#it and it’s all Literal Clown circus Music lmao
moonrpg · 1 year
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so excited to see all the new expressions they added I like this one bc he looks like a yoshis story surprised yoshi
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sammorallee · 7 months
now listen to me
i have yet another helluva boss theory
i wont be sorry
so we know that The Seven Deadly Sins are just demons…
(e.g. Lucifer is a fallen angel, Asmodeus and Mammon are hellborns (?), Beelzebub is hellhound-ish?…)
i guess what i mean to say is they’re not like a special cast/species of demons, yk
also, in a case a Sin dies, some other demon needs to take their place, right?
last but not least, i saw someone saying that Vivziepop confirmed that one of the Sins will die in the series
if all of the above its true… so, here’s my theory
in season 2 episode 7 aka. “MAMMON’S MAGNIFICENT MUSICAL MID-SEASON SPECIAL (ft. Fizzarolli)” we see this scene in which, trying to protect Fiz, Blitzø shots Burnie or whatever this guy’s name is
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doing this, Blitzø breaks the mirror in the background. the mirror in form of Mammon’s face. you guessed what i’m about to say, right?
what if the Sin which is meant to die is Greed aka. Mammon and the one who will kill him will be Blitzø? that makes sense as this moment literally overshadows that. Mammon could be a danger to Fizz — trying to revenge for what he has done (and also i suppose Mammon really does not like Ozzie, so the best way to revenge and make it painful for all of those who Mammon hates is killing Fizz, right? at least attempting to) — and Blitzø could kill Mammon while yet again protecting Fizz
anyway, what i mean to say is in this case… someone needs to replace Mammon.
it could be, in theory, Fizzarolli himself, as he’s still a clown (i mean yes he said he’s quitting but who knows) and i mean… yeah, replacing his then-idol-now-dead-threat would make sense, but…
does Fizz really fits the role of Greed sin? he’s shown to be someone who doesn’t really care for money/any goods; he enjoys them, but he doesn’t do whatever he’s doing for money, but rather to prove himself he doesn’t sucks in everything he does.
someone who fits this role waaaaaay better is… Blitzø.
yes, The Seven Deadly Sins are not the exact representation of their own sins — for e.g. Lucifer is not the definition of Proud
however, we can all agree that he’s proud of his daughter, doesn’t that count? same with others — Beelzebub is rather someone who makes other enjoy food that eats too much herself and Ozzie is only horny with the one he loves
Mammon is a big exception being the one that really does look and act like the fuckin’ dictionary definition of Greed and, by coincidence, he’s the only antagonist from the four Sins seen in the series so far
my point is — the character still plays a role here. Fizz just doesn’t fit to Greed Sin. but Blitzø… Blitzø fits pretty well.
he’s not as, well, greed as Mammon, but again, let’s agree, he loves money. he talks about it kind of a lot in the series.
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even when he was a kiddo he said he wants so much money that he could do whatever he wants, lmao
and yes, right now Blitzø literally hates his childhood and doesn’t want to be related to circus in any way, but
his childhood dream was to open a circus. if he’ll replace Mammon… he’ll literally own his circus. funny, yeah? i mean. YOU SEE. it would be kind of symbolic, wouldn’t it?
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(i’m kinda new to the fandom in a sense so if i said something wrong, something that i’ve misunderstood — please tell me i’ll be grateful)
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thesylverlining · 3 years
Cannot stop thinking about that Homophobes At Jesus Christ Superstar post
Like lmao why. why are you even here. What part of any of this suggests it's for the homophobists. it's like the "going to circus and complaining about the clowns" except "going to a musical theater production and complaining about the gays"
Especially for this particular show. like I'm not even being hyperbolic or talking about subtext here, Judas literally is written as Jesus Other Love Interest, he gets a Sad Reprise of Mary Magdalene's Big Relationship Song "I don't know how to love him" and sings the actual words "does he love me too? does he care for me?"
Also their Kiss - and entire arc leading up to/beyond it - is played WILDLY differently from show to show (though always with the core motivation of *Judas doing everything because he's terrified of losing Jesus*, and varying levels of Oh They're Actually In Love. In one major Swedish (excellent, and easily Youtube-able) production, they straight up make out. Like literally. It is not a little cheek kiss, they just. Go at it lmaoooo and it's heartrending and amazing
So... yes, anyone pearl-clutching about this is being ridiculous in religion AND musical theater and just. Silly. So very silly. And JCS is great. that is all
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
Hello! I've been going through your Legacies tag and I'm glad to see another Hope/Lizzie shipper who also feel like they're wearing clown make-up. I ship them but I KNOW Julie Plec but also I can't help but be drawn in, especially this season. I want them to date but I know PLEC! But also dammit, what are all the scenes, what are the 'I love yous'. I'm that Persuasion: 'half-agony, half-hope'!
LISTEN, I first bought clown shoes after their scene in the car in season 1 where Hope says that she would never make fun of Lizzie's mental illness, but I quickly went, "This is a Julie Plec show, they'll probably never have any meaningful interaction again and also everyone in the fandom is focused on other ships, so why bother." Especially when Hope Got Forgotten™ and the big debate was whether Josie, Landon, or Rafael would remember her first.
*insert the It's Always Sunny... meme of the frenetic-eyed guy with all the strings connecting the pictures because that's what I feel like every time there's a new episode*
I will be the first one to tread shippy waters with caution and to basically never read into anything at all, but I genuinely do not know what's happening in this show sometimes. The relationship between the two of them is so central to the plot now that I cannot imagine any more logical or narratively-effective endgame than the two of them dating. So I am still sitting here in my clown car with my clown make-up playing stupid circus music on an infinite loop. The set up is there!!! IT'S THERE, JULIE!!!!! But since it's her show, for my own personal sanity, my expectations can only go so high.
I'm so glad that someone else understands because I am also being emotionally split in half a la Persuasion. And I doubt that will change any time soon with the way the show has been going, lmao.
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wjbsart · 3 years
A complete, very long list of all GBoard-combinable emojis because I can't find one anywhere.
Ok so for those who haven't seen my stuff (or have only seen my Bionicle posts), I sometimes emoji mashup redraws, with the recent fourth one using GBoard-based fusions. Frustratingly, there's no actual list of fusion-compatible emojis, so I'll attempt to compile them, in a list below the "Read More" thing:
Green/▢ = compatible with fusion Blue/△ = only works with certain emojis Red/◯ = not compatible with fusion
Also, since other people's terms for specific emojis might not match up with mine, I recommend using CTRL+F and then doing this to find the specific emoji you're looking for. This list is in the order presented in GBoard's Emoji menu. Some of them will be generic unicode symbols, I don't know how to change that, sorry for the inconvenience. Also, I won't aknowledge multi-category Emoji.
Smileys and Emoticons
😀Open-mouthed smile▢
😃Wide-eyed smile▢
😄Closed-eyed smile▢
😁Closed-eyed grin▢
😅Sweating smile▢
😙Kissing, closed eyes▢
😚Kissing, blushing▢
😘Kissing, winking w/ heart▢
🥰Surrounded by hearts▢
🥳Noisemaker and party-hat▢
☺Blushing, smiling▢
😏Looking off to the side▢
🤭Hand over mouth▢
😶Nightmare fuel Mouthless▢
😋Licking lips▢
😛Tongue out▢
😝Tongue out, eyes closed▢
😜Tongue out, winking▢
🤪Tongue out, wide-eyed▢
🙄Rolling eyes▢
😡Angry, red▢
🙁Frown but less▢
😳AWOOGA Flushed▢
😰Distraught, sweating▢
😧Distraught, shocked▢
😦Distraught, neutral▢
😮Open mouth▢
😯Open mouth, surprised▢
🤯Your head asplode Mind blown▢
😢Crying, single tear▢
😥Crying, less sad▢
😪Sleeping but different?▢
🌛Left-facing moon▢
🌜Right-facing moon▢
🌚New moon face◯
🌝Full moon face◯
🌞The sun▢
😷Masked up▢
🤠yee haw▢
👽Ayy lmao Alien▢
😈Demon 1▢
👿Demon 2▢
☠Skull and crossbones▢
💫Star with trail▢
🌟Star with bits▢
💢Anime anger symbol◯
💦Sweat Droplets▢
🎉Party popper▢
🎊Confetti ball▢
😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾Literally all the "cat in different emotions" emojis▢
❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤Literally all the coloured hearts△
♥Heart suit▢
💘Heart with arrow▢
💝Heart with ribbon▢
💖Shiny heart▢
💗Growing heart▢
💓Beating heart▢
💞Swirling hearts▢
💕Two hearts▢
💌Love letter▢
💟Heart in square▢
❣Heart exclamation mark▢
💔Broken heart▢
👥Two silhouettes◯
🗣Talking silhouette◯
👃👂🦶🦵💪👍👎👏🙌👐Every other body part and hand gesture, seriously this isn't even all of them◯
Seriously, I don't know why none of the people-category emojis are Fusion-compatible. Let's just move on.◯
Animals and Nature
💐Bunch of flowers▢
🥀Wilted rose◯
🌺Hibiscus flower◯
🌸Cherry blossom▢
💮White flower◯
🍂Falling leaves◯
🍁Maple leaf◯
🌾Rice plants◯
🍃Falling leaves again◯
☘3-leaf clover◯
🍀4-leaf clover◯
🌴Palm tree◯
🌳Deciduous tree◯
🌲Coniferous tree▢
🏞National park◯
🌀Tornado symbol◯
🌁Foggy scene◯
☃Snowman (with snow)▢
⛄Snowman (without snow)▢
🏔Mountain with snow◯
🏝Desert island◯
🌅Sunrise/set (water)◯
🌄Sunrise/set (mountains)◯
🌤Sun with cloud◯
⛅Sun and cloud◯
🌥Cloud with sun◯
🌦Sun and cloud with rain◯
☔Umbrella with rain◯
🌙Crescent Moon◯
🌠Shooting star▢
🌌Milky Way◯
🌆City in the evening▢
🌃City at night▢
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘The moon◯
🙈🙉🙊🐵Monkeys, wise or not▢
🦁Lion face▢
🐯Tiger face◯
🐱Cat face▢
🐶Dog face◯
🐺Wolf face◯
🐻Bear face▢
🐨Koala face▢
🐼Panda face▢
🐹Hamster face◯
🐭Mouse face◯
🐰Rabbit face▢
🦊Fox face◯
🦝Raccoon face◯
🐮Cow face◯
🐷Pig face▢
🐽Pig nose▢
🐗Boar head◯
🦓Zebra head◯
🦄Unicorn head▢
🐴Horse head◯
🐸Frog face◯
🐲Dragon head◯
🐃Water buffalo◯
🐿Squirrel (why does the squirrel of all things have a Unicode symbol?)◯
🐠Tropical fish◯
🐛"Bug" yeah sure ok◯
Food and Drink
🍎Red apple◯
🍏Green apple◯
🍠Sweet potato◯
🍳Frying pan◯
🥚Egg (somehow)◯
🍗Chicken leg◯
🍖Anime meat◯
🥙Stuffed flatbread◯
🍲Pot of food◯
🍤Fried prawn◯
🥡Takeaway container◯
🍚Cooked rice◯
🍙Jelly Donut Rice ball◯
🍘Rice cracker◯
🥠Fortune cookie◯
🥮Moon cake◯
🍧Shave ice◯
🍨Ice cream◯
🍦See above◯
🍰Cake slice◯
🍮Custard mate what kinda custard have you been eating, this is clearly a créme caramel◯
🎂Birthday cake▢
🍬Boiled sweet◯
🥤Soft drink◯
🍼Baby bottle◯
🍵Green tea◯
🍻Beers, plural◯
🥂Champagne glasses◯
🍷Red red wine◯
🍴Knife and fork▢
🔪Kitchen knife◯
Travel and Places
🛑🎡Everything from the stop sign to Ferris wheel◯
🎠Merry-go-round horse▢
🎪🏕Everything from circus tent to campsite◯
🌇City at sunset yes I'm surprised as you are▢
🛤Train tracks◯
🗾Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes and it's beautifuul!◯
🌐Globe with meridian lines▢
💺Plane seat◯
Activities and Events
🧨Dynamite Firecracker◯
🧧Red envelope◯
🎐Wind chime◯
🎏Fish streamers◯
🎎Japanese dolls (that's what the emoji's called, don't @ me with the actual name for them)◯
🎑Moon viewing ceremony◯
🎍Pine decoration◯
🎄Christmas tree▢
🥌Curling stone◯
🛷Rosebud Sled◯
🎣Fishing rod▢
🎽Running shirt◯
🥋Martial arts uniform◯
🥊Boxing glove◯
🧩Puzzle piece◯
👾Videogame alien◯
🎰Slot machine◯
🎴Flower playing card◯
🀄Mahjong tile◯
🎩Top hat◯
🎚🎛🎙📻Assorted audio stuff◯
🎥Film camera◯
🎭Comedy and tragedy masks◯
📱🧻Everything from smartphone to toilet roll◯
🧸Teddy bear▢
🧷🧢Everything from safety pin to baseball cap◯
🎒💍Everything from backpack to ring◯
💄👓Everything from lipstick to glasses◯
🥽📁Everything from goggles to folder◯
🗞🔎Everything from rolled-up newspaper to right-pointing magnifying glass◯
🔮Crystal ball▢
🧿🔓Everything from Nazar amulet to open lock◯
There are no compatible non-repeated Emoji here.◯
Aaaaand none here either.◯
Feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong.
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fanishjuli · 4 years
more of this bs* from over a month ago that i just never posted:
*my rants while watching shit, which btw reminder that you can filter out the tag #juli watches if you dont wanna see these.
tos s2e15:
I love Chekhov "I would expect you or Mr Spock to know about this" Spock: *rants about this shit for 2 minutes* I love Chekov "my dear captain" "my dear captain" skdjdksk two things: 1) tos Kirk Is not white so don't do him dirty and 2) I love how Klingon appearance changed from TOS to DSC everyone loves tribbles except Kirk skdjdksk "fortunately I am immune" lol Spock ily they put fucking clown/circus music over that skdjdksk Chekov is so defensive of Kirk I love him Scotty is such a dad I love Chekov Scotty is gonna snap djdksksksk Scotty is the uncle at the family gatherings that stays in his corner all night ignoring everyone's shit until someone insults his kid for being queer/autistic/disabled/etc and he throws one (1) punch and leaves with his kids and all the leftovers that's a good punch Scotty Chekov is dramatic even when fighting I love him can we talk about how awful stunt fights were in the 60s? sksskks Kirk's face I love him Scotty is proud of it poor Kirk I love him I love Bones and Spock's relationship have I said that I love Kirk already? why are there tribbles in the replicator? he's been literally burried in tribbles lmao Kirk's so done I love him don't flirt in front of the Klingons
tos s2e16:
I love Spock knowing and acknowledging human saying and I love Spock assuming everyone is not an idiot but still having to check, just in case "must be a transporter malfunction" it always is lol I love  how everyone just stops fighting to look at Kirk fight I love that it's a kidnapping but they still call him by his title lol Spock is a sassy bitch I love him Chekov is ace there must be angsty post-episode fics about this one episode right?? I mean they're literally whipping Kirk that creepy vampire dude is creepy and vampire-y the ethics of freedom "let me help" + "please help me once again" + help being kissing and love = I feel a fic idea coming sksksk Spock, you could just tell them about your and Jim's T'hy'la bond and that you know exactly where Jim is rn and get them to stop worrying already, there's no need to threaten/imply mutiny
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lovinmightyfire · 6 years
Well finally Ranunculus is out. (promotion ver, okay, it was short)
General opinions ... Really liked the song and some arrangements out there. I love the drums, they’re the most incredible part out there with some Die riffs that add so much soul to the song. Bass doesn’t really stand out in this studio ver and I’m sad about it because it implies of course, simplicity within the new music... okay, well done fxckers, you did what you wanted lol  The lyrics I like them too. I am kind of surprised because it was so mild and gentle of what we’re all used. Even in the most mild DEG stuff we see some kind of development, or some..raging, or epic pace behind? That wasn’t here on this song imo, that’s what surprised me the most. The beginning part was weird too, something I’m not used to for DEG. Reminds me of course, of very prog bands. But not prog metal which is what I prefer tbh. I still want to ...leave place to surprise, I still...I still have some faith. But I know I won’t feel this album like say, the latest one.
The video? I hated it, it’s uncomfortable BUT in a different way of what I expect of DEG. I won’t see it again while enjoying the song. I think it creates some disturbance because I don’t get the video, the superfluous stuff happening there, too much to my eyes to such a mild song with detail. I think there is a ranunculus right? But it’s with a lot of low exposure on the video, can’t really see... and I liked some of the paintings hanging on there. Literally a messed up circus, with Kyo being the only clown there, I don’t like the vkei items of today, to be honest I became so sick of it. It totally seems like the rest of the band gives a fuck about those disguises lmao. It’s maybe me but I feel some perturbating imbalance.  I don’t understand kyo’s looks? Why is he wearing a nasal cannula???lmao.Nah, won’t watch that again. Even if the color scheme wasn’t a threat to my eyes and was good.
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 2X2 Everybody Loves a Clown
Ok the new previously on with rock music? and it’s different every time? that fucking SLAPS
also I’m technically an hour late, but till I go by the rule that If i don’t go to sleep it’s not tomorrow so Happy Birthday Dean!!
oh no please not a fucking clown episode I’m begging you
aaaaand the kid sees clowns that aren’t there that’s...great
Really does set in the “don’t go anywhere, hunker down and nothing will kill you”
more poignant for corona than I ever thought
oh is this a hunter’s funeral for john? the burning of the body and all that?
I appreciate the attention to detail in having them still keep the scars from episode one of this season
“did he say anything” “no” I am begging you both to communicate for christ’s sake
one week later
ah is this the mechanic montage? to get the impala back in shape
Sam: Dean you had an out of body experience, are you ok?
Dean: *aggressively works on his car*
the idea of hyper fixating on the only thing you can fix(car) vs the things you can’t(demon, can’t kill it, etc) yeah ok that fits
god please oh please don’t kill the female characters I’ve heard they’re cool
Dean: tries to say something vaguely patronizing about rifle technique
oh i love her already
ELLEN!! damn she’s fun
how does....Ellen know Dean and John were close
What the hell happened when Sam left I need to know
Dean is really just gonna be...standoffish...to literally any woman in authority
This guy(mullet guy? Ash?) just knows...so much shit?
I love the roadhouse oh my god home base makes me happy
and Ash  just knows really fancy shit, calculates to the hour how long it was gonna take?? YE E MORE WORLD TIME
Dean please stop hitting on jo it feels weird for some reason
ah so it feels weird for him too ok
hahahaha she just lays out his entire schtick and calls it stupid
and Sam’s scared of clowns AHAHAHA
so we have Dean scared of flying and Sam with clowns, that’s perfect
“what dad would have wanted us to do” -Sam Ah so sam does end up being more sympathetic
“don’t be afraid of clowns” clowns are objectively terrifying sir what are you talking about
Dean’s reaction to when Sam said something vaguely dirty/more like him is priceless 
And Dean gets himself in trouble with two circus performers, one blind and one short? idk
Sam just likes watching his brother suffer
freakshow to asylum is a...weird take to have
Sam saying he doesn’t want to go to school feels....just
ah and Dean checks up on that statement
What the hell is the “Dad would have wanted”
and Dean “I don’t have a problem with that?” god please communicate a little better
Sam gets scared by a skeleton
“we’re writing a book about ghosts” there has to be a better option here Dean
i mean maybe, that’s not terrible it’s just kinda a weird excuse
maybe he got the sense that it wouldn’t go to well
The kid just...takes the clown in
and is...hypnotized
god that’s creepy
hey...you guys...if you wanna know why Ellen and John had a thing or not....you can ask
Dean: I’ll repress my feelings and maybe they’ll go away
Sam: no that’s not how this works
nice lighting in the scene they finally decide to yell it out
Dean’s got a point, picking until dead or dying to make it right is too little too late
ah...like John...underlying issues? perhaps?
at least they’re....talking and smiling....with each other.
ah the blind guy, he was weirdly clairvoyant about things
plus the fact that he’s the most likely to have brass knives either as a enemies close or a “force my foes to talk to me” thing is pretty nifty too
HELLA cool lighting shot of Dean in the fun house that makes me happy
OH brass organ pipes THAT’S A NICE TOUCH I LIKE THAT
lmao no one has mentioned Jess in...so long I just realized
Jo and Dean are sweet, the “wrong place wrong time,” Dean not going so hard, fuck it they’re fun whatever they are right now
he’s an MIT guy that’s so fun
and He’s protective of his keyboard and laptop :) 
and “Ash give us a call”
Ellen: Hey if you need a place to stay
that early seasons Sam haircut makes him look so young fdfahsofish
“I’m not ok, It’s too little too late” DFAIPSHFS SAM
“I’m not ok and neither are you” hurts me why must you hurt me
and in true Dean Winchester fashion, he’s angry, refuses to let himself cry, and stares vaguely till the emotions go away
boy oh BOY wrap up time:
1. Ok Ellen, Jo, Ash and the Roadhouse, giving bits to the hunter world, adding incredibly compelling characters, holy fuck I AM HERE FOR IT. Like obviously I knew the Roadhouse was a Thing, but I didn’t expect how much I’d love it in concept as well as practice. I love Ellen and Jo, and that they’re gonna come back, I love Ash, just SO GOOD all around
2. the clown lore? The mystery was much better done this time around, there were cool lore elements(and misdirection) AND there were interesting ways to solve the problems(the brass pipes, the smoke, etc). The mystery aspect of this show is really coming into it I’m so excited.
3. Ok so obviously Sam and Dean are grieving in the not grieving ways they’re prone, but I think I can now kinda put something together. Just because we understand John’s motives, that doesn’t excuse his actions. And his actions are that he was a bad father, and it’s a bit too little too late. Especially taking into account the later seasons and how much it seems to have fucked up Dean specifically. I think we understand where he comes from, but he’s not supposed to be the Hero, nor is he, at all. One good action does not redeem a man. Which is funny, because this would generally make him a hero-type in a lot of similar media(notably pirates of the Caribbean, which is what I’m quoting) I feel like everything before and after that moment undo it. Let’s stick with grey for now, that seems safe.
4. I’m very excited to see where these characters go. Although it’s also funny to me that I forgot Jess existed because damn did they not mention her at all
aight till next week and the end of the semester
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