#it barely does tbf
cosmic-muses · 9 months
The brain is such a miracle... that thang should not function
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essektheylyss · 8 months
It's been a full year since the Mighty Nein show announcement and I am honestly still laughing that we all inexplicably identified that the lines were re-recorded for the announcement in particular in .02 seconds flat. This is still my takeaway a year later.
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ratatatastic · 2 months
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on an ecological basis finns travel in herds
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it kills me look at em...all huddled up sans mikksy because theres a bjorny in the way and he keeps trying to talk to lundy but he ignores him (ah see its not so fun now that the shoes on the other foot aint it bud)
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magnet in their skates <3
edmonton oilers @ florida panthers game 7 postgame | 6.24.24 (x)(x)
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adhdo5 · 1 month
Fucked up and deranged btw how JGY is like three months older than NHS. Think about it for long enough and you start dying
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rotisseries · 10 months
THAT’S SO COOL????? I’m not into video games but GOD they reincarnate and are in love every time??? princess and knight??? also I’ve been wanting to say this for ages but link is sooooo gender. you get it
so. they are in love in the sense that nintendo is queerbaiting me. queerbaiting me with a "straight" couple (they are lesbians). they are not canon they kissed only in the second ever zelda game when there was only the barest story and they were nothing more than pixel sprites and they have not been canon since. and because every game is technically a different link and a different zelda, each individual game varies on how shippable they actually are? like, I'm not very far through twilight princess yet but I've heard they're pretty much just coworkers in that one. the three latest mainline games though, they're like. they're pretty much canon in all but name like you could say it's platonic but like at that point you are running on loads of denial. the three latest mainline games are skyward sword, which is the first link and zelda, the start of the cycle. the plot ENTIRELY revolves around how much link loves zelda. cause they're best friends, hyrule as a kingdom doesn't even exist yet (they live on an island in the sky) she falls to earth and is running around having to discover that she's a reincarnated goddess (that's a whole angst factor btw bc the goddess (hylia) had to fight demise and she won but knew it was temporary and knew demise would have to be defeated again, and that he would need to be defeated with the power of the triforce, which can only be wielded by humans, so she decided basically that she'd need a loyal human knight, and so she reincarnated into a human girl because a girl is loved in the way a goddess isn't and she knew someone would love a human girl enough to save her WHICH HAPPENS so basically zelda gets to have an identity crisis was she just dragging link towards this destiny the whole time? did she truly love him? did he truly love her? are they puppets in this grand plan? "I'm still your zelda" she says to him, but is she??? drives me nuts) and he, ever loyal, keeps running after her to save her again and again and again (link is so dog coded there's a great botw fic about this), and then they defeat demise and he curses them and link is just some guy who went through ALL THIS SHIT cause he LOVED zelda. what if you were in love with your best friend and it cursed you and your descendants for the rest of time this is so francesca by hozier I'd tell them put me back in it I'd go through it again if i could hold you for a minute. and then the next two mainline games are breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom and breath of the wild involves an amnesia plot so you basically watch link fall in love with zelda a second time and then in tears of the kingdom they are. common law married. they share a house. there's only one bed. do NOT get me FUCKING STARTED on the hateno house. and nintendo still plays FUCKING COY zelda's english va has to be like "they... have a really close bond...." this is how I know they're queer you wouldn't do this with straight people. and then people also ship ocarina of time (most popular and well known game of the series most praised for its story) zelink a lot but that's an older game I haven't played yet so I can't speak on them. zelda is so transmasc in that one though this I know. I talk about link being genderqueer a fair amount and everyone on this internet knows link is trans but trust. zelink is t4t
#also I love that you said “princess and knight” like it's another awesome factor about them cause yes so true#but so many people are like “UGH the princess and knight trope🙄” LIKE YOU DON'T GET IT!!! IT'S ABOUT DEVOTION!!!#tbf the zelda plot is always that you have to save zelda and nintendo won't break out of this winning formula#so I suppose for a lot of people it just feels sexist and tired and whatnot#but I've played only the latest games so I'm able to look past it cause zelda manages to still be a really good character from the sideline#also. they're literally in love. um. why do you hate true love and soulmates#anyway TECHNICALLY they're not in love every time. cause. as I said. twilight princess#(also there's some zelda games that don't follow the standard plot (such as link's awakening which I've played its SO GOOD btw)#so there isn't. a zelda and ganon. so obviously no zelink there)#but whether or not they're actually romantically involved I do think it's critical that they are SO SO SO SO IMPORTANT to each other#in which case if they are genuinely just coworkers in twilight princess I do think that's a failing of twilight princess#ask#witch-of-aiaia#hi aiaia!#also. fun detail here. link is a silent protag and they tend to make him a bit of a blank slate in the games#so when I say zelink is in love I am simultaneously working with the bare ass minimum in regards to link#and yet also so so so much cause of the everything he does for her#zelda being a reincarnated goddess/from the line of a reincarnated goddess is so crazy insane to me btw#she's links patron goddess he's her ever loyal servant they're UGHHHHHH#I could talk forever about them. evidently. they're so important to me. only couple I've written fic for
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notmoreflippingelves · 3 months
Esteban, Victor, and Shuriki for the bingo?
Esteban, my beloved <3
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Unsurprisingly a double-bingo for the blorbo. Clarification for a few of the points.
I am mainly being hyperbolic when I say Esteban has never done anything wrong in his life. I am fully aware that he has done some very bad things. However, I still maintain that he has still done less wrong than the narrative thinks he has and that he had already been more than punished enough by the time his actions come to light. 40+ years of isolation, a guilty conscience exacerbated by survivor's guilt and the responsibility of being the only thing standing between your country and a ruthless tyrant. Adding to that the fact Esteban was at most 18--frightfully naive, very scared and lonely and extremely young--when he made the worst mistake a person can make and had to live with the consequences for decades. Yeah, he was definitely punished enough long before Elena banished him.
I am also being a bit hyperbolic when I say that "no one understands Esteban but me." There are actually a bunch of people in the fandom who understand him pretty well, though overall, there are even more who don't understand him or who misinterpret crucial aspects of his character. A big thing for me is that there's a lack of recognition that a lot of Esteban's supposed "arrogance" is a facade and defense mechanism. He hates himself far more than he loves himself--and a lot of fans seem to miss that. On a much smaller note, when "Wizard School House" headcanons were still socially acceptable to make, I notice that Esteban was consistently placed in the "snake" house, supposedly because he is cunning and ambitious. However, this has never seemed right to me. He's never really sought power in and of itself, but more as a means of self-protection and/or because he feels it's what he's "supposed" to want/ a decent enough alternative if he can't have what he really wants (love and belonging). This sets him apart from Shuriki, Paloma, and the Delgados--who I see as more "natural" Slyther*ns, since the power in and of itself is what they seek. Imo, there's a decent case to be made for Esteban in any of the other houses, but I'd put my money on the "bird" house personally.
"Suck" is wayyyyy too strong a word, but Esteban/Paloma is by-far the most popular ship for Esteban in the fandom, and I don't much care for it.
When I say that Esteban is done dirty by the creators, has wasted potential, and has not enough screen time, I am primarily talking about the "Shuriki Returns" arc in S2 as well as a general lack of exploration as to the impact that the Dark Times™ had on Esteban. Now I fully understand why this is the case. For better and for worse, Elena of Avalor is a kid's show, and therefore, it is difficult to fully-present a character's decades of untreated PTSD in a way that is both appropriate and comprehensible for the eight-year olds watching. That being said, there was still much more that could and should've been done with Esteban especially during the Shuriki returns arc. They could've had Esteban speak more in a somewhat vague sense about how he has personal knowledge of just how dangerous Shuriki is and that he can't allow his familia anywhere near her. Or there could've been a moment where someone checks in on Esteban and lets him know that they are aware of how hard this must be for him and that he isn't in this alone anymore. But instead, we got next to nothing during a part of the show which should've been just as emotional and meaningful to Esteban's development as it was for Elena.
My opinions about Esteban that would likely cause concern for most of the fandom are primarily in reference to some of the people that I ship him with and/or some of my darker headcanons about what exactly the Dark Times™ might have entailed for him.
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In terms of wasted potential and not getting enough screentime, I think Victor and Carla should've joined Team Avalor midway through S3 as opposed to only a few episodes from the end. I also think Elena, Esteban, and Victor's characters would've all benefitted from another flashback episode set just before Shuriki's initial invasion and allowing us to get a better handle on the characters, their relationships, and their states of mind just before their lives were irrevocably change. It's also a bit of an overstatement to say that I "don't think about Victor much." The truth is that I don't think about Victor as an individual entity much (especially in comparison to some of the other characters), but I do think about his relationships with and to other characters (especially Esteban, Carla, and Elena) a good amount--and these are the specific "dynamics" in question that I particularly enjoy Victor as part of and of which I wish that I could see more. I am also aware that Victor/Paloma never interacted in canon, but the potential (shippy or otherwise) of their interactions lives in my head rent-free. Yet another reason that we were robbed of the Delgados getting redeemed earlier in S3.
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I'm a bit conflicted regarding Shuriki. I actually mostly like the way that she is utilized in the work as is. I actively don't want her to get more complexity/a sympathetic backstory the way that some others do. She works best as an ominious, omnipotent presence haunting the characters and the narrative (Esteban and Elena in particular). That being said, I do think that the Shuriki returns arc was shorter than it needed to be and that crucial aspects were missing from it. (As I had already mentioned, we were owed more Shuriki & Esteban interaction post-Secret of Avalor. We also should've seen more about how her return impacted the characters other than Elena herself.) I also think that during parts of the return arc, she was taken a bit less seriously than warranted. It became harder to view her as intimidating, insensate evil when she's complaining that her cringefail minions Victor and Carla just burst into song.
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mariocki · 3 months
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Le lac des morts vivants (Zombie Lake, 1981)
"Stories about the lake of the damned go back to the Inquisition. They used to celebrate Black Masses back in the Middle Ages: they would sacrifice children, which they threw into it so as to appease the spirits which otherwise rose out of their watery grave in search of blood. And we too, we've used it as an unholy grave during the war. But the soldiers we threw in were not a sacrifice... and they're coming back with a vengeance."
#le lac des morts vivants#zombie lake#horror imagery#gore tw#video nasty#jean rollin#julian de laserna#julián esteban#jesús franco#howard vernon#anouchka#pierre marie escourrou#antonio mayans#nadine pascal#youri radionow#bertrand altmann#marcia sharif#yvonne dany#pascale vital#gilda arancio#1981#easily the most disappointed I've been with a Rollin film‚ but then this is barely his film at all. it began life as a Jess Franco movie#until he quit in pre production when he balked at the meagre budget (and considering how cheap his films were‚ it must really have been#tiny). Rollin took over only as a favour to the producer‚ a friend‚ and also brought on another director with whom he split duties. this#was by every account just a paycheck to the French maverick of phantasmagoria‚ and boy does it show. his disinterest in the material is#palpable‚ and can be forgiven considering the shoddy script‚ largely terrible cast (Vernon is giving it his all tbf) and the truly woeful#zombie makeup. some green looking nazis creep out of a lake‚ kill some naked women‚ and creep back in. rinse and repeat a few times and#that's basically all there is to this faintly depressing little misfire. of interest really only for its inclusion on the video nasties#list and as a comparison piece to the film Franco made instead (Oasis of the Zombies) but otherwise this has very little to recommend it#if you had any interest at all in watching a Rollin film‚ then watch any of them but this (but ideally The Iron Rose or Living Dead Girl)
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georgia-stanway · 3 days
Talking to other people do I do too many societies
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callixton · 1 year
can u imagine if the thirteenth doctor was ever allowed to meaningfully express vulnerability with her companions in her entire run. can u imagine if that had happened
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reticent-hush · 8 months
Oh baby, here I am a second February in a row getting spoiled on jjk stuff. It’s like this month is cursed
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that domino meme but it’s labeled “me not being able to listen to audio content without falling asleep or my brain blocking it out as Noise bc adhd” and the first domino is “ @disgruntled-detectives convincing me to give Cabin Pressure a try” and the last one is “interacting with the creators of my beloved shows on social media”
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pinkseas · 1 year
when kazuha and yoimiya are both running and they're two of the only four 5* bitches u REALLY want to get like top of the list but kazuha takes priority over yoimiya but kirara is on the yoimiya half and you COULD just pull for both but yoimiya is in the first half and you have your guaranteed which means if you do pull for her you get her 100% but then you Don't have a guaranteed kazuha even though he's the most important one to get as opposed to getting kazuha guaranteed if he’d been first and then being able to chance the 50/50 with yoimiya......... and kazuha is so so so fucking useful in every single way esp for the ayaka team but yoimiya is Also really fucking useful for exploration and having both pyro and a bow on a team that currently uses neither but kazuha is still More Useful but they’re both so good but kirara is on the yoimiya banner and what if you get unlucky and it takes forever to get kirara and you pull yoimiya in the process without meaning to and
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royalreef · 1 year
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(( What if I just... gave Bellanda more merfolk-typical expressions. What if she didn't smile, and tended to view other people smiling at her as an aggressive/threatening gesture.
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v41entine · 2 years
One nitpicky complaint I hav is that in sr1-2 everyone's just wearing purple clothes, sr3 everyone has custom saints brand clothes but this is explained by them becoming celebrities, but in the reboot these 3 r like 'lets start our own business :)' n the next day they're decked out in purple n fleurs like where did u get those 🤨
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profic-mafuyu · 2 years
very random but einstein do be lookin' pretty good ngl
she does tho
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tiredassmage · 2 years
on the OTHER end of the game, back on agent tyr run #2, i smoked through tatooine because i love the agent segment on tatooine, there is something INHERENTLY tragic in his relationship with mia.
one, i could accuse him of low-key catching feelings - yet another instance where he doesn’t really do anything about it. except he absolutely does. he does what he can within the confines of the situation. (there’s absolutely an almost unacknowledged mutual crush here that will never go anywhere bc... it isn’t where this story goes but. hrhrhghghg my emotions)
he asks mia what she would do, if he let her have a choice. she chooses to start over. i don’t know if there was ever really a part of him committed to cutting her off as a loose end once he started working with her. i know it’s in the mission outline, and then he just... never thinks of it again. literally. he just. decides somewhere (rather early) that she’s been genuinely helpful and decides not to hold operational hiccups against her because they’re beyond her control - to him. it’s probably wildly trusting of him given that he didn’t trust watcher x farther than he could throw him and the entire bit of the ghost cell is imitation and he says it himself to shara that it sounds like a setup from the get-go and then it just... hrk. i care her.
idk, i’m just in my feelings because he lets her go and you can’t convince me that he doesn’t do it by telling her ‘you’re going to pick any flight out of here that you want, we never met, and you’re going to start over, whatever you’d like.’ and just.
he never gives himself that choice. even this early in his career, that’s... that’s never a part of his plan. and just. ow, y’know?
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no talk me. >.>
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