#it costs $0 to not be a fucking asshole.  I Don't Get It.
Literally why do so many people on this website have to fucking suck.
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I keep seeing horror stories about mean ass people belittling others for their art style, skill level, whatever.
If I get someone like that im straight up gonna just be really fucking mean back. I'm gonna delete the attack and let them know they no longer have the right to use my work. Might even re use the sketch for some personal work or even make it a free base. If you're gonna be an asshole for no reason ill be one back. Fuck you too lmao.
It costs $0 to just say "Omg tysm for attacking me!" And it probably takes way less time than coming up with some way to insult and belittle someone for making you free art in a style you don't particularly like. I understand being annoyed if they completely break your permissions, but if youre just mad because someone's art isn't good enough for you then you're just entitled and should expect people to be rude back.
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nothorses · 1 year
i regularly help my mom with door dash and i see this all the time. sometimes we get an order that's, say, $6 going down the road and we think "oh that's really good!" and we assume that would be like, a $2-$3 tip, right?
often when someones food hasn't been picked up in a long time, door dash will raise the base pay drivers are given to entice people to take it. we've taken entire family dinners to people for 0 tip because of this and it pisses us off every time... my entire family is disabled and other than our social security this is our main income.
if you can't afford to pay someone for their labor, you can't afford the fucking food! go eat somewhere else!
Also, like, doordash calculates the cost based on the price of the meal rather than the distance driven; your one-person Wendy's meal that takes me 20 minutes to get to you (between the drive-through line, the drive itself, finding your place, and the handoff) still only pays me, like, $2.50.
Your tip might be another $1.50 on that, and that's $4 for a half hour of my time; then I have to wait and possibly drive a ways back into the dash zone just to get another job, and by the time I'm on my way to the next job, I might have made $4 for, at minimum, 30 minutes of labor. If you short me the tip on that as well, I made $2.50. If that happens to me again, I make $5 for the whole hour.
Bear in mind that the hours you're most likely to make any money during the day amount to like, 2 hours in the afternoon and another 4 in the evening.
And like you said, drivers don't see the tip until after they deliver the order, at the soonest. You can finish a whole order thinking you're getting paid fairly, only to find out afterward that the customer fucked you over.
The zone I started working in also had the only Safeway in the area, and the Safeway contracted us for deliveries; customers didn't have access to the Doordash site/app, and literally could not tip us except in cash when we showed up (which I only ever had happen once).
Safeway doesn't tip.
At one point I drove 20 minutes from the Safeway to the customer, and that's after waiting in line for 15 minutes to pick the order up, and before another 20 minute drive back into the delivery zone to get my next order, plus the handoff. About an hour of labor. The Safeway order paid me $7.
That's less than half of minimum wage in this area.
Drivers in that zone tell each other not to take Safeway orders because they don't tip, and they're never worth the pay. The catch is that every time you turn an order down, your % of orders accepted lowers; if it drops under 70%, you receive less orders for less pay.
So even if you do turn down an order that you know isn't going to pay well, you're punished by the app, and given fewer opportunities to make money, period. You are pressured to work for less, and to gamble on shit orders in the vain hope of a decent tip to compensate.
Servers rely on your tips. They do not have an option. This isn't a hypothetical; you are causing direct harm. Yes, Doordash needs to fucking do better, and it's not your fault they're set up like that. But your asshole choices have an impact on us because of that, and knowing that, you can choose not to cause harm.
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tbh the idea of some dnis are so. something. like i get it sometimes it is a method of curating your experiance/telling people hey if ur this or into this dont follow cause im not who you wanna follow or ill be bashing what you like just cause i dont like it.
but if someone who likes something you dont follows you the block button is right there and costs literally 0 dollars to use. like even if you got trauma or something you can block tags or block people. in my honest opinion, if you cannot even LOOK at a fire type or a dragon type or a dark type for like the 3 seconds it takes to block someone without having a full mental breakdown, then that is a you issue you need to work on because like. these types exist in real life. like i know someone who used to freak out at thr sight of any poison type pokemon but 1: they worked on it and now has a poison type of their own, and 2: even when they were having issues they usually tried to just get away as quick as possible, would politely tell people about the issue, or just ignore/keep their space whenever possible.
also like. if someone asked you a question or something irl you would very much be an asshole and a freak (/neg) if you were immediately like "depends. if you use ice types i cant talk to you)?? what do you do when you have "dark type specialists do not interact, grass specialists do interact" in ur bio but someone ONLY has grass/dark types??
like i get sometimes there are reasons but at the same times dnis historically do not work half the time. FUCK IVE HAD PEOPLE FOLLOW ME WHEN I VIOLATE *THEIR* DNI??? like no one pays attention
Yes! Yes!!
I don't have much to add other than DNI's almost never work, blocking tags and people is way more effective.
If I say transphobes DNI that is not going to stop anyone from interecting, but also- they probably wouldnt interact in a neatural context because I am a trans teen who posts about dedenne. Just block people idk.
And also you would never fucking do this irl. You would never be like sorry if you're XYZ you can't talk to me.
Feels stupid. To me atleast.
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gildedmuse · 2 years
Hopes this ask helps as a distraction but say in a scenario where Zoro 1) is never tied to that cross and 2) never meets Luffy as a result, do you still think he would've become a pirate? Or do you think he would've just stayed a bounty hunter? Also say if Kuina did survive do you think she and Zoro would've become bounty hunter as well I'd they left the island to become stronger :0?
I have had some ideas as Zoro as a bounty hunter who joins Baroque Works, but thats like... barely not being a pirate. Oh, one where he became a bounty hunter, Saga a marine, and Kuina a pirate. I don't know, the girl screams either Honorable Samurai to me or else, "fuck yeah they told me I couldn't be a kenshi but no one tells pirate what she can't be!"
As for Zoro, his commitment to being Bounty Hunter was never that strong. At first he takss issue with Luffy asking him to be a pirate and Zoro considers that a kind of crook which is just down to his sense of honor in a lot of ways. After he realized Luffy actively helped people and, also, got in a hell of lot of fights he was all for it.
See, Zoro was only ever a Bounty Hunter in the first place because:
Boy needs sake. And sometimes food. Turns out these cost coin.
He needed to get stronger, and to do that he neded stronger opponents
They like... Point you to the guys you have to beat and then you do it and they give you money.
When he realized he could get all oit taht oit of pirating only with less marine assholes, more sake, and tougher enemies? Why would he ever go back?
So, I don't know if he'd stay a Bounty Hunter, but my guess is only if someone took him under their patronage, because sooner or later that boy would be out of good fights, out of food, and outside any known location.
Don't get me wrong, Zoro is VERY self determined, bit he does best when he has someone to, if not follow, believe in. It keeps him focused on bigger things and his loyalty to that person keeps him moving forward. You see it with Kuina, with Luffy, even with Mihawk. I think Zoro is simply naturally drawn to those who challenge him, and who dare him to be better, but also are - in his own definition - honorable and truthworthy, and so he was always going to be a First Mate for SOMEONE, regardless.
As you can see from:
All Hearts: Zoro gets stolen as a slave, still becomes a pirate - for Law - Kuina is alive and a Strawhat. [ZoLaw, minor other ships]
Three of Spades: Technically Zoro does get locked up but it was when he was younger and becomes a Spade Pirate. (Zoro/maybe Ace?, ZoLaw)
Three Tailed Fox: Zoro was a bounty hunter but had agreed to help these guys not knowing they were pirates, and ends up lost in a game of Davy Jones games. However, he's too honorable to back out. (ZoLaw, BARELY)
Seeing Red: Mihawk finds a lost baby Zoro and hands him over to Shanks because eww babies. He grows up a very independent Red Head Pirate. (MiZo mentiond, ZoLaw, Benn/Shanks)
Thriller Blade: Zoro was following around his sister Perona when they get kidnapped by pirate. Fighting zombies is more fun than tea parties so he's not too bothered. (ZoLaw BARELY)
Laws & Rebellions: Law as a Marine Officer, Zoro as a Marine who is actually a revolutionary undercover. (ZoLaw, ZoAce)
Zoro (along with Law and Perona) becoming a Hawkeye Pirate
Zoro becoming a Doflamingo Pirate (there are reasons)
Zoro being in Buggy's gang
Zoro as an actual Marine obsessed with Pirate Law
Marine Law obsessed with Bounty Hunter/Robin Hood Zoro
Zoro as a leader of a dojo and all the famouse kenshi pirates come through
Baroque Works Zoro (who runs of with Law)
Zoro joining Kuina's crew. (For a while I thought of him joining Sabo's old crew, who know, when they meet up if Sabo hadn't gone right into the revoltion.)
I also like the idea of Zoro being from Wano and like, the one person Yamato really likes (Denjiro doesn't think he's too bad, either, personally) and after Ace dies they set out as their own little pirate crew.
Hope this even kind of maybe adressed you question! And thanks!
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Season 1 Episode 1
My thoughts throughout
Mmm cars
Oh Scott hello
Lmao nerd boy
Lol body of water
Ah as any normal teen does. Let's go look at half of a dead body totally not nightmare inducing
Lmao stiles so snarky I love him
And Scott is so golden retriever coded I can't
"Everyone should have a dream. Even a pathetically unrealistic one."
Scott is giving the same energy back with dissing stiles planning good.
This is accurate friendship.
Oh right he has asthma
But only wheez when you say that and don't even use your pump.
Good job.
Oh never mind he did.
Lmao get caught
Ah the sheriff. He's great.
Dude really should have just gotten into trouble
Like you're asthmatic and just lost your ride home.
Spooky forest.
bye bye asthma pump
Oh God your phone light would do nothing to find things
Lmao fall. Get a concussion.
where's your asthma now???
Oh wait you got bit. Did it infect you immediately?
Hello title screen.
American high school.
Something I know nothing about
Thank God.
Jackson's side eye lolol
Ah Lydia Martin
And stiles being a simp
I have to say I can't see stiles having a crush on her
Stiles that wink and snicker was so queer
Idc that it was about a bead body.
That was just so queer of you
I love stiles' facial expressions
Just amazing
Oh God sensory overload
How is he not having a break down??
Scott being a creep
Allison is so pretty omg
I'm so gay
Women <33
That smile-
E w
Let her ask for a pen
She looks so creeped out
Ugh hallway
and yes stiles you are right.
That's so creepy Scott.
Also I want to know what stiles and sassy girl are talking about
They're so animated about it.
I need to know.
Coach you're great
Also stiles immediately going "yeah!"
He's so excited for him!!
Why is this so intense??
Lmao yeah Liydia you Sass him
Your joke of lycanthropy isn't that far fetched my friend
Stiles would do well in drama
He gives drama nerd vibes
I wanna kiss him
Ah yes the cost for things that are a necessity
So annoying
Don't just stand there
Like a creep
The eyebrow speak.
Stiles reaction to him
Like just shock.
Also that lore drop felt so odd.
:0 HEALED???
Angry kitties.
Angry pup.
Glowy eyes.
Good doggo tell him off.
the dog should sue you for that joke.
The dog is sleeping huh?
That eyelash thing was so awkward
Why'd she agree??? TF???
Can he put a shirt on.
I can't get over how the thing looks.
How tf did Scott end up in a pool?????
"Oh you mean steroids! Are you on steroids??"
He should have sworn then
Also just trauma dump on your bully yep checks out.
also what is up with people calling eachother by their last name?
I've never seen that happen.
That felt pretty gay.
Oh lacrosse tryouts.
Stiles is so confused.
Research those werewolves
The werewolf joke is not a joke guys!!
He's figured it out!!
Scott straight up not believing him.
And I mean fair.
Think about it.
Dude. I-
Don't hit my boy.
Also sorry does like.
Car talk not the safe sex talk. SCOTT.
Eugh. Party.
Don't stand ominously at a teen party.
Jumpy wolf?
Don't kiss. Please.
What are you doing looking at Lydia for.
Oh poor girl.
Derek that's creepy.
The fingernails are so gross.
Scott's way too invested in a girl he just met.
Why is stiles in a suit.
Like he's hot but damn.
Derek you are so confusing.
"I don't want it"
Derek. That's the worst thing to say in a time like this.
"You say Allison, I'm gonna punch you in the head."
Dude should not be thinking about a girl he just met when he is now a werewolf!!
"Am I going to regret this?"
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What the fuck? I swear your post only had 0 notes, how has it imploded into this...I...what the fuck? I am so sorry you had to witness all of that. Like, IDK, I feel like people *also* forget that 1. Spices don't grow naturally in the UK so for the most part, they're imported products so 2. Herbs would be the most common flavouring, but poor people in cities wouldn't have had much access to growing herbs or getting them as well as the fact they're focused on y'know, *living.* and 3. Plenty of British food is nice, it's just more hearty and ig more pastry n meat than it is about rice or pasta or whatever. Also don't they realise 'poor food' isn't bad food either. Like, there's nothing wrong with black pudding (I know it's personal opinion, but technically it is just oats, herbs and blood) same with haggis (same logic as sausage really). The American stereotyping of British food being bad was also sparked during WW2 when rationing had a huge impact on British cuisine and American soldiers interpreted it as 'Oh, their food is bad' when no, it was because food wasn't so readily avaliable so we fell back on *simpler* things. I dunno, it's just annoying and I am so sorry you have to deal with assholes in your notes all because you pointed out something. - Berkshire Anon
the funniest part is that i hate most traditional british food like spotted dick and cornish pasties and suet puddings and meaty pies and bread pudding (i’m literally vegetarian lol) etc. etc. like… i don’t even agree with myself i was just doing it for the bit!!!
besides the joke was really supposed to be about the cost of living crisis, not about british cuisine but maybe it’s my fault for thinking that people on the internet had the critical thinking skills to be able to figure that out for themselves or to at least shut up and scroll past. it’s not that deep!!! please!!!
but anyway this is very nice of u to send fkdjdjd thank u! and a nice bit of food history to boot!
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daim1812 · 3 years
Unknown Number (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Warnings: 18+, High School Reader, Reader's at legal age, Creampie, Shower Sex, Degradation (faintly), Perv! Levi, slight spanking and out-of-the-blue sex.
One Shot: 18+, One night stand (kind of)
(Y/N) - Your name
(L/N) - Last name
(H/C) - Hair color
Tumblr media
'Ring, ring, ring, ring!'
My eyes open delicately, getting used to the little light coming through the curtains. I stretch out on the bed, the sheets running over my body as I don't stop stretching my muscles. I make little sounds and then I sit on the bed. I look at the nightstand on the left side of my bed and notice my phone. I turn off the alarm that keeps ringing and check the time.
7:48 AM
My eyes widen rudely and I bolt out of bed. Soon I find myself in the bathroom, undressing and throwing myself into the water, taking a quick shower. I get out of the bathroom and soon start dressing.
I put on my underwear, my shorts, my black skirt and my white polo shirt. I decorate my feet with white stockings with blue lines at the top which reach my knees. I put on my black school shoes and run to the living room, grab my black jacket (uniform combination) and go back to the room to get my keys and backpack.
I walk to the door and after opening and locking it, I start running to school while I put my backpack on my shoulders.
8:10 AM
I'm a little late for school, but it was all worth it. The bell had already rung and everyone was going to their respective rooms. I run to my classroom and enter carefully, noticing that I had arrived early since there were still people missing from the class.
I sit in one of the chairs at the front and take out a folder, a pencil, and some notes.
There was an important exam that day. This exam would keep my grade for the year and no other exam this professor gave us was worth more than that exam. I had spent all that week studying like crazy so I could learn that test. My friends had spent some days with me studying, but then they decided to do it on their own, so I decided to continue with my studies.
The night before I had been feeling quite nervous to the point where I could no longer sleep. I finished studying and decided to go to sleep. I was able to fall asleep very late, so late that it was almost dawn.
I sigh nervously when the teacher comes to class. After he came in, he passed out his good morning and began handing in the exam. As soon as he gives me the test, my mind freezes and my hands immediately start to sweat, but I don't let it get me nervous.
I started to take the exam and later I could already remember some things that I had studied and read about 20 times in a row.
As I was about to finish the exam, only 5 questions unanswered, my phone started ringing. I took it cautiously so that the teacher or someone would not see me. I looked at the screen and frowned.
Unknown number
I put it back in my pocket and continued with the exam. I was almost done, two more questions so I could finish the exam, turn it in, and then leave the classroom. But my luck was so horrible that the stranger didn't seem to understand the concept of ignoring a call.
Unknown number
3 missed calls
I was getting quite annoyed so when he called again I answered, leaning my body to the side and letting my voice come out in a whisper.
"Why did you do it, Petra?"
A male voice tasted my right ear and my insides wanted to know more about that voice so deep and strong.
I swallowed hard and whispered again, looking sideways and noticing that my partner on the right side was watching me curiously. I smiled at him and returned my attention to the call.
"I think you have the wrong number. Please don't call again."
I was about to hang up when the male voice spoke.
"Why the hell do you have Petra's phone number? Who are you?"
I was offended and upset. I looked at the cell phone and when I was planning to respond with an insult, someone takes the phone from me, making my face become a total poem, my body freeze in a strange pose and my heart pound strongly on my chest.
"Miss (L / N), you have 0% on the exam. Now, go to the principal's office; we will see if there you answer the phone on his face. Get out of my class now." And he hung up the call.
Perplexed, furious, stunned, my blood boiling, I grabbed my backpack and my phone which the teacher had left on my desk.
With an immense urge to cry, a lump in my throat, with an internal shame, I walk out of the room to the office to sit there waiting for a lecture that would leave me wanting to jump off a bridge.
I arrive at the office and no one is there, not even the secretary was there. After a few minutes standing in front of the secretary's desk, she arrives with some papers. She smiles at me and I explain why I'm there. She shakes her head disapprovingly and tells me to sit in one of the chairs near the desk.
I do what she tells me and soon I see her disappear from my sight.
I have tears accumulated in my eyes and I only screech when I realize that I had screwed up my semester just because of some stupid who wanted to annoy me at that very moment. This was all the fault of that idiot behind the phone.
I bite my lip furiously and grab my phone, unlock it, and look up the number I don't know, dial it, and wait for them to answer.
After a few long minutes, I hear the male voice answering my call.
"You are a fucking asshole, did you know that?"
I come out with the first thing that comes out of my mind, fury and rage blocking my reason and my thoughts.
"And who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that, brat?" I hear him growl and it makes me angrier than I am.
"BECAUSE OF YOUR FUCKING FAULT I JUST FAILED MY SEMESTER! COULDN'T YOU GO FUCK SOMEONE ELSE'S LIVES?" I was screaming like a fool in the office, my tears starting to come out of my eyes. I notice that I scream and lower my voice so as not to attract attention.
"Tsk. That is not my problem, little girl. If YOU had studied and if YOU had not answered the call, none of that would have happened. Therefore, it is your fault. Irresponsible." I let out a frustrated sigh and dry my tears.
"Was I the one who called like 20 times? You are an idiot, an egocentric, a real piece of shit." And with that said I ended the call.
I cry like a fool, phone in hand. I hear my phone ring again and this time I curse out loud. I respond quickly with a lot of anger.
"Curse me again, little girl, and I swear, I'll break you in two and not in a very cute way. What's your name, brat?” His voice lowers a bit in tone and I can tell that he is talking a little bored about the situation. I look sideways and lower my head, looking at my uniform.
"And what does that matter to you?"
"Brat... don't answer a question with another question. Answer the damn question. What's your fucking name?" He raises his voice a little and I stay silent.
“(Y / N)..." I whisper, but I know he heard me.
"Good. I'm Levi." He introduces himself in a short form.
"Nice to meet you..." I continued whispering.
"Anyway... what private school do you go to?" He asks and I frown.
"It’s a public school."
"For a girl very demanding of her grades, I am surprised that you’re not from a private school." He arrogantly says, making me angry again.
"Do you think public school students have no goals? We have more dreams than private school students could have. I imagine you say that because you were in a private school. I also imagine that because you were in a private school, you are a huge jerk . " My subconscious gives me a high-five and I gladly crash them. This is how it is done.
He huffs against the earpiece and then sighs.
"Do you want to play, little girl? Because I do I love to play. Fucking the lives of people who challenge me is my favorite pastime." His voice changes a bit in tone, being authoritative and mocking, but at this point I couldn't tell much.
"Moron." I whisper as low as possible, but he hears me. Still, he ignores what I said to go back to his question.
"What school do you go to?"
"None that you care about." My subconscious drops the popcorn and smiles wide, loving my responses.
"(Y / N), you are giving me a headache. Tell me where the hell is your school." He growls, and this time I bite my lip, something inside me liking that growl. I look at the floor and hear the sound of heels hitting the ground, announcing that someone was coming down the hall from the office.
I look at the phone and when I see the secretary lean in, I quickly hang up the call, lower the volume and put it on silence.
I look at the secretary whose name is Felicia and she tells me that I can go to the director now. I rolled my eyes for me and sighed, thanking the secretary and then headed for the principal's office.
After giving me a lecture and a half of all the bad things I have done, he lets me leave school, since many of my teachers had been absent.
As I'm on my way home, I can't stop thinking about the idiot that cost me my semester. Tomorrow I had planned to go to the teacher to see if he would give me the opportunity to make up the exam even if he took away some points. I would tell him what had happened and pray to God that this teacher had the decency to help me.
I get home and throw my backpack on the couch in the living room. I lived alone, but my parents helped pay for the apartment while I kept studying at that school. Sighing, I decide to just sit on the couch and put on a series that I had been watching in the previous week.
I spent most of the day watching the show, until I heard my stomach growling while just laying on the couch. So I started to prepare some food that I had in my kitchen.
After I finished, I sat back on the couch, ate something, and then, realizing that it was late, packed everything up, put the plate in the sink, and went to my room. I bathed, changed, checked the notebooks, and then went to sleep.
When I closed my eyes, the first thing that came to my mind was my semester all destroyed and the male voice that ruined everything.
I curse out loud and knock all of that out of my brain. My subconscious is moving its head from side to side, shaking its head as it makes all trace of what had happened in the day disappear.
Minutes later I had already fallen to sleep with my pillow on one side, sleeping to wait for tomorrow.
I got to school early, walking down the hallways to get to my first classroom. I enter the classroom and meet the teacher who had thrown me out. I say good morning to him and he does not hesitate to say something to me.
He starts class and I don't stop paying attention at all times. At the end of the class, I go to the teacher and explain what happened. With a great and beautiful miracle from heaven, the teacher understood. He told me to come the next day so that I can take the test again. I left the classroom happy and headed to my next classes.
Coming out of my third class, going to recess, I decided to go out of my way to go to my friends to go to the bathroom. When I was going to go in, I trip over someone and my phone, which I had in hand rummaging through my music, falls to the floor. I almost scream when I see it on the ground and I feel like dying. I squat down and pick it up, looking at it to see if something had happened to it. This starts to boil my blood and I stand up again, looking at the person to whom knocked down my phone. I looked at the person and noticed his features. He had totally gray eyes, dark and full of many problems. I could notice it. His hair covered his forehead a little and it was jet black. He was a little short, more or less my height. I feel self-conscious, like he's intimidating me; I feel attracted to this. My cheeks turn a little red, but it quickly fades.
"Can't you see where you're walking, brat? Tsk. Reckless." I was going to continue walking, but I whispered, making him stop and turn around. "What did you say?"
"Don't you have ears?" I faced him, now speaking a little loud.
"Come and say it to my face.” He leaned closer to me a little, challenging me. I frowned, this attitude reminding me a bit of the idiot on the phone. I shake my head a bit and face him.
"That you are a fool.” I looked up at the man in front of me and he raised an eyebrow.
"And you are a very irritating brat ..." he leans a little closer to me and grabs my nape, closing the distance between us. He brought his lips close to my ear and with an extremely sensual voice, he whispered. "... (Y / N).”
He walked away.
With a mischievous smile that then turned into a fine line on his lips, indicating that he was in a bad mood, he disappeared from my sight.
I was puzzled by what happened. I came out of my trance and went into the bathroom. I did what I had to do and then I went with my friends. I wasn't paying much attention to what my friend and best friends were saying, I was only thinking about the gray-eyed man. In this Levi.
When classes were over, I went home, stopping somewhere to buy some food. I didn't feel like doing anything to eat so I bought myself some Chinese food and then went home. I breathed a little sigh when I got to the apartment, I wanted to get there to eat and then go to work at 6 in the afternoon, at the cafe on the corner.
As I got to the front of my apartment door, I realized that there was a silhouette in front of my door. I frowned and moved closer; noticing the short boy's hair, I rolled my eyes, passing by his side and pulling out the key.
"Are you following me, inept?" I look at him, as I feel his gaze on my body. He doesn't show any emotion and he just flinches at me.
"Did the cat bite your tongue, you idiot?" I said again, smiling sarcastically. He didn't respond and I was already starting to get a little irritated. I opened the door and stepped inside. I was going to close the door, but Levi's hand stops me. I look at him and mumble. "Want something?"
"Let me make it up to you for missing this semester." Finally he said, a dry and serious tone. He gave me a little chill down my spine, but I shook it off fast.
"I don't even know you."
"We can change that." He pushed open my door and stepped inside, ignoring my screams. I rolled my eyes again and closed the door. I saw him looking at my apartment, touching everything and watching it carefully.
"This is filthy dirty. How can you live here? Disgusting." He pouted his lips and the blood went straight to my head. I calmed down and went to the kitchen.
"So... Levi, right?" I grabbed a plate and served the food to myself. My subconscious kicks me a little and I curse. "You want...?" I offer him. He walks over to the kitchen and looks at the food. Then he looked at me seriously and nodded. I smiled at him, for the first time, and served the food for him. I took it to the table and put some bottled water for him, a crystal glass next to the bottle.
"And... how do you plan to reward me?" I look into his gray eyes and for a moment I lose myself in it. My cheeks turn crimson and I have to look at my plate to relax. My subconscious doesn't seem to like my behavior very much and makes me understand that I don't know him.
"I'll talk to the teacher about the situation.” He said curtly, just eating some of what I served him. I bite my lip a little and look at him. Fine lips, perfect for kissing. An upturned nose, made to measure. His gray eyes and small dark circles under his eyes, a symbol that he was not sleeping well. I felt a little bad and curiosity wanted to win me in this, but I did not let it.
"I already spoke to him. Don't worry."
"Don't address me informally.” He said quite cold and cutting, causing me to squirm in my chair a bit, feeling that what he had said was wrong.
“I’m sorry..."
"What did the Professor said to you?" He asked after a great silence between us.
"That tomorrow he would give me the opportunity to make up the exam. At least he understood that an unknown idiot made me fail the class." I look at him, not caring about the labels or anything.
He watches me calmly, serenely, boredom included. It seemed like he didn't want to be there.
"Call me idiot again and I won't answer, brat." He murmured and went back to eating, ignoring my gaze on his body. He had some buttons undone and you could see his abs a bit. I died internally and my subconscious had to fan itself with their hand.
"Okay. Also," he looks me in the eye irritably. "Could you leave before 5:20 PM? I have to work."
"Where do you work?"
"In a coffee shop on the corner. They pay good so I stayed there. Besides, I need the money." I add with a nod, picking up the chicken and putting it in my mouth, giving some liking to my palate.
"How much do you get paid per hour?" Levi is looking at me now, his eyes never stop piercing my white polo from school. I hadn't even had a chance to change my clothes.
"$5.25 an hour. It's quite a lot for me. Not much though. I only work 5 hours, plus tips from clients, which isn't much either. But I like the place; it's quiet and has a Christmas scent most of the time. That's something I love a lot. " I smile and he doesn't stop looking at my smile. I notice it and I can't stop shifting in my chair.
"How old are you?" I look at him with some food in my mouth; he's waiting for me to delight the chicken. I swallow easily and press a lock of my hair behind my ear.
"18." I muttered, going back to eating some more of the chicken, which was actually yummy.
"I see." He stops eating and grabs the crystal glass in a very strange way. He picks it up and drinks from over the glass. I feel lost in the way he holds the glass. When finished, he puts it back where it was and watches me. "You smell.”
"What...?" I whisper incredulous. Did he just...?
"You smell. Take a shower. " His back touches the back of the chair and his gaze infuses mine.
"WHAT?!" My cheeks turn red with rage and I have to restrain myself from getting up from the chair and punching him in the very beautiful face that he has. "WELL, IF YOU WERE NOT ROAMING AROUND LIKE A SEXUAL HARASSER, I WOULD HAVE ALREADY BATHED! Now, get out of my house!" I yelled at him, lifting myself out of the chair and walking to my room in a fury. I don't hear him speak or mutter anything, so I deduce that he was gone. I closed the bathroom door and took off all my clothes, the school uniform, leaving it in a place away from the water. I step into the bathroom and sigh, thinking about how long the day had been. I sigh again when the water passes through my body slowly, filling me with joy. I let the water wash away all my worries, my despair, my crazy starts and I let myself be carried away by the sound of water falling to the ground. I let go of my (H / C) locks and put my head in the water, the water sliding all over my body. I lather up slowly, loving every second and minute that I spent in the shower.
Suddenly I feel a hand surround my waist and another hand position itself in my mouth, so that no sound comes out. A silent scream comes out of me and I feel myself dying in the arms of a stranger.
"Take it easy." The cold, emotionless voice calms me down a bit, noticing whose he was. He lets his hand escape my mouth and positions it on my waist. I breathe hard, trying to get past the bad scare I had.
"Are you stupid or what? You almost scared me to death Levi. Oh my God!" I put a hand on my chest and calm down. I hear him snort and cling to my body.
Good grief of the cowboy saints and the entire galaxy!
He had a heart attack body. I didn't see it, but I did feel it. A few abs pressing against my bare back, a v-line running down his crotch and... and let's not talk about his little friend. He was more than a friend at this point.
I feel my cheeks burn and then a short, low moan escapes me. He reaches up to my ear and with his teeth grabs my earlobe, pulling it for himself. I moaned loudly and I squirm in his chest, my breathing starting to go wild.
"Le-Levi ..." his name leaves my lips and for the first time and I feel that it is the most beautiful and most sensual name that I have heard in my entire life. He seems to like me how I moan his name because he now he presses his semi-hard cock against my buttocks, taking my breath away.
"That's it... moan my name, slut.” He whispers in my ear and even though he called me a slut, it made me so wet, getting a loud moan in response. So encouraging.
His hands run through my body and never move away from me. I feel his breath on my neck and I tremble at the touch of him on my stomach. His hands slowly move up my stomach and he positions himself close to my breast. He seems to try to retract, but he doesn't. Instead, he just goes ahead and grabs my right breast, squeezing it in his hand, making me squirm at his gigantic hands that literally fit my breasts perfectly.
I screech at his hand starting to pull on my nipple, his other hand kneading my breast. Then he presses his manhood to my back and begins to rub against me, moans escaping my throat.
I can't think, everything is blocked in my mind. I try to listen to what my subconscious is telling me, but my body doesn't want to respond and begins to rock my hips against Levi. I hear him growl and bring his mouth to my neck, sighing against me, sticking his tongue out of him and licking a large part of my neck.
I moan loudly and can't stop moving my hips back. He bites my neck slowly, digging his teeth into me a little. I drop my neck on his shoulder and he now holds me in his big arms.
"Are you so needy, (Y / N)?" He whispers into my neck and then turns me around, this time letting me see the whole picture of him. His pecs, his strong thighs and legs, his gray eyes now a little black and his hair a little wet because of me.
I bite my lip and don't take my eyes off him. My eyes land on his manhood and I feel myself almost falling to the ground from the greatness before my eyes.
Could that really fit into such a small place?
He watches me lustfully, noticing that I see his manhood with eyes of concern and desire. He wraps his arms around my waist and presses me to him, slowly getting closer to my lips. He smirks mischievously and runs his tongue across my lips.
“It will fit. And if he doesn't fit in, I'll have to force him." Then he kisses me.
He kisses me with a force that pushes me back and my back is pressed against the cold wall. I groan at the cold touch and he takes that opportunity to subjugate his tongue into my oral cavity.
I feel myself dying before his lips and his hands go down my waist, resting on my ass. He imprisons me on him and his member presses on my stomach, slowly coming down into my crotch.
The water falls on our glued bodies and gives it an exciting and lustful atmosphere. Levi won't let me go, kissing me until my lungs are out of breath. He stops kissing me and starts spreading kisses all over my face until he reaches my neck where he starts giving small, wet kisses. One of his hands goes up my stomach and positions himself on my breast, grabbing the already erect nipple and manipulating it at will.
He makes me moan and gasp continuously, letting me run my hands through his raven hair and pull him with quick movements.
After a few seconds, Levi looks me in the eye and I have to blink quickly not to get behind in his gaze. I see him smile mischievously and then as he grabs my ass, he makes me jump and my legs wrap around his waist.
My hands go behind his neck and I let them rest there. His lips seek mine and when he finds them, he kisses me with passion and eagerness. I kiss him back and soon we are carried away by the kiss.
The water continues to fall on our bodies and now I can begin to moan like a cat in heat. The only thing that can be heard is the sound of water falling against the floor and our breaths accompanied by short, soothing moans.
Suddenly I find myself looking between our bodies together, noticing how Levi grabs his member and leads him to my entrance. I groaned loudly and dig my nails on his shoulder. He growls at my act and gives me an angry look.
"Do not do that." He mumbles and I know he is holding back, that deep inside him he had liked what I did.
I bite my lower lip and look into his eyes.
"I am a virgin."
All the anger has died down, going to a more formal face, a face of perhaps surprised, but he knew how to hide it quite well. I watch him warily, wandering my eyes all over his face and hear him snort.
Then, I feel his lips touch mine again, but in a softer and more subtle way, letting the cold of my lips warm to his. I feel like dying before the softness that he takes. One hand is still supporting my weight and the other now places it on my cheek, holding it gently. We kiss for a short time and then he pulls away from me, a bit of saliva connecting our lips. Levi give me a little "tsk" and then returns his gaze to our crotches.
"I know you're a virgin ... I'll try to be as careful with you. If it bothers you, just squeeze my shoulders and I'll stop." I nod and he gives me one last look, then begins to press on my entrance.
I bite my lip quickly, the same with which he looks at me while he is pressing his throbbing member against me. He pushes the head of his member inside and I let out a silent scream, internally crying.
Levi spreads kisses down my neck and my head leans back as I try not to cry from the pain. He stays like that for a few seconds, pampering me in his arms, kissing my neck, repeating to calm me down with a slow and deliberate voice.
He looks at me and I try everything to be able to look at him. He brings his forehead to mine and after giving me a little kiss on the nose, he whispers:
"I'm going in."
He subdues the entire length of him inside me, taking my breath away and finally breaking every virginity he had. I try to hold back my tears, but soon one or another comes out of my eyes. Levi kisses me and does not move inside me, understanding that it was better for him to get used to the length and thickness of him.
I pat him on the back, my head pressed to his shoulder, my teeth gently biting my lower lip. His cock throbs inside me and I feel Levi growl low. His hands make me jump a little so that the weight is just right for him and his member takes this opportunity to impale himself inside me again. My throat goes wild and I let out all the louder moans I've ever heard made before.
Levi begins to move inside me slowly, his lips pressing on my shoulder as I moan without concern into his neck. My head tilts a little and it gives me a chance to look Levi in ​​the eye. I press my forehead against his as Levi begins to sway continuously and eagerly.
"More..." I sighed between moans, my nipples rubbing against his chest, letting Levi draw a growl that felt it all over my pussy, getting me more wet than necessary.
Levi looks me straight in the eye and his heart surrenders to what he sees. Suddenly he pushes me against the wall, the water falling between us, and without letting me think for a moment what was happening, his member begins to rush in and out of me.
He fucks me with such agility that I can't almost breathe. His lips stick to my neck and he bites down hard, leaving his bite marks on the edge of my neck and my collarbone.
I hear Levi's grunting and my pussy can't help but contract and get wetter than before, and Levi notices this, making it harder for him to get in and out.
"You're so... tight." I groan in response, my head flooded in clouds and paradises as I am supported by Levi.
Even though my mind was screaming at me what the hell I was doing this with a guy I barely knew and who, to make matters worse, almost made me miss a whole semester, I didn't have the slightest desire of importance in me. It felt so good in the arms of that short boy. I felt that I could achieve glory while he pampered me with words and on the other hand made me want that sexual act more intensely.
Fuck, he felt so good. He felt so fucking rich.
Levi bites my nipples and brings me back to reality. Almost drooling into his arms that keep pressing me to the wall, I look at him with lust and a little confusion as to why he did that.
His eyes meet mine and I can't contain my moans as I watch him suck on my nipples. He bites and then licks my nipple, moving to the other to repeat the same action. Suck, bite and lick.
I screech at the itch on my bottom and instantly know that Levi had whipped my ass with his hand.
My pussy tightens around him again, and Levi moans again, loving that my pussy took the size of him so well.
"Look at me." He orders me, smacking my ass again. His mouth is drawn to one side with a mischievous smile as he does not let my nipple escape from his thin and luscious lips.
It's hard for me to look at him, but I do my best to keep my eyes from closing in pleasure. His hand grabs my chin and makes me look at him, those gray eyes now with dilated pupils and his wet hair pressing into his forehead.
So sensual.
My nails dig into his back and I moan maddeningly at his onslaught nonstop. We stared at each other, he gripping my chin tightly so that my head wouldn't tilt back, and I between closing and opening my eyes. I bite my lower lip and continue moaning, my breasts rising in time with the fierce thrusts.
"I told you... to look at me." He growls against my chest, his teeth nipping at my nipple with no subtlety, making me scream on the spot.
I look at him quickly, the water droplets almost blurring my vision. Still, I don't take my gaze away from his as he continues to grab my nipple and violently slap it between his lips. He sucks incessantly, like a baby, and my pussy squeezes my juices.
"Le-Levi ..." I call his name as my waist rises in time with his hips. His balls hit my entrance, the water and my juices creating an extravagant sound throughout the bathroom.
"I am so close." I moan at him, grabbing his cheeks and forcing him away from my nipples, letting a POP roll off his lips. I look into his eyes and push my lips against his, kissing him passionately, pushing my tongue into his mouth.
His thin fingers sink into my hips and he soon begins to thrust rapidly, in and out of my wet pussy without any difficulty.
He pulled me away from his lips a few inches when I felt my orgasm reach its maximum. I dig my nails back into his back and scratch him from the bottom up, wanting to hold on and hold on to him.
I hear him growl and gasp a little in my ear when he notices my pussy twitch around him as he presses his cock's head against my G-spot.
I bite his shoulder quickly as a high-pitched scream comes out of me, not being able to take much more of that passionate sex session. My fingers continue to dig into his back as my toes curl and my legs jerk. My moans are heard throughout the apartment and Levi seems to love it as he pulls my earlobe and growls in my ear.
Soon his thrusts begin to cease, the white liquid fading inside me, running gently down my lips and my thighs. I hear him moan as his member lets out the last drops of his semen on me.
He holds me for a few more minutes, our breaths heavy and colliding with both of our necks. My nipples are still upright on his chest and his member comes out of my pussy to give his semen a chance to come out of my hole.
Levi lets my feet touch the ground gently, still watching the spasms of my orgasm in my legs. His fingers are still buried in my hips as I lean back on the wall. I clear my throat and uncomfortably turn so the water runs down my wet, sweaty back. Levi says nothing and I pray to keep it that way.
After cleaning up and letting Levi do the same, I walk out of the bathroom to get dressed. Levi comes out behind me with a towel hooked around his waist.
My cheeks are flushed and I have to turn my gaze not to let him know that I found that image too tempting.
After dressing and looking at the clock next to my bed, I can tell that my workday would soon begin.
"Umm ..." I mumble, watching Levi put his shoes on and then stand up and look at me. "I think ... it's better now ... that you leave ..."
I almost whisper the words, but the intimidating look Levi gives me leaves me stuck on in my place.
I hear his footsteps approaching me and my subconscious starts to panic. I forget to breathe, my hands sweat and my heart pumps with more force as his hand is positioned on my waist, drawing me towards him.
"For a little girl ... you made me come like no one else." He mutters, the mischievous smile appearing on his face. My blush is higher than before and I really couldn't think clearly.
I walk away from him and point to my bedroom door, causing him to walk me to the front door.
He does not look at me at any time and I only flinch to murmur goodbye when I see him cross the threshold of the door.
Before leaving, he takes my chin, makes me look at him and with a face of loathing mixed with lust, licks my lips slowly.
"You don't smell now, idiot." He whispers into my lips, leaning back slowly. "Call me to screw you again ... and I hope this time is not your semester." I smile and watch him disappear from my sight as he stepped into the elevator.
I closed the door as quickly as possible and took a deep breath.
My legs slowly sag and soon I find myself on the ground with my cheeks red, my hands pressed to my knees and my mouth half open in surprise.
I really did something like that?
What kind of outrageous person have I become?
Fuck, but it had felt wonderful. He made me touched the sky and he swore he wanted to do it again. My fingers slowly trailed down my thighs, remembering how his hands roamed up my hips and infused me against his, his cock throbbing every time he sank inside me.
I feel my fingers position themselves on my panties, my head tilting back with a groan. I had hardly felt the glory and wanted more.
My fingers get lost inside my panties and land on my clit, giving me the feeling of desire and anguish for more. I start a slow, fragile movement against my clit, thinking of Levi's hands touching me as if it was the only thing I wanted to do at the moment. My other hand lowers the bra over my breasts and my fingers engage in kneading and pinching my nipples, which begin to rise up against my fingers.
The swaying of my fingers doesn't compare to Levi's thrusts, but they calm me with lust when I insert one of my fingers into my entrance. My head slides back into the door with a solid moan, my pussy getting wet non-stop as I masturbate in the doorway to the memories of Levi fucking me in my bathroom. I let myself sink into thoughts and continue my instinctive process of spontaneous release.
I prick and knead my nipples, my other fingers running circularly over my clit, seeking quick release and relaxation. My moans rise again in pitch and suddenly I find myself moaning Levi's name as my body contracts and rises into the air. My hips jerk as my body squirts liquid from my pussy. I continue to moan as my body relaxes on the floor, the liquid exposed all over the floor at the entrance to my apartment.
Flushed, wet, with lust clouding my head, I get up to clean everything that my body dripped. I head back to my room, taking a quick bath, putting on my work clothes, and grabbing my things to get out of the apartment. I mentally note that I had to go to the pharmacy to find some contraceptive pills since I had let a total stranger come inside me.
Before opening the door to leave, I remember my phone, rummaging through my purse. I unlock it and the message on the screen frightens me and makes me wet again.
Very sensual.
Message from: The bitch who screwed up my semester 🤦🏽‍♀️
Your moans were heard throughout the hall. I was barely gone and you were already dripping for me. Brats like you deserve a lesson. And you will see what a lesson I will teach you... slut.
The boy from the wrong number was extremely sensual.
Thank you so much for reading this!~
Have a good day or night, beautiful. 🥰
This is a translated version. The original version will be posted in due time.
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🍵🍵🍵🍵 Gimmie
Salty Sunday
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This has been bugging me like for awhile but recently seeing the 'hot take' of how people over glorify Alcina and how saying she's a lesbian and shit is bad because she's evil and saying she's a lesbian cus she killed only women is bad which like Granted that alone? Okay.
But that isn't the only reason why people HC and say she's a lesbian? KDFJ Like I don't need to explain but there's so much as to why she seems to be coded heavily as lesbian and no not all of it is based on evil shit (like come on. the puzzle room talking how women are blind to male advances. how all the statues of the angel's were all women in sexual poses. how she obviously doesn't like men. etc etc...)
Like man it rlly bugged me people are saying the fandom loves Alcina too much 'cause she's so vile and it's like UH YEAH I SURE HOPE SHE IS?? THAT'S WHY IM HERE BITCH
Also this one is really no fucking shade at any one in specific as this is something I've seen like. A LOT happen over my years of being not just in the RPC but the creative... community in general.
But. It really always bugged me and kinda makes me :v when people write smutty stuff and act like it's so bad in terms of like. OoohoOOHOHOHO I'm being so naughty and evil oh my god the siiiin and I'm just like... It's okay to write smut.
Like if anyone gives anyone shit for it they're just an asshole who doesn't know how to mind their business. But people hyping it up and being so public like ooo I'm so ashamed it just bothers me a lil bit? Idk it just makes me kinda like... Mmm. Like it's not a big deal and people just overhyping it just leaves a bad taste upon my person BUT THAT'S JUST MY OPINION AGAIN!!
3. I've talked about this before and granted I haven't seen it much anymore but god I HATE the whole thought idea of like 'blocking someone makes you a bad / immature person or you're wrong for doing it' or people having such gripes over people having them blocked like. WHO CARES... IT'S THE INTERNET. Like if someone in the RPC has you blocked well oh well I guess! It might not even be anything personal it's just they don't want to interact with you and just to make sure you don't get the wrong idea they make it so you can't follow! People do that!
Like who gives a shit. I'll block anyone I don't wanna see or interact with I don't give a fuck. ASKDJ (I'm not that flippant on it but I am liberal with my blocking. <3)
4. Sits down backwards on my chair.
This fandom has such entitlement man it's insane. AKSJDFG
I am just constantly amazed with how this fandom, the fandom in entirety not just RPC, feels so entitled to their shit and like.. Are so. Needy? I guess? KDJG
Like man the people bitching over Charlie/Alastor not getting any content in the shop but Charlie/Vaggie do instead even tho they are.. the canon couple.. AKSDFJ Or people harassing Viv over making their ships canon and wanting content for it to the point now Viv doesn't even like seeing those ships cus it just triggers her.
Like honestly who gives a fuck if a ship isnt canon like. This is going on a whole nother small tirade now but I'm tired of like 'pushing for canon'. None of my ships are canon that I can think of off the top of my head but who gives a fuck I'm still having fun and making the content I wanna see damn it. I'm not harassing the OPs on twitter like animals. ASDKFJG
Like. We are gonna get content we might not like from Hazbin/Helluva! I sure as fuck have already and I know I will continue to be upset and I HAVE A RIGHT to be upset but I'm not gonna be like. Harrassing Viv on twitter or some shit. I'll bitch about it but on my own blog in my own time and not even on the radar and then go: well anyway back to this divergency
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notnowtobey · 7 years
(At that person you're messaging)if you just assume people's gender until you "fuck up", as opposed to using gender neutral language or asking what their pronouns are, you are gonna be the last person a trans person in the closet is going to come out to or want to be around. Stop acting like you want to "get to know people faster" just admit you just don't care about trans people. I don't care if its a 99% or a 0.0000001% chance of misgendering someone it costs $0 to not be a deliberate asshole
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black-kpop-fans · 8 years
I don't get why people are so put out by fans talkin about the awful things celebrities have done or said? They're human beings, they're capable of fucking up and treating them like they're otherworldly do-no-wrong demigods isn't helping them. Don't these fans want them to be good people or to grow and learn from their mistakes? It costs $0 for an idol to understand what they've done wrong, apologize, and promise not to do it again. Isn't that what we expect of everyon else? Don't be an asshole?
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