#it evolves from there into a juggling act of playing the part outside of sewerhell with staff
monty-glasses-roxy · 11 months
So. New AU 1.
Security Breach is happening, right? Things are looking real bad. No one's been hurt yet, but Glitchtrap is in control and they're all powerless to it... Except Roxy.
A thing I use a good amount with things is that Roxy being a part of the MXES as the final node gives her different capabilities. One of these, is a vastly improved defense system against things like this, meaning every time that Glitchtrap tries to control her, there is an active fight with MXES and the Helpi system to do so. She has moments of clarity, she's more herself than the others but still not, she's consciously aware of this attack on her systems and tries to assist where she can, but ultimately, it's the security systems trying to defend her, and they're not equipped for a fucking digital consciousness invading her brain.
Being part of security also gives her a much more detailed understanding of the Plex, access to some areas the others don't know exist, and access to different kinds of overrides, failsafes and other such systems so long as the correct conditions have been met. I have a lot of ideas for what she does with this kind of power, but this is all you need to know for this AU.
Roxy struggles with the system trying to control her all night, as we know. She's been trying different things to win one over on Glitch with the assistance of the Helpi AI that she can call on at any time through the security network. Except nothing has worked, and what has worked, hasn't worked for long.
But then the place starts to burn. The fire spreads at incredible speed, it's getting hotter and hotter and Roxy is quite literally blind to it. BUT a fire means that other boxes on the conditions list have been ticked. She has more security clearances now and the system has hard kicked Glitch in the nuts to give her this. The fire has caused conditions to be met in the systems for everyone else too, so Glitch has temporarily lost all of his little puppets for now. Everyone has clarity for the fire an nobody knows what to do...
With the Minis guiding her, Roxy is able to locate Monty and Chica, with them bringing Sunny out of the daycare to meet up with them. The plan was to go to the Fazcade to meet up with DJ and her proximity would allow the emergency doors to open in DJ's tunnels to let them out. Except that doesn't happen. The Fazcade gets completely cut off in the blaze and there's no other way out anymore. It's all gone. They're trapped.
At this point, they've all pretty much figured that Roxy has more access to things than she's been letting on (because they've been Glitchtrapped she's not telling him shit) and are desperate for a way out of this. There has to be somewhere they can go, there has to be! They're scared, and rightfully so. Sunny is the only one not severely damaged now, if they have even a slither of a chance of not getting replaced and forgotten, they can't get any more damaged. After a few minutes of panic and desperation, Roxy is given a list of fire safe locations in the Plex and there's not many. The only one that's not blocked off and isn't the underground pizzeria she can't let them in...
Is Sewerhell. The place they send the animatronics when they're not worth keeping around anymore.
She obviously doesn't want to take them there, but what other choice does she have?
And so she leads her friends, her family, directly into hell, where they will be stripped of their ability to leave the very moment they step through the door. All except her and the Minis.
They may be safe from the fire but at what cost?
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