#it befits her by ziggy schutz
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Second attack for @sapphicaf22 made for @ziggyschutz using his story It Befits Her! Go read the full story now it's on her blog and it's incredible!!!
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ziggyschutz · 6 years
My queer lady knight was in a podcast!
It Befits Her (originally published in @forgedzine), about a knight and her squire falling in love as they survive the apocalypse, was the featured story for episode 101 of The Overcast. Read by J.S. Arquin, with an afterward from me at the end of the episode, too!
The whisper of armor over fabric is reverent, amplified by the hallowed hall that they've made their home since the end of the world. The Knight breathes deep, standing scarecrow-still as clever hands slide each piece of armor home. Repetition turns to tradition turns to ritual, giving each movement an elegance in its purpose. 
You can read along here.
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