#unus annus theories
crackedegotheories · 6 months
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"But if Unus Annus taught us TWO things, one was to not soak in your own urine, but two was to appreciate the time you have left."
I'm glad MatPat took away all of the appropriate lessons from Unus Annus. May we all do the same.
(But in all seriousness, the theory channels won't be the same without him. I hope his retirement from YouTube treats him well, and that he gets to spend more time with his friends and family.)
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he's had a long day of dealing with marcus' shenanigans
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cheaphooptricks · 6 months
So, Im sure everyone is aware of MatPats retirement, or rather change. I wont lie and say this wasnt devastating to me. I've been watching for years, and I've eagerly enjoyed what hes created. But I think it's time for us to realize a new era us coming. Scott Cawthon passed along his game series. Markiplier enjoys his time with his friends, either on his now reduced to memories Unnus Annus, or reliving the past and waiting for the future on a podcast. He had a point. Time continues. The phrase "born too late" always stuck with me, because it was something i described myself with. But in this era, where I was able to enjoy these people's highest, and watch as people realized they could do great things, too. It's a privilege. Im glad i was able to be apart of it. And remnants of the past will always influence the future, and I smile knowing that I will be able to recognize those references. So
To the next era
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midnightnautilus · 4 months
Oh wow secret 7th ending to the last game theory
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shaylogic · 8 months
Hey what if William Afton took shots of helium from the balloon tank before luring kids back to kill? A funny, Bonnie character voice that's unrecognizable to the people who know him.
*Helium Voice*: Susie, don't cry, your dog is healing up in the back! *Inhales balloon* Take my hand, I'll show you the way!
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connormischief · 4 months
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Today is the day. Matpat's last theory is today and I feel the same way as I did when Unus Annus ended. It's the end of an era and I'm going to miss hearing him saying his catchphrase.
Thank you Matpat!
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meowmeowriley · 6 months
Have a list of everything I've got on AO3! (And a few things I don't yet)
Current WIPS on AO3
Little Meow Meow - Emo catboy!Ghost can't die. Let's rewrite the games!
Poké-Pandemonium - Pokémon, COD, and secretsssssss. I've worked hard to make this fic welcoming to Pokémon fans and non-Pokémon fans alike ❤
More Than Just Loose Ends - after 09 Ghost dies he wakes up again, as an ethereal being that only 22 Ghost can see. Can we call him a guardian angel if he's actually a bloodthirsty psychopath?
Oh, Brother - An outsider POV of Ghost and Soap getting together, told through the eyes of their siblings. Now a series!
I Don't Think We're in Space Anymore - An alien crash lands in Mexico, and Price and Laswell decide to give it a mask and a gun. That alien is Ghost.
Was tHat thE BiTe oF 22 - FNAF, but with COD characters. Lot's of child death, but like it's fine, they possess the animatronics! They're totally fine.
Be Kind, Rewind - Ghost gets de-aged. He's still Ghost. In theory, this could be greatness! A soldier with his experience in a younger, more virile body. He's now young, not really dumb, and full of cum! (Provided he can convince Soap to sleep with him, that is.)
Current WIPS confined to my notes app
Duo Fatui - An Unus Annus tribute. Soap is Unus, Ghost is Annus. Rewriting my favorite episodes/moments with the boys in place of Mark and Ethan.
Is That Gonna be a Problem? - Simon met Johnny and Jenny, twins, as a kid. On leave in Glasgow, he reconnects with his childhood friends. Post Roba, Pre 141
Cohabitation - Simon Riley died and came back. Twice. His corpse was resurrected as a zombie, and his spirit remains as a ghost that possesses said corpse. Ghost!Ghost and Zombie!Ghost, and the 141 finding out about their odd situation.
Lost a Bet - Ghost lost a bet with Gaz, and Gaz gets to design Ghost's next mask. Ghost now has to wear the cat themed mask for a month. During that time he bonds with the stray cats around base.
Outlaw Outta Time - a COD and RDR2 crossover. The boys accidentally go back in time while looking for Graves, and get tangled up in the Van der Lind gang's shenanigans. A fix it for Arthur (side ships include Ale/Rudy and Arthur/Albert Mason)
??? - Unnamed fic about trans!Ghost dropping hints that he's trans, and Soap who thought he was straight having the most confusing crush on his lieutenant. They fuck about it.
??? - Unnamed fic about a rescue mission to save Elizabeth. Johnny thinks she's Ghost's girlfriend, she is not. She's his dog. Ghost is aware of the miscommunication, and does absolutely nothing to correct it, because it's funny.
??? - Unnamed fic about Ghost and Soap getting sucked into our world a la Supernatural's The French Mistake. They have to pretend to be Samuel and Neil until they figure out how to get home.
I also have a collection of completed One-shots! MMR's One-Shots
I'm desperate for interaction! Did a fic catch your eye? Have questions, comments, or concerns? Is there something you'd like me to write? Talk to meeeeeeeeee!!!!!
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 4 months
We'll miss you, MatPat.
Yes, I already made a post with my thoughts on this, but that was after the initial announcement. Things obviously feel different now.
Today's the day.
I've always been one to listen to things while I work, but Matt's content (whether individual Theory episodes or his and Steph's livestreams) was so, so special when I discovered it. Seriously, I can't understate how much it alleviated my near-constant stress from middle school all the way to college.
Imagine that: watching/listening to a funky guy gradually drive himself insane via animatronics and Nintendo oddities and what have you was the thing to help me whenever I felt numb or lonely or overstimulated. For years upon YEARS.
I won't lie and say I'm not sad to see Matt go. Trust me, there's definitely going to be some ugly tears on my part during the Final Theory.
But this is the best thing for everyone.
Matt will get an EXTREMELY well-deserved break. He'll get to focus on Stephanie and Oliver. His family will get more crucial quality time together.
Like he said before, he'll still be somewhere in the background, perhaps popping in on occasion. YouTube will never be the same without him, but that's not a bad thing when you really think about it. Change is inevitable for everyone; Matt and his family deserve this change. Besides, Tom, Santi, Amy and Lee are obviously going to do great things with each of the channels.
(Plus, let's all remember to be grateful that Matt isn't pulling an Unus Annus and having our new hosts start from scratch.)
And not only that, but this retirement isn't going to stop us fans from making stuff for/about him. Art, stories, memes, all the things that make a fandom community fun and wonderful! New things will be made for the new hosts, of course, but Matt is NOT going be be forgotten. Not by a long-shot.
Happy Retirement, MatPat. Thank you for all the content, memories, inspiration and help you've given your audience for so long.
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Trigger warning: pretty in-depth discussions about death under the cut!!!!!
Idk why I’ve been mulling over Luis’ death so much but I feel like I’ve come to,,,,,,,, s o m e kind of realisation/conclusion that. Goddamn. Death is a hard to nail subject huh
Like we’re so used to death being the ultimatum; we’re so used to the western ideals brought on by Catholicism and Christianity and capitalism that death is the final destination and after that there’s nothing so therefor you should fear it but like.
Death is SO different in every single culture- it means something so completely different to every single human being on earth yet we’ve all experienced it. Death is all around us and death is interpreted as something entirely unique to every unique person and their experiences and their culture and upbringing and it’s like
How do we view Luis’ death if death is such a personable subject???? Do we view it in the context of the intended western audience, and our view on death being the ultimatum?? Do we view in from an in-universe perspective and treat it as a tragedy and a sad confirmation for Luis that his toxic catholic upbringing was right and death IS the only way to repent????? Do we take that and roll with it and view it from the other characters narrative perspectives; how it functions to continue Leon’s character arc or Ada’s motives????? Do we view it as cathartic as other cultures do, or do we view it from a specifically Spanish point of view?????? Do we view it through the eyes of Capcom; who both are in this for the money but also clearly wanted to tell such an inate and human and deep story that it’s impossible to ignore that??????
How do we view something as complex as death when death means something so entirely different to everyone???????? How can we make a definitive statement on Luis’ death aside from the obvious inherent tragedy when, in theory, his death will mean something totally different to every person who will watch it (And hopefully they’ll have as much grace and consideration as I’m trying to give him)
I think the ONLY takes that I can say with confidence are just,,,,, r e a l l y incorrect Are people who say his death was deserved or that he was only ever doing what he did for himself and that he was selfish. Luckily I’ve only ever really seen this sentiment from cishet white macho dudebro re fans but still BCNSHSNSJS
And before you cry ‘yoUrE rEaDInG tOo fAr IntO thIS’ first of all,,,,,, yeah that’s the point of this blog BXBEHENEHDNXHXJ but also,,,,,, do you not find beauty in being able to find deeper meaning in characters like this??????? Do you not think we as humans should all use characters and fiction as a means to explore topics we otherwise couldny like this??????? Why should MY take on a character be worth any less because it’s ‘going too deep’ or maybe wasn’t what the game was DIRECTLY intending?????? Do my takes mean anything less because of that??? No!!!!!! I’d argue they mean more because it makes me think deeper about things and feel deeper about things I wouldn’t have otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways. Any Unus Annus fans in the crowd????????????
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crackedegotheories · 9 months
Dark has officially entered his last year of bad luck, after breaking that mirror six years (and a day) ago. Just one year left, and he, at least, will be free.
Assuming trapping an innocent district attorney in said mirror does not add or reduce the traditional seven year run, of course.
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the-dirt-eater · 9 months
maybe I make a pinned post. as a treat. this blog is a mess. it’s got everything i love in it, so it’s not specific to anything. welcome to the train wreck etc
call me dirt! she/her, genderqueer-ish lesbian. deemed autistic via peer review. (not diagnosed bc that shits mad expensive. but my therapist says that I am ‘very likely’ autistic so.) I’m a menace and I sometimes bully people as a love language. please please tell me if something I say is too far for you and I’ll try to be more careful <3
use my ask box for anything! but especially music recs and fun facts :D
I’m 21 so minors… be cautious? I’m not always gonna be pg. curate your internet experience to your needs.
TERFs, SWERFs, ace/aro exclusionists, pro-lifers, anti-palestine, anti- sex ed, anti- critical race theory, or any other flavor of bigot not allowed. i’ll stomp you into a paste :)
also I will block accounts that look like bots. if u follow me and don’t have any activity on ur acc imma block u. i’ll usually give people a day to like put a profile pic up but if you don’t you’re gone. <3
i’m not always good at tagging. my bad
more specific stuff about me past the cut :3
super into plants and bugs and mushrooms and music. can crochet and learning to knit. I rarely do art but I’m slowly learning to be better at that too.
specifically currently interested in:
• punk/rock/indie music
• tarantulas
• jumping spiders
• isopods
• cockroaches
• california native plants
• terrariums
• minecraft
• cats :3
• pet web games (horse isle 2, star stable, recently got into flight rising)
also interested in (but less knowledgeable about):
• internet culture and history
• queer culture and history
• freshwater aquariums, including
- fishkeeping (bettas, comet goldfish, koi, various small tropical fish)
- shrimpkeeping!!!!
- aquascaping/aquatic plants
- low maintenance systems (no filter etc)
• video games and streaming
I watch way more youtube than is probably healthy so there’s that too.
omg I nearly forgot fandoms!!
currently obsessed with fall out boy and twenty one pilots. also into:
• hannibal
• good omens
• our flag means death
• heartstopper
• young royals
• community
• doctor who
• some minecraft/gaming youtubers and streamers (ranboo, tommyinnit, nihachu, grian, technoblade. ik he’s gone but still)
• hermitcraft but i’m not up to date ever
• unus annus (rip)
• dan and phil
• watcher entertainment/buzzfeed unsolved
• wings of fire
• percy jackson
probs more that i’m forgetting
music I like is. a bunch of genres tbh. indie, folk, punk, rock, some pop, video game music, some classic 2000s-2010s emo bands. very specific flavors of country-adjacent stuff. some psychedelic rock. more that i can’t think of. I have some halfway decent spotify playlists :P and here's my last.fm page
some bands/artists i like:
fall out boy
twenty one pilots
the crane wives
hayley kiyoko
los campesinos
the oh hellos
chloe moriondo
chappell roan
miracle musical
jack stauber
sir chloe
girl in red
jackie hayes
yea that’s me :) enjoy your stay here. drink water etc. bye!
last edited 2/23/2024
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levithestripper · 6 months
matpat leaving game theory is my 13th reason i can't do unus annus all over again
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iamliteraltrash1 · 1 year
Do you ever think about 2018
Oh all the time.
Gosh, that's basically when I got REALLY active in the Jacksepticeye community. I met so many friends, hell I even met my partner of 4 years from that community all because of Tumblr. There are times where I miss the old days and the feeling when I saw my favorite content creators, when I saw new phenomenal art being posted to the point where it inspired me to create art of my own.
Not to mention all the edits and memes and theories about stuff. Gosh it was all just so much fun! O H- this place is where my passion to create comes from honestly. I was introduced to writing, drawing, editing, memes, video editing- So much of who I am today is because of the 2017-2019 Tumblr era. I could never be more greatful
Edit: Not to mention the 2019-2020 Unus Annus era my GOD that was amazing 👌👌👌
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emilyrox · 2 years
whats your favorite weapons!
Scythes! They look cool af, and can cause real damage! Also their association with Death and The Grim Reaper is really interesting. I may have to look more into why that is.
Also swords are cool! A classic weapon. Applicable in any situation imo. When a character pulls out a sword, you know shit is about to go down.
Both weapons can have pretty much any design, so they can match the aesthetic/personality of the one using it. So that's cool!
Bonus: Characters I associate with each weapon
Spinel (Steven Universe)
Her rejuvinator is a scythe and it's one of the coolest weapons in the show. Like look at it and tell me it doesn't look cool. Also the fact that it's implied she just got her hands on it that day, and uses it like a pro, like it takes no effort for her to handle it at all, is amazing.
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Unus (Unus Annus)
A lot of people (including me) headcanon that Unus would have a scythe, as in the duo between them and Annus, they are the God of Death. So there's that association of death and scythes again. His scythe would be black btw. I think they have it when bringing those who died to the afterlife, or when he needs to claim someone when it's their time to die. They would also use it to protect Annus. Because he loves them.
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Emma Swan (Once Upon A Time)
The season 1 finale where she uses a sword to kill Maleficent was iconic. Really anytime she gets in a sword fight it's iconic. One of my personal favorites was when she dueled Rumplestiltskin in the alternate universe in the season 4 finale (pictured below). Her skills with the sword really improved since the first/second season. Like she went OFF. If Rumple wasn't a lil' bitch she would've won, 100%. Also her outfit in this finale is one of the outfits ever.
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Killian Jones (Once Upon A Time)
He's a pirate. He's legally required to have a sword. So it's good that he's an expert swordsman. One of the most memorable sword-fights in the show is in season 2 when Emma and Killian sword fight at Lake Nostos (shown below). Gonna be honest I'm 100% on board with the theory that Killian threw the fight for her, or at least wasn't using 100% of his true power. Because at this point Emma had never been in a real sword-fight before (I mentioned her killing maleficent but really she just through the sword at her chest. Most of their fight Emma used a gun) while Killian, a pirate, has done this hundreds, possibly thousands of times. By all accounts he should've won, but didn't. On purpose. Because he loves her.
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ithunderstorm · 2 years
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I posted 314 times in 2022
That's 215 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (4%)
301 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 39 of my posts in 2022
#markiplier - 10 posts
#in space with markiplier - 6 posts
#iswm - 3 posts
#time for crab - 3 posts
#last words - 2 posts
#jacksepticeye - 2 posts
#he single? - 1 post
#hey now - 1 post
#big tugg appreciation post - 1 post
#callout post - 1 post
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#tbh i thought from just seeing the mobile app icon they just gave the logo tiddies
My Top Posts in 2022:
I hate that my computer is dead because I have WORDS about my ISWM first run through
4 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
Fix Life Support
Wake up Crew
Call for Backup
Wake up Crew
Fix it from the Outside!
Send Mark in... Again
Go towards the Light
Jump in Again!
Call an Emergency Meeting
Send a Distress Signal
Send a Distress Signal
Throw down your Weapons
Open the Door
Don't open the Door
5 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
Was it ever like
Confirmed That Unus Annus was linked to the lore of his egos?
Asking for a friend
8 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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16 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Let it be known I would kill and die for Wug
17 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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franklyshipping · 2 years
Omg that concept of finding our what tickling is is so cute! And what a perfect duo with dark and eric. He's definitely the main lee of the egos for sure! And how cute of him to ask. I love his confidence and being cheeky with dark cause it shows he's comfy with the egos
Dark just being overly sweet is so nice to see. It kind makes a good theory that he puts on a grumpy facade but is still such an evil sweetie. And oh my, a dark and annus ship i see how interesting! They probably share suits a lot more now! We'll have to keep this in mind for any future prompts
Unus poor unus, from accidental to purposeful tickles he'll never get a break! Probably going to be a victim anytime he reaches for something and annus just tackles him to the ground. Poor thing tries to act all mysterious and cool and he can't catch a break!
Annus oh my stars. Probably only feels comfortable doing it to annus but i can defo see a prompt in the future whwre his curiousity gets the better of him and he does it to dark, only for dark to turn around with "oh i see, you want more lessons do you? Well since no one else is around i suppose you'll have to learn first hand" he's so sweet and so eager to learn (andseeifhisbodycantakeit)
Definitely worth the wait. Hope to see more again soon but no rush on your mental health!
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