#it always felt super off for some reason but i am really diggging it now
insufferablemod · 3 months
if you're still open to requests, i'd love to see sollux in your style!! :D
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only took half a year lmao but here he is!
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hope-for-olicity · 5 years
Airplanes, Coffee and Deadlines 1/?
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Felicity begins working at a national newspaper where she has always dreamed of working. On her first day, she meets a very interesting photojournalist. The two will eventually work together but sparks fly immediately. Also available on AO3. 
When Felicity saw the first paper airplane land on her desk she thought it must be a mistake. This was her first day at the Starling Globe, she knew no one so there was no reason for someone to be flying airplanes toward her, right?
Besides, this was a serious place of work. A national newspaper. Someone must have brought their kid to work. Felicity slowly rose in her cubicle looking for the little person behind the planes. She was too short to see over her wall so she walked out looking down for a child, only to walk into a fully grown man. She looked up feeling her cheeks reddening, as she came face to face with one of the most attractive men, she’d ever met in real life. His hair, his stubble and perfect blue eyes. “Uhm, sorry, I didn’t see you.”
“Really, I’m a pretty tall guy, kind of hard to miss.” He smiled, held out his hand. “Oliver Queen.” He could tell he’d made the new girl nervous, which was not his intent.
“Felicity Smoak.” She quickly shook his hand. “Did you see a kid? I think I have his paper airplane.” She held up the device.
“That’s mine.” Oliver smiled proudly.
“Oh.” Felicity knew her mouth formed the “O” she really was surprised. “Do you want it back?” She held out the plane tentatively. Now that she knew where it had come from she kind of wanted to keep it.
“Nope,” Oliver waved his hand. “You can keep it. I made it for you.  You know, as kind of a welcome to the office kind of thing.”
Felicity blushed. “Thank you. I’m excited to be here. I’ve always read this paper, it brought national and international news to my small hometown. I wanted to know what was happening everywhere. I am so grateful to be part of it all now.”
“Hold onto that. We need more people who think like you here. What we do important, to me it’s more than a job. People need to be informed. An informed public supports the very democracy we have. Sorry, getting off my soapbox now.” Oliver again worried he may gone too far. Don’t freak out the new girl, he thought.
“I completely agree, Oliver. I’m so glad I met you. I am definitely in the right place.” Felicity beamed. This guy was not only super hot but he held the same beliefs. She was going to have to pinch herself soon but she really didn’t want to wake up.
“So, what are you up to today?” Oliver tried to sneak a peek into her very empty cubicle.
“Orientation with Dinah Drake from HR. She had a meeting, so she left me to set my email and fill out the customary forms. She should be here soon to show me around, give me the lay of the land. I don’t mean lay...I mean….tell me all the rules and such.” Felicity just couldn’t stop herself from tripping over her own tongue!
“Sounds great, my desk is right here on the opposite side of yours so pop up if you need anything.” Oliver smiled, headed back to his computer. He was working on some photos he took that would be featured in the weekend edition of the paper.
Dinah arrived as Oliver walked away. “I see you met Oliver Queen. He is one of our best photojournalists. Award-winning, even.”
“Oh,” now that Dinah pointed it out, she had heard of him. Oops. It was like her brain had stopped processing for a moment, just stuck in the moment with him.
“Go grab lunch, I’ll meet you back at your desk in time for the two o’clock planning meeting.” Dinah left Felicity at her desk.
Felicity loved it here. She loved the busy newsroom with the ringing phones, people typing on their keyboards and the quiet din of television news coming from TVs all over the room. The news lived and breathed here and she was now part of it all.
Felicity unlocked her purse from her desk drawer, she needed to get some lunch. She hoped there was a place close by. As she left her cubicle she was happy to see Oliver at his desk. She tapped lightly on his desk so he’d remove his headphones, she heard some 90s grunge as he took them off. “Hey, just wondering if you know if there is anywhere close by to grab food? Nothing fancy, just coffee, soup or sandwich place?”
Oliver pressed stop on his music, before minimizing his windows. “No place nearby, but I’m about to head out if you want to come with me. I know the best coffee place.”
“Sold. You had me at coffee.” Felicity smiled.
Oliver grabbed his bag and they began heading for the door. “Oliver!” They both turned when they heard someone calling his name.
Oliver’s face broke into a smile. “Digg, so nice to see you. I didn’t know you were back.”
“Flew in last night, needed to take care of some stuff here before a take a few days off. Are you heading out?” John Diggle smiled, looking rather pointedly at Felicity.
“We are.” Oliver looked to Felicity, “Felicity Smoak this is John Diggle, one of our best foreign correspondents, John this is Felicity’s first day.”
John shook Felicity’s hand. “Have you been assigned a beat yet? Maybe we will be working together.”
Felicity chuckled. “It would be honour to work with you Mr. Diggle. I’m a big fan of your work. The stories you did from Afghanistan were outstanding and the photos. I especially loved how you focus on the issues facing the women there. Thank you so much for that. I and so many others needed to know what was happening.”
“Ooh, I like you and I wish I take all the credit for that series but that belongs with the guy behind you. He did all the background getting us sources and taking pictures, I just came in at the last minute and wrote it up. So, as much as it pains me to not be praised - it’s Oliver that deserves all the credit.” John nodded to his friend.
When Felicity turned to give credit where credit was due, she faced a blushing Oliver. It made her smile. She cleared her throat softly, “thank you so much, Oliver.”
Oliver nodded. He did not handle compliments well, especially those he knew were sincere. “Anyway, we are on our way out to grab lunch. Do you need anything? Want to come?”
“I don’t need anything by Lyla would like you to drop by,” Digg turned to Felicity, “she’s our foreign assignment editor, she tells us all where to go, plus she’s my eight-month pregnant wife.” John turned to Oliver. “I would suggest you bring her chocolate to avoid getting sent somewhere cold.”
“I will do better than that. I’ll bring her British chocolate which I need to grab from my desk,” Oliver hurried and forth to his desk.  “And I’ll bring Felicity.”
“Ooh, she’s going to like you more than me,” Digg slapped Oliver on the shoulder before turning to look at Felicity. “My wife loves meeting new journalists, she thinks you might know she things hasn’t learned and she greatly appreciates new perspectives.”
“Oh, I look forward to meeting her. But I might not have time today, I need to be back for two.” Felicity felt disappointed, Lyla sounded interesting and she was the foreign assignment editor a field of journalism she was very much interested.
“Oh, we have time. Plus, I’m in your two o’clock meeting. Let’s go, we’ll pick up lunch, bring it to Lyla’s.” Oliver heading for the door.
Felicity waved at Digg, rushing to catch up with Oliver.
“Felicity, it was an absolute delight to meet you!  Promise, you will visit again. I’m stuck here until the baby is born but I look forward to seeing you at work. John will be taking the second half of the leave. We split it with our first son, it works for us.” Lyla smiled.
Felicity walked out to the elevator with Oliver. “She seems great.”
“She’s the best. Really cares about her team. It means a lot when you are out in the field to know there is someone at home you can count on. Maybe one day you will experience that first hand.” The elevator dinged as it arrived.
“It would be a dream come true.  But for now, I’m just happy to be here. I’ll take whatever assignment they give me.” As the day went on, Felicity felt more confident than ever that this was where she was meant to be.
They made it back just in time for the two o’clock meeting. She met Dinah at her desk. Felicity felt a little awkward, she hoped to be early to make a good impression.
The meeting was led by senior assignment editor Walter Steele. Felicity had seen his photo, she knew he was regarded with respect but this was her first time seeing him in person. He commanded the room. And not just because he had a cool British accent.
“So, before we go around the room. Any new business?” Walter looked around the room.
As this was Felicity’s first meeting, she thought she’d be observing, figure out her role.
“Yes, Walter,” Oliver stood. “We have a new staff journalist starting today. Everyone, this is Felicity Smoak”
Felicity blushed widely. She never liked being the focus of attention. She stood nodded. “Thanks for having me.”
“Welcome to our team, Ms. Smoak. I look forward to working with you.” Walter Steele nodded in her direction.
Walter Steele talked to her. Felicity was totally having a fangirl moment. Felicity looked up to see Oliver smiling at her. It was like he got how awesome this was.
Felicity listened as the assignment editors, including Lyla on the phone, read out their assignments and who the journalist was on the beat. She heard Oliver being assigned to take photos of local protest regarding high rents. He got up, gave her a slight wave, heading out to cover the story.
When the meeting ended the local assignment editor, Quentin Lance, came over to here. “Hello, Ms. Smoak, you have been assigned to my team. Do you have a moment to talk?”
“Sure!, Mr. Lance.” Felicity shook his hand.
“Quentin will be fine. If you have a moment maybe we can talk about your past experience and what types of stories you are interested in. I can’t promise that you will always get those stories but it’s good for me to know.”
“Of course. Right now I’m grateful for the opportunity, happy to take whatever you offer. As for my interests, they are wide-ranging. I grew interested in international news, especially those that focused on human rights. My other interests include women’s rights, technology and human interest.”
“That’s great. Tomorrow there’s a women’s conference over at the convention centre. I’d like you to go. Hopefully, you can find a story and not just a puff piece.” Quentin gave her a serious look.
Felicity nodded. “I’m on it.”
“Great. Your name will be at the door, you can pick up your pass there. Email me the moment you have something.” Quentin nodded before walking away.
Felicity had to stop herself from squeeing. Her first real assignment. She was going to knock’em dead.
Felicity did knock’em dead. She ended up exposing that the male panellists at the Women’s Conference were being paid more than the female. That wouldn’t be happening again.
Felicity got an email from Quentin asking to see her in his office. She made her way there hoping he was pleased with her. She tapped lightly on the half-open glass door.
“Aww, Ms. Smoak. Thanks for coming. Take a seat.” Quentin gestured to the seat across from him.
“You can call me Felicity,” she took a seat.
“Well done, Felicity. Lyla said she saw the fire in you.” Quentin smiled. “How is your story coming along today?”
“Good, as you know I’m covering the movie being shot on the residential street nearby. I got quotes from the crew and an actor about shooting in the city, I just have to add the finishing touches, quotes from residents and I will file.” Felicity crossed and uncrossed her legs, unsure what her boss was thinking.
“Sounds good.” Quentin gave her a gruff smile. “Alright, I guess I’ll see you at the morning meeting.”
Felicity stood to leave noticing for the first time the basset hound in the bed next to Quentin’s desk. “You have a dog! How wonderful.”
“Felicity, meet Deadline.” Quentin nodded at the dog he watched him. “Deadline, this is Felicity.”
Deadline turned to face Felicity. “Nice to meet you Deadline. I didn’t realize this was a dog-friendly office.”
“As long as the dogs don’t cause trouble they are welcome here. Walter read they create a calming environment, decrease the stress that kind of thing….do you have a dog?” Quentin pet the top of Deadline’s head.
“No, but I’ve always wanted one.” Leaned down to pet Deadline’s back.
“Well, I don’t know if they decrease stress, but Deadline is always there for me. You should think about it.”
“I will. Knowing it’s a dog-friendly office definitely helps in my decision making.” Felicity had a smile on her face as she left.
Felicity had a lot to think about as she headed back to her desk - a dog, how much she was enjoying her new job and whether or not it was a good idea that she a crush on a dashing photojournalist.
Thanks for reading! I so hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! A lot of this first chapter was autobiographical from my experience working at a newspaper. Next chapter coming soon! I’m going to tag some people. Please let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged.
@mindramblingsfics @memcjo @mel-loves-all @wherethereissmoak @green-arrows-of-karamel @spaztronautwriter @wrldtravler @tdgal1 @vaelisamaza @oliverfel4 @lucyyh @swordandarrow  @smoaking-greenarrow @it-was-a-red-heeler @miriam1779 @coal000 @blondeeoneexox @laurabelle2930 @allimariexf @onceuponarrow @swordandarrow @msbeccieboo @tangled23works @icannotbelieveiamhere @1-crazy-dreamer @stephswims
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