#it felt like i was at a 'real' concert in that moment it was kinda amazing
chiimeramanticore · 3 months
what was ur favorite part of the con
- person who did not get to go
so glad you asked this because I have an answer raring to go. it was this
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sourbinnie · 1 year
Hiii i have a request . Can you do as 9th straykids member when you left the group? and their reaction or maybe their massages? Just please as a friend not SHIP 💀 TYSM ❤️🫶🏻
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title -> sooner or later genre -> angst my beloved | voicemails pair -> ot8!skz + 9th member!reader a/n: i wrote it as voicemails since it's my favorite style. i hope you still like it ¡!¡!¡ since i don't really do messages. ALSO this is not romantic like you wanted i put a + instead of an x, that's how i differiante it.
"(y/n). where do i even start? i'm not mad, let's say that. i'm just mostly concerned, it was just announced to us that you left the group and we never talked about this? like, i've never  seen you look discontent with being a part of stray kids. is there things that i don't know? i would love to talk to you before it goes public and we have to say you're not a part of the team anymore. i just wanna know what happened, you're like a sibling to me and i don't wanna lose one of the most important parts of the band because we just didn't talk you know? anyways, please answer as fast as you can".
chan left the voice message with as much strength as he could as he looked around the room. he didn't even wanna know what was gonna happen now because he never planned for stray kids to be eight. there was an empty space in the dorms now, a new type of silence and an increase of anger & confusion in all of the members that was justified right? why would you just leave? that's what they said. you weren't kicked out, just decided your time on stray kids was enough and he needed to speak to you to know what you felt.
✉ ✉ ✉
"so you decided to just leave? without telling any of us? real funny of you. i'm not disappointed or sad, i'm just fuming (y/n) and to think we trusted you. do you not understand that you ar- were a part of this for life? we were supposed to stay together forever. how do i even explain to felix and jeongin you're probably not gonna come back? i've never seen them look so distraught. i know i didn't show it but i really wanted you to be there for me in my most important moments 'cause i thought of you as a friend for life. i don't know what went down but this doesn't excuse your reaction to leave us in the dust".
minho felt betrayed, like he was stabbed and someone twisted the dagger. he wanted to protest against the manager that announced it all and he did, he did not stay silent like the rest. the shock then suddenly appeared knowing that they were eight members now and the fact that he wouldn't see you around the dorms, in practice, at the concerts, or at the music shows. it made him sick to his stomach that someone he considered a brother/sister just disappeared with no reason.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey, i know it's kinda late but the news were just blurted out to us. i have no idea how to react. i just wanna know what happened, clearly there was something we didn't know that we need to talk about right? 'cause you can't just leave. i'm not gonna go out without a fight either, you are like one of my best friends and that's not gonna change. it's just so weird, we were talking about so much shit yesterday and you said you could only see your future with us and now you're gone? just like that? all your things are getting packed and it's just hard to watch. i don't imagine stray kids without you and i don't even want to".
changbin was completely lost. utterly and weirdly lost as he processed everything, another time he would've fought against it and he would've invaded his manager with questions (even if they were gonna remain unanswered). in this state he found himself in, he spammed you messages after sending the voicemail but they all weren't even seen. he wanted to go to chan for help but he saw the leader lost that shine in his eyes when all of this was announced. 
✉ ✉ ✉
"(y/n), i-i literally don't think this is the right decision. i know it's already in the work and that you will decide what's best for you. i am no one to tell you what to do but have you thought this through? leaving us? i'm just worried to be honest. felt like crying when they told us but i was a strong boy for you and yet you wouldn't care if you didn't care about leaving either. god i'm sorry, i'm just going through all the emotions at once and i still don't know how to react. just please call me and we'll talk it out like we always do, the team won't be the same without you and i don't even wanna think about you leaving me".
hyunjin knew he was being selfish by sending a voicemail like that and he did not care. even if didn't feel like crying before, he sure as hell was crying now thinking of his brother/sister and what could have happened for them to just leave. how did the person who was the most excited for him to come back from hiatus just decided to leave? and now they wouldn't answer their texts, it's like they disappeared face off the earth. hyunjin just wanted to get out of the dorms and go look for you, and guess what? he did.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey. gosh, is it too late already? to be sending you this voicemail and hoping you come back? i know it's not easy. i don't know exactly what you went through for you to be making this decision on your own but i wanna know, i wanna get to know you better. even after all these years, i feel like we didn't discover each other fully and i want more, i want your visits at the studio, us messing up choreography on purpose and writing lyrics together till the morning. tomorrow is gonna be awful for all of us but for you especially as this is gonna go on public and i wanna be there for you before it all crumbles apart".
jisung wanted to know what happened first of all. then he wanted to hug you and not let you go, afraid you would slip away from his embrace and he would have to be left alone. if there was a thing people didn't mess with was his friends and he considered you to be on top of his list with the rest of the members. sharing a dorm with him, must've been a nightmare but you two managed to be a mess together. now looking at box after box of your stuff, he just felt the biggest hole in his heart.
✉ ✉ ✉
"are you okay? do you need me to go where you are? i know it's late but i would do anything for you, you know this. even right now as everyone is losing their minds, i just care about you and that might show a bit of favoritism. i just don't know what the hell happened for you to go, was it something we did or said? 'cause i can't recall and i will apologize a million times if i have to. it's just a lot okay? just to be told that you decided to leave and it was your choice. and if it was i just wanted to know if we could remain friends because i seriously don't want to lose you. just call me back please".
felix was devastated. the fact that you were alone somewhere, away from them, away from him. knowing that even if he said that he wanted to remain friends, the company wouldn't like that and you two would probably never see each other again. it just felt so weird to wait around for a message when you were the quickest to type them out but now it was as if the world was against him or something. he needed to hear your voice and to maybe tell him that it was all a really well calculated prank.
✉ ✉ ✉
"why did you leave? i don't wanna go in circles. i just need to know bluntly and straight the reason why you decided to leave us. weren't we forever? you said that so many times that right now it just feels like another lie. all the things we promised, they're gone too right? (y/n) please fucking answer me before i lose my mind. i am not a person to beg for anything but i would do it right now for you to explain what the hell happened. we are all as confused and lost as we could be! you didn't even say it to our face, were you scared to face us? why would you be scared? we were always gonna support you if you gave us a reason".
seungmin of course didn't mean to sound as angry as he did. he just couldn't help it when he was left in the dark by one of his closest friends and the worst part is knowing that this voicemail was gonna be left on seen. he threw his phone onto his bed as he sighed, hoping you would just answer. it was just scary to him that all of this was happening and he had no idea how to react. you weren't there with them like you always were and he wished for nothing more than for you to come back.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey (y/n). it feels weird to call you by name but i just need to get your attention somehow so you answer me. it's been forever since we know each other and now to be witnessing what might be the end for what we were building, just leaves me with a bad taste. did we do something? or was it just something else happening that you never told us? either way i would rather you have stayed. i don't wanna cry because you wouldn't have liked that but i feel like i'm gonna do it anyway. not like you're here to stop me even though i wish you were. just please call me or any of us back, i wanna hear your voice telling us the truth".
jeongin's eyes were watery but he quickly wiped them away. he sat there on the couch while everyone was in their rooms and waited. he looked at the door every once in a while thinking maybe it would help him but at the end of the day it just hurt more to now that you probably weren't gonna come back. scrap that, you weren't gonna come back at all and this would be announced tomorrow. he felt like choking but he still stayed strong as he tried to think of the good moments with you and holding on to the memory for dear life.
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tranzjen · 3 months
✨ 8 Days until my Surgery ✨
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I'm very very excited for my surgery (it's my second gender affirming surgery but this one is more significant to me since it'll be top and bottom surgery) and I'm obviously counting the days until it and I thought some people might be interested in my trans journey. So see part 3 below the cut
You can read part 1 here
So, we're now entering the era of a lot of firsts for me. I lost my virginity and then started dating the person who's currently my fiance 🥰. Also, I got my first job (as a pizza cook), moved in with my partner, and went to my first concert (Amigo the Devil). This was when I first started feeling like an adult and a real person tbh.
I remember hating that job bc I would get misgendered constantly 😒 It was take a few years before I was consistently gendered correctly and there are still random moments where I get misgendered but it's pretty rare by now.
Besides my mom, my partner has been my biggest supporter and had a big influence on who I've become. Also they accepted their nonbinary identity shortly after we started dating so our transitions are intertwined.
This was also the part where a lot of physical developments came. Like, I remember going from wearing breast forms constantly to my developing boobs getting too sore to wear at all. Also I loss a lot of weight. I thought that was because of the estrogen but that was more because I stopped taking antidepressants. Honestly wish I could gain some weight back 😅. I was also developing my personal style as you can see below. It's funny how I defaulted to a very basic repeating outfit pre-transition to discovering I did have a sense for style, just only with feminine clothing lol.
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(pictures taken between Dec 7th, 2020 and September 14th, 2021)
This was definitely my era of using filters a lot. There's nothing wrong with using filters (it's kinda like easy makeup imo) but as I started dealing with dysphoric traits, the desire to use themlessened.
Also it was around this time I went to simply she/her pronouns. I remember my friend I should use whatever pronouns make me happy and she/her did when they/them felt neutral at best. And this was when I finally felt like I "deserved" to call myself a woman.
In the next update, I started loving my body 💕
Next part
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acey-wacey · 2 years
Hello (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) congratulations on hitting 1000 followers I'm sure you'll continue to grow even bigger in the future (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Here's my request: can I get strawberry+ Lilia
Thank you and have a great week (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Pairing - Lilia Vanrouge x Reader
Prompt - "Sevens, that was kinda hot."
Notes - it is implied that the reader is also older than they look.
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That's what Kalim had said the day before to convince you to come to his concert for the pop music club.
"Come on, Y/N! It'll be fun! Pleeeeaaase?"
An average person wouldn't need to be badgered into seeing one of their best friends perform, but you were no average person and you had a very stupid good reason for not wanting to go.
Lilia Vanrouge had been the bane of your existence for a long time.
Long before you had enrolled at Night Raven College, the "young" boy had pestered you, scared you, and teased you to his hearts content. You couldn't help from feeling like he was using you as a plaything to pass the time. You couldn't exactly blame him. Ancient beings need a way to stay entertained but you hated being on the receiving end of immortal antics.
You hadn't always hated Lilia, of course. You actually thought he was really cute when you first met him but you soon realized that he manipulated people with the cutesy kid facade and it rubbed you the wrong way.
It made it hard to be such good friends with Malleus when you despised his vice dorm leader with a burning passion, especially since all of Diasomnia loved you. Even Sebek (begrudgingly) accepted you as his master's companion and granted you permission to stay by his side.
Since you spent so much time in the Diasomnia dorm, you saw much more of Lilia than you would've liked. Out of pure proximity, you saw a whole different side of the mischievous fae. It felt like he had a nicer twin brother, one that only teased out of love and cared for the dorm members like his children.
The moment your perception of the boyish fae changed for good was when you had lost track of time and stayed at the Diasomnia dorm rather late. Silver had fallen asleep on your lap and you couldn't leave now without waking the boy.
"Someone's gotten quite comfortable," Lilia had said, whispering fondly from the doorway, somehow startling you more than his usual scare tactics. He draped a blanket over Silver's sleeping form before kissing his forehead gently. "Goodnight, little prince."
As he left, he noticed your eyes on him and turned around just to smile.
"Sleep tight, Y/N."
It was such a oddly domestic moment, with Silver resting on your lap like a child. You'd never thought much of Lilia except that he was annoying until you saw how he treated Silver so tenderly.
Ever since then, you'd avoided Lilia and the whole dorm by extension like they all had contracted the plague, not trusting yourself to be around him without having some life-changing revelation that you weren't ready for. Night walks with Malleus were the only exception, lest he get pouty and you suffer the rage of his guard dog (Sebek).
But tonight, you had been compelled by Kalim to go to the pop music club concert where you knew you couldn't avoid seeing Lilia. It wasn't your fault that the Scarabia dorm leader had his puppy dog eyes down to a T.
"It'll be fine," you thought, taking a deep breath as you hovered outside the cafeteria door. You could already hear the crowd clamoring inside the makeshift auditorium. "I'll just say hi to Kalim after and then be gone. Lilia won't even know I'm there."
You said one final affirmation and stepped inside.
The cafeteria looked completely unrecognizable. You whistled quietly as you admired the satin streamers on the wall, no doubt courtesy of Kalim's wallet. It looked like it was decorated for a middle school dance, though what else you expected from three of the school's pluckiest upperclassmen was a real mystery.
Since you were still pretty early, you managed to cop a spot right near the stage. You chose to linger more toward the wall so you wouldn't get crushed in the mosh of people but the stage was right in your line of sight.
After a while, the stage lit up with spotlights, revealing the very boys you were just thinking about. The crowd screamed as they caught sight of the band all had been anticipating.
Kalim was spinning his drumstick and beaming in his black beanie and flannel. You rolled your eyes, remembering the long nights you and Jamil had spent trying to teach him how to do that trick.
You watched as Cater posed for the many cameras aimed at him. Somewhere in the crowd, you knew Trey had been roped into recording the whole concert on Cater's phone to get some good shots.
And center stage was the very person you had dreaded seeing. Though you had to admit that the ripped jeans and slicked back hair suited Lilia's aesthetic very well, you couldn't help from scoffing as he winked at the crowd.
The music started up and you tapped your foot to the beat, allowing yourself a smile when Kalim grinned widely at the crowd.
~Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together~
You fought the urge to roll your eyes as you recognized the song. Of course Lilia would be the lead singer for a Paramore song.
~I need the other one to hold you, make you feel, make you feel better~
The crowd sang along and you spotted more than a few phones held high above the crowd to capture the band.
~It's not a walk in the park to love each other~
"Has his voice always been this nice?" You cursed yourself for blushing, grateful for the cramped environment to blame it on. You slapped yourself in the face, refusing to let Lilia ruin your day without even trying.
~But when our fingers interlock can't deny, can't deny you're worth it~
Lilia winked at the crowd, causing a wave of shrieks from fangirls you didn't even know existed until that night. Knowing Lilia, he tended to attract people wherever he went like moths to a flame. Maybe it was a fae thing.
~Cuz after all this time, I'm still into you~
You were snapped away from your thoughts when you realized the singer was looking into the crowd with a smile that seemed more sincere than his usual smirks. The moment lasted far too short but some part of you knew he was looking right at you.
Before you could react, he ran a hand through his hair and started belting the chorus.
~I should be over all the butterflies, but I'm into you, I'm into you~
You absentmindedly brought a hand to your cheeks, covering the blush you knew was present. You tried to convince yourself that the quickness of your breathing was due to the heat of the room but Lilia kept stealing glances at you from the stage, making your traitor heart flutter.
Eventually, you couldn't take it anymore. You pushed your way towards the back of the cafeteria, apologizing to everyone you passed, and ran into the hallway.
You plopped down on one of the benches and leaned back against the wall. You huffed as you remembered the expression on Lilia's face as he looked at you. Since you were out of the cafeteria, you couldn't pretend it was just the heat of the moment anymore.
"Sevens, that was really hot."
"What was?"
You almost screamed as you spotted the mop of white hair on the floor next to you.
"Oh, Silver, it's just you. What are you doing on the floor?"
He groaned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
You laughed at his simple logic and patted your lap, gesturing for him to rest his head on something more comfortable than hard polished marble.
He laid down on your lap and yawned while you started combing through his matted hair.
"Are you here for Lilia?" you asked, curious as the why the narcoleptic would be seen anywhere near a rock concert.
He only offered a hum in confirmation.
"I just want to see Kalim perform and then get out of here," you lamented your worries. Silver was a surprisingly good listener when he wanted to be. "This isn't really my scene."
"Why have you been avoiding us?" Silver mumbled, making you perk up. You didn't think him or any of the others had noticed the distance you'd forced. "Did Fa- Lilia say something mean? Because if he offended you, he didn't mean it."
"No, no, it's nothing like that," you chuckled. If Lilia could've offended you, you would've stopped coming to the Diasomnia dorm a long time ago. "I've just... been busy."
"Did you finally realize he's in love with you?"
You straightened. Now that was something you never expected to hear.
"Who do you mean?" You knew the answer but you were praying you were wrong.
"Lilia, obviously," Silver said through a yawn and nuzzled your hand, gesturing for you to keep running your fingers through his hair. You were in a complete daze as you processed the words Silver just told you.
"He... Is in love with me?"
"He's not very subtle about it."
You scoffed and inhaled loudly, ready to prove Silver wrong about everything.
"First of all, if he loves me, why is he such a b-tch to me all the time? He's not a child. If he loved me, he would act like it."
"You overestimate him."
"Hush, I'm spiraling. Second, have you met him? You're right that he isn't subtle. If were in love with me, I would've noticed. Plus Malleus would've told me by now."
"All due respect to my master, but he's just as clueless as you are."
"And third, WHAT?! I don't need this right now! I was supposed to distance myself from Lilia until I went back to hating him and stopped having stupid little domestic fantasies."
"Can you cook?"
You paused your thought process to look at Silver incredulously.
"Yes, I went to culinary school at one point, if I remember correctly. Why?" you answered dubiously. Silver just shrugged and curled into himself more.
"You and Father are perfect for each other. We need at least one parent who can cook without burning the kitchen down."
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cuddlyjongho · 7 months
I absolutely love how you write jongho but I'm a few years older than him- is there in any way that you write him with a noona reader (someone who is older/respectful) doesn't have to be smutty I just need him to be flabbergasted by a lady
- raccoon anon
just kiss me already
idol!jongho x fem!reader
warnings: kinda smutty (?), suggestive, make out session
a/n - omg thank you so so much!! i don’t even do this properly, like i’m not a writer or anything i just started to post my thoughts when i was drunk one night lmao! so knowing that people are actually liking what i write is amazing 🥹 this is also my first ever request so it probably won’t be great but i will try my best for you! ❤️
there you were, at the concert you’ve been dreaming of attending for years. you finally get to see your favourite group, which also means you get to see your favourite person, jongho, for the first time too. you managed to get a front row ticket and although you didn’t think you’d get any interactions with ateez you still outdid yourself with your outfit - all black, sophisticated and sexy.
halfway through the concert jongho comes over to your side of the stage. he scans the front row and his eyes finally land on you, the moment you wanted so bad to happen. inside you were dying of excitement but you kept yourself composed and gave him the biggest smile. he smiled back and gave you a quick wink before he ran back to the group to start the choreo for the next song. your heart skipped a beat and you felt the heat rising in your cheeks.
jongho kept glancing over to you for the rest of the concert until they finished the last song, left the stage, and the lights turned back on in the arena. everyone around you was still losing their minds and you just sat there with a big smile on your face in disbelief with the attention you got from jongho.
as everyone was filtering out of the arena you started to get up to go too when a member of staff tapped you on the arm. you looked at them and they said to follow them. you were instantly scared, thinking you had done something wrong. they took you through a couple hallways backstage and then to a door. the member of staff said to go in. so you did just that, not knowing what you were getting yourself into.
as you stepped into the room, your eyes immediately met jongho’s. he got up from the sofa he was seated on and greeted you with a huge gummy smile. “oh my god… is this real?” you ask. he giggles and replies “yes, it is! i actually asked our manager to bring you backstage. i hope that’s okay with you?” “of course it’s okay!!” he giggled again in response. “you really caught my eye in the crowd for some reason, maybe it was because you were so calm and composed, you really stood out from the rest.” he explains. “well, if i had seen you when i was a teenager things would’ve been different, i would’ve been screaming your ears off.” you both laugh, “…but now that i’m in my late 20’s i’ve been enjoying concerts more when i’m relaxed and able to take everything in without just losing my mind”. you both laugh with each other again.
after talking for a little while, you notice that you’re both sitting a lot closer than you were before. you both look at each other, no words spoken… until, “you’re so hot” you accidentally blurt out. jongho then breaks eye contact, looking down at his fidgeting hands and giggling like a teenager with a crush, a rosy red colour creeping up into his cheeks. “please don’t tell me that i’m making THE choi jongho blush right now?!” you say to him. he looks back up at you and says, “is it bad if you are?” “not at all, i just didn’t know i had it in me to get you in this state” you reply.
a few minutes later, you notice him looking down to your lips every so often as you carry on the conversation. you wonder whether you should make a move, or even if he’s thinking about you in that way, but then you think of how he literally got his manager to pick you out of the crowd and bring you backstage for him. it’s not just a chat he wants right? he looks at your lips once again, so you say “with the way you keep looking at my lips it makes it look like you wanna kiss me”. “what if i do?” jongho replies quicker than you could process what he just said.
you suddenly put your arms around his neck and begin to kiss him. he leans into the kiss, putting his hands on your waist. you move closer, not breaking the kiss at all, and end up straddling his lap. you hear him softly moan into the kiss, still not believing you have this effect on him. you pull away, both of you panting for air. he bites his lip, moving his hands to your hips. he pushes you down into his lap, making you aware of what you’re *really* doing to him. you gasp and smirk, leaning in for another deep kiss.
just as both of your hands start roaming around each other’s bodies there’s a loud knocking on the door. “it’s almost time to go back to the hotel, jongho” a voice says. he looks at you and asks, “wanna come back to my hotel room to finish what we started, beautiful?” “fuck yes” you say, making both of you giggle.
let’s just say that it was a long night for you both. and enjoyable one at that.
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weirdkpopgirl · 1 year
Smitten | Jaemin Imagine #7
Title: Smitten
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff that might make you want to throw up
Word Count: 594
Author's Note: Just another idea that came to my head. My inner romantic tends to take over whenever I write stories like this. Then when you combine that with Jaemin, it's kinda hard to stop me lol. Anyway, I hope you guys like it. Thank you for reading ^ ^
The gentle aroma of vanilla-scented candles, combined with the inviting coziness of your living room, enveloped you and Jaemin in a relaxing embrace. Nestled in the corner of the sofa, both of you found a comfortable position, arms, and legs entangled with one another. Your head rested against his chest, allowing you to feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, while his fingers delicately caressed your hair. As you cuddled, your attention was drawn to the phone in your hand, as you scrolled through the cherished moments captured in your photo gallery.
“Remember this one when we saw the cherry blossom trees?” You showed him the selfie you had taken of you two surrounded by the pink flowers.
Jaemin chuckled as he admired the picture alongside you. “Your eyes look like they’re about to burst with joy in that photo.” 
Amidst laughter, your thumb glided over the remaining photos. As you ventured to the latter segment of your gallery, Jaemin's gaze widened in surprise upon encountering an array of images featuring him—from electrifying concerts to captivating photoshoots, even selfies he had shared on social media.
"You save all of these?” Jaemin turned to you with a curious look.
A delicate hue of crimson rushed to your cheeks as if you had been unexpectedly caught doing something you weren’t supposed to. Feeling a touch of embarrassment, your eyes stayed anchored to your phone screen.
“It’s just this habit I have whenever I find a picture of you online,” you shrugged. “Sometimes I just like having something to look at when you’re away.”
Recognition swiftly lit up Jaemin's eyes, a sense of understanding dawning upon him. Your words had an instant effect, gently warming his heart. The reassurance that you held him in your thoughts mirrored his sentiments toward you—a comforting reciprocity he cherished.
A soft smile graced your lips as you casually swiped to the subsequent photo taken by a fan. “And how can I not when my boyfriend has a smile that could light up the whole room?”
Observing the love brimming in your eyes as you admired the image overwhelmed Jaemin’s heart with this delightful tingly sensation. You glanced up from your phone and met his affectionate gaze. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked, a renewed blush on your cheeks.
Unable to take his eyes off you, he leaned in until the two of you were mere inches apart.
“You are so adorable,” Jaemin whispered before closing the remaining distance between the two of you.
His hand gently cradled the side of your face, guiding your lips into a slow, tender kiss. Your eyelids fluttered shut as your fingers instinctively threaded through the nape of his neck. Surrendering to the moment, you savored the softness of his lips against your own.
You were the one to pull away first, not wanting to get too carried away. Jaemin still had that lovesick grin on his face that almost made you want to smack him. Bubbling giggles erupted from both of you, as you seamlessly eased back into your previous cuddling embrace.
“I love you,” he murmured into your hair.
Smiling, you squeezed him a little tighter. “I love you too.”
Na Jaemin stirred a whirlwind of emotions within you. Although your mind sometimes tried to trick you otherwise, what you had with Jaemin was real and extraordinary. You were so lucky to have him in your life, and he never hesitated to ensure you knew that he felt the same way about you.
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bengiyo · 3 months
Don't Care for an Old Man's Underwear Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
This watch made possible by @isaksbestpillow.
Last time, Mika recognized that Kakeru felt bad about how he snapped at them and opened up to his dad after talking to Daichi. As a result, she sent Makoto with Kakeru to the local festival with Daichi, and they all managed to make huge progress. Madoka followed them because he thought Daichi was seeing Kakeru, but Makoto cleared that up and the two gays are back together properly. Kakeru and Makoto understand each other better, and got to have a great moment where Makoto taught him how to use a pop gun to win a cute prize. Also, Makoto confronted his senior properly, and urged him to update after they solved a big problem.
I'm with Hasegawa on wanting to resolve the core issue that Kakeru hates the baseball team players.
I kinda wanna see what Furuike taking over for Shimura looks like now.
I'm glad the boys listened to Kakeru and tried to receive what he was giving them.
I do feel a little for Furuike and am happy that he's trying. I'm glad Makoto started to change before he reached that age.
Oh shit! Is Moe family??
Look how far we've come. Moe is trusting Makoto with a big emotional ask. He didn't flub it, and was even able to offer praise!
The sign is coming down!!
I love these boys coming back a few days later after reflecting on what Kakeru said to share what they've learned. That's one of the kindest things one can do.
These girls walked in ready to fight these boys for Kakeru, and I fucks with that for real.
So much for that ship! Ookubo is already seeing someone.
Not surprised that Madoka was an athlete at all.
He's holding Daichi's hand in public!!
I continue to love Daichi more than any other man we've met in these shows in a long time. I just love the way he cut through the bullshit and asserted that neither of them was giving up on building a future they want together.
I'm so ready to see Makoto at a concert!
Kakeru and Moe teasing Makoto about going on a date with Mika is such a lovely reward for all the effort everyone has put in.
I love Mika teasing Makoto for walking in the side of traffic after copying Daichi.
Wow @lurkingshan wasn't kidding. It does look like Kakeru is gonna fuck that bear.
I do love the siblings checking on each other.
I'm getting so emotional about Mika's explanation of how RANDOM gave her an outlet for something to be passionate about when she was in a dark place and feeling alone. It was so important to remind ourselves how Makoto used to be, and I'm glad he reflected on what role he played in that, and is able to thank the band for helping his wife and partner.
I'm really glad we've seen two shows this year that have women in the 40s and even 60s loving and enjoying boy bands.
I adore Makoto. Of course his bias would be Kanata, the one helping the others.
I'm so glad Mika has fandom friends her age to hang out with after a concert. I'm going to be thinking about how Mika described Makoto growing into someone unlikeable.
He did research! Look how happy she is!
Kakeru is such a little brother.
This family is fun again, and can let Makoto do dad things. They can trick him into a treat, and then Makoto gets to do fun dad things now like limit them to one parfait to share!
I am undone. Madoka recognized Daichi's backdoor proposal earlier, and seeing Daichi yearn for what the Okita family has pushed him to propose directly. I'm so happy for Daichi, and I'm so happy for the Okita family that they could be part of that moment after everything we've been through. Makoto didn't say anything this time and only applauded at the end. I know that parfait tasted great that night.
I'm so happy for Mihoko, too. You know she has worried so much about Daichi, and is thrilled by this engagement.
Oh boy, Daichi's dad is coming back next week.
I love love love how so much of this is about how there's always enough love to give. The end of the date was an opportunity for some out of house family time, and of course Daichi and his partner are welcome. And it's that yearning for that which pushed Madoka over the edge. I love that the Okita family got to be part of that moment. So much of this episode was just constant payoff for all the work everyone has put in. Kakeru has a place for himself at school. Makoto has the respect of his team. The kids like their dad again. Mika likes her husband again. We are a team now. We can face whatever comes next in these final two episodes.
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jessource · 19 hours
we're not gonna break any laws.
you caught me. i admit it.
it is important that my hand stays on your shoulder at all times.
this is literally the best day of my life!
he was a man who had a scarring relationship with his mother.
don’t feel like you have to stay here to be polite.
can i visit your home?
i'm gonna be right back. i'm gonna try to get you help.
i used to be brave like the storm on a sea.
sorry. i didn't mean to upset you.
[name], listen to me. your husband is the butcher.
maybe you thought i was having an affair.
i'm not following you.
i specifically said i wanted honeysuckle sour kombucha, bitch.
must be something to be that loved, right?
what a mess we made.
what's the code?
i saw you make up a lie once.
what was it about it that didn’t feel right, [name]?
she could start a cult.
a bird belongs Anywhere but caged.
…i think you’re looking for me.
i'm not great at a lot of things [name], but keeping my two lives separate is not one of them.
can i talk to you alone for a moment?
i didn’t know what would happen.
i feel such rage towards you, [name].
maybe the trap wasn't set there at the concert. maybe it was set here.
i have a dark side. you don’t want to see it.
have you lost your mind?
let me see you one last time.
that's why it can be so very lethal in small spaces.
i wonder what's down there?
no, i'm not making it up. i'm not making it up.
you’re gonna sit in your seat or you’re gonna be punished.
you are not responsible for hurting me.
when i had a second to think about it, it kinda dawned on me how this might have happened.
she looks like someone that i used to know.
that frickin’ nutjob that goes around just chopping people up?
we should have come earlier.
my father left when i was seven.
you lied so convincingly…
tell me anything you remember to help me find you.
well… the reason i wanted to talk to you… is���
there's a ghost in my house.
i held that anger for a long time.
so, what does "crispy" mean?
i’ve never felt this before.
he’s here and he’s trying to figure out a way out.
they set up a trap for him.
i'm not someone to be provoked.
[name] was really hurt by all of this.
i'm sure they've made a mistake, [name].
that would be like the worst idea.
just in case we get separated, meet me at the orange drink stand right outside the tunnel.
who were you talking to?
you’re not squeamish, are you?
[name], you keep leaving.
we can talk about it later.
don’t move! hands behind your head!
hey, maybe if we all scream his name, he might hear us.
maybe i'll be a singer.
it’s funny how we knew each other so well.
you want me to come? i feel bad.
i'm sure it's a misunderstanding.
it's not too late to take up the offer.
the hell are you doing out here?
don't mess with me, [name].
i'm really glad i saw you again. i can tell that you’re upset.
the reason i wanted to talk to you... is... i think you're looking for me.
this individual is not a projection of our fears.
we'll get there when you wanted to get there.
stop telling stories! monsters aren't real.
i guess we know things without knowing them.
it was who i was.
that could never be true, everyone's in pieces.
there’s no way to get out of here, except backstage, i guess.
i want you to try to forgive them.
what's going on with those girls at school?
[name], you wanna come dance with me?
um, so, i'm sure you know how this works, right?
what’s your code? i mean… if you can say. idon’t want you to get into trouble.
this whole concert, it's a trap.
here. let me help you with that.
did i tell you, you could talk back to me, [name]?
after this, i won't leave you.
i don't want to be around people.
what would i hear at one of your lectures?
hey. why don’t we go outside for a second?
remember what the profiler said.
they’re watching all the exits. they’re checking everyone that leaves.
just come see me in like… ten minutes. all right?
i'm not supposed to tell. don’t rat me out.
wait. wait, wait, wait, wait. i gotta tie my shoe.
they gave us a code to say in each section of the arena in case we got stopped by the police. real undercover stuff.
that's unfair, i'm twelve.
wait, isn’t this one of the songs you always play?
hey, what's with all the police trucks outside and the cameras everywhere, jamie?
if we get into a confrontation with our unsub, our job is to get him alone, away from civilians as quickly as possible.
pass it forward, as they say.
they wouldn’t be real, honey. don’t let people fool you.
hey, we should climb down and see where it leads.
no dad jokes, this is serious.
we're late, this is frustrating.
i am upset. my daughter was hurt.
bro! you're strong.
let’s keep it clear who we’re dealing with.
you know, i'm kind of obsessed with him.
i don't really wanna talk about it.
she waved at me.
put me down.
you're acting strange.
i think i got a good photo.
here, you can use my stash.
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justanotherfanartist · 6 months
heeey guys little social help here? (poll at the end)
get ready for a rare real life lore dump (yippee) because I have a social scenario I’m not sure how to handle. this is your chance to have input on my life like some sort of rpg (if you’re into that kind of thing lmfao)
(I really really hate outing my age range like this but I feel like it might impact peoples choices so. just know I’m on the older end alright)
So, I went to this nearby jazz festival on Saturday. Basically, it’s an event that pulls a bunch of local highschools and their upper and lower level jazz bands together (I’m in my schools lower level group) to compete for awards and finalist placements and stuff like that (very fun very cool experience every time) and something that’s become a habit of mine is scanning each group for anyone interesting and it just happened that there was this guy from another school’s upper band that really stood out to me.
He is genuinely one of the prettiest guys I’ve ever laid eyes on, bro is GORGEOUS and also an amazing trombone player with super clean tone (and was part of a killer trombone soli) so naturally I’m pretty smitten. For real as soon as you start playing an instrument yourself “being good at an instrument” is immediately something added to your type which makes going to these things an interesting experience.
Anyways, I thought he was attractive enough to try and shoot my shot (I do this kinda thing every so often especially if I think I’ll get rejected just as a confidence booster. works like a charm btw) so I made up my mind that hey, we all stash our instruments in the same place, so after the finalists concert when everybody goes to grab their gear and pack up I’ll go up to him and ask him if he wants my number before we all have to leave for the night. Pretty non instrusive introduction that guarantees a short conversation and an excuse for him to leave if I happen to make him uncomfortable, that sort of thing. (I love planning out social interactions in my head before I have them)
(also this is fr the strat bc a) “hey do you want my number?” gives the person a choice and b) if they do say yes awkwardly in the moment but regret it they can always just decide not to text you; it puts the ball more in their court rather than you getting their number and texting them first, that sort of thing)
so that’s exactly what I did. I tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around, and the interaction went like this:
“Hey, you’re one of the trombone players from (insert local highschool’s upper band) right?”
“I was just wondering, would you want my phone number? :D”
“Oh, I’m actually not looking for anything right now.”
“Hey, no problem.”
“Thanks though. :)”
“Yeah ‘course!”
and then we split ways.
As of today I found their jazz group’s page on instagram (basically, I’m going around and following all the ones that I thought were really good, including his who placed first just ahead of my school’s upper band in second)(we were psyched btw cus their group is known for crushing everyone so being up there second only to them felt pretty good) and I realized he’s probably following them and I actually did manage to find his page, which is privated (oddly enough he happens to be followed by someone who I very loosely know) so it’s request to follow only.
My question is would it be weird to request to follow him? Based on my instagram page and what I have up he might not be able to recognize me but I’m guessing he’ll know it’s me just because of our interaction and the follow request, but I’m not sure if I’d be breaking a social boundary if I did that.
I don’t intend to hit on him or push him for romance or anything like that— I got a clear and polite “no thanks” and I’m not going to infringe on that full stop (boundaries are to be respected always). Blanket statement I think this guy is cool and an impressively good player, I’d legitimately want to see him perform again or possibly be friends (I’m starved for jazz friends) but I’m just reallllyyy worried it’s gonna come off as creepy or boundary breaking to request a follow so I’m not sure if I should or not.
(my logic is that he already rejected a request for communication so requesting to follow him is essentially doing the same thing again and might come off as creepy or pushing it and the last thing I want is to make this guy uncomfortable. on the other hand it could be seen as completely harmless or even flattering depending on the person but I’m really not sure.)
mutuals give me opinions bc I’m curious what you think (also I’d really appreciate it if you picked something other than maybe lmao or left me a comment of your thoughts or smthn like that. I may be overthinking this)
(asterisk is for extra info for the first poll option)
*regardless of your intentions, which he is unable to truly discern, but will probably assume is still romantic pursuit
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heaven4lostgirls · 2 years
wish you were sober
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band!singer!remus x singer!reader
cw: mention of alcohol, teenage drinking, kissing, fluff
being with remus was like sipping coffee whilst the sun rose. he was a breath of fresh air whilst still remaining calm. you had loved him before you had even known that you did.
you and remus had met in your 5th year at hogwarts, you were a half blood like remus however you were a transfer from a different wizarding school. he knew that you were different the moment you stood up and told sirius black to shut the fuck up in the middle of slughorns class. he had fallen not only for your looks but for your wit, humour and somewhat alike shyness you both seemed to share.
remus had first proposed the idea of you joining the marauders band in his 6th year when marlene had decided to focus on her owls and her new girlfriend, dorcas meadows.
you were more than excited to join the band considering you had been at their practices ever since remus lupin had stuck to your side since you joined hogwarts, and their music exceeded words.
you now stood with remus in the front of the room of requirement which had been changed into a concert venue where the boys and you would be playing a brand new song.
‘wish u were sober’ was something you and remus had written and composed together over your late night talks in the gryffindor common room whilst sipping butterbeer and the slight mix of firewhiskey.
the opening of the song started and you and remus faced the crowd as you took a deep breath and began singing
This party's shit, wish we could dip
Go anywhere but here
Don't take a hit, don't kiss my lips
And please don't drink more beer
you felt remus’ eyes on you as he smiled slightly towards you as he started the next verse
I'ma crawl outta the window now
'Cause I don't like anyone around
Kinda hope you're followin' me out
But this is definitely not my crowd
you both held your microphones as you turned to face one another and belt out the chorus
Nineteen, but you act twenty-five now
Knees weak, but you talk pretty fly, wow
Ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed
Take me where the music ain't too loud
sudden flashbacks invade you mind if you and remus sitting at gryffindor parties after the end of exams, at the end of the quidditch up and at the end of the year. all around you is flowing alcohol and inebriated people however all you can focus on is the boy who’s lap you’re currently sitting on who’s scars have suddenly become more beautiful than the last time you saw them. your eyes flick to his lips and his flick to yours too.
“can i kiss you rem?” you hear yourself asking
“merlin, you don’t know how long i’ve wanted to hear that,but not like this, not here.”
Trade drinks, but you don't even know her
Save me 'til the party is over
Kiss me in the seat of your Rover
Real sweet, but I wish you were sober
you both continue to sing and finish the song whilst looking into each others eyes. the energy feels electric in the air and the room of requirement feels like it’s buzzing. you can’t hear the screams of everyone around you but you can see remus’ eyes drop to your lips.
you do the same and you can almost feel the tension rising as you both stand panting in front of one another out of breath from belting out the lyrics.
suddenly it alls goes static in your head as you feel a pair of chapped lips on yours. you faintly hear sirius and james yell out in unison and excitement. this. this is what it felt like to be home.
the love that encompassed you and remus in that exact moment was one that you would remember when you told stories to your children and for when your children would tell their children.
music had brought you and remus together, and fortunately nothing could break you apart<3
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vikersund · 1 year
Hi! I hope this post won't flop </3
first of all I wanted to finally reveal myself on this platform - many of you know me as Himbeertee_ on tiktok and twitter, Hello! Yes, I'm also here :P
I felt like last few days were like a fever dream - so I decided to write a summary/recap of my journey to Stozice.
It was not my first Joker Out show, last month I was in Żalec and both times I traveled by train and bus, so if anyone wonders how to get to Slovenia from Poland - the cheapest way is by Flixbus, but the fastest is by plane. I spent 5 hours in train and 11 hours in bus and it was only one way ride.
Me and my friend arrived at the arena around 4pm and we were 24/25 in the queue and we ended up at barricade in front of Kris, thanks to long catwalk and very long barricade. (I wanted to be at Kris' side, because duuuh i'm a Kris girlie).
If it comes to new merch - there were new winter beanies, new shirts, hoodies, socks, UM and Demoni CD's, condoms, new notebook (juhuhu hahaha), new tote bags and if you ask me... well.. those shirts didn't look good at least for me, but the rest of it was fine. I bought baby boos socks, because (to the unpopular opinion) I love the name xD
If it comes to the show alone, I will try to describe few songs. As you might have seen on twitter I managed to get the setlist (which was leaked at least day before - and unfortunately i saw some of it so I didnt experience the surprise).
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The live-from-backstage intro was so cool, like I had chills, the screen was turning from the backstage to black screen or to joker out sign with the music that made your heart beat to it, it definitely built an atmosphere, we saw Jo getting ready to rock the stage, Kris leading the 5 of them to the stage from backstage, then they finally came from behind drums, which was such a cool entrance!
First song was Sunny Side of London - and now I understand that they picked it as an opener because of the "welcome" at the beginning, but when I first heard it i was kinda sceptical why is this the first song. People from the brass band joined them for the iconic balcan solo (dare I say - Kris outwhored himself during the solo).
Then we screamed for the record and we beat it, but honestly I think that the result should be higher, but because it was such an open space, the device didnt gather the sound as good as in smaller venues.
Then gola and bele sanje - honestly don't remember much of it because I was enjoying myself, maybe a little too much, but the guitar transition from bele sanje to plastika was sooooo good.
Plastika oh plastika! This song is made for concerts, everyone were screaming their lungs off and Bojan was everywhere, including the cat walk.
Proti toku - what can I say other than justice for Proti Toku! Like i dont understand why they abandoned this song at the shows...
As you already know I was at Kris' side and I had the best view on him, let me tell you. This man didn't hold back during dopamin, his moves were electric and there should be another twitter account "Kris shuffles to:"
Padam - Bojan sang the song laying on the catwalk for the entire length of the song and for a moment I was so confused where he went, because I didn't see him at first.
Then after Padam we had a small break, that included screenings of pre-eurovision clips from their vlogs and during that everyone was lying on the stage (not sure about Jure tho).
Then demoni happened and the Iconic scream was... well... demonic xD Bojan ended up almost on all fours in front of 12k audience. You're welcome or something.
Katrina - is another song which was made to being played on stage. I loved the red and white lights especially, bojan was very slutty and we were introduced to releasing fumes from the pyro stuff (not real pyro or fire on their show in Stozice).
ASTP - AMAZING intro played by a dude with trumpet, I had chills, Bojan was sitting on his knees on the stage, listening to it. I'll try to upload it to tiktok later! It is one of my fav songs. Great vocals from Bojan and Kris, the second one was very slutty af during the song (who is surprised at this point?). No Janace ending, Jan ended the song playing at the end of catwalk, nice moment between Nace and Bojan.
Omamljeno Telo - well this is the only JO song that I am not that much a fan of, but they definitely delivered their perfomance, especially when everyone went to the catwalk. We had Kris/Nace moment during the song.
Kot Srce Ki Kri Poganja - will you banish me If I tell you that I have never heard any of their unreleased songs?
Anyway I LOVED THIS SONG, can they release it on new album please? I already knew that Martin will join them because I saw pics from backstage before the show, but I was surprised to see Matic there. This songs slaps and I fell in love with the vibe martin gave while playing the bass. I couldnt stop staring at him, he was magnetic and so happy to play with others. I might cry a little when Nace gave him his bass. I loved how everyone was hugging each other before and after the song. Such a heartwarming moment, even if Martin doesnt play anymore, you could definitely see that he is still part of the family <3
Metulji - amazing perfomance, again they delivered, love the song, also amazing Jan solo at the end of the song, kinda improvised i think? At least I have never heard those sounds before.
Vse Kar Vem - well, you know who I was focused on xD I guess I have a new Vse Kar Vem iconic video for you xD
NGVOT - before the song I was wondering if they will do Tavastia 2.0 with ngvot and the scream i I let out when I saw that Bojan was far from the mic, far enough to be late to start singing the song if he had to, and then I turned to look at Kris and I already knew. This is all I've been asking for. I'm so glad that Kris is more comfortable to sing the first verse, his voice was more relaxed, less shaky than in Tavastia, I loved the way he sang "ti pa barvo las" the way Bojan does. But I still think he has to work a little bit on his voice, because I know he CAN sing (from other videos). I wonder if they will leave this song as a duet for other shows in the future or If it was like one-time thing.
Vem Da Gres - all I remember was Nace on our side and how handsome he looked. I'm not a Nace girlie, but I can definitely see why others are, and his new hair and the outfit... asdfgrew
Ne Bi Smel - this time Jan joined our side and he had a nice moment with Bojan
Ona - Another time when men from brass band joined and it was the song which had changed arrangement. I loved it. the whole vibe of the song stayed the same, but the brass instruments elevated it. (If i think about any fuck ups during the show - it happened here - the mic of the Saxophone guy didnt work at first, I've heard him from the front row, but idk if people in the back have heard him). During this song they also showed me and my friend on the screen and i cant stop thinking about how the hell it happened xD Now i am immortal in joker out stozice lore xD
Tokio - honestly don't remember what was happening - probably I was just screaming and singing.
Umazane Misli - i loved it. I LOVED IT. The way Bojan was demanding the audience who and when should they sing, and then he came down to us and let 2 people sing, and he received the THREE KAKSI ANANAS LONKERO shirt and he loved it so much, he was so smiley and took this shirt with him on the stage.
Novi val - I almost cried. This is my fav song, and thanks to Joker Out Subs and Spela the project came true, the coloful lights flashed beautifully above boy's heads. We and them were touched and it was such a special moment. At the beginning of Novi Val Jure came to our side and we could see his outfit from the closer proximity, and dare I say it was second best after Kris'.
Last but not least - Carpe Diem. After novi val they left the stage, but everyone knew it wasnt over. The break was too long and It just clicked in my head that what if they are changing into their Eurovision clothes. AND THEY DID. I just predicted it seconds before it happened. It was unreal - like i just travelled back in time 5 months.
Overall it was the best night of my life. Everything was perfect. The lights were amazing. The stage was amazing. Clothes - god, the amount of details on each outfit! Personally I think Kris and Jure had the best outfits. I couldnt really see Jan and Nace outfit details, but the looked GOOD. But if I have to complain - not a fan of detachable sleeves on Bojan's shirt.
They all delivered their performances. Not a single mistake - i am so impressed because thats a skill.
We all agree that Kris outdid himself that night. The way he moved, the way he sang, the way he was SO CONFIDENT. Like he was born to be in that exact moment.
I also loved every single interaction between boys, the group ones, or the doubles. Maybe there was no Jan and Nace astp ending but they had few moments. It was so nice to see Jan and Bojan jamming together, Kris and Nace doing their thing, Bojan and Kris' little shenanigans and even Jure and Jan had their moment when Jan ran to him at the beginning of the show.
I also love how they had movie-like credits. Everyone from their crew was credited, every person who worked on the show, team of photographers etc.
Other thing was how nice it was to being supplied with water all the time. The people behind barricade were giving us cups with water all the time, and even at the end of the show we got whole bottles.
Please don't take this post as a proper review - these are just my thoughts of the show <3
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dearweirdme · 28 days
I’ve never seen anything more than friendship in yoonmin either and if at all there was any kind of romantic feelings then it may have probably been from Yoongi and definitely not Jimin. I think many people just naturally associate any kind of softness to romance forgetting that sometimes it comes down to dynamic. Some friends just have softness and fluff in their dynamic which has absolutely nothing to do with romantic feelings towards each other.
This might be a weird thing to say seeing as this is a taekook blog and all but I honestly always felt like Jimin had some feelings for Jungkook and probably still does. I cannot really explain it but there is some attraction that I sense from Jimin towards Jungkook and at first I thought maybe it was just him dotting on Jungkook and wanting to treat him like his little brother but it’s not that. I’ve watched alot of concert videos and fancams and it feels like Jimin gravitates towards Jungkook a whole lot. I also don’t know how to explain his behaviour towards Jungkook when they were rookies because he was all over the place and sometimes when I watch those videos I kinda feel sorry for him because it seems like he just found out about his feelings for Jungkook and didn’t know how to deal with them. Sometimes it feels like he doesn’t have time for Jungkook much and other times it feels like he just wants to be glued to Jungkook. Did you ever feel that way at all?
Hi anon!
Strangely... you are not the first to have said this to me 😂. I honestly have never seen that kind of interest from Jm in Jk. I truly feel that Jm is a very flirty and extroverted person in general and that his behavior gets mistaken for actual romantic interest a lot. When we look beyond our most visible ships, we can easily find Jm act in similar ways with Tae, Hobi, an instance of him with Namjoon even. I think one of the reasons why Jm flirts with Jk more easily is because he gets a response he know how to deal with, while Tae and Hobi can easily match his flirt and take the upper hand. There's something to say for predictable behavior and I think Jm just knows how to predict Jk's response better than he does Tae and Hobi's.
I always felt like Jm was the real hyung of vminkook. I have also at times felt that, though he loves to hang out with Tae and Jk, he has a tendency to be drawn to hyungline as well. I think Jm has a seriousness at times that Tae and Jk have less. Like, more of an urge to do things the way they are supposed to (not critisicm, I could actually do with a bit of that 😂). Tae and Jk are a bit more of a loose canon at times (also not critisicm.. I love loose canons).
I think Jk could be a bit harsh to Jm at times. He was young, he was a bit selfinvolved maybe (as teenagers are) and I think he didn't like to be babied much. I also think Jk probably became aware of how hard Jm was working (extremely hard). I think that softened Jk up a lot and there grew a respect and understanding. Many of the moments Jkkrs use as proof of Jk having hearteyes for Jm imo are actually Jk being happy to see Jm happy.. because he knows how hard Jm works and how tough certain things are for him.
Jm and Jk have great chemistry. They get each other, they enjoy the same banter and rowdyness. I think they just have fun together a lot.
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lucycore · 10 months
Hello again haha
As you can tell by now I LOVE your work. And I saw you wanted some ideas.
I've got a Peter Criss fan fic (🌶🔥 of course) idea for ya!
I've heard from Paul and Gene that Peter threw his drumsticks on them (live on stage) when he got upset.
So... What if that drumstic hits you (reader). After the show and he walks towards "you" after the show to ask if you're alright, and yeah... You'll do the rest😏
Heyy I really enjoy that idea. Hope u like it and thx a lot ♡
Peter criss imagine
Pov: Peter accidentally hurts u with his drumstick.
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It's 1979 and u finally could go on a Kiss concert. U were very excited to see the boys but deep down in ur heart u were more excited about seeing ur favorite catman with his cute cat make up. Peter criss.
U decided to be the most beautiful girl on the concert and even made sure to get in the very first row, right next to the stage. Ur heart was beating like crazy knowing u will see soon ur favorite boys..Or should I say boy? ;) (sorry).
After waiting for way too long finally, the lights changed and u heard loud screams and cheering all around u..The boys finally came on stage. Ur eyes immediately turned themselves to see Peter with his cute face paint, smiling at the fans that were freaking out. U couldn't stop smiling seeing him all happy and cute..He made u blush like crazy.
They started playing and u couldn't help but just cry out. U waited for way too long and now finally u could see them life..It felt like a dream.
As u were singing along all dreamed up and not aware of anything as if u left earth, u got woken up by a bang to ur head and slight pain that followed right after.
"What the heck? What was that?" It shocked u. "Felt like I got hit by something."
U looked around if someone hit u by accident but that wasn't the case. Everyone was concentrated on the guys playing. U looked down on the floor and saw a drumstick.
"Wait?..Is that...Is that Peters drumstick?" U had a lot of feelings go through u at that moment when u realized that u got hit by his drumstick.
In fact, peter was known to throw his sticks around and people did see it but when they couldn't catch it they just kinda left it there thinking someone else did catch it also Peter was known for getting upset and not throwing it directly at the fans but rather at Paul and Gene. Well this time it hit u.
U couldn't really process what was happening. Is it real life or am I actually dreaming? I got to see peter live and now even found his drumstick? Wtf is going on?
U could stop smiling, everything was perfect. The last great thing that could happen would be him calling u backstage but that's impossible so u quickly got it out of ur mind.
After the show was done all the fans started going out or backstage when they had a vip ticket. U sadly didn't so with the pain in ur heart and Peters drumstick close to ur heart u started making ur way out. Surprisingly u heard a voice behind u saying "hey" so u turned around curious who would it be. "Now I'm really getting nuts." U thought.
U couldn't believe ur eyes. It was peter..Fucking Peter criss standing in front of u with a soft almost nervous smile. U started shaking, ur heart beating higher and ur face getting pale.
"Im sorry for hurting u with my drumstick..I should be more careful and maybe not throw too hard objects..."
U just stared at him with a shocked face not quite ready to process what was going on.
"Hope ur ok?..." He added.
"Y-Yeah sure..Don't worry about it..Didn't even hurt that bad.." U smiled nervously.
He smiled back and nodded softly.
"So...Can I do something for u?.." He asked.
"F-For me? U stuttered. "N-No..I mean I'm okay and it's already a blessing getting hit by ur drumstick and then having u talk to me..What more could I wish for?" U said happily what made him laugh a little shyly as he looked down.
"Well are u sure? How about I take u backstage..We could talk more and better..It's quite chaotic here."
U thought u will pass out..Usually these things only happen in ur imagination but this time it's fucking real. U of course nodded and went with him. U guys went into his room and u just had to look around..It was stunning to see his room that he had while being on tour.
*Time skip*
After talking for some time u got more comfortable with him and he with u. U saw noticed his looks on ur body, literally striping u down with his eyes. U did look sexy that evening and got some guys to look at u but tonight it seems like ur only his..And by his I mean Peter.
"Yk it was nice meeting a chill girl like u..and again sorry for hurting u..I didn't mean to throw it that far."
U again told him that it was alright. He suddenly moved closer to u and ur heart again started beating faster.
"I know how I can make this up.." He whispered softly what made u blush like crazy.
"R-Really? How?" Ur face got read and the look in ur face was just shocked and nervous.
Peter smirked and as u were trying to realize what was happening, u were laying there, legs spread wide apart and Peters head between them.
Ur hand were grabbing onto the bed sheets as Peters tongue entered ur opening. U had ur head thrown back feeling his tongue penetrating u.
U let out not too loud but high moans while feeling all dizzy from the pleasure. U never had ur pussy licked before and for the very first time of yours it felt like heaven.
U didn't know what to do with ur head and the bed sheets weren't enough to grab so u just went for his hair and pulled him even closer, making his face almost disappear in ur private parts. His hands were stroking ur thighs and grabbing onto them. Ur eyes rolled back as u felt close to cumming.
U started cursing and his fingers thrusted in u as he felt u getting closer. His tongue was eating ur clit, hitting ur g spot.
Ur moans got louder and ur legs started closing but he forcefully kept them open. Ur back arched and ur body lifted itself while u were cumming all over his face and fingers. U literally squirted his fingers out of ur opening. That's how well he made u cum. He had a lot of experience and good for u..Ur first time having Oral was like an complete dream..People wouldn't believe if u would tell them.
He left u hardly breathing on the bed. U closed ur eyes cuz u needed a second while he was watching u and smirking. U told him that it was ur first time and he got excited about it and also got a little ego booster hearing how good he was.
Now u didn't have any condoms like him but u still wanted to repay him so without saying anything u sat up and made him lay down. U never sucked dick before but u didn't care about that, u just wanted to satisfy ur king so u just started stroking it and slowly licking and kissing his tip. Peter let out a little groan and closed his eyes, having one arm behind his head.
When u noticed that u were doing the right thing u decided to take him deeper inside but got stopped by ur gag reflex. U sucked on it for a bit to get ur throat used to that feeling so it allowed u to take him deeper and let him feel the heaven u felt a few mins ago. His groans got louder and ur sucking deeper and faster.
With ur free hand u squeezed his big balls for extra pleasure and with the other one u were stroking his cock while sucking.
He groaned and was keep telling u how good ur doing and how much he enjoys it.
This made u even weaker for him and letting him fuck ur throat was like a reward.
While he was closer to his climax, he grabbed the back of your head and pushed u deeper in. Ur gag reflex returned but u didn't care less. Ur only goal was to satisfy him and nothing more. He was thrusting faster and faster making ur eyes clench till he finally released in ur mouth.
His warm load was dripping down ur throat and his cock twitching on ur tongue. After he took it out of ur mouth u swallowed what was left of his load in ur mouth mixed with ur saliva.
He fell back on the bed all exhausted and heavily breathing while u laid ur head on his chest.
"That was amazing y/n" He mumbled.
"It was" U had ur eyes closed and breathed out deeply.
"I won't let u go..U will have to stay here till morning..U were so amazing and so beautiful..I need u right now to calm down and spend time with someone who's not like those groupie whores."
His words made u feel so special and u just still kinda couldn't believe that it's true..Usually at that point u would wake up and hate that u did but this time it was completely real. U were laying in ur favorite Rockstars arms and u were more than happy, hoping this never ends...
Excuse any typos. It's currently 1am I'm tired goodnight.
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le-velo-pour-dru · 9 months
How was the concert?? Tell me everything!
So before the concert started and everyone was waiting in line, I got to meet the AMAZING @mayathexpsychic and @acaesic in-person!! :D 💖 It was amazing, they're both such sweet and cool individuals, and I had so much fun chatting and hanging out with them before the show. It definitely made the wait a lot easier and a lot more fun!! ^^ 💖
When we finally got into the venue, after some waiting, we got to see the opening act, Sego!! I didn't really know what to expect, cause I hadn't heard of them, but oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩❤️ They were so good!! 😁❤️ I'm definitely gonna have to look into their music, I enjoyed their set a lot ^^ 🫶
After that. oh my god. The wait for Dallon to come out was EXCRUCIATINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG IT FELT LIKE IT TOOK FOREVER XD I never knew what to expect when one of the songs that was playing faded out, or when someone walked onto the stage only to be one of the people helping to set up. IT WAS LIKE TORTURE, I NEVER KNEW WHEN HE WOULD COME OUT AND IT FELT LIKE SUCH A LONG TIME X'D 💔
As for how the concert worked, things have kinda changed!! For one, Dallon did a lot less bass playing and a lot more moving around the stage as he sang. Mad IQs used to be special cause he ditched the bass and was just a lead singer for a while, but he did that for maybe half the songs of the concert!! And I'm not complaining at all, Dallon is very fun to watch as he moves around onstage, he has a lot of fun with it and is just very full of energy and charisma!! It's a welcome change in my opinion :) 💖 As for the backing musicians, things have changed too!! Anthony is still his touring guitarist, but there's a new musician too who. I wasn't sure if he was playing guitar or bass or both, but his name was Isaac Paul. There's also a new drummer too, whose name is Ronnie Strauss! Dallon didn't really talk about Ryan during the concert, which I think was a tasteful decision on his part, BUT. HE DID MENTION HIM ONCE 🤭 As he was introducing the musicians, he said, "Turns out you can afford more people when you aren't being stolen from." WHICH WAS SO ICONIC. OMG. IF YOU'RE GONNA BRING HIM UP, WHAT A WAY TO DO IT X3 ❤️ IT WAS SO FUNNY HFXJGCHXFXCGJXFCJGJGXGJCVXVJJGXGJCGJCVJCGJC 🤭
And can I just say, I love Dallon's charisma onstage!! He would talk in between songs, and every time, he was just so charming and personable, it was a lot of fun!! :) ❤️ He's so good at connecting with the crowd, I loved hearing everything he had to say ^^ ❤️ A couple of highlights include:
He asked us if we all had good Christmases, and when we cheered, he said, "Well, that's neat!" in the GOOFUEST voice. It was so silly X3 ❤️
Before Kiss Goodnight, he talked about having fallen in love with Breezy years ago and still being in love with her to this day, and he shared that they did, in fact, kiss goodnight that night. It was really sweet 😊💖
He said that that night, we were all his date, and he was our date (if we're into that sort of thing), which. MADE ME BLUSH AND GIGGLE AND KICK MY FEET A LITTLE HEHEHEHE ☺️🩷 I WISH I COULD BE HIS DATE XFHGJJFXJGCXVJJCVVCJJCVCBJ 🤭💖
Before Choke, he gave a whole heartfelt speech about how much it meant to him that people came to see the show, and how amazing it is that the one thing unifying a room full of strangers is the music that they enjoy, and he finished it with, "Now, if you don't mind, choke yourself to sleep". IT WAS SO FUNNY FHXGJCHJCGXFJGJCXCJGJCCGJBC, HE'S SO AWESOME 🤭❤️
Anyway, moving onto something else: I don't tend to sing along with the songs during a concert, I prefer to just listen to how they're being performed. So while I didn't sing along with most of the songs, I had a lot of fun participating during the parts where he wanted the crowd to sing, like Social Climb and A Letter!! But the absolute peak crowd participation moment HAD to be Visitation of the Ghost!! 🤩💖 From where I was standing, it was pretty hard to see him during the crowd walk... BUT STILL!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT TO EXPERIENCE A CROWD WALK LIVE OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 🤭💖 That song overall is just. absolutely amazing to see live, it was a incredible experience and one of the best parts of the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩❤️
AND. OK. I REFUSE TO SAY MUCH ABOUT DOWNSIDE, BUT. I LOVED IT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH 😁💖 I couldn't really understand what he was saying, but the vibes of the song were sooooooooooooooooo fun and I can't wait to finally hear it on the album!! 😄🩷 Speaking of which, he said a different Gloom Division song will be coming out in two weeks, and I can't wait to find out which one it is!! Maybe it'll be Kiss and Tell, he used that phrase during the concert, so. maybe that was a hint :o ❤️ That's just a guess though, idk what to expect X3
Anyway. It was an absolutely incredible experience!! :3 💖 Dallon is an absolutely phenomenal performer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😄🫶❤️ He's an incredible musician, he has a beautiful voice, and he has so much amazing energy and charisma up on that stage 😁🩷 It was incredible seeing one of my favorite musicians perform live right in front of me, I had so much fun, and I'm so grateful I got the opportunity to go see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩💖 I had such an amazing time and I can't wait to see him again in April!! ^^ ❤️🫶
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fortemelody · 4 months
miku expo was legit the best day of my life so i wanna ramble about it
edit: found this in my drafts and wanted to revive it even if this took place like a month ago now lmao
first off i wanna kinda stress something that i honestly might get flamed for
i was in the pit, literally the third row, and around the halfway mark people who didn’t have wristbands on (that you get if you’re in the pit) finagled their way in and no security stopped them. this was like 5 people near me and like 3 more on the opposite side of the chairs. i could barely move cus i was so squished in by them and beforehand i was taking the opportunity to jump and dance becus i was in the aisle becus it was very spacious.
i personally see this as wrong. like i understand the feeling so much of not having good seats becus they are expensive. my bsf’s parents payed for these seats and that was the closest i’ve ever been/probably will ever be at a concert. i am eternally greatful for them. however, if i were at any other concert with my regular nosebleed seats, i would not move up to somewhere where the seats were obviously filled and payed for. people work hard to have the kind of money to spend on good tickets, and i felt like they were stripping away all of that just becus there was some open space and no one from security happen to be watching
i do feel kinda bad becus my friend was complaining a little too loud and vulgarly without a proper confrontation and i was saying things like “yeah” and “real” and i think they eventually kinda heard us but they didn’t do anything in response until i finally asked them nicely to at least step back so i could move around. most of them listened then but one person didn’t.
i want to acknowledge that i probably wasn’t perfect either in a different aspect becus i was legit screaming my head off and i realize now that behavior can definitely be distracting. i forgot that convention idol etiquette very much applies to even a virtual concert because there are others around me that might not appreciate my loudness who aren’t performing, along with the band members (although they prob couldn’t hear me from backstage).
wanted to address my thoughts on the screen too. honestly i still think it’s a weird call (and would make a lot of sense if it was by crunchyroll) and i still think it’s rather cheap but i can at least acknowledge that the visuals were pretty crisp. im assuming it also helped people see it from super far away better. it was definitely not an experience ruiner by any means but it was pretty jarring for the first 10 mins or so.
anyways, on to the good moments. at the end i shouted thank you to the band members when they came out and one of them saw me gave me the heart hands AND IT WAS SO FUCKING SWEET AHHH
i went into this only knowing about 5 songs for the set list and i’m so glad for that becus the suprises kept hitting me. some of the most hyped songs for me were unknown mother goose and fraulen biblioteca. i was so happy they played a wowaka song becus he deserves to be honored in multiple countries. and with fraulen i have a video recording of it where me and my bsf’s convo went like this:
“i can’t believe they did it”
(for context we were debating which songs would get played on the way there and we wanted this one but thought it had a slim chance. also meiko is my fav soooo)
ALSO we didn’t know we got VIP till someone told us (thank you kind stranger). the tote bag is really nice and i’ve gotten a ton of use out of it. and i used the fan in place of a penlight the whole time- idk how it didn’t break. as for the other stuff it was just kinda meh to me.
lastly we got a shit ton of confetti from the cannon and passed some out to people and took a couple for ourselves too. i’m so glad they did that it was a nice touch and it looked so beautiful as it was falling tbh
i think that’s all i gotta say but i might make some fanart to commemorate it later (i just said this same thing in a post a couple days ago and i haven’t even started *that* drawing yet….oopsies).
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youngveinsworld · 8 months
quotes from a recap of the young veins' show at the beat kitchen in chicago on 10 april 2010
I went to the first ever Young Veins concert in Chicago April 10th, and let me tell you- along with only one other day, it was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. It was so amazing beyond belief. I still can't believe it was real.
they are a small band right now so they were playing a tiny club. There was a room about the size of half a school gymnasium, the stage was 3 ft off the ground, and there was no backstage. The band had to walk past the crowd, no barrier, to get on stage.
The doors opened at 7 but we got there at around 5. My dad got in line (yes, I brought my dad, this is a bar, you know) and Lillie (my friend) and I walked further to see what was going on by the alley. All of a sudden my eyes landed on a sight so ultraviolet that my lungs shriveled into the size of my ears. My knees turned into noodles. My heart started beating as if it were afraid of the dark and wanted to bust violently out of my chest cavity. I felt like I was going to poop, throw up, and faint at the same time. I saw Ryan Ross loading things out of a trailer 20 feet away from me. I kinda blacked out for a moment. Lillie had to hit me in the arm to get me to say anything. I seriously have butterflies right now just remembering it. He was wearing his soldier-looking jacket, some striped pants, blues brothers sun glasses, a yellow shirt, and his pointy shoes. Then out of nowhere I see a guy with the same hair but in a maroon shirt and pants- Jon Walker was pushing some amps into the staff entrance. And then I saw Nick White and Andy Soukal and Nick Murray. All I could say was "Wha......?????" I seriously couldn't comprehend that my idols that I've loved for 2 and a half years were standing right by me. I needed a moment.
After I cooled down, standing by my tree, I took out my blank CD case (I was going to have the band sign the black case and then when June 8th comes around, I'd put the CD and the jacket in that case). I started small. I was going to ask Nick White, the newest member and pianist, to sign the case first. He started to walk from the trailer to the door and I called out, "Nick?" and he stopped and turned, kind of suprised, I guess not a lot of people were able to recognize him yet. I asked, "Would you be willing to sign this for me? I'm going to put the album in it when it comes out." and he was like, "Sure, sure.". He signed, said thanks for coming, and went back to his buisness. I forgot to take a picture (god damn it). But that's okay, he was nice.
Okay, one down, 4 to go. Next I saw Andy, the bassist, and called out his name. Again, kind of not expected. I asked if he would sign my case and take a picture with me. He said he could only stop for a miinute and I said, "Oh, yea, sure.". He signed my case and Lillie took our picture and he, also, was on his way.
Ryan and Jon were busy setting things up inside so they weren't coming out for a while but I DID see Nick Murray come out. I called his name and asked if he could sign my CD case and he said, "Um, sure, just give me five minutes?". So a couple trips later, he, himself came back to us and said, "You wanted to see me right?" and I was like, "Yea, I wanted to know if you could sign this and take a picture, I'm going to put the album in it." and he said, "The album?" and I said, "Yea, you know, Take a Vacation." and he was like, "Ohhh, yea." 
Finally I had the courage to talk Jon (My courage was also fueled by the fear that he wouldn't come out again). He was so handsome and like and inch taller than me (and I'm 5'7), and thinner than I expected, and he was just Jon Walker. He walked past us and I said, "Jon?" and he came over and I asked him to sign the case and take a pic ect. And then I said, "So is Ryan being sneeky? I haven't seen him in a while." (p.s. I'm a creeper). He giggled and said, "Yea, well, Ryan's always sneeky." and I just said, "Haha, yea." and he thanked us for coming out and went on his way.
Finally Ryan came out again. I HAD to talk to him. He walked past and I said, "Ryan?" and he was like, "Hi.". I asked him to sign my CD case and stuff. He was kinda busy so after a picture and a very breif amount of small talk about being excited and thanks for coming out and stuff he was on his way. I imagined him taller, but he WAS thin, now I can believe it. They, for some reason translate not as thin in pictures, I guess because it's 2D.
I saw Cassie (Jon's GF, duh) walk in the building and Jon came out to say hi to several friends of his that came to the show (cuz, duh, he lives in Chicago). Cassie was so cute. She looked so nice and sweet and her little summer dress and boots were adorable. She had Starbucks which I later saw Jon share with her. He also looked through her bag for something and that made me go "Awwwwww" barely quite enough to not be stared at.
So we finally got in and we saw the merch and I told my dad to buy me one of everything of The Young Veins' and ran off to get a place (later we found out that Nick Murray was helping sell the merch and he sold my dad the shirts). Jon was at a booth in the bar having a pre-show-drink with his friends and Cassie which was so amazing and Ryan came into the stage room to check out the crowd and mingle a little bit.
The Young Veins came on and got their equipment ready and fixed their sound and stuff for 10 minutes. 10 minutes I got to watch Ryan Ross and Jon Walker from 2 feet away, just doing exactly what they were born to do. I was so happy.....
They went through their set, Jon sang two songs. I ruined the audio on all of my videos because I was singing out of tune AGAIN (this happens to me EVERY concert).
After their set I remembered a picture that I drew for them a while back that I left in the car that I HAD to get. We left even before Foxy could get in the room and got the picture. I would've kicked myself if I didn't give it to them.
I grabbed my photo and went back to my tree and watched and waited for The Young Veins. They were packing their stuff up. Ryan and Jon started talking with different fans and I was going to give it to them but then I saw Nick Murray. This crazy drunk guy was talking to him about the most random shit and I realized my life's destiny- Save Nick Murray From the Crazy Drunk Guy. Nick was looking very awkward and scared. He tried inching away but tried to stay nice at the same time, this was getting him nowhere. We walked up to them and I said, "Excuse me." The drunk guy and his drunk girlfriend moved aside and we talked to Nick and I finally handed the picture to him and said, "I drew this for the band and I just wanted to give this to you guys." Nick was like, "Cool, cool. This is yours" and I was like, "Yea *confused*, wait, what do you mean?" and he said (OH MY GOSH) "Oh, well, I've seen this before, it's cool." and then I remembered that I sent all the members the picture on Twitter, he read my comment and liked my picture. I'm getting warm and flushed just thinking about it. How cool is that? We talked to him a little more and let him go to mingle with the rest of the fans that left before Foxy (because honestly, I already SAW his mustache and so I don't really need to be blinded by it's magnificence again).
I'm adding this to my "Best Day Ever" list. I have two best days ever, neither better than the other. But this has to be my favourite concert that I've ever been to. LOVE LOVE LOVE. That's all can say.
– from this blog post by Michele
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