#it brings me no joy to input data one million times and fuck it up somehow
metalgearemily · 6 months
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[please god i did not choose biology as my major to COOOOOOOODEEEEEE.
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jtkstudios · 8 years
What does it all mean?
Consciousness is something that arrises give sufficient complexity of a network? Our brains at their very core boil down to signals, on or off. 1s and 0s.They work in much the same way as a computer and can be essentially boiled down to very complex machines. That is how a materialist would view it, and modern science tends to view things in a very materialistic way. There is little room for non physical phenomena because they cant be tested and replicated using the normal means perhaps? But we have all experienced something outside of what is accepted as the norm. Ghosts, Disappearing car keys, The Mandela effect. Entire communities gather around the idea that there is far more to the world than what we know. Entire communities on the internet are dedicated to documenting “Glitches in the matrix” as if we live in some kind of simulation that is dictated by code. However recent science is proving that idea is not as far fetched as some would have previously thought. At the smallest scales matter begins to act very strangely and there are even experiments that prove that consciousness can effect matter. That someones focus can literally alter the fabric of reality. At the quantum level though reality dissolves into nothingness, nothing but probability. Chance. What is this strange thing we are all a part of? Some massive simulation? Elon musk has said that the odds that we are in base reality is one in billions. That would answer a lot of funky questions about the universe. Or multiverse? Scientists say that they can detect gravity waves from outside of our universe playing an effect on our and some say that these ma be traces from universes outside of ours. There are so many strange phenomena in this world. “As above so below” When viewing pictures of neurones in a brain it resembles pictures that scientists have put together of the known universe with all of the galaxies appearing as specs of dust in a vast network of stars. We may exist in an infinite loop. Is reincarnation real? Is there life after death? what is death? what is life?? We are all made of atoms, everything is. And atoms are made of 99.99 % empty space the solid reality we all know and love is purely and illusion. Psychedelics are chemicals that are coming back into the mainstream and with more and more people describing there experiences on them the more we see that out reality is a fragile illusion generated by our brains that have evolved to filter out unnecessary data. There is so much information whizzing by and we miss most of it. We can only perceive a small fraction of the light and sound frequencies. We can only gather first hand data using our senses, yet we know they can be tricked by sensory illusions and sensory input can be inputted by electrical impulses directly to our brain. We may all be in one large dream. WE may not even exist. All we can know is what we think, I can never even know if anyone outside of me feels to the same depth as I do, everyone around me could be npcs for all I know. I don’t even know if I have free will or not. If I am typing this because it has always been predetermined to happen since the beginning of the universe or if I could ever really do anything else? The deeper one looks into reality the crazier it all seems. Drugs exist, everything we are is influenced by chemical reactions that are determined by physical reactions that are determined by mathematical reactions. How is someone meant to go on living knowing that their life will end one day never again to be lived; all of their memories forgotten, and all of their deeds, good and bad, lost to the eternal void. Whats the point then of happiness and suffering, and joy, and life and death if it’s all meaningless. It would save us all a lot of trouble to just take a bullet to the throat and be done with it all. Maybe that is the truth, maybe there really is nothing but cold hard reality that will one day be engulfed by the heat death of the universe. But I cant believe that. I simply don't have the mental capacity to go on living if there is truly no point. And many other people share that sentiment. That’s why religion and spirituality exist, people gather around campfires and tell ghost stories because it is thrilling to imagine that there is more to this all than waking up at 9 every day to go to a job you hate to make barely enough to get by only to then you go home to a crumbing family dynamic that only brings more stress. So you flip on the TV to watch some mindless programming and have the lady on the news tell you what to think so you don't have to. Then for a break you are bombarded with messages of inadequacy by advertisements so you go out and spend what little money you have on shit you don't need that is most likely made by slave labour across the world. But you don't think about that. You don't care, how could you with the mountains you’ve built up for yourself. You don't care about global warming or the crumbling political system or the millions of people suffering and the billions of people overpopulating the world that is slowly being driven to uninhabitability by people like you who just don't fucking care. I can imagine what its like to be you, in fact maybe there was a time when I was you. But This life is too fucking strange to just let it slip by, or to fire off a slug into your frontal lobe and end it all. Its too strange and grand and brilliantly complex to just sit back and let it all pass you by. The fact of the matter is that this may be our one chance at life so how about we take this grand blessing and do something extraordinary with it. Follow your dreams, quit that bullshit job you hate and fund your life in more sustainable ways, live modestly, love extravagantly. See things that have never been seen, feel things that have never been felt, and then at the end of it all even if it was for nothing you can lay there surrounded by people you love at the end of your life and think it was all worth it. And who knows, maybe you close your eyes for the last time and breathe that last breath and everything fades to black for what feels like and eternity before you hear the faint beeping of a heart monitor in the distance, you walk towards the sound into a bright light only to realize you get to have another life to call your own, another chance to make a mark on the world and you cry out in joy and agony, laughing and crying at the same time. You repeat this process until the end of time, and in your final life you can look at the last star going into a super nova and as it wipes clean the last spec of existence you transcend all of your past lives and realize it was all you all along, everyone and everything was you. You are god who had splintered their consciousness off into a billion trillion pieces because of infinite loneliness and boredom. But now after so many infinite stories you've played out, so much sadness and happiness and pain and love and loss and life and death you can finally be at peace. You can be at rest. You can be enveloped in eternal happiness and gratitude at the gift of existence.
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