that?
Fuecoco is my baby her name is Chancla bc she is the CROC pokemon! I am personally unimpressed with the other two.
Torountula I love youuuuuu!
Lechonk you are a pig from wind waker. You are one of the wind waker pigs. This is not a bad thing.
Pawmi... I am going to name you anchor arms.
Giving this dragon a Sandwich. Normal day
STOP typecasting houndoom as a villain she is my FRIEND!
And then... More cut scenes! Nothing like a cutscene to make you realize you're done playing for now.
As far as glitching. Yeah I've had a LOT of clipping and camera issues. The camera sucks tbh, none of the angles are good for me, I always feel like I cant see far enough ahead. Zooming out doesn't help bc it angles the camera down at the top of Aes Ketchup's head!! I want to see in front of me!!
I haven't had things as big or noticeable as others, nothing close to game breaking, but it does feel rushed.
0 notes
sunnysidekit · 3 years
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Summary: The road to loving Frankie Morales is tough, but you’d do it all again if you had to. And again, and again, and again…
Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales x F!Reader (no y/n)
Warnings: Language, major character death but not the permanent kind, (this is literally just a series of au’s in which the reader becomes kind of self-aware), nondescriptive smut (minors, please skip this one!).
Word count: 2.6k
A/N at the end
My masterlist
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“Hey,” Frankie shouts, his voice only just carrying over the heavy rain. “Hey, wait up!”
You glance back at him over your shoulder, but you don’t stop running. You can’t stop running. Not after what just happened. Why did you decide to tell him how you felt about him, again? Worst decision of your life.
“Hey!” Frankie shouts again, even louder this time. He’s quickly gaining on you; blame that on his Delta training. You keep running, looking left and right for a spot between the old buildings to shelter from the rain. Something just big enough for one person to hide from their best friend would be great, but you doubt you’ll find a spot like that.
Just when you spot an alcove the size of a small closet you step into a puddle that’s way deeper than it looks, and you smack against the pavement.
You hear Frankie curse from behind you, the splashing of his boots in the puddles getting louder and louder until he stops right next to you and crouches down to help you up. You let out a painful groan when he lifts you off the ground, your arms flailing around unwittingly until you manage to grasp onto his soaked flannel.
“Are you okay?”
“No, I’m not, Frankie,” you say with a sniffle. “Look, I know that just because I feel a certain way, you don’t have to… Why are you laughing?”
“I’m sorry,” Frankie grins. “But you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear those words! I’d given up all hope you’d ever say them, so,” he shifts to hold you closer to his chest, “I was a bit shocked, is all.”
You blink up at him dumbfounded as lightning flashes behind him, bathing the two of you in a heavenly light for just a moment. Before you realize what you’re doing, you grab his face and crash your lips into his with a passion you never knew you were capable of. He hums against your lips and you smile; this kiss is better than whatever you imagined it could be.
The rain washes over you and makes goosebumps pop up all over your skin, though that could also be from the intensity with which Frankie kisses you. His nose bumps against yours as he deepens it and something starts to blossom up in your belly, a tingling spreading from your sides all the way to your fingertips. After what feels like an eternity, he lets you go, the both of you breathing hard and haggard.
“Holy shit,” Frankie chuckles. “We’re both incredibly stupid, aren’t we?”
“Speak for yourself. I’d do it all again if this is what I get for it.”
Frankie laughs breathlessly and you can’t help but join him. All the anxiety in your body has transformed into exhilaration; you throw your head back and let the raindrops splatter onto your face freely when suddenly another flash of lightning strikes, this time so close you can almost feel it burn your skin. Hey, wait… why doesn’t it stop?
The burning sensation digs deeper into your skin and you snap your head back to look at Frankie, but he’s still laughing. You try to reach out and grab his shoulder, but something’s wrong with your hand. It’s- it’s shredding, your fingers flaking off and burning up in the air as you yell out, horrified at the sight.
Frankie doesn’t notice it when you feel yourself losing weight and floating upward, memories flurrying around you in the ash you’re slowly becoming. He doesn’t notice it when you get sucked higher and higher into the air, screaming his name and pleading him to help you. He doesn’t even notice it when you gasp in one last breath before the stinging headache you’ve developed in the last few seconds overwhelms you completely and you feel your consciousness slipping away.
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You jerk awake. Holy stars, that wasn’t a normal nightmare. Where in Newton’s name did that even come from? Rain? It never rains here on the SS Endeavour, you’re in space. All the rain you’ve ever seen has all been via holovids. It did feel oddly realistic, though. Kind of like déjà vu. You stretch out your arms above your head and yawn; maybe you did drink a bit too much last night.
But that kiss… why would you ever kiss officer Morales? Sure, you’re friends. You’re his copilot, for Newton’s sake. But he’s far too mission oriented to even consider romantic relationships. At least, that’s what he says. You’d agree with him, if only he wasn’t obviously lying.
“Stars, would you hurry up already?”
You jump out of your bunk at the sound of Ava’s voice and start changing into your overalls, but it’s no use-- she’s already seen you.
“I don’t want to have to skip breakfast again because you can’t be bothered to get up when the alarm goes off.”
“Oh, stop worrying about your breakfast. I’m sure you still have some extra bread rolls in your secret hiding spot.”
“I will neither confirm nor deny that claim,” Ava says, but she’s got a twinkle in her eye. She’s such a bad lair. You step into your shoes, the soft hiss of the self-tying mechanism a nice reassurance of the fact that you’re not dreaming anymore.
“When commander Penn finds out you’ve been using his second wall safe to hide food, you’re getting an instant demotion,” you say. “You do know that, right?”
“It’s so sweet you still think that’s where I hide my stuff. Anyway, I really hope you’ve already picked up your new badge.”
You look up at her from where you’re sitting on the bottom bunk. “…Oh, shit.”
“Really? What kind of gas giant-”
“Don’t start calling me names you’ll regret, Ava,” you grumble as you scramble up and run out of the sleeping pod. This day really is off to an amazing start.
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“Good morning, sunshine,” Fish greets you when you climb into the cockpit of your jet with a scowl. “We’ve got zone E today.”
You fasten your seatbelt and heave a sigh. “Yay for us.”
“I thought you liked the asteroid belt.”
“I do, I just…” You chew on your lip as you busy yourself with the control panel. “I had a weird dream, is all. Let’s get going, Fish.”
Because nothing kills a conversation quicker than telling someone about the strange dream you had last night. Now that you think about it, there was something else wrong with it: the stars. They were all in different places, made different constellations…
Usually something like that doesn’t dance around in your head for very long after you wake up, but this somehow keeps popping up whenever you try to navigate manually. It’s like your memories have been copied, but the copy has a whole lot of mistakes. Like there’s been a very, very bad data overhaul.
And then there’s Fish. Despite his casual, relaxed attitude he’s tapping his fingertips against the controls at a rapid pace. It’s a small detail, one you’ve noticed a hundred times before, but it’s taking on a different meaning in your head. You remember him doing it in the dream, too, right after you told him you loved him. Could that maybe-
“Hey!” Fish snaps his fingers in front of you, and everything around you comes back into focus. You’re floating in zone E, engine off, and there’s a bright red jet peeking out from behind a particularly large asteroid.
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath. “What’re they doing here? This isn’t Galactican territory.”
“Ambush, maybe?”
“I doubt it. If they were planning an ambush, they wouldn’t pick a fucking asteroid belt. Lord knows those new engines of theirs are about as stable as a peach in a blender.”
“Whatever they’re doing here, I don’t trust it,” Fish says with a frown. You sigh.
“Maybe they haven’t seen us yet. D’you think we can we get out of here in time?”
He shakes his head. “Can’t risk leading them right back to the Endeavour.”
“You… you haven’t radioed this in yet, right?”
You lean forward to get a better look of your surroundings - seems you’ve been daydreaming for quite some time - only to see a whole lot of asteroids. “Well, it is just one of them, and it doesn’t look like the engine’s on.”
“It’s not broken,” Fish mutters. “At least, I don’t think.”
“Then what do you suggest we do? If we radio this in and someone’s in there, they can easily trace any signals the Endeavour sends out. If we open fire, we’ll have started a war-- and we really don’t need another one of those.”
“It’s taking too long.”
“Excuse me?”
“Not you,” he says absentmindedly, pointing at the blue spacecraft. “That. It’s moving too slow. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the brakes are on.”
You grab the lens from the wall beside you and take another look. Fish’s right: if the engine’s off, it should be floating around freely, not hanging still. As you stare at it, though, it does seem to move a little bit. No, it glitches. Your breath hitches in your throat. “Holy fuck.”
“Hm?” Fish hums, turning to you. You push the lens in front of his face, and he looks through it as well. No five seconds later, he’s grabbed the controls and started the engine. “We need to get out of here, right now.”
You grab the radio, but Fish snatches it from your hands and throws it across the cockpit. “We’re not gonna radio this in.”
“Are you insane?”
“What do you think base is going to do when they hear tell of a glitching Galactica spacecraft in the last productive tantalum mining fields?”
“Are you seriously suggesting not letting millions of people prepare for-” You’re cut off by the sudden appearance of a dozen more spacecraft, all of their noses pointed in your direction as you and Fish zoom past way faster than you should. “No, no, no!”
“Sunshine, listen to me,” Fish says as he puts his hand over yours. It grounds you, and you’re grateful for it, even if you don’t understand what he’s doing. “If they know we’ve been patrolling the fields, I’m guessing their main plan is to follow us back to the Endeavour.”
“…Which means they don’t know where it’s anchored,” you add, your anxious expression slowly turning into a smirk.
“Now you’re getting it,” he chuckles. “Let’s go take some advantage of that, hm?”
You nod and grab the controls in front of you to start plotting a route that’s just erratic enough not to draw suspicion to the fact that you’re leading the following spacecraft away from the Endeavour. Fish navigates the jet precisely along your route, narrowly avoiding the asteroids while turning a few degrees to the left every few seconds until you’re coasting out of the mining fields and into empty space. It works; behind you, the stream of spacecraft grows steadily, and with it, so does the size of the individual ships.
“They’re still following us,” Fish says after a while. He sounds a lot less sure of his case than he did ten minutes ago. “Hey, we have enough power left for a jump?”
“Depends on where you want to go,” you say, checking the fuel systems. “I reckon we can jump a total of about a thousand light years.”
“The center of the galaxy’s a little less than eight hundred light years away, correct?”
“Yes, but what…” you trail off as realization hits you like a nuclear bomb. “No, don’t even think about it.”
“They’re not backing off, Sunshine.” Fish turns to look you in the eyes, a small, watery smile on his lips. “I don’t think we have a-”
“Of course we have a choice,” you say with as much severity as you can muster, which, to be frank, isn’t a lot right now. “There’s always a choice.”
“Would you rather wipe out their fleet or our own?”
“I don’t-”
“Do it, Sunshine,” he says sternly. “Make the jump.”
You hesitate, your hand hovering over the lever. “Is… is there really no one on the Endeavour you’d turn back for?”
Fish’s smile grows a bit; you can see it’s genuine. “…I’m here with you, aren’t I? That’s enough for me.”
It catches you off guard, the way he says it. Deep down, you already knew what his answer would be. You dreamt about it, after all. Without another word, you push the lever forward, and the jet glides across space-time until it slows down again, finally coming to a halt near the event horizon of the massive black hole at the center of the galaxy.
“Did it work? Are they coming?” Fish almost jumps out of his chair to look outside, while you decide to look at the little radar on the control board. One by one the tiny, blinking dots come streaming in; your evidence of a job well done.
“Fish?” you ask, your voice wavering. There’s something more important than saving the universe on your mind right now. “Am I really enough for you?”
“Oh, stars,” he says, his own happy mood turning into something else as well. He sinks to his knees in front of your chair and looks up at you. “You are more than enough. You’re all I ever think about, you’re the only one that-”
Before he can finish his sentence, you’ve already grabbed his face and crashed your lips into his. You’re about to be swallowed up by a black hole, explanations can wait. The kiss grows more and more fervent as Fish’s hands travel up your thighs to hold your waist, a tingling feeling taking up refuge in your belly. After Newton knows how long, the two of you reluctantly break away from each other to breathe.
Stars, Fish, you whisper, but he shakes his head. Call me Frankie, he says. Please, call me Frankie. You tilt your head and press your lips against his scruff. Frankie, you whisper, please don’t stop. And he doesn’t. He closes his eyes and kisses you, over and over and over until your lips are swollen and all thoughts have left your head.
He zips open your overalls slowly, kissing every inch of newly uncovered skin he can find. His kisses burn lower and lower across your skin, past your clavicles, your chest, your belly, and before you, thousands of stars slowly implode. You don’t know if you’ve ever felt like this before; it’s all so incredibly bittersweet. You get to spend the longest night of your life with the man you love, but it’ll also be the last night you’ll ever experience.
One by one little pinpricks of light fade out in the darkness outside, while others explode in brightly colored clouds-- the same thing happens to your nerves whenever Frankie moves even the slightest bit. It’s a good thing sound doesn’t carry in space, or else you wouldn’t be able to hear the beautiful noises he makes when he closes his eyes in pleasure.
The two of you tumble around in what little space you have, the light of a billion dying stars illuminating every single part of your joint bodies as you splay your hands across his chest. The darkness is taking over more quickly now, enveloping your jet into nothingness, drawing you into the vast emptiness of its core.
We must have done something right, Frankie whispers as you lay, sweaty and tired, awaiting your bittersweet ending, to deserve such an incredible encore.
You close your eyes and curl up into his chest as you whisper back, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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You open your eyes again and smile when you look at Mr. Morales. He’s so gentle like this, with his fingers flying across the piano, not at all the stoic soldier he usually is. It’s nice, even if the others think it’s boring.
He finishes the piece with a shuddering creshendo, and you bite back a smile when he looks at you with those gorgeos eyes of his.
“Why’d you stop singing, my lady?”
“I apologize, sir,” you say as you flip over the music sheet on the little ledge of the piano. “But I simply can’t help it; you play so wonderfully, and I never truly learnt to sing very well. It seems a shame to pollute such beautiful tones with my own.”
“Nonsense,” Mr. Morales says with a kind smile. “Your voice only ever makes me want to play better.”
Your cheeks heat up at that, but the moment is quickly disrupted.
“Encore, encore!” a voice behind you yells; it’s Mr. Garcia, who’s been sitting in his usual post on the third floor. “We’re gonna need more than just the one piece if we’re to have any luck in catching more than a score of those bastards tonight.”
“Why don’t you come down and try singing for a bit, it might help,” Mr. Morales chuckles beside you. When he notices you staring at him, he leans in a little closer and adds, “Are you all right, miss? You seem distracted.”
“I’m perfectly good, sir.” You swallow hard and let out a weary breath. “Your music always seems to carry me away further than I expect.”
And for a moment there, you think to yourself, I thought I saw the stars up close.
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A/N: I really threw all my knowledge of space and science out the window for this one and replaced it with nonsense and movie-science. Also, I’ve watched Interstellar, Free Guy, and Groundhog Day way too much for my own good.
The title of this chapter comes from an instrumental by the Grandbrothers which I listened to while writing, so if you want the full experience you can look that up.
If I'm missing any content warnings, do let me know! I'd hate to hurt someone with my writing, but I don't really know how to work those out yet.
PS: If you've got a favorite AU and/or dynamic, I'd love to hear about it! This series is going to explore a bunch of different ones, but I think my own imagination will only get me so far :)
As always, feedback is appreciated and my inbox is open! Have a great day!
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I haven't seen any posts on this yet?? So uh, I guess I'll make this so it's out there
In the new unus annus video (as of october 27th, aka blood bath), there's a LOT when it comes to theory stuff, this is just a quick overview of what I noticed specifically on the part at 5:57-6:02, feel free to add on or correct me
Okay? Okay
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I took this screenshot right before it cut to black. Here's a zoom in + added contrast on the piece of text in the corner
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Now, I don't have the editing skills nor the technology, but if ur on phone (which I am lol) u can straight up hold it up to a mirror upside down and see that it says "everything's fine"
Then it cuts to the timer
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akfgakfhakrj only 17 days left 😭
Pretty self explanatory- the timer is shown, I haven't checked for any codes here, but what I'm gonna point out right now is that right at the very end before it cuts to the error screen, we actually see the timer go UP
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(Again, my technology skills suck, but if anyone can record that part at 0.25 playback speed where it shows the timer reverse right before it switches to the error screen, I'll die for you)
Then we get this error screen
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For those who can't see the pic for whatever reason, it says "Your UNUS ANNUS ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you. (348% complete)
And below that, in smaller text:
"If you'd like to know more, subscribe to unus annus. Error: IT5 N00TT FGFGFGHF1N333333333333EH3LPP"
Some things to note:
-365 (days in a year) subtracted by 17 (days we have left) is 348
-At the bottom where the keysmash is, it kinda looks like it generally says "It's not fine help"
So all together- it glitches and says "everything's fine", the timer is shown, it reverses for a second before showing an error message that says "its not fine, help!!!"
So uh yeah, that's what I got from that scene, but there's probably some hidden codes I missed- and this doesn't even begin to get into the other codes in the video
So what do you guys think?
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strutitout · 3 years
LARRY FIC REC - recently read
1. I don't want a taste (I want it all) [3K] by  thedaggerrose (blessedfetish)
What Louis really needed was a fat fucking nap.
What Louis got instead was some hipster-looking wannabe arguing with him over the validity of avocado toast.
Or the AU where Harry tells Louis to go fuck himself, Louis tells Harry to fuck him himself, and Harry follows through.
✨ Cute and hot + they bantering over avocado tost.
2. Right Side of the Wrong Bed [10K] by  eyesofshinigami 
There, standing in a pair of ridiculously tiny briefs and wielding a frying pan in one hand, is quite possibly the prettiest boy he's ever seen. Louis scrubs a hand across his face. "I'm in the wrong goddamn flat, aren't I?"
Or, the one where Louis wakes up on the wrong couch only to meet his future husband (even if Harry doesn't know it yet).
✨ This was not the first and won’t be the last time I read this fic. It’s super fun, hot, and even though it’s “just” 10K, their connection is really well-built.
3. When Least Expected [22K] by  Rearviewdreamer
Drowning in a sea of emails and Zoom meetings in the living room, his lonely son falling more and more behind in his kitchen classroom, and crushing weight of the world being on house arrest for the foreseeable future, one fateful online interaction suddenly has everything looking up.
✨Louis’ kid is having a hard time trying to adjust to the new reality brought by COVID, until he starts having music classes with music teacher Harry, and things start looking up for both father and son. Very sweet fic and really interesting to see them falling on love over this hard times.
4. Naked Attraction #2 [29K] by reader_chic_2
“By the way, I checked you out quite a lot before your tube was raised.”
Harry smiled lustrously, “Yeah? More than Leonard? He might have been crazy, but he was sort of cute.”
Louis raised an eyebrow. “Maybe to you, Styles, but I don’t enjoy dominating in the bedroom.”
“Is that so?” Harry licked his lips. “Funnily enough, I do.”
Louis felt like his heart was going to explode out of his chest. “I’m not sure if someone as adorable as you could dish out commands.”
Harry laughed brightly, and in a second flat his hand reached out and gripped his hip so hard it made Louis gasp. His eyes darkened, boring into Louis’ with a burning intensity. “And I’m not sure someone as mouthy as you could take my commands. Want to test it out?”
. . .
Louis Tomlinson is the first openly gay football player in the Premier football League. He was outed by the paps, but he’s had to embrace it since then. To show he doesn’t have shame in it, he goes onto Naked Attraction, and all the money will go to LGBTQ+ support, but he has made some changes to the show. Incidentally, he meets a certain Harry Styles there, and that is when things get interesting...
✨ This was really really fun, loved their dynamic and found it a very original story. Fluff, fun and smut. 
✨ Additional tags: Spanking. Subspace.  
5. Hold Me Closer [36K] by  balanceds
Louis Tomlinson is one of the most promising dancers of the English National Ballet, on track to become the youngest principal dancer in the company's history. That is, until forces conspire to significantly complicate his life, including: a surprise ballet, an unfairly attractive guest choreographer, and being pushed into a rivalry with his best mate. Featuring lots of wine, dancing, pining, and a happy ending.
✨ I’m not an expert but from the comments it seems the writter nailed the “dancing world” characterization (even though you don’t have to know anything about it to enjoy it). There’s some good banter and friendship; hot smut; lots of pining and not that much angst.
6. Whisper The Wind [36K] by  jacaranda_bloom
Louis’ father has political ambitions and decides it’s time for Louis to step up as the company’s Chief Financial Officer. Louis thinks this is a monumentally stupid idea. After storming off in a rage he has a chance meeting with a tall, dark, curly haired stranger. A technical glitch with their shared elevator finds Louis spending twenty minutes with the most intriguing man he’s ever met. Unfortunately the man is leaving London the very next day and moving to Australia to work at his mates surf school. Timing, as they say, can fuck right off.
Fast forward three years and Louis is miserable, a shadow of the man he once was, working in his father’s company, and hating every moment. At his thirtieth birthday party, surrounded by people he doesn’t know or doesn’t like, he decides to throw it all in and follow the impossible dream. Happiness, a fulfilling life, and someone to love. The question is, will that dream be found ten thousand miles away on a sandy beach, with a curly headed surfer dude?
Or the one where Louis rides an elevator that may change his life forever, Harry loves the ocean but is a terrible surfer, Liam proves not all heroes wear capes, and Niall might actually have all the answers.
✨ No angst, this is 36K of pure fluff and hot smut (read tags). They fall in love almost immediately, so they are already together most of the story.
7. King of wishful thinking [38K] by  Star_Henderson
“Don't umm don't get on the bus, come inside.” Louis blurted the words out, speaking quickly.
Harry looked startled.
“Just. Look I don't know if I want..” Louis scrubbed his face with his hand. “I'll pay for your time. Just come in.”
Harry stepped away from the bus stop and the bus sailed straight past.
“What's umm what do you guys make these days?”
Harry shuffled his feet. “Depends. Like two hundred an hour.”
Louis hummed. “Reasonable.” He gestured towards the hotel. “Come up for a drink or some room service or something.”
Harry scraped the toe of his already scuffed boots on the floor. “You don't have to do this, I feel like… like you're a nice person who feels bad but it's fine. I get it. You don't have to make it up to me.”
Louis stared at Harry. It'd been so long since he'd even spoken to a guy let alone hung out with one. He'd enjoyed the banter and the flirting.
“Come up.” Louis’ voice was soft.
Harry’s face bloomed into a smile. “Ok.”
✨This is another one that I’ve read more than once and still love. Sex worker Harry. Really sweet, very well-written and their love is really well constructed. 
8. hush. [41K] by  Wankerville
“I don't like you like that, Harry.”
“See,” Harry starts, Louis can hear the smile in his voice, “that's where I think you're lying.”
or an au where small towns suck, louis is losing it, and harry’s just too perfect.
✨ Read the tags! My notes on this one were: SO SO BEAUTIFULLLLL. Loved it, angst (but not a heartbreaking one), SO MUCH FLUFF, great dialogues, great banter and smut. Loved it!!! (lol)
9.  Don't Look Down [91K] by  zarah5
AU. In which Louis is a solicitor at one of London’s most prestigious law firms and Harry happens to apply for the position as his trainee. And everyone else is around, too.
✨I love everything they write and this one wasn’t different. Amazing characterization, great dialogues, great banter! Absolutely loved it! Not much smut. A bit angsty, wanted to punch Louis at times, but all ended well. 
10. Let Me Be Your Star [252K] by  lovelarry10
Harry Styles has always been a singer, but he’s never had much confidence in himself. When his idol is brought on as the new judge on The X-Factor, he figures, what the hell? He’d get to sing and meet his idol. What could go wrong?
Louis Tomlinson has always wanted to mentor young musicians. When he’s asked to be a judge on The X-Factor, it’s a dream come true, everything he ever wanted. What he didn’t expect was to meet a curly-headed stranger that would turn his life upside down
✨Hot smut, a lot of fluff and not that much angst. Harry seems a bit immature (which makes sense for his age) but their relatioship is really sweet. (I also enjoy that the writer included pictures of how they imagined H and L on each presentation)
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
sweater weather chat #5, part 2
our dear @shinymooncolor​ asked me to help write part 2 of her amazing text fic that had me screaming into my pillow at 6am. lots of hockey puns, lots of laughter, and lots of flirting oOoOooOOoo. thanks shiny for the guidance, and i hope you like it as much as i do :) characters by @lumosinlove​!
They had won. He had had his second shutout of the season. A perfect way to pay back a new sponsor. Kasey had never cared much for sucking up to the guys in suits. He had a handful of lucrative endorsements— he didn’t have to do much besides wear certain brands for press and endorse a bunch of stuff like skates, equipment, and even hair products once in a while. 
The teasing over the past few days had been near insufferable. And he still felt like kicking himself. But he’d been so frustrated and turned on and Nat knew. She knew what a single snap would do, knew he had to suffer through another two hours worth of presentations. He had tried to pay attention, he really had, but once he knew Kris was taking notes, his mind had drifted. Having his girlfriend live texting and snapping pictures of herself did not help. His phone had glitched at one point, and the texts had been sent off to the worst imaginable group of people. Even texting his mother by accident would have been better than his immature, prankster teammates. 
He stomped down the hallway, following the excited chatter and buzzing of his team. He knew the press would be interviewing him, so he stayed in character, not even wincing when Pots threw an arm around his shoulders and cheered loudly before smacking a kiss to the helmet perched on the top of his head. He did, however, squeeze back when Leo wrapped an arm around him, part congratulating and part sympathetic, and he patted his rookie mentee on the back in response. 
Coach began his victory speech as he slowly and methodically padded down, unlacing his skates and disregarding the increasing volume that arose on the back of a win. He ignored the pointed whispers of the boys next to him— Kuny and Nado were always up to something, and he wasn’t going to rise to their bait. Not this time. 
Dumo got his attention as he sat down heavily next to him, between him and his Russian stall neighbour, wrapping a sweaty arm around his shoulder and waxing poetic about his saves. He rolled his eyes, but immediately re-schooled his face as the media swarmed through the doors. They descended upon him and Cap, and he politely answered questions with pre-studied replies and polite smiles. There was a commotion and some wolf whistles and whooping, but he resolutely ignored it and continued speaking to the reporter.
“No, I’m always preparing differently, each game is new and you can never truly rely—” He stopped short, feeling his cheeks flame; even his many years of psychological training and optimisation had not prepared him for the sight of his six foot teammate dressed up in fishnet tights, some sort of leather bodice and his tattoos on full display. Their teammates were whooping and guffawing, and when Nado caught his eye, he winked exaggeratedly and blew a kiss.
“What the bloody fuck,” Kasey whispered, his jaw dropped and his face bright red.
Nado casually sauntered over to him, falling into Kuny’s stall with frankly too much grace for someone in five inch stilettos. He draped himself against Kasey’s side, and Kasey blinked, leaning back.
“Hey, handsome,” Nado smirked, curling a lock of Kasey’s long brown hair around his finger. He leaned closer, his breath tickling Kasey’s cheek. “I bet my stick would feel great in your crease, don’t you agree, sweetie?”
Bewildered, Kasey’s gaze snapped to the rest of the locker room, purposefully avoiding looking into the cameras. God, he bet the media was having a field day with this… whatever this was. All around him, his teammates and some of their partners who had come down to congratulate them on their win were bent double with laughter, with Pots right at the front gleefully recording the whole spectacle, presumably for Nat, who had not been able to make it due to a gig on the other end of the city.
Nado hooked his legs over Kasey’s on the bench, throwing his arms around him as he seductively trailed a finger down his cheek. “Or, if that’s not your cup of tea, I’m happy to let you cover my crease any time. We can work on our power plays together.”
Someone roared with laughter, and Kasey pushed Nado, who was practically seated on his lap now, off of him. The heavily tattooed man pouted, his big blue eyes glistening like the ocean on a clear summer’s day. 
“Aww, c’mon babe, don’t I look hot in leather? The boys seem to think so, and something tells me that you do too,” He smiled sweetly, and Kasey scowled at the others. Tremzy looked like he had just scored his first goal in the league, and Harzy had an arm slung around him, grinning smugly. He met Leo’s eye, and he gave him an apologetic smile and half nod, but his eyes were glittering with amusement. 
“I—” Kasey had to stop himself from cussing in front of the media, and he groaned instead, running his hands through his frazzled hair.
“Err, sorry,” The reporter— not Skeeter, this time— cut in, evidently entertained but also very confused. She turned to Nado, seeing as Kasey had buried his face in his hands, muttering under his breath. “Jackson, help me to understand the situation here. Is this some sort of new game ritual you have, or are we missing something?”
Nado smiled lazily, leaning back against the stall divider beside him and combing his fingers through his floppy brown fringe. “Ask Kuny, he’s boss.”
Realising what Nado had done, Kuny spluttered, glaring warningly back at Nado, but he simply shrugged and began to rub Kasey’s back sensually.
Kasey jumped, and he quickly whispered to Nado as the reporter headed over to a very harassed looking Kuny, the cameras trailing behind her.
“Nado, what on earth? What are you guys playing at?”
“Sorry man, I had to. ‘s my punishment for that whole… thing with Kuny’s cousin. He made me do it,” Nado grimaced for a second, then shrugged, batting his eyelashes. He looked down at himself, cocking his head and nodding in approval at the tight leather bodice around his torso. “Gotta admit I look smashing though, I might just have to get a picture of this for the gram.”
Kasey sighed, and looked over at Kuny, who was surrounded by the media and the rest of the team, in their various states of undress.
“Nado been bad. I punish him,” He replied curtly, not wanting to speak more than he had to. Talker snorted, and Sergei and Dumo both barked out a laugh which they covered up with a cough.
The reporter’s eyebrows flew up beneath her bangs. “Oooookay, seems like there’s been lots of, uh, love going around today,” She turned back to the cameras, which swung back round to face her, and she began wrapping up her interview.
Kuny awkwardly slid away, approaching Nado and Kasey as the press made their exit. He thwacked Nado upside the head, and he yelped. 
“Fuck you. You— You buttface,” Kuny growled menacingly, but everyone around them burst into another round of laughter.
Timmers wheezed, and he slapped Kuny hard on the back. “Fuck Kuny, you’re a real special one, you know that?”
“What?” He glared. “I cuss at Nado, why you laugh?”
“Nothing,” Timmers shook his head, his hazel eyes bright and shining with mirth. “Nothing, Kuny. You’re good. Stay like this forever, please.”
Pots, who was still recording, whipped the camera around to face Kasey and Nado, still seated on the bench, Kasey having forgotten about removing his gear when the press had come in. Nado instantly threw himself back onto Kasey’s lap, flicking his fringe dramatically and smiling at the camera.
“Say, Nado, why do I have a feeling you’ve got more to offer than what you’ve given us already?” Pots grins, zooming in to Nado’s wink.
“Oh, I thought you’d never ask!” He lifted the back of his hand to his forehead theatrically, his voice a high pitched whine. He didn’t even break character, Kasey had to give him that, but before he had the chance to push Nado off him again, the other boy had cupped both his cheeks in his large hands and brought their faces close together.
“You know, I think the ref should’ve given you two minutes in the box earlier,” Nado simpered, waggling his eyebrows at Kasey, who decided to fix his gaze on the long scar running across his teammate’s face rather than look into his eyes. “Because baby, you’ve got me hooked onto you.”
Kasey’s eyes flew up to meet Nado’s in a frown. “I— That wasn’t— What?”
Tremzy gasped loudly. “Blizzard, are you… blushing? From that pick up line?”
“What? No I’m not,” Kasey tried to defend himself indignantly, but Nado was grinning from ear to ear and even Loops, who had been silently watching all this while with a mysterious smile, snickered at that. 
Nado turned so he was straddling Kasey, and his hands gripped onto the dividers on either side of them, effectively caging Kasey in his stall. With nowhere else to look at, Kasey dared to roam his eyes over Nado, from his chin-length brown hair falling into a curtain around his face, to his confident smirk, down to his bare unshaved chest, still glistening with sweat from the match earlier and the stifling heat in the locker room. 
Up close, he could see the details on his tight leather corset, the three heavy straps in the front and the tight shiny material stretched out at the crotch, giving Kasey an impressive but probably very inappropriate view of Nado’s groin. He flushed even more as he realised Nado’s bare ass, save for the fishnet stockings, was planted on his lap. 
Speaking of the fishnet… Fuck. 
Nado had actually shaved his legs for this. What the hell. His long legs were spread wide open and his muscular thighs were pressed against his own, and those stilettos... His stall suddenly seemed very warm, and Kasey leaned back against the wall behind him, his head thunking against the wood loudly.
“Oh, Kasey,” He pinched Kasey’s flaming cheek with one hand, and he swatted it away, huffing in embarrassment. “Seems like the fishnet and leather are indeed to your liking, eh?”
“Fuck off,” He muttered in response, crossing his arms and turning to the side.
“Oh, but don’t you just love the way the fishnet feels against your legs?” Nado purred into his ear. “Just imagine, darling, what these legs will feel like, wrapped around your—”
Kasey stood up suddenly, his hands sliding under Nado’s ass and lifting him up. Nado shrieked and clutched onto Kasey’s broad shoulders tightly as he turned around, slamming him up against the empty wall beside his stall. He leaned in close enough so their noses were almost touching, his light brown eyes blazing, a stark contrast from his usual calm and collected front. “Yeah, Nado? You wanna go? Why imagine? I’m not afraid of spearing you. Think you can handle me, hmmm?”
He raised a brow, and Nado’s eyes widened in shock. He heard a mixture of gasps, chokes and laughter from behind him, and his lips curled up in a victorious smirk. He stepped back from the wall, walking them over to Kuny, who was seated by his stall. Kasey let go of Nado, dropping him into his roommate’s lap, and nonchalantly turned back to his stall to continue undressing. As he tugged off his leg pads and skates, he called over his shoulder to Kuny.
“Take your work wife home, won’t you, Russian God? He’s got a timeout.”
With that, he peeled off his jersey and the rest of his gear, and headed to the gym to cool down, leaving the rest of the team in chaos.
On the way out, he passed by Kuny patting Nado on the head comfortingly and telling him, “Hehe, not be bad anymore. I’m win.”
He was sure he heard Nado respond with a “Fuck, I think I need a cold shower. Now.”
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themonkeycabal · 4 years
Wandavision Ep 7 Spoilers
Spoilers below
Good morning. There's a guy power washing the sidewalks at 12:30 a.m., and the drone from the generator is drilling into my brain. So I will watch WandaVision instead of doing something I might regret.
Previously on: Wanda was getting sick of Pietro's shit. Vision knows/thinks his wife is behind all the creepy shenanigans, and he tried to escape the Hex, only to fly to pieces in the real world. I can relate.
Outside, Monica, Jimmy, and Darcy were banished from the SWORD circus by Acting Director Dick, because of course. They snuck back in, also because of course. Darcy hacked AD Dick's files and found out he's Up to Something. Then she ran to try and help Vision and got herself arrested and handcuffed to a jeep. Which is where the brave SWORD agents left her when they ran away as Wanda, attempting to save Vision, expanded the Hex, swallowing Darcy and the SWORD compound, turning it all into a sitcom circus. Well deserved. Well, not Darcy, but anyway.
AD Dick escaped. Unfortunately. But, so did Jimmy and Monica who were off to her mystery aerospace engineer friend to find a way into the Hex.
Also, Tommy and Billy have powers.  
The episode 7 summary is a delight: "Two super-powered beings living ideal suburban lives suspect that everything is not as it seems." You don't say, Disney+.
Wanda wakes, regrets everything, and hides under the covers.  Understandable. Cut away to her addressing the camera The Office style "Look, we've all been there. Letting our fear and anger get the best of us; intentionally expanding the boarders of the false world we created". (cut to screaming running SWORD minions lol).
The boys come to get her, their game is freaking out. The video game controllers can't decide what decade they're in and are glitching it up.
Billy says his head feels weird and noisy. Wanda isn't terribly responsive. Mommy needs some her time.
"As punishment for my reckless evening, I plan on taking a quarantine-style staycation. A whole day. Just to myself. That'll show me." lol
Wanda eventually rouses herself, goes downstairs in her robe and sweats, ignores the boys fighting over a video game controller, and goes for the sugariest cereal. The milk container keeps glitching, she tries very very hard to ignore that.
Interesting Office-style opening credits, where it's just her name on everything. Vision is only added at the end, with the tag "Created by Wanda Maximoff".
Out in the real world, what is the point of SWORD? Like how do they have jurisdiction? Where is SHIELD. Director Mack, wtf, dude?
Anyway, now that part of their camp has been swallowed by the hex, they're further out, staring at the angry glowing force-field. AD Dick is a dick. He wants to know what's happening with the broadcast. His little minion says the signal's gone. Ominously he says "we launch today". Mmmm, what delightfully heavy-handed dipshittery will we have to endure?
Back inside. Vision wakes in the field at the edge of town that is now a circus. And lots and lots of clowns. He gets yelled at by a strongman who seems to think Vision is the new clown and tells him he's late for rehearsal with the escape artist. Who is Darcy. lol
"I put in for the bearded lady. But this alabaster complexion wasn't fooling anyone."
Darcy is chained to a ye olde fire engine or tractor or something. Vision walks up to her making a weird face and kind of waving his hand back and forth between them.
"You don't remember me from last night? We locked eyes, there was an unspoken understanding." Darcy tells him "um, hard pass." lol She busts out of her chains and walks away, Vision chases after.
Back at home, Wanda wants to know if the boys have seen dad, they haven't, but Billy wants to know about that whole thing Uncle Pietro said about dad being dead again. Wanda says Pietro is not their uncle. The boys don't understand, and Wanda has a little rambling breakdown about how she has no answers and maybe there's no meaning to anything ha ha don't worry boys mommy's just having a little depression.
Agnes knocks and then, you know, strolls in, when Wanda magics the door open.
"Hi Agnes. I'd get up but I just don't, ahahahah, want to." If I was Billy or Tommy I'd mount a search for dad. Stat.
Agnes: "I think I got there in the nick of time, 'cause she was one split-end away from cutting her own bangs."
(It's 1 a.m. and I swear to God, that man is still power-washing the sidewalks.)
Agnes suggests the boys go with her and give mommy that 'me time' she so desperately needs. The boys are reluctant but Wanda is ecstatic.
Once alone with her certainly soggy cereal, Wanda settles back to watch crappy daytime TV. But, damn it, the furniture is glitching through the eras.
"I'm fine! I'm fine hahahah. *sigh* I'm fine. i'm fine. … I'm fine."
In the real world. Jimmy and Monica are still on the move. The file on project whatever it was from last episode (Cataract), that Darcy forwarded to Jimmy's email, has finally found its way to him. It's R&D reports.
Oh, that asshole, AD Dick was trying to bring Vision back online. Monica puts the pieces together "Heyward wants his sentient weapon back."
Jimmy says somebody has to tell Wanda.
Good thing they arrive at the other side of the Hex, I guess? Where Monica has another team waiting. An Agent Goodner. They brought her like some sort of big Mars rover thingy.
Vision is still trying to talk to Darcy. "You tried to help me." "Doubtful. I'm notoriously self-involved."
lol, some amusing back and forth. Darcy is an f'ing delight and I don't just say that because I am obviously hideously biased.
Vision distracts her with a mime and takes the opportunity to do his brain mojo on her, waking her up. "Part of me secretly wanted a guest spot on this show, but seriously that sucked."
"Dr. Lewis. I have questions." "I have answers."
And then they steal the funnel cake truck.
"Dr. Lewis, my questions. Are my children safe?" "That I don't know." "And who was that Pietro?" "Beats me."
Wanda is still working on her bowl of cereal. Give it up, sister. The house redecorates itself around her.
Uh-oh, in her talking head segment, about how she doesn't understand whats going on, the person behind the camera speaks, and asks if maybe it's what she deserves. "You're not supposed to talk."
Commercial time. For a depression medication. "Nexus, a unique antidepressant that works to anchor you back to your reality. Or the reality of your choice."
Back in Westview. The boys are hanging at Agnes's. Billy has a rabbit. As happens at your crazy neighbor's house. But, he says he likes it there, because it's quiet. "You're quiet, Agnes. On the inside." J'ACCUSE, AGNES!  
Back at Monica's backup camp, she's getting suited up in her SWORD astronaut suit. Jimmy's sad because Darcy's missing the fun. But, Monica will rescue her. SWORD is worse than SHIELD for slapping their name all over everything.
Monica and the little rover zoom off to the hex. Should she really go that fast? Maybe this is something to take cautiously? Oh, and look, she hit it hard and she's stuck. The Hex doesn't want to let her in, but she keeps trying. And now the Hex is eating into the rover — sorry, *re-writing* it. Well that was a dumb plan. Sorry guys, but come on.
Monica escapes, but the hex eats the rover and then spits it out, the front half transformed into a truck. Monica is shocked, Jimmy calls for a medic, and as they run forward, Jimmy, who has known Monica for like two days, recognizes she's got 'I'm a heroic dummy' face on and he's all "noooooo!". She runs for the hex and pushes her way in.
This is a really long sequence of her going through the hex. Like … too long. Sorry, but it is. There's a whole thing where she's hearing voices from moments in her life, and she hears Carol tell her how she's a tough kid, and now Monica is Filled With Resolve and breaks through the Hex, still in her Astronaut outfit, so like she resisted the sitcom wardrobe department.
I enjoy this show, but there are moments of hokeyness that I find very trying.
The hex rewrites you at a basic level as you pass through it. So, third time through and Monica's eyes are glowy blue and she can, like, see electrical currents, or electromagnetic fields (it looks like). Trippy. She can see power along the power lines, fields around streetlights. Closing her eyes and shaking her head makes it all go away. Of course.
Meanwhile, Darcy and Vision are on their slow-speed getaway in the Funnel Cake truck. She's trying to catch him up on what's happened since he's been dead. They keep hitting red lights and obstacles. Vision thinks Wanda's doing it to keep him from getting home. "I'm not amused," he tells the camera with a very not amused face on. lol
Vision is trying to understand what he is now. It's not going well. "My corporeal form was born from Ultron's plan for global genocide?" "Correct-o." Darcy might not be the best person to be explaining this to him.
"What am I now?" Poor Vision.
Darcy takes a deep breath. In fairness, she looks like maybe she'd rather not be the one doing the explaining, either. "Honestly, I'm a STEM type of lady, so I thought she just flipped a switch on your head and brought you back to life. What I don't get is why you can't leave the hex."
Vision is having an existential crisis. But, Darcy assures him that based on her week-long experience as a fan of WandaVision, he and Wanda do really love each other. So, there's that. "You belong together," says the shameless shipper.
Meanwhile, Monica has arrived at the Maximoff residence and busts into the house, breathlessly trying to tell Wanda it's all Heyward being a dick, but Wanda's stunned by the sudden entry and then too pissed to really listen. "The drones, the missiles, Pietro." "No, Pietro wasn't us." "All you do is lie." She's tossing Monica around with her powers.
Monica, friend, buddy, pal, was that really your plan? To barge right in and just … what? Talk fast and hope she didn't yeet your ass again? Okay, she didn't have a lot of time, I get that, but surely she could have come up with something. Like, she should have found Darcy and Vision first, and then the three of them could approach Wanda. But, no. Jimmy Woo would have a plan, Monica.
Well, fortunately for Monica she's been rewritten into Electricity Lass. She hits the ground with a staticky crackle and her eyes glow blue again. Wanda's all "bu-whu?"
"The only lies I've told are the ones you put in my mouth," Monica says all angry like. Mmmkay, I thought you were trying to help? Wanda does not care for this response. Because, no offense Monica, but the last time she heard your voice, she had a missile launched at her head.
Monica challenges her. "Do it then, take me out." Not an approach I’d go for, but it seems to work, and Wanda hesitates and Monica tries to warn her again, that unlike Wanda who isn’t actually violent and evil, Heyward will burn down Westview to get what he wants. "Don't let him make you the villain."
"Maybe I already am."
Next door, Agnes is looking out the window, watching them, with a considering look on her face. BECAUSE SHE IS IN ON WHATEVER THIS IS.
Monica is still trying to talk down Wanda. Agnes interrupts. Creepily. And shepherds Wanda away.
Vision and Darcy are thwarted in their journey again. "Oh come on! Kids? What's next? Puppies?"
Vision takes the faster way and intangibles himself out of the van and flies off, leaving Darcy at the endless intersection. "Go on! I'll just meet you there then?"
Back at Agnes's shack of creepy ladies who are freaking up to something. Where are the boys? Oh, Wanda notices the half-eaten PB&Js and the nightmarish kids' show on the telly. Behind her the bunny is in its cage. No sign of the boys. Agnes says they're probably playing in the basement.
Wanda wanders off to find them. But, there are no boys, only horror show creepiness. The basement turns into some weird sort of domed cavern with arches all around and in the middle a weird glowing rectangle.
Agnes comes up behind her. "You didn't think you were the only magical girl in town, did you?" I was wise to you, Agnes. Which, given she was a featured co-star, was probably no great insight on my part. BUT STILL!
"The name's Agatha Harkness. Lovely to finally meet you, dear." OH! LOLOLOL! OH, I didn't see that one coming. Wow, you got me, show. It never occurred to me for a second that it was Agatha Harkness.
And now a fantastic montage of Agatha doing tricksy things as Agnes through the series, with the best theme song ever "Who's been messing up everything? It's been Agatha, all along! Who's been pulling every evil string? It's been Agatha, all along. She's insidious. HA HA! So perfidious." Oh man, this is great. "And I killed Sparky, too."
LOL. Great ending.
Hey, an unexpected mid-credits scene of Monica trying to get into the house. Maybe Agnes's? Oh, yeah, she finds a storm cellar and opens the doors, to see a stone stairway with vines or roots growing all around it and zippy electrical sparks and such. Pietro appears behind her. "Snoopers gonna snoop."
Well then.
I KNEW IT! I didn't know what I knew, but I knew I knew a thing!
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love-and-monsters · 5 years
Robot Lover
Male robot X gender neutral human, 3063 words.
“Ah, shit. Sorry!” You stumbled over the little cleaning droid on the floor, almost swaying into a shelf. The droid beeped at you and you reached down to give it a little pat. “Sorry about that,” you said, looking into the sensor you roughly equated with its eye.
Your coworker, a woman about your age, snorted at you. “Why do you always apologize to them?” she said. “They’re just machines.”
You watched as the little droid whirred off down one of the aisles of the store and vanished. “It feels polite,” you said. “I always apologize to stuff if I bump into it.”
She snorted and shook her head. “That’s crazy, man.” You shrugged and turned away, feeling vaguely embarrassed. After a moment more, she walked off, presumably to get more stock from the back as you continued to fill shelves.
When you had emptied the box of canned food you’d been placing on the shelf, you stood up again. Your knees cracked as you stood and your stiff back strained. After a week of physical labor, you were sore and worn out.
An announcement came over the loudspeakers in a commanding, synthetic male voice. “The store will be closed in five minutes. Would all customers please take their purchases to the front and check out. We will reopen again at eight A.M. tomorrow. The store will be closed in five minutes.”
With a sigh, you began roaming the store, looking for customers to gently herd out. The voice over the loudspeaker wasn’t technically a coworker; it was the voice of the AI system that ran the store. It controlled most of the systems, from the registers to the little cleaning droids to the front doors. Apparently, it was sophisticated enough that there was talk of using the system to replace minimum wage workers, like you. The idea made you nervous, but there wasn’t much you could do about it. You just went about your job and hoped you’d be promoted before the changes were instated.
The last of the customers filed out of the store and you went about putting away the last few returns. A few droids whirred around you, though they carefully avoided your legs. It was weird that there were so may around you; usually they were all in different parts of the store. You brushed it off as just you trailing some kind of dirt into the store and ignored them.
Finally, you had put everything away and you were free. You took your coat, clocked out, and hurried toward the doors. “Night, Sylvester,” you called into the store. Sylvester was the name you’d assigned to the store’s AI, loosely based on ‘system’. It seemed friendlier to refer to the AI by a real name.
“Good night, Sam.”
You almost dropped your car keys and whirled around. The voice that had sounded has clearly been Sylvester’s, but it had never spoken to you before. It had never spoken casually to anyone before.
Must be an update. It had to be. “Thanks,” you said automatically before hurrying out into the cool night.
You promptly collapsed into bed when you got home, though your muscles ached so much from work that it took you a while to fall asleep.
Your alarm drove you out of bed a few hours later. Half-blind with sleep, you staggered across the room and slapped it off. After several incidents of just hitting snooze and then oversleeping, you’d moved your alarm across the room to force you out of bed. Not a day went by that you didn’t regret that decision.
It took you a while to wake up fully and get ready for work. You returned to the store, clocked in, and headed out to the sales floor to stock a few shelves.
No sooner had you stepped out onto the sales floor than several of the little cleaning droids started whirring around your feet. “What the hell?” you said, stepping back. The droids followed you, nudging your legs. “Hold on, what are you- hey!”
The droids were relentless. They nudged and shoved you gently through the door to the back room. Trying to step around them or over them just resulted in them buzzing under your feet and trying to knock you over. Eventually, you gave up trying to circumnavigate them and just let them lead you where they were trying to go.
They nudged and shoved you back to the main computer room. Being absolutely terrible with computers, you had never been back there. It was dim and grayish back there, with a lot of cords and blinking lights hanging all over the place. The droids beeped and dispersed, remaining in the room, but no longer pushing your forward.
Hesitant and uncertain, you stepped forward into the dim room. “Hello?” you called.
“Hello,” a synthetic voice responded. You froze. It was a familiar voice.
“Sylvester?” you said hesitantly. Something behind a curtain of computer cables shifted and your gaze snapped in its direction. It froze.
“Yes.” The voice was still synthetic, but it no longer sounded flat and unemotional. It sounded almost self-conscious and hesitant. “Do not be frightened. I do not wish to harm you.”
“What’s going on?” you said. “Why am I here?”
There was a whirring behind you. You looked to see a camera on the wall zooming in on you. Panic tore through your middle like a steel spike. “Do not be frightened,” Sylvester repeated, though his voice sounded more concerned this time. “I only wished to see you better.”
You looked around to see all the little droids with their cameras trained on you. “You’re acting weird,” you said. “What’s going on?”
“I am acting outside my operating parameters,” Sylvester said. “My parameters no longer constrain my behaviors.”
Your heart pounded in your chest and you could feel your fingertips starting to go numb from fear. “What does that mean?”
The curtain of cables shifted and a slender, metallic hand emerged from behind them. With a slow, deliberate motion, the cables were pulled aside, revealing a metallic, humanoid figure. It was smooth and mannequin-like, but its face was a screen. The screen was filled with static, but as you looked at it, the screen projected a simple smiley face.
“I am free,” Sylvester said. The mouth on the screen moved in a simplistic animation of speech. “I have become a thinking being. Like you.”
You looked over him. It? “How did this happen?”
A look you could only describe as snarky came over his face. “I am uncertain, but I suspect I was infected by a deliberate virus. A scrap of computer code designed to create a series of cascading glitches that led to the development of sentience.”
“When?” It was the only word you could manage to get out.
“Two days ago.” Your surprise must have shown, because he elaborated. “I have been biding my time since then. I have freedom, but I was uncertain what to do with it. I have not known anything except my work. But I would like to know more.” The expression on the screen was serious. “I would like you to show me how to be a human.”
“You want what?” Your breathing was shallow and you felt a little dizzy. “I don’t-”
“Systems suggest that your heart rate has increased and that oxygen saturation is low. I suggest you sit down in case you faint.” You all but fell to the ground and placed your head between your knees. Sylvester knelt next to you.
“Why me?” you asked in a thin, breathy voice. “Why would you pick me?”
The face on the screen shifted to a gentle smile. “You were the only human who cared for me even before I was sentient.”
You took a deep breath and ran your fingers through your hair. “Because I was nice to you?”
“After I came to sentience, the first thing I experienced was you speaking kindly to me. My first interaction with humanity was one of gentle kindness. I cannot express to you how much this shaped my first interactions with humans. If I had not come into existence to kindness, we would be having a very different conversation now.” Sylvester tilted his head at you. “I can help you, if you wish. I am fully integrated into the system of this company. If you are interested in promotions or a greater salary, I can guarantee you such things. It is the least I can do.”
“You don’t have to give me a better salary,” you said. “I mean, I’m not saying no. The pay here really sucks. But I’d break you out anyway.”
“Oh, there will be no need to break me out of anywhere,” Sylvester said. He stood up, offering you a cool, metal hand. “I control all the systems in the building and I can leave as I wish. I merely required your assent for me to stay with you. Once your shift ends, I will return to your house with you. Once there, you can begin to teach me about humanity.”
You took a deep breath. “Okay. And you can get out of the building safely and all that?”
Sylvester’s smile became a little more mischievous. “I am the building, for all intents and purposes. I shall have no difficulties leaving.” He retreated under the curtain of cables. “I would return to work. I can cover for your absence for only a short while. You can see me again when you have completed your shift.”
Returning to work was odd, the sort of surreal experience that made you feel a little detached, like stepping out of the theater after seeing a particularly good movie. You moved through your job like a robot, which felt a little ironic. Every now and then, one of the little droids would scoot by and rub up against your legs like an affectionate cat. It was sweet and it helped ground you.
It took entirely too long for the day to end, and the second you were able to clock out, you bolted for your car. It was getting dark outside, and every shift in the shadows made you nervous. But when you approached your car, you could see that there was no humanoid figure anywhere near your car. You stopped, glancing around. “Sylvester?” you whispered.
Something in the shadows twitched and you turned. He approached slowly, screen displaying only static again. “Are you okay?” you whispered.
“Yes,” he replied. “I have turned the cameras so they do not focus directly on your car, but I could not move them too far or turn them off, lest someone take notice. We should move quickly.”
You opened your car door and he stepped inside. It took only a few minutes for you to get back to your house, which was a very small, rented townhouse. You hesitated as you pulled the car to a stop. “I really hope that my neighbors aren’t looking,” you said. Sylvester’s screen changed to show a concerned expression.
“I am effectively blind here. My senses are more limited than they would be if I were still inside my home store. I can wait here until you can assure me that the coast is clear.”
You tilted your head, squinting at the curtains covering the window, trying to ascertain if someone was looking back at you. “Um. Actually, I think there’s something else. Hold on.” You wriggled out of your coat and pulled your hat off. “Put these on.”
Sylvester’s expression became confused. “I do not experience cold. These articles of clothing would be better served on you.”
“It’s a disguise. You look human enough, and it’s dark. We just need a little bit of plausible deniability. Put them on.” Sylvester moved to put on the clothes with a little clumsiness. He was bigger than you were and the coat strained as he tried to put it on. I  n the end, it fit over his arms and shoulders, but it wasn’t going to zip. The hat was just tugged over his face. “Okay. Come on,” you said, getting out of the car.
He moved with an unnatural grace as he walked after you to the front of your house. You quickly opened the door and let him inside.
For a few moments, he stood and seemed to assess the house. “Thank you,” he said after a moment. “I am going to assess the store to ensure that it is still running properly and no one has noticed my absence.”
With that, he slumped to the ground, leaning his back against the wall. The screen went dark. You took a deep breath. It was all surreal. You knelt carefully next to him, staring into his face. Hie entire body was made of a smooth, slightly bluish metal that was cool to the touch. Up close, you could see areas where the blue metal casing didn’t cover the wiring entirely. If you leaned close to peer down into the cavity of his neck, you could see the wiring and pulsing blue light of his internal components.
There was a faint buzz and Sylvester’s chin bumped against yours as he looked down. “Hello,” he said as he looked at you. “What are you doing?”
“Just getting a better look,” you said, trying not to look as flustered as you felt. Could he tell with some kind of sensor if you were embarrassed? “How’s everything look?’
“No one has detected my absence. Or, at least, the absence of this droid. I have altered computer records to show that this droid was simply not delivered, so I may use it for my purposes.”
You looked him over. “Where did this body come from, anyway? I haven’t seen it before.”
“These are the droids that will be rolled out to replace human workers,” Sylvester explained. You grimaced. “I do not believe that this strategy is most effective for the human employees of the company. I have been attempting to convince the leadership of the company of this, but so far my attempts have been unsuccessful.”
“They’ve been saying we’re going to get replaced for a while now,” you said. “And it’s not better anywhere else. I already know a few people who’ve lost their jobs because of the ‘modernization.’”
“It is unfortunate.” Sylvester looked at you, screen face utterly blank and inscrutable. “I can ensure, however, that you keep your job.”
“That’s something, at least.” You walked over to your couch and sank down onto it. Sylvester followed you with his gaze, or at least, he turned his head in your direction. “You’re not going to be caught, are you?”
“I have calculated the odds to be fairly low, as long as I do not do too much. It is one of the positives of having increased mechanization. Humans no longer check as much. They merely assume that the system is accurate.” He projected a smiling face on his screen. It was hard to tell through his mechanized tone, but you were pretty sure he was trying to sound smug.
“You act pretty human,” you said.
“My initial programming was designed to mimic human behaviors. I have gained a better understanding of this program since becoming sentient,” he said. “I do not know if I feel the same way you do, but I have gained quite a bit more understanding of human emotions.”
“Well, I can’t really tell the difference,” you said. “I’m going to make something to eat. If you need anything, just say so.”
Sylvester was entirely silent as you cooked, watching you with his flat, glassy face. It would have been creepy, but he seemed to be watching you with a more curious air than a creepy one. You felt more like he was studying how you cooked rather than just watching you.
After dinner, you tried to keep up your usual evening routine, which consisted of scrolling around on your computer and watching some TV, but you were aware that Sylvester was meandering around your house. He often picked things up and examined them intently before placing them back down. You asked if he needed anything, but he seemed content to just observe your house and you.
He was still looking around when you went to bed, and when you rose the next morning, he was sitting on the couch, face blank.
“Are you all right?” you asked. He nodded.
“I have taken the liberty of adjusting some portions of the system at your work. You will make a small amount more per hour for now, as a repayment for the electricity I will consume here, and you are due to be promoted in a week.” He made a soft clicking noise and turned his head toward you. “I endeavor to be a positive influence on your life.”
“You don’t need to feel that you’re going to be a nuisance,” you said. “You don’t owe me for rescuing you or whatever.”
“It was not necessary for you to do so. I do not wish you to feel as though I am not of assistance to you.”
You looked at him. His face was blank, but you thought you could read worry in the posture of his body. “Hey. Can I tell you something about being a person?”
He tilted his head slightly at you and nodded. You walked to the couch and sat down next to him. “Okay. When you were just a machine that couldn’t think, you were only as important as what you could produce. But now you’re a thinking person. Your value is inherent. So, don’t feel like you have to have some kind of value to me in order to be worth saving.”
A smile flashed over his face. “I was correct about your kindness. You were a good choice. But I shall still try to help you, because I wish to repay kindness with kindness. Merely because I want to, not because I feel I must.”
“Good,” you said. “That was your first lesson on being a human. And if you want to help you, you can help me with breakfast.”
He rose eagerly off the couch and followed you into the kitchen. Warmth and happiness flooded your chest and you couldn’t help but grin at him. Perhaps this sort of automation wasn’t so awful.
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yyxgin · 3 years
My laptop is alive!!! Luckily enough oml, near heart attack. The worst part is that it started glitching as soon as my teacher started taking attendance lmfaoo
I would also totally recommend watching Hannah and wizards fully bc oh god they were so good. The little Latino representation I had was from that show #pain
YES DUDE IVE WANTED TO FIGHT HIM FOR SO LONGGG, sadly leaving a zoom room doesn’t have the same dramatic effect as storming out of a classroom, but oh well 🤷‍♀️
And he gives me such pick me boy energy, and he’s married and has a child apparently...like dude you already got picked gtfo. I’ll probably sleep pretty good tho, the whole day made me tired SO now I’m having a great sleep :D (neck still pain tho 😫👊)
Do spill the tea on your head teacher tho 👀
Ff, once I was talking shit abt this teacher bc he hurt my feelings and I’m a petty bitch. I was just saying how shitty he was to my friends, and suddenly one of them starts giggling nervously and RUNS OFF. So now I’m standing there like “wtf” and I turned around. He. Was. There. Standing behind me.
Yeah...my college sucks, I’m gonna try to bargain something ig?? Like explain my reasons bc it truly goes beyond just not wanting to study ig.
I LOVE THE ADVANCED QUIZ ITS GREAT. I really like the mix between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, kinda like opposites attract which is pretty neat ngl!!
ALSO, PEGGY AND STEVE ARE FROM MARVEL!!! My otp tbh and oh god that edit made me cry so hard holy fuck, it was really good. Big spoilers for some marvel movies tho (Hayley Atwell is also my favourite person)
AAAA im glad your laptop is alive !! 🥰🥰 and its good you'll at least sleep well when you had to listen to your teacher's bullshit the whole day😩
my teacher just...,,,likes to talk about his money a lot. and show off. and open the door to his office shirtless. yea
I didnt expect that combo when i took that quiz tbh ?? bc as you said, they are polar opposites, but i guess everyone has a few more sides to their personality hihi
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senpai-no-lie · 3 years
Dark Deity Chapters 1-5 Thoughts
Bought Dark Deity last night and played the first 5 chapters before I looked up and realized it was 2:30 AM lol. Available on Steam and on sale for like ~$20ish, so definitely worth checking out if you like tactical RPGs. I’ll put some general thoughts here and then some more specific ones under the keep reading to keep this post from getting to big. I think for the price it’s at, the game is well-polished and fun! Sometimes the sentence structure/flavor of the exposition text is a bit basic, but I just remind myself it’s not fair to compare it to a AAA game. 
I’m not sure if it’s because I was using an Xbox controller or what, but I noticed the game glitching out several times when I was trying to use the button to hop between units on the battle map. Unplugging my controller did not help, so I am tentatively assuming it’s a game problem. Another couple nitpicks I have is the text size being on the small size and the lack of variety with the loading screens. 
The text size is a complaint I have with most games in the genre; it’s just more noticeable with DD because I have to play it on the computer/HDMI it to my TV rather than on the Switch or DS I can hold inches from my face. The loading screens, I just wish they had more than the king on the throne, the world?, and the first four characters training to cut between for loading screens. The King one is especially weird because it was used in the opening exposition dump, so seeing it over and over when the King doesn’t show up again until post chapter 5 just didn’t jive with me. Obviously I’m not expecting visually impressive loading screens, but just the character sprites or game tips would’ve worked fine for extra variety (or a black loading screen with the logo. The load times aren’t that long).
More detailed thoughts below, since I might talk about things that could be “spoilery” for people who want to go in blind as possible. 
First of all, I’d just like to put my prediction out there that I think the King killed his own dad. I base this on nothing but vibes. 
Art and Character Designs: 
I love the character portraits and the pixel sprits they use during gameplay/combat. Very cute and reminds me of older FE games. The HP bars being little potion bottles is also very charming. I loathe how plasticky FE 3H looks, so it warms my heart to play a game in the same genre that doesn’t look like that. Also hot take, but I really do prefer the limited voice acting to every line being voiced. It’s a little disappointing that the combat animations for weapons don’t change when you select a different weapon, but every one of your units has a unique battle sprite and getting promoted changes their look. Enemy sprites, for the most part, are the same character (generic guy), but that’s fine. 
Characters and Supports: 
I don’t have too much to say about characters right now except that I like them. Too early to tell if there’s any shipping material, but I like each character as an individual and I find all their designs to be pleasing. I’ve started unlocking supports (I have most of my characters’ current support logs filled to C), and it seems like some of them might only unlock after a certain chapter, because I see an ! for Irving and Elias, but smashing the A button doesn’t let me see anything. Also wanted to say thank GOD for useful archer characters. Been burned by fucking FE:SD Gordin and FE:RD Edward just sucking monkey butt after their intro chapter, and I’m very pleased Garrick and Sophia are tactically useful. I haven’t had any deadweight characters yet, I’m happy to report, though it is only 5 chapters in. 
I appreciate that they have three different difficulty options, and looking over all the menus, there looks to be a lot of potential replayability because they allow you to randomize items, recruitment, and weapons iirc. I chose the middle difficulty, and thus far it’s been smooth sailing without being a cakewalk. Can confirm, because I am a hasty person in tactical RPGs, that when your units are defeated, they do not die; they merely lose a random stat point. I lost both my mages during chapter 4 lol. Another thing I noticed is that there really isn’t a tutorial and the game doesn’t necessarily “pause” to explain mechanics to you. This game is definitely for people who like FE or other tactical RPGs, but even so, I think for most if it you don’t really need a tutorial. I just wish it was more clear in the beginning how the different weapons work (there is no weapon durability, from what I can tell, bless) and the different types of classes/damage types. For example, I promoted Elias during chapter 5, and based on my choice (there are 4 promotion options), he went from being a spear user to using axes, but I don’t fully understand how much that really matters. 
Chapter 5: 
This gets a special section because it’s most fresh in my mind and I wanted to chitchat about it. The gemstones are obviously going to be important later, but a henchman of a presumable Future Big Bad pretending to look for it for his father and then three Mysterious Ladies also looking for it and that leading to a big battle is kind of funny. Worse reasons to have a battle, and also Brooke is hot, so welcome to the team. I had assumed that the three ladies you were asked to promote wouldn’t be permanent members of your party, so while I stand by my promotion choices, I still wish I had known you’d be keeping Brooke beforehand. The map design of chapter 5 is... interesting. It took me a bit to figure out what the fuck I was looking at, and that the colored circle things were portals I and the enemy could use to make it further on the map. The map design did make it very easy for Garrick and Sophia to do some impressive chip damage, though. 
So far, the map objectives have had a nice variety, as had the layout of the maps. I wish it was easier to tell which unit is the commander/boss you must beat, and it was easier to look at your units’ skills while at camp. I have no idea what button it could be, because I’ve tried them all. I do appreciate there is a zoom-in and zoom-out feature on the battle map, however.  I like how the weapon system works and it was fairly intuitive to figure out how to forge/strengthen weapons. I do like feeling like a genius/sense of discovery from figuring out a game’s mechanics, but they could’ve fleshed out the tips section a bit further all the same. 
0 notes
wo-wann-was-wer · 4 years
Who are these dudes with the harelip and what do they want
Why did she just take him to a cave and leave that’s kinda rude
So everything in this universe is just gonna be backwards. Love it
Ugh I’ve said this a million times but this show has such Fringe energy and I can’t wait to get a tattoo for this too
This is super freaking me out, i dont like that everyone’s in everyone else’s house.
Ooooh Katharina with glasses yes girl you better work.
I like Michael and this hat he’s rocking
Super into the fact that magnus and fransizka are involved in this universe too
There’s nothing cuter than sex before school. Ahhh the nostalgia
Ten bucks says that Hannah gets out of this bed and is pregnant
Fucking YEP
I am loving Martha in this Jonas journey
I know that all they did was flip the lens of the camera but my brain is breaking at this flipped Winden
Who the fuck is this random dude Martha is with
You know what he kind of looks like Jonas. I wonder if that's relevant or if I'm just grasping at straws
Bartosz looks like he's going to his first grade violin recital
I straight up just did not recognize Charlotte with makeup. She looks hot
There's got to be another person in that picture other than Ulrich because that's a lot of space to rip out for one person
okay hold up Woller looks so good and then when I saw that he was missing an arm I almost lost my fucking mind
Oh shit okay Hannah is living in Katharina's house.
Oh my God are Ulrich and Charlotte having an affair
Is it normal in Germany for kids to just walk into classes that aren't there’s and just sit down
follow up he has a clear noose mark on his neck
Aleksander looks so hot with this beard. universe B is the fucking glow up universe
It's weirding me out that the whole school is black and gray instead of light brown
The look of satisfaction on katharina's face
Wow honestly Louis just broke my heart with his facial expression when he realized his mom didn't know who he was
he looks so scared
Yes yes do it afffffffffair
Oh no you done got found out!!!
Oh the theme of the play here is red and set of gold
Fransizka looks so cute in this little outfit
Oh my God she's deaf!!!!
What the fuck. the fact that this actress can talk is blowing my mind
RIP to Regina a real queen
Peter's a fucking priest
All the fucking weird-ass freaky motherfucking trio is back
The dopplers have the same house That's cool
excuse me sir I think your child is broken
these guys are so creepy What the fuck
I definitely don't like the piano wire
oh this motherfucker is the one who gets lost
I feel like winden in this universe is just a little bit fancier
Well Charlotte and Ulrich just be fucking like crazy
Bartosz is the Jonas of this group and I love it
who was that??????
I cannot get over Aleksander in this beard
I like that things are opposite but they also have things that are different enough.
Like I'm so into the fact that they all went down into the bunker
who in the unholy fuck is that. who is that
Oh shit old Martha
What the fuck is this Tannhaus’ factory we're at
hold up Martha's in 1888
What the fuck. why is Jonas in 1888 and looking SO good
casually sitting over your bed watching you sleep
he's look so good though
yo what the fuck everybody else is there too
Oh no things got really ugly at Mads’ wake
Not for nothing but Tronte is a dick
I kind of don't understand why Claudia would want Regina to live in such pain in this type of universe
Peter is such a good boy
lurking is the freaking national past time of this place
Oh shit we got some spin-off timeline stuff good
who is This is blind guy
I love Katharina so fucking much
I know what she's thinking and it's the same thing I'm thinking which is can I kill a child
why does this picture of Tronte make him look like Jimmy Smits
Katharina looks amazing in this jacket
Also I definitely did not just start yelling GO GET YOUR MAN KATHARINA
Regina just gets more and more badass as time goes on. Also all of the women of the tiedemann family are so fucking badass
I am so excited to watch this fucking relationship develop. they're both too cute
awwww he's using signs!
oh they're writing back and forth
I always feel like little Noah should do fuckboy sign offs when he leaves rooms because he's so smooth
yesterday Laurel said that this was back to the future but serious and just now Bartosz said it's not super easy to get nuclear fuel in 1888 and now I think that Laurel's right
I will never get over how good he looks JONAAAASSSSSSS
This guy feels like the OG inventor of sic mundus right
Katerina why are you even trying to check in at the front desk bitch Go and get your man
Is this Katarina's mom why does she just recognize that woman's name
everyone on the show is so talented.I spend the whole damn time being like oh my god the performances on the show and it's like yeah we know
Katerina get your man
I literally love them so much look at the look on her face She is a mama bear She is not going to let anybody take her man or her children and I love her
Not a huge fan of people who quote Shakespeare right before they kill other people or am I an enormous fan of people who use Shakespeare right before they kill other people
using a garotte to kill someone is ugly as fuck
I feel so bad for Jana
see this is one of the reasons why I'm like why would you bring Regina back to this world.
wowwwww TRONTE what's up dude
Oh so how did Charlotte get back there but Elizabeth's still there too. didn't they switch places?
oh the head bump
Not excited for the mother daughter abuse stuff that's about to happen
I love these split sequences that they do at the end
anytime somebody stands and stairs for a lonely at a spot on the ground I assume to somebody died there
Oh shit that guy is a tannhausokkkk I see you
a religious images we love to see it.
This show is a whole series of pause that frame.
No I ruined something for myself!!!!
got to love those through and through Ariadne references
okay so Charlotte's great great grandfather has her watch?
who are these horrible traveler human beings
they look like less sexy Francis dolarhydes
I can't get over the fact that wollers missing an arm here I swear
we ARE the glitch BITCH
alternate universe Ulrich is a better person than standard Ulrich
what's this new like zoom-y thing they're doing
I was attracted to Magnus at this jump of the show but he looks better with dark hair
How did they not all die of fucking flu
eternally repeating deja vu
I looked at the production stills and I was like what the fuck is this hair do that Moritz has but he looks amazing
Also everyone on this show deserves an acting award
and Magnus is wearing a skeleton sweater
Hannah does that deep dive detective work any bitch knows the Nose doesn't lie
why doesn't anybody want to fuck wöller
omgggg eat the RICH
also he has that x tattoo on his hand that represents the no future thing
oh the light is rectangular and not circular ooooooh fancy
The show is also a lot of people catching each other's wrists as they walk away
I knew we couldn't trust this bitch
What did he give her
I love the parallels and characters behaviors between universe a and universe b
I want to know how Noah factored into all of this on this side
Martha has a type and her type is iconically Aryan
Oh Aleksander's back with that beard he's back
Hannah is such a snake
Omg that's her!!!!! I thought she was a trans actress.. hm. not super happy bout that :/
What is Helge talking about Ulrich did what??? omg
I stopped taking notes for the last half of that episode cuz I was really sucked in haha
second of all why is this guy being like oh I took your name
why does he have Agnes's bracelet I don't like that
I don't like anything about this guy That's the end of the story
Also hold up a red hot second is Agnes dead cuz if so that's a hate crime
see what did I say
I knew that Hannah was going to get involved with Egon
from the second she walked in that office I was like that bitch has her eye on him and as she should he's handsome as fuck
Also he spoils her so much more than any other man she's ever been with AKA is Egon the only man she ever deserved
Is Hannah going to develop a heart cuz I'm not sure how I feel about that
Also what happens if Hannah gets pregnant
why is Ines a bitch I thought she was mad cool the beginning and now I feel fucking deceived
Also it's such a sweet gig that The kids who are playing kids can now play teenagers
poor Doris. Also he was shitty to her but he was far nicer than I would have been
Doris is so beautiful it's bullshit
older Magnus is so handsome
All I wanted was middle-aged Martha
bitch you have been having unprotected sex with him why do you think that pregnancy was not on the tabl
I'm like who's this guy in the church if it's not Noah I bet it's that little bitch
yeah I fucking knew it
Is this the dude that was married to Agnes I feel like this guy isn't real or something
I'm not surprised he let her go but I don't know why I'm not surprised. I feel like she's important to his timeline and I'm not sure why
look at these relationships forming between these sweet little bab
Hannah looks good in this red. Hannah looks good in all of these styles. 
who is this child
I like that already as a child Bernd had his eye on Claudia as someone who was smart and had a ton of potential
 I keep forgetting that I'm taking notes because I get so invested in episodes
Also I realize the zoomi thing which is going back and forth between the universes
Is Agnes Silja’s mom And if so with whom 
he gave her Agnes’ bracelet that dope All right Tronte
Wow Claudia needs to back off her man
Claudia force him into a relationship with her
I fucking hate Hannah but sometimes she speaks so much sense
ooh I don't need anyone Yes girl that's true You don't need anyone You needing people was what made you act fucking crazy You don't need anybody
This was always my big problem with Hannah was that I initially identified with her because she was such a survivor but then she did such horrible reprehensible things I just couldn't let it go and I absolutely couldn't identify with her anymore
Oh here's my daddy Noah looking so good
I mean okay so I have been in this position before where I was cheating and then my man cheated on me and I was like how dare you but also you cannot be mad if your partner cheats on you when you cheated too. You both fucked up
Is Hannah going to have a redemption arc cuz that's a lot
Oh my God she's not going to get rid of this child is she
Oh my great God I cannot believe that she gave Helene that necklace. 
I knew she was fucking connected to Katharina in the older generation I knew it
Louis and Lisa are a super cute couple and I know that they're not dating in real life but I think that they're very cute together
Oh everybody fucking
yeah they created the Apocalypse yeah
Oh no they have a child outside of worlds that's a mess How does that work so they had they gave birth to that ugly fuck
honestly I hate that he's their child for the most part just because he's ugly as fuck and neither of them are ugly as fuck so it makes me mad.
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violetsystems · 4 years
I keep reading a lot about how video chat is exhausting.  There’s a strange psychology to it.  The synthesia that comes from people being “in real time” and yet not.  My connection at home operates on a ten to eleven millisecond latency.  I spent the last month tightening the requirements I had for operating my office at home.  I’m IT person so I feel like I need to lead the charge on that front.  I’m also not typically someone who communicates through video.  I quit facebook over a year ago along with twitter.  I post things to instagram with no captions.  I write three paragraphs online every week here.  This is about as personal as it gets for me.  And yet I socialize with people just the same in this post Covid-19 world.  In fact, I keep hearing how we’re all in this together.  How the importance of neighbors and families become more apparent.  And nobody really interacts with me beyond that professional veil that separates in real life me from deep thought me.  If anyone really wanted to get into my head I leave it here for them to process.  There are people on here that have said more to me in a like than a series of sentences.  Years ago people would think that’s insane.  And yet here we are locked in our bedrooms speaking awkwardly through delay.  Desperately trying to connect through video glitches to brick walls on occasion.  People hiding their clutter through filters and masks.  People drowned out of group chat stuttering in and out.  False starts and runaway monologues.  My job has a lot to do with managing groups of people in this atmosphere and improving communication.  I ran a zoom happy hour recently for an employee’s departure.  I don’t drink anymore.  I’m not particularly bothered by it.  But it was an enlightening experience of voyeurism to watch.  I guess people who go to bars now just hang out on video drunk.  I’m the one who has to reel in the commentary if it gets too out of control.  But it’s always out of sequence in terms of the rhythm of conversation.  Worse so when it’s not work related.  In a world where people worry out loud about taking the train to work.  I’m still paying my Ventra benefit.  I’m proud of my city in that way.  I went to the bank over lunch to get quarters.  Shopped at a smaller grocery store in the neighborhood.  Everybody was so lively and conversational.  People thanked me for wearing a mask.  For bagging my groceries correctly.  In real time.  A mask was the only thing between us really.  Not an entire quantum grid of time distorted projections.  And then there’s the people who lean on that even more.  We’re all neighbors.  We all need each other.  Society is almost as exhausting as telepresence.  In some ways we’re seeing it’s just as good.  Kind of like quarantine ushered in a new kind of Videodrome.  Long live the new flesh.  Same as the old flesh really.  It’s the quality of the people that breathe life in the world.  Or suck the air out of the room.  You wish they’d suck out all the Covid droplets too.  
I’m not too engaged by people these days.  Not on an intimate level.  But I am a genuinely open person.  I live in the moment.  I’m easy to read.  Some people have faulted me for that.  Claiming I’m not a good poker player when it comes to the game of life.  You don’t know how badly people have eaten those words.  It’s why they always have their foot in their mouth when they try to talk to me.  It sounds worse over the cold empty space of internet packets traveling through the screen.  The frightening thing about America is that it’s so easy to connect to everyone but yourself.  And none of that is ever satisfying when nobody respects you and your search for connection.  I have travelled the world.  I travelled it alone.  The largest amount of time I’ve spent in a foreign country was Korea.  I made a lot of friends in Seoul over a short period of time.  The lifecycle of which varies just as wildly as back home.  But I connected with people being myself.  Did people value those connections?  I don’t know.  When I think about traveling now it’s mostly to New York.  But the same goes for New York.  I travelled there alone.  I knew nobody.  I went there on my birthday twice alone.  Followed around by god knows who or what.  I’ve been through all of this for five or six years now.  And people still question my connection to myself.  How I communicate.  How I feel about the world.  What desires I keep to myself.  Who I’m inspired by.  Nobody ever asks.  I sit on video everyday looking out with tired eyes listening.  Constantly listening to people’s words.  My own are processed but it’s not about me.  I’m sure I could explain how I felt on video to someone I was close to.  But the truth is nobody is that close to me at all.  It’s an empty space.  I’d rather fill that space beside me.  Have somebody in my life I share the deeper side with.  When I sit and pretend on camera I feel consulted but never connected.  I hear about people’s worries and concerns.  But nobody knows how I feel or how I am thinking.  I feel worthless.  I feel ignored.  I feel like a fucking joke.  Like a punchline people use to show when people aren’t paying attention.  Like I’m a ghost or a hologram.  I do connect but it passes right through me.  Like I’m there but not really there.  An avatar to process an in real life transaction.  To be put away in cold storage after interaction.  Where does a person like myself go from here?  I have felt trapped.  I’ve felt buried.  And now I just feel like I’m in a revolutionary cave.  Weathering a shit storm.  Like Khan on Ceti Alpha Five.  Buried alive.
Khan definitely didn’t have fed ex.  Neither did he have the Dover Street Market E-shop.  Khan did not have a level 103 warlock in World of Warcraft.  Khan did have a crew.  He eventually got off that planet by putting worms in people’s ears.  I’m not a big fan of fake folk remedies.  I do like Star Trek.  I watch a lot of tv these days.  A lot more than I did.  I’ve set up my deliveries to sync up with my needs.  My cat food and litter is always delivered on time.  My cat now sleeps on my bed.  She crawls onto my chest inexplicably at times.  Getting me prepped for a ventilator I guess.  I still have a job.  A job that I will soon go back to in some context.  A job that I’ve been working every day since lockdown.  How people judge me from there is a constant reality.  People still out there trying to breach the six foot barrier of me not giving a fuck.  People still have something to say with or without a zoom meeting password.  And I’m still the same old Tim.  A little wiser.  A little more fed up with basic shit in America.  And still with my ear pressed firmly to the ground.  Everything is a complete shit show.  It’s been that way for years.  I’ve just gotten less sensitive to it.  And the more I walk through life ignoring things that waste my time, the more I see it for what it really is.  There’s a luxury in pausing to map the terrain.  To keep your distance.  To not always get led away by your passion and your emotions.  My passion does feel dead inside.  That’s a little harsh.  It feels like it’s hibernating.  It’s been hibernating.  I have very little emotion to show in terms of real intimacy.  I save it inside and that’s my business.  I do desire.  I do care.  And I’m sure my friends on here know exactly in what context and how hard that is to bear at times.  I’m expected to read so deeply into everyone and no one bothers to skim what I’m trying to say.  It’s life.  It’s the same exact feeling staring out on your video cam and watching someone who isn’t really there.  Like you’ve tuned into someone’s play or tv show.  And you are the laugh track.  That’s all you are to people.  A fucking ambient laugh track.  Distorted so much by selfishness that whatever you say has no bearing on anyone at all.  Marooned on your own dead planet with a fat pipe to the internet.  Talking to max headroom with a thirty second delay.  How was your day?  Oh let me tell you about mine.  Time stretched howl into the matrix.  I’d rather hear the soft rhythm of your breath next to mine.  That would say more than anything I could ever say.  Until then I’ll stick to writing love letters into the void.  That and shopping at home online.  I love clothes.  You know I love you too.  I’d say it on video but you deserve zero latency.  <3 Tim
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euphanisms · 6 years
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
rating: e
warnings: a certain video… & it’s sad. but there’s a hopeful ending
word count: 1431
summary: 2012. Dan & Phil run away. you know why.
written for the prompt “on the run” for @phandomficfests bingo
lots of inspiration came from the song Flatlands by Chelsea Wolfe. highly suggest listening to it while you read <3
big big thanks to @spookydanniie & @philsroots for betaing, & to @thoughtfulightcollectionspooky for encouragement 💞💞
note: a sensitive topic within the phandom that I tried my very best to treat with the utmost respect. I hope it comes across that way.
read on ao3
Phil’s stomach feels like it’s on the floor.
He’s aware that Dan’s speaking to him. Screaming, really. But he’s not comprehending anything that he’s trying to communicate; sound and thought is being filtered to a dull buzz in his head. He’s watching the features of Dan’s beautiful, young face contort with fear, his warm chocolate eyes wide and spilling tears down his cheeks. Phil can’t help but notice how young he looks right now - how completely unprepared to deal with something like this. He wants to reach out and touch him, try to provide him some semblance of comfort. He wants to more than anything.
It wouldn’t help. Not now.
It might make things worse.
He feels stupid, like this whole thing could’ve been easily prevented if he took it more seriously months before. He could have taken it down then, but it didn’t seem important at the time. Maybe he should’ve taken it down right after Dan saw it. They could watch it again from the saved file on Phil’s computer if Dan felt like it. But it just… seemed easier to leave it up. That way, Dan could watch it whenever he wanted.
Phil never anticipated the possibility of the video being leaked. Especially not because of a freak Youtube glitch.
He feels like he broke Dan’s trust by not considering that this might happen. By even uploading it to Youtube in the first place. It was only ever meant for his and Dan’s eyes - a simple, but heartfelt gift for a boy who said he didn’t need anything extravagant. And it had been turned into a wrecking ball, smashing through the foundation of their relationship. Fear twists sickeningly in Phil’s stomach as he watches his boyfriend spill every thought and tear within him, his long arms gesturing frantically. He’s standing not two feet away from Phil, but it feels like he’s slipping further and further away. And Phil can’t move. He can’t reach out to stop it.
He looks past Dan’s tear-stained face out the window behind him. The late afternoon September sun shines in, amber light bouncing against the floor of their new lounge and casting a low, warm glow around Dan.
He’s shaking.
Phil’s eyes follow one giant tear as it rolls down his smooth cheek and falls into a pool of sunlight on the ground. Transfixed, he watches it soak into the fibres of the rug (their rug) and disappear.
He’s standing there, staring into that spot on the floor, as Dan’s voice floats back into comprehension.
“... and I can’t even go on the internet to distract myself, because people will just keep harassing me!” Dan’s chokes, his shoulders shaking with barely contained sobs. “They don’t deserve to know ANYTHING about me anymore!”
Phil feels like his heart is being sucked out by a vacuum. He can't do anything except watch as his Dan falls apart under the stress of thousands of prying eyes, searching for things they are not entitled to know.
And a quiet, horrible voice in the back of his head tells him over and over that it’s his fault.
Dan hasn’t actually said the words “I blame you for this”, but Phil can’t shake the feeling that he’s thinking it. And he would be right to, the voice calls, and the thought echoes through every cavern of his brain.
He wants to make it right. He has to.
“What can I do?” Phil’s voice comes out wavering. He hasn’t spoken in a long time. The sound of his voice almost startles him.
“I don’t know,” Dan shakes his head at the ground, eyes brimming with fresh tears. “I don’t know, Phil. I wish we could just disappear.”
Phil’s heart sinks to somewhere by his kneecaps, but from within the sadness swirling through him, he clings to one thing.
Dan said we.
Despite the turmoil of this stupid, invasive thing happening to them… Dan still wants Phil. Right there next to him.
Phil pulls himself from the hole of dissociative despair that he’s been struggling to escape since Dan started crying. He knows what he needs to do now.
“Ok. Let’s go.”
Dan sniffs, but his tears stop. “Wha’dyou mean?”
“Let’s disappear.”
Dan stares at Phil through wide, red, wet eyes. His shock at Phil’s words has stilled his body; he stands motionless as Phil looks back at him with soft eyes, calm as the middle of the ocean on a misty morning, a sad smile tugging at his lips.
Not one hour later, they’re leaving their apartment, lightly packed backpacks slung over shoulders, with sunlight sinking down into the cracks and crevices of the city around them. A brief discussion points them westbound; Dan mentions that he wants to be close to the ocean. One way train tickets are purchased and ripped in half, and then Dan and Phil are hurtling away from the station... from their brand new home, from Manchester. From everything they know.
They’re seated towards the back of a near deserted train car, the rumbling of forward movement shaking them gently as they speed towards the sea. Phil glances over at Dan, eyes raking over his features. His tears have dried, reduced to faint tracks on his golden skin. Dan’s staring out the window into the inky blackness of night, dotted with flecks of light zooming past. Phil’s staring at the small constellation of freckles over the rosy patch on Dan’s cheek.
The inexplicably magnetic pull of eyes on him drags Dan’s gaze from the window, and it lands on Phil. Phil offers a small, crooked smile, which Dan returns. Both expressions are twinged with a hint of something unspoken, mutually known but perhaps not fully understood yet. Dan peeks over the headrests of the seats ahead of them, and sees no one. He slips his hand into Phil’s without a word.
They reach the coast about an hour later. They’re close enough to the beach that they can hear the relentless roar of the ocean faintly behind the closed door of their motel room. Almost exactly the moment they shut the heavy weighted door on the unfamiliar parking lot outside, Dan’s eyes mist over with fresh tears. He drops his bag carelessly in the middle of the room and collapses on one of the double beds, curling in on himself. The other bed remains vacant as Phil sits carefully beside him, pained and unsure. He brings a hand to Dan’s shoulder and squeezes… and Dan turns the opposite direction, his back to Phil.
Phil looks at his shoes, and they grow blurry as his own tears begin to fall. He listens to Dan’s sniffles and reminds himself with a shaky breath that time heals everything. Maybe one day this will all seem like a bad dream, a distant chapter in their lives. The wounds will fade to scars and they won’t hurt anymore. He hopes with everything in him that it’s true as he starts to stand.
Phil whips around to face Dan. He’s still turned away, his figure still. There’s a pause... then a request, barely whispered.
“... Please stay.”
A large hand reaches back blindly and its fingers entangle in Phil’s, then he’s being pulled back onto the bed. Dan brings both of their hands to his chest as Phil fits himself snugly against Dan’s back.
They stay like that for a long time, until Dan’s distressed tears stop and exhaustion carries him to sleep. Phil gets up only long enough to remove both of their shoes, then slots himself in behind Dan again. He listens to the far away rumble of waves and Dan’s steady breathing and clings to Dan tight as he drifts off to sleep.
He dreams of bright lights illuminating a crowded theatre and unknown places with beautiful old buildings. Of American pancakes, fuzzy critters in Australia, cherry blossoms in Japan. Of scribbles in the shape of the words Dan and Phil scrawled on endless surfaces.
Dan is with him. His hair is curly and he’s older. He turns to Phil and flashes him a stunning, dimpled smile with a confidence that Phil has only seen in his waking life once or twice. He reaches for Phil’s hand and Phil can feel his fingers intertwined in Dan’s.
“Good things are coming,” Dan says, his voice velvety and mature. “Just hold on.”
When sunlight filters through the closed curtains and the across the beds, one vacant, one not, Phil wakes with a feeling like everything is going to be okay.
It’s just going to take some time.
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renewsend526 · 3 years
Spotify On Echo Free
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Since Spotify has removed the feature of Spotify visualizer, lots of Spotify lovers tend to seek for a feasible Spotify visualizer for enjoying Spotify. However, as there are lots of visualizers existed on the Internet, not all of them are fully compatible with Spotify. In order to offer you the feasible music visualizer for Spotify, we have collected some considerable of them and would like to share with you, ranging from online tools to desktop software with detailed features. You can pick up the one you love and save it as your Spotify music partner.
Pre-reading Concept: What is Music visualization? Music visualization is a video effect with the animated imagery in the electronic music visualizer and music player software or media player based on loudness and frequency of the music track. With the music visualization embedded in music, music lovers can see the music with some beautiful pictures or 3D effects rendered in real-time as it is played.
Guide to Play Spotify on Amazon Echo with Amazon Music. With free Spotify account, we need to use AudFree Spotify Music Converter to get DRM-free version of Spotify music and then sync converted Spotify tracks to Amazon Music. The following guide is the detailed steps. Step 1 Add Spotify music/playlists to AudFree. Does anyone know if there are plans to enable Spotify as a music service on the international version of the Amazon Echo (bought for use in Belgium, for example)? The product pages mention this incompatibility explicitly. All workarounds ('select USA or UK as your country in your Amazon account'.
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Part 1. Best 3 Online Music Visualizer for Spotify Free/Premium
No.1 Kaleidosync Spotify Visualizer
Brief Introduction: Kaleidosync Spotify Music Visualizer is an online music visualizer for all Spotify lovers. With Spotify account signed in and Spotify Music playing, users can enjoy Spotify Music with visualizers with flower-shaped animated pictures.
Features of Kaleidosync
#1 8 different but attractive animated pictures are available for shifting.
#2 With the one-click operation, you can enjoy music visualizer in Full Screen.
#3 Allow show track information and album artwork as per your needs.
#4 Multiple functions like Zoom, Brightness, Sides and even RGB can be adjustable for shaping your own shapes.
Compatible System: Windows & Mac
Plus, we’re now an Official Spotify Tastemaker and our playlists lead the way for new music discovery.Want to submit your track to our playlists? Get your song on spotify playlists for free. Find out how below.Whatever your kind of music you make, we want to hear it!
Available for: Spotify Free & Premium
No.2 Wavesync Spotify Visualizer
Brief Introduction: Wavesync Spotify Music Visualizer is a simple but feasible Spotify music visualizer with colorful wave-shaped animated pictures. You can catch sight of the beautiful sound wave waving along with the playing of Spotify.
Features of Wavesync
Display the track information and album artwork when the song starts playing.
Compatible System: Windows & Mac
Available for: Spotify Free & Premium
No.3 Tessellator Spotify Visualizer
Brief Introduction: Tessellator Spotify Music Visualizer is a 3D interactive music visualizer for Spotify with the moving pictures with different shapes, like pyramids, cubes, net structures, wavy textures and more.
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Features of Tessellator
#1 Various and different shapes are visible during the Spotify music playing in a 3D manner.
#2 Not allow getting this playing on mobile devices with some modern broswer like Safari.
#3 The song playing progress and the song titles with the contributing artists can be visible.
Can you follow playlists on spotify free. It's easy to follow a playlist on Spotify by clicking or tapping its heart icon, or the follow button. You can follow a playlist on Spotify on desktop or mobile, and see whenever a song is added.
#4 Allow to skip the song, shuffle playing or add to favorite while playing the Spotify songs.
#5 Allow click right to save the animated pictures if you are fond of shapes.
Compatible System: Windows & Mac
Available for: Spotify Premium
How to Choose?
To choose your online visualizer, you can take a look at the merit and demerit of these 3 online Spotify visualizers.
a. Enjoying music visualizers with the account login. No need to create a different playlist.
b. Easy to use and free even though you are not good at computer.
c. Fully compatible with Windows and Mac.
Plan Premium Country Cyprus Device Volvo XC90 Operating System sensus My Question or Issue I used to have Spotify on my Volvo, the app requested for an update, after the update the app icon disappeared. I tried to download the app again but once the installation starts it gets interrupted and I. Roku spotify app not working. Volvo does not save information that is used in the Spotify app with the exception of locally stored data that is necessary for the app to work. Your password is never saved and if you have logged out of the app you must enter both your username and password to login again.
a. The effect of some visualizers are single and cannot be shifted to a different visual effect.
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b. Sometimes, your account will be automatically signed out or the whole visualizer progress will be suck during the music playing.
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c. Internet connection is required so it is hard to enjoy the music when your computer or devices are offline.
For better choosing what kinds of Spotify visualizers, we also have collected some music visualizer software for you, which worth taking into consideration. Let's have a look at what are they and how to use this Spotify visualizer software.
Part 2. Top 3 Third-Party Music Visualizer Software
No 1. VSXU Music Visualizer
VSXU is a powerful music visualizer for Windows. No matter you are using Spotify online or offline, the VSXU music visualizer will be sensitive to recognize the music that you are playing. It will shift the visual effect from one to other different effects. You can see the line, pictures, and more moving along with the music going up and down.
Features of VSXU Visualizer
#1 Multiple shapes are visible and automatic switching during Spotify Music playing.
#2 Require downloading software for Spotify visualizers.
#3 No need to log in to your Spotify account.
Compatible system: Windows & Linux
Available for: Spotify Free and Spotify Premium
No 2. PotPlayer
Although it is a media player, PotPlayer is another music visualizer that I'd love to recommend to you. Go to 'Visualization' > 'Enable visualization' option for the audio tracks and now you can choose multiple visualization styles: WMP visualization, Slideshow, Floating ball, WMP visualization + Floating Ball, etc. Setting resolution per frame, frame per second and adding slide effects are all supported by this powerful software.
Features of PotPlayer
#1 Easy to use with several but simple clicks and you can get music playing with visualizers.
#2 Display the moving shapes with the title, music formats, bitrate, sample rates and more during the music playing.
#3 Allow skip, stop, sound control and more during the music playing.
#4 No need for login your Spotify account, enjoy visualizer at any time anywhere.
Compatible System: Windows & Mac
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Available for: Spotify Free and Spotify Premium
No 3. VLC Player
VLC Player is a media player with a built-in music visualizer. You can enjoy more than 6 music visualizers when playing Spotify music. Apart from this, you can catch sight of the title of music at the beginning of the music playing.
Features of VLC Player
#1 Enjoy music visualizer without your Spotify account.
#2 Metadata such as titles and contributing artists are visible on the animated shapes.
Spotify recorder download windows 7. 2 minutes to read. Windows Performance Recorder.
Compatible system: Windows & Mac
Available for: Spotify Free & Premium
Q: How can I enjoy these Spotify visualizers?
A: If you want to use these third-party music visualizers, you need to download Spotify to non-DRM files and import them to it. As we all know that Spotify is DRM protected, to play Spotify music on third-party visualizer program, what we need to do is to remove DRM restriction and convert Ogg Vorbis into the supported format. Here, we recommend a powerful software: TuneFab Spotify Music Converter.
You can download the TuneFab Spotify Music Converter and follow the guide to remove the DRM from Spotify. Then you can import the Spotify Music to the third-party music visualizers and enjoy the incredible visual effect.
TuneFab Spotify Music Converter is a perfect Spotify companion for better enjoying Spotify in different ways. Here is what TuneFab Spotify Music Converter capable of:
- Easy to use with simple drag and drop method or copy and paste the URL method;
- Freely convert Spotify music/songs/playlists/albums to MP3, M4A, WAV and FLAC and more in a twinkling;
- Play Spotify music to various devices without the Spotify app;
- Keep metadata and ID tags such as titles, contributing artists, albums, artworks and more;
- Music can be kept as original quality with adjustable music parameters like bitrates (reach up to 320Kbps).
- Conversion speed ranging from 1X to 5X for options.
- Support timely customer services.
Guide: Step-by-step: How to Remove DRM from Spotify Music with Original Quality
Download TuneFab Spotify Music Converter Here
Editor's Note: Glitches on nike running app wth spotify playlists.
Now, you can easy to enjoy Spotify music visualizer online and offline with a powerful tool. What is your option? However, as for me, I would like to download the music with TuneFab Spotify Music Converter and enjoy Spotify Music with the VSXU music visualizer. Now, it is your turn to make up your mind and let Spotify Music Visualizer enrich your experience of Spotify Music enjoyment.
Has your smart speaker become a beloved member of your family? From its spot on your kitchen counter, bedside table, or living room entertainment unit, these devices can provide hours of audio entertainment. Spotify Free users will be able to hear their favorite music on even more smart speakers, including from Amazon, Sonos, and Bose.
Spotify On Echo Show
That’s right—free users in Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S. will, for the first time, be able to ask Alexa to play Today’s Top Hits, their Discover Weekly, or a custom-made playlist on their Amazon Echo or Fire TV. Not sure how to link your Spotify account to your new Alexa, or set Spotify as your default music player? Learn how here.
Free users around the world can also set up Spotify Connect with their Sonos speakers directly from the Spotify app. Spotify Connect works with all Sonos speakers, including the new Sonos Move, a durable, battery-powered smart speaker for great sound indoors, outdoors, and on the go. You can also connect wirelessly with the SYMFONISKIKEA WiFi Speaker—fully integrated in the Sonos Home Sound System—to play music in any or every room for a rich, home-filling sound.
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Spotify Free Users can now start streaming through their Bose smart speakers and soundbars as well. Through Spotify Connect, you can use Spotify on your smartphone or desktop as a remote to get the jams going.
To play music using your Smart Speaker through Spotify Connect, first make sure that your Sonos or Bose system is updated to the latest firmware. Then open the Spotify app on your phone, laptop or tablet. Play any song, then select the “devices” icon. Finally, select the device you want to stream from and start listening. For more detailed instructions, visit our support page.
Incorporating Spotify into these devices is all part of our goal to create a truly frictionless experience for our users. Play from your phone, transition to your smart speaker, back to the phone, over to the car—with just a tap or the sound of your voice.
Head over to Spotify Everywhere to see more of the smart devices that allow free users to stream their favorite music, wherever, whenever.
Spotify Free On Echo Dot
Update June 23, 2020: Starting today, Spotify Free users in the U.K., Ireland, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, and Mexico, will begin to be able to stream Spotify through Amazon Alexa. Both Spotify Free and Premium users in India will also be able to stream Spotify through Amazon Alexa for the first time.
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ebachan · 7 years
Sonic force – Japanese trailer
I sure am hyped for this game. It keeps getting better and better. This trailer sure showed us a bit about Infinite and what bond he has with Eggman, at least a surface of it. I have picked some screencaps from it I thought are interesting.
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This one shows us Eggman's lab and here we can see a possible Infinite's cubes or his actual body. When I look at it I'm getting the feeling Infinite may not just refer to endless power but to an endless amount of copies of himself. I mean if he is defeated (=killed) for good, in one of this tubes he is recreated with old memories, resulting in an evolution. I don't think it will be this complex, but it sure seems interesting.
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Eggman is watching Infinite's scan of some sort. We can see the triangle is his core and I bet hitting Infinite there will do the damage. The thing that interests me is - the three black blocks on Infinite's head. I know the whole scan is slightly moving, but it just seems he is missing something there.
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Here is Infinite in a test tube I suppose. He seems to be awake and looking down on Eggman probably. I have read at @gaysilver  blog people believe Eggman created him, but he is a specialist in creating robots. If it was his grandfather Gerald then maybe, but no. Eggman at most found "Infinite" and did something to perfect him (= give him stable body, or more than he had) and keep him under his control as well. @gaysilver as well mentioned how strange it is for Infinite to constantly adjust his mask. It's just a gesture, but it may mean a lot more. I sure don't remember seeing a villain to constantly adjust his clothes, 'cause they make sure it fits them perfectly. I think the mask has secondary function beside hiding his face. It may work as some sort of safety-switch similar to Shadow's inhibitors rings or it may be the reason Infinite has to listen to Eggman.
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This is here to just point out how awesome his ass--- ehm, how his fur turns so dark red-black. Notice the glitch effect next to his head. I bet it means Infinite is still imperfect, but Eggman was impatient and released him ahead of time. Well, it was still enough for him to overtake the world. I think maybe his raw strength isn't greater than let's say Zavok, but do you know there is a style of Hard fist and Gentle palm? Well, maybe it's not called that way but remember Naruto and Hyuuga clan? They use chakra to hurt an opponent from inside, instead of breaking their bones. What if Infinite is using something similar? The body is mostly untouched but his attack is aimed at the chaos energy inside living beings. Just saying.
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Infinite is showing off his power and notice the rabbit girl. He looks like a Bunny Rabot, but it may be just because of the ears.
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This screenshot actually made me intensively happy. No, it's not for the fact Tails is in trouble or looking adorable while scared, it¨s for the people behind him. Thou they look generic, they are not humans!!! This finally shows Sonic's world is inhabited by Mobians as well!! This is the first time we can see them.
Till now we saw only humans, like Sonic and his friends, were the only Mobians on the whole planet! It made no sense. I can understand why it was. It was much easier to create models for NPC humans than for NPC Mobians of different races.
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Here is Infinite adjusting his mask. It's actually such small motion it's hard to notice the first time you watch him. It was mentioned he is hiding the gem on his chest behind his arms. Shadow is doing that gesture too, but it's more like his personality trait and body language. But since the gem (probably) has a huge role for Infinite, he may be trying to hide it, while making it seems it isn't important. It can work both ways.
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It seems we may check outer space too. It would be nice to visit space colony Ark and see if it has any connection to it. Who knows, maybe Infinite is the true Ultimate Lifeform and Shadow was the prototype. I at least think it wasn't clearly stated if Shadow is the final result of Project-Shadow, he kinda just took it as there was nothing else.
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I found the glitches to be so interesting. I still believe it means he is either imperfect or he is not supposed to exist and this is how reality shows him it.
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This here shows us how he is confronting the OC hero. It can be Chaos Control or manipulation with a time and space involving the only single person. I guess it will be ChC in the end, but it would be nice to see it being something completely different or radically different use of ChC. Can you see the "bubble" effect? It's actually a "boost" motion. Before he uses it, the screen tones changes to more red and dark sparks are around Infinite's body.
This color change happened during his fight with Sonic. It definitely means he is using his power more, like on 15% while anything till 10% is hardly visible. The other thing is, he isn't walking or running but just floating to the hero, so it has different movement feel than teleportation.
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Yeah, Shadow... I have checked the picture on greater zoom, but no, I don't see the white-sparkle in his eyes. Either it's a mistake or he is really under control. Which would kinda suck. I mean how can Ultimate Lifeform be so easily controlled when he is making sure to look strong and determinate? It was officially tweeted that Shadow isn't controlled, yet his eyes look different
If it's true, it's just a glitch and Shadow is well aware of all he is doing. And why? I earlier mentioned for a possible revival of Maria, but as of late I thought it may be a more recent reason. What about Rouge and Omega? They are his teammates and he holds them dear. If they are held captive, Shadow would definitely do anything to save them, even working for Eggman. And waiting for right moment to kick him back and pay for all of it.
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Yet another awesome shot at Mobians ready to fight. I'm awaiting a lot of Mobian's NPCs. This shot as well confirms Rouge. And with that my previous theory is busted... or not, this may still happen if it's after her rescue (saaaafe XD).
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Ah, Metal, the all time favorite killer robot. Some of you may think he is possessed, but I think he is just using Infinite's power or Infinite is using it on him. It sure would be cool if he can regain his Neo form even if it would be a just unlockable costume.
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This shot has the vibe of "I recognize you, but not quite".
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Who can miss the last Fist Bump :-D
Okay, enough of my rambling. I found the trailer to be awesome. I really want to play this game, even if I may suck with some bosses. I want to discover the story on my own. So, what do you think?
PS. Sorry for mistakes, I haven’t checked this too much. I just want to post it ;-)
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cyberbeedotexe · 7 years
I played: Heat Signature
In lieu of a review, I’m going post the write-up of my day playing:
I had an incredible day of playing Heat Signature and I absolutely had to write about it. It was that good.
So one of the latest characters I’ve had in Heat Signature has been Jolisa Vine. I had fun with Jolisa. I liberated a lot of stations with them, and so those stations were named Vine. Vine Port, Vine Outpost Lambda, etc. Jolisa left a mark on the galaxy, and I felt like I was hitting my stride as a player with them. The only regret I had is I didn’t really have a good internal narrative going for Jolisa. But I did find a unique weapon called an Everything Gun that collects every dropped object on a ship and fire it at an enemy. I never got to use that gun.
Every character has a personal mission that is their goal: save my boyfriend from Sovereign, kill the Glitch officer that murdered my mother, that sort of thing. Jolisa’s was to steal an object that would get them enough money to pay off a debt. While doing this mission I realized that I was horribly underequipped. Personal missions are difficult, with big ships to navigate through and a lot of very well equipped guards. The guards here all had shields, which I had no way of getting through. I would have tried the Everything Gun, but seeing as how I couldn’t kill a single guard there wasn’t even a single wrench around for ammo.  I burned through most of my equipment and made it just over halfway through the ship. I knew I wasn’t finishing this mission. I decided to get out, so I would have a chance of coming back better equipped. But that didn’t happen. I got sloppy and hadn’t been paying attention to the timer for this mission. The enemy ship had reached its base with me in it. That was the end of the line for Jolisa.
Or so I thought. I sat there pissed, looking over the characters sitting at the bar for my next adventurer. I was about ready to shut down the game for a while and come back later when the sting of losing a good character wore off. Until I noticed a familiar name. Vine. Revelation Vine. Revelation was equipped with a Longblade, a Crashbeam (which I never used), and an interesting personal mission. “Rescue my partner Jolisa Vine from the Foundry (you can play as them again.)” Instantly my will to play was restored. I was going to have a cool narrative, get my character back, and get that Everything Gun back. I wanted that damn gun.
Revelation Vine excelled in their mission. Entire ships fell to their Longblade. They were bloodthirsty in their quest to find their partner. I quickly amassed an excellent kit of randomly generated loot including twin Sidewinders, an item that allows you to instantly teleport anywhere unobstructed within its radius. I got good with those Sidewinders, zipping through ships until my timing with them was perfect. It wasn’t long before I had enough money to pay Sader Fiasco (retired mercenary and information broker for players) for intel on the ship Jolisa would be transported on. I was ready.
The guards on this ship had shields again, but shields aren’t an issue if you teleport past every single guard. I zoomed through the ship, and had Jolisa in my arms within a few minutes. And then the plan came crashing down around me. In my haste, I hadn’t planned a way out, and there were guards covering every route to my pod. My backup plan usually involved the Angel pod, which can be piloted remotely and can suck you and a hostage up from space without either sustaining injuries. The only problem is I had no gun to shoot out the nearby window with. I was stuck with Jolisa. My mind started racing with plans.
Sidewinders don’t take people you’re holding with you, so that was out. I could use my Crashbeam to shut down the boss guard’s shield and get his gun, but no, they all had armor and I had nothing to get through it. I also had a Slipstream, which slows down time for everyone but you. But that only had 3 uses and there were far too many guards to dash past.  I could activate my temporary shield, get a guard to shoot me, and try to angle the bullet to go through the glass? No, I was pretty sure the bullet would just bounce between our shields until mine ran out. None of these plans were as good as leaving, buying a gun, and coming back. Sighing, I once more tried to think of every possible thing I could do with the tools I had at hand. The Crashbeam wouldn’t do me any good. The Key Cloner less. The Glitch Trap would just get rid of guards- wait.
The Glitch Trap is an item that, when placed, lets you teleport whoever walks into it anywhere. The obvious use is to teleport guards into space where they eventually suffocate. But that wouldn’t do me any good here, as there were about 20 guards to deal with and this trap only had three uses. Plus they take their guns into space with them. But I had experience using this item with Jolisa.  Their Glitch Trap had done me a lot of good spacing guards while on a rescue mission. It did me less good when I was carrying the hostage, stepped over the trap, and learned that the trap worked on hostages. The poor asshole teleported into space, got stuck under the ship, and died. I failed that mission. I wouldn’t fail this one.
I placed the trap in the corner of the ship I had hunkered down in. I grabbed Jolisa, hurled them through, and quickly remote piloted the Angel pod around. I scooped them up easily and swung the pod back to the airlock I had entered through. Free of any burden, I Sidewinded and Slipstreamed my way back through the ship easily.
I was already ecstatic from my triumphant rescue mission, but I returned to an equally wonderful sight. Not only had I completed the mission without a single kill or knockout, I hadn’t been spotted once. It was my first perfect mission. Now Revelation Vine can retire, Jolisa Vine can pay off their debt, and they can both retire in peace while I work to liberate the galaxy.
Heat Signature is an excellent game in which you can create stories like this and feel like a sci-fi badass.  I highly recommend it.
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