#it doesn't make you feel strong or empowered it just hurts
really feeling the despair of knowing in my heart it will never work out guys
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robot-roadtrip-rants · 4 months
My Headcanon for Why Emps Banned Religion
I have read none of the books with a heavy Emps focus but I have read a lot about them, including various excerpts, and obviously that's enough to qualify me for making headcanons about him. So here's my big theory:
The religion ban had nothing to do with Chaos, and everything to do with the Emperor himself.
Listen. Listen. We have three facts:
The Emperor is a 38,000-year-old psyker created to defend humanity against Chaos who has dealt directly with the gods. There is no way he doesn't understand how they work.
The Emperor made a deal with Chaos but failed to keep his end of the bargain. This bargain allowed him to create the primarchs, but it also empowered him personally.
The Emperor is the entity prophesied to become the Dark King, the fifth Chaos God.
I think the Emperor was trying to prevent his own ascension by banning religion.
Humanity has a fairly strong connection to the Warp; it's slowly evolving into a psyker species. A single, non-psyker human won't have much effect, but if billions and billions of humans believe the same thing, it will affect the Warp.
Now, pause for a moment and think about what it would be like to encounter the Emperor. I don't just mean walking up to the guy and shaking his hand, I mean just seeing him and being in his vicinity. You're gonna get knocked on your ass by the most intense Warp aura you will ever feel in your life. To put things in perspective, in one of the HH books, Lion makes an entire room of men kneel just by walking in the room. The Emperor is exponentially more powerful than any of the primarchs. The dude hangs out with blanks because they're just too weak to hurt him.
A lot of people are going to process that encounter as a religious experience.
Now, obviously the vast majority of the Imperium's population are never going to see the Emperor. But millions and millions of people will still go through this experience. We don't see much of this because the HH series takes place when the Emperor retreats to Terra to work on the Webway. Prior to that, he would have been a public figure--giving speeches, holding triumphs, leading armies, going to summits, etc etc etc. There would be a steady stream of people walking away shaken to the core because they decided to go to a big parade or whatever.
Now, add to that his utopian mission (the Imperium will unify the galaxy and create a golden age of humanity! yay!), the cult of personality, and the fact that some planets really would have greeted the Imperium's arrival with joy...
Look, someone's gonna start a new religion. Maybe multiple someones. And you had better believe it's gonna spread because "huh that there is some kind of divine being" is a pretty understandable response to Big E and his Slightly Less Big Sons.
Thing is, the Big E in question knows about the Dark King prophecy, knows how the warp works, and knows he's as much a Warp entity as he is human. If increasing number of humans believe that he's a god, all that belief is gonna pour into the Warp, and eventually it's gonna affect the very nature of his being. Him, who already has prophecies about a divine ascension floating around. GEE WOW COULD THESE THINGS BE RELATED, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN NEXT.
The Emperor really, really doesn't want to become a Chaos god. The Emperor is extremely anti-Chaos. So it is absolutely vital that no one starts worshipping him because the risk is too great, and too much is at stake.
The solution? Ban religion.
See, he can't just allow freedom of religion because statistically speaking, someone's gonna start worshipping him. And he can't start a state religion, because that associates his person with the official religion, and then he'll get turned into a saint or a minor god or something. For fucks sake, the Catherics still venerate St. Vladimir and they don't even know what Russia is! Yeah, official religion is straight out. Honestly, the big problem here is the whole tendency to worship giant miracle-working people with overwhelming Warp signatures. That's what really needs to be targeted. A vigorous program of rationality combined with a strict ban on religion will discourage both the practices and the thought processes that lead to Emperor worship. Humanity will learn to trust SCIENCE and FACTS rather than seeking comfort from silly old superstitions. That is definitely how human psychology works.
The downside of this policy is that he cannot acknowledge Chaos. Acknowledging that big spooky supernatural entities with godlike powers exist severely undermines the whole premise. But the aftershocks of Slaanesh's birth have mostly worn off by now, the Warp is pretty quiet these days, and frankly speaking there is so much Weird Shit in the Materium that the occasional daemon can be written off as wacky xenos hijinks. Plus, the general drive away from religion will also drive humanity away from Chaos worship. It's a bit of a gamble to deny Chaos, but all things considered it's a safe one.
So Emps bans religion and starts his totally-not-a-religious Crusade to unify the galaxy and find his sons. Everything is going great! Chaos has barely made a peep and rationality is blossoming on all the human planets. The way things are going, Emps might even get a head start on that Webway--
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Uhhhhhhh. That's. That's a nice religion you invented there, newly-found son. You know it's gonna have to go in the trash, right? Atheism is kind of our thing.
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what is this what are you writing about
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Yeah so Emps flips the fuck out. This is literally what he was trying to avoid, and it is the worst case scenario. Not only has an Emperor-worshipping religion sprung up, but one of his sons--y'know, the insanely charismatic monstrosities with crazy Warp signatures that he made--is the one who started it! This has to be stopped, and it has to be stopped HARD. Breaking Lorgar isn't enough. Emps has to break his religion.
And you know the rest.
Q: If Emps was so hellbent on preventing a religion from springing up around him, why did he build a cult of personality?
A: He's an authoritarian dick, of course he's going to build a cult of personality. And of course he's going to convince himself that the cult of personality is necessary, and that it won't conflict with his anti-religion agenda. That's how authoritarian dicks think.
Q: Then why was he ready to become the Dark Lord in TEatD II?
A: Damage control. Emps didn't have the power to take on All Of Chaos Wearing Horus. So if he didn't ascend, he'd be consigning humanity to subservience at best to extremely hostile entities. But if he did ascend, then he might still be able protect humanity even as a horrifying Warp monstrosity. The Emperor will always choose the option that (he thinks) is best for humanity even at the cost of himself. But that's a whole other post.
LAST TIME: Emps has a really fucked up sense of time.
NEXT TIME: Why is the Emperor Like That?
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mako-neexu · 5 months
ughhh sitting here thinking. that it took dantes, both his chaldea version and inside guda version (both different but they are essentially the same) to combine for him to be able to carry out the Avenger Ordeal Call. in which would make guda understand what Avengers are, as a whole and why they exist in the first place.
because all this time, its that they have constantly called them over, understood their feelings as their own person when its been reiterated time and time again that a lot of them are simply made up of rumors, made up of what-ifs, they are victims in which they carry flames that would demand of retribution even at the cost of pan human history. but guda didnt focus on things like that. their nature is that of someone who understands and empathizes. to them, they are people just like anyone else. they are not tools, they are much more than what fate and the world dictates them to be. they are more than flames that would just burn and simply be Servants who would follow what they're born for.
so in order for an understanding to be reached, (because Chaldean said that "that" point of view of guda's is a distortion and is not "correct" to the human order thus barring them from approaching phh) the meaning of "Avenger" - of why it exists in the first place as Extra Class - must be achieved by becoming an Avenger, or simply tasting the path towards one.
so dantes became one: Chaldea Count + Prison Tower Count and in the pseudo-tokyo, they "split" and gain new titles.
"Black Shadow" / Count of Regret [or of Worry/Lingering Affection]
"Count of Monte Cristo" / Count of Determination
side note too that Chaldea Dantes is not necessarily "Black Shadow" and same goes for the other. its more like... both the Pseudo-Tokyo Danteses are both Chaldea Count and Prison Tower Count but it doesn't matter really because they are "both and neither" at the same time.
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this here is also used as discrepancy between them and pronouns are really helpful at that. (the way im realizing just now that this applies as far back as ogawa heim/knk event....and we see in nerofes event in 2017 since that was his first appearance post-prison tower the very apparent difference between them in the pronoun usage...)
in Id chapter, Count of Determination also used "watashi" (with sometimes a furigana of 'ore' if it was mostly him) when referring to "both" of them. but he still uses his regular オレ though depending on what he says. afaik Black Shadow didnt use his "own" pronoun which i admit was really thought of when they made Id chapter www
anyways im digressing... what i want to focus on is that they became one, and split again and became "Determination" and "Worry" for guda which just makes my heart ache...it took changing himself from the inside, cutting off pieces of himself just to create pseudo-tokyo, the ten million inhabitants, as well as summoning and empowering other Avengers to both help guda and challenge them as Trials...
because in hurting someone you care about, it has to have that steel of determination and resolve. you have to be strong in the face of hurting someone you love and care so deeply because this is for their sake. even if it should cause them so much pain in their heart--which would naturally affect your own-- you have to have that determination to make sure they go through all of these trials even if they break, have that determination to which they care about will be able to achieve the end of their journey.
and in worry, that worry remained from the beginning. the black shadow that resides under the Master's feet, watching with bated breath as "both" of them put guda through these trials in which they have faith that they would overcome. there definitely is faith... but still that shadow is the 'worry' that represents "both" of them. which is why 'Worry' summoned Salieri and Jalter as starting Servants without the requirement of a command spell. Said to be "sweeter" to guda because of the leniency.
still, they're the "same" in the end. and therefore they care about their star a lot.....
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bthump · 3 months
Do you think Griffith ever cared for Casca or only saw her as a means to an end?
I definitely think he genuinely cared for her. In fact, I don't think Griffith really just sees anyone as a means to an end, even eg Charlotte, or randos like the bandits he hired to kidnap Foss' daughter. I think he tries to tell himself that he does, or should, but I think one of Griffith's big problems is caring too much. It's why he ends up in a guilt spiral over being a mercenary leader pursuing a goal, when we don't see any other characters angsting over killing/getting people killed.
But anyway yeah, he loved Casca (platonically), whether he's willing to admit it to himself or not.
He doesn't just save her when they first meet, he also seems to empathize with her and goes out of his way to comfort her, and a strong interpretation of his choice to throw her a sword rather than just kill the dude himself is to show her that she can empower herself. The way he says "You know how to fight already," when she asks to come along supports this take imo. (I know some people think he would've let her be raped and/or killed if she didn't kill the dude lol but that's a bizarro world take imo, if she failed to successfully defend herself I 100% believe he would've killed the noble himself anyway. Like they were in the middle of robbing him, he was dead either way. Throwing her the sword just gives Casca a chance to save herself first.)
He notices her revulsion and fear around Gennon and steps up to subtly comfort her.
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He opens up to her while looking at the dead kid and in the river after Gennon, even if it's only by accident, indicating an amount of trust.
The story specifies that Griffith sent men to find both Guts and Casca after they fell off the cliff together against the wishes of the other noble generals he's trying to suck up to. One assumes he'd do it for Guts regardless, but there's a reason Casca is mentioned too.
And it leads in to Griffith just being glad she's safe rather than upset with her for doing something stupid.
He's very distraught when Wyald grabs her and seems desperate to try to help despite being physically incapable of doing anything.
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And he sacrifices her lol, something you can only do to people you really care about, according to the worldbuilding. If he only saw her as a means to an end, he wouldn't be able to sacrifice her, or the other Hawks.
Plus if he didn't care about her, if she was only a means to his end of getting a kingdom, I mean she's kind of a liability lol. It doesn't seem to hurt him much in the Golden Age, probably for the sake of keeping the plot moving, but one would still assume that having a female captain in the Hawks could've easily impeded his rise into the nobility. It's another thing that marks him as different and threateningly progressive, something several nobles try to kill him over. She's not a much of an asset to him, aside from being good at fighting, and she wasn't good at fighting when she was a kid tagging along with him.
If he wanted her as someone who might die for him someday, as I feel I've seen fans occasionally suggest, well that also doesn't make sense because he leads his army from the front, and also throws himself into danger multiple times instead of ordering her to do it for him, ie going back for Guts during their first raid, and with Zodd. He tells her to retreat the second time, in fact. He doesn't even recruit her for assassinations, something she might actually be good at unlike Guts lol. Plus most of the Hawks are willing to die for him/his cause, that's like one of the major themes of the Golden Age, so Casca's not special there.
So yeah, imo it doesn't make any sense to believe that Griffith only saw her as a tool, as a means to an end, etc. He probably tells himself that a few times, but really they're friends 🤍
Thanks for the ask!
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002yb · 1 year
TooB, do you have o! Jay hcs?
Infertile Jason (more so infertile alpha!Dick but this isn't about him lol) because in lifetime #1 he abused heat suppressors to the point it hurt himself. In lifetime #2, the League saw it as a liability and took it away from him.
Jason tells himself he doesn't care - not like he wanted to be an omega anyway. Not like he wanted pups. Better him than some other omega that's more deserving, right?
Only he's devastated. Maybe not as a kid, but later on in life maybe he feels the loss a bit more - the lost opportunity if only because the choice was taken from him like so many other things
A collar of bites around his neck and shoulders. Just the ugliest scars.
In some universes it wasn't a choice (he's young, a pup - that's the appeal though, isn't it?)
Other times it's the only choice he ever makes (a punishment or some twisted way of empowering himself or controlling when/how/who hurts him)
And Dick doesn't care although Jason thinks he should. He stands there with his head in his hands, shoulders bowed as he tries to make himself small and Dick comes up behind him and he doesn't bite, but brushes his nose to Jason's nape and breathes - steady. Rests his forehead against those scars before kissing the protruding knob of Jason's spine. A shiver would rush up Jason's spine and when Dick wraps his arms around Jason's middle in a loose hug, Jason comes undone.
Damian isn't Jason's pup by blood, but by choice; Damian taught Jason the strength in being an omega (no one else can compare to the ferocity of an omega protecting what's theirs. Omega aren’t weak - they’re dangerous)
No feel-good happy ends here though lol. The above but specifically in settings where Jason forgets his time in the League. Including his pup and Damian is devastated because his omega even forgot his scent
Same setting as above, with Damian proclaiming that Jason is his omega ahhhhhh it's cute. Even if it doesn't go that route, Damian being very possessive and protective and throwing hands with the alphas that try to make their claim (Dick)
Damian challenging Dick for Jason's hand and dickjay being very, 'oh no' about it hahahaha.
Damian eventually relenting to the relationship but still being very possessive over Jason. It's fine up until Damian very seriously states that he'll pup Jason for Dick, since Dick can't (my infertile alpha!Dick headcanon is strong hahaha). Dick being very !!!!! because absolutely not Damian won't, what the hell?
Damian insisting because 1) Jason is his. 2) A pup of theirs [Damijay] would be a pack pup - because Bruce is Damian's father and Dick Damian holds in just as high regard
A low blow, almost effective until Jason smacks them both because no omg get lost
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scarlettaagni · 8 days
watched all of Legends of the Microns, and compared the last episode to Armada's version
and lemme tell you, I'm shocked at myself that I actually like Armada's ending better
Legends is absolutely the definitive experience if you want a story and script that actually make sense (plus improved animation) but Armada's story deviation like RIGHT at the end hits so good
like it was a worry of mine during watching that the fight between Megatron and Optimus would reawaken Unicron. but in Legends it seems that when deactivated, Unicron curls up and then teleports elsewhere as a defense mechanism, regardless of their actions. in Armada, they have it so that the hatred stemming from Galvatron's insistence on continuing the fight + Optimus giving into Sideways' words is what causes Unicron to start moving again
maybe it's too cerebral for me/I'm just dumb but I don't really get Legends Megatron's motivation for cutting himself from Optimus' grasp.
Armada Galvatron is self-aware enough to know he can't stop himself, that he'll just keep the war going unless he's dead, and this will only empower Unicron more, so he finishes himself off since Optimus hadn't yet/wouldn't/couldn't. This also fits earlier since both versions had him start wanting to concede the fight. He had already lost, in his mind, so why not just finish him off? Finishing himself off doesn't make much of a difference to him, now does it?
Both versions of the character were greatly affected by Starscream's sacrifice and death. So while he let himself fall in both versions, I think Galvatron's choice to do it for the greater good like Starscream is a strong callback and reinforces the impact of his death on him.
The TFwiki notes that Legends' take on the ending is more in-character for Megatron, and that may be true, but idk. I think Armada has stronger theming and somehow feels less confused/confusing than Legends of the Microns
Maybe one could say being nothing more than a source of energy of Unicron hurt Galvatron's pride, and the thought of that motivated him to sacrifice himself so Unicron couldn't use him anymore.
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suzannahnatters · 1 year
Trope Talk #2: Breaking Their Heart To Save Them
OK let's talk about a trope I DON'T like.
As I've started watching a lot more Asian dramas this year, my patience with this trope - already occasionally featured in Western media - has approached rock bottom. You'll know this romance trope when you see it, usually around the start of the third act. The main couple will have overcome every obstacle - but suddenly everything will be too much. Some external factor is forcing them apart, and this time one of them becomes convinced the two of them should break up. But how to convince the other party of this?
Easy! Tell them a bunch of lies. Pretend you never even loved them in the first place. Break their heart because it's the best way to save them. Satine does it to Christian in MOULIN ROUGE. Both leads do it in LOVE BETWEEN FAIRY AND DEVIL. Gorya does it to Thyme in F4 THAILAND. (That last one very nearly got me to ragequit with just two episodes left to go.)
So, let's discuss why this trope doesn't work for me, as well as some ways it might be justified, subverted, or deconstructed.
I think the main reason the trope doesn't work for me is that most of the time it feels quite cruel, especially when it acts as the third act breakup. Breaking someone's heart to save them is supposed to occur as a gesture of love and care for another person, but it's pretty messed-up to deliberately wound someone, someone you claim to care for. Let's look at two examples that didn't work for me.
CRASH LANDING ON YOU has a male lead who is always scolding the heroine for her decisions, especially when those decisions lead her to sacrifice herself for him. When she wakes up in hospital after taking a bullet for him, instead of saying thank you like a normal person, he scolds her to the point of tears. Because he's constantly treating her like a child and making decisions on her behalf, it makes perfect sense when he decides to break up with her by telling her he never loved her. The characterisation is consistent and believable; the problem is that this sort of character is a huge red flag, and the show never stops depicting the hero's paternalistic behaviour as a totally normal and romantic thing, actually! This is a great example for what this trope represents even at its most internally consistent - a character making a huge decision without their partner's input, taking away the say that should rightfully be theirs, and never being called to account for it.
Take F4: THAILAND as an example of this trope that doesn't make ANY sense at all. Our two leads kept me fully charmed throughout most of the show, but it all fell apart for me in the final three episodes. Gorya is a wonderful female lead whose strong sense of self-respect, dignity, and tenacity has driven her to challenge Thyme's bullying and inspire him to become a better person. These traits have empowered her to defy his mother's systematic destruction of her family's finances and those of everyone she loves. When Thyme's mother offers Gorya money to break up with Thyme, she scorns the offer. However, when Thyme's mother tells him that she is dying and that she needs to use what little time she has left to consolidate Thyme's leadership of the family empire, Gorya chooses to break Thyme's heart to ensure that he can become CEO after his mother's death. This is pitched as worthwhile because of the good things Thyme could do as a powerful capitalist who puts people, not money, first. Gorya knows that after everything she and Thyme have been through, he's absolutely devoted to her, and that hurting him badly enough to part the two of them will involve returning him to the old, villainous, bullying Thyme. Thyme's mother even encourages her to do just that - because it's only the villainous Thyme who CAN consolidate his control of the family empire. It made no sense to me that Gorya would fall in with this program. Why would this person hurt someone she loves, bringing back the villain she reformed, so that he can keep control of the riches she spurned? I didn't believe it for a moment. It felt like gratuitous cruelty, totally out of character, and militated against the story's themes.
I always find myself asking the same questions when I see this trope: why couldn't the characters have an honest conversation about this? Why couldn't they face this challenge together? Why wouldn't they do literally everything within their power to avoid systematically destroying their loved one's self esteem? Taking a relationship out the back and shooting it just seems like an incredibly disproportionate response to 99% of the scenarios that give rise to this trope.
Still, like all tropes that are used poorly, this one can be deconstructed, played with, or even justified. Let's look at some examples of this trope that work a little better than most.
Look for ways to soften the trope
The more love and trust there is between the characters, the less credible it is that one of them would choose to withold information from the other, lie to them, and break their heart. In the YA space opera romance THESE BROKEN STARS, at their very first interaction the female lead mocks and antagonises the male lead specifically because young men who show romantic interest in her tend to meet with unfortunate "accidents" and she wants to spare him that fate. Since the two of them are strangers, there's less trust to be broken, and by the same token, it takes the female lead less effort (and cruelty) to destroy his interest in her.
Similarly, think about the somewhat similar situation in PRIDE & PREJUDICE where a third party, Mr Darcy, breaks up Mr Bingley and Jane Bennet because he thinks it would be better for Bingley not to ally himself with the embarrassing Bennet family. This is not an example of this trope, but it's a very similar one - two people in love are cruelly broken up because somebody decided they knew best. While Elizabeth at first believes Mr Darcy's actions to be unforgiveable, she quickly learns of an extenuating circumstance: Mr Darcy had no idea that Jane was seriously attached to Mr Bingley and would not have done what he did if he had known.
2. Make sure there are realistic consequences
I don't think it's IMPOSSIBLE for a couple to end up together after a use of this trope, but as in PRIDE & PREJUDICE, in addition to extenuating circumstances, there would ideally be a whole character arc in which the person at fault proves that they are going to stop trying to make decisions for their partner.
I also loved the deconstruction of the trope in ANOTHER MISS OH. In this show the heroine's fiancé, facing financial ruin and prison, tells her just days before their wedding that he doesn't love her anymore and is disgusted by the way she eats. When he gets out of prison early, he's extremely miffed to find that his ex is now dating the very bloke responsible for him being in jail in the first place. He tells the female lead that he just wanted to spare her the pain and disgrace of his prison sentence, and she very properly calls him out on it. He intentionally humiliated her and left her with lasting wounds and insecurities, and although her new boyfriend isn't perfect either, at least he never did THAT to her.
Although this is a deconstruction I think we can still learn from it. After all, this trope is always depicted as a mistake on somebody's part; the important thing is to make the consequences believable.
3. Make sure it's believable for the characters to act in this way
When this trope is played straight, as a major third act breakup between avowed lovers, I almost never find it truly believable. But the story that comes closest is MOULIN ROUGE. Our heroine Satine has always seen herself as the older, worldly wise, cynical one in the relationship. She doesn't believe in the power of love the way her love interest, Christian, does. And she's spent her whole life prioritising money and survival. So, when Satine finds out that her would-be lover, a powerful duke, wants Christian dead, it's credible that THIS sort of person would decide to break up with Christian and tell him she's choosing the Duke and financial security over love.
There are also additional reasons why this works, and all of them are deeply rooted in characterisation.
For one thing, this isn't Satine's first choice. She originally plans to run away with Christian. It's only once she learns that she's dying of consumption that she decides to break up with him instead. We SEE that Satine would rather fight for her love - and we understand why she comes to despair of it.
For another, staying true to Christian won't save him heartbreak because he's going to lose her anyway. On the other hand, if she breaks Christian's heart, she will save him from the Duke and also give the Moulin Rouge's prostitutes a chance at becoming actresses and real artists. We can understand that the price of putting love first is so high, with such little return, that Satine would choose to act this way.
Finally, because Satine's character has already been established as so mercenary, she doesn't actually NEED to work hard to convince Christian that she has chosen the Duke. In fact, one of the things that sets MOULIN ROUGE apart from other examples of this trope is that, from memory, Satine doesn't even lie to Christian. She doesn't try to convince him that their love has been a complete sham - she just informs him that she's decided to give the Duke what he wants. Christian believes it because it's exactly the sort of thing the Satine he first met would have done.
Compare this to the example in F4: THAILAND. In that show, breaking up with Thyme doesn't fit with Gorya's character. She doesn't try to find any alternatives. Thyme finds it so hard to believe her when she says she wants to break up with him, that she has to seriously hurt him in order to make him believe it. And as a member of the audience I wanted to know why exactly it would be so terrible - in a show that is explicitly about the evils of wealth - for Thyme to abandon his family empire.
4. Connect it directly with the themes
The cdrama LOVE BETWEEN FAIRY AND DEVIL contains a rendition of this trope that actually works WITH, rather than against, the themes of the story. LBFAD avoids the often sexist and paternalistic overtones of this trope by having both leads at different times break each other's hearts to save them. Best of all, it uses the trope as an expression of the main thematic conflict of the story. This campy fantasy romance dares to ask whether the greater good is more important than personal love and happiness. When each lead character chooses to break the heart of the other, they do so implicitly because they have bought into the lie that they must set aside personal love for the greater good. Their whole character arc and happy ending hinges upon their ability to see that the only way to sacrifice for the greater good, is to learn love and compassion on a personal level. As such, even though it still stretched credibility that two such devoted leads would treat each other so badly, the story used the trope wisely, not to manufacture melodrama but to discuss its central themes.
5. BONUS: Restore agency to the dumped party One of the annoying things about this trope is specifically that it involves one character choosing to deprive the other of agency in their own romance. So, one of the most fun ways to play this trope is by restoring agency to the dumpee.
This happens in the cdrama TILL THE END OF THE MOON. At first, the way this trope was played in this story really annoyed me. The God of War, Ming Ye, has unexpectedly fallen in love with his at-first unwanted bride, Sang Jiu. Now, however, he's about to go off and fight a battle in which he expects to give his life. Rather than let Sang Jiu know about this, he hands her a bill of divorce and tells her he never had any feelings for her. Sang Jiu has been in love with him from the shell, and this breaks her heart. It seemed completely gratuitous to me - why would Ming Ye divorce someone he's about to widow in any case? If he wants to send her to safety, why can't he just ask her to go home for a visit to her beloved family until the danger blows over? However, I was FASCINATED by Sang Jiu's response to this ultimatum: she puts on her wedding dress, marches into Ming Ye's room, and demands her conjugal rights before she leaves. Although there were definitely things about this scene which I, ah, found problematic and would have done differently, it was a terrific thing to see the female lead seize back agency in this situation. I also appreciated how it foreshadowed later problems in the subplot, in which the male lead's inability to communicate and the female lead's tendency to take things into her own hands dooms them both.
Similarly, in one of my books, a character is forced to break up with another in public, which she does, very coldly. But he takes the first opportunity to get her alone, throw himself at her feet and swear that even if she doesn't want to be his partner anymore, she will still have his undying devotion and lifelong service. It was huge fun to defy the common expectations of the trope in this way!
In summary, I do think that this trope can work, but it does need to be fully supported by the story. It should not be overdone; there must be consequences; it must be in character; there must be high enough stakes to make the pain inflicted seem worthwhile; and it must be in keeping with the themes rather than militating against them.
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astrojulia · 1 year
Transiting Pluto trines your natal...
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During this time, you have a chance to make some changes in your home life, like buying or selling a house or doing some renovations. You can also take a look at your vulnerabilities and emotions, as well as those of others around you. You don't have to get into any uncomfortable situations, but you can totally let yourself feel all the feels if you want to. If you're motivated, taking some action now can lead to long-lasting personal contentment. You can also explore your past and history, connect with the people you care about, and figure out where you really belong in life. And if you're not happy with something, this period offers the perfect chance to change it up.
You'll be surprised at how powerful the forces at work are and how they can help you let go of what you don't need and strengthen what's already inside you. This can lead to some major emotional experiences that will totally help you grow and evolve. You might even want to start living a deeper, more meaningful life that's all about following your heart, not just your head.
If you're feeling unsure about your ability to make a big impact, now is the time to strengthen your identity. When you have confidence, it helps you stay focused on your goals. You're more committed to the things that interest you, and you're able to persuade others to see things your way because of your strong convictions and presence. Sometimes you can use this to take control not only of your own life, but of others as well - you always seem to have the answers. But it's important to look closely at what truly appeals to you on a deeper level, so you can use that knowledge to discover what really matters to you and not just what boosts your ego.
This is a great time for you to succeed, as you have the ability to cut out what's unnecessary and focus on what's vital. You might seem unmoved by input from others, but that's usually because you're so sure of your position and won't change easily. Expressing yourself comes naturally now, especially when you're passionate about what you believe in. Don't be afraid to tap into your hidden resources - you can use them to empower not just yourself, but others too.
So, it's a great time to make some decisions and sign contracts. People might see you as stubborn because you stick to your guns, but that's just because you got your facts straight. You're good at telling what's important and what's not, which can make your life more efficient and help you clear your mind of any clutter. There might still be some thoughts and ideas that won't leave you alone, but now's a good time to focus on the ones that help you grow and really mean something to you.
Things might get pretty intense since your mind's always buzzing with activity, and you might get obsessed with stuff sometimes. But that just means you're up for a good challenge, like figuring out a puzzle or having a serious convo with someone. You might also feel like taking short trips to relieve any tension you might have. And who knows, you might meet some cool people and make some great connections that'll last you a lifetime.
Even if things don't turn out the way you planned, this is a great time to connect with others. You can strengthen your current relationships by focusing on what really matters and ditching what doesn't. You've got some strong opinions, but you're not one to push them on others. That said, you're no pushover either, and you like to take charge and get things done your way but your opinions will be viewed more heavily by others, as you will criticize their morals and not them.
You will know what you want and can be really resourceful in getting it. People find that pretty attractive, and you can use it to your advantage. Just be careful not to spend too much on your interests, as it could hurt your finances. On the other hand, you also will have the ability to attract wealth, so it could be a great time to get your finances in order.
You're in the zone right now! Even tough tasks seem like a piece of cake to you, so take advantage and work towards your life goals. Your persistence and determination can really pay off and set you apart from others who give up easily. You're probably a go-getter in all areas of your life, but it's best to channel that energy into something productive. Exercise is a great way to balance yourself out and boost your energy levels even more. Stick to a tough workout schedule and you'll make some serious progress.
You'll probably not be too interested in following anyone else's lead right now, but people might start following you once they see how dedicated you are to your beliefs. Your consistency will be on point, and anything you start usually ends well. You know just when to take the initiative and make things happen. Sometimes you might try to force issues, but most of the time your efforts work out in your favor. You can even motivate others to exceed their own expectations! This is a winning cycle, but there's always a chance of losing. It's a great time to clear out any unnecessary clutter in your life and focus on what's really important. You have a natural instinct for recognizing what's essential, so ditch the rest and let your full potential shine!
You’ll be in your full attractiveness season, and even when you're a little forceful, people tend to be pretty receptive to you. Sharing your knowledge and experiences is really fulfilling for you, and it can help you deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you.
During this period, you might have some big shifts in perspective that help you see how losses have actually been important for your growth. Even when things aren't going great, you keep your head up and trust that things will turn around. And when you're really passionate about something, you can make some serious progress. So don't be afraid to chase after what you want, because this is a time when things can really take off for you.
So, during this period, you might start feeling like you need more security, which could make you rethink your dependencies. But don't worry, you're pretty good at spotting flaws in the systems you've set up in the past and fixing them up. If anything needs clearing up, now is the time to do it.
As you analyze your situation, you might realize that some of the support systems you have in place aren't doing what they're supposed to, so you'll need to ditch the stuff that's unnecessary or undesirable. It might be tough to make those decisions, but you usually rise to the occasion. Just make sure you're keeping your needs and wants in line so that the changes you make don't throw everything off-kilter.
The process might be a little uncomfortable, but this is a great time to tackle long-standing problems and reduce their impact. If you stay committed to what's important, people will respect you for it, and those in charge will be impressed by your determination. You've got the power to adjust your goals so that they match up with your desires.
With a little patience and attention to detail, you can create structures that will last for ages. This period gives you the endurance to work slowly but steadily to get rid of things in your life that are weighing you down and replace them with stuff that's more relevant to what you're doing now. The changes you make might be gradual, but they can be huge and will help you build a more secure future.
This will be a super creative time for you, and you've got tons of energy to explore new things and try out new activities. You might even be interested in exploring Astrology or Metaphysics as a path to finding spiritual truth. You're all set to explore new heights, and you might even meet some cool new people along the way who will help you out.
If you're ready to make a big change in your life, this is a great time to do it. But if you're not feeling it, don't worry - this cycle might not affect you too much, even though it's pretty powerful.
You will love doing your own thing and going your own way, even if it means going against what others want. Sometimes you might feel like you have to fight for your freedom, but you usually get what you want by being persistent and making it your top priority.
Things might get a little unpredictable during this time, but don't worry - you've got this! You know how to separate the important stuff from the distractions, so you can make adjustments that are truly in your best interest. You're a real pro at cutting through the BS and getting to the heart of any matter, and you might even find that investigative work is especially motivating for you right now.
So go ahead and dream big - there's no limit to what you can achieve during this time. You might even come up with a totally new vision for your future that helps you be even more true to yourself!
You're in a time where you might be feeling drawn to explore the deeper meaning of life and the spiritual side of things. There are plenty of chances to learn more and go beyond the surface level, but it's up to you to take the first step and really dive into it. Through this process, you might even start feeling a deeper connection with all beings.
You'll be pretty good at accepting people and situations that might have once seemed too difficult to handle. Even if things get a little crazy, they can help you see how everything is connected, even the things that seem totally opposite. As you start looking into things more closely, you might come across a whole bunch of new possibilities that you never even considered before.
This is a great time to start working on any flaws you might have and making things better. Sometimes just a tiny shift in perspective can make all the difference and bring clarity to something that was once totally confusing. If you're honest with yourself and willing to make improvements, you can take what was once a weakness and turn it into a strength.
You're at a point in your life where you've got the power to make some serious progress and move closer to your goals. Do you have what it takes to make the changes needed to achieve your dreams, even if it means undergoing some psychological and spiritual transformation? You gotta leave those old habits behind if you wanna succeed. The process might be slow and boring, but it's gonna have a huge impact on specific areas of your life.
You're capable of reaching deep down and accessing all the good and bad stuff in life and in yourself. That means you're up for any challenge that comes your way, even the really tough ones. And who knows, you might even discover some hidden strengths you never knew you had. Just remember, even if things get really rough, you've got what it takes to handle it all like a pro.
Don't settle for superficial solutions, okay? You'll get way more out of life if you go for substance. Take on those tough questions and dig deep to find the root of any problem. That way, you'll gain a deeper understanding and find solutions that really stick. Even the most overwhelming issues become less scary when you investigate them thoroughly. This period could be the catalyst for some major changes that reinforce anything that needs fixing.
This is the perfect time to start healing those old wounds and resolving past issues. Who knows, maybe someone or something new will come into your life and help you see things in a totally different way. Maybe you'll finally nail something that's always felt impossible, or maybe someone from your past will pop back up and give you the closure you need. Either way, you've got a shot at achieving all your dreams, and it's all coming straight from your heart! So get pumped, and go make it happen!
You're feeling the call to let your inner rebel out and break free from whatever's been holding you back. Embracing this wild side is going to be a key factor in the dramatic transformation that's about to take place in your life. You're going to feel like you're going through a major initiation process, one that helps you strip away all the programming and conditioning that's kept you from truly expressing yourself when it comes to sex and power. This is your chance to finally show the world who you really are, and you're not going to waste it!
Listen up, because your destiny is calling! The time has come for you to reap the rewards of all the hard work and good deeds you've done in the past. You're going to start seeing some serious opportunities opening up for you, ones that will help you pursue your true purpose in life. This could mean meeting someone super important, connecting with a group of like-minded individuals, or even experiencing a life-changing event that alters your path forever. Whatever happens, these changes are going to hit you on a deep level, and you'll feel them in your bones.
This transit might bring up some old stuff that needs to be let go of in order for you to move forward. You might feel like you're coming full circle with certain parts of your life, or maybe you're feeling a strong urge to dig into your past and uncover some hidden truths. Whatever the case may be, it's super important to use this time to release anything that's been holding you back and grab onto new opportunities for growth and transformation. Yeah, it can be tough to confront old patterns and wounds, but trust us, it's worth it. Once you break free from those negative cycles, you'll be well on your way to a more fulfilling future. So stay strong and stay focused on the prize!
Right now, you're a force to be reckoned with in your personal relationships. You know yourself well and aren't afraid to be honest about what you want and need, which makes people sit up and take notice. If you're single, you might even find yourself attracting some great new potential partners. Overall, this is a time of positive change and growth in your life.
You're feeling ambitious and driven to achieve your goals, and you're able to focus your efforts without ruffling any feathers. You're so confident in yourself that you don't feel the need to intimidate or pressure others, which means you can form some great partnerships and make deals that will have lasting positive effects. You might even make some changes to your appearance to reflect your newfound inner strength. This is also a great time to share your wisdom and teach others what you know. Who knows, you might even discover a talent for healing others or yourself!!
During this transit, things could shake up at home and with the fam, and you might feel some intense emotions bubbling up inside you. But don't worry, this is your chance to face those deep-seated issues that have been holding you back and finally let them go. You might even start feeling more powerful and in control of your life. Just remember to take care of yourself and lean on your loved ones for support. With all this newfound strength and direction, you'll be able to make some big decisions about where you want to go in life.
This transit can really shake things up in your relationships and partnerships. You might start feeling a stronger emotional bond with the people in your life, and learn more about what you need and want from them. It's a great time to tackle any issues that have been holding you back in your relationships, and to build deeper connections with your partner. You might find yourself becoming more focused and driven to create the relationships you really want, and you'll have an easier time expressing your needs and desires. All in all, this is a powerful time for personal transformation and growth in your relationships. You could end up with even stronger, more supportive partnerships as a result!
Get ready for some powerful changes in your professional life and public image, as this transit brings new opportunities for deepening your connections and understanding your goals. Your career is on the rise! Take advantage of this time to tackle any issues that may have been holding you back, and aim for even greater success and achievement. With a newfound focus and determination, you'll be able to communicate your needs and desires with ease, and build stronger relationships with colleagues and superiors. This transformative period can bring immense growth to your professional life, leaving you feeling more fulfilled and satisfied than ever before.
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kimwexlers-brownhair · 7 months
Hello Kim ! I love that you're a Sansa fan, I was wondering what your favourite Sansa quote is? And why do you think she is so hated compared to characters like Jon, Dany, Arya, etc ? Thank you xx
Thank you for asking about my favorite child! It's hard to narrow down a quote as my absolute favorite. I love it whenever she's sneaky about manipulating idiots like Joffrey without ever dropping her armor of courtesy. "He is a fool, you're so clever to see it! He'd make a much better fool than a knight" about Hollard, and "“They say my brother Robb always goes where the fighting is thickest. Though he's older than Your Grace, to be sure. A man grown” are perfect examples.
They're also examples of why so many fans dislike her. She's too subtle for them, and too nuanced (maybe the most nuanced character in the series?). The dislike started when she was framed in the very beginning as Arya's foil, when her motives were easy to read: marry the prince and live like in romantic stories of chivalry. Now we're all obviously supposed to be frustrated with her, as we would be if our little sister or daughter fell for such an obvious douchebag but had a head too full of fairy tales to listen to reason. That frustration doesn't mean we hate them; in fact, it's usually so frustrating because you love the little twits. Yet because Sansa was set up as a foil to Arya, the underdog tomboy to cheer for, most viewers projected those affectionate feelings onto her and Sansa was left as the antagonist.
In season 2, we get nonstop action, with Arya, Jon, and Dany slicing through folks and burning them....and Sansa just seems to sit there sad and mealy-mouthed in King's Landing? Weak!
So many fans were attracted to the pageantry and sensory overload Game of Thrones gave them, and to take the time to understand someone as quiet and diffident as Sansa appeared was just not going to happen.
Ultimately, Gillian Flynn said it best:  “I like strong women” is code for “I hate strong women.” People watched GoT and decided for a woman to be equal, she had to commit violence, just like how men assert their masculinity. This hurts both Sansa and Arya in the show, I think. Sansa, with her subtlety and traditionally feminine interests, combined with the self-centered streak she showed in season one because God Forbid a teenager be self-centered especially since Arya isn't, was deemed too weak and annoying. Arya is the badass little ninja, but in the books, her descent into her darkest impulses because of the hell she's been through is...Not Good. Not empowering. She's a child. Sansa is a child. But because the way Arya survives and loses much of herself is cool and masculine-coded in the show, it's okay to rally around her. With Sansa, it's weak.
Unfortunately, a lot of Sansa fans go too far in the other direction, which I think is important to note. I've said this in another post, I know, but I just gotta repeat a distinct memory from when the show was at its height. More people were getting into Sansa, and her popularity was rising. Someone dared post their artwork of Sansa in armor and holding a sword. The reaction was ridiculous. "You're missing the whole point of Sansa's character if you give her armor and a sword!" First of all, Sansa is the most adaptable character in the series. Much like Elizabeth I, she would absolutely do that to boost morale at the very least. Second of all, people love to put women in boxes; to quote Succession, a lot of fans can't "hold a whole woman in their head."
Sansa is an example of "safe" femininity; she'll always be good and sweet and pure, a nice escape from mean women like Cersei, butch Brienne, tomboy Arya. Suddenly all the women just become these traits and aren't allowed to grow past them or learn to love other things. Maybe Sansa does learn to pick up a sword willingly, and finds out it's...kinda fun! Empowering, even!
No, there's nothing wrong with loving to sew, sing, and dream of romance. However, there is harm in internalizing that as the only things women can and should do. There's just something so infantalizing about the treatment of Sansa by some fans: "Our little Sansa always behaves like a lady".
I love Sansa because she isn't always likable. She has a lot of internalized misogyny, and she takes it out on Arya. She's so self-centered in her desires that she tells Cersei about Ned. She's also a child who we can safely assume was more strongly discouraged not to end up like Arya than, say, Arya was. This is her arc. I hate that it happens because of trauma, but her growth stems from Ned's death because it shows that deep down, this child wants home and family more than pagaentry. But because she couldn't say it with a sword, fans missed this.
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worldsetfree · 5 months
Diamond is Unbreakable × F!Reader: Something Comforting
It's not often that you have days like this, but it seems like when things go wrong, boy, does everything go wrong all at once. It starts out small, maybe you woke up late, but then it grows into bombing a presentation, or getting chewed out by a coworker, and then some blonde guy bought the last sandwich at St. Gentleman's before you could get your lunch... In other words, this day has been decidedly not crash. Lucky for you, somebody out there is ready to catch you when you fall, and give you the comfort you need.
(I'm so sorry that this took so long. I have so many drafts, but work has been nuts. I'll try to be better. Feedback always welcome.)
Higashikata Josuke
Expect a strong emotional response when you share your woes with Josuke. He's a defender through and through, and quite literally wears his heart on his shirt.
He's tender af with you, so deeply empathetic. You need soup? A warm bath? He's going to give you what your soul needs.
HOWEVER, he's also the type to get aggro on your behalf. If the source of your mood is another person, expect brute justice.
"What did they just say about my girlfriend?!"
Nijimura Okuyasu
Okuyasu is a surprisingly good listener. He'll cuddle you close and let you cry in his arms, if you need to. No judgement here: this is his job, baby.
Ah, but there's that very angry and frustrated part of him that bursts like a pipe when he thinks he hasn't done enough for you.
From the above, he's prone to wild acts of impulsiveness. Okuyasu is a "do-er" in his own way, and quite the punk.
Expect to find the source of your troubles with a black eye and a busted lip if you see them again. Or a slice missing out of their hair.
Hirose Koichi
The only sane and stable person in this group, tbh.
If you vent to Koichi, the poor guy will become stressed on your half, but listen to every word. He'll hold your hand offer advice.
Is going to help you come up with a plan to tackle your issues, and go the extra mile to help you succeed. Even if you don't see it (he's so reliable).
Will defend your honour if he needs to, but wants to empower you to succeed, first.
Kishibe Rohan
He doesn't care, why don't you grow up? Cares so much it physically hurts him.
So out of his element in what to do, though. What does he do to ensure that this will never happen to you again? You're his, he needs to do something!
Stop him before he does something unhinged like using Heaven's Door to make them act like the worms he knows they are.
You're staying at his place tonight. No negotiation on this.
Kujo Jotaro
Oh fuck, he's so bad at this. Might make things worse by saying the wrong thing. "Why are you sad? This isn't a problem."
Feels like shit when you cry more. He knew as soon as he opened his mouth that he shouldn't have said that. Good grief.
Jotaro's comfort will come in the form of soft touches. He'll hold in his arms and keep you safe. Just stay here. He's gonna take care of it.
Cool on the outside, murder on the inside. You will never know that he fixed this.
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Villain Breakdown: Arthur Harrow and Ammit
Harrow chokes a bit at the end, as his character design doesn't make for a very interesting super-fight. When the time for the fight does come, his magic staff just gets... Magic staffier.
But that can be forgiven because he's not really a super-fight kind of character. He's a philosophical and thematic villain moreso than a cool beat-em-up action villain. He's the natural endpoint of the road Marc is on, both with Khonshu and with his own relationship to abuse.
Harrow serves the story by presenting the dark side of recovery. Harrow copes with his own abuse by choosing to believe in abuse as virtuous and noble. He would rather say that suffering forges people through fire than accept that the things that were done to him are just not okay, and sometimes there is no greater meaning to being mistreated.
He trades one abuser for another, determined to become the best version of himself through suffering. The man who puts glass in his shoes so it can hurt when he walks admits in the end that he truly believed all this pain, much of it self-inflicted, was forging him into a better person. And it doesn't. Ammit rejects that interpretation, even as she empowers him anyway because she doesn't even subscribe to the ideals he's been following in her name.
Harrow is what Khonshu makes his Avatars into: A real piece of work. And that allows for a strong thematic conflict against Steven, whose philosophy of trauma is that you shouldn't blame yourself for the things people do to you, it's okay to cry, and people deserve a chance to heal with the love of their friends.
In terms of performance, his monotone gravely whisper gives him a stronger teacherly voice. Even when he's talking to Ammit, it never feels like he's having a conversation; Only laying out what he believes the facts to be. His voice is vulnerable yet unyielding, merciless yet compassionate, and consistent throughout all his various contexts he appears in.
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materlux · 1 year
I had an idea
Okay, so, we know the empowered population have different auras, dependent on what they are.
So i was thinking, what if does auras felt different, not just from power to power, but also person to person.
Maybe they feel different dependent on personality, or maybe peoples personalities reflect their auras.
While thinking of this, i came up with a couple of ideas for some of the characters:
Huxley: Being an earth elemental means his aura must reflect that; i fell like Huxley is hike in the woods (like the one audio), you've gone of the main path and are by yourself. The birds sing around you, the leaves rustle gently in the wind, gravel crunches under your shoes. The sun is high in the sky, shining down between the conopy above, it's calm and friendly, and sort of homey.
Imp!Huxley: Imp!Huxley's aura would be a stark constrast to Huxley's, and yet the same scene; your in the forest, you were just hiking down a known trail, when you somehow got lost. The woods are endless, sretching for miles. The sun has set, and know the moon watches over you, casting little light around you. Twings and branches snap all around you, you are being surrounded by something. His aura is unnerving, scary.
Kody: Kody's aura is violent and hostile, as a water elemental i feel his would be something akin to a raging ocean, dark clouds stretch over top tall white capped waves. The ocean roars arund you, threatining to drag you down, to consume you.
Lasko's listener: In comparison Lasko's listener's aura is much mor gentle and calming; it's a quiet stream deep in the woods. Gently running over rocks, and carring sticks and leaves. The sound of the water running drowns out any fear the woods hold. It welcomes you to run your fingers through it's cool water, to follow it as it bends.
Damien: Damien's aura is warm, that is a given, but it's not a burning warm. It's a campfire in the woods, warming the night and keeping animals away. It's a fireplace in a cabin in the dead of winter, keeping you warm as you curl up infront of it. It warms you to your bones, but it never burns. It feels safe.
Lasko: For a nervous guy, i think his aura would be relaxing. An endless field of grass with specks of colourful flowers. Wind blows over the grass, sending waves over the grass and making the flowers bounce. The endlessness of the field is eerie but the wind welcomes you, pushes you around the field. As his emothins vary so does the strength of the wind.
Xavier: We didn't see much of him, but i wanted to do a fire contra elemental just to explore the ideas. Xavier's aura, to me, would be an open snowy field, surrounded by a thick spruce forest. Snow slowly falls from the sky, the wind blows and howls around the trees. The wind is strong and chills you to your core, but it doesn't hurt, nor do you shiver. It's strangely welcoming and comforting.
Freelancer: This one is the hardest, because a freelancer can learn and control all elements, i think it would vary. Some times it's a mix of things, a forest fire, a sunny warm beach, a rainstorm with strong winds, and so on. Any combination is possible, and can be overwhelming, not only to the freelancer themselves but people around them. This one really is just up to interpretation, whatever feels right.
Gavin: Gavin is an incubus, but he still has an aura that others feel. To me it's soft sheets and scented candles. A marble statue surrounded by blooming roses, the smell is overwhelming. It's gentle touches and quiet words, that form into a sensation of love, lust and desire.
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arcane-ish · 2 years
I generally sneer and act like I'm above top vs bottom discussions and it's all bullshit anyway and the apprach of either applying stereotypes or extrapolating based on other behaviors (ie this character acts fearful in a fight, so they would be fearful in bed, this character is confident in conversations, so they could be confident in bed) is seriously flawed, besides all my favorite couples are all switches anyway, etc, etc...
But Vi is just such a total fluffy bottom to me it's not even funny. (I don't really interact that much with the f/f part of the Arcane fandom, so I have no idea if that is a majority opinion)
Anyway, I'm now going to elaborate on why:
1.) Vi is a total whump character. She's a character who takes a lot of physical damage, who puts herself into danger. The scene that establishes her canon love interest relationship is said love interest literally forcing healing onto her. Now Vi might not be the character who takes the most physical damage within the show, but I think what makes her different from for example Jinx and Silco is that we see her seeking out support more when she's hurt and being more open to accepting it (compared to "I'm gunna staple myself" Jinx and "I'm gonna pretend my most traumatic experience was an empowering growth moment" Silco). Granted => people who reject help and have to be shown they need it is probably their own kind and appeal, but I do think that there is a specific maleability to characters who understand they need closeness and seek it. (btw, I can see why Viktor is likely very appealing to people because of his whump appeal, but imo Viktor can also be quite snappy and assertive and so I can picture him also getting annoyed if people babyfy him for his condition aka I'm very down with top Viktor, I could picture him enjoying the contrast, plus he's kind of there with trying to be self sufficient)
2.) You know the eternal debates of people who are "oh, this character is so dominant and powerful in canon, people dom me!!" versus "actually the biggest subs are often people who are powerful in real life and seek out other people's domination as a contrast"? To me Vi personally epitomizes "I was handed responsibility for others but I'm tortured by it".
Granted, I can also see the argument that Vi was robbed of her power and agency by being put in jail (though she still acted tough there) so maybe she would need to feel in control to be powerful, but to me she doesn't really vibe that way to me/to me the vibe of "burdened by responsiblity" is just personally stronger for me.
btw, this suffering under the weight of responsibility for me is in contrast to let's say Vander, who is somebody who is certainly very acutely aware of the burden of responsibility BUT we also see Vander clearly enjoying being in a position of authority and respect and having fun with it at the Last Drop or negotiating with Grayson. Something that we don't really see with Vi, IMO. Now the fact that she is *good* at leading others, maybe even a natural like in the childhood heist to me isn't the same as being shown actually having fun with it or thriving through it.
Caitlyn is interesting to me, to me she has a very entitled "I don't really think about it" type of kind authority and of course she at this point is actually at the bottom of the authority line in her job in theory, so she's kind of the opposite of "has a ton of power and responsibility in her job and might seek contrast" at this point and of course we know she's gonna strive for authority later. I can see why one could read it that maybe she is avoiding authority by taking a "lowly" position among the enforcers rather than taking a position of power handed to her, but to me it just doesn't vibe that way because Caitlyn is so clearly strong headed and just doing what she wants regardless of her position within the force.
And for what it's worth, Jinx is somebody who to me never shows an interest in controlling other or seeking powers over others, she does her own thing. I guess this could also be read that maybe she avoids power/responsibility, just like she might avoid certain attachment out of fear of being hurt. She's also somebody who seeks out some comfort, but also shows off some hard edges. Overall, she's pretty neutral/switchy to me.
Ekko is another who is within a position of authority/responsibility within he show. Overall to me he so far strikes me as having a pretty level headed relationship with power/authority. He takes it seriously when people die under his watch but he doesn't act like over the top angsty about it. He is clearly proud of showing off what they achieved. Overall his community feels like he might be trying to make it more egalitarian, so even if he founded it and influences it, it doesn't necessarily feel like he seeks to control others or have power over others. He also seems to have a healthy relationship in regards to seeking comfort with Vi without it feeling like "gaping hole of need that needs to be filled".
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
The Genders
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I hope that Magritte, being a surrealist, would bless this like Dali's little addition to the Mona Lisa. The original, one of a set, is called The Lovers, with the implication that love is blind. If you read it that way, it's very sweet.
But, I've been feeling this way for the past few days and it's nothing to do with love. So I made an addition. It's not about what they see - or don't see - in each other anymore. It's about how every time I'm in a position to be seen, everyone puts a bag over my head. (And maybe you feel that way, too, I dunno. If it speaks to you, go ahead and use it.)
It's not really everyone, but, oooh, it's vanishingly few who don't, and that's... Well, look at it. It's suffocating.
I popped out of the womb, they assigned me a gender, and they told me that was me. Not a social role or an assignment they inflicted upon me, but me. They said they saw me, and that bag reflected who I was. They taught me that the bag over my head was for the purpose of self-expression. That it was empowering. That, in true 2nd wave "we're all sisters" style, it was a Girl Boss banner for me to carry into battle, so I could slay the Patriarchy.
And, almost immediately, they started telling me I was wearing it wrong.
If you drew that gender in the genetic lottery, you know what I mean. The contradictions. Yes, be a girl, but don't be all girly. Barbie, lipstick, heels, and nail polish are tools of the oppressors. But, no, like, don't go out in sweatpants like that, that looks like you hate yourself. And, here, make sure you grab some things off that patriarchal structure you're supposed to be fighting and claim them for yourself. Be aggressive! But not shrill. Be strong! But not too emotional. Oh, of course your period hurts, but get out there and do your job at or above the standards set by the men around you (men who are also being ground into dust by the Patriarchy), because it's your responsibility to prove that this bag over your head doesn't make you anything less.
And, here's the thing. I don't mind "woman" as a job. I never did. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, household logistics, shopping (God, do you know how much of an effort it is to shop properly on a budget? Not just to buy what you need and get out, but to juggle what you need, what you want, what's on sale, where they sell it, and what you can do with it?), growing and storing food, basic repairs, and everything we call "domestic"? I got lucky. I have that kind of brain. I am happy to do that for society! I will, if I ever get my health straightened out, even care for your children like you like! Now, I can't do that AND a full-time fucking job that pays money - not without serious health support that no employers have been willing to give me - but I will take all that other stuff off your plate so YOU can do some kind of job that pays. And I happened to team up with someone who's willing to do that for me. In that respect, we both look like we're wearing our head-bags like champions.
But for literally everything else? Fuck it, I'm a train wreck. And you wanna know why? It's not just because "woman" is hard. It's because "woman" is not self-expression for me, that's just what you asked me to do to help out. I'm willing to do it! And, shit, of course I respect the hell out of anyone else who's willing to do it - for whatever reason! But that was never enough. You want me to be the bag. Or, well, if I don't like that bag (I never said I didn't!!) you have another bag for me. The gentleman up there is wearing it. How 'bout that?
LGBTQIA, right? People always spotlight aro/ace (and a few privileged folks want to exclude "ally" - you know, that word that will let you access a queer space and escape with your life if you need to be in the closet?) but I almost never see anyone mention agender. That's me. That's what I'm trying to express. And you leave me nothing and no space to express it.
I don't have a clothing department, I don't have a toy department, I don't have a colour, I don't have a bathing suit style. I don't particularly want a body-type - I think it's fucking psychotic to expect people to alter their bodies to express a bag - but men and women have a template to shoot for, and it says something about how you see me that I don't. Everything that exists is labelled pink or blue and all I can do is mix and match.
I don't necessarily mind that either. I have freedom of choice. That's super important! It can even be fun! But I don't have freedom of expression, do I? I have one person in my life who gets it. I thought there must be a few more, but recent circumstances have proven that, no, it's just the one. Someone out there on the internet tightened up the bag to the point where I couldn't breathe...
Anon [tightening the garrote]: "AFAB" is only about who you are, not what we expect of you, right? Well, there are much less "problematic" ways to talk about who you are. Include everyone who shares your gender, or all genders equally, or get out!
...I freaked out, and he was the only one who saw what the problem was. Everyone else backed off from the crazy person who was screaming and clawing at their face like they couldn't breathe.
Maybe they just didn't know what to do to help. I think that's probably it. But that's because they couldn't see me.
I sent up a flare and I attracted one other semi-stranger who was also nonbinary and able to validate me. And that's it. That's... not so hot. If I'm choking and only two motherfuckers know the Heimlich, it's not safe for me to eat. But, I gotta eat.
So, here, I made an art. And I typed multiple paragraphs explaining myself, like usual. But, it kinda sucks that I have to. I can't just say "I'm [word]" and you get me. I can't just put on a hat, or an outfit, and have everyone know. Hell, I can't even do it with surgery.
In the past, I've said "any/all" for my pronouns, because I wanted to mix and match, like my clothes. I say, "As long as you acknowledge the genderless void inside me, call it what you want. 😅" But I can't get people to acknowledge the void, all they see is the bag. Okay. No more any/all. I may dial it back to xe/they when I'm feeling less confrontational, but it's xe/xem for now. Because I don't want this fucking bag on my head.
And, because I'm autistic and I often talk right past people with all my complexity, I'll say it with music:
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morrigan-sims · 1 year
1, 6, 9, 16, & 17 for an OC (or OCs) of your choosing! ♥️
Ahh, hi Ash! Thanks for the ask! (and for making this great ask game!!) I'm going to answer these for a variety of OCs, I think.
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
Captain Blackthorne wouldn't want to forget any of his memories, even the most painful ones (such as Rosalynn's death). They are the things that drive him forwards, and make him who he is.
Rook would like to forget his entire time spent with Captain Wolf. It was very traumatic and painful, both physically and mentally, and he would be leaving a lot of trauma behind if he could forget it.
Morana would choose to forge her parents' deaths. It was a very violent thing to see as a small child, and even though the memory is very foggy, it's still painful. A decent part of her wishes that she could just forget her parents entirely and move on without that shadow over her.
Similar to Blackthorne, Asola wouldn't want to forget anything, even her most painful moments. They empower her and motivate her, even when they hurt. She's an Oath of Vengeance Paladin, so her worst memories are the fuel for her Oath.
Fallon would choose to forget a certain something that happens during the course of RTQ.
gonna put the rest of these under the cut, because it's gonna get long...
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
For Captain Blackthorne, it would be nearly impossible. His moral compass is incredibly strong, and he would have a very hard time turning against it. But he might be able to do it if it meant saving Fallon from harm.
Rook could be convinced, but it would have to be for a good reason, like saving a friend or preventing some great calamity.
Morana barely has a moral compass, so it would be pretty easy for her to be convinced to do something most people would consider immoral.
Asola would also have a very hard time turning against her moral compass. Perhaps if it meant saving the lives of many people, or of a friend, she could do it. But the decision would haunt her.
Fallon would do what is necessary to protect her kingdom and her loved ones. If that means going against her moral compass, she would do it, but would feel absolutely awful about it. There are still some lines she might never cross, though. And if she had the choice between saving her kingdom and saving someone she loved, it might just destroy her.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
For Captain Blackthorne, I don't have one yet.
For Rook, I think the (very over-quoted) phrase "Of course it's dangerous, that's why it's fun." feels fitting.
I don't have one for Morana yet.
Asola doesn't have one either, but I like the phrase "If I can't find peace, give me bitter glory.", though I'm not sure if it fits her character yet.
I mentioned two that I associate with Fallon here, but I also have a soft spot for "Heavy lies the head that wears the crown." when it comes to royalty.
16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
Captain Blackthorne's pain tolerance is decent? He could keep going through pain if he needed to, but in general, unless it's absolutely necessary, he knows that giving your body time to rest is the better choice.
Rook's pain tolerance is pretty high. It's the result of 2 years of literal torture, I suppose. He can definitely ignore a lot of things that would at least give others pause. (Which is helpful when you're an adventurer who might die daily.)
Morana also has decent pain tolerance, but not for any specific reason. She just manages to shut out the pain and focus on something else.
Asola has pretty high pain tolerance, which just comes from about a decade of adventuring, and suffering all kinds of horrible injuries and pain. She'll grit her teeth and bear it, as long as she has to. (It's also fitting for her as a Scourge Aasimar, but she doesn't know that about herself.)
Fallon has a lower pain tolerance. She's never really been seriously injured, or experiences intense amounts of physical pain. But she does have a tendency to try and pretend everything is fine, even when it's decidedly not. She wouldn't be very good at it if she were in physical pain, but she'd probably try anyways.
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
This question feels hand-picked for me specifically. Goodness knows I love torturing my characters...
For Captain Blackthorne, it was definitely Rosalynn's death. She was his closest friend, and it was his job to protect her. Even though it was in no way his fault, he feels like it was his personal failure that resulted in her death.
For Rook, there's a few options. But I think the most obvious one is being sold to Captain Wolf and spending 2 years as her prisoner. Not only was he betrayed by his own crew, but he was taken away from the only person who had ever been truly a good influence in his life, and he had to endure physical torture. But I have more bad plans for him in the future, including seeing Captain Wolf again...
For Morana, likely her parents' death, even though she hardly remembers it at this point. She's had a relatively calm backstory compared to some of my OCs.
For Asola, it was also the murder of her parents, and her entire hometown, at the hands of (she suspects) werewolves. It was the first and only time her Aasimar powers have been unleashed, and they come out in times of intense negative emotion. Though, I'm hoping I can work with my DM to get to a point where I can give her a reason to unleash them again.... (I literally have a detailed plan of what will happen if it does.)
The worst thing Fallon has been through to date is her mother's death thanks to her father's betrayal. Already reeling from that, and the grief of losing her mother, she was then immediately thrust into a leadership position. Anvia was enraged about Rosalynn's death, and some people were calling for Fallon to resume the war against Oryn. (They don't know about the rebels.) As for other horrible things, well, I have a pretty awful one planned for during RTQ, but we'll have to wait and see...
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spacecadetspe · 6 months
Apr. 8, 2024
Thanatos gave Dox twenty coins, to pay the fare of whoever might die during his campaign. Sixteen died, including Adonis. Dox survived, but lost an arm, and was distressed enough to reach out to call my youngest son, Ad Astra, a creator deity. But as the battle wound down and the darkness dissipated, Ad Astra vanished.
Dox has been beside himself with guilt, and has refused a large part of the treatment plan that the healers had in mind for him. He doesn't sleep, doesn't speak much, and refuses to regenerate his arm (which he is fully capable of doing, as he is part oneiros).
After much deliberation, Dox went down to the kitchen and asked for a potato, raw. The puzzled cook gave him one, and Dox returned to his room and began peeling it. Because suddenly, peeling potatoes and doing monotonous chores made more sense than what was going on in his head at the time.
I brought in a ten-pound bag of potatoes and sat and began peeling them with him. We said nothing for over an hour. A passing healer asked what I was doing, but I just shushed them and told them to wait.
Sometimes there's nothing that can be said.
But he finally told me what happened. How guilty he felt. How being a leader wasn't what he thought it was. And how he was just waiting for those last four coins to be used up.
In response, I summoned Ad Astra into my arms. I told Dox that being a leader means empowering your teammates. They don't follow you because you're strong or smart or fearsome; they follow you because you teach them to love themselves. That takes time. It's painful. And you learn how heavy your sacrifices really are.
He finally allowed the healers to treat and sedate him, and I took Ad Astra down to the ICU to begin treatment. The nightmares were prepared to help him process, whenever he became ready.
I stayed the night by his side. The curse that had absorbed him was eating away at his mind and at the same time extending into other nearby patients like a disease. He was holding the remainder of it off better than expected, but I still worried over him.
The inside of Ad Astra's mind is like a sunny, overgrown ruin; ancient roots with something green and living blooming on its surface. And the curse was eating away at it, disintegrating it piece by piece. I went in and confronted Adonis and the last dark fragment of Aphrodite. She said something was wrong with my eyes if I couldn't see the beauty in what she was doing; I replied that she had "rabbit eyes; nearsighted and frightened."
After several healers took the time to sit with Dox, he agreed to come down and help Ad Astra defeat the curse once and for all. We stepped back into my son's mind, and I asked Ad Astra, "Whose mind is this?"
"I don't know," he said hesitantly. "It feels like mine and lots of other people's, all trying to take up the same space."
"Well that's no good," I said. "You need to be certain. Because if you aren't, this curse is going to try to take it from you."
Dox stepped in and placed his dream nail in Ad Astra's hand. Relinquishing his own power to empower his friend.
"So whose mind is this?" I asked. "And therefore, who makes the rules?"
Ad Astra leveled the sword at Adonis and Aphrodite's curse. "I do." And with that, he pushed the curse back, well past the limits of his own mind, and it faded into nothing. The mindscapes of all those affected began to heal.
Since then, Ad Astra sleeps. And Dox has returned to the kitchens, quieter, more detailed, more humble... and more numb than before. I won't heal him yet. He still wants that pain, and it's his to cope with as he sees fit. When he's ready, if he's ready, I'll heal him.
I look at him in much the same way I do for Morpheus. He's been engaging in risky, self-destructive behavior because his children were hurt. Even the Reckoning has noticed. We even made a trip to see the doped-up dream god; likely high as a kite on opium. Reckoning pulled an ancient piece of Hypnos from Morhpeus' mind, and just like that, the dream god relaxed into an easy sleep.
He's been asleep for a couple of days. I tried to be affectionate; to cuddle and comfort him, to nag him gently... but sometimes there's nothing I can say.
I told Mother that's why I stay in my room so much. Not because I'm hiding, or feel unwanted or uncomfortable, but because I don't feel like there's anything to be said.
She sighed at me. "I guess that's my fault," she said lyrically. "I did tell you the hardest part of gardening is the waiting."
I might as well be comfortable while I do it.
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