#it doesn't matter
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blucactus112 · 2 days ago
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hikarielizabethbloom · 23 days ago
I write this on the premise that my canon interpretation of relationships, characters, themes, etc., change based on what happens in the show.
So my canon interpretation ≠ fanon interpretation.
My interpretation of haladriel/saurondriel became a story of survival.
Galadriel is a survivor. Sauron didn't just represent her deeper desires; he represented her deepest fears. Fears that she had to face.
And I will never get over how terrified she looks here.
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Is she scared because she felt something akin to love for him? Probably.
But she is mostly terrified of him. She knows what he is capable of, what his powers are. How he can manipulate the world around you to force you to do his bid. How he can twist your desires into something dark.
She is witnessing once again what loving Sauron does to others. First Celebrimbor, now Adar. He took their love (in the wide sense) and twisted it. Given the occasion, he would do the same to her. He wants to worship her as long as he can control her, like a puppet.
She is terrified.
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figure45 · 3 months ago
i fear i’ve caught johnlock infection
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blossom-goth · 11 months ago
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I like to think that sometimes when Shadow wants to rile up Sonic, instead of bantering, Sonic chooses to play nice and Shadow is NOT having it because he wanted him to be annoyed y'know?
Anyway just my thoughts idk why i made this.
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no-place-to-be-happy · 3 months ago
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Sowwy about the increasing amount of mpreg 😔
Anyway, this ship is probably the only heter0 thing you'll see from me/j
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janesurlife · 5 months ago
This is not even a ship anymore, These two actually, genuinely love each other.
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mash4077confessions · 3 months ago
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number2-mellofan · 5 months ago
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Mello gay af I would've gone CRAZYYY
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navree · 8 months ago
You keep saying refusing to vote for Biden on moral grounds because of Palestine is ineffective because Trump would be worse, but that really isn't the point. Largely (with the exception of a few extremists and a contingency of people who wouldn't have voted anyways) the philosophy of a movement that has people withhold their vote is to force a significant policy change that wouldn't have changed otherwise. Its a form of protest. I understand from your perspective, election-focused and pragmatic, it is a threat to whoever is running, but if Biden had wanted the votes being withheld he would have capitulated.
Not that this isn't a moot point since he's out, but whatever.
See, this is intensely fucking dumb.
"force a significant policy change" it would not. One, because Biden is the president of the United States, and Israel is not one of those states. Short of sending the CIA to, idk, assassinate Netanyahu in his bed, which most of these people would be against I think because of how much they bitch and moan about US foreign policy at any given opportunity, he cannot actually make an independent foreign power do what he wants and what is electorally convenient for him. Like, I'm very sure Biden would love it if Netanyahu and his partisans stopped acting like fucking freaks for five minutes, if only so that it would stop being a PR nightmare for him. But that's not happening, because he cannot control what Netanyahu does. He could vastly reduce the support the US is providing Israel, and in my view he should, but that's not going to stop what Netanyahu and the Israeli government is doing. Because, I hate to break it to you, but the reason they're carpetbombing Gaza is because they want to be carpetbombing Gaza, and even without US aid they will continue to do it, even it just means with older and less effective weapons. Ultimately, the change that leads to a ceasefire and an end to the war is going to come from the actual parties involved, not Joe Biden.
Two, you've already gotten the significant policy change. Biden has, on multiple occasions now, come out in favor a ceasefire. He has actively been working, along with the Qatari government, to try and broker some kind of peace agreement between Israel and Hamas, but those two keep on fucking it up because they're both run by bloodthirsty psychopaths who don't care one iota about the people they're meant to be governing and only on killing whoever they want. That's been open fact for months now. And it has meant fuckall. The people doing their moral purity about how they'd never vote for Biden were still doing it, just moving the goalposts on what they wanted. First it was ceasefire, then it was 'no ceasefire until [insert impossible demand here] is given', because moving goalposts is what these people do. It's the same mentality as people who saw that Biden was doing COVID stimulus, or cancelling student loans, or reclassifying marijuana, and decided that the issue now was that he wasn't doing enough of it. It's a movement that's been consistently comprised of dogs that caught the car, and are angry that they caught the car because now they can't complain, and they don't want to actually affect meaningful change, they just want to complain because that's easier. And if that's what these people have been doing for his entire presidency, why on Earth would any reasonable person suddenly believe it's different on this one specific issue?
Three, cool you're protesting, then what? Your protest is utterly unserious and completely meaningless if it's not going to have any tangible effects, so what's the next step? You've decided to make your moral purity stance an issue that the vast majority of you learned from infographics on Instagram rather than listening to the voices involved (which is why the red triangle brigade is still a thing on Twitter), so what happens now? No political party is ever going to capitulate entirely to it, because the constituency is just too small (that "uncommitted" gambit was only getting like 10% of the vote wherever it was happening, Biden won over it as a literal write-in candidate in at least one state), so other than the compromise that's already happening, the goalpost movers are gonna withhold their votes because blah blah blah my morals. And their next step is, what? Trump gets elected. And their movement, which has no thought or serious effort put behind it or any actual attempt to provide material aid to the people actually suffering, has helped put a man who is going to be far worse for it in power. The "significant policy change" is going to be that Trump gives Netanyahu whatever he wants and he proceeds to wipe Gaza off the map. The "significant policy change" is that President "Trump Heights" actively makes things worse for the people this protest is supposed to help, as a consequence of that very protest.
It's not about me only being concerned with being "election focused" or some cold hearted bitch. It's about me, as a person who thinks what Israel has been doing since the start is godawful and deeply horrendous, realizing that this entire "protest" is not only asinine but will result in deeply negative consequences and very real harm for the people this protest is purported to be for, and being sickened by that. I live in the real world, and in the real world action speaks far louder than intent. I don't have to acknowledge that the protest wants this or that outcome or what the hypothetical impossible asks that are never going to be answered are, because I understand that they will not matter. What matters is what you get out of your protest, what gains are received, how that protest actually affects change, not the change it gives wishy washy lip service to.
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lampt0wn3 · 6 months ago
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(yea :3)
Boyfriend dearest has been getting me more into Lifesteal (and has been trying to indoctrinate our friend into it too/j/lh)
I don’t mind at all
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pollsnatural · 1 year ago
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crazydaymycrazyway · 11 months ago
William: There's something I have to tell you
Sherlock: What is it, Liam?
William: You're in love with me, Sherly
Sherlock: What?
Sherlock: ...
Sherlock: Oh heathens, I am!
Mycroft: What kind of confession did I just witness?
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montanabohemian · 3 months ago
blocking every fucking idiot on this website that thinks that wwdits queerbait them because nandor and guillermo didn't fuck nasty on the stairs.
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adhd-merlin · 2 years ago
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doodler 👏 behaviour 👏 (x)
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cogentranting · 5 months ago
Swan Lake adaptation where Odette and her assorted other maidens are cursed same as always (swans during the day, human again between midnight and dawn) BUT there's also just some random wild swans caught up in the curse and they are their normal swan selves during the day and turn into humans at night, but still with swan brains.
So the plot is basically the same except that there's a couple of these humanized swans hanging around most of the time who A. see Odette and the maidens as part of their flock and are protective B. are swans and therefore crave violence at all times
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