#it explains a lot however so hopefully my new medication in tandem with my current meds should help me enjoy writing more.
trailshome · 1 month
Progress Update
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I did a bit of backtracking because I wasn't happy with the first version of the beginning of Chapter Two (which means I'll have to tweak the ending of Chapter One but whatever). As you can see, your parents (or crushes) decide to visit you in jail -- here's hoping things don't go south!! I have, also, realized in planning out some of Chapter Two that the routes I had initially planned, were expanded a bit and will require quite a bit of coding because of branching. I'll work on them branch by branch and release them as they are finished (or half-finished) to keep my momentum going. Besides, I've already failed at updating once a month ahah! Might as well embrace my inability to remain punctual with updates!! Needless to say, Chapter Two's jail scene will have two variations; the couple, as seen above, and Greta! One or both will lead to a few shenanigans if things continue as planned~! Rambles about RL below -- preceded with caution!
Also! I adopted a kitten recently, his name is Stinky and he's going to be nine weeks old next Tuesday! He's been taking up quite a bit of my time as I've had to try and deal with Quill and Jean (my two-year-old kitties) adjusting to having him around. My second job will also be starting up in the next week and a half or so which means I'll have less time for writing -- however, if what I've learned ends up being true, I may end up on some medication that should help me out with my frequent illnesses and lack of motivation. This means that despite having less time due to work, I'll develop more of a drive to write more consistently and/or stop over-thinking my writing. Sorry as always that updates are so few and far between and always end up being revisions. Hopefully moving forward things will change and I'm feeling optimistic! We can hope and we will see!! Stay safe, drink water, wear a mask if you can, and wash your hands!! Until next time!
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