#iswm spider creature
crackedegotheories · 2 months
when there's smth strange in the new mark vid who you gonna call?
(got thrown into a swirling rift in what I can only guess is the fabric of reality and told I needed to find an ax to help someone talking in blue lettered text)
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You rang? (Side note, YouTube lost its notifications privileges with me, so I saw this message before I saw Mark's new video. It's probably the only reason I had enough time to type this post up before I head off to the airport, so thank you!)
Okay, to recap: We have a really weird drive by bee attack. No relation to the lore or anything, just bizarre. RIP, bee, you went out stinging. Then we have Mark talking about his love of being dropped into horrors beyond his imagining (not a masochist) and deep lore, before asking Lixian to show us something very deep--"throw them in the hole!"
Lixian says to the viewer, "I guess it's your turn to go into the hole" (my emphasis, we'll get back to that), before we go into a pink, flaming hole. It's tempting to draw the comparison to the wormhole from ISWM, but what's interesting is the color--the only time we see a pink wormhole in Space is when Wilford calls us a ride after ours, uh, was "mysteriously" stabbed.
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Inside the hole, there are swirling clouds and flashes of blue lightning. Near the end, there's a break in the clouds that actually kind of looks like a side path to the left, but unlike In Space, we don't have an option of left or right here, we just plummet through the main hole to be met with darkness, and blue text.
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"Help me", "Please, help me", and "Only you can find the axe."
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Someone is asking for help, someone who claims that only the viewer can find the axe. So, let's talk about the axe, shall we?
First, we start with my boy, Damien:
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In DAMIEN, the very first thing we see is Damien himself, chopping down a tree with an axe. This is apparently a daily thing for him, and he chops down a LOT of trees, but in the climax of the video when finally confronting Actor Mark, Damien doesn't have his axe. Instead, Celine arrives, using the axe to break through to Damien and, uh, giving it to Actor Mark to hold for a second.
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Chronologically, the next time the axe is picked up is at the end of the fan game for Damien made by Lixian, just for Mark. At about the 48 minute mark, Damien/Dark sets his axe down as he's greeted by Wilford, which is then picked up by Lixian himself.
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Lixian is scratched up, presumably from his fight with Lunky in 3 Scary Games #61 which has Lixian attempt to cage Lunky only for Lunky to break out.
It's in the following, unnumbered 3 Scary Games that we first see Lixian wield the axe, to split Lunky in half. (Brutal!)
He would then go on to use the axe in 3 Scary Games #64 and 65 to kill the horror abominations of Mark featured in those videos, and attempts to use it again in #66 only for it to bounce off.
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Lixian tries to attack, and gets captured for his efforts, and we next see him in #75, waking up outside of the mysterious Plier Corporation and realizing he doesn't have his axe.
Since then, as far as I can tell in what time I have left to type this, the axe hasn't shown up again. It's missing, and someone needs our help finding it, but who and why?
Part of the explanation may lie with what the monster in #66 says at the beginning of the video: "The end is nigh. He has opened the door. The great Eldritch Plier is coming. Your end is here."
We get a hint at who this "Eldritch Plier" might be in 3 Scary Games #69, which begins with a man standing outside of a pink (!) portal, through which pops out Spider!Mark (one of the same creatures Lixian killed when he had the axe).
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This man resurrects Lunky, its two halves barely clinging together, and the next time we see it is with Mark, who admits he doesn't actually remember making Lunky.
Lunky's most recent reappearance is in 3 Scary Games #103, where now whole again he uses the viewer as a sacrifice in his ritual to go back and seek vengeance, presumably against Lixian.
So the safe bet is that it's Lixian asking us to help find the axe so he can take on Lunky, right?
Except...why would he send us through a portal to tell us that? And why would he think we would be the only ones who could find it?
It would make more sense if someone else, someone who is well aware of the workings of the channel and the viewers' place in it, someone who may know of this Eldritch Plier and the danger he poses and shares his ability to summon portals, to do so.
Someone like one Wilford Motherloving Warfstache.
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Or, y'know, Dark. He might also be involved.
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ghiertor-the-gigapeen · 7 months
Depending on your aus,which ego design would say has the more monstrous form? The world needs to know.
Ha! What about I give you a whole tier list >:D
If you wanna see more you can go to
#cryptid n horror corner  (I'll put the hashtag below this post)
CW// body horror
First tier, human with a twist:
heehoos/garuda celine/eye angel
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2nd tier: still human with a twist, but BIG: Dark soul boss dark(they're about as tall as 3-stories building)
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3rd tier, silly guys from the supervillain au:
Carnage actor/Dr.Ethan Connors(aka the lizard) he's one of the goozler's variants
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4th tier, hardly humane but his thing is to lure people so his appearance can't be too monstrous:
The carnivorous plant actor
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5th tier, the aquatic mf gongoozler
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6th tier, body horror I:
The iron lung gongoozler(or the mutated gongoozler)
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7th tier, body horror II, the most monstrous of them all:
I called it the arachniplier, the spider from iswm, some people called it the door creature. Tbh 6th and 7th can be on the same tier but due to my bias(I have arachnophobia)he has to be up here
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So that's it, hope you get your answer XD
The merrow gooz I made for my friend's dnd oc
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jackaycola · 2 years
THIS IS HOW I IMAGINE THE ACTUAL SPIDER CREATURE TO LOOK LIKE IN ISWM (but the funny thing is, I made this I think before the creepy jumpscare things Mark did?)
Anyway, this is my oc called Arachnak or something.
They originally were an SCP OC but then they just exist in the Ego world too ig.
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jackaycola · 2 years
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ahh my little creature.. little spider friend.
arachnak or something, that'll be your name now.
anyway, the way they say "open doooor? OPEN MOREEE???" makes me think of my oc so had to draw em.
i also am a bit disappointed with the lightning in the first one but let's focus on the cool stuff here.
thank you markiplier for using my oc :angel: :angel: :angel: /j
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