#gt supervillain au
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Wanted to draw marvin for a long time
#altrverse#marvin the magnificent#i made this#gt supervillain au#void silver#jacksepticeye fanart#septicart#jse fanart
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Fusion: Super: Supervillain AU + Office: CEO AU
How many workers know that the CEO Bulla is a supervillain? Does her assistant Goten at least know or is he oblivious to it?
Nobody didn't know that Bulla is a highly powerful and dangerous supervillain. Especially not Goten her assistant/crush who unknown to her was her archenemy who she also has a on-and-off romantic/sexual tension.
#dragon ball series#dragon ball z#dragon ball gt#bulla briefs#bra briefs#fusion au#fusion au ask#super au#super au ask#supervillain au#supervillain au ask#office au#office au ask#ceo au#ceo au ask#anon ask#goten x bra
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Masterlist 31
(******)= suggestive
do they like being tied up**** (ds tpt)
SO LOVES wing cuddles (all birds and drakes)
they wake up as a new species (tpt dt dt os)
bath or showers (all)
he ends up preggers (horrors)
late or early? (all)
stranger is getting stalked (ff fs ft hf)
hes balllddddd (lf tpt gt)
favorite game of the gamers
What they put as SOs contact name (all)
they meet thier evil twin (hs hf hfr sf dt)
someone drugs SOs drink (lsf lr lg lf)
SO says his **** is too big lol******
you know what that sounds like (edge sugar helios)**
the floor is lava (all)
who does and doesn't like being pinned (all)***
SO fell for him during an embarrassing moment of his (hf uf ht)
they catch their kid forging their signature
their kid got bit at school
pillow fight (all)
barbieland (mafias, lr. lsf)
SO nibbles to show affection (ul dt)
alien invasion (lsf ot)
fighting styles (of bf lsf df)
housewife or breadwinner? (all)
rule the country for a day (drakes)
aesthetes (drakes)
SO gets love potioned (st sf ff hfm)
Side Characters
sans the bat
rosemary's family history
snows siblings
three biggest covens of ebott
bloomsiles (monster subspecies)
monster blood
Unicorns! (Monster subspecies)
burial practices
how the lust serum came to be in each au
which aus follow lady magic the most
sunset surprise snails
skeleton beauty standards
ebotts sodas
after the horrors were discovered
what was the institution like?
how the horrors met their counterparts
tribes of drakefell
surrogates (and sir)
why sir isn't attracted to other skeletons
ebotts education system
foods banned in ebott
ebott fashion
The mafias
would they reach out to their kid? (continuation)
butch with an anxious SO
are they bilingual? (bonus saga)
tempos biggest enemy
cider is secretly a supervillain
what pooch looks like
the story behind moose's nickname
maple is a bean pole
artemis' life goals book
dimming gene origins
hook has a secret kid
edges favorite restaurants
lush's favorite restaurants
11 notes
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yes that’s a real word. FIGHT ME ON IT!
I have questions for you :D (finally T-T)
What do you find sparks the most inspiration when writing?
Pick: never be able to read again, or only be able to read backwards (no word shuffling)
What’s a fav hobby for you outside of writing?
Top 3 fav fandoms go!
What gets you mothers most excited? Reblogs, comments or asks?
What was the first thing that sparked an idea for a dsmp gt centred fic?
As a fellow mlb fan, fav ship out of the love square?
You’ve asked me before but: what do you write on, font and font size, colour user?
Your favourite dsmp gt fic
Your least favourite dsmp gt fic
A fic you wished got more notes then it did
A fic that performed better than you were expecting
Do you write for yourself or for others?
If you could change one canon thing from dsmp season 1, what would it be and why?
A character you think is underrated
Something canon about your c!sona
Your fav oc and lil bit of info about them.
A random thing you like that others often don’t.
Ok I think I added enough questions! Go wild!!! Love you Brick!!! Have a lollipop 🍭
probably music when i'm actually writing, and sometimes shows/movies will spark aus ideas cause yk it's pretty easy to pick a plot from a movie/show subplot,,
read backwards!! it'd be cool because 1. i could learn to read backwards and 2. it'd make suspense & tension so much better! i love when characters in a horror movie slowly make sense of something written backwards :D
mm probably baking? idk i'm a very boring person irl so it has to be baking--i'm not very good at making baked goods look appealing but it always tastes really good :D and it's just fun to be in the kitchen and bake sdjjgdsdnf
uhuhuhuh g/t dsmp & horror,,,, is horror a fandom??? it is now!
mm time to get into this !! probably little streamer au, because that sparked an idea for an au where dream was tiny and george was human. then i wanted to ask ppl for prompts and then curiosity came from a prompt i got on a random prompt generator. at the time it wasn't g/t and was a normal fic following the same plot except wilbur was a lot friendlier and didn't trap tommy sdhjsdnf
marichat, it's so basic and so underrated, i get so hapy whenever i see the two of them together :D also for some reasons they're vibes are pretty cool. all of their scenes are nice
i used to color my pages when i was bored but then i stopped. so currently, i write in size 8 and my font is times new roman. aaand i write mainly on google docs, but sometimes i'll write on notes if im in a hurry (usually tho notes is for quick idea jots)
supermarket au will forever have a VERY special place in my heart and i looove supervillain and super...tiny? au, so i'm going to go with those two before i add more and never end my ramble sdjgjsdnf
alr for this i am not doing anyone elses fic and instead doing mine because 1. i don't think i could pick one and 2. if i did i don't think i have the heart to say cause i don't want to make anyone upset :'D SO from MY aus, my least favorite is probably my mlb au. the concept is amazing but worldbuilding is incredibly confusing and i keep changing the au plan,,,
hmm probably oh george. i knew it would do semi-well but i didn't expect it to get almost 100 notes--- the dsmp g/t fandom really likes dream apparently sejhgjsdnf
it depends, some of my wips are for me and won't be posted (looking at you non g/t fics) but my g/t fics are usually for other people, especially those gifts i give out. looking at my recent post i definitely think i like writing for other ppl tho
honestly (and this may be just because i haven't finished the lore yet) i think i would want tubbo to do the s1 ending. when he mentioned that he said he thought amnesia was lazy but it wasn't up to him, it makes me wonder what he'd come up with, because tubbo is a really smart guy when he needs to be
hbomb!! i don't watch him a lot and i've only seen him a bit in lore but so far all of the interactions with sbi in pogtopia era i really like hbomb :D
her home is very tidy despite her temper,,
i don't have too many ocs but my favorite is probably celina! i made her a while back with my friend a few years ago. basically the whole thing we did was celina is a "crazy lunatic nurse" get it? C(razy)eL(unatic)iN(urse)a i was pretty proud of that one lol. anyway the "lore" was just me and her doing a huge game of hide and seek in a roblox game asfdjgdfsjdnf. legit i was hunting her for about 4 hours
i genuinely have no idea-- maybe VORE?? i mean i have this little friend group on here that likes it and i'm in a community that likes it but if i walk up to someone irl and say "hey i like people eating other people alive :D" then i don't think it'd end well LMAO
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Week of 9/9/2018 - 9/15/2018 USUK!
Total fics: 39
FFN: 8
AO3: 31
fanfiction.net :
Silence by Pyb World
—El silencio es la forma más elocuente de mentir —leyó Arthur y resopló con indignación—. Qué estupidez más grande; que no quiera hablar sobre algo no quiere decir que esté mintiendo. Alfred sonrió y le quitó su cuaderno de apuntes: —El silencio guarda secretos. AU Humanos.
Rated: T - Spanish - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 69,635 - [England/Britain, America] N. Italy, Germany
Cardverse: If you're gone by susarian
"If you are gone, what am I supposed to do?" Cardverse Hetalia contains a slight bit of yaoi and violence. Update every two days.
Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Friendship - Chapters: 18 - Words: 24,793 - [England/Britain, America] Japan, China
dulu dan sekarang by Cinerraria
Alfred menyukai benda yang baru, sementara Arthur memuja masa lalu. [drabble]
Rated: K+ - Indonesian - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,071 - [England/Britain, America] - Complete
Enemigo mío by Steel Mermaid
Estados Unidos ha recibido el informe del Escuadrón 731 por parte de Japón, comenzando un camino siniestro contra sí mismo y envenenándose desde adentro para alimentar su enfermedad junto con un proyecto siniestro que lo llevará al límite. One-shot. Leve UKUS. Ambientado en el proyecto MK Ultra. Guerra Fría.
Rated: T - Spanish - Drama/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,701 - [America, England/Britain] - Complete
补偿恋爱 by lena891125clover
众所皆知,仲夏夜之梦是场喜剧。 一个仲夏的夜晚,受妖精捉弄而陷入迷恋的人们,和最后所有人都得偿所愿的结局。 而同样人尽皆知的,伊卡洛斯是场悲剧。 一个阳光普照的日子,受囚多年重见阳光的少年,以及他无人不晓的坠落。 亚瑟对阿尔弗雷德的单恋便是如此,生于莎翁的仲夏,却以希腊悲剧作结。 一直到那个将世界翻转的夜晚,他才发觉,即使夏日已逝,故事却还未到尾声。 一个做错事的人与假装错误未曾发生的人,在下一个夏日里,两人的心思将去往何方。
Rated: M - Chinese - Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 22,591 - [America, England/Britain]
What a Shame is Love! by Igirisuisaqueen
When a group of rebels, including the spunky Alfred, attempt to steal from Crown Prince Arthur, what will happen? Add in the fact that Alfred is totally crushing on Arthur and you have the drama of the century. (First fic on this website.) Rated T for safety. There's a little bit of violence. USUK.
Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,051 - [England/Britain, America]
The return of the Queen by gxgirl-93
For 15 years the Kingdom of Spades has been missing their Queen. The King has never given up hope that his love will one day return to him and their Kingdom. But what happens when he does return with no memory of being a Queen, but instead a country. USUK, one sided FRUK
Rated: T - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 9 - Words: 25,435 - [America, England/Britain] France
Masquerade by moonlighten
The Kirklands have been supervillains for generations. They're rich, powerful, and no superhero has ever been able to defeat them. Until now. Maybe. If he ever manages to control his powers properly and learn a little subtlety, then the newest superhero on the scene might have a fighting chance, at least. (Superhero AU; America/England, Scotland/France, Wales/Romano.)
Rated: T - English - Crime/Mystery - Chapters: 9 - Words: 22,670 - [America, England/Britain] [Scotland, France]
archiveofourown.org :
Cardverse: If you're gone by Susarian
"If you are gone, what am I supposed to do?" Cardverse Hetalia contains a slight bit of yaoi and violence. Update every two days. This is set in an alternate universe.
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relationships: America/England (Hetalia), China & Japan (Hetalia), China/South Korea (Hetalia), North Korea/South Korea (Hetalia), Japan/South Korea (Hetalia)
Characters: England (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), South Korea (Hetalia), Hong Kong (Hetalia), Macau (Hetalia), North Korea (Hetalia), Taiwan (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Switzerland (Hetalia), Liechtenstein (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Cardverse, Major Illness, Alternate Universe
Language: English
成人限定 by Violaoi
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hetalia:Axis Power
Relationship: America/England (Hetalia)
Language: 中文
Recording by antagochigo
In which Arthur finds out about his roommates part time job...
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relationship: America/England (Hetalia)
Characters: England (Hetalia), America (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Boarding School, USUK - Freeform, AmericaxEngland - Freeform
Language: English
Spades by motoroilfreeway
The Kingdom of Spades is in current need of a queen. For Alfred Jones though, its current reigning King, he thinks he can rule the kingdom just fine on his own with a Jack who doesn’t stop with pushing him into marriage interviews, hoping to change his King’s mind. That is, until a man comes along, brought ashore by the waves. We’ll see how this goes from there.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relationship: America/England (Hetalia)
Characters: America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Portugal (Hetalia)
Additional Tags:, Cardverse
Language: English
dulu dan sekarang by Cineraria
Alfred menyukai benda yang baru, sementara Arthur memuja masa lalu. [drabble]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relationship: America/England (Hetalia)
Characters: England (Hetalia), America (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: semi canon, platonic, Drabble
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Tiene Sith by ChemiToo
Betrayed and exiled, one of the Fae finds himself in the care of a rather peculiar human and his brother. Rating subject to change, maybe possibly.
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers, Celtic Mythology
Relationships: America/England (Hetalia), Past France/england
Characters: America (Hetalia: Axis Powers), England (Hetalia: Axis Powers), Canada (Hetalia: Axis Powers), France (Hetalia: Axis Powers)
Additional Tags: Celtic Mythology & Folklore
We're Only Liars (But We're The Best) by ForLoveOfLiberTea
No Matter What by Miscellaneous_Ink
“Every morning, someone walked up and down Matthias’ street playing the violin, as though trying to wake the quiet neighborhood up with song. It was a beautiful song that belonged to an even more beautiful man.” – Matthias Køhler has only ever wanted two things: to be loved, and to be able to love himself. Perhaps, the mystery man would be able to help him with that.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relationships: Denmark/Norway (Hetalia), Hong Kong/Iceland (Hetalia), China/Russia (Hetalia), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), America/England (Hetalia)
Characters: Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Hong Kong (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags:, Punk!Norway, trans!Denmark, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Transphobia, I AM NOT A TRANSPHOBE I AM FTM MYSELF, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Nor is kickass at the violin, Den plays piano like a boss, Gender Dysphoria, Body Dysphoria, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, Eventual Happy Ending, Prostitution, Tattoos, Piercings, sub!Denmark, dom!Norway, because I like NorDen more >:) ehehehehe, DenNor, NorDen, Denmark has freckles, Fin is supportive, So is Sve, Awesome Trio (Hetalia), Nordics, Nordic 5 - Freeform, Unrequited Love, True Love, Cute, Iceland is being Iceland, Ice and Nor are prostitutes, But they aren’t by the end,:D, Denmark is a smol child
Language: English
Series: ← Previous Work Part 4 of the No Matter What series
Hearts can heal by extrastellar
João and Cheng get married, at long last. And Antonio? Antonio tells everyone that Tim couldn’t make it to the wedding, not mentioning their bad fight and that Tim had been sleeping at his sister’s place for two weeks already
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relationships: Netherlands/Spain (Hetalia), Macau/Portugal (Hetalia), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), France/Scotland (Hetalia), America/England (Hetalia)
Characters: Spain (Hetalia), Netherlands (Hetalia), Belgium (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Macau (Hetalia), Portugal (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), France (Hetalia)
Additional Tags:, Alternate Universe - Human, Hetalia Countries Using Human Names, Fights, How Do I Tag, Breaking Up & Making Up
Series: ← Previous Work Part 3 of the Hetalia Rare Pairs series
Demonic Romeo by Pastaaddict
A demon and an angel meet in battle and a forbidden love blossoms but how long before the wrong people find out and both are put in danger?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relation ships: America/England (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Lithuania/Poland (Hetalia), Finland/Sweden (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), implied France (Hetalia)/Jeanne d'Arc | Joan of Arc
Characters:America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Ancients (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Estonia (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Latvia (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Devil and Angel brothers, Starcrossed Lovers, Inspired by Romeo and Juliet, Character Death, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net under same name, more tags may be added
Language: English
Chasing the Moon by Anubis_2701
The efforts made by Matthias and his crew to rescue their friends have resulted in them being imprisoned. Trapped and unable to negotiate, some among them may have to strike hard bargains with their rebel captors in order to win their own freedom.
Lukas and Emilia have fought tooth and nail to get to the resistance, and fought even more to restore order within its ranks. But with their vital secret hanging in the hands of a group of criminals, their future looks more uncertain than ever.
Lovino and Feliciano have struggled to keep their identities concealed for years. With the secret of their birth out between the two, their bond is stronger than ever. But with the arrival of a talented mercenary on Rela seeking the great bounty on their heads, the two may be forced to abandon their place of sanctuary to evade capture.
As empires begin to fall and death spreads like a plague, only the brave bother to keep going.
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relationships: Denmark/Norway (Hetalia), America/England (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), Lithuania/Poland (Hetalia), Bulgaria/Romania (Hetalia)
Characters: Norway (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Female Lithuania (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Svalbard (Hetalia), Female Iceland (Hetalia), Switzerland (Hetalia), Kazakhstan (Hetalia), Hong Kong (Hetalia), Taiwan (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Romania (Hetalia), Bulgaria (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Ancients (Hetalia), Egypt (Hetalia), Seborga (Hetalia), Female Germany (Hetalia), Turkey (Hetalia), Peru (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Estonia (Hetalia), Original Characters, Background & Cameo Characters
Additional Tags: Space Opera, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Space Pirates, Bounty Hunters, Rebels, Sequel, LGBTQ+ characters, Explicit Language, Telekinesis, Elemental Magic, Mind Manipulation, Healing, Rape/Non-con Elements, Aged-Up Character(s), De-Aged Character(s), Guerrilla Warfare, Rescue Missions, Slavery, Sexual Slavery, Assassins & Hitmen, POV Multiple, Snow, Past Child Abuse, Terminal Illnesses, Secret Identity, Military Training, Strong Female Characters, Original Universe, Lore - Freeform, Buckle up motherfuckers because this has the s l o w e s t o f b u r n s, who ever thought i would write enough of this shit for a sequel, Not me that's for sure
Language: English
Series: ← Previous Work Part 2 of the Hunting the Stars series
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(part 1/2) For the recent anon requesting feral Bucky. I hope these fit the bill and are to their liking > Bound by yellow_crayon; all they see is scars by yellow_crayon; The Madman by fannishliss; To You I Belong by Anath_Tsurugi; So you're telling me bros usually don't fuck together? by Masamiya; Steve Care for Beginners/Dummies by yvngp; Situation: Normal by redcigar; Original Programming by zetsubonna;You Just Had To Make It Weird by IamShadow21; I've Always Been Yours by Taste_is_Sweet
(part 2/2) For the recent anon requesting feral Bucky. I hope these fit the bill and are to their liking > Ask Me Again by XxAngelicMurderxX; wilted by macabre; Safe From Harm by Odsbodkins; Hot as Blood, Cold as Steel by marlowe_tops; Blood by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)Thank you for writing in by [yellow_crayon](http://archiveofourown.org/users/yellow_crayon/pseuds/yellow_crayon)> You become responsible for what you've tamed.> (Bucky comes back to him slowly. Steve is with him every step of the way. The Avengers help out as best as they can.)[all they see is scars](http://archiveofourown.org/works/7224346) by [yellow_crayon](http://archiveofourown.org/users/yellow_crayon/pseuds/yellow_crayon)> A mysterious weapon makes Pre-serum Steve appear in the present day.> The rogue Winter Soldier mistakes him for his one true handler.[The Madman](http://archiveofourown.org/works/3815254) (sex work and related slurs) by [fannishliss](http://archiveofourown.org/users/fannishliss/pseuds/fannishliss)> Steve is hired by Zola to document his lab experiments. When the experiments extend to a human "volunteer" Steve decides enough is enough.[To You I Belong](http://archiveofourown.org/works/1430335) by [Anath_Tsurugi](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Anath_Tsurugi/pseuds/Anath_Tsurugi)> The first time the Winter Soldier sees Captain America, he can't help but think 'mine', even though he has no idea why.[So you're telling me bros usually don't fuck together?](http://archiveofourown.org/works/2795567) by [Masamiya](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Masamiya/pseuds/Masamiya)> Bucky doesn’t remember exactly what is acceptable or not in society, and just does whatever he wants, like the asshole cat he seemed to become. It appears quickly that what he wants is to end all forms of personal space, and make all of the Avengers coming near Steve's appartment very, very uncomfortable.[Steve Care for Beginners/Dummies](http://archiveofourown.org/works/7261975) by [yvngp](http://archiveofourown.org/users/yvngp/pseuds/yvngp)> Bucky learns how to take care of Steve.[Situation: Normal](http://archiveofourown.org/works/5373887) by [redcigar](http://archiveofourown.org/users/redcigar/pseuds/redcigar)> AU wherein Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers never met, Steve somehow manages to rescue the Winter Soldier anyway, and Avengers Tower ends up with the world’s angriest duckling and a whole new brand of entertainment.> -> (“He was dragging him out of the river,” Natasha argues later.> “Nat, be honest, he was going for the Full Monty.” Says Clint.> “I’m pretty sure we interrupted him in the middle of giving ‘emergency CPR’,” Tony agrees, “Or the stage after emergency CPR. Emergency Dick? Is that a thing?”> “That’s not a thing,” Natasha and Clint reply.)[Original Programming](http://archiveofourown.org/works/1838422) by [zetsubonna](http://archiveofourown.org/users/zetsubonna/pseuds/zetsubonna)> The Winter Soldier has gone off the grid. Sometimes he's in his own head, sometimes he isn't. He can't remember the mission. He can't remember what he was thinking at the museum. Everything comes in and out.> The Man on the Bridge wasn't right. Something about him was wrong.> He took a break to wreak havoc on his former masters, and when he returned, The Man on the Bridge was the way he was supposed to be:> smaller.[You Just Had To Make It Weird](http://archiveofourown.org/works/3956227) by [IamShadow21](http://archiveofourown.org/users/IamShadow21/pseuds/IamShadow21)> Steve and Sam are in the middle of nowhere, the absolute opposite of civilisation, just following a lead on Hydra and checking in to a cheap hotel and finding an awesome diner with great food and even better looking pie.> Then Bucky Barnes turns up and ruins everything.[I've Always Been Yours](http://archiveofourown.org/works/2780930) by [Taste_is_Sweet](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Taste_is_Sweet/pseuds/Taste_is_Sweet)> Bucky's in Steve's apartment when he comes home.> (*It warms him, though, to think of Bucky using his apartment, that he might feel comfortable there regardless of how he got in. It makes Steve happy to know that Bucky's been able to eat decent food and get clean, hopefully feel safe enough to sleep. And the fact that Bucky went to Steve's apartment, out of all the thousands he could have chosen anywhere in New York City…*> *Well, Steve doesn't want to think too hard about that part, because he doesn't want to hope.*)[Ask Me Again](http://archiveofourown.org/works/7443172) by [XxAngelicMurderxX](http://archiveofourown.org/users/XxAngelicMurderxX/pseuds/XxAngelicMurderxX)> "I took back what they stole from me, Steve. Now it's your turn to take back what they stole from you. So I'll say it one more time. Ask me again."[wilted](http://archiveofourown.org/works/9228410) by [macabre](http://archiveofourown.org/users/macabre/pseuds/macabre)> The Winter Soldier’s new mission is to guard and protect. It’s a command that is not understood well; the asset has always been unleashed to kill, torture, kidnap. Not to guard anything. They don’t directly tell him what it is he’s guarding until they take him to it the next morning.> It is a man. A very small man. Delicate in a way that makes him uncomfortable because he knows how easily he could kill him, without trying, without looking. > AU: Steve is taken by HYDRA to be a guinea pig, and the Winter Soldier is assigned to guard him.[Safe From Harm](http://archiveofourown.org/works/805777) (rape/noncon) by [Odsbodkins](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Odsbodkins/pseuds/Odsbodkins)> After the supervillains have won, they auction off the Avengers. Even though the Winter Soldier does not have the money to bid, he knows that Captain America belongs to him.> Please heed the warnings: this fic features graphic depictions of violence and sexual assault, a physically and sexually abusive relationship, and mentions of suicide.[Hot as Blood, Cold as Steel](http://archiveofourown.org/works/1748276) by [marlowe_tops](http://archiveofourown.org/users/marlowe_tops/pseuds/marlowe_tops)> Conversations in an abandoned bunker. The asset isn't sure of many things, but he knows that the man from the helicarrier is valuable and needs to be protected. And until he gets some answers, he's not letting the man from the helicarrier out of his sight.> -> The subject lies back down, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. “My head’s pounding.” He lifts his hands, presses them to the bridge of his nose and sighs before placing them back over his belly. “So, what now?”> “Now I keep you,” the asset responds, the words escaping him involuntarily.> There’s a line between the subject’s brows as he looks over. “What’s that mean to you, Buck?”> “It means you belong to me.”[Blood](http://archiveofourown.org/works/7756915) by [leveragehunters](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Monkeygreen/pseuds/leveragehunters)> In a world where magic is as commonplace as electricity, HYDRA worships a god who craves order through death. They used His blood to create fierce Soldiers then enslaved them by chaining their souls.> The man who was James Barnes is the last Soldier, the rest having been put down after succumbing to the call of the Blood. One night, out of control after a mission, the increasingly unstable Soldier runs into Steve Rogers. Instead of being turned into a red smear on the ground, Steve successfully talks him down. HYDRA decides to keep him. The Soldier's the last one they've got; if Steve can keep him calm he's going to do it whether he likes it or not.> Like fractious racehorses have companion goats, they hand Steve off to the Soldier as a kind of pet. But studies have shown pets can ease depression, despair and loneliness, lead to an increased sense of safety and well-being, and provide a source of protection and unconditional love. HYDRA really should have reviewed the literature before they decided to give Steve to the Soldier. Especially since, once Steve Rogers is involved, protectiveness can get slightly out of hand.
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Altrverse but the sidekick is taking over
#i made this#gt supervillain au#jacksepticeye fanart#markiplier fanart#silver shepherd#void silver#marvin the magnificent#altrverse#septicart
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Jackie and the goozler
#gt supervillain au#swampy freshwater fucker#the gongoozler#jackieboy man#i made this#ethan nestor fanart#unus annus fanart#jacksepticeye fanart#septicart
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Don't blink

#i made this#the gongoozler#beef nestor#crankgameplays fanart#ethan nestor fanart#unus annus fanart#ethan nestor#crankgameplays#swampy freshwater fucker#gt supervillain au
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Spiderverse(?) villain au: actor as carnage
#i made this#the red flag king#actor mark#gt supervillain au#markiplier fanart#cryptid n horror corner#markus kasady
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Depending on your aus,which ego design would say has the more monstrous form? The world needs to know.
Ha! What about I give you a whole tier list >:D
If you wanna see more you can go to
#cryptid n horror corner (I'll put the hashtag below this post)
CW// body horror
First tier, human with a twist:
heehoos/garuda celine/eye angel

2nd tier: still human with a twist, but BIG: Dark soul boss dark(they're about as tall as 3-stories building)

3rd tier, silly guys from the supervillain au:
Carnage actor/Dr.Ethan Connors(aka the lizard) he's one of the goozler's variants

4th tier, hardly humane but his thing is to lure people so his appearance can't be too monstrous:
The carnivorous plant actor

5th tier, the aquatic mf gongoozler

6th tier, body horror I:
The iron lung gongoozler(or the mutated gongoozler)

7th tier, body horror II, the most monstrous of them all:
I called it the arachniplier, the spider from iswm, some people called it the door creature. Tbh 6th and 7th can be on the same tier but due to my bias(I have arachnophobia)he has to be up here

So that's it, hope you get your answer XD
The merrow gooz I made for my friend's dnd oc

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ISWM agent smile
#gorgeous bois™#i made this#iswm#agent smile#tyler scheid#in space with markiplier#gt supervillain au
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Gongoozler as the Lizard(spiderverse au)
He's in the same universe as carnage actor and spideycrank
#i made this#gt supervillain au#swampy freshwater fucker#the gongoozler#unus annus fanart#ethan nestor fanart
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Lowkey want to make murdock(murderplier) a blind person

Imagine him as matt murdock
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Spideycrank's back again, his canon event's piss-related, can you guess?
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My fanarts tags
#i made this for every single art I've made

*you have the permission to use my arts however you want as long as you don't make money out of it*
Asking for tips is ok, I don't bite. But art requests might take some times or you can

Hit me in the dm for commission !
Linktree (kinda) https://alighiertor.carrd.co/
🔞sfwn't account
👇click these hashtags to see my works
#i made this#wkm family thingy au#gorgeous bois™#ghiertor shitpost#ghiertor media#fixed endings#fook it we angst#squishy guys#cryptid n horror corner#gt supervillain au#serotonin increaser#iswm Pinocchio au#bactor#gay people section
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