#it doesn't explain the confusion it implies nor does it tell me where I need to improve to make you not say it again next time
martianbugsbunny · 11 months
Hey guys if someone gives you a project or a document or anything really to look at and give feedback on DO NOT simply write "huh?" as a comment I will send snakes to eat your toes. "Huh?" does not tell anyone what you're confused about. "Huh?" might however make them feel stupid for not being able to figure out what it's referencing. "Huh?" doesn't offer a way for anyone to fix a flaw in their work because they don't fricken know what it is or why it's confused you. "Huh?" is one of the most obnoxious comments you could possibly leave.
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girlfromflor · 3 months
Hello, could you possibly write a osamu miya x reader fic (or idk how you call it) ? For the scenario i don’t really know, but could the reader be rather quiet, reserved but not shy (if that makes sense) has hard time expressing themselves/their emotions, like quite bad at feelings. And could the characters just be asexual please? Anyway, hope you have a nice day
hello, anon! thanks for the request. i hope it meets up with your expectations. if it doesn't, let me know.
wc: 688 | tw: gn!reader and implies jealousy |
being reserved was how most people referred to you. not in a mean way, really, it was just a fact. you liked doing things on your own, were mostly unbothered by other’s opinions of you and never really needed to explain yourself and your actions – it was easy to understand what you meant, usually you were very forward. but not when it came to feelings, however. 
not that you were apathetic to everything, you had friends and did have fun with them and got angry at them - mostly to atsumu for joking so much about you and osamu -, you even missed them sometimes. but it’s not like you could express all of it. it was hard to understand why people cared so much about so many things you usually didn’t. you liked to keep things simple, but sometimes it was so hard to understand what others felt, and why they felt it. but not osamu, though.
you grew up with the miya twins, they were your neighbors and honestly very fun to have around. you and osamu were very fond of each other too, not that it mattered – you were together all the time anyway. he usually understood things faster and for you that was a blessing – you never needed to say things twice –, while atsumu always seemed to misread you somehow. it wasn’t rare to see osamu explaining something so obvious - like the bond you shared - to atsumu, simply because you couldn’t. you had the worst time trying to figure it all out, and it was even worse to try and explain it to someone else. 
you didn’t felt like you had to explain things to osamu, usually he read you very well. he didn’t ask if you were ok, if you were sad nor did he pressured you to elaborate your feelings for him. he knew you wouldn’t know how to talk about it anyway. and it was okay, really. one day he just rubbed your back out of nowhere, kissed your forehead and said “you know, i was surprised that you weren’t rude with that guy earlier today.” 
“what, why?” you had your brows furrowed, confused as to why he was comforting you for no reason – you too were just sitting together at his backyard, talking and joking sometimes after buying ice creams at the store near your houses. you heard his laugh, but didn’t register what was so funny. “i’m confused. why are you laughing?” he was amused to say the least. “he was hitting on you, are you kidding?” he went to touch your hands, only to be greeted with your cold touch. “they’re cold, do you want my jacket?”
you didn’t know how he could jump from topic to topic. “no, i’m okay. thanks, though” you answered. but still didn’t understand what he was talking about “what do you mean he was hitting on me? where did you get that from?” you asked, quite confused still. you heard him laugh harder, you yourself let a smile rest on your face, it was quite funny – all of it. “i should’ve known you hadn’t realized. you were being so blunt i had to tell the guy you were just quiet.” you laughed, thinking that – of all things – osamu wasn’t jealous or whatever.
“weren’t you jealous?” it came out eager, but you were actually curious, trying to understand him better – maybe one day you will read him like he does you. he looked like he was about to explode, red ears and shy smile. “well, not really, no” but you still had a questioning look in your eyes “you were clearly oblivious to his advances, and the whole time you were looking at me. i don’t think i will ever be insecure about us” you nodded, kind of not understanding still. so jealousy comes with insecurities? you were not one to be jealous anyway, when you were it was masked with anxiety too, so you never really knew. but it didn’t matter, you knew you could always ask osamu how he felt – he would always be honest with you, even if you didn’t understand at first.
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Lucy Theorization: Connections to Wanda(...?)
I think I've mentioned this once before, but I really wanted to bring up something interesting I've noticed about Lucy as of late... More specifically, her 'relationship', or lack thereof (we'll get into that in a second) with Wanda.
Now, I'm sure we all know by now, but just in case by some miracle someone's forgotten: Wanda's whole niche is around time travel. Very frequently when speaking to the survivors, she'll get the past, present and future all mixed up in her head, and sort of forget which one's which.
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On top of this, she also frequently uses occurrences in previously visited timelines and directly relates them to present ones- which also frequently leads to confusion when there's discrepancies between them. This is what I really want to focus on, here. Now let's take a look at this quote for a second:
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This quote in particular has always struck me as odd. Wanda doesn't know about Lucy's existence.
Now, of course, I've mentioned before that Woodie's compendium update already confirms Lucy to be a canonical, 'living' entity. Not a figment of anyone's imagination. And I'm pretty sure it's well known at this point that even Maxwell of all people is willing to indulge the axe's personhood. But, if you need even more evidence, even Wagstaff of all people knows full well that something is amiss with her:
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So we can pretty much guarantee here that Wanda is incorrect in her silent assumption that Lucy isn't real or alive. But the real question of the matter is how could that possibly be? It isn't as though she doesn't spend a lot of time around Woodie. She seems perfectly well versed in his deeper secrets (shown below), and not to mention it's very clear she's been around him long enough to know how much he cares about her. Obviously she's aware that he considers Lucy to be alive. She just doesn't believe him.
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Really, I can only see this phenomenon having two implications.
Theory one is that this is meant to imply that this is the only timeline in which Lucy is actually alive. While I suppose I have no definitive proof to argue this point with, I don't think this is the case at all. Especially when we consider a lot of the similarities Wanda elaborates on between timelines (Willows are all seemingly arsonists, Abigail is seemingly always deceased, ect):
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Really, the theory I'm leaning towards is the second of the two options: Lucy doesn't like Wanda.
Now the why of the matter is to be debated, but I definitely don't think this theory is implausible. For one, it's been pretty much canonically confirmed by Klei that Lucy doesn't really allow her existence to be noticed by those who she does not trust. If she does talk, it's frequently- if only- with Woodie, somewhere where she doesn't think she'll be overheard.
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However, it's very clear through both the compendium itself, as well as the other survivor's quotes that they've got at least a hunch that Lucy's not your typical axe. And in the case of, again, Maxwell, as well as Wortox*, their dialogue implies they've actually spoken to each other before.
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While it's by no means solid evidence of anything, we do have to consider that we still don't know anything about Lucy's history, nor how she came to be at all. Though if it's anything similar to the magic Maxwell wields, or perhaps something similar to the Constant's natural magic like with Wortox, a native, it might explain why Lucy seems to be so amicable with the two of them... And, considering how much Wanda hates both Maxwell and Wortox, it would give her an excuse for keeping quiet around her specifically.
*It has come to my attention that somewhere in between Wortox's introduction and now, Klei have changed Wortox's Lucy quote. Unfortunately, I can't find the original line verbatim, but it was something along the lines of "She tells good jokes". As of present day, it's now "An axe is an axe, those are the facts". I have literally no idea why they would change it, but the focus on altering that quote in particular is incredibly odd.
tldr: - Wanda, who knows a frightening amount of pretty much every survivor- on account of her time traveling abilities- knows absolutely nothing about Lucy, and does not believe she is alive at all - Lucy has canonically slipped up around other survivors in the past, and has even been implied to willingly speak to some of them before- though whether in the past or present is unclear - The implication here is that Lucy is either afraid or otherwise distrustful of Wanda, and has never once slipped up around her, despite the fact that she can't say the same about most, if not all of the other survivors - Also Wanda's kind of impolite to both Woodie and Lucy :( knock it off Wanda. Show some respect.
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honeydew-mel0n · 3 years
Caaause the DmC boys are half angel instead of having a human component do you think you could maybe do headcanons for them where their s/o is just a plain ol DMC style half n half human-demon mix? I just think it’d be funny if they were like ‘oh yeah no I can’t touch your weapons, holy artifacts feel spicy to me’ or @ the boy they’re dating ‘what do you mean you can’t fly? Don’t you turn into a big monster with wings when you trigger?’
Oh boy. Yeah, I thought this was pretty funny too.
DmC Boys With a Human-Demon Hybrid S/O
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He’s going to be VERY suspicious of you for a good while after meeting you, and will end up doing a full background check on you. He will pretty much find out everything about you as soon as possible. 
His distrust in you was very well known, until you almost died for the Order. Limping to him, covered in blood while your body heals, with the information he needed in hand. 
After this, he will become more interested in you, leading you to working side by side with him. This is what leads you two to get closer
Ultimately he will feel bad about his initial suspicion, seeing how truly fucked over you and your family we’re by the demon realm. 
He already knows your limitations with holy items, even more so than you, and will keep them away from you, making sure that you can not touch them without protection. 
Even if it just results in some seared flesh, he’d rather there not be situations where you get hurt.
Overprotective to the max, if anyone says anything about your blood and tries to imply anything along the lines of you being a traitor, you’d swear they just unleashed a pocket of hell.
He does not appreciate the insinuation that he is not aware enough to catch a mole, especially that the person is impling the mole is his significant other. 
(yeah.. In truth it’s more about his ego.)
Just in case, he wants to make sure he knows of any relatives you might have through your demonic parent. Just because you and your parent are good people, doesn’t mean they are. 
If he ever meets your family, he will be internally shocked to find your happy homey family. Loving and so welcoming to him.
The first time he saw you trigger is was “*nervous laughter* What the fuck?” 
Astonished, intrigued, and a little bit… Jealous?? Was this envy?? He does not know.
Just very happy to see how much easier it is for you to defend yourself like that. But you did come off stronger than him, and… he will hide how much he doesn't like that.
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The two of you got together well before he knew about his own past and blood. You knew he wasn’t human, you could smell it on him. But his nor your bloodlines had come up in anything. So you never brought it up. Didn't need to.
He is shocked the moment you do eventually tell him, seeing as how you brought it up soon after his own awakening. 
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” “How the hell do I bring that up in a normal conversation? ‘Hey babe, great sex, by the way my mom’s a demon???”
Despite his recent experiences, he doesn’t have any suspicions. He knows you, you're his partner. You have never once given him reason to doubt you.
Also, he’s not going to risk throwing out random accusations and lose you too, he gained and lost so many things so quickly. He’s not taking any more of those chances. 
He likes the fact you can kick ass by his side, and you have the ability to heal like him???? Dope. 
Power couple.
If anything happens to your weapons, he will offer one of his. “Oh, Nah, sorry babe. Can’t touch holy weapons, they’re like… ~spicy~ to me.” “What???” 
You will have to take a while to explain this to him. To which he will pout, now he can’t share his sick ass weapons with his s/o. >:(
You actually had to show him your DT, because he eventually DT’d in front of you during battle, confusing you. 
“So… you don’t turn into a big demon with wings?” “No? And you do?” “Yeah?” 
Instant hard-on.
He is straight up enamored by you, I mean, he always is, but you can see the love in his eyes as he takes you in. You don’t get how he can look at you like that when you look like an eldritch abomination. 
If you ever Trigger during battle he will get so distracted, but he can't help but look 
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askfallenroyalty · 3 years
I don't think you did anything wrong. When a story is being written, there are a lot of different ways to adress and express something and maybe that's why you're being misunderstood. I think there are just too many things to adress in this story that maybe some people will get when these things are implicitly implied and some people will not. So when a breaking point comes, they'd think it came out of nowhere. You can see this with the amount of asks you receive asking you often the same thing.
Does that mean it's wrong? Ofc not! I myself was a little bit confused with Frisk's reactions and conduct in general until you explained it in your recent asks, and I thought man, that was what I was missing!
Now, yes I believe some parts of the story could have been explained in a different way, because in my opinion there's a lot to read between the lines. If you don't try to understand the characters, you'll clearly be confused as hell. But that's why I love this story! As you said before, there's nothing meant to be black/white coded, and I really appreciate the world and the character's complexity in general. You don't have some of the answers in hand, an that's when you have to analize! (At least that's what I do haha)
I also really felt like telling you something I've been relating to, so I'm putting the respectives tw if someone doesn't want to keep reading (TW: Suicide mention).
In the DW Arc, when the Christmas and Feylow stuff happened, I realised through Chara that I was doing the exact same thing with a friend of mine. He was going through a lot of stuff, and tried to commit suicide multiple times. I was focusing a huge amount of energy on him because I was afraid to lose him, and when he suddenly stopped talking to me so he could take a break, I felt really lost. Because he was the person I talked with the most, one of my dearest friends, and the idea of losing him and not being there to stop it made me insanely anxious, because that used to be the situation most of the times. Now it's been a year since he's stopped talking to me, and I don't exactly know the reason. But I couldn't keep running behind someone who didn't seem to keep wanting me around. And if it wasn't for you, I couldn't have realized how much this was hurting me.
And now, as much as it hurts me to see him acting this distant and cold with me, I'm okay with it. I really am. Because I now have the tranquility to see him continue, even when things are not okay. I can't force a friendship and I really needed to understand that back then. I trust him as much as he trusts me.
I really wanted to thank you for writing this story because it has helped me in a way I didn't expect, and I'm sure it will help a lot of people too! I'm even learning from your way of taking and discussing things haha.
I just wanted you to have this tranquility I have with this story because I trust it'll work out and explain itself once it's finished. And I just can't express how thankful I am to be reading your story.
Thank you again,
I'm looking forward to more of your work and please, take care! Don't stop doing what you enjoy! 🦋
putting it under a readmore because of how long the ask/response is, sorry!
i’m at a loss of words because wow, this ask really hit in a way i’ve never really could of anticipated. when writing AFR, i write a story about things I felt. I’ve been Chara, I’ve been Asriel and Frisk at points in my life. I write because I need to tell their stories and make it real, specifically for my own sake of getting through my own pain and to tell the world this is who i am and that I will be ok, there is hope in this world. It’s a selfish desire for me, but ultimately that’s what art is i feel. I couldn’t draw this much and put so much time and effort into something without it being meaningful or personal.
but art is communication, and when I write to be seen and to be heard, I know there’s others who are reading and are connecting with the work. (otherwise, I wouldn’t be getting asks right? its a lonely process, i forget there’s the second half of the equation -you guys) and i’ll do my best to make sure people are accommodated and can experience this story without hurting in a way that’s past enjoying a emotionally gripping piece of media. i don’t want people to be upset or hurt for my work, and I want to ensure I can make this without hurting others.
I try to leave a lot of ambiguity and room for people to interpret stories and I don’t mind people missing the point or interpreting things vastly differently than what I intended. that’s fine, that’s what art is all about. i don’t want to hold people’s hands and tell them what’s happening or what they should feel -i want them to choose and decipher and think things over. stories should be stimulating and thought provoking, and i can’t decide what those thoughts are. I wouldn’t want to. Personally, if it means people become more confused and lost over the story -well, that’s a trade off I have to take. if it means the story is more up-to-interpretation, than it’s worth it to me.
i do regret with how fast and punchy the arc ended up, and I feel my hints may have been too weak. asriel/flowey has been bluntly surprised/asking to be killed twice, he hasn’t felt like himself since dying and has lost his support systems ect. as a person who’s Been Through Shit, I thought it was as obvious as the sun what was to come but thinking on it now?
with how distance asriel is, how limited the perspective is to chara (who hasn’t known Asriel has been going thru the same depressive/suicidal thoughts as they have this whole time) it was a shock to the system. and in a way that’s fine in my eyes if the reader was completely shocked as you can emphasize more with chara that way... but in the same sense its horrifying for them, it must be for the reader as well.
and I do feel I should of thought of a way to handle the scenario to where it was less in your-face with Asriel’s decent into desperation and attempts. I don’t want to ever show it on screen, I don’t want to ever go into detail and make it any sort of fun for the viewer. it’s supposed to be disturbing and painful and I tried to show how greatly painful it was affecting both chara and frisk. Suicide victims are victims and everyone involved suffer from it. It’s ugly and never something one should be anything but ugly.
that is my intent for it be that, but as I’ve heard from people it’s still a shock and went too far. Authorial intent doesn’t matter when people react to your stories. yes, the context can be good to have, but people’s feelings and reactions mean the world more. I hope with the added context of the complete story that helps it in the long run, but as it is I’m very unhappy with how I tackled it and I don’t really have a good answer to how I should of gone about it. but at the end of the day that doesn’t matter as it happened and I can’t change it.
i’m sorry about your friend and i’m sorry for the pain you’ve experienced as well. it’s not easy being in that position (nor is it for ur friend as well of course) and it’s perfectly fine to feel hurt and to take time for yourself to address those feelings. You, as a person, matter and your feelings are justifiably important as well. nobody asks to be mentally ill and your friend’s choices aren’t fully theirs because of that, but it doesn’t change how it’s affected and hurt you. Losing someone’s friendship has always been a painful and inevitable experience people must go thru in life. I’m sorry that you’ve gone through that, but I’m glad -so happy that my story has helped you in any amount. I sincerely wish you both the best and to heal, I’m proud of you anon for getting through this.
I can’t really express how much it means as a writer to see how my work helped you. Like I mentioned before, I write and feel like it’s by myself that makes this work but it’s a 2 way street -you guys contribute to the story and the story only exists and is perceived by you. without an audience, it really truly is just me here. what you gain and experience within a story is just as important as the writing of the work itself and I often forget that.
Thank you. This was a really nice and eye opening ask and it’s going to be on my mind for a while, haha. I hope once the story is done and I can post-correct how I handle the story, people can learn and gain meaning to it like you have. Sorry if this was a bit rambly, I’m very thankful for your response (as well as everyone else who’s messaged!) and I’m very happy and excited to continue and to do my best. Thank you all so much.
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